A new role of NUAK1 directly phosphorylating p53 a




Church of Scientology leaders ordered the wiretapping of Nicole Kidman's telephones during her marriage to Tom Cruise as part of a campaign to break up the couple, according to an explosive new documentary.据一份新的爆炸性文件指出,在妮可·基德曼和汤姆·克鲁斯的婚姻中,山达基教会领袖曾下令窃听女方电话线路,企图破坏二人婚姻。

Marty Rathbun, formerly the religion's second highest-ranking official, told Oscar-winning film-maker Alex Gibney, that his role was to "facilitate the break-up" for church leader David Miscavige.前教会二把手马蒂·拉斯对获得奥斯卡奖的制片人艾利克斯·吉布尼说,他的角色就是为教会领袖戴维·密斯凯维吉“加速他们的分手”。

The church said that the "accusations" were "entirely false".而教会称,这些指控是“彻头彻尾的错误。

”Cruise, the most outspoken Hollywood Scientologist, drifted away from the church during his marriage to Kidman, according to insiders.知情人士透露,克鲁斯曾是全好莱坞最率真的山达基教教徒,但在与妮可婚后便与教会疏离。

A generalisation, a simplification and some applications of paillier’s probabilistic publi

A generalisation, a simplification and some applications of paillier’s probabilistic publi

A Generalisation,a Simplification and someApplications of Paillier’s ProbabilisticPublic-Key SystemIvan Damg˚ard and Mads JurikUniversity of Aarhus,BRICS⋆Abstract.We propose a generalisation of Paillier’s probabilistic publickey system,in which the expansion factor is reduced and which allowsto adjust the block length of the scheme even after the public key hasbeenfixed,without loosing the homomorphic property.We show thatthe generalisation is as secure as Paillier’s original system.We construct a threshold variant of the generalised scheme as well aszero-knowledge protocols to show that a given ciphertext encrypts oneof a set of given plaintexts,and protocols to verify multiplicative relationson plaintexts.We then show how these building blocks can be used for applying thescheme to efficient electronic voting.This reduces dramatically the workneeded to compute thefinal result of an election,compared to the previ-ously best known schemes.We show how the basic scheme for a yes/novote can be easily adapted to casting a vote for up to t out of L can-didates.The same basic building blocks can also be adapted to pro-vide receipt-free elections,under appropriate physical assumptions.Thescheme for1out of L elections can be optimised such that for a certainrange of parameter values,a ballot has size only O(log L)bits.1IntroductionIn[9],Paillier proposes a new probabilistic encryption scheme based on compu-tations in the group Z∗n2,where n is an RSA modulus.This scheme has somevery attractive properties,in that it is homomorphic,allows encryption of many bits in one operation with a constant expansion factor,and allows efficient de-cryption.In this paper we propose a generalisation of Paillier’s scheme using computations modulo n s+1,for any s≥1.We also show that the system can be simplified(without degrading security)such that the public key can consist of only the modulus n.This allows instantiating the system such that the block length for the encryption can be chosen freely for each encryption,independently of the size of the public key,and without loosing the homomorphic property.The generalisation also allows reducing the expansion factor from2for Paillier’s orig-inal system to almost1.We prove that the generalisation is as secure as Paillier’s original scheme.We propose a threshold variant of the generalised system,allowing a number of servers to share knowledge of the secret key,such that any large enough subset of them can decrypt a ciphertext,while smaller subsets have no useful information.We prove in the random oracle model that the scheme is as secure as a standard centralised implementation.We also propose a zero-knowledge proof of knowledge allowing a prover to show that a given ciphertext encodes a given plaintext.From this we derive other tools,such as a protocol showing that a ciphertext encodes one out of a number of given plaintexts.Finally,we propose a protocol that allows verifica-tion of multiplicative relations among encrypted values without revealing extra information.We look at applications of this to electronic voting schemes.A large number of such schemes is known,but the most efficient one,at least in terms of the work needed from voters,is by Cramer,Gennaro and Schoenmakers[4].This protocol provides in fact a general framework that allows usage of any proba-bilistic encryption scheme for encryption of votes,if the encryption scheme has a set of”nice”properties,in particular it must be homomorphic.The basic idea of this is straightforward:each voter broadcasts an encryption of his vote(by sending it to a bulletin board)together with a proof that the vote is valid.All the valid votes are then combined to produce an encryption of the result,using the homomorphic property of the encryption scheme.Finally,a set of trustees (who share the secret key of the scheme in a threshold fashion)can decrypt and publish the result.Paillier pointed out already in[9]that since his encryption scheme is homo-morphic,it may be applicable to electronic voting.In order to apply it in the framework of[4],however,some important building blocks are missing:one needs an efficient proof of validity of a vote,and also an efficient threshold variant of the scheme,so that the result can be decrypted without allowing a single entity the possibility of learning how single voters voted.These building blocks are precisely what we provide here.Thus we immedi-ately get a voting protocol.In this protocol,the work needed from the voters is of the same order as in the original version of[4].However,the work needed to produce the result is reduced dramatically,as we now explain.With the El Gamal encryption used in[4],the decryption process after a yes/no election pro-duces g R mod p,where p is prime,g is a generator and R is the desired result. Thus one needs to solve a discrete log problem in order tofind the result.Since R is bounded by the number of voters M,this is feasible for moderate size M’s.√But it requiresΩ(M L−1),and so is prohibitively expensive for elections with large L.In the scheme we propose below,this work can be removed completely.Our decryption process produces the desired result directly.We also give ways to implement efficiently constraints on voting that occur in real elections,such asallowing to vote for precisely t out of the L candidates,or to vote for up to t of them.In each of these schemes,the size of a single ballot is O(k·L),where k is the bit length of the modulus used1.We propose a variant using a different technique where ballots have size O(max(k,L log M)·log L).Thus for k≥L log M,this is much more efficient,and even optimal up to a constant factor,since with less than log L bits one cannot distinguish between the L candidates.Furthermore this scheme requires only1decryption operation,even when L>2.2Related WorkIn work independent from,but earlier than ours,Fouque,Poupard and Stern [6]proposed thefirst threshold version of Paillier’s original scheme.Like our threshold scheme,[6]uses an adaptation of Shoup’s threshold RSA scheme[10], but beyond this the techniques are somewhat different,in particular because we construct a threshold version for our generalised crypto system(and not only Paillier’s original scheme).In[6]voting was also pointed out as a potential application,however,no suggestion was made there for protocols to prove that an encrypted vote is correctly formed,something that is of course necessary for a secure election in practice.In work done concurrently with and independent from ours,Baudron,Fou-que,Pointcheval,Poupard and Stern[1]propose a voting scheme somewhat similar to ours.Their work can be seen as being complementary to ours in the sense that their proposal is more oriented towards the system architectural aspects of a large scale election,and less towards optimisation of the building blocks.To compare to their scheme,wefirst note that there the modulus length k must be chosen such that k>L log M.The scheme produces ballots of size O(k·L).An estimate with explicit constants is given in[1]in which the dominating term in our notation is9kL.Because our voting scheme uses the generalised Paillier crypto system,k can be chosen freely,and the voting scheme can still accommodate any values of L,M.If we choose k as in[1],i.e.k>L log M,then the ballots we produce have size O(k·log L).Working out the concrete constants involved,onefinds that our complexity is dominated by the term11k log L.So for large scale elections we have gained a significant factor in complexity compared to[1].In[8],Hirt and Sako propose a general method for building receipt-free elec-tion schemes,i.e.protocols where vote-buying or-coercing is not possible because voters cannot prove to others how they voted.Their method can be applied to make a receipt-free version of the scheme from[4].It can also be applied to our scheme,with the same efficiency gain as in the non-receipt free case.3A Generalisation of Paillier’s Probabilistic Encryption SchemeThe public-key crypto-system we describe here uses computations modulo n s+1 where n is an RSA modulus and s is a natural number.It contains Paillier’s scheme[9]as a special case by setting s=1.We start from the observation that if n=pq,p,q odd primes,then Z∗n s+1 as a multiplicative group is a direct product G×H,where G is cyclic of order n s and H is isomorphic to Z∗n,which follows directly from elementary numbertheory.Thus,the factor group¯G=Z∗n s+1/H is also cyclic of order n s.For anarbitrary element a∈Z∗n s+1,we let¯a=aH denote the element represented bya in the factor group¯G.Lemma1.For any s<p,q,the element n+1has order n s in Z∗n s+1. Proof.Consider the integer(1+n)i= i j=0 i j n j.This number is1modulo n s+1for some i if and only if i j=1 i j n j−1is0modulo n s.Clearly,this is the case if i=n s,so it follows that the order of1+n is a divisor in n s,i.e.,itis a number of form pαqβ,whereα,β≤s.Set a=pαqβ,and consider a term a j n j−1in the sum a j=1 a j n j−1.We claim that each such term is divisible by a:this is trivial if j>s,and for j≤s,it follows because j!can then not have p or q as prime factors,and so a must divide a j .Now assume for contradiction that a=pαqβ<n s.Without loss of generality,we can assume that this means α<s.We know that n s divides a j=1 a j n j−1.Dividing both numbers by a, we see that p must divide the number a j=1 a j n j−1/a.However,thefirst term in this sum after division by a is1,and all the rest are divisible by p,so the number is in fact1modulo p,and we have a contradiction.Since the order of H is relatively prime to n s this implies immediately that the elementthe following induction step:In the j’th step we know i j−1.This means that i j=i j−1+k∗n j−1for some0≤k<n.If we use this inL((1+n)i mod n j+1)=(i j+ i j2 n+...+ i j j n j−1)mod n j We can notice that each term i j t+1 n t for j>t>0satisfies that i j t+1 n t= i j−1t+1 n t mod n j.This is because the contributions from k∗n j−1vanish modulo n j after multiplication by n.This means that we get:L((1+n)i mod n j+1)=(i j−1+k∗n j−1+ i j−12 n+...+i j−1j n j−1)mod n jThen we just rewrite that to get what we wantedi j=i j−1+k∗n j−1=i j−1+L((1+n)i mod n j+1)−(i j−1+ i j−12 n+...+ i j−1j n j−1)mod n j=L((1+n)i mod n j+1)−( i j−12 n+...+ i j−1j n j−1)mod n j This equation leads to the following algorithm:i:=0;for s dot1:=L(a mod n j+1);t2:=i;for j doi:=i−1;t2:=t2∗i mod n j;t1:=t1−t2∗n k−1i:=t1;endKey Generation On input the security parameter k,choose an RSA modulusn=pq of length k bits2.Also choose an element g∈Z∗n s+1such thatg=(1+n)j x mod n s+1for a known j relatively prime to n and x∈H.This can be done,e.g.,by choosing j,x at randomfirst and computing g;some alternatives are described later.Letλbe the least common multiple of p−1and q−1.By the Chinese Remainder Theorem,choose d such thatd mod n∈Z∗n and d=0modλ.Any such choice of d will work in thefollowing.In Paillier’s original scheme d=λwas used,which is the smallest possible value.However,when making a threshold variant,other choices are better-we expand on this in the following section.Now the public key is n,g while the secret key is d.encryption The plaintext set is Z n s.Given a plaintext i,choose a randomr∈Z∗n s+1,and let the ciphertext be E(i,r)=g i r n s mod n s+1.decryption Given a ciphertext c,first compute c d mod n s+1.Clearly,if c= E(v,r),we getc d=(g i r n s)d=((1+n)ji x i r n s)d=(1+n)jid mod n s(x i r n s)d modλ=(1+n)jid mod n sNow apply the above algorithm to compute jid mod n s.Applying the same method with c replaced by g clearly produces the value jd mod n s,so this can either be computed on thefly or be saved as part of the secret key.In any case we obtain the cleartext by(jid)·(jd)−1=i mod n s.Clearly,this system is additively homomorphic over Z n s,that is,the product of encryptions of messages i,i′is an encryption of i+i′mod n s.The security of the system is based on the following assumption,introduced by Paillier in[9]the decisional composite residuosity assumption(DCRA): Conjecture1.Let A be any probabilistic polynomial time algorithm,and assume A gets n,x as input.Here n has k bits,and is chosen as described above,and xis either random in Z∗n2or it is a random n’th power in Z∗n2(that is,a randomelement in the subgroup H defined earlier).A outputs a bit b.Let p0(A,k)bethe probability that b=1if x is random in Z∗n2and p1(A,k)the probabilitythat b=1if x is a random n’th power.Then|p0(A,k)−p1(A,k)|is negligible in k.Here,“negligible in k”as usual means smaller than1/f(k)for any polynomial f()and all large enough k.We now discuss the semantic security of CS s.There are several equivalent formulations of semantic security.We will use the following:Definition1.An adversary A against a public-key cryptosystem gets the pub-lic key pk generated from secuity parameter k as input and outputs a mes-sage m.Then A is given an encryption under pk of either m or a messagechosen uniformly in the message space,and outputs a bit.Let p0(A,k),re-spectively p1(A,k)be the probability that A outputs1when given an encryp-tion of m,respectively a random encryption.Define the advantage of A to be Adv(A,k)=|p0(A,k)−p1(A,k)|.The cryptosystem is semantically secure if for any probabilistic polynomial time adversary A,Adv(A,k)is negligible in k.In[9],Paillier showed that semantic security of his cryptosystem(which is the same as our CS1)is equivalent to DCRA.This equivalence holds for any choice of g,and follows easily from the fact that given a ciphertext c that iseither random or encrypts a message i,cg−i mod n2is either random in Z∗n2ora random n’th power.In particular one may choose g=n+1always without degrading security.We do this in the following for simplicity,so that a public key consists only of the modulus n.We now show that in fact security of CS s is equivalent to DCRA:Theorem1.For any s,the cryptosystem CS s is semantically secure if and only if the DCRA assumption is true.Proof.From a ciphertext in CS s,one can obtain a ciphertext in CS1by reducing modulo n2,this implicitly reduces the message modulo n.It is therefore clear that if DCRA fails,then CS s cannot be secure for any s.For the converse,we show by induction on s that security of CS s follows from DCRA.For s=1,this is exact.ly Paillier’s result.So take any s>1and assume that CS t for any t<s is secure.The message space of CS s is Z n s.Thus any message m can be written in n-adic notation as an s-tuple(m s,m s−1,...,m1),where each m i∈Z n and m= s−1i=0m i+1n i.Let D n(m s,...,m1)be the distribution obtained by encrypting the message(m s,...,m1)under public key n.If one or more of the m i are replaced by∗’s,this means that the corresponding position in the message is chosen uniformly in Z n before encrypting.Now,assume for contradiction that CS s is insecure,thus there is an adversary A,such that for infinitely many k,Adv(A,k)≥1/f(k)for some polynomial f(). Take such a k.Without loss of generality,assume we have p0(A,k)−p1(A,k)≥1/f(k).Suppose we make a public key n from security parameter k,show it to A, get a message(m s,...,m1)from A and show A a sample of D n(∗,m s−1,...,m1). Let q(A,k)be the probability that A now outputs1.Of course,we must have(∗)p0(A,k)−q(A,k)≥12f(k)for infinitely many k.In thefirst case in(∗),we can make a successful adversary against CS1,as follows:we get the public key n,show it to A,get(m s,...,m1),and return m s as output.We will get a ciphertext c that either encrypts m s in CS1,or is a randomciphertext,i.e.,a random element from Z∗n2.If we consider c as an element inZ∗n s+1,we know it is an encryption of some plaintext,which must have either m sor a random element in its least significant position.Hence c n s−1mod n s+1is an encryption of(m s,0,...,0)or(∗,0,...,0).We then make a random encryption d of(0,m s−1,...,m1),give c n s−1d mod n s+1to A and return the bit A outputs. Now,if c encrypts m s,we have shown to A a sample of D n(m s,...,m1),and otherwise a sample of D n(∗,m s−1,...,m1).So by assumption on A,this breaks CS1with an advantage of1/2f(k),and so contradicts the induction assumption.In the second case of(∗),we can make an adversary against CS s−1,as fol-lows:we get the public key n,show it to A,and get a message(m s,...,m1).We output(m s−1,...,m1)and get back a ciphertext c that encrypts in CS s−1either (m s−1,...,m1)or something random.If we consider c as a number modulo n s+1, we know that the corresponding plaintext in CS s has either(m s−1,...,m1)or random elements in the least significant s−1positions-and something un-known in the top position.We make a random encryption d of(∗,0,...,0),show cd mod n s+1to A and return the bit A outputs.If c encrypted(m s−1,...,m1), we have shown A a sample from D n(∗,m s−1,....,m1),and otherwise a sample from D n(∗,...,∗).So by asumption on A,this breaks CS s−1with an advantage of1/2f(k)and again contradicts the induction assumption.3.1Adjusting the Block lengthTo facilitate comparison with Paillier’s original system,we have kept the above system description as close as possible to that of Paillier.In particular,the description allows choosing g in a variety of ways.However,as mentioned,we may choose g=n+1always without loosing security,and the public key may then consist only of the modulus n.This means that we can let the receiver decide on s when he encrypts a message.More concretely,the system will work as follows:Key Generation Choose an RSA modulus n=pq.Now the public key is n while the secret key isλ,the least common multiple of(p−1)and(q−1).encryption Given a plaintext i∈Z n s,choose a random r∈Z∗n s+1,and let theciphertext be E(i,r)=(1+n)i r n s mod n s+1.decryption Given a ciphertext c,first compute,by the Chinese Remainder Theorem d,such that d=1mod n s and d=0modλ(note that the length of the ciphertext allows to decide on the right value of s,except with negligible probability).Then compute c d mod n s+1.Clearly,if c=E(i,r),we getc d=((1+n)i r n s)d=(1+n)id mod n s(x i r n s)d modλ=(1+n)i mod n s+1Now apply the above algorithm to compute i mod n s.4Some Building Blocks4.1A Threshold Variant of the SchemeWhat we are after in this section is a way to distribute the secret key to a set of servers,such that any subset of at least t of them can do decryption efficiently,while less than t have no useful information.Of course this must be done withoutdegrading the security of the system.In[10],Shoup proposes an efficient threshold variant of RSA signatures.The main part of this is a protocol that allows a set of servers to collectively andefficiently raise an input number to a secret exponent modulo an RSA modulus n.A little more precisely:on input a,each server returns a share of the result,together with a proof of correctness.Given sufficiently many correct shares,thesecan be efficiently combined to compute a d mod n,where d is the secret exponent.As we explain below it is quite simple to transplant this method to our case,thus allowing the servers to raise an input number to our secret exponent dmodulo n s+1.So we can solve our problem byfirst letting the servers help us compute E(i,r)d mod n s+1.Then if we use g=n+1and choose d such thatd=1mod n s and d=0modλ,the remaining part of the decryption is easy to do without knowledge of d.We warn the reader that this is only secure for the particular choice of d wehave made,for instance,if we had used Paillier’s original choice d=λ,then seeing the value E(i,r)d mod n s+1would allow an adversary to computeλandbreak the system completely.However,in our case,the exponentiation result cansafely be made public,since it contains no trace of the secretλ.A more concrete description:Compared to[10]we still have a secret exponentd,but there is no public exponent e,so we will have to do some things slightly differently.We will assume that there are l decryption servers,and a minimumof k<n/2of these are needed to make a correct decryption.Key generationKey generation starts out as in[10]:wefind2primes p and q,that satisfies p=2p′+1and q=2q′+1,where p′and q′are primes and different from p andq.We set n=pq and m=p′q′.We decide on some s>0,thus the plaintext space will be Z n s.We pick d to satisfy d=0mod m and d=1mod n s.Now wemake the polynomial f(X)= k−1i=0a i X i mod n s m,by picking a i(for0<i<k) as random values from{0,···,n s∗m−1}and a0=d.The secret share of the i’th authority will be s i=f(i)for1≤i≤l and the public key will be n.Forverification of the actions of the decryption servers,we need the followingfixedpublic values:v,generating the cyclic group of squares in Z∗n s+1and for eachdecryption server a verification key v i=v∆s i mod n s+1,where∆=l!. EncryptionTo encrypt a message M,a random r∈Z∗n s+1is picked and the cipher text iscomputed as c=g M r n s mod n s+1.Share decryptionThe i’th authority will compute c i=c2∆s i,where c is the ciphertext.Along with this will be a zero-knowledge proof that log c4(c2i)=log v(v i),which will convince us,that he has indeed raised to his secret exponent s i3Share combiningIf we have the required k(or more)number of shares with a correct proof,we can combine them into the result by taking a subset S of k shares and combine them toc′= i∈S c2λS0,i i mod n s+1whereλS0,i=∆ i′∈S\i−i4In fact the random oracle will be needed only to ensure that the non-interactive proofs of correctness of shares will work.Doing these proofs interactively instead would allow us to dispense with the random oracletext,the decryption protocol outputs the correct plaintext,except with negligible probability.Given an oracle that on input a ciphertext returns the correspond-ing plaintext,the adversary’s view of the decryption protocol can be efficiently simulated with a statistically indistinguishable distribution.The full proof will be included in thefinal version of this paper.Here we only give the basic ideas:correctness of the scheme is immediate assuming that the adversary can contribute bad values for the c i’s with only negligible probability. This,in turn,is ensured by soundness of the zero-knowledge proofs given for each c i.For the simulation,we start from the public key n.Then we can simulate theshares s i1,...,s ik−1of the bad players by choosing them as random numbers inan appropriate interval.Since d isfixed by the choice of n,this means that the shares of uncorrupted players and the polynomial f are nowfixed as well,but are not easy for the simulator to compute.However,if we choose v as a ciphertext with known plaintext m0,we can also compute what v f(0)would be,namely v f(0)=v d mod n s+1=(1+n)m0mod n s+1.Then by doing Lagrange interpolation”in the exponent”as in[10],we can compute correct values of v i=v∆s i for the uncorrupted players.When we get a ciphertext c as input,we ask the oracle for the plaintext m.This allows us to compute c d=(1+n)m mod n s−1.Again this means we can interpolate and compute the contributions c i from the uncorrupted players.Finally,the zero-knowledge property is invoked to simulate the proofs that these c i are correct.4.2Some Auxiliary ProtocolsSuppose a prover P presents a sceptical verifier V with a ciphertext c and claims that it encodes plaintext i.A trivial way to convince V would be to reveal also the random choice r,then V can verify himself that c=E(i,r).However,for use in the following,we need a solution where no extra useful information is revealed.It is easy to see that that this is equivalent to convincing V that cg−i mod n s+1is an n s’th power.So we now propose a protocol for this which is a simple generalisation of the one from[7].We note that this and the following protocols are not zero-knowledge as they stand,only honest verifier zero-knowledge.How-ever,first zero-knowledge protocols for the same problems can be constructed from them using standard methods and secondly,in our applications,we will always be using them in a non-interactive variant based on the Fiat-Shamir heuristic,which means that we cannot obtain zero-knowledge,we can,however, obtain security in the random oracle model.As for soundness,we prove that the protocols satisfy so called special soundness(see[2]),which in particular implies that they satisfy standard knowledge soundness.Protocol for n s’th powersInput:n,uPrivate Input for P:v,such that u=v n s mod n s+11.P chooses r at random mod n s+1and sends a=r n s mod n s+1to V2.V chooses e,a random k bit number,and sends e to P.3.P sends z=rv e mod n s+1to V,and V checks that z n s=au e mod n s+1,and accepts if and only if this is the case.It is now simple to showLemma2.The above protocol is complete,honest verifier zero-knowledge,and satisfies that from any pair of accepting conversations(between V and any prover)of form(a,e,z),(a,e′,z′)with e=e′,one can efficiently compute an n s’th root of u,provided2t is smaller than the smallest prime factor of n. pleteness is obvious from inspection of the protocol.For honest ver-ifier simulation,the simulator chooses a random z∈Z∗n s+1,a random e,setsa=z n s u−e mod n s+1and outputs(a,e,z).This is easily seen to be a perfect simulation.For the last claim,observe that since the conversations are accepting,we have z n s=au e mod n s+1and z′n s=au e′mod n s+1,so we get(z/z′)n s=u e−e′mod n s+1Since e−e′is prime to n by the assumption on2t,chooseα,βsuch thatαn s+β(e−e′)=1.Then let v=uα(z/z′)βmod n s+1.We then getv n s=uαn s(z/z′)n sβ=uαn s uβ(e−e′)=u mod n s+1so that v is indeed the desired n s’th root of uIn our application of this protocol,the modulus n will be chosen by a trusted party,or by a multi-party computation such that n has two prime factors of roughly the same size.Hence,if k is the bit length of n,we can set t=k/2and be assured that a cheating prover can make the verifier accept with probability ≤2−t.The lemma immediately implies,using the techniques from[2],that we can build an efficient proof that an encryption contains one of two given values, without revealing which one it is:given the encryption C and the two candi-date plaintexts i1,i2,prover and verifier compute u1=C/g i1mod n s+1,u2= C/g i2mod n s+1,and the prover shows that either u1or u2is an n s’th power. This can be done using the following protocol,where we assume without loss of generality that the prover knows an n s’th root u1,and where M denotes the honest-verifier simulator for the n s-power protocol above:Protocol1-out-of-2n s’th powerInput:n,u1,u2Private Input for P:v1,such that u1=v n s1mod n s+11.P chooses r1at random mod n s+1.He invokes M on input n,u2to get aconversation a2,e2,z2.He sends a1=r n s1mod n s+1,a2to V2.V chooses s,a random t bit number,and sends s to P.3.P computes e1=s−e2mod2t and z1=r1v e11mod n s+1.He then sendse1,z1,e2,z2to V.4.V checks that s=e1+e2mod2t,z n s1=a1u e11mod n s+1and z n s2=a2u e22mod n s+1,and accepts if and only if this is the case.The proof techniques from[2]and Lemma2immediately implyLemma3.Protocol1-out-of-2n s’th power is complete,honest verifier zero-knowledge,and satisfies that from any pair of accepting conversations(between V and any prover)of form(a1,a2,s,e1,z1,e2,z2),(a1,a2,s′,e′1,z′1,e′2,z′2)with s=s′,one can efficiently compute an n s’th root of u1,and an n s’th root of u2, provided2t is less than the smallest prime factor of n.Ourfinal building block allows a prover to convince a verifier that three encryptions contain values a,b and c such that ab=c mod n s.For this,we propose a protocol inspired by a similar construction found in[3].Protocol Multiplication-mod-n sInput:n,g,e a,e b,e cPrivate Input for P:a,b,c,r a,r b,r c such that ab=c mod n and e a=E(a,r a),e b=E(b,r b),e c=E(c,r c)1.P chooses a random value d∈Z n s and sends to V encryptions e d=E(d,r d),e db=E(db,r db).2.V chooses e,a random t-bit number,and sends it to P.3.P opens the encryption e e a e d=E(ea+d,r e a r d mod n s+1)by sending f=ea+d mod n s and z1=r e a r d mod n s+1.Finally,P opens the encryptione f b (e db e e c)−1=E(0,r fb(r db r e c)−1mod n s+1)by sending z2=r fb(r db r e c)−1modn s+1.4.V verifies that the openings of encryptions in the previous step were correct,and accepts if and only if this was the case.Lemma4.Protocol Multiplication-mod-n s is complete,honest verifier zero-knowledge,and satisfies that from any pair of accepting conversations(between V and any prover)of form(e d,e db,e,f,z1,z2),(e d,e db,e′,f′,z′1,z′2)with e=e′, one can efficiently compute the plaintext a,b,c corresponding to e a,e b,e c such that ab=c mod n s,provided2t is smaller than the smallest prime factor in n. pleteness is clear by inspection of the protocol.For honest verifier zero-knowledge,observe that the equations checked by V are e e a e d=E(f,z1)mod n s+1and e fb (e db e e c)−1=E(0,z2)mod n s+1.From this it is clear that wecan generate a conversation by choosingfirst f,z1,z2,e at random,and then computing e d,e db that will satisfy the equations.This only requires inversion modulo n s+1,and generates the right distribution because the values f,z1,z2,e are also independent and random in the real conversation.For the last claim, notefirst that since encryptions uniquely determine plaintexts,there arefixed values a,b,c,d contained in e a,e b,e c,e d,and a value x contained in e db.The。



2025年教师资格证考试《英语学科知识与教学能力》(高级中学)模拟试卷1.【单项选择题】Chomsky believes that a grammar must _______all the grammat(江南博哥)ical sentences in a language.A. makeB. useC. generateD. understand正确答案:C参考解析:题目问的是关于乔姆斯基的转换生成语法观点。


2.【单项选择题】Don't defend him anymore. It's obvious thathe_______destroyed the fence of the garden even without an apology.A. accidentallyB. carelesslyC. deliberatelyD. automatically正确答案:C参考解析:考查副词辨析。

accidentally“意外地,偶然地”;carelessly “粗心地,大意地”;deliberately“故意地”;automatically“自动地”。


3.【单项选择题】Which of the following italicized parts is a subject clause?A. We are quite certain that we will get there in time.B. He has to face the fact that there will be no pay rise this year.C. She said that she had seen the man earlier that morning.D. It's sheer luck that the miners are still alive after ten days.正确答案:D参考解析:A项是表语从句,是一个主系表的结构,B项是同位语从句,that引导的同位语从句补充说明先行词的内容,C项是宾语从句,that引导的宾语从句做谓语动词said的宾语;只有D项是主语从句,it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句部分。



Unit 1 Lesson 1VideoHome ListeningA conservation group says 163 newly discovered species of plantsand animals in the Greater Mekong region of Southeast Asiawhere the Mekong River 1) flows are at risk of extinction becauseof rising global temperatures.Some of the most 2) unusual animalsincluded a frog with fangs in Thailand that eats birds and a leopard-spottedgecko found on an island in Vietnam. But in a report 3) released in Bangkokon Friday, the WWF says that temperatures in the region are 4) expected torise by as much as four degrees Celsius in the next 60 years and that couldthreaten their existence.The WWF says rare and endangered species are at the greatest 5) risk from climate change, because rising temperatures could affect food 6) supplies or cause weather problems that damage habitats. The newly discovered species that live at the tops of mountains only or low-lying islands only, like this Cat Ba gecko that was just found are 7) especially vulnerable to climate-change impacts because of their restricted habitats. More than 1,000 new species have been discovered in the Greater Mekong region in the past 8) decade.Changes to wildlife in the Mekong area could also affect many of the 60 million people who depend on the river for their livelihoods. Of all the region‟s the WWF works in, the Mekong region 9) probably has the closest link between its resource and human livelihood than any other region in the world.The WWF report comes just days ahead of a major United Nations meeting in Bangkok on climate change. The Bangkok meeting will 10) try to narrow down a framework agreement on global emission targets to be negotiated at the end of this year.Unit 2Lesson 1AudioScriptWhen it comes to intelligence, there has always been one fundamental question: Is intelligence a function of nature? Is it simply encoded in a child‟s genes? Or is it a function of nurture? Is it more about the environment that a child grows up in?On the one hand, if we take two people at random from the crowd, it is very likely that their degrees of intelligence will be completely different. However, if we take two identical twins, chances are that they will be as intelligent as each other. Therefore, a conclusion can be drawn thatintelligence is to some extent something we are born with. On the other hand, though, if we put identical twins in different environments, we would find differences in their intelligence several years later, which indicates that environment does play a crucial role in people‟s intelligence.Recently, data has clearly indicated that nurture is indeed more than 50% of the equation. That is good news for educators, but even better news for society as a whole.Fortunately, President Obama has come out in strong support of early childhood education, particularly for those children most at risk of school failure. Investing in quality pre-school opportunities clearly helps give children from poverty-stricken areas the chance at a stronger start in school and in life.If we are serious about helping our children succeed in school, if we are truly interested in “Leaving No Child Behind,” we will take a hard look at t his compelling data and begin investing greater sums at the early childhood level.VideoScriptEinstein‟s destiny as a great physicist was not obvious. As a child, his passion was music, not physics.“I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician.”But Einstein‟s life changed when he was given a book on geometry. The universe could be tamed through numbers. His life‟s work would be to control the music of the universe.During his life, Einstein changed our concept of space and time forever. He harnessed energy, mass and the speed of light in the most famous equation all time – E equals MC‟ square.What made Einstein‟s brain so exceptional? Dr. Jim Al-Khalili, like Einstein, is a physicist and is obsessed by the work of his hero. Brain specialist,Mark Lythgoe hunts for secrets of creativity inside the human mind.“My name is Dr. Jim Al-Khalili I believe Einstein‟s genius came from his imagination, and no man or no machine can measure that. Am I right?”“M y name is Dr. Mark Lythgoe and I believe that Einstein‟s genius comes from nerve cells, which can be analyzed. We can find out what made Einstein a genius. Am I right?”So which view is correct? To solve the riddle of Einstein‟s genius, Mark and Jim would have to journey to America to hunt down and examine Einstein‟s disembodied brain. Nature or nurture? Biology or training? Are geniuses born or are they made? Neurophysiologist Dr. Mark Lythgoe is a keen climber and finds parallels between his hobby and his profession.“N ow, there are two scenarios for how the brain works. The first scenario is the brain is like a muscle. Now I‟ve trained to develop the stamina in my muscle, hopefully then I can hold on to this hole for a period of time. The second is that the brain is like a skeleton and it doesn‟t matter how much I‟ve trained, I‟m never, ever going to be able to reach that hole right up there. “Now, in Einstein‟s day they believed that the brain was like a skeleton that had natural limits, but that view is changing today. Instead, it is now understood that more and more parts of the brain behave like a muscle. They can expand with use. Then, if all of our brains are like muscles, could it be that we all have the ability to become Einstein?”Lesson 2AudioAlbert Einstein was a German-born physicist, although most people probably know him as the most intelligent person who ever lived. His name has become part of many languages when we want to say someone is a genius, as in the phr ase, “She‟s a real Einstein”. He must have been pretty brainy to discover the Theory of Relativity and the equation e=mc2.In 1999, Time Magazine named Einstein as the Person of the Century. No one could have guessed this would happen when he was in school. He was extremely interested in science but hated the system of learning things by rote memory. He said it destroyed learning and creativity. He had already done many experiments but failed the entrance exams to a technical college.He didn‟t let this s etback stop him. When he was 16, he performed his famous experiment of imagining traveling alongside a beam of light. He eventually graduated from university, in 1900, with a degree in physics.Twelve years later he was a university professor and in 1921, he won the Nobel Prize for Physics. He went on to publish over 300 scientific papers.Einstein is the only scientist to become a cult figure, a household name and part of everyday culture. He once joked that when people stopped him in the street, he alway s replied, “Pardon me, sorry! Always I am mistaken for Professor Einstein.” Today, he is seen as the typical mad, absent-minded professor, who just happened to change our world.VideoScriptSo Einstein‟s brain has given up some of its secrets to Mark and Jim. In the battle of biology versus ideas, Jim and Mark have each scored points. Seemingly, Einstein was born with overlaps in his brain. These overlaps may have meant maths and spatial thinking were more intuitive to him. Thinking like a child let him see the world in a unique way. And his unique, perhaps autistic, level of concentration, forced his brain to expand like a muscle. Extra glial cells were needed to cope with the extra demand, possibly helping make the maths area in the brain more than 15% wider than normal. All these effects united to give Einstein a mind unlike any other, perhaps the greatest mind in history. In the future, could we preserve a genius like Einstein in something better than the jar? Imagine a brave new world, where a genius‟brain could be copied onto silicon using microscopic robots called nanobots. This is the vision of the futurologist Ray Kurzweil.“I think by the 2020s or the late 2020s, we will have completely reverse engineered the brain and understand how all the diff erent regions work. It‟ll take us longer to be able to scan the entire brain and get capture of every detail of someone‟s personality. The blood vessels of the brain go everywhere, and so if we send billions of nanobots through the capillaries of the brain, they can scan everything in the brain of a specific person at very high resolution. Then you could create a machine, a non-biological entity, that would simulate a specific person‟s brain and that simulation will act just like that person, and if you the n talk to that simulation, you‟d be convinced that it was that person.”“I am little worried about whether I‟m talking to the real Ray or he‟s at home having a cup of tea.”“Well, I worry about that too. Once we understand the basic principles of operatio n of how the brain works, we can take a brain-like system and expose it to a complicated problem and the system will learn on its own. It can actually do it thousands maybe eventually millions of times faster than a real human brain and actually develop skills that are far greater than a human being isSo a future Einstein could be put on a computer, literally a ghost in the machine.“Do you believe that, you know, just by looking at that, genius is– or genius is something else for you?It‟s a k ey moment. Has Mark won Jim round?“Day by day, I‟ve been changing my views. I‟ve been–I started off feeling that Einstein‟s ideas have gone forever. What he thought of, what he‟s capable of imagining were something of the past. I‟m not so sure now. I fe el somehow there are still, maybe, possibly, some secrets locked inside in this jar.”Home ListeningMost people know that Albert Einstein was a famous scientist who came up with the formula e=mc2. But do you know other facts about this 1) genius?When Einstein died in 1955, his body was cremated and his ashes 2) scattered according to his wishes. However, before his body was cremated, Thomas Harvey at Princeton Hospital 3) conducted an autopsy in which he removed Einstein‟s brain. Rather than putting the brain back in the body, Harvey decided to keep it for study. Harvey did not have 4) permission to keep Einstein‟s brain, but days later, he 5) convinced Einstein‟s son that it would help science. Shortly thereafter, Harvey was fired from his position at Princeton because he refused to give up Einstein‟s brain. For the next four 6) decades, Harvey k ept Einstein‟s chopped-up brain in two mason jars with him as he moved around the country.Einstein‟s mother, Pauline, was an 7) accomplished pianist and wanted her son to love music too, so she started him on violin lessons when he was six years old. Unfortunately, at first, Einstein hated playing the violin. 8) He would much rather build houses of cards, which he was really good at, or do just about anything else. When Einstein was 13-years old, he suddenly changed his mind about the violin when he heard the music of Mozart. 9) With a new passion for playing, Einstein continued to play the violin until the last few years of his life.Part of Einstein‟s charm was his disheveled look. In addition to his uncombed hair, one of Einstein‟s peculiar habits was to never wear socks. 10) Whether it was while out sailing or at a formal dinner at the White House, Einstein went without socks everywhere. To Einstein, socks were a pain because they often would get holes in them. Plus, why wear both socks and shoes when one of them would do just fine?Unit 3Lesson 1AudioScriptMcDonald‟s Corporation (MCD) is one of the leading fast-food restaurant chains in the world, touching the lives of people every day. As the world‟s largest chain of restaurants, it primarily sells hamburgers, chicken, french fries, milkshakes, soft drinks, etc.The business began in 1940, with a restaurant opened by brothers Dick and Mac McDonald. Initially, they just owned a hotdog stand. But after establishing the restaurant they served around 25 items, which were mostly barbecued. It became a popular and profitable teen hangout.Their introduction of the “Speed Service System” in 1948 established the principles of the modern fast-food restaurant. The present corporation dates its founding to the opening of a franchised restaurant by Ray Kroc on April 15, 1955.In effect, Kroc opened his first and the overall ninth restaurant in Chicago, Illinois, and gave birth to McDonald‟s Corporation. In 1958, the restaurant chain sold its 100 millionth hamburger. In 1960, Kroc renamed his company as “McDonald‟s Corporation”. In 1961, Kroc convinced the McDonald brothers to sell the business rights to him in the company. Thus he purchased the brothers‟ equity for a sum of $2.7million and led to its worldwide expansion.As McDonald‟s expands successfully into many international markets, the company became a symbol of globalization and the spread of the American way of life. Its prominence also made it a frequent subject of public debates about obesity, corporate ethics and consumer responsibility. VideoScriptTanya: It‟s the fast food chain with the iconic golden arches that have been spotted all over the world. Yes, we are talking about McDonald‟s. But did you know McDonald‟s, year after year, is voted one of the best places to work? We‟re looking today at this all-American company and what we can learn from its success. We‟re joined by Paul Facella, author of the book, Everything I Know About Business, I Learned At McDonald’s: The Seven Leadership Principles That Drive Breakout Success. Paul was a former McDonald‟s executive who has the behind-the-scenes story on the world‟s most successful restaurant organization. Hi there, Paul. Thanks for joining us. Paul: Thank you, Tanya. Nice to be here.Tanya: Now, while you no longer work for McDonald‟s, I understand that the company has had a huge impact on your life. Tell us why you decided to write a book on business lessons that you learned from a fast food chain.Paul: Sure. Well, not only myself but literally hundreds of thousands of people that went to the McDonald‟s system and were guided by a lot of the principles. When I left McDonald‟s, I went into consulting and, and one of the surprises I had was many of the organizations, both large and small, was the fact that some of the basic principles, some of the foundations that good organizations need to be successful, weren‟t there. And I was constantly being asked about, “Well, tell me how you did in McDonald‟s”. And my thinking was, “Gee, I‟ll write a book about it and help my client base and I‟ll be able to help them move forward with it.” So that was the thinking behind it.Tanya: Well, we‟re gonna get into some of those secrets of success. I wanna start by asking you, you know, obviously a lot of people know McDonald‟s for their burgers and Big Macs. But, I‟m sure a lot people will be surprised to know that it has one of the highest corporate employee retention rates of any company, I mean people assume, fast food chain, people just want to get in and get out. What makes McDonald‟s so successful?Paul:I think, I think there‟s a number of factors, but I think the retention piece is about McDonald‟s, when you work, there it‟s really about a meritocracy. It is about advancement that is based on achievement. And from the first crew person moving in all the way up to store manager, all the way up to the present CEO, Jim Skinner, who was a crew person 35 years ago and moved into, after 35 years, moved into the CEO ranks. So it‟s always been a progression of opportunity for people, and I think that's one of the great things that keeps folks there. Every CEO has gone through the ranks.Tanya: Is there any crossover from those who work on the server side to the executive side, or you have to go back to school for that?Paul: Oh, no, all the time, I mean, I started as a 16-year-old crew person. Mike Quinlan, who‟s a CEO for 14 years started in the mail room, so there‟s plenty of crossover.Lesson 2AudioScriptSince setting up the first McDonald‟s in China, the Western restaurant chain has been expanding steadily and successfully. So far, other than the home market–the United States–China is the No. 1 growth market for McDona ld‟s, with over 1000 restaurants and over 60,000 employees.China also represents one third of all capital expenditures in the Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa region, where the fast-food giant is in 37 markets. According to Skinner, vice-chairman and CEO of this world‟s largest fast-food company, “We‟ve been steadily growing with China for the past 20 years and are very excited for what the future holds,” he says.In 1990, McDonald‟s chose Shenzhen, a pioneer Special Economic Zone in Guangdong province bordering Hong Kong, to open its first 500-seat store in the developing market. McDonald‟s quickly won over the local consumers, due to its many attractions like its Ronald McDonald clown, Golden Arches or the yellow “M” logo, Big Mac, the smiling attendants and the quick service. The success of the Shenzhen outlet prompted McDonald‟s to expand its chain nationwide. And McDonald‟s has not stopped from aggressively increasing the number of its outlets in China. The mainland‟s fast-food market is growing at a rate of16 percent per year. “We are going to continue our growth at a faster rate in China. China is a huge market with great opportunities for businesses around the world, and it's no different for McDonald‟s,” Skinner adds.VideoScriptT anya: And in your book, you‟ve broken down some of the keys, the fundamental keys of McDonald‟s success, in terms that can be applied to other companies. So, let‟s go through these one by one. The first you say is honesty and integrity, and this obviously comes at a time when so many people have lost trust in Wall Street. How can we apply this?Paul: Yeah, I think, it‟s, well, honesty and integrity started very early on with Ray Kroc who started the McDonald‟s system in 1955, and back then franchise s were just starting to proliferate, and there were not a lot of laws about how they would conduct businesses. And one of the things was done, sadly, was that many of those franchisors would take commissions back from suppliers that supplied the franchisees product. From the beginning, that's now how we‟re gonna do businesses. We‟re gonna have integrity, we‟re gonna be honest with our franchisees, I wanna the franchisees to make the first dollar, I‟ll make the second dollar, and that kind of got into the DNA very early. And to this day, there is a wonderful relationship of integrity and honesty with our relationships with our operators, with our vendors.Tanya: And I would imagine that motivates everybody because you feel like if you do well, you will get rewarded.Paul:That‟s correct. Absolutely, no question about that. How important everybody working together as a team is!Tanya: Right, and another secret to McDonalds‟ success, I understand, is relationships, and the company apparently promotes the idea that relationships are sort of the secret sauce, as, if you will, and everyone who works for the company is a part of an extended family, is that right?Paul: The Mcfamily!Tanya: Yeah.Paul: It's a great safe way from honesty and integrity. If you start with the foundation of honesty [and] integrity, it goes right into relationships. And Fred Turner, who is still to this day, 54 years later, is active, was actually the one that coined the phrase “the three-legged stool”. What it really meant was, that there were three legs in our relationship: the franchisees, the suppliers and the company people. And all of us pulling together, and working together as a team and the synergy of that team, is how it will be successful. And if you think about that, you know how important that is, that you really don‟t want to let your team members down and you want them to be successful. Tanya: Sure, and every leg of the stool is only as strong as the other leg, right?Paul: Absolutely.Tanya: And another secret is the idea of standards. One of the McDonalds‟ mottos, apparently, is never be satisfied? [Yes.] Tell us about the company‟s no excuses working environment.Paul: Yeah, well, standards are very important and you know is – in order to have a standard, you have that measurement, and if it‟s worth doing, it‟s worth measuring. And every time you measure something, performance improves because people have a guideline –they know where they‟re going, and that, that‟s actually part of even the people side of that. The meritocracy wasn‟t based on anything, but clear metrics on how you advance through the ranks on that. But it was never satisfied, we always felt we could do it harder, quicker, faster. And that stayed one step ahead of the competition and kept our franchisees the best in the system.Home ListeningInternational business is a term used to collectively describe all commercial transactions (private and governmental, sales, investments, logistics,and transportation) that take place between two or more nations. Usually, private companies 1) undertake such transactions for profit; governments for profit and for political reasons. It refers to all business activities which involve cross 2) border transactions of goods, services and resources between two or more nations. Transaction of economic resources include capital, skills, people, etc. for international production of physical goods, and services such as finance, banking, 3) insurance, construction, etc.The increase in international business and in foreign 4) investment has created a need for executives with knowledge of foreign languages and skills in cross-cultural communication. Americans, however, have not been well trained in either area and, consequently, have not enjoyed the same level of success in 5) negotiation in an international arena as their foreign counterparts. Negotiating is the process of communicating back and forth for the purpose of reaching an agreement. It involves persuasion and compromise, but in order to 6) participate in either one, the negotiators must understand the ways in which people are persuaded and how compromise is reached within the culture of the negotiation.In studies of American negotiators abroad, several traits have been 7) identified that undermine the negotiator‟s position, two of which, in particular, are directness and 8) impatience. Furthermore, American negotiators often insist on realizing short-term goals. Foreign negotiators, on the other hand, may value the relationship established between negotiators and may be willing to invest time in it for long-term benefits. 9) In order to solidify the relationship, they may chooseindirect interactions without regard for the time involved in getting to know the other negotiator. Clearly, perceptions and differences in values affect the outcomes of negotiations and the success of negotiators. 10) For Americans to play a more effective role in international business negotiations, they must put forth more effort to improve cross-cultural understanding.Unit 4Lesson1AudioScriptA leading US scientist has predicted that computers will be as intelligent as humans by 2029. Futurologist Dr Ray Kurzweil told the American Association for the Advancement of Science that in the near future, machine intelligence will overtake the power of the human brain. He said that within two decades computers will be able to think quicker than humans. Dr Kurzweil painted a picture of us having tiny robots called nanobots implanted in our brain to boost our intelligence and health. He told reporters that these microscopic nanobots would work with our brains to make us think faster and give us more powerful memories. Kurzweil explained that we are already “a human machine civilization” and that the upcoming technology “will be a further extension of that.”Dr Kurzweil was one of 18 top intellectuals asked by the US National Academy of Engineering to identify our greatest technological challenges. Other experts included Google founder Larry Page and the human genome pioneer Dr Craig Venter. Kurzweil has a very impressive background in science and innovation. He was an innovator in various fields of computing, including the technology behind CDs. He also pioneered automatic speech recognition by machines. He predicts the pace of new inventions will increase greatly from now, saying: “…the next half century will see 32 times more technical progress than the past half century.” This means scenes from science fiction movies, like Blade Runner, The Terminator and I Robot, will become more and more a part of our everyday lives.VideoScriptSurrogates today are more like Gina Scanlon and Jennifer (again, first name only), both from the Pittsburgh area.Scanlon, 42 years old, is a portrait painter and mother of three. She delivered twins as a surrogate two years ago. And now, in part because her husband Brian needs expensive surgery, Scanlon is pregnant again.In contrast, this is Jennifer‟s first try as a surrogate. She‟s a 36-year-old stay-at-home mother of two.Jennifer: Being a mother, I can‟t imagine life without my children and so you know. It really came to the fact that I would really like to help another couple have a child that they otherwise could not.Anchor: What about you Gina? What do you think is inside of you that said, …I want to be a surrogate‟?Gina: I love being pregnant. It‟s a great experience. And having met friends and family whoexperienced infertility, their choices are limited. I felt that I wanted to do this for someone else. Anchor: Did you ever worry, first time, that you would not want to give up those babies?Gina: It was never something that entered my mind.Anchor: Never at all?Gina: No. You go into it with the thought that this is for someone else. It is not your baby to give up. It‟s their baby from the start. And the end is the reward: The end is being able to deliver this baby and turn it over to the parents. And see, they‟ve been waiting for years for this to happen. And it finally happens when they‟re holding their own child. And it‟s so worth it.Paying a surrogate remains illegal in several parts in the United States.It‟s also against the law in most of Europe, which is why Sylvia and Michaela came all the way from Italy to the La Jolla IVF Clinic in California.Sylvia lost her uterus –and almost her life –after a miscarriage. The couple watched as embryos created through his sperm and her eggs were placed inside the body of a 30-year-old surrogate –a woman they‟d earlier communicated with from afar but never before met.The process took just minutes.Michaela: It is inconceivable to have done this maybe 30 years ago.A few weeks later, they will learn the procedure was a success –and it‟s twins.Sylvia: A miracle!The miracle has a high price. The fee for the entire surrogacy process ranges from $80,000 to well over $100,000.Of that, doctors get $9,000 to $15,000; agencies, $15,000 to $20,000; and the surrogates? First-timers get $18,000 to $25,000; experienced surrogates, up to $40,000. And in this tough economy, applications from potential surrogates are escalating. Still, Brisman says, of the 100 to 200 applications received every week, she only accepts about five to ten.Anchor: Some feminists who say, you know, this is like “womb for rent”; “mother for hire”; “it‟s like prostituting yourselves.” What‟s your reaction to that?Jennifer: It‟s, it‟s kind of offensive. It‟s insulting. It‟s very insulting.Anchor: Does it make you angry when you hear something like that?Jennifer: A little bit, yeah.Gina:It‟s a service that you‟re providing, if you want to think of it that way. More than, it‟s an exploitation of your body. You‟re not selling your body.All the same, surrogacy remains an act raising questions about our whole notion of motherhood, that unmistakable bond between mother and child.Brisman: The definition of motherhood is changing over time. Like, it‟s not necessarily the woman who gives birth is the mother. It‟s very hard for people to accept. I th ink in a few years or, you know, maybe ten years, this is just going to be old news.Lesson 2AudioScriptThe scientists who launched the Human Genome Project believed in the power of genetic information to transform health care to allow earlier diagnosis of diseases than ever before and to fuel the creation of powerful new medicines.But it was also clear that genetic information could potentially be used in ways that are。



英语作文选择音乐课代表英文回答:The ideal candidate for Music Class Representative should possess a profound passion for music, an unwavering commitment to excellence, and an exceptional ability to inspire and motivate others. They should be a role modelfor their peers, exhibiting not only musical prowess but also exemplary character and leadership qualities.The Music Class Representative should be an avid participant in class, actively engaging in discussions, offering insightful perspectives, and demonstrating a deep understanding of musical concepts. They should be proactive in seeking opportunities to enhance their musical knowledge and skills, such as attending concerts, participating in ensembles, and seeking out additional instruction.The ability to communicate effectively is paramount for the Music Class Representative. They should be articulateand persuasive, able to convey their ideas clearly and inspire their classmates to embrace new challenges and strive for musical excellence. They should be able to work collaboratively with the music teacher, sharing their insights and suggestions to improve the learning experience for the entire class.The Music Class Representative should be a positiverole model, setting an example of respect, hard work, and dedication to music. They should be approachable and supportive of their classmates, offering encouragement and assistance whenever needed. They should also be willing to share their knowledge and expertise, fostering a sense of community among their fellow music students.In addition to their musical abilities and leadership qualities, the Music Class Representative should be a well-rounded individual with strong academic performance and a commitment to extracurricular activities. They should be able to balance their academic and musical responsibilities effectively, prioritizing both their education and their passion for music.中文回答:理想的音乐课代表应该对音乐有深刻的热情、对卓越的不懈追求以及鼓舞他人和激励他人的非凡能力。










1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】When does the conversation probably take place?A. In the morning.B. In the afternoon.C. In the evening.【答案】B【解析】【原文】M: I’m so hungry, Mom. Is dinner going to be ready soon?W: We just had lunch an hour ago! And you had two full plates of breakfast when you woke up.2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What is the full price of the man’s jacket?A. $15.B. $30.C. $50.【答案】B【解析】【原文】W: So, what did you buy?M: A jacket. It was a real bargain. I got it for half price, so I saved 15 dollars.W: That’s very cheap. I bought a similar o ne for 50 dollars last year.3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】Who is the woman?A. A passenger.B. A health worker.C. A customs officer.【答案】C【解析】【原文】M: Is the customs examination here?W: That’s right. Your passport and health certificate, please.M: Here you are.4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What does the woman know about?A. Major rivers.B. Famous mountains.C. Capital cities.【答案】C【解析】【原文】M: Do you know the major rivers and famous mountains in Europe?W: Hm. Ask me about capital cities instead.5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】Why does the man meet the woman?A. To apply for a job.B. To sell her something.C. To reserve a seat.【答案】A【解析】【原文】W: Take a seat, Mr. Black. Could you tell me which position interests you most?M: The sales manager position.W: OK. But do you have any relevant experience?其次节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。



那个竞选新的班委和学科代表英语作文The election for the new class committee and subject representative was a heated affair, with candidates actively campaigning throughout the week.Each contender put forth their unique platforms, aiming to garner the votes of their classmates.竞选新的班委和学科代表的活动进行得如火如荼,候选人一整周都积极地进行宣传活动。


Tom, a biology enthusiast, emphasized the importance of practical experiments in his campaign speech, promising to advocate for more hands-on learning opportunities.His passion for the subject was evident in his enthusiastic tone and detailed plans.汤姆,一位生物爱好者,在竞选演讲中强调了实验实践的重要性,并承诺将为更多动手学习的机会而努力。


Meanwhile, Lisa, a quiet but determined student, focused on improving study resources and creating a more inclusive learning environment.Her composed demeanor and thoughtful ideas won over many voters.与此同时,莉萨这位性格内向但坚定的学生,专注于改善学习资源,并努力营造一个更具包容性的学习环境。

HRAC-Classification of Herbicides According to Mod

HRAC-Classification of Herbicides According to Mod

Classification of Herbicides According to Mode of ActionFarmers, advisors and researchers should know which herbicides are best suited to combat specific resistant weeds. To support the use of herbicides suitable for resistance management the enclosed classification of herbicides is proposed.The herbicides are classified alphabetically according to their target sites, modes of action, similarity of induced symptoms or chemical classes.If different herbicide groups share the same mode or site of action only one letter is used. In the case of photosynthesis inhibitors subclasses C1, C2 and C3 indicate different binding behaviour at the binding protein D1 or different classes. Bleaching can be caused by different ways. Accordingly subgroups F1, F2 and F3 are introduced. Growth inhibition can be induced by herbicides from subgroups K1, K2 and K3. Herbicides with unknown modes or sites of action are classified in group Z as "unknown" until they can be grouped exactly.Classification of HerbicidesIn order to avoid confusion with I and O categories J and Q are omitted. New herbicides will be classified in the respective groups or in new groups (R, S, T...).Since the system was in part developed in co-operation with the "Weed Science Society of America (WSSA)" new herbicides should be categorised jointly by HRAC and WSSA.For reference the numerical system of the WSSA is listed, too.The aim of HRAC is to create a uniform classification of herbicide modes of action in as many countries as possible.Such a classification system can be useful for many instances but there are cases where weeds exhibit multiple resistance across many of the groups listed and in these cases the key may be of limited value.The system itself is not based on resistance risk assessment but can be used by the farmer or advisor as a tool to choose herbicides in different mode of action groups, so that mixtures or rotations of active ingredients can be planned.For a figure of the chemical groups involved each HRAC Group, click on the letter in the table below. A synoptic graphic of the HRAC groups is also available.The WSSA and HRAC systems differ in minor ways. Herbicides in italics are listed on the HRAC classification system but are not listed on the WSSA classification.January 2005 HRAC: Herbicide classificationRemarks:According to information and comments following herbicides are classified in the January 2005 version in HRAC (WSSA) groups:B (2): cancelled: #9; #9; procarbazone Approved ISO name: propoxycarbazone E (14): cancelled: pyrazogyl Approved name: pyraclonil。



·4587·[32]SHIROBE M,WATANABE Y,TANAKA T,et al. Effect ofan oral frailty measures program on community-dwelling elderly people:a cluster-randomized controlled trial[J]. Gerontology,2021:1-10. DOI:10.1159/000516968.[33]MATSUO K,KITO N,OGAWA K,et al. Improvement oforal hypofunction by a comprehensive oral and physical exercise programme including textured lunch gatherings[J]. J Oral Rehabil,2021,48(4):411-421. DOI:10.1111/joor.13122.[34]NOMURA Y,ISHII Y,SUZUKI S,et al. Nutritional status andoral frailty :a community based study [J]. Nutrients,2020,12(9):E2886. DOI:10.3390/nu12092886.[35]DIBELLO V,LOZUPONE M,MANFREDINI D,et al. Oralfrailty and neurodegeneration in Alzheimer 's disease[J]. Neural Regen Res,2021,16(11):2149-2153. DOI:10.4103/1673-5374.310672.[36]HIRONAKA S,KUGIMIYA Y,WATANABE Y,et al. Associationbetween oral,social,and physical frailty in community-dwelling older adults[J]. Arch Gerontol Geriatr,2020,89:104105. DOI:10.1016/j.archger.2020.104105.[37]BABA H,WATANABE Y,MIURA K,et al. Oral frailty andcarriage of oral Candida in community-dwelling older adults(Check-up to discover Health with Energy for senior Residents in Iwamizawa ;CHEER Iwamizawa)[J]. Gerodontology,2022,39(1):49-58. DOI:10.1111/ger.12621.[38]HIHARA T,GOTO T,ICHIKAWA T. Investigating eatingbehaviors and symptoms of oral frailty using questionnaires[J]. D e n t J (B a s e l ),2019,7(3):E 66. D O I :10.3390/dj7030066.[39]NISHIMOTO M,TANAKA T,TAKAHASHI K,et al. Oral frailtyis associated with food satisfaction in community-dwelling older adults[J]. Nihon Ronen Igakkai Zasshi,2020,57(3):273-281. DOI:10.3143/geriatrics.57.273.[40]HATANAKA Y,FURUYA J,SATO Y,et al. Associationsbetween oral hypofunction tests,age,and sex[J]. Int J Environ Res Public Health,2021,18(19):10256. DOI:10.3390/ijerph181910256.[41]OHARA Y,MOTOKAWA K,WATANABE Y,et al. Associationof eating alone with oral frailty among community-dwelling older adults in Japan[J]. Arch Gerontol Geriatr,2020,87:104014. DOI:10.1016/j.archger.2020.104014.(收稿日期:2022-03-10;修回日期:2022-05-06)(本文编辑:康艳辉)·新进展·合并危险因素的高钾血症诊治进展罗培艺,马良,苟慎菊*【摘要】 高钾血症是临床上的常见问题,其发生的危险因素包括患有肾脏疾病、心血管疾病、糖尿病以及服用影响血钾的药物等。



2021年3月第29卷第1期西安外国语大学学报Journal o f X i 1 an International Studies UniversityMar. 2021Vol. 29. No. 1现代“巫医”神话:文化研究视域中的 《迪丽芬斯•戴恩的医书》尚晓进(上海大学外国语学院上海200444)摘要:在西方文化史上,被控为巫的女性中有一部分属于巫医。


在《迪丽芬斯•戴恩的医书》这部小说中,凯瑟琳.豪聚焦巫医这一人物类型,以史学和人类学视野重构历史中的巫医形 象,同时,以挪用当代新异教话语资源的方式,想象性地建构一套有关草药师/巫医的神话。

豪笔下的巫医是历史与神 话的聚合物,投射出现代世界的文化焦虑,也賦予小说现代性批判的潜力。

小说为透视女巫和巫医对于当代世界的意 义提供了一个很好的文化研究案例。

关键词:凯瑟琳.豪;《迪丽芬斯•戴恩的医书》;巫医;新异教;神话中图分类号:1712.074 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-9876(2021) 01-0109-05Abstract : S o m e of the accused witches are actually cunning w o m e n , the practitioners of folk medicine and folk magic in the early m o d e m period . The Physick Book o f Deliverance Dane by Katherine H o w e offers an interesting case of cultural study in that she not only seeks to recover the historical cunning w o m a n by drawing on historical and anthropological theories but also reimagines the historical witch as the herbalist witch by appropriating the discourses of Neopaganism . A s a composite of history and m y t h , the herbalist witch mirrors the cultural anxiety of the m o d e m world and is effectively deployed as a cultural trope to reflect on and engage the problems of modernity .K e y w o r d s : Katherine H o w e ; The Physick Book o f Deliverance Dane ; the herbalist witch ; N e o p a g a n i s m ; myth巫的第十代外孙女,®其人有着学院背景,对新英格兰历 史,尤其是塞勒姆巫术审判有相当专业的研究。









二、核酸甲基化修饰的种类及功能1. N6-甲基腺嘌呤(m6A)N6-甲基腺嘌呤(m6A)是最常见的RNA甲基化修饰。




2. 5-甲基胞嘧啶(m5C)5-甲基胞嘧啶(m5C)是一种能够在RNA链上特定位点加上甲基基团的修饰形式。




3. 1-甲基肌苷(m1A)1-甲基肌苷(m1A)是一种在RNA中存在的相对较少的甲基化修饰。









生物专业英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a type of cell organelle?A. MitochondriaB. NucleusC. RibosomeD. Cell wall2. The process of DNA replication is catalyzed by:A. PolymeraseB. TransposaseC. LigaseD. Helicase3. In eukaryotic cells, where is the transcription of DNA primarily carried out?A. CytoplasmB. MitochondriaC. NucleusD. Ribosomes4. What is the basic unit of heredity in all living organisms?A. GeneB. ChromosomeC. DNA moleculeD. Protein5. The term "genome" refers to:A. The complete set of genes of an organismB. The entire DNA of an organismC. The sum of all the proteins in an organismD. The collection of all the cells in an organism6. Which of the following is a method of genetic engineering?A. CrossbreedingB. CloningC. CRISPR-Cas9D. Natural selection7. What is the role of tRNA in protein synthesis?A. To provide the energy for the processB. To carry specific amino acids to the ribosomeC. To serve as the template for protein synthesisD. To catalyze the formation of peptide bonds8. The Hardy-Weinberg principle states that the allele frequencies in a population will remain constant in the absence of:A. MigrationB. Genetic driftC. Natural selectionD. All of the above9. Which of the following is not a type of mutation?A. DeletionB. InsertionC. TranslocationD. Translation10. The process of photosynthesis primarily occurs in the:A. Cell wallB. CytoplasmC. ChloroplastsD. Nucleus二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. The chemical structure of DNA is a double ________ helix.2. The process by which a fertilized egg develops into a mature organism is called ________.3. In genetics, the term "dominant" refers to an allele that expresses its effect when ________.4. The scientific name for a species is composed of two parts: the genus name and the ________ name.5. The primary function of the Golgi apparatus is to ________, modify, and package proteins for secretion or delivery toother organelles.三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. Explain the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.2. Describe the process of mitosis and its significance incell division.四、翻译题(每题15分,共30分)1. Translate the following sentence into English:"基因编辑技术,如CRISPR-Cas9,为研究和治疗遗传性疾病提供了新的可能性。



选别人当音乐课代表的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Picking the Class Music Representative: An Insider's PerspectiveAs students, we all dread those moments when the teacher asks for a volunteer for some task or position. Suddenly, every set of eyes drops to the floor as we pray that fate doesn't call our name. This past week was no exception when Mrs. Robertson asked who wanted to be the music class representative this year.A deafening silence filled the room as the realisation set in that one of us would be saddled with that responsibility.Now don't get me wrong, being the music rep isn't exactly digging ditches, but it's also not a coveted role. Sure, you get a little recognition and can put it on your university applications. But the actual duties? Not quite as glamorous as they might seem at first glance.You're basically the go-between for the teacher and the rest of the class. So if Mrs. Robertson needs someone to pass out lyric sheets or reserve practice rooms, guess who gets tapped? You'realso expected to help organize things like fundraising events and rehearsals for our dreadedannual Winter Concert. Seriously, who actually enjoys planning things like bake sales?As the awkward pauses kept stretching out, I could feel Mrs. Robertson's eyes scanning the room, hoping someone would finally bite the bullet for her. That's when my gaze landed squarely on Jacob Mills.If there was ever a kid born for a role like the music rep, it's Jacob. This guy positively lives and breathes music. You've seen those pens that play mini-tunes when you click them? Well, Jacob is like a human version of that, but covering top 40 hits from the last 3 decades instead of nursery rhymes.I still remember the day in 4th grade when he walked into class absently whistling an entire Beethoven symphony, completely oblivious to the confused looks from everyone else. He's been in every musical, chorus, and band offering our school has featured since then. I'm pretty sure his parents had to soundproof his bedroom just to get some quiet at night.What makes Jacob so perfectly suited for music rep goes beyond just his unbridled passion for the subject though. This guy has the internal forecasting calendar of a rave promoter, able to rattle off every major music event, award show, andrelease date like it's encoded into his DNA. I've seen his awell-worn copy of the Rolling Stone Album Guide that he constantly has his nose buried in.Then there's the fact that he legit gets excited at the very mention of things the rest of us dread, like organizing fundraisers and rehearsals. While we steel ourselves for selling wrapping paper or chocolates door-to-door, Jacob starts doing little air guitar solos at his desk, already planning the set lists and marketing slogans. Last year's charity music festival to benefit the winter formal? That was pretty much spearheaded entirely by Jacob after he got elected as rep.He also has enviable networking abilities, whether it's connecting with local bands and venues or calling in every favor from family friends and distant relatives. If we need a space to rehearse or funds for new equipment, Jacob always seems to manifest them like magic. His ability to rally people through his overwhelming musical enthusiasm is something to behold.So when Mrs. Robertson finally called on me to nominate someone after what felt like an eternity of silence, I blurted out Jacob's name without hesitation. A few mumbles of approval and heaved signs of relief rippled through the class. Even Mrs.Robertson seemed to relax at having been spared the drama of assigning the role to someone.Of course, the second I said it, I caught Jacob's wide-eyed look of panic. For as perfectly suited as he is for this, you'd think I just nominated him for student council president with how vigorously he began shaking his head. But c'mon, as if anyone else was truly up for the job?After a few feeble protests of "Oh man, I don't know you guys..." and looks of feigned reluctance, Jacob resigned himself to the inevitable. The class erupted into halfhearted cheers and claps, with everyone just relieved to have that taken care of. As for me, I flashed Jacob an apologetic shrug, which he returned with a weary smile and an accepting nod of the head. We both knew he was destined for this, whether he initially embraced it or not.So if the rest of us have to endure listening to impromptu rehearsals of Jacob's latest musical obsession between classes, or watch him stride down the halls tapping out paradiddles on his legs, it's a small price to pay. Jacob is tailor made for the role of our fearless class music representative, now and until one of us finally graduates. The rest of us can just kick back, relax, andleave it to the master to make this year's music events and obligations actually run smoothly for once.篇2Choosing the Right Music Class RepresentativeWhen our music teacher, Mr. Roberts, announced that we needed to elect a class representative, I knew right away that this was a decision that couldn't be taken lightly. The role of class rep is a big responsibility and could really impact how our music lessons go for the whole year. After some serious thought, I realized that while I love music, I'm just not the right person for such an important job. Instead, I decided to throw my support behind Jessica Williams to be our rep.Now I know what you might be thinking - Jessica? Really? The quiet girl who sits in the back row and never raises her hand? Yes, that's the one. Let me explain why I think Jess is actually the perfect choice.To start with, being the class representative requires exceptional organizational skills and attention to detail. Can you imagine if an irresponsible slacker got the role? Our folders would never get passed out on time, the chairs would be set up haphazardly, and we'd constantly be waiting around because theaudio equipment wasn't prepped properly. That's just not going to happen with Jessica in charge.I've witnessed firsthand how meticulously Jess organizes her own materials for music class. Her binders are impeccable, with easily accessible dividers and page protectors keeping everything tidy. Her pencils are always sharpened, her music stand is wiped down, and she's never forgotten a handout or left anything behind. If she puts that same level of conscientiousness into being the class rep, we'll be in excellent hands.Beyond just being hyper-organized, Jessica is also incredibly focused and diligent. She soaks up new concepts like a sponge and works tirelessly until she has perfected every nuance of a new technique or skill. I've seen her stay back after class just to get some extra practice in or ask Mr. Roberts follow-up questions. With her commitment to excellence, you can be sure Jessica will go above and beyond in any rep duties, whether it's communicating lesson plans, managing rosters and attendance, or handling administrative tasks.What truly separates Jessica from the other candidates, however, is her passion for music. I've been in band and choir with her since we were kids, and her love for it is unmistakable. At every concert or performance, her face is absolutely glowingwith pure joy. She throws herself completely into the experience of creating beautiful music. That's the sort of enthusiasm and appreciation for the art that you want to see in a class representative.Of course, another crucial aspect of the role is acting as a liaison between the students and Mr. Roberts. Jessica's respectful demeanor and strong listening skills make her perfect for such diplomatic responsibilities. She may be shy, but she's also incredibly caring and concerned about the needs of her peers. I'm confident she would take all of our feedback seriously and be an effective voice for our collective interests with the teacher.Meanwhile, her calm, patient personality means she could remain a neutral arbiter if any conflicts or disagreements broke out amongst classmates. Jessica's easygoing nature allows her to go with the flow and not get ruffled by drama. I have no doubt she could handle high-pressure situations with poise.Now, is she outgoing or vocal? Not at all. But those traits aren't necessarily required for a class rep. In fact, Jessica's quiet presence could be an asset in certain situations, like keeping disruptions to a minimum during delicate lessons or subduing the noise level if things get too rowdy. Plus, her gentledisposition and timid ways mean she's extremely approachable. Students who might feel nervous about speaking up to a more boisterous rep would find it easy to relay their thoughts and concerns to the kind, unassuming Jessica.To be honest, a tiny part of me did briefly wonder if I should nominate myself for class representative. After all, I've been playing guitar and singing for years, and I really do love music with my whole heart. My binder isn't quite as organized as Jessica's, but it's not too messy either. And while I can be a bit of a gigantic ham sometimes, doesn't a rep need to have at least a little outgoing personality to rally the troops?Ultimately though, I realized that there's more to being an amazing rep than just talent and loving what you do. It requires a particular type of person with a specific set of qualities that Jessica has in spades: diligence, organization, passion, respect, diplomacy, and approachability. She's simply a better fit for the job than I could ever hope to be.So in the end, my vote for our music class representative goes to Jessica Williams, no question about it. She might not be the loudest voice in the room, but she's definitely the right choice to be the voice for our class. Jessica's incredible dedication, unparalleled care for the subject matter, andadmirable personal strengths make her head and shoulders above any other candidate. We'd be lucky to have such a stellar representative advocating for us this year.篇3Choosing the Music Class Representative: A Pivotal DecisionAs students, we face many decisions throughout our academic journey, but few hold as much weight and consequence as selecting the right individual to represent our class. In the realm of music, where the harmonies of melodies and the cadence of rhythms intertwine, the chosen representative plays a crucial role in shaping our collective experience. It is a responsibility that demands not only a passion for the art but also a deep understanding of the intricacies that define the musical realm.In my opinion, the ideal candidate for this esteemed position should embody a multitude of qualities that transcend mere technical proficiency. First and foremost, they must possess an unwavering love for music – a love that resonates through every note they play and every measure they interpret. This passion should be palpable, infectious, and capable of igniting a similar fire within the hearts of their peers.Moreover, the representative must be a skilled communicator, adept at articulating the concerns, suggestions, and aspirations of the class. They must possess the ability to bridge the gap between our collective desires and the instructors' expectations, fostering an environment of mutual understanding and collaboration. Effective communication is the cornerstone upon which a harmonious learning experience is built.Equally crucial is the ability to lead with empathy and inclusivity. Music, in its purest form, is a universal language that transcends boundaries and unites diverse cultures. The representative should embrace this notion, fostering an atmosphere where every voice is heard, every talent is nurtured, and every individual feels valued and respected. Only then can we truly unlock the transformative power of music.In addition to these essential qualities, the chosen representative should possess a keen eye for detail and organization. Coordinating rehearsals, managing schedules, and ensuring the smooth execution of performances are no small feats. It requires meticulous planning, unwavering dedication, and the ability to navigate the complexities of logistical challenges with grace and efficiency.Furthermore, the representative should be a beacon of inspiration, igniting within us a relentless pursuit of excellence. They should challenge us to push beyond our perceived limitations, to explore uncharted territories of musical expression, and to embrace the transformative power of creativity. Only through such unwavering dedication can we truly elevate our craft and leave an indelible mark on the tapestry of musical legacy.As I ponder the potential candidates, one name stands out among the rest: Sarah Johnson. Sarah embodies the very essence of what it means to be a true ambassador of music. Her passion for the art is evident in every note she plays, every score she interprets, and every performance she graces with her presence.Sarah's ability to communicate is unparalleled, her words flowing with the same melodic cadence as the compositions she cherishes. She has a remarkable talent for articulating complex musical concepts in a manner that resonates with all, bridging the gap between the novice and the seasoned virtuoso. Her empathy and inclusivity know no bounds, as she embraces every individual's unique journey with music, fostering an environment where diversity is celebrated and talent is nurtured.Organizational prowess is another of Sarah's defining traits. Her meticulous planning and attention to detail have ensured the seamless execution of countless concerts and recitals, leaving not a single note out of place. Her dedication to perfection is matched only by her unwavering commitment to the growth and development of her peers.But perhaps Sarah's most profound quality lies in her ability to inspire. Her presence alone ignites a fire within us, compelling us to reach for new heights and push the boundaries of what we thought possible. Her unwavering belief in our potential is a constant source of motivation, propelling us forward on a journey of self-discovery and artistic expression.In Sarah, I see not merely a class representative but a true ambassador of music – a beacon that will guide us through the intricate tapestry of harmonies, melodies, and rhythms. Her leadership will undoubtedly elevate our collective experience, fostering an environment where our passion for music can flourish and our talents can reach their fullest potential.As we embark on this new chapter of our musical journey, I implore you, my fellow classmates, to cast your vote in favor of Sarah Johnson. Together, under her guidance, we can compose asymphony that will resonate through the halls of our institution and leave an indelible mark on the annals of musical legacy.In the end, the decision we make today will echo far beyond the confines of our classroom. It will shape the very fabric of our musical experience, determining whether we merely play notes or transcend into the realm of true artistic expression. Let us choose wisely, for in doing so, we open the door to a world of boundless possibilities, where the harmonies of our souls intertwine with the melodies of our instruments, creating a masterpiece that will resonate through the ages.。



In the realm of English composition,the role of a prophet is not one that is typically associated with fortunetelling or divination,but rather with the ability to foresee and articulate the nuances and trends in language and writing styles.Here are some elements that make a writer akin to a prophet in the world of English composition:1.Cultural Sensitivity:A prophetic writer is one who can anticipate the cultural shifts and integrate them into their writing.They understand the importance of cultural context and can weave it into their narratives to create a more profound impact.nguage Evolution:Just as languages evolve over time,a prophetic writer stays ahead of the curve,adopting new vocabulary and grammatical structures that may become more prevalent in the future.3.Technological Integration:With the rapid advancement of technology,a prophetic writer is adept at incorporating technological themes and concepts into their compositions, reflecting the changing landscape of human interaction with technology.4.Social Awareness:A writer with prophetic qualities is keenly aware of social issues and can predict how these issues might be addressed or evolve in the future.Their compositions often contain commentary or predictions on social trends.5.Innovative Storytelling:Prophetic writers are not afraid to break the mold of traditional storytelling.They experiment with new narrative structures and formats,which may become more common as storytelling techniques evolve.6.Environmental Consciousness:With growing concerns about the environment,a prophetic writer often includes themes of sustainability and environmental preservation in their work,anticipating the importance of these topics in the future.7.Foreseeing Readership Trends:A prophetic writer has an intuitive understanding of what readers will find engaging in the future.They craft their compositions to resonate with the interests and concerns of a future audience.8.Philosophical Depth:Often,prophetic writers delve into philosophical questions and ponder the human condition.They may explore existential themes that are timeless yet remain relevant as society progresses.9.Economic Insights:A writer with prophetic insight may also reflect on economic trends and how they affect society,predicting shifts in economic paradigms and their impact on individuals and communities.10.Historical Perspective:Lastly,a prophetic writer often draws from history to inform their work,using the past to predict and comment on the future,understanding that history has a way of repeating itself in various forms.In essence,a prophet in English composition is a visionary who can see beyond the present,using their writing to explore and predict the future of language,society,and the human experience.。



选举课代表英语作文Election of Class RepresentativeAs the new school year begins, it is time for our class to elect a representative to serve as a liaison between the students and the teachers. This role is an important one as it requires someone who is responsible, reliable, and dedicated to representing the interests of their classmates in a fair and transparent manner.The process of electing a class representative is a democratic one, with all students given the opportunity to nominate candidates, campaign for votes, and ultimately cast their ballots for the person they believe is best suited for the role. This process not only gives students a voice in choosing their representative, but also teaches them the importance of participating in the democratic process.When considering who to vote for, students should look for candidates who demonstrate qualities such as leadership, communication skills, and a commitment to serving their peers. The class representative should be someone who is approachable and willing to listen to the concerns and ideas of their classmates, as well as someone who is able to effectively communicate with both students and teachers.In addition to representing their classmates, the class representative also plays a crucial role in organizing class events, communicating important information to the class, and addressing any issues or conflicts that may arise. This requires someone who is organized, proactive, and able to work well under pressure.Ultimately, the class representative is a position of trust and responsibility, and it is important that the person elected is someone who can uphold these values and fulfill the duties of the role to the best of their ability. By participating in the election process and choosing a representative who embodies these qualities, students can ensure that their voices are heard and their interests are represented throughout the school year.。



• At the more conservative University of Berlin, Karl Marx’s studies improved dramatically. It was at the Berlin University that he was introduced to the philosophical writings of G. W. F. Hegel by Bruno Bauer, a outspoken atheist and political radical. Marx later becoming involved with a group of radical thinkers the Young Hegelians.
在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学 生带着 问题来 学习, 而问题 的设置 具有一 定的梯 度,由 浅入深 ,所提 出的问 题也很 明确
Like his father Karl Marx pursued the study of law. Marx enrolled at the University of Bonn. While at Bonn, Marx’s studies were diluted by his frolicking and irresponsible lifestyle. Marx accrued a great deal of debt and was injured in a duel. Heinrich Marx paid off his sons debts and insisted on his enrollment at Berlin University.


central p38 and ERK1/2 pathways in IL-1β-induced sensitization of nociception in rats[J]. Progress in NeuroPsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 2013, 46(2013):98-104. [35]王庸晋,王治平,魏武. IL-1通过PKC/MAPK激活蛋白 激酶通路上调泡沫细胞ACAT-1的表达及活性[J]. 基 础医学与临床,2012,32(10):1149-1153.
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The Graceful SwanSwans are among the most elegant and majestic birds,known for their striking beauty,graceful movements,and serene presence.Belonging to the family Anatidae,swans are found in various parts of the world and have captivated the hearts of people for centuries.This essay will explore the characteristics,behavior,habitat,ecological significance,and interactions of swans with humans.Characteristics of SwansSwans possess several distinctive features that make them easily recognizable:Physical Appearance:Swans are large birds with long necks,broad wings, and webbed feet.They have a streamlined body that aids in efficient swimming and flying.The most common species,such as the mute swan (Cygnus olor),trumpeter swan(Cygnus buccinator),and whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus),typically have white plumage,although some species, like the black swan(Cygnus atratus),have black feathers.Size and Weight:Swans are among the largest flying birds.They can have a wingspan of up to3meters(10feet)and can weigh between7to 15kilograms(15to33pounds),depending on the species.Beak and Eyes:Swans have a distinctive beak,often brightly colored with orange,black,or yellow hues.Their eyes are positioned on the sides of their head,providing a wide field of vision,which is essential for detecting predators and finding food.Vocalizations:Swans are known for their vocalizations,which can vary from species to species.The trumpeter swan,for example,is named for its trumpet-like call,while the mute swan is relatively quiet,producing softer sounds.Behavior and Life CycleSwans exhibit a range of behaviors and have a complex life cycle:Feeding Habits:Swans are primarily herbivorous,feeding on aquatic vegetation,grasses,and algae.They use their long necks to reach underwater plants and can also graze on land.Occasionally,they may consume small aquatic animals and insects.Reproduction and Life Cycle:Swans are known for their strong pair bonds and often mate for life.During the breeding season,they engage in elaborate courtship displays,including synchronized swimming and mutual preening.Female swans lay a clutch of4to7eggs,which both parents incubate for about35to41days.The cygnets(young swans)are precocial,meaning they are born with downy feathers and are able to swim shortly after hatching.They remain with their parents for several months before becoming independent.Behavior and Movement:Swans are highly territorial during the breeding season and will aggressively defend their nesting sites from intruders.They are strong fliers and can migrate long distances between their breeding and wintering grounds.Social Structure:Outside the breeding season,swans can be found in flocks,often forming large groups in areas with abundant food resources. They are social birds and engage in various forms of communication, including vocalizations and body language.Habitat and DistributionSwans are found in a variety of habitats across the world:Natural Habitats:Swans inhabit freshwater lakes,rivers,ponds,and marshes.They prefer areas with abundant aquatic vegetation and openwater for swimming and foraging.Some species also inhabit coastal estuaries and brackish waters.Global Distribution:Swans are distributed across the Northern Hemisphere,with different species found in North America,Europe,and Asia.The black swan is native to Australia and has been introduced to New Zealand and other regions.Ecological ImportanceSwans play several important roles in their ecosystems:Aquatic Vegetation Control:By feeding on aquatic plants,swans help control the growth of vegetation in freshwater ecosystems.This can prevent overgrowth and maintain a balanced aquatic environment.Nutrient Cycling:Swans contribute to nutrient cycling by excreting waste that provides nutrients for aquatic plants and microorganisms.Their feeding activities also help aerate the water and promote healthy ecosystem dynamics.Prey and Predator Interactions:Swans are part of the food web,serving as prey for larger predators such as foxes,eagles,and humans.Their eggs and cygnets are particularly vulnerable to predation.Interactions with HumansSwans have a range of interactions with humans,both positive and negative:Cultural Significance:Swans have been featured prominently in mythology,folklore,literature,and art.They are often associated withbeauty,grace,and purity.The story of"The Ugly Duckling"and the ballet "Swan Lake"are just a few examples of their cultural impact.Tourism and Recreation:Swans attract birdwatchers,photographers, and nature enthusiasts.Their presence in parks,lakes,and nature reserves enhances the aesthetic and recreational value of these areas.Conservation Efforts:Some swan species have faced threats from habitat loss,pollution,and hunting.Conservation efforts,including habitat protection,pollution control,and legal protections,have been implemented to safeguard swan anizations and governments work to monitor swan populations and promote awareness of their ecological importance.Human-Wildlife Conflicts:In some areas,swans can come into conflict with humans,particularly when they become aggressive during the breeding season or when they are fed by people,leading to dependency and health issues.Managing these conflicts involves education and promoting responsible wildlife interactions.ConclusionSwans are graceful and majestic birds that play crucial roles in their ecosystems and have a variety of interactions with humans.Their unique characteristics,behaviors,and ecological importance make them captivating subjects of study and appreciation.Understanding and protecting swans can lead to greater awareness of the importance of biodiversity,habitat conservation,and the need to coexist with wildlife.By fostering a deeper connection to the natural world and recognizing the ecological significance of these elegant birds,we can work towards a more sustainable and harmonious relationship with the environment. Swans are not only symbols of beauty and grace but also valuable contributors to the health and balance of freshwater ecosystems around the world.。

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A new role of NUAK1: directly phosphorylating p53 andregulating cell proliferationAuthors:Xin Hou PhDJune Liu PhDWei Liu Master of ScienceCaiyan Liu Bachelor of ScienceZhiyong Liu Bachelor of ScienceZhaoyu Sun Bachelor of ScienceAffiliation:College of Life Sciences, Inner Mongolia University, Huhhot, Inner Mongolia, China Corresponding Author:Xin HouPostal Address: College of Life Sciences, Inner Mongolia University, 235 Daxue West Road, Huhhot 010021, Inner Mongolia, ChinaTelephone: 0086-150********Fax: 0086-471-4992147E-mail: houxinliu@.Running Title:LKB1/NUAK1 directly regulates p53Grants:This work was supported by the Key Project of the Science and Technology Foundation of Education Ministry of China (209025), and the Key Project of the Inner Mongolia National Natural Science Foundation (2009ZD007)Supplementary Information (SI) MethodsPlasmids and constructsHuman LKB1 cDNA was amplified from human liver QUICK-Clone cDNA (Clontech, Mountain View, CA, USA) and ligated into pcDNA4/myc-HisA (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) to prepare pcDNA4-LKB1; pcDNA4-LKB1-KDM that contained kinase-deficient LKB1 was generated by site-directed substitution to K78M and D176Y. Human NUAK1 cDNA was amplified from human brain QUICK-Clone cDNA (Clontech) as previously described (Lizcano et al., 2004), and was inserted into pMD19-T. Full-length NUAK1 cDNA was then subcloned and ligated into pcDNA3.1/V5-HisA (Invitrogen) to prepare pcDNA3.1-NUAK1. NUAK1 cDNA was also cloned into pET-32a+ to obtain pET-NUAK1. pET-NUAK1 (T221E), pET-NUAK1 (T221D), pcDNA3.1-NUAK1 (T211A), pcDNA3.1-NUAK1 (T211E), pcDNA3.1-NUAK1 (T211D) and pcDNA3.1-NUAK1 (K84A) were obtained by site-directed mutagenesis. Primers are listed in Table S1. pcDNA3-p53 was a gift from Dr. Jinghua Yan (Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China), and pcDNA3-p53 (S15A) and pcDNA3-p53 (S392A) were generated by site-directed mutagenesis.Purification of recombinant proteins with His tagsIn a typical preparation, E. coli or HEK293T cells were harvested by centrifugation at 5000 g. The pellets were washed with cold PBS and resuspended in 50 ml buffer A (50 mM NaH2PO4, 20 mM imidazole, 1 M NaCl, pH 7.4), and lysed by sonication. After centrifugation at 13,000 g for 30 min, the supernatant that contained the soluble fraction was loaded onto a 5-ml Ni-NTA column (Pierce, Rockford, IL, USA) that had been equilibrated with buffer A. The column was washed with 25 ml buffer A that contained 40 mM imidazole and then with buffer A that contained 60 mM imidazole. The proteins were eluted by an appropriate volume of buffer A that contained 200 mM imidazole, and identified by SDS-PAGE and western blotting with corresponding antibodies.In vitro kinase assayIn vitro kinase assay of immunoprecipitates or recombinant NUAK1 and kinase-dead mutant K84A was performed in buffer that contained 8 mM MOPS–NaOH (pH 7.0), 0.01% Briji 35, 0.5 mM dithiothreitol, 10 mM Mg(CH3COO)2and 0.1 mM [γ-32P]-ATP (300 cpm/pmol; Furi, Fuzhou, China); 100 μM SAMS peptide (Upstate Biotechnology, Lake Placid, NY, USA) was added as substrate. After incubation for 10 min at 30°C with constant agitation, the reaction was stopped by adding 5 μl 3% phosphoric acid. A 20-μl aliquot was spotted onto a P81 paper square (Upstate Biotechnology), allowed to dry, and then washed three times with 0.75% phosphoric acid and methanol. After transferring the paper square to a sealable plastic bag and adding 4 ml scintillation cocktail, radioactivity was measured in a scintillation counter (MicroBeta 1450; PerkinElmer, Waltham, MA, USA). One Unit of activity was defined as 1 nmol peptide phosphorylated per minute. In vitro phosphorylation of His-p53 by recombinant His-NUAK1 and mutants was also assayed. His-p53 (from HEK293T cells) was mixed with His-NUAK1 (from HEK293T cells), K84A mutant, T211A mutant, His-NUAK1 (from E. coli), T211E mutant, T211D mutant, or His-NUAK1 (from E. coli) incubated with active-LKB1(recombinant His-LKB1 from Sf21 cells provided as a complex with GST-STRADα and GST-MO25α; Upstate Biotechnology) and isolated by Ni2+ affinity chromatography, or with that deactivated by heating and isolated, incubated in 30 μl kinase buffer (50 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.5, 0.1 mM Na2EDTA, 5 mM dithiothreitol, 2 mM MnCl2) and 0.1 mM [γ-32P] ATP (Furi) at 30°C for 30 min. The reaction was terminated with SDS-PAGE loading buffer. Proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE, transferred onto a PVDF membrane, and detected by exposure to X-ray film for 8 h. After exposure, the PVDF membrane was analyzed by western blotting with anti-p53 polyclonal antibody.Table S1Primers used in this study.Primer SequenceHuman LKB1 cloning Forward: 5’-cggaattcatggaggtggtggaccccgc-3’Reverse: 5’-ccgctcgagctgctgcttgcaggccgac-3’Human NUAK1 subcloning for pcDNA3.1-NUAK1 Forward: 5’-cccaagcttatggaaggggccgccgcgc-3’Reverse: 5’-cggaattcgttgagcttgctgcagatc3’Human NUAK1 subcloning for pET-His-NUAK1 Forward: 5’-cggaattcatggaaggggccgccgcgc-3’Reverse: 5’-cccaagcttgttgagcttgctgcagatc-3’Quantitative RT-PCR of human p21/WAF1 Forward: 5’-ctgtgatgcgctaatggcg-3’Reverse: 5’-aagtcgaagttccatcgctca-3’ChIP quantitative PCR of p21/WAF1 promoter p53RE region Forward: 5’-ggctggtggctattttgtcct-3’Reverse: 5’-ccccttcctcacctgaaaaca-3’ChIP quantitative PCR of p21/WAF1 TA TA-5’UTR region Forward: 5’-agctgcgccagctgagg-3’Reverse: 5’-gctccacaaggaactgacttcg-3’Figure S1 Specificity of NUAK1 siRNA pool.A549 cells were transfected with NUAK1 siRNA pool or with control siRNA. After 48 h cells were lysed and western blotting was performed with anti-NUAK1 antibody, anti-NUAK2 antibody, anti-AMPKαantibody, anti-LKB1 antibody and β-actin antibody.Figure S2In vitro kinase assay of His-NUAK1 and K84A mutant from HEK293T cells.His-NUAK1 and K84A mutant were purified by Ni2+ affinity chromatography. The in vitro kinase activity of recombinant proteins was assayed by measuring the 32P labeling of SAMS peptide. One unit of activity was defined as 1 nmol SAMS peptide phosphorylated per minute.Figure S3Phosphorylation on five sites of p53 other than Ser15 and Ser392. According to the manufacture’s instructions, COS cells were treated with 20μM methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) for 3h, and MCF-7 cells were treated with 100 μM etoposide for 4 h. The cells were lysed, and the lysate was subjected to SDS-PAGE followed by western blotting with phospho-p53 antibody sampler kit (Cell Signaling Technology). According to the specificity information provided by the manufacturer (/products/9919.html), the phosphorylation of Ser6, Ser9, Ser20 and Ser37 was checked in COS cells and that of Ser46 was checked in MCF-7 cells.Figure S4 Cell cycle arrest observed in G361 cells.G361 cells were stably transfected with vector control (Vec), kinase-deficient LKB1 (KDM), or wild-type LKB1 (+). Cells that stably expressed wild-type LKB1 were also transiently transfected with (+) or without (–) wild-type NUAK1, NUAK1 siRNA pool (siRNA), or control siRNA (Ctl-si). After synchronization, cells were treated with glucose deficient medium. Cells were then harvested, stained with propidium iodide, and analyzed by flow cytometry. Each analysis was carried out intriplicate.Figure S5 Cell-cycle arrest induced by NUAK1 requires p53.A549 cells were transiently transfected with vector control (Vec), wild-type NUAK1 (NUAK1), NUAK1 T211E mutant (T211E), T211D mutant (T211D), K84A mutant (K84A), T211E mutant and p53 siRNA pool (TE+si-p53), or T211D mutant and p53 siRNA pool (TD+si-p53). Cells were subjected to flow cytometry analysis as in Figure S4.Figure S6Expression and phosphorylation of exogenous p53 in Hep3B cells .p53 null Hep3B cells were stably transfected with wild-type p53 (p53), p53 S15A mutant (S15A), p53 S392A mutant (S392A), or vector control (Vec). The cells were lysed, and the lysate was subjected to western blotting with anti-p53 antibody, phospho-p53 antibody sampler kit (Cell Signaling Technology) and β-actin antibody.。
