
2023-2024学年山东省淄博市淄博中学高一(上)期中数学试卷一、单项选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知全集R ,集合M ={x |﹣1<x ≤3},则∁R M =( ) A .{x |﹣1<x <3} B .{x |x ≤﹣1或x >3}C .{x |x <﹣1或x >3}D .{x |x ≤﹣1或x ≥3}2.函数f (x )=√4−x 2x−1的定义域为( )A .[﹣2,2]B .(﹣2,3)C .[﹣2,1)∪(1,2]D .(﹣2,1)∪(1,2)3.已知函数f (x )={f(x −1),x >−2x 2+2x −3,x ≤−2,则f (f (1))=( )A .5B .0C .﹣3D .﹣44.不等式﹣3x 2+7x ﹣2<0的解集为( ) A .{x|13<x <2} B .{x|x <13或x >2} C .{x|−12<x <−13}D .{x |x >2}5.已知函数是f (x )定义在R 上的偶函数,则“f (x )是(﹣∞,0)上的减函数”是“f (﹣2)<f (4)”的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件6.给出下列命题:①若a <b ,c <0,则c a≤cb;②若ac ﹣3>bc ﹣3,则a >b ;③若a >b 且k ∈N +,则a k >b k;④若c >a >b >0,则ac−a>b c−b.其中真命题的个数( )A .1B .2C .3D .47.已知函数f (x )为R 上的奇函数,当x ≥0时,f (x )=x 2﹣2x ,则当x <0时,f (x )的解析式为( ) A .﹣x 2﹣2x B .﹣x 2+2x C .x 2+2xD .以上都不对8.已知函数f(x)={ax 2−2x −a ,x ≥1(a +3)x −1,x <1,任意x 1,x 2∈R ,x 1≠x 2,都有f(x 1)−f(x 2)x 1−x 2<0,则实数a 的取值范围是( ) A .[﹣4,﹣3)B .(﹣∞,﹣3)C .[﹣4,0)D .(﹣4,0)二、多项选择题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多个选项是符合题目要求的,全部选对的得5分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分) 9.下列各组函数是同一函数的有( )A .f(x)=x 3x 与g (x )=x 2B .f (x )=|x |与g(x)=√x 2C .f (x )=x 0与g (x )=1D .f(x)=√1+x ×√1−x 与g(x)=√1−x 210.下列说法中正确的有( )A .命题p :∃x 0∈R ,x 02+2x 0+2<0,则命题p 的否定是∀x ∈R ,x 2+2x +2≥0B .“|x |>|y |”是“x >y ”的必要条件C .命题“∀x ∈Z ,x 2>0”的是真命题D .“m <0”是“关于x 的方程x 2﹣2x +m =0有一正一负根”的充要条件 11.下列选项中正确的是( ) A .若正实数x ,y 满足x +2y =1,则2x+1y≥8B .当x ≥2时,不等式x +4x+1的最小值为3C .不等式a +b ≥2√ab 恒成立D .存在实数a ,使得不等式a +1a≤2成立 12.已知函数f(x)=xx+1,则下列说法正确的是( ) A .f (x )的定义域为{x |x ≠﹣1} B .f (x )的值域为RC .f (x )在区间(﹣1,+∞)上单调递增D .f(1)+f(2)+f(3)+⋯+f(2023)+f(12)+f(13)+⋯+f(12023)的值为40452三、填空题:本大题共4个小题,每小题5分,共20分.13.已知集合A ={x |3≤x <7},B ={x |2<x <10},C ={x |x <a },则 (∁R A )∩B = .若A ⊆C ,则a 的取值范围是 .14.若不等式2ax 2+ax ﹣2<0对一切实数x 都成立,则实数a 的取值范围是 .15.已知函数f (x )=﹣x 2﹣(m ﹣1)x ﹣2在(﹣∞,2]上单调递增,则m 的取值范围是 . 16.已知函数f (x )在R 上为奇函数,f (x )在(0,+∞)上单调递增,f (﹣3)=0,则不等式xf (x )>0的解集为 .四、解答题:本大题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 17.(10分)已知集合A ={x |﹣2<x <5},B ={x |m +1≤x ≤2m ﹣1}.(1)当m =3时,求(∁R A )∪B ; (2)若A ∪B =A ,求实数m 的取值范围.18.(12分)请在①充分不必要条件,②必要不充分条件,③充要条件这三个条件中任选一个,补充在下面问题(2)中,若问题(2)中的实数m 存在,求出m 的取值范围;若不存在,说明理由.已知集合A ={x |x 2﹣4x ﹣12≤0},B ={x |x 2﹣2x +1﹣m 2≤0,m >0}. (1)求集合A ,B ;(2)若x ∈A 是x ∈B 成立的 ______条件,判断实数m 是否存在? 19.(12分)已知关于x 的不等式2ax 2+ax >2x +1(a ∈R ). (1)若不等式的解集为{x|−12<x <−13},求a 的值; (2)解关于x 的不等式.20.(12分)2023年,8月29日,华为Mate 60Pro 在华为商城正式上线,成为全球首款支持卫星通话的大众智能手机.其实在2019年5月19日,华为被美国列入实体名单,以所谓科技网络安全为借口,对华为施加多轮制裁.为了进一步增加市场竞争力,华为公司计划在2020年利用新技术生产某款新手机,通过市场分析,生产此款手机全年需投入固定成本300万,每生产x (千部)手机,需另投入成本R (x )万元,且R(x)={10x 2+100x ,0<x <50701x +10000x−9450,x ≥50由市场调研知此款手机售价0.7万元,且每年内生产的手机当年能全部销售完.(1)求出2020年的利润w (x )(万元)关于年产量x (千部)的表达式; (2)2020年年产量为多少(千部)时,企业所获利润最大?最大利润是多少? 21.(12分)已知幂函数f (x )=(m ﹣1)2•x 2m﹣1在(0,+∞)上单调递增.(1)求f (x )的值域; (2)若∀x >0,f(x)x 2≥2−a 2x,求a 的取值范围.22.(12分)已知函数f(x)=ax−b1+x 2是定义在[﹣1,1]上的奇函数,且f (1)=﹣1. (1)求函数f (x )的解析式;(2)判断f (x )在[﹣1,1]上的单调性,并用单调性定义证明; (3)解不等式f (t ﹣1)+f (t 2)>f (0).2023-2024学年山东省淄博市淄博中学高一(上)期中数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一、单项选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知全集R,集合M={x|﹣1<x≤3},则∁R M=()A.{x|﹣1<x<3}B.{x|x≤﹣1或x>3}C.{x|x<﹣1或x>3}D.{x|x≤﹣1或x≥3}解:因为全集U=R,集合M={x|﹣1<x≤3},所以∁R M={x|x≤﹣1或x>3}.故选:B.2.函数f(x)=√4−x2x−1的定义域为()A.[﹣2,2]B.(﹣2,3)C.[﹣2,1)∪(1,2]D.(﹣2,1)∪(1,2)解:要使函数有意义,须满足{4−x 2≥0x−1≠0,解得﹣2≤x≤2,且x≠1,故函数f(x)的定义域为[﹣2,1)∪(1,2],故选:C.3.已知函数f(x)={f(x−1),x>−2x2+2x−3,x≤−2,则f(f(1))=()A.5B.0C.﹣3D.﹣4解:∵函数f(x)={f(x−1),x>−2 x2+2x−3,x≤−2,∴f(1)=f(0)=f(﹣1)=f(﹣2)=﹣3,∴f(f(1))=f(﹣3)=0.故选:B.4.不等式﹣3x2+7x﹣2<0的解集为()A.{x|13<x<2}B.{x|x<13或x>2}C.{x|−12<x<−13}D.{x|x>2}解:由﹣3x2+7x﹣2<0,得3x2﹣7x+2>0,即(3x﹣1)(x﹣2)>0,解得x<13或x>2,所以该不等式的解集为{x|x<13或x>2}.故选:B.5.已知函数是f (x )定义在R 上的偶函数,则“f (x )是(﹣∞,0)上的减函数”是“f (﹣2)<f (4)”的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件解:因为f (x )是偶函数,所以f (﹣4)=f (4).由f (x )是(﹣∞,0)上的减函数,则f (﹣2)<f (﹣4),即f (﹣2)<f (4); 反之,对于函数f(x)={x ,x >21|x|,−2≤x ≤2,且x ≠0−x ,x <−2,显然,f (x )是偶函数,且f(−2)=12<f (4)=4,但是f (x )不是(﹣∞,0)上的减函数. 故“f (x )是(﹣∞,0)上的减函数”是“f (﹣2)<f (4)”的充分不必要条件. 故选:A .6.给出下列命题:①若a <b ,c <0,则c a ≤cb;②若ac ﹣3>bc ﹣3,则a >b ;③若a >b 且k ∈N +,则a k >b k ;④若c >a >b >0,则ac−a>b c−b.其中真命题的个数( )A .1B .2C .3D .4解:①中,因为a <b ,c <0,因为a ,b 的符号不定,所以1a,1b的大小关系不定, 所以ca,cb 的大小关系不定,所以①错;②中,ac ﹣3>bc ﹣3,若c <0,则a <b ,所以②错;③中,若a >b 且k ∈N +,例如:a =﹣2,b =﹣3,k =2,此时a k <b k ,所以③错; ④中,若c >a >b >0,则0<c ﹣a <c ﹣b ,1c−a>1c−b>0,又a >b >0,所以ac−a>b c−b,所以④正确.所以只有1个命题正确. 故选:A .7.已知函数f (x )为R 上的奇函数,当x ≥0时,f (x )=x 2﹣2x ,则当x <0时,f (x )的解析式为( ) A .﹣x 2﹣2x B .﹣x 2+2x C .x 2+2xD .以上都不对解:根据题意,设x <0,则﹣x >0,函数f (x )为R 上的奇函数,当x ≥0时,f (x )=x 2﹣2x ,则f (x )=﹣f (﹣x )=﹣[(﹣x )2﹣2(﹣x )]=﹣(x 2+2x )=﹣x 2﹣2x .8.已知函数f(x)={ax 2−2x −a ,x ≥1(a +3)x −1,x <1,任意x 1,x 2∈R ,x 1≠x 2,都有f(x 1)−f(x 2)x 1−x 2<0,则实数a 的取值范围是( ) A .[﹣4,﹣3)B .(﹣∞,﹣3)C .[﹣4,0)D .(﹣4,0)解:根据题意,任意x 1,x 2∈R ,x 1≠x 2,都有f(x 1)−f(x 2)x 1−x 2<0,则f (x )在R 上为减函数,又由函数f(x)={ax 2−2x −a ,x ≥1(a +3)x −1,x <1,则有{ a <01a ≤1a +3<0a −2−a ≤a +3−1,解可得﹣4≤a <﹣3,即a 的取值范围为[﹣4,﹣3). 故选:A .二、多项选择题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多个选项是符合题目要求的,全部选对的得5分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分) 9.下列各组函数是同一函数的有( ) A .f(x)=x 3x与g (x )=x 2 B .f (x )=|x |与g(x)=√x 2C .f (x )=x 0与g (x )=1D .f(x)=√1+x ×√1−x 与g(x)=√1−x 2解:对于A ,f(x)=x 3x的定义域为{x |x ≠0},g (x )=x 2的定义域为R ,故错误;对于B ,f (x )=|x |的定义域为R ,g(x)=√x 2=|x|的定义域为R ,故正确; 对于C ,f (x )=x 0的定义域为{x |x ≠0},g (x )=1的定义域为R ,故错误; 对于D ,f(x)=√1+x ×√1−x =√1−x 2定义域为[﹣1,1], g(x)=√1−x 2定义域为[﹣1,1],故正确. 故选:BD .10.下列说法中正确的有( )A .命题p :∃x 0∈R ,x 02+2x 0+2<0,则命题p 的否定是∀x ∈R ,x 2+2x +2≥0B .“|x |>|y |”是“x >y ”的必要条件C .命题“∀x ∈Z ,x 2>0”的是真命题D .“m <0”是“关于x 的方程x 2﹣2x +m =0有一正一负根”的充要条件 解:对于A ,命题p 的否定是∀x ∈R ,x 2+2x +2≥0,故A 正确;对于B ,|x |>|y |不能推出x >y ,例如|﹣2|>|1|,但﹣2<1;x >y 也不能推出|x |>|y |,例如2>﹣3,而|2|所以“|x |>|y |”是“x >y ”的既不充分也不必要条件,故B 错误; 对于C ,当x =0时,x 2=0,故C 错误;对于D ,关于x 的方程x 2﹣2x +m =0有一正一负根⇔{4−4m >0m <0⇔⇔m <0,所以“m <0”是“关于x 的方程x 2﹣2x +m =0有一正一负根”的充要条件,故D 正确. 故选:AD .11.下列选项中正确的是( ) A .若正实数x ,y 满足x +2y =1,则2x +1y≥8B .当x ≥2时,不等式x +4x+1的最小值为3C .不等式a +b ≥2√ab 恒成立D .存在实数a ,使得不等式a +1a≤2成立 解:对于A ,若正实数x ,y 满足x +2y =1,则2x+1y =(2x+1y)⋅(x +2y)=4+4y x+x y≥4+2√4y x⋅x y=8,当且仅当4y x=xy,即x =12,y =14时等号成立,故A 正确;对于B ,x ≥2时,x +1≥3,则有x +4x+1=x +1+4x+1−1≥2√(x +1)⋅4x+1−1=3, 当且仅当x +1=4x+1时,即x =1时等号成立,所以不等式x +4x+1的最小值不为3,故B 错误; 对于C ,不等式a +b ≥2√ab 恒成立的条件是a ≥0,b ≥0,比如取a =﹣1,b =﹣1时,不等式不成立,故C 错误;对于D ,取a =﹣1,不等式显然成立,故D 正确. 故选:AD .12.已知函数f(x)=xx+1,则下列说法正确的是( ) A .f (x )的定义域为{x |x ≠﹣1} B .f (x )的值域为RC .f (x )在区间(﹣1,+∞)上单调递增D .f(1)+f(2)+f(3)+⋯+f(2023)+f(12)+f(13)+⋯+f(12023)的值为40452解:对于A ,由x +1≠0,得函数f(x)=x 的定义域为{x |x ≠﹣1},A 正确;对于B ,由f(x)=x x+1=1−1x+1,得f (x )≠1,即f (x )的值域为(﹣∞,1)∪(1,+∞),B 错误; 对于C ,f (x )在区间(﹣1,+∞)上单调递增,C 正确;对于D ,f(x)+f(1x )=x x+1+1x 1x +1=x x+1+1x+1=1,又f(1)=12,则f(1)+f(2)+f(3)+⋯+f(2023)+f(12)+f(13)+⋯+f(12023)=40452,D 正确. 故选:ACD .三、填空题:本大题共4个小题,每小题5分,共20分.13.已知集合A ={x |3≤x <7},B ={x |2<x <10},C ={x |x <a },则 (∁R A )∩B = {2<x <3或7≤x <10} .若A ⊆C ,则a 的取值范围是 a ≥7 .解:∵A ={x |3≤x <7},B ={x |2<x <10},C ={x |x <a }, ∴∁R A ={x |x <3或x ≥7},∴(∁R A )∩B ={2<x <3或7≤x <10}, ∵A ⊆C ,∴a 的范围是a ≥7,故答案为:{2<x <3或7≤x <10};a ≥714.若不等式2ax 2+ax ﹣2<0对一切实数x 都成立,则实数a 的取值范围是 (﹣16,0] . 解:不等式2ax 2+ax ﹣2<0对一切实数x 都成立, 当a =0时,﹣2<0恒成立;当a ≠0时,要使不等式2ax 2+ax ﹣2<0对一切实数x 都成立,则{2a <0Δ=a 2+16a <0,解得﹣16<a <0,综上所述,实数a 的取值范围是(﹣16,0]. 故答案为:(﹣16,0].15.已知函数f (x )=﹣x 2﹣(m ﹣1)x ﹣2在(﹣∞,2]上单调递增,则m 的取值范围是 (﹣∞,﹣3] .解:函数f (x )=﹣x 2﹣(m ﹣1)x ﹣2在(﹣∞,2]上单调递增, 则有−(m−1)2≥2,解得m ≤﹣3,则m 的取值范围是(﹣∞,﹣3]. 故答案为:(﹣∞,﹣3].16.已知函数f (x )在R 上为奇函数,f (x )在(0,+∞)上单调递增,f (﹣3)=0,则不等式xf (x )>0的解集为 (﹣∞,﹣3)∪(3,+∞) .解:因为函数f (x )是R 上的奇函数,所以f (3)=﹣f (﹣3)=0, 又因为f (x )在(0,+∞)上单调递增,所以当0<x <3时,f (x )<f (3)=0,当x >3时,f (x )>f (3)=0, 注意到函数f (x )是R 上的奇函数,所以当x <﹣3时,有﹣x >3,﹣f (x )=f (﹣x )>f (3)=0,此时f (x )<0, 当﹣3<x <0时,有0<﹣x <3,﹣f (x )=f (﹣x )<f (3)=0,此时f (x )>0, x ,f (x ),xf (x )的符号随x 的变化情况如下表所示:由上表可知不等式xf (x )>0的解集为(﹣∞,﹣3)∪(3,+∞). 故答案为:(﹣∞,﹣3)∪(3,+∞).四、解答题:本大题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 17.(10分)已知集合A ={x |﹣2<x <5},B ={x |m +1≤x ≤2m ﹣1}. (1)当m =3时,求(∁R A )∪B ; (2)若A ∪B =A ,求实数m 的取值范围.解:(1)当m =3时,可得集合A ={x |﹣2<x <5},B ={x |4≤x ≤5}, ∴∁R A ={x |x ≤﹣2或x ≥5}, ∴(∁R A )∪B ={x |x ≤﹣2或x ≥4}; (2)由A ∪B =A ,可得B ⊆A ,①当B =∅时,可得m +1>2m ﹣1,解得m <2;②当B ≠∅时,则满足{m +1≤2m −1m +1>−22m −1<5,解得2≤m <3,综上实数m 的取值范围是(﹣∞,3).18.(12分)请在①充分不必要条件,②必要不充分条件,③充要条件这三个条件中任选一个,补充在下面问题(2)中,若问题(2)中的实数m 存在,求出m 的取值范围;若不存在,说明理由.已知集合A ={x |x 2﹣4x ﹣12≤0},B ={x |x 2﹣2x +1﹣m 2≤0,m >0}. (1)求集合A ,B ;(2)若x ∈A 是x ∈B 成立的 ______条件,判断实数m 是否存在?解:(1)由x 2﹣4x ﹣12≤0得﹣2≤x ≤6,故集合A ={x |﹣2≤x ≤6}, 由x 2﹣2x +1﹣m 2=0得x 1=1﹣m ,x 2=1+m , 因为m >0,故集合B ={x |1﹣m ≤x ≤1+m }; (2)若选择条件①,即x ∈A 是x ∈B 成立的充分不必要条件,集合A 是集合B 的真子集, 则有{1−m ≤−21+m ≥6,解得m ≥5,所以,实数m 的取值范围是[5,+∞).若选择条件②,即x ∈A 是x ∈B 成立的必要不充分条件,集合B 是集合A 的真子集, 则有{1−m ≥−21+m ≤6,解得0<m ≤3,所以,实数m 的取值范围是(0,3].若选择条件③,即x ∈A 是x ∈B 成立的充要条件,则集合A 等于集合B , 则有{1−m =−21+m =6,方程组无解,所以,不存在满足条件的实数m19.(12分)已知关于x 的不等式2ax 2+ax >2x +1(a ∈R ). (1)若不等式的解集为{x|−12<x <−13},求a 的值; (2)解关于x 的不等式.解:(1)不等式2ax 2+ax >2x +1可化为2ax 2+(a ﹣2)x ﹣1>0, 由题意知−12和−13是方程2ax 2+(a ﹣2)x ﹣1=0的两个根, 所以−12a=(−12)×(−13),解得a =﹣3.(2)不等式2ax 2+(a ﹣2)x ﹣1>0可化为(2x +1)(ax ﹣1)>0. ①当a =0时,原不等式可化为2x +1<0,解得x <−12.②当a >0时,原不等式可化为(2x +1)(x −1a)>0,解得x >1a或x <−12. ③当a <0时,原不等式化为(2x +1)(x −1a )<0. 若1a <−12,则﹣2<a <0,解得1a<x <−12,当1a =−12,即﹣2=a ,解得无解,当1a>−12,即a <﹣2,解得−12<x <1a ,综上,a =0时,不等式的解集为{x|x <−12};a >0时,不等式的解集为{x|x >1a 或x <−12};﹣2<a <0时,不等式的解集为{x|1a <x <−12};a =﹣2时,不等式的解集为∅;a <﹣2时,不等式的解集为{x|−12<x <1a }.20.(12分)2023年,8月29日,华为Mate 60Pro 在华为商城正式上线,成为全球首款支持卫星通话的大众智能手机.其实在2019年5月19日,华为被美国列入实体名单,以所谓科技网络安全为借口,对华为施加多轮制裁.为了进一步增加市场竞争力,华为公司计划在2020年利用新技术生产某款新手机,通过市场分析,生产此款手机全年需投入固定成本300万,每生产x (千部)手机,需另投入成本R (x )万元,且R(x)={10x 2+100x ,0<x <50701x +10000x −9450,x ≥50由市场调研知此款手机售价0.7万元,且每年内生产的手机当年能全部销售完.(1)求出2020年的利润w (x )(万元)关于年产量x (千部)的表达式;(2)2020年年产量为多少(千部)时,企业所获利润最大?最大利润是多少?解:(1)当0<x <50时,w (x )=700x ﹣(10x 2+100x )﹣300=﹣10x 2+600x ﹣300,当x ≥50时,w(x)=700x −(701x +10000x −9450)−300=−(x +10000x)+9150, ∴w(x)={−10x 2+600x −300,0<x <50−(x +10000x )+9150,x ≥50; (2)若0<x <50,w (x )=﹣10(x ﹣30)2+8700,当x =30时,w (x )max =8700万元,若x ≥50,w(x)=−(x +10000x )+9150≤9150−2√x ⋅10000x =8950, 当且仅当x =10000x时,即x =100时,w (x )max =8950万元, 因为8950>8700,∴2020年年产量为100(千部)时,企业所获利润最大,最大利润是8950万元.21.(12分)已知幂函数f (x )=(m ﹣1)2•x 2m﹣1在(0,+∞)上单调递增. (1)求f (x )的值域;(2)若∀x >0,f(x)x 2≥2−a 2x ,求a 的取值范围.解:(1)因为f (x )=(m ﹣1)2•x 2m ﹣1为幂函数,所以(m ﹣1)2=1,即m =0或m =2,当m =0时,f (x )=x ﹣1在(0,+∞)上单调递减,不符合题意,当m =2时,f (x )=x 3在(0,+∞)上单调递增,符合题意,故函数的值域为R ;(2)若∀x >0,f(x)x 2≥2−a 2x ,则x ≥2−a 2x , 即a ≥4x ﹣2x 2在x >0时恒成立,故a ≥(4x ﹣2x 2)max ,根据二次函数的性质可知,当x =1时,4x ﹣2x 2取得最大值2,故a ≥2,所以a 的取值范围为{a |a ≥2}.22.(12分)已知函数f(x)=ax−b 1+x 2是定义在[﹣1,1]上的奇函数,且f (1)=﹣1. (1)求函数f (x )的解析式;(2)判断f (x )在[﹣1,1]上的单调性,并用单调性定义证明;(3)解不等式f (t ﹣1)+f (t 2)>f (0).解:(1)函数f(x)=ax−b 1+x 2是定义在[﹣1,1]上的奇函数, f (﹣x )=﹣f (x );−ax−b 1+x 2=−ax−b 1+x 2,解得b =0, ∴f(x)=ax 1+x 2,而f (1)=﹣1,解得a =﹣2, ∴f(x)=−2x 1+x 2,x ∈[﹣1,1]. (2)函数f(x)=−2x 1+x 2在[﹣1,1]上为减函数; 证明如下:任意x 1,x 2∈[﹣1,1]且x 1<x 2,则f(x 1)−f(x 2)=−2x 11+x 12−−2x 21+x 22=−2(x 1−x 2)(1−x 1x 2)(1+x 12)(1+x 22) 因为x 1<x 2,所以x 1﹣x 2<0,又因为x 1,x 2∈[﹣1,1],所以1﹣x 1x 2>0,所以f (x 1)﹣f (x 2)>0,即f (x 1)>f (x 2),所以函数f (x 1)>f (x 2)在[﹣1,1]上为减函数.(3)由题意,f (t ﹣1)+f (t 2)>f (0),又f (0)=0,所以f (t ﹣1)+f (t 2)>0, 即解不等式f (t 2)>﹣f (t ﹣1),所以f (t 2)>f (1﹣t ),所以{−1≤t 2≤1−1≤t −1≤1t 2<1−t,解得0≤t <√5−12,所以该不等式的解集为[0,√5−12).。

山东省2019-2020高三最新英语试卷--完形填空精选山东师范大学附属中学2020届高三上学期英语If you have strong arms and feet, patience and a good temper, youmight 36 a good waiter. You must start, 37 , not in the restaurant, but in the kitchen, helping the chef, to le arn how each dish is 38 .From this first step, you may enter the restaurant 39 a “commis” (厨助). But you won’t be 40 to serve the customers yet. They will only let you do the bottomed jobs, 41 the tables and carrying the plates. But all the time you must watch and learn with 42 .Later you may become “chef de rang” (a waiter in charge of a number of tables). You may even become a head waiter 43 , if you have the right sort of personality and you are not 44 of hard work.When Carlo Bianchi first arrived in London, he spoke only two words of English - “please” and “Hello”. He 45 to get a job helping in the kitchen of a restaurant, and he spent what little 46 time he had learning English. He was a good worker and soon they 47 him a job in the restaurant as a waiter.Every night, Carlo 48 to go home exhausted, but never too 49 to study the language for half an hour before going to sleep. And no matter how tired or ill he felt, he always wore a 50 for his customers. They liked him, and people came and asked to be 51 by Carlo.Now, twenty-five years later, Carlo is in 52 of six restaurants, and he 53 to open a seventh shortly. So friends, in this world success never comes overnight. Start from the 54 and make progress step by step with enough patienceand 55 chances will fall upon you.36. A. make B. create C. replace D. choose37. A. otherwise B. therefore C. thus D. however38. A. commented B. tasted C. prepared D. chosen39. A. as B. for C. with D. to40. A. forced B. allowed C. banned D. urged41. A. moving B. laying C. pushing D. placing42. A. curiosity B. kindness C. patience D. interest43. A. simply B. specially C. exactly D. eventually44. A. afraid B. ashamed C. fond D. typical45. A. managed B. attempted C. predicted D. expected46. A. tight B. useful C. spare D. busy47. A. threw B. found C. sent D. donated48. A. used B. promised C. regretted D. remembered49. A. depressed B. excited C. worried D. tired50. A. smile B. face C. color D. surprise51. A. served B. approved C. praised D. treated52. A. favor B. need C. possession D. support53. A. hesitates B. schedules C. hurries D. fails54. A. easiest B. slowest C. simplest D. lowest55. A. after all B. in time C. In a word D. above all 完形:ADCAB BCDAA CBADA ACBDB【全国百强校】山东省济南第一中学2020届高三上学期期中I had reached the age of twenty-eight. Still, I 36 whether the letter from my past would make it to me, all these years later. It was a creative writing task from when I was eighteen. The teacher collected our letters to our 37 selves in self-addressed envelope with stamps and promised to 38 them ten years later. But since so much time had passed, would he even 39 ?Thinking back on the 40 , I recalled giving my future self some advice. When you're eighteen years old, twenty-eight seems like a 41 age, but I wasn't feeling as mature as I believed my younger self had 42 me to be.When the letter finally reached me, I opened it 43 . It began, "How much do you bet this letter will never get to you? "It continued to greet me casually as if we were having an IM (instant messaging)chat. As a senior in high school, facingthe44 important exams and college application, my eighteen-year-old self wasso45 ! She was apparently not quite happy and hoped I wouldn't worry so much in the future, and that I wouldn't forget to be present and 46 my life!47 to my belief, my eighteen-year-old self did not have any demands of me, or expectations I might have failed to meet. Instead, she wrote, "I'll 48 whatever you do. Even if you are not the one I'm imagining now, I'll support you, becausemaybe 49 I'm imagining is someone else, but you're not someone else, you're me.I was 50 , and tears came to my eyes at this self-acceptance through time. I had put a lot of pressure on myself to be the best version of myself that I could be. However, I came to realize what I would have accomplished in ten years would pale in comparison (相形见绌)to how I'd feel and who I'd be.36-40 CCBAD 41-45 ADCCD 46-50 AACBB【全国百强校】山东省实验中学2020届高三上学期第二次诊断“5 pm,madam.”“What? My baby can no longer wait for that! Can you please ask the crew a favor to make it 36 ?”My 3-month-old baby was alreadyvery 37 .His stomach became larger and larger in each hour that passed by.Three days ago,we brought him to be 38 to the hospital where I worked due to several vomiting(呕吐).I knew the danger very well because there werealready 39 patients of this case that we had encountered.But it was not as simple as I 40 .It held a bigger unknown threat that needed a(an) 41 surgery.But before the doctor could figure out the best 42 ,he ordered a CT Scan of the Whole Stomach.It was scheduled at the most famous hospital of the city 43 our own hospital didn’t have it yet.Everything about him suddenly became so 44 .I knew that his chanceof 45 became very thin.So I was afraid that he couldn’t wait for another few hours if no intervention would be given.“Madam,we’re so blessed.His 46 is moved to 3 pm.”I was 47 but another much bigger problem 48 :I did not have the money needed.I had to send messages with my 49 to borrow money to the persons in my contact list.I only had few minutes left then.I asked for a vacant room and there I knelt down and cried while 50 a miracle to provide me with ways right then.As soon as I got up from my 51 ,my cell phone suddenly rang 52 .“Ms.Lucero,please claim your money through…”And one after another,I 53 different messages tellingme to get the money they sent for my baby.I had the money then in less than an hour! Not only for the CT Scan but for our immediate needs during our whole hospital stay!I was so awed(敬畏的)at how destiny(命运) 54 all the incidents in our lives to come up for blessings that it has prepared ahead of us! But most of all,mefirst 55 that he has shown me,is that my baby shall live !36.A.1ater B.1onger C.earlier D.shorter 37.A.weak B.thin C.upset D.conscious 38.A.1eft B.admitted C.reserved D.accustomed 39.A.selfless B.valueless C.homeless D.countless 40.A.desired B.expected C.provided D.realized 41.A.fast B.simple C.complete D.immediate 42.A.approach B.thing C.tool D.hospital 43.A.since B.though C.unless D.while 44.A.changeable B.unstable C.predictable D.incredible 45.A.return B.death C.survival D.danger 46.A.departure B.result C.routine D.schedule 47.A.nervous B.relieved C.anxious D.desperate 48.A.rose B.raised C.arose D.aroused 49.A.request B.command C.suggestion D.application 50.A.meeting with B.1ooking for C.praying for D.finding out 51.A.memory B.dilemma C.feet D.knees 52.A.randomly B.surprisingly C.noisily D.continuously 53.A.accepted B.received C.wrote D.sent 54.A.found B.built C.arranged D.damaged 55.A.sign B.belief C.word D.1ook36-40 CABDB 41-45 DAABC 46-50 DBCAC 51-55 DDBCA山东省郯城一中2019-2020学年上学期高三月考试题Stephen DiRado is a man full of love. After his dad entered a nursing home,he managed to use his 41 to hold on to his dad with black-and-white film.DiRado’s project was to 42 his dad’s illness —Alzheimer(老年痴呆症)一and its 43 on his family. The result is decades of photographs — about 3,000 44 with an 8-by-10 view camera —describing a 45 that affects about 6 million people in the U. S.The photographs have been 46 a $ 5,000 grant(资金)from the Diane Fund(基金).The fund was 47 by Martin, whose mother lost a five-year 48 against Alzheimer in 2011.“The grant was 49 to support photographers to tell the story of Alzheimer, and bring a more 50 awareness to the disease,Martin said. “Larger awareness will bring more understanding and, 51 ,more funding for research to find a 52.”The grant gives DiRado the chance to 53 the work in book form. Already,the work has been well 54 by families of Alzheimer sufferers.“There’s always the 55 that I’m next,” DiRado said. “When you see me reflected in a window, 56 him, I’m telling you that this is a joint existence. I could easily be next. I forget names and places and I get very 57 about that. ”DiRado wants the book to tell people what Alzheimer was like. He has even added a more 58 ending. “Last spring, my mother decided to 59 and live in the house we had left many years before,so making her part of this 60,” he said.41.A.radio B. camera C.recorder D. computer42.A.treat B. study C. document D. evaluate43.A.effect B. danger C. stress D. warning44.A.processed B. made C. developed D. taken45.A.discovery B. phenomenon C. breakthrough D. disease46.A.brought B. paid C. awarded D. lent47.A.saved B. started C. stored D. controlled48.A.prevention B. game C. chance D. battle49.A.brought up B. made up C. set up D. kept up50.A.sensitive B. visual C. comfortable D. permanent51.A.eventually B. absolutely C. hopefully D. especially52.A.cure B. case C. secret D. conclusion53.A.expand B. prepare C. publish D. recommend54.A.discussed B. received C. sorted D. improved55.A.possibility B. plan C. purpose D. promise56.A.catching B. touching C. seizing D. hugging57.A.surprised B. worried C. disappointed D. discouraged58.A.meaningful B. awful C. painful D. useful59.A.flee B. purchase C. register D. return60.A.project B. adventure C. experiment D. organization完形填空41-45 BCADD 46 — 50 CBDCB 51-55 CACBA 56 — 60 DBADA山东省烟台市2020届高三期中考试英语试题I passed a man on the way home from work one night a few years ago.He was walking staggeringly(蹒跚)along the road.I 36 wondering whether to stop and give him a 37 ,at least down to a safer part of the road.Then the car behind me overtook me and I lost the 38 to stop there as the road was so 39 .I couldn’t be sure but he appeared to be quite 40 .A truck turned 41 to avoid him at one point—he didn’t appear to 42 .I pulled into a lay-by(停车带),a little way down the road,waiting for him to reach my car.He’d probably decline my 43 of a lift,Or smell really bad or…a number of things 44:my head while I waited.Five minutes went by and I sat on.He approached my car.My windowswere 45 down,and I asked him if he wanted a lift.He 46 that he was going to the next town,just out of my way,but not far enough to put me to 47 .So in he got.“Sorry,I'm really drunk.I've been at a funeral(葬礼).I'm Ryan.”and he gave me his hand.I drove and we talked.He told me he’d just 48 his uncle.He called me brother and offered me his cool sunglasses as 49 .I refused and said the joy was in the 50 .Three times along the way he told me,“ 51 ! we put out there comes back to us.Something 52 will come to you for picking me up.”I 53 him at the next crossroad.We shook 54 and said goodbye to each other.I felt as if I’d been 55 somehow.I think I have been.36.A.sped up B.went off C.slowed down D.turned away 37.A.message B.signal C.note D.1ift 38.A.duty B.courage C.patience D.devotion 39.A.busy B.smooth C.secure D.convenient 40.A.1ost B.injured C.drunk D.defeated 41.A.slowly B.sharply C.slightly D.aimlessly 42.A.care B.argue C.explain D.oppose 43.A.order B.request C.offer D.reason 44.A.took in B.turned out C.brought about D.went through 45.A.rolled B.knocked C.pushed D.dragged 46.A.promised B.announced C.indicated D.assumed 47.A.trouble B.anxiety C.pain D.embarrassment 48.A.hurt B.abandoned C.visited D.buried 49.A.trade B.payment C.response D.property 50.A.changing B.giving C.receiving D.demanding 51.A.Whoever B.Whenever C.Whichever D.Whenever 52.A.strange B.negative C.good D.regretful 53.A.dropped B.passed C.declined D.missed 54.A.shoulders B.arms C.1egs D.hands 55.A.supported B.blessed C.encouraged D.reminded完形填空:36—40 CDBAC 41—45 BACDA 46—50 CADBB 51—55 DCADB 临沂市郯城第一中学2019-2020学年第一学期高三上学期期中The young man at the local gas station is quick with a joke and knows his customers by name. He's the kind of guy who will take a day 41 without pay in order to appear as a witness to a traffic accident. He's my son.One day, less than a week after the place had been 42 overnight, the store was invaded again by three people grabbing(抓)43 off the shelves. He hit the “panic button” and then jumped 44 the counter and locked the front door. It was obvious that they were 45 .Imagine 46 they must have felt like when, instead of being told theywere 47 for prison, they were told they didn’t have to 48 if they were that hungry. “We have food in the back, expired (过期的) but still 49 to eat, which we plan to give to a homeless shelter.”They were told to pick up what they had 50 and put it back, then asked to straighten out the 51 they'd made of the store. They were doing just that when the police arrived. The officers were told the situation was under 52 and the police were no longer necessary.This wasn't what they had expected. They were being treated as human beings who had misbehaved but could 53 the wrong they'd done. 54 , because they knew that the homeless were never welcome to use “public restrooms” in private businesses, they quickly followed orders to take turns and use the restroom to 55 .Soon three cleaner people, standing just a bit 56 than before when they came in, walked out with all the food their arms could 57 . They were 58 that, if they needed to come back again, they were to ask and not just grab.That day, when it would have been so much easier just to 59 the three people over to the police , my son gave them something they were in desperate need of -a small amount of 60 and a little bit of hope.41. A. on B. up C. off D. out42. A. broken into B. shut off C. burst out D. closed down43. A. money B. food C. clothes D. books44. A. into B. over C. to D. down45. A. kind B. excited C. stubborn D. homeless46. A. what B. why C. who D. where47. A. longing B. heading C. searching D. accounting48. A. wait B. ask C. cry D. steal49. A. important B. terrible C. safe D. cheap50. A. dropped B. bought C. eaten D. passed51. A. use B. mess C. food D. order52. A. construction B. repair C. control D. guarantee53. A. tell B. choose C. do D. right54. A. Shocked B. Satisfied C. Disappointed D. Amused55. A. take a rest B. make up C. clean up D. have a sleep56. A. stronger B. taller C. farther D. heavier57. A. grasp B. hold C. pull D. fasten58. A. determined B. blamed C. reminded D. suspected59. A. hand B. arrest C. instruct D. devote60. A. pity B. charity C. judgment D. respect完形填空41---50 CABBD ABDCA 51---60 BCDAC BBCAD山东省青岛市2020届高三上学期期中考试英语试卷I used to hate running. It seemed too hard, and pushing outside mycomfort______ 41_____ was not something I was raised to do.In fact, I wouldn't have become a(n) _ 42__ if it weren't for my husband Charles. He had been a 43________ competitive runner for many years. After our marriage, he wouldn't stop talking about how much he___ 44 it.So he picked it up again, and after about a year, I started to join him at the____ 45______ . Just a few weeks later, Charles signed us both up for a five-kilometer race. I_ 46__ about doing it. It was too soon.But on race day, there I was.The gun went off Thousands of runners___ 47 .The first kilometer was tough. I was already breathing 48 and painfully aware of the group of runners 49 past me.After another minute I saw the three-kilometer__ 50 . All I could think of was that I was__ 51 .I rounded a comer, and saw both sides of the street 52___ with people watching the race,all cheering the runners on. I__ 53_ my legs to keep going.Then I looked up and saw the clock. The 54 _ ticking away gave me an incentive(助力). I knew that if I had__ 55__ finished this race I would have achieved something, So, I 56 _ up, and kicked it.I had my arms 57__ higher when I passed through the finish line. A volunteer put a(n)____ 58 around my neck.“You did great! I'm so proud of you!" Charles was thrilled that I'd 59 .“That was amazing! I want to do another race." I proudly hugged my medal as we started to walk to the post-race festivities. My lungs and my comfort zone参考答案:DDABC ACDAB CBDAB DCBCB山东省济宁市2020届高三上学期调研考试英语试题When my son Gene was about 12 years old, I started helping him learn to 41 . I bought twenty chickens and asked him to 42 them. I told him that they would be his own chickens and we would 43 the eggs from him. However, he would have to buy chicken 44 with the money he made from the eggs. Whatever moneywas 45 would be his to keep. Gene was 46 , thinking he would make hisfirst 47 .After several weeks’ successful work, I began to 48 that egg production was going down. I 49 nothing about it. Then one night, Gene told me he didn’thave 50 money to buy the feed. He said the chickens had never 51 a meal and he could not figure out why some of them had stopped 52 eggs.Then I asked him if he had 53 the amount of feed he had given the chickens. He was 54 . It was like he did not think anyone would ever 55 what he had done. After a long 56 , he said yes. He thought he would make more money if he gave them 57 food. I asked him, “Did you fool the chickens?”I was just astonished at the question in my own 58 .I was dumbfounded (惊呆) at the 59 of it. Yes, you can fool everyone else, b ut you cannot “fool the chickens,” because 60 , you will find out, as the saying goes, “What goes around comes around.”41. A. cook B. share C. count D. work42. A. take care of B. observe C. train D. play with43. A. save B. borrow C. buy D. keep44. A. nest B. soup C. meat D. feed45. A. given back B. picked up C. left over D. brought in46. A. thrilled B. worried C. satisfied D. discouraged47. A. deal B. contribution C. fortune D. choice48. A. hear B. notice C. predict D. imagine49. A. said B. found C. thought D. recalled50. A. private B. honest C. pocket D. enough51. A. missed B. wasted C. enjoyed D. finished52. A. hatching B. laying C. gathering D. hiding53. A. balanced B. checked out C. cut down D. measured54. A. delighted B. shocked C. tired D. disappointed55. A. forgive B. allow C. discuss D. know56. A. silence B. absence C. negotiation D. preparation57. A. heavy B. fresher C. less D. solid58. A. life B. job C. case D. mind59. A. explanation B. significance C. trick D. example60. A. in this respect B. in the end C. in contrast D. in addition41-45 DACDC 46.-50ACBAD 51.-55ABCBD 56-60ACDBB山东省泰安市2020届高三上学期期中考试英语试题After I graduated from the university, I got so pressured in finding a job. I did a lot of 42 both online and handing in person to a particular company. It occurred, one day I went to 43 my CV (履历)to a certain company and I wanted to meet the human resource manager in person because I believed it was the best 44 than leaving my CV at the reception.Unfortunately, in this company the 45 did not allow me to see the human resource manager and 46 asked me to just leave the CV with her and that shewould 47 it. I was really 48 since I knew she wouldn't do that and my CV will just be thrown in the trash can, I thought so because it usually 49 a lot in some other companies. So I just left with my head 50 and never thought about it again since I knew I would never get any 51 from the company.Weeks passed and one day I received a call from a(an) 52 number and guess what...it was the human resource manager of that same company. I was really shocked since I did not 53 it at all. So he said he received my CV and that he would 54 it.I was so happy and felt bad at the same time for 55 the receptionist the other day. This humbled me and it was a 56 to believe in people and not assume things42—46 BABDC 47—51CDDBA 52—56 CABAC山东省潍坊市2020届高三上学期期中考试英语试题Just a few months earlier, I would never have pictured myself acting in a play in front of two hundred people. If not for my42 , Mrs. Sather, I might never have found that opportunity.In the first and second grade, I was extremely 43 It just wasn't in my personality to be very outgoing. I would escape in my writing. Mrs. Sather, always44 me to write more. I think she was one of the first people to see my inner 45.One day, she announced our class was going to 46 a play, a take off on The Wizard of Oz. “I need someone to play the lead part of Dorothy.” A few excited hands 47 Mine, of course, was not one of them.After school, Mrs. Sather said to me, “Dallas, I was 48 you didn't raise your hand. You're great at memorizing things, and you have such a sweet personality. Perfect for Dorothy! I had you in 49 for Dorothy while writing the play! If you 50don't want to, though, I w on't make you. It’s your 51.”I realized it was time to show the world who I really was. I 52 the role.Fast-forward through five months of 53, line memorizing, and costume creating, we were ready.At the end of the play, when the audience stood and applauded, I knew they were not just54 for my performance that night, but for the 55 that they knew would come in later years because of my newfound 56.42. A. partner B. teacher C. parent D. classmate43. A. shy B. weak C. energetic D. ambitious44. A. recommended B. allowed C. encouraged D. accompanied45. A. drawback B. peace C. character D. strength46. A. perform B. watch C. write D. enjoy47. A. put down B. reached out C. shot up D. drew back48. A. excited B. amused C. afraid D. surprised49. A. store B. mind C. memory D. comparison50. A. initially B. really C. finally D. spiritually51. A. turn B. choice C. luck D. fault52. A. accepted B. played C. created D. remembered53. A. practicing B. learning C. observing D. communicating54. A. celebrating B. chatting C. cheering D. congratulating55. A. praises B. efforts C. beliefs D. performances56. A. skill B. confidence C. interest D. hobby参考答案:BACDA CDBBB AACDB。

第Ⅰ卷答卷涂在答题卡上,第II 卷解答写在答题纸上,交卷时只交答题卡和答题纸。
)1.下列关于场强和电势的叙述,正确的是()A.在匀强电场中,场强处处相同,电势也处处相等B.在正点电荷形成的电场中,离点电荷越远,电势越高,场强越小C.如选无穷远处电势为零,则在等量同号正点电荷形成的电场中,两电荷连线中点的电势为零,场强不为零D.在任何电场中,场强越大的地方,电势也越高2.下列说法正确的是()A. 电动势反映了电源把电能转化为其他形式能量本领的物理量B. 电流强度有大小又有方向所以电流强度是矢量C. 电动势的单位和电势差相同,电动势实质上就是的电势差D. 同一电源接入不同的电路,电动势不会发生变化3.如图所示,A、B为相互接触的用绝缘支架支持的金属导体,起初它们不带电在它们的下部两端都贴有金属箔片,C是带正电的小球,下列说法正确的是()A.把C移近导体A时,A、B上的金属箔片都不张开B.把C移近导体A,然后移去C,则最终A、B上的金属箔片仍张开C.先把C移走,再把A、B分开,A、B上的金属箔片都张开D.把C移近导体A,用手膜一下A,先把A、B分开,再把C移走,则最终A上的金属箔片闭合,而B上的金属箔片张开4.两个完全相同的金属小球A和B带电量大小之比为1:11,相距为r,两者接触一下放回原来的位置,则后来两小球之间的静电力大小与原来之比可能是()A.36:11B.6:11C.5:11D.25:115.两只电压表V1和V2是由完全相同的电流表改装而成的,V1的量程为5V,V2的量程为15V,为了测量15—20V的电压,把V1、V2串联起来使用,在这种情况下()A.V1和V2读数相等B.V1和V2两表指针偏转角相等C.V1和V2的读数之比等于1:3D.V1和V2的指针偏转角度之比等于两个电压表的内阻之比6.一正电荷从电场中A点由静止释放,只受电场力作用,沿电场线运动到B点,它运动的速度—时间图像如右图所示则A、B所在区域的电场线分布情况可能是下图中的()7.如图所示,虚线AB和CD分别为椭圆的长轴和短轴,相交于O点,两个等量异种点电荷分别处于椭圆的两个焦点M、N上,下列说法中正确的是()A.A、B两处电势、场强均相同B.C、D两处电势、场强均相同C.在虚线AB上O点的场强最大,在虚线CD上O点的场强也最大D.带负电的试探电荷在O处的电势能小于在B处的电势能8.如图所示,均强电场中三点A、B、C是一个三角形的三个顶点,∠ABC=∠CAB=30°,AB 间距为6m,已知电场线平行于△ABC所在的平面,将一个电荷量q=-2×10-6J,下列说法正确的是()A.A 、C 两点间的电势差U AC =3VB.该电场的场强为2V/mC.正电荷由C 点移到A 点的过程中,电势能增加D.A 点的电势低于B 点的电势9.如图所示的电路,A 、B 、C 为三个相同的灯泡,其电阻大于电源内阻,当变阻器的滑动 触头P 向上移动时( )A.A 灯变亮,B 灯和C 灯都变暗B.A 灯变亮,B 灯变暗,C 灯变亮C.电源的输出功率增大D.电源的效率降低10.横截面的直径为d 、长为L 的金属导线,两端电压为U,当这三个量中一个改变时,对自由电子定向运动的平均速率的影响,正确的是( ) A.电压U 加倍,自由电子定向运动的平均速率不变 B.导线长度L 加倍,自由电子定向运动的平均速率加倍 C.导线横截面的直径加倍,自由电子定向运动的平均速率不变 D.以上说法均不正确11.如图所示是一个平行板电容器,其板间距为d ,电容为C ,带电量为Q ,上极板带正电。

淄博一中高2017级2018-2019学年第二学期期中考试化学试题命题人:焦念功审核人:郑靖 2019年4月1.本试题分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。
可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 S 32 Br 80 Mg 24 Pb 207第Ⅰ卷(共48分)一.选择题1.下列有关电化学知识的描述正确的是( )A.行人踩踏发电瓷砖(原理是利用行人踩踏地板产生的振动来发电)是将化学能转化为电能B.某原电池反应为Cu+2AgNO3===Cu(NO3)2+2Ag,装置中的盐桥可以装有含琼胶的KCl 饱和溶液C.因为铁的活泼性强于铜,所以将铁、铜用导线连接后放入浓硝酸中,若能组成原电池,必是铁作负极、铜作正极D.理论上,任何能自发进行的且能放出能量的氧化还原反应都可设计成原电池2.某小组为研究电化学原理,设计甲、乙、丙三种装置(C1、C2、C3均为石墨)。
下列叙述正确的是( )A.甲、丙中是化学能转化为电能,乙中是电能转化为化学能B.C1、C2分别是阳极、阴极,锌片、铁片上都发生氧化反应C.C1上和C3上放出的气体相同,铜片上和铁片上放出的气体也相同D.甲中溶液的pH逐渐升高,丙中溶液的pH逐渐降低3.用下列装置能达到预期目的的是( )A.甲图装置可用于电解精炼铝B.乙图装置可得到持续、稳定的电流C.丙图装置可达到保护钢闸门的目的 D.丁图装置可达到保护钢闸门的目的4.如下图所示,其中甲池的总反应式为2CH3OH+3O2+4KOH===2K2CO3+6H2O。
下列说法正确的是( )A.1min内甲池消耗1mol转移的电子是乙池Ag电极转移电子数的4倍B.甲池通入CH3OH的电极反应式为CH3OH-6e-+2H2O===CO2-3+8H+C.反应一段时间后,向乙池中加入一定量Cu(OH)2固体能使CuSO4溶液恢复到原浓度D.甲池中消耗280 mL(标准状况下)O2,此时丙池中理论上最多产生1.45 g固体5.三室式电渗析法处理含Na2SO4废水的原理如图所示,采用惰性电极,ab、cd均为离子交换膜,在直流电场的作用下,两膜中间的Na+和SO2-4可通过离子交换膜,而两端隔室中离子被阻挡不能进入中间隔室。

山东省淄博实验中学2023-2024学年高一上学期10月月考英语试卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解The world is full of beauty in every corner. Here are four world’s top breathtaking and beautiful travelling destinations (目的地) for you to pay a visit to.DominicaDominica is known as “nature island” for a reason. This tiny Caribbean state, focuses on hot springs and long -distance walking in the rainforest rather than playing on the beach. Boiling Lake, in the Morne Trois Pitons National Park, can be reached by mountainous paths, a body of water that is well worth a visit.Lake Bled, SloveniaLake Bled is one of the largest freshwater lakes on Earth. At its center lies a small island, surrounded by deep blue water. It’s no surprise that Lake Bled has developed into one of the hottest destinations in Europe in recent years. Suitable for walking and diving (潜水) adventures, this is a corner of Slovenia that needs to be explored.Samburu, KenyaAs a hard-to-reach place in the heart of Kenya, Samburu provides a quiet and safe environment, which is good enough for some of Africa’s most unique wildlife to live in. The rich grassland of its national nature protection area is home to the endangered giraffe, as well as the pioneering Elephant Watch Camp.Positano, ItalyLocated on Italy’s Amalfi Coast, Positano is one of the most beautiful villages in Europe. Famous for its special small gift shops and waterside restaurants, not to mention the Byzantine Church (教堂), it makes for the perfect summer getaway. For divers, with its colorful plants and fish, it’s a really perfect place. Make sure to see its full form by taking a boat out from the beach for excellent sunset views.1.What can a tourist do in Dominica?A.Explore the nature protection area.B.Relax themselves at hot springs.C.Go shopping at the gift shops.D.Walk on the grassland freely. 2.Which is probably the best place if you’ re interested in African animals?A.Dominica.B.Lake Bled.C.Samburu.D.Positano. 3.What do Lake Bled and Positano have in common?A.They are both rich in fresh water.B.They are both great places to go diving.C.Tourists can enjoy the beautiful sunset.D.Tourists can visit the unique localchurch.As we grow up, it becomes natural for people around us to lose contact with the hobbies that once were dominant in their lives. While it’s painful to accept this, the new reality becomes normal for most of us as we face new academic, adult and job responsibilities.I’ve been dancing since I was four and I plan to continue dancing in college. However, I’ve always feared that dancing will affect my study and eventually become a brilliant memory of my childhood. After learning about Sommer Gentry’s story, I had an answer.Sommer Gentry, previously a professor of mathematics at the United States Naval Academy and a coach at the Naval Academy’s Swing Dance Club, is currently a teacher at NYU Grossman School of Medicine. Gentry and her husband also started a swing dance community to introduce non-dancers to swing dance.Through teaching, Gentry was inspired to view dancing from an engineering point of view. She said, “I realized it is an engineering question: how do you dance well with someone? It’d be great to give people mathematical and engineering proofs that they have to dance the way I say.” Gentry investigated the complex haptic (触觉的) communication behind the moves in swing dance and showed that two persons could move in coordination (协调) with pure haptic communication, She entered an exciting area of research which is about engineering, psychology and human motor control.It’s incredibly inspiring that Gentry was able to intertwine her academic work with her passion for dancing. Gentry said, “It means that even when I’m dancing outside, I’m thinking about my research project.”Gentry found that digging into her academic interest does not mean letting go of her other non-academic ones. Instead, she found a way to include both in her professional life. Just like me, Gentry is a mathematician and dancer, thus, her story resonates (引起共鸣) strongly with me, and I want to be like her in the future.4.What did the author think of dancing before learning of Gentry’s story?A.It was too challenging for her B.It’d gradually disappear from her life.C.It’d help develop her sense of responsibility.D.It brought her an unpleasantchildhood memory.5.What contributed to Gentry’s studying dancing from the angle of engineering?A.Her interest in exploring engineering proofs.B.Her husband’s need to promote his dance club.C.Her desire to be an expert in medicine and health.D.Her experience in teaching math and swing dance.6.What does the underlined word “intertwine” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?A.Hardly balance B.Carefully compare.C.Closely combine.D.Successfully challenge.7.What does the last paragraph imply about the author?A.She has decided to change her major.B.She will continue to pursue her hobby.C.She used to be Sommer Gentry’s student.D.She originally had little interest inengineering.Cows produce much methane (甲烷), the world’s second worst greenhouse gas, as they break down the grass. They are a large source of the greenhouse gases that are driving climate change. Now scientists have shown the pollution from cows can be reduced by adding a little seaweed (海藻) to their food.Recently, the researchers from the University of California studied 21 cows on a farm for about five months. They taught the cows to get their food from inside a special hood (罩), which allowed the scientists to know the amount of the methane the cows were giving off. They used a small amount of seaweed, which they mixed with the cows’ food.The results were surprisingly good. In some cases, the cows produced 82% less methane. The improvement depended on the kind of food the cows were given. Even the worst-polluting cows produced 33% less methane. Over the five months, the scientists didn’t see any signs that the cows’ stomachs were getting used to the seaweed and starting to produce more methane again. What’s more, the cows that were fed seaweed gained just as much weight as the other cows.But there are still some big problems with the idea of feeding cows seaweed. For one thing, there’s not enough seaweed to feed all of the cows in the world. So farmers would have to figure out a way to grow lots of seaweed. A bigger problem is that for most of their lives,cows live in the fields, where they eat grass. That means there’s no chance to feed them seaweed every day.Still, it’s very good news that something as simple as feeding cows seaweed can help reduce some of the pollution causing the climate crisis.8.Why did the researchers carry out the study?A.To improve the cows’ welfare.B.To test the effects of the seaweed.C.To measure the amount of methane produced by cows.D.To discover healthier grass to reduce the pollution from cows.9.What’s the third paragraph mainly about?A.The results of the study.B.The process of the research.C.The content of the experiment.D.The information of the subjects.10.What is the biggest challenge in the researchers’ opinion?A.Seaweed is pretty rare in the world.B.It’s hard to mix seaweed with grass.C.Cows fed with seaweed gained weight easily.D.Cows can hardly have daily access to seaweed.11.What is the author’s attitude towards the findings?A.Doubtful.B.Negative.C.Unclear.D.Positive.A broken heart. A sad ending to a love affair. That’s something most of us have experienced, or probably will. After all, it’s part of human life. But no question, the experience can be hard to get over.But research shows there are pathways through the heartache. Listening to sad music is a major one. It can help you begin to feel joy and hopefulness about your life again. It can arouse (激发,唤醒) the desire (渴望) to connect with others.Sad music can help heal and uplift you from your broken heart. A recent study from Germany found the emotional influence of listening to sad music is an arousal of feelings of empathy (共情), and a desire for positive connection with others. That, itself, ispsychologically healing. It draws you away from concentration on yourself, and possibly towards helping others in need of comfort.Another experiment, from the University of Kent, found that when people were experiencing sadness, listening to music that was “beautiful but sad” improved their mood. In fact, it did so when the person first consciously accept the situation causing their sadness, and then began listening to the sad music. That is, when they intended that the sad music might help, they found that it did.These findings link with other studies that show accepting your sad situation emotionally leads to healing and growth beyond it. It seems unbelievable but it does make sense. For example, research from Cornell University, published in Psychological Science, found that accepting discomfort about a life experience or new situation, and viewing it as a step towards growth and change, encourages people to find a pathway through it, beyond it. As Churchill famously said, “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” That discomfort points you towards creating a plan, a new action. It fuels hope.12.What can we learn from paragraph 3 and paragraph 4?A.Sad music can make people help others.B.Sad music can make sad people feel better.C.Sad music can make people believe in themselves.D.Sad music can make people concentrate on themselves.13.What does Churchill advise us to do when experiencing discomfort?A.Listen to a sad song.B.Avoid unwise actions.C.Find support from others.D.Face the discomfort directly. 14.How does the author develop this text?A.By listing figures.B.By giving directions.C.By comparing examples.D.By presenting research findings.15.Which is the best title for the text?A.How to Find Pathways through HeartachesB.How We React to A Broken Heart Matters a LotC.What We Can Do to Overcome Discomfort in LifeD.Why Listening to Sad Music Heals Your Broken Heart二、七选五During your school years, you will face many challenges. Sometimes you may not have all the solutions and need help. At this time, peer tutoring (同伴指导) is one of the most helpful tools. Peer tutors are understanding, helpful and especially honest. 16 Recognize your mistakesThis will probably be the most uncomfortable part, but peer tutors simply want you to be the best to your best ability. 17 They tell the truth about you, which may put you in an awkward position. But you have to learn to accept you’re not perfect and will make mistakes. You should feel fortunate that your peer tutor is recognizing your mistakes and giving you a chance to repair them.18Every tutor has a different learning and teaching style. If a tutor teaches you how to solve a math problem in a way that makes sense to you, but is also different from what you have learned in class, you will have to use that method because it works for you. If a tutor revises your paper and gives you advice, you will find your work in the future to change completely. Change is good. It is by no means something to be afraid of.Push you in timeSince we are human, it’s not unusual for us to be lazy sometimes. 19 However, if a tutor notices that you have been inactive, don’t be surprised if they call you out on it. Your tutor wants you to do the great things that you are capable of.Help you improveLast but not least, expect to improve. Peer tutoring can be difficult, but finally the goal is for you to improve as a student in various areas. Once you practice peer tutoring at school, you will notice a great change in your grades and your learning ability. 20 A.Give you a chance to changeB.Work out the best method for youC.Of course, it’s nothing to be ashamed of.D.So I think that’s really worth your efforts.E.Peer tutors are anxious to push you in study.F.They are always there to help you out through difficulties.G.The only way for them to ensure this is to be completely honest with you.三、完形填空early in my graduate career, my long hours and hard work were no longer successful in the lab, and I felt 22 about achieving my goals. Something had to change.As I began to 23 the reason for my 24 , I became increasingly aware that my “quiet time” at the lab bench was wasted. 25 thinking about science attentively (专心地), I was watching television or interacting with social media on my smartphone. As a result, my work became chaotic (混乱的) and 26 .Through 27 , I came to understand my problem. To 28 my focus, I chose to reduce my connectivity by using a basic mobile phone 29 an Internet connection during work hours, and removing 30 apps when I used my smartphone.When I first did this, I felt really uneasy. With time, I began to 31 my quiet time, 32 . I started reading papers during long experiments, and developed a habit of writing in my down time.Perhaps most importantly, I have felt my productivity and creativity 33 greatly, with my disorganized work-life 34 changed into one with clearer boundaries and plenty of new scientific ideas. Now, even when I do carry my smartphone, I feel less forced to check for e-mails or messages, and can focus more 35 on whatever task is at hand. 21.A.started B.stuck C.hurt D.separated 22.A.hopeless B.fruitless C.harmless D.shameless 23.A.search B.apply C.explore D.realize 24.A.efforts B.struggles C.errors D.achievements 25.A.Instead of B.Apart from C.In addition to D.Other than 26.A.neat B.positive C.disorganized D.meaningful 27.A.understanding B.reflection C.creativity D.investigation 28.A.rate B.check C.regain D.escape 29.A.through B.without C.toward D.via 30.A.unnecessary B.practical C.various D.unique 31.A.make the best of B.make sure of C.make sense ofD.make up of32.A.indeed B.therefore C.somehow D.though 33.A.enlarge B.encourage C.perform D.improve 34.A.balance B.contact C.relationship D.connection 35.A.closely B.specifically C.formally D.naturally四、用单词的适当形式完成句子填空)37.It was beyond (argue)that smoking is harmful to health. (所给词的适当形式填空)38.The scenery there was beautiful beyond (describe). (所给词的适当形式填空) 39.When (refer) to the specific goals for the future, Jack always memorizes these sayings: How to see a neat rainbow without wind and rain? (所给词的适当形式填空) 40.When my English teacher (step) into the classroom, I was surprised to see the same man I had met before.(所给词的适当形式填空)41.Argue about the week’s hottest topic the school’s sharpest minds. (用适当的词填空)42.The study showed the animals had figured out how to apply what they learned about human faces during training new faces in the testing stage.(用适当的词填空) 43.All the students in my class were waiting curiously in the classroom, eager to knowthe drillmaster was like. (用适当的词填空)44.I can't believe the first week is coming to end. (用适当的词填空)45.Some stars are likely to be (visible)to the human eyes, but they actually exist. (所给词的适当形式填空)46.These rooms (intend) for group discussions and seminars are being decorated. (所给词的适当形式填空)47.English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the (create) of the human race. (所给词的适当形式填空)48.The cost of living has increased (dramatic) recently. (所给词的适当形式填空) 49.Students in our school can take part in (vary)activities after school every day.(所给词的适当形式填空)50.The advertisement for engineers in the local paper attracted many .(apply)(所给词的适当形式填空)五、完成句子六、申请信58.假如你是李华,你校的英语阅读社团(English Reading Club)正在招募新成员,你非常渴望加入,请你用英语写一封申请信,内容包括:1.自我介绍;2.喜欢阅读的书籍类型;3.加入英语阅读社团的原因。

第I卷(共50分)一、英语知识运用(本大题共30个小题,每小题1分,共30分.在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项选出)1. John was made ________ the truck for a week as a punishment.A. washB. washingC. to washD. to washing2。
To______ the truth,I don’t agree with you。
say B. speak to C。
talk D。
tell3. -Would you like _______ with me?一一Yes, I'd love toA。
go B。
to go C. going D. to going4. —————- I like this one , but the color is too dark.——--——________ this red one?A.What B。
How C。
What about D。
Why not 5。
1 find_____ interesting to learn English.A。
this B。
it C. that D。
she6. There are quite a few books on the shelf,but_____of them is useful to him.A. both B。
all C. neither D。
none7. ----—Can you help me carry the box upstairs?-—---___________________。
A. Thank a lot B。
With pleasure D. Yes, please C. You’d better not8. —-——-Long time no see, Mike。

How many times was the man late?A。
Four times. B。
Twenty-two times。
C. Twice。
2. What does the man mean?A。
He'd like to come along。
He knows the way to the river. C。
The weather is quite hot。
Where do you think they were talking?A。
In a post office。
B. In a shop。
C. In a book store.4. What time does the next train leave the station?A. At 9:05。

这一措施时间人物官职贞观元年(627)杜淹检校礼部尚书参议朝政贞观三年(629)魏征秘书监参预朝政贞观四年(630)萧瑀御史大夫参议朝政贞观九年(635)侯君集兵部尚书参预朝政贞观十五年(641)刘洎黄门侍郎参知政事A.颠覆了传统的中枢体制B.强化了宰相的决策权力C.推动了监察权力的扩张D.有助于社会的良性发展5.通过观察下表,你能得出什么结论北宋时期征榷收入所占的比例(单位:万贯)年代征榷收入征榷所占全国总收入比例租税收入数租税所占全国总收入比例至道末年(997)1167.732.66%238166.58%天禧末年(1021)267050.27%2641.249.73%熙宁十年(1077)4248.467.76%2021.332.24% A.国家财政收入源于榷场B.财政收入比例的优化C.打破了农业为主的结构D.重农抑商观念的淡化6.明穆宗命太监“坐营”,兵部尚书郭乾以内监不当坐营的世宗祖训为由不执行皇帝命令,对此穆宗引正德《明会典》为例“仍命草敕”,遭到群臣反对后,向内阁首辅徐阶寻求支持,徐阶指出穆宗不应以《明会典》为例,应“以先帝为法”,皇帝最终取消了命令。

第Ⅰ卷(共66分)一、选择题1.在制作木质孔明锁构件的过程中,不需要用到的工具是()A. 直尺、木工锯B. 角尺、木工锉C. 木工凿、榔头D. 钻床、样冲2.手工将一块钢板加工成如图所示的连接片,以下加工流程中合理的是()A. 划线→折弯→锯割→锉削→钻孔→孔口倒角B. 划线→折弯→钻孔→孔口倒角→锯割→锉削C. 划线→钻孔→孔口倒角→折弯→锉削→锯割D. 划线→锯割→钻孔→孔口倒角→锉削→折弯3.如图所示是某谷物烘干系统工艺流程图.某批次谷物从进料斗进入后,经提升机里的水分检测仪检测水分,若达标,则进入排粮管、打包.若不达标,该批次谷物经调质仓被分批送往干燥仓烘干,经排粮仓暂存后再次被送往提升机检测关于该烘干工艺流程说法中不正确的是()A. 提升机具有谷物分流作用B. 调质仓、排粮仓是并行环节C. 水分未达标的谷物需烘干处理D. 最后完成谷物打包4.如图所示,要把直角钢板固定在木桌上,应采用的连接件是()A. 元宝螺母B. 紧定螺钉C. 自攻螺钉D. 膨胀螺栓5.如图所示的木制台灯,杆1和杆2间用螺栓和元宝螺帽进行紧固,以下说法不正确的是( )A. 杆1主要受弯曲B. 杆2主要受压C. 杆1与杆2的连接为刚连接D. 连接杆1和杆2的螺栓主要受剪切6.如图所示,为了应对紧急火险,提高反应速度,校园内灭火器常被挂在墙上.在对安装在墙上的连接件的设计上,从强度、使用环境等方面考虑,以下四种方案最合理的是()A. B. C. D.通用技术老师要求学生利用15mm厚的多层板设计一款便携式木质小板凳.如图所示是某小组的设计方案,完成第7.8题.7.该小组同学对自主设计的小板凳进行了测试和评价,评价结果如图所示.以下对坐标图的分析中不正确的是()A. 成本较高B. 稳固性较差C. 携带很不方便D. 易于制造8.该组同学发现,原有方案在收纳时,无法折叠成预想的效果(如图所示).于是,提出了如下四个改进措施,其中合理的是()A. B.C. D.9.在如图所示的电路板上连接一个电阻,需要采用以下哪种工艺()A. 锡焊B. 胶接C. 铆接D. 榫接10.如图是窗框采用榫连接的四种方式,如果该结构要承受的是竖直方向的力的作用,最合理的是()A. B. C. D.11.如图所示的弓形椅造型简单大方,适合多种办公环境,且价格不贵,使用率较高。

2018-2019学年山东省淄博市淄川中学高一(上)期中数学试卷一、单选题(本大题共12小题,共60.0分)1. 已知集合A ={−1,0,1},集合B ={0,1,2},则A ∩B =( )A. {0,1}B. [0,1]C. {−1,0,1,2}D. [−1,2]2. 下列关系正确的是( )A. 1∉{0,1}B. 1∈{0,1}C. 1⊆{0,1}D. {1}∈{0,1}3. 下列各组函数中表示同一函数的是( )A. f(x)=√x 2,g(x)=(√x)2B. f(x)=x 2−1x−1,g(x)=x +1 C. f(x)=|x|,g(x)=√x 2D. f(x)=√x +1⋅√x −1,g(x)=√x 2−14. 下列函数中,定义域为R 的是( )A. y =√xB. y =lg|x|C. y =x 3+3D. y =1x5. 函数f(x)=2x +x 的零点所在的区间为( )A. (−2,−1)B. (−1,0)C. (0,1)D. (1,2)6. 已知函数f(x)=7+a x−1的图象恒过点P ,则P 点的坐标是( )A. (1,8)B. (1,7)C. (0,8)D. (8,0)7. 实数a =0.2√2,b =log √20.2,c =√20.2的大小关系正确的是( )A. a <c <bB. a <b <cC. b <a <cD. b <c <a8. 已知f(x)是R 上的奇函数,且当x >0时f(x)=x(1−x),则当x <0时f(x)的解析式是f(x)=( )A. −x(x −1)B. −x(x +1)C. x(x −1)D. x(x +1)9. 若偶函数f(x)在(−∞,−1]上是增函数,则下列关系式中成立的是( )A. f(−32)<f(−1)<f(2) B. f(−1)<f(−32)<f(2) C. f(2)<f(−1)<f(−32)D. f(2)<f(−32)<f(−1)10. 函数y ={2x ,x ≥02−x ,x <0的图象大致为( )A.B.C.D.11. 定义在R 上的奇函数f(x),满足f(12)=0,且在(0,+∞)上单调递减,则xf(x)>0的解集为( )A. {x|x <−12或x >12} B. {x|0<x <12或−12<x <0} C. {x|0<x <12或x <−12}D. {x|−12<x <0或x >12}12. 对于函数f(x)定义域中任意的x 1,x 2(x 1≠x 2),有如下结论:①f(x 1+x 2)=f(x 1)f(x 2); ②f(x 1x 2)=f(x 1)+f(x 2); ③f(x 1)−f(x 2)x 1−x 2>0.当f(x)=e x 时,上述结论中正确结论的序号是( )A. ①②B. ①③C. ②③D. ①②③二、单空题(本大题共4小题,共16.0分) 13. f(x)的图象如图,则f(x)的值域为______.14. 已知f(x)={x +1 , x >0 2 , x =0 0 , x <0,则f{f[f(−1)]}=______.15. 函数y =log (2−a)x 在定义域内是减函数,则a 的取值范围是______.16. 函数f(x)=a x (a >0,a ≠1)在区间[0,1]上的最大值与最小值的和为3,则实数a的值等于______.三、解答题(本大题共4小题,共44.0分)17. 已知集合A ={x|1≤x ≤4},B ={x|−1<x <3},C ={x|a −1≤x ≤a}.(1)求A ∪B ;(2)是否存在实数a 使得B ∩C =C ,若存在,求出a 的取值范围;若不存在,说明理由.18. 计算下列各式的值(1)(−0.1)0+√23×223+(14)−12 (2)log 3√27+lg25+lg4.19. 已知函数f(x)=x 2+2ax +2,x ∈[−5,5](Ⅰ)若y =f(x)在[−5,5]上是单调函数,求实数a 取值范围. (Ⅱ)求y =f(x)在区间[−5,5]上的最小值.20. 对于函数f(x)=a −22x +1(a ∈R,a >0,且a ≠1).(1)先判断函数y =f(x)的单调性,再证明之; (2)实数a =1时,证明函数y =f(x)为奇函数;(3)求使f(x)=m,(x∈[0,1])有解的实数m的取值范围.答案和解析1.【答案】A【解析】解:∵集合A={−1,0,1},集合B={0,1,2},∴A∩B={0,1}.故选:A.利用交集定义直接求解.本题考查交集的求法,是基础题,解题时要认真审题,注意交集定义的合理运用.2.【答案】B【解析】解:由于1∈{0,1},{1}⊆{0,1},故选:B.根据集合与元素的关系,逐一判断四个答案,即可得到结论.本题考查的知识点是元素与集合关系的判断,其中正确理解集合元素与集合关系的实质,即元素满足集合中元素的性质,是解答本题的关键.3.【答案】C【解析】解;对于A选项,f(x)的定义域为R,g(x)的定义域为[0,+∞),∴不是同一函数.对于B选项,f(x)的定义域为{x|x≠1},g(x)的定义域为R,∴不是同一函数对于C选项,f(x)的定义域为R,g(x)的定义域为R,且两函数解析式化简后为同一解析式,∴是同一函数对于D选项,f(x)的定义域为[1,+∞),g(x)的定义域为(−∞,−1]∪[1,+∞),∴不是同一函数故选:C.若两个函数是同一个函数,则函数的定义域以及函数的对以关系都得相同,所以只要逐一判断每个选项中定义域和对应关系是否都相同即可.本题主要考查了函数三要素的判断,只有三要素都相同,两函数才为同一函数.【解析】解:y=√x的定义域为[0,+∞);y=lg|x|的定义域为{x|x≠0};y=x3+3的定义域为R;y=1的定义域为{x|x≠0}.x故选:C.逐一求出四个函数的定义域得答案.本题考查函数的定义域及其求法,是基础题.5.【答案】B【解析】解:当x=0时,f(0)=20+0=1>0,<0,当x=−1时,f(−1)=2−1−1=−12由于f(0)⋅f(−1)<0,且f(x)的图象在[−1,0]上连续,根据零点存在性定理,f(x)在(−1,0)上必有零点,故选:B.将选项中区间的两端点值分别代入f(x)中验证,若函数的两个值异号,由零点存在定理即可判断零点必在此区间.本题主要考查了函数的零点及零点存在性定理,关键是将区间的端点值逐个代入函数的解析式中,看函数的两个值是否异号,若异号,则函数在此开区间内至少有一个零点.6.【答案】A【解析】【分析】本题考查的知识点是指数函数的图象与性质,其中根据函数y=7+a x−1(a>0,a≠1)的解析式,结合函数图象平移变换法则,求出平移量是解答本题的关键.根据指数函数的性质,我们易得指数函数y=a x(a>0,a≠1)的图象恒过(0,1)点,再根据函数图象的平移变换法则,求出平移量,进而可以得到函数图象平移后恒过的点P 的坐标.解:由指数函数y=a x(a>0,a≠1)的图象恒过(0,1)点,而要得到函数y=7+a x−1(a>0,a≠1)的图象,可将指数函数y=a x(a>0,a≠1)的图象向右平移1个单位,再向上平移7个单位.则(0,1)点平移后得到(1,8)点.点P的坐标是(1,8).故选A.7.【答案】C【解析】解:根据指数函数和对数函数的性质,知log√20.2<0,0<0.2√2<1,√20.2>1,即0<a<1,b<0,c>1,∴b<a<c.故选:C.根据指数函数,对数函数和幂函数的性质分别判断a,b,c的大小,即可判断.本题主要考查函数数值的大小比较,利用指数函数,对数函数和幂函数的性质是解决本题的关键.8.【答案】D【解析】【分析】利用奇函数的性质即可得出.本题考查了奇函数的性质,考查了推理能力与计算能力,属于中档题.【解答】解:当x<0时,−x>0,∵当x>0时f(x)=x(1−x),∴当x<0时,f(−x)=−x(1+x),∵f(x)是R上的奇函数,∴f(x)=−f(−x)=x(1+x),故选:D.【解析】解:∵f(x)是偶函数,∴f(−32)=f(32),f(−1)=f(1),f(−2)=f(2),又f(x)在(−∞,−1]上是增函数,∴f(−2)<f(−32)<f(−1)即f(2)<f(−32)<f(−1)故选:D.题目中条件:“f(x)为偶函数,”说明:“f(−x)=f(x)”,将不在(−∞,−1]上的数值转化成区间(−∞,−1]上,再结合f(x)在(−∞,−1]上是增函数,即可进行判断.本小题主要考查函数单调性的应用、函数奇偶性的应用、奇偶性与单调性的综合等基础知识,考查运算求解能力、化归与转化思想.属于基础题.10.【答案】A【解析】解:当x<0时f(x)>1且为减函数可排除B,C当x>0时由指数函数的图象可排除D故选:A.可用排除法选择,根据指数函数的图象和性质,当x<0时f(x)>1且为减函数,当x>0时由指数函数的图象可排除D.本题主要考查指数函数的图象和性质的应用,同时,还考查了客观题处理要灵活,可选择特殊法,排除法,验证法等,提高解题效率.11.【答案】B【解析】解:∵函数f(x)是奇函数,在(0,+∞)上单调递减,且f(12)=0,∴f(−12)=0,且在区间(−∞,0)上单调递减,∵当x<0,当−12<x<0时,f(x)<0,此时xf(x)>0当x >0,当0<x <12时,f(x)>0,此时xf(x)>0 综上xf(x)>0的解集为{x|0<x <12或−12<x <0} 故选:B .由已知中f(12)=0,且在(0,+∞)上单调递减,可得f(−12)=0,且在区间(−∞,0)上单调递减,分类讨论后,可得xf(x)>0的解集本题主要考查函数的单调性和奇偶性的综合应用,体现了转化的数学思想,判断出f(−12)=0,且在区间(−∞,0)上单调递减是解题的关键.12.【答案】B【解析】解:因为f(x)=e x ,所以f(x 1+x 2)=e x 1+x 2,f(x 1)f(x 2)=e x 1⋅e x 2=e x 1+x 2, 所以f(x 1+x 2)=f(x 1)f(x 2),故①正确,f(x 1x 2)=e x 1x 2,f(x 1)+f(x 2)+f(x 2)=e x 1+e x 2,则f(x 1x 2)≠f(x 1)+f(x 2),故②错误,因为函数f(x)=e x 在R 上为单调递增函数,所以f(x 1)−f(x 2)x 1−x 2>0,故③正确,故选:B .根据指数函数的解析式逐个求出f(x 1+x 2),f(x 1)f(x 2f(x 2),f(x 1x 2),f(x 1)++f(x 2)的解析式即可判断①②,再根据函数的单调性即可判断③.本题考查了命题的真假判断,涉及到指数函数的单调性等应用,考查了学生的运算转化能力,属于基础题.13.【答案】[−4,3]【解析】解:由函数的图象可得,当x =5时,函数取得最小值为−4,函数的最大值为3,故函数的值域为[−4,3], 故答案为[−4,3].利用函数的图象求函数的最大值和最小值,从而求得函数的值域.本题主要考查函数的图象的特征,利用函数的图象求函数的最大值和最小值,属于基础题.14.【答案】3【解析】解:由分段函数可知,f(−1)=0,∴f(f(−1))=f(0)=2.∴f{f[f(−1)]}=f(2)=2+1=3.故答案为:3.根据分段函数,直接代入进行求值即可.本题主要考查分段函数的应用,注意分段函数的取值范围,比较基础.15.【答案】(1,2)【解析】解:函数y=log(2−a)x在定义域内是减函数,∴0<2−a<1,即1<a<2,所以a的取值范围是(1,2)故答案为(1,2).根据对数函数的图象和性质即可得到答案.本题考查了对数函数的图象和性质,属于基础题.16.【答案】2【解析】解:∵函数f(x)=a x(a>0,a≠1)在[0,1]上的最大值与最小值的和为3,∴a0+a1=3,∴a=2.故答案为:2.利用函数f(x)=a x(a>0,a≠1)在[0,1]上的单调性与f(x)在[0,1]上的最大值与最小值的和为3即可列出关于a的关系式,解之即可.本题考查指数函数单调性的应用,得到a的关系式,是关键,考查分析与计算能力,属于基础题.第11页,共13页17.【答案】解:(1)∵集合A ={x|1≤x ≤4},B ={x|−1<x <3},∴A ∪B ={x|−1<x ≤4}.(2)∵C ={x|a −1≤x ≤a},B ={x|−1<x <3},B ∩C =C ,∴C ⊆B ,∴{a −1>−1a <3,解得0<a <3, ∴a 的取值范围(0,3).【解析】(1)由集合A ={x|1≤x ≤4},B ={x|−1<x <3},能求出A ∪B .(2)由C ={x|a −1≤x ≤a},B ={x|−1<x <3},B ∩C =C ,得C ⊆B ,由此能求出a 的取值范围.本题考查并集的求法,考查实数的取值范围的求法,是基础题,解题时要认真审题,注意并集、子集定义的合理运用.18.【答案】解:(1)(−0.1)0+√23×223+(14)−12=1+213×223+(2−2)−12=1+2+2=5.(2)log 3√27+lg25+lg4=12log 327+lg100 =32+2 =72.【解析】(1)利用分数指数幂和根式的互化及运算法则求解.(2)利用对数的性质及运算法则求解.本题考查指数和对数的化简求值,是基础题,解题时要认真审题,注意对数的运算法则的合理运用.19.【答案】解:函数f(x)=x 2+2ax +2,x ∈[−5,5]的对称轴为x =−a ,-----------(1分)(1)若y =f(x)在[−5,5]上是单调函数,则−a≤−5或−a≥5,即a≤−5或a≥5.-----------(3分)(2)①−a≤−5,即a≥5时,f(x)在[−5,5]上单调递增,f(x)的最小值是f(−5)=27−10a,----(5分)②−a≥5,即a≤−5时,f(x)在[−5,5]上单调递减,f(x)的最小值是f(5)=27+10a-----------(7分)③−5<−a<5,即−5<a<5时,f(x)在[−5,−a]上单调递减,f(x)在(−a,5]上单调递增,f(x)的最小值是f(−a)=−a2+2-----------(10分)【解析】先求出函数f(x)的对称轴,(1)根据函数的单调性求出a的范围即可;(2)通过讨论a的范围,结合函数的单调性求出函数的最小值即可.本题考查了二次函数的性质,考查函数的单调性、最值问题,是一道中档题.20.【答案】解:(1)x增大时,2x增大,∴f(x)增大,∴函数f(x)在定义域R上为增函数,证明如下:设x1,x2∈R,且x1<x2,则:f(x1)−f(x2)=22x2+1−22x1+1=2(2x1−2x2)(2x1+1)(2x2+1);∵x1<x2;2x1<2x2,2x1−2x2<0;又2x1+1>0,2x2+1>0;∴f(x1)<f(x2);∴f(x)在R上是增函数;(2)证明:当a=1时,f(x)=1−22x+1=2x−12x+1;f(−x)=2−x−12−x+1=1−2x1+2x=−f(x);∴a=1时f(x)为奇函数;(3)由(1)知,f(x)在R上为增函数;∵x∈[0,1];∴f(0)≤f(x)≤f(1);即a−1≤f(x)≤a−23;∴a−1≤m≤a−23;第12页,共13页].∴实数m的取值范围为[a−1,a−23【解析】(1)容易判断f(x)在R上为增函数,根据增函数的定义,设任意的x1,x2∈R,且x1<x2,然后作差,通分,证明f(x1)<f(x2)便可得出f(x)在R上为增函数;(2)a=1时,通分得到f(x)=2x−1,可以得出f(−x)=−f(x),从而得出f(x)为奇函数;2x+1(3)根据(1)f(x)在R上单调递增,从而可以求出f(x)在[0,1]上的值域,从而便可得到m 的取值范围.考查指数函数的单调性,增函数的定义,根据增函数的定义判断和证明一个函数为增函数的方法和过程,以及奇函数的定义,根据增函数的定义求函数的值域.第13页,共13页。

命题人: 高一英语学科组使用时间:2023年1月8日淄博实验中学高一年级第一学期期末限时检测2023.1.8英语第I卷(共95分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5个小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。
1.Where will the woman go this afternoon?A.To the hospital.B.To the park.C.To the farm.2.What will the speakers do?A.Buy some tickets.B. See a film.C.Check the phone.3.How often does the man visit his parents?A.Once a week.B.Twice a week.C. Twice a month.4.How does the man feel about his trip to Rome?A.Dangerous.B.Boring.C.Helpful.5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.A party.B.A picture.C.A city.第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.A football match.B. A friend's illness.C. A high school.7.How does Charlie like Tom's performance?A.Disappointing.B.Normal.C.Good.听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9题。

A few years ago, I was given a wallet. It was small, with only a single pocket for cash, cards and coins. A zipper kept everything inside from falling out and a beautiful elephant was woven into its front panel. The wallet came to me all the way from Tanzania, gifted to me by a close friend. I fell in love with it immediately, it was the perfect size and came from a place I hoped to someday visit. I carried it everywhere;it was always precariously (不安全地)hanging out of one pocket or another.But the wallet was not only beautiful; it had a personality:it loved to run away? as I told my parents over and over again, only to receive eye rolls in return. "Fra nces, really? you've lost it again?” they would say every time I misplaced it.I seem to have a habit of losing things—jackets, water bottles, text books, even shoes. And every time I would report another loss, my parents would have a harder time believing it. "I swear,“ I would assure them, “it just ran away from me. " Unfortunately they never believed that, and so often I was left to search and pray for the items to come back to me.One day? I was on my way home from school with a couple of friends. We had taken subway using our transportation cards. Mine was inside my wallet. Once on the other side of the turnstile(旋转栅门),I put the elephant pouch back in my pocket and set off for the rock climbing gym, where we would spend a couple of hours before going home. When I got to the gym, I reached for my wallet only to find it wasn't there. This time I panicked.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

注意事项:1. 答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。
2. 选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。
3. 非选择题的作答:用签字笔直接写在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。
4. 考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。
第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。
1. How does the man find Professor Green's class?A. Easy.B. Boring.C. Useless.2. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Colleagues.B. Husband and wife.C. Salesperson and customer.3. Where does the man usually get the news?A. From TV.B. From the newspaper.C. From the Internet.4. What does Susan like writing best now?A. Poems.B. Drama.C. Short stories.5. What will the woman do to cool down?A. Go outside.B. Open the window.C. Turn on the air conditioner.第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

山东淄博市沂源县第一中学2014-2015学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题1. What are the two speakers talking about?A. Weather.B. Study.C. Hometown.2. How does the man feel about the final exam?A. It is important.B. It is difficult.C. It has only one page.3. What does the man mean?A. He’s confident he’ll get the job.B. His chance of getting the job is slim.C. The interview didn’t go as well as he expected.4. When will the two speakers meet?A. At 545.B. At 800.C. At 715.5. Who is Judy probably?A. The man’s former neighbor.B. The man’s former colleague.C. The man’s former schoolmate.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. What seems to be the woman’s problem?A. Her car broke down.B. She didn’t feel well.C. She lost her wallet.7. Where is the woman going now?A. To her home.B. To a taxi company.C. To the hospital.听第7段材料,回答第8~9题。

2020年山东省淄博市高青县第一中学高三英语模拟试题含解析一、选择题1. Provide your doctor with a detailed medical history _____ he can give you the accurate treatment.A. even ifB. in caseC. so thatD. as though参考答案:C2. ----Which of these resorts do you like best?----______. They are both hot and crowded.A. EitherB. NothingC.Neither D. None参考答案:D3. He is now paying ___ attention to what the article says than to the way the language is used.A.a lot more; that B.much more; on whichC.very more; in Which D.even more; by which参考答案:A略4. 23. an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret it sooner or later.A.Based B.Basing C.Base D.To base参考答案:B略5. If they _______ what I was saying, they'd know what I was talking about.A. took the trouble to listen toB. had trouble listening toC. take the trouble to listen toD. have trouble listening to参考答案:A略6. —Next week I will go to a job interview. Will you give me some suggestions? —Smiling is a great way to make you _______.A. pick outB. turn outC. work outD. stand out参考答案:D7. Mum, I was wondering if you could lend me a few dollars until I on Friday.A. get paidB. got paidC. have paidD. had been paid参考答案:A略8. It kept on raining heavily for a whole week. ,we have big floods all around our town.A.After all B.As a result C.As if D.In case参考答案:B9. One of our rules is that every student ______ wear school uniform while at school.A. mightB. couldC. shallD. will参考答案:C10. Whether an operation should be performed in this case ____ very much on the patient’s general conditionA. reliesB. concentratesC. basesD. settles参考答案:A11. –I’d like some more cheese.–Sorry, there’s ______ left.A. someB. noneC. a littleD. few参考答案:B解析:本题考查的是不定代词的用法。

第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.The prediction from Maya worries residents _______ December 21, 2012 would be the end of the world.A.if B.that C.whether D.which2.— The rent of our flat will see a 20% rise this year?—Y es. That’s ______ I have compromised with the flat owner.A.what B.whereC.how D.when3.________ blood if you can and many lives will be saved.A.Giving B.GivenC.To give D.Give4.The hall of the school can one thousand people.A.sit B.seat C.be sat D.be seated5.—Dad, you should have taken me to the football match this morning.—I had intended to, but I couldn’t spare any time, I _____ a repor t.A.had written B.wroteC.was writing D.would write6.Everybody was touched ______ words after they heard her moving story. A.without B.beyondC.against D.despite7.The children wrote magical stories together, _____ imaginary worlds of romantic and military adventure.A.to spin B.spinningC.having spun D.to have spun8.The Winter Olympics ________ in 2022 will surely bring in many international tourists.A.held B.having held C.holding D.to be held9.The college examination is ________________ easier this year than I have expected. A.fairly B.quiteC.rather D.very10.I wouldn’t have missed the train if I ______ up earlier.A.got B.had got C.will get D.have got11.Don’t leave the water ______while you brush your teeth.A.racing B.rushingC.running D.rolling12.Is it he or you ________ in charge of the job and supposed to complete it punctually? A.who is B.that isC.who are D.whom are13.You can use this room for your club activities tomorrow ______ you keep it tidy and clean.A.for fear that B.in caseC.on condition that D.even if14.Never before ________ the famous museum was just a stone's thro away from their school, so out ________.A.had they known; went all they B.they had known; went all theyC.had they known; they all went D.they had known; they all went15.It was a difficult job for him. He had tried everything but it made little ________. A.use B.goodC.difference D.result16.__________ 62% of all luxury consumer sales in Europe in 2015, shoppers from the Chinese mainland spent $7.2 billion overseas during the Spring Festival. A.Accounting for B.Adding toC.Consisting of D.Making up17.---What do you do, Susan?---I am a clerk in a foreign company now. But I __________English in a high school for 8 years.A.teach B.had taughtC.have taught D.taught18.My uncle finally bought his dream house ______ overlooks a beautiful park. A.which B.where C.who D.what19.In terms of Mrs. Meng’s being arrested without solid evidence, the western media has _____ public attention away from where it should be, that is, the rule of law. A.transformed B.shiftedC.attracted D.changed20.I prefer a school ______teachers have to work as a team, instead of fighting againsteach other.A.where B.that C.as D.when第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

1. What time is it now probably?A. 8:30.B. 8:20.C. 8:00.2. Which of the following wasn't lost?A. Her purse.B. Her phone.C. Her keys.3. What does the woman want to do tonight?A. Watch a movie.B. Go to a concert.C. Go to bed early.4. Which fruit are the speakers talking about?A. Grapes.B. Apples.C. Bananas.5. What does the woman plan to do?A. Work on her composition.B. Surf on the Internet.C. Chat with neighbors.第二节(共15小题;每小题分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. Where did the man just come back from?A. Italy.B.Brazil.C. South Africa.7. Why did the man go to China last year?A. To do volunteer work.B. To see his children.C. To do some sightseeing.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。

2021-2022学年山东省淄博市后刘中学高一英语联考试卷含解析一、选择题When he came to himself, he found himself to a tree.A. tiedB. being tiedC. having tiedD. to tie参考答案:Aa piece of ice outside in such hot weather, and you'll soon find it melt.A. To putB. PutC. PuttingD. Having put参考答案:B—Hello, may I speak to Mr. Black, please?—Sorry. He is out. Could I a message?A. giveB. takeC. writeD. leave参考答案:B——Must I do it again? . —No, you.A. mustn'tB. couldn'tC. shouldn'tD.needn't参考答案:D略1.My cousin Jim didn't himself at the party and thus left a very bad impression on the guests.A. behaveB. observeC. supportD. respect参考答案:A【分析】考查固定搭配。
【详解】behave表现,守规矩;observe观察,庆祝,遵守;support支持;respect尊敬;behave oneself为固定搭配,意为"使举止规矩,守规矩〃,所以本句中选A项。
2.She down beside me and soon got into sleep.A. liedB. laidC. layD. lain参考答案:c[考查动词。

山东省淄博市周村第一中学2021-2022学年高一英语模拟试题含解析一、选择题1. —Why do you eat all ________vegetables but leave the meat untouched?—I’m on________ diet.A. a; theB. the; /C. /; aD. the; a参考答案:D2. The boys were caught________in class and as a punishment,they were made to clean the library.A.whisper B.to whisperC.whispered D.whispering参考答案:Dwhisper与其逻辑主语the boys之间是主动关系,且与caught所表示的动作同时发生,故用其动词-ing形式作宾语补足语。
3. There is no doubt ________ he will succeed.A.whether B.whichC.that D.if参考答案:C[考查连词。
no doubt后面跟that从句,表示否定含义。
]4. The woman, ____ eyes were filled with tears, expressed her thanks to the soldier who saved her son.A. whomB. whoseC. of whomD. for whose参考答案:B5. This kind of fruit ___________ large amounts of vitamin, vitamin C.A. includes; includingB. takes; containingC. holds; includedD. contains; including 参考答案:D6. He has devoted most of his time and energy _______ a cure for the disease.A. findB. findingC. to findD. to finding参考答案:D7. _______ our food running out , we had to walk to a village for help .A.Since B. Because C. With D. For参考答案:C略8. – Excuse me, sir. Would you do me a favor?-- Of course. What is it?-- I _____ if you could tell e how to fill out this form.A. had wonderedB. was wonderingC. would wonderD. did wonder参考答案:B9. Sales director is a position _______ communication ability is just as important as sales skills.A. whichB. thatC. whereD. when参考答案:C10. Some film stars often ____ the media for encouraging the paparazzi to follow them.A. blame B demand C. defend D. pretend参考答案:A11. She must have read the novel last week, ______?A.didn’t she?B.must she ? C.needn’t she?D.hasn’t she?参考答案:A12. The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather ________ the helplessness of the people at sea.A. packed upB. added upC. added toD. made up参考答案:C13. This is the small house less than 15 square meters, under _______ roof lives a large family of three generations.A. whichB. whoseC. asD. that参考答案:B【详解】考查定语从句。
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山东省淄博第一中学2018届高三上学期期中考试英语试题注意事项:1. 本试题分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。
2. 第Ⅰ卷共9页,60小题,每题只有一个正确答案,请将选出的答案标号涂在答题卡上。
1. How will the woman go to Vienna?A. By car.B. By train.C. By plane.2. Where does the conversation take place?A. In a shop.B. In a hotel.C. In a laundry.3. Where will the woman go first?A. To a cinema.B. To a restaurant.C. To a bank.4. What are the two speakers doing?A. Watching TV.B. Listening to the radio.C. Playing a game live.5. What did the boy use to wear to school?A. A hat.B. A tie.C. A jacket.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. Where are the speakers?A. In a theatre.B. In a restaurant.C. To a plane.7. What does the woman advise the man to do?A. Drink some water.B. Put on warm clothes.C. Listen to the weather report. 听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。
8. What will the woman drink?A. Tea.B. Chocolate.C. Coffee.9. What does the woman think of milk chocolate?A. Too sweet.B. Too bitterC. Delicious.听下面一段对话,回答第l0至第12三个小题。
10. How long is the man’s flight ?A. Three hours.B. Four hours.C. Five hours.11. What kind of ticket does the man buy?A. First class.B. Business class.C. Economy class.12. How will the man pay for the tickets?A. In cash.B. By cheque.C. By credit card.听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。
13. Why didn’t the woman go climbing?A. She was worn out.B. She lost touch with others.C. She loved the scene at the bottom.14. What was the woman doing when she saw a dolphin?A. Diving.B. Sailing.C. Windsurfing.15. What made the woman give up doing bungee jumping?A. Her health.B. Her fear.C. Her tiredness.16. What made the woman feel most excited?A. Visiting the caves.B. Exploring the rain forest.C. Playing with the dolphin.听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。
17. Where will Carole Berg give a talk?A. In the Yellow Room.B. In the Green Room.C. In the School Centre.18. What do we know about the members of the Student Union?A. They will meet in Room 72.B. They can see the movies for free.C. They can go to the election on Thursday.19. How much does a show ticket cost?A. $3.B. $5.C. $7.20. What should one do to hear the recording once more?A. Press“one”.B. Press the pound key.C. Dial the hotline again.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
ALet‘s Go Fly a Kite…—at Piedmont Middle School‗s celebration of kites!Come and learn how to build all sorts of kites,from the simplest diamond-shaped kites to the most complex box kites. Stay as long as you like and build as many kites as you want. Once you have finished a kite,get advice on flying techniques from kite expert Lorena Hallsberg. The celebration will be at Piedmont Middle School,151 Piedmont School Drive.The Piedmont Middle School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) has organized a refreshment (茶点) tent. All profits will benefit future PTO activities. Take a break from kite flying and drink some lemonade! While you are doing so,why not join the PTO?Membership is free; you just donate your time. Show your support for Piedmont Middle School by joining the PTO this Saturday!When: Saturday,April 11,from 9:00 am to 5:00 pmWhere: Piedmont Middle SchoolWhy: For fun!Cost: Free,thanks to a generous gift from Bizarco Kite Company!Schedule9:00 am — Kite-building booths open. All materials are supplied for kites.10:00 am — Kite-building shows by Lorena Hallsberg in the courtyard. Come by and learn how to build box kites and kites that look and fly like butterflies.11:00 am — Kite-flying shows on the school track. Learn all the most important skills.12:00 pm — Kite-flying competitions on the school track.1:00 pm —Presentation by Dr. Brian Lehrman in the show tent: ―The History of Kites‖.2:00 pm — Best Kite competitions and judging in the show tent. Come see the most artistic kites and the most interesting theme kites.3:00 pm —Presentation by Dr. Lehrman in the show tent: ―Kites and Science‖.3:30 pm — Awards ceremony conducted by Headmaster Seward on the football field. The results of the day‘s judging will be announced,with awards such as Best of Show,Most Artistic,Highest Flyer,and others. Winners will receive gifts from the Bizarco Kite Company!4:00–5:00 pm —Let‘s all go fly a kite! Everyone flies kites at the same time,creating a wonderful sight for all to enjoy.Come to the kite celebration,enjoy yourself and learn more.21. Which times are most important for people who want to join in kite competitions?A. 10:00 am and 11:00 am.B. 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm.C. 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm.D. 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm.22. From the passage,we know that the kite celebration _______.A. is complex and educationalB. gets money from membersC. is strict about the shapes of kitesD. presents awards to the highest flyer23. Who will be interested in the activity?A. students and parentsB. kite expertsC. office workersD. kite companiesBIn 1938 Portugal held a national competition to identify the country‘s most ―Portuguese‖ Village. Sticking to a rocking promontory(海角) far above the Beira Baixa plains, Monsanto is easyily the most impressive. So it came out on top.Cottage, a lot of which are made of very large round rocks, seem to grow out of the mountain itself. Above them rises a stone fortress(城堡), parts of which predate even the arrival of the moors. And views across the plains are, simply put, astonishing.Since being honored as the most Portuguese village, Monsanto has reminded largely separated from modernization. These days, goats and chickens seem to outnumber humans in the village. Most young people leave for large cities and the growing investment in the area‘sheritage(遗产) has not encouraged more attractions for the younger generation. Tourists walking along the village‘s tiny streets can see elde rly women walking and chatting in doorways.Several houses near the village entrance are surprisingly grand. Halfway to the castle you‘ll come across the gruta, a cozy cave apparently once used as a pub—and still used as such. This stone fortress seems alm ost to have grown out of the hillside that supports. It‘s a wonderfully beautiful site, populated wildflowers.After Dom Sancho I drove out the Moors in the 12th century, the fortress was strengthened. Dom Dinis improved it, but after centuries of attacks from across the border it finally felt into ruin. Just below the entrance is a public square. To the right is a ruined Renaissance church and bell tower.On 3 May Monsanto comes alive in the Festa das Cruzes, remembering a siege(围困) in the Middle Ages. The story goes that the starving villagers threw their last lonely cow over the walls, making their enemies believe they had plenty of food, so they immediately abandoned the siege. These days, young girls throw baskets of flowers instead, after which there‘s dancing and singing beside the castle wall.24. what is Monsanto like today?A. It has a lot of farms.B. Its youth love farming.C. Its population is falling.D. It has become modern.25. Why did the enemies end the siege?A. They felt hungry.B. They were tricked.C. They were attacked.D. They feared the cow.26. What do we know about the fortress?A. It has long been used as a pub.B. It was first constructed by Dom Dinis.C. There is celebration every May beside it.D. You have to go through it to enter the village.27. What is the author‘s purpose in writing the text?A. To discuss rural life in Portugal.B. To report a national competition.C. To explain the history of the Portugal.D. To introduce a unique ancient village.CAs any plane passenger will confirm, a crying baby is almost impossible to ignore, no matter how hard you try. Now scientists believe they may have worked out why. A baby‘s cry pulls at the heartstrings(扣人心弦) in a way while other cries don‘t, researchers found.Researchers found that a baby‘s cry can trigger unique emotional responses in the brain, making it impossible for us to ignore them—whether we are parents or not. Other types of cries, including calls of animals in great pain, fail to get the same response—suggesting the brain is programmed to respond specifically to a baby‘ cry.A team of Oxford University scientists scanned the brains of 28 men and women as they listened to a variety of calls and cries. After 100 milliseconds-roughly the time to blink(眨眼)—two parts of the brain that respond to emotion lit up. Their response to a baby‘s cry was particularly strong. The response was seen in both men and women—even if they had no children.Researcher Dr Christine Parsons said, “You might read that men should just notice a baby and step over it and not see it, but it‘s not true. There is a special processing in men and women, which makes sense from an evolutionary(演变的) view that both men and women would be responding to these cries.”The study was in people who were not parents, yet they are all responding at 100ms to these particular cries, so this might be a fundamental response present in all of us regardless of parental status.Fellow researcher Katie Young said it may take a bit longer for someone to recognize their own child‘s cries because they need to do more “fine-grained analysis”. The team had previously found that our reactions speed up when we hear a baby crying. Adults performed better on computer games when they heard the sound of a baby crying than after they heard recordings of adults crying.28. A baby‘s cry is difficult to ignore because it _____.A. keeps on cryingB. cries harder than adultsC. causes people great painD. makes people feel strong emotions29.The underlined word“trigger”in Paragraph 2 probably means“_____”.A. removeB. avoidC. causeD. cure30. What may Christine Parsons agree to?A. Almost everyone makes certain response to a baby’s cries.B. A crying baby makes no sense to people without children.C. Men pay less attention to a crying baby than women.D. Parents can hardly recognize their own babies‘ cry.31. What‘s the main idea of the text?A. Why you can‘t get a baby‘s cry out of your headB. How to recognize different babies‘ cries.C. Why a baby is easy and likely to cry.D. How to prevent a baby crying.DThe note taped to the host stand at The Prime Rib says it all.―We fought the battle the longest, but we give in!‖ it reads. ―It‘s now a completely informal world; they wear whatever they wish. They want a warm, easy, friendly atmosphere, even in ―fine dining‖. So we decide to go with the flow.Yes, after almost half a century, The Prime Rib has switched to business casual.It is among most of today‘s finest dining establishments—including Charleston, the Black Olive, and the Capital Grille—that have decide to lighten up. They have given up caring too much about what their guests are dressed in as before, adopting a come-as-you-are attitude. At these restaurants, you‘re likely to see casual clothes such as khakis (trousers made of khaki cloth) and Hawaiian shirts.―We‘re a business first,‖ says David De rewicz, general manager of the impressive dining establishment. ―And we were losing business with our jacket requirements‖. He kept a list of over 20 people who told him, ―If you drop the jacket policy, we‘ll come back.‖Once the dress code shift was seriously being considered, Derewicz made dozens of phone calls to long-time guests. Most said they don‘t mind the change as long as the restaurant itself—with its white table clothes, dark leather chairs, grand piano, and tuxedoed waitstaff—stayed the same.―Since the change was introduced last summer, we‘ve not lost a guest,‖ says Derewicz.On a secret night at the Prime Rib, the scene was pretty much the same as it‘s ever been—lots of men in jackets and ties, some in shirts and slacks, but now occasional khakis and polo shirts thrown in.It turns out that people are pretty capable of policing themselves, even without a formal dress code.While some traditionalists may argue that the Prime Rib‘s reputation has been damaged a bit, Derewicz feels that the restaurant has moved ahead and finally strengthened their band.32. The Prime Rib‘s note mainly tells people _________.A. its long historyB. a better reputationC. its change in dress code C. its battle with other restaurant33. The underlined words ―lighten up‖ in Paragraph 4 probably means ________.A. follow a long traditionB. take a matter less seriouslyC. make something continue as beforeD. help each other to achieve something34. According to Derewicz, following the formal code means ________.A. further developmentB. a better reputationC. low efficiencyD. failing profits35. What do we know about the Prime Rib now?A. It is praised by some traditionalists.B. The police come to protect its guess.C. Most of its guests still wear formal clothes.D. Most people go there in khakis and polo shirts.第二节(共5小题; 每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。