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League Branch Secretary / Secretary of the Youth League Branch Committee
Top Ten Student Activities Organization
Student Award for Research and Innovation
Tourist Skills Contest
Tourist Route Design Competition
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Ethic Award

Environmental Knowledge Quiz Competition IntroductionIn recent years, the importance of environmental protection has been emphasized on a global scale. To raise awareness and promote understanding of environmental issues, many organizations and schools have started organizing Environmental Knowledge Quiz Competitions. These competitions aim to educate and engage participants in learning about various environmental topics, such as sustainability, climate change, and pollution.ObjectivesThe main objectives of an Environmental Knowledge Quiz Competition are: - To enhance participants’ knowledge and understanding of environmental issues. - To promote environmental awareness and advocacy. - To encourage teamwork and critical thinking skills. - To inspire creative solutions to environmental challenges.FormatEnvironmental Knowledge Quiz Competitions are typically structured as a series of rounds with a variety of question formats, including multiple-choice, true/false, and short-answer questions. Teams or individuals compete against each other to test their knowledge and problem-solving abilities. The questions cover a wide range of environmental topics, such as renewable energy, biodiversity, waste management, and conservation.BenefitsParticipating in an Environmental Knowledge Quiz Competition offers several benefits, including: - Increased awareness of global environmental issues. - Improved knowledge of sustainable practices and solutions. - Enhanced critical thinking and problem-solving skills. - Opportunities for networking with like-minded individuals. - Recognition for environmental stewardship and advocacy efforts.PreparationTo excel in an Environmental Knowledge Quiz Competition, participants are advised to: - Stay updated on current environmental issues and trends. - Study key concepts related to sustainability, ecosystems, and climate change. - Practice answering sample questions and participating in mock quizzes. - Collaborate with team members to share knowledge and strategies. - Stay motivated and committed to learning and making a positive impact on the environment.ConclusionIn conclusion, participating in an Environmental Knowledge Quiz Competition is a valuable opportunity to deepen one’s understanding of environmental issues, engage in meaningful discussions, and contribute to a more sustainable future. These competitions play a crucial role in promoting environmental awareness and inspiring individuals to take action towards protecting our planet. By encouraging learning and innovation, Environmental Knowledge Quiz Competitions empower participants to become champions of environmental stewardship.。

英语社团《英语百科知识竞赛》1、What is English equivalent(对应词)of 世界贸易组织?( C )A.WDOB.WMDC.WTOD.WHO2、What is English equivalent of 世界卫生组织?(B)A.WTOB.WHOC.WDOD.WMD(解析:WHO is world health organization.)3、What is English equivalent of 国内生产总值?(A)A.GDPB.GNPC.GMPD.GPP4、What is English equivalent of 国际奥委会?(A)A.IOCB.NOCC.FIFAD.AOC(解析:FIFA:国际足球联盟)5、What is English equivalent of 药品生产质量管理规范?(D)A.GLPB.GCPC.GAPD.GMPB组1、Translate the sentence"All that glitters(闪烁;闪耀)is not gold." into Chinese.(发光的并不一定都是金子。
)2、Translate the sentence "A lazy youth ,a lousy(非常糟的;极坏的)age.''into Chinese.(少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
)3、Translate the sentence "All time is no time when it is past." into Chinese.(光阴一去不复返。
)4、Translate the sentence"Failure is the mother of success."into Chinese.(失败乃成功之母。
)5、Translate the sentence"A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.'' intoChinese. (千里之行,始于足下。

一、物理学1. 力学(Mechanics):研究物体运动和作用力的学科。
2. 光学(Optics):研究光的传播、反射、折射等特性的学科。
3. 电磁学(Electromagnetism):研究电荷、电流与磁场之间相互作用的学科。
4. 热学(Thermodynamics):研究热能转化和能量传播的学科。
5. 声学(Acoustics):研究声音的产生、传播和接收的学科。
二、化学1. 元素(Element):指由同一种原子构成的物质。
2. 化合物(Compound):由两个或多个不同元素化合而成的物质。
3. 离子(Ion):带电的原子或分子。
4. 化学键(Chemical bond):将原子结合在一起的力。
5. 酸碱(Acid-Base):指酸和碱之间的化学反应。
三、生物学1. 细胞(Cell):生物体的基本结构和功能单位。
2. 基因(Gene):决定生物遗传性状的基本单位。
3. 进化(Evolution):生物种类和特征随时间推移发生变化的过程。
4. 基因工程(Genetic engineering):利用DNA重组技术改变生物的遗传特性。
5. 感染(Infection):病原体进入机体并引起疾病的过程。
四、地质学1. 地壳(Crust):地球最外层的岩石壳层。
2. 地震(Earthquake):地壳发生剧烈震动的现象。
3. 火山(Volcano):地表下喷发岩浆、气体和火山灰等物质的地质现象。
4. 地质年代(Geological era):地球历史长时间划分的单位。
5. 沉积作用(Sedimentation):沉积岩形成的过程。

A fair face may hide a foul heart..
• 1.God helps those who help themselves. • 天助自助者。 • • • • • • 2. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真交。 3.Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮。 4.Nothing is impossible to a willing mind. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。 5.Knowlegde can change your fate and English can accomplish your future. 知识改变命运,英语成就未来。
• • • •
A.her name B. her age C. her home D. her child
17.“Love me,love my dog”翻译成中文的意 思是: A
• • • • A.爱屋及乌 B.爱我就爱我的小狗 C.爱我就更爱我的小狗 D.爱我,爱小狗
18. What is the end of everything ?
• 一单项选择题 • 1. 大家都知道,如果路边的小屋上 写有W.C.的字样,那大概就是一个 可以方便的地方。请问W.C.的完整 英语形式是怎样的? • A. Washing Room • B. Washing Case • C. Water Closet • D. Water Caster
• 4. 答案选A。2008年北京奥运会的英 文口号是One world, one dream。选 项B( New Beijing, Great Olympics)是 北京申办奥运会的口号,其意为“新 北京,新奥运”;而选项C (Faster, Higher, Stronger)则是奥林匹克格言

英语趣味知识竞赛Are you ready to embark on a journey through the realm of English language trivia? Brace yourself for a delightful adventure filled with fascinating facts, quirky anecdotes, and mind-boggling tidbits. Let's dive right in!1. Did You Know?。
Ever wondered why "abbreviated" is such a long word? Well, the irony is real! But here's a fun twist: the longest word in English dictionaries is "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis." Say that ten times fast!2. Language Wonders。
English is a language full of surprises. For instance, did you know that the word "set" has the most definitions in the English language? From setting a table to setting a record, it's a versatile little word!3. Tongue Twisters Galore。
Tongue twisters are not only amusing but also great for honing your pronunciation skills. Can you conquer this classic: "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers"? Give it a try!4. Animal Antics。

Translation (15 marks)I (5 marks)Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.How do you wish for good luck every December 31? Check out these New Year’s ritual from around the world. Brazilians celebrate by dressing in all white on New Year’s Eve to symbolize peace and spend their evening partying on the beach. When the clock strikes midnight, they run to the ocean and serve various offerings upon the goddess of the sea, so that she may open up paths in their lives.II(10 marks)Translate the following sentences into English by using given in brackets.1.他们的友谊建立在多年相互开放沟通的基础上。
(be based on)2.我们应该积极参加社区服务,这可以丰富我们的生活。
(even if;determined)4.消防员没有多考虑个人的安慰,像平常一样将困在大火中的人员援救出来。
(think little of )5.在毒奶粉丑闻曝光后,家长们为该给孩子们吃什么而忧虑。
(expose;be concerned about)Part V Translation (15 marks)I (5 marks)你在每年的12月31日是怎样来祈求好运的呢?来看看世界各地的这些新年传统。

2003年全国大学生英语竞赛初赛试题翻译部分Part VI Translation(10 minutes,10 points)Directions:Translate the underlined sentences of the following passage into Chinese on the Answer Sheet.TASTE A WORLD OF DIFFERENCEWherever you are in the world,it seems,the billboards and supermarket shelves are saturated with the same brand names.There are few places left on the planet where you can't buy a Diet Coke,a packet of Kellogg's cornflakes,or Oxo cubes.But just try tasting them.(101)The packaging and the product may look identical,but the flavour maybe far from familiar.Even the most famous brand names are specially for-mulated to appeal to individual national palates.Heinz,for instance,insists that its tomato ketchup is“the same recipe worldwide”,but admits that“there maybe very subtle variations in the spicing”.Even the ultimate global brand,Coca-Cola,accepts that not all its products are what they appear to be.“We go to great lengths to ensure that Coca-Cola is the same wherever you drink it,”says a spokesman.“But Diet Coke may change slightly from country to country,because we use different sweeteners in different places.”Americans prefer many products,particularly chocolate,to be far more sugary than Europeans do.(102)The French perceive strawberry flavour in a different way from the British,so the artificial flavouring in France will not have a“proper”strawberry taste to Britons.Preferences for saltiness and color differ as well,and most Japanese consumers dislike the taste of milk.The French in general prefer stronger,fuller-tasting coffee than the British.There is a higher cream content in a Magnum in Italy than in Britain,because the Italians expect ice-cream to have a much richer taste.Tea sold in Europe tends to be weaker than the strong tea preferred by Britons.(103)Taste preferences can vary even within countries:at least one well-known soft drink is made according to a sweeter recipe in the southern states of the United States than that on sale in the north.Local water and soil will affect the taste of home-grown natural ingredients.Some key constituents may not be available,meaning that alternatives must be found.Sometimes,especially in developing countries,premium grade components,such as high-grade flour,are replaced with lower-quality equivalents.(104)Extremes in climate will require different additives and preservatives to be used.Chocolate calls for an alternative recipe in hot countries if it is to maintain its texture and taste.And multinationals must conform to national laws and regulations on additives,flavorings,colorings,and artificial low-calorie sweeteners.Mars and Snickers bars taste slightly different in Australia,since laws there state that vegetable fat must not be used in chocolate.Local religious sensibilities must also be observed.(105)Even McDonald's,which proclaims the homogeneity of its Big Macs(巨无霸)around the globe,has to serve lamb rather than beef burgers in India,because the sacred status of cows means thatthe majority of its Indian customers can't eat beef.Part VII Writing(30 minutes,20 points)Directions:The chart below shows the amount of leisure time enjoyed by men and women of different employment status.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.You should write at least 150 words.Leisure time in a typical week:by sex and employment status,1998-99Part VI Translation (10 points)101. 包装和产品也许看起来是完全一样的,但是味道也许跟所熟悉的相差甚远。

The agenda of ongoing work in the social and behavioral sciences has been revealed here in only the most fragmentary way. But I hope these fragments will provide some glimpse into the excitement and significance of the whole.关于在社会和行为科学中我们目前正在搞的工作的进程,在这儿只是以很不搭界的方式摆出来的;可是我希望这些拉拉杂杂的东西倒能使读者见识一下我们整个的研究工作是多么有趣又是多么有意义。

第十一届CASIO杯翻译竞赛原文(英语组)To evoke the London borough of Diston,we turn to the poetry of Chaos:Each thing hostileTo every other thing:at every pointHot fought cold,moist dry,soft hard,and the weightlessResisted weight.So Des lived his life in tunnels.The tunnel from flat to school,the tunnel(not the same tunnel)from school to flat.And all the warrens that took him to Grace,and brought him back again.He lived his life in tunnels…And yet for the sensitive soul, in Diston Town,there was really only one place to look.Where did the eyes go?They went up,up.School–Squeers Free,under a sky of white:the weakling headmaster,the demoralised chalkies in their rayon tracksuits,the ramshackle little gym with its tripwires and booby traps,the Lifestyle Consultants(Every Child Matters),and the Special Needs Coordinators(who dealt with all the‘non-readers’).In addition, Squeers Free set the standard for the most police call-outs,the least GCSE passes,and the highest truancy rates.It also led the pack in suspensions,expulsions,and PRU ‘offrolls’;such an offroll–a transfer to a Pupil Referral Unit–was usually the doorway to a Youth Custody Centre and then a Young Offender Institution.Lionel, who had followed this route,always spoke of his five and a half years(on and off)in a Young Offender Institution(or Yoi,as he called it)with rueful fondness,like one recalling a rite of passage–inevitable,bittersweet.I was out for a month,he would typically reminisce.Then I was back up north.Doing me Yoi.On the other hand,Squeers Free had in its staff room an exceptional Learning Mentor–a Mr Vincent Tigg.What’s going on with you,Desmond?You were always an idle little sod.Now you can’t get enough of it.Well,what next?I fancy modern languages,sir.And history.And sociology.And astronomy.And–You can’t study everything,you know.Yes I can.Renaissance boy,innit.…You want to watch that smile,lad.All right.We’ll see about you.Now off you go.And in the schoolyard?On the face of it,Des was a prime candidate for persecution.He seldom bunked off,he never slept in class,he didn’t assault the teachers or shoot up in the toilets–and he preferred the company of the gentler sex (the gentler sex,at Squeers Free,being quite rough enough).So in the normal course of things Des would have been savagely bullied,as all the other misfits(swats,wimps, four-eyes,sweating fatties)were savagely bullied–to the brink of suicide and beyond. They called him Skiprope and Hopscotch,but Des wasn’t bullied.How to explain this? To use Uncle Ringo’s favourite expression,it was a no-brainer.Desmond Pepperdine was inviolable.He was the nephew,and ward,of Lionel Asbo.It was different on the street.Once a term,true,Lionel escorted him to Squeers Free,and escorted him back again the same day(restraining,with exaggerated difficulty,the two frothing pitbulls on their thick steel chains).But it would be foolish to suppose that each and every gangbanger and posse-artist(and every Yardie and jihadi)in the entire manor had heard tell of the great asocial.And it was different at night,because different people,different shapes,levered themselves upward after dark…Des was fleet of foot,but he was otherwise unsuited to life in Diston Town. Second or even first nature to Lionel(who was pronounced‘uncontrollable’at the age of eighteen months),violence was alien to Des,who always felt that violence–extreme and ubiquitous though it certainly seemed to be–came from another dimension.So,this day,he went down the tunnel and attended school.But on his way home he feinted sideways and took a detour.With hesitation,and with deafening self-consciousness,he entered the Public Library on Blimber Road.Squeers Free had a library,of course,a distant Portakabin with a few primers and ripped paperbacks scattered across its floor…But this:rank upon rank of proud-chested bookcases,likelavishly decorated generals.By what right or title could you claim any share of it?He entered the Reading Room,where the newspapers,firmly clamped to long wooden struts,were apparently available for scrutiny.No one stopped him as he approached.He had of course seen the dailies before,in the corner shop and so on,and there were Gran’s Telegraphs,but his experience of actual newsprint was confined to the Morning Larks that Lionel left around the flat,all scrumpled up,like origami tumbleweeds(there was also the occasional Diston Gazette).Respectfully averting his eyes from the Times,the Independent,and the Guardian,Des reached for the Sun, which at least looked like a Lark,with its crimson logo and the footballer’s fiancée on the cover staggering out of a nightclub with blood running down her neck.And,sure enough,on page three(News in Briefs)there was a hefty redhead wearing knickers and a sombrero.But then all resemblances ceased.You got scandal and gossip,and more girls, but also international news,parliamentary reports,comment,analysis…Until now he had accepted the Morning Lark as an accurate reflection of reality.Indeed,he sometimes thought it was a local paper(a light-hearted adjunct to the Gazette),such was its fidelity to the customs and mores of his borough.Now,though,as he stood there with the Sun quivering in his hands,the Lark stood revealed for what it was–a daily lads’mag,perfunctorily posing as a journal of record.The Sun,additionally to recommend it,had an agony column presided over not by the feckless Jennaveieve,but by a wise-looking old dear called Daphne,who dealt sympathetically,that day,with a number of quite serious problems and dilemmas,and suggested leaflets and helplines,and seemed genuinely…第十一届CASIO杯翻译竞赛获奖译文(英语组)莱昂内尔•阿斯博[英]马丁•艾米斯作徐弘译为了描绘伦敦自治市迪斯顿,我们借用混沌之诗:物物相克,同在一体而冷热相争、干湿相抗、软硬相攻、轻重相击。

第二届翻译大赛初赛题目及参考译文第一篇:第二届翻译大赛初赛题目及参考译文广西第二届翻译大赛初赛Part One Passage Translation(60%)Love Your Life(40%)However mean you life is, meet it and live it;do not shun it and call it hard names.It is not so bad as you think.It looks poorest when you are richest.The fault-finder will find faults in paradise.Love you life, poor as it is.You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poor-house.The setting sun is reflected from the windows of a shabby house as brightly as from a rich man’s mansion;the snow melts before its door as early in the spring.I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts as in palace.The town’s poor seems to me often to live the most independent lives of any.Maybe they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving.Most think that they are above being supported by the town;but it often happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest means, which should be more disreputable.Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage.Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends.Turn the old, return to them.Things do not change;we change.Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts.A letter of complaint(20%)Dear Sir: I think you will be distressed to know that my wife and I have been not a little disturbed by your TV set which is kept on to a very late hour each evening.If it is possible for it to be toned sown a little, especially after ten o’clock at night, you would be showing us a great kindness.In view of the fact that I have to leave the house before seveno’clock in the morning, we are obliged to retire early to bed.I am sorry to raise the matter and I trust you will not consider me fussy or unneighborly in making the request.Part Two Sentence Translation(40%)无论科学发展得多快,海洋的形成仍是一个有待科学家解决的迷。

初中英语口语竞赛演讲稿开场带翻译(精选多篇)1. Good afternoon, judges and fellow contestants. My name is Lily and I am honored to participate in this English speech contest.大家下午好,评委们和各位参赛者。
2. Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. I am excited to be here today to share my ideas about the importance of education.女士们先生们,晚上好。
3. Hello, everyone. My name is Jack and I am thrilled to be a partof this speech competition. Today, I will talk about the impact of technology on our lives.大家好,我叫Jack,非常激动能够参加这次演讲比赛。
4. Good morning, judges and fellow contestants. My name isEmily and I am grateful for this opportunity to speak about the power of kindness.评委们和各位参赛者,早上好。
5. Greetings, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Tom and it is an honor to stand before you today to talk about the importance ofenvironmental protection.各位女士先生们,大家好。

第十届CASIO杯翻译竞赛英语组原文Humans are animals and like all animals we leave tracks as we walk:signs of passage made in snow,sand,mud,grass,dew,earth or moss.The language of hunting has a luminous word for such mark-making:‘foil’.A creature’s‘foil’is its track.We easily forget that we are track-makers,though,because most of our journeys now occur on asphalt and concrete–and these are substances not easily impressed.Always,everywhere,people have walked,veining the earth with paths visible and invisible,symmetrical or meandering,’writes Thomas Clark in his enduring prose-poem‘In Praise of Walking’.It’s true that,once you begin to notice them,you see that the landscape is still webbed with paths and footways–shadowing the modern-day road network,or meeting it at a slant or perpendicular.Pilgrim paths, green roads,drove roads,corpse roads,trods,leys,dykes,drongs,sarns,snickets–say the names of paths out loud and at speed and they become a poem or rite–holloways,bostles,shutes,driftways,lichways,ridings,halterpaths,cartways,carneys, causeways,herepaths.Many regions still have their old ways,connecting place to place,leading over passes or round mountains,to church or chapel,river or sea.Not all of their histories are happy.In Ireland there are hundreds of miles of famine roads,built by the starving during the1840s to connect nothing with nothing in return for little,unregistered on Ordnance Survey base maps.In the Netherlands there are doodwegen and spookwegen–death roads and ghost roads–which converge on medieval cemeteries. Spain has not only a vast and operational network of cañada,or drove roads,but also thousands of miles of the Camino de Santiago,the pilgrim routes that lead to the shrine of Santiago de Compostela.For pilgrims walking the Camino,every footfall is doubled,landing at once on the actual road and also on the path of faith.In Scotland there are clachan and rathad–cairned paths and shieling paths–and in Japan the slender farm tracks that the poet Bashōfollowed in1689when writing his Narrow Road to the Far North.The American prairies were traversed in the nineteenthcentury by broad‘bison roads’,made by herds of buffalo moving several beasts abreast,and then used by early settlers as they pushed westwards across the Great Plains.Paths of long usage exist on water as well as on land.The oceans are seamed with seaways–routes whose course is determined by prevailing winds and currents–and rivers are among the oldest ways of all.During the winter months,the only route in and out of the remote valley of Zanskar in the Indian Himalayas is along the ice-path formed by a frozen river.The river passes down through steep-sided valleys of shaley rock,on whose slopes snow leopards hunt.In its deeper pools,the ice is blue and lucid.The journey down the river is called the chadar,and parties undertaking the chadar are led by experienced walkers known as‘ice-pilots’,who can tell where the dangers lie.Different paths have different characteristics,depending on geology and purpose. Certain coffin paths in Cumbria have flat‘resting stones’on the uphill side,on which the bearers could place their load,shake out tired arms and roll stiff shoulders;certain coffin paths in the west of Ireland have recessed resting stones,in the alcoves of which each mourner would place a pebble.The prehistoric trackways of the English Downs can still be traced because on their close chalky soil,hard-packed by centuries of trampling,daisies flourish.Thousands of work paths crease the moorland of the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides,so that when seen from the air the moor has the appearance of chamois leather.I think also of the zigzag flexure of mountain paths in the Scottish Highlands,the flagged and bridged packhorse routes of Yorkshire and Mid Wales,and the sunken green-sand paths of Hampshire on whose shady banks ferns emerge in spring,curled like crosiers.The way-marking of old paths is an esoteric lore of its own,involving cairns, grey wethers,sarsens,hoarstones,longstones,milestones,cromlechs and other guide-signs.On boggy areas of Dartmoor,fragments of white china clay were placed to show safe paths at twilight,like Hansel and Gretel’s pebble trail.In mountain country,boulders often indicate fording points over rivers:Utsi’s Stone in the Cairngorms,for instance,which marks where the Allt Mor burn can be crossed toreach traditional grazing grounds,and onto which has been deftly incised the petroglyph of a reindeer that,when evening sunlight plays over the rock,seems to leap to life.Paths and their markers have long worked on me like lures:drawing my sight up and on and over.The eye is enticed by a path,and the mind’s eye also.The imagination cannot help but pursue a line in the land–onwards in space,but also backwards in time to the histories of a route and its previous followers.As I walk paths I often wonder about their origins,the impulses that have led to their creation, the records they yield of customary journeys,and the secrets they keep of adventures, meetings and departures.I would guess I have walked perhaps7,000or8,000miles on footpaths so far in my life:more than most,perhaps,but not nearly so many as others.Thomas De Quincey estimated Wordsworth to have walked a total of 175,000–180,000miles:Wordsworth’s notoriously knobbly legs,‘pointedly condemned’–in De Quincey’s catty phrase–‘by all…female connoisseurs’,were magnificent shanks when it came to passage and bearing.I’ve covered thousands of foot-miles in my memory,because when–as most nights–I find myself insomniac,I send my mind out to re-walk paths I’ve followed,and in this way can sometimes pace myself into sleep.‘They give me joy as I proceed,’wrote John Clare of field paths,simply.Me too.‘My left hand hooks you round the waist,’declared Walt Whitman–companionably, erotically,coercively–in Leaves of Grass(1855),‘my right hand points to landscapes of continents,and a plain public road.’Footpaths are mundane in the best sense of that word:‘worldly’,open to all.As rights of way determined and sustained by use,they constitute a labyrinth of liberty,a slender network of common land that still threads through our aggressively privatized world of barbed wire and gates,CCTV cameras and‘No Trespassing’signs.It is one of the significant differences between land use in Britain and in America that this labyrinth should exist.Americans have long envied the British system of footpaths and the freedoms it offers,as I in turn envy the Scandinavian customary right of Allemansrätten(‘Everyman’s right’).This convention–born of a region that did not pass through centuries of feudalism,andtherefore has no inherited deference to a landowning class–allows a citizen to walk anywhere on uncultivated land provided that he or she cause no harm;to light fires;to sleep anywhere beyond the curtilage of a dwelling;to gather flowers,nuts and berries; and to swim in any watercourse(rights to which the newly enlightened access laws of Scotland increasingly approximate).Paths are the habits of a landscape.They are acts of consensual making.It’s hard to create a footpath on your own.The artist Richard Long did it once,treading a dead-straight line into desert sand by turning and turning about dozens of times.But this was a footmark not a footpath:it led nowhere except to its own end,and by walking it Long became a tiger pacing its cage or a swimmer doing lengths.With no promise of extension,his line was to a path what a snapped twig is to a tree.Paths connect.This is their first duty and their chief reason for being.They relate places in a literal sense,and by extension they relate people.Paths are consensual,too,because without common care and common practice they disappear:overgrown by vegetation,ploughed up or built over(though they may persist in the memorious substance of land law).Like sea channels that require regular dredging to stay open,paths need walking.In nineteenth-century Suffolk small sickles called‘hooks’were hung on stiles and posts at the start of certain wellused paths: those running between villages,for instance,or byways to parish churches.A walker would pick up a hook and use it to lop off branches that were starting to impede passage.The hook would then be left at the other end of the path,for a walker coming in the opposite direction.In this manner the path was collectively maintained for general use.By no means all interesting paths are old paths.In every town and city today, cutting across parks and waste ground,you’ll see unofficial paths created by walkers who have abandoned the pavements and roads to take short cuts and make asides. Town planners call these improvised routes‘desire lines’or‘desire paths’.In Detroit –where areas of the city are overgrown by vegetation,where tens of thousands of homes have been abandoned,and where few can now afford cars–walkers and cyclists have created thousands of such elective easements.第十届CASIO杯翻译竞赛英语组参考译文路[英]罗伯特·麦克法伦作侯凌玮译人是一种动物,因而和所有其他动物一样,我们行走时总会留下踪迹:雪地、沙滩、淤泥、草地、露水、土壤和苔藓上都有我们经过的痕迹。

英语作文竞赛英文翻译英文回答:In the realm of academia, where eloquence and erudition converge, essay competitions serve as a crucible for intellectual exploration and the articulation of ideas. These contests provide a platform for students to showcase their critical thinking abilities, delve into complex subject matter, and hone their writing skills. By engaging in essay competitions, students not only enrich their academic prowess but also embark on a transformative journey of cognitive development.One of the primary benefits of essay competitions lies in their ability to foster a deeper understanding of a particular topic. By immersing themselves in research and analysis, students gain a comprehensive grasp of the subject matter, exploring diverse perspectives and examining intricate arguments. This in-depth exploration not only enhances their knowledge base but also cultivatesa nuanced understanding of complex issues.Moreover, essay competitions provide a valuable opportunity for students to refine their critical thinking abilities. Engaging with the complexities of a topicrequires students to critically evaluate information, synthesize multiple viewpoints, and formulate cogent arguments. Through the process of constructing an essay, students learn to identify and analyze evidence, discern logical fallacies, and present their ideas in a clear and persuasive manner.In addition to developing critical thinking skills, essay competitions also play a crucial role in honingwriting abilities. By adhering to the rigors of formal writing, students enhance their ability to organize ideas logically, express thoughts coherently, and craftcompelling narratives. The act of writing essays forces students to refine their sentences, expand their vocabulary, and master the nuances of grammar and style.Furthermore, essay competitions promote intellectualcuriosity and encourage students to venture beyond the confines of their textbooks. By delving into topics that spark their interest, students cultivate a lifelong passion for learning. The pursuit of knowledge becomes an intrinsic motivation, driving them to explore new fields and delve into uncharted intellectual territories.Beyond the academic realm, essay competitions offer a range of benefits that extend into the professional world. The ability to think critically, communicate effectively, and present ideas persuasively are highly valued skills in various industries. Individuals who have excelled in essay competitions are well-prepared to navigate the complexities of the workplace and make meaningful contributions to their organizations.中文回答:参加英语作文竞赛的好处。

科学竞赛英语Science Competitions in EnglishEngaging in science competitions can be a highly rewarding and enriching experience for students. These competitions provide a platform for young minds to showcase their scientific knowledge, problem-solving skills, and creativity. By participating in such events, students not only have the opportunity to test their capabilities but also gain valuable insights into the world of scientific research and innovation.One of the primary benefits of science competitions is the exposure they offer to various fields of science. From physics and chemistry to biology and engineering, these competitions cover a wide range of scientific disciplines, allowing participants to explore their interests and discover new areas of fascination. This exposure can be particularly valuable for students who are still undecided about their future academic or career paths, as it can help them identify their strengths and passions within the scientific realm.Moreover, science competitions foster a spirit of collaboration and teamwork among participants. In many cases, students are requiredto work in teams to tackle complex problems or design innovative solutions. This collaborative approach not only enhances their communication and interpersonal skills but also teaches them the importance of leveraging diverse perspectives and skills to achieve a common goal. This experience can be invaluable in preparing students for the demands of the modern workplace, where teamwork and problem-solving are highly valued.One of the most significant advantages of participating in science competitions is the opportunity to develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. These competitions often present participants with challenging scenarios or open-ended questions that require them to analyze data, formulate hypotheses, and devise creative solutions. This process of inquiry and problem-solving not only strengthens their scientific understanding but also hones their ability to think critically and approach complex issues from multiple angles.Another key benefit of science competitions is the exposure they provide to the scientific community. By participating in these events, students have the chance to interact with renowned scientists, researchers, and industry professionals. This interaction can inspire and motivate them to pursue further education and careers in the sciences, as they gain firsthand insights into the exciting and rewarding world of scientific exploration.Furthermore, science competitions offer the opportunity for students to showcase their talents and achievements on a national or even international stage. The recognition and accolades that come with successful participation in these events can be highly motivating and can boost students' confidence and self-esteem. This recognition can also open doors to prestigious scholarships, internships, and other opportunities that can significantly impact their academic and professional trajectories.In conclusion, science competitions in English provide a valuable platform for students to develop their scientific knowledge, critical thinking skills, and collaborative abilities. By engaging in these events, students not only have the chance to explore their interests and passions in the sciences but also gain exposure to the scientific community and the opportunity to showcase their talents on a larger stage. Ultimately, the benefits of participating in science competitions can have a lasting impact on students' academic and personal growth, preparing them for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the dynamic world of science and technology.。

英语竞赛的英文作文带翻译1. It was a beautiful sunny day, and I decided to gofor a walk in the park. The birds were chirping, and the flowers were in full bloom. The fresh air filled my lungs, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and tranquility.2. As I strolled through the park, I noticed a group of children playing soccer. Their laughter and shouts of excitement filled the air. It reminded me of my own childhood, when I used to play sports with my friends. Those were the days of carefree fun and endless energy.3. Continuing my walk, I came across an elderly couple sitting on a bench, holding hands. Their wrinkled faces showed a lifetime of love and companionship. It made me realize the importance of cherishing the relationships we have and making the most of every moment.4. Suddenly, a dog came running towards me, wagging itstail. It was a friendly and playful creature, and Icouldn't resist petting it. Animals have a way of bringing joy and happiness into our lives, even in the simplest of interactions.5. As I reached the end of the park, I saw a group of artists painting the scenery. Each stroke of their brush brought the landscape to life. It reminded me of the power of art to capture the beauty of the world and evoke emotions in the viewer.6. On my way back, I passed by a food truck selling delicious snacks. The aroma of freshly cooked food wafted through the air, tempting my taste buds. Food has a way of bringing people together and creating a sense of community.7. Finally, as I left the park, I couldn't help butfeel grateful for the little moments of joy and beauty that surround us every day. It's important to take the time to appreciate the simple things in life and find happiness in the present moment.1. 那是一个阳光明媚的日子,我决定去公园散步。

竞赛样题2020年竞赛C类翻译样题Part V Translation (15 marks)Section A (5 marks)Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.71. How did music begin? Did our early ancestors first start by beating things together to create rhythm, or use their voices to sing? What types of instruments did they use? These are some of the questions explored in a recent Hypothesis and Theory article published in Frontiers in Sociology. The answers reveal that the story of music is, in many ways, the story of humans. So what is music? This is difficult to answer, as everyone has their own idea.Section B (10 marks)Translate the following sentences into English by using the hints given in brackets. Remember to write the answer on the answer sheet.(72)身份盗用是指有人不当获取并使用他人的个人信息,如姓名、生日、驾驶证号码,也包括信用卡、银行卡和电话号码信息等导致的Keys:71. 音乐是怎样起源的?人类远祖最初是敲击各种物件去制造节奏,还是展现歌喉,从而创造了音乐?他们使用的是何种乐器?这是最近发表在《社会学前沿》杂志上的“假说与理论”一文所探讨的部分问题。
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The agenda of ongoing work in the social and behavioral sciences has been revealed here in only the most fragmentary way. But I hope these fragments will provide some glimpse into the excitement and significance of the whole.关于在社会和行为科学中我们目前正在搞的工作的进程,在这儿只是以很不搭界的方式摆出来的;可是我希望这些拉拉杂杂的东西倒能使读者见识一下我们整个的研究工作是多么有趣又是多么有意义。
译者首先应明确原文所涉及的学科范畴:是数学、物理学、化学还是医学……They made their base at Cape Evans and planned the journeyto the Pole in three stages.他们在埃文斯海角建立了大本营,并计划分三个阶段来完成到南极的全部旅程。
Some reactions such as those between soluble acids and bases occur very rapidly.有些反应,像酸碱溶液之间的反应进行得很快。
Convert the following denary numbers base 8.把下列各十进制换算成以8为基值的数。
Large missiles are typically without a rail launching system, and whether tied down or simply standing on their base are subject to wind effects.大型导弹一般是没有导轨发射系统的,不论是系装还是竖立在发射场上,都受风的影响。
A.首先是延续拓展原文词义:Of the thousands of lines in the sun’s spectrum, most can be definitely identified with those of elements known on the earth.太阳光谱中的几千条谱线,绝大多数能够确切地与地球上的已知的元素谱线相吻合。
One of the beauties of the medicine is the absence of aftereffects.这种药品的优点之一是没有副作用。
It was only in the last few years that advances were made for the work of identification of pain-sensitive cells in the caudal part of SNT.只是最近几年来,在尾端寻找痛敏细胞的工作方面有了突破。
B.其次将抽象的词义具体化:All the wit and learning in this field are to be present at the symposium.这一领域的全部学者都将出席这次专题讨论研讨会。
By experimentation, imagination, and reasoning, mathematics are discovering new facts and ideas that science and engineering are using to change our civilization.通过实验、想象和推理,数学家们正在寻求新论据新观念,从而使科学家和工程师们用之以促进人类文明的发展。
C.最后将具体词义抽象化:There were times when emigration bottleneck was extremely rigid and nobody was allowed to leave the country out of his personal preference.过去,对移民的限制极为严格,不允许任何人出于个人考虑而迁居他国。
Just as the Industrial Revolution took over an immense range of tasks from men’s muscles and enormously expanded productivity, so the microcomputer is rapidly assuming huge burdens of drudgery from the human brain and thereby expanding the mind’s capacities in ways that man has begun to grasp.正如工业革命取消了大量的体力劳动并极大发展了生产力一样,微型电子计算机迅速地承担起大量繁重的脑力劳动,从而以人们现在才开始领会的各种方式扩大了人脑的功能。
2.翻译的步骤1)紧缩主干In that same village and in one of these very house (which, to tell the precise truth, was sadly time-worn and weather-beaten), there lived many years since, while the country was yet a province of Great Britain, a simple good natured fellow, of the name of Rip Van Winkle.2)辨析词义A.形态语义关系QuarterfinalElectronumeroscopicB.语法层次关系timelessnessthe nursing professionhis nursing motherC.词语联立关系science of defence for ladiesthe London SchoolA young lady who thinks is like a young man who rougesD.语言文化关系Some would say that today it is very difficult to find sucha man in this community, as difficult as to find a landmarkBaptist./E.情态色彩关系F.指涉呼应关系G.思维逻辑关系I love fool’s experiments; I am always making them.Every couple is not a pairH.专业领域关系3)分析句型英语句法分析比较障目的是:一、后置成分很多,常与汉语表达法适得其反;二、插入成分很多,使以汉语为母语的人难免思维阻断;三、一词多义、多词一义现象比较突出。
A PhD does not make a doctor nor the judicial gown the judge. He was convinced against his will but is of the same opinion still.4)理清脉络指思维的表达层次,也是思维发展的形式,一般表现为句子与句子或主句与分句的组合关系。
3.翻译的方法1)常规手段(对应)Sophistic reasoningBe marveled at his sophistic wording2)变通手段A.分切Today /pilots flying the new Boeing 767 and 757 aircraft /navigate with the aid of new laser gyroscopes. Supermarket clerks /use lasers to ring up process /at the check-out/ by “reading”universal bar-codes /printed on packages and canned goods.今天,驾驶新型波音767和757客机的驾驶员,借助新的激光舵转仪进行操作;而超级市场的售货员,则利用激光,“阅读”通用价格条码,在结帐台上计价,因为价码已印在货品包装盒罐头制品上了。
Ignorance of the law excuses no man from practising it.任何人也不能以不知法为借口,不受法律制裁。
无人售书处 / self-service bookstand句式的转换:复合句与简单句的各种形式的转化。