
剑6Test2大作文Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions.Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.话题和题型分类工作类;双边讨论题型题目分析运动员收入高是否公平思路提示A.公平运动员年轻的时候体力消耗大,年老后患有职业病没有一技之长,退役后很难找工作为国家做贡献,给青少年起着榜样作用B.不公平工资的高低应有所承担的社会责任来决定科学家和国家领导人的贡献比运动员更大Sample AnswerAs a result of constant media attention,sports professionals have become stars and celebrities,and those at the top are paid huge salaries.Some people think this is fully justified for successful sports professionals to earn much more money than people in other important professions while other hold an opposite views.I am in favor of the view that it is fair for sports professionals to earn a great deal of money.内容详细条目段落此段结构1描述事实2表达观点此段功能首段开篇摆明观点:成功的运动员获得巨额的收入是合乎情理的。

剑6Test3大作文Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behaviour.Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.话题和题型分类文化类;双边讨论题型题目分析游客是否需要遵循旅游当地文化习俗思路提示A.需要尊重当地习俗是对当地旅游资源的保护可以避免文化冲突旅游最大价值之所在B.不需要文化交融有利于维持文化多样性可以发展商机,促进经济发展Sample AnswerNowadays,large airplanes carry millions of people each day to and from almost all corners of the globe,giving most people the chance to visit distant countries.However,many people are troubled by unfamiliar customs and traditions and are puzzled by the way the locals behave. Personally speaking,I think that visitors should keep their own customs and the host country should welcome cultural differences.内容详细条目段落此段结构1描述现实2表达观点此段功能首段开篇摆明观点:游客应该保留自己的习俗,接待的国家应该欢迎不同的文化。
FOR AND AGAINST6-10 雅思写作必备

FOR AND AGAINST6-106. New fashions in clothing are created solely for the commercial exploitation of womenwhenever you see an old film, even one made as little as ten years ago, you cannot help being struck by the appearance of the women taking part. Their hair-styles and make-up look dated; their skirts look either too long or too short; their general appearance is, in fact, slightly ludicrous. The men taking part in the film. On the other hand, are clearly recognizable. There is nothing about their appearance to suggest that they belong to an entirely different age.This illusion is created by changing fashions. Over the years, the great majority of men have successfully resisted all attempts to make them change their style of dress. The same cannot be said for women. Each year a few so-called’ top designers’ in Paris or London lay down the law and women the whole world over rush to obey. The decrees of the designers are unpredictable and dictatorial. This year, they decide in their arbitrary fashion, skirts will be short and waists will be high; zips are in and buttons are out. Next year the law is reversed and far from taking exception, no one is even mildly surprised.If women are mercilessly exploited year after year, they have only themselves to blame. Because they shudder at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion, they are annually blackmailed by the designers and the big stores. Clothes which have been worn only a few times have to be discarded because of the dictates of fashion. When you come to think of it, only a woman is capable of standing in front of a wardrobe packed full of clothes and announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear.Changing fashions are nothing more than the deliberate creation of waste. Many women squander vast sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn. Women who cannot afford to discard clothing is this way, waste hours of their time altering the dresses they have. Hem-lines are taken up or let down; waist-lines are taken in or let out; neck-lines are lowered or raised, and so on.No one can claim that the fashion industry contributes anything really important to society. Fashion designers are rarely concerned with vital things like warmth, comfort and durability. They are only interested in outward appearance and they take advantage of the fact that women will put up with any amount of discomfort, providing they look right. There can hardly be a man who hasn’t at some time in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shivering in a flimsy dress on a wintry day., or delicately picking her way through deep snow in dainty shoes.When comparing men and women in the matter of fashion, the conclusions to be drawn are obvious. Do the constantly changing fashions of women’s clothes, one wonders, reflect basic qualities of fickleness and instability? Men are too sensible to let themselves be bullied by fashion designers. Do their unchanging styles of dress reflect basic qualities of stability and reliability? That is for you to decide.7. We should all grow fat and be happyHere’s a familiar version of the boy-meets-girl situation. A young man has at last plucked up courage to invite a dazzling young lady out to dinner. She has accepted his invitation and he is overjoyed. He is determined to take her to the best restaurant in town, even if it means that he will have to live on memories and hopes during the month to come. When they get to the restaurant, he discovers that this ethereal creature is on a diet. She mustn’t eat this and she mustn’t drink that. On, but of course, she doesn’t want to spoil his enjoyment. Let him by all means e at as much fattening food as he wants: it’s the surest way to an early grave. They spend a truly memorable evening together and never see each other again.What a miserable lot dieters are! You can always recognize them from the sour expression on their faces. They spend most of their time turning their noses up at food. They are forever consulting calorie charts; gazing at themselves in mirrors; and leaping on to weighting-machines in the bathroom. They spend a lifetime fighting a losing battle against spreading hips, protruding tummies and double chins. Some wage all-out war on FAT. Mere dieting is not enough. They exhaust themselves doing exercises, sweating in sauna baths, being pummeled and massaged by weird machines. The really wealthy diet-mongers p ay vast sums for ’health cures’. For two weeks they can enter a ‘nature clinic’ and be starved to death for a hundred guineas a week. Don’t think it’ s only the middle-aged who go in for these fads either. Many of these bright young things you see are suffering from chronic malnutrition: they living on nothing by air, water and the goodwill of God.Dieters undertake to starve themselves of their own free will so why are they so miserable? Well, for one thing, they’re always hungry. You can’t be hungry and happy at the same time. All the horrible concoctions they eat instead of food leave them permanently dissatisfied. ‘ wonderfood is a complete food,’ the advertisement says. ‘ Just dissolve a teaspoonful in water…’ a complete food it may be, but not quite as complete as a juicy steak. And, of course, they’re always miserable because they feel so guilty. Hunger just proves too much for them and in the end they lash out and devour five huge guilt-inducing cream cakes at a sitting. And who can blame them? At least three times a day they are exposed to temptation. What utter torture it is always watching others tucking into piles of mouth-watering food while you munch a water biscuit and sip unsweetened lemon juice!What’s all this self-inflicted torture for? Saintly people deprive them selves of food to attain a state of grace. Unsaintly people do so to attain a state of misery. It sill be a great day when all the dieters in the world abandon their slimming courses; when they hold out their plates and demand second helpings!8.The younger generation knows bestOld people are always saying that the young are not what they were. The same comment is made from generation to generation and it is always true. It has never been truer than it is today. The young are better educated. They have a lot more money to spend and enjoy more freedom. They grow up more quickly and are not so dependent on their parents. They think more for themselves and do not blindly accept the ideals of their elders. Events which the older generation remembers vividly are nothing more than past history. This is as it should be. Every new generation is different from the one that preceded it. Today the difference is very marked indeed.The old always assume that they know best for the simple reason that they have been around a bit longer. They don’t like to feel that their values are being questioned or threatened. And this isprecisely what the young are doing. They are questioning the assumptions of their elders and disturbing their complacency. They take leave to doubt that the older generation has created the best of all possible worlds. What they reject more than anything is conformity. Office hours, for instance, are nothing more than enforced slavery. Wouldn’t people work best if they were given complete freedom and responsibility? And what about clothing? Who said that all the men in the world should wear drab gray suits and convict haircuts? If we turn our minds to more serious matters, who said that human differences can best be solved through conventional politics or by violent means? Why have the older generation so often used violence to solve their problems? Why are they so unhappy and guilt-ridden in their personal lives, so obsessed with mean ambitions and the desire to amass more and more material possessions? Can anything be right with the rat race? Haven’t the old lost touch with all that is important in life?These are not questions the older generation can shrug off lightly. Their record over the past forty years or so ha sn’t been exactly spotless. Traditionally, the young have turned to their elders for guidance. Today, the situation might be reversed. The old—if they are prepared to admit it—could learn a thing or two from their children. One of the biggest lessons they could learn is that enjoyment is not ‘sinful’. Enjoyment is a principle one could apply to all aspects of life. It is surely not wrong to enjoy your work and enjoy your leisure; to shed restricting inhibitions. It is surely not wrong to live in the present rather than in the past or future. This emphasis on the present is only to be expected because the young have grown up under the shadow of the bomb: the constant threat of complete annihilation. This is their glorious heritage. Can we be surprised that they should so often question the sanity of the generation that bequeathed it?9.only stricter traffic laws can prevent accidentsFrom the health point of view we are living in a marvellous age. We are immunized from birth against many of the most dangerous diseases. A large number of once fatal illnesses can now be cured by modern drugs and surgery. It is almost certain that one day remedies will be found for the most stubborn remaining diseases. The expectation of life has increased enormously. But though the possibility of living a long and happy life is greater than ever before, every day we witness the incredible slaughter of men, women and children on the roads. Man versus the motor-car! It is a never-ending battle which man is losing. Thousands of people the world over are killed or horribly mutilated each year and we are quietly sitting back and letting it happen.It has been rightly said that when a man is sitting behind a steering wheel, his car becomes the extension of his personality. There is no doubt that the motor-car often brings out a man’s very worst qualities. People who are normally quiet and pleasant may become unrecognizable when they are behind a steering-wheel. They swear, they are ill-mannered and aggressive, willful as two-year-olds and utterly selfish. All their hidden frustrations, disappointments and jealousies seem to be brought to the surface by the act of driving.The surprising thing is that society smiles so benignly on the motorist and seems to condone his behavior. Everything is done for his convenience. Cities are allowed to become almost uninhabitable because of heavy traffic; towns are made ugly by huge car parks; the countryside is desecrated by road networks; and the mass annual slaughter becomes nothing more than a statistic, to be conveniently forgotten.It is high time a world code were created to reduce this senseless waste of human life. With regard to driving, the laws of some countries are notoriously lax and even the strictest are not strict enough. A code which are universally accepted could only have a dramatically beneficial effect on the accident rate. Here are a few examples of some of the things that might be done. The driving test should be standardized and made far more difficult than it is; all drivers should be made to take a test every three years or so; the age at which young people are allowed to drive any vehicle should be raised to at least 21; all vehicles should be put through stringent annual tests for safety. Even the smallest amount of alcohol in the blood can impair a person’s driving ability. Present drinking and driving laws ( where they exist) should be made much stricter. Maximum and minimum speed limits should be imposed on all roads. Governments should lay down safety specifications for manufacturers, as has been done in the USA. All advertising stressing power and performance should be banned. These measures may sound inordinately harsh, but surely nothing should be considered as too severe if it results in reducing the annual toll of human life. After all, the world is for human beings, not motor-cars.10.Parents are too permissive with their children nowadaysFew people would defend the Victorian attitude to children, but if you were a parent in those days, at least you knew where you stood: children were to be seen and not heard. Freud and company did away with all that and parents have been bewildered ever since. The child’s happiness is all-important, the psychologists say, but what about the parents’ happiness? Parents suffer constantly from fear and guilt while their children gaily romp about pulling the place apart. A good old-fashioned spanking is out of the question; no modern child-rearing manual would permit such barbarity. The trouble is you are not allowed even to shout. Who knows what deep psychological wounds you might inflict? The poor child may never recover from the dreadful traumatic experience. So it is that parents bend over backwards to avoid giving thei r children complexes which a hundred years ago hadn’t even been heard of. Certainly a child needs love, and a lot of it. But the excessive permissiveness of modern parents is surely doing more harm than good.Psychologists have succeeded in undermining pa rents’ confidence in their own authority. And it hasn’t taken children long to get wind of the fact. In addition to the great modern classics on child care, there are countless articles in magazines and newspapers. With so much unsolicited advice flying about, mum and dad just don’t know what to do any more. In the end, they do nothing at all. So, from early childhood, the kids are in charge and parents’ lives are regulated according to the needs of their offspring. When the little dears develop into teenager, they take complete control. Lax authority over the years makes adolescent rebellion against parents all the more violent. If the young people are going to have a party, for instance, parents are asked to leave the house. Their presence merely spoils the fun. What else can the poor parents do but obey?Children are hardy creatures(far hardier than the psychologists would have us believe) and most of them survive the harmful influence of extreme permissiveness which is the normal condition in the modern household. But a great many do not. The spread of juvenile delinquency in our own age is largely due to parental laxity. Mother, believing that little Johnny can look after himself, is not at home when he returns from school, so little Johnny roams the streets. The dividing-line between permissiveness and sheer negligence is very fine indeed.The psychologists have much to answer for. They should keep their mouths shut and let parents get on with the job. And if children are knocked about a little bit in the process, it may not really matter too much. At least this will help them to develop vigorous views of their own and give them something positive to react against. Perhaps there’s some truth in the idea that children who’ve had a surfeit of happiness in their childhood emerge like stodgy puddings and fail to make a success of life.。

英语六级作文题目模拟English Answer:In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the adventof artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming various aspects of human existence. AI is revolutionizing industries, empowering professionals, and redefining theway we interact with technology. Yet, as AI permeates our lives, concerns arise regarding its potential impact on employment, privacy, and societal values.One significant concern is the potential job displacement caused by AI. As AI systems becomeincreasingly sophisticated, they are capable of performing tasks previously exclusive to humans, such as data analysis, customer service, and even creative endeavors. This raises fears of widespread unemployment, particularly in sectors easily automatable. To address this challenge, it iscrucial to invest in education and training programs that equip individuals with the skills necessary to thrive inthe evolving job market.Another concern relates to privacy and data security. AI systems rely on vast amounts of data to train their models. This raises questions about how such data is collected, used, and stored. Instances of data breaches and misuse can erode public trust in AI and its applications.It is imperative to establish clear regulations and ethical guidelines to safeguard data privacy and ensure responsible use of AI.Moreover, the widespread adoption of AI has the potential to exacerbate existing societal inequalities. If AI systems are biased or used unfairly, they can perpetuate or even amplify societal divisions. For example, AI-powered algorithms used in hiring or lending practices may inadvertently discriminate against certain groups. It is essential to develop mechanisms to ensure AI systems are fair, transparent, and inclusive for all.Despite these concerns, it is crucial to recognize the immense potential of AI for progress and innovation. AI candrive economic growth, create new opportunities, and solve complex problems that have eluded human ingenuity. In healthcare, AI systems are assisting in disease diagnosis and developing personalized treatment plans. In environmental science, AI is used to monitor pollution levels and predict climate patterns. By harnessing the power of AI, we can make significant strides in various fields, improving human well-being and addressing global challenges.To harness the benefits of AI while mitigating its potential risks, a multifaceted approach is required. Governments, businesses, and individuals must collaborate to create a framework that ensures ethical, responsible, and human-centric development and deployment of AI. This involves establishing clear regulations, investing in education and training, promoting transparency, and actively addressing concerns related to job displacement, privacy, and societal inequalities.中文回答:人工智能(AI)的兴起正在改变着人类存在的各个方面。
剑桥雅思6第一套写作Task 2真题+范文+译文+分析

剑桥雅思6第一套写作Task 2真题+范文+译文+分析:WRITING TASK 2You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold.To what extent do you agree or disagree?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.题目要求Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold.To what extent do you agree or disagree?题解当今流行性消费品的高销售额反映的是广告的力量而不是社会的真正需求。
你在何等程度上同意或不同意?考生文章Nowadays, there are lots of advertisements on television or on the streets. Some people think that the advertising boosts the sales of goods and it encourages people to buy things unnecessarily. This arguments may be true. In my country, many advertising companies produce advertisements with famous and popular actors or singers. People, especially youngsters, buy goods that their favourite singer advertise, although they do not really need the products.Also, on the television screen, a product may look gorgeous and good quality. As a result of it, people often buy goods without enough consideration. Consumers may not actually need it but they buy goods impulsively soon after they watch the advertising. Furthermore, as many customers buy a particular product due to its advertising campaign, the other people may be affected by the trend, even if the product is not of the real needs of the society.On the other hand, there are various aspects against these arguments. Moreover, it is people's choice to make a decision to buy goods. Advertising may be not a cause of customers' buying habits. Individuals have their own spending habits. If they have got enough disposable income, then the right to make a decision is given to them. No one actually can judge whether the goods sold are the real needs of the society or not.In addition, as there should be a limited amount of disposable income consumers are able to spend, people try to allocate their budgets. They cannot be simply swayed by those advertisements.In conclusion, as customers have their own strong opinions andstandard of good quality goods, it is better to leave them to make their own decision in buy goods. It is fairly difficult to say everyone is swayed by advertising and buy good impulsively. However, in sensitive area of businesses such as toy industries, it may be necessary to band advertising to those children as children have not got enough ability to control themselves or to know what they need.参考译文现在电视上和街道边的广告越来越多了。

雅思考试全题模拟试题(1)ListeningTIME ALLOWED : 30 minutesNUMBER OF QUESTION: 40InstructionYou will hear a number of different recordings and you will have to answer questions on what you hear.There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions, and you will have a chance to check you work.All the recordings will be played ONCE only.The test is in four sections. Write your answers in the listening question booklet. At the end of the test you will be given ten minutes to transfer your answers to an answer sheet.Now turn to Section 1 on page 2.SECTION 1 Question1-9Question 1-6Listen to conversation between friend and the housing officer and complete the list below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUMBERS for each answer.HOUSING LISTHOUSING LISTAddress Number of rooms Price per week Additional informationMr. J Devenport 82Salisbury Road Brighton BN 16 3 AN Tel 01273 884673 2 bedrooms sitting room kit. bath Example £120 UnfurnishedMrs E.S. Jarvis2Wicken Street Brighton BN 15 4JH Tel 01273 771621 (1) sitting room kit.bath (2)First floorMrs. E.C. Sparshott 180Silwood Road Brighton BN 14 9RY Tel (3)2 large rm/s shared kit and bath £35 Nice area (4)Mr A Nasiry 164 Preston Road Brighton BN5 7RT Tel 01273 703865 large bedroom sitting room with kitchenette.bath. (5)Ground floor Central(6) 2 harrow Road Brighton BN9 9HK Tel 01273 745621 2 large rooms kit bath £86 No petsQuestions 7-9Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer7.When is the accommodation available?8.Where is the telephone?9.How is the flat heated?SECTION 2 Questions 10-20Questions 10-14Circle the correct letters A-D10.How many conventions have already been held ?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 511.Where is the convention being held?A. BrisbaneB. MelbourneC. CanberraD. Sydney12.How long is the convention forA 2 days B.5 days C.6 days D. 7 days13.How many Australian speakers will be attending the convention?A.20B.25C.30D.3514.Which countries are the guest speakers from?A. Britain and CanadaB. Canada and the USC. Britain and the USD. Britain, Canada and the USQuestion 15-17Listen to the directions and match the places in questions 15-17 to the appropriate letters A-G on the map.Example Peroni's Answer ( A )15. Jumbo Sandwich Shop ( )16. Slim's Vegetarian ( )17. The Geneva Bistro ( )Questions 18-20Look at this page from the program. Tick ( √ ) if the information is correct or write in the changes.CONVENTION PROGRAMExampleAfternoon sessions Answerstart at 2.00pm 2.30finish at 4.00pm ______________TALKS“Marketing‖ by Jane Howard (18)Blue Room (19)“Distribution of Goods‖ by Sara Moore‖ Barbara MooreRed Room (20)“Advertising‖ by Peter NewsteadOrange Room cancelledSECTION 3 Questions 21——32Questions 21_24Complete the table showing the prices and types of coffee sold Common Room.I = InstantR = RealE = EspressoEuropean Development studies Arts "C"Building American StudiesType of coffee Example I (21)E (24)Price of coffee Example 20P (22)(23)25PQuestions 25-32Complete the table showing the number of points 1,2or3 awarded to the food offered by eachCommon Room.Arts "c" Building European Refectory American StudiesMatthew (28)Alice (25)Example 1 (29)(31)Jenny (26)(27)(30)(32)SECTION 4 Questions 33-40Questions 33-35Look at Question 33-35 below and the grid . Tick ( √ )the relevant boxes in each column.COUNTRY 33. Which countries are affected by Britain's pollution? 34.Which country relies heavily on nuclear power? 35. Which countries use lime filtering to reduce the amount of chemical pollutant released into the atmosphere?AustraliaBelgiumDenmarkFranceGermanyHollandJapanSwedenUSAQuestions 36-40Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.36. When did fish stock there begin to decline?37. What did scientists inject into the land ?38. Has the situation improved?39. How effective is the use of limestone slurry?40. what is one of the major disadvantages of using limestone slurry?reading1TIME ALLOWED :1 HourNUMBER OF QUESTIONS :38InstructionsALL ANSWERS MUST BE WRITTEN ON THE ANSWER SHEETThe test is divided as follow :Reading passage 1 questions 1-11Reading passage 2 questions12-25Reading passage 3 questions26-38Start at the beginning of the test and work through it .you should answer all the questions. if you cannot do a particular question leave it and go on to the next .you can return to it later.Section 1 question 1-14Question 1-4There are six job advertisements A-F on the opposite pageAnswer the questions below by writing the letters of the appropriate advertisements in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet .Example answerWhich job is in a travel agent's ? D1. which job is in a hotel?2. Which job for someone to look after a child?3. Which WTO advertisements are for waiters?4. Which WTO jobs would particularly like a German speaker?A.RestaurantSupervisorWaiting staffTelephonist__________the ideal candidates must have relevant experience gained in a high quality hotel .please call personnel on 071-722-77333, or send your CV to :Regents Park Hilton , Lodge Road , LondonNW8 7JTLONDONREGENTS PARKHILTONB..USE YOURLANGUAGES AND EARN450-1200 P.W.we are one of the largest business publishers in Europe and have limited vacancies for intelligent young people in our London advertisement sales office. Enquiries from German Spanish and eastern European speakers especially welcome. Phone Andrew Warburton on 071 753 4300C.SECRETARYBusy charteredAccountants require experienced /efficient secretary ,accounts ,typing experience and an excellent telephone manner essential shorthand useful.Please send CV to :box no .9246 c/o evening standard classified , 2 derry street ,kensington W8 5EE.D.TRAVELCOMPANYVacancy for self-confident person to look after bookings for our Caribbean hotels .salary based on applicant's experience &suitability .please send CV to Ian Taplin , MRI LTD, 9 Galena Road , London , WG OLXE.NANNY WANTEDFor 9 month old handful .Artistle /Prof household Ntting Hill , 3 days per week .somehours flexibility req'd .knowledge German/Hungarian advantage not essential 071 221 7375F.JOIN THE STARS!FOOD SERVERSThe biggest and busiest restaurant in London is seeking additional stars for its team of dedicated professionals .if you have experience in high volume restaurants and are looking for a challenge ,then come on down for an audition.Interview day is on Friday , 6th MAY from 12 noon to 7 pm .planet Hollywood is located at 13 Coventry Street , London. W1.Questions 5-10Read the page from a UK telephone directory on the opposite page.Answer the questions below by writing the appropriate telephone numbers in boxes 5-10 on your answer sheet.What should you dial ifExampleYou want to speak to the international operator? answer1235 .there is something wrong with your telephone?6. there has been an accident and you want to call an ambulance?7. you want to find out a number in a foreign country ?8.you want to know how much telephone calls cost?9.you want to purchase an answer-phone machine?10. you want to use a credit card to pay for a telephone call?Operator services 101The operator is there to help you if you have difficulty making a call or if you want to use any of our special call service .these include: ALARM CALLS ADVICE OF DURATION CHARGE CREDIT CARD CALLS FLXED TIME CALLS FREEFONE CALLS PERSONAL CALLS TRANSFERRED CHARGE CALLS SUBSCRIBER CONTROLLED TRANSFER .for details of charges see our free leaflet , Dial 101 and ask for financial services.International operator 123See section 3 (international )for details.Directory Enquiries 142Tell the operator the town you require .have paper and pencil ready. International directory enquiries 130Emergency 010Tell the operator what service you want .Faults 166Any fault should be reported to the local fault repair service.Sales 170Telemessage 190If you have something special to say and prefer to say it in writing . International telemessage 191International telegrams 192You can send a telegram to most other countries.Maritime service 200SHIP'S TELEGRAM SERVIE SHIP'S TELEPHONE SERVICE INMARSAT SATELLITE SERVICE (DIAL 177) .you can call or send a message to someone aboard ship by using our maritime services .for known .for INMARSAT (maritime satellite) service dial 178 .give the ship's name ,its identification number and ocean region , if known, satellite service and provide the number .Any other call enquiries 111Question 11-14Read the following noticeUsing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage answer the questions below. Write your answer in boxes 11-14 on your answer sheet.FIRE NOTICEIn the event of life , the ALARM will ring .on hearing the fire alarm ,all those in the West Wing should evacuate the building by staircase J.Rooms 1 to 199 are in the west wing .all others should use staircase A. The assembly area for occupants of west wing is the staff car park at the rear of the building .all others assemble in the front courtyard.Evacuate the building even if the alarm stops.If you discover a fire ,shout fire and operate the nearest fire alarm .attack the fire with an extinguisher but do not take any risks .inform reception by dialling 3333.ExampleWhere is room 1 answerthe west wing11.you are in room 101 .which staircase should you use to evacuate the building ?12. you are in room 201.where should you wait outside after evacuating the building ?13 what should you do if the alarm stops?14.who should you contact if you discover a fire?SECTION 2 Questions 15-27Questions 15-20Read ―Information for New Students‖ below and answer the questions that follow. Write your answers in boxes 15-20 on your answer sheet.HILTON ENGLISH LANGUAGE CENTREINFORMATION FOR NEW STUDENTSCLASS TIMES9.00 am – 10.30 am 11.00 am – 12.30 pm 1.30 pm – 3.00 pmThe Language Centre is open Monday to Friday. Each class has one afternoon free per week. On the first day go to the lecture hall to check your timetable.SELF-ACCESSThe language laboratory (Room 1110) is open Monday to Friday from 3.15 pm to 5.oo pm for all full-time students. You can learn how to use the computers for language games or word-processing.There are cassettes for students to borrow to practise their English. Go in and ask the teacher to show you.If you plan to take public examinations, there are dictation and listening comprehension cassettes for you to practise with. There are cloze exercises on the computers. Ask your class teacher for a list of past exam essays. Students can borrow cassettes to take home but they must be returned after two days. ATTENDANCEAll students on student visas are expected to attend classes regularly. Students who do not attend classes will be reported to oss. Eighty per cent attendance is required for students to receive their certificate on completion of their course. It is also required by oss for an extension to your visa.BOOKSIf students are given course books, the books are their responsibility.If a book is lost, the student will be expected to pay for it. If students wish to buy books, there is a bookshop in the college specialising in English books (Room 3520).15.when do classes begin and end on a full day?16.How many afternoons does a class meet each week?17.Where are the timetables displayed?18.Who can use the language laboratory after classes?19.Who is available in the self-access centre to help the students?20.How much of a course must you attend according to visa restrictions?Questions 21-27Read the passage below about a college in the city of Bath, written in 1985, and answer the questions that follow.The CollegeThe college has the advantage of location in one of the most attractive cities in the country. Within the city of Bath it occupies modern buildings in a landscaped garden on Sion hill, Lansdown and an adjacent Georgian Crescent, Somerset Crescent, which includes teaching and residential accommodation for post-graduate studies. It also occupies three houses in Sydney Place, which are used for studio and workshop accommodation for part-time courses in the Visual Arts and for the Foundation Course in Art and Design.The Newton Park site is situated four miles west of Bath between the villages of Newton St Loe and Corston. Within the grounds are a Georgian mansion, where the college‘s sentral administration is located, an Elizabethan dairy, stables and the tower of a medieval manor house; all these older buildings have been adapted to present-day use. A new purpose-built Home Economics block was opened in January 1985. During 1986 a new Sports Hall will be completed and new residential blocks are under construction to be completed ready for the start of the academic year in September 1986; a new music Block will be completed in 1987.The Art and Design degree courses which are currently accommodated at Corsham, about nine miles east of Bath, will be moved to the Sion Hill site in Bath by September 1986 thus reinforcing Faculty and Course links.The college courses are designed to take advantage of the special opportunities and circumstances provided by its environment. Students have available such resources as the Costume and Fashion Research Centre, the Royal Photographic Centre and the Museum of American Domestic Life at Claverton. Concerts and recitals, including some given by staff and students, take place throughout the year in the Assembly Rooms. The college uses buildings in five different places. Where are the following things located?In boxes 21-27 on your answer sheet writeNP if something is located in Newton ParkC if something is located in CorshamSH if something is located in Sion HillSC if something is located in Somerset CrescentSP if something is located in Sydney PlaceExampleA landscaped garden AnswerSH21.Central Administration22.Home Economics Block23.Art and Design Foundation Course24.Art and Design Degree Course after 198625.Post-graduate Residences26.Sports Hall27.Music BlockSECTION 3 Questions 28-38Read the passage below and answer questions 28-38WINTER SPORTSIce,danger and exhilarationThe 17th Winter Games, held in Norway in 1994, are part of an Olympic tradition which goes back almost 3,000 years. For more than Games were held, every four years, on hallowed ground near Mount Olympus, where the Greek gods were said to live.The ‗Olympics‘ brought together men from war-torn tribes and states in Greece and its colonies. A sacred truce was declared to allow men to travel to the games in safety. Women could not take part and were forbidden, on pain of death, even to attend the Games.The ancient Olympics were abolished by the Roman Emperor Theodosius in 393 AD, after Greece had lost its independence. But the idea never died and the Frenchman Baron Pierre de Coubertin, an educator and scholar, founded the modern Olympics,his aim was to bring together, once every four years, athletes from all countries on the friendly fields of amateur sport. No account was to be taken of national rivalries, nor politics, race, religion, wealth or social status.The first modern Games were held in Athens in 1896, and four years later, in Paris, women began to take part. Although the winter Olympics did not begin until 1924, figure skating was part of the 1908 London summer Olympics; both skating and ice hockey were included in the Antwerp Games in 1920. But generally winter sports were felt to be too specialized. Only cold weather countries had much experience of activities such as skiing-a means of transport overland across ice and snow during long winters.The Scandinavians, for whom skiing is a part of everyday life, had objected to a winter fames. They feared it would threaten their own Nordic Games, which had been held every four years since 1901. But the international Olympic Committee (IOC) agreed to stage an International Sports Week in Chamonix, France, in 1924.It was a success and the Scandinavians won 28 of the 43 medals, including nine golds. They dropped their objections and the event was retrospectively named the First Olympic Winter Games.Apart from the Second World War period the Winter Olympics were held every four years, a few months before the summer Olympics. But in 1986 the IOC changed the schedule so that the summer and winter games would be held in different years. Thus, for the only time in history, the Lillehammer (Norway) Games took place just two years after the previous Winter Olympics which were held in Albertville, France.Since the Winter Games began, 55 out of 56 gold medals in the men‘s nordic skiing events have been won by competitors from Scandinavia or the former Soviet Union. For teams from warm weather countries, cross-country skiing can pose problems. At the Calgary Games in 1988, one competitor in the 50-kilometre event was so slow that race officials feared he was lost and sent out a search party. Roberto Alvarez of Mexico had never skied more than 20 kilometres before and finished 61st and last 52 minutes behind the 60th place.Questions 28-31Complete the table below. Write a date for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 28-31 on your answer sheetDATE EVENT(28)Ancient Olympics came to an end(29)First women‘s eventsExample: 1901 First Nordic Games(30)First winter team game included in Olympics(31)First Winter Olympic GamesQuestions 32-38Look at the following statements. In boxes 32-38 on your answer sheet write TRUEFALSENOT GIVEN if the statement is trueif the statement is falseif the information is not given in the passage32.The spectators, as well as the participants, of the ancient Olympics were all male.33.Only amateur athletes are allowed to compete in the modern Olympics.34.The modern Olympics have always demonstrated the political neutrality intended by their founder.35.The Antwerp Games proved that winter sports were too specialized.36.Cross-country skiing events are a specialty of cold-weather countries.37.Only Scandinavians have won gold medals in men‘s winter Olympics nordic skiing events.38.One Winter Olympics has succeeded another every four years since 1924 with a break only for the Second World War.WRITING TASK 1You should spend on more than 20 minutes on this task.You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because he or she always has friends visiting. They have parties in the room and sometimes borrow your things without asking you.Write a letter to the Accommodation Officer at the college and ask for a new room next term. You would prefer a single room.Explain your reasons.You should write at least 150 words.You do NOT need to write your own address.Begin your letter as follows:Dear Sir/Madam,雅思考试全题模拟试题(2)ListeningTIME ALLOWED : 30 minutesNUMBER OF QUESTION: 37InstructionYou will hear a number of different recordings and you will have to answer questions on what you hear.There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions, and you will have a chance to check you work.All the recordings will be played ONCE only.The test is in four sections. Write your answers in the listening question booklet. At the end of the test you will be given ten minutes to transfer your answers to an answer sheet.Now turn to Section 1 on page 2.SECTION 1Questions 1-4Choose the picture that best matches what you hear on the tape and circle the letter Under that picture . The example below has been done for you.Example: What time is it now ? eg:cQuestion 1 . Which building are they looking for?A B C DQuestion 2. Where is the office?A B C DQuestion 3. Which one is Ms Frobisher ?br> A B C DQuestion 4.Where does Henry wait?A B C DQuestions 5-10Fill in the spaces numbered 5 to 10 with the information you hear on the tape.Family Name (5) :Given Name : ………….LUCY………………Date of Birth (6) :Sex : …………..FEMALE……………Nationality (7):Address (8) : .(9): ……NSW 2040………..Telephone No. (10) .SECTION 2Question 11-23Complete the notes below by writing a word or words in the gaps numbered 11 to 23. Safety on Australia's BeachesDON'T swim beyond a (11) .and don't swim in (12) .seaDON'T swim at (13) .or after drinking (14) .DON'T swim after (15)and one shouldn't swim (16) .DO swim between the (17)and obey all signs.If caught in a rip, DON'T(18) ..and swim back to the beach,but DO swim (19) .to the beach.DO treat all sharks over (20) ..as (21)DO keep clear of jellyfish. They can cause (22) to humans.Sea snakes (23) attack peopleSECTION 3Questions 24-32Complete the summary of the news item by writing in the missing word or words in theAnswers column. The first one has been done as an example.AnswersSince last week serious………example……… ex:stormsHave been sweeping the east 24 .of Australia. Sixteen people have died and at least 24Seven have been injured. Early to day an 25 Capsized off the New South Wales coast . Not all 25The missing crew have been found. Three 26 26Tourists were crushed by a falling 27 .Their 27Names have not yet been 28 An Australian Also died in the same incident. Some men sleeping 28In a 29 .were injured and falling 30 29Injured two other people. The weather tomorrow is 30Expected to be 31 .However, the weather is 31Expected to improve 32 32SECTION 4Questions 33-37For Questions 33 to 37, choose the correct answer and circle the letter next to the correct answer33. Gold was first discovered in Australia in:(a) 1831(b) 1841(c) 1851(d) 1861(e) 186334. Before the gold rush, not many Chinese came to Australia because:(a) they didn't want to(b) Australia didn't allow them to(c) China didn't allow them to(d) All the above reasons(e) None of the above reasons35. The first Chinese came to Australia:(a) to look for gold(b) because cheap labour was needed(c) to become farmers(d) for political reasons(e) to study English36. When the gold began to run out:(a) the Chinese looked for a scapegoat(b) the government looked for a scapegoat(c) the miners regulated the Chinese(d) the miners blamed the Chinese(e) the government banned the Chinese37. The discovery of gold was important to Australia because it.(a) made Australia wealthy(b) showed Australi a had resources(c) developed Australia culturally(d) started Australia's export industry(e) improved relations between Australia and ChinaReadingSECTION 1:PART 1You should spend 15 minutes on Questions 1-12Questions 1-2Read the following newspaper advertisements and answer the questions below each one. Choose which of the alternatives A, B, C or D is the correct answer and write that letter in the space provided .The first one has been done as an example.NEAR BEACH.Mud 2 b.r. unfurnished flat on third floor overlooking beach.close shops/bus .$195 p.w.Tel 45 6345 before 11a.m.This advertisement is forA. a houseB.furniture C a school D an apartmentyour answer D1.Casual kitchen hand required for busy hotel restaurant .Morning only.Friendly atmosphere .No experience necessary .Tel 799 9560This advertisement is forA. a hotel B a job C a training course D a new kitchenYour answer2. COMMUNICATION SKILLS Do you want to improve the way you communicate and relate to other people? Mondays 7-9 p.m. for six weeks .Cost$75This advertisement is forA. a book B a video cassette C a film D. a courseYour answerQuestions 3-5Read the information on the following drivers licence and answer the questions .The first one has been done as an example.DRIVER'S LICENCELiliana Aranda8 Young StNewtown 3474 Licence expires07 JULY 1998Licence No:3011FAChange of the address must be notified within 7 days by telephoning 566 4000 THIS LICENCE MAY BE CANCELLED FOR FAILURETO COMPLY STRICTLY WITH THE TRAFFIC LAWS.Unless previously suspended or cancelled , this licence must be renewed on or before the date of expiry.f this card is found please hand it in at any Motor Registry.Example:When will the licence expire?07 JULY 19983.What must Liliana do if she changes her address?4.what might happen if Liliana does not obey the traffic laws?5.If you find Liliana's licence, what should you do ?Questions 6-8Read the following notice in a residential college and then answer the questions followingMORETON CLOOEGE, DURHAM, ENGLANDWelcome to Moreton College!After you settle in ,we would like to orient you to the facilities(and regulations!)of our College.orientation sessions will be held as follows. Please ensure that you attend on time. First-year students:Second-year students: 6.00 p.m. in the Bay Room7.00 P.m. in the Reid Roomplease note that there is a special orientation session for foreign students .All foreign students(whether first -year or second-year )should go to the Reid Room at 8.30 p.m.6.You are a foreign first-year student which room should you go to?7.You are an English second-year student .what time is your orientation session?8.You are a foreign second-year student what time is your orientation session?Questions 9-12Below there is a page from the local telephone directory giving information about various services .Read the following situations and decide which number you should telephone.Write the number in the space provided .The first one has been done as an example. INSTANT CALL GUIDEDirectory AssistanceFor unknown, new and altered numbersLocal ------------------019International ------------------055Faults and Service DifficultiesLocal ------------------088International ------------------044Business Customer Faults ------------------008Operator Connected CallsFrom a private phone ------------------076From a payphone ------------------042Charge enquiries ------------------066International Telegrams ------------------093Wake up /reminder calls ------------------012Telephone bill enquiries ------------------17489exampleYou want to send an international telegramYour answer 0939 You are trying to call locally but the telephone is not working properly.10.you want to know how much it will cost to telephone your home country.11.you have to telephone your local kindergarten but you do not know the number.12.your international phone call was cut off while you were speaking.PART 2You are advised to spend 20 minutes on Questions 13-25.Questions 13-18Don' t Pay Full Fare on page 49 is an article from a local newspaper. Decide whether, according to the article the following sentences are correct .Circle A if a sentence is correct, B if it i s incorrect , and C if the information is not given . The first one has been done as an example.noinfor-mationexample correct incorrect givenyou buy a standby ticket the day before you travel ABC13.Uiversity students must be under 26 years of age in order to qualify for a student discount. ABC14.The Common Interest Group scheme does not apply if there are 11 adults in the group. ABC15.Only students can qualify for the standby discount ABC16.Secondary students can travel only during secondary school vacations ABC17 Most secondary students are aged between 15 and 19 ABC18.There is no' stay away ' minimum for secondary students. ABC。

雅思模拟试题及答案一、听力部分1. What is the man going to do next?A. Buy a giftB. Go to the libraryC. Visit a friend2. How much will the woman pay for the ticket?A. $10B. $20C. $303. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. ColleaguesB. FriendsC. Family members4. Why is the man worried?A. He has lost his wallet.B. He is late for work.C. He has missed his flight.5. What does the woman suggest doing?A. Going to a restaurantB. Cooking at homeC. Ordering takeout二、阅读部分Passage 1Questions 6-10What is the main idea of the passage?6. The importance of sleep.7. The impact of technology on sleep.8. The benefits of exercise.9. The role of diet in health.10. The effects of stress on the body.Passage 2Questions 11-15What is the author's opinion on the new policy?11. It is necessary and effective.12. It is unnecessary and harmful.13. It is too early to tell.14. It is a good start but needs improvement.15. It is not relevant to the issue.Passage 3Questions 16-20What does the study suggest about the future of the industry?16. It will decline rapidly.17. It will grow steadily.18. It will remain stable.19. It will experience fluctuations.20. It will be replaced by another industry.三、写作部分Task 1You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The charts below show the percentage of water usage in agriculture, industry, and domestic purposes in a certain country from 2000 to 2020.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Task 2You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Some people think that the government should decide the subject for students to study at university. Others believe that students should be free to choose whatever subjects they wish. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.四、口语部分Part 1Questions 21-2521. What kind of music do you like?22. Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema?23. How often do you go shopping?24. Do you like to cook? Why or why not?25. What do you usually do in your free time?Part 2Cue CardDescribe a place you visited that was particularly memorable. You should say:- Where it was- When you went there- What you did there- And explain why it was memorable.Part 3Questions 26-3026. What are the benefits of traveling?27. Do you think traveling is expensive?28. What are some popular tourist destinations in your country?29. How do people plan their vacations?30. What are some common problems people face while traveling?听力部分答案1. C2. B3. A4. A5. B阅读部分答案Passage 16. A7. B8. C9. D10. EPassage 211. C12. D13. E14. F15. GPassage 316. H17. I18. J19. K20. L写作部分答案Task 1- Agriculture accounted for the largest percentage of water usage.- Industry saw a steady decline in water usage.- Domestic water usage increased slightly over the period.Task 2- Some argue that the government should determine university subjects.- Others believe students should have the freedom to choose. - In my opinion, a balance between guidance and choice is necessary.口语部分答案Part 1- Answers will vary based on individual preferences and experiences.Part 2- Describes a memorable place visited.- Provides details about the location, time, activities, and reasons for its memorability.Part 3- Discusses the benefits and costs of traveling.- Discusses popular destinations and planning methods.- Addresses common problems faced by travelers.。
雅思OG写作Test6 Task1解析

智课网IELTS备考资料雅思OG写作Test6 Task1解析摘要:雅思OG写作提供详尽的写作思路,让考生明确如何合理的构建框架。
一起看看小编带来的雅思OG写作Test6 Task1解析。
小马过河为考生做了雅思 OG写作Test6 Task1的解析:雅思OG写作审题要领(Task focus)这篇小作文是一张线形图(line chart),显示了2003-2012 年,发生在纽波特中心城区三种犯罪事件发生率的变化。
从图表信息我们可以看到,纵轴显示了事件的数量(number of incidents),横轴表示从 2003-2012 的时间发展。
三个犯罪事件分别是入室盗窃 (burglary)、车辆盗窃(car theft)和人身抢劫(robbery)。
雅思OG写作写作思路(Thinking before writing)考生需要在 150 字之内对图表里的信息进行概括,有侧重的描写主要特征,必要时选择适当省略。
比较突出的信息是:在 2003 年,入室盗窃的犯罪率最高, 其次是车辆盗窃,人身抢劫的比率最低。
但是到了 2012 年,车辆盗窃成了发生率最高的犯罪事件,人身抢劫的发生率仍然最低。
变化最明显的信息是:从 2003 到 2012 年,变化最大的是入室盗窃率,总体呈大幅下降的趋势。
雅思OG写作范文演示(Sample analysis)Model ResponseThis graph illustrates how crime rates altered in Newport inner city during the period2003-2012. We can see immediately that the greatest change occurred in the number of burglaries, while incidentsof theft remained low but steady.In 2003, we can see that burglary was the most common crime, with approximately 3,400 reported cases. The figure rose to around 3,700 in 2004, but then there was a downward trend until 2008. At this point the figure stood at justover 1,000 incidents. This rose slightly in 2009, then continued to fluctuate for the remaining period.In 2003, the number of cars being stolen stood at around 2,800 and followed a similar trend to burglary until 2006. Atthis point the number rose, standing at around 2,200 in 2007. There was a marginal decrease in the following year, but from then on, the trend was generally upwards.Finally, robbery has always been a fairly minor problem for Newport. The number of offences committed changed little over nine years. It is interesting to note that the figure of approximately 700 in 2003 is the same figure for 2012. (187 words)雅思OG写作范文亮点(Sample highlights)第 1 段:改写原题第一段通常为题目的改写或提炼。

求:雅思剑6 TEST3 WRITING TASK2高分范文.。
剑6test3作文求打分求修改~雅思ielTS!剑6test31,第二段It is obvious that following .因为be动词后接形容词,不能接副词.2,第二段第二行they can live in other countries .因为情态动词(can,should等)都接动词原形.3,第二段第四行,thirdly不合适,它常和firstly,secondly一起,这里最好用whats more 或者直接去掉.同一行:benefit不能放在is后,is接形容词,用benefitial,意思是有益的,有利的.同一行:contact with and assimilation 中with 去掉.第三段:immigration or tourists 中immigration改immigrants,因为后面引导词是who而且or连接并列的成分.同段最后,interesting on改为interests in.以上为个人意见,仅供参考,。
剑桥雅思6test2 小作文,高手来估分,谢谢"per person per year" can be used in speaking but not academic writing.You should not use "we" in academic writing as well."the chart describe us" is a translation of Chinese which has a grammar mistake. It should be "the chart tells us" but unfortunately, not in academic writing again. U may use "the chart shows that the trend of travelling more often than before。

2021年雅思写作模拟试题及答案(卷六)Some people think every human being can create art (e.g. painting), others think only the people born with the ability can create art. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 有些人认为任何人都可以学习艺术创造(例如绘画),有人认为只有具有天赋的人才能学习艺术创造,讨论两种观点,给出你的意见。
【预测题目】Some people think the main reason for success is hard work and determination. While other people think factors like money and personal appearance are also important. Discuss both views and give your own opinions. 有些人认为成功来自勤奋和坚定,有些人认为成功来自财富和外貌,讨论两种观点。
【相关题目】It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sport or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 有人认为只有天生具有一定禀赋的人才能学习音乐或者体育,有人认为任何孩子都可以通过学习成为优秀的运动者或者音乐家,讨论两种观点。

雅思写作模拟试题范文(学术类)The diagrams show data for a flu epidemic which hit a large country town in 1996. Figure 1 gives the number of persons who died; Figure 2 shows the percentage breakdown of females who received a new flu vaine; and Figure 3 gives the number of cases of flu before and during the epidemic. In Figure 1 it can be seen that the flu was responsible for the deaths of 2 females but no males in the period from March to May. However, from June to August, there were 4 female deaths and 1 male death.Aording to the pie chart in Figure 2, only those females most at risk were given the new flu vaine; 28% did not take part in the trial. Of those females who took part, 35% were aged (over 65 years old); 24% were babies or children; and 13% were either hospitalised or receiving other medical attention.From Figure 3 it is clear that the new vaine had a positive effect on the number of new cases of flu reported in females. There were just over 1000 cases reported in March, climbing rapidly to a peak of 3500 in June. Thereafter, the number of cases dropped slowly to about 2800 in August, before levelling off at 2500 for the rest of the year. For males, the figures were lower but showed a similar trend throughout the epidemic. (232 words)Look at the notes for this answerWriting Task 2Look at the Task 2 QuestionUse your "back" button to e back to the model answersA much debated issue these days is whether citizens should take out private health insurance or not. The cost of providing free medical care for both the wealthy and the poor is far too great for any government, and most people agree that if you can pay for insurance, you should. In this essay, I will argue that all who can afford it should be insured, but free medical care must be made available for those too poor to do so.The most important reason for encouraging people to take out private health insurance is the cost to th。

2017年6月雅思考试的写作预测题一The international community must act immediately to ensurethat allcountries reduce theconsumption of fossil fuels (e.g. Gas and oil).T o whatextent do you agree or disagree? 国际组织是否应立即采取行动来确保所有国家减少化石能源的消耗?思路提点反对1.减少化石能源的使用量与当前社会能源需求增加的趋势(energy demandsare increasing in currentsociety)不符(goes against)。
这就意味着减少化石能源的使用将会破坏现目前平衡的社会秩序(maintainawell-balanced social order)。
2.其次,替代能源的.缺乏(the lack ofalternative energy resources)使得减少化石能源的使用不太现实。
赞成1.减少化石能源的使用有益于(be conducive to)提升人们的生活环境(the improvement ofpeople'sliving environment)2.也有利于能源的长期使用(in the longerterm)词汇补充可持续发展sustainabledevelopment开采exploit生态系统 the ecosystem短缺shortage循环利用recycle2017年6月雅思考试的写作预测题二Some people think there are not many things individuals cando to resolveenvironmentalproblems, while the others believe that in order to tackleenvironmental problems individuals alsoneed to take actions. Discuss bothviews and give your opinion.个人是否应该采取行动解决环境问题思路提点个人应该采取行动解决环境问题1.环境问题与每个人都有关联(have a close relationwith every single person on this planet),比如如果水资源被污染了(contaminated),生活就会受到影响2.个人能做的事情很多,比如垃圾分类(classifying garbage),改变出行方式(altering modes oftransport)个人无法采取行动解决环境问题政府应当承担起解决环境问题的重任(take theresponsibility for addressing environmentalproblems),因为个人的力量是渺小的(minimal contributionindividuals can make to tackle theissues)。

英语六级作文模拟题Certainly, I can help you with that. Here's a simulated response to an English CET-6 essay prompt:---。
Title: The Impact of Technology on Education。
In the contemporary era, technology has revolutionized every aspect of human life, and education is no exception. The integration of technology into education has brought about significant changes, shaping the way students learn and teachers teach. This essay delves into the impact of technology on education, exploring its advantages and potential drawbacks.To begin with, technology has transformed the learning process, making it more interactive and engaging. With the advent of educational apps, online courses, and interactive multimedia resources, students now have access to a wealthof information at their fingertips. They can engage inself-paced learning, explore complex concepts through simulations, and collaborate with peers in virtual classrooms. Consequently, learning becomes more personalized, catering to individual needs and learning styles.Moreover, technology has expanded the horizons of education, breaking down geographical barriers. Through online platforms, students can connect with educators and experts from around the globe, gaining diverse perspectives and cultural insights. This global exchange of knowledge fosters cross-cultural understanding and promotes international cooperation in education.Furthermore, technology has revolutionized assessment methods, offering innovative ways to evaluate students' progress. Online quizzes, interactive assessments, and AI-driven feedback systems provide immediate insights into students' strengths and areas for improvement. This timely feedback not only enhances learning outcomes but also empowers students to take ownership of their learningjourney.However, despite its numerous benefits, technology in education also presents certain challenges. One of the most pressing concerns is the digital divide, wherein students from disadvantaged backgrounds may lack access to essential technology resources. This inequality in access exacerbates educational disparities, widening the gap betweenprivileged and underprivileged students. Addressing the digital divide requires concerted efforts from policymakers, educators, and technology providers to ensure equitable access to educational technology for all students.Furthermore, the overreliance on technology ineducation may lead to the erosion of traditional teaching methods and interpersonal skills. While technology enhances efficiency and convenience, it cannot replace the human element in education. Face-to-face interactions, hands-on activities, and real-world experiences remain indispensable for holistic learning and skill development. Therefore, educators must strike a balance between leveraging technology and preserving the essence of traditionalteaching practices.In conclusion, technology has fundamentally transformed education, offering unparalleled opportunities for learning and innovation. From personalized learning experiences to global collaboration, technology enriches the educational landscape in myriad ways. However, to fully harness the benefits of educational technology, it is imperative to address the challenges of access, equity, and the preservation of traditional teaching methods. By embracing technology responsibly, we can create a more inclusive and dynamic learning environment for generations to come.---。

英语6级作文模拟题Title: The Evolution of E-commerce and Its Impact on Contemporary Society.In today's era of rapid technological advancements, e-commerce has emerged as a transformative force, revolutionizing the way we shop, interact, and conduct business. It has not only altered the retail landscape but has also had profound implications for contemporary society, affecting consumer behavior, business models, and theglobal economy.The concept of e-commerce, or electronic commerce,refers to the buying and selling of goods and services through electronic systems such as the internet and other computer networks. It encompasses a wide range ofactivities, from online retail shopping to business-to-business transactions, digital marketing, and electronic payment systems.The evolution of e-commerce can be traced back to the early days of the internet, when online retailers began to emerge, offering a convenient alternative to traditional brick-and-mortar stores. As the internet became more widespread and technology advanced, e-commerce platforms became more sophisticated, offering a more comprehensive range of products and services. Today, e-commerce has become an integral part of our daily lives, with online shopping becoming the norm for many consumers.One of the most significant impacts of e-commerce on contemporary society is the shift in consumer behavior. With the convenience of online shopping, consumers can now access a wide range of products and services from anywhere in the world, at any time. This has led to a more informed and discerning consumer base, who are no longer limited to the selection offered by local stores. Online reviews, ratings, and social media have further empowered consumers, allowing them to make more informed purchasing decisions.For businesses, e-commerce has opened up new opportunities and challenges. It has enabled small andmedium-sized enterprises to compete on a global scale, leveling the playing field. However, it has also led to increased competition and the need for businesses to adapt to a rapidly changing landscape. E-commerce platforms have had to innovate constantly to stay ahead, offering features such as personalized recommendations, secure payment systems, and convenient delivery options.The impact of e-commerce on the global economy has also been profound. It has facilitated the growth of cross-border trade, allowing businesses to tap into new markets and expand their customer base. This has led to increased economic integration and the emergence of a truly global marketplace. However, it has also presented challenges such as the need for harmonization of regulations and taxation policies across borders.In addition to its economic impact, e-commerce has also had a significant social impact. It has enabled people to connect and engage with each other in new ways, fostering a more inclusive and diverse society. Online platforms have become a hub for social interaction, allowing people toshare their experiences, opinions, and ideas. This has ledto a more open and connected world, where people are more aware of each other's cultures and perspectives.However, the rise of e-commerce has also presented some challenges. With the increasing amount of personal data being collected and processed, there are concerns about privacy and security. Online fraud and scams have also become a growing concern, requiring more sophisticated security measures to protect consumers.In conclusion, the evolution of e-commerce has had profound implications for contemporary society. It has transformed the way we shop, interact, and conduct business, opening up new opportunities and challenges. As we move forward, it is crucial that we continue to innovate and adapt to this rapidly changing landscape, while also addressing the challenges it presents. Only then can we harness the full potential of e-commerce and create a more connected, inclusive, and sustainable world.。

雅思英语作文6分The following is a high-quality IELTS essay with a score of 6.0. 。
Topic: Some people believe that it is important to have a good memory to succeed in life, while others argue thatit is not necessary. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 。
Memory plays a vital role in our lives, and it is often associated with success. However, some people believe that having a good memory is not necessary to succeed. In this essay, I will discuss both views and give my opinion. 。
On the one hand, there are people who argue that having a good memory is essential to succeed in life. They believe that a good memory is important in many areas of life, such as education, work, and social interactions. For example,in education, students with good memories are likely to perform better in exams and retain more information. In theworkplace, employees with good memories are more likely to remember important details, such as deadlines and instructions. In social interactions, people with good memories are more likely to remember names, faces, and important events, which can help them build stronger relationships. 。

雅思模拟试题6-写作work Information Technology Company.2020YEARWriting TestWriting Task 1You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The graph below shows UK acid rain emissions, measured in millions of tonnes, from four different sectors between 1990 and 2007.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.Writing Task 2You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:In some large cities, people have to pay a fee when they drive their cars into the city centre, in a policy to reduce the number of cars in the city.Give reasons in support of and opposing this policy, and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.Speaking Test 2Part 1 Introduction and interviewHello. Could you tell me your full name, please?And can I see your passport?Thank you. Now, in the first part of the test, I'm going to ask you some questions about yourself.Let's talk about what you study.What was the last course you studied?Did anyone encourage you to choose that courseWhat was more interesting for you - attending classes or reading course materialsAre you happy that you chose that course?Next, let's talk about visitors to your country.Do many people from other countries visit your country?Have you ever met any foreign tourists in your Country?How important is tourism to the economy of your country?Do you think tourism will increase or decrease in the next few years?Now I'd like to talk about watching 'movies.What was the last film you saw?How often do you watch the same movie again?Do you prefer going to the cinema in the daytime or at night?Would you watch a whole movie on a small screen such as an iPod?Part 2 Individual long turnNow we come to the second part of the Speaking Test. I'm going to give you a card about a topic and I'd like you to talk about it for one to two minutes. Before you start, you can have one minute to think about what you are going to say. If you want to, you can make some notes. Do you understand Here's some paper and a pencil for making notes and here's your topic.I'd like you to describe an occasion when you bought a special gift or present for someone.and explain how you felt when you gave the present to the other person.All right Remember you can for one to two minutes. I'll tell you when the time is up. Could roll start speaking now, please?Would you like to receive a present like that yourself?Do you like buying presents?All right, thank you.Part 3 DiscussionYou've been talking about a time when you bought a special gift or present for someone and now I want to discuss a few more general questions connected to this.Firstly, let's talk about giving presents.When do people give presents in your culture?What kind of presents do you think adults should give to children?Is it ever acceptable to give money as a present?Now let's talk about receiving presents.What are some ways people show gratitude when they receive a present?Is there anything people should avoid doing or saying when they receive a present in yourAre three any situations where a person should not accept a gift?Finally, let's talk about why people give and receive presents.Would you agree or disagree with the statement that 'people sometimes give expensive presents instead of spending time with a person'Do you agree that, when people give presents, they usually expect something in return? Does giving and receiving presents sometimes have negative rather than positive results? Thank you very much. That is the end of the Speaking Test.。

2022年8月6日雅思考试作文范文IELTS Writing Sample: August 6th, 2022 Many argue that it is theresponsibility of the government to subsidize theatres, museums, and sports stadiums, even though these facilities may not be profitable. Others believe that government funds should be directed towards essential services like healthcare and education. This essay will explore both perspectives before presenting my own viewpoint. Proponents of government funding for cultural and sportinginstitutions argue that these venues provide a vital service to the community. Theatres showcase artistic talent and offer entertainment, while museums act as repositories of history and knowledge, fostering a sense of cultural identity. Sports stadiums bring people together, promoting physical activity and team spirit. By subsidizing these facilities, the government can ensure their accessibility toall citizens, regardless of income. Moreover, these institutions can act ascatalysts for economic growth, attracting tourism and creating jobs in the hospitality and leisure sectors. However, opponents of this viewpoint contendthat government resources are finite and should be prioritized for essential services. Healthcare is crucial for a healthy population, while education equips individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in life. Investing in these areas yields tangible benefits for the entire society. They argue thatcultural and sporting institutions, while beneficial, are not essential forsurvival or societal progress. Furthermore, many believe that these institutions should be self-sustaining, relying on private funding, ticket sales, and donations to operate. This would foster a sense of responsibility and encourage innovationand efficiency. It is important to acknowledge that both arguments have merit. Cultural and sporting venues do enrich society, while healthcare and education are fundamental to human development. However, I believe that the government should prioritize essential services like healthcare and education. While I recognize the value of the arts and sports, I contend that a healthy and educated population is the foundation of a thriving society. A government's primary responsibility is to ensure the well-being of its citizens, and this is best achieved by investing in services that directly impact their health and education. That being said, Idon't believe government support for cultural and sporting institutions should beentirely abandoned. A balanced approach can be achieved by implementing targeted funding strategies. For instance, the government could offer grants to struggling theatres or museums that demonstrate strong community engagement and educational value. Similarly, support could be directed towards youth sports programs that promote physical activity and inclusivity. This approach would allow the government to contribute to the cultural and sporting landscape without compromising its commitment to essential services. Furthermore, encouraging private sector involvement in these areas is crucial. Public-private partnerships can be fostered, where businesses sponsor cultural events or invest in stadium upgrades. This would alleviate the financial burden on the government while simultaneously promoting corporate social responsibility. Additionally, community fundraising initiatives can be encouraged, allowing individuals to contribute to institutions they value. Ultimately, the allocation of government funds should reflect a society's priorities. While cultural and sporting institutions undeniably contribute to a vibrant and well-rounded society, healthcare and education remain fundamental pillars upon which a nation's progress rests. By prioritizing these essential services while implementing strategic funding for cultural and sporting initiatives, the government can ensure the well-being of its citizens while simultaneously fostering a rich and diverse cultural landscape.。

题目:WRITING TASK 1You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The graph below gives information about cinema attendancein Australia between 1990 and the present, with projections to .Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.雅思写作6分范文:The graph shows percentages of cinema attendance at least once a year in Australia between 1990 to with projections for the future. The graph is described by 4 groups of different ages which are 14 to 24, 25 to 34, 35 to 49 and over 50 year olds.The youngest age group people have been going to cinema more than any other age groups and the percentage has been keeping very high at approximately90% since 1990. It is predicted to keep the high and to increase more from .The middle age groups people have enjoyed going cinema between 60% to 80%. The percentage of age 25 to 34 group has been higher than the one of age 35 to 49 group but from the percentage of 25 to 34 year olds people will decrease while the one of 35 to 49 year olds people will increase and get higher than the other one.The oldest people seem to go cinema less than the other groups but the percentageof the attendance has slightly going up by 15% from 40% to 55% between 1990 to and it will keep increasing to 60% by .【考官评语】Band 6This response addresses the requirements of the task and selects relevant material to describe. Key features and an overview are presented, although clearer highlighting, more support and a more comprehensive overview would be needed to reach a higher band. Information is well-organised and there is a clear overall progression in the response. There is some effective use of cohesive devices, but only limited use of reference and substitution. The range of vocabulary is not wide, but it is adequate for the task. Control of word form and spelling is consistentlygood, although there are some clumsy noun phrases that indicatelimited flexibility. The candidate attempts to use a mix of simple and complex sentences, but control is variable and grammatical errors or omissionsare quite intrusive at times. Figures are poorly integrated into sentences and indicate evident limitations.对于烤鸭们来说,雅思写作6分能拿到的实属不易,很多学霸阅读和听力都能够获得7分或者是更高分,但是雅思写作成绩却偏偏差强人意,所以希望今天的雅思写作6分范文可以帮助到大家,仔细看看考官点评,对你的考试也是有所帮助的。
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Writing Test
Writing Task 1
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The graph below shows UK acid rain emissions, measured in millions of tonnes, from four different sectors between 1990 and 2007.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
Writing Task 2
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
In some large cities, people have to pay a fee when they drive their cars
into the city centre, in a policy to reduce the number of cars in the city. Give reasons in support of and opposing this policy, and give your own
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
Speaking Test 2
Part 1 Introduction and interview
Hello. Could you tell me your full name, please
And can I see your passport
Thank you. Now, in the first part of the test, I'm going to ask you some
questions about yourself.
Let's talk about what you study.
What was the last course you studied
Did anyone encourage you to choose that course What was more interesting for you - attending classes or reading course materials
Are you happy that you chose that course
Next, let's talk about visitors to your country.
Do many people from other countries visit your country
Have you ever met any foreign tourists in your Country
How important is tourism to the economy of your country
Do you think tourism will increase or decrease in the next few years
Now I'd like to talk about watching 'movies.
What was the last film you saw
How often do you watch the same movie again
Do you prefer going to the cinema in the daytime or at night
Would you watch a whole movie on a small screen such as an iPod
Part 2 Individual long turn
Now we come to the second part of the Speaking Test. I'm going to give you
a card about a topic and I'd like you to talk about it for one to two minutes.
Before you start, you can have one minute to think about what you are going
to say. If you want to, you can make some notes. Do you understand Here's
some paper and a pencil for making notes and here's your topic.
I'd like you to describe an occasion when you bought a special gift or present
for someone.
Describe art occasion when you bought a special gift or present for someone. You should say:
what you bought
where you bought it
why you chose that present
and explain how you felt when you gave the present to the other person. All right Remember you can for one to two minutes. I'll tell you when the time is up.
Could roll start speaking now, please
Would you like to receive a present like that yourself
Do you like buying presents
All right, thank you.
Part 3 Discussion
You've been talking about a time when you bought a special gift or present for someone and now I want to discuss a few more general questions connected to this.
Firstly, let's talk about giving presents.
When do people give presents in your culture
What kind of presents do you think adults should give to children
Is it ever acceptable to give money as a present
Now let's talk about receiving presents.
What are some ways people show gratitude when they receive a present
Is there anything people should avoid doing or saying when they receive a present in your
Are three any situations where a person should not accept a gift
Finally, let's talk about why people give and receive presents.
Would you agree or disagree with the statement that 'people sometimes give expensive presents instead of spending time with a person'
Do you agree that, when people give presents, they usually expect something in return
Does giving and receiving presents sometimes have negative rather than positive results
Thank you very much. That is the end of the Speaking Test.。