Foreign Language Teaching Theories.外语教学理论
英国对外英语教学专业介绍 英国的专业多种多样,对外英语教学就是其中⼀个⽐较好的专业,TSSOL专业在很多国家都是⾮常受欢迎,因为不像传统的英语教学专业,那么英国的TESOL到底如何呢?跟着店铺⼩编来看看吧!欢迎阅读。
对外英语教学介绍 TESOL是“Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages” 的缩写,中⽂翻译就是“对外英语教学”,这个专业可以看作是英语语⾔学专业与教育专业的交叉学科。
TESOL课程设置 第⼀学期: Methodology I ⽅法论,教学法 1:听说读写四个⽅⾯的教学理论和实践 Classroom Observation 课堂观察: 通过观察有经验⽼师的教学⽅法和技巧来完成课堂教学理论化的学习 Language Learning Theory and Research 语⾔学习理论与研究 Description of Modern English 当代英语描述: 通过研究英语句法、语法以及衔接来形成语感 Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Concepts and Materials 电脑辅助语⾔学习: 通过电脑声⾳图象等⼿段来学习英语,类似于《⾛遍美国》等,研究利⽤这种软件相应的英语课堂来多元化英语的学习 Multimedia Authoring for Language Teaching 语⾔教学⽅⾯的多媒体创作: 制作编辑多媒体英语学习资料⽅⾯的研究 第⼆学期: Methodology II ⽅法论,教学法 2:语法、词汇和发⾳三个⽅⾯的教学理论和实Microteaching微格教学。
英语教学术语(Englishteachingterms)英语教学术语1 CALL/CAI 多媒体辅助教学2 TEFL(Teaching English as a Foreign Language)英语作为外语的教学3 TESL ( Teaching English as a Second Language ) 英语作为第二语言的教学4 Second Language learning 第二语言学习5 TPR ( Total Physical Response ) 全身反应法6 Task-Based Teaching Method 任务型教学模式7 The Natural Approach 自然法8 Contrastive Analysis 对比分析法9 Traditional Method 传统法10 Cognitive Approach 认知法11 Direct Method 直接法12 Audio-lingual Approach 听说法13 Audio-visual Approach 视听法14 Communicative Approach 交际法15 Suggestopedia 暗示教学法16 Teaching kit 教学包17 communicative langunge teaching交际教学法18 community language learning 集体语言学习法19 comparative method 比较法20 EFL English as a Foreign Language英语作为外语21 English as an International Language 英语作为国际语言22 English environment 英语环境23 English for Academic Purposes 学术英语24 English for general prupose 普通英语25 English for General Purposes EGP 通用英语26 ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages 供非英语民族使用的英语27 English teaching;teaching English ELT 英语教学28 WSD(English as a Second Dialect)英语作为第二方言29 WSL(English as a Second Language)英语作为第二语言30 ESL Programme(English as a Second Language Programme)英语(第二语言)教程31 ESP(English for Special Purposes)专用英语32 EST(English for Science and Technology)科技英语33 English as a Foreign Language EFL英语作为外语34 English as an International Language 英语作为国际语言35 English environment 英语环境36 English medium school 英语授课学校37 English teaching;teaching English 英语教学38 abbreviation 缩写词,略语39 accent 重音40 accusative 宾格41 achievement test 成绩测试42 acquisition 习得43 acronym 缩略语44 adjective 形容词45 adverb 副词46 American English 美式英语47 article 冠词48 attributive 定语49 auxiliary verb 助动词50 British English 英式英语51 class 词类52 communication 交际53 communicative language teaching, CLT 交际语言教学法54 compact disk CD 激光盘55 computer 计算机;电脑56 computer-assisted learning, CAL 计算机辅助学习10.1.157 computer-assisted instruction, CAI 计算机辅助教学58 computer-assisted learning,CALL 计算机辅助语言学习59 conjunction 连接词60 consonant辅音61 context 语境62 cooperative principle, CP 合作原则63 cross-cultural communication 跨文化交际64 culture 文化65 interjection 感叹词66 international phonetic alphabet, IPA 国际音标67 interrogative sentence 疑问句68 intonation 语调69 intransitive 不及物的70 IPS symbol 国际音标符号71 lateral 边音;旁流音72 letter 字母73 long vowed 长元音74 monophthong 单元音75 network computer 网络计算机76 noun 名词77 objective case 宾格78 open syllable 开音节79 ordinal numeral 序数词80 part of speech 词类81 passive (voice) 被动语态82 person 人称83 phone 音素84 predicate 谓语85 prefix 前缀86 prepositional phrase 介词短语87 primary stress 主重音;第一重音88 pronoun 代词89 pronunciation 发音90 reading comprehension 阅读理解91 second language acquisition 第二语言习得92 secondary stress 次重音93 speech sound 语音94 spelling 拼写,拼法95 strategic knowledge 学习策略知识96 stress 重音97 subject 主语98 subjunctive mood 虚拟语气5.5.299 substitution 替换100 suffix 后缀101 superlative degree 最高级102 syllable 音节103 syntax 句法104 textual 语篇功能105 transcription 音标106 verb phrase 动词短语107 voice 语态108 voiced consonant 浊辅音109 voiceless consonant 清辅音110 vowel 元音。
语言和言语之间的关系是对立统一的:语言是人们进行(言 语)交际的工具,言语是运用这一工具的过程及结果;语言 是社会现象,言语是个人现象;语言存在于言语之间;语言 是一般的、抽象的概括,言语是特殊的、具体的体现;语言 结构要素的各个单位及其规则是有限的,而言语产品(指句 子、篇章等)的数量则是无限的;语言系统作为全社会共有 的交际工具具有相对稳定的性质,而言语却处于变化的动态 之中;语言是社会成员在不断的言语活动中习得的,它的存 在是潜在的,而言语体现为声音(或文字)的表现物,具有 很强的外部表现性。总之,“语言与言语相互联系,相互依 存,语言既是言语的工具,又是言语的产物”。 (Saussure,1996:41)
错误所在了——不是语言错误,而是语用错 误。英美文化中,身处公共场所语境,如要 引起他人注意、寻求帮助时,一般使用 “Excuse me”而不能使用“Hello”。 (参见: 《语言学教程》(第三版中文本,胡壮麟, 北京大学出版社,2008.
1、古典语言教学阶段(1880年以前):语法翻译法(普洛 茨Karl Plotz,影响欧洲) 2、现代语言教学萌芽阶段(1880年至第一次世界大战): 直接教学法或自然法(戈恩Gouin法国人) 3、现代语言教学发展阶段(第一次世界大战至70年代): 美国的听说法(Boas、Sapir、Bloomfield) 法国的视听法。两个方法的基本教学原则一致,只是后者主 张多采用形象的教学媒介,如幻灯片) 4、现代语言教学深入阶段(70年代以后):交际教学法 (美国的弗斯、乔姆斯基等等)
外语教学 英语作文
外语教学英语作文English:In foreign language teaching, particularly in the case of learning English, it is essential to focus on communication skills alongside grammar and vocabulary. The ability to effectively communicate in English opens up a world of opportunities for individuals in terms of education, career, and personal development. Language learners should be encouraged to practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing in English to improve their overall proficiency. Utilizing various tools such as language apps, online resources, and language exchange programs can greatly enhance students' language learning experience. Additionally, creating a supportive and interactive learning environment in the classroom where students have the opportunity to engage in real-life conversations and activities in English can significantly enhance their language skills. By integrating cultural aspects of the language into the curriculum, students can gain a deeper understanding of the language and its context, making their learning more meaningful and enjoyable. Overall, a well-rounded approach that balances grammar, vocabulary, andcommunication skills is crucial for successful foreign language learning.中文翻译:在外语教学,特别是在学习英语的情况下,重点应该放在沟通能力上,同时要关注语法和词汇。
外语教学法复习提纲General Introduction总体简介The nature of FLTM: a science which studies the process and patterns of foreign language teaching.Traditional Linguistics传统语言学Practical in natural: in order to understand the classic words of ancient times and to teach students. 实用性:为了读懂古代的经典,或是为了教学生,使其能够理解并欣赏这些古代的经典著作。
Give the priority to the written form and took words as their starting point.注重书面,并且把单词作为研究的起点。
Take a prescriptive approach to discuss the rules of language.采用***式,以便正确运用语言指定法则和标准。
American Structuralism美式结构主义语言学1930s-1940s (Franz Boas and Wdward Sapor)先驱:鲍阿斯和萨丕尔The father of American Structuralism: Leonard Bloomfield.美国结构主义语言学之父:布鲁姆菲尔德a. Language acquisition in terms of behaviorist terminology.语言学家应当描述人们实际使用的语言而不应该自己规定,应通过归纳法对材料进行分析。
b. Language was a habit of verbal behaviorist which consisted of a series of stimuli and responses.语言只是一种习惯,它是由一系列的刺激与反应所组成。
In the context of language teaching, the first two questions have to do with syllabus design, the third with language teaching methodology, and the fourth with assessment and evaluation. Syllabus design, then, is the selection, sequencing, and justification of the content of the curriculum(教学大纲的设 计,是选择、排序,和课程的内容的理由 ).
Structural View (结构主义 语言理论) :
It sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystem : from phonological, morphological, lexical, etc. to sentence . Each language has a finite number of such structural items.
Interactional View :(交互语言理 论)
It consider language as a communicative tool , whose main use is to build up and maintain social relations between people.
These three views present an ever wider view of language. The structural view limits knowing a language to knowing its structural rules and vocabulary. The communicative or notionalfunctional view adds the need to know how to use the rules and vocabulary to do whatever it is one wants to do. The interactional view says that to know how to do what you want to do involves also knowing whether it is appropriate to do, and where, when and how it is appropriate to do it.
一、外语教学法流派1. 语法翻译法(Grammar-Translation Approach)。
2. 直接法(Direct Approach)。
英语教案素养目标 英语版范文
英语教案素养目标英语版范文Teaching English as a foreign language requires educators to have a deep understanding of language learning theories and pedagogical approaches. 英语作为一门外语的教学需要教育者对语言学习理论和教学方法有深入的理解。
It is essential to consider the learners' needs, proficiency levels, and cultural backgrounds when designing lesson plans and learning activities. 设计课程计划和学习活动时,必须考虑学习者的需求、熟练水平和文化背景。
By incorporating a variety of teaching strategies and resources, teachers can create engaging and effective English lessons that cater to diverse learning styles. 通过融入各种教学策略和资源,教师可以创建吸引人并有效的英语课程,满足不同的学习风格。
Engaging students in language learning through interactive activities, group work, and real-life context helps them develop their language skills and cultural awareness. 通过互动活动,小组合作和真实语境,让学生参与语言学习,有助于他们发展语言技能和文化意识。
In order to enhance students' proficiency in English, educators should create a language-rich environment that fosters language acquisition and promotes language use. 为了提高学生的英语水平,教育工作者应该创造一个语言丰富的环境,促进语言习得和促进语言使用。
《外语教学法》第一章 总体简介
第一章总体简介重点、常考点解析1.The Nature of FLTM(外语教学法的性质)(理解,记忆)Foreign language teaching methodology(FLTM)is a science which studies the process and patterns of foreign Language teaching .Its aim is to reveal (show) the nature and laws of foreign language teaching .It involves (includes)a lot of disciplines such as linguistics psychology psych olinguistics and sociolinguistics .Therefore,we say that FLTM is an inter-disciplinary science and it makes use of many subjects.外语教学法是研究外语教学模式和外语教学过程,旨在提示外语教学法的性质与规律的一门科学。
(这个知识点会以填空题,简答题形式出现)2.T raditional linguistics 传统语言学(掌握)在这个知识点中主要掌握如下几点①Origin of traditional Linguistics(传统语言学的起源)(一般会出选择,填空题出现)In the fifth century B C The ancient Greeks began to make a serious study of language in the realm of philosophy.约在公元前5世纪,古希腊人就开始在哲学的领域对语言现象进行了探讨。
In the eighteenth century In eighteenth century, “modern” languages such as English, French and Italian began to enter European schools, and they were taught using the same way that were used for teaching Latin.Textbooks consisted of abstract grammar rules, lists of vocabulary, and sentences for translation. These sentences were constructed to show the grammar rules and had no relation to the language of real communication.
5. Accuracy is emphasized. Students are expected to attain high standards in translation. 6. Grammar is taught deductively—that is, by presentation and study of grammar rules, which are then practiced through translation exercises. In most Grammar-Translation texts, a syllabus was followed for the sequencing of grammar points throughout a text, and there was an attempt to teach grammar in an organized and systematic way.
《外语教育学》教学大纲【本文由大学生电脑主页[ ] —大学生的百事通收集整理】●本课程教学的目的《外语教育学》是一门探讨英语教学规律的专业性教育学科,它的任务在于揭示英语教学过程的本质和规律,研究和探讨英语教学的路子、方法和技能,对学生进行专业思想教育。
[教学内容]Chapter 1 General Introduction1.1. Background Knowledge of Language Teaching and Learning1.2. Context of Language Teaching and Learning1.3. A Brief History of ELT Methodology第二章外语学习理论[教学目的]通过本章的教学,使学生懂得学生是教学的主体,是内因,教学是一种双边活动。
外语系课程(中英对照)序号: 1课程编码:、、、课程名称:大学英语College English开课系部:外语系学分:24周学时:6+2/学期×4(“2”为课外学时)预修课程:无修读对象:本科生(非英语专业)课程简介:本课程根据教育部高教司颁发的《大学英语教学基本要求》,在高中阶段应掌握的1800个单词基础上继续进行英语学习,要求学生掌握4200个左右的生词和词组,培养学生的听、说、读、写、译能力,使他们能用英语交流信息。
课文选用当代语言材料 (包括文学作品、议论性文章、新闻报道及应用文),内容涉及政治、经济、文化、历史、科学技术等,注重英语在社会生活中的应用。
Course Code: 、、、Course Title: College EnglishDepartment: Foreign LanguagesCredit: 24Periods per week: 6 + 2 (supplementary)Preparatory Course:NoneStudents: Undergraduates (non-English major)Contents: The course is intended to prepare the students for a better reading ability with a range of basic communicative skills: listening, speaking, writing and translation. With thehelp of the course, the students may have a solid language foundation and an efficientlearning method so as to be capable in communication and meet the needs of the futurecareer. In each of the 4 semesters, there are to be 6 periods for the classroom teachingand 2 supplementary periods for the students learning after class.Course book: Li Yinhua, Yu Sumei, Ed. 2001. New College English: Integrated Course (Book 1-4), Listening and Speaking Course (Book 1-4). Shanghai Foreign Language EducationPressReference Book:Ke Yanfen, Ed. 2001. New College English: Reading Course (Book 1– 4). Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press序号: 2课程编码:、、、课程名称: 基础英语Basic English开课系部:外语系学分:24周学时:6/学期×4预修课程:无修读对象:本科生课程简介:本课程系统地传授英语语言知识(语音、语法、词汇、篇章结构、功能意念等),训练听、说、读、写、译等基本语言技能,培养英语交际能力,指导学习方法,培养逻辑思维能力,为进入高级阶段的学习打好基础。
Foreign Language Teaching Methodology第一章 General IntroductionFLT的目标是帮助学生花尽量少的时间掌握所学目标语(能成功地用之进行交际)。
第一节The nature of FLTMFLTM is a science which studies the processes and patterns of FLT, aiming at revealing the nature and laws of FLT. 也就是说,它研究FLM的实践、程序、途径、方法、技巧、及其原则与理论基础。
FLT is a inter–disciplinary science.第二节Theories of Linguistics一、Traditional linguistics1、传统语言学指的是直接来源于古希腊的传统语言研究或与其一致的语言学理论,有2000多年的传统。
2、In the fifth century B.C,古希腊人在哲学领域内对语言现象的两场controversies:⑴The naturalists argued that the form of words reflect directly the nature of objects,e.g. onomatopoeia and sound symbolism。
The conventionalists认为语言是conventional,form与meaning没有必然的联系。
⑵类推派(the analogists)和变异派(the anomalists)争论语言是否有规则。
公元前一世纪Thrax把希腊语的词汇分为八大类;300年后Dyscolus 对希腊语句法进行了全面的研究。
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4.2 The approaches / methods • 4.2.1 The grammar- translation method
• A method which emphasizes the teaching of L2 grammar
and translation practices from and into the L2 L is a system of rules to be observed in texts and to be related to L1 rules and meanings. L learning is an intellectual activity involving logical analysis of the language, extensive memorization of complicated rules and paradigms, and the application of these rules and paradigms in translation exercises Little thought was given to teaching aural/oral communication
4.2.3 The reading approach
• A method that deliberately restricts the goal of
language teaching to training in reading comprehension.
• A method which puts stress on autonomous
silent reading and individual reading rate, characterized by detailed instructions on reading strategies, vocabulary control, graded reading materials, and rapid reading techniques.
• Some classifications relate to the ‘how’ in
the FLT: analytic vs synthetic; in the former the learner is expected to achieve a command of the rules of the language directly from contact with samples of the language, while in the latter, he/she attains such a command indirectly, i.e. via explicit instruction in the rules of the language to be learned. Similar distinctions are: direct vs indirect, inductive vs deductive, empiricist vs rationalist.
• There have been some attempts at the
classification of methods. Some classifications relate to the ‘what’ of FLT: formal vs functional; the formal approach considers knowledge about a language to be more important than practical skills in that language, whereas the functional approach considers practical skills, esp. oral skills, to be the main objective.
• Following the prevailing notions of physical
• The Germans changed money at the bank
scientists, the structuralist linguists adopted a strongly empirical and inductive approach to the description of language. The paralell with physics is very clear: physical objects ‘cut’ into smaller and smaller pieces until the ultimate – the atom – is reached. The structuralist procedure –called immediate constituent analysis or IC analysis – is to ‘cut’ the components of the sentences into their immediate constituents, one ‘cut’ at a time, until the process cannot be continued and the fundamental ‘building-blocks’ of the sentence – the morphemes – have been reached:
• Generally the preference in the 18th c and a
major part of the 19th c was for the grammar-translation method, and that the direct method became the vogue round about 1900. • It is interesting to note that the change in methods is little time bound and for our days the two methods continue to exist in some form or other.
B Psychological input 1 Psychological theories 2 Pedagogical presentation of psychological theories 3 Selected elements from B2: Psycholinguistics Approach Syllabus Method Materials The Genesis of an Approach
Foreign Language Teaching Theories
Chapter 4 Survey of FLT Approaches
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
A Linguistic input 1 Linguistic theories 2 Pedagogical presentation of linguistic theories 3 Selected elements from A2: Applied linguistics
• 4.2.2 The direct method • A method that emphasizes direct
association of L2 utterances with denoted objects, actions, and persons. • L is spoken. L teaching should be based on phonetics. L learning is analogous to L1 acquisition, which should give emphasis on sounds and simple sentences and direct association of language with objects and persons of the immediate environment.
• • • • • • • •
1 The Germans 2 The Germans 3 The Germans 4 The Germans 5 The Germans 6 The \Germans 7 The \Germans 8 The \German\s Cut 6 8 \changed money \changed money \changed \money \changed \money \changed \money \changed \money \chang\ed \money \chang\ed \money 1 7 3 at \at \at \at \at \at \at \at 2 the the the \the \the \the \the \the 4 bank bank bank bank \bank \bank \bank \bank 5
C Other inputs Sociological Pedagogical etc
4.1 Introduction
• The need for educational facilities for large
groups of learners did not occur until the evergrowing demand for FLT beginning the 19th century. • In ancient Greece and Rome when only a few sought to learn an L2, the common procedure was to hire a private tutor. • In the Middle ages, Latin was taught to the non-initiated in an intensive and direct way: it was the medium of instruction for all subjects right from the beginning.