



钟平无痛英语四六级英语最有用的26条语句1. It goes without saying that+句子= It is obvious that句子 = Obviously, S. + V. 不用说,很明显It goes without saying that everyone should keep a balanced diet for the benefit of health.不用说,为了健康,每个人都应该保持平衡的膳食。

2. I am greatly convinced (that)句子….我深信…I am greatly convinced that we can improve our writing if we insist on reciting some useful sentences. 我深信,只要我们坚持每天背一些有用的句子,我们就可以提高我们的英语写作。

3. It can be easily proved (that)句子… 很容易证明….It can be easily proved that nothing is more precious than time.4. There is no doubt (that)句子…毫无疑问地There is no doubt that nearsightedness is a serious problem among the youth of our country. 毫无疑问,近视在我国的年轻人中是一个严重的问题。

5. According to my personal experience, …根据我个人经验¸…According to my personal experience, smile has done me a lot of good.According to my personal experience, friends bring me not only trust, understanding, but also warmth.6. Take … for example, … 拿…做例子Take my sister for example, she stayed in German and now she can speak Germany fluently.7. As a popular saying goes, “….” 俗话说得好….As a popular saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words.” 俗话说,事实胜于雄辩。



Although not so world widely accepted, people who are emotionally weak in daily business are often losers who are not able to fulfill any fruitful achievements in their lifetime that they endure.Science developed as an autonomous method of intellectual inquiry that successfully disengaged itself from the social constrains of organized religion and from the political constrains of the centralized modern authority.Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers, coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it.Such large, impersonal manipulation of capital and industry greatly increased the numbers and importance of shareholders as a class, an element in national life representing irresponsible wealth detached from the land and the duties of the landowners: and almost equally detached from the responsible management of business.Private businessmen. striving to make profits, produce these goods andservices in competition with other businessmen; and the profit motive, operating under competitive pressures, largely determines how these goods and services are produced.Under a system deployed on the white house website for the first time at last time, those who want to send a message to President Bush must now navigate as many as nine web pages and fill out a detailed form that starts by asking whether the sender of the message supports the white house policy or differs with it.These comments, whether accepted, clarified the norms and requirements of the covenant which was already in power in practice and enabled the committee to make a significant contribution to the justice promotion in a particular right or issue, while other article has failed to function as has been expected in those meetings which was held with great hope.The American economic system is organized around a basicallyprivate-enterprise, market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most.Until these issues are resolved, a technology of behavior will continue to be rejected, and with it possibly the only way to solve our problems.The method of scientific investigation is nothing but the expression of the necessary mode of working of the human mind and it is simply the mode by which all phenomena are reasoned about and given precise and exact explanation.Science moves forward,they say,not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools.In short,a leader of the new school contends,the scientific revolution,as we call it,was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments that expanded the reach of science in innumerable directions.Over the years,tools and technology themselves as a source of fundamental innovation have largely been ignored by historians and philosophers of science.Whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa(反之)often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force.How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount,reliability,and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted.Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.During this transfer,traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies designed to interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study.Under modern conditions,this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts.In the early industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrialization—with all the farreaching changes in social patterns that followed—was spread over nearly a century,whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so.The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated only a little more than a hundred years ago, and the selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual is only beginning to be recognized and studied.Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.The emphasis on data gathered first-hand, combined with across-cultural perspective brought to the analysis of cultures past and present, makes this study a unique and distinctly important social science. Tylor defined culture as “… that complex whole which includes belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.”Being interested in the relationship of the language and thought,Whorf developed the idea that the structure of the language determines the structure of habitual thought in a societyWhorf came to believe in a sort of linguistic determinism which,in its strongest from,states that language imprisons the mind,and that the grammatical patterns in a language can produce farreaching consequences for the culture of a societyI shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in Socratic(苏格拉底) way about moral problems .Traditionally, legal learning has been viewed in such institutions as the special preserve of lawyers rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person.In fact, it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear grasp of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a competent job on political stories.he believes that this very difficulty may have had the compensating advantage of forcing him to think long and intently about every sentence, and thus enabling him to detect errors in reasoning and in his own observations.It may be said that the measure of the worth of any social institution is its effect in enlarging and improving experience ; but this effect is not a part of its original motive。







机械效率的计算公式可以表示为:η = (实际输出功 / 理论输出功) × 100%。




实际输出功的计算方法:实际输出功通常可以通过测量得到,其计算方法可以表示为:实际输出功 = 负载功摩擦功输人功。


理论输出功的计算方法:理论输出功通常可以根据机械设备的设计参数和工作条件来计算,其计算方法可以表示为:理论输出功 = 输入功输人功。









钟平《英文观止》1-6课的视频学习笔记--Peng第一讲:24 mins1.任何一门语言都是一个集合,{中文}、{英文}、{日语},由单词构成2.语言没有交集3.中文的“出”,英文的“E”4.读法、写法、发音都不是语言差异的标准,都不重要,语言的本质是“内容”5.语言的差别在于,根本原因在于:词的排列顺序不同6.口语不好的原因在于:无法快速进行词语的排序7.语言的本质是:排序8.排序是个单纯的数学问题:排列组合,逻辑组织,只换内容不换逻辑;9.(英文)和(中文)是:相同的词,按照不同的逻辑,排列而成的组合10.任何两组逻辑之间必然存在一种转换的方法,转化是固定的11.英文是x,中文是y,F(x)=y?主要研究:f的表达式12.语言学是理性的,充满理性思维的严密而非常高效的逻辑运行体系13.菜鸟:对长难句,以词为单位,逐词向前推进14.高手:庖丁解牛,目无全牛,整体和局部配合的思想,“全局”15.英文是由三种基本的算法框架构成的(IBM做软件):介词、分词、从句16.三种基本的算法(介词、分词、从句)的组合顺序不同17.倒叙+并列不变序18.数学是上帝的语言19.机械化翻译公式20.例如:一个女的做了隆胸手术,一个男的看了后,4种表述:(“不”、“一”、“样”、“大“)A.不大一样B.不一样大C.一样不大D.大不一样第二讲:21 mins1.修饰和限定?定于,“定”确定,非限定=不能画范I love my father, who is good to me. I love girls who have long hair2.语言和词无关3.可数(可量化,有相对固定的单位)vs. 不可数(没有相对固定单位)money coin4.On(接触) Off(脱离)land on take off小鸟在(in)树上苹果在(on)树上例子:in on to off 几个介词,(北京、蒙古、英国、日本)在中国的北方第三讲:18 mins1.掌握两种语言各自的排序规则,才能掌握两者之间的转换f (知己知彼),建立“桥梁”2.六步走:(1)比较英汉逻辑排序的异同(2)主干定位(主+谓+宾)(3)“废话”的定位(4)定,状汉化(5)(6)3.英文:主干先行,废话后置商品演绎4.中文:反之。

One-Dimensional Models

One-Dimensional Models

Accepted by ASME J. of Biomechanical Engineering on 03/10/2006One-Dimensional Models of the Human Biliary SystemW.G. Li a , X.Y. Luo b, A.G. Johnson c, N.A.Hill b, N. Bird c, & S.B. Chin aa Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, S1 3JD, UKb Department of Mathematics, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QW, UKc Academic Surgical Unit, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, S10 2JF, UKCorresponding Author:Dr. X.Y. LuoDepartment of Mathematics,University of Glasgow,Glasgow, G12 8QW, UKFax: 0044-141-330 4111E-mail: X.Y.Luo@AbstractThis paper studies two one-dimensional models to estimate the pressure drop in the normal human biliary system for Reynolds number up to 20. Excessive pressure drop during bile emptying and refilling may result in incomplete bile emptying, leading to stasis and subsequent formation of gallbladder stones. The models were developed following the group’s previous work on the cystic duct using numerical simulations. Using these models, the effects of the biliary system geometry, elastic property of the cystic duct, and bile viscosity on the pressure drop can be studied more efficiently than with full numerical approaches. It was found that the maximum pressure drop occurs during bile emptying immediately after a meal, and is greatly influenced by the viscosity of the bile and the geometric configuration of the cystic duct, i.e. patients with more viscous bile or with a cystic duct containing more baffles or a longer length, have the greatest pressure drop. It is found that the most significant parameter is the diameter of the cystic duct; a 1% decrease in the diameter increases the pressure drop by up to 4.3%. The effects of the baffle height ratio and number of baffles on the pressure drop are reflected in the fact that these effectively change the equivalent diameter and length of the cystic duct. The effect of the Young’s modulus on the pressure drop is important only if it is lower than 400Pa; above this value, a rigid-walled model gives a good estimate of the pressure drop in the system for the parameters studied.Keywords: bile flow, cystic duct, gallstone, pressure dropNomenclatureACross-sectional area of collapsed ductm 2 0A Cross-sectional area of duct at zero transmural pressure m 2 1ACross-sectional area of flow at point 1 in Fig. 4 m 2 2A Cross-sectional area of the flow at point 2 in Fig. 4 m 2 1c Sudden contraction head-loss coefficient 2cSudden expansion head-loss coefficient 3c Head loss coefficient in a bend 4cHead loss coefficient in a 90o benddInner diameter of duct mm EYoung’s modulus of materials Pa fDarcy friction factor hThickness of wall or baffle mm HBaffle heightmm j Number of nodeJMaximum number of element p KStiffness of wall Pa LLength of ductm m L Equivalent length due to minor pressure loss m n Number of bafflesc nMaximum number of baffles p Internal duct pressure Pa e p External duct pressure Pa QBile flow rateml/min ReReynolds number, Re ud ν= r Inner radius of duct, πA r =mtTime min uBile velocity in cystic duct, A Q u = m/s V Bile volume in gallbladder ml x Duct centre-line coordinate m α Area ratio, 0A A =αμBile dynamic viscositymPa.s νBile kinematic viscosity, νμρ= mm 2/s θ The half of central angle of baffle cut rad ρDensity of bilekg/m 3 σPoisson’s ratioξBaffle height ratio, CD H d ξ=L Δ Distance between two successive baffles in cystic duct m p ΔPressure dropPa m p Δ Minor pressure drop in cystic ductPa te p Δ Minor pressure drop in T-junction during emptying Pa th p ΔMinor pressure drop in T-junction during refill Pa x ΔInterval of elementm Subscriptsb Baffle CBD Common bile ductCD Cystic duct CHDCommon hepatic ductEM Emptyingeq Equivalent id Ideal, straight and circular pipe inInlet of ductmax Maximum value min Minimum value outOutlet of ductRF Refilling1 IntroductionBiliary diseases such as cholelithiasis and cholecystitis necessitate surgical removal of the gallbladder (GB), which is the most commonly performed abdominal operation in the West. Some 60,000 operations for gallbladder disease are performed in the UK each year [1] at a cost to the National Health Service (NHS) of approximately £60 million per annum [2]. In order to understand the causes of these diseases, it is important to understand the physiological and mechanical functions of the human biliary system. The human biliary system consists of the gallbladder, cystic duct, common hepatic duct and common bile duct (Fig. 1). The human gallbladder is a thin-walled, pear-shaped sac which measures approximately 7-10cm in length and ~3cm in width. Its average storage capacity is 20-30ml. The human cystic duct is approximately 3.5cm long and 3mm wide and merges with the common bile duct. The mucosa of the proximal cystic duct is arranged into 3-7 crescentic folds or valves known as the spiral valves of Heister. The human common duct is normally about 10-15cm long and 5mm wide, in which the hepatic common duct is ~4cm long. The common bile duct merges with the pancreatic duct before entering the duodenum at the ampulla [4].Whilst the anatomical and physiological aspects of the human biliary system have been studied extensively, a little is known about flow mechanics in the system. Torsoli and Ramorino [5] measured pressures in the biliary tree and found them to vary from 0-14cm H2O (1cm H2O=100Pa) in the resting gallbladder to approximately 12-20cm H2O in the common bile duct. Earlier experimental work by Rodkiewcz and Otto [6] showed that bile behaves like a Newtonian fluid, although this has been challenged recently [7, 8, 9]. Kimura [10] found that the relative viscosity of bile is between 1.8-8.0, while Joel [11] found it is between 1.77-2.59. The relative viscosity is defined as the dynamic viscosity of the investigated fluid compared with that of distilled water, both at the same temperature. Tera [12] measured the dynamic viscosity of gallbladder bile by using eight 8cm-long capillary tubes with a diameter of 0.2mm. It was found that the normal gallbladder bile was layered and the relative viscosity of the top, thinnest layer was 2.1 and the bottom thickest layer was 5.1. Bouchier et al [13] also reported that relative viscosity, determined by a capillary flow viscometer, was greater in pathological gallbladder bile than normal gallbladder bile and both were more viscous than hepatic duct bile. Although the concentration of normal gallbladder bile affected the bileviscosity, in pathological and hepatic bile, the content of mucous was the major factor determining viscosity. Cowie et al [14] showed that the mean viscosity of bile from gallbladders containing stones was greater than that from healthy ones. The presence of mucous in gallbladders with stones was likely to account for the differences in viscosity based on the viscosity results using a Cannon-Fiske capillary viscometer at room temperature.The complicated geometry of the biliary tree makes it difficult to estimate the pressure drop during bile emptying using the Poiseuille formula. Rodkiewiz et al [15] found that flow of bile in the extrahepatic biliary tree of dog was related to the associated pressure drop by a power law and differed from that for laminar flow in a rigid tube. Dodds et al [16] calculated the volume variations of the gallbladder during emptying using the ellipsoid and sum-of-cylinders methods from the gallbladder images. Jazrawi et al [17] performed simultaneous scintigraphy and ultrasonography for 14 patients with gallstones and 11 healthy controls and studied the postprandial refilling, turnover of bile, and turnover index. They found that in postprandial healthy controls, the gallbladder handles up to six times its basal volume within 90min, but this turnover of bile is markedly reduced in cholelithiasis causing a reduced washout effect of the gallbladder contents, including cholesterol crystals (They didn’t actually measure the cholesterol crystals). Deenitchin [18] investigated the relationships between a complex cystic duct and cholelithiasis in 250 patients with cholelithiasis and 250 healthy controls. It was found that the patients with gallstones had significantly longer and narrower cystic ducts than those without stones. The results suggested that complex geometry of the cystic ducts may play an important role in cholelithiasis. An increase in the cystic duct resistance has been shown to result in sludge formation and eventually stones in the gallbladder [19, 20, 21, 22, 23]. Recently, Bird et al [24] have investigated the effects of different geometries and their anatomical functions of the cystic ducts.It is now generally accepted that prolonged stasis of bile in the gallbladder is a significant contributing factor to gallstone formation, suggesting that fluid mechanics, in particular, the pressure drop which is required to overcome the resistance of bile flow during emptying, may play an important role in gallstone formation. Unusually high gallbladder pressures could be a cause of acute pain observed in vivo, and also indicate that the gallbladder could not empty satisfactorily, increasing the likelihood of forming cholesterol crystals.Ooi et al [25] performed a detailed numerical study on flow in two- and three-dimensional cystic duct models. The cystic duct models were generated from patients’ operative cholangiograms and acrylic casts. The pressure drops in these models were compared with that of an idealised straight duct with regular baffles or spiral structures. The influences of different baffle heights, numbers, and Reynolds numbers on the pressure drop were investigated. They found that an idealised duct model, such as a straight duct with baffles, gives qualitative measurements that agree with the realistic cast models from two different patients. Experimental work has also been carried out to validate the CFD predictions in the simplified ducts [26]. Thus the simplified models can be used to provide some physical insights into the general influence of cystic duct geometry on the pressure drop [25]. However, their CFD modelling was limited to rigid cystic duct models only, an extending it to compliant model will be very much time consuming.In this paper, in order to obtain a global view of the total pressure drop in the whole biliary system and to consider the importance of the effects of fluid-structure interaction in the human cystic duct, we propose two one-dimensional models of the human biliary system, one with a rigid wall and one with an elastic wall. These models are based on the three-dimensional straight duct with regular baffles used by Ooi et al [25]. The rigid model is validated against the three-dimensional simulations, and the differences between the elastic and rigid models are discussed. Using these models, the effects of physical parameters such as the cystic duct length, diameter, baffle height ratio, number of baffles, the Young’s modulus, and the bile viscosity, on the pressure drop are studied in detail. Both refilling and emptying processes are modelled, and the bile flow in the hepatic and common bile ducts is also taken into consideration. It is hoped that these models can be further developed to provide some fast, qualitative estimates of pressure drop based on real time in vivo data of patients’ biliary systems and therefore be used to aid clinical diagnosis in the longer term.The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The characteristics of geometry and flow are described in Section 2, and the one-dimensional models are introduced in Section 3. The results and discussion are given in Section 4, followed by the conclusions.2 Characteristics of Geometry and FlowAnatomical descriptions of the biliary system date back to the 18th century when Heister [4] reported spiralling features in the lumen of the cystic duct and called them “valves”. Although later researchers doubted the valvular function, the term “valves of Heister” is still in use. The gross anatomy of the biliary system shown in Fig.1 begins from the gallbladder neck which funnels into a cystic duct. Spiralling mucous membranes are generally prominent in the proximal part of the cystic duct (pars spiralis or pars convoluta ) which then smoothes out to form a circular lumen at the distal end (pars glabra ). Although the actual geometry of the cystic, common hepatic and bile ducts is very complicated and subject dependent, and the ducts are all curved, to obtain a system view we can schematically represent the human biliary system as in Fig. 2.The flow directions of the bile during gallbladder emptying immediately after meal, and during refilling are also shown in Fig. 2. Usually, it takes about half an hour for emptying and several hours (until the next meal) for refilling. The gallbladder volume variation with time in both emptying and refilling is shown in Fig. 3 [4]. From this figure, we can derive the corresponding flow rate (or volume flux) Q (=dV dt ). For a healthy person, the average bile density ρ is about 1000kg/m 3, the same as water, and the range of diameter of the cystic duct is about CD d =1-4mm [24]. The temporal acceleration of bile (u t ρ∂) is approximately 10-3 m/s 2 in the emptying phase and 10-5 m/s 2 in the refilling, and can therefore be ignored in our model. In addition, the maximum Reynolds number (Re =4CD Q d πν) estimated for a cystic duct with diameter of 1mm and bile kinematical viscosity ν=1.275 mm 2/s is about 20 duringnormal emptying, and even smaller during refilling. Hence the flow is laminar. Finally, for a healthy person without gallstones, the bile can be reasonably considered as a Newtonian fluid [27].3 The One-Dimensional ModelsThe pressure drop during emptying is believed to have a link with the stone formation in gallbladder [18]. Our primary aim, therefore, is to predict this pressure drop in a mathematical model of the human biliary system. It is noted that the key structure contributing to the pressure drop is the cystic duct, while the hepatic and common bile ducts offer little resistance or geometric changes during emptying and refilling. Therefore to simplify the pressure dropprediction, the modelling focuses on the non-linear flow features in the cystic duct, while Poiseuille flow is assumed in the other two biliary ducts. In the following, the effects of the baffles in the cystic duct are considered in order to determine the equivalent diameter and length. The effects of the elastic wall are then considered on a straight model of the cystic duct using the concept of equivalent diameter and length.3.1 The Rigid Wall ModelFor a given flow rate, the flow resistance is defined as the pressure drop required to drive the flow along the duct. This pressure drop generally includes viscous losses and any local flow separation or vortex loss.3.1.1 Equivalent diameter and lengthIt is assumed that the common bile duct and the common hepatic duct are straight tubes and join at a T-junction (Fig. 2). To model the effects of the cystic duct baffles on the flow, following Ooi et al [25], the baffles are arranged in the simplified manner, shown in Fig. 4. Unlike in the straight tube, the flow in the cystic duct needs to negotiate its way around the baffles and the worst scenario is shown by the arrow in Fig. 4. Thus the key problem is to estimate the equivalent length L eq , and the equivalent diameter, d eq , treating the cystic duct as an “equivalent straight pipe”. Once this is done, it is straightforward to calculate the pressure drop in the cystic duct assuming Poiseuille flow.The equivalent diameter for the cystic duct, CD d , is dependent on the number of baffles, as well as the baffle height. From Fig. 4 we can see that the bile flow travels twice the distance from points 1 to 2 between any two baffles in the duct, and 1A and 2A are the corresponding cross-sectional areas at points 1 and 2. The sector area 1A can be easily calculated from)212CD CD A d H d θ=− , (1)where θ is half of the centre angle of the baffle cut, and is written as))))11tan 22tan CDCD H d H d θππ−−⎧−⎪⎪=⎨⎪+−⎪⎩222CD CD CD H d H d H d >=< , (2)for a given tube with fixed values of CD L and CD d , 1A depends on the baffle height H only.The maximum diameter of the flow passage is equal to the diameter of cystic duct CD d without baffles, i.e.,max eq CD d d = , (3)It is shown in the Appendix that for the range of parameters in which we are interested, 1A is always smaller than 2A. Therefore the minimum diameter of the flow passage is associated with 1A , i.e.,min eq d = , (4)We now assume that the equivalent diameter of cystic duct varies linearly with the number of baffles between min ,eq d and max ,eq d , i.e.(),min ,max ,min 1eq eq eq eq c n d d d d n ⎛⎞=+−−⎜⎟⎝⎠, (5)where n c is the maximum number of baffles considered. For the parameters we considered, n c =18 (for details, see Appendix).The equivalent length of the cystic duct is determined from the actual length of the flow passage along the duct plus an extra length due to the complicated flow pattern, i.e.()1eq CD m L H n L L =−++, (6)where m L denotes the extra length corresponding to the minor pressure drop due to local vortices from the cross-section area expansion, contraction and the flow path bending in the baffle zone. It can be estimated from [28] that4128eq mm d p L QπμΔ=, (7) where m p Δ is the local pressure drop predicted by Bober and Kenyon [29], i.e.()2212324241616(1)m eq eqQ Q p n c c c n d d ρρππΔ=++− . (8)Here the sudden contraction head-loss coefficient is 110.42(1)CD c A A =−, and the sudden expansion head-loss coefficient is ()2211CD c A A =− [28]. The coefficient 3c is the head-lossdue to the flow bending around the baffles and it is a function of the bending angle. For a 90o bend, 3c has been measured to be 0.75 [29]. In our model, the angle through which the flowbends around a baffle should largely depend on the baffle height ratio, ξ, and to a lesser extent, on the number of baffles too. For simplicity, however, we assume that the angle is a linear function of ξ: 3c k ξ=, where k is chosen to be 0.85. Thus, for ξ=0 (straight tubeflow), 3c =0, and for ξ = 0.9, where 3D simulations typically show that the flow turningthrough 90o around the baffles, 3c = The Emptying PhaseThe pressure drop in the cystic duct in the emptying phase for a given number of baffles can now be estimated for Poiseuille flow [28]4128CD eq eqQ p L d μπΔ= . (9) For the common bile duct, in the emptying phase, the pressure drop can be written as4128CBD CBD te CBDQ p L p d μπΔ=+Δ , (10) where te p Δ accounts for the pressure drop owing to the T-junction which consists of one 90o bend and one expansion, given224224241616te CD CDQ Q p c c d d ρρππΔ=+ , (11) The coefficients 4c =0.75 for 90o bend and 2c may be treated in the same manner as those for Eq. (8). Thus the total pressure drop in the biliary system during the emptying phase is44128128EM eq CBD te eq CBDQ Q p L L p d d μμππΔ=++Δ . (12)3.1.3 The Refilling PhaseLikewise, during refilling, the pressure drop in the common bile duct is expressed by Eq. (10), and the pressure drop in the common hepatic duct is4128CHD CHD th CHDQ p L p d μπΔ=+Δ , (13) where224124241616th CHD CHD Q Q p c c d d ρρππΔ=+ , (14) and the total pressure drop during refilling is44128128RF eq CHD th eq CHDQ Q p L L p d d μμππΔ=++Δ . (15)3.2 The Elastic Wall ModelIn order to obtain a more realistic description for the pressure drop in the human biliarysystem, an elastic wall model is now considered. In reality, the ducts are soft tissues made of non-linear material, i.e. the Young’s modulus varies with the internal pressure [30, 31]. However, in the first instance, it is assumed that the cystic duct is a linear, isotropic elastic material with a uniform wall thickness. The hepatic and common bile ducts are still assumed to be rigid for two reasons: one is that the Young’s modulus of these ducts is greater than that of the cystic duct [30]; the other is that the pressure variations in these two ducts are much smaller (less than 1 Pa) than in the cystic duct and, therefore, the deformation of the ducts is also much smaller.For simplicity, we model the elastic behavior of the cystic duct as an “equivalent pipe” with an equivalent length L=L eq , and a diameter d eq . In other words, the effects of baffles on the flow come implicitly through L eq and d eq (or area A eq , which varies with the transmuralpressure, i.e. internal minus external). We assume that the cystic duct is initially circular and the duodenal valve opens during emptying, which reduces the pressure in the common bile duct. This, together with the rise in the gallbladder pressure, will initiate the bile flow out of the gallbladder, which further decreases the pressure downstream in the cystic duct. Thus the transmural pressure in the downstream part of the cystic duct during emptying will become negative. As a result, the cystic duct becomes partially collapsed towards the downstream end. This fluid-structure behavior is modeled following well-known work on collapsible flows [32,33, 34].3.2.1 The elastic wall modelThe Emptying Phase The partially collapsed cystic duct is shown schematically in Fig. 5, where p e is the external pressure, and equals to the pressure in the chest, e p =1.5kPa [4](above atmospheric pressure ). We introduce a one-dimensional coordinate system originating from point ‘O’. As the bile flows down the cystic duct, the internal pressure decreases due to viscous losses, causing a decrease in transmural pressure, e p p −, from the inlet (in A ) to theoutlet (out A ). The governing equations for the flow in the elastic cystic duct are [32]Au Q = , (16)28du dp Q u dx dx Aπμρ=−− . (17) The pressure at the inlet is chosen as the reference pressure. For a given flow rate, the corresponding pressure in the duct is derived by integrating Eq. (17)2222011118'(')2xin in p p Q dx Q A x A A πμρ⎛⎞=−+−⎜⎟⎝⎠∫. (18) The constitutive equation for the duct with an elastic wall obeys the ‘tube law’ forhomogeneous elastic materials [33],()αF K p p p e =− , (19)where()323121p Eh K rσ=− , (20) and 0A A α=, ()αF is usually determined by experiments. For veins, the tube law can be expressed as [32, 34]()1032F ααα−=−. (21)Since there is no experimental data for the cystic duct, here we assume that it obeys Eq. (21). The fluid pressure estimated using Eq.(19) is ()3231032232121e Eh p p Aπαασ−=+−⎡⎤⎣⎦− . (22) Combining Eq.(18) and Eq.(22), we have()3321032222321111821210in e in x Eh p Q dx Q p A A A A ππμραασ−⎛⎞′⎡⎤−+−=+−⎜⎟⎣⎦−⎝⎠∫, (23) Equation (23) represents a one-dimensional boundary value problem, which is solved using a finite difference method. The duct is divided into J elements (J is chosen to be > 300); a typical element extending from node j to j+1 is illustrated in Fig. 5. At the (j+1)th node, ()1032323112222232121001111182121j j j j e j j j j A A Eh p Q Q x p A A A A A A πρπμσ−+++++⎡⎤⎛⎞⎛⎞⎛⎞⎛⎞+−−Δ=+−⎢⎥⎜⎟⎜⎟⎜⎟⎜⎟⎜⎟−⎝⎠⎢⎥⎝⎠⎝⎠⎝⎠⎣⎦, (24) where222202221212122212111118,21111,211118,2j x j in in j j jj j j j j j j p p Q dx Q A A A A A A p p Q Q x A A A πμρρπμ+++++⎛⎞=−+−⎜⎟⎜⎟⎝⎠⎛⎞⎛⎞=+⎜⎟⎜⎟⎜⎟⎝⎠⎝⎠⎛⎞⎛⎞=+−−Δ⎜⎟⎜⎟⎜⎟⎝⎠⎝⎠∫and j p is known. Expressing ()2121j A + in terms of A j and A j+1, Eq. (24) can also be written as ()10323231122222232110011111142121j j j j e j j j j j A A Eh p Q Q x p A A A A A A A πρπμσ−+++++⎡⎤⎛⎞⎛⎞⎛⎞⎛⎞+−−+Δ=+−⎢⎥⎜⎟⎜⎟⎜⎟⎜⎟⎜⎟⎜⎟−⎢⎥⎝⎠⎝⎠⎝⎠⎝⎠⎣⎦. (25) We employ the bisection method to solve Eq.(25) to find unknown 1j A + in region[]1000.1,2j A A A +∈ in an iterative manner.The boundary conditions are applied at the inlet (node 1) ()()0331032232121in in in e in in in A A Eh p p A απαασ−=⎧⎪⎨=+−⎪−⎩, (26) If in α=1, then in e p p =; else if 1in α>, then in e p p >. The maximum pressure drop in the cysticduct is thus CD in out p p p Δ=−, and the total pressure drop occurring during emptying is4128EM CD CBD te CBDQ p p L p d μπΔ=Δ++Δ . (27) The Refilling Phase Because the bile flow rate is very small during refilling and the refill time is at least 3 times longer than the emptying time, the cystic duct wall can be regarded asrigid during this phase. Equations (13)-(15) in the rigid model are applied to calculate the pressure drop.4 Results and Discussion4.1 ParametersThe parameters used in the models are listed in Table 1. Most of these are taken from the statistics of human ducts given by Deenitchin et al [18]. The range of values for ξ, n and CD d are chosen to be the same as in the 3D models by Ooi [25]. The gallbladder flow rate isderived from the volume-time curve in Fig. 3, which lies between 0.49 and 1.23 ml/min. The range of the Young’s modulus used for this model is based on the measurements of [30], where bile ducts from 16 healthy adult dogs were tested with a pressure ranging from 4.7kPa to 8kPa. In fact, the physiological internal pressure is normally around 1.5kPa in the human biliary system, which is outside the pressure range used by Jian and Wang [30]. In order to obtain meaningful results, we estimate the Young’s modulus for the pressure around 1.5kPa from the extrapolation of the best curve fitting from the data of [30]. The Young’s modulus chosen for the models is therefore in the range of 100Pa and 1000Pa, which corresponds to the internal pressure varying from 1.03kPa to 1.9kPa.4.2 One-Dimensional Model ValidationAs several assumptions are used in deriving the equivalent diameter and length of the one-dimensional (1D) model, here we compare our 1D model with the three-dimensional (3D) rigid cystic duct models solved with the numerical methods. Fig. 6 illustrates the pressure drop variations with Reynolds number using the rigid model for the cystic duct only, with and without baffles. The geometry and bile parameters are CD L =50mm, CD d =5mm, n =0, 2, 6,10and 14, b h h ==1mm, ρ=1000kg/m 3, ν=1mm 2/s, respectively. These results are comparedwith the corresponding 3D cystic duct CFD results provided by [25], which was quantitatively validated by experiments [26] for higher Reynolds numbers. It can be seen that the agreement between the rigid model and 3D CFD results is consistently good for all values of parameters. This suggests that we have captured the main features of the flow in the rigid cystic duct. Theelastic model is derived for a straight pipe with equivalent diameter and length to the duct with baffles, and is based on the experimental curve for a straight rubber tube [32]. Therefore, if the rigid model with the correct equivalent diameter and length is accepted as satisfactory, then the elastic model is likely to be satisfactory.4.3 Pressure Drop for the Reference Parameter SetThere are many parameters present in the model, and each can vary within its ownphysiological range. In order to isolate the effect of each individual parameter, we introduce a Reference Parameter Set (henceforth referred to as the Reference Set), which is based on averaged values of a normal human cystic duct. The Reference Set is: n =7, ξ=0.5, ν=1.275 mm 2/s, CD d =1 mm, CD L =40 mm, E =300 Pa, in α=1, and Q =1 ml/min. The effect of anyparticular parameter on the pressure drop is determined by varying this parameter while keeping all the other parameters fixed. For the rigid tube, all parameters are the same except that Young’s modulus does apply.The predicted pressure drops in the human biliary system for the Reference Set using the rigid and elastic models in the emptying and refill phases are shown in Fig. 7. Two cases are considered: in α =1 and 1.2. in α =1 is the case when the inlet of the cystic duct is notexpanded, while in α=1.2 indicates a duct expansion because this has been observed clinically.It can be seen that for in α=1 the elastic model predicts a greater pressure drop in the emptyingphase, due to the collapse of the cystic duct. It is also noted that the maximum value of the pressure drop agrees with the typical physiological observation of 20Pa to 100Pa [4, 35].The ratio of total pressure drop in the common bile duct or common hepatic duct to the total pressure drop in the cystic duct, can illustrate the importance of the pressure drop across the cystic duct in the human biliary system. The results demonstrate that the pressure drop in the common duct is less than 1.5%, and in the common hepatic duct less than 0.15% only, compared to that in the cystic duct. This justifies estimating the pressure drop in the human biliary system from the cystic duct model only, as was done by Ooi et al [25].。



考研报班了的想报班的都看过来啊!!!!到底报哪个辅导班真是纠结死啊!!点击:428 回复:23作者:久久陆发表日期:2011-7-24 10:38:00那啥暑期班我没准备报觉得现在太早了现在我就自己先熟悉题型背背单词什么的还有专业课复习政治什么的都说现在复习太早所以还没下手啊!!现在想把开学之后的辅导班报好尼玛现在的辅导班太多了啊真是琳琅满目啊!!!我就考英语和政治不知道报什么班啊!!!新东方还是海天还是文登啊海天天啊还是什么啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!各位同道中人有没有了解的过来解答一下啊!!!以前的学长学姐也来回答一下a!!!!友情提醒:1.请遵守国家的法律法规,不发布违法违规信息,并对自己的行为承担全部民事和刑事责任。





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关注楼主收藏转发至天涯微博∙混了这么久天涯,终于.∙天涯商家∙更多>>作者:圈圈图案的窗帘回复日期:2011-07-2410:42:36@久久陆2011-7-24 10:38:00那啥暑期班我没准备报觉得现在太早了现在我就自己先熟悉题型背背单词什么的还有专业课复习政治什么的都说现在复习太早所以还没下手啊!!现在想把开学之后的辅导班报好现在的辅导班太多了啊真是琳琅满目啊!!!我就考英语和政治不知道报什么班啊!!!新东方还是海天还是文登啊海天天啊还是什么啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!各位同道中人有没有了解的过来解答一下啊!!!以前的学...........-----------------------------不用报,没意思当年报过,觉得英语毫无意义,考研复习的效果完全是在十二月份才能体现出来政治呢,怎么说的,辅导班给总结好了,拿着资料背诵确实比较轻松作者:圈圈图案的窗帘回复日期:2011-07-2410:43:33回复@久久陆2011-07-2410:41:46我只能说百度知道里好多人有打广告的嫌疑有木有!!!!!!!!!!!!感觉各种坑爹啊!!!还有那个视频班这个东西没上过啊是不是就给你发视频啊!!!这个好不好啊据说可以重复看什么的但是没有亲身去上课感觉还是有点坑爹啊!!!!用过的同志过来说下好不好用吗!!!!!-----------------------------不过这个时间你可以开始背单词了不要紧张,考什么专业呢?你说具体点,tyer好帮你啊,最近好多考研帖子啊作者:久久陆回复日期:2011-07-2410:44:10回复尼玛看了半天还是想报新东方啊有木有!!!但尼玛这价格贵的把我爹坑死了啊!!!!宿舍里的人1000+他妈就报了文登三科全程班啊!!!我1880就报一门英语还他妈就十几天啊!!!!!!!!他特么奢侈了啊!!!!!!还有那个vip包过班尼玛我有这钞票还考研干嘛啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!作者:久久陆回复日期:2011-07-2410:47:41回复@圈圈图案的窗帘2011-07-2410:42:36@久久陆2011-7-24 10:38:00那啥暑期班我没准备报觉得现在太早了现在我就自己先熟悉题型背背单词什么的还有专业课复习政治什么的都说现在复习太早所以还没下手啊!!现在想把开学之后的辅导班报好现在的辅导班太多了啊真是琳琅满目啊!!!我就考英语和政治不知道报什么班啊!!!新东方还是海天还是文登啊海天天啊还是什么啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........-----------------------------12月份啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!那那个月我岂不是要头悬梁什么的了啊!!!!!!其实我还是想老老实实复习个6个月啊!!!!!!这样心里安稳啊!!!!!!12月份的话我好怕我崩溃啊!!!!!!!!!!政治的话您报的啥班啊!!!!!!!!冲刺还是全程还是基础啥啊!!!!!!!作者:久久陆回复日期:2011-07-2410:49:31回复@圈圈图案的窗帘2011-07-2410:43:33@久久陆2011-07-2410:41:46我只能说百度知道里好多人有打广告的嫌疑有木有!!!!!!!!!!!!感觉各种坑爹啊!!!还有那个视频班这个东西没上过啊是不是就给你发视频啊!!!这个好不好啊据说可以重复看什么的但是没有亲身去上课感觉还是有点坑爹啊!!!!用过的同志过来说下好不好用吗!!!!!-----------------------------...........-----------------------------我学设计的我们只要考英语和政治两门公共课啊!!!!!没有高数爽的跟狗似地啊!!!!但是我们要考两门专业课啊!!!!!六小时快题啊苦逼有没有!!!!!!!!!作者:久久陆回复日期:2011-07-2410:50:55回复谁告诉我苏润是神马啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!三博士又是神马啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!作者:久久陆回复日期:2011-07-2410:53:37回复视频班到底怎么样啊!!!!!!!!!!!有没有高人推荐一点名师的啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!政治看谁的啊英语看谁的啊!!!!!!!!!!!作者:久久陆回复日期:2011-07-2410:56:13回复推荐答案下面着重讲一下南京的这些考研班。

机械工程英语Unit 3Turning

机械工程英语Unit 3Turning

The lathe and its construction 车床及其结构
A lathe is a machine tool used primarily for producing surfaces of revolution and flat edges. 车床主要是用来加工回转表面和端面的机 床. Based on their purpose, construction, number of tools that can simultaneously be mounted, and degree of automation, lathes-or, more accurately, lathe-type machine tools-can be classified as follows:
Tailstock 尾架
The tailstock assembly consists basically of three parts, its lower base,an intermediate parts, and the quill. 安装好的尾架组件包括三个基本部分: 安装好的尾架组件包括三个基本部分:底 中间体和尾架套筒. 板,中间体和尾架套筒. The lower base is a casting that can slide on lathe bed along the guideways, and it has a clamping device to enable locking the entire tailstock at any desired location, depending upon the length of the workpiece. 底板是铸件,能沿着导轨在床身上滑动, 底板是铸件,能沿着导轨在床身上滑动,



钟式C I八大定理】企业形象层次定理先说段笑话。


























一、英语之基本‎规则主干先行(主、谓、宾),废话后置(定、状)二、主干的确定‎构成一句话‎的主要条件‎是:主语+谓语1> 谓语:a.划出所有动‎词;b.排除具有下‎列条件的动‎词:从句中的、句首状语、前面无助动‎词的分词、to do形式(谓语+to do除外,因为它整体‎作谓语)、活用的动词‎(如动词当名‎词用)* 单词的活用‎能通过运用‎简单词,让写出来的‎句子收到意‎想不到的效‎果。

例:Chine‎s e econo‎m y is bette‎r ing!(中国的经济‎越来越好)You were,are and will be in my heart‎.(你永远在我‎心中)2> 主语:a.句首的第一‎个名词性结‎构;b.第一个谓语‎前的第一个‎名词性结构‎。

名词性结构‎:名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式‎、从句、It+……+从句/to do;非名词性结‎构:介词短语中‎的名词性结‎构、从句中的名‎词性结构。

3> 宾语:每个谓语后‎面的名词性‎结构。

三、复杂英文模‎式之计算公‎式:[状语]+主语+(定语)+谓语+[小状语]+宾语+{定语或状语‎}例:[Altho‎u gh not so world‎widel‎y accep‎t ed],peopl‎e (who are emoti‎o nall‎y weak in daily‎busin‎e ss) are [often‎] loser‎s {who are not able to fulfi‎l any fruit‎f ul achie‎v emen‎t s in their‎lifet‎i me that they endur‎e}.子公式(无宾语模式‎):[状语]+主语+(定语)+谓语+[小状语]* 宾语后一般‎都是定语,除非一开始‎就有表示状‎语的概念(如程度、方式、目的、结果、原因等)四、定状的汉化‎(核心)1> 前提:分别划出各‎定状层次,包括:a.分词结构b‎.从句c.介词短语。


high-speed railway in Indonesia.
中国政府在上周与马来西亚签署了为马来西亚 国家交通提供高速列车的合同。 The Chinese government signed with Malaysia last week a contract to provide high-speed trains for the national transportation of Malaysia.
3 宾语 谓语后的独立名词结构 宾语可以没有 句=主+谓
He left.
He is smart.
中文主干的寻找(四句话看懂中文主干特点): 1 不作死不会死 2 他很好 3 山无棱天地合,始敢与君绝 4 我的英语是体育老师传授的。
I know the man who is singing.
• 排序规则2: 并列不变序 • If 123 • 2 and 3 • So 231
• If 12345
• (23 ) and ( 45)
• xy1
• 32 54 1
• 在工作中没有激情也没有想法的人不 会有进步。
• A man without passion and without ideas at work will not make any progress.
这是一本书。 This is a book. 这是一本书吗? Is this a book?
不大一样 一镜!!!
(状 1)主(定1 )谓(状2 )(宾)(定2 \状1) (状1\定1)主(状2)谓(定2)(宾)(状1)
(状 1)主(定1 )谓(状2 )(宾)(定2 \状1) (状1\定1)主(状2)谓(定2)(宾)(状1)



钟平扇子送的四个字逻辑英语是“Thinking in English”。


以下是对这四个字的详细解释和逻辑推理:首先,我们需要理解“Thinking in English”的含义。




接下来,我们来分析为什么“Thinking in English”是四个字逻辑英语。



而“Thinking in English”则鼓励我们直接用英语进行思考,从而避免了翻译的繁琐和误差。

此外,通过“Thinking in English”,我们还可以培养自己的跨文化思维能力。


最后,我们还需要注意,“Thinking in English”需要一定的英语基础和思维能力。


同时,我们也需要不断练习和实践,将“Thinking in English”融入到日常生活中,从而真正掌握这四个字逻辑英语的精髓。









并列词前面有逗号是可以忽略不计的,逗号表示停顿,另一个并列的对象前面也有一个逗号,表示前面还有并列(三者并列) 并列词,and while(同时),while后面是一个完整的句子。








HZ is a city that has been parised by many poets in the history of china. 分析“被历史上很多诗人赞美的”这个结构,这个结构可以单独看成一个句子来翻,历史上很多是修饰诗人。

所以步骤就是,HZ is a city,再把修饰城市的定语结构放在city 后面,HZ is a city that has been parised by poets,再把修饰诗人的定语放在诗人后面HZ is a city that has been parised by many poets in the history of china. 再举一例子:an action movie as big as The Expendable 3 with an all star cast so familiar to Chinese audience.这不是一个完整的句子,只是一个名词词组。



翻译人生如何实现步步高---黄忠廉202310121.步步高,人人有追求[1]How old are you?—怎么老是你?(笑话)翻译:多大了?几岁了?芳龄几何?贵庚?高寿?在不同语境下,针对不同的人,有不同的翻译。


傅雷五星级? 许渊冲,钱钟书—几级? 根据这个给自己定位。


2.五星级,颗颗显灿烂星级:一星级、二星级、三星级、四星级、五星级[2]A bride in hand betrays mischief at heart.(伊索)手里的贿赂暴露了心中的险恶。

(2013-7-8 《光明日报》)原文:以betrays为界前后四个音节(A,B两部分),译文不简洁,只能算初级水平,未显示汉语w 文化特点。




四个音节对应四个汉字---A显性B隐性—汉语靠标点符号表达关系类似:Confusing betrays the guilty.慌张显示有罪(直译,基本意思出来了,但生硬)---神色慌张必有鬼。


3.翻译人生,芝麻开花低开高走初级-中级-高级-名家级-大师级3.1语言文字级翻译人生——初级[3]I'm a student.汉语人译I:我是一名/个大学生。











---思考,自我训练[4]The man who has made up his mind to win,will never say "impossible".那个决心要取得胜利的人,将永远不会说“不可能”这个词。




(状1)主(定1)谓(状2)(宾)(定2\状1)——英文,陈述(状1\定1)主(状2)谓(定2)(宾)(状1)——中文,陈述1.内部排序是按短语进行倒置的;Ex1:As we all know, Hangzhou is a city that has been praised by many poets in the history of China.众所周知,杭州是在中国历史上被许多诗人赞颂的一座城市。

Ex2: The Chinese government signed with Malaysia last week a contract to provide high-speed trains for the national transportation of Malaysia.中国政府上个星期和马来西亚签署为马来西亚国家运输提供高速火车的一个合约。

Ex3: The great concern to the education of special children shown in public education in the past 3 decades indicates the responsibility to the next generation from the adults in our society.对特殊儿童教育的关心显示在过去30年里公共教育指出在我们社会中成年人对下一代的责任。






joplin公式(一)Joplin公式1. 什么是Joplin公式Joplin公式是一种用于描述物理现象的公式,最初由物理学家Joplin在19世纪提出。


2. Joplin公式的组成部分Joplin公式由以下几个关键的物理量组成:力量(F)力量是指物体所受到的推动或拉扯的效果,通常使用牛顿(N)作为单位。








3. Joplin公式的应用实例下面是Joplin公式在不同领域的应用实例:力学在力学中,Joplin公式用于描述物体所受到的力对于物体运动的影响。

例如,当一个质量为1kg的物体受到10N的力作用时,根据Joplin公式,可以计算出物体的加速度:F = m * a10N = 1kg * aa = 10m/s^2热学在热学中,Joplin公式被用于计算物体的热能变化。

例如,根据Joplin公式,可以计算物体吸收或释放的热量:Q = m * c * ΔT其中,Q表示吸收或释放的热量,m表示物体的质量,c表示物体的比热容,ΔT表示温度变化。


例如,根据Joplin公式,可以计算导线上的磁场强度:B = (μ0 * I) / (2πr)其中,B表示磁场强度,μ0表示真空中的磁导率,I表示电流强度,r表示离导线距离。





许衡嗜学如饥渴文言文及翻译1. ,急许衡幼时聪慧过人,7岁开始读书,曾问老师说:“读书是为了什么?”老师回答说:“是为了获取功名利禄。











2. 许衡字仲平,幼有异质翻译许衡,淮州河内人,世代务农。











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钟平老师的机械翻译公式2009-11-15 11:51机械化英语翻译法————领航钟平老师基础版听课笔记简介:本方法主要是运用数学的逻辑思维,将长难句进行划分层次,然后运用所总结的公式进行翻译。


一、英语之基本规则主干先行(主、谓、宾),废话后置(定、状)二、主干的确定构成一句话的主要条件是:主语+谓语1> 谓语:a.划出所有动词;b.排除具有下列条件的动词:从句中的、句首状语、前面无助动词的分词、to do形式(谓语+to do除外,因为它整体作谓语)、活用的动词(如动词当名词用)* 单词的活用能通过运用简单词,让写出来的句子收到意想不到的效果。

例:Chinese economy is bettering!(中国的经济越来越好)You were,are and will be in my heart.(你永远在我心中)2> 主语:a.句首的第一个名词性结构;b.第一个谓语前的第一个名词性结构。

名词性结构:名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式、从句、It+……+从句/to do;非名词性结构:介词短语中的名词性结构、从句中的名词性结构。

3> 宾语:每个谓语后面的名词性结构。

三、复杂英文模式之计算公式:[状语]+主语+(定语)+谓语+[小状语]+宾语+{定语或状语}例:[Although not so world widely accepted],people (who are emotionally weak in daily business) are [often] losers {who are not able to fulfil any fruitful achievements in their lifetime that they endure}.子公式(无宾语模式):[状语]+主语+(定语)+谓语+[小状语]* 宾语后一般都是定语,除非一开始就有表示状语的概念(如程度、方式、目的、结果、原因等)四、定状的汉化(核心)1> 前提:分别划出各定状层次,包括:a.分词结构b.从句c.介词短语。

2> 状语的处理规则1 汉化位置:句子首尾或最近的谓语前面规则 2 倒序If ①②③④⑤则汉化结果为⑤④③②①规则3 并列不变序原则If ①②③④⑤如果②、③之间的关系为并列(and)、转折(but)或选择(or),则②、③的顺序不变。


规则4 If ①②③④⑤如果②、③之间的关系为动词+从句的形式,则②、③的顺序也不变。


3> 定语的处理规则1 位置:英语表达n.+①②③汉语表达③②①+n.(倒序然后放在名词前)规则 2 句中有并列和v.+从句形式的处理与状语的处理的规则3、4相同。

规则3 逗号+定语从句形式:分开翻译,用逗号隔开,重复先行词,重新排序。

* 通常which翻译成“这”,who翻译成“其”。

规则4 介词+从句(如in which结构)分开翻译根据以上四个步骤,对下句作如下分析:例:The boy①who has been elected②in the meeting③last week④held ⑤by teachers⑥who are working⑦in that school⑧which located⑨in the center⑩of our city has nnounced a statement①11 saying that he will never give up searching②12for new materials③13 to replace the present one.1>找句子主干:The boy has announced astatement ;2>句子中无状语,故分析句子中的定语层次,标记如上句。

The boy后有10个定语,且没有连接词,故按状语——规则2进行排序翻译:在我们市中心的坐落的那个学校工作地教师所举行的上周的会议中被选举的男孩;a statement后面有3个定语,以同样的方式翻译:为了代替当前材料的新材料的研究他将永远不会放弃。


例:Social science is that branch ①of intellectual enquiry 2 which seeks to study humans and their endeavors ③in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner ④that natural scientists use ⑤for the study⑥of natuarlphenomena.(2003年翻译)1>找主干:Social science is that branch;2>句子中无状语,分析句子中的定语层次,标记如上句。

the branch 后有6个定语,且相互之间无连接词,做如下翻译:为有关自然现象的研究而被那些自然科学家所使用的同样充满逻辑性、道理性、系统性和中立性的方式来寻找研究人类及其行为的智力探寻的分支。






附:例句练习:1.These comments whether accepted clarified the norms and requirements of the covenant which was already in power in practice and enable the committee to make a significantcontribution to the justice promotion in a particular right or issue while other article has failed to function as has been expected in those meetings which was held with great hope.(1)句子主干:These comments clarified the norms andrequirements…(2)译文:这些评论,不论是否被接受,都澄清了已经在实践当中生效的公约的标准和要求,并且使得委员会对具体权利和事项的正义的促进做出了重大贡献。


2.Under a system deployed on the white house website forthe first time last time,those who want to send a message to President Bush must now navigate asmany as nine web pages and fill out a detailedform that starts by askingwhether the sender of the message supports the white house policy or differs with it.(1)句子主干:those navigate web pages and fill out a detailed form(2)译文:在上次第一次被使用到白宫网站上的一个体系下,那些想给布什总统发送消息的人现在必须浏览多达九个网页,并且填写一个详细的询问是否支持白宫政策开头的表格。

3.Great attention may be given to women's health issues in the ninth session,at which the committee devoted general discussion to the right tohealth andemphasizedthe principle of non-discrimination and of the concept that there is a minimum core content of each right which co nstitutes a ‘floor’below which the conditions should not be permitted to fall in any State Party of this Pact.分析:(1)句子主干:Great attention may be given to women’s health issues(2)译文:在第九次会议上,人们强烈关注女性的健康问题。


4.This continuum begins on a‘micro’level,that is,the norms and laws governing relationships and resources allocation within the family and the need to reform personal laws,and extends to a‘macro’level, such as thestructure programs (SP )designed by developing states with the advice and support of international financial institutions that endeavor to sustain the process of the ongoing reforms.分析:(1)句子主干:This continuum begins on a ‘micro’level and extends to a‘macro’level.(2)译文:这个过程开始于一个微观的层面,也就是有关家庭当中的资源分配和关系的标准和法律,以及改革个人法律的需求;并且扩展到一个宏观的层面,比如说在那些一直致力于支持不断进行的改革程序的国际财经机构的支持和建议之下,由发展中国家所设计的结构型计划。
