旅游英语 英国文化介绍PPT(强烈推荐)
旅游英语 英国文化介绍(强烈推荐)PPT课件

London is the ninth largest city in the world. It is located in southeast England, on the Thames River.
The capital of U.K. and the capital of England as well
almost all year long.
Tourists should be aware of the climate
and weather of London when
preparing to travel to this popular destination.
People in England usually bring an umbrella with them when they are going out.
Some body language
1.The British like a certain amount of personal space. Do not stand too close to another person or put your arm around someone's shoulder. 2.Staring is considered rude. 3.The British don't like to talk about the man's wages and the woman's age
The capital of England——London
Members: Lucy Molly Charles Teacher: Ben Hosking
Let’s listen to a song first

• Tourist spots
– Windsor castle – Queen Mary's Dolls' House
• Universities
– University of Durham – University of Bath
• Afternoon tea • Appreciation of British Dark cooking
• Time
• usually served in the drawing room between four and five o'clock.
• Tourist spots
– Windsor castle – Queen Mary's Dolls' House
• Universities
– University of Durham – University of Bath
• Afternoon tea • Appreciation of British Dark cooking
• The English Can Cook,翻译为“咱们英国人 会做饭”,是最近新浪微博上面比较火的一个 话题。 是这样的,有个英国人(挺有名的似乎)开了 个博客,标题就叫做The English Can Cook, 里面发了很多她做的菜。后来被转发到豆瓣相 册,顿时引起围观。
•King's Bathroom (real marble floor and counters)
Explore the Collection
It has an amazing collection of miniature items that actually work. I The carpets, curtains and furnishings are all copies of the real thing, and even the light fittings are working. The bathrooms are fully plumbed, with a flushable toilet and miniature lavatory paper t even has running water through its tiny pipes. It was created as a gift to Queen Mary from the people, and to serve as an historical document on how a royal family might have lived during that period in England

பைடு நூலகம்
Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey is a well-known Protestant church in Britain with a history that could claim to be an epitome of the history of London, or even the Great Britain. It is also a superb and marvelous church, a wonderful example of the Gothic architecture and a collection of British historic spots. The original meaning of Westminster is a minster in the west since it is located in t.he west of the city of London. 12
Houses of Parliament
Officially known as the New Palace of Westminster. This forest
of towers and chambers stands on the site of a palace,which
was a royal residence from the time of Edward the Confessor
Famous beautiful sceneries in the UK ----Traveling in Great Britain

按英国商务礼俗,随时宜穿三件套式西装,打传统保守式的 领带,但是勿打条纹领带,因为英国人会联想到那是旧"军 团"或老学校的制服领带。
5 Sense of propriety 分 寸 掌握分寸是一种受珍视的理念,对英国人来说
意义非同一般。英国人对这一理念的尊重反映在他 们对“太过分”的人共有的厌恶之情。
When you take the elevator,lady first. 乘电梯让女士先进。
When you get on a bus or a train,lady first. 乘公共汽车、火车时,要让女士先上。
斟酒要给女宾或女主人先斟 在街头行走,男的应走外侧,以免发生危险时,保护妇女免
英国人对饮茶十分讲究,各阶层的人都喜欢饮茶,尤其 是妇女嗜茶成癖.英国人还有饮下午茶的习惯,即在下午3— 4点钟的时候,放下手中的工作,喝一杯红茶,有时也吃块点 心,休息一刻钟,称为“茶休”。主人常邀请你共同喝下午 茶,遇到这种情况,大可不必推却。
主人提供的饮品,客人饮量以不超过3杯为宜,如果感到 喝够了,可以将空杯迅速地转动一下,然后交给主人,这 表示喝够了,多谢的意思。
6 Sense of tradition 传统观 英国是非常怀旧的民族,几乎视传统和习俗高于一切。 至于这些传统究竟源自何处,又是如何沿袭下来的, 似乎并不那么重要。是传统,对他们来说就够了。
对于英国人来说,传统代表延续,必须不惜一切代价去保 护。在变化的时代,传统给了他们一种永恒感。就像一件 穿旧了的、袖子上满是窟窿的套衫,那是熟悉的东西,给 人以慰籍。
行为举止方面的“太过分”有如下表现:情绪 的过分显露、喝得烂醉或讲下流笑话及对此哄笑。
按英国商务礼俗,随时宜穿三件套式西装,打传统保守式的 领带,但是勿打条纹领带,因为英国人会联想到那是旧"军 团"或老学校的制服领带。
5 Sense of propriety 分 寸 掌握分寸是一种受珍视的理念,对英国人来说
意义非同一般。英国人对这一理念的尊重反映在他 们对“太过分”的人共有的厌恶之情。
When you take the elevator,lady first. 乘电梯让女士先进。
When you get on a bus or a train,lady first. 乘公共汽车、火车时,要让女士先上。
斟酒要给女宾或女主人先斟 在街头行走,男的应走外侧,以免发生危险时,保护妇女免
英国人对饮茶十分讲究,各阶层的人都喜欢饮茶,尤其 是妇女嗜茶成癖.英国人还有饮下午茶的习惯,即在下午3— 4点钟的时候,放下手中的工作,喝一杯红茶,有时也吃块点 心,休息一刻钟,称为“茶休”。主人常邀请你共同喝下午 茶,遇到这种情况,大可不必推却。
主人提供的饮品,客人饮量以不超过3杯为宜,如果感到 喝够了,可以将空杯迅速地转动一下,然后交给主人,这 表示喝够了,多谢的意思。
6 Sense of tradition 传统观 英国是非常怀旧的民族,几乎视传统和习俗高于一切。 至于这些传统究竟源自何处,又是如何沿袭下来的, 似乎并不那么重要。是传统,对他们来说就够了。
对于英国人来说,传统代表延续,必须不惜一切代价去保 护。在变化的时代,传统给了他们一种永恒感。就像一件 穿旧了的、袖子上满是窟窿的套衫,那是熟悉的东西,给 人以慰籍。
行为举止方面的“太过分”有如下表现:情绪 的过分显露、喝得烂醉或讲下流笑话及对此哄笑。

Milk Porridge
Red juice
• Many children at school and adults at work will have a 'packed lunch'. This typically consists of a sandwich, a packet of chips, a piece of fruit and a drink. The 'packed lunch' is kept in a plastic container.
这所房子最初建于1815年。在1860-1934年间, 曾用来出租。小说中的福尔摩斯正是于1881- 1902年 间居住于此。后来,有人买下了这所房子,直 到1990年,才正式建立了这个在世界上也许是独 一无二的博物馆。博物馆的结构与小说中完全相 同,加上精心的布置,使来此参观的人如同置身 于小说的场景之中 。口叼烟斗,总是带着一顶猎 帽的福尔摩斯,在阿瑟·柯南·道尔(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)笔下成为闻名全球的名侦探,小 说中福尔摩斯和华生住在贝克街221B的二楼,前 方是他们共用的书房,后端则是福尔摩斯的卧室, 书房中陈列许多 福尔摩斯的道具,如猎鹿帽、放 大镜、烟斗、煤气灯等。博物馆三楼则呈现不同 小说中的知名场景,等福尔摩斯迷来细细比对。 小说中福尔摩斯的房东是韩德森太太 (Mrs. Hudson)。事实上,地铁贝克街站的墙上满是 福尔摩斯的经典侧面像瓷砖,博物馆隔壁也有福 尔摩斯纪念品店。
British National enjoy a cup of tea. At the traditional British (tradition) on people with porcelain tea cup, one person a cup, a spoonful of tea. The majority of British people like to drink strong tea, but I want to add much milk. Many years ago, people used to put milk into the cup, then add the tea, and finally add water.
Milk Porridge
Red juice
• Many children at school and adults at work will have a 'packed lunch'. This typically consists of a sandwich, a packet of chips, a piece of fruit and a drink. The 'packed lunch' is kept in a plastic container.
这所房子最初建于1815年。在1860-1934年间, 曾用来出租。小说中的福尔摩斯正是于1881- 1902年 间居住于此。后来,有人买下了这所房子,直 到1990年,才正式建立了这个在世界上也许是独 一无二的博物馆。博物馆的结构与小说中完全相 同,加上精心的布置,使来此参观的人如同置身 于小说的场景之中 。口叼烟斗,总是带着一顶猎 帽的福尔摩斯,在阿瑟·柯南·道尔(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)笔下成为闻名全球的名侦探,小 说中福尔摩斯和华生住在贝克街221B的二楼,前 方是他们共用的书房,后端则是福尔摩斯的卧室, 书房中陈列许多 福尔摩斯的道具,如猎鹿帽、放 大镜、烟斗、煤气灯等。博物馆三楼则呈现不同 小说中的知名场景,等福尔摩斯迷来细细比对。 小说中福尔摩斯的房东是韩德森太太 (Mrs. Hudson)。事实上,地铁贝克街站的墙上满是 福尔摩斯的经典侧面像瓷砖,博物馆隔壁也有福 尔摩斯纪念品店。
British National enjoy a cup of tea. At the traditional British (tradition) on people with porcelain tea cup, one person a cup, a spoonful of tea. The majority of British people like to drink strong tea, but I want to add much milk. Many years ago, people used to put milk into the cup, then add the tea, and finally add water.

St Paul’s Cathedral
Sir Christopher Wren drew up plans for a new cathedral on this site almost before the ashes of the old cathedral had grown cold.The building that rose from those ashes is Wren’s masterpiece and has a dignity which the surrounding tower blocks cannot diminish.
Hyde Park
One of London's finest historic landscapes covering 142 hectares (350 acres). There is something for everyone in Hyde Park. With over 4,000 trees, a lake, a meadow, horse rides and more it is easy to forget you're in the middle of London.
The Tower of London
Westminster Abbey
The church contains the bones of St Edward the Confessor as well as the remains of many other famous persons. These include Ben Jonson, Geoffrey Chaucer, Edmund Spenser, John Dryden, Dr Samuel Johnson, Charles Dickens, Robert Browning, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Rudyard Kipling, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Lord Kelvin, Ernest Rutherford,George Friderich Handel, Henry Purcell, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Laurence Olivier, William Pitt the Elder, William Pitt the Younger, William Ewart Gladstone, Clement Attlee, and David Livingstone. Oliver Cromwell was buried in the abbey but Charles II ordered his remains removed.
伦敦旅游英语介绍(Travel to London)PPT课件

The Bridge is 800 feet in length with two towers each 213 feet high, built on wharfs. Tower Bridge is still a busy crossing of the Thames: it is crossed by over 40,000 people (motorists, cyclists and pedestrians) every day.
The university has over 16,300 students, almost a quarter of whom are from overseas and more than 130 nationalities are represented. It consists of 35 colleges.
Tower Bridge is a suspension bridge 吊桥 in London, England which crosses the River Thames. It is close to the Tower of London, from which it takes its name, and has become an iconic 偶像般 的symbol of London.
Other famous landmarks include Buckingham Palace, the London Eye, St Paul's Cathedral, Tower Bridge, and The Shard.
Big Ben is the nickname for the Great Bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London. The clock has become a symbol of the United Kingdom, particularly in the visual media.

British culture and customs 英国文化习俗
Gentleman 绅士风度 Sense of time时间观念 Occupation职业感 Appearance外表 Sense of propriety分寸 Sense of tradition传统观 Banquet and tea culture宴会和茶文化 Visit and gift拜访和送礼 Taboo禁忌
按英国商务礼俗,随时宜穿三件套式西装,打传统保守式的 领带,但是勿打条纹领带,因为英国人会联想到那是旧"军 团"或老学校的制服领带。
5 Sense of propriety 分 寸 掌握分寸是一种受珍视的理念,对英国人来说
意义非同一般。英国人对这一理念的尊重反映在他 们对“太过分”的人共有的厌恶之情。
人。 White lily ,a symbol of death. 白色的百合花在英国象征死亡,也不宜送人,其他的花都
可送人。 盆栽植物一般是宴会后派人送去。
在接受礼品方面,英国人和我国的习惯有很大的不同。他 们常常当着客人的面打开礼品,无论礼品价值如何,或是 否有用,主人都会给以热情的赞扬表示谢意。
7 Banquet and tea culture 宴会与茶文化
在英国,不流行邀对方早餐谈生意。一般说来,他们的 午餐比较简单,对晚餐比较重视,视为正餐。因此,重大的 宴请活动,大家都放在晚餐时进行。在正式的宴会上,一 般不准吸烟。进餐吸烟,被视为失礼。
英国商人一般不喜欢邀请至家中饮宴,聚会大都在酒 店、饭店进行。英国人的饮宴,在某种意义上说,是俭朴为 主。他们讨厌浪费的人。比如说,要泡茶请客,如果来客中 有三位,一定只烧三份的水。
British culture and customs 英国文化习俗
Gentleman 绅士风度 Sense of time时间观念 Occupation职业感 Appearance外表 Sense of propriety分寸 Sense of tradition传统观 Banquet and tea culture宴会和茶文化 Visit and gift拜访和送礼 Taboo禁忌
按英国商务礼俗,随时宜穿三件套式西装,打传统保守式的 领带,但是勿打条纹领带,因为英国人会联想到那是旧"军 团"或老学校的制服领带。
5 Sense of propriety 分 寸 掌握分寸是一种受珍视的理念,对英国人来说
意义非同一般。英国人对这一理念的尊重反映在他 们对“太过分”的人共有的厌恶之情。
人。 White lily ,a symbol of death. 白色的百合花在英国象征死亡,也不宜送人,其他的花都
可送人。 盆栽植物一般是宴会后派人送去。
在接受礼品方面,英国人和我国的习惯有很大的不同。他 们常常当着客人的面打开礼品,无论礼品价值如何,或是 否有用,主人都会给以热情的赞扬表示谢意。
7 Banquet and tea culture 宴会与茶文化
在英国,不流行邀对方早餐谈生意。一般说来,他们的 午餐比较简单,对晚餐比较重视,视为正餐。因此,重大的 宴请活动,大家都放在晚餐时进行。在正式的宴会上,一 般不准吸烟。进餐吸烟,被视为失礼。
英国商人一般不喜欢邀请至家中饮宴,聚会大都在酒 店、饭店进行。英国人的饮宴,在某种意义上说,是俭朴为 主。他们讨厌浪费的人。比如说,要泡茶请客,如果来客中 有三位,一定只烧三份的水。
英国旅游介绍 ppt课件

Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced, but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
Trifle a traditional dessert of English Christmas usually consists a layer of fruit, cake, jam and cream, and
some trifle contain the wine.
English breakfast
Scrambled egg Half a tomato Mushroom Toast …
British Afternoon Tea
Low tea is served on the low table of the living r oom, while high tea is in the dining room table. However, the most esse ntial difference is not th at.
Low tea
An afternoon tea enjoyed by the upper class
the teapot needs pure silver, and the candy is taken by tweezers.
The staple is a delicate cake on a shelf, as well as small pieces of sandwiches, scone and other desserts and fruits.

对商务谈判,他们往往不做充分的准备,细节之处不加注意,显得有些松松 垮垮。但英国商人很和善、友好,易于相处。因此,遇到问题也易于解决。
4 Appearance 外表 英国人注意服装,穿着要因时而异。他们往往以
貌取人,仪容态度尤须注意。英国人讲究穿戴,只要 一出家门,就得衣冠楚楚。虽然英国人已无昔日的雄 风,可是自负心特别强。中、上层的人士由于地着舒 适的生活,因此,养成了一种传统的"绅士"、"淑女" 风度。
人。 White lily ,a symbol of death. 白色的百合花在英国象征死亡,也不宜送人,其他的花都
可送人。 盆栽植物一般是宴会后派人送去。
在接受礼品方面,英国人和我国的习惯有很大的不同。他 们常常当着客人的面打开礼品,无论礼品价值如何,或是 否有用,主人都会给以热情的赞扬表示谢意。
When you are in UK,you must’nt talk about individual privacy,family,wedding, funeral arrangements,age,occupation,salary and religion
访问英国注意他们一些忌讳:忌谈个人私事、家事、婚 丧、年龄、职业、收入、宗教问题。
去英国人家里作客,最好带点价值较低的礼品,因为花费不多就不会有 行贿之嫌。
The ideal present:chocolate,wine,flower,especially Chinese crafts.
礼品一般有:高级巧克力、名酒、鲜花,特别是我国具有民 族特色的民间工艺美术品,他们格外欣赏。
行为举止方面的“太过分”有如下表现:情绪 的过分显露、喝得烂醉或讲下流笑话及对此哄笑。
4 Appearance 外表 英国人注意服装,穿着要因时而异。他们往往以
貌取人,仪容态度尤须注意。英国人讲究穿戴,只要 一出家门,就得衣冠楚楚。虽然英国人已无昔日的雄 风,可是自负心特别强。中、上层的人士由于地着舒 适的生活,因此,养成了一种传统的"绅士"、"淑女" 风度。
人。 White lily ,a symbol of death. 白色的百合花在英国象征死亡,也不宜送人,其他的花都
可送人。 盆栽植物一般是宴会后派人送去。
在接受礼品方面,英国人和我国的习惯有很大的不同。他 们常常当着客人的面打开礼品,无论礼品价值如何,或是 否有用,主人都会给以热情的赞扬表示谢意。
When you are in UK,you must’nt talk about individual privacy,family,wedding, funeral arrangements,age,occupation,salary and religion
访问英国注意他们一些忌讳:忌谈个人私事、家事、婚 丧、年龄、职业、收入、宗教问题。
去英国人家里作客,最好带点价值较低的礼品,因为花费不多就不会有 行贿之嫌。
The ideal present:chocolate,wine,flower,especially Chinese crafts.
礼品一般有:高级巧克力、名酒、鲜花,特别是我国具有民 族特色的民间工艺美术品,他们格外欣赏。
行为举止方面的“太过分”有如下表现:情绪 的过分显露、喝得烂醉或讲下流笑话及对此哄笑。

Albert square
Hyde Park
Big Ben (大笨钟)
Big Ben is located in the River Thames, London, England, is the world‘s largest Gothic building(哥特式建筑). Britain’s highest legislative body – Congress, the House of Commons are located here, so the parliament building, also known as Big Ben or the Houses of Parliament.
The Houses of Parllament (议会大厦)
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Queen Elizabeth II
Royal Wedding
Prince Williama
2、British food
Four meals a day is usually the British, that is breakfast, lunch, coffee break point and dinner, dinner for dinner. Do not like the restaurant, likes to personally cook. Usually the British and French cuisine. "Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding," known as the national dish.
英国文化介绍 ppt课件

对商务谈判,他们往往不做充分的准备,细节之处不加注意,显得有些松松 垮垮决。
Key words:
1 Gentleman 绅士风度
Because of its earlier economy development,in the eyes of most aliens,the british are kind of arrogant and hard to deal with.However ,in fact,it’s not really,the british are good at mutual understanding,and they are considerate too.No matter what they do,they usually make efforts not to leave bad impression on others.In UK,gentleman can be found everywhere. They know well how to create a coordinated atmosphere for others to have a harmonious and pleasant life.
On business,the british think highly of friendship.
商务交往中,他们重交情,不刻意追求物质,不掂斤拨两,一副大家的作风 。
On business negotiation,the british usually prepare a little.And they usually pay little attention to details,they even seems like a little sluggish.The british businessmen are very friendly and easygoing,so it’s easy to deal with when confronting problems.
Key words:
1 Gentleman 绅士风度
Because of its earlier economy development,in the eyes of most aliens,the british are kind of arrogant and hard to deal with.However ,in fact,it’s not really,the british are good at mutual understanding,and they are considerate too.No matter what they do,they usually make efforts not to leave bad impression on others.In UK,gentleman can be found everywhere. They know well how to create a coordinated atmosphere for others to have a harmonious and pleasant life.
On business,the british think highly of friendship.
商务交往中,他们重交情,不刻意追求物质,不掂斤拨两,一副大家的作风 。
On business negotiation,the british usually prepare a little.And they usually pay little attention to details,they even seems like a little sluggish.The british businessmen are very friendly and easygoing,so it’s easy to deal with when confronting problems.
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Buckingham Palace has the character of being the Headquarters of the British monarchy. (英国王室最高权利所在地)
The changing of the guards皇家卫队的换岗仪式
There's a certain excitement simply standing outside and watching the changing of the guards.
Buckingham P 游的人热爱观看的项目,举行的时间 像大笨钟(Big Ben)一样准时——在 每天的上午11点30分,头戴黑熊皮帽 的皇家卫队都要举行井然而威严的换 岗仪式。
Buckingham Palace is one of the most important landmarks of London and it attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world.
plane London
It takes about 12 hours It costs about ¥5800 back and forth.
The time difference
China is 8 hours ahead of London
matters need attention • Most British shop open from Monday to Saturday, but closed on Sunday. • British people's concept of time is strong. You must be punctual when you have arranged a meeting time. • “Lady's first” is a well-known standard of behavior.
The capital of U.K. and the capital of England as well
The city of London is considered by most to be the economic center of Europe. The population of London is about 12 million and growing. varies from month to month.
The London Eye in the evening It is the world’s biggest spinning structure , It was built to celebrate the year 2000.
Entrance ticket :£15
The London Eye is the most popular paid tourist attraction in the England
The British Museum is among the largest museums in the world with more than seven million collections from all over the world. The British Museum was established under the instruction of King George II on 7 June 1753.
Some body language
1.The British like a certain amount of personal space. Do not stand too close to another person or put your arm around someone's shoulder. 2.Staring is considered rude. 3.The British don't like to talk about the man's wages and the woman's age
Parliament Building & Big Ben
Westminster – House of Parliament
The Parliament Building and Big Ben
London Tower Bridge (伦敦塔桥)
London's Tower Bridge is one of the most recognizable bridges in the world.
Tourists should be aware of the climate and weather of London when preparing to travel to this popular destination.
People in England usually bring an umbrella with them when they are going out.
It is Victorian Gothic style(哥特式风格)
It was first built in 1886,It is a symbol of London now.
The River Thames& Tower bridge 泰晤士河&塔桥
It is close to the Tower of London, from which it takes its name.
The Map of London
The climate
London is a temperate oceanic climate and has four distinct seasons. Throughout the whole year is suitable for tourism. No matter what the season, people should take a good rain jacket and rain gear.
Tourist attractions:
-The London Eye
-Big Ben
- The British Museum
- Buckingham Palace
-Parliament Building
-London Tower Bridge
- Trafalgar Square
- Stonehenge
• Exchange rate:
• 1 pound (£)= 9.8998 yuan(¥) • 1dollar (US$)= 6.3448 yuan(¥)
How to get there?
train Xiangyang It takes about 15 hours It costs about ¥540 back and forth. Beijing
Trafalgar Square特拉法加广场
• It was built for UK sporting victory parades(游 行 ) ,and large concerts and performances.
Trafalgar Square is a landmark(地标) in central London enjoyed by Londoners and all visitors alike, and it is one of the city’s most vibrant open spaces.
Meeting and Greeting Formalities
1.The British are reserved(保守的) , which may cause them to appear cool and indifferent or overly formal. In fact, they are very friendly and helpful to foreigners. 2.Shake hands with everyone present -- men, women, and children -- at business and social meetings. Shake hands again when leaving. 3.Handshakes are light -- not firm. 4.Women should extend their hand to men first.
Parliament Building & Big Ben 议会大厦&大本钟
The Big Ben was built in 1859 ,It celebrated it’s 150th anniversary on 31 May 2009 .
Big Ben is a tower clock, It is famous for it’s accuracy and for its massive bell (weighing about 13 tons). It is the largest four-faced chiming clock and the third-tallest free-standing clock tower in the world.
The Tower of London 伦敦塔
It is a historic castle on the north bank of the River Thames in central London.
The British Museum(大英博物馆)
The museum charges no admission fee