查尔斯狄更斯写作风格及作品简介 英文PPT
Challenge: Which Dickens novel is based on his own life? Did Dickens ever meet Queen Victoria? If so, when and where did they meet? What is Gad’s Hill Place and why is it important?
没有明确的价值取向和人生目标,实 现自我 人生价 值就无 从谈起 。人生 价值就 是人生 目标, 就是人 生责任 。每承 担一次 责任
Task One
Use the Charles Dickens research map to collect further information about the important events in Charles Dickens life.
没有明确的价值取向和人生目标,实 现自我 人生价 值就无 从谈起 。人生 价值就 是人生 目标, 就是人 生责任 。每承 担一次 责任
Charles Dickens – The Writer
In 1 828, Charles began his writing career as a journalist for a newspaper. He married Catherine Hogarth in 1 836 and soon afterwards his stories started to become popular. The Pickwick Papers, a funny set of stories, were published weekly in the newspaper.
Click here to find out
没有明确的价值取向和人生目标,实 现自我 人生价 值就无 从谈起 。人生 价值就 是人生 目标, 就是人 生责任 。每承 担一次 责任
没有明确的价值取向和人生目标,实 现自我 人生价 值就无 从谈起 。人生 价值就 是人生 目标, 就是人 生责任 。每承 担一次 责任
Task One
Use the Charles Dickens research map to collect further information about the important events in Charles Dickens life.
没有明确的价值取向和人生目标,实 现自我 人生价 值就无 从谈起 。人生 价值就 是人生 目标, 就是人 生责任 。每承 担一次 责任
Charles Dickens – The Writer
In 1 828, Charles began his writing career as a journalist for a newspaper. He married Catherine Hogarth in 1 836 and soon afterwards his stories started to become popular. The Pickwick Papers, a funny set of stories, were published weekly in the newspaper.
Click here to find out
没有明确的价值取向和人生目标,实 现自我 人生价 值就无 从谈起 。人生 价值就 是人生 目标, 就是人 生责任 。每承 担一次 责任
Theme idea
The novel reveals the phenomena of social injustice and poverty, while also exploring the good and evil of human nature. Oliver's growth experience also demonstrated the beauty and courage of human nature.
Literary achievements
Dickens is widely considered one of the most important writers in English literature His works have been translated into many languages and are still read around the world
Character development
Oliver is a kind and brave child who experiences various hardships in an orphanage and a den of thieves, but ultimately finds happiness. Other characters such as Fagin and Bill Sykes are also vividly portrayed.
His works often combine elements of coming with tradey, creating a unique blend of humor and pathos
Influence of works
The novel reveals the phenomena of social injustice and poverty, while also exploring the good and evil of human nature. Oliver's growth experience also demonstrated the beauty and courage of human nature.
Literary achievements
Dickens is widely considered one of the most important writers in English literature His works have been translated into many languages and are still read around the world
Character development
Oliver is a kind and brave child who experiences various hardships in an orphanage and a den of thieves, but ultimately finds happiness. Other characters such as Fagin and Bill Sykes are also vividly portrayed.
His works often combine elements of coming with tradey, creating a unique blend of humor and pathos
Influence of works
狄更斯英文简介 ppt课件
existing social
problems, thus
affecting some reform。
❖ Marx and his reputation as the UK and other Thackeray, "a group of distinguished novelist
❖his art with fun humor, nuanced psychologica l analysis, and descriptive realism, romantic atmosphere
Dickens’ father was an office worker in the navy
he often ended up in financial troubles though.
In 1814 Dickens moved to London, where he received some education
Charles Dickens
• he was born in a
poor clerk’s family. he is a great novelist, had little schooling
❖ Dickens is a 19th century British literature, the main representative of realism
wishful thinking, as in
his early works, or to
express a helpless
indignant protest. At
查尔斯· 狄更斯
(Charles Dickens,1812-1870)
*C.D is one of the greatest Victorian writers 英国维多利亚小说最重要的代表
the genius who most fully expressed his contemporaries in the common interest”---
公理总归是有的,但是一位认真负责、执 法不苟的法官花了这许多年功夫,竟然看 不出公理属于哪一方,这简直是莫明其妙。
小心啊,别让人家拿那些甜言蜜语把你给 捧坏了。 傲慢的人最不能容忍的,就是别人的傲慢, 那个法国女人正是因为自己态度傲慢而受 到了惩罚。 —— 《荒凉山庄》
His representative works of that time
Bleak House 《荒凉山庄》 (1853)
Hard Times 《艰难时世》
(1854) Little Dorrit 《小杜丽》(1857) A Tale of Two Cities 《双城记》 (1859) Great Expectations 《远大前程》 (1861) Our Mutual Friend 《我们共同的 朋友》(1865)
Stefan Zweig
“一个最充分地表达了他同时代人的共同趣味的 天才”(斯蒂芬-茨威格语)。
Features of Dickens’ Novels
Sharp social criticism. 尖锐的社会批评
《 双城记 》 A Tale of Two Cities 《远大前程》 Great Expectations 《我们共同的朋友》 Our Mutual Friend 《艾德温·德鲁德之谜》(未完成)
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
对社会黑暗面的认识进一步加深,乐观的 基调减弱了,善虽能战胜恶,但必经过曲折的过 程,甚至采取“恶”的形式,主人公付出相当代 价才能换来好的结局。小说中经常出现“死 亡”“衰败”等意象。增加了小说的冷峻色彩, 幽默则削弱了。
• 《双城记》以法国大革命为背景,以巴黎和伦敦作为故 事的发生地。
• 主要人物: 梅尼特医生 露西
理 代尔那 想 卡尔登 人 物
批判对象: 厄弗里蒙地侯爵 群众代表: 得伐石太太
• 狄更斯评价社会、褒贬人物的出发点是资 产阶级人道主义。凡是符合人道主义的, 他就爱;凡是不符合的,他就憎。我们在 对他的作品人物划分类别时,也不能忘记 这个出发点。正是循着狄更斯的人道主义 思想脉络,我们将《双城记》中的人物分 为两类:贵族和平民。每一类都有正面人 物,也都有批判的反面人物。
• 7、没有坏人,也就没有好的律师。 • 8、善良的人会把生活里的黑暗变成光明。 • 9、我所收获的,是我种下的。
把生活看做善与恶的斗争,认为恶 只是个别现象,并且最终为善所克服, 艺术上受流浪汉小说影响较突出,小说 的基调乐观向上。
小说的结构比较松散,人物塑造不 够圆熟,同时深刻的人性探讨与浓重的 幽默一定程度弥补了上述不足。
• 涉及重要的社会问题; • 相信善恶有报,恶有恶报; • 好心的资产者; • 大团圆结局; • 未摆脱流浪汉小说的模式; • 幽默与讽刺。
• 《双城记》是部历史小说,但处理 的却是现实问题。
• 1、小说探讨了法国大革命爆发的原 因,肯定了大革命的正义性;
• 2、作者虽然肯定了大革命的必然性 和正义性,却反对革命暴力和大规 模的群众运动;
• 3、狄更斯在小说中极力宣扬个人的 道德修养和道德感化。
• 1、小说采用多元统一的结构、严谨有序。 2、作品体现了现实主义基本原则,并注重 实证内容。
《匹克威克外传》 The Pickwick Papers 《奥利佛·退斯特》 Oliver Twist 《尼古拉斯·尼克尔贝》Nicholas Nickleby 《老古玩店》 The Old Curiosity Shop 《 巴纳比·拉奇》 Barnaby Rudge
• 与卡尔登相对立的人物是得伐石太太, 这是被作者当作批判的反面形象来刻画 的。她本名狄尔斯,生于农民家庭,父 亲、姐姐和哥哥都惨死在侯爵兄弟手中, 只有她一人躲藏在外,幸免于难。她从 小就在心中种下了对贵族的仇恨的种子, 成长为一个真正的“复仇女神”,任何 情况下都没有一丝一毫的动摇,坚信理 想必将实现。
• 揭露资本主义社会的本质;金钱与虚伪(这时期 作品的重要主题)money and hypocrisy
• 人道主义的加强;Forence • 悔改的资产者;Dombey • 人物塑造的成熟;Dombey • 讽刺的力量。Picksniff and Jonas • 小说结构严谨,克服了流浪汉小说的缺陷。
• 代尔那与厄弗里蒙地侯爵兄弟是两种截 然对立的形象,其用意何在呢?显然, 作者是要树立两种不同的典型,展示两 种相反的前景。他希望,贵族阶级的人 物都像代尔那一样,反躬自省、仁慈善 良,主动放弃贵族阶级特权,废除不人 道的暴政,这样将会缓和已经尖锐的社 会矛盾,避免一场浩劫;而不要像厄弗 里蒙地侯爵兄弟一样,滥用特权、暴虐 无道、激化矛盾,导致人民革命的爆发。
狄更斯和他的作品 PPT课件
他很小就去打工,补贴家用,包装皮鞋 油的盒子,工作努力,得到老板的赏识,老 板把他放在橱窗里给他做活广告,深深的伤 害了狄更斯。
狄更斯的作品中有很多是写孤儿的苦难, 写贫苦的儿童所遭遇的不幸。1838年写的 《奥列佛·忒斯特》写的是孤儿的苦难,1850 写的《大威科波菲尔》揭示了自己的苦难童 年,充满了人世的沧桑感。1848年写的《董 贝父子》。在《大威科波菲尔》的前言中作 者说:他一生中有很多作品,这些作品就象 他的孩子,总有一些是比较偏爱的,《大威 科波菲尔》就是其中一部。
查尔斯 狄更斯 英文PPT
Mrs. Joe gargery, Pip’s hot-tempered adult. Sister. Mr. Pumblechook, Joe Gargery's uncle, an officious bachelor and corn merchant.
2.Miss Havisham and her family
Literary style
• Dickens’s novels offer a most complete and realistic picture of the English bourgeois society of his age。 • His novels tell much of the experiences of his childhood. • Almost all his novels have happy endings. • Dickens is a great humorist
Notable works
Dickens published more than a dozen major novels, a large number of short stories (including a number of Christmas-themed stories), a handful of plays, and several nonfiction books. Dickens‘s novels were initially serialised in weekly and monthly magazines, then reprinted in standard book formats.
Main Characters
1.Pip and his family
狄更斯英文介绍 ppt课件
This novel profoundly reveal
the sharpened social
contradictions before the
French Revolution and
strongly attacked the cruel
noble class and deeply
sympathize with the sufferings
Some sayings
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It tells a story of two men, Charles Darnay and Sydney Carton, who look similar but are very different in personality. Darnay is a romantic French aristocrat, while Carton is a cynical English barrister.
He had only a few years school life.
Charles Dickens dies by stroke on June 9,1870 and he was buried at Westminster Abbey in the Poet’s Corner.
sincere, love, tenderness, noble, good
qualities such as integrity of
affirmation and praise
在《大卫•科波菲尔》一书中,狄更斯正是利用 大卫经历的悲惨遭遇引起人们深切同情的同时,
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Characters 之语言特色
In David Copperfield, dickens applied cartoonist exaggeration and distortion, humor in simple language to shape lifelike characters one by one, left us a memorable impression. These cartoon fully shows the artistic charm of dickens' novels
在《大卫·科波菲尔》中,狄更斯运用漫画家夸张 和变形的手法,用简单的语言风趣幽默地塑造了 一个个栩栩如生的人物,给我们留下了难忘的印 象。这些漫画人物充分展示了狄更斯小说的艺术 魅力
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3 Theme 主 题
In his book, David Copperfield,
dickens is using the experience of
狄更斯作为一个职员在一个律师事务所 工作,后来成为一名报社记者。18岁时他 开始怀着极大的兴趣阅读莎士比亚和其 他英语作家的作品
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6 24岁时与报社出版人霍加斯的女儿 凯瑟琳结婚,由于性格和趣味上的差别,给 他的创作、特别是晚年的生活带来了不幸。 他在采访之余开始文学创作。他常带着笔记 本在伦敦偏僻的角落和乡村漫游,为日后的 创作搜集了丰富的素材。他一生刻苦写作。 晚年常常白天写作,晚上被邀请去朗诵自己 的作品。繁重的劳动、家庭和社会上的烦恼, 以及以改变现实的失望,损害了他的健康。
Little Dorritt 1857《小杜丽》
A Tale of Two Cities 1859《 双城记 》
Great Expectationtual Friend 1865《我们共同的朋友》
The Mystery of Edwin Drood 1精8选70课《件P艾PT德温·德
His Life
Portsmouth, Hampshire
Father John Dickens
Idyllic time
Warrens blacking factory
At 12
Spent too much money entertaining and retaining his social position
➢David Copperfield ➢Oliver Twist
➢Nicholas Nickleby
➢A Christmas coral
1833-1841,The first period ,youthful optimism
1836 Sketches by Boz
1836-37 The Pickwick Papers
Poets’ Corner at Westminster Abbey
Married Life and Family
In 1836, He married Catherine Hogarth at 24
10 children
In 1837,Catherine's 17 year old sister Mary moved in with them
雾都孤儿 PPT(英文课件)
let him sleep with the coffins,so his bed looked like a grave(睡棺材)
he helped Mr∙sowerberry at funerals (出殡)
Oliver goes to London
Dick said,"i will be happy afer my death.before death i'm not happy. i think the doctor is correct. oliver, i will see the smiling face and the heaven when i am asleep,while i won't see when i am awake.kiss me"(我在睡梦 中可以看见笑脸和天堂,而醒着的时候却从来没 有)
The end of all of the people In Dickens's novels,virtue is often rewarded and vice punished
The end
Bill Sikes hung and swung against the wall---dead
Fagin was arrested and executed Oliver was finally adopted by Mr∙Browhlo w
Bill Sikes比尔∙赛克斯(Nancy南希)
you can help me best if you could take my life at once. i am worth nothing(一文不值)
Nancy is the represent of goodness. she comes from suffering but she never loses herself. in her heart, goodness and trueness are still alive
he helped Mr∙sowerberry at funerals (出殡)
Oliver goes to London
Dick said,"i will be happy afer my death.before death i'm not happy. i think the doctor is correct. oliver, i will see the smiling face and the heaven when i am asleep,while i won't see when i am awake.kiss me"(我在睡梦 中可以看见笑脸和天堂,而醒着的时候却从来没 有)
The end of all of the people In Dickens's novels,virtue is often rewarded and vice punished
The end
Bill Sikes hung and swung against the wall---dead
Fagin was arrested and executed Oliver was finally adopted by Mr∙Browhlo w
Bill Sikes比尔∙赛克斯(Nancy南希)
you can help me best if you could take my life at once. i am worth nothing(一文不值)
Nancy is the represent of goodness. she comes from suffering but she never loses herself. in her heart, goodness and trueness are still alive
Author Introduction
查尔斯·狄更斯,英国作家。生于 朴次茅斯市郊的海军小职员家庭, 少时因生活窘迫,断断续续入校 求学,后被迫做童工,当过律师 事务所学徒、录事、法庭记录员、 报馆采访员。1837年完成第一部 长篇小说《匹克威克外传》的创 作
查尔斯·狄更斯一生创作多部描写 生活在英国社会底层的“小人物” 生活遭遇的作品,深刻地反映了 当时英国复杂的社会现实,为英 国批判现实主义文学的开拓和发 展做出了卓越的贡献,对英国文 学发展起到了深远影响。
敢干,不顾世俗的眼光,略带男性气质, 耿耿,既是仆人又是亲人,无论在哪里, 而,那个落后的小小的空间不能满足她
偏重理性,但是贝西姨婆博爱、善良、 她总是把大卫照顾地很好,她的家永远 的欲望,她接受了吉姆的求爱与他订了
这部作品中处处体现着狄更斯 的人道主义精神。人性即是狄 更斯人道主义的基础和出发点, 道德是狄更斯人道主义思想的 主要内容,对社会的批判则是 狄更斯从人道主义出发对社会 进行观察和评价的结果。
不难发现大卫悲惨的遭遇只不 过是种表象,狄更斯真正想透 过这表象揭露资本主义社会的 弊病,即物质利益之下造成的 婚姻、家庭的悲剧,批判了物 质利益至上的资本主义社会中 人性的缺失和社会道德的偏差。
03 大卫回到伦敦,在斯本罗律师事务所任见 习生。他从艾妮斯口中获悉,威克菲尔律 师落入诡计多端的希普所设计的陷阱,正 处在走投无路的境地,这使大卫非常愤慨。
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The later period (1858- 70):
Humor and satire Social Criticism
Gentle Reformism and Strong humanitarian
Exploration of man’s inner conflictsHumorous and Pngent irony
The examples of his humorous and pungent irony
His skin is not healthy, the lack of a natural pigment, if he was cut, perhaps even the flow of blood is white. 他的皮肤是不健康的,缺少了自然的色素,如果他被刀割了 以后,可能连流出来的血也是白的。(《艰难时世》) He doesn‘t have much hair, you probably thought it was because he talked too much and makes hair turn away, leaving it a bit disorganized and pricked up, also because of his strong wind wafted, put them into the same. 他没有多少头发,你可能以为是由于他谈话谈得太多而把头 发谈掉了,剩下来的那一点儿杂乱无章地竖了起来,也是由 于他那大风似的吹劲儿,把它们吹成那个样子的。 (《艰难时世》)
查尔斯· 狄更斯
(Charles Dickens,1812-1870)
*C.D is one of the greatest Victorian writers 英国维多利亚小说最重要的代表
the genius who most fully expressed his contemporaries in the common interest”---
His representative works of that time
Bleak House 《荒凉山庄》 (1853)
Hard Times 《艰难时世》
(1854) Little Dorrit 《小杜丽》(1857) A Tale of Two Cities 《双城记》 (1859) Great Expectations 《远大前程》 (1861) Our Mutual Friend 《我们共同的 朋友》(1865)
Humor and satire
His representative works of that time
American Notes 《美国 札记》(1842) Martin Chuzzlewit 《马 丁· 瞿述伟》(1843) Dombey and Son 《董 贝父子》(1848) David Copperfield 《大 卫· 科波菲尔》(1852)
The middle period (1846- 57):
He criticise bourgeois and their morality
Gentle Moralism
The plot and structure are more complete unified
The Pickwick Papers 《匹克威克外传》(1837) Oliver Twist 《奥利佛· 退 斯特》(又名《雾都孤儿》) (1838) The Old Curiosity Shop 《老古玩店》 (1839)
Nicholas Nickleby 《尼 古拉斯· 尼科尔贝》 (1841)
Early period (1836- 45):
Gentle social criticism 温和的社会讽刺 Fantastic optimism 充满幻想的乐观精神 Novela picaresca “流浪汉小说”的结构模式
Exaggeration 夸张的艺术手法
His representative works of that time
New Words
Victorian adj 维多利亚女王时代的 contemporary n. 同时代的人 pungent adj 刺激性的;辛辣的;尖刻的 irony n. 讽刺;反语 Novela picaresca 流浪汉小说 portrayal n 画像,肖像 bourgeois n 追求物质享受和社会地位者,资本 家,
Stefan Zweig
“一个最充分地表达了他同时代人的共同趣味的 天才”(斯蒂芬-茨威格语)。
Features of Dickens’ Novels
Sharp social criticism. 尖锐的社会批评
Gentle humanitarian.
vivid outward portrayal 生动的人物塑造