



DNAStar中文使用说明书一、EditSeq打开已有序列我们从用苹果计算机打开“TETHIS21MA”和用W indows 打开“tethis21.seq”开始。


我们在用EditSeq 打开序列的同时,用Set Ends命令去除5’和3 ’污染序列。

z 从文件菜单(),选择Open。

z 打开文件夹“D e m o S e q u e n c e s ”单击选定单击位于对话框右下角的序列“T E T H I S 2 1 ”。

z Set Ends 按z ,点钮。

Set Ends被打开(如右)。

在5 ’框和3’框中键入50和8 5 0击OK。


当EditSeq 窗口打开时,序列长度显示在右上角。

通过“setting ends,”现在你只有最初序列中的80 1 b p 的片段。

Se t En d s 选择在全部Lasergene 应用程序中都可以使用。


z 从S EARCH MENU找到O RF,点击打开会出现右边的对话框。

z 单击Find N ext 寻找第一个ORF 的位置。

z 继续点击Find N ext 直到你把O RF的位置选定在位置183-455。

ORF 的坐标会出现在EditSeq 窗口的顶端附近。

DNA 序列翻译这一节中我们介绍如何翻译我们的ORF,不过任何序列中的读框内部分翻译。



z 选定ORF ,从GOODIES MENUr a n s l a t e )。

z 翻译的蛋白菜单中选择翻译(T质序列出现在一个新的未命名窗口中(如右图)。




假设序列的末尾有载体序列污染。我们在用EditSeq打开序列的同时,用Set Ends命令去除5’和3’污染序列。
Patterns-Type-In Patterns——使用键盘输入运算所需的Pattern参数。
Repeats-Inverted Repeats——寻找反向重复序列。
Entrez Database检索41



DNAstar---综合性序列分析平台生物谷提供下载,感谢原整理作者GETTING STARTED Introductory Tour of the LASERGENE SystemMAY 2001DNASTAR, Inc.1228 South Park StreetMadison, Wisconsin 53715(608) 258-7420Copyright . 2001 by DNASTAR, Inc.All rights reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited,except as allowed under the copyright laws or with the permission of DNASTAR, Inc.Sixth Edition, May 2001Printed in Madison, Wisconsin, USATrademark InformationDNASTAR, Lasergene, Lasergene99, SeqEasy, SeqMan, SeqMan II, EditSeq, MegAlign, GeneMan, Protean,MapDraw, PrimerSelect, GeneQuest, GeneFont , and the Method Curtain are trademarks or registered trademarks of DNASTAR, Inc. Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computers, Inc.MacVertor. and GCG. are registered trademarks of Pharmacopeia, Inc.Disclaimer & LiabilityDNASTAR, Inc. makes no warranties, expressed or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding the software. DNASTAR does not warrant, guaranty, or make any representation regarding the use or the results of the use of the software in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness, or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results andperformance of the software is assumed by you. The exclusion of implied warranties is not permitted by some states. The above exclusion may not apply to you.In no event will DNASTAR, Inc. and their directors, officers, employees, or agents (collectively DNASTAR) be liable to you for any consequential, incidental or indirect damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information and the like) arising out of the use of, or the inability to use the software even if DNASTAR Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damages.Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitations may not apply to you.DNASTAR, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes to it from time to time without obligation of DNASTAR, Inc. to notify any person or organization of such revision or changes. The screen and other illustrations in this publication are meant to be representative of those that appear on your monitor or printer.目录在苹果机(Macintosh)上的安装与升级05通过因特网升级06 软件安装 07 网络安装 08 疑难解答 12在PC机(Windows)上安装与升级17通过因特网升级18 软件安装 19 从EditSeq 开始 21 从GeneQuest开始 31 从MapDraw 开始 44 从MegAlign开始 54 从PrimerSelect开始 65 从Protean 开始 78 从SeqMan II开始 89L A S E R G E N Ef o rWi n d o w s & M a c i n t o s hDNASTA R I n c . ( 6 0 8 ) 2 5 8 - 7 4 2 0 f a x : ( 6 0 8 ) 2 5 8 - 7 4 3 9e m a i l : s u p p o r t @ d n a s t a r. c o m在苹果机(Macintosh)上的安装与升级通过因特网升级必备条件 6 下载升级程序6软件安装必备条件7 从CD安装Lasergene7网络安装必备条件8 定义8 Dongle安装10 服务器安装10 终端机安装11疑难解答系统配置冲突及网络问题12 解决网络问题的其他工具13 授权错误报告14 程序使用及更多的授权信息15通过英特网升级如果您以前已经安装了Lasergene 而且目前有升级和服务联系,您就可以通过英特网来升级您现有的版本,各种模块(module)都是以自解压形式存储的,你可以选择性的下载安装。



Sequence Analysis Softwarefor Macintosh and Windows GETTING STARTED Introductory Tour of the LASERGENE SystemMAY 2001DNASTAR,Inc。

1228 South Park StreetMadison, Wisconsin 53715(608)258-7420Copyright . 2001 by DNASTAR,Inc.All rights reserved。

Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited,except as allowed under the copyright laws or with the permission of DNASTAR, Inc.Sixth Edition, May 2001Printed in Madison, Wisconsin, USATrademark InformationDNASTAR, Lasergene,Lasergene99,SeqEasy, SeqMan,SeqMan II, EditSeq, MegAlign,GeneMan, Protean,MapDraw, PrimerSelect,GeneQuest, GeneFont , and the Method Curtain are trademarks or registered trademarks of DNASTAR, Inc。

Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computers, Inc。

Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corp。

ABI Prism 373,377 and 3700 are registered trademarks of Applera Corp。



DNASTAR使用说明中文应用说明书目次DNAStar的安装与进级 (6)EditSeq的应用方法 (7)打开已有序列查找开放读框DNA序列翻译遗传暗码选择应用遗传暗码修改序列的反向互补及反向转换BLAST检索序列信息查看序列校读序列的储存与输出GeneQuest的应用方法 (12)打开已有分析文件GeneQuest的DNA分析方法用分析方法操作方法参数改变成果展现优化Feature注释BLAST检索Entrez Database检索GeneQuest的其他特点储存分析文件MapDraw的应用方法 (18)新酶切图制造过泸器类型应用频率过泸器应用手动过泸器应用过泸器一览表应用Must Cut Here/Don’t Cut Here调色板对象酶信息显示环形展现ORF图显示择选储存,退出MegAlign的应用方法 (23)创建队列文件序列设置Pairwise Alignment应用 Dot Plot Method多序列比较Phylogenetic Tree查看查看队列申报Decorations/Consensi MegAlign文件储存PrimerSelect的应用方法 (28)创建PrimerSelect文件定义引物特点查找引物对扫瞄其他的引物信息按特点对引物分类引物长度改变在引物中引入突变设计新引物应用寡核苷酸订购表格储存PrimerSelect文件Protean的应用方法 (34)创建蛋白质分析文件Protean’s蛋白质分析方法应用分析方法方法参数改变优化成果显示应用蛋白酶消化与SDS PAGE Feature注释BLAST检索二级构造仿照展现滴定曲线储存分析文件SeqManII的应用方法 (39)输入序列片段Pre-Assembly Options操作检查修整的数据序列装配查看范畴和构建成果去除抵触碱基和缺口手动修改序列末尾文件储存与序列输出DNAStar的安装与进级假如您往常差不多安装了Lasergene 同时今朝有进级和办事接洽,您就能够经由过程英特网来进级您现有的版本,各类模块(module)差不多上以自解压情势储备的,你能够选择性的下载安装。


Sixth Edition, May 2001 Printed in Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Trademark Information DNASTAR, Lasergene, Lasergene99, SeqEasy, SeqMan, SeqMan II, EditSeq, MegAlign, GeneMan, Protean,MapDraw, PrimerSelect, GeneQuest, GeneFont , and the Method Curtain are trademarks or registered trademarks of DNASTAR, Inc. Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computers, Inc. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. ABI Prism 373, 377 and 3700 are registered trademarks of Applera Corp., ALF is a registered trademark of Pharmacia Biotech A.B., MacVertor. and GCG. are registered trademarks of Pharmacopeia, Inc.
Disclaimer & Liability DNASTAR, Inc. makes no warranties, expressed or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding the software. DNASTAR does not warrant, guaranty, or make any representation regarding the use or the results of the use of the software in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness, or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the software is assumed by you. The exclusion of implied warranties is notpermitted by some states. The above exclusion may not apply to you.

VR虚拟现实-DNASTAR使用说明 精品

VR虚拟现实-DNASTAR使用说明 精品

DNAstar中文使用说明书目录DNAStar的安装与升级 (6)EditSeq的使用方法 (7)打开已有序列寻找开放读框DNA序列翻译遗传密码选择使用遗传密码修改序列的反向互补及反向转换BLAST检索序列信息查看序列校读序列的保存与输出GeneQuest的使用方法 (12)打开已有分析文件GeneQuest的DNA分析方法用分析方法操作方法参数改变结果展示优化Feature注释BLAST检索Entrez Database检索GeneQuest的其他特点保存分析文件MapDraw的使用方法 (18)新酶切图制作过泸器类型应用频率过泸器应用手动过泸器使用过泸器一览表使用Must Cut Here/Don’t Cut Here调色板工具酶信息显示环形展示ORF图显示择选保存,退出MegAlign的使用方法 (23)创建队列文件序列设置Pairwise Alignment使用 Dot Plot Method多序列比较Phylogenetic Tree查看查看队列报告Decorations/Consensi MegAlign文件保存PrimerSelect的使用方法 (28)创建PrimerSelect文件定义引物特点查找引物对浏览其他的引物信息按特征对引物分类引物长度改变在引物中引入突变设计新引物使用寡核苷酸订购表格保存PrimerSelect文件Protean的使用方法 (34)创建蛋白质分析文件Protean’s蛋白质分析方法应用分析方法方法参数改变优化结果显示使用蛋白酶消化与SDS PAGE Feature注释BLAST检索二级结构模拟展示滴定曲线保存分析文件SeqManII的使用方法 (39)输入序列片段Pre-Assembly Options操作检查修整的数据序列装配查看范围和构建结果去除矛盾碱基和缺口手动修改序列末端文件保存与序列输出DNAStar的安装与升级如果您以前已经安装了Lasergene 而且目前有升级和服务联系,您就可以通过英特网来升级您现有的版本,各种模块(module)都是以自解压形式存储的,你可以选择性的下载安装。



DNAstar---综合性序列分析平台生物谷提供下载,感谢原整理作者GETTING STARTED Introductory Tour of the LASERGENE SystemMAY 2001DNASTAR, Inc.1228 South Park StreetMadison, Wisconsin 53715(608) 258-7420Copyright . 2001 by DNASTAR, Inc.All rights reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited,except as allowed under the copyright laws or with the permission of DNASTAR, Inc.Sixth Edition, May 2001Printed in Madison, Wisconsin, USATrademark InformationDNASTAR, Lasergene, Lasergene99, SeqEasy, SeqMan, SeqMan II, EditSeq, MegAlign, GeneMan, Protean,MapDraw, PrimerSelect, GeneQuest, GeneFont , and the Method Curtain are trademarks or registered trademarks of DNASTAR, Inc. Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computers, Inc. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. ABI Prism 373, 377 and 3700 are registered trademarks of Applera Corp., ALF is a registered trademark of Pharmacia Biotech A.B., MacVertor. and GCG. are registered trademarks of Pharmacopeia, Inc.Disclaimer & LiabilityDNASTAR, Inc. makes no warranties, expressed or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding the software. DNASTAR does not warrant, guaranty, or make any representation regarding the use or the results of the use of the software in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness, or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results andperformance of the software is assumed by you. The exclusion of implied warranties is not permitted by some states. The above exclusion may not apply to you.In no event will DNASTAR, Inc. and their directors, officers, employees, or agents (collectively DNASTAR) be liable to you for any consequential, incidental or indirect damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information and the like) arising out of the use of, or the inability to use the software even if DNASTAR Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damages.Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitations may not apply to you.DNASTAR, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes to it from time to time without obligation of DNASTAR, Inc. to notify any person or organization of such revision or changes. The screen and other illustrations in this publication are meant to be representative of those that appear on your monitor or printer.目录在苹果机(Macintosh)上的安装与升级05通过因特网升级06 软件安装 07 网络安装 08 疑难解答 12在PC机(Windows)上安装与升级17通过因特网升级18 软件安装 19 从EditSeq 开始 21 从GeneQuest开始 31 从MapDraw 开始 44 从MegAlign开始 54 从PrimerSelect开始 65 从Protean 开始 78 从SeqMan II开始 89L A S E R G E N Ef o rWi n d o w s & M a c i n t o s hDNASTA R I n c . ( 6 0 8 ) 2 5 8 - 7 4 2 0 f a x : ( 6 0 8 ) 2 5 8 - 7 4 3 9email:*******************在苹果机(Macintosh)上的安装与升级通过因特网升级必备条件 6 下载升级程序6软件安装必备条件7 从CD安装Lasergene7网络安装必备条件8 定义8 Dongle安装10 服务器安装10 终端机安装11疑难解答系统配置冲突及网络问题12 解决网络问题的其他工具13 授权错误报告14 程序使用及更多的授权信息15通过英特网升级如果您以前已经安装了Lasergene 而且目前有升级和服务联系,您就可以通过英特网来升级您现有的版本,各种模块(module)都是以自解压形式存储的,你可以选择性的下载安装。



Sequence Analysis Software for Macintosh and WindowsGETTING STARTED Introductory Tour of the LASERGENE System MAY 2001DNASTAR, Inc.1228 South Park StreetMadison, Wisconsin 53715(608) 258-7420Copyright . 2001 by DNASTAR, Inc.All rights reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited,except as allowed under the copyright laws or with the permission of DNASTAR, Inc.Sixth Edition, May 2001Printed in Madison, Wisconsin, USATrademark InformationDNASTAR, Lasergene, Lasergene99, SeqEasy, SeqMan, SeqMan II, EditSeq, MegAlign, GeneMan, Protean,MapDraw, PrimerSelect, GeneQuest, GeneFont , and the Method Curtain are trademarks or registered trademarks of DNASTAR, Inc. Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computers, Inc. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. ABI Prism 373, 377 and 3700 are registered trademarks of Applera Corp., ALF is a registered trademark of Pharmacia Biotech ., MacVertor. and GCG. are registered trademarks of Pharmacopeia, Inc.Disclaimer & LiabilityDNASTAR, Inc. makes no warranties, expressed or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding the software. DNASTAR does not warrant, guaranty, or make any representation regarding the use or the results of the use of the software in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness, or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results andperformance of the software is assumed by you. The exclusion of implied warranties is not permitted by some states. The above exclusion may not apply to you.In no event will DNASTAR, Inc. and their directors, officers, employees, or agents (collectively DNASTAR) be liable to you for any consequential, incidental or indirect damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information and the like) arising out of the use of, or the inability to use the software even if DNASTAR Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitations may not apply to you.DNASTAR, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes to it from time to time without obligation of DNASTAR, Inc. to notify any person or organization of such revision or changes. The screen and other illustrations in this publication are meant to be representative of those that appear on your monitor or printer.目录在苹果机(Macintosh)上的安装与升级05通过因特网升级06 软件安装 07 网络安装 08 疑难解答 12在PC机(Windows)上安装与升级17通过因特网升级18 软件安装 19 从EditSeq 开始 21 从GeneQuest开始 31从MapDraw 开始 44从MegAlign开始 54从PrimerSelect开始 65从Protean 开始 78从SeqMan II开始 89L A S E R G E N Ef o rWi n d o w s & M a c i n t o s hDNASTA R I n c . ( 6 0 8 ) 2 5 8 - 7 4 2 0 f a x : ( 6 0 8 ) 2 5 8 - 7 43 9e m a i l : s u p p o r t @ d n a s t a r. c o m在苹果机(Macintosh)上的安装与升级通过因特网升级必备条件 6下载升级程序 6软件安装必备条件 7从CD安装Lasergene7网络安装必备条件 8定义 8 Dongle安装 10服务器安装 10终端机安装 11疑难解答系统配置冲突及网络问题 12解决网络问题的其他工具 13授权错误报告 14程序使用及更多的授权信息 15通过英特网升级如果您以前已经安装了Lasergene 而且目前有升级和服务联系,您就可以通过英特网来升级您现有的版本,各种模块(module)都是以自解压形式存储的,你可以选择性的下载安装。



DNAstar中文使用说明书目录DNAStar的安装与升级 (6)EditSeq的使用方法 (7)翻开已有序列寻找开放读框DNA序列翻译遗传密码选择使用遗传密码修改序列的反向互补及反向转换BLAST检索序列信息查看序列校读序列的保存与输出GeneQuest的使用方法 (12)翻开已有分析文件GeneQuest的DNA分析方法用分析方法操作方法参数改变结果展示优化Feature注释BLAST检索Entrez Database检索GeneQuest的其他特点保存分析文件MapDraw的使用方法 (18)新酶切图制作过泸器类型应用频率过泸器应用手动过泸器使用过泸器一览表使用Must Cut Here/Don’t Cut Here调色板工具酶信息显示环形展示ORF图显示择选保存,退出MegAlign的使用方法 (23)创立队列文件序列设置Pairwise Alignment使用 Dot Plot Method多序列比拟Phylogenetic Tree查看查看队列报告Decorations/Consensi MegAlign文件保存PrimerSelect的使用方法 (28)创立PrimerSelect文件定义引物特点查找引物对浏览其他的引物信息按特征对引物分类引物长度改变在引物中引入突变设计新引物使用寡核苷酸订购表格保存PrimerSelect文件Protean的使用方法 (34)创立蛋白质分析文件Protean’s蛋白质分析方法应用分析方法方法参数改变优化结果显示使用蛋白酶消化与SDS PAGE Feature注释BLAST检索二级结构模拟展示滴定曲线保存分析文件SeqManII的使用方法 (39)输入序列片段Pre-Assembly Options操作检查修整的数据序列装配查看范围和构建结果去除矛盾碱基和缺口手动修改序列末端文件保存与序列输出DNAStar的安装与升级如果您以前已经安装了Lasergene 而且目前有升级和效劳联系,您就可以通过英特网来升级您现有的版本,各种模块〔module〕都是以自解压形式存储的,你可以选择性的下载安装。














我们在用EditSeq打开序列的同时,用Set Ends命令去除5’和3’污染序列。

l 从文件菜单(FILE MENU),选择Open。

l 打开文件夹“Demo Sequences”单击选定序列“TETHIS21”。

l 单击位于对话框右下角的Set Ends按钮。

Set Ends被打开(如右)。

l 在5’框和3’框中键入50和850,点击OK。



通过“setting ends,”现在你只有最初序列中的801 bp的片段。



DNAstar中文使用说明书目录DNAStar的安装与升级 (6)EditSeq的使用方法 (7)打开已有序列寻找开放读框DNA序列翻译遗传密码选择使用遗传密码修改序列的反向互补及反向转换BLAST检索序列信息查看序列校读序列的保存与输出GeneQuest的使用方法 (12)打开已有分析文件GeneQuest的DNA分析方法用分析方法操作方法参数改变结果展示优化Feature注释BLAST检索Entrez Database检索GeneQuest的其他特点保存分析文件MapDraw的使用方法 (18)新酶切图制作过泸器类型应用频率过泸器应用手动过泸器使用过泸器一览表使用Must Cut Here/Don’t Cut Here调色板工具酶信息显示环形展示ORF图显示择选保存,退出MegAlign的使用方法 (23)创建队列文件序列设置Pairwise Alignment 使用 Dot Plot Method 多序列比较Phylogenetic Tree查看查看队列报告Decorations/Consensi MegAlign文件保存PrimerSelect的使用方法 (28)创建PrimerSelect文件定义引物特点查找引物对浏览其他的引物信息按特征对引物分类引物长度改变在引物中引入突变设计新引物使用寡核苷酸订购表格保存PrimerSelect文件Protean的使用方法 (34)创建蛋白质分析文件Protean’s蛋白质分析方法应用分析方法方法参数改变优化结果显示使用蛋白酶消化与SDS PAGE Feature注释BLAST检索二级结构模拟展示滴定曲线保存分析文件SeqManII的使用方法 (39)输入序列片段Pre-Assembly Options操作检查修整的数据序列装配查看范围和构建结果去除矛盾碱基和缺口手动修改序列末端文件保存与序列输出DNAStar的安装与升级如果您以前已经安装了Lasergene 而且目前有升级和服务联系,您就可以通过英特网来升级您现有的版本,各种模块(module)都是以自解压形式存储的,你可以选择性的下载安装。



Sequence Analysis Softwarefor Macintosh and Windows GETTING STARTED Introductory Tour of the LASERGENE SystemMAY 2001DNASTAR,Inc。

1228 South Park StreetMadison,Wisconsin 53715(608) 258-7420Copyright . 2001 by DNASTAR, Inc.All rights reserved. Reproduction,adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited,except as allowed under the copyright laws or with the permission of DNASTAR,Inc.Sixth Edition,May 2001Printed in Madison, Wisconsin,USATrademark InformationDNASTAR,Lasergene,Lasergene99,SeqEasy,SeqMan, SeqMan II, EditSeq, MegAlign, GeneMan, Protean,MapDraw,PrimerSelect,GeneQuest, GeneFont ,and the Method Curtain are trademarks or registered trademarks of DNASTAR,Inc。

Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computers, Inc。

Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. ABI Prism 373,377 and 3700 are registered trademarks of Applera Corp。



Sequence Analysis Softwarefor Macintosh and Windows DNAStar 中文使用说明书 GETTING STARTED Introductory Tour of the LASERGENE SystemMAY 2001DNASTAR, Inc.1228 South Park StreetMadison, Wisconsin 53715(608) 258­7420Copyright . 2001 by DNASTAR, Inc.All rights reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited,except as allowed under the copyright laws or with the permission of DNASTAR, Inc.Sixth Edition, May 2001Printed in Madison, Wisconsin, USATrademark InformationDNASTAR, Lasergene, Lasergene99, SeqEasy, SeqMan, SeqMan II, EditSeq, MegAlign, GeneMan, Protean,MapDraw, PrimerSelect, GeneQuest, GeneFont , and the Method Curtain are trademarks or registered trademarks of DNASTAR, Inc. Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computers, Inc.Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. ABI Prism 373, 377 and 3700 are registered trademarks of Applera Corp., ALF is a registered trademark of Pharmacia Biotech A.B.,MacVertor. and GCG. are registered trademarks of Pharmacopeia, Inc.Disclaimer & LiabilityDNASTAR, Inc. makes no warranties, expressed or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding the software. DNASTAR does not warrant, guaranty, or make any representation regarding the use or the results of the use of the software in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness, or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results andperformance of the software is assumed by you. The exclusion of implied warranties is not permitted by some states. The above exclusion may not apply to you.In no event will DNASTAR, Inc. and their directors, officers, employees, or agents (collectively DNASTAR) be liable to you for any consequential, incidental or indirect damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information and the like) arising out of the use of, or the inability to use the software even if DNASTAR Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damages.Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitations may not apply to you.DNASTAR, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes to it from time to time without obligation of DNASTAR, Inc. to notify any person or organization of such revision or changes. The screen and other illustrations in this publication are meant to be representative of those that appear on your monitor or printer.目录在苹果机(Macintosh)上的安装与升级 05 通过因特网升级 06软件安装 07网络安装 08疑难解答 12在PC机(Windows)上安装与升级 17通过因特网升级 18软件安装 19从 EditSeq开始 21 从 GeneQuest开始 31 从 MapDraw开始 44 从 MegAlign开始 54 从 PrimerSelect开始 65 从 Protean开始 78 从 SeqMan II开始 89L A S E R G E N Ef o rWi n d o w s & M a c i n t o s hDNASTA R I n c . ( 6 0 8 ) 2 5 8 ­ 7 4 2 0 f a x : ( 6 0 8 ) 2 5 8 ­ 7 4 3 9e m a i l : s u p p o r t @ d n a s t a r. c o m在苹果机(Macintosh)上的安装与升级通过因特网升级必备条件 6下载升级程序 6软件安装必备条件 7从CD安装Lasergene 7网络安装必备条件 8定义 8 Dongle安装 10服务器安装 10终端机安装 11疑难解答系统配置冲突及网络问题 12解决网络问题的其他工具 13授权错误报告 14程序使用及更多的授权信息 15通过英特网升级如果您以前已经安装了Lasergene 而且目前有升级和服务联系,您 就可以通过英特网来升级您现有的版本,各种模块(module)都是以 自解压形式存储的,你可以选择性的下载安装。



DNASTAR中文使用说明dnastar中文使用说明书目录dnastar的安装与升级.?.6editseq的使用方法.7打开已有序列找寻对外开放读框dna序列译者遗传密码挑选采用遗传密码修正序列的逆向优势互补及逆向切换blast检索序列信息查阅序列校读序列的留存与输入genequest的使用方法12打开已有分析文件genequest的dna 分析方法用分析方法操作方法参数改变结果展示优化feature注释blast检索entrezdatabase检索genequest的其他特点保存分析文件1mapdraw的使用方法18新酶切图制作过泸器类型应用频率过泸器应用手动过泸器使用过泸器一览表使用mustcuthere/don’tcuthere调色板工具酶信息显示环形展示orf图显示择选保存,退出megalign的采用方法.23建立队列文件序列设置pairwisealignment采用dotplotmethod多序列比较phylogenetictree查阅查阅队列报告decorations/consensimegalign文件留存primerselect的使用方法.?.???????.28创建primerselect文件定义引物特点查找引物对浏览其他的引物信息按特征对引物分类引物长度改变在引物中引入突变设计新引物使用寡核苷酸订购表格保存primerselect文件protean的采用方法..????34建立蛋白质分析文件protean’s蛋白质分析方法应用领域分析方法方法参数发生改变优化结果显示采用蛋白酶消化与sdspagefeature注解blast检索二级结构演示展现电解曲线2留存分析文件seqmanii的使用方法.????39输入序列片段pre-assemblyoptions 操作检查修整的数据序列装配查看范围和构建结果去除矛盾碱基和缺口手动修改序列末端文件保存与序列输出3editseq的使用方法editseq是能够迅速、正确地输入,并且修改dna或蛋白质序列工具。



DNAstar---综合性序列分析平台生物谷提供下载,感谢原整理作者GETTING STARTED Introductory Tour of the LASERGENE SystemMAY 2001DNASTAR, Inc.1228 South Park StreetMadison, Wisconsin 53715(608) 258-7420Copyright . 2001 by DNASTAR, Inc.All rights reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited,except as allowed under the copyright laws or with the permission of DNASTAR, Inc.Sixth Edition, May 2001Printed in Madison, Wisconsin, USATrademark InformationDNASTAR, Lasergene, Lasergene99, SeqEasy, SeqMan, SeqMan II, EditSeq, MegAlign, GeneMan, Protean,MapDraw, PrimerSelect, GeneQuest, GeneFont , and the Method Curtain are trademarks or registered trademarks of DNASTAR, Inc. Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computers, Inc. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. ABI Prism 373, 377 and 3700 are registered trademarks of Applera Corp., ALF is a registered trademark of Pharmacia Biotech A.B., MacVertor. and GCG. are registered trademarks of Pharmacopeia, Inc.Disclaimer & LiabilityDNASTAR, Inc. makes no warranties, expressed or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding the software. DNASTAR does not warrant, guaranty, or make any representation regarding the use or the results of the use of the software in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness, or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results andperformance of the software is assumed by you. The exclusion of implied warranties is not permitted by some states. The above exclusion may not apply to you.In no event will DNASTAR, Inc. and their directors, officers, employees, or agents (collectively DNASTAR) be liable to you for any consequential, incidental or indirect damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information and the like) arising out of the use of, or the inability to use the software even if DNASTAR Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damages.Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitations may not apply to you.DNASTAR, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes to it from time to time without obligation of DNASTAR, Inc. to notify any person or organization of such revision or changes. The screen and other illustrations in this publication are meant to be representative of those that appear on your monitor or printer.目录在苹果机(Macintosh)上的安装与升级05通过因特网升级06 软件安装 07 网络安装 08 疑难解答 12在PC机(Windows)上安装与升级17通过因特网升级18 软件安装 19 从EditSeq 开始 21 从GeneQuest开始 31 从MapDraw 开始 44 从MegAlign开始 54 从PrimerSelect开始 65 从Protean 开始 78 从SeqMan II开始 89L A S E R G E N Ef o rWi n d o w s & M a c i n t o s hDNASTA R I n c . ( 6 0 8 ) 2 5 8 - 7 4 2 0 f a x : ( 6 0 8 ) 2 5 8 - 7 4 3 9e m a i l : s u p p o r t @ d n a s t a r. c o m在苹果机(Macintosh)上的安装与升级通过因特网升级必备条件 6 下载升级程序 6软件安装必备条件 7 从CD安装Lasergene7网络安装必备条件 8 定义 8 Dongle安装 10 服务器安装 10 终端机安装 11疑难解答系统配臵冲突及网络问题 12 解决网络问题的其他工具 13 授权错误报告 14 程序使用及更多的授权信息 15通过英特网升级如果您以前已经安装了Lasergene 而且目前有升级和服务联系,您就可以通过英特网来升级您现有的版本,各种模块(module)都是以自解压形式存储的,你可以选择性的下载安装。



DNAStar 中文使用说明书编者:宋晨一、EditSeq (2)三、MapDraw (23)四、MegAlign (32)五、PrimerSelect (42)六、Protean (54)七、SeqMan II开始 (64)一、EditSeq打开已有序列我们从用苹果计算机打开“TETHIS21MA ”和用Windows 打开“tethis21.seq”开始。


我们在用EditSeq 打开序列的同时,用Set Ends 命令去除5’和3’污染序列。

从文件菜单(FILE MENU),选择Open。

打开文件夹“Demo Sequences”单击选定单击位于对话框右下角的序列“TETHIS21”。

Set Ends 按,点钮。

Set Ends 被打开(如右)。


单击Open 打开序列。

当EditSeq 窗口打开时,序列长度显示在右上角。

通过“setting ends,”现在你只有最初序列中的801 bp 的片段。

Set Ends 选择在全部Lasergene 应用程序中都可以使用。


从SEARCH MENU 找到ORF,点击打开会出现右边的对话框。

单击Find Next 寻找第一个ORF 的位置。

继续点击Find Next 直到你把ORF 的位置选定在位置183-455。

ORF的坐标会出现在EditSeq 窗口的顶端附近。

DNA 序列翻译这一节中我们介绍如何翻译我们的ORF,不过任何序列中的读框内部分翻译。



选定ORF,从GOODIES MENU ranslate)。



DNAStar详细中文使用说明书Sequence Analysis Softwarefor Macintosh and Windows GETTING STARTED Introductory Tour of the LASERGENE SystemMAY 2001DNASTAR, Inc.1228 South Park StreetMadison, Wisconsin 53715(608) 258-7420Copyright . 2001 by DNASTAR, Inc.All rights reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited,except as allowed under the copyright laws or with the permission of DNASTAR, Inc.Sixth Edition, May 2001Printed in Madison, Wisconsin, USATrademark InformationDNASTAR, Lasergene, Lasergene99, SeqEasy, SeqMan, SeqMan II, EditSeq, MegAlign, GeneMan, Protean,MapDraw, PrimerSelect, GeneQuest, GeneFont , and the Method Curtain are trademarks or registered trademarks of DNASTAR, Inc. Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computers, Inc. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. ABI Prism 373, 377 and 3700 are registered trademarks of Applera Corp., ALF is a registered trademark of Pharmacia Biotech A.B., MacVertor. and GCG. are registered trademarks of Pharmacopeia, Inc.Disclaimer & LiabilityDNASTAR, Inc. makes no warranties, expressed or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding the software. DNASTAR does not warrant, guaranty, or make any representation regarding the use or the results of the use of the software in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness, or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results andperformance of the software is assumed by you. The exclusion of implied warranties is not permitted by some states. The above exclusion may not apply to you.In no event will DNASTAR, Inc. and their directors, officers, employees, or agents (collectively DNASTAR) be liable to you for any consequential, incidental or indirect damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information and the like) arising out of the use of, or the inability to use the software even if DNASTAR Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damages.Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitations may not apply to you.DNASTAR, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes to it from time to time without obligation of DNASTAR, Inc. to notify any person or organization of such revision or changes. The screen and other illustrations in this publication are meant to be representative of those that appear on your monitor or printer.目录在苹果机〔Macintosh〕上的安装与升级05通过因特网升级 06 软件安装 07 网络安装 08 疑难解答 12在PC机〔Windows〕上安装与升级17通过因特网升级 18 软件安装 19从 EditSeq 开始 21 从 GeneQuest 开始 31 从 MapDraw 开始 44 从 MegAlign 开始 54 从 PrimerSelect开始 65 从 Protean 开始 78 从 SeqMan II 开始 89L A S E R G E N Ef o rWi n d o w s & M a c i n t o s hDNASTA R I n c . ( 6 0 8 ) 2 5 8 - 7 4 2 0 f a x : ( 6 0 8 ) 2 5 8 - 7 4 3 9e m a i l : s u p p o r t @ d n a s t a r. c o m在苹果机〔Macintosh〕上的安装与升级通过因特网升级必备条件 6 下载升级程序6软件安装必备条件7 从CD安装Lasergene7网络安装必备条件8 定义8 Dongle安装10 效劳器安装10 终端机安装11疑难解答系统配置冲突及网络问题12 解决网络问题的其他工具13 授权错误报告14 程序使用及更多的授权信息15通过英特网升级如果您以前已经安装了Lasergene 而且目前有升级和效劳联系,您就可以通过英特网来升级您现有的版本,各种模块〔module〕都是以自解压形式存储的,你可以选择性的下载安装。



DNAstar中文使用说明书目录DNAStar的安装与升级 (6)EditSeq的使用方法 (7)打开已有序列寻找开放读框DNA序列翻译遗传密码选择使用遗传密码修改序列的反向互补及反向转换BLAST检索序列信息查看序列校读序列的保存与输出GeneQuest的使用方法 (12)打开已有分析文件GeneQuest的DNA分析方法用分析方法操作方法参数改变结果展示优化Feature注释BLAST检索Entrez Database检索GeneQuest的其他特点保存分析文件MapDraw的使用方法 (18)新酶切图制作过泸器类型应用频率过泸器应用手动过泸器使用过泸器一览表使用Must Cut Here/Don’t Cut Here调色板工具酶信息显示环形展示ORF图显示择选保存,退出MegAlign的使用方法 (23)创建队列文件序列设置Pairwise Alignment使用 Dot Plot Method多序列比较Phylogenetic Tree查看查看队列报告Decorations/Consensi MegAlign文件保存PrimerSelect的使用方法 (28)创建PrimerSelect文件定义引物特点查找引物对浏览其他的引物信息按特征对引物分类引物长度改变在引物中引入突变设计新引物使用寡核苷酸订购表格保存PrimerSelect文件Protean的使用方法 (34)创建蛋白质分析文件Protean’s蛋白质分析方法应用分析方法方法参数改变优化结果显示使用蛋白酶消化与SDS PAGE Feature注释BLAST检索二级结构模拟展示滴定曲线保存分析文件SeqManII的使用方法 (39)输入序列片段Pre-Assembly Options操作检查修整的数据序列装配查看范围和构建结果去除矛盾碱基和缺口手动修改序列末端文件保存与序列输出DNAStar的安装与升级如果您以前已经安装了Lasergene 而且目前有升级和服务联系,您就可以通过英特网来升级您现有的版本,各种模块(module)都是以自解压形式存储的,你可以选择性的下载安装。



DNAstar中文使用说明书目录DNAStar的安装与升级 (6)EditSeq的使用方法 (7)打开已有序列寻找开放读框DNA序列翻译遗传密码选择使用遗传密码修改序列的反向互补及反向转换BLAST检索序列信息查看序列校读序列的保存与输出GeneQuest的使用方法 (12)打开已有分析文件GeneQuest的DNA分析方法用分析方法操作方法参数改变结果展示优化Feature注释BLAST检索Entrez Database检索GeneQuest的其他特点保存分析文件MapDraw的使用方法 (18)新酶切图制作过泸器类型应用频率过泸器应用手动过泸器使用过泸器一览表使用Must Cut Here/Don’t Cut Here调色板工具酶信息显示环形展示ORF图显示择选保存,退出MegAlign的使用方法 (23)创建队列文件序列设置Pairwise Alignment使用 Dot Plot Method多序列比较Phylogenetic Tree查看查看队列报告Decorations/Consensi MegAlign文件保存PrimerSelect的使用方法 (28)创建PrimerSelect文件定义引物特点查找引物对浏览其他的引物信息按特征对引物分类引物长度改变在引物中引入突变设计新引物使用寡核苷酸订购表格保存PrimerSelect文件Protean的使用方法 (34)创建蛋白质分析文件Protean’s蛋白质分析方法应用分析方法方法参数改变优化结果显示使用蛋白酶消化与SDS PAGE Feature注释BLAST检索二级结构模拟展示滴定曲线保存分析文件SeqManII的使用方法 (39)输入序列片段Pre-Assembly Options操作检查修整的数据序列装配查看范围和构建结果去除矛盾碱基和缺口手动修改序列末端文件保存与序列输出DNAStar的安装与升级如果您以前已经安装了Lasergene 而且目前有升级和服务联系,您就可以通过英特网来升级您现有的版本,各种模块(module)都是以自解压形式存储的,你可以选择性的下载安装。

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Sequence Analysis Softwarefor Macintosh and Windows GETTING STARTED Introductory Tour of the LASERGENE SystemMAY 2001DNASTAR, Inc.1228 South Park StreetMadison, Wisconsin 53715(608) 258-7420Copyright . 2001 by DNASTAR, Inc.All rights reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited,except as allowed under the copyright laws or with the permission of DNASTAR, Inc.Sixth Edition, May 2001Printed in Madison, Wisconsin, USATrademark InformationDNASTAR, Lasergene, Lasergene99, SeqEasy, SeqMan, SeqMan II, EditSeq, MegAlign, GeneMan, Protean,MapDraw, PrimerSelect, GeneQuest, GeneFont , and the Method Curtain are trademarks or registered trademarks of DNASTAR, Inc. Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computers, Inc. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. ABI Prism 373, 377 and 3700 are registered trademarks of Applera Corp., ALF is a registered trademark of Pharmacia Biotech A.B., MacVertor. and GCG. are registered trademarks of Pharmacopeia, Inc.Disclaimer & LiabilityDNASTAR, Inc. makes no warranties, expressed or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding the software. DNASTAR does not warrant, guaranty, or make any representation regarding the use or the results of the use of the software in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness, or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results andperformance of the software is assumed by you. The exclusion of implied warranties is not permitted by some states. The above exclusion may not apply to you.In no event will DNASTAR, Inc. and their directors, officers, employees, or agents (collectively DNASTAR) be liable to you for any consequential, incidental or indirect damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information and the like) arising out of the use of, or the inability to use the software even if DNASTAR Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damages.Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitations may not apply to you.DNASTAR, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes to it from time to time without obligation of DNASTAR, Inc. to notify any person or organization of such revision or changes. The screen and other illustrations in this publication are meant to be representative of those that appear on your monitor or printer.目录在苹果机(Macintosh)上的安装与升级05通过因特网升级06 软件安装 07 网络安装 08 疑难解答 12在PC机(Windows)上安装与升级17通过因特网升级18 软件安装 19 从EditSeq 开始 21 从GeneQuest开始 31 从MapDraw 开始 44 从MegAlign开始 54 从PrimerSelect开始 65 从Protean 开始 78 从SeqMan II开始 89L A S E R G E N Ef o rWi n d o w s & M a c i n t o s hDNASTA R I n c . ( 6 0 8 ) 2 5 8 - 7 4 2 0 f a x : ( 6 0 8 ) 2 5 8 - 7 4 3 9email:*******************在苹果机(Macintosh)上的安装与升级通过因特网升级必备条件 6 下载升级程序6软件安装必备条件7 从CD安装Lasergene7网络安装必备条件8 定义8 Dongle安装10 服务器安装10 终端机安装11疑难解答系统配置冲突及网络问题12 解决网络问题的其他工具13 授权错误报告14 程序使用及更多的授权信息15通过英特网升级如果您以前已经安装了Lasergene 而且目前有升级和服务联系,您就可以通过英特网来升级您现有的版本,各种模块(module)都是以自解压形式存储的,你可以选择性的下载安装。



连接到DNAstar网站的主页(),从菜单中的Customers中点击Lasergene Updates点,安提示输入密码和用户名(与会员名相同),这样就会打开下载页面,找到Macintosh 软件(Macintosh Software),就可以下载您想要的模块了。


用Macintosh Finder打开Lasergene浏览器,找到DNAstar文件夹,从FILE MENU选择Update Applications,然后插入安装盘,等待升级完毕。






简易安装可以运行于68K-family and PowerMacintoshes。






必备条件安装磁盘(服务器版)客户端磁盘,包括安装盘(终端版)和Disk 1(终端版)。



定义在安装Lasergene网络系统之前要熟悉以下术语:◆应用程序:指EditSeq, GeneMan, GeneQuest, MapDraw,MegAlign, PrimerSelect, Protean, and SeqMan II。



◆终端机:这可以是任何不作为Dongle Server的网络上的机器。
