














技术规格显示多达8位元液晶显示,实时时钟显示各种流量资料,可选m3或L显示单位结构嵌入式类型设计,一体或分体式类型测量介质液体或固液二相流体,电导率>0.5μs/cm2测量范围0.05m/s~12m/s测量精度在0.1m/s~10m/s范围之间精度为0.5%口径(mm)6mm~2000 mm公称压力PN6,PN10,PN16,PN25,PN40,PN63,PN100,PN160,PN250,PN420等可选输出信号4~20mA或频率通信RS485,支持MODBUS通信协议(非标配)、支持HART通信协议(可选)连接口径DN6~DN2000为法兰连接连接标准适用于各种管道法兰标准(例如:BS EN1092-1)产品标准精度要求符合EN1434-1:2003标准CE认证根据LVD 2006/95/EC,及EMC 2004/108/ECEN 61326-1:2006辐射标准(申明符合BS EN50081-1)EN 61326-1:2006抗干扰性标准(申明符合BS EN50082-1)EN 61010-1:2001,安全–第一部份:一般要求防护等级一体式时为IP65,分体式时为IP67或IP68(可选)供电电源AC86~220V或者DC24V(可选)环境温度5~55℃环境湿度<85 % r.h (非冷凝)电磁式流量传感器传感器的外壳是碳钢焊接的,只有电极和衬里与介质接触。



SIL(Safety Integrity Level)-安全完整性等级。

SIL认证就是基于IEC 61508, IEC 61511, IEC 61513, IEC 13849-1, IEC 62061, IEC 61800-5-2等标准,对安全设备的安全完整性等级(SIL)或者性能等级(PL)进行评估和确认的一种第三方评估、验证和认证。



CENELEC 负责电子工程领域的欧洲标准化。




2主要标准IEC 61508:电气/电子/可编程电子安全相关系统的功能安全性IEC61508标准规定了常规系统运行和故障预测能力两方面的基本安全要求。


IEC61508标准的主要目标为:· 对所有的包括软、硬件在内的安全相关系统的元器件,在生命周期范围提供安全监督的系统方法;· 提供确定安全相关系统安全功能要求的方法;· 建立基础标准,使其可直接应用于所有工业领域。

同时,亦可指导其他领域的标准,使这些标准的起草具有一致性(如基本概念、技术术语、对规定安全功能的要求等);· 鼓励运营商和维护部门使用以计算机为基础的技术;· 建立概念统一、协调一致的标准架构和体系。

IEC61511:过程工业领域安全仪表系统的功能安全要求IEC61511是专门针对流程工业领域安全仪表系统的功能安全标准,它是国际电工委员会继功能安全基础标准IEC61508之后推出的专业领域标准,IEC61511在国内的协调标准为GB/T 21109。


专用模块:±25mV -±50V
通用模块:±250mV -±10V
±100mV -±40V,可适应更多的传感器,如果电涡流,位移等
支持,但由于需要传输时间Biblioteka 据,所以一般不建议采用支持
±0.02°@ 20 kHz
EN/IEC 61000–6–4; CISPR22; FCC Rules, Part 15
EN/IEC 61000–6–2;
EN/IEC 61326

OMRON 工业自动化产品EN_IEC规格认证表

OMRON 工业自动化产品EN_IEC规格认证表

EN61496-1 U 02 06 39656 038 EN50081-2
ÉÅ 参考信息 EN/IEC规格认证・适合型号一览表
•– 连接F3SN-B时为级别-2。
型号 A165E系列 i分离型 j A22E系列 A165E-• -03U•i一体型 j 机械指令 ^低电压指令基本要求事项 C E 适用安全 级别 适用规格No. 用途规格No. 认证机关 表示 文件No. B021039656044 TÜV B021039656043 Product 4 EN60947-5-1 •\ •\ Service•@ B021039656045 EMC指令基本要求事项 EMI规格No. EMS规格No. 认证机关 对象外 文件No.
型号 D4B-• N D4D-• N D4B-• N D4D-• N D4D-• R D4F 速动型 速动型 机械指令 ^低电压指令基本要求事项 C E 适用安全 级别 适用规格No. 用途规格No. 认证机关 表示 文件No. J9851083 \\ J9950233 R9151643 TÜV EN81 Rheinland EN60947-5-1 •i电梯 j 4 IEC60947-5-1 EN115 R9451184 •i电梯、传送带 j TÜV B020339656029 Product Service EMC指令基本要求事项 EMI规格No. EMS规格No. 认证机关 文件No.
型号 F3SN-A F3SH-A F3SN-B F3SS F3SL 4 C E 适用安全 级别 表示 4 •› 2 •iEMC指令 j 机械指令基本要求事项 适用规格No. 认证机关 文件No. EN61496-1 ESPE type 4 IEC61496-1 ESPE type 4 IEC61496-2•@AOPD type 4 Certificate No. DEMKO 129794-01 EN61496-1 ESPE type 2 IEC61496-1 ESPE type 2 IEC61496-2•@AOPD type 2 IEC61496-1 ESPE type 4 IEC61496-2 TÜV Rheinland BB9911039 BB9910071 K EMC指令基本要求事项 w 认证机关 文件No.

科力 LS 系列激光雷达-避障型 使用说明书

科力 LS 系列激光雷达-避障型 使用说明书

LS 系列激光雷达-避障型使用说明书(2022年5月)山东科力光电技术有限公司⏹指令和标准LS 系列激光雷达(简称LS)符合下列标准的要求 欧盟指令EMC指令2014/30/EU国际标准EMI:EN61326-1:2013EN55011:2009+A1:2010EMS:EN61326-1:2013EN61000-4-2:2009EN61000-4-3:2006+A1:2009+A2:2010EN61000-4-4:2004+A1:2010EN61000-4-6:2009EN61000-4-8:2010EN61000-4-11:2004GB标准GB 4028⏹安全注意事项以下安全警示标志,用以警告潜在的人身伤害危险,请务必遵从注意警告⏹安全使用注意事项注意在使用LS前,仔细阅读本说明书,了解安装、操作及设置的程⏹应用场合避障型LS 适用于移动机器人防碰撞,典型应用为自动导引运输车(AGV)和有轨穿梭小车(RGV)。

LS 的保护对象必须符合以下条件:1)仅对侵入保护区域内的物体进行保护。

2)LS 无法检测透明、半透明的物体。

3)侵入保护区域内的物体的尺寸必须大于等于LS 的检测能力。

请勿将LS 安装在下列类型的环境中:1)本说明书所规定的环境(温度、湿度、干涉光、冲击振动等)范围之外的地方。



4)可能会对LS 产生强光干扰(如直射光)的地方。

1、工作原理和防护区域配置LS 基于脉冲激光测距原理,通过旋转扫描实现角度270°、半径20m(以LS-2027BP 为例)的二维区域检测。





EN61326-1 学习心得

EN61326-1 学习心得
Electrical equipment for measurement control and laboratory use ——EMC requirements ——Part 1General requirements
供电方式:①电源直接供电;②电池供 电;
电压范围:①交流≤1000V;②直流 ≤1500V;
本标准所涵盖的产品:①电气测量和试验 设备;②电气控制设备;③电气实验设备;
61000系列标准 CESPR相关标准 注:详细引用条目参见61326-1 2 Normative references
3.1 型式试验 是 对生产的产品中的一个或多个具有代表性的产品 进行的符合性试验。 3.2 端口 端口的分类: 交流电源端口; 直流电源端口; 功能接地端口; 输入/输出端口;
3.4与3.5 A类设备与B类设备 A类设备: 适用于除了家用或者直接连接到低压住宅供电网络 上使用的设备 ; B类设备: 适用于家用或者直接连接到低压住宅供电网络 上使 用的设备 ;

长距离线 ①在建筑物内线路长度超过30米; ②也包括户外安装设备的线路;



EN 62233:2008 (IEC 62233:2005)
EN 60335-1:2012 (IEC 60335-1:2010, modified)
2012.12.1 2014-11-21
EN 50366:2003+ 2008.11.1 A1:2006
EN 50366:200 3
Clause 19.11.4 of EN 60335-1:2002+ A11: 2004+ A1: 2004+ A12: 2006+ A2: 2006+A13: 2008+A14:2010+ A15:2011
EN 55012:2007+A1:2009 (CISPR 12:2007+A1:2009)
EN 55011: 2007+A2: 2007 (CISPR 11: 2003+A1: 2004+A2:2006)
EN 55011: 1998+A1: 1999+A2: 2002
EN 55014-1:20 06 (CISPR 14-1:2005)
EN 55014-2: 1997
P 4 of 16
Product family standard
最新标准 =OJ 上已经列出来的标准
Dips 有60Hz需加做60Hz测试
“前一标准” 到期日期 OJ dow =最新标准必须
最新标准 =OJ 上已经列出来的标准
“前一标准” 到期日期 OJ dow =最新标准必须
“旧标准” 到期日期 “旧标准” OJ dow



BS EN 标准BS EN 50091-2-1996 Uninterruptible power systems (UPS)-Part 2: EMC requirementsBS EN 50091-1-2-1999 Uninterruptible power systems (UPS)-Part 1-2...BS EN 50091-1-1-1997 Uninterruptible power systems (UPS)-Part 1-1...BS EN 50078-1994 Torches and guns for arc weldingBS EN 471-2003 High-visibility warning clothing for professional use-Test... BS EN 45004-1995 General criteria for the operation of various...BS EN 394-1994 Lifejackets and personal buoyancy aids-Additional itemsBS EN 13458-2-2002 Cryogenic vessels-Static vacuum insulated...BS EN 26847-1994 Covered electrodes for manual metal arc...BS EN 24499-1993 Specification for Hardmetals-Metallographic...BS EN 558-2-1996 Industrial valves-Face-to-face and centre-to-face...BS EN 558-1-1996 Industrial valves-Face-to-face and centre-to-face...BS EN 1396-1997 Aluminium and aluminium alloys-Coil coated sheet...BS EN 13523-8-2002 Coil coated metals-Test methods-Part 8: Resistance...BS EN 13463-8-2003 Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially...BS EN 13463-6-2005 Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially...BS EN 13463-5-2003 Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially...BS EN 13463-3-2005 Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially...BS EN 13463-2-2004 Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially...BS EN 13322-1-2003 Transportable gas cylinders - Refillable welded...BS EN 13317-2002 Tanks for transport of dangerous goods-Service...BS EN 12953-10-2003 Shell boilers-Part 10:Requirements for feedwater...BS EN 12953-8-2001 Shell boilers-Part 8:Requirements for safeguards...BS EN 12953-7-2002 Shell boilers-Part 7: Requirements for firing...BS EN 12953-6-2002 Shell boilers-Part 6:Requirements for equipment for...BS EN 12953-5-2002 Shell boilers-Part 5:Inspection during construction...BS EN 12953-4-2002 Shell boilers-Part 4:Workmanship and construction...BS EN 12953-3-2002 Shell boilers-Part 3: Design and calculation for pressure... BS EN 12953-2-2002 Shell boilers-Part 2: Materials for pressure parts...BS EN 12953-1-2002 Shell boilers-Part 1: GeneralBS EN 12797-2000 Brazing-Destructive tests of brazed joints(BS EN 12797-2000 铜焊.铜焊接头的破坏试验)BS EN 12704-2000 Adhesives for paper and board,packaging and...BS EN 126-1995 Multifunctional controls for gas burning appliancesBS EN 12570-2000 Industrial valves-Method for sizing the operating element BS EN 12351-1999 Industrial valves-Protective caps for valves with flanged... BS EN 12312-4-2003 Aircraft ground support equipment-Specific...BS EN 12300-1999 Cryogenic vessels-Cleanliness for cryogenic serviceBS EN 12284-2003 Refrigerating systems and heat pumps-Valves-Requirements... BS EN 12257-2002 Transportable gas cylinders-Seamless,hoop-wrapped composite... BS EN 12201-5-2003 Plastics piping systems for water supply-Polyethylene (PE)... BS EN 12201-4-2001 Plastics piping systems for water supply-Polyethylene (PE)... BS EN 12201-3-2003 Plastics piping systems for water supply-Polyethylene (PE)...BS EN 12201-2-2003 Plastics piping systems for water supply-Polyethylene (PE)... BS EN 12201-1-2003 Plastics piping systems for water supply-Polyethylene (PE)... BS EN 10308-2002 Non-destructive testing-Ultrasonic testing of steel barsBS EN 10306-2002Iron and steel-Ultrasonic testing of H beams with parallel... BS EN 10248-2-1996 Hot rolled sheet piling of non alloy steels-Part 2...BS EN 10248-1-1996 Hot rolled sheet piling of non alloy steels-Part 1...BS EN 10095-1999 Heat resisting steels and nickel alloysBS EN 12560-7-2004 Flanges and their joints-Gaskets for Class-designated... BS EN 12560-6-2003 Flanges and their joints-Gaskets for Class-designated... BS EN 12560-5-2001 Flanges and their joints-Gaskets for Class-designated... BS EN 12560-4-2001 Flanges and their joints-Gaskets for Class-designated... BS EN 12560-3-2001 Flanges and their joints-Gaskets for Class-designatedBS EN 12560-2-2001 Flanges and their joints-Gaskets for Class-designated... BS EN 12560-1-2001 Flanges and their joints-Gaskets for Class-designated... BS EN 61204-3-2001 Low voltage power supplies, d.c. output-Part 3: EMCBS EN 12489-2000 Industrial,commercial and garage doors and...BS EN 14864-2005 Vitreous and porcelain enamels-Enamel coatings...BS EN 14430-2004 Vitreous and porcelain enamels-High voltage testBS 6231:2006 Electric cables. Single core PVC insulated flexible cables of .. BS EN 14960 (2006) Inflatable play equipmentBS EN 61326-2-1 (2006) Part 2-1: Particular requirementsBS EN 61169-37 (2007) Radio-frequency connectors - Part 37BS EN 61169-16 (2007) Radio-frequency connectors-Part 16BS EN 285 (2006) Sterilization - Steam sterilizers - Large sterilizersBS EN 153-2006 Methods of measuring the energy consumption of electric...BS EN 681-1:1996 Elastomeric sealsBS EN 61169-8:2007 射频连接器第8分规范 RF同轴连接器BS EN 60068-3-7-2002 Environmental testing-Part 3-7:Supporting...BS EN 60068-3-6-2002 Environmental testing-Part 3-6:Supporting...BS EN 60068-3-5-2002 Environmental testing-Part 3-5:Supporting...BS EN 60068-3-4-2002 Environmental testing-Part 3-4:Supporting...BS EN 60068-3-2-1999 Environmental testing-Part 3:Background...BS EN 10149_3-1996 冷变形用高屈服强度钢-正火轧制BS 6100-3-2007Building and civil engineering - VocabularyBS EN 1670:2007 Building hardware. Corrosion resistance. ....BS EN 12259-2:1999 Fixed firefighting systems. Components for sprinkler ..... BS EN 12259-1:1999 Fixed firefighting systems. Components for sprinkler ..... BS EN 3964-2001.航空航天系列.铜CU-BU9001.铜焊填充金属、线材BS EN 13479-2004焊接消耗品.金属材料熔焊用填充金属和焊剂的一般产品标准BS EN 1993-1.12-2007 Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures...BS EN 50131-1-2006 Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems...BS EN 12976-1-2006Thermal solar systems and components ...BS EN 1775-2007 Gas supply - gas pipework for buildings ...BS EN 50214-2006Flat polyvinyl chloride sheathed flexible cablesBS EN 89-2000 Gas-fired storage water heatersBS EN 60745-1-2006 手持式电动工具安全第1部分:通用要求BS EN 12020-2-2001 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Extruded precision.... BS EN 12020-1-2001 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Extruded precision.... BS EN 60598-2-20:1998 Lighting chainsBS EN 581-1-2006 Outdoor Furniture - Seating and Tables for Camping, ..BS EN 60598-2-8:1997 Section 2.8 HandlampsBS EN 60598-2-6:1995 Luminaires with built-in transformers or converters for... BS EN 60598-2-5:1998 Luminaires — Particular requirements--FloodlightsBS EN 60598-2-4:1998 Luminaires —Portable general purpose luminairesBS EN 60598-2-1:1989 Section One - Fixed general purpose luminairesBS EN 60598-1:2004 Luminaires —Part 1: General requirements and testsBS EN 12952-16-2002 Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 16 BS EN 12952-13-2003 Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 13 BS EN 12952-12-2003 Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 12 BS EN 12952-10-2002 Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 10 BS EN 12952-9-2002 Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 9 BS EN 12952-8-2002 Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 8 BS EN 12952-7-2002 Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 7 BS EN 12953-9-2007 Shell boilers — Part 9: .Requirements for limiting ... BS EN 12952-11-2007 Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations Part 11 BS EN 12952-6-2002 Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 6BS EN 12952-5-2001 Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 5 BS EN 12952-4-2000 Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 4 BS EN 12952-3-2001 Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 3 BS EN 12952-2-2001 Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 2 BS EN 12952-1-2001 Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 1 BS EN 13601-2002铜和铜合金.一般电气用的铜杆、铜棒和铜丝.pdfBS EN 10137-3-1996 调质或剪断硬化状态下高屈服点结构钢制薄板和宽扁钢.第3部分BS EN 10137-2-1996 调质或剪断硬化状态下高屈服点结构钢制薄板和宽扁钢.第2部分BS EN 10137-1-1996 调质或沉淀硬化状态下高屈服点结构钢制薄板和宽扁钢.第1部分BS EN 1043-1 :1996 Hardness test on wleds metalBS EN 14341:2006 Industrial valves. Steel check valvesBS EN 60968 (2000) Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting services...BS EN 1848-2 2001Part2 Determination of length,width,straightness and flatness.. BS EN 1844 2001 Determination of resistance to ozoneBS EN 1849-2 2001 Determination of thickness and mass per unit areaBS EN 13967 2004Flexible sheets for waterproofingBS EN 13984:2004Flexible sheets for waterproofingBS EN 1847 2001 Flexible sheets for waterproofingBS EN 13111 2001Flexible sheets for waterproofingBS EN 13596 2004Flexible sheets for waterproofingBS EN 1034 Safety of machineryBS EN 12970 2000Mastic asphalt for waterproofingBS EN 14694 2005Flexible sheets for waterproofingBS EN 14420-7:2004 Hose fittings with clamp units. Cam locking couplings。



1SIL认证简介SIL(Safety Integrity Level)-安全完整性等级。

SIL认证就是基于IEC 61508, IEC 61511, IEC 61513, IEC 13849—1, IEC 62061,IEC 61800—5—2等标准,对安全设备的安全完整性等级(SIL)或者性能等级(PL)进行评估和确认的一种第三方评估、验证和认证.功能安全认证主要涉及针对安全设备开发流程的文档管理(FSM)评估,硬件可靠性计算和评估、软件评估、环境试验、EMC电磁兼容性测试等内容。

欧洲电工标准化(CENELEC的缩写)委员会,欧洲三大标准化组织之一. CENELEC 负责电子工程领域的欧洲标准化。




2主要标准IEC 61508:电气/电子/可编程电子安全相关系统的功能安全性IEC61508标准规定了常规系统运行和故障预测能力两方面的基本安全要求.这些要求涵盖了一般安全管理系统、具体产品设计和符合安全要求的过程设计,其目标是既避免系统性设计故障,又避免随机性硬件失效。

IEC61508标准的主要目标为:· 对所有的包括软、硬件在内的安全相关系统的元器件,在生命周期范围提供安全监督的系统方法;· 提供确定安全相关系统安全功能要求的方法;· 建立基础标准,使其可直接应用于所有工业领域。

同时,亦可指导其他领域的标准,使这些标准的起草具有一致性(如基本概念、技术术语、对规定安全功能的要求等);· 鼓励运营商和维护部门使用以计算机为基础的技术;· 建立概念统一、协调一致的标准架构和体系。

IEC61511:过程工业领域安全仪表系统的功能安全要求IEC61511是专门针对流程工业领域安全仪表系统的功能安全标准,它是国际电工委员会继功能安全基础标准IEC61508之后推出的专业领域标准,IEC61511在国内的协调标准为GB/T 21109。



G / 1661-19 2. 99 电磁兼容 试验和测量技术 BT 7 1
2 3 发射标准 .
电压暂降、 短时中断和电压变化的抗扰度
试验( t 60 041 :94 i I C 0--1 19 ) d E 1
G3 3 9 95 家用和类似用途电动、 144-1 3 电热器具、 电动工具以及类似电器无线电干扰特性测量方 法和允许值( v P 1:93 e CS R 19) q I 4 G 42-19 96 工业、 B 4 8 科学和医疗( M) ( I 射频设备电磁骚扰特性的测量方法和限值 S G / 61. 9 31 95 无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备规范 B T 1 -1 C / 61.-19 32 98 无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量方法( v P 1-:96 U T B 1 e CS R 219) q I 6 G 95-19 98 信息技术设备的无线电骚扰限值和测量方法( t P 2:97 B 4 2 i CS R 19) d I 2 G 1651 -98 . 19 低压电气及电子设备发出的谐波电流限值( B 2 - 7 设备每相输人电流<1 A - 6 )
本修改单是由国际电工委员会第 6 技术委员会( 5 工业过程测量和控制) 6A分委员会制定的。 的 5 本修改单的内容是基于下列文件 :
表决报告 6 A/ 5/ VD 5 2 2R
6A/ 4 / D S 5 28F I
IC引言 E
在本标准范围内的仪器和设备可能在不同的地理位置并且可能在各种环境条件下工作。 对于被考虑的设备, 限制其不必要的电磁发射保证了在它附近安装的其他设备不受到不利的影响。 这些限值大致是由IC和国际无线电千扰特别委员会(IP ) E CS R 的出版物规定的。因此本标准的限值亦



欧美各国的安全标准和EMC标准2009-03-20 08:43欧美各国的安全标准和EMC标准一. 灯具类1. 固定在墙上或天花板上(壁灯/吊灯等)欧洲标准: EN60598-2—1美国标准: UL15982. 便携式灯具(台灯)欧洲标准: EN60598—2-4美国标准: UL1533. 灯串欧洲标准: EN60598-2—20美国标准: UL5884. 节能灯(带Ballast)欧洲标准: EN60968美国标准: UL935或UL19935. 小夜灯欧洲标准: EN60598美国标准: UL17866。

镇流器/电子变压器:欧洲标准: EN61347美国标准: UL935二. 电源产品1。

线性变压器A. 一般用途欧洲标准: EN61558美国标准: UL1310或UL1012B. 用于IT产品欧洲标准: EN60950美国标准: UL60950C. 用于AV产品欧洲标准: EN60065美国标准: UL6500 或 UL1411(电视机)2. 开关电源A. 一般用途,用于家电产品(如充电器) 欧洲标准: EN60335—2—29美国标准: UL1310或U1012B。

用于IT产品欧洲标准: EN60950美国标准: UL60950C. 用于AV产品欧洲标准: EN60065美国标准: UL6500 或UL1411(电视机)D。

用于医疗器械欧洲标准:美国标准: UL60601....三。

EMC电磁兼容检测项目:工业、医疗和科学产品电磁干扰检测 EN55011/ CISPR11音视频/广播类产品电磁干扰检测 EN55013/ CISPR13家电类产品电磁干扰检测 EN55014-1/ CISPR14家电类产品电磁抗干扰检测 EN55014—2灯具类产品电磁波干扰检测 EN55015/ CISPR15灯具类产品电磁波干扰检测 EN61547音视频/广播类产品电磁抗干扰检测 EN55020/CISPR20信息技术类产品电磁干扰检测 EN55022/ CISPR22信息技术类产品电磁抗干扰检测 EN55024/CISPR24居住、商业、轻工业环境下产品电磁抗干扰检测 EN61000-6—1 工业环境下产品电磁抗干扰检测 EN61000—6-2居住、商业、轻工业环境下产品电磁干扰检测 EN61000-6—3 工业环境下产品电磁干扰检测 EN61000-6—4电源谐波检测 EN60555-2/EN61000-3-2电压闪烁检测 EN60555-3/EN61000—3—3静电放电抗干扰检测 IEC/EN 61000-4—2射频电磁波抗干扰检测 IEC/EN 61000-4—3电性快速脉冲群抗干扰检测 IEC/EN 61000—4-4雷击抗干扰检测 IEC/EN 61000-4—5传导抗干扰检测 IEC/EN 61000—4-6电源频率磁场抗干扰检测 IEC/EN 61000—4-8电压瞬降抗干扰检测 IEC/EN 61000—4-11汽油车电磁干扰/抗干扰检测 EN55012交变湿热 Damp heat,cyclic IEC68—2—30恒定湿热Damp heat,steady state IEC68-2-67,IEC68—2—3 ◎电磁场评估(EMF): EN50366◎环境可靠性实验项目高温Dry heat IEC60068—2—2低温Cold IEC60068-2-1冲击Shock IEC68—2-27电子电气类一。



哈希水质在线分析仪表技术参数(工业水处理行业)1.3/4英寸复合pH电极(复合PH电极+SC200-LXV控制器)技术参数:(1)测量范围:0~14 pH;(2)温度范围:0~105℃;(3)*精度:小于0.1pH;(4)压力范围:100℃为0~6.9bar;(5)流速范围:0~2m/s;非磨损性流体;(6)*电缆长度:4.5m,可延长;(7)接液材质:通用型:Ryton本体,PTFE特氟龙双结点;玻璃电极,Viton O型圈;(8)内置温度传感器:Pt1000温度电极,自动温度补偿;(9)可连接控制器:sc200、si792。




(13)外壳防护等级:NEMA4X/IP66;(14)*防爆认证:Class I,Division II,A,B,C,D groups(带电缆夹头、电源线和流量传感器没有防爆认证);(15)*电源:100~240V AC±10%,50/60Hz;24 Vdc -15%,+ 20%;(16)电子认证:EMC:CE认证,电磁和辐射排放符合EN50081-2,抗干扰符合EN61000-6-2;(17)安装方式:壁挂/面板/夹管式安装;(18)外壳材质:聚碳酸酯,铝质(镀粉末);(19)控制器尺寸:144×144×181mm;(20)控制器重量:1.70kg。

EN 61326-2-6_2006

EN 61326-2-6_2006

EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 61326-2-6NORME EUROPÉENNEEUROPÄISCHE NORMMay 2006CENELECEuropean Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische NormungCentral Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels© 2006 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members. Ref. No. EN 61326-2-6:2006 EICS 25.040.40; 33.100 Supersedes EN 61326:1997 + A1:1998 + A2:2001 + A3:2003English versionElectrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use –EMC requirementsPart 2-6: Particular requirements –In vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical equipment(IEC 61326-2-6:2005)Matériel électrique de mesure, de commande et de laboratoire – Exigences relatives à la CEMPartie 2- 6: Exigences particulières – Matériel médical de diagnostic in vitro (IVD)(CEI 61326-2-6:2005)Elektrische Mess-, Steuer-, Regel- und Laborgeräte – EMV-AnforderungenTeil 2-6: Besondere Anforderungen – Medizinische In-vitro-Diagnosegeräte (IVD)(IEC 61326-2-6:2005)This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2005-12-01. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ForewordThe text of document 65A/455/FDIS, future edition 1 of IEC 61326-2-6, prepared by SC 65A, System aspects, of IEC TC 65, Industrial-process measurement and control, was submitted to the IEC-CENELEC parallel vote and was approved by CENELEC as EN 61326-2-6 on 2005-12-01.The EN 61326 series supersedes EN 61326:1997 + corrigendum September 1998 + A1:1998 + A2:2001 + A3:2003.The following dates were fixed:– latest date by which the EN has to be implemented at national level by publication of an identical national standard or by endorsement(dop)2006-12-01 – latest date by which the national standards conflicting with the EN have to be withdrawn(dow)2009-02-01This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CENELEC by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association and covers essential requirements of EC Directive 98/79/EC. See Annex ZZ.Annexes ZA and ZZ have been added by CENELEC. .__________Endorsement noticeThe text of the International Standard IEC 61326-2-6:2005 was approved by CENELEC as a European Standard without any modification.__________– 2 –EN 61326-2-6:2006--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---– 3 –EN 61326-2-6:2006 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FOR MEASUREMENT,CONTROL AND LABORATORY USE –EMC REQUIREMENTS –Part 2-6: Particular requirements –In vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical equipment1 ScopeIn addition to the scope of International Standard IEC 61326-1, this part specifies minimum requirements for immunity and emissions regarding electromagnetic compatibility for in vitro diagnostic medical equipment, taking into account the particularities and specific aspects of this electrical equipment and their electromagnetic environment.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.IEC 60050-161:1990, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) – Part 161: Electro-magnetic compatibilityIEC 61326-1:2005, Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use – EMC requirements – Part 1: General requirementsISO 14971: 2000, Medical devices – application of risk management to medical devices3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC 61326-1 and IEC 60050(161) as well as the following apply.3.101in vitro diagnostic medical equipmentinstruments and apparatus intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, including a determination of the state of health, in order to cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent disease. Such instruments or apparatus are intended for use in the collection, preparation, and examination of specimens taken from the human body.4 GeneralIEC 61326-1 applies, except as follows:--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Addition:4.101 Electromagnetic environment of IVD medical equipmentSimilar to conventional medical electrical equipment, in-vitro diagnostic medical equipment is used in a wide variety of electromagnetic environments. IVD devices shall function properly and safely in home environments, as well as in typical healthcare environments (hospitals, clinics, doctor’s offices). This means that the device shall have a minimum level of immunity appropriate for these areas.Devices intended for use in other environments, such as in ambulances, aircraft, cars or helicopters, may require a higher level of immunity to ensure the safe and effective performance of the device.5 EMC test plan5.1 General IEC 61326-1 applies. 5.2Configuration of EUT during testing5.2.1 General IEC 61326-1 applies. 5.2.2Composition of EUTIEC 61326-1 applies. 5.2.3Assembly of EUTIEC 61326-1 applies.5.2.4 I/O ports IEC 61326-1 applies.5.2.5 Auxiliary equipment IEC 61326-1 applies. 5.2.6Cabling and earthing (grounding)IEC 61326-1 applies. 5.3Operation conditions of EUT during testingIEC 61326-1 applies, except as follows: Addition:5.3.101 Operational conditionsThe device shall be set to conditions specified by the manufacturer.– 4 –EN 61326-2-6:2006--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---When different input power modes are available (e.g. battery, a.c. options), the manufacturer shall specify these mode(s) of operation, which cover(s) the most severe condition in accordance with the product risk analysis. 5.4Specification of performance criteriaIEC 61326-1 applies. 5.5 Test description IEC 61326-1 applies.6 Immunity requirements6.1Conditions during the testsIEC 61326-1 applies, except as follows:The configuration and modes of operation during the tests shall be precisely noted in the test report.Tests shall be applied to the relevant ports in accordance with Table 1.The tests shall be conducted in accordance with the basic IEC 61000 series of standards. The tests shall be carried out one at a time. If additional methods are required, the method and rationale shall be documented. 6.2Immunity test requirementsSubclause 6.2 of IEC 61326-1 is replaced by the following:6.2.101 Risk assessment and consideration of EMC immunity requirementsPowerful electromagnetic emission sources can lead to malfunctions in nearby medical equipment under certain circumstances. Different types of medical electrical equipment have different levels of risk with a malfunction. IVD medical equipment however is not intended to keep alive or resuscitate patients, so a malfunction would not directly cause the death or serious injury of a patient. Such a malfunction in IVD medical electrical equipment may result in an incorrect reading, which can in turn lead to a wrong therapeutic decision (misdiagnosis). For some analytes and in some circumstances, an incorrect result could result in serious harm to the patient. In the case of larger IVD electrical equipment, electromagnetic disturbances may also cause malfunctions that pose a direct threat to the operator, for example through unexpected mechanical movements.Refer to ISO 14971 for guidance in assessing risk associated with direct hazards and ISO 14971, Annex H for guidelines for assessing the risk to patients from incorrect IVD test results.NOTE As a rule, results from IVD medical equipment are checked for plausibility by medical personnel or followed-up by decisions of a healthcare professional. IVD medical equipment for self-testing by lay users are always provided with advice on action to be taken in case of indeterminate results. The users are urged to contact their medical practitioner first before making any decision of medical relevance.Risks associated with the use of IVD medical equipment are similar to risks associated with non-life-supporting medical equipment. Therefore the immunity test requirements given in following Table 1 are similar to the requirements for non-life-supporting medical equipment.– 5 –EN 61326-2-6:2006--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Table 1 – Minimum in vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical equipmentimmunity requirementsPort PhenomenonEMC Basic StandardTest valueElectrostatic discharge (ESD)IEC 61000-4-2 2, 4, 8 kV air and 2, 4 kV contact Radiated E-field IEC 61000-4-3 3 V/m, 80 MHz to 2,0 GHz, 80 % AM Enclosure Rated power frequencymagnetic field a)IEC 61000-4-8 3 A/m, 50 and 60 HzVoltage dipsd)IEC 61000-4-111 cycle 0 %; 5/6 cycles 40 %; 25/30 cycles 70 %Voltage interruptionsd)IEC 61000-4-11 5 % during 250/300 cycles Burst IEC 61000-4-4 1 kV (5/50 ns, 5 kHz)SurgeIEC 61000-4-5 2 kV line to ground /1 kV line to line AC powerConducted RF IEC 61000-4-6 3 V, 150 kHz to 80 MHz, 80 % AM BurstIEC 61000-4-4 1 kV (5/50 ns, 5 kHz)SurgeIEC 61000-4-5 2 kV line to ground /1 kV line to line DC powerc)Conducted RF IEC 61000-4-6 3 V, 150 kHz to 80 MHz, 80 % AM BurstIEC 61000-4-4 0.5 kV (5/50 ns, 5 kHz) SurgeIEC 61000-4-5 NoneI/O signalsb)Conducted RFIEC 61000-4-6 3 V, 150 kHz to 80 MHz, 80 % AM Burst IEC 61000-4-4 1 kV (5/50 ns, 5 kHz) SurgeIEC 61000-4-5 NoneI/O signals connected to mainsConducted RFIEC 61000-4-63 V, 150 kHz to 80 MHz, 80 % AMa) Test applied to only potentially magnetically sensitive equipment. CRT display interference is allowed above 1A/m. b) Only in case of lines > 3m.c)Not applicable to input ports intended for connection to a battery or a rechargeable battery which should be removed or disconnected from the apparatus for recharging.Apparatus with a d.c. power input port intended for use with an a.c. - d.c. power adaptor shall be tested on the a.c. power input of the a.c.- d.c. power adaptor specified by the manufacturer or, where none is so specified, using a typical a.c. - d.c. power adaptor. The test is applicable to d.c. power input ports intended to be connected permanently to long distance lines.d)“5/6 cycles" means "5 cycles for 50 Hz test" and "6 cycles for 60 Hz test”.Performance criteria shall be determined in relation to the electromagnetic phenomena by taking into account EUT operating modes that may affect data results and EUT operating modes that may affect sample processing and user interface. Applicable immunity phenomena from Table 1 shall be applied for each EUT operating mode.The EUT may show performance criteria A, B or C as a result of the application of the test, but shall not impair the performance characteristics necessary to maintain the residual risk within acceptable limits. Refer to ISO 14971 for guidelines for evaluation of residual risk acceptability.The performance criteria shall be included in the test report.– 6 –EN 61326-2-6:2006--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---6.3 Random aspects IEC 61326-1 applies.6.4 Performance criteria IEC 61326-1 applies.7 Emission requirementsIEC 61326-1 applies.8 Test results and test reportIEC 61326-1 applies9 Instructions for useClause 9 of IEC 61326-1 is replaced as follows: Replacement:9.101 Requirements for the IVD equipment instruction for useThe following information shall be in the instructions for use that accompany the IVD equipment.NOTE 1 It is the manufacturer’s responsibility to provide equipment electromagnetic compatibility information to the customer or user.NOTE 2 It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that a compatible electromagnetic environment for the equipment can be maintained in order that the device will perform as intended.9.102 Instructions for in vitro diagnostic equipment for self-testingThe instruction for use shall include the following preventive warnings with regard to EMC, e.g.a) ”Use of this instrument in a dry environment, especially if synthetic materials are present(synthetic clothing, carpets etc.) may cause damaging static discharges that may cause erroneous results.” b) ”Do not use this instrument in close proximity to sources of strong electromagneticradiation, as these may interfere with the proper operation.” 9.103 Instructions for in vitro diagnostic equipment for professional use. The instruction for use shall include the following information.a) A statement that the IVD equipment complies with the emission and immunityrequirements described in this part of the IEC 61326 series. b) If emission compliance is Class A, state the warning: “This equipment has been designedand tested to CISPR 11 Class A. In a domestic environment it may cause radio interference, in which case, you may need to take measures to mitigate the interference.” c) An advisory that the electromagnetic environment should be evaluated prior to operationof the device.– 7 –EN 61326-2-6:2006--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---In addition, the instruction for use shall include the following preventive warnings with regard to EMC, e.g. ”Do not use this device in close proximity to sources of strong electromagnetic radiation (e.g. unshielded intentional RF sources), as these may interfere with the proper operation.– 8 –EN 61326-2-6:2006--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---– 9 –EN 61326-2-6:2006BibliographyAAMI TIR No. 18:1997, Guidance on Electromagnetic Compatibility of Medical Devices for Clinical/ Biomedical Engineers - Part 1: Radiated Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Energy ANSI C63.18:1997: American National Standard - Recommended Practice for an On-Site, Ad Hoc Test Method for Estimating Radiated Electromagnetic Immunity of Medical Devices to Specific Radio-Frequency Transmitters___________--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Annex ZA(normative)Normative references to international publicationswith their corresponding European publicationsThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.NOTE Where an international publication has been modified by common modifications, indicated by (mod), the relevant EN/HDapplies.Publication Year Title EN/HD YearIEC 60050-161 1990 International Electrotechnical VocabularyChapter 161: Electromagnetic compatibility– –IEC 61326-1 2005 Electrical equipment for measurement,control and laboratory use –EMC requirementsPart 1: General requirementsEN 61326-1 2006ISO 14971 2000 Medical devices – Application of riskmanagement to medical devices EN ISO 14971 2000– 10 –EN 61326-2-6:2006--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Annex ZZ(informative)Coverage of Essential Requirements of EC DirectivesThis European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CENELEC by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association and within its scope the standard covers all relevant essential requirements as given in Annex I of the EC Directive 98/79/E.Compliance with this standard provides one means of conformity with the specified essential requirements of the Directive concerned.WARNING: Other requirements and other EC Directives may be applicable to the products falling within the scope of this standard.___________– 11 –EN 61326-2-6:2006Copyright British Standards InstitutionProvided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled CopyNot for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS --` , , ` ` ` , , , , ` ` ` ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---。




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试验报告应当包含以下几部分:1、样机描述2、试验计划3、试验数据与试验结果4、试验设备及布置附录A便携式试验和测量设备的抗扰度试验要求注:操作的同时可以充电的设备不包含与其中试验要求详见61326-1 table A.1(二)EMC试验计划的具体描述1、常用的抗扰度试验有:IEC61000-4-2 ESD 静电放电IEC61000-4-3 射频电磁场骚扰抗扰度试验IEC61000-4-4 EFT 电快速瞬变/脉冲群试验IEC61000-4-5 浪涌试验IEC61000-4-6 射频感应场的传导骚扰抗扰度试验IEC61000-4-8 工频磁场抗扰度IEC61000-4-11电压跌落,短时中断,变化试验2、传导发射试验需要做发射试验的端口有:交流电源端口交流电源端口需要做:传导发射,谐波电流发射,电压变化波动闪烁试验机壳端口需要做:辐射发射试验3、抗扰度试验需要做抗扰度试验的端口有:机壳端口,交流电源端口,输入/输出端口(与线的长度有关)机壳端口需要做:ESD,射频电磁场辐射,工频磁场交流电源端口需要做EFT,浪涌,射频感应场传导骚扰电压跌落,短时中断,变化试验输入/输出端口需要做:>3m需要做抗扰度试验骚扰试验(EMI)长波(射频)使用的基本标准是:CISPR 16-2短波使用的基本标准是:-3-2,-3-3抗扰度使用的基本标准是:见(一)4、试验计划的具体描述:1、试验设备和试验配置2、应附有试验配置图3、记录试验过程中设备上显示的状态4、试验设备的清单:需要包含:测试项目名称,测试设备名称,型号,序列号,制造商,校准日期,校准周期5、在测量的不确定度方面,应当给出:测量的频率带宽,规定的不确定度限值,测量到的不确定度限值。



SIL介绍D为了能够采用复杂的、可由先前非传统系统结构执行的安全功能,IEC/EN 62061标准提供相应的方法。

为了提供采用传统的系统结构执行更传统的安全功能所需的更直接、更简单的路径,EN ISO 13849-1:2008标准也给出了相应的方法。


IEC/EN 62061标准仅限于在电气系统领域。

EN ISO 13849-1:2008标准则适用于启动、液压、机械以及电气系统。

主要定义的参数为PFH、MTTF、DC、SFF 等。

IEC61326-3-2:测量、控制和实验室用电气设备.电磁兼容性(EMC)的要求:与安全相关的系统和用于与执行安全相关功能(功能安全)IEC 61326-3-1和IEC 61326-3-2标准已经发布,其中规定了安全相关设备的抗扰度水平的附加要求,包括概率非常低的可能发生在任何场所的极端情况。




ISO26262:道路车辆系统设计功能安全制定ISO 26262标准的目的是使得人们对安全相关功能有一个更好的理解,并尽可能明确地对它们进行解释。

ISO 26262是从电子、电气及可编程器件功能安全基本标准IEC61508派生出来的,主要定位在汽车行业中特定的电气器件、电子设备、可编程电子器件等专门用于汽车领域的部件,旨在提高汽车电子、电气产品功能安全的国际标准。


基于IEC 61508标准基础上,ISO 26262标准定义了电气、电子系统的使用安全性。

Gems 传感器

Gems 传感器

Fitting Code Torque
2T x 1.5 ISO 6149-2:M12 30-35 NM
30-35 NM
28-30 NM
2-3 TFFT*
1/8˝-27 NPT
1/8˝-27 NPTF Dryseal
4D 0.28
1/4˝-18 NPT
1/4˝-18 NPT Internal
3 3
3 2 E 1
1 4 1 2 25.9 1.02 3 1.9 0.07 20.83 0.82
Ø26.50 1.04
6 0.22
M12 x 1P 9.7 0.38 19.3 0.76 18.3 0.72 37 1.46 38.1 1.5 45.0 1.77 MAX
Code R Pin # 1 2 3 4 Voltage Mode Vsupply Ground Vout No Connect Current Mode Supply Return No Connect No Connect Voltage Mode Vsupply Vout Ground No Connect
1/4˝-18 NPTF Dryseal
Dimensions in MM
0.28 0.57 1/4"-18 NPT FEMALE 1/4"-18 NPT 0.63
0.28 0.57 1/4"-18 NPTF
0.28 0.37
0.28 0.37
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