
• 10、根据会议讨论的议题还可以分为专设 会议和例行会议 。
• (一)议事程序规则 • (二)国际会议的开幕 • (三)国际会议的代表 • (四)国际会议的主席 • (五)国际会议的议程 • (六)国际会议的组织形式 • (七)国际会议的位次
会议外交(Diplomacy by Conference)
• 是指把国际会议做为外交交涉的一种手段, 使一个国家通过参加国际会议,达到本国 外交政策的目的。
• 1、根据与会成员所代表的单位而定,国际会议 分政府间的和非政府间两种。
• 2、根据地理区域,可分对所有国家都开放的世 界性会议,以及属于一个区域的国家参加的区域 性会议。
• 3、按参加国家是否属于军事或政治同盟国家, 可分为同盟国家会议、中立国家会议和不结盟国 家会议。
• 4、按与会代表在国家机构所居有或担任的职务 区分,可分为首脑会议(国家元首和政府首脑参 加),外交部长会议、大使会议、专家会议等。
• 5、按国际会议本身的工作任务可以分为:和平会 议,即一场国际间战争结束以后,有关交战国或
• 条约(treaty):条约有广义和狭义两种含义。狭义
3 TMS原理及应用

TMS-EMG联合使用方法 联合使用方法
• TMS与EMG/EP(肌电图诱发电位仪)联合使用, 是一种最常用的方法。 • EMG/EP连接靶肌表面, 检测确定MEP,在连续 高频刺激时,监测是否 兴奋扩撒。 • 治疗前后检测MT(皮质兴 奋性的指标),了解是否 产生了LTP/LTD
三、TMS临床检查 临床检查
• 人类大脑有海量储存能力,大脑神经功能 细胞之间每秒可完成1000万次的链接。人 类大脑的潜能开发还不到20%。TMS为我 们挖掘潜能,制造天才提供了可能。 • 澳大利亚的悉尼大学的史莱德博士 (Snyder),是哈佛大学和麻省理工的硕 士,伦敦大学博士,封为澳大利亚“十大 创造性头脑”之一。他用试验证明TMS制 造天才,对11名志愿者有4人在低频刺激左 前颞区后绘画风格和认读能力明显提高
TMS与EEG联合使用 与 联合使用
1,TMS与EEG联合应用是一种发展趋势。 , 联合应用是一种发展趋势。 与 联合应用是一种发展趋势 2,可以实时测量TMS刺激部位和刺激传导, ,可以实时测量 刺激部位和刺激传导, 刺激部位和刺激传导 了解刺激效果,监测癫痫样波和刺激扩散。 了解刺激效果,监测癫痫样波和刺激扩散。 3,刺激触发 扫描, ,刺激触发EEG扫描,诱发大脑皮质同步震 扫描 如诱发睡眠样慢波。 荡,如诱发睡眠样慢波。 4,注意EEG记录 4,注意EEG记录 电极灼伤皮肤, 电极灼伤皮肤, 圆型电极可剪 成破口。 成破口。
1985年,英国Barker首先用 TMS引出运动诱发电位MEP
1992年,美国 Cadwell 研制出 重复经颅磁刺激器
TMS简单原理图 简单原理图
TMS刺激大脑的作用 刺激大脑的作用
• Activation, Inhibition, and Mapping(定位 定位) 定位 • 兴奋局部神经:产生动作电位、MEP(运动诱 兴奋局部神经:产生动作电位、 运动诱 发电位 )。 。 • 干扰大脑功能、虚拟损伤、功能定位。 干扰大脑功能、虚拟损伤、功能定位。 • 影响神经递质、激素分泌,基因表达。 影响神经递质、激素分泌,基因表达。 • 频率依赖性的可塑性、BDNF(脑源性神经营 频率依赖性的可塑性、 ( )、脑血流 脑血流、 代谢双向调节。 养因子 )、脑血流、 代谢双向调节。

• 缔结条约的权利是主权国家的基本权利 之一。
• 条约约文草案由各当事国全权代表进行 相互协商。
• 条约通用书面形式,在外交史上也有个别 的条约采取口头形式。国际关系中的所谓 “君子协定”是指国家领导人或外交官之 间所达成的以善意为基础,在法律上却不 能约束所代表的国家的口头协议或谅解(偶 尔也有书面形式)。“君子协定”是表明当 事人以其权能和影响使所达成的口头协议 或谅解,在履行上得到道德上的某种保证。
• 临时协定(modus Vivendi):指国家在 签订正式条约前就特别事项签订的临时 性的国际协议,也是一种条约的形式。
• 1、按缔约方的多少,可分为双边条约和多 边条约。
• 2、按条约的内容分类,可分为“契约性条 约”和“立法性条约”。
• 3、按有效期限分为永久性条约、临时性条 约、无限期条约和有限期条约。
• 备忘录(memorandum):备忘录这一外交 通讯的形式愈来愈多地被用作条约的一种 形式。当然,它的重要性和正式程度不如 以条约和协定等为名称的条约。作为条约 形式的备忘录有时称作谅解备忘录 (memorandum of understanding),如中美 两国正式建交前从1973年至1979年初曾互 设联络处,两国于1973年4月14日签订了有 关联络处外交特权和豁免的谅解备忘录。
• 6、政治会议,为讨论国际政治问题和缔结政治性 质条约或协定的会议,如1954年讨论朝鲜问题和 印度支那问题的日内瓦会议。

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Computer Science & Technology重要国际学术会议一、顶级会议(按照会议的英文简称升序排列)序号英文名称英文简称中文名称备注1.The Annual International Conference of the ACM SpecialInterest Group on Data CommunicationACMSIGCOMMACM数据通讯国际会议2.ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference andExhibition on Computer Graphics and InteractivetechniquesACMSIGGRAPHACM计算机图像与交互技术国际会议与展览3.ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Managementof DataACM SIGMOD ACM数据管理国际会议4.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI 人工智能国际联合会议5.ACM SIGPLAN Annual Symposium on Principles andPractice of Parallel ProgrammingPPOPP ACM并行程序设计原理与实践会议二、A类会议(按照会议的英文简称升序排列)序号英文名称英文简称中文名称备注6.The Annual Meeting of the Association for ComputationalLinguisticsACL 计算语言学协会年度会议7.ACM International Conference on Multimedia ACMMultimediaACM多媒体国际会议8.ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in ACM SIGIR ACM信息检索研究与发展会议Information Retrieval9.ACM/EDAC/IEEE Design Automation Conference DAC ACM/EDAC/IEEE设计自动化会议ENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies FAST USENIX文件与存储技术会议11.International Conference on Computer Vision ICCV 计算机视觉国际会议12.IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols ICNP IEEE网络协议国际会议13.IEEE International Conference on ComputerCommunicationINFOCOM IEEE计算机通信国际会议14.ACM/IEEE International Symposium on ComputerArchitectureISCA ACM/IEEE计算机体系结构国际会议15.ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery andData MiningKDD ACM知识发现与数据挖掘会议16.The Annual International Conference on MobileComputing and NetworkingMOBICOM ACM移动计算与网络国际会议17.SuperComputing SC 超级计算国际会议18.ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing Ubicomp ACM普适计算国际会议19.International Conference on Very Large Data Bases VLDB 超大数据库国际会议20.International World Wide Web Conference WWW 万维网(WWW)国际会议三、B类会议(按照会议的英文简称升序排列)序号英文名称英文简称中文名称备注21.AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence AAAI AAAI人工智能会议22.ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on ACM ACM计算机系统度量与模型化国际Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems SIGMETRICS 会议 and South Pacific Design Automation Conference ASPDAC 亚洲和南太平洋地区设计自动化会议24.ACM Conference on Computer and CommunicationsSecurityCCS ACM计算机与通信安全会议puter Graphics International CGI 计算机图像学国际会议26.ACMInternational Conference on Human Factors inComputing SystemsCHI ACM计算机人机交互国际会议27.Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research CIDR 数据库系统创新研究会议28.ACM International Conference on Information andKnowledge ManagementCIKM ACM信息和知识管理国际会议29.International Conference on Computational Linguistics COLING 计算语言学国际会议30.Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work CSCW 计算机协同工作会议31.IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and PatternRecognitionCVPR IEEE计算机视觉与模式识别会议32.International Conference on Database Systems forAdvanced ApplicationsDASFAA 数据库系统先进应用的国际会议33.European Conference on Computer Vision ECCV 计算机视觉欧洲会议34.The European Conference on Machine Learning andPrinciples and Practice of Knowledge Discovery inDatabasesECML PKDD机器学习、数据库中知识发现的原理与实践欧洲会议35.International Conference on Extending DatabaseTechnologyEDBT 扩展数据库技术国际会议36.International Conference on the Theory and Applicationsof Cryptographic TechniquesEUROCRYPT 加密技术的理论与应用国际会议37.The Annual Conference of the European Association forComputer GraphicsEurographics 计算机图形学欧洲协会年度会议38.ACM EUROSYS Conference EUROSYS ACM欧洲计算机系统专业协会会议39.IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science FOCS IEEE计算机科学基础会议40.IEEE International Symposium on High-PerformanceComputer ArchitectureHPCA IEEE高性能计算机体系结构国际会议41.ACM International Symposium on High PerformanceDistributed ComputingHPDC ACM高性能分布式计算国际会议42.IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, andSignal ProcessingICASSP IEEE声学、语音与信号处理国际会议43.IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer AidedDesignICCAD IEEE/ACM计算机辅助设计国际会议44.International Conference on Computer Communicationsand Networks ICCCN 计算机通信和网络国际会议45.International Conference on Distributed ComputingSystemsICDCS 分布式计算系统国际会议46.IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering ICDE IEEE数据工程国际会议47.IEEE International Conference on Data Mining ICDM IEEE数据挖掘国际会议48.IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo ICME IEEE多媒体国际会议暨展览会49.International Conference on Machine Learning ICML 机器学习国际会议50.ACM/IEEE International Conference on SoftwareEngineeringICSE ACM/IEEE软件工程国际会议51.IEEE International Conference on Web Services ICWS IEEE Web服务国际会议52.IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy IEEE S&P IEEE安全与隐私会议53.Internet Measurement Conference IMC 因特网度量会议54.International Workshop on Peer-To-Peer Systems IPTPS P2P系统的国际研讨会55.International Semantic Web Conference ISWC 语义WEB国际会议56.International Workshop on Quality of Service IWQoS 服务质量国际会议57.ACM/IFIP/USENIX International MiddlewareConferenceMiddleware ACM/IFIP/USENIX中间件国际会议58.ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad HocNetworking and ComputingMobiHocACM移动自组织网络与计算国际会议59.InternationalConference on MobileSystems,Applications,andServicesMobiSys 移动系统、应用与服务国际会议60.The Annual Conferenceon Neural Information ProcessingSystemsNIPS 神经信息处理系统国际会议ENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design andImplementationNSDI USENIX网络系统设计与实现会议ENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design andImplementationOSDI USENIX操作系统设计与实现会议63.International Conference on Parallel Architectures andCompilation TechniquesPACT 并行体系结构与编译技术国际会议64.IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computingand CommunicationsPerCom IEEE普适计算与通讯国际会议65.ThePacific Conference on Computer Graphics andApplicationsPG太平洋地区计算机图像与应用国际会议66.ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language PLDI ACM编程语言设计与实现会议Design and Implementation67.ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles ofDistributed ComputingPODC ACM分布式计算原理会议68.SIAM International Conference on Data Mining SDM SIAM数据挖掘国际会议69.ACM Conference on Embedded Networked SensorSystemsSENSYS ACM嵌入式网络传感器系统会议70.ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms SODA ACM-SIAM离散算法会议71.ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles SOSP ACM操作系统原理会议72.ACM Solid and Physical ModelingSymposium SPM ACM固体和物理模型会议73.ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing STOC ACM计算理论会议74.Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence UAI 人工智能中的不确定性会议75.ACM Symposium on User Interface Software andTechnologyUIST ACM用户接口软件与技术会议ENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX ATC USENIX年度技术会议77.IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on WebIntelligenceWI IEEE/WIC/ACM Web智能国际会议78.International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobileand Multimedia NetworksWOWMOM 无线、移动和多媒体网络国际会议。

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Visits and Other Social Activities
• Visits to famous places, such as research institutes, universities, museums, or historical spots. • Various social events, such as banquets, parties, excursions, games,etc.
Brief Introduction of Conference
Obtaining Conference Information Keeping up Pre-/Post- conference Correspondence Reading Manuscripts Beginning and Ending the Speech Delivering the Speech Asking and Answering Questions Formality in Conference
Parallel Sessions (Simultaneous Sessions)
• smaller-scale meetings held simultaneously. • Important occasions for participants of a particular research group to present their papers. • A special topic is arranged for a particular session.
Meeting Conference Symposium


SOME ASPECTS OF CALCIUM CHEMISTRY IN THE BAYER PROCESSSteven P Rosenberg, Darrel J Wilson and Catherine A HeathProcess Chemistry group, Worsley Alumina Pty Ltd.,PO Box 344, Collie Western Australia 6225AbstractLime is used in vast quantities in alumina refineries throughout the world and is often regarded as something of a universal cure for many of the ills of the Bayer process. However, like many popular remedies, information as to how it actually works is quite sparse, and often contradictory. Fortunately, this situation is now changing. A few recent studies have begun to reveal some of the complex solution and solid-phase chemistry that exists between calcium and the many species present in Bayer refinery liquor streams. Worsley Alumina’s research in this field has led to several innovations, including the Improved Causticisation Process, which allows very high liquor causticity to be achieved at nearly 100% lime efficiency. In this paper, aspects of Worsley’s studies as they relate to this and other new processes are discussed, and some explanations are offered for the sometimes confusing behaviour of lime in the Bayer process.IntroductionLime is one of the major raw materials of the Bayer process, primarily for its application in recausticising the refinery’s liquor streams. However, it is also one of the most useful processing aids available to alumina refinery operators, indeed in some refineries it would be impossible to operate without it. In some cases this utility arises directly from reactions of the lime itself; in others it is more likely to be through the actions of some soluble form of the calcium cation. For example, the direct reaction of slaked lime with Bayer process liquors under the appropriate conditions results in the formation of highly stable calcium aluminate crystals, which are useful as a filter aid in the polishing (or security) filtration operation in most alumina refineries. On the other hand, it is likely that the presence of dissolved calcium species in the liquor stream assist the action of polyacrylate flocculants in the mud clarification circuits, presumably by binding to both the flocculant molecule and to the goethite or haematite particles (1).Add to this the use of lime for oxalate removal and disposal (2), as an aid in the digestion of boehmitic or diasporic bauxites (3), for the recovery of soda from desilication products (4), for phosphate control in some bauxites (5) and as a means of preventing autoprecipitation in settlers and mud washers. Given this, it is not difficult to see why it is common practice in many refineries, faced with a disturbance in the operation of the digestion or clarification areas, to add lime almost automatically as the first approach to overcoming the problem.Given the very important role that lime plays in the refinery, it is surprising how few in-depth studies have been published in the open literature of the alumina industry. This is despite the significant cost of inefficient lime use: low liquor causticity, high lime consumption and high alumina losses. Prompted by these considerations, some time ago Worsley Alumina’s Process Chemistry group embarked on a programme to investigate, in detail, the chemistry of calcium in the Bayer process. This work culminated in a series of patent applications we have filed over the past several years (6-8), in which we outlined some of the major reactions of lime in Bayer liquors, and described several means of controlling these reactions to give dramatic improvements in the performance of many of the applications mentioned earlier. For example, in our causticisation patent (6) we describe a process that allows even concentrated liquors to be causticised, to very high causticity (C/S) ratios, and with almost 100% lime efficiency.In a recent paper that describes studies similar to our own, Roach (9) discusses some of the consequences of this chemistry as it relates to causticisation, dispelling some of “myths” surrounding this process and emphasising the importance of an unstable intermediate calcium aluminate species in the causticisation mechanism. Many of the conclusions we have drawn from our own work agree with those of Roach, although there are some important differences, particularly in the detail of the reaction pathway. Our own work identifies a number of reaction intermediates, and useful outcomes can be derived by understanding the pathways by which these species form, and blocking some of them. In this paper we describe some of this work, and describe a reaction “map” that can be used to explainthe behaviour of lime in almost all of its common applications.TerminologyIn this paper, the word ‘lime’ will be used to describe slaked lime, Ca(OH)2, rather than quicklime. In aqueous solution, quicklime will give similar results, but must first react with water to form calcium hydroxide. Other terminology includes ‘A’ to describe the concentration of sodium aluminate in solution, expressed as equivalent g/L of Al 2O 3. ‘C’ is used to describe the sum of the free sodium hydroxide and sodium aluminate, expressed as the equivalent concentration of sodium carbonate in g/L. ‘S’ refers to the sum of ‘C’ plus the actual sodium carbonate concentration, again expressed as g/L of sodium carbonate. From this one can see that a liquor with a C/S (or causticity) ratio of 1.0 will contain no sodium carbonate.For the purposes of this discussion, we will use the common terminology of the cement industry to describe the various calcium aluminate species we have encountered. For example, C 3AH 6 is equivalent to the alumina industry term TCA6, where C represents CaO, A represents Al 2O 3 and H denotes H 2O. We have elected to adopt this terminology because it is more descriptive and comprehensive than the alumina industry terminology. Also, there is a long history of research in the chemistry of these species in the cement industry, and consequently most of the relevant information is available in the cement industry literature. For example, the discussion by Turriziani (10) provides an excellent overview of the calcium aluminate species, while the study by Fischer and Kuzel (11) is of particular relevance to this discussion.Reactions of Lime in Aluminate SolutionsStrictly speaking, the only solid phase calcium species that is stable in contact with an aluminate solution is C 3AH 6 (i.e. TCA). However, it is the metastable species and their pseudo-equilibria that are of most interest in the Bayer process. Calcium hydroxide is very unstable in sodium aluminate solutions, and reacts rapidly to form one or more members of a family of metastable layered double hydroxide (LDH) compounds of the general form C 4AH x . The crystal structures of these quaternary compounds are still in some doubt, although it is generally agreed (11) that the layers have repeating units with composition [Ca 2Al(OH)6]+. The cavities between the layers are occupied by water and charge-balancing anions (usually monovalent, divalent, or a mixture of both). The general equation for the formation of the C 4A species in aluminate solutions is as follows:−−−+⋅Þ+++OH O nH X OH Al Ca O n X OH Al OH Ca 4])([H 2)(2)(422262242 (1)where X - represents the charge balancing anion that is intercalated between the layers.The identity of the charge-balancing anion(s) is dependent upon the solution composition, however in pure sodium aluminate / sodium hydroxide solutions, we believe that the following reaction occurs, producing a C 4AH x species, in this case C 4AH 13:−−+⋅Þ++OH O H OH OH Al Ca O OH Al OH Ca 26)(])([H 6)(2)(422262242 (2)In Bayer liquors, other anions are always present, and some will be intercalated into the structure. The identity and amount of intercalated anions is dependent upon the concentration insolution, but by far the most preferred anion is carbonate. The amount of carbonate incorporated into the structure is often variable, but two distinct forms are known, the hemicarbonate [Ca 2Al(OH)6]2.½CO 3.OH.n H 2O and the monocarbonate [Ca 2Al(OH)6]2.CO 3.n H 2O. In Bayer liquors, both of these species can form, as well as dehydrated polymorphs that are produced upon ageing. Our own findings disagree with those of Roach on this point, in that he describes only the monocarbonate, C 4A.CO2.H x . In our work, we find that it is the hemicarbonate that is the first product to form:OOH Al OH Ca 2-2342½H 5½CO )(2)(4+++−−+⋅⋅⋅ÞOH O H OH CO OH Al Ca 3½5½])([23262 (3)This is a critical reaction in the chemistry of lime in the Bayer process, and there are several points of interest to note. First, during the reaction, aluminate ions are removed from solution. Second, the reaction is causticising: that is, for each formula unit one half of a carbonate anion is removed from solution and replaced with an hydroxyl ion. Third, the formation of the LDH is favoured by high aluminate and carbonate concentrations and inhibited by high free hydroxyl concentrations. We will return to this aspect later.The hemicarbonate (which is denoted as C 4A.½CO 2.H 12 and has an interlayer distance of 8.2Å) is also the least stable of the calcium aluminate carbonate species, and will usually convert to other forms at a rate that rises with temperature. Under causticisation conditions, this conversion can be quite rapid, and this may explain why the hemicarbonate is not always obsrved. The species is quite stable below 20°C, but above this it can convert into another species with a smaller interlayer distance. Since this conversion does not seem to involve the gain or loss of any of the structural species or intercalated anions, we believe that this conversion is a dehydration reaction. Fischer and Kuzel describe such a reaction in dry solids under controlled humidity, and the d-spacing of the compound they describe closely matches that in our work. We believe that the following equation describesthe dehydration reaction and the compound that forms:O H OH CO OH Al Ca 23262½5½])([⋅⋅⋅(4)This species (denoted as C 4A.½CO 2.H 11.25) has a d-spacing of approximately 7.6 Å, very close to that of the monocarbonate [Ca 2Al(OH)6]2.CO 3.nH 2O, and for some time we misidentified the dehydrated species as the monocarbonate. In our studies we have rarely found the formation of the monocarbonate in plant Bayer liquors, although it appears to be the major species formed in synthetic Bayer liquors. The reasons for this disparity are not altogether clear, although we suspect that the presence of certain organic anions present in the plant liquors available to us may stabilise the hemicarbonate. Studies in this area are continuing.The equation for the formation of the monocarbonate species is−−+⋅⋅Þ+++OH O H CO OH Al Ca O C OH Al OH Ca 45])([H 5O )(2)(4232622-2342 (5)For obvious reasons, this is a more efficient causticising reaction than that of the hemicarbonate. However, in our studies, we findthat it is the hemicarbonate reaction that accurately describes the stoichiometry of the reaction in plant Bayer liquors.Above about 80°C the quaternary calcium aluminates become progressively more unstable, reacting with carbonate ions to form calcium carbonate. This is the main causticisation reaction, and its rate is under chemical control, rising rapidly with temperature.-2323262½CO 3½5½])([+⋅⋅⋅O H OH CO OH Al CaOOH OH Al CaCO 243½H 55)(24+++⇔−− (6)Note that the equation is written in the form of an equilibrium. If a calcium carbonate slurry in causticised liquor is cooled sufficiently, the hemicarbonate will re-form, as we will demonstrate later. This has implications for the so-called reversion reaction.Studies of the quaternary calcium aluminates are usually complicated by the formation of C 3AH 6. The mechanism of its formation has not been conclusively resolved, however our studies lead us to believe that the formation of C 3AH 6 also occurs via the hemicarbonate species:−−++⋅⋅⋅OH OH Al O H OH CO OH Al Ca 423262)(2½5½])([3(7)The rate of formation of C 3AH 6 is diffusion controlled, increasing with agitation, and also with increasing concentrations of aluminate and hydroxide. It is inhibited by high carbonate concentrations.Calcium SolubilityAny description of calcium reactions in Bayer solutions is incomplete without knowledge of the soluble species. The issue of calcium solubility in Bayer liquors has provoked considerable discussion over the years, and of course is of importance because of its effect on calcium incorporation into alumina. The and Sivakumar (12) investigated the effect of solution composition on the solubility of calcium in Bayer liquors, and found that certain organic species such as humic acid and sodium gluconate appreciably increased the solubility of calcium. They suggested that calcium formed soluble complexes with these organics. In addition they found that low C/S ratios (or high carbonate concentrations) also increased the concentration of calcium in solution, while phosphate decreased solubility at low carbonate concentrations, but had little effect at low C/S ratios. They tentatively ascribed this behaviour to the higher solubility of calcium carbonate relative to tricalcium aluminate. However, if one assumes that calcium is entering solution as the expected hexaquo calcium cation, then by Le Chetalier’s principle, the calcium concentration should decrease with rising carbonate concentration. Furthermore, the change in behaviour of the phosphate ion cannot be explained in this way. Clearly some other factor is at work.However, all of the above observations can be quite simply explained, if it is considered that the least stable species will also be the most soluble. In other words, we believe that the major soluble species in Bayer liquors is a calcium aluminate monomer, in equilibrium with the solid hemicarbonate C 4A species.306090120150180Reaction Time (min)C /S R a t i oFigure 1: Plot of calcium concentration and C/S ratio with time, during a typical causticisation reaction.Figure 1 depicts the change in calcium concentration and C/S in a Bayer liquor during batch causticisation at 100°C. It can be seen that upon adding lime to the solution, the calcium concentration rises sharply and then decreases gradually over some time.The reason for these changes in calcium concentration can be deduced from Figure 2, which shows the corresponding XRD spectra for samples taken throughout the reaction. Upon addition of calcium hydroxide, there is an immediate reaction with the aluminate ion to produce the hemicarbonate (2θ=10.8°) and its dehydrated polymorph (2θ=11.2°). The amount of the hemicarbonate decreases rapidly, and is virtually absent at 30 minutes, this corresponding to the maximum C/S. The dehydrated polymorph is slightly more stable, and persists for longer, slowly converting to C 3AH 6. Eventually, the species remaining are mainly calcium carbonate and tricalcium aluminate, with a trace of residual calcium hydroxide. The change in calcium concentration mirrors the increase and decrease in the amount of the two C 4A hemicarbonate species.C o u n t sDegrees 2 θT i m e (m i n s )Figure 2: Chart of XRD spectra as a function of time.Organics influence the solubility of calcium by chelation of the monomeric calcium aluminate. In our studies, we have used the gluconate ion, amongst others, as it is commonly used as a model organic carbon compound in Bayer studies. Calcium gluconate is also known to be appreciably soluble in water. A large number ofexperiments were conducted, but for brevity, the results of only a few tests that illustrate the concepts are presented.When either calcium hydroxide or calcium chloride was added to a sodium hydroxide solution (C=130 g/L), the steady state calcium concentration was found to be approximately 4.5 mg/L (expressed as CaO). Addition of sodium gluconate had little effect on the solubility until quite high concentrations were achieved: even at 1 g/L sodium gluconate, the calcium concentration was only 18 mg/L. Subsequent tests showed that at low doses the gluconate anion is removed from solution by adsorption at the calcium hydroxide surface.By contrast, similar mixtures containing sodium aluminate (C=130 g/L, A/C = 0.230) showed a linear increase in calcium concentration with rising sodium gluconate, with a 1:1 molar ratio of calcium to gluconate. With no gluconate present, the aluminate ion had no effect on the calcium solubility, this being almost identical to the pure sodium hydroxide solution (4.5 mg/L). In other words, complexation with the gluconate ion has little effect on calcium solubility, but has a direct effect on the solubility of a calcium aluminate species. It is interesting to note that borate, the solution chemistry of which is very similar to that of aluminate, is used to greatly increase the solubility of calcium gluconate for pharmaceutical purposes (13) by formation of a calcium borogluconate complex.The nature of the soluble species and the relationship to gluconate concentration can be deduced from data such as that shown in Figure 3. In the test from which this data is drawn, the sodium aluminate concentration in a 130 g/L ‘C’ caustic solution was progressively increased. This solution was carbonate-free, but contained 1g/L calcium chloride and 1 g/L sodium gluconate. Initially, the calcium concentration was 19 mg/L, slightly elevated due to complexation with gluconate (the remainder of the calcium chloride had of course precipitated as calcium hydroxide). As aluminate is added, the CaO concentration rises linearly with a slope of 3.0, reaching a plateau at about 0.0042 mol/L due to depletion of the gluconate ion. This data, together with the gluconate response data described earlier, suggests that the complex species is of the form [Ca 3Al(OH)3L 3]3+, where L represents the complexing ligand (in this case the gluconate anion, but could equally be some other organic anion or the hydroxyl ion). The similarity between this monomer and the repeating unit in the C 4A species is obvious.00.00050.0010.00150.0020.00250.0030.00350.0040.00450.00500.00050.0010.00150.0020.00250.0030.0035[NaAl(OH)4] (mol/L)[C a O ] (m o l /L )Figure 3: Variation of calcium concentration with sodium aluminate concentration, in the presence of sodium gluconate.From the above discussion, it is reasonable to expect that the presence of one of the C 4A solid phase species in contact with a Bayer liquor would inevitably result in high calcium concentrations, unless the liquor is free of complexing agents. However, it is important to note that growth of the C 4A solid will occur via incorporation of the monomer, removing some of the organic anion from solution. If the initial concentration of the organic species is already low, it is possible that the concentration may decrease sufficiently that it no longer has an appreciable effect on calcium solubility.Tests similar to those already described in which sodium carbonate was added suggest that the carbonate ion itself plays little part in the solubilisation of calcium in Bayer liquors. While this appears to contradict the observed behaviour in the plant, a plausible explanation of the role of carbonate in this environment can be deduced from equation 7. In highly caustic liquors, the quaternary calcium aluminate species are very unstable and convert rapidly to the highly insoluble C 3AH 6. In liquors with lower caustic concentrations and higher carbonate concentrations, the C 4A species are quasi-stable, and can persist in contact with Bayer liquors for extended periods. This results in higher calcium concentrations in solution, aided by chelating anions such as certain organics.The Calcium Reaction mapThe preceding discussion leads us to propose a schematic “map” of the reactions of calcium in Bayer liquors, which can be used to describe the behaviour of calcium in virtually all of its common applications. Such a map is shown in Figure 4.Ca(OH)2O Al(OH)3L 3]3+3362+ Al(OH)4-, CO 32-, H 2O - (OH)--2623.OH.4¾H 2O[Ca+ CO 32-- (OH)-, Al(OH)4-, H O+ Al(OH)4-- CO 32-, H 2O-Figure 4: “Map”of the reactions of calcium in Bayer liquors.Since the map is primarily intended to show the relationships between the various species, the reactions depicted are not chemically balanced. The relevant equations are described earlier in this paper.CausticisationThe calcium reaction map emphasises the critical role of the C 4A species in the causticisation reaction, and the competing reactions that it undergoes to produce either CaCO 3 or C 3AH 6. Thermodynamic equilibrium between these two latter species occurs via the C 4A intermediate, but in a practical Bayer causticisation process, true equilibrium between CaCO 3 and C 3AH 6 is not only unlikely to be achieved (because residencetimes in typical causticiser tanks are too short), but is also undesirable, as it limits the maximum C/S that can be achieved. Rather than targeting true thermodynamic equilibrium in the causticiser, a better approach is to tailor the reaction conditions such that the reaction described by equation 6 occurs as rapidly as possible, whilst inhibiting reaction 7. If this is done well, reaction 7 can be almost completely stifled, and a pseudo-equilibrium between the hemicarbonate C 4A species and CaCO 3 is established, as defined by equation 6.Because reaction 7 is under diffusion control, certain surfactants can have a profound effect on the rate of this reaction. The use of these C 3AH 6 “inhibitors” is part of the strategy within Worsley Alumina’s improved causticisation process (6), but can also be applied to an existing causticisation process with very good effect. The Worsley refinery has been using a surfactant mixture (developed in-house) in this way since March 2000. Since there are no undesirable side-products, causticisation efficiency can approach 100%, and the achievable C/S is much higher than can be achieved through conventional means. Furthermore, performance is far less dependent upon the ‘S’ concentration of the liquor: indeed liquors may be causticised to C/S ratios that are even higher than can be achieved in pure sodium hydroxide/sodium carbonate mixtures.The factors limiting conventional causticisation performance, and the effect of inhibiting the C 3AH 6 reaction are illustrated in Figure 5.In this experiment, two samples of a typical refinery mud washer overflow liquor were causticised with excess lime (target C/S of 0.950) in 2 litre agitated Parr reactors at 103°C. To one of these, the inhibitor we developed for the Worsley refinery was added. The ‘S’ concentration of the liquor was approximately 140 g/L.The causticisation curve for the conventional process is very typical, and displays aspects of all of the reactions we described earlier. The C/S initially rises rapidly due to formation of the hemicarbonate, indicated by the inflection at a C/S of about 0.835. The C/S at which the inflection occurs can be calculated from the amount of lime added and equation 4. This reaction is accompanied by a fall in the aluminate content of the liquor.Reaction Time (min)C /S R a t i oFigure 5: Causticisation curves for a 140 g/L ‘S’ solution, with and without TCA inhibiting additives.As the reaction proceeds, the hemicarbonate reacts with carbonate ions in solution, forming calcium carbonate and releasing aluminate ions. As the aluminate and hydroxide content of the liquor rises, and the carbonate concentration falls, the reaction of the intermediate to form C 3AH 6 becomes increasingly favourable, while the rate of the calcium carbonate reaction falls. Maximum C/S (and maximum lime efficiency) will be achieved at the point where the rate of these two reactions just balances. In this experiment, this occurs at a C/S of approximately 0.90. From this point on, the C 3AH 6 formation reaction (equation 7) outstrips the calcium carbonate reaction (equation 6) and the C/S begins to fall: given sufficient time, the C/S would stabilise at the thermodynamic equilibrium. Obviously, there is no point in permitting the reaction to proceed beyond the maximum C/S, so operation of the causticiser should be tailored such that the residence time coincides with the maximum C/S point of the reaction (in this test, this occurs at a residence time of approximately 30 minutes).In the test in which inhibitor was added, the behaviour is similar up to the point where the conventional process achieves maximum C/S. However, since the C 3AH 6 reaction has been stifled, there is no corresponding decrease in C/S, and the causticisation reaction continues until the hemicarbonate/calcium carbonate pseudo-equilibrium is approached at a C/S of approximately 0.926. Since the reaction rate is similar to that of conventional causticisation, additional residence time will be required, unless the temperature can be increased. The final C/S ratio achieved is 0.025 higher than the maximum C/S of the conventional causticisation process, and more than 0.050 higher than the thermodynamic equilibrium C/S (0.875). Moreover, lime efficiency was 82%, compared with 45% for the conventional process. Lime efficiencies of well in excess of 95% have been achieved routinely in full-scale refinery operation by controlling lime addition such that just enough is available to achieve the pseudo-equilibrium C/S.A second aspect of the Worsley causticisation process involvesmaking use of the causticising nature of the C4A hemicarbonateformation reaction. Since the equilibrium for reaction 1 lies overwhelmingly to the right, it will proceed to completion virtually independent of the liquor ‘S’ concentration or the initial C/S. This creates the possibility of preparing the C 4A amount of lime required for the two reactions straightforward. In addition, the inhibitor assists in producing a much more crystalline C 4A hemicarbonate which has superior settling and filtration characteristics. This process has been piloted, but has currently not been implemented on a plant scale. A comparison of the performance of the full Worsley causticisation process, the useof the inhibitor only and conventional causticisation are shown in Table 1.Table 1: Comparison of causticisation processes.Process ‘S’ (g/L) C/S Limeefficiency (%)Full Worsley process 154 0.932 91% Conventional causticiser + Worsley inhibitor152 0.906 95% Conventional causticiser 152 0.882 55%Note that in these tests we have deliberately used a very high ‘S’ liquor, to emphasise the flexibility of the Worsley process. Operation at more typical ‘S’ concentrations (110 – 130 g/L) results in even higher C/S and lime efficiency being achieved.The Reversion ReactionIf calcium carbonate is added to a typical causticiser overflow liquor, and the temperature maintained at 100°C, there is no observable change in either the solution or the solid for quite extended periods of time. After several days, if the solids are examined by XRD it is usually possible to detect a trace of poorly crystalline C 4A hemicarbonate, as evidenced by a shallow hump in the XRD spectrum at about 11° 2-theta. After an even longer period, some of this will slowly convert to C 3AH 6, especially if the system is vigorously agitated. Experiments such as these confirm that there is no direct reversion of calcium carbonate to tricalcium aluminate, but it can proceed via the C 4A intermediate, as suggested by the calcium reaction map.However, if the temperature is reduced, both the rate of formation and quantity of hemicarbonate increase, as the equilibrium with CaCO 3 shifts in favour of the hemicarbonate. This creates the potential for reversion to occur, if the causticiser sludge is not separated from the liquor prior to cooling.In one experiment, a sample of mud washer overflow liquor was causticised with lime in the conventional way at 103°C. The causticised liquor was then quickly cooled to 80°C without removal of the solids, and allowed to equilibrate for up to 30 minutes. Results of this test are shown in table 2 below.Table 2: Effect of cooling on causticised slurry compositionSample A (g/L) C (g/L) ‘S’ (g/L)C/SStarting liquor 76.7 115 140.30.819After causticisation at 100°C74.5 123 135.60.9072 min after cooling to 80°C73.5 122.2 135.80.89930 min after cooling to 80°C.73.4 122.1 135.90.898As can be seen, establishment of equilibrium at the new temperature is achieved very rapidly, and is accompanied by a loss of alumina and an increase in carbonate. Examination of the XRD spectra of the solids shows a decrease in the CaCO 3 peak intensity, and a hump in the XRD base line at about 10 to 11° 2-theta, indicating the formation of poorly crystalline C 4A compounds. After further time, some of this poorly crystalline material began to convert into tricalcium aluminate. Our perception of the so-called reversion reaction, then, is that it is the re-formation of the C 4A hemicarbonate that is primarily responsible for the effects that are ascribed to reversion. Analysis of the “reverted’ solids by XRF will not distinguish between this species and C 3AH 6, leading to the widespread perception that reversion involves the conversion of calcium carbonate to tricalcium aluminate.In practice, though, reversion of causticiser sludges in typical mud washing circuits is unlikely to be significant. While the temperature profile across the mud washers may be conducive to calcium carbonate conversion to C 4A hemicarbonate, the comparatively low A/C and C/S of mud washer liquors is not. In addition, conversion of the hemicarbonate to C 3AH 6 will be slow for similar reasons, and because mass transfer characteristics in washer beds are invariably poor.Calcium Oxalate formationIn some alumina refineries, lime is used to recover soda from sodium oxalate solutions, such as seed wash liquors. The reaction is conducted at relatively low temperature (rarely any hotter than 60°C) and ostensibly involves formation of the highly insoluble calcium oxalate monohydrate. It is found that the ‘S’ concentration of the oxalate-rich liquor must be kept low or both oxalate removal and lime efficiency are poor.In our experience, insoluble calcium salts such as calcium oxalate do not form to any appreciable extent in the presence of the aluminate ion, despite very favourable thermodynamics. Essentially, this arises because any calcium ions entering solution are rapidly sequestered as the calcium aluminate monomer discussed earlier. Direct precipitation of insoluble salts such as calcium oxalate does not occur until the aluminate ion has been almost completely removed from solution. Given these considerations, the reasons for the poor performance of the calcium oxalate process are apparent.Upon addition of lime to a seed wash liquor, it is immediately converted to C 4A hemicarbonate. Since these liquors generally contain some sodium carbonate, this LDH will initially contain almost no intercalated oxalate, because carbonate is the preferred anion for intercalation. This process will continue until either the aluminate or carbonate in solution is almost completely removed, or all of the lime is consumed.If any aluminate remains at this point, some oxalate may be intercalated into the C4A layered double hydroxide that forms next. If not, then calcium carbonate and calcium oxalate will start to form. Clearly, if the seed wash liquor is high in both aluminate and carbonate, a considerable amount of lime will be consumed (at 12.5% efficiency) before any oxalate is removed.This behaviour can be put to advantage and the efficiency of the process greatly improved if it is broken into two parts (7). In the first part, lime is added to form the hemicarbonate and strip aluminate ions from solution. These solids may then be separated and used efficiently in the refinery’s causticisation circuit, with recovery of the alumina. The clarified liquor that remains will be essentially free of aluminate, so that addition of further lime results in the direct precipitation of calcium oxalate.。
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(b) A baccalaure-ate degree in science or engineering in a discipline other than identified and at least 5 years’ professional experience. (c) A baccalaureate degree from a recognized university in a disci-pline other than (a) or (b) and whose main activities lie in, but are not limited to, the development, management, administra-tion, welfare, sales, or services to the minerals, metals and ma-terials industries, with at least 7 years’ experience. A credit in experience of one year for a masters degree or two years for a doctoral degree shall be granted.Annual dues: $90.00ASSOCIA TE MEMBER A candidate for associate member shall be a person of integrity who, while not possessing the academic or technical experience of a member, is active in fields that are sufficiently related to the advancement of, or service to, the minerals, metals or materials extraction, processing, or applications industry.Annual dues: $90.00•Five distinct technical divisions which are composed of 52 separate, highly specialized committees •Periodicals: JOM, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A and B, Journal of Electronic Materials •Conference Proceedings, Monographs,and Textbooks •TMS OnLine & the TMS Document Ordering Center •TMS Conferences: TMS Annual Meeting &Exhibition, TMS Fall Meeting, TMS Fall Meeting for Extraction & Processing,Electronic Materials Conference,Specialty Conferences •Professional Development and Continuing Education Opportunities •Professional Registration •TMS Young Leaders •TMS Resume Referral Service LIFE MEMBER A candidate for election as life member shall be a person who qualifies as a full member or associate member and desires to only pay dues once.Dues: $1,350.00Pay dues once, effective for lifetime regardless of dues increase(s).REINSTATEMENTThose members who may have let their dues payment lapsemay reinstate in the same grade as when they left by submit-ting a new application and paying a reinstatement fee of $10.00plus current dues. If original election year is desired, back duesmust be paid to date (half the annual dues fee for each year oflapsed membership); otherwise, election year will be year ofreinstatement.The TMS membership year runs from January 1–December 31.Applications received January 1–September 30 will be processedfor the current calendar year.Applications received after September 30 will be processed forthe remainder of the current calendar year and the entire follow-ing year. Membership benefits commence upon processing; sub-scriptions commence January–December of the following year.Two weeks required for processing of complete applications sub-mitted with full payment. Incomplete applications will not be pro-cessed. Allow eight to ten weeks for subscriptions to start.The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society is a member society of the American Institute of Mining, MetallurgicalT HE VISION OF TMS IS TOBE THE PROFESSIONALSOCIETY OF CHOICEFOR THE WORLDWIDEMINERALS , METALS ANDMATERIALS COMMUNITY .•TMS Gold or Platinum MasterCard •Group Insurance •TMS Membership Directory •TMS Speakers Directory •International Healthcare Plan •Hertz Car Rental Discounts •Auto and Homeowners Program •PROinsure Program A Professional Liability/Errors and Omissions Program •PRObop Program A Professional Business Owners Package Program •Member Benefits Program Receive a 20% Rebate Buying or Selling Your Home •Nelson Financial Services Program •W AAIME Auxiliary Activities 184 THORN HILL ROADWARRENDALE , PA 15086-7514USATELEPHONE : (724) 776-9000(800) 966-4867FAX : (724) 776-3770WEB : ■VISA ■Discover ■DinersExpiration Date________________________________________________ Authorized Signature____________________________________________Aluminum Reduction Technology: Magnetics and ModellingSponsored by: Light Metals Division, Aluminum Committee Program Organizers: Martin Segatz, VAW Aluminum AG, D-53117, Bonn Germany; Halvor Kvande, Norsk Hydro ASA, Oslo N-0240 Norway; Wolfgang Schneider, VAW Aluminium AG, Research & Development Manager Cast Technology, Bonn 53177 GermanyTh ursday AM Room: 6BFebruary 21, 2002Location: Wash ington State Conv. & Trade Center Session Chair: Marc Dupuis, GeniSim, Jonquiere, Quebec G7S2M9 Canada8:30 AMMagnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Analysis of Anode Change and Lowering of Anode: A Useful Tool for Analyzing the State of an Operating Pot: J. Antille1; 1Alcan Primary Metals Group Europe, CH 3965, Chippis SwitzerlandA numerical simulation model solves the magnetohydrodynamic equations for the real geometries and bus bar arrangements of operat-ing cells. This model predicts the natural oscillation frequencies of the cell observable in cell voltage and anode currents. The model calcu-lates how an anode change and a lowered anode affect the natural frequencies. Measurements were made for a simulated anode change (simply isolating the anode), and for a real change (where material was deliberately allowed to sink and freeze to the cathode). The fluctua-tions of cell voltage and anode currents predicted were in good agree-ment with those measured in both cases, the frequency spectrum of the anode current indicating the presence or absence of bottom crust. Thus, analyzing the variations of anode current and/or cell voltage during normal operation can help in improving pot control.8:55 AMMetal Pad Roll Instabilities: N. Ligonesche1; T. Lelievre2; J. F. Gerbeau3; C. Le Bris2; C. Vanvoren1; 1Aluminium Pechiney Research Center LRF, BP 114, 73300 Saint Jean de Maurienne France; 2CERMICS, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, 6 & 8 ave. Blaise Pascal Cite Descartes, Champs-sur-Marne, 77455, Marne La Vallee,Cedex France; 3INRIA, Projet M3N-Rocquencourt, BP 105, F-78153 Le Chesnay, Cedex FranceThe magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) phenomena which govern the movements of fluids (cryolite and aluminium) in Hall Heroult cells are extremely complicated. Indeed, the hydrodynamic and magnetic equa-tions are closely coupled, through the Lorentz force (F = J ^ B) and the induced currents [J = (E + u ^ B)]. One of the phenomena which is observed in industrial cells and which has been much investigated over the past few years is metal pad rolling. The aim of most of the theo-retical and applied MHD studies of cell has been to understand, fore-cast and avoid this phenomenon. The originality of our approach consists in the choice of a variational formulation which is only based on the basic physical equations (Navier Stokes, Maxwell and Ohm’s law) without any simplification or linearisation and in the way the coupling between the velocity and the magnetic field is naturally taken into account. Through our simulations, we have observed the phenom-enon of metal pad rolling in a circular cell. Moreover, we have noticed that sufficiently small vertical field does not lead to instability, which shows that the nonlinear approach may usefully complement the lin-ear one and slightly correct its conclusion in some situations.9:20 AMModeling Power Modulation: Marc Dupuis1; 1GeniSim, Inc., 3111 Alger St., Jonquiere QC G7S 2M9 CanadaWith, the recent power shortage in the USA, aluminum smelters are getting strong incentive to reduce their power consumption during peak demand. This power modulation can be quite harmful to the cells if not done properly. Yet, some smelters in Brazil are now successfully managing power modulation on a routinely basis following a long and expensive learning curve. Nowadays however, efficient dynamic cell simulator can be used in order to accelerate this learning curve and reduce the risk involved in performing power modulation without enough background experience. In this paper, two dynamic models are applied to study power modulation: an ANSYS based 2D+ full cell slice thermo-electric model and a much faster “lump parameter+” model.9:45 AMThe Complex Mechanisms Inducing Anode Effects in Alu-minium Electrolysis:Helmut Vogt1; J. Thonstad2; 1 TFH Berlin-University of Applied Sciences, Berlin D-13353 Germany; 2Norwe-gian University of Science and Technology, Dept. of Matls. Techn. and Electro.,7491Trondheim, NorwayThe very fast increase in cell voltage manifesting the incipience of anode effects in industrial alumina reduction technology is the result of interactions of various processes. As evidenced by mathematical models, the decrese in wettability with decreasing alumina content, although shifting the current distribution to the side walls, raises the actual current density on the active area and affects mass transfer of reactant and product. The resulting voltage is accelerated with de-creasing wettability. The anode effect occurs as the limiting current density on the wetted area is approached. The interpretation incorpo-rates most, but not all, of the interpretations proposed during the past century.10:10 AM Break10:20 AMMethodology of the Technico-Economical Analysis of the Potroom Activity: O. O. Rodnov1; P. V. Poliakov1; A. I. Berezin1; P.D. Stont1; 1Scientific Technological Center, Light Metals, Post Box 14144, 95 Krasnoyarsky Rabochy St., Krasnoyarsk, 660025 Russia It is necessary for smelters to have expert systems of analysis, which will permit to conduct deep evaluation of the technology of aluminum electrolysis with the purpose to determine the reasons, which provoke technology disturbances, to investigate and optimize operations. We offer methodology to analyze parameters of the potroom activity. This methodology establishes dependence between changes of the con-trol actions and electrolysis parameters on one hand and amount of the produced aluminum, energy and raw materials consumption and economical figures on the other. Methodology includes 3 consecutive stages: 1. Preliminary preparation of the initial information (data base of the automatic system of management of the technological pro-cesses ASM TP), using classical statistical analysis as well as neural network technologies. This stage permit to evaluate the main depen-dences and interactions of the process. 2. Optimization of the process according to the technological criteria. We use the new method to built special simplex phase diagrams with criteria, which limits the area of optimization. Multi parametrical optimization with the purpose to investigate different regimes and to find out optimal control actions and parameters has been used. 3. Optimization according to the eco-nomical criteria including standard economical analysis where the re-sults of the previous stage are used as input data for stage 3. The parameters of a real potroom have been analyzed. It was shown that decreasing or increasing target voltage resulted in aluminum produc-tion increase. Acceptable variant can be determined by economical analysis taking into account prices for energy, fluorides and other materials.10:45 AMEffect of Current Distribution on Current Efficiency in 160KA Prebake Cells: Zeng Shuiping1; Zhang Qiuping1; Ding Weian2; 1North China University of Technology, Automation Inst., Beijing 100041 China; 2Beijing General Institute of Nonferrous Metal, Beijing 100041 China This paper investigates the relations between the CE and the current distribution in 160KA prebake cells. On the bases of the viewpoint of zone current efficiency, a mathematic model to describe their rela-tionship was established. And by use of cross design method, we simpli-fied the relation and got a algebraic equation, which is the foundation to analyze the effect of current distribution on CE. Because both the current distribution and the current efficiency are uneven, the change of current distribution causes the change of CE, but not the strict even distribution gives the best CE, which is perhaps caused by uneven magnetic distribution. The paper also gives some suggestions to im-prove the cell operation and raise the CE.11:10 AMStudy on Temperature Field and Incrustation of 160 KA Prebake Cells in the Guizhou Aluminum Smelter: Feng Naixiang1; Sun Yang1; Li Hongpeng2; Leng Zhengxu2; Feng Shaozhong2; 1Academy of Materials and Metallurgy, Northeast University, Shenyang 11006 China; 2Guizhou Aluminum Smelter, Guiyang 550014 ChinaAccording to the measured results of the cell side temperature, the temperature field in the 160kA prebake anode reduction cell and thecoefficient of heat transfer between the incrustation and electrolyte melt, liquid aluminum were calculated by using finite element method and thermal flow pipe. From the calculated results, it can be seen that the coefficient of heat transfer between the incrustation and electro-lyte melt, liquid aluminum is major. It was perhaps caused by unreason-able bus design, which can make the melt flow fast. In the present paper, the effects of using different inner lining materials and different cell voltage on the thickness of the incrustation, molecular propor-tion of electrolyte melt and current efficiency were calculated.11:35 AMFinite Element Analysis of Magnetohydrodynamics Stability of an Aluminium Reduction Cell: Wu Jiankang1; Huang Ming1; Huang Jun2; Yao Shihuang2; 1Huazhong University of Science & Tech-nology, Mech. Dept., Wuhan China 430; 2Guiyang Aluminum-Research Institute, Guiyang 550004 ChinaThis paper employed finite element method to solve eigenvalues of 2D shallow-water perturbed magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) system for stability analysis of an aluminum reduction cell. Stability analysis of 230 KA reduction cell was carried out in this paper. A series of frequency response figures of a reduction cell, which give disturbance growth rate and corresponding frequencies, was presented. The nu-merical results indicate that the presence of magnetic field always induces instability of a few long-wave modes of interface oscillations of electrolyte bath and aluminum liquid. meanwhile, the short-wave modes are stable. It is found that the growth rates of unstable modes strongly depend on current density, vertical magnetic field, mass den-sity differences of electrolyte and molten aluminum, and liquid thick-ness of bath and molten metal. The numerical calculations confirm that the stability of reduction cell can be improved by increasing anode-cathode distance (ACD) and thickness of aluminum liquid. Aluminum Sheet and Plate Rolling & Finishing Technology and Applications: Aluminum Sheetand Plate ApplicationsSponsored by: Light Metals Division, Aluminum Association, Program Organizers: Michael H. Skillingberg, The Aluminum Association, Inc., Washington, DC 20006 USA; John P. Brandimarte, Precision Coil, Inc., Clarksburg, WV 26302-2650 USA; Karl Eminger, Alcoa, Inc., Alcoa Mill Products, Lancaster, PA 17604 USA; Seymour G. Epstein, The Aluminum Association, Inc., Washington, DC 20006 USA; Jeff J. Kadilak, Alcan, Inc., Oswego, NY 13126 USA; Leland R. Lorentzen, Nichols Aluminum, Daven-port, IA 52801 USA; Douglas N. McLeod, ARCO Aluminum, Inc., Louisville, KY 40242 USA; Ken Schreckengast, Coastal Aluminum Rolling Mills, Inc., Williamsport, PA 17701 USATh ursday AM Room: 608February 21, 2002Location: Wash ington State Conv. & Trade Center Session Chairs: Douglas N. McLeod, ARCO Aluminum, Inc., 9960 Corporate Campus Dr., Ste. 3000, Louisville, KY 40242 USA; Michael H. Skillingberg, The Aluminum Association, Inc., 900 19th St. N.W., Washington, DC 20006 USA8:30 AM InvitedAluminum Sheet for Automotive Body Applications-Chal-lenges and Opportunities: Andrew M. Sherman1; 1Ford Motor Company, 20000 Rotunda Dr., MD3182, Rm. 2160, SRL, Dearborn, MI 48121 USAOver the past 25 years, motivated by the need to reduce vehicle weight in order to increase fuel economy, the use of aluminum in production automobiles has increased by more than 150%. Current average usage is about 250 pounds per vehicle; most of this, ca. 200 pounds, is in the form of castings. Applications of sheet include heat exchangers, heat shields, trim and a limited, but growing number of body panels (hoods, deck lids, fenders). While casting applications will continue to increase, by far the largest potential for growth in the use of aluminum is for body structures and closure panels. It has been shown that both closure panels and body structures can be designed to meet all vehicle requirements and that aluminum components can be manufactured in high-volume at rates the same as steel. However, a number of limitations remain: both material cost and manufacturing cost are higher, as are lead-time and investment. In addition, the infrastructure to support widespread application of aluminum bodies needs to be developed. This talk will outline some of the technical developments necessary to address these issues and discuss the ele-ments of a long-range strategy for the cost-effective application of sheet aluminum in vehicles.9:00 AMThe Global Market for Foil: Kelly J. Driscoll1; 1CRU International, Aluminium Grp., 31 Mount Pleasant, London WC1X 0AD UKFoil is one of the principal end-uses for aluminium sheet. It has shown impressive growth rates in most developed world economies in recent years–but can that continue? In this paper we investigate his-torical trends and future growth prospects for foil production and consumption, analyse the threats to the foil market from substitution and the impact of recycling and legislation, and analyse the threats and opportunities posed by product innovation and down-gauging. We iden-tify the major opportunities for growth, innovation, and new tech-nologies.9:30 AMOpportunities for the Use of Aluminum in the Residential and Commercial Construction Markets: Richard Bus1; 1ATAS Inter-national, Inc., 6612 Snowdrift Rd., Allentown, PA 18106 USAAbstract Unavailable10:00 AM Break10:15 AMAluminum Applications in the Automotive Industry: Richard L. Klimisch1; Joseph C. Benedyk3; Michael H. Skillingberg2; 1The Alumi-num Association, Inc., Detroit Office, One Towne Sq., Ste. 230, Southfield, MI 48076 USA; 2The Aluminum Association, Inc., 900 19th St. N.W., Ste. 300, Washington, DC 20006 USA; 398 Schiller St., Lake Zurich, IL 60047 USAAn overview of recent developments and trends in the use of alumi-num in the worldwide automotive industry is presented. Applications for various vehicle systems are discussed including those for the powertrain, structure, body and chassis. Recent developments in the production and assemby of aluminum automotive components, includ-ing the areas of forming and joining, are reviewed. The implications of the rapid growth of aluminum in automobiles is discussed as related to environmental sustainability, safety and vehicle performance. Aluminum’s role in improving automotive fuel efficiency is addressed in light of the current heightened awareness of energy consumption. 10:45 AMEnabling Communications about Aluminum Mill Products via Industry Standards: Peter Pollak1; Parvaneh Shafiee1; 1The Alumi-num Association, Inc., Techl., 900 19th St., N.W., Ste. 300, Washing-ton, DC 20006 USAAluminum industry standards cover quantifiable attributes of alumi-num mill products. They provide the basis of a common language for commerce and are an indispensable tool for communicating about aluminum alloys, tempers and mill products. The Aluminum Associa-tion promulgates the basic alloy and temper designation systems, which go through the American National Standards Institute’s procedures for recognition as American National Standards. Even though there are several designation systems for different aluminum products (wrought, cast, primary, hardeners, etc), this paper focuses on standards for wrought mill products, and describes how the basic information is registered and is subsequently used in other codes and standards. Finally it covers the worldwide harmonization of aluminum industry stan-dards, and how this is facilitated through international accords between the Aluminum Association, and its foreign counterparts.11:15 AMStudies of Chemical and Physical Emissions from Welding Aluminum Alloys: Seymour G. Epstein1; 1The Aluminum Associa-tion, Inc., 900 19th St. N.W., Washington, DC 20006 USAFabrication and repair of aluminum components and structures com-monly involves the use of electric arc welding. In order to ensure the safety of the welders and others in the local environment, it is impor-tant to understand the nature of the chemical and physical emissions that are inherent to this joining process. Since aluminum is seldom used as the pure metal but is far more often alloyed with other metals to improve strength and various physical properties, the interaction of the arc and the metal being welded generates ultraviolet radiation, various metallica oxides and fumes, and gases. The exact composition of these emissions depends on the aluminum alloy(s) being welded. In order to provide needed data on welding emissions, The Aluminum Association sponsored several studies to characterize the emissions from arc welding by the metal inert gas (MIG) and tungsten inert gas (TIG) processes for various combinations of base and filler alloys. In some of the studies emissions from other processes, such as grinding and plasma arc cutting, were also investigated. In all cases the testswere conducted to provide a means of estimating the “worst case”exposures.Cast Shop Technology: CastingSponsored by: Light Metals Division, Aluminum Committee Program Organizers: David H. DeYoung, Alcoa Technical Center, Alcoa Center, PA 15069 USA; John F. Grandfield, CSIRO Australia, Preston, Victoria 3072 Australia; Wolfgang Schneider, VAW Aluminium AG, Research & Development Manager Cast Technol-ogy, Bonn 53177 GermanyTh ursday AM Room: 6AFebruary 21, 2002Location: Wash ington State Conv. & Trade Center Session Chairs: Christian Pluchon, Pechiney Group, Center Alp, BP 27, Voreppe 38341 France; Gary B. Parker, Wise Alloys LLC, Alabama Reclamation Ops., 1009 Ford Rd., Muscle Shoals, AL 35661-1119 USA8:30 AM KeynoteD.C. Casting of Aluminium Alloys-Past, Presence, Future: Wolfgang A. Schneider1; 1VAW aluminium AG, R&D, Georg v. Boeselager Str. 25, Bonn 53117 GermanyThe principles of D.C. casting of aluminium alloys were invented in 1936. Due to the importance of this process to the industry for the fabrication of semi-finished products intensive development work has taken place over the last 30 years. Increasing demands on ingot quality necessitated the development of innovative casting technologies. This has led, for example, to the introduction of air-assisted hot top moulds for the casting of extrusion ingots and electro-magnetic moulds for the casting of rolling ingots. Further techniques and tools were also developed to optimize the use of modern mould techniques and to increase the safety and reliability of the D.C. casting process. A review will be given of the history of D.C. casting and the state of the art of the process concerning casting technologies and ingot quality. Finally, future development trends and challenges will be discussed.9:00 AMThe Manufacturing, Design and Use of a New Reusable Molten Metal Distributor for Sheet Ingot Casting: Sylvain P. Tremblay1; Martin Lapointe2; 1Pyrotek High Temperature Industrial Products, Inc., 1623 Manic St., Chicoutimi, Quebec G7K 1G8 Canada; 2Aluminerie de Becancour, Inc., 5555, Pierre-Thibault St., Ville de Becancour, Que-bec G9H 2T7 CanadaIn the last decade, the molten aluminum distribution in the ingot head of DC sheet casting ingots has been achieved using mostly a combo bag made of fiberglass fabrics. Some of these fabrics are open-weave materials while others are solid fiberglass fabrics sewn together. This bag can deform and this can affect not only the distribution but also the molten metal temperature profile around the mold and at the end, the final ingot quality. This paper will review the use of a new distributor for DC sheet ingot casting. The paper is divided in two parts. The first part will deal with the principle and design of the new resusable molten aluminum distributor (ReMAD) to replace the stan-dard combo bag. Description of the ReMAD materials used, presenta-tion of water modeling and mathematical modeling experiments will complete the first part. Part two will present the test results of the ReMAD used at Aluminerie de Becancour Inc. (ABI) to cast AA-1045, AA-3003 and AA-5052. The following variables and measures will be discussed: Cast start-up, actual metal flow observations, ingot surface finish, temperature profile around the mold, ingot cut slice analyses, Podfa analyses and finally, results from the rolling plant. Comments from an operation point of view on the use of the reusable molten aluminum distributor will complete this presentation.9:25 AMOn the Mechanism of Surface Cracking in DC Cast 7XXX and 6XXX Extrusion Ingot Alloys: Steinar Benum1; Hallvard Fjaer2; Oddvin Reiso1; Dag Mortensen2; Hilde Gunn Overlie1; 1Hydro Alu-minium a.s., R&D Matls. Tech., PO Box 219, Sunndalsora N-6601 Norway; 2Institute for Energy Technology, Kjeller N-2027 Norway When applying the Hydro variant of the Show Denko gas slip tech-nology for casting of 7xxx alloys surface cracks occurred and gave a significant scrap rate in the cast house. Especially caused one alloy with 0.3 wt.% Cu problems. In order to identify the problem the casting process for this alloys were simulated by a coupled stress, thermal and fluid flow model (ALSIM/ALSPEN). The simulations were designed as a factorial trial where casting speed, ramping of the speed,casting temperature, cone height of the starting block, cooling water efficiency and primary cooling were varied systematically. The hoop stress in the surface at the temperature when 95% of the material was solidified was used as a crack sensitivity indicator. Three stages were found: (I) At the start a maximum hoop stress evolved, (II) then a minimum stress occurred (III) before the stress reached a stable level. For an AA6xxx alloy the stress was found to be zero in the stable stage while the 7xxx alloy had tension stresses during the stable stage. Based on the factorial analysis it was found that the stable stress increased with increasing casting speed and decreased with an increased primary cooling. Furthermore, the initiation and propagation of cracks are discussed based on investigations on real cracks. Here it was found that cracks tended to initiate when oxide lumps were released from the hot top.9:50 AMNature and Formation of Surface Cracks in DC Cast Ingots: Qingyou Han1; Srinath Viswanathan1; Douglas Spainhower2; Subodh K. Das3; 1Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Metals & Cer. Div., PO Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6083 USA; 2Logan Aluminum, Inc., PO Box 3000, Russelville, KY 42276 USA; 3Secat, Inc., 1505 Bull Lea Blvd., Lexington, KY 40511 USASurface cracks are critical defects that increase the cost and reduce the yield of the DC casting process. However, there is some debate about the nature of surface cracks in the literature. In this study, surface cracks on a 3004 alloy ingot were examined in detail. Optical microscopy showed that the crack occurred along grain boundaries. Dendrites were clearly seen on the fracture surface using Scanning Electron Microscopy. Auger analysis indicated that silicon and magne-sium were highly segregated on the fracture surface. When coupled with a simulation of the solidification of 3004 alloy, the results suggest that the surface cracks that occur during DC casting of aluminum alloys are hot tears that form above the solidus temperature, rather than cold cracks that form below the solidus temperature.10:15 AM Break10:30 AMExperimental Study of the Heat Transfer along the Surface of a Water-Film Cooled Ingot: Laszlo Istvan Kiss1; Thomas Meenken1; Andre Charette1; Yves Lefebvre2; Robert Levesque3; 1Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi, Dept. des Sciences Appliquees, 555 blvd. de l’Universite, Chicoutimi, Quebec G7H 2B1 Canada; 2Betz-Dearborn Canada, Inc., 3451 Erindale Station Rd., Mississauga, Ontario L5A 3T5 Canada; 3Alcoa Baie-Comeau, 1001 Rt. Maritime, Baie-Comeau, Quebec G4Z 2L6 CanadaIn the recent years many research efforts have been directed toward the determination of the heat transfer coefficients between the solidi-fying ingot and cooling water during the semi-continuous casting of aluminum ingots. The present study aims to the analysis of the influ-ence of water quality and ingot properties on the cooling capacity. An experimental technique was developed to follow closely the variations of the surface heat flux without modifying the surface properties of the solid. The results are presented in the form of surface heat flux vs. surface temperature and heat transfer coefficient vs. temperature dia-grams. The correlation between the different definitions of local and average heat flux coefficients is discussed.10:55 AM CancelledThe Formation of Surface Segregates during Twin Roll Casting of Aluminium Alloys: Børge Forbord11:20 AMThixoforming Raw Material Development by Means of Opti-mized Design of Experiments (DoE): T. Noll1; B. Friedrich1; 1IME-Metallurgische Prozesstechnik und Metallrecycling, RWTH Aachen, Intzestraße 3, 52056 Aachen GermanyThixocasting and Forging belongs to modern forming processes. The process is a soft forming process in which semi solid slurries with a stiffness of “butter” can be formed under low pressure and tempera-ture substantially lower than those used for casting. Thixoforming gains an increasing interest. The automobile industry–for example–looks for process technology which connect complex parts with im-proved mechanical properties. Potential of energy- and costs-saving is not to be neglected. Although this process was already developed in 1972 by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge) the required improvement of process stability and the introduction of suitable quality management systems must be improved. Progress in process stability should start with raw material development. The first part of this paper is a stock taking and gives an introduction into the Thixoforming process and its typical process steps. The most impor-tant technologies of raw material preparation will be presented, too.。