同声传译 ppt
日语同声传译教程第1课 同声传译概述PPT

1969年7月20日,美国“阿 波罗11号”宇宙飞船“鹰”号 登月舱首次实现人类登上月球。 飞船指令长尼尔·阿姆斯特朗走 出登月舱,从月球上向全世界发 出了震撼人类的宣言:
“That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”
顷刻,日本的电视观众在自家的客厅里,实时收 听到了这样的是:
者的发言书面讲稿,在话语者开场发话后,以接近同步的速度,同时完 成辨听、看稿、传译的作业。也就是一边听话语者的发言,一边看稿, 一边进展传译。
(3)耳语传译〔ウィスパリング通訳、Whispered Interpreting〕 从形式来看,耳语传译虽然同属同声传译,但译员不在 传译厢内工作,只是在需要传译效劳的人的身边,用说悄 悄话的耳语的方式,小声地传译给一、两位受众。
第一课 同声传译概述
第一节 同声传译简述
➢ 同声传译〔同時通訳、Simultaneous interpreting〕又称同步传译、即时传译,简称同 传。同声传译这种传译方式,因具有与发言人发言 同步进展传译,无须占用会议时间的长处而受到了 会议组织者和与会者的欢送。在同声传译中,同传 译员的传译起点,通常比源语言〔原語、Source Language〕话语者的发言起点慢3到5秒,而同传 译员传译出来的译入语〔訳語、Target Language〕 又几乎与发言人完毕发言同时完毕,这就要求同传 译员在瞬间的辨听〔捕捉信息〕、逻辑思维、寻找 对译语的传译动作中完成几乎接近同步的作业过程。
同声传译的过程又可以归纳为: “听力-理解-分析-记忆-重新组合-表达”。
在这同一时间,同传译员所作的处理是一心二 用、双耳分听、甚至一心多用,如果此时译员使 用左耳辨听他人的源语言话语,那么右耳那么辨 听自己口中传来的译入语,即自己的声音,并随 时调整自己的声音音量,以免自己的声音盖过源 语言,影响辨听。

(二)想:指的是对信息以最快的速度进行判断、处理,迅速找出 最佳的双语转换方式。首先要准确理解和判断讲话原文所要表 述的思想和情感。其次是迅速找到准确通顺的表述方法。同声 传译需在一瞬间完成思考的过程,而且是在信息不完全的情况 下,就要开始翻译。这就涉及迅速调动自己的语言和知识资源, 运用各种同声传译技巧,充分利用讲话人已提供的信息,包括 已听到的语言和非语言信息(语气、语调、甚至表情、手势等), 不断地对讲话人的思想和情感作出果断的判断。同传过程中, 需要动员大脑皮层的每一个兴奋点来调动自己的资源库存,急 中生智,解决难题。译员的思维、分析、综合、联想、预测、 加工、表达等能力在同传中都被推到了极限。所以同传译员每 工作二十分钟左右就得休息一下。
• (三)说:指用比较地道的中文和合适的 语气语调重新表述出原话所传达的思想 和情感。这就涉及到译员的中文水准。 汉语不仅有丰富的词汇、灵活的语法结 构和表述方式,还有历代积累的成语警 句、诗词谚语。语音讲究吐字清晰、语 速讲究错落有致、语调讲究抑扬顿挫。 译员应该不断提高自己的中文水平,才 能胜任同声传译工作。
• 双语转换模式英语与汉语的互译涉及两 种语言的转换规律,我们可以从两种语 言众多的语言现象中大致归纳出四种双 语转换模式:
• 模式Ⅰ:汉语和英语的概念比较对应或 完全等位、表达形式也部分对应或完全 对应。属于这种模式的翻译对于同声传 译比较容易。例如,
• One plus one equals two. 一加一等于二。 • a wait-and-see attitude 等着瞧的态度 • to see through at a glance 一眼看穿 • Like father, like son. 有其父,必有其子。 • I like the city. 我喜欢这城市。
第1课 同声传译概述

准备工作不可与同声传译比 拟。
分类 同声传译 交替传译
通常安排2~3位高水平译员, 相对费用较低。 并在高压力的环境中作业, 所产生的费用也是高昂的。 发生设备使用费。
使用具备电子通讯设备和同声传译厢的会场,在同声传 译过程中,译员通常没有发言稿件,更没有已经翻译的稿件, 传译工作仅仅依靠耳朵辨听、分析、预测话语者的源语言信 息,经过大脑的瞬息加工整理后,以几乎同步的速度完成同 声传译工作。
(2)视阅传译(サイトトランスレーション、Sight Translation) 以阅读方式接受源语言信息,进行传译。即译员事先拿到源语言话 语者的发言书面讲稿,在话语者开始发话后,以接近同步的速度,同时 完成辨听、看稿、传译的作业。也就是一边听话语者的发言,一边看稿, 一边进行传译。
第一课 同声传译概述
第一节 同声传译简述
同声传译(同時通訳、Simultaneous interpreting) 又称同步传译、即时传译,简称同传。同声传译这 种传译方式,因具有与发言人发言同步进行传译, 无须占用会议时间的长处而受到了会议组织者和与 会者的欢迎。在同声传译中,同传译员的传译起点, 通常比源语言(原語、Source Language)话语者的 发言起点慢3到5秒,而同传译员传译出来的译入语 (訳語、Target Language)又几乎与发言人结束发 言同时结束,这就要求同传译员在瞬间的辨听(捕 捉信息)、逻辑思维、寻找对译语的传译动作中完 成几乎接近同步的作业过程。
第26章 同声传译

• 3.译入语概述:是在源语概述练习进行一段时间后将概述源语的任务 用译入语来完成。目的是巩固听说同步的能力,并真正过渡到真正的 同声传译。 • The protection of the environment is a vital component of continued economic development. Here and in Hong Kong decades of explosive growth have taken a toll on the environment resulting in air and water pollution, destruction of the natural environment, traffic congestion and deforestation. Not only does this discourage further economic investment and encourage industries already here for rlocaiton, but it also makes it increasingly difficult for Guangdong to enter into the next level of economic development. • 概述:环境保护是经济持续发展的主要因素。//过去广东和香港仔这 方面已有国教学。//环保是广东喜迎更多投资使经济更上一层楼的保 障。
• 4. 50年代后期,出现专门培养高级翻译人 才的机构,巴黎索邦大学高等翻译学校 (Esit-Ecole Superieure D’Interpretes DeTraducterus), 日内瓦翻译学校。 • 5.1979年联合国与北京外国语学院联合建 立了中国联合国译员培训班,开始了英汉 同声传译的专业化训练。
同声传译课程1 Introduction

English-Chinese Simultaneous Interpretation
• 同声传译的发展 • 同声传译的定义
– 视译、耳语传译、同声传读
• 同声传译程序
– 讲话人 话筒 话筒 耳机 耳机 听众 同传译员
• 同声传译标准:达意、通顺、迅速
• • • • • 语言功底和口头表达能力 知识底蕴 心理素质 反应能力 团队精神和职业道德
• a green thought • Both sides became on first name terms. • I appreciate very much the proposal made by my sister.
同声传Байду номын сангаас基本原则
• • • • • • 顺句驱动 意译 适当调整 进退适度 合理简约 整体等值
• It was a keen disappointment that I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to China in January. • Today more and more people are saying poverty anywhere is poverty everywhere— and their voices are getting louder.
• Under such circumstances, who can replace the United States to become the engine for world economic development? Is it Europe, Japan or China? The situation in Europe does not make one feel optimistic, and Japan, due to its domestic problems, is impossible to replace the United States. Then, who, after all, can replace United States? Only China!
同声传译 课件 同声传译的技巧 详细讲解124页PPT

31、别人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不 穿。(名 言网) 32、我不想听失意者的哭泣,抱怨者 的牢骚 ,这是 羊群中 的瘟疫 ,我不 能被它 传染。 我要尽 量避免 绝望, 辛勤耕 耘,忍 受苦楚 。我一 试再试 ,争取 每天的 成功, 避免以 失败收 常在别 人停滞 不前时 ,我继 续拼搏 。
46、我们若已接受最坏的,就再没有什么损失。——卡耐基 47、书到用时方恨少、事非经过不知难。——陆游 48、书籍把我们引入最美好的社会,使我们认识各个时代的伟大智者。——史美尔斯 49、熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。——孙洙 50、谁和我一样用功,谁就会和我一样成功。——莫扎特
33、如果惧怕前面跌宕的山岩,生命 就永远 只能是 死水一 潭。 34、当你眼泪忍不住要流出来的时候 ,睁大 眼睛, 千万别 眨眼!你会看到 世界由 清晰变 模糊的 全过程 ,心会 在你泪 水落下 的那一 刻变得 清澈明 晰。盐 。注定 要融化 的,也 许是用 眼泪的 方式。
35、不要以为自己成功一次就可以了 ,也不 要以为 过去的 光荣可 以被永 远肯定 。
第1课 同声传译概述

准备工作不可与同声传译比 拟。
分类 同声传译 交替传译
通常安排2~3位高水平译员, 相对费用较低。 并在高压力的环境中作业, 所产生的费用也是高昂的。 发生设备使用费。
1、交替传译(逐次通訳、Consecutive interpreting)
交替传译也叫即席传译,也称连续传译文,简 称交传。其传译方式是源语言话语者以句子或 段落为单位进行发言,然后由译员按顺序进行 传译,这种传译方式是口译技术的基础。
2、同声传译(同時通訳、Simultaneous Interpreting)
(5)手语传译(手話通訳、Sign Language Interpreting) 将声音语言译成手语,或者将手语译成声音语言的传 译方式,手语传译形式和同声传译形式相似,手语传译员 担当交流双方的沟通桥梁,以手语和口语为交流手段,在 健听人与听障人之间进行信息传递。
第三节 同声传译简史
同声传译是一种受时间限制,且难度极高的 语际间转换活动,对于其雏形初现,可以追溯到 第一次世界大战末期,距今不到一个世纪。第一 次世界大战后的1919年,在法国巴黎凡尔赛宫召 开的和平会议上开始借助英、法两种语言的传译 进行谈判,其中一部分谈判采用了高效、快捷的 同声传译方式。当时,同声传译一般只使用两种 工作语言。第二次世界大战后,才正式启动了同 声传译。
同声传译是同传译员在不打断源语言话语者发 言的情况下,是用一种语言把另一种语言所表 达的思想和感情,以与源语言发话人几乎同步 的速度,用口头形式重新表述出来的一种口译 形式。

In SI, the interpreter renders the message in the target-language as quickly as he or she can formulate it from the source language, while the source-language speaker continuously speaks; a spoken language SI interpreter, sitting in a sound-proof booth, speaks into a microphone, while clearly seeing and hearing the source-language speaker via earphones.Interpreter place at the European Court of JusticeSi is both a simple and complicated process. the reason for being a simple process is that it can be depicted as the following diagram, from which the mystery of si would be broken. when the speaker in the forum with a microphone, the interpreter sits in the interpreter's booth where he can always see the speaker through a tv screen or a window, listening with an earphone. then the interpreter renders interpretation through microphone and the listener receives the rendered information with his earphone.In the process, the speaker, the interpreter and the facilities greatly influence the quality of si. Concretely speaking, the content, logic, speed, accent and intonation of the speaker's speech, have a direct bearing on how much information the interpreter can receive or how well he can receive.Si has its unique features in translation principles, which have been accumulated and aquired from interpreter's practice. The interpreter has to give play to his "creativity" for further development and enrichment for si theory and practice because si is not only a skill, but an art as well. This section will focus on the four basic principles for si, as a tentetive summary, which is hoped to be beneficial to si study and practice.(1)in this principle, the interpreter divides his received information into sense-groups or units of meaning in accordance with the order of the source information, and then renders the whole meaning by combining them together.Due to the difference in word order between E&C, the interpreter should shorten the time lag with the speaker as much as possible and try to gain the initiative to avoid losing information.(2)It means that the interpreter makes some adjustment for the source information, consisting of correcting the mistakes of the rendition, supplementing the missing information by the interpreter in the process of si. For example, in English most adverbials of time or place is at the end of sentence, which differentiates from Chinese sentence structure. As a result, there is often an adverbial of time or place after a main clause.(3)it means the interpreter is able to render the incoming message beforehand in the case of incomplete information of the source message based on his capacity of language or working experience. generally speaking, anticipation can be distinguished into types: 1. linguistic or syntactic anticipation, based on the prediction of source discourse continuations from a knowledge of either collocations and formulas. 2. extralinguistic anticipation, which is based on external knowledge, or cognitive complements. In si, anticipation follows from capturing the coming sense, and is observable in a sudden increased confidence in output.for example, in the opening ceremony of conferences, the polite formula usually runs like this:“…我谨代表…//对与会代表表示热烈的欢迎//并预祝本次大会取得圆满成功!//”As an experienced interpreter, when the speaker begins his speech in 我谨代表,he can predict the whole speech in the case of incomplete information:“Please allow me to be on half of…toextend to our warmest welcome to the Participants of this conferenc e…”(4)Reformulation(信息重组)The principle of reformulation can be regarded as a general strategy of si. It means that the interpreter should take“concept of source information into account and reorganize it in the target language. Butthe reorganized“concept" should be equivalent to the original one in the source language. However,the beginners of si often focus on“language,instead of“concept" of the source information so they often get blocked in interpreting. As mentioned in Previous chapters,English differentiates from Chinese greatly ,which makes it almost imPossible to be identical comPletely in terms of structure between them. Therefore ,the interpreter should reformulate the target information in light of the meaning of the source information.(5)simplification(合理简约).It means that the interpreter adopts the method of simplifying language form,inducing and summarizing the source information when the listeners have trouble in understanding the direct rendition,esPeCially in the case of technical jargons. The frequency of the use of this Principle depends on the listener's background knowledge on the subject matter. If the listener is strange to the subject matter,the interpreter should simplify the jargons in interpreting to a certain degree.(6)Information一equivalence(信息等值). Faithfulness has been one of criteria of translation. But in si it is difficult to be completely faithful to the source information because interpreting is characterized by evanescence. The interpreter begins interpreting in the case of receiving incomPlete information from the sPeaker. He is required to reformulate the source information in short time and to make himself understood by the listener. Therefore,the interpreter has no time to deliberate on the original words,Phrases and Sentences and choose Perfect corresponding exPressions for them. What the interpreter should do is to understand the sPeakers' main information and then to convey it to the listeners in the way that they can understand.The six basic translation PrinciPles for si are usually integrated in Practice and should not be used seParately. On the one hand,they will Play a key role in guiding how to render si in practice. on the other hand,the PrinciPles from si Practice will also greatly enrich its theory.Shadowing means to repeat what one hears at almost the same pace with the speaker;it is a parroting of the original speech. This is the basic step in simultaneous interpretation which can help the learners with attention-splitting, memory and concentration improvement. As a start,the learner can shadow his mother tongue for practice before he takes up the foreign language,and gradually he can expand the time span between what he hears and what he repeats, for example, the time span of a whole sentence. In fact, the shadowing exercise is a simulation of SI, which is much easier than SI itself in that shadowing does not require a converted production. Shadowing requires one’s mind, ear and mouth to cooperate perfectly with each other and after following in this way a passage of about 10 minutes’ time, the learner should form a clear picture of what the passage talks about.countback. This method was originally used in University Paris III(ESIT)to train learners’ splitattention, which is shadowing taken to the next level. It requires learners to count backwards, for example: the students can write Arabic numbers from1,2,3 and up or count backwards from 100 while listening to the speech, and then asks them to summarize it to make sure they have understood what they have heard. The purpose of such exercise is to help learners further cultivate attention-split.Paraphrasing involves “the conversion of a message expressed in a given language into an equivalent message in the same language but worded differently.”(De Groot,1997:56)This exercise bears resemblance to shadowing, only that the repetition of words is substituted with the reexpressing of them. Paraphrasing has been regarded as highly similar to SI. For learners, paraphrasing not only helps them to develop quick understanding, a sense of style and usually complements efforts at vocabulary expansion; but also enhances their linguistic competence and cultivate their resourcefulness in overcoming difficulties in the interpreting process(林郁如等.1999:67).This stage requires the interpreter to listen to a given speech and take notes while listening to the input message. Then the interpreter is required to give as many details of the content of the speech as possible in retelling.While in summarizing the interpreter is required to give a relatively concise version that involves more understanding and reasoning.By putting an emphasis on the production component, Sight interpretation helps the learners to enhance their proficiency at language-switching, to internalize interpreting principles and strategies and to enhance the automaticity of production.This exercise usually involves pre-interpreting reading as preparation,so interpreters can solve their comprehension problems at that stage and focus their attention on improving their production in the exercise. Considering the special need of Chinese interpreters to improve their production in target language,sight interpretation can be a good beginning exercise for the interpreter.It is used as part of the interpreter-training program at the University of Ottawa and is also used as a selection tool for admission into the interpreting-training program. In this case, candidates are given five to ten minutes to prepare the written version of the message, and then are asked to deliver a sight interpretation of the text as it is being read to them through headphones. It is pointedout that “from a human processing perspective,sight interpretation appears to have more in common with simu ltaneous interpretation”(Lambert,2004),therefore, it is adopted to train simultaneous interpreters.If conditions allow,it is recommendable to conduct simulated training which requires the learner to create a real site,say,to invite others to read out a text while the learner himself, armed with the simultaneous interpretation equipment, has a simultaneous interpretation practice.It is ideal if the learner has some experts as the audience to offer comment on his performance. If this is unavailable,he can exercise with the help of a tape-recorder.What has to be pointed out is that when doing the simulated interpretation training,the learner should choose materials from a wide range. What’s more,he should intentionally set some interruptive factors while doing self-training.For instance, the learner can turn on TV or radio to test whether he is attentive enough to stop the outsideworld from intruding his own land of interpretation; also he is recommended to collect some speeches with different accents and degree of fluency to train his adaptability and anti-interference ability.To sum up, the training of simultaneous is an arduous process where a combination of confidence, patience and determination is required of the interpreter if he wishes to make a real able interpreter out of himself.。
日语同声传译教程第9课 合理简译PPT

• 源语言:我们要切实保护教师的权益,保护他们作 为劳动者的合法权益,这样才能发挥人类灵魂工程 师的积极性、劳动的积极性、创造性、教书育人和 传播知识的积极性。
• 译入语:われわれは確実に教師の権益を保護し、 労働者としての彼らの合法的権益を保護しなけれ ばなりません。こうしてこそ、教師の教育事業に 携わるモチベーションを引き立てることができる でしょう。
• 源语言:〔发言人A〕那么,各位在座的先生和女 士,恳请大家将目光转向……
• 源语言:〔发言人B〕下面,我想请现场的各位将 目光投向……
பைடு நூலகம்
• 译入语: は……
在上述范例①中,对“人类灵魂工程师的积极 性、劳动的积极性、创造性、教书育人和传播知 识的积极性”这段解释性的发言做出了简短的处 理,这样可以保持与发言速度的基本同步,核心 内容也达意了。在范例②中,发言人A和B的发 言,前置部分的内容大体相同,因此,在传译发 言人B的发言时,其前置部分作为已知信息,日 语可以用语气虚词“まあ”一词带过。
第九课 合理简译
➢ 合理简译〔簡単化、Simplification〕是同声传 译员在不影响源语言核心信息传达的根底上,对 在译入语中难以处理的信息或技术性较强的信息 采取简化传译的原那么。原那么上要求在不影响 源语言主要信息传达的根底上对源语言中出现的 无法用译入语处理的材料或源语言中出现技术性 较强的材料,在直接译入到译入语中很难被译入 语受众所理解的情况下,对源语言发言进展解释、 归纳、概述、提炼。
同声传译 ppt

区的发展。 • 口译:要取得区域的发展就一定要有和 平与稳定。
• 英语一些表示否定的特殊词汇和句式
• He is nothing if not a hypocrite. • 他完全是个伪君子。 • 这句话除了采用反句正译的方外,还加了“完 全”这个词来表述讲话人的强势观点。 • “他什么都,如果不是伪君子的话。” • 既不符合中文的习惯,又没有传神。 • “他不是伪君子才怪பைடு நூலகம்!” 更能传达话的内 涵。
• He is a diplomat.
• 他是一个外交官。 • 他是外交官。
• 主要指正反变通和前后变通。 • 作用: • 有助于避免被复杂的英文句型结构所纠 缠
• 能有效减轻记忆负担,迅速理清思路, 掌握翻译的主动权,赢得宝贵的时间。
• There shall be no development in the region without peace and stability. • 笔译:没有和平与稳定就不会有这个地
• 词类变换 • 英语非动词转成汉语动词
• 这可以说是英汉词类转换中使用最多的 类型。
• Every State is the best judge of what is required to safeguard its national security.
• 每个国家是需要什么来保卫自己国家安全的最好判断
• 这句话的翻译要等到末尾才开始的话, 容易丢三落四。 • 名词动词化
• 每个国家自己才能最好地判断需要什么来保卫自己的
• Implementation of international human rights standards is extremely important. • 贯彻国际人权标准十分重要。

►完整的口译 教学体系已 在国内建立 起来
层次 本科
内容 非外语专业
口译的基本知识,简单的交替 传译(联络口译)技能
外语专业(高年级) 、 一般性主题的交替传译技能 双学位/双专业
一般性主题的交替传译技能、 基础的同声传译知识
专业方向必修课(翻 译学)
研究方向课程(国际 会议传译等)
►区别“教学翻译”与“翻译教学” ►立足短交传,界定技能内容 ►课前准备,课堂模拟活动 ►参考专业院校的“入学试”
►始终将训练的重点放在“过程”上; ►辅以短篇时文或讲话做听辨训练; ►补充更为新鲜和具有地方特色的材料; ►发动学生设计和准备语料
►1. 听辨
► 译员的听法 ► 意思和文字分离 ► 不同阶段的听 ► 激活长时记忆 ► 讲话的类型和风格
►2. 信息加工
► 视觉化 ► 概念化 ► 逻辑关系 ► 先后顺序 ► 不同类型的讲话
► (教学环节展示)
►3. 语言强化
► 外语的产出 ► 逻辑结构 ► 整理和归置信息 ► 合理的知识点 ► 克服语用上的错误

speaker’s comments then begins interpreting while the speech continues,
carrying on throughout the speech, to finish almost at the same time as the original. The interpreter is thus speaking simultaneously to the original, hence
Repetition / Supplement Different language structures (hypotaxis in Chinese and parataxis in English) reflect differences in sentence structures. Interpreter needs to articulate smoothly by repeating or supplementing necessary
•Interpreting exercise 在哈尔滨市市情介绍暨大使论坛会上的讲话
Unit Five
CI appreciation
The press conference by Premier Wen in 2003 • Purpose: Learn from the top-level interpreter in China
Unit Six
• Sight Interpreting Tactics (3)
Conversion Refers to the conversion of word classes in interpretation, in order to improve understanding of information and shake off attention to the original sentence structures.
日语同声传译教程第12课 补救(困境处理)PPT

GDTV“人大代表〞节目 ——金融危机下企业如何生存开
• 蔓延:蔓延する/拡がる
• 困境:窮地/苦境
• 两会:全人代と全国政協
• 人大:全人代
• 核心竞争能力:コアコピタンス/核となる競争力
• 困境:苦境/窮地
• 现金流:キャッシュフロー/現金流量
当译员临场着急导致听力下降或遭遇 到源语言话语者的讲话速度过快的情况 时,一定要保持头脑冷静,切忌着急, 须保持冷静,仔细分析整段的内容,抓 住核心内容,采取意译的方式译出即可。 一旦遭遇到听不懂词汇时,同传译员要 解决这一问题的唯一办法是培养猜测和 预测能力。
• 源语言:我想谈谈“山农〞问题,我们这个村子,不大也 不小,叫山里村,其实就是大山里的一个小村子。这里的 山没有崇高与巍峨之势,却有连天起伏的气势。山里村的 农民就是“山农〞。
在上述范例中,译者在现场中容易将卷舌音 的“山农”误听为舌尖音的“三农”,而且中 国的“三农”问题也多次被外国媒体报道。直 至后半部才明白话题谈的是“山农”问题。在 精神高度紧张的同声传译现场中,瞬间不辨舌 尖音和卷舌音的情是还是常有的,而且,在句 子意群尚未明了的情况下,同音词往往也会导 致误听误解。出现这样的错误是必须订正的, 所以在传译完毕后做一个补充说明。现场纠错 时要适当提高语速,简明扼要,尽早结束该段 内容的传译,以免影响后续的传译,这在译员 交替时显得更为重要。日语同声传译源自第十二课 补救〔困境处理〕
在传译过程中难免发生错误、漏译和 误译,同时译员还有可能发生口误。虽然 会遇到一些当场无法解决的问题,也会有 一些几乎无法回头重来修正错误的可能性, 但也并非绝对如此。因此,一旦具备了改 错的条件与空间,当然应该进行补救。如 果发现传译出来的内容出现了原则性的大 错误,则必须立即纠正,万万不可顾及自 己的面子而将错就错,以免造成负面影响, 给会议造成损失。
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• 这句话的翻译要等到末尾才开始的话, 容易丢三落四。 • 名词动词化
• 每个国家自己才能最好地判断需要什么来保卫自己的
• Implementation of international human rights standards is extremely important. • 贯彻国际人权标准十分重要。
• They built the bridge/ in two months. • 笔译:他们花了两个月就建成了这座桥 • 口译:他们建这桥,只花了两个月。
• I‘m glad to be here /in the golden autumn of October. • 我很高兴来到这里,此时恰逢金秋十月。
• 词类变换 • 英语非动词转成汉语动词
• 这可以说是英汉词类转换中使用最多的 类型。
• Every State is the best judge of what is required to safeguard its national security.
• 每个国家是需要什么来保卫自己国家安全的最好判断
• 英译中时,“增补”这个手段也是必不可少的。 • 最常见的是出于汉语修辞的需要而进行的某些 增补。 • 增补的目的都是为译文听起来更加自然。
At the meeting he made a long speech. 他在会议上作了长篇发言。 他在会议上作了长发言。 中文修辞中较多使用双音或四音词语。 这句话也可以译为: 他在会议上作了较长的发言。 “较”就起了协调语气的作用。
• 这种方法适合灵活处理许多英汉句型差别较大的情况。
• He left for London as soon as he received the instruction from his boss.
• 同声传译中用重复的方法来处理为:他 启程去了伦敦。收到老板的指示后他就动 身了。 • 同义重复使这句话听起来毫无重复之感。
区的发展。 • 口译:要取得区域的发展就一定要有和 平与稳定。
• 英语一些表示否定的特殊词汇和句式
• He is nothing if not a hypocrite. • 他完全是个伪君子。 • 这句话除了采用反句正译的方外,还加了“完 全”这个词来表述讲话人的强势观点。 • “他什么都,如果不是伪君子的话。” • 既不符合中文的习惯,又没有传神。 • “他不是伪君子才怪呢!” 更能传达话的内 涵。
He finds this trip very exciting. 他觉得这次旅行十分兴奋。
• 汉语倾向于用较短的句子。 • I come to China / at an important time.
• 我到中国来访问,/正逢一个重要的时刻。 • (比较笔译:我是在一个重要的时刻来
• 汉语重意合,英文重形合
• 这一特点一般意味着中译英时,需做许多增补。
• 例如 “他不干我干”,译成英文时,就要判断出上 下文所确定的准确含义,并增加相应的连接词,即
• 假设关系:“(如果)他不干,我干”;
• 因果关系:“(因为)他不干,我干”;
• 转折关系;“他不干,(但是)我干”; • 让步关系:“(即使)他不干,我 (也)干”。
• They make full use of time. • 他们充分利用时间。
短句多,耐重复 这两个汉语的特点为同声传译提供了极为 有用的手段。 使英汉同声传译有了更多的回旋余地。
• I hope that the meeting will not be too long, for it will only waste time. • 我希望这次会议不要开得太久,太久了 只会浪费时间。
• In Vietnam today, there are only two cities which are partly destroyed. • 现在越南只有两个城市遭到了部分破坏。 • 现在越南只有两个城市没有完全炸毁。
• ?别的城市没有遭下,译员是同声传译过程是 否取得成功的最关键因素。翻译过程包 含听、想、说三个方面。交传的特点是 听完一句或者听完一段之后再开口翻译。
• 断句 增补
转换 省略
重复 反说
• 按适当的意群或概念单位,进行切割处 理。 • 为“接”而断
• 当双语概念和表达方式基本对应。这类 句子的处理较容易,直译就可以了。例 如,
• He is a diplomat.
• 他是一个外交官。 • 他是外交官。
• 主要指正反变通和前后变通。 • 作用: • 有助于避免被复杂的英文句型结构所纠 缠
• 能有效减轻记忆负担,迅速理清思路, 掌握翻译的主动权,赢得宝贵的时间。
• There shall be no development in the region without peace and stability. • 笔译:没有和平与稳定就不会有这个地
• 机械翻译: • “我的代表团已就此事发表了它的看法。” • 地道的译文:“我国代表团已就此发表了看法”
• 物主形容词
• The country has increased its overall strength. • 这个国家增加了它的综合国力。
• 这样的句子过于欧化,只能算是基本达 意。
• 这句话可以省略英文中的联系词,而译 为:该国综合国力大增。
• • • • • •
•省掉可有可无的或有违汉语习惯的词汇 或短语。
•英文使用大量的虚词(连接词、关联词、 介词等)。 中文更注重“意合”
• My delegation has already stated its position on this matter