吉他爱好者必备软件Guitar Pro简单教程(图解)
从0到1!GTP(Guitar Pro 5)简单教程前言我所使用的GTP版本为5.2,这个教程的所有内容都是居于此版本。
Part One!关于显示的设置!1.页面显示的设置这几个工具栏按钮用来设置页面的显示模式,从左到右分别是:分页模式,卷页模式,纵向模式和横向模式。
如图:隐藏五线谱的功能在菜单栏这个位置:3.如何隐藏和显示把位、键盘工具栏上面这两个按钮用来隐藏\ 显示把位和键盘:4.音符力度的显示和隐藏有同学发现,为何音符会变成灰白色,几乎看不见?这是因为设置了显示音符的力度。
取消的按钮在工具栏的这个位置:(最后一个按钮,或者用快捷键Ctrl+D)Part Two!关于乐曲的设置!1.乐曲的节拍每个曲子都有节拍,所以创建一份GTP后,首先得设置拍号。
GUITAR RIG 5 中文模块使用手册
1介绍这本手册会对Guitar Rig5中的每个效果模块进行更加深入地介绍,会帮助您更好地对声音进行塑形,以及当作是对每个模块每个旋钮参数的工具手册,在以下章节中,将对Guitar Rig 5中的所有放大器、效果器、以及工具模块进行介绍,顺序与在Guitar Rig5的模块浏览器中的顺序是相同的。
要学习Guitar Rig5的基础操作,我们推荐您先从Getting Started(快速开始)手册开始,然后可以阅读Application Reference(软件使用手册)来对Guitar Rig本身的操作功能有更深入地了解。
您可以通过Guitar Rig软件界面的Help(帮助)>Open Manual(打开手册)命令来打开各个英文使用手册。
Guitar Rig 5精挑细选了一些1950年到现在的经典放大器模块。
2.1额外控制功能点击模块界面右上角的三角标志按钮可以展开额外控制面板,这里提供了绝大多数放大器都具有的相同控制功能:·POWER SUPPLY(电源设置)可以将放大器的电源在50Hz和60Hz之间进行切换,用于对放大器电源内部的DC电压进行校正,不正确的电压可以对声音产生一点微妙的调制效果。
·VARIAC(变压器)会尽力模拟一种AC电源中的可调变压器效果,从而实现可变电压的特点(著名的‘brown sound’效果),或者是超过正常电压值(可以让声音显得更加‘凶猛’)。
Guitar rig5中文版教程
1 介绍这本手册会对Guitar Rig 5中的每个效果模块进行更加深入地介绍,会帮助您更好地对声音进行塑形,以及当作是对每个模块每个旋钮参数的工具手册,在以下章节中,将对Guitar Rig 5中的所有放大器、效果器、以及工具模块进行介绍,顺序与在Guitar Rig 5的模块浏览器中的顺序是相同的。
要学习Guitar Rig 5的基础操作,我们推荐您先从Getting Started(快速开始)手册开始,然后可以阅读Application Reference(软件使用手册)来对Guitar Rig本身的操作功能有更深入地了解。
您可以通过Guitar Rig软件界面的Help(帮助)> Open Manual(打开手册)命令来打开各个英文使用手册。
2 Amplifiers(放大器)除了乐器本身以外,对吉他和贝斯的音色调节通常都是从放大器开始(俗称箱头)。
Guitar Rig 5精挑细选了一些1950年到现在的经典放大器模块。
2.1 额外控制功能点击模块界面右上角的三角标志按钮可以展开额外控制面板,这里提供了绝大多数放大器都具有的相同控制功能:·POWER SUPPLY(电源设置)可以将放大器的电源在50Hz和60Hz之间进行切换,用于对放大器电源内部的DC电压进行校正,不正确的电压可以对声音产生一点微妙的调制效果。
·VARIAC(变压器)会尽力模拟一种AC电源中的可调变压器效果,从而实现可变电压的特点(著名的‘brown sound’效果),或者是超过正常电压值(可以让声音显得更加‘凶猛’)。
从0到1!GTP(Guitar Pro 5)简单教程前言我所使用的GTP版本为5.2,这个教程的所有内容都是居于此版本。
Part One!关于显示的设置!1.页面显示的设置这几个工具栏按钮用来设置页面的显示模式,从左到右分别是:分页模式,卷页模式,纵向模式和横向模式。
如图:隐藏五线谱的功能在菜单栏这个位置:3.如何隐藏和显示把位、键盘工具栏上面这两个按钮用来隐藏\ 显示把位和键盘:4.音符力度的显示和隐藏有同学发现,为何音符会变成灰白色,几乎看不见?这是因为设置了显示音符的力度。
取消的按钮在工具栏的这个位置:(最后一个按钮,或者用快捷键Ctrl+D)Part Two!关于乐曲的设置!1.乐曲的节拍每个曲子都有节拍,所以创建一份GTP后,首先得设置拍号。
这里必须要进行简单的设置,否则可能会有不发声的问题!我们在Port Device一定选择你系统的声卡,Instrument Pa tch选择General MIDI 把后一项打钩,设置好后按一下中间那个喇叭,如果有发出一段琴声就证明设置完成了!如果没有音乐发出把选项交替设置试试,直至成功!在这里要提醒大家,GP播放的音乐其实就是MIDI,效果的好坏与硬件中的声卡有直接关系,对于有很多网友的电脑是主板自带声卡的,建意安装,一个很出色的硬波表,相信会最大程度上提升播放MIDI音乐的效果!如果你已经安装了它,那么就像下图中的下拉表中有它的存在,点选它吧!我们曾收到很多网友询问,为什么我的机器上的Guitar-pro不会发声,基本上按上面介绍的设置肯定能解决大部份网友的问题!还有小部份估计是声卡不兼容(老声卡),可以试试安装Yamaha S-YXG100看有没有效果。
当制谱者有意突出某段吉他SOLO或其他乐器小节时就会如图出现 Play from(),这样你可以很方便地马上转到这份谱精彩的SOLO中去!但是国内大多数打谱的人都很少用到这个功能!以下是金属女孩在论坛发表的简单使用说明对各网友特别是新手一定有很大帮助此吉他编辑器看上去有16个音轨,只要你的Instrument够多,也可以无限制编辑(最多999)在文件菜单中可以选择midi或tab文件输入输出。
在Score In *** 102;ormation [乐谱信息]填入:Title[标题]、Subtitle[副标题]演唱者Album[唱片]Author[作者]Copyright[版权]Tab[标签]Instrucitions[用法说明]Notice[注意]等。
Owner’s ManualTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction (3)The Front Panel (4)The Rear Panel (5)Important Information About Tubes and Tube Products (6)A Brief History of Tubes (6)Tube Types and Usage (6)The Nature of Tubes: Why (and When) to Replace Them (7)The Importance of Proper Biasing (8)Survival Tips for Tube Amplifiers (9)System Block Diagram (10)Service Information (11)Technical Specifications (12)2IntroductionCongratulations! You are now the proud owner of a Crate V5 tube guitar amplifier. This combo amplifier packs a whole lot of vintage tube sound into its compact cabinet, providing you with an amp that is portable and easy to operate, yet still produces incredible sounds!The V-Series amps offer the versatility required for many different musical styles, and have the unique tonal purity of a hot-rodded tube amp. The V5 is a single-channel amplifier with a mas-ter volume control and a tone control. It cranks out 5 watts from a single EL84 output tube in a Class A single-ended configuration into one 10” internal speaker. It provides a wide range of clean to overdriven sounds, making it ideal for recording as well as a practice amp.Like all Crate products, your V5 amplifier is designed by musicians and built using only the best components. Each amplifier is tested to confirm that it meets our specifications, and we believe that this amplifier is the absolute best that it can be.In order to get the most out of your new amplifier, please read this manual before you begin playing.And thank you for choosing Crate.Here are some of the features packed into your new V5 Combo Amplifier:• EL84 power vacuum tube for smooth overdrive sound• 5 watts rms power output• 1 x 10" ceramic magnet speaker• Volume control• Tone control31. INPUT: Use this jack to connect yourguitar to the amplifier using a shieldedinstrument cable.2. VOLUME: Use this to adjust the gainand channel overdrive. With the controlturned counter-clockwise, the gain islow and very little distortion is present.As you rotate it clockwise, the gainincreases, producing more overdrivedistortion, and a higher output volumelevel.3. TONE: This adjusts the overall tone ofthe sound. Turning the control clockwiseincreases the higher frequencies for abrighter, crisper sound. Turning the con-trol counterclockwise reduces the higherfrequencies for a darker sound.4. LAMP: This illuminates when the ampli-fier is turned on.5. ON/OFF SWITCH: Use this switch toturn the amplifier on and off.46. AC LINE CO R D: The grounded powercord should only be plugged into agrounded power outlet that meetsall applicable electrical codes, and iscompatible with the voltage, power, andfrequency requirements stated on theV5 rear panel. Do not attempt to defeatthe safety ground connection.7.FUSE: This protects the unit fromdamage due to overload conditions orpower line surges. If the fuse blows,replace it only with the same size andtype as listed on the chassis.8. Voltage Select Switch: Set this switchto “115” for 120 VAC mains, and to“230” for 220-240 VAC mains.With the amplifier power cordunplugged, use the tip of a small flat-blade screwdriver to slide this switch tothe proper position.9. SPEAKE R8 OHMS: The V5 is shippedwith a cable connected from this jack tothe internal 10-inch 8-ohm speaker.5Important Information about Tubes and Tube Products:A Brief History Of The Tube:In 1883, Edison discovered that electrons would flow from a suspended filament when enclosed in an evacuated lamp. Years later, in 1905, Fleming expanded on Edison’s discovery and created the “Fleming Valve.” Then, in 1907, Dr. Lee de Forest added a third component– the grid – to the “Fleming Valve” and the vacuum tube was a fact of life. The door to elec-tronic amplification was now open.During World War II, data gleaned from their intensive research on the detectors used in radar systems, led Bell Telephone Laboratories to the invention of the transistor. This reliable little device gained quick support as the new component for amplification. The death of the vacuum tube seemed imminent as designers, scientists, and engineers reveled in the idea of replacing large, fragile glass tubes with these small, solid-state devices.However, there were (and still are) many serious listeners who realized that the sound pro-duced by a “transistor” amplifier is significantly different from that produced by a tube ampli-fier with identical design specifications. They considered the sound produced by these new solid-state devices to be hard, brittle, and lifeless. It was determined that solid-state devices produced a less musical set of harmonics than tubes. When pushed past their limits, they tend to mute the tone and emphasize the distortion.Tubes, on the other hand, produce a more musical set of harmonics, the intensity of which can be controlled by the player. This characteristic adds warmth and definition to the sound which has become the hallmark of tube amplifiers. When tubes are driven into clipping, the harmonic overtones can be both sweet and pleasing or intense and penetrating, depending on the musician’s musical taste and playing technique.Over the years, application engineers have designed a number of outstanding solid-state amplifiers that sound very, very good. Some use special circuitry which enables them to simu-late the distortion characteristics of a tube amplifier. However, the tube amplifier, still held in the highest esteem by many musicians, offers a classic “vintage” sound in a contemporary market.Tube Types And Usage:Tube amplifiers are based primarily on two types of tubes – preamplifier tubes and power tubes. The tubes used in preamplifiers (12AX7, 12AU7, 12AT7, etc.) are smaller than the power tubes. These tubes amplify the signal from your instrument and shape the sound. They are inherently microphonic (they can mechanically pick up and transmit external noises). Since these tubes are used in the critical first stages of a tube amplifier’s circuitry, it is very impor-tant to use high-quality, low noise/low microphonic tubes for this application. Although tubesof this quality may be difficult to find and typically cost more than “off-the-shelf” tubes, the improvement in performance is worth the investment.Preamplifier tubes are also used to drive the power tubes. When used in this application, a12AX7 will produce a more distorted tone than a 12AT7, which produces a clearer, sweeter sound. A 12AU7 is even cleaner and brighter than a 12AT7, giving more definition to the sound. (In some cases it is possible to change the sound by changing the type of preampand/or driver tubes. When making any modification to your equipment, it is highly recommend-ed that you consult with a qualified service center.)6The power tubes are the largest tubes used in an amplifier. These tubes convert the low-level, conditioned signal from the preamplifier into a level that is sufficient to drive the speakers. There are several types of power tubes available, each of which offers a different perfor-mance/sound characteristic. For example, the EL34 power tube produces a great classic rock sound. When an EL34 is driven into distortion, it produces a unique sound (“crunch”). When compared to the 6L6, the EL34 distorts more quickly, exhibits a “looser” low-end response and produces more harmonics at mid and high frequencies (“creamier” sound). These differ-ences become more noticeable at higher volumes.The EL84 is similar to the EL34 but produces less output power. It can be easily driven into distortion and is characterized by a smooth, sweet tone with excellent touch sensitivity.6L6 tubes produce a big low-end thump and have a very good dynamic range. They offer a more traditional “American Rock” sound. The 6V6 tubes produce a creamy sound with nice distortion. On the other hand, the KT88 produces a big low-end but sounds more like an EL34 in the mid and high frequencies.6550 power tubes are more rugged and stay cleaner-sounding even at full power. When they do distort, the sound produced is more solid and has a tighter low end; more of a “heavy metal” type distortion with lots of power.Some tubes are available in matched sets. These tubes have been extensively tested for opti-mum performance and longevity.The Nature Of Tubes — Why (And When) To Replace Them:Tubes are made up of a number of fragile mechanical components that are vacuum-sealed in a glass envelope or bubble. The tube’s longevity is based on a number of factors which include how hard and often the amplifier is played, vibration from the speakers, road travel, repeated set up and tear down, etc.Any time you notice a change in your amplifier’s performance, check the tubes first.If it’s been a while since the tubes were replaced and the sound from your amplifier lacks punch, fades in and out, loses highs or lows or produces unusual sounds, the power tubes probably need to be replaced. If your amplifier squeals, makes noise, loses gain, starts to hum, lacks “sensitivity”, or feels as if it is working against you, the preamplifier tubes may need to be replaced.The power tubes are subjected to considerably more stress than the preamplifier tubes. Consequently, they almost always fail/degrade first. If deteriorating power tubes aren’t replaced they will ultimately fail. Depending on the failure mode, they may even cause severe damage to the audio output transformer and/or other components in the amplifier. Replacing the tubes before they fail completely has the potential to save you time, money and unwanted trouble. Since power tubes work together in an amplifier, it is crucial that they (if there is more than one) be replaced by a matched set. If you’re on the road a lot, we recommend that you carry a spare matched set of replacement power tubes and their associated driver tubes. After turning off the power and disconnecting the amplifier from the power source, carefully check the tubes (in bright light) for cracks or white spots inside the glass or any other appar-ent damage. Then, with the power on, view the tubes in a dark room. Look for preamplifier tubes that do not glow at all or power tubes that glow excessively red.7Whenever you replace the power tube(s):• Always have the amplifier’s bias voltage checked by a qualified service center. Improper bias voltage will cause degradation in performance and possibly damage the tubes and/or the amplifier. (See “The Importance of Proper Biasing”, below for more information).• We highly recommend that you replace the driver tube(s) as well. The driver tube deter-mines the shape and amplitude of the signal applied to the power tube(s) and has to work almost as hard as the power tube(s).You can check your preamplifier tubes for microphonics by turning the amplifier on, turning up the gain and tapping lightly on each tube with the end of a pencil or a chop stick (my favorite). You will be able to hear the tapping through your speakers, which is normal. It is not normal for a tube to ring like a bell after it’s tapped. If it does ring then it’s microphonic and should be replaced. Remember to use only high quality, low microphonic tubes in the preamplifier section.Even though power tubes are rarely microphonic, you should check them anyway. The power tubes can be checked for microphonics just like pre-amp tubes.In the case of very high gain amps, you may be able to reduce the amount of noise generated by simply swapping the preamp tubes around.The Importance Of Proper Biasing:For the best performance and longest tube life, proper biasing is imperative. Bias is the nega-tive voltage which is applied to the power tube’s control grid to set the level of idle current. We cannot over emphasize the difference in warmth of tone and dynamic response that come with proper biasing. If the bias is set too high (over biased), the sound from the amp will be distorted at all levels. If the bias is set too low, (under biased) the power tubes will run hot (the plates inside the tubes may glow red due to excessive heat) and the sound from the amplifier will lack power and punch. The excessive heat greatly reduces tube life – from a few days to as little as a few hours in extreme cases. Setting the bias on your amp is like setting the idle on your car. If it’s too high or hot it’s running away with you and if it’s too low or cold it will choke when you step on it.The bias is adjusted at the factory in accordance with the type of power tube(s) installed in your amplifier. It is important to point out that tubes of the same type and specification typi-cally exhibit different performance characteristics. Consequently, whenever power tubes are replaced, the bias voltage must be checked (unless the amplifier is equipped with “self-biasing”circuitry) and readjusted to accommodate the operating parameters of the replacement tubes. Depending on the model and amplifier type, there may be hum balance controls, trim pots, or bias adjustment controls on its rear panel. However, the bias adjustment should be performed only by qualified service personnel with the proper, calibrated test equipment.8Survival Tips For Tube Amplifiers:To prolong tube life, observe these tips and recommendations:• Match the impedance of your speaker cabinet(s) to your amplifier. Improper impedance matching will contribute to early tube degradation and may cause premature tube failure.• Make sure the speaker(s) are properly connected prior to turning on the amplifier.• After playing the amplifier, allow sufficient time for it to properly cool down prior to moving it. A properly cooled amplifier prolongs tube life due to the internal components being less susceptible to the damage caused by vibration.• Allow the amplifier to warm up to room temperature before turning it on. The heat gener-ated by the tube elements can crack a cold glass housing.• Replace the output tube(s) before the performance degrades or the tubes fail completely.Replace the tube(s) on a regular basis (at least once per year or as often as every 4 to 6 months if you play long and hard every day).• Always have the bias checked after replacing the output tubes (unless the amplifier is equipped with “selfbiasing circuitry”). This should be done ONL Y at a qualified servicecenter. Improper biasing could result in the tubes running too hot, which greatly reduces the life of the tubes – or too cold, which results in distorted sound regardless of level settings. Do not play the amplifier if it exhibits these symptoms – get the bias checked/ adjusted immediately to prevent tube failure and/or other damage.• If the locating notch on the base of a power tube breaks off, replace the tube. This signifi-cantly reduces the risk of damaging your amplifier by incorrectly inserting the tube.• Protect the amplifier from dust and moisture. If liquid gets into the amplifier proper, or if the amplifier is dropped or otherwise mechanically abused, have it checked out at an authorized service center before using it.• Proper maintenance and cleaning in combination with routine checkups by your authorized service center will insure the best performance and longest life from your amplifier. CAUTION: Tube replacement should be performed only by qualified service personnel who are familiar with the dangers of hazardous voltages that are typically present in tube circuitry.910System Block Diagram INPUT V1AV1B 8 OHM INTERNAL SPEAKER EL8411Declaration Of ConformityManufacturer: LOUD Technologies Inc.16220 Wood-Red Rd. NEWoodinville, WA 98072, USAProduct Name: Crate V5Product Type: Audio AmplifierComplies with Standards:LVD: 92/31/EEC, 93/68/EEC, & 73/23/EWGSafety: EN60065EMC: EN55013, EN55020, EN55022, EN55103, EN61000-3-2, & EN61000-3-3The official Declaration of Conformity for this product is kept on file at:LOUD Technologies Inc., 16220 Wood-Red Road NE, Woodinville, WA 98072 • Tel: 1-866-858-5832Service InformationIf you are having a problem with your V5, you can go to our website () and click on Support for service information, or call 1-800-898-3211 during business hours (7 am to 5 pm PST, Monday-Friday). If you are outside of the U.S., contact your local distribu-tor for technical support and service.The V5 is covered with a durable fabric-backed vinyl material. Wipe it clean with a lint-free cloth.Never spray cleaning agents onto the cabinet. Avoid abrasive cleansers which would damage the finish.Crate continually develops new products, as well as improves existing ones. For this reason, the specificationsand information in this manual are subject to change without notice.“Crate” is a registered trademark of LOUD Technologies Inc. All other brand names mentioned are trademarks orregistered trademarks of their respective holders and are hereby acknowledged.12V5 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSOutput Power Rating5 W rms @ 5% THD, 8 ohm load, 120 VAC Input Impedance700 kohms Signal-to-Noise Ratio42 dB, Typical Gain58 dB, all controls @ 10Tone±30 dB @ 10 kHz Speaker Specs1 x 10", 5 W, 8 ohm, ceramic magnet Preamp Tubes(1) 12AX7A Power Tubes(1) EL84Power Requirements90-132 VAC, 60 Hz, 30 watts220-240 VAC, 50 Hz, 30 watts Size (H x W x D)13.75 in/34.9 cm x 14.25 in/36.2 cm x8.11 in/20.6 cm Weight 19.2 lb/8.7 kgPart No. 0024538 Rev. A 07/07。
LeMaker Guitar S500_pinctrl使用说明书_V1.0
ActDuino S500_pinctrl 使用说明书
最新版本号:1. 0 2015-1 Nhomakorabea-16ActDuino S500_pinctrl 使用说明书
1目 录
1 目 录 ......................................................................................................................1 2 引 言 ......................................................................................................................3
7 uboot接口使用说明.............................................................................................33 8 版本历史 ..............................................................................................................34 9 声 明 ....................................................................................................................35
维吉尔吉他手册 We Three Kings of Orient Are说明书
We Three Kings of Orient Are Page 1G Tuning Key of Em3/4 Time Single String MelodyX=Rest1Em Verse2B34EmBear -ing gifts we tra -verse -a far5G6D G78C9Am10B Em1112D13Fol -low -ing yon -der star Oh Oh14G Chorus15C1617GStar with loy -al beau -ty bright18Em19D20C21D22G2324C25GWe Three Kings of Orient AreJohn Henry Hopkins, JrChorusO star of wonder, star of night,Star with royal beauty bright,Westward leading, still proceeding,Guide us to thy perfect Light.Clawhammer Page 2 1Em Verse23B4EmD2242B00000G.020000.D.24422.G0000We Three Kings of Or -I -ent areBear -ing gifts we tra -verse -a far5G6D G78C000000100001000222000000Field and foun -tain moor and moun-tain9Am10B Em111213 0020010011 22200002222222200000 Fol -low -ing yon -der star Oh -Oh -14G Chorus15C1617G00200010.000000000..00 -22.0000Star of Won -der Star of nightStar with loy -al beau -ty bright18Em192021200001011010000222220000West -ward lead -ing still pro -ceed-ing22G2324C25G0020001000000000000 -220000Guide us to that per -fect lightVerse 2Verse 4Born a king on Bethlehem's plain,Myrrh is mine: it's bitter perfumeGold I bring to crown Him again,Breaths a life of gathering gloom.King forever, ceasing never Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding dying,Over us all to reign.Sealed in the stone-cold tomb.Chorus ChorusVerse 3Verse 5Frankincense to offer have I.Glorious now behold Him arise,Incense owns a Deity nigh.King and God and Sacrifice.Prayer and praising all men raising,Alleluia, alleluia!Worship Him, God on high.Sounds through the earth and skies.Chorus Chorus。
从0到1!GTP(Guitar Pro 5)简单教程前言我所使用的GTP版本为5.2,这个教程的所有内容都是居于此版本。
Part One!关于显示的设置!1.页面显示的设置这几个工具栏按钮用来设置页面的显示模式,从左到右分别是:分页模式,卷页模式,纵向模式和横向模式。
如图:隐藏五线谱的功能在菜单栏这个位置:3.如何隐藏和显示把位、键盘工具栏上面这两个按钮用来隐藏\ 显示把位和键盘:4.音符力度的显示和隐藏有同学发现,为何音符会变成灰白色,几乎看不见?这是因为设置了显示音符的力度。
取消的按钮在工具栏的这个位置:(最后一个按钮,或者用快捷键Ctrl+D)Part Two!关于乐曲的设置!1.乐曲的节拍每个曲子都有节拍,所以创建一份GTP后,首先得设置拍号。
guitar pro 5使用说明
这是一个吉他六线谱的编辑程序,可让你配置8 个Track,除了可直接输入音符编辑外,你也可以输入midi 文件或是ASCII Tab,它会自动帮你转成六线谱。
绿色环保软件,不用安装,爽吧附教程:Guitar pro 教程喜爱电脑音乐的朋友都知道,在电脑音乐制作中一直以来都是以钢琴键盘为虚拟的输入设备,并且编辑和修改也多以五线谱和键盘显示进行,而在音乐软件的广泛用户群之中有不少是吉他爱好者,他们创作音乐的方式通常是以吉它为基础的,这就给那些对键盘和五线谱不熟悉的吉他玩家带来了很大的麻烦。
现在好了,我们迎来了GUITAR PRO的时代一个以吉他为中心的6线谱音乐制作软件,无论是输入、编辑、观察还是修改,以致各种演奏的技法、技巧都是为吉他量身订做,绝对给吉他爱好者一个惊喜!GUITAR PRO由AROBAS()公司开发,与以前的版本相比,加入了很多的新功能,完全可以称做一个十分成熟的吉他音乐制作软件!GUITAR PRO (以下简称GP)的最大优势还在于方便的6线谱显示,这不仅给观察带来了方便而且可以打印输出高质量的吉他乐谱;GP还支持外部MIDI信号输入,如果你有一把MIDI吉他的话就可以大展拳脚了,现在再也不用受CAKEWALK的束缚了!同时播放设置中也支持MIDI音源选择,克服了以前版本中只能使用系统默认MIDI音源的毛病,可以快速地更换各种音源进行回放,十分方便!另外,GP还支持多音轨模式,我们除了可以用它制作吉他音轨之外还可以制作贝斯音轨和打击乐音轨,所以说GP3完全是一个以吉它为中心的音乐制作系统,完全能够胜任你的各种MIDI音乐制作要求!下面就让我们一起进入GP的吉他世界吧!(音轨属性)启动软件之后我们用OPEN打开GP3安装目录下的一首示范曲,这时可以看到屏幕被从上至下分成了3个部分,最上面是音符和快捷工具栏,中间是乐谱显示区,下面是音轨属性区。
8 16 OUTPUT Jack Connect the speaker cabinet. 8 16 only.
OUTPUT jack directly to a
the VOLUME knob further clockwise will produce a more overdriven sound which
is the result of pure power amp saturation.
BRIGHT/NORM CONTROL When engaged, the BRIGHT switch adds a subtle top boost or presence to your signal. When in the NORM position, the top boost is defeated.
Guitar Pro 实用教程中文图解版!- 史无前例!-这个教程是由网友“神秘de小白”精心制作的,在此要特别感谢这位热心的朋友(这样的好人现在可是不多咯,感激之情溢于言表)。
大家可以看到,整套教程做的非常详细,图文并茂的为大家讲解了Guitar Pro的使用方法,很多技巧都点的非常到位,可以说是“前无古人后无来者”的精品教程,大家可别错过了这个好机会。
教程的所有内容都是基于Guitar Pro v5.2版本,在学习之前请务必先安装好此套软件。
本站已发布由「爱指弹!」吉他论坛独立汉化破解的“Guitar Pro v5.2 完美破解版”软件,还没有安装或使用未注册版Guitar Pro v5.2的朋友请到/thread-3670-1-1.html下载软件。
从0到1!GTP(Guitar Pro 5)简单教程前言我所使用的GTP版本为 5.2,这个教程的所有内容都是居于此版本(下载地址:/thread-3670-1-1.html)。
OK,让我们立即开始!第一篇界面篇首先打开GTP,可以看到整个界面如下:下载(198.86 KB)2009-6-13 17:13我将它分为三个部分。
2.Guitar Rig 5安装程序,先安装这个。
TANK ATTACK声卡驱动,因为我电脑是64位,我选择安装64位,点进去有Setup.exe 双击进⾏安装,安装时候选中⽂简体。
1将插放和录的都选择为miditeach 这个
Guitar Rig5中文使用1.欢迎来到Guitar Rig Array 1.1.什么是Guitar rig?1.2.Guitar rig5新功能1.3.关于COMPLETE Effects powered by Guitar Rig产品1.4.安全注意事项2.设置2.1.激活Guitar Rig2.2.概述2.2.1.运行模式2.2.2.查看模式3.使用Guitar Rig(运行模式3.1.独立运行模式3.1.1.音频和MIDI设置3.1.2.选择MIDI控制器设置3.1.3.延迟优化3.2.插件模式4.操作指南4.1.使用机架预置4.1.1.演奏所加载的设置4.1.2.对加载的预置进行调整4.2.改变模块4.2.1.拖放方式4.2.2.替换模块4.2.3.机架模块通用控制功能4.3.从零开始组建一个机架4.3.1.概述4.3.2.添加一个放大器4.3.3.机架组建基础5.用户操作界面5.1.用户界面概述5.1.1.全局控制栏5.1.2.主界面5.1.3.机架工具栏5.1.4.虚拟Rig Kontrol5.1.5.侧边栏5.2.机架工具5.2.1.前置与后置录音器5.2.2.调音器5.2.3.节拍器5.2.4.预设音量5.2.5.总线效果器5.3.使用Rig Kontrol控制参数5.4.预置5.4.1.预置浏览器5.4.2.创建属性与分类5.4.3.使用模块预置5.4.4.创建模块预置Guitar rig 5 中文使用手册---快速开始 31 / 32Guitar rig 5 中文使用手册---快速开始 6、接下来做什么 32 / 32。
guitar rig使用说明
:Guitar rig专业吉他软件效果器使用介绍添加时间2005-12-17文章分类软件使用指南文章作者门子文章出处《现代乐手》杂志大家知道,传统录制电吉他是使用话筒直接拾吉他音箱的声音。
现在流行一些硬件的音箱模拟器,比如BOSS GT系列,LINE6 POD系列等等,可以直接连接到调音台录音,节省了很多时间。
不过我要告诉你的是,我们的电脑也能作这些硬件音箱模拟器的工作.今天门子讲的Guitar rig正是软件吉他效果的顶级“设备”。
Guitar rig是NI公司出品的一款仿机架式软效果器,包括软件和一个脚蹋控制器(同时也是一个DI),能够组成超强的模块化吉他效果系统。
Guitar rig有两种工作母模式,它可以独立运行,直接演奏。
也可以作为一个Audio Units、VST、RTAS、DXi插件被各种流行的音乐制作软件调用。
下面我们就打开NUENDO,建立一个音轨,将guitar rig作为一个插入式效果调入:具体的方法就不再介绍了。
看!这是Guitar rig主界面,它主要有4部分组成:空空如也的机架下面我们来为这个机架插入效果器,初步打算是做一个标准失真音色:失真模块左上脚的按钮是bypass,这个大家都知道不多说了,再往右的下拉框是预设选项,不错,不但效果器总的音色可以储存,每个分效果器的音色都可以储存,调好后按小箭头选择save即可。
gp5教程转载的!Guitar Pro5的教程。
这是依据GP3写的,Guitar Pro从3到5主要功能没有什么变化。
这是一个吉他六线谱的编辑程序,可让你配置8 个Track,除了可直接输入音符编辑外,你也可以输入midi 文件或是ASCII Tab,它会自动帮你转成六线谱。
绿色环保软件,不用安装,爽吧附教程:Guitar pro 教程喜爱电脑音乐的朋友都知道,在电脑音乐制作中一直以来都是以钢琴键盘为虚拟的输入设备,并且编辑和修改也多以五线谱和键盘显示进行,而在音乐软件的广泛用户群之中有不少是吉他爱好者,他们创作音乐的方式通常是以吉它为基础的,这就给那些对键盘和五线谱不熟悉的吉他玩家带来了很大的麻烦。
现在好了,我们迎来了GUITAR PRO的时代一个以吉他为中心的6线谱音乐制作软件,无论是输入、编辑、观察还是修改,以致各种演奏的技法、技巧都是为吉他量身订做,绝对给吉他爱好者一个惊喜!GUITARPRO由AROBAS公司开发,与以前的版本相比,加入了很多的新功能,完全可以称做一个十分成熟的吉他音乐制作软件!GUITAR PRO(以下简称GP)的最大优势还在于方便的6线谱显示,这不仅给观察带来了方便而且可以打印输出高质量的吉他乐谱;GP还支持外部MIDI信号输入,如果你有一把MIDI吉他的话就可以大展拳脚了,现在再也不用受CAKEWALK的束缚了!同时播放设置中也支持MIDI音源选择,克服了以前版本中只能使用系统默认MIDI音源的毛病,可以快速地更换各种音源进行回放,十分方便!另外,GP还支持多音轨模式,我们除了可以用它制作吉他音轨之外还可以制作贝斯音轨和打击乐音轨,所以说GP3完全是一个以吉它为中心的音乐制作系统,完全能够胜任你的各种MIDI音乐制作要求!下面就让我们一起进入GP的吉他世界吧!(音轨属性)启动软件之后我们用OPEN打开GP3安装目录下的一首示范曲,这时可以看到屏幕被从上至下分成了3个部分,最上面是音符和快捷工具栏,中间是乐谱显示区,下面是音轨属性区。
Guitar Rig中文使用手册
Guitar Rig 4 +中文手册TANK A TTACK中国软件效果器专业交流群:171944037目录1. 概述 (5)1.1. 简介 (5)1.2. 系统要求 (5)1.3. 硬件要求 (5)2. 安装 (5)3. 快速上手 (6)3.1. 独立模式 (6)3.2. 插件模式 (8)4. 深入使用 (11)4.1. 界面 (11)4.1.1. 标准界面 (12)4.1.2. 现场界面 (18)4.2. 音色 (19)4.2.1. 调用音色 (19)4.2.2. 新建音色 (20)4.2.3. 编辑音色 (21)4.2.4. 保存音色 (21)4.2.5. 搜索音色 (22)4.2.6. 导入音色 (22)5. 模块介绍 (23)5.1. AMPLIFIER(箱头) (23)5.1.1. AC Box (23)5.1.2. Bass PRO (24)5.1.3. Citrus (24)5.1.4. Cool Plex (25)5.1.5. Gratifier (25)5.1.6. High White (26)5.1.7. Hot Plex (26)5.1.8. Jazz Amp (27)5.1.9. Jump (27)5.1.10. Lead 800 (28)5.1.11. Plex (28)5.1.12. Twang Reverb (29)5.1.13. Tweed Delight (29)5.1.14. Tweedman (30)5.1.15. Ultrasonic (30)5.2. CABINET(箱体) (31)5.2.1. Cabinets & Mics (31)5.2.2. Matched Cabinet (32)5.2.3. Control Room (33)5.3. DELAY/ECHO(延时/回响) (34)5.3.2. Psychedelay (34)5.3.3. Quad Delay (35)5.3.4. Tape Echo (36)5.3.5. Twin Delay (37)5.4. DISTORTION(失真类) (37)5.4.1. Big Fuzz (38)5.4.2. Cat (38)5.4.3. Demon Distortion (39)5.4.4. Distortion (39)5.4.5. Fuzz (40)5.4.6. Gain Booster (40)5.4.7. Mezone (40)5.4.8. Skreamer (41)5.4.9. Sledgehammer (41)5.4.10. Treble Booster (42)5.4.11. TransAmp (42)5.5. DYNAMICS(动态类) (43)5.5.1. Limiter (43)5.5.2. Noise Gate (43)5.5.3. Noise Reduction (43)5.5.4. Stomp Compressor (44)5.5.5. Tube Compressor (44)5.5.6. Volume Pedal (45)5.6. EQUALIZER(EQ) (45)5.6.1. Custom EQ (45)5.6.2. EQ Graphic (45)5.6.3. EQ Parametric (46)5.6.4. EQ Shelving (46)5.7. FILTERS(滤波器) (47)5.7.1. AutoFilter (47)5.7.2. Cry Wah (47)5.7.3. Pro-Filter (47)5.7.4. Real Wah (48)5.7.5. Talk Wah (48)5.7.6. Wah-Wah Pedal (48)5.8. MODIFIER(修饰器) (49)5.8.1. Analog Sequencer (50)5.8.2. Envelope (50)5.8.3. Input Level Modifier (51)5.8.4. LFO (51)5.8.5. Step Sequencer (52)5.9. MODULATION(调制类) (52)5.9.1. Electric Lady (52)5.9.3. Flanger (54)5.9.4. Phaser Nine (54)5.9.5. Rotator (55)5.9.6. Stoned Phaser (55)5.9.7. Tremolo (56)5.10. PITCH(移调类) (56)5.10.1. Harmonic Synthesizer (56)5.10.2. Oktaver (57)5.10.3. Pitch Pedal (57)5.11. REVERB(混响) (58)5.11.1. Iceverb (58)5.11.2. Octaverb (58)5.11.3. Spring Reverb (59)5.11.4. Studio Reverb (59)5.12. SPECIAL FX(特效) (60)5.12.1. Grain Delay (60)5.12.2. Ring Modulator (60)5.13. TOOL(工具) (61)5.13.1. Crossover Mix (61)5.13.2. Loop Machine (62)5.13.3. Split (63)1. 概述1.1. 简介是一款专为吉他、贝司等乐器、动圈话筒设计的数字音频接口,是便携式的专业声卡解决方案,更是顶级的乐器专用DI 接口!是录制吉他或其他乐器、人声,以及MIDI 制作最简便、合适的方式!配合Guitar Rig 、Amplitube 等软件效果器(VST ),Hypersonic 、The Grand 2等软音源(VSTi ),Nuendo 、Sonar 等音频、音序软件,它可以让您的电脑瞬间变成一台专业的音频工作站,录音、MIDI 制作、演奏、练习,无所不能!无所不尽极致!无论是在室内还是户外,笔记本乐器无疑是最时尚、最酷、最实用的演奏、录音、练习、制作装备!Guitar Rig 4 是一款非常强大的吉他、贝司软效果器。
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Guitar Rig5
1.欢迎来到Guitar Rig Array
1.1.什么是Guitar rig?
1.2.Guitar rig5新功能
1.3.关于COMPLETE Effects powered by Guitar Rig产品
2.1.激活Guitar Rig
3.使用Guitar Rig(运行模式)
5.1.4.虚拟Rig Kontrol
5.3.使用Rig Kontrol控制参数