实用翻译lecture 14 C-E word focused
《学术英语综合》 季佩英版 课文翻译

翻译,U1U1A 感谢看不见的手感谢全能的上帝是感恩节的主题,并自清教徒带来在他们的第一个丰收的朝圣者…直到今天,在全国各地的数以百万计的家庭,上帝会感谢许多礼物,桌上的盛宴和亲人的公司,健康和好运,在过去的一年,和平时期的家庭,为无数特权出生或成为-美国人。

When I was a child, I was often thought to be the worst student in our class by my classmates.
(3)注意“no matter+疑问词”结构与“疑问词+ever”在用法上的区别:
“no matter+疑问词”结构只能引导让步状语从句,这时可以和“疑问词+ever”互换。如:No matter where he may be(=Wherever he may be),he will be happy.他无论在什么地方都快乐。
A.makeB.madeC.will makeD.have made
A.encourageB.encouragedC.was encouragedD.will encourage
A.seesB.sawC.seeingD.to see
They want at least double their salaries.他们想至少要把工资提高一倍。
His ine is double what it was five years ago.他的收入是5年前的两倍。

Informal Letter of InvitationDear Mary,We are having a dinner party for some of our special friends and wonder if you and Jerry can come. It is on Friday 18th at 8 p.m. at our home. Please say you can come as no party is complete without you two!Accepting the InvitationAugust 23, 2013 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Green,We will be delighted to dine with you at your home on Friday 18th at 8 p.m. at your home. Thank you so much for your kind invitation. We are looking forward to seeing you both.Very sincerely yours,MaryFormal Letter of InvitationMr. and Mrs. Henry Turnerrequest the pleasure of your presence恭请光临at the marriage of their daughterHelentoMr. Carl Bakeron Sunday, the fifth of Julyat half past six o’clock p.m.58 Water RoadHong KongR.S.V.P.请赐复Mr. and Mrs. ×××request the pleasure of the company ofMr. and Mr. ×××at ×××(in celebration of)××××××(time) ×××(place) ×××R. S. V. P.Formal Letter of declining an InvitationMr. and Mrs. Bill Douglasregret exceedingly thatowing to a previous engagementthey are unable to acceptMr. and Mrs. Henry Turner’skind invitation to be presentat the marriage of their daughterHelen Turnerto Mr. Carl Bakeron Sunday, the fifth of JulyAt half past six o’clock p.m.Informal Letter of Declining an InvitationDear Henry,We are so sorry that we cannot come to the dinner you are giving this Sunday for your daughter’s wedding. Unfortunately, we have a previous engagement that day which we really can’t change.We do appreciate you asking us and hope that you will have a very happy day. Very best wishes to the young couple and we look forward to seeing you before too long.1. It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to visit this exhibition.2. May I take this opportunity to invite you to our university to give a lecture.3. Request the pleasure of the company of …/ Request the honor of your presence.4. My family and I would feel honored if you could come5. I really hope you can make it.6. I’d like you to come to dinner at …on …7. Will you have a party with us in my house on …?8. Will you do me a favor by joining our party?9. We would be delighted to have dinner with you on …10. I hope you’re not too busy to come.11. We are looking forward to …1. Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience. 是否参加,请早日告之。

Translation Theory & Practice (2) Course No. 1400142 Lecturer: Wang Xiao-nongAn Introductory Course of C-E Translation for Advanced EFL StudentsThis course is a mind-opener for beginners in learning Chinese-English translation. Amen!C-E translation, an inverse direction to us:We translate out of our mother tongue, our habitually used language, into the target language, English, a foreign language to us.Significance of learning C-E translation well: macro and micro◇To guide you in performing C—E translation according to the general principles and specific requirements;◇To equip you with the essential strategies and skills for translating Chinese sentences and texts into English.◇To help you acquire a clear and adequate understanding of the English syntax and communicative rhetoric;◇To introduce to you the common ground and differences between English and Chinese in sentence-making;☆The fourfold goal of the course:The course is designed:I. Introduction to C-E translation---As the most important subject for developingyour ability to use English---The target language & the target readers---Consultation to various information sourcesII.1. Basic conceptOurs: C-E translation is typically a process of the translator (s) expressing accurately in the English language the meaning, message, or function of the Chinese original as s/he comprehends, first in terms of substance and secondly in terms of structure and style.E. Nida’s Definition of translatio n (remember?)2. Translation unit: the sentence vs. the text?The text: the ideal and theoretical translation unit.The sentence: the performing unit, for it is semantically an effective unit of information / meaning, pragmatically a unit of message and communication, and cognitively a unit of attentionThe sentence as unit interacts with the text as unit.The approach based on the sentence as the practical unit of operation and analysis under the textual translation framework (remember?):Syntactic approach + Inter-sentence cohesion + Global finishing polish3. Basic procedureIn practice, the translator moves back and forth from the original to the target text, trying to reinterpret or enrich his comprehension of the original and then construct the target text until, as he sees, he has found a satisfactory version in the target language.From reading to translating is a process of reincarnation or transfiguration.For convenience of analysis, we make a distinction of comprehension and expression.[1] Understand thoroughly the contextualized words, and ona word-by-word basis, the phrases, clauses, and sentences in the original on the semantic, syntactic, pragmatic, and functional levelImmediate relevant are such factors as(1)他的英语水平比我高。

托福听力tpo66全套对话讲座原文+题目+答案+译文Section1 (1)Conversation1 (1)原文 (1)题目 (3)答案 (5)译文 (5)Lecture1 (7)原文 (7)题目 (9)答案 (11)译文 (11)Section2 (13)Conversation2 (13)原文 (13)题目 (15)答案 (16)译文 (17)Lecture2 (18)原文 (18)题目 (20)答案 (22)译文 (22)Lecture3 (24)原文 (24)题目 (27)答案 (28)译文 (29)Section1Conversation1原文Student:How was that conference last weekend?Professor Miles.Professor:Great.I heard some really terrific presentations,refreshing topics too. About all these,you don't usually hear too much about.Student:why not?Professor:Oh,it's a funny thing about academia.It thinks scholars would do research about every topic imaginable.But actually,some authors,some genres aren't respective very much.So not very much is written them...gothic literature,detective novels.Student:But that's what the conference was about?Professor:Yeah,pretty much.It was kind of subversive,I guess.But there's a whole wealth of knowledge out there just waiting to be explored.I find that really exciting.Student:Sure.Professor:Yeah.Anyway,you wanted to ask me about the final paper?Student:Yeah,which I see now ties into the theme of that conference,since we're supposed to write about a book from one of those lesser genres.I was wondering what about science fiction?Professor:Sure.Though it's a genre that's actually getting more and more respect within academia.There was even a talk at the conference about Jack Vance.Student:He wrote planet of adventure,right?Professor:Yeah.He's a well-researched respected science fiction writer.If you're interested in science fiction,you could look them up.That leads you to lots of other authors and lots of possibilities for your paper.Student:Great.I'm relieved you think that,that's a good genre to study.I'll find a book that interests me and do the paper on that.It seems like most people assume that science fiction is kind of like,I don't know,junk literature.Professor:Yes,a lot of people do.Student:Yeah,but I've read somethings and I think that some of it is really well written and it takes so much imagination to write SCI-Fi.Professor:Well,careful,though,there is a difference between science fiction and Scifi.Student:What do you mean?Professor:SCI fi,that's what you tend to see in films.It has all the spaceships and robots,and it focuses on exotic technology you know factor like special effects,at the expense of a well written story.I think a lot of people don't realize this and tend not to make a distinction.Student:Okay.Professor:But true science fiction is much more intellectual than that. The story is very important,and even though it might take place in an imaginary world,it might have exotic gadgets.The focus is on the plot.Science fiction creates metaphors about our world.And well what it means to be human.It's meant to get people to think about real things like history and human behavior.That's worthy of your time,but not SCI fi.Student:Great.Well.Can I let you know next week which book I want write about?Professor:Sure.题目1.Why does the man go to see the professor?A.To find out what the assignment is for the final paperB.To discuss a conference that the professor attendedC.To get a topic area approved for a class assignmentD.To find out the difference between science fiction and sci-fi2.What was unusual about the conference that the professor attended?A.It included presentations by many scholars who were not well known to the professor.B.It included presentations by students.C.It focused on authors who are respected by most scholars.D.It focused mostly on less popular literary genres.3.Why does the professor mention Jack Vance?[Click on2answers.]A.To encourage the man to write a paper about Planet of AdventureB.To support her point that some authors should be researched moreC.To indicate a way for the man to begin looking for a suitable topicD.To demonstrate that science fiction is gaining attention from scholars4.What is the man’s attitude toward science fiction?A.He is confident that it will become more respected.B.He disagrees with a commonly held opinion about it.C.He understands why it is not well respected.D.He is impressed that it includes exotic technology.5.According to the professor,what is a key difference between sci-fi and science fiction?A.Sci-fi is intellectually more challenging than most science fiction.B.Science fiction stories are often made into films.C.Science fiction places more importance on plot than sci-fi does.D.Science fiction makes little use of exotic technology.答案C D CD B C译文1.学生:上周末的会议如何,Miles教授?2.教授:很好,我听到了很多非常精彩的演讲,以及令人耳目一新的话题,而且这些话题平时都没机会听到。

公共服务领域翻译规范---旅游1国家级景区National tourist attraction2自然保护区Natural Reserve或Nature reserve3主题公园Theme park4森林公园Forest park5生态公园Ecopark6世界文化遗产World cultural heritage(泛指)或World cultural Heritage site(特指一处遗产)7爱国主义教育基地Patriotism education base8名胜古迹Scenic spots and historical sites(泛指多处景点)9国家级文物保护单位National cultural heritage site10故居Former residence11古迹Historical site12遗址Ruins13纪念馆;纪念堂Memorial hall14一级文物First grade cultural Relic 或grade one cultural relic15度假村Resort16野生动物园Wild life park17海洋公园Marine park或Ocean park18游乐园Amusement park19步行街Pedestrian street或Pedestrian zone20售票口Ticket office或Tickets21免票Free admission22半票;半价Half rate ticket(Ticket可以省略)23优惠票Concession ticket24电子检票口e- Ticket check-in或e- Ticket entrance25残疾人证Disability certificate26过山车Roller coaster27观光船Sightseeing boat或Sightseeing ship28租船处Boat rental29观赏区Viewing area30休闲区Leisure area31无烟景区Non- Smoking area32住宿区Loading area33农家乐Agritainment34观景台Observation deck或Observation platform或Viewing platform35旅游观光车Sightseeing bus或Sightseeing ca36纪念品店Souvenir store37皮影Shadow puppets38景泰蓝Cloisonne39唐三彩Tang tri- color glazed ceramics40玉器Jade ware公共服务领域翻译规范---商业金融1批发市场Wholesale market2使利店;方便店Convenience store3免稅店Duty- Free store4网上购物Online shopping5存包处Locker(自助);Left baggage(有人服务)6取包处Bag claim7试衣室Fitting room或Dressing room8过磅处;称重处Weigh counter9折扣店Discount store10结账台;付费处;收银处Cashier11试营业Soft opening12.营业时间Business hours或Opening hours13产地Place of origin或Made in14特价Special offer15促销Promotion16环保袋Recycle bag ex environment - friendly bag17手续费Service charge18代售火车票Train tickets19感谢惠顾Thanks for your patronage20汇款Remittance21借记卡Debit card22信用卡Credit card23人寿保险Life insurance24 24小时服务热线24- Hour hotline25网上银行Online banking service26报刊亭Newsstand或News kiosk27中药店TCM pharmacy28照相馆Photo studio29理发店Barber's或Barber shop30洗衣店Laundry31中央商务区Central business district或CBD32证券交易所Stock exchange33公积金货款Housing provident fund loan34理财服务Financial planning service35 24小时自助服务24- Hour se- Service36自动扶梯Escalator37人民币结算RMB settlement38系统故障Out of order39条码扫描口Barcode scanner或Barcode reader40.理赔Claim settlement公共服务领域翻译规范---文化娱乐1历史博物馆History museum或Museum of history2自然博物馆Natural history museum 或museum of natural history3展览馆;展示馆Exhibition center或Exhibition hall4美术馆;艺术馆Art gallery或Art museum5数字图书馆Digital library6大剧院Grand theater7.电影院Cinema或Movie theater8歌剧院Opera house9音乐厅Concert ha‖10活动中心Activity center11.少年宫Children' s palace12.文学类Literature13.艺术类Arts14学术类Academics15.科学类Science16教育类Education17.身份证登记Photo id required18失物招领Lost and found19.警告Notice20.暂停开放Temporarily closed21.图书查询Book search22畅销书Bestsellers23.科技馆Science and technology museum 或museum of science and technology24.网吧Internet cafe或Internet bar25休闲会所Recreation club或Club26.KTV包房KTV Room27展品Exhibits28文物Cultural relic29复制品Duplicate或Replica30.艺术品Artwork31.手工艺品Handicrafts32.院线Cinema chain33.上线(影片)Playing in theaters34.即将上映Coming soon或Upcoming movies35正在上映Now showing或Now playing36进口片;原版引进Imported37.演播厅Studio038.__元/半小时__Yuan/Half-Hour或__Yuan/30 Minute39会员售票处Membership tickets40.免费开放Free admission公共服务领域翻译规范---体育1体育场Stadium2足球场Football field或Soccer field3篮球场Basketball court4高尔夫球场Golf course5田径场track - and- Field ground6射箭场Archery range7卡丁车场Karting track8体育馆Indoor stadium或Gymnasium或Sports hall9篮球馆Basketball Gym10.台球馆;桌球馆Billiard hall11瑜伽馆Yoga gym12训练馆Training gym13保龄球馆Bowling alley14体操馆Gymnasium15柔道馆Judo gym16贵宾席VIP seats17竞赛区Competition area18裁判台Referee stand19工作人员区Staff area20摄影记者区Photo zones21游泳Swimming22跳水Diving23射箭Archery24田径Athletics25举重Weightlifting26滑冰Skating27滑翔Gliding28帆船Sailboat29散打Sanda30攀岩Rock climbing31现代五项Modern pentathlon32铁人三项Triathlon33锦标赛Championships或Tournament34公开赛Open championships35大师赛Masters tournament36职业联赛Professional league37甲级联赛League one38小组塞Group stage39 1/4决赛;四强赛1/4 Finals或Quarter finals40半决赛Semifinals或Semi- Finals公共服务领域翻译规范---教育1办公楼Administration building或Office building2实验楼Laboratory building3教室Classroom4实验室Laboratory或Lab5计算机房Computer room6借书处Circulation7还书处Book drop或Book return8阅览室Reading room9资料室Resource center10.档案室Archives center11大礼堂Auditorium或Assembly hall12学生宿舍;学生公寓Student dormitory13自习室(图书馆内)Study room14.学术报告厅Lecture ha‖15.多媒体教室Multimedia classroom16大学生活动中心Student center17.听课证Course registration card18课程表Class schedule或Timetable19.监控摄像头Surveillance camera20.校车School Bus或Shuttle bus21禁止滑板No skateboarding2不得带入食物No food allowed inside23不得占座No seat reservation24男士止步Women only25办公室(行政)Administration office26.财务处Finance office27.审计处Audit office28政教处Moral education office29.人事处Human resources office30学生工作处Student affairs office31.出版社Press或Publishing house32.编辑部Editorial office33信息中心Information center34科研处Office of academic research35校长室(大学)President s office36学生会Student union或Students’ Uni on37招生办公室Admissions office38校广播电视台Campus broadcasting station39学生证Studented card40.校园卡Campus card公共服务领域翻译规范---医疗卫生1医院Hospital2中心医院Central hospital3康复医院Rehabilitation hospital4疗养院Sanatorium或Convalescent home或Convalescent hospital 5胸科医院Chest hospital6肺科医院Lung hospital7脑科医院Brain hospital8眼科医院Eye hospital9皮肤病医院Dermatology hospital10.肿瘤医院Tumor hospital或Oncology hospital11.社区卫生服务中心Community healthcare center12门诊部Outpatient department或Outpatients(用于Department可以省略的场合13急症部Emergency department(Department可省略)14.医护部Medical and nursing department15.护理部Nursing department16.住院部patient department17病房;病区Inpatient ward18检查室Examination room19.治疗室Treatment room20.观察室Observation room21手术室Operating room或Operating theater22.第诊室Consulting room23.内科Internal medicine department(Department可以省略)24挂号处Registration25收费处Cashier或Payment26.出院手续办理处Discharge27.住院手续办理处Admission28急诊办公室Emergency Department office29门诊办公室Outpatient department30.血液中心Blood center31体检中心Physical Examination center32产房Delivery room33.护士站Nurses station34投诉电话;投诉热线Complaints hotline35易燃物品Flammable materials36剧毒物品Toxic materials37门诊须知Outpatient guide38专家门诊Expert clinic39患者入口Patients entrance40.探视须知Visitor' s guide公共服务领域翻译规范---邮政电信1中国邮政集团公司China post2中国电信China telecom3中国移动China mobile4中国联通China Unicom5快递公司Courier services company(Company可以省略)6快递服务Express service或Courier service7同城快递Intra- City express service8国际快递International express service9中国邮政China post10.邮政储蓄Postal savings11邮政汇款Postal remittance12明信片Postcard13邮政编码Postal code14到付件Freight collect express item15汇票Money order16邮戳Postmark17纪念邮票Commemorative stamp18纪念封Commemorative envelope19贺卡Greeting card20自取件Self pick-up express item21到付件Freight collect express item22邮筒(寄信用)Mailbox23信箱(收信用)Letter box24邮政包裹Postal parcel25邮政报刊亭Newsstand或News kiosk26视频会议Videoconferencing27电话会议Teleconferencing28有线电视Cable TV29.捆绑式服务Bundled service30.电话每分钟计费标准Rate per minutes(可以缩写为RPM)31欠费停机Service suspended due to Insufficient balance32应急电话Emergency call33来电显示服务Caller id display34电话区号Area code35话费充值Prepaid refill或Prepaid recharge36移动宽带Mobile broadband37即时通讯服务Instant messaging service或m service38长途电话Long distance call39营业厅Service hall或Business hall40彩铃服务Color ring back tone公共服务领域翻译规范---餐饮住宿1火锅Hot pot2麻辣烫Spicy hot pot3烧烤Grill(在平底锅里烤)Barbecue(直接在火上烤)4拉面Lamian noodles5刀削面Diaoxiao noodles6米线Rice noodles7馄饨Huntun或Wonton8月饼Moon cake9白酒Liquor and spirits10米酒Rice wine11.豆腐Doufu或Bean curd12糕点Cakes and pastries13熟食Delicatessen(也可简作Deli)或Cooked food14花椒Sichuan pepper15醋Vinegar16茶馆Teahouse17小吃店Snack bar或Snacks18大堂经理Lobby manager19单人房间Single room20双人间(两张单人床)Twin room21双人间(一张双人床)Double room22.青年旅社Youth hosted23.快捷酒店Budget hotel24.连锁酒店Chain hotel25招待所Guesthouse26.客栈Inn27.自助餐厅Buffet或Cafeteria28.宴会厅Banquet hall29.禁烟区;无烟区Non- Smoking area30包间;包房Private room31.快餐店Snack bar或Fast food restaurant(Restaurant可省略)32西饼屋Pastry store(Store可以省略或Bakery)33.酱油Soy sauce34.三分熟Rare35.五分熟Medium36.七分熟Medium well37.十分熟(全熟)Well done38黄酒Yellow rice wine或Shaoxing wine39豪华套房Deluxe suite40.标准客房Twin room或Standard room或Double room公共服务领域翻译规范---交通1高速公路Expressway2国道National highway3省道Provincial highway4县道County highway5收费公路Tollway或Toll road6高架桥Overpass(指城市中的高架桥);Viaduct(指横跨河流或山谷的高架桥)7立交桥Highway interchange或Flyover8公共停车场Public parking9免费停车场Free parking10内部停车场Private parking(私人用);Staff parking(员工用)11临时停车Temporary parking12计时停车Hourly parking或Metered parking13交叉路口Crossroads或Intersection14双向交通Two- way traffic15注意行人Watch for pedestrians16注意信号灯Traffic lights ahead17注意障碍物Watch out for obstacles 或caution / obstacles ahead18注意危险Drive with caution19小心雪天路滑Road may be icy20禁止通行Do not enter或No entry21禁止掉头No U-Turn22禁止超车No overtaking23禁止停车No stopping或No stopping at any time24禁止向左向右转弯No left or right turn或No turns25路口优先通行Priority at intersection26右转车道Right- Turn lane27左转车道Left- Turn lane28直行车道Straight lane29掉头车道U- Turn lane30转弯慢行Turn ahead/ Slow down31城际列车Inter- City rail service32动车组D- Series high- Speed train标准文档33高速列车;高铁G- Series high- Speed train 34一等座First class35二等座Second class36硬卧车厢Hard sleeper或Hard berth37软卧车厢Soft sleeper或Soft berth38第__航站楼Terminal__39航班号Flight no.__40办理登机手续;办票Check-in实用文案。

e.g. 奈达早在1964年区分“形式对等”和“功能对等”。 20世纪70年代以来语用学受到更多的关注, 翻译代为由词、短语转移到了语篇, 但基本的语言学框架没变。 在功能主义翻译学派成为主流之前, 以对等论为基础的语言学派在德国翻译界占主导地位。其代表人物是Wilss 和Koller等。
科勒指出: 如果译文能够满足有关结构条件的某些要求,那么原文和译文便存在着对等。这些相关的条件跟内容、风格以及功能有关。因而对等的要求便体现为: 原文的质量必须得以保留。也就是说原文的风格、内容及功能必须得以保留,或者至少译文应该尽可能地保留这些特征。 对等论者一般都侧重于原文,认为原文的特征必须在译文中得以保留。
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在家靠自己, 出国靠国旅 At home you’re your own boss. In china your Aladdin’s Lamp is at CITS
e.g. Cette semaine on tuer le cochon. this week we (will) kill the pig. 这个星期我们杀猪。 为实现译文功能。只能改写: Special offer—Fresh and abundant
删减和改写在文学类语篇翻译有时是一种必要。(见P39) 在应用语篇的翻译中, 则是常常必须借助的手段。
在目的论的框架下, 决定翻译目的的最重要因素之一便是受众——依着心目中的接收者, 他们有自己的文化背景知识, 对译文的期待及交际需求。每一种翻译都指向一定的受众, 因此翻译是在 “目标语情景中为某种目的及目的受众而生产的文本”(Vermeer) 费米尔的理论中较少提及原文, 可见目的论中原文明显低于对等论中原文的地位。费米尔认为原文只是为目的语受众提供部分或全部信息的源泉。
实用翻译lecture 1 Introduction

3. From the communicative point of view: translation aims at the pass of information from one language to another
• • • • • • •
• • • • •
(1) Nice day, isn’t it? 您吃饭了吗? (2)Misquito, Bye, Bye, Bye. 蚊虫,杀杀杀! (3)I am looking forward to your response at your earliest convenience. 急盼早复! (4)At the request of Party B, Party A agrees to send technicians to assist Party B to install the equipment. 应乙方要求,甲方同意派遣技术人员帮助乙方安装设备。 (5)保护绿草,留住绿意。 Keep off the grass. (6) 闲人免进\油漆末干\小心地滑 Staff Only\Wet Painting\Caution: Wet Floor
What is translation ?
• Discussion: What is translation? • Directions: discuss with whoever you like around you in five minutes, and then come back with an idea of yourself . • Examples to be illustrated: • 1)你吃了吗? • 2)叔叔,欢迎你来北京。 • 3)My dear Mr. Bennet…
学术英语视听说1 lesson14 听力原文

学术英语视听说1 lesson14 听力原文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Week at Summer CampHi everyone! Today I want to tell you all about my awesome week at summer camp last month. It was so much fun and I learned a ton of cool new stuff. Get ready for a long story because there's a lot to cover!On Monday morning, my mom drove me to Camp Wildwood which is about an hour away from our house. I was a little nervous since I had never been away from home for a whole week before. But as soon as I arrived, the counselors were really nice and helped me feel welcome. They showed me and the other new campers around the camp and explained all the different activities we could do.After dropping off my stuff in the cabin, we headed over to the lake for swimming lessons. I'm not the strongest swimmer yet, so I was in the beginners group. The lifeguards taught us how to float on our backs and tread water. It was hard work butI'm glad I practiced those skills. Later that afternoon, we had arts and crafts time where I made a cool tie-dye shirt.The best part of the day though was definitely campfire time at night. All the campers gathered around the fire pit and the counselors told spooky stories and taught us funny camp songs. We made s'mores too which was my first time trying them. So good! I had a hard time falling asleep that first night because I was too excited.Tuesday started with an awesome nature hike through the woods. Our counselor Jim pointed out different plants, birds, and animal tracks along the trail. He taught us tree identification by looking at the leaves and bark. After the hike, we had an outdoors cooking lesson over the campfire. We made hobo pies which are like little personal pies cooked in tinfoil with fruit filling inside. Delicious!In the afternoon, we went canoeing on the lake. I was a little nervous getting into the canoe at first because I thought it might tip over. But our counselors showed us the proper rowing technique to keep the canoe stable. It was harder work than I expected to paddle across the lake! That night after campfire, we had a stargazing session with a big telescope. It was amazing to see planets, stars, and galaxies up close.Wednesday was probably my favorite day. In the morning, we went on a rockin' climbing adventure! Camp Wildwood has this awesome rock climbing wall and high ropes course. After getting harnessed up, I conquered my fear of heights and made it all the way to the top. The view from up there was incredible. In the afternoon, we did some team building games and activities which helped me make new friends. At night, we had a talent show around the campfire where kids could sing, dance, tell jokes, or show off any other talents. I told a few of my favorite kid-appropriate jokes which got some good laughs.Things slowed down a little on Thursday. We had a relaxing morning learning about bird watching and identifying different species by sight and sound. Later on, we had a workshop on camping skills like how to pitch a tent, build a fire, read a compass, and other survival stuff. I feel ready to go camping in the wilderness now! That evening, we had an outdoor movie night on a big screen set up near the lake which was really cool.On my last day Friday, I was definitely feeling sad that camp was ending. We spent the morning packing up our stuff in the cabins and doing cabin clean-up duties. In the afternoon though, we had one final big event which was the Camp Wildwood Olympics! Campers were split into teams to compete in goofyevents like a three-legged race, water balloon toss, tug-of-war and more. My team was unstoppable and we won the gold medal!After the Olympics, we had one final campfire ceremony where they handed out awards and signatures to decorate our Camp Wildwood shirts and bandanas. I was honored to receive the "Camper of the Week" award which made me feel so proud. I'll never forget that incredible, adventure-filled week of learning new skills, conquering challenges, and making wonderful friends.So that's the full scoop on my summer camp experience, friends! I highly recommend going to sleep-away camp if you get the chance. You're guaranteed to have an awesome time exploring nature, trying new activities, and creating lasting memories. I'm already counting down the days until next summer when I can go back to Camp Wildwood!篇2My Big Adventure at the ZooLast weekend, my mom and dad took me to the zoo for my birthday! I was so excited because I love animals. We got up really early and packed a picnic lunch with sandwiches, fruit, chips, and juice boxes. The drive to the zoo took forever, or atleast it felt like it to me. I kept asking "Are we there yet?" every five minutes.Finally, we made it to the zoo entrance. I could see the huge sign with a picture of an elephant. My dad paid for our tickets and we went inside. The first thing I saw was the map showing all the different animal exhibits. There were so many! I didn't know where to start.We decided to head to the Africa section first to see the lions, zebras, and giraffes. On the way, we stopped to watch the sea lion show. The sea lions were so funny and did lots of cool tricks like balancing balls on their noses and jumping through hoops. One of them even waved at me!In the Africa section, we saw the most amazing animals. The lions were sleeping in the shade under a big tree. They looked very peaceful and fluffy. The male lion had a huge mane around his head that made him look like a king. I wouldn't want to make him mad though - those teeth were massive!My favorite was definitely the giraffes. They were so tall - taller than the trees even! Their long necks seemed to go on forever. One giraffe was sticking his giant purple tongue out to grab some leaves off a branch. I wanted to pet their spots but the sign said not to try to touch or feed the animals.Next, we went to the primate area to see the monkeys and apes. They were so funny, swinging from branch to branch and making lots of loud noises. Some of the smaller monkeys liked to pick bugs and leaves out of each other's fur. The gorillas were incredible - they looked so strong and powerful. One silverback gorilla was beating his chest which made the ground shake!After that, it was time for our picnic lunch. We found a nice shady spot near the duck pond to eat our sandwiches and rest our feet for a bit. I fed the ducks some crumbs from my chips which they seemed to love.Our last stop was the reptile house. To be honest, I was a little scared at first because some of the snakes looked really slippery and creepy behind the glass. But I was also fascinated by how they could unhinge their jaws to swallow huge prey whole. The crocodiles and alligators were pretty scary too with their massive jaws and teeth.My favorite reptiles ended up being the turtles. There was a really old, huge one that looked like it was smiling as it swam around its pond. The zoo keeper said some turtles can live to be over 100 years old! I also got to pet a smaller tortoise. Its shell felt hard but smooth, almost like a rock.After the reptile house, we were all getting pretty tired so we decided to call it a day. On the way out, I begged my parents for one last treat - a swirl ice cream cone from the snack stand. Cookies and cream for me, please!I had such an amazing day seeing all the cool animals up close. The zoo was so much fun that I can't wait to go back again sometime soon. Maybe next time I'll even get to feed a giraffe! I just hope nobody tells the lions where I live - those teeth were no joke.篇3Hi, my name is Timmy and I'm in 3rd grade. Today I want to tell you about what I learned in Listening Lesson 14 in my Academic English class. It was all about understanding different accents and pronunciation in English. Boy, was it interesting!First, we talked about how English is spoken differently in different countries and regions. My teacher said that even though English started in England, it spread all around the world as people moved and settled in new places. So now there are lots of different "accents" or ways of pronouncing English words.One accent we learned about was the British accent from England. The teacher played some recordings and it soundedreally fancy and proper to me. Like when they say words with an "a" like "can't" or "pants", they make it sound more like "cahn't" or "pahn'ts". They also don't pronounce "r" sounds as strongly as Americans do.Then we listened to some Australian English accent samples. That one sounded really relaxed and casual, kind of like a dude at the beach. They say "day" like "dye" and "no" like "nah". The Australian accent makes a lot of the vowel sounds higher too.The next one was from India and it sounded very melodic and musical to me. In Indian English, they really stretch out their vowel sounds and their accents go up and down a lot on different syllables of words. Like "hello" almost sounds like "helloooo". It's a very lilting accent.After that was the Jamaican accent from the Caribbean islands. That one was my favorite - it had such a fun, bouncy rhythm! The Jamaican speakers we heard kind of sang their words and dropped a lot of consonant sounds. Like "There" became "Dere" and "think" was more like "tink".We also covered the Southern American accent from states like Texas and Alabama. That drawling accent drew out a lot of vowels, like "I" became "Ahhhhhh" and "prize" turned into "prahhhhhz". The Southern accent speakers also tended to drop"g" sounds at the end of words like "going" (goin') and "reading" (readin').Finally, we learned about the Boston accent from Massachusetts. Boy, that was a tricky one! In the Boston accent, "r" sounds get added to words that don't actually have any "r"s! So "park the car" comes out like "pahk the cah". They also make the "a" really flat like the British do.After listening to all those different accents, we had to do some exercises identifying which accent we were hearing in short clips. I got most of them right because the different accents all sounded really distinct to me after practicing.My teacher said it's important to be able to understand all the different accents because English is a global language spoken by people all over the world. If you can't understand different pronunciations, then you'll miss out on communicating with a lot of people! She also said having an accent is totally normal and natural. As long as you can be understood, there's no accent that's "better" or more correct than others.I think my favorite part was hearing the fun rhyme about all the accents:"There once was a speaker from Mass,Whose accent would make your head ask -Was there an "r" carOr a kid named Marr?Who could nevah be sure, in that class!"I had such a good time learning about all the different ways to speak English in Lesson 14. Understanding accents helps me appreciate how diverse and far-reaching the English language is across the globe. I can't wait for the next lesson to learn more!篇4Hi there! My name is Emily and I'm going to tell you all about Listening Lesson 14 from my Academic English class. It was super interesting to me so I want to share what I learned.The lesson was all about understanding conversations between multiple people. The teacher said this is an important skill because in the real world, we often find ourselves in group situations where several people are talking at once. It can be really hard to follow along!We started by listening to a conversation between three friends deciding where to go for lunch. There were lots of suggestions being thrown around - pizza, Chinese food, that newburger place. I had to concentrate really hard to keep track of who said what and their reasons for wanting a particular type of food. The friends also interrupted each other a few times which made it even trickier.After listening, the teacher asked us some comprehension questions. Things like "Who suggested the pizza place?" and "What reason did Jessica give for not wanting burgers?" I got most of them right because I took good notes while listening. Writing down key words and details really helps me concentrate.Next up was a more challenging conversation - a family discussion about what to do over summer vacation. This time there were four people involved - mom, dad, and two kids. They were weighing the pros and cons of different vacation options like going to the beach, visiting relatives, or staying home and doing local activities.The hard part was keeping track of who preferred what option and why. The mom and dad had different priorities than the kids. And then the kids weren't fully agreeing with each other either! At one point they all started talking over each other and I got a bit lost. But I tried circling words like "I think," "My idea is," and "What if we..." to identify who was stating an opinion.When we discussed it as a class, I realized I had missed some key points about the dad's perspective. My teacher reminded me to always be listening for cues about each speaker's stance, like "My main concern is..." or "The best part would be..." Those signal phrases helped clue me into the main arguments.The final conversation was THE HARDEST! It involved a teacher and four students having a casual discussion about favorite books. With so many people, there was a lot of crosstalk and interrupting. Also, people would briefly mention book titles or authors without giving much context. So I'd be scrambling to write down vocabulary words I couldn't quite make out.For that one, taking notes wasn't as effective for me. I ended up having to listen for context clues about what book someone was referring to based on their opinion about the writing style, character descriptions, etc. The teacher said that for complex group conversations, that's a really important skill - making inferences from limited information.Overall, I learned that following group conversations requires intense concentration, active listening, and note-taking skills. It's something I definitely need to keep practicing. Maybe I'll ask my friends to have more multi-person chats when we hang out! I'll be the expert conversation-follower in no time.Whew, that was a lot of detail! But I really enjoyed that listening lesson and wanted to share all the tips I picked up. Let me know if you have any other questions!篇5Lesson 14: My Favorite AnimalTeacher: Good morning, class! Today, we are going to talk about our favorite animals. Let's start with you, Jenny. What is your favorite animal?Jenny: Good morning, everyone! My favorite animal is a dolphin. Dolphins are super smart and friendly. They live in the ocean and swim really fast. They can even jump out of the water and do tricks. I like watching videos of dolphins because they make me happy.Teacher: That sounds wonderful, Jenny! Dolphins are amazing creatures. How about you, Tim? What is your favorite animal?Tim: Hi, everyone! My favorite animal is a cheetah. Cheetahs are the fastest land animals. They have spots on their fur, which helps them hide in the grass. I love watching documentaries about cheetahs running and chasing their prey. They are so cool!Teacher: Great choice, Tim! Cheetahs are indeed fascinating animals. Now, let's hear from you, Sarah. What is your favorite animal?Sarah: Hello, everyone! My favorite animal is a panda. Pandas are adorable and cuddly. They are black and white, and they eat bamboo. I think they look like big teddy bears. Whenever I see a picture of a panda, I want to give it a big hug.Teacher: Oh, pandas are absolutely adorable, Sarah! They are loved by people all around the world. Thank you for sharing. Now, let's move on to you, Alex. What is your favorite animal?Alex: Hi, everyone! My favorite animal is a monkey. Monkeys are so playful and funny. They swing from trees and make funny sounds. I like watching videos of monkeys doing tricks and imitating humans. They always make me laugh.Teacher: Monkeys are indeed entertaining, Alex! They are full of energy and mischief. Thank you for sharing your favorite animal. Now, let's hear from you, Emma. What is your favorite animal?Emma: Hello, everyone! My favorite animal is a butterfly. Butterflies are so colorful and beautiful. They start as caterpillarsand then turn into butterflies. I love seeing them fluttering around flowers. They make me feel happy and peaceful.Teacher: Butterflies are truly magical, Emma! They bring joy and beauty to our surroundings. Thank you for sharing that. Now, let's hear from you, David. What is your favorite animal?David: Hi, everyone! My favorite animal is a lion. Lions are the kings of the jungle. They have a big mane and a loud roar. I like watching videos of lions hunting and protecting their pride. They are strong and brave.Teacher: Lions are majestic creatures, David! They are symbols of strength and courage. Thank you for sharing. Now, let's move on to you, Lily. What is your favorite animal?Lily: Hello, everyone! My favorite animal is a horse. Horses are elegant and graceful. They can run really fast, and they are good at jumping. I like riding horses and taking care of them. They make me feel free and happy.Teacher: Horses are magnificent animals, Lily! They have been our companions for centuries. Thank you for sharing your favorite animal. Now, let's hear from you, Ethan. What is your favorite animal?Ethan: Hi, everyone! My favorite animal is a dog. Dogs are loyal and friendly. They are our best friends. I like playing fetch with them and taking them for walks. They always make me feel loved and protected.Teacher: Dogs are indeed wonderful companions, Ethan! They bring so much joy and love to our lives. Thank you for sharing. Well, class, it was fantastic to learn about your favorite animals. Remember, every animal is unique and special in its own way. Let's appreciate and respect them all.篇6Lesson 14: Our Amazing Solar SystemHello, everyone! Today, we are going on an exciting adventure to explore our amazing solar system. Are you ready? Let's start our journey!Our solar system is made up of the Sun and all the objects that orbit around it. The Sun is like a big, bright ball of fire in the sky. It gives us light, heat, and energy. We should always remember to never look directly at the Sun because it can hurt our eyes.Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. It's a small, rocky planet that is very hot during the day and extremely cold at night. It takes Mercury only 88 days to orbit around the Sun. That's really fast!Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It's often called Earth's sister planet because it's similar in size. Venus has thick clouds that trap heat, making it the hottest planet in our solar system. Did you know that it spins in the opposite direction compared to most other planets?Earth is our home planet, and it's the third planet from the Sun. We are so lucky to live here! Earth has everything we need to survive – air, water, and beautiful landscapes. It takes 365 days for Earth to complete one orbit around the Sun, and that's why we have different seasons.Next, we have Mars, also known as the "Red Planet." It gets its nickname from the reddish color of its surface. Scientists have sent many missions to Mars to learn more about it. Who knows, maybe one day we'll be able to visit Mars and explore it ourselves!Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It's so big that all the other planets could fit inside it! Jupiter has a big, redspot called the Great Red Spot. It's actually a huge storm that has been going on for hundreds of years. Isn't that amazing?Saturn is famous for its beautiful rings made up of ice and rocks. These rings make Saturn look like a giant with a fancy belt. It's truly a sight to behold! Saturn also has many moons, and some of them are even covered in ice.Uranus and Neptune are the last two planets in our solar system. They are both known as ice giants because they are made mostly of ice and gas. Uranus is a bluish-green color, while Neptune is a deep blue. They are very far away, and it would take a long time to reach them.Wow! Our solar system is full of wonders. From the scorching heat of Mercury to the icy beauty of Neptune, each planet has its own unique characteristics. Remember to keep exploring and learning about our incredible universe. Who knows what other mysteries we will uncover in the future?I hope you enjoyed our journey through the solar system. Until next time, keep reaching for the stars!。

Presenting a speech (做演讲)Of all human creations, language may be the most remarkable. Through language we share experience, formulate values, exchange ideas, transmit knowledge, and sustain culture. Indeed, language is vital to think itself. Contrary to popular belief, language does not simply mirror reality but also helps to create our sense of reality by giving meaning to events.在人类所有的创造中,语言也许是影响最为深远的。
Good speakers have respect for language and know how it works. Words are the tools of a speaker’s craft. They have special uses, just like the tools of any other profession. As a speaker, you should be aware of the meaning of words and know how to use language accurately, clearly,vividly,and appropriately.好的演讲者对语言很重视,也知道如何让它发挥更好的效果。

Unit 1 Text A神经过载与千头万绪的医生患者经常抱怨自己的医生不会聆听他们的诉说。
奥索里奥夫人 56 岁,是我的病人。
她锻炼不够多,最后一次 DEXA 骨密度检测显示她的骨质变得有点疏松。
以下是整个 20 分钟看病的过程中我脑海中闪过的念头。
我需要和她谈谈每天吃五种蔬果、每天步行 30 分钟的事。
我是不是应该再加一种降血压的药?药片多了是否让她困惑?更好地控制血压的益处和她可能什么药都不吃带来的风险孰重孰轻?骨密度 DEXA 扫描显示她的骨质有点疏松。
也许留到下一次再说吧?她家里的情况怎么样呢?她现在是否有常见的生活压力?亦或她有可能有抑郁症或焦虑症?有没有时间让她做个抑郁问卷调查呢?健康保养:她最后一次乳房 X 光检查是什么时候做的?子宫颈抹片呢? 50 岁之后是否做过结肠镜检查?过去 10 年间她是否注射过破伤风加强疫苗?她是否符合接种肺炎疫苗的条件?奥索里奥夫人打断了我的思路,告诉我过去的几个月里她一直背痛。

Unit1 奔向更加光明的未来1 下午好!作为校长,我非常自豪地欢迎你们来到这所大学。
2 在欢迎你们到来的这一刻,我想起自己高中毕业时的情景,还有妈妈为我和爸爸拍的合影。
3 让我来告诉你们,一些你们未必预料得到的事情。
4 对你们而言,接下来的四年将会是无与伦比的一段时光。
5 有这么多课程可供选择,你可能会不知所措。

1. The dockers were seen unloading the chemical fertilizer from S.S. “Apollo”.
2. The Finnish Trade Mission was given a warm welcome by their counterparts.
2. His address is 518 Wenhua Road, Guzan Town, PA626001, Kangding. 他的地址是康定县姑咱镇文化路518号,邮编编码 626001。
3. They were badly defeated at Luding in November, 1945. 他们于1945年11月在泸定附近大败。
+post-) both his two sisters (pre- + central + post-)
我的三位朋友 她的许多本书
Fourth, general principal for placing several attributive modifiers before noun in Chinese:
predeterminer + central determiner + postdeterminer
all the four teachers (pre- + central + post-) all your three books (pre- + central + post-) all these last few days (pre-+central+post-

Lesson Fourteen1.I Would Like to Tell You Something我想告诉你们一些事情I would like to tell you something about what veterans老兵are doing in this country, and about our feeling now that we’ve come back from a war we didn't really want to fight.我们从一场我们并不想打的战争中返回家园,我想告诉你们退伍军人正在这个国家里做些什么,告诉你们我们的感受。
A little over a week ago we held an investigation in Detroit一个多星期以前,我们在底特律进行了一次调查,where over 150 honorably discharged veterans光榮退伍的老兵, many of them highly decorated, testified to war crimes committed in Indochina在那里,150多名光荣退伍的老兵,其中许多人曾被授予各种高级勋章,为在印度支那犯下的战争罪行做证——not isolated incidents, but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command.—这些罪行并不是孤立的事件,而是每天都在发生,并且各级军官对此都十分清楚。
The investigation was not staged so that veterans could spill out their hearts or purge their souls;这次调查并不是为了让那些老兵倾吐他们心中多年以来积蓄已久的感情或是消除他们心灵的负罪感,it was done to prove that the policy of the United States in Indochina is tantamount 等價to genocide大量屠殺,而是为了证实美国在印度支那的政策与种族灭绝毫无两样,and that not only the soldiers are responsible for what is happening, but that everyone here in America who has allowed the brutalization 暴行and de-personalization冷漠to go on is responsible.对那里发生的一切应负责的不仅仅是美国士兵,还有每一个允许这种暴行和冷漠继续下去的美国人。

英汉对比与翻译: 1.包惠南、包昂《中国文化与汉英翻译》,外文2004. 2.陈定安《英汉比较与翻译》,中国对外翻译2006. 3.陈文伯《英汉成语对比与翻译》,世界知识2005. 4.何善芬《英汉语言对比研究》,上海外教社2002. 5.金惠康《跨文化交际翻译》,中国对外翻译2005. 6.李定坤《汉英辞格对比与翻译》,华中师大1994. 7.连淑能《英汉对比研究》,高等教育1993. 8.刘宓庆《新编汉英对比与翻译》,中国对外翻译2006. 9.潘文国《汉英语对比纲要》,北京语言大学2004. 10.彭宣维《英汉语篇综合对比》,上海外教社2000. 11.王德春《汉英谚语与文化》,上海外教社2001. 12.王菊泉、郑立信主编《英汉语言文化对比研究(1995-2003)》,上海外教社2004. 13.汪福祥《英美文化与英汉翻译》,外文2006. 14.王逢鑫《英汉比较语义学》,外文2001. 15.魏志成《英汉语比较导论》,上海外教社2003. 16.萧立明《英汉比较研究与翻译》,上海外教社2002. 17.熊文华,《汉英应用对比概论》,北京语言大学,1997. 18.杨丰宁《英汉语言比较与翻译》,天津大学2006. 19.张良军、王庆华、王蕾《实用英汉语言对比教程》,黑龙江人民2006. 20.赵世开主编《汉英对比语法论集》,上海外教社1999. 21.周志培《汉英对比与翻译中的转换》,华东理工2003. 22.朱永生、郑立信、苗兴伟《英汉语篇衔接手段对比研究》,上海外教社2001.
Hale Waihona Puke Lecture 1 Introduction
1.What is translation? 2.What is the function of translation? 3.Translation standards? 4.Translation methods? 5.The purposes of translation?

实用翻译教程noteslecture11.If my mother had known of it, she’d have died a second time.•a/ 如果我母亲知道这件事,她一定会死第二次的。
*•b/ 如果我母亲知道这件事,她一定会气得从棺材里跳出来。
* •c/ 如果我母亲知道这件事,她一定会死不瞑目。
• 2.---I wasn’t born yesterday.•我又不是三岁小孩。
•3---There has been too much publicity about their relationship.他们的关系已经闹得满城风雨,人人皆知了• 4.---The Security Council has been seized of the question since then.•原译:自那时以来,这个问题就一直困扰着安全委员会。
(需有国际法方面的知识)• 5.---In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors.• 6.门口放着一堆雨伞,少说也有十一二把,五颜六色,大小不一。
•7.But we are getting ahead of the story.•可是我们已经说到故事的后面去了。
•8.When I was as young as you are now, towering in confidence oftwenty-one, little did I suspect that I should be at forty-nine, whatI now am.•A)我在你这个年纪的时候,二十出头,充满自信,意气风发,哪里会想到49岁今天的我呢?(译文不错)•B)我在你这个年纪的时候,二十出头,小荷尖尖,意气风发,哪里会想到49岁今天的我呢?(“小荷尖尖”四字把towering 一词的“精、气、神”一并译出来了。

九年级英语第14单元2b翻译The topic of this essay is "Translation of Unit 14, Lesson 2b in 9th Grade English". In this lesson, students learn about the use of the present perfect tense to describe past actions with present relevance. They also learn about the differences between the present perfect and past simple tenses.The present perfect tense is formed by using the auxiliary verb "have" or "has" followed by the past participle of the main verb. It is used to describe actions or events that started in the past and continue to the present, or have just finished. For example, "I have lived in this city for five years" or "She has just finished her homework".On the other hand, the past simple tense is used to describe actions or events that happened at a specific time in the past and are now finished. For example, "I went to the store yesterday" or "She studied for her exam last night".It is important to use the correct tense in order to accurately convey the intended meaning. The present perfect is often used to talk about experiences, changes, and accomplishments, while the past simple is used to talk about specific events or actions in the past.In conclusion, the use of the present perfect and past simple tenses is an important aspect of English grammar that students must master. By understanding the differences between these two tenses, students can effectively communicate their ideas and experiences in both spoken and written English.。

八年级下册Grammer Focus译文+翻译Unit51What were you doing at eight last night? I was taking a shower. 1昨晚八点你在做什么?我正在洗澡.2What was she doing at the time of the rainstorm? She was doing her homework.2在暴雨的时候她在做什么?她正在做她的作业.3What was he doing when the rainstorm came? He was reading in the library when the rainstorm came.暴风雨来的时候,他在干嘛?他在图书馆读书的时候,暴风雨来了.4What was Ben doing when it began to rain heavily?4本是做什么当它开始下大雨吗?When it began to rain, Ben was helping his mom make dinner. 当它开始下雨了,本是帮助他的妈妈做晚餐.5 What was Jenny doing while Linda was sleeping? While Linda was sleeping, Jenny was helping Mary with her homework.5是珍妮做什么当琳达正在睡觉吗?当琳达正在睡觉的时候,珍妮帮助玛丽与她的家庭作业.Unit61Haw does the story begin? Once upon a time, there was a veryold man…1故事开始唧唧?从前,有一个很老的男人…2What happened next? As soon as the man finished talking, Yu Gong said that his family could continue to move the mountains after he died.接下来发生的事情?一旦男人讲完,愚公说,他的家人可能会继续在他死后山上.3Why was Yu Gong trying to move the mountains? Because they were so big that it took a long time to walk to the other side.3为什么愚公想移动山吗?因为他们是如此之大,它花了很长时间走到另一边.4Who is the Monkey King? He is the main character in Journey to the West.4孙悟空是谁?他是西游记的主要人物.5Why can't the Monkey King turn himself into a person? He cannot turn himself into a person unless he can hide his tail.5孙悟空为什么不能把自己变成一个人吗?他不能把自己变成一个人,除非他能掩盖他的尾巴.Unit71What's the highest mountain in the world? Qomolangma.1世界上最高的山是什么?珠穆朗玛峰.2How high is Qomolangma? It's 8,844.43 meters higher than any other mountain.珠穆朗玛峰有多高?这是8844 .43点米高于其他山.3Which is the deepest salt lake in the world? The Caspian Sea is the deepest of all the salt lakes.3这是世界上最深的盐湖吗?里海是最深的盐湖.4Did you know that China is one of the oldest countries in the world?4你知道,中国是世界上最古老的国家之一吗?Yes, i did. It's much older than the US是的,我知道.这是比美国顾虑得多.Unit81Have you read Little Warren yet? Yes, I have. /No,i haven't.1你读过小沃伦吗?是的,我有./不,我没有.2Has Tina read Treasure Island yet? Yes, she has. She thinks it's fantastic2有蒂娜读金银岛吗?是的,她有.她认为棒极了3Have you decided which book to write about yet? Yes, I have. I've already finished reading it. It was really good.3你决定哪本书写了吗?是的,我有.我已经读完了它.真的很好.Unit91Have you ever been to a science museum? Yes,I've beento a science museum. /No, I've never been to a science museum. 1你去过科学博物馆吗?是的,我去过科学博物馆./不,我从没去过的科学博物馆.2 Have you ever visited the space museum? Yes, I have. I went there last year. /No, I haven't2你去过太空博物馆吗?是的,我有.我去年去了那里./不,我没有3I've been to the art museum many times. Me, too. And I've also visited the nature museum.3我去过多次艺术博物馆.我也是.自然,我还参观了博物馆.4 I've never been to a water park. Me neither.我从没去过水上公园.我也不.Unit101How long have you had that bike over there? I've had it for three years1你有那边的自行车多久了?我已经三年了2 How long has his son owned the train and railway set? He's owned it since his fourth birthday.2他儿子拥有火车和铁路有多久了?他拥有它因为他的第四个生日.3Have you ever played football? Yes, I did when I was little,But I haven' played for a while now.3你玩过足球吗?是的,我是当我小的时候,但现在我还玩了一会儿.unit11 What's the matter? I have a stomachache. You shouldn't eat so much next time.1怎么了?我胃痛.下次你不应该吃这么多.2What's the matter with Ben? He hurt himself. He has a sore hack. He should lie down and rest.2怎么了本?他伤害了他自己.他有一个疼痛的黑客.他应该躺下来休息.3 Do you have a fever? Yes, I do. /No,I don't. /I don't know3你有发烧吗?是的,我喜欢./不,我不喜欢./我不知道4Does he have a toothache? Yes, he does. He should see a dentist and get an X-ray.4他牙疼吗?是的,他有.他应该看牙医,得到一个x光检查.5What should she do? She should take her temperature. 6Should I put some medicine on it? Yes, you should. /No, you shouldn't 5她应该做什么?她应该把她的温度.6我应该把一些药吗?是的,你应该./不,你不能unit21 I'd like to help homeless people. She decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program我想帮助无家可归的人.她决定尝试一个志愿者课外阅读计划2You could ask hospitals to let you visit the kids and cheer them up. Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job. 2你可以问医院让你来到这孩子,使他们振作起来.马里奥相信它可以帮助他让他的未来梦想的工作.3 She volunteers there once a week to help kids learn to read.I'm making some signs to put up around the school.3她志愿者每周帮助孩子学会阅读.我正在做一些迹象,在学校.unit31 Could I go out for dinner with my friends? Sure, that should be OK.1我可以和我的朋友出去吃饭吗?当然,这应该是可以的.2 Could we get something to drink after the movie? No, you can't. You have a basketball game tomorrow.2这部电影后我们可以去喝点吗?不,你不能.明天你有一个篮球比赛.3Could you please take the dog for a walk? OK. but I want to watch one show first.3请带狗散步吗?好吧.但是我想先看一个节目.4 Could you please take out the rubbish? Yes, sure unit4 You look tired. What’s the matter? I studied until midnight last nightso I didn't get enough sleep.4你能把垃圾拿出去吗?是的,当然Unit41You look tired. What’s the matter? I studied until m idnight last night so I didn't get enough sleep.你看起来很累.怎么了?我昨晚直到午夜所以我没有足够的睡眠.2 What should I do? Why don't you forget about it? Although she's wrong it's not a big deal.2我该怎么办?你为什么不把它给忘了呢?虽然她是错的这不是一个大问题.3What should he do? He should talk to his friend so that he can say he's sorry·3他应该做什么?他应该跟他的朋友,他能说对不起·4 Maybe you could go to his house. I guess I could, but I don't want to surprise him.4也许你可以去他家.我想我可以,但是我不想让他大吃一惊.。
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Accuracy in understanding
5). 我们能否谈得来: *Can we talk with each other? I’d like to know whether we can get along well. 6). 我校目前尚未设博士点: Our university hasn’t yet had any doctoral point. Our university hasn’t yet had any doctoral programs. 7). 昨天看电影我没有买到好票: I did not buy a good ticket for yesterday’s film. I did not buy a good seat for yesterday’s film. 8). 这所全国重点大学为社会输送了大批人才。 The national key university has sent batches of qualified talents for the society. The national key university has prepared batches of qualified graduates for the society. 9). 他们省吃俭用,为的是攒钱买房子。 They save food and expenses to accumulate more funds to buy an apartment. They live frugally/economically to accumulate more funds to buy an apartment.
Section Two: Approaches Adoptable in Translation from C to E
1. abstraction/ domestication
1)那小伙子真是喝了大胆汤。 That young man has great courage, indeed! 2) 他万万没想到在他前进的道路上竟会出现这么多的 拦路虎。 He had never expected that so many obstacles would stand in his way. 3) 敌军闹得全村鸡犬不宁。 The enemy troops threw the whole village into great disorder.
2. amplification
1)他喜欢指出别人的缺点,但用意是好的。 He likes to point out other people’s shortcomings, but he means well. 2) 这个小男孩饭前都洗手,然后用餐巾纸擦干。 This little boy always washes his hands before meals and then dries them with napkins. 3) 早知道他有病,我就不叫他来了。 If I had known he was ill, I would not have asked him to come. 4)三个臭皮匠,胜过诸葛亮 The wit of three cobblers combined surpass that of Zhuge Liang the master mind.
2. Appropriateness in word selection
4). 关心: 关心人民生活: *to be concerned about the living of the people to care about the well-being of the people 关心局势发展: *to be concerned about the developments of the situation to follow the developments closely 双方共同关心的问题: *issues of common concern issues of mutual interest
1). 请神容易送神难: It is easy to call upon an evil spirit than to send it away (god/devil) 2). 他们走到病床前,只见她脸黄黄的: They came to her sickbed and found her looking very pale and unwell (very yellow). 3). 形成了体育文化热: *There has arisen a fever about physical culture. There has arisen an intense popular interest in physical culture. 4). 她可以独立为人看病了: *She can treat patients independently. She is qualified/eligible to treat patients independently.
4. combination
1). Tautology 能工巧匠 称兄道弟 赤手空拳 自吹自擂 安家落户 愁眉苦脸 2). 今日各自进去, 孤孤凄凄,举目无 亲,须要自己保重!
1). skilled craftsman (*skilled craftsman and clever artificer) to call each other brothers to be bare-handed to blow one’s own trumpets to make one’s home to pull/put on a long face 2) Today, entering for the examination, you’re gong to be entirely on your own, so you’ll have to take care of yourself.
5. shift in part of speech
1). 他老是说慌。 He is a great liar. 2). 他长期以来习惯于在最后一分钟作出决定。 He has long been used to last-minute decisions. 3)许多学生反对他。 Many students are against him. 4). 他们迫切地想得到消息。 They are news-hungry. 5). 他酷爱古典音乐。 He is an ardent lover of classical music.
3. omission
1). 总理出席音乐会之前,还有许多工作要做。 The Premier had a lot of work to do before (attending) the concert. 2). 这台电视机真是价廉物美。 This television set is really cheap (in price) and fine (in quality). 3). 中国足球的落后的状态必须要改变。 The (state of/ condition of) backwardness of the Chinese football must be change
6. shift in the way of expression
1). 谣传说,七月下旬将有大地震。 Rumor has it that there will be a big earthquake in the last ten days of July. 2). 在过去十年中,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。 Great changes have taken place in China in the last decade. 3). 我不喜欢抽烟,抽烟对身体没好处。 I don’t like smoking; it is no good to health. 4). 五百年来,中国的戏剧有了很大的发展。 The past five centuries witnessed great development in Chinese drama.
2. Appropriateness in word selection
2). 好: 好教徒 好父母 好儿女 好妻子 好丈夫 3). 水平: 英语水平 生活水平 游泳水平
2) a faithful/pious/sincere/devout Christian a loving/affectionate parent an obedient/filial child a virtuous/devoted wife a dutiful/responsible husband 3) English proficiency living standard swimming skill
Lecture 12
Translation from Chinese to English -------Word Focus
• Section one: basic strategies applicable to word translation
1.accuracy in understanding
2. Appropriateness in word selection
5). 事实雄辩地证明了有志者事竟成 *The facts eloquently show that there is a will, there is a way. The facts eloquently demonstrate/prove that there is a will, there is a way. 6). 打得赢就打,打不赢就走 *Fight when we can win and run away when we cannot. Fight when we can win, move away when we cannot.