To take notice of safe: The slippery are very crafty. = Be careful, slipp ery slopes. (小心路滑。
)To put out Xuanda Expressway(北京四环路). To put in Jingzhang Expres sway.(京张高速公路)= Now leaving Xuanda Expressway, now entering Jing zhang Expressway.Decimbing path. = Descent. (下坡路。
)Rain or snow day. Bridge, slow-driving.(河北省所有高速公路)= Slow o n bridge in case of rain or snow.Oil gate. / Into. = Filling station.(加油站。
)/ Entrance.(进口。
)Smoking is prohibited if you will be fined 50 yuan.(字面意义:如果你被罚50元的话吸烟不被允许。
)= Smoking is prohibited, penalties for violators is 50 yuan.(不可吸烟,违反者将被罚款50元。
)Please come down from your bicycle. = Please dismount from your bicy cle.If you have trouble ask for the policeman. 或If in trouble find police = In case of trouble, dial the police.Being urgent call 110 quickly. (北京) = In cases of emergency, please c all 110. (110 = 中国大陆报案电话,等同香港的999)Complaining tel.(字面意义:抱怨电话)= Customer service telephone(客户服务电话).When you leave car, please turn off door and window, take your valuab le object = Be sure to lock your doors and windows and take all valuables with you.Engine room is serious place.(字面意义:机房是严肃的地方)= Engine r oom: No unauthorised access. (机房重地;重地的意思其实就是闲人免进,只是中文通常都省略了。
误:The price is very suitable for me.正:The price is right.提示:suitable(合适的、相配的)最常见的用法是以否定的形式出现在告示或通知上,如:下列节目儿童不宜。
The following programme is not suitable for children.这句话用后面的说法会更合适。
2、你是做什么工作的呢?误:What's your job?正:Are you working at the moment?提示:what's yourjob这种说法难道也有毛病吗?是的。
因为如果您的谈话对象刚刚失业,如此直接的问法会让对方有失面子,所以您要问:目前您是在上班吗?Areyou working at the moment?接下来您才问:目前您在哪儿工作呢?Where are you working these days?或者您从事哪个行业呢?What line of work are you in?3. 用英语怎么说?误:How to say?正:How do you say this in English?提示:How to say是在中国最为泛滥成灾的中国式英语之一,这绝不是地道的英语说法。
同样的句子有:请问这个词如何拼写?How do you spell that please?请问这个单词怎么读?How do you pronounce this word?4. 我的舞也跳得不好。
误:I don't dance well too.正:I am not a very good dancer either.提示:当我们说不擅长做什么事情的时候,英语里面通常用not good at something,英语的思维甚至直接踊跃到:我不是一个好的舞者。
5. 现在几点钟了?误:What time is it now?正:What time is it,please?提示:What time is it now是一个直接从汉语翻译过的句子,讲英语的时候没有必要说now,因为您不可能问what time was it yesterday,或者what time is it tommorow?所以符合英语习惯的说法是:请问现在几点了?还有一种说法是:How are we doing for time?6. 我的英语很糟糕。
Chinglish:This cake is so delicious, please eat a little.Revision: The cake is so delicious. Please try some.2、这样不行,你再看看。
Chinglish: It won't do. Please see it again.Revision: It won't do. Please try again.3、我做过一两次,都失败了。
Chinglish: I did one or two times, but I failed.Revision: I tried a couple of times, but I failed.4、请您放心,我一定有多少力,出多少力。
Chinglish: Please put down your heart. I'll give all my strength out.Revsion: Don't worry, I'll try my best.5、这件裙子真漂亮,你穿上看看?This skirt looks so beautiful. Would you please try it?————————————凡是带有“尝试”、做事没底但是还是做了等,可以选用try一词,简单又实用。
当然,try 还有审判的意思。
So, Please try this word more often.在中对try的原形进行搜索,“约有158,000,000项符合try的查询结果”,也就是近1.6亿个结果。
∙To take notice of safe: The slippery are very crafty. = Be careful, slippery floor.(小心路滑。
)[1]∙To put out Xuanda Expressway(北京四环路). To put in Jingzhang Expressway.(京张高速公路)= You are now leaving Xuanda Expressway. You are now entering Jingzhang Expressway.∙Decimbing path. = Descent.(下坡路。
)∙Rain or snow day. Bridge, slow-driving.(下雨或雪天。
河北省所有高速公路)= Slow down on bridge in case of rain or snow.(在雨天或雪天时过桥请减速行驶。
)∙Oil gate. / Into. = Filling station 或 Petrol Station 或 Gas Station.(加油站。
)/ Entrance.(进口。
)∙Smoking is prohibited if you will be fined 50 yuan.(字面意义:如果你被罚50元的话吸烟不被允许。
)= Smoking is prohibited; offenders will be fined 50 yuan.(不可吸烟,违反者将被罚款50元。
)∙Please come down from your bicycle.= Please dismount from your bicycle.(请从您的自行车上下来。
)∙If you have trouble ask for the policeman.或If in trouble find police = In case of emergency call the police.(遇到紧急情况时请报警。
[搞笑] 中式英语大全[size=2]1. 爱他妈的谁谁谁:love he mother’s who who who2. 白痴:White eat!3. 板门弄斧:play an ax before Luban4. 班长:class long5. 彼此彼此:you me you me6. 表妹:watch sister7. 别唬我:don’t tiger me8. 不管三七二十一:no care three seven two ten one9. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子:Blue who say,and whose10. 不三不四:no three no four11. 不要开黄腔:do not open yellow gun12. 车祸现场描述:one car come,one car go ,two car peng-peng, people die13. 呈现强烈的企图心:Demonstrate the strong attempt heart14. 吃白食:eat white food15. 春江水暖鸭先知:spring river water warm duck first know16. 大人不计小人过:Big people do not think of small people’s mistake17. 第一眼看到你,我就爱上你了:first eye see you, i shit love you18. 电源线:power line19. 放马过来,给你点颜色看看:release your horse and come, I’ll give you some color to see see20. 蜂拥而至:go out like bee21. 给你点颜色看看:I’ll show you some color22. 给你脸你不要脸,你丢脸,我翻脸:I give you face you don’t wanna face,you lose you face ,I turn my face23. 恭喜发财:go high try24. 狗娘养的:dog mother born25. 关公面前耍大刀:play a big knife before Guangong26. 好多人死了,你怎么不去死!:How many pople go to die, why do not you go to die27. 好好学习、天天向上:good good study, day day up28. 好久不见:long time no see (这个用法已经被当地的美国口语,尤其是被文化程度不高的群体所接受)29. 红颜知己:red face know me30. 加油:add oil31. 救人一命,胜造七级浮屠:save man one life, betther than building up 7-floor tower32. 开水:open water33. 看不看:see no see?34. 抗日游行:resist sun swim go35. 课间操:lesson between36. 老表:old watch37. 龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞:dragon born dragon, chicken born chicken, mouse’s son can make hole38. 马马虎虎:horse horse tiger tiger39. 没脸见人:have no face see person40. 美中不足:American Chinese not enough41. 面试:face try42. 明天谁起得早谁叫谁:tomorrow morning who get up early, who call who!43. 哪凉快哪呆着去where cool where you stay!44. 你爱我吗:you love I?45. 你不鸟我,我也不鸟你:you don’t bird me, so I don’t bird you46. 你给我等着:you give me wait47. 你给我滚出去:you gave me get out48. 你给我记住:you give me remember49. 你给我站住:you give me stop50. 你没看,我现在非常忙,一边玩去:You no see, I now very busy. One side play go51. 你妻子真漂亮/哪里哪里:your wife is beautiful/where where52. 你去不去?你不去我去!:You go no go? You no go I go!53. 你认为你是谁?:What do you think ,who are you ?54. 你他妈的:you he mother’s55. 你问我,我去问谁:you ask me, me ask who56. 你丫要敢唬我,我他妈扇你!:IF you tiger me,I will mountain you!57. 你有两下子:you have two down son58. 你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上:you have seed,I will give you some color to see see, brothers !together up !59. 你真有两下子:you really have tow down son60. 骑驴看唱本,走着瞧:riding a donkey reading play , go and see61. 七上八下:seven up eight down62. 亲爱的王小姐:dear wang little girl63. 請別碰行李:Please no touch the move the lee64. 青翠欲滴:It`s so green as will dropped65. 去你妈:go you mother66. 让世界充满爱:let's make love all over the world67. 人山人海:people mountain people sea68. 人之初,性本善:people first born, sex is kind69. 三人行,必有我师:three people go, one is my teacher70. 三心二意:three heart two meaning71. 色狼:colour wolf72. 生日快乐:birthday happy73. 上网:up net74. 上学:up school75. 胜败乃家常便饭:win lost milk house long poopoo rice76. 是不是:yes no yes77. 十全十美:ten all ten nice78. 十三点:ten three point79. 试试看:try try see80. 耍帅:play handsome81. 死猪不怕开水烫!:die pig not pa hot water tang!82. 谈朋友:talk friend83. 体壮如牛:body strong as a cow84. 万紫千红:ten thousand purple one thousand red (我在中国的某一个挂历中看到)85. 王八:king eight86. 王八蛋:wang eight eggs87. 望穿秋水:look through autumn water88. 王老五:wang old five89. 唯小人与女人难养也:only small people and women hard to feed90. 我的天呀!:my sky !91. 我服了你!:I follow you!92. 我感到很难过:I feel difficult to pass93. 我叫李老大,今年25:I call Li old big. toyear 2594. 我容易么我?:am I easy I?95. 我是大儿子:I am a big son96. 我是独一无二:I am olny one no two97. 我是流氓我怕谁:I’m a scamp, I’m afraid of whom98. 我是中国人:I am in China99. 我要给你点颜色看看:I will give you some color to see see (好像也被黑人群体最近所采用)100. 五讲、四美、三热爱:five talk, four beauty, three lover101. 无钱无得:No money, no talk102. 笑里藏刀:A knife in the smile103. 心花怒放:heart flower angry open104. 眼看手勿动:look, see OK, no touch105. 要钱不给,要命有一条:want money no, want life one106. 要钱还是要命:money or life?107. 一分耕耘一分收穫:EVEN GAME WIN , EVEN SO WHOLE108. 一见钟情:One look clock love109. 意思意思:meaning meaning110. 一言既出,驷马难追:one word is out, four horses cannot chase111. 一元复苏,万象更新:one dollar restart, ten thousand elephant update 112. 远水解不了近渴:Far water car not save near thirsty113. 咱们兄弟谁跟谁啊:we brothers, who and who ah114. 怎么老是你:how old are you?115. 怎么是你:how are you?116. 朝三暮四:morning three night four (感谢台湾卡通,好像这个用法在孩子们中开始流行)117. 这样也行?:this too good?118. 知之为知之,不知为不知:know is know,no know is no know119. 中国人民万岁:China people ten thousand year120. 猪狗不如:PIG DOG BLUE121. 猪肉面条:pig noodle122. 猪头三,去死吧:pig 3 head,go dead!123. 走过路过,不要错过:go past no mistake past124. 走着瞧:go and look!125. 钻石王老五:diamond wang old five126. 作早操:do early [/size]Keep on going Never give upWhere there is a will , there is a way .Be yourself ,and be the person you help to be . (做你自己想要做的那种人)The most perfect human being is the one who most thoroughly addresses himself to the activity of his best powers !God helps those who help themselves!Where there is life, there is hope!“Yest erday is history;tomorrow is mystery;today is a gift.That's why it's called the present.”。
中式英文:Tom always pulls our leg.地道版本:Tom is always a drag on the team.在不熟知正确表达的情况下,大多数学生在对于中文的成语或特色表达的第一反应便是直译为英文,认为只要英文的语法与基本词汇不出差错,含义亦可准确传达。
例如,此处的pull one's leg,说话人本意想表达Tom是团队的累赘,降低了大家的效率。
那么,此处正确的表达可以是be a dragon。
drag在此处的英文释义是:someone or something that makes someone or something else develop or process more slowly.符合我们所谓的“拖后腿”的表意。
中式英文:He feels like walking on ice while teaching.地道版本:He feels like walking on eggs / eggs hells while teaching.鸡蛋是极易破裂的,所以买菜的时候我们通常将它们置于单独的袋中。
这里的walk oneggs/eggshells的表达就是根据此特点而产生,对等了中文中“如履薄冰”这个成语的含义。
3.三思而后行中式英文:Think three times before you act.地道版本:Think twice.每当提到Think twice, Thomas总不经想起Michael Jackson大名鼎鼎的单曲Billie Jean中的那句歌词:So take my strong advice, just remember to always think twice (do think twice ). 意在告诫纠缠不休的女孩儿们,三思而后行!中文中以“三”言其多,如“三省吾身”,“孟母三迁”等等。
中式英文1. “我的英语不好”中式英语:My English is poor.在外国人的眼中,用poor来形容自己的水平,是一种极度自卑的体现,而如果你想表达你的英语并不是太好,正在练习阶段,完全不用如此的“不自信”正确表达I am not good at English.orMy English is not very good, but I'm working on it.Comment:“My English is poor”is fine English. In Google search “My English is poor”has 118,000 hits, which shows it is a common phrase. Alternatively you can say: “My English (is horrible/is terrible/is atrocious/is awful/is really bad/is not up to par/sucks).”2. 如果想夸别人英语很好可以这么说You speak English pretty well.你英文说得好棒啊You speak English fluently.你英文说的真流利Your pronunciation is excellent!你的发音真棒!Comment:Normally people would say "You speak good English" instead of "You speak English pretty well."and "You speak fluent English" instead of "You speak English fluently."All those expressions are acceptable but the shorter ones are more popular because of their brevity.“Your pronunciation is excellent!”is fine.3. 土豆泥中式英语:potato sauce地道表达:mashed potatomashed 捣碎的;捣烂的顾名思义,捣烂的土豆,就是土豆泥啦Comment:"Mashed potato" in singular form is British English.Americans and Canadians say "mashed potatoes" (in plural form).4. “我认为我不行”中式英语:I think I can't.地道表达:I don't think I can.把从句的否定形式转移到主句谓语动词上,这是think的一个惯用法。
1. 元宵节:Lantern Festival2. 刺绣:embroidery3. 重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival4. 清明节:Tomb sweeping day5. 剪纸:Paper Cutting6. 书法:Calligraphy7. 对联:(Spring Festival) Couplets8. 象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters9. 人才流动:Brain Drain/Brain Flow10. 四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle11. 战国:Warring States12. 风水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen13. 铁饭碗:Iron Bowl14. 函授部:The Correspondence Department15. 集体舞:Group Dance16. 黄土高原:Loess Plateau17. 红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals18. 中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day19. 结婚证:Marriage Certificate20. 儒家文化:Confucian Culture21. 附属学校:Affiliated school22. 古装片:Costume Drama23. 武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie24. 元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling (Soup)25. 一国两制:One Country, Two Systems26. 火锅:Hot Pot27. 四人帮:Gang of Four28. 《诗经》:The Book of Songs29. 素质教育:Essential-qualities-oriented Education30. 《史记》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian31. 大跃进:Great Leap Forward (Movement)32. 《西游记》:The Journey to the West33. 除夕:Chinese New Yea r’s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival34. 针灸:Acupuncture35. 唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/The Tang Tri-colored pottery36. 中国特色的社会主义:Chinese-charactered Socialist/Socialist with Chinese characteristics37. 偏旁:radical38. 孟子:Mencius39. 亭/阁:Pavilion/ Attic40. 大中型国有企业:Large and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises41. 火药:gunpowder42. 农历:Lunar Calendar43. 印/玺:Seal/Stamp44. 物质精神文明建设:The Construction of Material Civilization and Spiritual Civilization45. 京剧:Beijing Opera/Peking Opera46. 秦腔:Crying of Qin People/Qin Opera47. 太极拳:Tai Chi48. 独生子女证:The Certificate of One-child49. 天坛:Altar of Heaven in Beijing50. 小吃摊:Snack Bar/Snack Stand51. 红双喜:Double Happiness52. 政治辅导员:Political Counselor/School Counselor53. 春卷:Spring Roll(s)54. 莲藕:Lotus Root55. 追星族:Star Struck56. 故宫博物院:The Palace Museum57. 相声:Cross-talk/Comic Dialogue58. 下岗:Lay off/Laid off59. 北京烤鸭:Beijing Roast Duck60. 高等自学考试:Self-taught Examination of Higher Education61. 烟花爆竹:fireworks and firecracker62. 敦煌莫高窟:Mogao Caves63. 电视小品:TV Sketch/TV Skit64. 香港澳门同胞:Compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao65. 文化大革命:Cultural Revolution66. 长江中下游地区:The Mid-low Reaches of Yangtze River67. 门当户对:Perfect Match/Exact Match68. 《水浒》:Water Margin/Outlaws of the Marsh69. 中外合资企业:Joint Ventures70. 文房四宝(笔墨纸砚):"The Four Treasure of the Study" "Brush, Inkstick, Paper, and Inkstone"另附英语学习碰到的生词trigger by被引发militant Islamic groups 好战组织recruit 招募radical 激进的single-parent homes单亲家庭aliented 疏远的racial and religious prejudice 种族和宗教歧视General Assambly 联大resolution 决议Geneva 日内瓦unveil ...proposal 提出建议win lukewarm support 获得一定支持bring the draft to a vote 对这一草案进行投票表决tornado 龙卷风,旋风debris 残骸,碎片be wrought by 有...引起obliterate 消灭,冲刷,忘掉refuge 避难refugee 避难者stranded 处于困境的strand 搁置,耽搁permanent residency 永久居留National Guard 国民警卫队revitalize 复兴,带动financial resources 经济资源issue treasure bonds 发行国债bank accounts 银行账户confession 认罪书,告解,坦白confess v. attonary 律师(代理当事人出庭者,代理人)。
中式常见英语问答以下是一些中式英语问答的常见例子:问候与寒暄:1.你好吗?- "How are you?"2.我很好,谢谢。
- "I'm fine, thank you."3.你最近怎么样?- "What's been up with you recently?"感谢与道歉:1.谢谢。
- "Thank you."2.非常感谢。
- "Thanks a lot."3.对不起。
- "I'm sorry."4.不好意思。
- "Excuse me."餐饮与喜好:1.你喜欢吃什么?- "What kind of food do you like?"2.我喜欢吃中餐。
- "I like Chinese food."3.你喜欢喝茶还是咖啡?- "Do you prefer tea or coffee?"旅行与计划:1.你去过哪些地方旅行?- "Where have you traveled to?"2.我曾经去过北京。
- "I have been to Beijing."3.你有什么旅行计划吗?- "Do you have any travel plans?"文化与传统:1.你对中国的春节有什么了解?- "What do you know about the Chinese New Year?"2.中秋节为什么要吃月饼?- "Why do people eat mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival?"3.你喜欢中国的传统文化吗?- "Do you like Chinese traditional culture?"这些只是一些常见的中式英语问答示例,实际上在日常生活中,人们可能会使用更多的表达方式和交流话题。
一种是Chinese English,一种是China English。
其中Chinese English就是Chinglish,是用中式的语法和英式的词汇组合成的,属于语言不规范使用。
而China English指的则是中国特有的东西,是允许存在的。
1. How are you ? How old are you? 怎么是你,怎么老是你?2. You have seed. I will give you some color to see see. Brothers!Together up!你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上!3. Dragon born dragon, chicken born chicken, mouse"s son can make hole!龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞!4. Go past, no mistake past. 走过路过,不要错过5. Four Glad Meatballs 直译:四个开心的肉球被用为:四喜丸子6. Wash after relief 用过请冲水解释:中国的厕所光冲(flush)不行,居然还要“洗”7. You ask me,me ask who?你问我,我问谁8. Heart flower angry open. 心花怒放9. One car come,one car go,two car pengpeng,one car died! 关于一场车祸的描述10. Horse horse tiger tiger. 马马虎虎11. Good good study, day day up. 好好学习,天天向上12. No three no four. 不三不四13. Know is know, noknow is noknow. 知之为知之,不知为不知If you want money,I have no;if you want life,I have one! 要钱没有,要命一条14. watch sister 表妹15. fire big 火大Chinglish错误范例:1.Good good study, day day up.建议翻译:Study hard and make progress every day.注:make progeress 取得进步2、你走后门了吧?Chinglish错误范例:Did you walk through the back door?建议翻译:Did you pull some strings?注:pull some strings 表示“找关系,走后门”3、给他点颜色看看。
[size=2]1. 爱他妈的谁谁谁:love he mother’s who who who2. 白痴:White eat!3. 板门弄斧:play an ax before Luban4. 班长:class long5. 彼此彼此:you me you me6. 表妹:watch sister7. 别唬我:don’t tiger me8. 不管三七二十一:no care three seven two ten one9. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子:Blue who say,and whose10. 不三不四: no three no four11. 不要开黄腔:do not open yellow gun12. 车祸现场描述:one car come, one car go ,two car peng-peng, people die13. 呈现强烈的企图心:Demonstrate the strong attempt heart14. 吃白食:eat white food15. 春江水暖鸭先知:spring river water warm duck first know16. 大人不计小人过:Big people do not think of small people’s mistake17. 第一眼看到你,我就爱上你了:first eye see you, i shit love you18. 电源线:power line19. 放马过来,给你点颜色看看:release your horse and come, I’ll give you some color to see see20. 蜂拥而至:go out like bee21. 给你点颜色看看:I’ll s how you some color22. 给你脸你不要脸,你丢脸,我翻脸:I give you face you don’t wanna face,you lose you face ,I turn my face23. 恭喜发财:go high try24. 狗娘养的:dog mother born25. 关公面前耍大刀:play a big knife before Guangong26. 好多人死了,你怎么不去死!:How many pople go to die, why do not you go to die27. 好好学习、天天向上:good good study, day day up28. 好久不见:long time no see (这个用法已经被当地的美国口语,尤其是被文化程度不高的群体所接受)29. 红颜知己:red face know me30. 加油:add oil31. 救人一命,胜造七级浮屠: save man one life, betther than building up 7-floor tower32. 开水:open water33. 看不看:see no see?34. 抗日游行:resist sun swim go35. 课间操:lesson between36. 老表:old watch37. 龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞:dragon born dragon, chicken born chicken, mouse’s son can make hole38. 马马虎虎:horse horse tiger tiger39. 没脸见人:have no face see person40. 美中不足:American Chinese not enough41. 面试:face try42. 明天谁起得早谁叫谁:tomorrow morning who get up early, who call who!43. 哪凉快哪呆着去where cool where you stay!44. 你爱我吗:you love I?45. 你不鸟我,我也不鸟你:you don’t bird me, so I don’t bird you46. 你给我等着:you give me wait47. 你给我滚出去:you gave me get out48. 你给我记住:you give me remember49. 你给我站住:you give me stop50. 你没看,我现在非常忙,一边玩去:You no see, I now very busy. One side play go51. 你妻子真漂亮/哪里哪里:your wife is beautiful/where where52. 你去不去?你不去我去!:You go no go? You no go I go!53. 你认为你是谁?:What do you think ,who are you ?54. 你他妈的:you he mother’s55. 你问我,我去问谁:you ask me, me ask who56. 你丫要敢唬我,我他妈扇你!:IF you tiger me,I will mountain you!57. 你有两下子:you have two down son58. 你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上:you have seed, I will give you some color to see see, brothers ! together up !59. 你真有两下子:you really have tow down son60. 骑驴看唱本,走着瞧:riding a donkey reading play , go and see61. 七上八下:seven up eight down62. 亲爱的王小姐:dear wang little girl63. 請別碰行李:Please no touch the move the lee64. 青翠欲滴:It`s so green as will dropped65. 去你妈:go you mother66. 让世界充满爱:let's make love all over the world67. 人山人海:people mountain people sea68. 人之初,性本善:people first born, sex is kind69. 三人行,必有我师:three people go, one is my teacher70. 三心二意:three heart two meaning71. 色狼:colour wolf72. 生日快乐:birthday happy73. 上网:up net74. 上学:up school75. 胜败乃家常便饭:win lost milk house long poopoo rice76. 是不是:yes no yes77. 十全十美:ten all ten nice78. 十三点:ten three point79. 试试看:try try see80. 耍帅:play handsome81. 死猪不怕开水烫!:die pig not pa hot water tang!82. 谈朋友:talk friend83. 体壮如牛:body strong as a cow84. 万紫千红:ten thousand purple one thousand red (我在中国的某一个挂历中看到)85. 王八:king eight86. 王八蛋:wang eight eggs87. 望穿秋水:look through autumn water88. 王老五:wang old five89. 唯小人与女人难养也:only small people and women hard to feed90. 我的天呀!:my sky !91. 我服了你!:I follow you!92. 我感到很难过:I feel difficult to pass93. 我叫李老大,今年25:I call Li old big. toyear 2594. 我容易么我?:am I easy I?95. 我是大儿子:I am a big son96. 我是独一无二:I am olny one no two97. 我是流氓我怕谁:I’m a scamp, I’m afraid of w hom98. 我是中国人:I am in China99. 我要给你点颜色看看:I will give you some color to see see (好像也被黑人群体最近所采用)100. 五讲、四美、三热爱:five talk, four beauty, three lover101. 无钱无得:No money, no talk102. 笑里藏刀:A knife in the smile103. 心花怒放:heart flower angry open104. 眼看手勿动:look, see OK, no touch105. 要钱不给,要命有一条:want money no, want life one106. 要钱还是要命:money or life?107. 一分耕耘一分收穫:EVEN GAME WIN , EVEN SO WHOLE108. 一见钟情:One look clock love109. 意思意思:meaning meaning110. 一言既出,驷马难追:one word is out, four horses cannot chase 111. 一元复苏,万象更新:one dollar restart, ten thousand elephant update 112. 远水解不了近渴:Far water car not save near thirsty113. 咱们兄弟谁跟谁啊:we brothers, who and who ah114. 怎么老是你:how old are you?115. 怎么是你:how are you?116. 朝三暮四:morning three night four (感谢台湾卡通,好像这个用法在孩子们中开始流行)117. 这样也行?:this too good?118. 知之为知之,不知为不知:know is know, no know is no know119. 中国人民万岁:China people ten thousand year120. 猪狗不如:PIG DOG BLUE121. 猪肉面条:pig noodle122. 猪头三,去死吧:pig 3 head,go dead!123. 走过路过,不要错过:go past no mistake past124. 走着瞧:go and look!125. 钻石王老五:diamond wang old five126. 作早操:do early [/size]Keep on going Never give upWhere there is a will , there is a way .Be yourself ,and be the person you help to be . (做你自己想要做的那种人)The most perfect human being is the one who most thoroughly addresses himself to the activity of his best powers !God helps those who help themselves!Where there is life, there is hope!“Yest erday is history;tomorrow is mystery;today is a 's why it's called the present.”。
常见中式英语表达句子1. 急Chinglish,即"中式英语"。
[编辑本段]影响中式英语“long time no see”(很久不见)已成为标准英文词组;1994年以来加入国际英语行列的词汇中,中式英语贡献了5%至20%,超过任何其他来源;中式英语“long time no see”(很久不见)已成为标准英文词组;当四川人发明了“standing flower”(占花)后,川式英语也开始不断出现在川菜菜谱的翻译中;Facebook上甚至有“救救中式英语”小组,并吸引了8000多名成员,里边有超过2500条中式英语例子。
当中国人发明了“good good study,day day up”(好好学习,天天向上)后,这个看起来有些雷人的词汇就带领着Chinglish(中式英语)一路前进。
当四川人发明了“standing flower”(占花)后,川式英语也开始不断出现在川菜菜谱的翻译中。
English到中国变成Chinglish,然后不但被foreigner accept,而且居然还很Popular。
4.在将来的30到50年间,我们在经济上将达到经济发 达国家的水平。
A: in another 30 to 50 years, we shall approach the level of the economically developed countries
B: in another 30 to 50 years, we shall approach the level of the developed countries (通常情况下,“发达国家”已经意味着是经济上发达 的国家,因此,没有必要再加上修饰语。)
4 写作中中式英语的特点:
6.语法错误Syntactic Error
EXAMPLE: 请再给我两小时。 A:Please allow me more two hours. B:Please give me another two hours. 和他结婚以后,她的麻烦就开始了。 A:After marrying him, her trouble began. B:After marrying him, she began to have troubles.
3 中式英语产生的原因:
1.文化差异Cultural difference 自由恋爱 free love free choice of marriage partner
2.不同的思维方式Different thought pattern The Chinese Team won the American Teem. 中国队战胜了美国队 The Chinese team beat the American Team. 中国队打败了美国队.
3.不同的习惯Different habitual usage 东北—northeast 迟早--- sooner or later 中式英语Welcome to use ATM service 正确:Thanks for using this ATM 中式英语Welcome to ride Line 52 Bus 正确: Thank you for riding Bus Line 52.
常用的中式英语【短语系列】1. Long time no see英文释义:Used as a greeting for someone one has not seen for a long time. [informal]用来问候很久没见的人(非正式表达)来源:流传最多的说法是,“long time no see”发源于20世纪初期,由我国沿海地区专门负责为国外商人采购,进行货物买卖等事宜的“买办”创造出来的。
买办们为了与洋人更好地交流,自己创造出了一种被称为“洋径浜”英语(Pidgin English)的“变格英语”(英语与其他语言混杂形成的语言)。
由于他们的英语水平有限,“好久不见”直接翻译成“Long time no see”。
例句:—Hello, Ting. Long time no see. How are things going?—你好,婷。
好久不见,一切都好吗?—Long time no see. I’m good.—好久不见呀!我还可以。
2. Add oil英文释义:Express encouragement, incitement, or support: go on! go for it!用以表达鼓励、激励或支持,相当于英文的“go on!”或“go for it!”来源:源自香港英文,主要也是香港英文的说法,中式英文add oil(加油)一词已经编入了《牛津英语词典》(Oxford English Dictionary)。
例句:If we really are serious about being Asia’s World City, we still have a lot of work to do. So add oil, everyone!要想成为亚洲的世界级城市,我们还有很多的工作要做。
所以大家加油吧!3. Lose face英文释义:Suffer a loss of respect; be humiliated.失去尊重;被羞辱用法:sb. lose face,不是lose one’s face,也不是lose the face。
中式英语汇编1.no threeno four 不三不四2.how are you ? how old are you? 怎么是你,怎么老是你?3.you don''t bird me,I don''t bird you 你不鸟我,我也不鸟你4.you have seed I will give you some color to see see, brothe rs !togeth er up !你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上!5.helloeveryb ody!if you have someth i ng to say,then say!if you have nothin g to say,go home!!有事起奏,无事退朝6.you me you me 彼此彼此7.Y ou Give Me Stop!! 你给我站住!8.know is know noknow i s noknow知之为知之,不知为不知...9.Watchsister表妹10.dragon born dragon,chicke n born chicke n,mouse''s son can make hole!!龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞!11.American Chinese not enough美中不足12.one car come one car go ,two car pengpe ng,people die 车祸现场描述13.heart flower angryopen 心花怒放14.go past no mistak e past 走过路过,不要错过15.小明:I am sorry!老外:I am sorrytoo!小明:I am sorrythree!老外:What are you sorry for?小明:I am sorry five!16.If you want money, I have no; if you want life,I have one!要钱没有,要命一条17.I call Li old big. toyear 25. 我叫李老大,今年25。
中式英语大全中式英语大全1.no three no four不三不四做早操:do morning ****做课间操:do class between ****2.how are you ? how old are you?怎么是你,怎么老是你?3.you don''t bird me,I don''t bird you你不鸟我,我也不鸟你4.you have seed I will give you some color to see see, brothers !together up !你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上!5.hello everybody!if you have something to say,then say!if you have nothing to say,go home!!有事起奏,无事退朝6.you me you me彼此彼此7.You Give Me Stop!!你给我站住!8.know is know noknow is noknow知之为知之,不知为不知...9.WATCH SISTER表妹10.dragon born dragon,chicken born chicken,mouse''s son can make hole!!龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞!11.American Chinese not enough美中不足12.one car come one car go ,two car pengpeng,people die车祸现场描述13.heart flower angry open心花怒放14.go past no mistake past走过路过,不要错过15.小明:I am sorry!老外:I am sorry too!小明:I am sorry three!老外:What are you sorry for?小明:I am sorry five!16.If you want money,I have no; if you want life,I have one! 要钱没有,要命一条17.I call Li old big. toyear 25.我叫李老大,今年25。
朋友,别哭,今夜我如昙花绽放在最美的瞬间凋谢,你的泪水也无法挽回我的枯萎~~~中式英语大全(活跃一下版内气氛)-1.we two who and who?咱俩谁跟谁啊2.how are you ? how old are you?怎么是你?怎么老是你?3.you don't bird me,I don't bird you你不鸟我,我也不鸟你4.you have seed,I will give you some color to see see,brothers ! together up !你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上!5.hello everybody!if you have something to say,then say!if youhave nothing to say,go home!!有事起奏,无事退朝6.you me you me彼此彼此7.You Give Me Stop!!你给我站住!8.know is know noknow is noknow知之为知之,不知为不知…9.WATCH SISTER表妹10.dragon born dragon,chicken born chicken,mouse’son can makehole!!龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞!11.American Chinese not enough美中不足12.one car come one car go ,two car pengpeng,people die车祸现场描述13.heart flower angry open心花怒放14.go past no mistake past走过路过,不要错过15.小明:I am sorry!老外:I am sorry too!小明:I am sorry three!老外:What are you sorry for?小明:I am sorry five!16.If you want money,I have no;if you want life,I have one!要钱没有,要命一条17.I call Li old big. toyear 25.我叫李老大,今年25。
对: The traffic sign says / reads“Stop.”错: The traffic sign writes“Stop.”2.xx 打了 xx 的头。
对: Tom hit Susan on her head.错: Tom hit Susan ’s head.3.简抓住了约翰的胳膊。
对: Jane grabbed John by the arm.错: Jane grabbed John ’s arm.4.简昨天剪了头发。
对: Jane had her hair cut yesterday.错: Jane cut her hair yesterday.5.她的名字叫 xx。
对: Her name is Mary. / She is called Mary.错: Her name is called Mary.6.他耳朵聋。
对: He is deaf.错: His ears are deaf.7.他合适这项新工作吗?对: Does the new job fit him?错: Does he fit the new job?8.我身体很强健。
对: I ’m very strong.错: My body is very strong.9.钟慢了五分钟。
对: The clock is five minutes slow.错: The clock is slow for five minutes.10.我以为,我们应当在教育上多花一些钱。
对: In my opinion, we should spend more money on education.错:According to me, we should spend more money on education.11.这辆汽车停不住,由于刹车坏了。
对: The car could not stop because its brakes were not working.错: The car could not stop because its brakes were broken.)12.清晨交通很忙碌。
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In Chinese texts, abstract emotions like happiness, pressure and benefits may be ―brought‖, but in English this is usually considered, at the very least, a bit awkward or, at the very worst, bizarre. In any case I would advise forgetting the word ―bring‖ altogether and substituting it for a specific verb or a different structure. Some examples as follows:带来快乐- ―Bring happiness‖ is a little weird to my ears; depending on context, ―brighten up‖, ―make someone happy‖, ―please‖ (as a verb) and other str uctures would be much preferred. Thus:他的课给我们带来很多快乐。
Might be rendered as: ―His classes make us so happy‖ or perhaps ―His classes really brighten us up.‖You could even say, ―His classes put us in a good mood.‖ A literal translation of ―His classes bring us a lot of happiness‖ sounds strange in English.带来压力- ―Bring pressure‖ is possible, though a bit awkward. In English the common collocations are ―put pressure on someone/something‖ or ―feel pressure from something/someone‖. But there are other ways to express the same thing, economically, in English, as can be demonstrated in this example:这个作业给我带来很多压力。
You might say: ―This work is really stressful‖ and avoid a literal translation altogether. Again, avoiding the word ―bring‖ works wonders. Another good e xample:这个情况给不少企业带来压力。
My suggested translation is: ―This situation puts a lot of pressure on a number of enterprises.‖ Of course, the main idea is that you avoid using the word ―bring‖.带来利益- You may have come across the Chinglish expression ―bring benefits‖ which, whilst is not unheard of in English, could be improved greatly by simply using the verb ―benefits‖. ―Something has benefits‖ or ―something is beneficial‖ may also be possible. Consider:娱乐园的正式开放,给周边的很多行业都带来利益。
Literally: ―The official opening o f the amusement park has brought benefits to many of the surrounding industries.‖More naturally: ―The official opening of the amusement park has benefited many of the surrounding industries.‖It’s not a case of right or wrong –and, indeed, there’s nothin g grammatically wrong with the first translation. However in good, formal English redundant words tend to be exchanged for more succinct expressions.Put simply, in Chinese logic, opinions can be labelled as ―right‖ or ―wrong‖, ―correct‖ or ―incorrect‖ with relative ease. Whilst this kind of extreme reasoning may be used from time to time in English, you will sound a lot more intelligent if you use higher-quality adjectives such as:∙convincing or persuasive (有说服力的)∙appropriate or suitable (合适的)∙logical or rational (逻辑的;有道理的)∙credible, believable or plausible (可信的)∙equitable or fair (公平的)∙rational or reasonable (合理的)Now you might say, ―But we do say things are right and wrong, correct and incorrect in English!‖ and this is true. In conversation, for example, you may render 我觉得你说得对as ―I think you’re right‖ and that’s totally fine. However in formal writing the vocabulary should be suitably high-level. Take a look at:这个论点是正确的。
As you can imagine, there are many possible translations, but I would advise avoiding ―right‖ or ―correct‖ in any case for stylistic reasons. (If you really must know, I think ―This point is convincing‖ is a good translati on, but even ―point‖ may be omitted depending on the situation, since English prefers brevity wherever possible.)3. 培养To be brief, whilst 培养is often translated as ―cultivate‖, my opinion is this word has largely been replaced by ―foster‖ in recent times.性格培养- To ―build one’s character‖ or ―character-building‖ (as a noun and attributive) are decent, albeit formal, translations.4. 外国的/ 外来的For whatever reason, the word ―foreign‖ has developed slightly negative connotations in the past few decades and, as a result, you should avoid using it when translating 外国的or 外来的. Take, for instance, the fact that you’ll probably never hear a native speaker refer to students from other countries as ―foreign students‖ unless it was a negative context –―international students‖ or ―overseas students‖ are the standard expressions. More examples are as follows:外国人- ―Foreigner[s]‖ is a totally acceptable translation but my feeling is native speakers of English would avoid this term. What would they substitute it with? I would think in most cases they would try to use a more specific term like ―Chinese‖, ―Korean‖, etc, or even say something like ―international guests‖ or ―visitors from overseas‖.外国旅客- ―Foreign tourist[s]‖ sounds so Chinese to me; ―international tourist[s]‖ is much better, and more common according to Google.外国投资者- ―Foreign investor[s]‖ is fine; ―international investor[s]‖ is more natural.外语- This may be one of the exceptions; ―foreign language[s]‖ appears to be the accepted term. ―A as a second langu age‖ is a very common structure as well.To sum up, I’m not saying that English native speakers never use the word ―foreign‖ in a positive or neutral sense, but rather that the word seems to be falling out of fashion and thus should be avoided whenever possible. This could be seen as part of the Political Correctness (PC) phenomenon, a broad concept which goes beyond the idea behind this post.5. 高技术When translating 高技术―high technology‖ is perfectly acceptable but ―advanced technology‖ is much more common in English according to Google. Note that there are no problems with the adjective―high-tech‖.6. 导致/ 造成导致and 造成have three main renderings in English, the small differences of which I will try to explain here:∙Result in / cause –implies a relatively quick result, e.g., ―The government’s proposal will cause / result in higher unemployment rates.‖ (政府的提议会导致更高的失业率。