China’s Laws, Rules & Regulations 中国法律法规


WTO规则中英文教程第十八章 中国入世规则(一)

WTO规则中英文教程第十八章  中国入世规则(一)
• 显然,经济特区内部不能是WTO非歧视性原则和国民 待遇原则的例外。但WTO没有禁止中国给予区内外企 业之间有差别的最惠国待遇和国民待遇。
• 特别注意的是上述我国《加入议定书》英文本 中的“the sub-national level”的真实含义。笔 者认为“the sub-national level”应译作“下一 级政府部门”(实质上它已包括省、自治区和直 辖市一级地方政府)。同样,下述《中国加入工 作组报告书》第70段中的“local governments at the sub-national level”也不是指“地方各级政 府”而是指“省一级(包括自治区和直辖市)政 府”。“地方各级政府”是“all levels of local governments”。

Copies of these submissions in one or more official languages of the WTO shall be forwarded to the WTO for circulation to WTO Members and for submission to the Committee on Import Licensing within 75 days of each publication. • 这些文件的副本(用一种或多种WTO官方 语言写成 )在其公布后的 75天内应被提交 给WTO,以散发给各WTO成员及WTO进 口许可委员会。
• WTO requests China notify to the WTO all laws, regulations and other measures relating to its sanitary and phytosanitary measures, including product coverage and relevant international standards, guidelines and recommendations. • WTO要求中国向WTO通知其所有与卫生与植 物检疫措施有关的法律、条例及其他措施,包 括产品范围及相关国际标准、指南和建议。



俗话说国有国法家有家规英语作文英文回答:As the proverb goes, “Every country has its laws, and every family has its rules.” This proverb highlights the importance of both societal and familial norms in shaping individual behavior and maintaining social order.At the national level, laws are established to ensure the safety, well-being, and fairness within a society. These laws cover a wide range of areas, from criminal offenses to civil disputes, and provide a framework for how citizens should interact with each other and with the government. By adhering to these laws, individuals contribute to the overall stability and harmony of their country.Similarly, within families, rules play a crucial role in fostering a sense of belonging, order, and respect. These rules may include expectations for behavior,responsibilities, and communication. By following family rules, children learn how to behave appropriately, interact with others, and contribute to the well-being of their home.The proverb “Every cou ntry has its laws, and every family has its rules” reminds us that both national and familial norms are essential for creating a harmonious and just society. Laws provide a framework for societal order, while family rules nurture individual development andfoster a sense of community. By respecting and adhering to both sets of norms, individuals contribute to the well-being of their families, their communities, and theirnation as a whole.中文回答:俗话说“国有国法家有家规”,这句话强调了国家法律和家庭规矩在规范个人行为、维护社会秩序中的重要性。



Labour Act. Dated 5 July 1994.(China Daily, 6 July 1994, p. 2.) Table of contentsCHAPTER I. GENERAL PROVISIONSCHAPTER II. PROMOTION OF EMPLOYMENTCHAPTER III. LABOUR CONTRACTS AND COLLECTIVE CONTRACTS CHAPTER IV. WORKING HOURS, REST AND V ACA TIONSCHAPTER V. W AGESCHAPTER VI. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTHCHAPTER VII. SPECIAL PROTECTION FOR FEMALE STAFF AND JUVENILE WORKERS CHAPTER VIII. VOCA TIONAL TRAININGCHAPTER IX. SOCIAL INSURANCE AND WELFARECHAPTER X. LABOUR DISPUTESCHAPTER XI. SUPERVISION AND INSPECTIONCHAPTER XII. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITYCHAPTER XIII. SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONSCHAPTER I. GENERAL PROVISIONSSection 1. This Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of labourers, readjust labour relationship, establish and safeguard a labour system suited to the socialist market economy, and promote economic development and social progress.Section 2. This Law applies to all enterprises and individual economic organizations (hereafter referred to as employing units) within the boundary of the People's Republic of China, and labourers who form a labour relationship therewith.State organs, institutional organizations and societies as well as labourers who form a labour contract relationship therewith shall follow this Law.Section 3. Labourers shall have the right to be employed on an equal basis, choose occupations, obtain remuneration for their labour, take rest, have holidays and leaves, obtain protection of occupational safety and health, receive training in vocational skills, enjoy social insurance and welfare, and submit applications for settlement of labour disputes, and other rights relating to labour as stipulated by law.Labourers shall fulfil their labour tasks, improve their vocational skills, follow rules on occupational safety and health, and observe labour discipline and professional ethics.Section 4. The employing units shall establish and perfect rules and regulations in accordance with the law so as to ensure that labourers enjoy the right to work and fulfill labour obligations.Section 5. The State shall take various measures to promote employment, develop vocational education, lay down labour standards, regulate social incomes, perfect social insurance system, coordinate labour relationship, and gradually raise the living standard of labourers.Section 6. The State shall advocate the participation of labourers in social voluntary labour and the development of their labour competitions and activities of forwarding rational proposals, encourage and protect the scientific research and technical renovation engaged by labourers, as well as their inventions and creations; and commend and award labour models and advanced workers.Section 7. Labourers shall have the right to participate in and organize trade unions in accordance with the law.Trade Unions shall represent and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of labourers, and independently conduct their activities in accordance with the law.Section 8. Labourers shall, through the assembly of staff and workers or their congress, or other forms in accordance with the provisions of laws, rules and regulations, take part in democratic management or consult with the employing units on an equal footing about protection of the legitimate rights and interests of labourers.Section 9. The labour administrative department of the State Council shall be in charge of the management of labour of the whole country.The labour administrative departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be in charge of the management of labour in the administrative areas under their respective jurisdiction.CHAPTER II. PROMOTION OF EMPLOYMENTSection 10. The State shall create conditions for employment and increase opportunities for employment by means of the promotion of economic and social development.The State shall encourage enterprises, institutional organizations, and societies to initiate industries or expand businesses for the increase of employment within the scope of the stipulation of laws, and administrative rules and regulations.The State shall support labourers to get jobs by organizing themselves on a voluntary basis or by engaging in individual businesses.Section 11. Local people's governments in various levels shall take measures to develop various kinds of job-introduction agencies and provide employment services.Section 12. Labourers shall not be discriminated against in employment, regardless of their ethnic community, race, sex, or religious belief.Section 13. Females shall enjoy equal rights as males in employment. It shall not be allowed, in the recruitment of staff and workers, to use sex as a protext for excluding females fromemployment or to raise recruitment standards for the females, except for the types of work or posts that are not suitable for females as stipulated by the State.Section 14. Where there are special stipulations in laws, rules and regulations on the employment of the disabled, the personnel of national minorities, and demobilized army men, such special stipulations shall apply.Section 15. No employing units shall be allowed to recruit juveniles under the age of 16.Units of literature and art, physical culture and sport, and special arts and crafts that need to recruit juveniles under the age of 16 must go through the formalities of examination and approval according to the relevant provisions of the State and guarantee their right to compulsory education.CHAPTER III. EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS AND COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTSSection 16. A labour contract is the agreement reached between a labourer and an employing unit for the establishment of the labour relationship and the definition of the rights, interests and obligations of each party.A labour contract shall be concluded where a labour relationship is to be established.Section 17. Conclusion and modification of a labour contract shall follow the principles of equality, voluntariness and unanimity through consultation, and shall not run counter to the stipulations of laws, administrative rules and regulations.A labour contract once concluded in accordance with the law shall possess legal binding force. The parties involved must fulfil the obligations stipulated in the labour contract.Section 18. The following labour contracts shall be invalid:(1) labour contracts concluded in violation of laws, administrative rules and regulations; and(2) labour contracts concluded by resorting to such measures as cheating and intimidation.An invalid labour contract shall have no legal binding force from the very beginning of its conclusion. Where a part of a labour contract is confirmed as invalid and where the validity of the remaining part is not affected, the remaining part hall remain valid.The invalidity of a labour contract shall be confirmed by a labour dispute arbitration committee or a people's court.Section 19. A labour contract shall be concluded in written form and contain the following clauses:(1) term of labour contract;(2) contracts of work;(3) labour protection and working conditions;(4) labour remuneration;(5) labour disciplines;(6) conditions for the termination of a labour contract; and(7) responsibility for the violation of a labour contract.Apart from the required clauses specified in the preceding paragraph, other contents in a labour contract may be agreed upon through consultation by the parties involved.Section 20. The term of a labour contract shall be divided into fixed term, flexible term or taking the completion of a specific amount of work as a term.In case a labourer has kept working in a same employing unit for ten years or more and the parties involved agree to extend the term of the labour contract, a labour contract with a flexible term shall be concluded between them if the labourer so requested.Section 21. A probation period may be agreed upon in a labour contract. The longest probation period shall not exceed six months.Section 22. The parties involved in a labour contract may reach an agreement in their labour contract on matters concerning keeping the commercial secrets of the employing unit.Section 23. A labour contract shall terminate upon the expiration of its term or the emergence of the conditions for the termination of the labour contract as agreed upon by the parties involved.Section 24. A labour contract may be revoked upon agreement reached between the parties involved through consultation.Section 25. The employing unit may revoke the labour contract with a labourer in any of the following circumstances:(1) to be proved not up to the requirements for recruitment during the probation period;(2) to seriously violate labour disciplines or the rules and regulations of the employing unit;(3) to cause great losses to the employing unit due to serious dereliction of duty or engagement in malpractice for selfish ends; and(4) to be investigated for criminal responsibilities in accordance with the law.Section 26. In any of the following circumstances, the employing unit may revoke a labour contract but a written notification shall be given to the labourer 30 days in advance;(1) where a labourer is unable to take up his original work or any new work arranged by the employing unit after the completion of his medical treatment for illness or injury not suffered at work;(2) when a labourer is unqualified for his work and remains unqualified even after receiving a training or an adjustment to any other work post; and(3) no agreement on modification of the labour contract can be reached through consultation bythe parties involved when the objective conditions taken as the basis for the conclusion of the contract have greatly changed so that the original labour contract can no longer be carried out. Section 27. During the period of statutory consolidation when the employing unit comes to the brink of bankruptcy or runs into difficulties in production and management, and if reduction of its personnel becomes really necessary, the unit may make such reduction after it has explained the situation to the trade union or all of its staff and workers 30 days in advance, solicited opinions from them and reported to the labour administrative department.Where the employing unit is to recruit personnel six months after the personnel reduction effected according to the stipulations of this section, the reduced personnel shall have the priority to be re-employed.Section 28. The employing unit shall make economic compensations in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State if it revokes its labour contracts according to the stipulations in section 24, section 26 and section 27 of this Law.Section 29. The employing unit shall not revoke its labour contract with a labourer in accordance with the stipulations in section 26 and section 27 of this Law in any of the following circumstances:(1) to be confirmed to have totally or partially lost the ability to work due to occupational diseases or injuries suffered at work;(2) to be receiving medical treatment for diseases or injuries within the prescribed period of time;(3) to be a female staff member or worker during pregnant, puerperal, or breast-feeding period; or(4) other circumstances stipulated by laws, administrative rules and regulations.Section 30. The trade union of an employing unit shall have the right to air its opinions if it regards as inappropriate the revocation of a labour contract by the unit. If the employing unit violates laws, rules and regulations or labour contracts, the trade union shall have the right to request for reconsideration. Where the labourer applies for arbitration or brings in a lawsuit, the trade union shall render him support and assistance in accordance with the law.Section 31. A labourer who intends to revoke his labour contract shall give a written notice to the employing unit 30 days in advance.Section 32. A labourer may notify at any time the employing unit of his decision to revoke the labour contract in any of the following circumstances:(1) within the probation period;(2) where the employing unit forces the labourer to work by resorting to violence, intimidation or illegal restriction of personal freedom; or(3) failure on the part of the employing unit to pay labour remuneration or to provide working conditions as agreed upon in the labour contract.Section 33. The staff and workers of an enterprise as one party may conclude a collective contract with the enterprise on matters relating to labour remuneration, working hours, rest and vacations,occupational safety and health, and insurance and welfare. The draft collective contract shall be submitted to the congress of the staff and workers or to all the staff and workers for discussion and adoption.A collective contract shall be concluded by the trade union on behalf of the staff and workers with the enterprise; in enterprise where the trade union has not yet been set up, such contract shall be also concluded by the representatives elected by the staff and workers with the enterprise.Section 34. A collective contract shall be submitted to the labour administrative department after its conclusion. The collective contract shall go into effect automatically if no objections are raised by the labour administrative department within 15 days from the date of the receipt of a copy of the contract.Section 35. Collective contracts concluded in accordance with the law shall have binding force to both the enterprise and all of its staff and workers. The standards on working conditions and labour payments agreed upon in labour contracts concluded between individual labourers and the enterprise shall not be lower than those as stipulated in collective contracts.CHAPTER IV. WORKING HOURS, REST AND V ACA TIONSSection 36. The State shall practice a working hour system under which labourers shall work for no more than eight hours a day and or more than 44 hours a week on average.Section 37. In case of labourers working on the basis of piecework, the employing unit shall rationally fix quotas of work and standards on piecework remuneration in accordance with the working hour system stipulated in section 36 of this Law.Section 38. The employing unit shall guarantee that its staff and workers have at least one day off in a week.Section 39. Where an enterprise cannot follow the stipulations in section 36 and section 38 of this Law due to its special production nature, it may adopt other rules on working hours and rest with the approval of the labour administrative department.Section 40. The employing unit shall arrange holidays for labourers in accordance with the law during the following festivals:(1) the New Year's Day;(2) the Spring Festival;(3) the International Labour Day;(4) the National Day; and(5) other holidays stipulated by laws and regulations.Section 41. The employing unit may extend working hours due to the requirements of its production or business after consultation with the trade union and labourers, but the extended working hour for a day shall generally not exceed one hour; if such extension is called for due tospecial reasons, the extended hours shall not exceed three hours a day under the condition that the health of labourers is guaranteed. However, the total extension in a month shall not exceed 36 hours.Section 42. The extension of working hours shall not be subject to restriction of the provisions of section 41 of this Law under any of the following circumstances:(1) where emergent dealing is needed in the event of natural disaster, accident or other reason that threatens the life, health and the safety of property of labourers;(2) where prompt rush repair is needed in the event of breakdown of production equipment, transportation, lines or public facilities that affects production and public interests; and(3) other circumstances as stipulated by laws, administrative rules and regulations.Section 43. The employing unit shall not extend working hours of labourers in violation of the provisions of this Law.Section 44. The employing unit shall, according to the following standards, pay labourers remunerations higher than those for normal working hours under any of the following circumstances;(1) to pay no less than 150 per cent of the normal wages if the extension of working hours is arranged;(2) to pay no less than 200 per cent of the normal wages if the extended hours are arranged on days of rest and no deferred rest can be taken; and(3) to pay no less than 300 per cent of the normal wages if the extended hours are arranged on statutory holidays.Section 45. The State shall practice a system of annual vacation with pay.Labourers who have kept working for one year and more shall be entitled to annual vacation with pay. The concrete measures shall be formulated by the State Council. (To be continued)。



在中国的交通规则英语作文Traffic rules in China are essential for maintaining order and safety on the roads. As a developing country with a large population, China has unique challenges when it comes to traffic management. However, the government has implemented strict rules and regulations to ensure the smooth flow of traffic and the well-being of its citizens.In China, the traffic flows on the right side of the road, similar to many other countries around the world. pedestrians must use crosswalks and follow traffic signals when crossing the streets. Jaywalking is illegal and can result in fines.Drivers in China are required to follow a set of traffic laws, including speed limits, traffic signs, and road markings. The legal drinking age is 20, and driving under the influence of alcohol is strictly prohibited. Seat belts must be worn by all passengers at all times, and the use of mobile phones while driving is forbidden unless using a hands-free device.China has also implemented a system of license plates that restricts the entry of certain vehicles into city centers during peak hours. This is done to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality. Additionally, China has been investing heavily in public transportation systems, such as buses, subways, andbicycles, to encourage people to use more environmentally friendly modes of transportation.Overall, the traffic rules in China are designed to prioritize the safety and well-being of its citizens while promoting efficient and environmentally friendly transportation options.中文翻译:在中国的交通规则对于维持道路上的秩序和安全至关重要。



中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法实施细则中英对照中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法实施细则Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the PRC on Sino-Foreign Contractual JointVentures(1995年8月7日国务院批准,1995年9月4日对外贸易经济合作部发布)(Approved by the State Council of the People's Republic of China on August 7, 1995 and Promulgated by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation on September 4, 1995)第一章总则Chapter I General Provisions第一条根据《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》,制定本实施细则。

Article 1 This detailed rules are formulated in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures.第二条在中国境内举办中外合作经营企业(以下简称合作企业),应当符合国家的发展政策和产业政策,遵守国家关于指导外商投资方向的规定。

Article 2 The establishment of a Sino-foreign contractual joint venture (hereinafter referred to as contractual JV) within the Chinese territory shall conform to the national development policy and industrial policy, and abide by the State instructive directory on foreign investment.第三条合作企业在批准的合作企业协议、合同、章程范围内,依法自主地开展业务、进行经营管理活动,不受任何组织或者个人的干涉。



57By Jenny HuT opics surrounding exchange s t u d e nt s h a v e r e c e nt l ysparked online debate.An official from the Ministry ofEducation’s Department of Internation-al Cooperation and Exchanges(MOE) made statements on policies regarding overseas students in a press conference. He states that overseas students study-ing in China are important for Chinese education and provide support for BRI (Belt and Road Initiative). Further-more, their choice to study in China also shows China’s growing reputation and influence worldwide, bridging East and West, and cultivating talent for de-veloping countries.Improving scholarship management and education qualityAs for the admission requirementsand students’ academic performance, he explained that the Administrative Measures for the Enrollment and Cul-tivation of International Students by Schools has been issued since 2017 by the MOE, together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Public Security. The regulations require higher learning institutions to tighten admission thresholds for international students by checking their qualifica-tions and course assessments so as to make sure that the work can be done according to laws and regulations.In 2018, the Pilot Standards forEducation Quality for International Stu-dents was issued as a guideline for gov-ernments and college institutions. This increases the demand for international student admissions, cultivation, Manda-rin proficiency level and equal treatment.According to the ministry’s data,approximately 63,000 international stu-dents were funded by Chinese govern-ment scholarships last year, accounting for just 12.8% of the foreign students in China. Moreover, 70% of those receiv-ing scholarships were pursuing master’s or doctoral degrees.The funding is directly given to college schools which can divide such funding into scholarships, living expens-es and other fields for overseas students.A large batch of excellent alumni are beneficiaries of Chinese govern-ment scholarships, and they, in return, make great contributions in terms of exchanges and cooperation between China and other countries.The MOE attaches great im-portance to talented students having Chinese government scholarships. It also requires that the China Scholarship Council and universities set strict rules for the selection, admission and scholar-ship evaluation among foreign students. The next step for the ministry is to improve the enrollment and manage-mentof those receiving Chinese govern-ment scholarships. Specifically, it aims to lift standards, ensure the quality of education, and strengthen the scholar-ship evaluation system. Those who fail to meet the relevant requirements shall not be enrolled and obtain scholarships.How to adopt similar standards for all students The Ministry of Education will ask universities to adopt similar stan-dards for all students, whether foreign or Chinese, in terms of teaching, exam requirements, education resources and services. At the same time, education for exchange students should also be included into the whole educational quality assurance system. This measure isconducive to creating equal rights and interests for international students.The Ministry wants to make more efforts to ensure that Chinese and for-eign students get similar but not the same treatment. Universities should also teach international students about theChina Sets Strict Rules for the Admission Threshold for International Students relevant laws and regulations in China, and that students who violate those laws and regulations or commit crimes will be dealt with seriously, the official said.However, on the basis of equal treatment with Chinese students, we should also take their customs, habits, languages and other cultural factors into consideration, and treat them equally and fairly. In terms of teaching, an effective guidance system should be established so that they can better enjoy the curriculum and extra-curriculum activities, and promote cultural ex-changes as well.Speeding up efforts to establish an international student management system According to the Pilot Standards of Higher Education Quality for Inter-national Students, a nationwide inspec-tion on international education should be launched to strengthen management. The Ministry punished 18 universi-ties for irregularities in international student admission, certificate issuance for visa applications and on-campus management. Sixteen institutions were also suspended from enrolling foreign students last year.In addition, the Ministry is also allowing third-party institutions to cer-tificate on a trial basis through an official and international act for third-party orga-nizations to certificate quality. Recently, 93 universities have been certified on a trial basis since 2016 and have begun to be officially certified this year. This effort is to keep pace with global trends and make international student admission and cultivation more fair and transparent.The Ministry is still on the way to promoting the systematic management of international students. It is reported that by the end of the year, it will issue a streamlined management process, which will raise efficiency greatly. Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.。



<<Safe Production Law of the People’s Republic of China>>Decree No. 70 of the Chairman of the People’s Republic of China Promulgation Date: <pd> 29th June 2002 </pd>Effective Date: <ed> 1st November 2002 </ed>Promulgated by: <pb> The Ninth National People’s Congress </pb>Table of ContentsChapter I. General PrinciplesChapter II. Production Safety Guaranties for Production Operation Units Chapter III. The Rights and Obligations of the EmployeesChapter IV The Supervision and Administration of Production SafetyChapter V Emergency Rescue for an Accident and Its Investigation and Disposal Chapter VI Legal LiabilityChapter VII Supplementary RulesChapter I General PrinciplesArticle 1 In order to strengthen the supervision and administration of production safety, to prevent and reduce the accidents,to guarantee the people’s life and property safety, and to promote the economic development, this law is hereby enacted.Article 2 This Law shall apply to the production safety involving the units engaged in production operations within the territory of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “production operation units”). The relevant laws and administrative regulations concerning fire protection safety, road traffic safety, railway traffic safety, marine traffic safety and civil aviation safety shall also apply if available..Article 3 The administration of production safety shall comply with the guideline of “safety and precaution first.”Article 4 Production operation units shall abide by this Law, other laws and administrative regulations on production safety, strengthen the control over production safety, establish and perfect liability system of production safety, improve safety conditions, and ensure production safety.Article 5 The personnel chiefly in charge of production operation units shall take overall responsibility for their own production safety.Article 6 The employees of production operation units shall obtain the right of guaranteeing the production safety, and meanwhile fulfill the obligations as regards production safety according to law.Article 7 The Labor Union shall call on the employees to participate in democratic management and supervision to safeguard the lawful rights and interests in the matter of production safety.Article 8 The State Council and local people’s governments at all levels shall strengthen the guidance of production safety work, support and oversee all the relevant departments to fulfill their responsibility for safety control and supervision according to law.Article 9 The State Council department in charge of the control and supervision of production safety shall carry out the overall supervision and administration of production safety throughout the nation according to law; the departments of the people’s local governments at and above the county level in charge of the control and supervision of production safety shall according to law carry out the overall supervision and administration of production safety within their administrative divisions.According to this Law and the provisions of other laws and administrative regulations, the departments concerned in the State Council shall control and oversee the production safety within their own responsibility range; the departments concerned in the local people’s governments above the county level shall control and oversee the production safety within their individual responsibility range in accordance with this Law and the provisions of other laws and administrative regulations.Article 10 The State Council departments concerned shall according to law constitute forthwith national standards or trade standards based on the requirements of production safety guaranties, and make timely revisions in the light of technological and economic development.Production operation units shall carry out the national standards or trade standards guaranteeing production safety established according to law.Article 11 The people’s governments at all levels and the relevant departments shall adopt various means to strengthen the laws and provisions concerning production safety and widen the publicity of production safety knowledge, and improve the employees’ awareness of production safety.Article 12 The intermediary organs established according to law, shall, entrusted by the production operation units, supply technological services for production safety work in accordance with the laws, administrative regulations and license guidelines.Article 13 The State carries out legal liability for the accidents and track down the legal liability of the personnel blaming for the accidents in accordance with this Law and other relevant laws and provisions.Article 14 The State encourages and supports the scientific and technological research on production safety and the popularization and dissemination of advanced technology so as to improve the production safety.Article 15 The State rewards those units and individuals who make remarkable achievements in matters of improving production safety conditions, preventing accidents, and going in for risking and rescuing and so on.Chapter II Production Safety Guaranties for Production Operation UnitsArticle 16 Production operation units shall possess production safety conditions as required by this Law, other relevant laws and administrative regulations, as well as national standards or trade standards. Whoever fails to provide safety conditions shall not engage in production operation.Article 17 The personnel chiefly in charge of production operation shall take the following responsibilities for production safety in their units.(1)To establish and improve production safety responsibility system(2)To organize and establish safety regulations and operating principles.(3)To ensure effective enforcement of production safety in these units.(4)To supervise and examine production safety work in these units and to clearup the hidden hazards to safety in time.(5)To organize, frame and carry out the emergency rescue contingent proposalsof these units.(6)To make a timely and true report of accidents.Article 18 Production operation units shall be provided with capital investment indispensable to production safety conditions, guaranteed by policy-making body, the personnel chiefly in charge, or individual investors in these units, and bear responsibility for all the consequences arising from the shortage of capital investment.Article 19 Mines, construction work units and units that manufacture, deal in, and store the dangerous articles shall establish safety regulatory agency, or supply full-time personnel in charge of the administration of production safety.The other production operation units not provided in the preceding Paragraph, if involving more than 300 personnel, shall establish the production safety regulatory agency, or be supplied with full-time personnel in chare of the administration of production safety. Those with the personnel of less than 300 shall be provided with full-time or part-time personnel in charge of the control over production safety, orentrust the engineers holding the relevant professional skill qualifications with production safety management and service.In the event that production operation units entrust the engineers to provide the safety management and service in accordance with the provision of the preceding Paragraph, these units shall take responsibility for ensuring production safety.Article 20 The personnel chiefly in charge of production operation units and the staff engaging in the administration of production safety shall possess safety knowledge and operating capability corresponding to production operations they are engaged in.The personnel chiefly in charge of units that manufacture, deal in, and store dangerous goods, and mines and construction work units and the staff in charge of the control of production safety as well shall not hold the posts unless they pass the examination in safety knowledge and operating capability held by the relevant departments in charge. The examination must not be charged.Article 21 Production operation units shall offer the employees instruction and training in production safety knowledge, ensuring that they are provided with necessary safety knowledge, that they are familiar with the relevant safety regulations and operating convention, and that they have a good command of operating safety skills in their own posts. Whoever does not undergo safety instruction and training shall not hold the posts.Article 22 In case production operation units adopt new techniques, new technology, new materials or use new equipments, they shall understand and command the technical safety properties, adopt effective precautious measures against accidents, and provide the employees with special instructions and training in production safety knowledge.Article 23 The special operating staff in production operation units shall not hold the posts unless they according to the relevant provisions of the State take part in the special training and obtain the qualification for this special operation.The extent of special operating staff shall be defined by the State Council department in charge of safety supervision and administration, along with the other State Council departments concerned.Article 24 The safety facilities involving new construction, reconstruction and expansion of the construction (hereinafter referred to as the “construction project”) on the part of production operation units shall be designed, constructed, put on stream and put into use along with the principal part of the project at the same time. The investment in safety facilities shall be brought into budgetary estimate of construction project.Article 25 Mining construction projects and those used for producing and storing dangerous substance shall undergo safety condition assessment and safety evaluation respectively according to the relevant provisions of the State.Article 26 The designer and designing units for the safety facilities in the construction projects shall take responsibility for safety facility designing.The safety facility designing for mining construction projects and those used for producing and storing dangerous articles according to the relevant provisions of the State shall be reported to the departments concerned for approval. The departments and the personnel in charge of examining the safety facility designing shall take responsibility.Article 27 The construction work units undertaking mining construction projects and those used for producing and storing the dangerous articles shall carry out the work with the approved safety facility design and be held responsible for the quality of safety facilities.Mining construction projects and those for producing and storing the dangerous articles shall be checked for safety in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations before they come on stream or come into use. They shall not be used unless they pass the examination. The departments and the personnel in charge of checking the safety facility shall take responsibility for the checking results.Article 28 Production operation units shall install prominent danger warning signs in construction sites and the relevant equipments and facilities liable to hazards.Article 29 The design, manufacture, installation, use, examination, maintenance, restructure and rejection of the safety facilities shall satisfy the national standards or trade standards.Production operation units shall maintain and protect the safety facilities and equipments frequently and test them regularly, and guarantee their normal running. Maintenance, protection and examination shall be kept in records with the signatures of the personnel concerned.Article 30 The special equipments, the containers and transportation tools of dangerous goods used by production operation units, which may threaten life safety and have higher risk factors shall not be put into use unless they are manufactured the appointed professional production units and pass the test as well as inspection organized by the inspection institutions with a professional level, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State. The inspection institutions shall take responsibility for the results of examination and test.The list of special equipments, threatening life safety and having higher risk factors, shall be made by the State Council departments in charge of specialequipments supervision and administration, and be carried out after being reported to the State Council for approval.Article 31 The State shall implement elimination system about some technics and equipments constituting a serious threat to production safety.Production operation units shall not use the dangerous technics and equipments eliminated and prohibited by the State’s public proclamation.Article 32 Whoever manufactures, deals in, transports, stores, makes use of dangerous substance or disposes of the wasted dangerous goods shall be examined, approved and supervised by the departments concerned in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations as well as national standards or trade standards.In case production operation units manufacture, deal in, transport, store and make use of dangerous substance or dispose of the wasted dangerous goods, they shall conform to the relevant laws and regulations and meet national standards or trade standards, establish special safety system, adopt reliable safety measures, and accept the supervision and administration of the departments in charge.Article 33 Production operation units shall keep serious hazard sources in records, make a regular check-up, evaluation and monitoring, frame the emergency rescue contingent proposal, and inform the employees and the personnel concerned of adopting emergency measures in case of emergency.Production operation units shall report the serious hazard sources, the relevant safety measures and emergency measures to the local people’s governments’ departments in charge of the safety supervision and administration and the relevant departments for records.Article 34 The workshops, stores and warehouses used to manufacture, deal in, store, and make use of dangerous substance shall not be placed with the staff quarter in the same building, and shall be kept away from the staff quarter in a safe distance.The work sites and staff quarter shall be provided with exits, which meet requirements of emergency evacuation, have remarkable signs, and maintain unblocked.Closing down and blocking out the exits of the work sites or staff quarters shall be prohibited.Article 35 In case of the dangerous operations such as dynamiting and hoisting, production operation units shall assign the professional staff to supervise the on-the-spot safety and ensure operating rules are observed and safety measures are carried out.Article 36 Production operation units shall instruct and supervise the employees to strictly carry out the safety regulations and operating safety rules and inform in truth the employees of the hazard factors, the preventive measures and emergency measures against accidents in the working sites and posts.Article 37 Production operation units shall provide the employees with occupational preventive appliances, and supervise and instruct the employees to wear and use them according to service regulations.Article 38 The personnel in production operation units in charge of production safety shall make regular checks of safety conditions in the light of the specialties of production operation. Once found, safety problems shall be handled at once. Otherwise, they shall be reported to the personnel in charge. The results of checking and handling of safety problems shall be put on records.Article 39 Production operation units shall set aside the expenses for occupational preventive articles and training in production safety.Article 40 More than two production operation units undertake projects in the same work site. In case of hazards to production of the other parties, they shall write agreements about the administration of production safety, define their own scope of responsibility and emergency measures needed, and appoint the professional staff in charge of production safety to check and coordinate.Article 41 Production operation units shall not subcontract or lease projects, work sites and equipments to those units and individuals with the absence of safety conditions or of the corresponding professional level.In the event that the projects and work sites involve several contractor units and leaseholder units, production operation units shall enter into a special contract about production safety administration with the contractor units and leaseholder units, or stipulate their own responsibility for safety in the contract for undertaking a project or in the contract for leasing. Production operation units shall coordinate and administer production safety among the contractor units and leaseholder units.Article 42 In the event of big accidents occurring to production operation units, the personnel in charge shall organize the rescue at once, and shall not be absent without leave during the investigation of the accidents.Article 43 Production operation units shall effect social employment injuries insurances according to law and pay insurance fees for their employees.Chapter III The Rights and Obligations of the EmployeesArticle 44 Production operation units shall state the matters about the guaranties for the employees’ safety and prevention against the occupational hazards, as well as the matter about effecting social employment injuries insurances for the employees according to law.Production operation units shall not sign a contract with the employees to exempt them from or relieving them of liability for the casualties they shall take on according to law.Article 45 The employees shall have the rights to know the hazard factors existing in work sites and posts, preventive measures and emergency measures against accidents, and have the rights to make proposals about production safety as well.Article 46 The employees are entitled to bring forward suggestions for production safety in these units, impeach and charge against safety problems. They have rights to reject the instruction violating the regulations and the order of running risks to work.Production operation units shall not lower the employees’ salaries and welfare or terminate the labor contract because they make suggestions for safety work, impeach and charge against safety problems, or refuse to take orders violating the regulations and to run risks to work.Article 47 Once the employees find out the emergencies endangering their lives, they have the rights to stop working, and withdraw from the working sites after the adoption of the possible emergency measures.Production operation units shall not lower the employees’ salaries and welfare or terminate the labor contract because the employees stop working or evacuate from the working sites in case of emergency mentioned in the proceeding provision.Article 48 The employees injured in the accidents shall take the social insurance for the employment injuries according to law and have the rights to ask their work units for compensation as well if they are still entitled to obtain compensation in accordance with the relevant civil laws.Article 49 The employees shall strictly abide by safety regulations and operating rules made by their work units, obey the order and wear and use labor protection articles correctly.Article 50 The employees shall undergo instruction and training in safety knowledge, master safety knowledge needed in their work, improve their professional skills in production safety, and advance the capability of preventing accidents and dealing with emergencies.Article 51 Once the employees find out hazard sources or the other unsafe factors, they shall report to the personnel in charge of on-the-spot production safety orthe personnel in charge of their units. Those who receive the report shall deal with them immediately.Article 52 The Labor Union is authorized to supervise and make proposals for putting the safety facilities in place simultaneously with the design, construction, production and operation of the major projects.The Labor Union has the right to rectify the units’ violation of the production safety laws and regulations and to rectify their encroachment upon the employees’lawful rights and interests. Production operation units shall give a timely study and reply of the proposals made by the Labor Union who discovers the units’ violation of the regulations and order to risk working or finds out hazards sources. The Labor Union has the right to advise the units to organize and evacuate the employees whenever they find out the danger signals, and the units shall deal with them immediately.The Labor Union has the right to join the investigation of the accidents according to law, put forward proposals to the relevant departments, and call for the prosecution of the staff concerned for their liability.Chapter IV The Supervision and Administration of Production SafetyArticle 53 The local people’s governments at and above the county level, in the light of the production safety conditions in their own administrative districts, shall organize the relevant departments, based on the division of responsibility, to have a test and examination of the production operation units liable to serious accidents in their administrative districts.Article 54 In accordance with the provision of Article 9 in this Law, the departments in charge of supervising and administering production safety (hereinafter referred to as the departments in charge of the supervision and administration of production safety), must strictly check, test or accept the matters concerning production safety, which call for examination and approval (including approval, sanction, license, registration, recognition, and issue of certificate), in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and in conformity with the safety conditions and procedures as required by national standards or trade standards. Whoever fails to accord to the relevant laws and regulations or to satisfy the safety conditions stipulated by national standards or trade standards shall not be approved of and accepted. Whoever fails to be approved and accepted make bold to undertake the relevant productive activity shall be banned immediately and prosecuted according to law once they are caught or reported to the departments in charge of administrative check and approval. Those who gain the approval are found by the departments in charge of administrative examination and approval not to possess production safety conditions any longer, their sanction shall be withdrawn.Article 55 The departments in charge of the supervision and administration of production safety shall not charge for the examination and acceptation of production safety matters. They shall not demand the units checked and accepted to buy the nominated brands, the safety facilities, equipments or other products made by the designated manufacturers and distributors.Article 56 In the course of supervising and examining the fulfillment of the laws and regulations concerning safety and national standards or trade standards on the part of production operation units, the departments in charge of the supervision and administration of production safety may exercise the following powers according to law:(1) To enter into the production operation units to make the spot examination, totransfer the relevant materials, and learn relevant information from theunits and personnel concerned.(2) To make corrections on the spot or to order the parties concerned to makecorrections with time limit when finding the illegal acts. To impose theillegal acts administrative sanction, in accordance with this Law and therelevant laws and administrative regulations.(3) To order the parties concerned to eliminate the hidden risks of accidentsfound in the course of examination. To order the parties to evacuate thework staff from the dangerous areas and to stop business unless the hiddenrisks of accidents are eliminated or safety is guaranteed in the course ofelimination. Production operation shall not be restored unless the hiddenrisks of accidents are eliminated and checked for approval.(4) To close down or distrain upon the facilities and equipments not regarded asmeeting national standards or trade standards for production safety on firmground, and arrive at a decision within fifteen days according to law.The supervision and examination shall not interfere with the normalproduction operation of the examined parties.Article 57 Production operation units shall cooperate with instead of refusing and hindering the personnel in the departments responsible for the supervision and administration of production safety (hereinafter referred to as the personnel in charge of supervising and examining production safety).Article 58 The personnel in charge of supervising and examining production safety shall be devoted to their duty, stick to the principles, and handle matters impartially.The personnel in charge of supervising and examining production safety shall produce their certificates when performing their duties of supervision and examination. They shall keep the technological secrets and operating secrets for the examined parties.Article 59 The personnel in charge of supervising and examining production safety shall keep a written record for the time, place and content of examination and problems discovered and disposal of them. The examiner and the examined parties shall sign their names on it. If the examined units refuse to sign, the supervisory personnel shall put it on records and report it to the departments in charge of supervision and administration of production safety.Article 60 The departments in charge of the supervision and administration of production safety shall cooperate with each other, and make a joint examination. If respective examination is needed, the departments concerned shall inform each other. When the safety problems pertaining to the other relevant departments are found, they shall be transferred to the departments concerned for records. The departments accepting the transfer shall deal with it in time.Article 61 The supervisory bodies in accordance with administrative supervision regulations shall fulfill the duty of supervising the departments in charge of the supervision and administration of production safety and their staff.Article 62 The institutions undertaking the task of safety evaluation, recognition, test and inspection shall be provided with the specified professional conditions and shall be held responsible for the results they conclude.Article 63 The departments in charge of production safety shall establish system of reporting offences to the authorities, make public the telephone numbers, mail address, or e-mail address, and accept and hear a case reported concerning production safety. The case reported shall form written materials. If the measures of making rectification and improvement are needed, they shall be reported to the personnel concerned for a signature and supervised to put into effect.Article 64 Any unit and individual are entitled to report and tip off the hazards to accidents or illegal acts against production safety to the departments in charge of the supervision and administration of production safety.Article 65 In case the neighborhood committee and villagers’ committee find the hazards to accidents or illegal acts concerning production safety on the part of the production operation units, they shall make reports to the local people’s government or the relevant departments.Article 66 The people’s governments at and above the county level and the departments concerned shall give rewards to those who have tipped off the serious hazards to accidents or illegal acts against production safety. The means of rewarding are determined by the departments of the State Council in charge of the supervision and administration along with the financial departments of the State Council.。







为适应加入 WTO所作的承诺,中国政府正在大规模地开展法律、法规英文翻译的工作。




[1] 现有翻译中最大问题之一是术语混乱。



例如,在法律出版社1998年出版的《新汉英法学词典》里,"行政诉讼"的译法多达4种(administrative action/litigation/procedure/proceedings),其中多数译法是明显有问题的。






中华人民共和国劳动法(英文版)Labour Act. Dated 5 July 1994.(China Daily, 6 July 1994, p. 2.) Table of contentsCHAPTER I. GENERAL PROVISIONSCHAPTER II. PROMOTION OF EMPLOYMENTCHAPTER III. LABOUR CONTRACTS AND COLLECTIVE CONTRACTS CHAPTER IV. WORKING HOURS, REST AND VACATIONSCHAPTER V. WAGESCHAPTER VI. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTHCHAPTER VII. SPECIAL PROTECTION FOR FEMALE STAFF AND JUVENILE WORKERS CHAPTER VIII. VOCATIONAL TRAININGCHAPTER IX. SOCIAL INSURANCE AND WELFARECHAPTER X. LABOUR DISPUTESCHAPTER XI. SUPERVISION AND INSPECTIONCHAPTER XII. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITYCHAPTER XIII. SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONSCHAPTER I. GENERAL PROVISIONSSection 1. This Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of labourers, readjust labour relationship, establish and safeguard a labour system suited to the socialist market economy, and promote economic development and social progress.Section 2. This Law applies to all enterprises and individual economic organizations (hereafter referred to as employing units) within the boundary of the People's Republic of China, and labourers who form a labour relationship therewith.State organs, institutional organizations and societies as well as labourerswho form a labour contract relationship therewith shall follow this Law.Section 3. Labourers shall have the right to be employed on an equal basis, choose occupations, obtain remuneration for their labour, take rest, have holidays and leaves, obtain protection of occupational safety and health, receive training in vocational skills, enjoy social insurance and welfare, and submit applications for settlement of labour disputes, and other rights relating to labour as stipulated by law.Labourers shall fulfil their labour tasks, improve their vocational skills, follow rules on occupational safety and health, and observe labour discipline and professional ethics.Section 4. The employing units shall establish and perfect rules and regulations in accordance with the law so as to ensure that labourers enjoy the right to work and fulfill labour obligations.Section 5. The State shall take various measures to promote employment, develop vocational education, lay down labour standards, regulate social incomes, perfect social insurance system, coordinate labour relationship, and gradually raise the living standard of labourers.Section 6. The State shall advocate the participation of labourers in social voluntary labour and the development of their labour competitions and activities of forwarding rational proposals, encourage and protect the scientific research and technical renovation engaged by labourers, as well as their inventions and creations; and commend and award labour models and advanced workers.Section 7. Labourers shall have the right to participate in and organize tradeunions in accordance with the law.Trade Unions shall represent and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of labourers, and independently conduct their activities in accordance with the law.Section 8. Labourers shall, through the assembly of staff and workers or their congress, or other forms in accordance with the provisions of laws, rules and regulations, take part in democratic management or consult with the employing units on an equal footing about protection of the legitimate rights and interests of labourers.Section 9. The labour administrative department of the State Council shall be in charge of the management of labour of the whole country.The labour administrative departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be in charge of the management of labour in the administrative areas under their respective jurisdiction.CHAPTER II. PROMOTION OF EMPLOYMENTSection 10. The State shall create conditions for employment and increase opportunities for employment by means of the promotion of economic and social development.The State shall encourage enterprises, institutional organizations, and societies to initiate industries or expand businesses for the increase of employment within the scope of the stipulation of laws, and administrative rules and regulations.The State shall support labourers to get jobs by organizing themselves ona voluntary basis or by engaging in individual businesses.Section 11. Local people's governments in various levels shall take measures to develop various kinds of job-introduction agencies and provide employment services.Section 12. Labourers shall not be discriminated against in employment, regardless of their ethnic community, race, sex, or religious belief.Section 13. Females shall enjoy equal rights as males in employment. It shall not be allowed, in the recruitment of staff and workers, to use sex as a protext for excluding females from employment or to raise recruitment standards for the females, except for the types of work or posts that are not suitable for females as stipulated by the State.Section 14. Where there are special stipulations in laws, rules and regulations on the employment of the disabled, the personnel of national minorities, and demobilized army men, such special stipulations shall apply.Section 15. No employing units shall be allowed to recruit juveniles under the age of 16.Units of literature and art, physical culture and sport, and special arts and crafts that need to recruit juveniles under the age of 16 must go through the formalities of examination and approval according to the relevant provisions of the State and guarantee their right to compulsory education.CHAPTER III. EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS AND COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTSSection 16. A labour contract is the agreement reached between a labourerand an employing unit for the establishment of the labour relationship and the definition of the rights, interests and obligations of each party.A labour contract shall be concluded where a labour relationship is to be established.Section 17. Conclusion and modification of a labour contract shall follow the principles of equality, voluntariness and unanimity through consultation, and shall not run counter to the stipulations of laws, administrative rules and regulations.A labour contract once concluded in accordance with the law shall possess legal binding force. The parties involved must fulfil the obligations stipulated in the labour contract.Section 18. The following labour contracts shall be invalid:(1) labour contracts concluded in violation of laws, administrative rules and regulations; and(2) labour contracts concluded by resorting to such measures as cheating and intimidation.An invalid labour contract shall have no legal binding force from the very beginning of its conclusion. Where a part of a labour contract is confirmed as invalid and where the validity of the remaining part is not affected, the remaining part hall remain valid.The invalidity of a labour contract shall be confirmed by a labour dispute arbitration committee or a people's court.Section 19. A labour contract shall be concluded in written form and containthe following clauses:(1) term of labour contract;(2) contracts of work;(3) labour protection and working conditions;(4) labour remuneration;(5) labour disciplines;(6) conditions for the termination of a labour contract; and(7) responsibility for the violation of a labour contract.Apart from the required clauses specified in the preceding paragraph, other contents in a labour contract may be agreed upon through consultation by the parties involved.Section 20. The term of a labour contract shall be divided into fixed term, flexible term or taking the completion of a specific amount of work as a term.In case a labourer has kept working in a same employing unit for ten years or more and the parties involved agree to extend the term of the labour contract, a labour contract with a flexible term shall be concluded between them if the labourer so requested.Section 21. A probation period may be agreed upon in a labour contract. The longest probation period shall not exceed six months.Section 22. The parties involved in a labour contract may reach an agreement in their labour contract on matters concerning keeping the commercial secrets of the employing unit.Section 23. A labour contract shall terminate upon the expiration of its term or the emergence of the conditions for the termination of the labour contractas agreed upon by the parties involved.Section 24. A labour contract may be revoked upon agreement reached between the parties involved through consultation.Section 25. The employing unit may revoke the labour contract with a labourer in any of the following circumstances:(1) to be proved not up to the requirements for recruitment during the probation period;(2) to seriously violate labour disciplines or the rules and regulations of the employing unit;(3) to cause great losses to the employing unit due to serious dereliction of duty or engagement in malpractice for selfish ends; and(4) to be investigated for criminal responsibilities in accordance with the law.Section 26. In any of the following circumstances, the employing unit may revoke a labour contract but a written notification shall be given to the labourer 30 days in advance;(1) where a labourer is unable to take up his original work or any new work arranged by the employing unit after the completion of his medical treatment for illness or injury not suffered at work;(2) when a labourer is unqualified for his work and remains unqualified even after receiving a training or an adjustment to any other work post; and (3) no agreement on modification of the labour contract can be reached through consultation by the parties involved when the objective conditions taken as the basis for the conclusion of the contract have greatly changed so that the original labour contract can no longer be carried out.Section 27. During the period of statutory consolidation when the employingunit comes to the brink of bankruptcy or runs into difficulties in production and management, and if reduction of its personnel becomes really necessary, the unit may make such reduction after it has explained the situation to the trade union or all of its staff and workers 30 days in advance, solicited opinions from them and reported to the labour administrative department.Where the employing unit is to recruit personnel six months after the personnel reduction effected according to the stipulations of this section, the reduced personnel shall have the priority to be re-employed.Section 28. The employing unit shall make economic compensations in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State if it revokes its labour contracts according to the stipulations in section 24, section 26 and section 27 of this Law.Section 29. The employing unit shall not revoke its labour contract with a labourer in accordance with the stipulations in section 26 and section 27 of this Law in any of the following circumstances:(1) to be confirmed to have totally or partially lost the ability to work due to occupational diseases or injuries suffered at work;(2) to be receiving medical treatment for diseases or injuries within the prescribed period of time;(3) to be a female staff member or worker during pregnant, puerperal, or breast-feeding period; or(4) other circumstances stipulated by laws, administrative rules and regulations.Section 30. The trade union of an employing unit shall have the right to air its opinions if it regards as inappropriate the revocation of a labour contract by the unit. If the employing unit violates laws, rules andregulations or labour contracts, the trade union shall have the right to request for reconsideration. Where the labourer applies for arbitration or brings in a lawsuit, the trade union shall render him support and assistance in accordance with the law.Section 31. A labourer who intends to revoke his labour contract shall give a written notice to the employing unit 30 days in advance.Section 32. A labourer may notify at any time the employing unit of his decision to revoke the labour contract in any of the following circumstances:(1) within the probation period;(2) where the employing unit forces the labourer to work by resorting to violence, intimidation or illegal restriction of personal freedom; or (3) failure on the part of the employing unit to pay labour remuneration or to provide working conditions as agreed upon in the labour contract. Section 33. The staff and workers of an enterprise as one party may conclude a collective contract with the enterprise on matters relating to labour remuneration, working hours, rest and vacations, occupational safety and health, and insurance and welfare. The draft collective contract shall be submitted to the congress of the staff and workers or to all the staff and workers for discussion and adoption.A collective contract shall be concluded by the trade union on behalf of the staff and workers with the enterprise; in enterprise where the trade union has not yet been set up, such contract shall be also concluded by the representatives elected by the staff and workers with the enterprise.Section 34. A collective contract shall be submitted to the labour administrative department after its conclusion. The collective contractshall go into effect automatically if no objections are raised by the labour administrative department within 15 days from the date of the receipt of a copy of the contract.Section 35. Collective contracts concluded in accordance with the law shall have binding force to both the enterprise and all of its staff and workers. The standards on working conditions and labour payments agreed upon in labour contracts concluded between individual labourers and the enterprise shall not be lower than those as stipulated in collective contracts.CHAPTER IV. WORKING HOURS, REST AND VACATIONSSection 36. The State shall practice a working hour system under which labourers shall work for no more than eight hours a day and or more than 44 hours a week on average.Section 37. In case of labourers working on the basis of piecework, the employing unit shall rationally fix quotas of work and standards on piecework remuneration in accordance with the working hour system stipulated in section 36 of this Law.Section 38. The employing unit shall guarantee that its staff and workers have at least one day off in a week.Section 39. Where an enterprise cannot follow the stipulations in section 36 and section 38 of this Law due to its special production nature, it may adopt other rules on working hours and rest with the approval of the labour administrative department.Section 40. The employing unit shall arrange holidays for labourers in accordance with the law during the following festivals:(1) the New Year's Day;(2) the Spring Festival;(3) the International Labour Day;(4) the National Day; and(5) other holidays stipulated by laws and regulations.Section 41. The employing unit may extend working hours due to the requirements of its production or business after consultation with the trade union and labourers, but the extended working hour for a day shall generally not exceed one hour; if such extension is called for due to special reasons, the extended hours shall not exceed three hours a day under the condition that the health of labourers is guaranteed. However, the total extension in a month shall not exceed 36 hours.Section 42. The extension of working hours shall not be subject to restriction of the provisions of section 41 of this Law under any of the following circumstances:(1) where emergent dealing is needed in the event of natural disaster, accident or other reason that threatens the life, health and the safety of property of labourers;(2) where prompt rush repair is needed in the event of breakdown of production equipment, transportation, lines or public facilities that affects production and public interests; and(3) other circumstances as stipulated by laws, administrative rules and regulations.Section 43. The employing unit shall not extend working hours of labourers in violation of the provisions of this Law.Section 44. The employing unit shall, according to the following standards,pay labourers remunerations higher than those for normal working hours under any of the following circumstances;(1) to pay no less than 150 per cent of the normal wages if the extension of working hours is arranged;(2) to pay no less than 200 per cent of the normal wages if the extended hours are arranged on days of rest and no deferred rest can be taken; and (3) to pay no less than 300 per cent of the normal wages if the extended hours are arranged on statutory holidays.Section 45. The State shall practice a system of annual vacation with pay.Labourers who have kept working for one year and more shall be entitled to annual vacation with pay. The concrete measures shall be formulated by the State Council.CHAPTER V. WAGESSection 46. The distribution of wages shall follow the principle of distribution according to work and equal pay for equal work.The level of wages shall be gradually raised on the basis of economic development. The State shall exercise macro-regulations and control over the total wages.Section 47. The employing unit shall independently determine its form of wage distribution and wage level for its own unit according to law and based on the characteristics of its production and business and economic results.Section 48. The State shall implement a system of guaranteed minimum wages. Specific standards on minimum wages shall be determined by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government and reported to the State Council for the record.Wages paid to labourers by the employing unit shall not be lower than the local standards on minimum wages.Section 49. The determination and readjustment of the standards on minimum wages shall be made with reference to the following factors in a comprehensive manner:(1) the lowest living expenses of labourers themselves and the average family members they support;(2) the average wage level of the society as a whole;(3) labour productivity;(4) the situation of employment; and(5) the different levels of economic development between regions. Section 50. Wages shall be paid monthly to labourers themselves in form of currency. The wages paid to labourers shall not be deducted or delayed without justification.Section 51. The employing unit shall pay wages to labourers who observe statutory holidays, take leaves during the periods of marriage or funeral, or participate in social activities in accordance with the law.CHAPTER VI. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTHSection 52. The employing unit must establish and perfect the system for occupational safety and health, strictly implement the rules and standards of the State on occupational safety and health, educate labourers on occupational safety and health, prevent accidents in the process of work, and reduce occupational hazards.Section 53. Facilities of occupational safety and health must meet thestandards stipulated by the State.Facilities of occupational safety and health installed in new projects and projects to be rebuilt or expanded must be designed, constructed and put into operation and use at the same time as the main projects.Section 54. The employing unit must provide labourers with occupational safety and health conditions conforming to the provisions of the State and necessary articles of labour protection, and provide regular health examination for labourers engaged in work with occupational hazards.Section 55. Labourers to be engaged in specialized operations must receive specialized training and acquire qualifications for such special operations.Section 56. Labourers must strictly abide by rules of safe operation in the process of their work.Labourers shall have the right to refuse to operate if the management personnel of the employing unit command the operation in violation of rules and regulations or force labourers to run risks in operation; labourers shall have the right to criticize, report or file charges against the acts endangering the safety of their life and health.Section 57. The State shall establish a system for the statistics, reports and dispositions of accidents of injuries and deaths, and cases of occupational diseases. The labour administrative departments and other relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level and the employing unit shall, according to law, compile statistics, report and dispose of accidents of injuries and deaths that occurred in the process of their work and cases of occupational diseases.CHAPTER VII. SPECIAL PROTECTION FOR FEMALE AND JUVENILE WORKERSSection 58. The State shall provide female workers and juvenile workers with special protection."Juvenile workers" hereby refer to labourers at the age of 16 but not 18 yet.Section 59. It is prohibited to arrange female workers to engage in work down the pit of mines, or work with Grade IV physical labour intensity as stipulated by the State, or other work that female workers should avoid.Section 60. Female workers during their menstrual period shall not be arranged to engage in work high above the ground, under low temperature, or in cold water or work with Grade III physical labour intensity as stipulated by the State.Section 61. Female workers during their pregnancy shall not be arranged to engage in work with Grade III physical labour intensity as stipulated by the State or other work that they should avoid in pregnancy. Female workers pregnant for seven months or more shall not be arranged to extend their working hours or to work night shifts.Section 62. After childbirth, female workers shall be entitled to no less than 90 days of maternity leaves with pay.Section 63. Female workers during the period of breast-feeding their babies less than one year old shall not be arranged to engage in work with Grade III physical labour intensity as stipulated by the State or other labour that they should avoid during their breast-feeding period, or to extend their working hours or to work night shifts.Section 64. No juvenile workers shall be arranged to engage in work down the pit of mines, work that is poisonous or harmful, work with Grade IV physical labour intensity as stipulated by the State, or other work that they should avoid.Section 65. The employing unit shall provide regular physical examinations to juvenile workers.CHAPTER VIII. VOCATIONAL TRAININGSection 66. The State shall take various measures through various channels to expand vocational training undertakings so as to develop professional skills of labourers, improve their qualities, and raise their employment capability and work ability.Section 67. People's governments at various levels shall incorporate the development of vocational training in the plans of social and economic development, encourage and support all enterprises, institutional organizations, societies and individuals, where conditions permit, to sponsor all kinds of vocational training.Section 68. The employing unit shall establish a system for vocational training, raise and use funds for vocational training in accordance with the provisions of the State, and provide labourers with vocational training in a planned way and in the light of the actual situation of the unit.Labourers to be engaged in technical work must receive pre-job training before taking up their posts.Section 69. The State shall determine occupational classification, set upprofessional skill standards for the occupations classified, and practise a system of vocational qualification certificates. Examination and verification organizations authorized by the Government are in charge of the examination and verification of the professional skills of labourers.CHAPTER IX. SOCIAL INSURANCE AND WELFARESection 70. The State shall develop social insurance undertakings, establish a social insurance system, and set up social insurance funds so that labourers may receive assistance and compensations under such circumstances as old age, illness, work-related injury, unemployment and child bearing.Section 71. The level of social insurance shall be in proportion to the level of social and economic development and the social affordability.Section 72. The sources of social insurance funds shall be determined according to the categories of insurance, and an overall pooling of insurance funds from the society shall be introduced step by step. The employing unit and labourers must participate in social insurance and pay social insurance premiums in accordance with the law.Section 73. Labourers shall, in accordance with the law, enjoy social insurance benefits under the following circumstances:(1) retirement;(2) illness or injury;(3) disability caused by work-related injury or occupational disease;(4) unemployment; and(5) child bearing.The survivors of the insured labourers shall be entitled to subsidies forsurvivors in accordance with the law.The conditions and standards for labourers to enjoy social insurance benefits shall be stipulated by laws, rules and regulations.The social insurance amount that labourers are entitled to must be timely paid in full.Section 74. The agencies in charge of social insurance funds shall collect, expend, manage and operate the funds in accordance with the stipulations of laws, and assume the responsibility to maintain and raise the value of those funds.The supervisory organizations of social insurance funds shall exercise supervision over the revenue and expenditure, management and operation of social insurance funds in accordance with the stipulations of laws.The establishment and function of the agencies in charge of social insurance funds and the supervisory organizations of social insurance funds shall be stipulated by laws.No organization or individual shall be allowed to misappropriate social insurance funds.Section 75. The State shall encourage the employing unit to up supplementary insurance for labourers according to its practical situations.The State shall advocate that labourers practise individual insurance in form of saving account.Section 76. The State shall develop social welfare undertakings, construct public welfare facilities, and provide labourers with conditions for taking rest, recuperation and rehabilitation.The employing unit shall create conditions so as to improve collective welfare and raise welfare treatment of labourers.CHAPTER X. LABOUR DISPUTESSection 77. Where a labour dispute between the employing unit and labourers takes place, the parties concerned may apply for mediation or arbitration or take legal proceedings according to law, or may seek for a settlement through consultation. The principle of mediation shall apply to the procedures of arbitration and lawsuit.Section 78. The settlement of a labour dispute shall follow the principle of legality, fairness and promptness to so as to safeguard in accordance with the law the legitimate rights and interests of the parties involved.Section 79. Where a labour dispute takes place, the parties involved may apply to the labour dispute mediation committee of their unit for mediation; if the mediation falls and one of the parties requests for arbitration, that party may apply to the labour dispute arbitration committee for arbitration. If one of the parties is not satisfied with the adjudication of arbitration, the party may bring the case to a people's court.Section 80. A labour dispute mediation committee may be established inside the employing unit. The committee shall be composed of representatives of the staff and workers, representatives of the employing unit, and representatives of the trade union. The chairman of the committee shall be。



有关中国规则的英文作文Rules in China play a crucial role in shaping the social, economic, and political landscape of the country. As one of the world's oldest civilizations, China has a rich history of establishing and enforcing a comprehensive system of rules and regulations to maintain order, promote social stability, and foster economic development. These rules, often rooted in traditional Chinese values and philosophies, have evolved over time to address the changing needs and challenges faced by the nation.At the heart of China's rulebook lies the concept of "Fa," which translates to "law" or "rule." The Chinese legal system is a complex and multi-layered structure that encompasses a wide range of laws, regulations, and administrative policies. From the overarching Constitution to specific industry-specific guidelines, the Chinese government has meticulously crafted a framework to govern the behavior of its citizens, businesses, and institutions.One of the defining features of the Chinese rule system is its emphasis on social harmony and collective well-being. The Confucianprinciples of filial piety, respect for authority, and the primacy of the group over the individual have heavily influenced the development of Chinese rules. This is evident in the strong emphasis on maintaining social order, upholding family values, and ensuring the smooth functioning of the state.In the realm of personal conduct, Chinese rules often focus on promoting virtuous behavior and discouraging actions that may disrupt social harmony. For instance, the concept of "Li," which encompasses etiquette, propriety, and social norms, is deeply ingrained in Chinese culture. Individuals are expected to adhere to these unwritten rules of behavior, such as showing respect to elders, maintaining proper dress code in public, and avoiding public displays of affection.The Chinese government also wields significant control over the economic sphere, with a comprehensive set of rules and regulations governing various industries and sectors. From the management of state-owned enterprises to the regulation of foreign investment, the government's hand is ever-present in shaping the economic landscape. This level of control is often seen as a necessary measure to ensure the stability and continued growth of the Chinese economy, which has experienced remarkable transformation and expansion in recent decades.In the realm of politics, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has established a robust system of rules and regulations to maintain its grip on power and ensure the implementation of its policies. The CCP's rule is underpinned by a complex web of laws, party directives, and administrative measures that govern the behavior of government officials, political institutions, and the media. This tight control over the political sphere is often justified by the government as a means to preserve social stability and national unity.However, the Chinese rule system has also faced criticism from both domestic and international observers. Concerns have been raised about the lack of transparency, the suppression of dissent, and the perceived disregard for individual rights in the name of maintaining social order. Critics argue that the rigid and centralized nature of the Chinese rule system can stifle innovation, limit personal freedoms, and hinder the development of a more open and democratic society.Despite these criticisms, the Chinese government remains committed to its rule-based approach, constantly adapting and refining its policies to address emerging challenges and maintain its grip on power. The ongoing debate around the balance between order and individual liberty continues to be a central issue in the discourse surrounding China's political and social development.In conclusion, the rules in China play a pivotal role in shaping thecountry's social, economic, and political landscape. From the Confucian-inspired emphasis on social harmony to the government's tight control over various spheres of life, the Chinese rule system reflects the unique cultural, historical, and ideological foundations of the nation. As China continues to evolve and navigate the complexities of the modern world, the role and impact of these rules will undoubtedly remain a topic of intense scrutiny and discussion.。



The Intertwined Roles of National Laws, Family Rules, andSchool RegulationsIn the intricate web of societal structures, national laws, family rules, and school regulations play indispensable roles in shaping individuals, fostering discipline, and maintaining order. Each of these pillars contributes uniquely to the overall development of society, ensuring harmony, progress, and the well-being of its members.National Laws: The Foundation of OrderNational laws serve as the bedrock of any society, establishing the framework within which citizens must operate. They embody the collective will of the people, codifying values such as justice, equality, and freedom. By setting clear boundaries and consequences for behavior, national laws promote social stability, protect individual rights, and discourage criminal activity. They are the ultimate authority, ensuring that all citizens, regardless of their background or status, are subject to the same rules and held accountable for their actions.Family Rules: The Nurturing Ground of MoralityFamily rules, on the other hand, are the first and most influential set of guidelines that children encounter. They are often rooted in tradition, culture, and personal beliefs, and are passed down from generation to generation. Family rules instill a sense of belonging, responsibility, and respect for others. They teach children the importance of honesty, kindness, and hard work, preparing them for the challenges of life outside the home. By modeling behavior and reinforcing positive values, families play a crucial role in shaping the moral character of their children.School Regulations: The Bridge Between Home and Society School regulations occupy a unique position, bridging the gap between the family and the broader society. They provide a structured environment where students learn not only academic knowledge but also the social skills necessary for successful navigation in the world. School regulations emphasize discipline, punctuality, and respect for authority, preparing students for the demands of the workplace and civic life. They also foster a sense of community, encouraging students to support and learn from each other. By enforcing a code of conduct, schools contribute to the development of responsible, respectful, and productive citizens.The Interconnectedness of These RulesThe effectiveness of national laws, family rules, and school regulations is greatly enhanced by their interconnectedness. When these systems work in harmony, they reinforce each other, creating a supportive and nurturing environment for individual growth and societal progress. National laws provide the overarching framework, while family rules and school regulations offer more specific guidance and reinforcement. Together, they shape the attitudes, behaviors, and values of citizens, ensuring that society remains stable, just, and prosperous.ConclusionIn conclusion, national laws, family rules, and school regulations are interconnected and indispensable components of any healthy society. They each play a unique role in fostering discipline, promoting morality, and maintaining order. By working in harmony, these rules and regulations contribute to the overall well-being of individuals and society as a whole. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, it is important to remember the importance of these foundational principles and to strive to uphold them in all aspects of our lives.。



俗话说国有国法家有家规英语作文Country Has Laws, Family Has RulesHello everyone! Today, I want to talk to you about something very important - the laws of our country and the rules in our families. You know, there's a saying, "Country has laws, family has rules." Let's find out what it means!First, let's talk about the laws of our country. Laws are like the rules that everyone in our country needs to follow. They help to keep our society safe, fair, and peaceful. Just like when we play a game, there are rules to make sure everyone plays fairly and nobody gets hurt.In our country, there are many laws that protect us. For example, there are traffic laws that tell us how to drive safely on the roads. We must stop at red lights, follow speed limits, and always wear our seat belts. These laws are in place to keep us and others safe.There are also laws that protect our rights and freedoms. We have the right to express our opinions, practice our own religion, and be treated fairly. Laws make sure that nobody can take away these rights from us.Now let's talk about the rules in our families. Just like how our country has laws, our families have rules too. These rules are made by our parents or guardians to help us grow up to be responsible and respectful individuals.Family rules can be about many things. For example, we might have rules about chores, like cleaning our rooms or helping with the dishes. These rules teach us about responsibility and the importance of taking care of our own things and helping others.We might also have rules about bedtime, like when we should go to bed and when we should wake up. These rules help us to have enough rest so that we can be energetic and do well in school.Some families might have rules about screen time, like how much time we can spend watching TV or playing video games. These rules are important because they help us to find a balance between fun activities and other important things like homework and spending time with our family and friends.Remember, rules in our families are made out of love. They are there to guide us and help us become responsible and respectful individuals. Just like how we need to follow the laws ofour country, it's important for us to follow the rules in our families too.In conclusion, "Country has laws, family has rules" means that both our country and our families have guidelines for us to follow. Laws help to keep our society safe and fair, while family rules teach us important values and help us grow into responsible individuals. So let's always remember to respect and follow both the laws of our country and the rules in our families.That's all for today, my friends! I hope you understand the importance of laws and rules. Remember to be good citizens and responsible family members. See you next time!Word count: 496 words。



Rules in Society and at HomeIn the vast canvas of life, every society and every family is governed by a set of invisible threads called rules. These rules, whether they are the laws of a nation or the traditions of a household, play a pivotal role in maintaining order and harmony. Just as the state relies on its laws to ensure the smooth functioning of its citizens, so does a family depend on its rules to foster a healthy and peaceful environment.The laws of a nation are the bedrock upon which its society stands. They are the guidelines that govern the conduct of its people, setting boundaries and outlining consequences for those who transgress. These laws are not arbitrary; they are the result of collective wisdom and experience, designed to promote the welfare and prosperity of the nation. They ensure fairness, justice, and equality among its citizens, providing a sense of security and stability.Similarly, a family's rules are the invisible hand that guides its members towards positive growth and development. These rules are often passed down through generations,becoming an integral part of the family's culture and identity. They instill values such as respect, discipline, and responsibility, shaping the character and behavior ofits members.The importance of rules in both society and the family cannot be overstated. In society, laws protect the rightsof individuals and ensure that everyone is treated fairly. They foster a sense of community and belonging, promoting social cohesion and stability. In the family, rules instill a sense of belonging and purpose, teaching children the importance of following traditions and respecting authority. However, it is also crucial to remember that rules,while necessary, should not be stifling. They should be flexible enough to accommodate change and growth, allowing individuals to express their unique talents and personalities. In society, this means laws that are responsive to the needs of its citizens, adapting to the changing times while remaining true to its founding principles. In the family, it means rules that foster creativity and encourage children to think outside the box, while still maintaining a sense of structure and discipline.In conclusion, rules are the invisible threads thatbind society and the family together. They provide order, stability, and a sense of purpose, ensuring that both the nation and the family thrive and prosper. However, it is important to remember that rules should not be static; they should evolve with time, allowing for growth and change while maintaining their core values and principles.**国有国法,家有家规**在生活的广阔画卷中,每个社会和每个家庭都由一套无形的线——规则——所统治。




文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!In China, it is important to adhere to the order of the country. This means following the rules and regulations set by the government and respecting the social norms. It is a way of maintaining harmony and stability in the society.Chinese people value discipline and order. They believe that everyone should play their part in maintaining the order of the country. This can be seen in various aspects of life, such as obeying traffic rules, queuing up in an orderly manner, and following the rules in public places. By doing so, people show their respect for others and contribute to the overall order of the society.Respecting authority is another important aspect of adhering to the Chinese order. Chinese people have a deep respect for their elders, teachers, and leaders. They believe in the hierarchy and understand the importance of following the instructions given by those in authority. This not only helps maintain order but also fosters a senseof unity and cooperation among the people.In China, there is also a strong emphasis on maintaining a clean and tidy environment. People are encouraged to keep their surroundings clean and not litter. This is not only for aesthetic purposes but also for the well-being of the community. By keeping the environment clean, people can prevent the spread of diseases and create a pleasant living environment for everyone.In addition to following the rules and regulations, Chinese people also value moral order. They believe in the importance of honesty, integrity, and treating others with respect. These moral values are deeply ingrained in the Chinese culture and are essential for maintaining social order. By adhering to these values, people can build trust and cooperation among each other, leading to a harmonious society.Overall, adhering to the order in China is crucial for maintaining harmony and stability in the society. It involves following rules and regulations, respectingauthority, keeping the environment clean, and upholding moral values. By doing so, people contribute to the overall well-being of the country and create a harmonious living environment for everyone.。



遵守中国规则英文作文I think it's important to follow the rules in China. It shows respect for the culture and traditions of the country. When we follow the rules, we contribute to the overall harmony and stability of society.Following the rules also helps to maintain order and safety in public spaces. For example, obeying traffic laws can prevent accidents and keep the roads safe for everyone. By following the rules, we can create a more pleasant and peaceful environment for everyone.In addition, respecting the rules in China can help us build positive relationships with the local community. When we show that we are willing to follow the customs and regulations of the country, we demonstrate our willingnessto integrate and cooperate with others.Moreover, adhering to the rules in China is a way to show our understanding and appreciation for the values andnorms of the society. It's a sign of cultural awareness and sensitivity, which can help us avoid misunderstandings and conflicts with the local people.Ultimately, following the rules in China is not just about compliance, but also about showing our willingness to be responsible and considerate members of the community.It's a way to contribute to the well-being of society andto demonstrate our commitment to being good global citizens.。



遵守中国规矩英文作文英文:Following Chinese customs and rules is an important aspect of living in China. As a foreigner, I have learned that respecting and abiding by these customs is crucial in order to integrate into Chinese society and build positive relationships with locals.One of the most important customs to follow is showing respect to elders and those in positions of authority. This means addressing them with proper titles and using polite language. For example, when speaking to my boss, I always address him as "Mr. Zhang" and use formal language. Additionally, it is important to avoid causing any loss of face for others, which means being mindful of criticizing or embarrassing someone in public.Another important rule to follow is being punctual. In China, being on time is seen as a sign of respect andresponsibility. I make sure to arrive early for appointments and meetings to show that I value the other person's time and am reliable.In terms of social etiquette, I have learned to be mindful of the way I eat and drink. For example, it is considered rude to slurp or make loud noises while eating, and it is important to use chopsticks properly. Additionally, when giving gifts, it is important to choose something appropriate and present it with both hands.Overall, following Chinese customs and rules has helped me to build strong relationships with locals and feel more integrated into Chinese society. By showing respect and understanding for local customs, I have been able to navigate daily life in China with ease.中文:遵守中国的习俗和规矩是在中国生活的重要方面。

Chinese Cyber Laws

Chinese Cyber Laws

中国网络法律:Chinese Cyber Laws:1. 《全国人大常委会关于维护互联网安全的决定》Decision of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee on safeguarding Internet Security(2000年12月28日);这是我国第一部关于互联网安全的法律。

该法分别从(1)保障互联网的运行安全;Ensure safe operation of the Internet;(2)维护国家安全和社会稳定;To safeguard national security and social stability;(3)维护社会主义市场经济秩序和社会管理秩序;Maintain order in the socialist market economy and social management order;(4)保护个人、法人和其他组织的人身、财产等合法权利等四个方面,共15款,明确规定了对构成犯罪的行为,依照刑法有关规定追究刑事责任。

与网络安全有关的行政法规主要有:1. 国务院令147号:《中华人民共和国计算机信息系统安全保护条例》Regulations of the People’s Republic of China for Safety Protection of Computer Information System ;这是我国第一部涉及计算机信息系统安全的行政法规。

The first administration regulation in our country relating to the security of computer information system. 《条例》赋予“公安部主管全国计算机信息系统安全保护工作”的职能。

主管权体现在:(1)监督、检查、指导权;Supervision, inspection, guidance right;(2)计算机违法犯罪案件查处权;Computer crime case investigation;(3)其他监督职权。

Chinese rules作文

Chinese rules作文

Chinese rules作文There is a rule called the China rules."Without rules, no circumference."Everyone should know that the rules are the steward of society, without him, the world would be chaotic, without him, how many people would be killed by accidents; without him, classmates and teachers can obey the rules as today, the teaching activities can be orderly?If we do not follow the rules, will the world still be so beautiful?Everyone should abide by the traffic rules, people and cars go their own way will be safe and orderly, but some people love drunk driving, because of a moment of greed, but for the tears of the family and their own pain.Some people love to drive fast, and the green light left only 2,3 seconds straight rushed past, light times fine, heavy some car accident, some died, some in jail, if you do not obey the traffic rules, how terrible!Social primary and middle school students also have rules, in school to see the teacher to say hello, class, speech to raise hands; extracurricular, into the teacher's office to shout report, should beallowed to go into; the end of the speech to serious, to applaud to the old, young, women, disabled and soldiers, walk way, bus seat, respect and help the disabled......Students get along with rules, students should respect each other, a person who does not know how to respect others, will not be respected by others.In the campus life, students should respect each other between a person who does not know how to respect others, and will not be respected by others.In campus life, students get along day and day, friendly atmosphere, the spirit of mutual love and harmonious relationship, not only very important for study, but also very important for everyone's personality growth and spiritual health.Playing games also needs rules, the most important thing is fair, if playing hide-hide cat caught someone, and he said no, let others start again, then this game is fair?How boring this game is to play!Students and teachers also need to abide by the rules, can not give the teacher a nickname or call him by his first name, the old saying said good: " a day for a teacher, life for the parents."That is to say, teachers, like their parents, must be unconditionallyrespected, please think about it: every little progress in learning, what point does not permeate the teacher's little efforts?The rules I listed are collectively referred to as Chinese rules, and we as Chinese should abide by these rules.。

法律英语之中国法Chinese Law

法律英语之中国法Chinese  Law

Civil Law——separate rules Q4
The System of The Civil Law In China
Civil Law——GPCL
Civil Law——separate rules
Civil Law——Status
Civil law——Principles
Part2 The System of The Chinese Laws 7/20
2.The Civil and Commercial Law. The civil law is basic law and the commercial law is special law.The range of adjustment of them is the property and personal relationship among equal subjects.
Part2 The System of The Chinese Laws 7/20
Finally,What the concept of each department law?
7.The Procedural law Procedural law is the protection of correct implementation of substantive law.The main function is timely, appropriate to provide the necessary rules and orders for realizing and implementing authority.
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Accounting as separate entity required. Account book must be kept in China
Profit and loss shared according to the ratio in registered capital
After deduction of necessary fees and tax, profit can be repatriated overseas
Tax Investment Term Early Termination Governing Law
Corporate Income Tax Depends on industry; usually decided by contract Permitted PRC Law
Corporate Income Tax Submit at time of registration Permitted PRC Law
China’s Political and Legal Environment
1.The political system is stable. But, although the state looks powerful from the outside, it looks less so from within 2. The communist party (CCP) is in transition. They now allows business people, or “capitalists”, to become members. But if the CCP want to keep power, it is going to have to sacrifice Marxism and communism. 3. The legal system is subordinate to the CCP Rule by man not rule by Law. Judges are appointed and promoted by the local party committee and government elite, not by the Ministry of Justice.
Accounting as separate entity required. Account book must be kept in China
Board of Directors Export requirement Accounting
Profit/ Loss Distribution
Required. Decided under contract No minimum export required
Legal entity with Limited Liability 100% Not Required Required
Benefits to the China national economy
Legal entity with Limited Liability Normally cannot be less than 25% Required Required
Forces that Shape the China Market
1) Monitor and understand WTO induced restructuring 2) Exploit opportunities resulting from WTO, especially domestic trading, distribution and opening branch offices 3) Exploit growing disposable income 4) Monitor inland developments and opportunities 5) Concentrate on developing and maintaining competitive strategies (competition from domestic companies is increasing) 6) Culture of Chinese companies changing 7) Improve branding and image building 8) How to deal with skill shortage? (e.g. insurance sector) 9) Attract and keep high-caliber local managers as the competition for them heats up from newcomers and domestic companies Markets with development potential are: Telecom, Chemicals, Machinery, Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), IT and Services.
- Joint Ventures - Wholly Foreign Owned (WFOE) - Merger and Acquisition
Equity Joint Venture (Ered Required Required Cash, Capital goods, Industrial Property rights
Foreign: Advanced technology and equipments must truly suited to the needs of China
Chinese: Land use right
Cash, material objects, land-use rights, industrial property rights, unpatented technology and other property rights Either a Board of Director or a Joint Management Committee is needed No minimum export required Account book must be established and kept in China Profit and loss shared according to contract terms Corporate Income Tax Specified in the contract Permitted PRC Law
Foreign Partner’s Equity
Co-operative Joint Venture(CJV)
May be set up as a legal entity or as an enterprise having no separate legal person status
Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise (WFOE)
Required Required Required
Required if there are changes in the statutory items (industrial/ commercial and tax registrations)
Required Required Required Required Cash, capital goods, industrial property rights, know-how, land use rights Not necessary No minimum export required
Ten Golden Business Rules for China
• Assemble the right team, train locals • Know the market and operating environment • China is not one but eight distinctly different markets • Look for multiple points of entry • Observe market developments and changes • “Seek truth from fact” (Business records, statistics, statements etc) • Know how to benefit from the information network and develop allies • Be creative and pragmatic - like driving a car in China. “Grope one’s way, stone by stone, across the river” • Have patience and keep options open -final offers are the first stage of negotiations • Remember: You are in China to make money! *
China’s Laws, Rules & Regulations
Discussion Questions
• What are the key aspects of China’s political and legal environment? What options are available for foreign investors in preparing their business entry to the China market? • How has China’s accession to the WTO membership created new opportunities and challenges for both Chinese and foreign enterprises? • What are the legal, political and investment risks involved in doing business in China? What are the possible solutions? • Why did China establish the Shanghai Free Trade Zone in 2013? What opportunities and challenges will the Shanghai Free Trade Zone provide for foreign investors?