



华中师范大学语言学历年考研试题目录华中师范大学语言学历年考研试题 (1)华中师范大学2003年研究生入学考试试题 (1)华中师范大学2004年语言学真题 (2)华中师范大学2004年研究生入学考试试题 (4)华中师范大学2005年语言学真题 (5)华中师范大学2005年研究生入学考试试题 (7)华中师范大学2006年研究生入学考试试题 (8)华中师范大学2006年研究生入学考试试题 (10)华中师范大学2007年研究生入学考试试题 (11)华中师范大学2007年研究生入学考试试题 (12)华中师范大学2008年研究生入学考试试题 (14)华中师范大学2009年研究生入学考试试题 (17)华中师范大学2010年研究生入学考试试题 (19)华中师范大学2011年研究生入学考试试题 (22)2012年华中师范大学文学院大综合真题试卷 (24)2013年华中师范大学考研真题 (27)2014年考研华中师范大学文学院真题 (28)2014年考研华中师范大学语言所真题 (30)华中师范大学2003年研究生入学考试试题一、填空(30分)1、语言主要属性包括---------性、---------性、---------性和---------性。











只有明确了外国语言学及应用语言学考研研究生考试科目之后才可以进行全面的专业课备考,提前联系上届研究生师哥师姐寻求专业课内部资料的帮助,也可以在凯程中传考研网上免费下载一些学校的专业课内部资料,虽然论坛上免费下载的专业课资料不是很全,很系统,但是多少也是可以了解一些重点范围的,也可以找凯程中传考研洛老师帮助学部或直属学院院所2015专业\领域名称(代码)2015初试科目2015学制专业(方向)拟招人数研究方向(代码)(代码)经济与管理学院经济与管理学院比较文学与世界文学①101思想政治理论2年4(1)(020205)01产业系统理论②201英语一、202俄、203日选一02文化产业组织理论与政策③303数学三④801西方经济学文法学部政治与法律学院比较文学与世界文学(030201)①101思想政治理论3年7(2) 01政治传播②201英语一、202俄、203日选一02政治与社会管理③701现代西方政治思潮④802政治学基础比较文学与世界文学(030207)①101思想政治理论3年4(1) 01比较文学与世界文学与大众传播②201英语一、202俄、203日选一02比较文学与世界文学与跨文化交流③702比较文学与世界文学历史与理论03当代比较文学与世界文学 ④802政治学基础比较文学与世界文学(030208)①101思想政治理论3年3(1)01比较文学与世界文学理论与实践②201英语一、202俄、203日选一02传媒与公共外交 ③702比较文学与世界文学历史与理论 ④802政治学基础文法学部思想政治理论课教研部比较文学与世界文学(030501)①101思想政治理论3年4(1)01马克思主义大众化传播 ②201英语一、202俄、203日选一③703马克思主义中国化理论与实践 ④803综合考试[比较文学与世界文学]比较文学与世界文学(030505)①101思想政治理论3年 8(2)01新时期比较文学与世界文学理论与实践②201英语一、202俄、203日选一02传媒政治③703马克思主义中国化理论与实践④803综合考试[比较文学与世界文学]文法学部文学院比较文学与世界文学(050101)①101思想政治理论3年8(2) 01中国古典文论与美学②201英语一、202俄、203日选一02比较文学与世界文学原理与马列文论③704文艺理论03西方文艺理论④804综合考试[文学]04审美文化学05文艺批评文法学部文学院比较文学与世界文学(050102)①101思想政治理论3年14(4)01应用语言学②01方向为201英语一、202俄、203日选一;02方向为201英语一、202俄、203日、240法、241德选一3汉语国际教育中心02对外汉语教学③705语言学理论9④805综合考试[语言1]文学院03语言信息处理①101思想政治理论2②201英语一、202俄、203日选一③706算法与数据结构④806综合考试[语言2]文法学部文学院比较文学与世界文学(050103)①101思想政治理论3年7(2) 01汉语史②201英语一、202俄、203日选一02文字学③707古代汉语03现代汉语④807现代汉语04汉语教学比较文学与世界文学(050105) ①101思想政治理论3年8(2)01先秦两汉文学 ②201英语一、202俄、203日选一 02魏晋南北朝文学 ③704文艺理论03唐宋文学 ④808中国古代语言文学基础 04元明清文学 05中国文学批评史比较文学与世界文学(050106)①101思想政治理论3年10(3)01中国现当代思潮流派与作家作品②201英语一、202俄、203日选一02中国现当代戏剧影视文学 ③704文艺理论 03中国现当代文化与文学 ④809中国文学史比较文学与世界文学①101思想政治理论3年7(2)(050108)01国别文学与文学关系②201英语一、202俄、203日选一02现当代西方文学与大众传媒③704文艺理论03中外戏剧文化研究④810外国文学史外国语学院外国语学院外国语言学及应用语言学(050201)①101思想政治理论3年9(3) 01语言学②243二外日、244二外法、245二外俄、246二外德选一02英美文学③708基础英语03翻译理论与影视译制④811外国语言学及应用语言学基础知识04英语播音外国语言学及应用语言学(050205)①101思想政治理论3年5(2) 01日本社会与文化②201英语一③709基础日语④812日语综合外国语言学及应用语言学(050209)①101思想政治理论3年3(1)01欧洲文化与文学 ②242二外英、243二外日、244二外法、245二外俄、246二外德选一③710基础法语、711基础俄语选一 ④813外国语言学及应用语言学综合知识外国比较文学与世界文学(050211)①101思想政治理论3年5(2)01跨文化交际与语言传播 ②242二外英、243二外日、244二外法、245二外俄、246二外德选一02外语教学理论与实践 ③708基础英语 ④814语言学综合知识新闻传播学部新闻学院新闻学(050301)①101思想政治理论3年36(11)01新闻史②201英语一、202俄、203日选一3 02新闻理论③712新闻传播史论5 03新闻业务④815新闻实务16 04网络新闻及新媒体8 05报刊理论与实践4新闻传播学部传播研究院传播学(050302)①101思想政治理论3年42(13) 01理论传播与传播史②201英语一、202俄、203日选一1002应用传播学③713传播历史与理论303媒介与女性④816传播实务504国际传播505媒介素养5新闻学院06传播研究方法407传播心理学3文法学部政治与法律学院08传媒政策与法规7新闻传播学部广播电视学(0503Z1)①101思想政治理论3年46(14)电视学院01广播电视史论②201英语一、202俄、203日选一新闻学院02广播学③712新闻传播史论电视学院03电视学④815新闻实务电视学院04纪录片学电视学院05新媒体传播电视学院06媒介文化传播广告学院广告学院广告学(0503Z2)①101思想政治理论3年20(6) 01广告理论与广告史②201英语一、203日、240法选一02广告实务③713传播历史与理论03广告媒介④828广告传播实务04品牌传播05受众与市场06公共关系经济与管理学院经济与管理学院传媒经济学(0503Z3)①101思想政治理论2年9(3) 01传媒产业管理②201英语一、202俄、203日选一2 02国际文化贸易③713传播历史与理论2 03文化产业管理④816传播实务3 04影视项目管理2新闻传播学部传播研究院编辑出版学(0503Z4)①101思想政治理论3年5(2) 01编辑出版理论②201英语一、202俄、203日选一02出版经营与管理③712新闻传播史论④815新闻实务新闻传播学部传播研究院国际新闻学(0503Z5)①101思想政治理论3年17(5) 01国际新闻史论②201英语一、202俄、203日、240法、241德选一02国际新闻业务③712新闻传播史论03国际新闻与跨文化交流④815新闻实务04国际媒体新闻传播学部电视学院05国际新闻传播*05方向只接收推免生40(40)*05方向为国际新闻传播硕士研究生班所设方向新闻传播学部新闻学院舆论学(0503Z6)①101思想政治理论3年7(2) 01舆论学基础②201英语一、202俄、203日选一3 02应用舆论学③712新闻传播史论3 03舆论调查④815新闻实务1新闻传播学部传播研究院传媒教育(0503Z7)①101思想政治理论3年4(1) 01传媒高等教育②201英语一、202俄、203日选一③713传播历史与理论④816传播实务艺术学部艺术研究院艺术史论(1301Z1)①101思想政治理论3年10(3)01艺术美学②201英语一、202俄、203日选一2 02艺术传播学③714艺术学基础2 03艺术人类学④817综合考试[艺术学]2 04广播电视艺术美学4艺术学部艺术研究院传媒艺术学(1301Z3)①101思想政治理论3年7(2) 01传媒艺术与文化②201英语一、202俄、203日选一③714艺术学基础④817综合考试[艺术学]艺术学部音乐与录音艺术学院音乐学(1302L1)①101思想政治理论3年8(2) 01传统音乐理论②201英语一、202俄、203日选一3 02音乐创作与表演研究③715中外音乐史论303传媒音乐研究④817综合考试[艺术学]2艺术学部艺术研究院戏剧戏曲学(1303L1)①101思想政治理论3年4(1)②201英语一、202俄、203日选一02戏剧历史与理论③716戏剧戏曲学基础④817综合考试[艺术学]电影学(1303L3)①101思想政治理论3年17(5) 01电影艺术史论②201英语一、202俄、203日选一9 02电影创作理论③717电影艺术基础7 03影视制片④817综合考试[艺术学]1广播电视艺术学(1303L2)①101思想政治理论3年46(14)新闻传播学部电视学院01电视艺术理论②201英语一、202俄、203日选一5艺术学部戏剧影视学院02电视策划③718广播电视艺术基础703广播电视文艺④817综合考试[艺术学]904电视剧理论与实践1305电视艺术与技术7艺术学部音乐与录音艺术学院06录音艺术5播音主持艺术学院播音主持艺术学院播音主持艺术学(1303Z1)①101思想政治理论3年22(7) 01普通话水平测试及语言发声艺术②201英语一、202俄、203日选一02播音主持艺术理论③719播音主持艺术03播音主持艺术创作④818综合考试[语言传播、语言艺术]04口语传播艺术艺术学部戏剧影视学院美术学(1304L1)①101思想政治理论3年9(3) 01影视美术②201英语一、202俄、203日选一5 02当代美术创作与新媒体艺术③720美术学基础303美术史论 ④817综合考试[艺术学] 104中国书写文化 ①101思想政治理论6(2)②201英语一、202俄、203日选一 ③730国学知识与艺术理论 ④832中国书法史与书法理论广告学院广告学院设计艺术学(1305L1) ①101思想政治理论3年8(2)01设计艺术史论②201英语一、202俄、203日选一 02广告设计 ③721设计艺术学基础 03美术传播 ④817综合考试[艺术学]艺术学部动画与数字艺术学院动画艺术学(1305Z1) ①101思想政治理论3年14(4) 01动画理论与实践②201英语一、202俄、203日选一10 02动画产业 ③722动画学基础 4④817综合考试[艺术学]数字媒体艺术(1305Z2) ①101思想政治理论3年13(4) 01数字媒体理论与实践 ②201英语一、202俄、203日选一 5 02交互媒体设计 ③723数字媒体艺术理论基础 8 ④817综合考试[艺术学]互动艺术与技术(1305Z3) ①101思想政治理论3年 3(1)01交互艺术创作 ②201英语一、202俄、203日选一 ③724游戏设计理论基础 ④817综合考试[艺术学]协同创新中心文化发展研究院文化产业(1301J1) ①101思想政治理论3年8(2)01文化规划②201英语一、202俄、203日选一02文化投融资 ③728文化产业基础 03文化市场营销④817综合考试[艺术学]04文化企业管理协同创新中心脑科学与智能媒体研究院艺术与科学(1301J3)①101思想政治理论3年3(1) 01艺术虚拟现实与互动②201英语一、202俄、203日选一③725艺术与科学基础④817综合考试[艺术学]理工学部理学院计算数学(070102)①101思想政治理论3年4(1) 01微分方程求解及其应用②201英语一、202俄、203日选一02图像处理中的计算方法③726数学分析④819高等代数应用数学(070104)①101思想政治理论3年7(2) 01不确定理论中的数学方法②201英语一、202俄、203日选一02代数及其应用③726数学分析03统计与计量方法④819高等代数物理电子学(080901) ①101思想政治理论3年5(2)01光电子技术 ②201英语一、202俄、203日选一 02光器件与光系统 ③301数学一 ④820信号与系统理工学部信息工程学院电路与系统(080902) ①101思想政治理论 3年4(1)01电子测量与电路状态诊断 ②201英语一、202俄、203日选一 02现代电子设计 ③301数学一④820信号与系统电磁场与微波技术(080904) ①101思想政治理论 3年10(3)01微波与卫星通信 ②201英语一、202俄、203日选一02光纤传输与通信技术 ③301数学一 03电磁兼容④820信号与系统04电磁辐射、散射与逆散射通信与信息系统(081001) ①101思想政治理论3年46(14)01声频技术 ②201英语一、202俄、203日选一 02数字电视技术 ③301数学一 03数字广播技术 ④820信号与系统04信息网络技术05传输覆盖与监管 06信息安全技术信号与信息处理(081002) ①101思想政治理论3年25(8)01DSP 技术与应用 ②201英语一、202俄、203日选一 02多媒体技术 ③301数学一 03智能信息与控制 ④820信号与系统04视听模式与人工智能计算机学院05信号处理技术06嵌入式软硬件技术理工学部计算机学院计算机软件与理论(081202)①101思想政治理论3年5(2) 01分布式计算与软件②201英语一、202俄、203日选一02传媒信息安全③301数学一03智能信息处理④822软件工程计算机应用技术(081203)①101思想政治理论3年13(4) 01互联网应用技术②201英语一、202俄、203日选一02媒体信息数据化技术③301数学一03数字娱乐与动画技术④821数据结构与计算机网络04高性能计算及应用协同创新中心脑科学与智能媒体研究院05脑科学与智能媒体技术3(1)理工学部计算机学院软件工程技术(0835Z1)①101思想政治理论3年7(2)01网络应用软件②201英语一、202俄、203日选一02分布式系统软件技术③302数学二03多媒体信息处理软件④822软件工程经济与管理学院经济与管理学院管理科学与工程(120100)①101思想政治理论2年9(3) 01媒体管理②201英语一、202俄、203日选一02管理信息系统③303数学三④823运筹学企业管理(120202)①101思想政治理论2年8(2) 01媒体战略管理②201英语一、202俄、203日选一02营销管理③303数学三03财务管理④824企业管理行政管理(120401)①101思想政治理论2年3(1)01公共管理理论与实践 ②201英语一、202俄、203日选一 ③727行政管理学④825综合考试[行政管理]新媒体(0503J2) ①101思想政治理论3年广告学院 广告学院01新媒体产业②201英语一、202俄、203日选一 4(1)③713传播历史与理论④816传播实务 协同创新中心 互联网信息研究院02网络舆情 ①101思想政治理论18(6) 03网络与未来社会②201英语一、202俄、203日选一 04社会化媒体 ③729互联网信息理论④829互联网实务 新闻传播学部 电视学院05视听新媒体①101思想政治理论5(2)②201英语一、202俄、203日选一 ③729互联网信息理论④831视听业务新媒体(0810J2) ①101思想政治理论3年协同创新中心 新媒体研究院01移动新媒体技术 ②201英语一、202俄、203日选一 5(2)③301数学一 ④820信号与系统02网络新媒体技术 ①101思想政治理论②201英语一、202俄、203日选一③301数学一④821数据结构与计算机网络 协同创新中心 互联网信息研究院03媒体大数据 ①101思想政治理论7(4)04互联网信息安全②201英语一、202俄、203日选一 ③301数学一④830网络新媒体技术文法学部政治与法律学院◆法律(非法学)(035101)①101思想政治理论3年10(3)②201英语一、203日语、241德语选一③398法硕联考专业基础(非法学)④498法硕联考综合(非法学)◆法律(法学)(035102)①101思想政治理论2年10(3)②201英语一、203日语、241德语选一③397法硕联考专业基础(法学)④497法硕联考综合(法学)文法学部文法学部◆汉语国际教育(045300)①101思想政治理论2年50(15) 01汉语国际教育②201英语一、202俄、203日选一02中外文化海外传播③354汉语基础④445汉语国际教育基础外国语学院外国语学院◆英语笔译(055101)①101思想政治理论2年10(3) 01影视翻译②211翻译硕士英语02新闻翻译③357英语翻译基础④448汉语写作与百科知识◆日语口译(055106)①101思想政治理论2年10(3) 01日语口译②213翻译硕士日语③359日语翻译基础④448汉语写作与百科知识新闻传播学部新闻学院◆新闻与传播(055200)①101思想政治理论2年01新闻实务②202俄、203日、204英语二选一15(5)02媒介市场调查与分析③334新闻与传播专业综合能力10(3)电视学院03国际新闻与传播④440新闻与传播专业基础10(3)04电视新闻采编10(3)05新媒体采编实务10(3)播音主持艺术学院播音主持艺术学院06口语传播实务10(3)广告学院广告学院07品牌营销传播15(5)新闻传播学部传播研究院◆出版(055300)①101思想政治理论2年15(5) 01出版经营管理②202俄、203日、204英语二选一02现代出版业务③335出版综合素质与能力④441出版专业基础理工学部信息工程学院工程硕士2年40(12)◆电子与通信工程(085208)①101思想政治理论01数字媒体技术②202俄、203日、204英语二选一02数字广播电视技术③302数学二03天线与微波通信④820信号与系统04文化信息资源数字处理理工学部工程硕士2年10(3)◆集成电路工程(085209)①101思想政治理论信息工程学院01片上系统设计②202俄、203日、204英语二选一计算机学院 02DSP 算法与FPGA 设计 ③302数学二④820信号与系统 理工学部工程硕士2年20(6)◆计算机技术(085211) ①101思想政治理论计算机学院01网络多媒体技术②202俄、203日、204英语二选一 02传媒信息安全 ③302数学二 03数字娱乐与动画技术④827程序设计艺术学部动画与数字艺术学院04游戏制作艺术学部 戏剧影视学院 艺术硕士2年20(6)◆电影(135104)①101思想政治理论01电影创作 ②202俄、203日、204英语二选一 ③336艺术基础④826艺术综合播音主持艺术学院艺术硕士2年◆广播电视(135105) ①101思想政治理论播音主持艺术学院01播音与主持艺术 ②202俄、203日、204英语二选一 20(6) 艺术学部 动画与数字艺术学院 02动漫创作 ③336艺术基础 20(6) 经济与管理学院 经济与管理学院 03艺术管理④826艺术综合 15(5) 协同创新中心新媒体研究院04移动媒体视频节目创作 15(5) 协同创新中心文化发展研究院05文化产业项目策划15(5)06文化市场 15(5) 新闻传播学部电视学院07媒体策划与运营20(6) 08电视编导25(8) 艺术学部音乐与录音艺术学院09传媒音乐应用 15(5) 艺术学部戏剧影视学院10电视制作 20(6)11编剧 10(3)MBA学院MBA学院◆工商管理(125100)①199管理类联考综合能力2年180 01传媒经营与管理②202俄、203日、204英语二选一02传媒与企业运营注:1. 标注“◆”的专业为全日制专业学位。











二、研究方向1. 外国语言学与应用语言学〖翻译理论与实践〗(学科代码:050215)2.英语语言文学〖美国研究〗(学科代码:050201)三、学习年限外国语言学与应用语言学和英语语言文学两个二级学科的英语(翻译理论与实践和美国研究)专业学习年限均为三年,其中前两年为学习专业课程时间,第三年为论文撰写时间。









(二)培养目标本专业硕士研究生的培养目标是:1. 进一步学习和掌握马克思主义基本原理,坚持党的基本路线, 热爱祖国, 遵纪守法, 具有良好的职业道德与团结合作精神, 积极为社会主义现代化建设服务。

2. 培养从事外国语言学及应用语言学研究、高校教学或口、笔译的硕士研究生。


3. 熟练地掌握第二外国语。

4. 身心健康。





[考研类试卷]2015年华中师范大学英语翻译基础真题试卷英译汉1 APEC2 ASEAN3 OIE4 Into the Woods5 SCO6 WEC7 WFP8 APEC9 ASEAN10 Unbroken11 ICJ12 Chevrolet13 Ferrari14 Daily Mirror15 The White House Office汉译英16 博鳌亚洲论坛17 上海合作组织18 法制委员会19 反腐倡廉20 中国证券监督管理委员会21 宋庆龄基金会22 中国曲艺家协会23 香港特别行政区政府24 海军陆战队25 社会保障体系26 人才之家27 节能减排28 国际金融危机29 非物质文化遗产30 五四运动英译汉31 Education is the harmonious development of all our faculties. It begins in the nursery, and goes on at school, but does not end there. It continues through life, whether we will or not. The only question is whether what we learn in after life is wisely chosen or picked up haphazard. " Every person," says Gibbon , " has two educations, one which he receives from others, and one more important, which he gives himself. " What we teach ourselves must indeed always be more useful than what we learn of others. " Nobody," said Locke, " ever went far in knowledge, or became eminent in any of the Sciences, by the discipline and restraint of a Master. "Those who have not distinguished themselves at school need not on that account be discouraged. The greatest minds do not necessarily ripen the quickest. If, indeed, you have not taken pains, then, though I will not say that you should be discouraged, still you should be ashamed; but if you have done your best, you have only to persevere; for many of those who have never been able to distinguish themselves at school, have been very successful in after life. We are told that Wellington and Napoleon were both dull boys, and the same is said to have been the case with Sir Issac Newton, Dean Swift, Clive, Sir Walter Scott, Sheridan, and many other eminent men. Evidently then it does not follow that those who have distinguished themselves least at school have benefited least.32 As holidays go, Thanksgiving is in some ways the most philosophical. Today we try not to take for granted the things we almost always take for granted. We try, if only in that brief pause before the eating begins, to see through the well-worn patterns of our lives to what lies behind them. In other words, we try to understand how very rich we are, whether we feel very rich or not. Today is one of the few times most Americans consciously set desire aside, if only because desire is incompatible with the gratitude—not to mention the abundance—that Thanksgiving summons.It's tempting to think that one Thanksgiving is pretty much like another, except for differences in the guest list and the recipes. But it isn't true. This is always a feast about where we are now. Thanksgiving reflects the complexion of the year we're in. Some years it feels buoyant, almost jubilant in nature. Other years it seems marked by a conspicuous humility uncommon in the calendar of American emotions.And this year? We will probably remember this Thanksgiving as a banquet of mixed emotions. This is, after all, a profoundly American holiday. The undertow of business as usual seems especially strong this year. The shadow of a war and misgivings over the future loom in the minds of many of us. Most years we enjoy the privacy of Thanksgiving, but this year, somehow, the holiday feels like part of a public effort to remember and reclaim for ourselves what it means to be American.汉译英33 老子说:“上善若水”——水具有最高的善。



目 录2003年华中师范大学写作与翻译考研真题及详解2004年华中师范大学455写作翻译考研真题及详解2005年华中师范大学464写作翻译考研真题及详解2006年华中师范大学448写作翻译考研真题及详解2007年华中师范大学433写作翻译考研真题及详解2008年华中师范大学835写作翻译考研真题及详解2010年华中师范大学821写作翻译考研真题及详解2011年华中师范大学833写作翻译考研真题及详解2012年华中师范大学829写作翻译考研真题及详解2013年华中师范大学829写作翻译考研真题及详解2003年华中师范大学写作与翻译考研真题及详解Part Ⅰ Composition (75%)Burnout is the condition of inner dumbness, generally a mixture of depression, exhaustion and inner dissatisfaction. According to a United Nations report, three out of every ten workers in the UK suffer from burnout —the disease of the modem world.Write a composition of about 400 words to show some cases of burnout and offer you advice to those who suffer from the pressures of modem life. Write your composition on the ANSWER SHEET.【参考范文】Nowadays, with the rapid development of economy and daily increasing working pressure, many people in job market are suffering from burnout. If you’re feeling exhausted and overworked, you’re not alone. Job burnout isn’t simply being bored or disenchanted with your work. Rather, it’s the result of prolonged work stress and is characterized by exhaustion, cynicism, a lower sense of accomplishment and severely reduced productivity. Burnout can also lead to increases in stress hormones, heart disease, and mental health issues like depression.People always know all about the dangers of burnout. They even know that working too many hours, like multi-tasking, clobbers your productivity. And yet there’s always that one more task that needs finishing, one moreemail to write, or one more impatient customer or boss who doesn’t want to wait till Monday. So people work a little bit harder, and then a little harder than that, to get it all done. And they do this week after week. Pretty soon they’re soured on their job, sleep-deprived, and irritable both at work and at home. They’re suffering from a bad case of burnout. But try as they might, they can’t make your job any easier. Here are my tactics that may help people to push through high-stress times.First of all, never forget to have enough sleep no matter how busy you are at work. Not only does a good night’s sleep improve your mood and cognitive ability, it actually helps you grow brain cells. Whereas sleep deprivation is associated with a whole host of mental and physical ailments, and will actually make you age more quickly. Whatever else you have to do is to give up the demands of your crazy job and make sure that getting a good night’s sleep every night is one of your priorities.Secondly, please get plenty of exercise. Exercise is a known mood elevator and stress buster, as well as something that your body needs to remain healthy. There’s evidence that a daily two-mile walk can help your cognitive function. So fit some exercise in your schedule every day, it will help you to gain a healthier and more energetic body.Last but not least, you can put a vacation on your calendar. Having a vacation on your calendar will give you something to look forward to. And as the date approaches, resist any temptation to reschedule. Taking a vacation will give your mind a rest. You might be surprised at how reinvigorated and inspired you’ll be getting back to work.Being burnout in this society is not strange. What’s important is to make。



00 不区分研究 方向
080902 系统
00 不区分研究 方向
080903 微电子 5 学与固体电子学
200Βιβλιοθήκη 不区分研究 方向一(3)302 数学二(4)838 普通化学 科学基础 (另有招生计划 请见 《核物质科学 协同创新中心硕 士研究生招生专 业目录》) (另有招生计划 请见 《核物质科学 协同创新中心硕 士研究生招生专 (1)101 思想政治理论(2)201 英语 业目录》) 复试 一(3)301 数学一(4)837 电子线路 科目: 电路分析、 基础(模拟、数字) 信号与系统、 数字 信号处理, 通信原 理、 单片机原理与 接口技术、C 语言 程序设计) (另有招生计划 请见 《核物质科学 协同创新中心硕 士研究生招生专 业目录》) (另有招生计划 请见 《核物质科学 协同创新中心硕 士研究生招生专 (1)101 思想政治理论(2)201 英语 业目录》) 复试 一(3)301 数学一(4)837 电子线路 科目: 电路分析、 基础(模拟、数字) 信号与系统、 数字 信号处理, 通信原 理、 单片机原理与 接口技术、C 语言 程序设计) (另有招生计划 请见 《核物质科学 协同创新中心硕 士研究生招生专 业目录》) (1)101 思想政治理论(2)201 英语 (另有招生计划 一(3)301 数学一(4)837 电子线路 请见 《核物质科学 基础(模拟、数字) 协同创新中心硕
00 不区分研究 方向 085208 电子与 2 通信工程 00 不区分研究 方向
(1)101 思想政治理论(2)204 英语 复试与学术型同 二(3)302 数学二(4)408 计算机学 步进行, 但评分标 科专业基础综合 准不同。
文章来源:华中师范大学考研网 ,转载请注明出处,更多资料请关注文彦考研论坛



105119110409039 045108 学科教学(英语)
方向 研究方向
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向卉利 105119110303139 050200 外国语言文学
105119110303141 050200 外国语言文学
姚晨欣 105119110409339 050200 外国语言文学
方向 研究方向
码 00 不区分研究方向 00 不区分研究方向 00 不区分研究方向 00 不区分研究方向 01 英语语言文学 01 英语语言文学 01 英语语言文学 01 英语语言文学 01 英语语言文学 01 英语语言文学 01 英语语言文学 01 英语语言文学 01 英语语言文学 01 英语语言文学 01 英语语言文学 01 英语语言文学 01 英语语言文学 01 英语语言文学 01 英语语言文学














华中师范大学20XX年硕士研究生招生参考书目各院系各专业主要参考书目001 政法学院马克思主义哲学、逻辑学、外国哲学、伦理学、科学技术哲学《马克思主义哲学原理》由北京大学、中国人民大学等著名高校出版社出版的哲学专业所编该书教材均可《逻辑学教程》何向东,高等教育出版社(第二版)20XX年《西方哲学史》苗力田,人民出版社《伦理学教程新编》李春秋主编,高等教育出版社20XX年版《自然辩证法概论》教育部社会科学系研究室与思想政治工作司组编,高等教育出版社20XX 年5月版宪法学与行政法学《法理学》(第三版)张文显,高等教育出版社、北京大学出版社20XX年第3版《民法》(第三版)魏振瀛主编,高等教育出版社、北京大学出版社20XX年第3版《刑法学》(第三版),高铭喧,马克昌主编,高等教育出版社、北京大学出版社20XX年版《宪法》(第二版),周叶中,高等教育出版社20XX年民商法学《法理学》(第三版)张文显,高等教育出版社、北京大学出版社20XX年第3版《民法》(第三版)魏振瀛主编,高等教育出版社、北京大学出版社20XX年第3版《刑法学》(第三版),高铭喧,马克昌主编,高等教育出版社、北京大学出版社20XX年版《商法学》范建,高等教育出版社、北京大学出版社20XX年版诉讼法学《法理学》(第三版)张文显,高等教育出版社、北京大学出版社20XX年第3版《民法》(第三版)魏振瀛主编,高等教育出版社、北京大学出版社20XX年第3版《刑法学》(第三版),高铭喧,马克昌主编,高等教育出版社、北京大学出版社20XX年版《民事诉讼法学》(第三版)江伟主编,高等教育出版社 20XX年7月《刑事诉讼法学》(第二版)陈光中主编,高等教育出版社、北京大学出版社20XX年9月经济法学《法理学》(第三版)张文显,高等教育出版社、北京大学出版社20XX年第3版《民法》(第三版)魏振瀛主编,高等教育出版社、北京大学出版社20XX年第3版《刑法学》(第三版),高铭喧,马克昌主编,高等教育出版社、北京大学出版社20XX年版《经济法学》杨紫烜,高等教育出版社,北京大学出版社20XX年法律硕士(复试)《民法学》魏振瀛主编,高等教育出版社、北京大学出版社修订版中共党史《政治学原理》王惠岩,高等教育出版社20XX年2月版《中国共产党历史》第1卷上、下,中共党史出版社20XX年版《中国共产党七十年》胡绳主编,中共党史出版社20XX年《毛泽东思想概论》田克勤,高等教育出版社20XX年版国际政治《政治学原理》王惠岩,高等教育出版社20XX年2月版《国际政治学导论》夏安凌、戴轶、王学军,武汉出版社20XX年6月《战后国际关系史》(上、下)方连庆、刘金质、王炳元,北京大学出版社1999年版《国际经济政治概论》程毅、夏安凌、韩玉贵,高等教育出版社20XX年版马克思主义基本原理《马克思主义基本原理》(教育部统编教材),高等教育出版社20XX年版《毛泽东思想概论、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论》(教育部统编教材),高等教育出版社20XX年版《马克思主义发展史》,武汉大学、湖北人民出版社20XX年2月版马克思主义中国化研究《马克思主义基本原理》(教育部统编教材),高等教育出版社20XX年版《毛泽东思想概论、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论》(教育部统编教材),高等教育出版社20XX年版《中国近现代史纲要》(教育部统编教材),高等教育出版社20XX年版思想政治教育《马克思主义基本原理》(教育部统编教材),高等教育出版社20XX年版《毛泽东思想概论、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论》(教育部统编教材),高等教育出版社20XX年版《思想政治教育学原理》陈万柏、张耀灿,高等教育出版社20XX年第2版002经济学院政治经济学、经济思想史、西方经济学、世界经济、人口资源与环境经济学、区域经济学、产业经济学、数量经济学(八个专业共用):1.《政治经济学》(第二版),逄锦聚、洪银兴、林岗、刘伟主编,高等教育出版社20XX年9月第2版2.《西方经济学》第四版,高鸿业,中国人民大学出版社20XX年版3.《微观经济学》肖殿荒、何穗主编,中国经济出版社20XX年版企业管理专业:初试:1.段从清:《管理学》,人民出版社,20XX年版2.斯蒂芬.P.罗宾斯:《管理学》,中国人民大学出版社,20XX年版复试:1.林友孚,《现代企业管理》,中国统计出版社,20XX年版2.徐盛华、陈子慧,《现代企业管理学》,清华大学出版社,20XX年版3.段从清,《企业战略管理》,人民出版社,20XX年版土地资源管理专业:初试:1.周三多等,《管理学——原理与方法》(第四版),上海:复旦大学出版社,20XX年版周三多主编,《管理学教与学导引》,上海:复旦大学出版社,20XX年版2.毕宝德,《土地经济学》,中国人民大学出版社,20XX年版复试:1.陆红生,《土地管理学总论》,中国农业出版社,20XX年版2.艾建国等,《不动产估价》,中国农业出版社,20XX年版003政治学研究院政治学理论《政治学基础》(第二版)王浦劬等著,北京大学出版社20XX年版《西方政治思想史》徐大同主编,天津教育出版社20XX年版中外政治制度《政治学基础》(第二版)王浦劬等著,北京大学出版社20XX年版《西方政治思想史》徐大同主编,天津教育出版社20XX年版《中外政治制度比较》徐育苗,中国社会科学出版社科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动马克思主义基本原理:《马克思主义基本原理概论》陶德麟、石云霞主编,武汉大学出版社、湖北人民出版社20XX 年科学社会主义理论与实践:《科学社会主义理论与实践》贺金浦、俞思念主编,高等教育出版社20XX年社会主义思想史:《社会主义思想史纲》萧贵毓、张海燕主编,中共中央党校出版社1998年马克思主义中国化研究马克思主义基本原理:《马克思主义基本原理概论》陶德麟、石云霞主编,武汉大学出版社、湖北人民出版社20XX 年中国化的马克思主义:《中国化的马克思主义概论》丁俊萍、熊启珍主编,武汉大学出版社20XX年社会主义思想史:《社会主义思想史纲》萧贵毓、张海燕主编,中共中央党校出版社1998年国外马克思主义研究马克思主义基本原理:《马克思主义基本原理概论》陶德麟、石云霞主编,武汉大学出版社、湖北人民出版社20XX 年当代世界社会主义:《当代世界社会主义新论》高放主编,云南人民出版社1998年社会主义思想史:《社会主义思想史纲》萧贵毓、张海燕主编,中共中央党校出版社1998年国际政治、国际关系、外交学《战后国际关系史》(上、下册)方连庆等主编,北京大学出版社1999年版《国际政治学基础》胡宗山著,华中师范大学出版社20XX年版政治社会学《政治学基础》(第二版)王浦劬等著,北京大学出版社20XX年版《政治社会学》毛寿龙著,中国社会科学出版社20XX年版地方政府学《政治学基础》(第二版)王浦劬等著,北京大学出版社20XX年版《地方政府学》徐勇、高秉雄主编,高等教育出版社20XX年版政府经济学《政治学基础》(第二版)王浦劬等著,北京大学出版社20XX年版《西方经济学教程》梁小民,中国统计出版社政府经济学复试参考书:《政府经济学》郭小聪,中国人民大学出版社宪政与法治《法理学》张文显,高等教育出版社、北京大学出版社20XX年11月第2版《宪法》周叶中,高等教育出版社、北京大学出版社20XX年3月第2版复试参考书目:《行政法与行政诉讼法》姜明安,高等教育出版社、北京大学出版社20XX年1月第2版国家治理与考选制度《政治学基础》(第二版)王浦劬等著,北京大学出版社20XX年版《考试学》廖平胜等,华中师范大学出版社《考试是一门科学》廖平胜,华中师范大学出版社复试参考书:《考试社会学问题研究》杨学为等,华中师范大学出版社同等学力加试科目参考书目:《政治经济学》(第二版),逄锦聚等主编,高等教育出版社20XX年004教育学院教育经济与管理《教育学》王道俊、王汉澜主编,人民教育出版社1999年版《当代教育学》袁振国,教育科学出版社《教育投入与产出》王善迈,河北教育出版社《教育经济学》范先佐,人民教育出版社《学校管理学新编》萧宗六、余白,华中师范大学出版社《新编教育管理学》,吴志宏,冯大鸣,魏志春主编,华东师范大学出版社20XX版注:311教育学专业基础综合考试大纲由国家统一制订005心理学院312心理学专业基础综合考试大纲由国家统一制订。





此次考研之前我知告知一密友及我的女友,其他人都不知道,由此可见我是相当的low profile。











明确自己的意愿,华师英语系研究生考试现在招生主要分两大方向:050211外国语言学及应用语言学;050201 英语语言文学。







综合课 828 211 翻译硕士英语
244 334 346 354 357 431 440
英语(自) 新闻与传播专业综合能力 体育综合 汉语基础 英语翻译基础 金融学综合 新闻与传播专业基础
考试范围 1.普通心理学:各主要心理现象的概念、心理学的过去和现在、神经元、神经系统、脑功能 的各种学说、感知觉的种类及规律、注意的分类及机制、记忆的种类及规律、思维的种类及 规律、语言的理解与产生、动机概念及理论、情绪的种类及理论、能力结构及测量、能力发 展与个体差异、认知风格、人格理论与人格测验、认知和动作技能的学习。 2. 社会心理学:各主要社会心理现象的概念、社会心理学的形成与取向、社会认知效应与 理论、人际关系理论、人际沟通与吸引的要素、社会态度的形成与改变、社会影响与社会行 为、群体凝聚力、合作与竞争、群体决策 3. 实验心理学:心理实验的一般程序、心理实验变量的分类与控制、单因素和两因素的实 验设计及数据处理、准实验设计及数据处理、心理实验研究的效度、用反应时间分析信息加 工的方法、传统心理物理法、信号检测论的原理和应用 4. 教育与心理统计学:常用统计参数、概率与分布、抽样理论与参数估计、假设检验、方 热力学(不含统计热力学部分)、动力学、电化学、界面化学、胶体化学等。要求学生掌握 热力学基本定律,并会灵活运用热力学三大定律解决各类物理化学变化过程的能量转换、变 化方向和限度问题;掌握热力学在溶液化学、相平衡体系、化学反应体系、电化学、界面化 学方面的应用;掌握简单级数和几种典型复杂反应的动力学基本方程的规律特点,各种因素 对反应速率的影响;会利用稳态近似、平衡假设、速控步骤等方法推断简单的反应机理;并 学会用动力学方法解决实际生产中的一些具体问题。掌握三个动力学速率理论的基本内容; 掌握溶液化学动力学、催化学、光化学的基础知识。掌握电化学(电解质溶液、可逆电池电 动势及其应用、电解与极化作用)涉及的一些基本规律和应用;掌握界面化学和胶体化学相 关的物理化学知识,并能运用其分析和解决实际生活生产中出现的问题。 《公共管理学》(第二版),黎民主编,高等教育出版社,2011年。考试范围:第1-12章内 容,要求掌握公共管理的基本概念与基本理论,能运用所学理论分析现实公共管理问题。 原子结构、分子结构与化学键理论、晶体结构、化学热力学、化学动力学、化学平衡、酸碱 平衡、沉淀溶解平衡、配合物与配位平衡、氧化还原平衡、非金属元素及其化合物的性质、 金属元素及其化合物的性质。要求能使用所学知识解释分子、晶体等的构型和性质,以及原 子结构与元素性质的关系。学会利用化学反应的基本原理进行各种平衡的相关计算。掌握元 素的通性以及其特性。 环境问题、生态学在环境保护中的应用、人口增长和控制、粮食问题、能源与环境、水资源 的利用及其保护、大气环境问题及其防治对策、噪声的防治、固体废弃物的污染及其控制对 策、环境的法律法规和标准、环境经济学概论等。要求学生掌握环境的基本概念、生态学原 理、污染的防治技术等知识,并能运用这些基本原理和方法,正确看待和分析当前的环境问 《公共政策分析》考试范围:第1—10章内容,要求掌握公共政策的基本概念与基本理论, 能运用所学理论分析现实政策问题。《公共经济学》考试范围:第1-10章,要求掌握公共经 济学的基本概念与基础理论,能运用所学理论分析现实公共经济问题。 请参照《全日制翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)研究生入学考试指南》(各大书店有售) 朱永涛 王立礼编.《英语国家社会与文化入门》(上、下册).北京:高等教育出版社(第二 版),2005 集体合著.《标准日本语》(初级、中级).北京:人民教育出版社,1988年版(初级)/1990 年版(中级)



外交学院硕士研究生入学考试专业课样题《基基础英语》(代(代(代码码713713))This examination paper consists of 3 sections:Section A tests your mastery of English vocabulary, usage andgrammar;Section B tests your ability to understand English in context;and Section C tests your reading comprehension.Scoring SchemeTotal Score is 150 pointsSection A: Vocabulary, Usage, & Grammar(Subtotal Score is 60 points)Subsection 1 10×1=10 pointsSubsection 2 10×1=10 pointsSubsection 3 10×2=20 pointsSubsection 4 20×1=20 pointsSection B: Cloze Test(Subtotal Score is 40 points)20×2=40 pointsSection C: Reading Comprehension(Subtotal Score is 50 points)25×2=50 pointsTIME allowed: 180 minutes.Do not spend too much time on any one particular item.Section A: Vocabulary, Usage, & GrammarSubsection 1Directions: Choose one of the 4 answers given in each group which best matches the underlined part and write the corresponding letter of the choice you have made in the Answer Sheet:1. Nowadays all kinds of new regimens seem to be emerging as people like to pay more for their health.A. replacementB. dietC. refinementD. reference2. There’s nothing quite like a real train conductor to add color to a quotidian commute.3. In driving simulators, marijuana does impair visual skills and mental dexterity.4. Otherwise, your response to each may be inappropriate, and you may exacerbate the problem.5. Fustian political speeches dominated the election.6. Wary of publicity, the judge sequestered the jury outside the courtroom.7. The twaddle about Russia being an energy superpower was dubious even before the priceof oil fell by nearly $100 in 2008.8. The government, he decided, was putrid. Everywhere he looked he saw evidence of dishonesty, deception and dictatorship.9. When the going was particularly rough, they would sit across a table in the dining hall and commiserate with each other.10. David found it easier to learn Chinese in his new milieu.Subsection 2Directions: Complete each of the following blanks by choosing one of the 4 given sets of prepositions/adverbs and write the corresponding letter of the choice you have made in the Answer Sheet:A. reliableB. elementaryC. everydayD. removableA. deftnessB. complexityC. healthD. sobrietyA. exaggerateB. exaltC. aggravateD. exasperateA. overblownB. fuzzyC. attractiveD. ill-advisedA. followed upB. insultedC. isolatedD. organizedA. nonsenseB. anxietyC. fearD. predictionA. reluctantB. relevantC. rottenD. reciprocalA. consoleB. commentC. ridiculeD. mockA. seminarB. maliceC. souvenirD. setting11. Seen ___ this light, the rise of China need not lead to a volcanic struggle with the United States ___ global rules and leadership. The Western order has the potential to turn the coming power shift into a peaceful change ___ terms favorable to the United States.12. A decade ago, China was wary ___ multilateral arrangements and was ___ cross purposes withmany of its neighbors. Subsequently, it has joined the World Trade Organization, contributedmore than 3000 troops to serve in UN peacekeeping operations, and has become more helpful___ non-proliferation diplomacy.13. The rhetoric on both sides is heating ___, security agreements are ___ jeopardy, andWashington and Moscow increasingly look at each other ___ the old Cold War prism.14. Should that happen, the United States must approach this rivalry ___ greater realism anddetermination than it has displayed ___ its halfhearted attempt ___ partnership.15. China could fall ___ the same trap that snared Japan: The government tries to reignitespending, but the banks, riddled ___ bad loans, stop lending. Deflation becomesunstoppable, and the consumer economy grinds ___ a halt.16. The gaudiest numbers, of course, belong to Internet companies such as eBay Inc. andYahoo! Inc., whose stock gains during the past year inspire either visions of easy wealth or, ___ the sidelines, plain old envy—or revulsion ___ the excesses ___ greed.17. There were fears last fall that a new bear market was ___ the offing, but stock pricesrebounded—and spending grew 4.4% in the final quarter of 1998. Similarly, stock prices recovered ___ six months after the October, 1987 crash, and there was only a smallimpact ___ spending.18. Life-cycle and permanent income theories ___ consumption posit that people base theirspending and saving decisions ___ what they believe their financial resources and needswill be ___ the long haul.A. by, about, inB. in, on, byC. in, over, onD. by, about, atA. of, on, withB. of, at, onC. about, over, onD. about, in, with A. up, in, through B. by, under, throughC. by, in, inD. up, under, inA. in, during, overB. in, in, againstC. with, during, againstD. with, in, atA. in, by, withB. in, by, atC. into, with, toD. into, with, atA. from, at, ofB. at, against, ofC. from, against, aboutD. at, at, aboutA. from, from, overB. in, within, onC. in, from, overD. from, within, onA. about, on, aboveB. about, about, aboveC. of, about, overD. of, on, over19. As the United States’ involvement in Iraq begins to wind ___, U. S. policymakers and U.S. commentators alike have started to wonder about the array of problems thatWashington will have to deal with next. Will it wrestle ___ new and deferred difficulties ___ a backdrop of largely cooperative ties with other major powers, or are such relations turning more conflictual.20. This “let’s make a deal” approach ___ diplomacy has a tempting simplicity ___ it. And it will surely force U. S. decision-makers to think harder about the ends they seek, ___what means they should pursue them, and at what cost.Subsection 3Directions: Decide which of the following 2 sentences in each group is correct, orwhether they are both correct, or neither is correct and write the corresponding letter of the choice you have made in the Answer Sheet.21. (1) The long-term feud between the two families destroyed both of them.(2) The doctor cannot tell what long-standing effects the drug will have on the boy.[A] (1) [B] (2) [C] Both [D] Neither22. (1) Shaking hands after a fight is a conciliatory gesture.(2) Is it possible to achieve any reconciliation between the theory and practice of life?[A] (1) [B] (2) [C] Both [D] Neither23. (1) They solved the problem by substitution of labor with machinery.(2) He promised to secure a substitute.[A] (1) [B] (2) [C] Both [D] Neither24. (1) To have a real collision, China needs a military that is capable ofgoing toe-to-toe with the United States.(2) Brzezinski and Mearsheimer went head-to-head on whether these two great powerswere destined to fight it out.[A] (1) [B] (2) [C] Both [D] Neither25. (1) The New York Times is now in the line of fire.(2) The prime minister was under the fire in Parliament for his handling of the budget.[A] (1) [B] (2) [C] Both [D] NeitherA. forward, against, atB. down, with, againstC. up, against, inD. through, with, atA. to, to, byB. on, to, withC. to, on, byD. on, on, with26. (1) Teachers sometimes notice language errors and fail to see the good ideas ina composition; they cannot see the wood for the trees.(2) The employers were prepared to discuss wages, they pressed home the advantagethis gave them by raising the matter of productivity.[A] (1) [B] (2) [C] Both [D] Neither27. (1) It was an object with the king to ease off the taxation.(2) The government is freeing out $6.5 billion specifically for banks to loan to thosesmall companies feeling the squeeze right now.[A] (1) [B] (2) [C] Both [D] Neither28. (1) They decided to apply economic sanctions, rather than to threatenwith military ones.(2) All necessary sanctions from various interested authorities have been obtained forthese plans.[A] (1) [B] (2) [C] Both [D] Neither29. (1) If you are going to go swimming, we in law enforcement suggest a periodof careful recollection on the beach before you jump in.(2)This has been the worst situation within my recollection.[A] (1) [B] (2) [C] Both [D] Neither30. (1) John studied hard and made a substantive improvement in mathematics.(2) The airwaves are noisy with nonsense at a time when we need serious, substantialinformation.[A] (1) [B] (2) [C] Both [D] NeitherSubsection 4Directions: Choose an article (or zero article) that best fits into each blank in the following passage and write the letter of the choice you have made in the Answer Sheet.As bombs rock the country, fears are also building of 31 social unrest that may be triggered by 32 economic meltdown. The country’s largest city and commercial hub, Karachi, is already on 33 knife-edge. Plagued by Pakistan’s highest levels of sectarian killings, this heaving metropolis of 18 million fitfully erupts into 34 spasms of violence as 35 rival ethnic and political groups engage in open gun battles. The city comes to 36juddering halt for days. “It affects me badly,” says Zubair Gilani, who runs a factory that designs and produces fashionable clothes for export to Italy.Having hit the supply of cotton, the floods will now only add to 37 woes of garment businesses like Gilani’s and thereby undermine one of Pakistan’s chief exports. Even more seriously, in the rural areas of Sindh province beyond Karachi, 38 loss of rice andpossibly wheat crops over the coming months will hurt the agricultural sector and hassparked fears of food shortages. Floodwaters have destroyed 8.9 million acres (3.6 million hectares) of agricultural land and killed 7.2 million farm animals, according to the government’s figures. “There will be no income at least until March,” says Hamir Soomro,a landowner from the town of Shikarpur, where his family’s 1,200 acres (490 hectares) of rice have been submerged and his wheat seed for 39 winter washed away.Those who depended on 40 land have had to flee. In the historic town of Thatta, the road from Karachi is lined with 41 families sitting helplessly in the open air. Others are crowded in 42 Makli necropolis, 43 14th century graveyard consecrated to 44region’s Sufi saints, with some leaning on 45 tombstones for support. Many Sindhis—perhaps as many as 200,000—have made for 46 dubious shelter of Karachi’s slums and tent cities, adding to 47 volatile ethnic mix of 48 Urdu speakers and Pashtuns. “The city can’t cope with this many people,” says a Sindh provincial government official who did not wish to be named. “There will be tensions. 49 crime rate will rise. And how long will the government be able to feed these people?”The situation is not much better in the countryside, where 50 already rampant banditry looks set to increase along with land disputes. “Farmers are arming themselves in advance,” says Soomro.31. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil32. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil33. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil34. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil35. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil36. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil37. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil38. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil39. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil40. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil41. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil42. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil43. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil44. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil45. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil46. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil47. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil48. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil49. [A] A [B] An [C] The [D] Nil50. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nilSection B: Understanding in Context: Cloze TestDirections: Choose one of the four answers given in each group which best fits into each blank in the following passage and write the corresponding letter of the choiceyou have made in the Answer Sheet.Clinton, Bush, Obama: of course, they are different from one another. But they share a great similarity too. They meet at a certain 51 about the character of America itself.Leaders come in all 52 , and I have stumbled across the full range in my time. I recall sitting across the table from some leaders unable to think of anything other than: my God,the poor people of that country. You get the dumb; the cynical; the tedious; the mildly unsuitable; the weird; the 53 of systems so mad and dysfunctional, you find yourself marveling that the leader is sentient, let alone capable. And frankly some weren’t 54 . I remember asking rather unkindly when told of one leader’s death, “How could they tell?”Then there are the clever, wise and good ones, the ones you have to admire and like. And here’s the thing: there are more of them than you would think. But the real test of leadership—amongst all the tests of policy, judgment, politics and ability—is whether, in the final 55 , you put the country first; that ultimately you are prepared to put what you perceive to be the common good of the nation before your own 56 self. It is the 57 test. Very few leaders pass it. Each of these Presidents does and for a reason not connected simply to them.Americans can be 58 the rest of the world sometimes accuses them of: brash, loud, insular, obsessive and heavy-handed. But America is great for a reason. There is 59 in the American character that has been developed over the centuries, derived in part from the frontier spirit, from the waves of migration that form the 60 , from the 61 of independence, from the Civil War, from 62 historical facts and coincidences. But it is there. That nobility isn’t about being nicer, better or more successful than anyone else. It is a feeling about the country. It is a devotion to the American ideal that at a certain point transcends class, race, religion or 63 . That ideal is about values: freedom, the rule of law, democracy. It is also about the way you achieve: on merit, by your own efforts and hard work. But it is most of all that in striving for and protecting that ideal, you as an individual take 64 to the interests of the nation as a whole. It is what makes the country determined to overcome its challenges. It is what makes its soldiers give their lives in sacrifice. It is what brings every variety of American, from the lowest to the highest, to their 65 whenThe Star-Spangled Banner” is 66 . Of course the ideal is not always met—that is obvious. But it is always striven for.The next years will test the American character. America won’t be loved in this presidency 67 than in previous ones. But America should have confidence. That ideal, which produces the optimism that generates the achievement, is worth all the 68 . It is the most 69 a nation can have. The world is changing. New powers are emerging. But this does not diminish the need for that American ideal. It reaffirms it, renews it, and gives it added relevance. There is always one, more prosaic, test of a nation’s position: Are people trying to get into it, or to get out of it? I think we know the answer to that in America’s case, and that ideal is the 70 .[C] conjecture [D] conception52. [A] shapes and sizes [B] paths and directions[C] groups and organizations [D] parties and institutions53. [A] indicators [B] signposts[C] products [D] outcomes54. [A] dumb [B] incompetent[C] sentient [D] dysfunctional55. [A] decision [B] choice[C] selection [D] analysis56. [A] inner [B] political[C] true [D] conflicting57. [A] supreme [B] professional[C] specific [D] occupational58. [A] all that [B] anything but what[C] all but that [D] nothing except59. [A] an adventurism [B] a pioneering spirit[C] a national pride [D] a nobility60. [A] basis [B] trend[C] structure [D] stock61. [A] environment [B] atmosphere[C] climax [D] circumstances62. [A] a series of [B] a myriad of[C] a chain of [D] the sequence of63. [A] conviction [B] upbringing[C] community [D] hierarchy64. [A] second tier [B] second place[C] second placement [D] subordinate tier65. [A] feet [B] knees[C] back [D] backbone66. [A] raised [B] hoisted[C] risen [D] played67. [A] any more [B] any less[C] much more [D] much less68. [A] fighting [B] striving[C] competition [D] maneuver69. [A] precious gift [B] daunting challenge[C] valuable property [D] formidable endeavor70. [A] justification [B] rationalization[C] reason [D] point of departureSection C: Reading ComprehensionDirections: Read the following passages carefully and decide on the best one from the four choices to answer the questions and write the corresponding letter of the choice you have made in the Answer Sheet.Passage 1National character is not formally considered by social scientists in discussing economic and social development today. They believe that people differ and that these differences should be taken into account somehow, but they have as yet discovered no way to include such variables in their formal models of economic and social development. The difficulty lies in the nature of the data that supposedly define different national characters. Anthropologists and others are on much firmer ground when they attempt to describe the cultural norms for a small homogeneous tribe or village than when they undertake the formidable task of discovering the norms that exist in a complex modern nation-state composed of many disparate groups. The situation is further complicated by the nature of judgments about character; since such judgment are overly dependent on impressions and since, furthermore, impressions are usually stated in qualitative terms, it is impossible to make a reliable comparison between the national characters of two countries.71. The author’s main point in the passage is that national character[A] is too elusive to merit attention by anthropologists and other social scientists.[B] is of greater interest to social scientists today than it has been in the past.[C] is still too difficult to describe with the precision required by many social scientists.[D] can be described more accurately by anthropologists than by other social scientists.72. Given the information in the passage, which of the following is NOT true of modernnation-states?[A] They are complex.[B] They are heterogeneous.[C] They differ from one another in terms of national character.[D] They lack cultural norms.73. It can be inferred from the passage that the social scientists mentioned in lines 1-5 wouldagree with which of the following statements?I. It is extremely difficult to create models that account for both economic and socialdevelopment.II. Models of economic and social development would be improved by the inclusion of adequate description of national character.III. It is important to supplement formal models of economic and social development with qualitative impressions of national character.[A] I only[B] II only[C] I and III only[D] II and III only74. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?[A] A problem is presented and reasons for its existence are supplied.[B] A controversial view is presented and evidence for its validity is supplied.[C] A hypothesis is presented and possible means of verifying it are suggested.[D] A recent development is described and then analyzed.Passage 2The 1960s witnessed two profound social movements: the civil rights movement and the movement protesting the war in Vietnam. Although they overlapped in time, they were largely distinct. For a brief moment in 1967, however, it appeared that the two movements might unite under the leadership of Martin Luther King, Jr. King’s role in the antiwar movement appears to require little explanation, since he was the foremost advocate of nonviolence of his time. But King’s stance on the Vietnam War cannot be explained interms of pacifism alone. After all, he was something of a latecomer to the antiwarmovement, even though by 1965 he was convinced that the role of the United States in the war was indefensible. Why then the two years that passed before he translated his privatemisgivings into public dissent? Perhaps he believed that he could not criticize American foreign policy without endangering the support for civil rights that he had won from thefederal government.75. The author supports the claim that “King’s stance on the Vietnam War cannot be explained in terms of pacifism alone” by implying which of the following?[A] There is little evidence that King was ever a student of pacifist doctrine.[B] King, despite pacifist sympathies, was not convinced that the policy of the federalgovernment in Vietnam was wrong.[C] King’s belief in nonviolence was formulated in terms of domestic policy rather than interms of international issues.[D] Had King’s actions been based on pacifism alone, he would have joined the antiwarmovement earlier than he actually did.76. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the movement opposingthe war in Vietnam?[A] It preceded the civil rights movement.[B] It drew support from most civil rights leaders.[C] It was supported by many who otherwise opposed public dissent.[D] It was well underway by 1967.77. Which of the following best describes the passage?[A] It outlines a sequence of historical events.[B] It shows why a commonly held view is inaccurate.[C] It discusses an apparent inconsistency and suggests a reason for it.[D] It evaluates an explanation and finally accepts that explanation.Passage 3Jean Wagner’s most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American poetry is hisinsistence that it be analyzed in a religious, as well as secular, frame of reference. The appropriateness of such an approach may seem self-evident for a tradition commencing with spirituals and owing its early forms, rhythms, vocabulary, and evangelical fervor to Wesleyan hymnals. But before Wagner a secular outlook that analyzed Black poetry solely within the context of political and social protest was dominant in the field.It is Wagner who first demonstrated the essential fusion of racial and religious feeling in Afro-American poetry. The two, he argued, form a symbiotic union in which religiousfeelings are often applied to racial issues and racial problems are often projected onto a metaphysical plane. Wagner found this most eloquently illustrated in the Black spirituals, where the desire for freedom in this world and the hope for salvation in the next are inextricably intertwined.78. The primary purpose of the passage is to[A] contrast the theories of Jean Wagner with those of other contemporary critics.[B] document the influence of Jean Wagner on the development of Afro-American poetry.[C] indicate the importance of Jean Wagner’s analysis of Afro-American poetry.[D] explain the relevance of Jean Wagner’s work to the study of Afro-American religion.79. All of the following aspects of Afro-American poetry are referred to in the passage as having been influenced by Wesleyan hymnals EXCEPT[A] subject matter[B] word choice[C] rhythm[D] structure80. It can be inferred from the passage that, before Wagner, most students of Afro-American poetry did which of the following?[A] Contributed appreciably to the transfer of political protest fromAfro-American poetry to direct political action.[B] Ignored at least some of the historical roots of Afro-American poetry.[C] Analyzed fully the aspects of social protests to be found in such traditional forms ofAfro-American poetry as the Black spiritual.[D] Regarded as unimportant the development of fervent emotionalism in a portion of Afro-American poetry.Passage 4A plan to create a new Pentagon cybercommand is raising significant privacy and diplomatic concerns, as the Obama Administration moves ahead on efforts to protect the nation from cyberattack and to prepare for possible offensive operations against adversaries’ computer networks.President Obama has said that the new cyberdefense strategy he unveiled last month will provide protections for personal privacy and civil liberties. But senior Pentagon and military officials say that Mr. Obama’s assurances may be challenging to guarantee in practice, particularly in trying to monitor the thousands of daily attacks on security systems in the United States that have set off a race to develop better cyberweapons.Much of the new military command’s work is expected to be carried out by the National Security Agency, whose role in intercepting the domestic end of international calls and e-mail messages after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, under secret order issued by the Bush Administration, has already generated intense controversy.There is simply no way, the officials say, to effectively conduct computer operations without entering networks inside the United States, where the military is prohibited from operating, or traveling electronic paths through countries that are not themselves American targets.The cybersecurity effort, Mr. Obama said at the White House last month, “will not—I repeat, will not—include monitoring private sector networks or Internet traffic.”But foreign adversaries often mount their attacks through computer network hubs inside the United States, and military officials and outside experts say that threat confronts the Pentagon and the administration with difficult questions.The government is in a quandary,” said Maren Leed, a defense expert at the bipartisan Center for Strategic and International Studies who was a Pentagon special assistant on cyberoperations from 2005 to 2008.Ms. Leed said a broad debate was needed “about what constitutes an intrusion that violates privacy and, at the other extreme, what is an intrusion that may be acceptable in the face of an act of war.”Unlike the missile attack, which would show up on the Pentagon’s screens long before reaching American territory, a cyberattack may be visible only after it has been launched in the United States.How do you understand sovereignty in the cyberdomain?” General Cartwright asked. It doesn’t tend to pay a lot of attention to geographic boundaries.”For example, the daily attacks on the Pentagon’s own computer systems, or probes sent from Russia and Eastern Europe seeking chinks in the computer systems of corporations and financial institutions, are rarely seen before their effect is felt inside the United States.Some administration officials have begun to discuss whether laws or regulations must be changed to allow law enforcement, the military or intelligence agencies greater access to networks or Internet providers when significant evidence of a national security threat was found.Ms. Leed said that while the Defense Department and related intelligence agencies were the only organizations that had the ability to protect against such cyberattacks, “they are not the best suited, from a civil liberties perspective, to take on that responsibility.”The complications are not limited to privacy concerns. The Pentagon is increasingly worried about the diplomatic ramifications of being forced to use the computer networks of many other nations while carrying out digital missions—the computer equivalent of the Vietnam War’s spilling over the Cambodian border in the 1960s. To battle Russian hackers, for example, it might be necessary to act through the virtual cyberterritory of Britain or Germany or any country where the attack was routed.Frida Berrigan, a longtime peace activist who is a senior program associate at the New America Foundation’s arms and security initiative, expressed concerns about whether the Obama Administration would be able to balance its promise to respect privacy in cyberspace。



华中师范大学二〇一四年研究生入学考试试题院系、招生专业: 外国语学院英语语言文学外国语言文学及应用语言文学考试时间:元月5日午考试科目代码及名称:713基础英语I. In each of the following sentences, 4 WWORDS or PHRASES have been underlined. Choose the one word or phrase that would NOT be appropriate in standard English. Write your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. (15/150)1.Studies have suggested that eating nuts—almonds in particular—might help toAlower blood cholesterol levels in humans and reducing the risk of heart diseaseB Cby protecting the blood vessels.D2. Last summer, when Mary’s aunt and uncle flew from Turkey to visit their relativesAand tour the United States, Marry invited Sandy and I to her house to meet them.B C D3. Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations is a novel which the main character becomesAso obsessed with the idea of becoming a gentleman that his moral judgment isB C Dtemporarily affected.4. My roommate, a drama major, claimed that Ibsen’s plays, unlike Ionesco, areA Btotally conventional in their style.C D5. Because our casserole was smelling surprisingly badly as it baked, the food scienceAteacher came over to ask us what we had put it.B C D6. The problem of storing the sun’s heat is supposed to be studied by scientistsA Ball over the world in the past decades.C D7. It is difficult to predict what kinds of books will be popular in the years ahead,A Bbecause tastes change and topics either get overexplored and lost their relevance.C D8. Ms. Kovak proudly displayed her research group’s most ingenious invention, aA Bvacuum cleaner that empties its own dust bag when pressing a button.C D9. Susan is considered to be as intelligent, or more intelligent than the other studentsA B Cin her class.D10. Large sums of money have to spend each year in painting the steel works ofA B Cbridges, ships, and other exposed structures.D11. Only when the book has assumed its final form an author can declare to the readerA Bwhat he thinks he has accomplished.C D12. Betty spent all evening talking about her book, which none of us had ever heard.A B C D13. I have no idea of Mr. Smith having been promoted to the new post. Y ou should tellA B C me about it earlier.D14. It was years after I had visited my hometown, and I was determined to enjoyA B Cmy stay.D15. The more complex a subject becomes, the more necessary is it to break it up into aA B C number of parts which the reader can visualize.DII. Find the ONE choice that best completes the sentence. Write your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. (15/150)1. She called her friend before she left the city to her friend would miss her.A. insureB. ensureC. assureD. reassure2. The students begin to themselves to their studies after long summer vocation.A. applyB. engageC. convertD. exert3. Before moving to California, Tom Warren has to of his house and the furniture.A. dispenseB. discardC. disposeD. discharge4. The central government is now making unremitting efforts to its policy of poverty relief in the remote rural areas.A. constructB. implementC. demonstrateD. integrate5. Accuracy and expressiveness are the two in translation. The first is to express the exact thought of original article and the second is to make the translation readily understood.A. acquisitionB. inquiriesC. requestsD. requisites6. It is believed that the deal between the two enterprises is finally made through theof the local government.A. conventionB. preventionC. interventionD. termination7. There is no perfect trading system, and each of the proposed ones has its .A. limitationsB. bordersC. frontiersD. prohibitions8. Dr. Hill has just received an invitation from Washington University to join theas a full-time professor.A. committeeB. associationC. facultyD. branch9. People find that expected noise are usually more than unexpected ones of the like magnitude.A. manageableB. controllableC. revocableD. tolerable10. Y ou will have to be very if you want him to come around and approve of the plan.A. diplomaticB. industriousC. vigilantD. sensitive11. The sell their military equipment to whoever needs it, with the purpose of making profit.A. uniqueB. unanimousC. soleD. singular12. Expects suggested that speech stages are reached in the fixed sequence and at a constant age, but there are cases where speech has started late in a child who turns out to be of high IQ.A. automaticallyB. eventuallyC. inverselyD. contradictorily13. He has been coughing all day and and has a cold.A. evidentlyB. correspondinglyC. normallyD. admittedly14. This book is wide attention because it gives a detailed description of the life of Princess Diana.A. composed ofB. regardless ofC. worthy ofD. ignorant of15. Would you please these invitations to all the teachers of English department?A. hand overB. hand outC. hand downD. hand inⅢ. Proofreading: (30/150):(Do it in on the ANSWER SHEET)The following passage contains 15 errors. Each line contains a maximum of one error.Y ou should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way:For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line.For a missing wor d, mark the position of the missing word with a“八”andwrite the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line.For an unnecessary word, cross out the unnecessary word with a slash “/”and put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line.Fast food has grown remarkably, not only in the United States, but alsoaround the world. Restaurant chains represent a multi-billion-dollars (1)industry that shows no sign of slowing down. Innovations for operations (2)and products have kept the industry growing and, some cities wouldargue, leading to speeding up the pace of contemporary life. (3) From its inception, fast food has lived up its name. In the early (4)days of fast food, as Americans came to depend more on their cars, outletsoffered drive-in service, enabled customers to park and eat in their cars. (5)This service reduced the cost and established relative low prices. (6) Giving the popularity of fast food for lunch and dinner, it was only a (7)matter of time after marketers and franchisees realized they could (8)expand their line of products by offering breakfast to hungry peoplein a hurry.For many people, moreover, fast food has become symbolic of a (9)fast-paced lifestyle that is neither natural or healthy. An organization (10)called Slow Food was established in Italy in 1986 to oppose fast food andtheir assembly-line approach to cooking and eating. The Slow Food (11) manifesto, endorsing in Paris 1989 by delegates from 15 countries, states, (12)“We are slaved by speed and have all succumbed to the same insidiousvirus: Fast Life, who disrupts our habit, pervades the privacy of our (13)homes and forces us to eat Fast Foods.” To fight the positive connotations (14)of fast food, many companies now emphasize on the word “fresh” (15)in their advertising and use the term “quick service” to describe theiroperations.Ⅳ. Fill in each blank with THE BEST ANSWER from the four choices given under the correspondent number. Write your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. (30/150)One of the most pressing challenges that the world will face in the next few decades is how to alleviate the growing stress that human activities are placing 1 the environment. The consequences are just too great to 2 . Wildlife habitats are being degraded or disappearing altogether as new developments 3 more land. Plant and animal species are becoming 4 at a greater rate now than at any time in Earth’s history. 5 as 30 percent of the world’s fish stocks are over-exploited. And the list goes on.6 , there is reason to have hope for the future.7 in computing power and molecular biology are among the tremendous increases in scientific capability that are helping researchers8 a better understanding of these problems. Recent developments in science and technology could provide the9 for some major, and timely actions that would 10 our understanding of how human activities affect the environment.One priority for research is improving hydrological forecasting. It has been 11 that the world’s water use could triple in the next two decades. Already, widespread water 12 have occurred in parts of China, India, North Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula. The need for water also is taking its toll on freshwater ecosystems in the United States. Only two percent of the nation’s streams are considered in good 13 , and close to 40 percent of native fish 14 are rare to extinct.To prevent outbreaks of 15 diseases in plants, animals, and humans, more study is needed on how pathogens, parasites, and disease-carrying species——as 16 as humans and other species they infect——are 17 by changes in the environment. The overuse of antibiotics both in humans and in farm animals has 18 to the growth of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms. Researchers 19 new technologies in genetics and computing to better monitor and 20 the effects that environmental changes might have on disease outbreaks.1. A. at B. in C. cover D. on2. A. notice B. speculate C. ignore D. emphasize3. A. take over B. take up C. take in D. take on4. A. dangerous B. risky C. extinct D. insecure5. A. As B. So C. Too D. very6. A. Likewise B. Y et C. Consequently D. Furthermore7. A. Advances B. projects C. Inventions D. Proposals8. A. hold B. receive C. gain D. pay9. A. basis B. base C. stage D. ground10. A. affirm B. consolidate C. hinder D. improve11. A. advocated B. expected C. estimated D. calculated12. A. supply B. use C. pollution D. shortage13. A. health B. condition C. status D. situation14. A. foods B. products C. species D. races15. A. serious B. infectious C. fetal D. deadly16. A. much B. long C. well D. far17. A. affected B. restricted C. distributed D. compensated18. A. referred B. allocated C. contributed D. attributed19. A. call in questionB. take advantage ofC. give rise toD. bring into operation20. A. see B. report C. guess D. predictV. Read the following passages carefully and choose THE ONE BEST ANSWER to each question from the four choices given. Write your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. (20/150)Text A[1] “Aggression”means a mixture of three features: injury (real or symbolic), intent, and emotion. Having a toe trodden upon may or may not make you the object of aggression: it all depends on the emotion and intent of a man inside the boot. One recurring question is the exact nature of the motivation. If the answers to this and similar questions were known, better solutions might be offered. Instead, the expects continue to offer contradictory opinions. It has been suggested that competitive sports decrease aggression. But many have suggested that such sports may cause it. Similar conflicting opinions have been offered about violence on film and television. How do we begin to make sense of rival views? One way is by looking at how the ideas developed historically.[2] When Freud first considered human aggression, he suggested that it originated from the blocking of a pleasure-seeking drive. He later changed his mind, suggesting that the aggressive drive was something independent of the blocking of pleasure, and that aggression was inherent part of human conditions. These two very different views have formed the basis of contemporary thinking on the nature of aggression. Freud’s earlier idea, that it originated from the blocking of a pleasure drive, led to the frustration theory. It suggested that interference with any pleasure including, or rewarding activity, once this had begun, would produce a state of frustration, which would then evoke anger. The frustration theory has stimulated much research on both human and animals. But its limitations in explaining all human aggression are now very apparent. If you are frustrated, for example, by someone turning up to an appointment on time, anger is indeed a likely outcome. Bur so other reactions: anxiety and nervousness, trying to find the missing person, or making light of the situation by joking.[3] Freud’s later idea—that there is a separate aggressive drive—influenced a totally different set of ideas. Most important among these is the notion that the act of violence can release a tense which has previously built up in someone. Ideas of this sort not only have a long history, but also have a intuitive appeal because of thefeeling of relief that often follows an emotional act, such as an aggressive outburst. The later Freud saw aggression as a drive building up spontaneously until the act occurred, which then reduced the tension. This embodies a profoundly pessimistic belief about human nature. It led Freud to comment that it is fruitless to try to eliminate human violence, but we can only provide safe outlets for it.[4] One extension of the frustration approach is my own discrepancy theory, which I originally put forward to explain the animal fighting. Animal fight in response to sudden pain or novelty or frustration. All three situations can be thought of in terms of animal finding a large discrepancy between events and what is expecting on the basis of its past experience. When this happens, either fear or aggression is likely to occur, though many traditional factors will determine which of the two takes place in a given situation. On this view, aggression occurs because the animal compares events in its environment with its expectations built up from the past experiences.[5] The same idea can be extended to human aggression. We are likely to become angry when our expectations, wishes, beliefs or attitudes are not fulfilled by what we experience. One very clear example occurs after a person has lost a marriage partner, close relative or friend. There is distress, and attempts to escape, at first. These are replaced later by aggression.1. The author of the passage believes that if we know the nature of aggressionA. we may find better ways to deal with human violenceB. we may better understand people’s intent and emotionC. we may have a clear view of its historical developmentD. experts may stop arguing about violence on film and television2. Freud thought later on that human aggression was caused byA. the blocking of a pleasure driveB.an inherent aggressive driveC. frustration, anger and anxietyD. unexpected failures3. Freud’s later idea is pessimistic because it implies thatA. it’s impossible to eliminate human violenceB. it’s impossible to find safe outlets for violenceC. man will never understand the nature of aggressionD. man will never find ways to reduce tension4. The author’s own theory is influenced byA. Freud’s earlier ideaB. Freud’s later ideaC. research on animalsD. studies on frustration5. according to the author, whether fear or aggression occurs in a situation of discrepancy is determined byA. the extent of discrepancyB. the degree of frustrationC. our expectationsD. other factorsText B[1] Consider the puppy. At only three weeks of age, this tiny ball of fur has already begun gnawing, pawing, and tugging at its littermates. At four to five weeks, its antics rival those of a rambunctious child, chasing and wrestling with its siblings at all hours of the day and night.[2]Such behavior is not unusual among social animals. From human children to whales to sewer rats, many groups of mammals and even some birds play for a significant fraction of their youth. Brown bear cubs, like puppies and kittens, stalk and wrestle with one another in imaginary battles. Wolves play solitary games with rocks and sticks.Chimpanzees tickle one another.[3]However fascinating these displays of youthful exuberance may be, play among animals was ignored by scientists for most of this century. Biologists assumed that this seemingly purposeless activity had little effect on animal development, was not a distinct form of behavior, and was too nebulous a concept either to define or to study. Even the term "play" caused problems for researchers, because it suggests that watching animals goof off is not an activity for serious scientists.[4]But a steady accumulation of evidence over the past two decades now suggests that play is a distinct form of behavior with an important role in the social, physical, and mental development of many animals. In one study, kittens, mice, and rats were found to play the most at ages when permanent changes were occurring in their muscle fiber and the parts of their brains regulating movement. Kittens were 30 most playful between 4 and 20 weeks of age; rats, from 12 to 50 days; and mice, from 15 to 29 days. Development at those ages is comparable to that of a two-year-old human infant. At these precise times in the development of these animals, muscle fibers differentiate and the connections to areas of the brain regulating movement are made. Such changes apparently are not unique to kittens, mice, and rats,but apply to mammals in general.[5]Thus, research on play has given biologists an important tool with which to probe the development of the brain and 40 motor systems of animals. The study on rats, kittens, and mice may, for instance, provide a physiological explanation for why infant animals employ in their play the same kinds of behavior that they will later use as adults. By stalking and capturing imaginary prey over and over again, a kitten builds its muscle and brain connections in a way that allows it to perform those actions later in life.[6]Play may also provide insight into the social development of animals. When the rough-and-tumble of play ends traumatically with a yelp or a shriek, young animals may be learning the limits of their strength and how to control themselves among others. Those are essential lessons for an animal living in a close-knit group. Perhaps, some scientists guess, as mammals gathered into social groups, play took on the function of socializing members of the group. Not everyone agrees with this theory, though. Another explanation is that play may not have evolved to confer any advantage but is simply a consequence of higher cognitive abilities or an abundance of nutrition and parental care.[7]Why did play evolve? No one knows for certain, but after ten years of studying brown bears of Alaska, biologist R obert Fagen has his own opinion. “Why do people dance?” he asks. “Why do b irds sing?” For the bears, we are becoming increasingly convinced that aesthetic factors are primary." Sometimes, that is, animals play simply for the fun of it.6. In the paragraph 2, the references to animals primarily serve toA. emphasize physical similarities between and humansB. prove a controversial point about animal playC. suggest that animal play can be difficult to studyD. show the variety of animal play7. Which of the following claims do the findings of "one study" mentioned inParagraph 4 support?A. Play is a key factor in the social organization of some animal groups.B. Most animal species tend to begin playing as they approach adulthood.C. Research into play may help us understand animals’physiological development.D. Researchers do not always recognize behavioral similarities among diversespecies8. How do expect who agree with “this theory”mentioned in Paragraph 6 look at animal play?A. It is an enjoyable activity.B. It serves as a useful purpose.C. It occurs only among mammals.D. It varies from one animal to another.9.The discussion of Robert Fagen’s work serves toA. show that varying explanations may be logically relatedB. expand the discussion by introducing a different opinionC. strengthen the earlier argument with corroborating evidenceD. illustrate the resistance conservative scientists to new ideas10.Fagan compares bears playing to people dancing in order to suggest that bothactivitiesA. have little practical functionB. promote physical coordinationC. are associated wills social developmentD. involve peer groups in shared physical activityⅥ. Read the following article and answer the questions about it in ENGLISH.Y ou may borrow words or phrases from the article, are but not allowed borrow clauses or sentences. Both the content and language accuracy of your answers will be considered. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(40/150)[1]If the new art is not accessible to everyone, which certainly seems to be the case, this implies that its impulses are not of a generically human kind. It is an art not for people in general but for a special class who may not be better but who are evidently different.[2]Before we go further, one point must be clarified. What is it that the majority of people call aesthetic pleasure? What happens in their minds when they “like” a work of art; for example, a play? The answer is easy. They like a play when they become interested in the human destinies that are represented, when the love and hatred, the joys and sorrows of the dramatic personages so move them that they participate in it all as though it were happening in real life. And they call a work “good” if it succeeds in creating th e illusion necessary to make the imaginary personages appear like living persons. In poetry the majority of people seek the passion and pain of the human being behind the poet. Paintings attract them if they find in them figures of men or women it would be interesting to meet.[3]It thus appears that to the majority of people aesthetic pleasure means a state of mind that is essentially indistinguishable from their ordinary behavior. It differs merely in accidental qualities, being perhaps less utilitarian, more intense, and free from painful consequences. But the object toward which their attention and, consequently, all their other mental activities are directed is the same as in daily life: people and passions. When forced to consider artistic forms proper-for example, in some surrealistic or abstract art-most people will only tolerate them if they do not interfere with their perception of human forms and fates. As soon as purely aesthetic elements predominate and the story of John and Susie grows elusive, most people feel out of their depth and are at a loss as to what to make of the scene, the book, or the painting. A work of art vanishes from sight for a beholder who seeks in that work of art nothing but the moving fate of John and Susie or Tristan and Isolde. Unaccustomed to behaving in any mode except the practical one in which feelings are aroused and emotional involvement ensues, most people are unsure how to respond toa work that does not invite sentimental intervention.[4]Now this is a point that has to be made perfectly clear. Neither grieving nor rejoicing at such human destinies as those presented by a work of art begins to define true artistic pleasure; indeed, preoccupation with the human content of work is in principle incompatible with aesthetic enjoyment proper.Questions;1. How do you paraphrase the underline sentence in Paragraph 1?2. How does aesthetic pleasure happen to the majority of people?3. How do you paraphrase the underline sentence in Paragraph 3?4. Why, according to this article, can’t most people appreciate a work of abstract art?5. How do you paraphrase the underline sentence in Paragraph 4?。


































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