ATK-RM04 WIFI模块用户手册_V1.0

ATK-RM04 用户手册
ATK-RM04 是 ALIENTEK 推出的一款高性能 UART-ETH-WIFI(串口-以太网-无线网) 模块。ATK- RM04 模块板载 Hi-Link 公司的 HLK-RM04 模块,该模块通过 FCC,CE 认证, 可直接用于产品销往欧美地区。
2.1 模块简介...........................................................................................................................3 2.2 模块硬件资源详解...........................................................................................................5
3.结构尺寸 .................................................................................................................. 34 4.其他 .......................................................................................................................... 35
2.2.1 RS232 串口(RS232_COM) .....................................................................................5 2.2.2 RS232 与 TTL 串口选择端口(P1)..........................................................................5 2.2.3 WIFI IPX 天线接口(ANT)......................................................................................5 2.2.4 5V 电源接口(P3) .....................................................................................................5 2.2.5 HLK-RM04 WIFI 模块(U2)....................................................................................5 2.2.6 WPS/ES 按键和 GPIO 引出接口(P2).....................................................................7 2.2.7 LAN 口(LAN)..........................................................................................................7 2.2.8 WLAN 口(WLAN) ..................................................................................................7 2.2.9 WPS/RST 按键和 ES/RST 按键(KEY2/KEY1) .....................................................7 2.2.10 USB 接口(USB).....................................................................................................8 2.2.11 RM04 工作指示灯(POWER/WAN/WIFI) ............................................................8 2.2.12 电源开关(K1) .......................................................................................................8 2.2.13 电源指示灯(PWR) ................................................................................................8 2.2.14 电源输入接口(DC_IN) .........................................................................................8 2.3 模块使用...........................................................................................................................8 2.3.1 快速开始向导.........................................................................................................8 2.3.2 功能说明.................................................................................................................9 2.3.3 WEB 页面配置......................................................................................................13 2.3.4 串口 AT 指令配置................................................................................................17 2.3.5 串口配置软件.......................................................................................................27 2.3.6 网络搜索软件.......................................................................................................31 2.3.7 恢复出厂设置.......................................................................................................32 2.3.8 固件升级.........................................................................................................33

ATK-S1216F8-BD GPS/北斗模块非常小巧(25=mm*27mm) ,模块通过 5 个 2.54mm 间距 的排针与外部连接,模块外观如图 1.1 所示:
图 1.1 ATK-S1216F8-BD GPS/北斗模块外观图 图 1.1 中,从右到左,依次为模块引出的 PIN1~PIN5 脚,各引脚的详细描述如表 1.1 所 示:
本实验,我们在阿波罗 STM32F429 开发板扩展实验 1:ATK-HC05 蓝牙串口模块实验 的基础上修改,本例程用不到蓝牙模块,所以先删掉 hc05.c。 然后,在 HARDWARE 文件夹里面新建一个 GPS 文件夹,并新建 gps.c,gps.h 两个文 件。然后在工程 HARDWARE 组里面添加 gps.c,并在工程添加 gps.h 的头文件包含路径。 在 gps.c 里面,我们输入如下代码: #include "gps.h" #include "led.h" #include "delay.h" #include "usart3.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "stdarg.h" #include "string.h" #include "math.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const u32 BAUD_id[9]={4800,9600,19200,38400,57600,115200,230400,460800,921600}; //从 buf 里面得到第 cx 个逗号所在的位置

"ATT:ADD-" + Data
= X * 100ms 是 Data 为自 定义广播 数
据,数据长度 L <= 16
"ATT:OK\r\n\0" "ATT:ERP\r\n\0"
"ATT:PID-" + Data
P2.0 P1.2
P1.2 P1.3 P1.2 P0.1
模块使能控制线,低电平有 效,带内部上拉。 恢复出厂设置或可编程双向 IO。上电后30秒内,保持此 引脚低电平5s,系统会恢复 部分参数(浅恢复),若保 持20s以上则将会恢复全部 参数(深度恢复)
4. 支持防劫持密码设置,修改和恢复,防止第三方恶意连接。也可不使用。独立的

BRD4301A Reference ManualManualThe Blue Gecko family of the Silicon Labs' Bluetooth modules delivers a high-perform-ance, low energy and easy-to-use Bluetooth solution integrated into a small form factorpackage. Blue Gecko Bluetooth modules combine an integrated antenna, a high per-formance Bluetooth transceiver, an energy efficient 32-bit MCU and a ready to useBluetooth software and SDK.The ultra-low power operating modes and fast wake-up times of the Silicon Labs' ener-gy friendly 32-bit MCUs, combined with the low transmit and receive power consump-tion of the Bluetooth radio, result in a solution optimized for battery powered applica-tions.The Silicon Labs fully certified Bluetooth modules and software are designed to help de-velopers accelerate time to market and reduce development costs and compliance risksby providing a versatile, plug-and-play Bluetooth solution.Development and evaluation of the BGM113 Bluetooth module is possible by attachingthe BRD4301A board to the Wireless Starter Kit (WSTK) Mainboard. This gives accessto the WSTK display, buttons and additional features offered by using the available Ex-pansion Boards.Rev. 1.00BRD4301A Radio Board Description 1. BRD4301A Radio Board DescriptionThe BRD4301A Radio Board contains the BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth Module soldered onto a carrier board with two connectors. The connectors on the carrier board are used for attaching the BRD4301A on to a Silicon Labs Wireless Starter Kit Main-board BRD4001A and together these two boards and the software in the BGM113 Module make up the Blue Gecko Bluetooth Module Wire-less Starter Kit.The BGM113 Bluetooth module and the software are designed to help developers accelerate time to market with end-product design projects. This versatile plug-and-play Bluetooth solution also reduces development costs and minimizes compliance risks. The BGM113 Module is ideal for applications requiring Bluetooth connectivity such as used in connected home, health and fitness, wearables and point-of-sale terminal applications. The BGM113 includes an energy friendly ARM Cortex M4 MCU.A major benefit offered by the BGM113 is that no RF or Bluetooth protocol expertise is required. The BGM113 can be used as a periph-eral along with an external host MCU or applications may be embedded into the built-in MCU using the Bluegiga BGScript™ scripting language. Complete standalone solutions may thus be created with minimal need for external components.1.1 BGM113 Module Block DiagramThe BGM113 Module block diagram is illustrated in the figure below.Lowest power mode with peripheral operational:EM0—ActiveEM2—Deep SleepEM1—Sleep EM4—Hibernate EM4—ShutoffEM3—StopFigure 1.1 Block Diagram| Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.Rev. 1.00 | 12. System SummaryIntegrated Bluetooth radio and energy friendly MCU•Bluetooth 4.1 compliant and upgradeable to Bluetooth 4.2.•TX power up to +3 dBm•RX sensitivity down to -93 dBm•Integrated high-efficiency chip antenna•38.4 MHz Cortex M4 with DSP instructions and floating-point unit for efficient signal processing•256 kB Flash memory•32 kB RAMLow Energy Consumption•8.8 mA TX current @ 0 dBm•8.7 mA RX current•63 μA/MHz in Energy Mode 0 (EM0)• 1.4 μA EM2 Deep Sleep Current (full RAM retention) and CRYO timer running from ULFRCO• 1.1 μA EM3 Stop current (State/RAM retention, RFSENSE disabled)•Wake on Radio with signal strength detection, preamble pattern detection, frame detection and timeoutWide selection of MCU peripherals•12-bit 1 Msamples/s ADC• 2 x Analog comparator•IDAC (current output DAC)•Up to 14 pins connected to analog channels (APORT) shared between analog comparators, ADC and IDAC •14 General Purpose I/O pins with output state retention and asynchronous interrupts•8-channel DMA controller•12-channel Peripheral Reflex System•Hardware Crypto Acceleration with public key support•Protocol Timer tightly coupled to the radio• 2 x 16-bit Timer/Counter• 3 + 4 Compare/Capture/PWM Channels•32-bit Real Time Counter and Calendar•16-bit Low Energy Timer for waveform generation•16-bit Ultra Low Energy Timer/Counter for periodic wake-up from any Energy Mode•16-bit Pulse Counter with asynchronous operation•Watchdog Timer with dedicated RC Oscillator @ 50 nA• 2 x Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART/SPI/Smart Card (ISO 7816) / IrDA/I2S)•Low Energy UART (LEUART)•I²C interface with SMBus support and address recognition in EM3 StopIntegrated Bluetooth Smart Software•Bluetooth 4.1 compliant•Central and peripheral roles•Up to 8 simultaneous connections•L2CAP, ATT, GAP, SM and GATT•Any GATT based Bluetooth Smart profile•100 kbps throughputFlexible easy to use APIs•BGAPI™ serial protocol API over UART for modem usage•BGLIB™ host API/library which implementing BGAPI serial protocol•BGScript™ scripting language for standalone usage•Profile Toolkit for creating GATT based servicesFree Software Development Kit (SDK)•BGLIB C source code•BGScript development tools•BGScript and BGLIB example applications•Profile Toolkit examples•DocumentationCertifications•Bluetooth qualified (pending)•CE, FCC, IC, Japan and South-Korea (pending)Wide Operating Range•Supply voltage: 1.85 V to 3.8 V with DC/DC bypass mode •Supply voltage: 2.4 V to 3.8 V with DC/DC enabled •Temperature range: -40°C to +85°C3. BRD4301A Connector3.1 BRD4301A Connector Pin AssociationsThe figure below shows the pin mapping on the connector to the radio pins and their corresponding function on the Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard.GNDF9 / PF3 / VCOM_RTS 3v3NC / P36P200Upper RowNC / P38NC / P40NC / P42NC / P44DBG_SWDIO / PF1 / F0NC / F14BUTTON0 / PD14 / F12LED0 / PD14 / F10VCOM_CTS / PF2 / F8DBG_RESET / F4NC / F2NC / F16VCOM_TX / PA0 / F6PTI_DATA / PB12 / F20NC / F18USB_VBUS5VBoard ID SCLGNDBoard ID SDAUSB_VREG F7 / PA1 / VCOM_RX F5 / tied high / VCOM_ENABLE F3 / NCF1 / PF0 / DBG_SWCLK P45 / NCP43 / NC P41 / NC P39 / NC P37 / tied high / SENSOR_ENABLE F11 / PD15 / LED1F13 / PD15 / BUTTON1F15 / NC F17 / NCF19 / PB13 / PTI_FRAME F21 / NC GNDVMCU_INEXP3 / PF2 / P0P201Lower RowEXP5 / PF3 / P2NC / P4NC / P6GNDVRF_INP35 / NC P7 / PD13 / EXP10P5 / PB13 / EXP8P3 / PB12 / EXP6P1 / PB11 / EXP4P33 / NC P31 / NC P29 / NC P27 / PF1P25 / PF0P23 / PD15P21 / PD14P19 / NC P17 / NC P15 / NC P13 / PC10 / EXP16P11 / PA1 / EXP14P9 / PA0 / EXP12NC / P34NC / P32NC / P30NC / P28NC / P26NC / P24NC / P22NC / P20NC / P18NC / P16NC / P14EXP15 / PC11 / P12NC / P10NC / P8Figure 3.1 Radio Board Connectors3.2 BRD4301A Connector TypeBRD4301A contains two dual-row, female socket, 0.05" pitch polarized connectors (P/N: SFC-120-T2-L-D-A-K-TR) which provide the interface to the Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard. The Mainboard has the corresponding male header pin connectors (P/N: TFC-120-02-F-D-LC-ND).BRD4301A ConnectorMechanical Details 4. Mechanical DetailsModule board is illustrated in the figures below.The BGM113 BluetoothFigure 4.1 BRD4301A Top View Array Figure 4.2 BRD4301A Bottom ViewRev. 1.00 | 5Board Revision History and Errata 5. Board Revision History and Errata5.1 Revision HistoryRadio Board revision is printed on the backside of the BRD4301A Radio Board.Table 5.1. Radio Board Revision History5.2 ErrataRev. A00No known errata for this board revision. | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.Rev. 1.00 | 6Document Revision History 6. Document Revision HistoryRevision 1.002015-07-08Initial document revision.Silicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701USASmart.Connected.Energy-Friendly .Products/productsQuality /qualitySupport and CommunityDisclaimerSilicon Laboratories intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Laboratories products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and "Typical" parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Laboratories reserves the right to make changes without further notice and limitation to product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Silicon Laboratories shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the information supplied herein. This document does not imply or express copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any Life Support System without the specific written consent of Silicon Laboratories. A "Life Support System" is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Laboratories products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Laboratories products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons.Trademark InformationSilicon Laboratories Inc.® , Silicon Laboratories®, Silicon Labs®, SiLabs® and the Silicon Labs logo®, Bluegiga®, Bluegiga Logo®, Clockbuilder®, CMEMS®, DSPLL®, EFM®, EFM32®, EFR, Ember®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, "the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers", Ember®, EZLink®, EZRadio®, EZRadioPRO®, Gecko®, ISOmodem®, Precision32®, ProSLIC®, Simplicity Studio®, SiPHY®, Telegesis, the Telegesis Logo®, USBXpress® and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Laborato-ries Inc. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.。


蓝牙模块使用说明一、模块简介:1、芯片简介该蓝牙模块采用台湾胜普科技有限公司的BMX-02X模块为核心,它采用CSR BLUEcore4-External芯片并配置8Mbit的软件存储空间,成本低,使用方便。
CSR BlueCore4是英国Cambridge Silicon Radio(CSR)公司日前推出的第四代蓝牙硅芯片。
CSR的BlueCore4的数据传输率将比现有的v 1.2蓝牙装置快三倍,并且使蓝牙移动电话或手机的耗电量较低。
CSR BlueCore4完全能与现有蓝牙v1.1和v1.2装置兼容。
CSR BlueCore4正在以两种形式提供——一种用于外部“快闪”存储器,一种用于掩模ROM。
BlueCore4-External以一种8×8mm BGA(球形格栅矩阵)封装提供,是十分灵活的解决方案,能够适应迅速更新的市场。
鉴于蓝牙固件安装在芯片只读存储器上,CSR BlueCore4-ROM 的成本较低,占用面积小得多(在小片尺寸包装中为3.8×4mm,在与BC2-ROM和BC3-ROM引脚兼容的BGA中为6×6mm)。

双击自动滚屏发布者:admin 发布时间:2008-3-12 10:49:48 【字体:大中小】
1、供电问题:蓝牙模块供电为3.3V,百米蓝牙模块供电采用两级供电,包括VCC和PAVCC,其中PAVCC 是功率扩展电源,使用中一定要两个都供给3.3V。

2.高兼容性:模块支持蓝牙 4.0 及以上版本,可与市面上大部分蓝牙设备无缝连接。

Bluetooth modules AT Command ManualCommand 1:Test command2Command 2:Set /Inquire baud rate2Command 3:Set /Inquire if be authorized2Command 4:Set authorized password2Command 5:Set /Inquire about device name3Command 6:Set /Inquire about device type3Command 7:Set /Inquire about device part3Command 8:Clear up memorized address3Command 9:Set /Inquire about Sniff saving mode3Command 10:renew default setting4Command 11:Set /Inquire about the parameter Inquiry Scan and connecting Scan4Command 12:Set /Inquire if be bound4Command 13:Set process edition No.5Command 14:Set /Inquire indicator light5Command 15:Set /Inquire about bluetooth address 6Command 16:Inquire about natie bluetooth address 6Command 17:Software restart 6Command 18:Set /Inquire about serial communication mode 6Command 19:Inquire about remote bluetooth device 7Command 20:Cancel remote bluetooth device 7Command 21:Set / Inquire about low power mode7Command 22:Set / Inquire about Data processing mode in the condition of disconnecting 7 Command 23:Set /Inquire about flow control mode7Notice:Only when the Bluetooth modules work in the condition of Parameter Setting ( turn theswitch of Cmd Data to the Cmd side), the parameter setting command will be allowed. Afterupdate parameter setting, turn back the switch of Cmd Data to the Data side.)Command1:Test commandCommand Response Parameter AT OK NoCommand 2:Set/ inquire about baud rateCommand Response ParameterAT+BAUD=< Para1> OKAT+BAUD?OK+BAUD:<Para1> Para1:Baud rate(1200、2400、4800、9600、19200、38400、57600、115200、230400、460800、921600、1382400)Default:9600Notice :After update baud rate, if it is not default 9600, you also have to set 9600 baud rate in future parameter setting. Use what you set baud during the time of data communicating.Command 3:Set/ inquire if be authorizedCommand Response ParameterAT+AUTH=< Para1> OKAT+AUTH?OK+AUTH:<Para1> Para1:0 No need to authorize, or else need to authorizeAuthorization:Bluetooth modules provide the function of security certification. You Can not communicate other than user get across the authorization. If it is paired module, this process will be completed automatically.(Default password :1234)Command 4:Set authorized passwordCommand Response ParameterAT+PASSWORD=< Para1> OK Para1:PasswordDefault:1234AT+PASSWORD? OK+PASSWORD: < Para1>Command 5:Set/ inquire about nameCommand Response ParameterAT+NAME=< Para1> OKAT+NAME?OK+NAME:<Para1> Para1:Device name Default:JINOU3264Command 6:Set/ inquire about device typeCommand Response ParameterAT+CLASS=< Para1> OKAT+CLASS?OK+CLASS:<Para1> Para1:device type( length must be limited d in 6 bytes)Default:000000Command 7:Set /Inquire about device partCommand Response ParameterAT+ROLE=< Para1> OKAT+ROLE?OK+ROLE:<Para1> Para1:0 is slave, or else it is master.Default:SlaveCommand 8:Clear up memorized addressCommand Response ParameterAT+CLEARADDR OK NoMemorize address: After the pair between the two modules is successful, master will memorize the other module Bluetooth address.Command 9:Set/ inquire about Sniff saving power modeCommand Response ParameterAT+SNIFF=<Para1>,<Para2>, <Para3>,<Para4> OK Para1:maximal timePara2:minimal timeAT+SNIFF?OK+SNIFF:<Para1>,<Para2>,<Para3>,<Para4> Para3:tentative timePara4:overtimeDefault:0,0,0,0(decimalist)Command 10:Renew default setCommand Response ParameterAT+RESET OK 无Command 11:Set /Inquire about the Parameter of inquiry Scan and connecting ScanCommand Response ParameterAT+SCANTIME=<Para1>,<Para2>,<Para3>,<Para4>OKAT+SCANTIME?OK+SCAN:<Para1>,<Para2>,<Para3>,<Para4> Para1:Connect distant timePara2:Connect sustaining timePara3:Inquire about distant timePara4:Inquire about distant timeDefault:2048,18,2048,18( Decimalist )This parameter affects system power.Command 12:Set/ inquire if be boundCommand Response ParameterAT+BIND=< Para1> OKAT+BIND?OK+BIND:<Para1> Para1:0 be absent to bind address,or else bind address.Default:Not bind addressBind address:For slave, If memorized address, disallow to be inquired or paired, only can be connected by device which be memorized. For master, If memorized address, try to connect the device which be memorized all through. When the address is bound, therefore, once the device memorized address, the connection only can be happened between the device and the other which be memorized, however it will not be able to connect with others. If you want to connect with other devices, you must erase memorized address.Not bind address:Slave can be inquired and paired ; After encounters failed connecting with memorized device for several times, master erases memorized address automatically, and restarts to inquire and pair new device.If you hope to connect with fixed device, you’d better bind address.Command 13:Inquire about program version No.Command Response ParameterAT+VERSION? OK+VERSION:<Para1>Para1:Program version No. Command 14:Set/ Inquire about Indicator lightCommand Response ParameterAT+LED=<Para1>,<Para2> OKAT+LED? OK+LED:<Para1>,<Para2>Para1:”Connect indicator” PIO Default is PIO 0 (yellow light) Para2:”Power indicator” PIO,Default is PIO 1(Red light)There are eight IO on Bluetooth chip :PIO0~PIO7,Embedded modules can elicit four IO:PIO0,PIO1,PIO2,PIO3。

User Manual
高性能 USB 转 TTL/LVTTL 串口模块
ALIENTEK 广州市星翼电子科技有限公司
版本 V1.00 日期 2014/6/7 第一次发布 原因
高性能 USB 转 TTL/LVTTL 串口模块
高性能 USB 转 TTL/LVTTL 串口模块
2.1 模块简介
ATK-USB-UART 模块是 ALIENTEK 推出的一款高性能 USB 转 TTL/LVTTL 串口模块, 尺寸小巧(40.8mm*18.5mm) ,结构紧凑,模块通过 1 个 1*6P 的 2.54mm 间距排针与外部连 接,模块外观如图 2.1.1 所示: 电源指示灯 (蓝色) MiniUSB 座 12M 晶振 TXD 指示灯 (绿色) RXD 指示灯 (红色)
目 录
1.特性参数.................................................................................................................... 1 2.使用说明.................................................................................................................... 2
3.结构尺寸.................................................................................................................... 7 4.其他............................................................................................................................ 8

蓝牙模块软件说明书目录1.低功耗蓝牙(BLE)4.1 模块简介 (1)1.1. 功能简介 (1)1.2. 主要功能特点 (1)1.3. 模组电气特性 (2)1.4. 模组蓝牙功耗对照表 (2)1.5. 工作模式示意图 (3)1.6. 模块脚位图 (4)1.6.1.模块 7x7 脚位图 (4)1.6.2.模块 5x5 脚位图 (6)1.7. 引脚功能 (6)1.7.1 模块 7x7 引脚功能 (6)1.7.2.模块 5x5 引脚功能 (8)2.模块软件指令说明 (11)2.1. 命令表 (11)2.2. SPI 软件命令格式说明 (15)2.2.1. SPI 写命令 (15)2.2.2. SPI 读命令 (15)2.3. UART 命令格式说明 (16)2.3.1. UART 读写命令 (16)2.3.2. UART 接收 BLE 数据 (17)2.4. 蓝牙软件读写说明 (17)2.4.1. 模块 UUID 说明 (17)2.4.2. 模组蓝牙通道操作软件说明 (17)2.5. 命令说明 (18)3.APP 工具使用说明 (35)3.1.APP 读取及设置模组参数 (36)3.2.接收发送透传数据 (37)4.联系我们 (38)5.文件修订说明 (39)1. 低功耗蓝牙( BLE )1 4.1 模块简介1.1. 功能简介蓝牙模块支持从机模式。
模块通过初始设置后会自动进行广播,已打开特定 APP 的手机会对其进行扫描和对接,成功之后便可以通过 BLE 协议对其进行控制。
桥接模式:用户 CPU 可以通过模块的通用 UART 或 SPI 和移动设备进行双向通讯,用户也可以通过特定的指令,对模块的蓝牙参数进行管理控制。
移动设备可以通过 APP 对模块进行写操作,写入的数据将通过 UART 或 SPI 发送给用户的 CPU。
模块收到来自用户 CPU数据包后,将自动转发给移动设备。

10 Bi-Directional Programmable input/output
23 Bi-Directional Programmable input/output
line, control output for
LNA(if fitted)
可以外部供电 1.8V
默认为内部供电 1.8V
电话:020-84083341 传真:020-84332079 技术销售 QQ:1043073574
地址:广州市海珠区昌岗中路昌岗南街 50 号叠翠苑综合楼首层 A016 邮编:510260
CMOS output, tri-stable with weak internal
CMOS input with weak internal pull-down
CMOS input with weak internal pull-down
CMOS output, Tri-stable with weak internal
低功耗 高性能无线收发系统 低成本 应用领域
蓝牙车载免提 蓝牙 GPS 蓝牙 PCMCIA , USB Dongle 蓝牙数据传送 软件 CSR
电话:020-84083341 传真:020-84332079 技术销售 QQ:1043073574
line Programmable input/output
line Programmable input/output

FIMRWARE UPDATES USER GUIDEFriday, 11 October 2019 Document Revision: 2.2Copyright © Silicon LabsAll rights reserved.Silicon Labs assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors, mistakes or inaccuracies in content. Silicon Labs reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice, and does not make any commitment to update the information herein.Silicon Labs’ products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems.The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by the Bluetooth® SIG, Inc. USA.All other trademarks and trade names listed herein belong to their respective owners.Information is subject to change without notice.VERSION HISTORYTABLE OF CONTENTS1Introduction 5 2Firmware update over SPI 6 2.1Prerequisites 6 2.2iWRAP update client 6 2.3Firmware update with iWRAP update client 7 2.4Firmware update with BlueFlash 9 3Firmware update over UART 10 3.1Prerequisites 10 3.2SerialDFU 10 3.3Firmware update with SerialDFU 11 3.4DFUWizard 14 3.5DFU protocol 14 4Troubleshooting 15 4.1iWRAP update client is unable to identify or connect to the module 15 4.2SerialDFU fails to start the firmware update 151 IntroductionThis document describes the basic methods of updating the firmware of Bluegiga Bluetooth modules. The manual also contains step-by-step instructions to perform firmware update over SPI or UART interfaces.Bluegiga – A Silicon Labs Company2 Firmware update over SPIFirmware update over SPI interface is the fastest and most reliable way of updating the firmware on your Bluetooth module. The downside however is that you need a physical access to the SPI pins of the module and since the SPI protocol is not generally available a Windows software for performing the update. However in many cases the SPI interface is the only way to update the firmware.2.1 Prerequisites1. You need to have a physical access to the SPI interface of your Bluetooth module.2. You need to have iWRAP update client installed on your PC and your PC must have an available LPTport. You may need to manually run the \CSR\BlueSuite 2.5\drivers\win32\InstParSpi.bat file and reboot after installing in order for the LPT driver to work properly.3. You need to have On-board Installation Kit, which is a LPT to SPI converter cable. The cable isdelivered with the Bluetooth module development kits and the schematics are available upon request.2.2 iWRAP update clientiWRAP update client is a simple Windows software, which enables you to update the firmware of your Bluetooth module. The following chapter walks you through the firmware update with iWRAP update client.iWRAP update client package is available for example in https:///products/development-tools/software/bluegiga-iwrap-bluetooth-software-stack/ web page.Note:iWRAP update client always restores the factory settings of your module.Never install the .XPV and .XDV files delivered with iWRAP update client directly using BlueFlash software, since it will corrupt the unique settings of your module.Bluegiga – A Silicon Labs Company2.3 Firmware update with iWRAP update client1. Connect the On-board Installation kit to the SPI interface of your Bluetooth module and power up themodule.2. Start the iWRAP update client.Figure 1: iWRAP update client3. Press the Update button. iWRAP update client recognizes your module version and offers availablefirmware options.Figure 2: Firmware selection4. Select one of the firmware options and press OK. iWRAP update client starts to update the firmware.This may take several minutes.Figure 3: Update in progressBluegiga – A Silicon Labs CompanyFigure 4: Update completed5. Finally reset the module by powering it off.2.3.1 iWRAP license keyiWRAP 5.0.0 and newer firmware version require a license key to operate. iWRAP update client software can be used to install a license key into the Bluetooth module. The license key needs to match the Bluetooth address of the device and license keys can be requested from /support.The Bluetooth modules should have a license key pre-installed but if the flash of the module has been fully erased or the module does not have a proper license key, the license key can be entered to the license key box in the iWRAP update client software.Figure 5: Entering iWRAP license keyBluegiga – A Silicon Labs Company2.4 Firmware update with BlueFlashBlueFlash is a firmware update tool from Cambridge Silicon Radio (CSR). It can be used to update the firmware of your Bluetooth module in a similar fashion as with iWRAP update client.However with BlueFlash separate firmware image files must be used. The firmware image files delivered with iWRAP update client must never be used with BlueFlash, since they will corrupt the unique settings of your module.Figure 6: BlueFlash software1. Download and install BlueSuite software package for example from Bluegiga iWRAP web page:https:///products/development-tools/software/bluegiga-iwrap-bluetooth-software-stack/.2. Connect your WT1x or WT3x module via SPI interface to a PC3. Start BlueFlash application4. Press Stop processor5. Choose the .XPV file6. Press Download7. Once the download is complete, press Start processor8. You are doneNever install the .XPV and .XDV files delivered with iWRAP update client directly using BlueFlash software, since it will corrupt the unique settings of your module.Bluegiga – A Silicon Labs Company3 Firmware update over UARTDevice Firmware Upgrade (DFU) protocol allows you to update your Bluetooth module over either UART or USB interface. This may allow more flexible firmware updates than SPI, especially when the Bluetooth module is integrated onto an application board.Unlike the SPI, the DFU is an open protocol and can therefore be implemented into microcontrollers and processors. This is might be useful in cases where a cabled connection from a PC to the Bluetooth module is not possible, but on the other hand the host processor could be used to perform the firmware update.The following chapters describe how firmware update can be made over RS232 and using a Windows application called SerialDFU.3.1 Prerequisites1. You need to have a physical access to the UART interface of your Bluetooth module.2. You need to have a correct DFU file (.dfu) for your firmware and hardware version.3. In case of performing firmware update over RS-232 interface and no hardware flow control (RTS andCTS) is used in the Bluetooth module, the flow control pins must be connected together in the RS-232 cable.3.2 SerialDFUSerialDFU is simple Windows based software that enables you to update the firmware of your Bluetooth modules over RS232. SerialDFU application is distributed together with iWRAP firmware releases.Bluegiga – A Silicon Labs Company3.3 Firmware update with SerialDFU1. Connect your Bluetooth module via a RS232 to a PC.2. Start the SerialDFU software.Figure 7: SerialDFU software3. Select the correct COM port.4. Select the correct baud rate for BCSP protocol used for the firmware update.The default the BCSP baud rate is 115200 and if you have not changed it via PS keys, you should not touch this setting.5. SerialDFU software can automatically put iWRAP firmware into firmware update mode. If you havenot done this manually, please check Command iWRAP box.6. Select the correct baud rate used with iWRAP firmware. Notice that this baud rate may be differentfrom the BCSP baud rate.Bluegiga – A Silicon Labs Company7. If you do not know the hardware version of your Bluetooth module, use the Get Device Type button.Figure 8: Get Device Type8. Select the correct DFU file for your hardware.9. SerialDFU is also able to write PS keys into the module (i.e. custom module/iWRAP configurationsettings). You can optionally also select a PSR file to be installed into the module. Note that if you provide a PSR file, then the three checkboxes below will be enabled for you to check or uncheck.They concern the PS key settings supplied in the PSR file:o Transient (RAM): Write key values to RAM only. Settings will revert back to defaults on a cold reset.o Implementation: Write key values to flash in implementation (non-factory) slots. Settings will remain through warm or cold resets, but will revert back to factory defaults if you issue the“SET RESET” command i n iWRAP.o Factory: Write key values to factory default slots. These are the settings that will be used if you use a “SET RESET”.Note that iWRAP will attempt to load settings in a downward hierarchy upon booting. Implementation settings are loaded on boot where they exist. If a key does not have an implementation setting value, it will load them from factory settings. If it doesn’t have a factory setting value, it will load the ROM default value (which cannot be modified).Bluegiga – A Silicon Labs CompanyBluegiga – A Silicon Labs Company10. Press Update.Figure 9: DFU update in progress11.Wait until the update finishes.Figure 10: Update completeBluegiga – A Silicon Labs Company12. Finally, reset the module.3.4 DFUWizardDFUWizard is a firmware update tool from CSR. It can be used to update the firmware of your Bluetooth module in a similar fashion as with SerialDFU:The only difference is that DFUWizard also works over USB interface.Figure 11: DFUWizard3.5 DFU protocolIn case you want to implement firmware updates over DFU into your system, please contact /support for the DFU protocol description.The Python based source code of SerialDFU is also available upon request.4 Troubleshooting4.1 iWRAP update client is unable to identify or connect to the module1. Verify your SPI connection and make sure the module is powered up.2. From your PC’s BIOS, please check that the LPT port is enabled and in ECP mode and try iWRAPupdate client again.3. If that does not help, please reinstall the SPI device drivers by running \CSR\BlueSuite2.5\drivers\win32\InstParSpi.bat from the BlueSuite installation folder (typically C:\ProgramFiles\CSR\BlueSuite 2.5).Restart the PC and try iWRAP update client again.4. If you have tried all of the above, try to install iWRAP update client to a different PC. Note that 64-bitoperating systems do not work correctly with the parallel port programmer, regardless of which main version of Windows it is (Vista, 7, or 8).5. Contact /support.4.2 SerialDFU fails to start the firmware update1. Verify your UART connection and make sure the module is powered up.2. Verify that the iWRAP baud rate is configured correctly.3. Verify that the BCSP baud rate is configured correctly.4. You can also manually put iWRAP into DFU update mode by issuing an iWRAP command “BOOT 1”.Bluegiga – A Silicon Labs CompanyIoT Portfolio /IoTSW/HW/simplicityQuality/qualitySupport and CommunityDisclaimerSilicon Labs intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Labs products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and "Typical" parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Labs reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Without prior notification, Silicon Labs may update product firmware during the manufacturing process for security or reliability reasons. Such changes will not alter the specifications or the performance of the product. Silicon Labs shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the information supplied in this document. This document does not imply or expressly grant any license to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any FDA Class III devices, applications for which FDA premarket approval is required or Life Support Systems without the specific written consent of Silicon Labs. A "Life Support System" is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Labs products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Labs products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons. Silicon Labs disclaims all express and implied warranties and shall not be responsible or liable for any injuries or damages related to use of a Silicon Labs product in such unauthorized applications.Trademark InformationSilicon Laboratories Inc.® , Silicon Laboratories®, Silicon Labs®, SiLabs® and the Silicon Labs logo®, Bluegiga®, Bluegiga Logo®, ClockBuilder®, CMEMS®, DSPLL®, EFM®, EFM32®, EFR, Ember®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, "the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers", Ember®, EZLink®, EZRadio®, EZRadioPRO®, Gecko®, Gecko OS, Gecko OS Studio, ISOmodem®, Precision32®, ProSLIC®, Simplicity Studio®, SiPHY®, Telegesis, the Telegesis Logo®, USBXpress® , Zentri, the Zentri logo and Zentri DMS, Z-Wave®, and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Labs. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.Silicon Laboratories Inc. 400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701 USASimplicity StudioOne-click access to MCU and wireless tools, documentation, software, source code libraries & more. Available for Windows, Mac and Linux!。
Kfar-Blum 1215000 蓝牙智能程序器说明书

Fra i programmatori non accoppiati scegli il nome del tuo modello di programmatore. Se non Attenzione!Il codice di accoppiamento comparirà sul display del programmatore solo per 10 secondi5. Digita il codice di accoppiamento (quattro cifre) che viene visualizzato sul display del programmatore e ok. Completato l’accoppiamento il programmatore e lo smartphone sono connessi e lo stato connesso viene visualizzato.* Consenti localizzazione sul tuo smartphoneInserire CodiceIl codice di accoppiamento comparirà sul display delprogrammatoreCancella Benvenuto in Galcon Benvenuto in GalconScarica l'appalcuno al Cliente. Il contenuto del Cliente può essere messo a disposizione del pubblico e il Cliente non dovrebbe aspettarsi alcuna riservatezza per ciò che riguarda il suo contenuto. Il Cliente è consapevole del fatto che egli fornisce delle sue informazioni personali a proprio rischio.16. Il Cliente garantisce e concorda che la Prestazione dei Servizi è subordinata al ricevimento delle informazioni da una varietà di fonti terze, anche per ciò che riguarda i dati meteo, per cui non può garantire l'accuratezza di tali informazioni. Il Sito e i Servizi vengono riforniti su base AS IS che sono disponibili senza garanzie di alcun tipo da parte della Galcon. L'impiego del Sito, il Prodotto e/o i Servizi sono ad esclusivo rischio del Cliente.17. La Galcon non è responsabile di eventuali problemi o disguidi tecnici a carico di reti o linee telefoniche o di reti wireless di ogni tipo (Wifi, Cellular, Bluetooth o altri), di sistemi informatici online, di server o provider, di apparecchiature informatiche o di software, dovuti a problemi tecnici o a congestioni su Internet o sui Servizi e/o sul Sito. In nessun caso la Galcon sarà responsabile di eventuali perdite o danni derivanti dall'uso del Prodotto, del Sito e/o dei Servizi.18. La Galcon può sospendere o interrompere i Servizi e/o il conto del Cliente in qualsiasi momento, con preavviso scritto al Cliente, nel caso in cui il Cliente violi questi Termini e, nella misura in cui la violazione può essere accomodata, il Cliente si premura di farlo entro 14 (quattordici) giorni.19. La presente Garanzia e i mezzi di tutela qui esposti sono esclusivi e sostituiscono qualsiasi altra garanzia, mezzo di tutela e clausola, sia orale, sia scritta, sia legale, sia esplicita o implicita. LA GALCON DISCONOSCE OGNI LEGGE O GARANZIA IMPLICITA COMPRESE, SENZA LIMITAZIONI, LE GARANZIE DI COMMERCIABILITA' E IDONEITA' PER UNO SCOPO PARTICOLARE E LE GARANZIE CONTRO DIFETTI OCCULTI O LATENTI.20. Il Cliente è l'unico responsabile della selezione, dell'uso, dell'efficienza edell'appropriatezza del(i) Prodotto(i).21. Le disposizioni del presente Certificato di Garanzia Limitata saranno interpretate e giudicate, solo ed esclusivamente, ai sensi delle leggi dello Stato di Israele e nessun'altra legge farà testo. Ogni singola azione legale sarà di competenza dei tribunali di Israele e nessun'altra giurisdizione farà testo. Il Cliente rinuncia ad una qualsiasi obiezione a tale giurisdizione e sede processuale per il fatto che altrimenti si tratterebbe di un forum non idoneo.。

//设置 TIM4 的开关
void TIM4_Set(u8 sta)
TIM4->CR1|=1<<0; //使能定时器 4
}else TIM4->CR1&=~(1<<0);//关闭定时器 4
//使能串口 2 的 DMA 发送
F);//DMA1 通道 7,外设为串口 2,存储器为 USART2_TX_BUF
#ifdef USART2_RX_EN
1, 指示灯 DS0 、DS1
2, KEY0/WK_UP 两个按键
3, 串口 1、串口 2
4, TFTLCD 模块
5, ATK-HC05-V11 蓝牙串口模块
接下来,我们看看 ATK-HC05 蓝牙串口模块同 ALIENTEK STM32 开发板的连接,前面我们
介绍了 ATK-HC05 蓝牙串口模块的接口,我们通过杜邦线连接 ATK-HC05 模块和开发板的相应
AN1301 ATK-HC05 蓝牙串口模块使用
本应用文档(AN1301,对应战舰 STM32 开发板扩展实验 1/MiniSTM32 开发板扩展实验 22)将教大家如何在 ALIENTEK STM32 开发板上使用 ATK-HC05 蓝牙串口模块(注意,本文档 同时适用 ALIENTEK 战舰和 MiniSTM32 两款开发板)。本文档我们将使用 ATK-HC05 蓝牙串口 模实现蓝牙串口通信,并和手机连接,实现手机控制开发板。

if(mask&0X01)flen++; else ilen++; p++; } if(mask&0X02)buf++; //去掉负号 for(i=0;i<ilen;i++) //得到整数部分数据 { ires+=NMEA_Pow(10,ilen-1-i)*(buf[i]-'0'); } if(flen>5)flen=5; //最多取 5 位小数 *dx=flen; //小数点位数 for(i=0;i<flen;i++) //得到小数部分数据 { fres+=NMEA_Pow(10,flen-1-i)*(buf[ilen+1+i]-'0'); } res=ires*NMEA_Pow(10,flen)+fres; if(mask&0X02)res=-res; return res; } //分析 GPGSV 信息 //gpsx:nmea 信息结构体 //buf:接收到的 GPS/北斗数据缓冲区首地址 void NMEA_GPGSV_Analysis(nmea_msg *gpsx,u8 *buf) { u8 *p,*p1,dx; u8 len,i,j,slx=0; u8 posx; p=buf; p1=(u8*)strstr((const char *)p,"$GPGSV"); len=p1[7]-'0'; //得到 GPGSV 的条数 posx=NMEA_Comma_Pos(p1,3); //得到可见卫星总数 if(posx!=0XFF)gpsx->svnum=NMEA_Str2num(p1+posx,&dx); for(i=0;i<len;i++) { p1=(u8*)strstr((const char *)p,"$GPGSV"); for(j=0;j<4;j++) { posx=NMEA_Comma_Pos(p1,4+j*4); if(posx!=0XFF)gpsx->slmsg[slx].num=NMEA_Str2num(p1+posx,&dx); //得到卫星编号 else break; posx=NMEA_Comma_Pos(p1,5+j*4); if(posx!=0XFF)gpsx->slmsg[slx].eledeg=NMEA_Str2num(p1+posx,&dx); //得到卫星仰角

ATK-SPP蓝牙串口说明书ATK-SPP 蓝牙数传模块一.模块概述ATK-SPP是一款专为数据传输设计的蓝牙模块,遵循蓝牙3.0协议。
二.应用领域1 蓝牙打印机2 蓝牙遥控玩具3 智能家居4 汽车诊断仪5 蓝牙无线数据传输6 蓝牙游戏手柄7 无线数据传输8 蓝牙GPS9 工业遥控三.引脚说明引脚引脚功能描述1 VCC 3.3V电源2 P00 LED3 P01 I/O4 P30 I/O5 P35 I/O6 P45 I/O7 GND 电源地8 GND 电源地9 P10 I/O10 P20 UART-RXD11 P21 UART-TXD12 P22 I/O13 P23 I/O14 P24 I/O15 P25 I/O16 P26 I/O或者PWM口17 NC 悬空18 P11 I/O四.模块尺寸尺寸大小:12.7x23.4x1mm Pcb pad layout size是 1.5×1mm五.应用电路六.命令参数1.设置命令:#AT#SET=m##:特征码m:0退出命令设置模式1-9进入命令设置模式,1代表5S,2代表10S,依此类推,最大可以设置45S。
例:#AT#SET=3#进入设置模式15S#AT#SET=0# 退出设置模式2.修改蓝牙名字:#AT#NAME=nnnnn#蓝牙名字最长位数为32位字符,修改成功后返回“OK”。
ATK-NEO-6M 高性能GPS模块用户手册

ATK-NEO-6M 用户手册
高性能 GPS 定位模块
另外,模块自带了一个状态指示灯:PPS。该指示灯连接在 UBLOX NEO-6M 模组的 TIMEPULSE 端口,该端口的输出特性可以通过程序设置。PPS 指示灯,在默认条件下(没 经过程序设置) ,有 2 个状态: 1, 常亮,表示模块已开始工作,但还未实现定位。 2, 闪烁(100ms 灭,900ms 亮) ,表示模块已经定位成功。 这样,通过 PPS 指示灯,我们就可以很方便的判断模块的当前状态,方便大家使用。
注 1: 即协调世界时,相当于本初子午线(0 度经线)上的时间,北京时间比 UTC 早 8 个小时。
接下来我们分别介绍这些命令。 1,$GPGGA(GPS 定位信息,Global Positioning System Fix Data) $GPGGA 语句的基本格式如下(其中 M 指单位 M,hh 指校验和,CR 和 LF 代表回车 换行,下同) : $GPGGA,(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),M,(10),M,(11),(12)*hh(CR)(LF)
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 命令 $GPGGA $GPGSA $GPGSV $GPRMC $GPVTG $GPGLL $GPZDA 说明 GPS 定位信息 当前卫星信息 可见卫星信息 推荐定位信息 地面速度信息 大地坐标信息 当前时间(UTC1)信息 最大帧长 72 65 210 70 34

A:我们的 ATK-HC05 蓝牙模块是 2.0 的蓝牙协议,不支持蓝牙 4.0,请检查你的手机是不是 蓝牙 2.0 的,比如 Iphone 就都是蓝牙 4.0 了。 B:通过串口发指令查看一下 蓝牙模块的模式。发送 AT+ROLE?。若返回+ROLE:0 则为从模式 返回 +ROLE:1 则为主机模式。模块在主机模式下手机是搜不到的。
ATK-HC05 蓝牙模块常见问题汇总
Q1:串口助手发送 AT 指令,无回应?
A:这个问题,可能有以下几个原因: 1, 连接方式错了。 这是最常见的错误,如果要串口 AT 指令直接配置模块,必须用 USB 转 TTL 串口,直接 连接 ATK-HC05 模块的 TXD 和 RXD,才可以。 很多朋友直接拿我们的例程连接方式,先将 ATK-HC05 的串口,连接到了 STM32 开 发板的 PA2,PA3,然后再通过 STM32 的串口 1(USB 转 TTL 串口)连接电脑,然后电 脑发送 AT 指令。 如果想串口助手直接发送 AT 指令,配置蓝牙模块,那么这种连接方式是错误的! 正确的连接方法是:电脑USB 转 TTL 串口ATK-HC05 模块。 这里,特别注意两点: 1, 连接通路上面,没有经过单片机。 2, USB 转 TTL 串口,不能用那种普通的带 LED 的 USB 转 TTL 串口模块,因为一般 厂家, 都是直接在串口的 TXD/RXD 线上, 接电阻和 LED, 这样会要求串口 TXD,RXD 上的驱动能力比较大,才可以正常驱动,而如果模块的驱动能力不够,就会导 致通信异常,就会出现发送指令无回应的情况。ALIENTEK 的 USB 转 TTL 串口 模块,虽然也带 LED 灯,但是我们有用三极管驱动 LED,所以不存在普通 USB 转 TTL 串口模块需要强驱动能力的问题。 另外, 如果你没有 USB 转 TTL 串口,但是有我们的开发板, 那么可以利用 ALIENTEK STM32 开发板自带的 USB 转 TTL 串口,来连接 ATK-HC05 蓝牙模块。只需要将开发板上 的 PA9/PA10 和 RXD/TXD 的跳线帽拔了, 然后这个 RXD,TXD 就是 USB 转出来的 TTL 串口, 连接到 ATK-HC05 蓝牙模块的 TXD 和 RXD,即可互相通信了,如图 Q1.1 所示:
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ATK-SPP 蓝牙数传模块
1 蓝牙打印机
2 蓝牙遥控玩具
3 智能家居
4 汽车诊断仪
5 蓝牙无线数据传输
6 蓝牙游戏手柄
7 无线数据传输
8 蓝牙GPS
9 工业遥
1 VCC 3.3V电源
2 P00 LED
3 P01 I/O
4 P30 I/O
5 P35 I/O
6 P45 I/O
7 GND 电源地
8 GND 电源地
9 P10 I/O
12 P22 I/O
13 P23 I/O
14 P24 I/O
15 P25 I/O
16 P26 I/O或者PWM口
17 NC 悬空
18 P11 I/O
尺寸大小:12.7x23.4x1mm Pcb pad layout size是 1.5×1mm
#AT#SET=0# 退出设置模式
例:#AT#PIN=0000# 蓝牙密码改为:0000,重新上电
例:#AT#MAC=123456ABCDEF# 蓝牙MAC地址改为:12:34:56:AB:CD:EF,重新上电后生效。
例:#AT#UART=3,2# 串口修改为,波特率19200,8
首先打开电脑主机或手机端,打开蓝牙功能,去搜索周边设备当搜到BLUE_SPP本模块默认设备名字后,即可链接,配对密码是1234 。
然后安装手机端APK SPP类测试工具(蓝牙串口通讯助手)。