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Unit6 Book1

Section B: Earn As You Learn?

I. Teaching Objectives:

1. Key words: soar; tremendous; relevant; claim; endure; illustrate; exhaust; relieve; convince; ensure; advanced

2. Key phrases: in spite of; be envious of; be in the/a minority; a matter of doing sth.; relieve sb. of sth. ; look back.; as for; catch/get/have a glimpse of

3. Reading Skill: Understanding signal words

II.Teaching Procedures:

1. Warming-up

Discuss in group some critical questions concerning the relationship between work and study.

2. Text learning

1) Reading skills

2) New words

3) Practical phrases.

4) Text comprehension.

5) Structure analysis of the text

3. Assignment.

III. Suggested Class Activities

1)What part time jobs are suitable for undergraduates?

2)What are the advantages of studying full-time, if compared with working while studying?

3)How can students strike a balance between work and study?

(Tips: good time management; modest working hours; efficiency in work and study; good health...)

4)How do you feel about the students who work to pay their own tuition?

IV. Assignments

1. Finding out and underline the signal words in Paragraph 1 and 7 in text B.

2. Complete the excises.

Text learning

I. Reading skills: Understanding signal words

Step 1. Why signal words are needed?

Signal words can be a valuable aid in predicting what is coming next; they can also help to identify the pattern the writer is using to get the point(s) across. Signal words may be found anywhere in a paragraph to show relations between sentence parts, between sentences, or even between paragraphs.

Step 2. The types of signal words?

a.Words that signal additional information

b.Words that signals an example or explanation

c.Words that signal a summary or conclusion

d.Words that signal a change of thought

e.Words that signal comparison or contrast

f.Words that signal a sequence or time order

g.Words that signal cause, condition, or result

h.Words that signal emphasis

II. New words

1.soar vi.

a.Increase to a high level (amount, level, value or volume)

❖The prices of houses have been soaring in recent years. 房价近几年一直在飞涨。

b.(birds) rise quickly into the air;

(tress or building) are very tall eg: The lamp tower soars above the horizon.

(spirits) soar means sb. start to feel very happy

2. absorb vt.

a. accept changes, effects or costs and deal with them successfully

❖The banks would be forced to absorb large losses.

b. Take in liquid, gas, or another substance from the surface or space around

❖In order to grow, plants needs sunlight and absorb nutrients from the soil.植物需要阳光并从土壤中吸收养分才能生长。

c. Interest sb. So much that they do not pay attention to other things

❖be absorbed in sth. eg. The children were so absorbed in their game that nobody felt hungry.

3. tremendous a.

a. You use tremendous to emphasize how strong a feeling or quality is, or how large an amount is

❖That's a tremendous amount of information. 海量的信息。

❖There's tremendous tension between the local population and the government.当地居民与政府之间关系非常紧张。

❖The success of the event requires tremendous effort on the part of many volunteers.

b. You can describe someone or something as tremendous when you think they are very good or very impressive

❖He was a tremendous person.

4.relevant a. be relevant to

directly relating to the subject or problem being discussed or considered
