Common Computer Language



UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) 通用自动计算机
Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers
1.1 The Invention of the Computer
It is hard to say exactly when the modern computer was invented. Starting in the 1930s and through the 1940s, a number of machines were developed that were like computers. But most of these machines did not have all the characteristics that we associate with computers today. These characteristics are that the machine is electronic, that it has a stored program, and that it is general purpose.
计算机专业英语 Computer English
Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 2009.9.1
Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers
Key points: useful terms and definitions of
在 EDVAC 完 成 之 前 , 其 他 一 些 机 器 建 成 了 , 它 们 吸 收 了 Eckert 、 Mauchly和Neuman设计的要素。其中一部是在英国剑桥研制的电子延迟 存储自动计算机,或简称EDSAC,它在1949年5月首次运行,它可能是世 界的第一台电子储存程序、通用型计算机投入运行。在美国运行的第一 部计算机是二进制自动计算机,或简称BINAC,它在1949年8月投入运行。



信息检索关键词部分Key word第1章信息检索(Information Retrieval, IR)数据检索(data retrieval)相关性(relevance)推送(Push)超空间(hyperspace)拉出(pulling)⽂献逻辑表⽰(视图)(logical view of the document)检索任务(retrieval task 检索(retrieval )过滤(filtering)全⽂本(full text)词⼲提取(stemming)⽂本操作(text operation)标引词(indexing term)信息检索策略(retrieval strategy)光学字符识别(Optical Character Recognition, OCR)跨语⾔(cross-language)倒排⽂档(inverted file)检出⽂献(retrieved document)相关度(likelihood)信息检索的⼈机交互界⾯(human-computer interaction, HCI)检索模型与评价(Retrieval Model & Evaluation)⽂本图像(textual images)界⾯与可视化(Interface & Visualization)书⽬系统(bibliographic system)多媒体建模与检索(Multimedia Modeling & Searching)数字图书馆(Digital Library)检索评价(retrieval evaluation)标准通⽤标记语⾔(Standard Generalized Markup Language, SGML)标引和检索(indexing and searching)导航(Navigation)并⾏和分布式信息检索(parallel and distribution IR)模型与查询语⾔(model and query language)导航(Navigation)有效标引与检索(efficient indexing and searching)第2章特别检索(ad hoc retrieval)过滤(filtering)集合论(set theoretic)代数(algebraic)概率(probabilistic 路由选择(routing)⽤户需求档(user profile)阙值(threshold)权值(weight)语词加权(term-weighting)相似度(similarity)相异度(dissimilarity)域建模(domain modeling)叙词表(thesaurus)扁平(flat)⼴义向量空间模型(generalized vector space model)神经元(neuron)潜语义标引模型(latent semantic indexing model)邻近结点(proximal node)贝叶斯信任度⽹络(Bayesian belief network)结构导向(structure guided)结构化⽂本检索(structured text retrieval, STR)推理⽹络(inference network)扩展布尔模型(extended Boolean model)⾮重叠链表(non-overlapping list)第3章检索性能评价(retrieval performance evaluation)会话(interactive session)查全率(R, Recall Ratio) 信息性(Informativeness)查准率(P, Precision Ratio) ⾯向⽤户(user-oriented)漏检率(O, Omission Ratio) 新颖率(novelty ratio)误检率(M, Miss Ratio) ⽤户负担(user effort)相对查全率(relative recall)覆盖率(coverage ratio)参考测试集(reference test collection)优劣程度(goodness)查全率负担(recall effort)主观性(subjectiveness)信息性测度(informativeness measure)第4章检索单元(retrieval unit)字母表(alphabet)分隔符(separator)复合性(compositional)模糊布尔(fuzzy Boolean)模式(pattern)SQL(Structured Query Language, 结构化查询语⾔) 布尔查询(Boolean query)参照(reference)半结合(semijoin)标签(tag)有序包含(ordered inclusion)⽆序包含(unordered inclusion)CCL(Common Command Language, 通⽤命令语⾔) 树包含(tree inclusion)布尔运算符(Boolean operator) searching allowing errors容错查询Structured Full-text relevance feedback 相关反馈Query Language (SFQL) (结构化全⽂查询语⾔) extended patterns扩展模式CD-RDx Compact Disk Read only Data exchange (CD-RDx)(只读磁盘数据交换)WAIS (⼴域信息服务系统Wide Area Information Service)visual query languages. 查询语⾔的可视化查询语法树(query syntax tree)第5章query reformulation 查询重构 query expansion 查询扩展 term reweighting 语词重新加权相似性叙词表(similarity thesaurus)User Relevance Feedback⽤户相关反馈 the graphical interfaces 图形化界⾯簇(cluster)检索同义词(searchonym) local context analysis局部上下⽂分析第6章⽂献(document)样式(style)元数据(metadata)Descriptive Metadata 描述性元数据 Semantic Metadata 语义元数据intellectual property rights 知识产权 content rating 内容等级digital signatures数字签名 privacy levels 权限electronic commerce电⼦商务都柏林核⼼元数据集(Dublin Core Metadata Element Set)通⽤标记语⾔(SGML,standard general markup language)机读⽬录记录(Machine Readable Cataloging Record, MARC)资源描述框架(Resource Document Framework, RDF) XML(eXtensible Markup Language, 可扩展标记语⾔) HTML(HyperText Markup Language, 超⽂本标记语⾔)Tagged Image File Format (TIFF标签图像⽂件格式)Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) Portable Network Graphics (PNG新型位图图像格式)第7章分隔符(separator)连字符(hyphen)排除表(list of stopwords)词⼲提取(stemming)波特(porter)词库(treasury of words)受控词汇表(controlled vocabulary)索引单元(indexing component)⽂本压缩text compression 压缩算法compression algorithm注释(explanation)统计⽅法(statistical method)赫夫曼(Huffman)压缩⽐(compression ratio)数据加密Encryption 半静态的(semi-static)词汇分析lexical analysis 排除停⽤词elimination of stopwords第8章半静态(semi-static)191 词汇表(vocabulary)192事件表(occurrence)192 inverted files倒排⽂档suffix arrays后缀数组 signature files签名档块寻址(block addressing)193 索引点(index point)199起始位置(beginning)199 Vocabulary search词汇表检索Retrieval of occurrences 事件表检索 Manipulation of occurrences事件表操作散列变换(hashing)205 误检(false drop)205查询语法树(query syntax tree)207 布鲁特-福斯算法简称BF(Brute-Force)故障(failure)210 移位-或(shift-or)位并⾏处理(bit-parallelism)212顺序检索(sequential search)220 原位(in-place)227第9章并⾏计算(parallel computing) SISD (单指令流单数据流)SIMD (单指令流多数据流) MISD (多指令流单数据流)MIMD (多指令流多数据流)分布计算(distributed computing)颗粒度(granularity)231 多任务(multitasking)I/O(input/output)233 标引器(indexer)映射(map)233 命中列表(hit-list)全局语词统计值(global term statistics)线程(thread)算术逻辑单元(arithmetic logic unit, ALU 中介器(broker)虚拟处理器(virtual processor)240分布式信息检索(distributed information retrieval)249⽂献收集器(gatherer)主中介器(central broker)254第10章信息可视化(information visualization)图标(icon)260颜⾊凸出显⽰(color highlighting)焦点+背景(focus-plus-context)画笔和链接(brushing and linking)魔术透镜(magic lenses)移动镜头和调焦(panning and zooming)弹性窗⼝(elastic window)概述及细节信息(overview plus details)⾼亮⾊显⽰(highlight)信息存取任务(information access tasks)⽂献替代(document surrogate)常见问题(FAQ, Frequently Asked Question) 群体性推荐(social recommendation)上下⽂关键词(keyword-in-context, KWIC)伪相关反馈(pseudo-relevance feedback)重叠式窗⼝(overlapping window)⼯作集(working set)第11/12章多媒体信息检索(Multimedia Information Retrieval, MIR)超类(superclass)半结构化数据(semi-structured data)数据⽚(data blade)可扩充型系统(extensible type system)相交(intersect)动态服务器(dynamic server)叠加(overlaps)档案库服务器(archive server)聚集(center)逻辑结构(logical structure)词包含(contain word)例⼦中的查询(query by example)路径名(path-name)通过图像内容查询(Query by Image Content, QBIC)图像标题(image header)主要成分分析(Principal Component Analysis, PCA)精确匹配(exact match)潜语义标引(Latent Semantic Indexing, LSI)基于内容(content-based)范围查寻(Range Query)第13章exponential growth指数增长 Distributed data 数据的分布性volatile data 不稳定数据 redundant data 冗余数据Heterogeneous data异构数据分界点(cut point)373Centralized Architecture集中式结构收集器-标引器(crawler-indexer)373 Wanderers 漫步者 Walkers 步⾏者 Knowbots 知识机器⼈Distributed Architecture分布式结构 gatherers 收集器brokers 中介器 the query interface 查询界⾯the answer interface响应界⾯ PageRank ⽹页级别Crawling the Web漫游Web breadth-first ⼴度优先depth-first fashion 深度优先 Indices(index pl.)索引Web Directories ⽹络⽬录 Metasearchers元搜索引擎Teaching the User⽤户培训颗粒度(granularity)384超⽂本推导主题检索(Hypertext Included Topic Search, HITS)380 Specific queries专指性查询 Broad queries 泛指性查询Vague queries模糊查询 Searching using Hyperlinks使⽤超链接搜索Web Query Languages查询语⾔ Dynamic Search 动态搜索Software Agents 软件代理鱼式搜索(fish search)鲨鱼搜索(shark search)拉出/推送(pull/push)393门户(portal)395 Duplicated data 重复数据第14章联机公共检索⽬录(online public access catalog, OPAC)397化学⽂摘(Chemical Abstract, CA)399 ⽣物学⽂摘(Biological Abstract, BA)⼯程索引(Engineering Index,EI)国会图书馆分类法(Library of Congress Classification)408杜威⼗进分类法(Dewey Decimal Classification)408联机计算机图书馆中⼼(Online Computer Library Center, OCLC)409机读⽬录记录(Machine Readable Cataloging Record, MARC)409第15章NSF (National Science Foundation, 美国国家科学基⾦会)NSNA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration,美国航空航天局)数字图书馆创新项⽬(Digital Libraries Initiative, DLI)4155S(stream,信息流structure,结构space, 空间scenario, 场景society社会)416基于数字化对象标识符(Digital Object Identifier, DOI)420都柏林核⼼(Dublin Core, DC)430 数字图书馆(Digital Library, DL)资源描述框架(Resource Document Framework, RDF)431text encoding initiative (TEI) (⽂本编码创新项⽬)431v。


different kinds of information
technology or IT. Pay attention
to the advantages and disadvantages
of each one. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.
1) 有“别忘了”的意思 2) 放在句末, “虽然有前面说过的话”或“与 预料中的情况相反”的意思
So you made it after all!
After all, what does it matter?
第二十三页,编辑于星期四:十六点 十八分。
She should have offered to pay — she’s a millionaire, after all.
have both disadvantages and
第十页,编辑于星期四:十六点 十八分。
Type of IT
You can both
listen and watch.
You cannot write
to friends.来自Web容易与之混淆的词组是in the way意为“造成
In a way, I like this new textbook very much.
I’m afraid your bike is in the way.
第二十二页,编辑于星期四:十六点 十八分。
6. after all 毕竟; 到底; 终究
3. What part does Andy play in the football team? He’s a striker.



医学翻译词汇四医学翻译词汇四医学翻译词汇四203coin catcher 取硬币器coincidence 符合,一致,重合coincidence counter 符合计数器coincidence detector 符合检波器coincidence rangefinder 双像重合测距仪,叠像测距仪co2 incubator 二氧化碳培养箱co2 insufflator 二氧化碳吹入器co2 laser 二氧化碳激光器co2 laser surgical system 二氧化碳激光手术系统colation 漉过,漉液colatorium 漉药器cold ①寒冷的②感冒,伤风cold cathode 冷阴极cold cathode diode 冷阴极二极管cold cathode enlarger 冷阴极放大机cold cathode fluorescence lamp 冷阴极荧光灯cold cathode lamp 冷阴极灯cold closet 冷藏箱cold cream 冷膏,冷霜cold light 冷光cold light amnioscope 冷光源羊膜镜cold light fountain 冷光源204cold light operating lamp 冷光手术灯cold light shadowless primary and secondary lamp 冷光子母无影灯cold light source 冷光源cold light supply 冷光源cold plate 致冷板cold probe 低温探针cold quartz mercury vapor lamp ①(人工)太阳灯②冷光石英水银灯cold receptor 冷感受器cold red light 冷红光灯cold reflector 冷反射镜cold room 冷藏室cold snare 冷圈断器cold sterilization 低温杀菌,低温消毒cold storage 冷藏器cold ultra-violet lamp 冷紫外线灯collapsible 可折叠的,可收缩的,活动的collapsible camera 折叠式照相机collapsible container 可收缩容器collapsible lens 折叠镜头collapsible mast 伸缩套管天线杆,拉杆天线collapsible radio mast 伸缩套管天线杆,拉杆天线collapsible tube 软锡管205collapsible-whip antenna 可折叠鞭状天线collar 套圈,套环,环collar and crow scissors 牙冠剪collarbone 锁骨collar burner 环焰灯collargol 胶体银collarpliers 牙技工成形钳collar scissors 冠颈剪collar splint 硬领夹collator 校对机,分类机collaurum 胶体金collecting lens 聚光透镜,会聚透镜collecting tank 收集槽collection ①收集②收集品,标本collection order 托收委托书collector ①收集器②编辑机③集电器collector lens 聚光透镜college 学院,学会colligation 综合,总括,连接colligative 依数性的collimated beam 准直光束collimating lens 准直透镜206collimation 准直,对准collimator 准直器,平行光管collimator tube 准直管,平行光管collimator viewfinder 准直取景器colliquation 溶化,溶解collision 碰撞,冲突,振动collo- 胶体,胶质collochemistry 胶体化学collodion 火棉胶,胶棉collodion dressing 火棉胶敷料collodion electrode 胶棉电极(eeg)colloid ①胶体,胶质②胶态的colloid gold 胶态金colloid mill 胶体磨colloid osmometer 胶体渗透压计colloid osmotic pressure 胶体渗透压collosol 溶胶colloxylin 火棉,低氮硝化纤维素collum 颈colo- 结肠colometrogram 结肠测计图colometrometer 结肠活动测定器207colon 结肠colon clamp 结肠夹colonic cooler 结肠冷却器colonofiberscope 结肠纤维镜colonofiberscopy 结肠纤维镜检查colonometer 菌丛计数器colonoscope 结肠镜colonoscopy 结肠镜检查colonosigmoidoscope 结肠乙状结肠镜colony 菌(集)落,菌丛colony counter 菌集落计数器color 颜色,染色color adaptometer 颜色适应时间计color chart 比色图表color comparator 比色器color comparison tube 比色管color contrast 色对比color densitometer 彩色光密度计color display 彩色显示器color display tube 彩色显像管color film 彩色胶片color filter 滤色器,滤色玻片208colorimeter 比色计colorimeter tube 比色管colorimetric assay 比色测定colorimetric cylinder 比色管colorimetric method 比色法colorimetric solution 比色溶液colorimetric titration 比色滴定法colorimetry 比色法,色觉检查color index 血色指数color jar 染色缸color killer 消色器color kinescope 彩色显像管color matching guide 比色标color negative film 彩色照像负片color pattern generator 彩色信号发生器color phase microscope 着色相位差显微镜color picture tube 彩色显像管color radicle 色基,发色团color radioisotope scanner 彩色放射性同位素扫描仪color receiver 彩色电视接收机color receiver monitor 彩色电视接收监视器color screen 彩色荧光屏209color spectrum 色谱color standard 比色标准color television 彩色电视color television camera 彩色电视摄像机color television receiver 彩色电视机color television set 彩色电视机color video camera 彩色摄像机color video monitor 彩色监视器color videoscope 彩色映像示波器color vision test 色盲检验表color vision tester 色盲视力检验器coloscope 结肠镜colostomy bag 结肠(造)瘘袋colostomy pouch 结肠排泄袋colour 颜色,染色coloured filter 滤色镜coloured glass 有色玻璃coloured spectacles 有色眼镜colp-; colpo- 阴道colpeurynter 阴道扩张袋colpohysteroscope 阴道子宫镜colpomicroscope ①阴道显微镜②阴道镜210colpomicroscopy 阴道显微镜检查colposcope ①阴道镜②阴道显微镜colposcopy 阴道镜检查,阴道窥器检查colpostat 阴道插物保持托,阴道塞药器colpotherm 阴道电热器column 柱coma 斜射球面像差,彗形像差comb ①梳,梳齿②探针combination 结合;化合;组合combination bag 多用包combination offer 搭配发盘combination screen 复合增感屏(包括前屏及后屏)combination sterilizer bag 消毒用包combination stethoscope 双联听诊器combination therapeutic lamp 组合式治疗灯combination type 组合式combined prism 串棱镜combustible ①易燃的②燃料combustible gas detector/alarm system 可燃气体测定和报警装置combustion 燃烧,发火combustion boat 耐烧盆combustion furnace 燃烧炉211combustion spoon 燃烧匙combustion tube 燃烧管combustor 燃烧室comedones extractor 拔粉刺器comfimeter 空气冷却力计comfort ①安慰,舒适②设备commend 推荐,赞扬commensalism 共栖commentary 注释,评论commerce 商业,贸易commercial agency 商业代理commercial contract 贸易合同commercial invoice 商业发票commercial treaty 贸易协定,贸易条约comminuter 粉碎机comminuting machine 粉碎机commission 委托,代理commission contract 商业代理合同commissurotomy knife 二尖瓣分离刀,联合部切开刀committee 委员会commode ①便桶②五斗橱③洗脸台commode chair 大便椅212commodity 商品,货物commodity inspection bureau 商品检验局commodity inspection and testing bureau certificate 商检局证明书commodity market 商品市场common bile duct probe 胆总管探针common carotid artery puncture needle 颈动脉穿刺针common duct scoop 普通导管匙common mode rejection ratio 共模抑制比communication 通知,通信,联络community 团体,联合会,共同体commutation 交换,转换,整流commutator ①转换器②整流器compact ①条约,合同②致密的,小型的compact laboratory research microscope 多用组合显微镜compact-type 袖珍型compandor 压缩扩展器,展缩器company(abbr. co.; co.) 公司,商号company limited (abbr. co.; ltd) 有限公司comparascope 双片对比显微镜comparator ①比较器,比值器②比色器comparator block 比色座comparer 比较器213comparison 比较,对比comparison microscope 对比显微镜comparison prism 比色棱镜comparison spectroscope 比色分光镜comparison spectrum 比较光谱comparison tube 比值管,比色管comparomicroscope 双片对比显微镜comparoscope 比较显微镜compartment 隔室,分离间compartment incubator 分隔式保温箱compass ①圆规②罗盘,指南针compatibility 适合性,相容性compendium 提纲,摘要,一览表compensable 可补偿的compensated air thermometer 补偿空气温度计compensated scan 展开式扫描compensating calorimeter 抵偿式测热计compensating ocular 补偿目镜compensation 补偿,补充,校正compensator ①补偿棱镜②补偿器,伸缩器competition 竞争,比赛compimeter 视野计214complement 补充,互补,补体complementary color 补色complementation 补充,互补作用,附加complementer 补助器complete denture 全口托牙complex 复合的,复杂的complex filling gum 复合充填树脂complex low frequency apparatus 复合低频治疗器complex number 复数compliance 符合,顺从,可塑性compliance test apparatus 肺弹性测定仪complication 复杂化,混乱,并发症comply 答应,遵守,履行component ①组合的②万分,内容,元件component location guide 装配圆composite filter 复合滤光板composite restorative resin 复合充填树脂composition 组成,成分compound ①复合的②化合物;复合物compound lens 复合透镜compound manometer 复式测压计compound microscope 复式显微镜215compound model 印模膏compound spectacles 复合眼镜comprehend ①了解②包括,包含comprehensive ①广泛的,综合的②理解的compress ①压缩②敷布compressed air 压缩空气compressed air sprayer 压缩空气喷雾器compressed nitrous gas tank 压缩氮气筒compressed oxygen gas tank 压缩氧气筒compressed sponge 压缩海绵,海绵塞条compressed tablet 压缩片compressibility 压缩性,压缩系数compression bandage 压缩绷带compression clamp 压迫夹compression forceps 压迫钳compression plate 加压固位板compression tourniquet 加压止血带compression tube 加压管comprcssive strength 抗压强度compressometer 压缩计compressor 压缩机,压迫器compressor amplifier 压缩放大器216compressor pump 压缩泵computed axial tomographic for head and neck scanner 头颈部x 射线电子计算机断层扫描仪(颅脑ct)computed tomograph (abbr. ct) x 射线电子计算机断层摄影机computed tomographic apparatus x 射线电子计算机断层摄影机computed tomography (abbr. ct) x 射线电子计算机断层摄影术computed tomographic scanner 计算机断层扫描仪computer 计算机,计算器computer aided transverse tomography 电子计算机断层摄影术computer chart 计算表computer generated hologram 计算机再现全息图computerized transvers axial scanning 电子计算机横轴扫描computerized ultrasound sector scanner 计算机控制超声扇型扫描仪computer language 计算机语言computer potentiometer 计算机电位计computer program 计算机程序computer simulation 计算机模拟computer tomograph scanner ct 装置x 射线计算机断层扫描器computor 计算器concave 凹的,凹面的concave-convex 凹凸的concave face 凹面concave grating 凹光栅217concave lens 凹透镜concave mirror 凹面镜concave mirror reflector 凹面反光镜concave sheath 凹形镜鞘(为膀胱镜用)concavity 凹面,凹度concavity slide 载物凹玻片concavoconcave 对凹的,双凹的concavoconcave lens 双凹透镜concavoconvex 凹凸的concavoconvex lens 凹凸透镜concentration 浓缩,浓缩物,集中concentration cell 浓差电池concentration colorimeter 深度比色计concentration gradient 深度梯度concentration pan 蒸浓锅,浓缩盘concentrator 浓缩器concentric 同轴的,同心的concentric circle 同心圆concentric lens 同心透镜concentric needle electrode 同心针状电极concentric tube 同心管concept 概念218conchoscope 鼻腔镜conchotome 鼻甲刀conchotomy scissors 鼻甲剪concluding a contract 缔结合同concretion 凝结物,结石concurrent 同时的,并行的concussion 振荡,振动concussor 振荡按摩器condensation 冷凝,冷凝液condenser ①冷凝器②聚光器③电容器condenser dosimeter 电容放射量仪condenser lens 聚光镜,聚焦透镜condenser type mobile x-ray apparatus 电容式流动x 光机condensing lens 聚光透镜condensing tower 冷凝塔condensing tube 冷凝管condensor ①冷凝器②聚光镜③电容器condition 情况,条件conditioned reflex 条件反射conditioner 调节器conditioning oven 恒温调节器condom 阴茎套219conductance 电导,热导conductibility 传导性conducting probe 电导探针conducting tube 传导管conduction 传导,导电性conduction band 导带conductivity 导电率,传导性conductivity cell 传导性电池conductivity meter 传导率计,电导仪conductometer ①热导计②电导计conductor 导引器,导体conduct pipe 导管conduit 导管,水管condyle 髁condyle reduction forceps 髁骨复位钳cone ①锥(体)②遮光筒,孔cone bur 锥形钻cone-socket handle 锥孔柄cone-socket instrument 锥孔器械cone-socket pliers 锥孔钳conference 会议,讨论会conference microscope 商讨显微镜(多人共同观察)220configuration 外形,构造,(线路)接法,基本配置confinement 分娩,生产confirmation ①认可,确认②证明,证实confirmation note 确认通知书confirmation of offer 确认发盘confirmation of order 确认订单conflict 冲突,矛盾confluence 融合,汇合confocal 同焦点的conformation 构造,组成conformator 头轮廓测量器confusion 干扰,混乱confusion reflector 干扰反射器congenerous 协同的,共同的congenital 先天的,生来的conical 圆锥形的conical beaker 锥形烧杯conical bougie 锥形探条conical burr 圆头锉conical flask 锥形瓶conical graduate 锥形量器conical oesophagus bougie 锥头食道探条221conical scan 圆锥形扫描conical trephine 锥形环钻conimeter 测角器coniometer 尘埃计算器conjunctiva 结膜conjunctival curette 结膜刮匙conjunctival forceps 结膜镊conjunctival scissors 结膜剪conjunctive 结合的,连接的connecting device 连接装置connecting lead 连接导线connecting plug 接线插头connection 连接,结合connection cord 连接电缆connection tube 连接管connector ①接管②连接器③插孔connector and adaptor 接管和接头conoid 锥形的conoscope 锥光镜,锥光偏振仪consent ①同意,许可②插座,万能插口conservancy 保护,保存,管理conservator ①储存器②存油器222consignee ①收货人②受托人consignee code 收货人编码/代号consignment 承运货物,委托检验consignment agreement 委托协议consignment invoice 送货发单consignment note 发货通知书consignor 发货人consistence 稠性,稠度consistency check 一致性检验consistency indicator 稠度指示器consistency meter 稠度计consistency regulator 稠度调节器consistometer 稠度计console ①托架②操作台console display 台式显示器,控制显示器console model 落地式console panel 控制盘,操纵板console switch 操作开关consolette 小型控制台constac 自动稳压器constancy meter 恒定计constant ①常数②恒定的,不变的223constant cell 恒压电池constant current 恒定电流,恒流constant current source 恒流电源constant current stabilizer 恒流稳压器constant current stimulator 恒流刺激器constant humidity incubator 恒湿保温箱constant potential 恒电位constant pressure flow controller 稳压流量控制器constant temperature circulator 恒温循环器constant temperature oven 恒温箱,定温干燥器constant temperature regulator 恒温调节器constant temperature shaking bath 恒温振荡浴槽constant voltage equipment 恒压装置constant warm tube 恒温管constant wattage transformer 恒量变压器constitution 结构,组织constriction 狭窄,缩窄constrictor 缩窄器,压缩器construction features 结构特点consultation 商量,会诊consulting room 诊察室consumable 消耗品,消费商品224consumption 消耗,消费contact 接触,联系contact apparatus 接触治疗机contact bed 接触滤床contact breaker 触断器contact compound scan type sonolayer 连接复合扫描型音层仪contact electrode 接触电极contact glasses 接触镜片contact lens 接触镜片contact maker 接合器contactor 接触器,开关contact thermometer 接触温度计contact tube 接触(x 射线)管contagion gown 隔离衣container ①容器,储存器②集装箱container cargo 集装箱货物contaminant 污染物contamination ①污染②杂质content 含量,内容,目录continuous 连续continuous flow oxygen system 连续流出式供氧装置continuous gum denture 连龈托牙225continuous injector 连续注射器continuous recording oscilloscope camera 连续记录示波器照相机continuous spectrum 连续光谱continuous sterilization 持续灭菌法continuous suction unit 连续吸引器continuous wave laser (abbr. cw laser) 连续式激光器contour ①外形,轮廓②等值线contour alloy 冠面合金,牙合金contouring pliers 成形钳contour model 外形模型contourograph 轮廓仪contra- 反,抗,逆,对contra-angle 反角contra-angle porte-polisher 反角握柄磨光器contraceptive 避孕剂contraceptive device 避孕器contraceptive diaphragm 阴道隔膜,子宫帽contract(abbr. cont.) 合同,契约contract amendment advice 合同更改通知书contract goods 合同货物contractility 收缩性,收缩力contraction ①收缩②订约226contract number(abbr. cont. no) 合同号码contractor ①合拢器②压缩机contract stipulation 合同项目contractual obligation 合同义务contract value 合同金额contraindication 禁忌症contralateral 对侧的contrast 反差,对比度,对照contrast control 反差控制,对比度调整contrast detector 反差检测器contrast echo-cardiograph 造影超声心动图contrast filter 反差滤光片contrast medium 造影剂,对比剂contrast medium auto-injector 造影剂自动注射器contrast photometer 对比光度计contrast range 反差范围contrast solution 造影溶液contravolitional 不随意的,非自愿的control 控制,调节control assembly 控制装置control board 操纵台control chamber 控制箱227control console 控制台control desk 控制台control device 控制器control electrode 控制电极control equipment 控制装置control experiment 对照实验control gauge 校准规control key 控制键control knob 控制按钮controlled trial 对照实验controller 控制器,调节器controlling temperature unit 控温仪control panel 控制盘,操纵板control sequence 控制程序control table 控制台control temperature reading 校核温度记录control test 对照实验control unit 控制器contusion mortar 捣碎用乳钵conus 圆锥,锥体convection 对流,传递convenience 方便,便利228convergence 会聚,集合,会聚点convergence electrode 会聚电极convergent mirror 会聚镜convergent prism 会聚棱镜converging diverging collimator 聚焦幅散准直器converging lens 会聚透镜convergiometer 陷斜眼测验器convergioscope 双目放大镜conversion 转变,转化conversion chart 换算表converter 变换器,换能器,变频器converter-ac to dc 交流至直流变换器converter-dc to ac 直流至交流变换器converter stage 变换级convertible 可逆的,可转换的convertible culture apparatus 发酵培养器convertible lens (变)倍率透镜convertible telescope 综合式窥镜convertor 变换器,换能器,变频器convex 凸的,凸面的convex-edged knife 凸刃刀convexity 凸度,凸面229convex lens 凸透镜convex mirror 凸面镜convexoconcave 凸凹的convexoconcave lens 凸凹透镜convexoconvex 对凸的,双凸的convexoconvex lens 双凸透镜convexo-plane lens 平凸透镜convex probe 凸探头(b 超)convex sheath 凸形镜鞘(为膀胱镜用)conveyer 运送车conveyer device 输送装置convolute 卷曲的,回旋的convolution ①褶积式②匝,圈,转数③旋转cooker ①饮具,锅②火炉cool ①凉的②冷却coolant 冷却剂cooler ①冷却器②冷却剂coolidge s tube 库里吉氏管,热阴极x 射线管cooling 冷却,降温cooling agent 冷却剂cooling air blower 冷却鼓风机cooling apparatus 冷却器,冷却装置230cooling blower 冷却鼓风机cooling device 冷却装置cooling fan 冷风扇cooling jacket 冷却套管cooling stage 冷却台(显微镜)cooling water 冷却水coop ①低压水银灯②桶,笼cooperation 合作,协力cooper-hewitt lamp 库珀一海威特灯,玻璃管汞弧灯coordinate ①坐标②配位coordinate axis 坐标轴coordinate digitizer 坐标数字转换器coordinate plotter 坐标绘图仪coordinate system 坐标制,坐标系统coordinate-type potentiometer 坐标式电位计coordination 调整,协调coordinatograph 坐标制图器,坐标仪coordinator ①坐标测定器②协调器copier 复印机,印刷器coping 盖,顶部coplin jar 科普林氏缸,玻片染色缸copper amalgam 铜汞合金231copper band 铜(托)圈copper cement 铜粘固粉copper line 铜线,绿线copper paraffin melting pan 铜制石蜡熔化锅copper sulfate 硫酸铜copple 坩埚copy 抄本,副本,复制品copying camera 复制照相机copying machine 复印机coquille 球面镜co60 radiotherapy unit 60 钴治疗机cord ①软线,电缆②索,带cordotomy knife 光彩髓前侧柱切除刀,光彩髓切开刀cord pendant lamp 吊灯cordwood 积木式(器件)cordwood system 积木式(一种微型器件的组合方式)core 轴心,中心,磁心core-; coro- 瞳孔core buffer 磁心缓冲器corectome 虹膜刀corediastasis 瞳孔扩大core material 磁心材料232coreometer 瞳孔计,测瞳器coreoncion 虹膜镊core storage 磁心存储器core switch circuit 磁心开关电路cork 软木塞,栓cork bore 木塞钻孔器cork bore shaper 木塞穿孔锉corkscrew bolt 木塞螺丝钉corn-cutter 鸡眼刀cornea 角膜corneal curette 角膜刮匙corneal cutting forceps 角膜切除钳corneal grafter 角膜移植器corneal knife 有膜刀corneal loupe 角膜放大镜corneal magnifier 角膜放大镜corneal microscope 角膜显微镜corneal needle guide 角膜针导子corneal scissors 角膜剪corneal scraper 角膜刮刀corneal trephine 角膜环钻corneal tube 角膜板层管233corneascope 角膜镜corneoscleral forceps 角巩膜镊corneoscleral trephine 角巩膜环钻corneous operating scissors 角形手术剪corner ①棱角,角②弯管,弯头corner angle 棱角corner cube prism 直角棱镜corner cutter 切角器corner insert 角形插头corner reflector 角形反射器corometer 瞳孔计,测瞳器corona ①电晕,日冕②冠状物corona guard 电晕防护器coronary 冠状的coronary angiogram 冠状血管造影片coronary angiography 冠状血管造影术coronary artery 冠状动脉coronary artery bypass kit 冠状动脉搭桥术用器械coronary artery bypass surgery 冠状动脉搭桥手术coronary artery bypass catheter 冠状动脉搭桥造影导管coronary artery catheter 冠状动脉导管coronary artery scissors 冠状动脉剪234coronary dilatation equipment 冠状动脉扩张装置coronary perfusion canula 冠状动脉灌流套管coronary perfusion catheter 冠状动脉灌导管coronary perfusion pressure monitor 冠状动脉灌注压力监护仪coronary scissors 冠状剪coronary sinus flow analyzer 心脏冠状窦血流分析仪coroner 检验员coronoid 冠状的coroscope 视网膜镜cproscopy 视网膜检影法,瞳孔检查法corporation (abbr. co.) (联合)公司corpse 尸体correct 校正,校准correcting circuit 校正电路correcting filter 校正滤波器correcting unit 校正装置correction 矫正,校正correction analyzer 校正分析仪correction pulse 校正脉冲correction signal 校正信号correctophone 语言矫正器corrector ①校正器②校正电路235correlation 联系,相关correlation detector 相关检波器correlation measuring instrument 相关测量计correlator 相关器correlogram 相关图corrosion 腐蚀,侵蚀corrosion electrode 腐蚀电极corrosion resistant rotary micro tome 耐侵蚀旋转式切片机corrosion specimen 腐蚀标本corrosion target 腐蚀电极corrosion testing 腐蚀试验corrosive ①腐蚀剂②腐蚀的corrugated tube 螺纹管,波纹管corset 围腰corundum 金刚砂,刚玉cosmic ray 宇宙(射)线cosmolin 凡士林,防腐油cost 价格,成本,费用costa 肋骨costal elevator 肋骨起子costal periosteotome 肋骨骨膜刀costal periostotome 肋骨骨膜刀236cost and freight (abbr. cf) 成本加运费costectome 肋骨切除刀costotome 肋骨刀,断肋器costotomy chisel 肋骨凿cost price 成本,成本费cot 指套,小床cotton 棉,棉花cotton applicator 卷棉子cotton bud 棉签cotton carrier 卷棉子,夹棉器cotton covered wire 纱包线cotton jacket 棉背心cotton needle 棉花针cotton paper 棉纸cotton plugs forceps 药棉塞耳钳cotton roll 棉卷cotton swab 棉签cotton tip applicator 棉球棍cotton wool 脱脂棉cotton wool carrier (喉)卷棉子cotton wool tampon 棉塞cottrell 电收尘器237cotyloid 杯状的,臼状的couch 床,长沙发椅couching 内障墒除术cough counter 咳嗽计数器coulant meter 电量计coulomb 库仑(电量单位)coulometer 库仑计,电量计count 计数count detector 计数检测器counter ①计数器,计数管②计算机counter balanced microscope manipulator 显微镜平衡操纵器counter balance 托盘天平counter clockwise 逆时针方向的counter electrophoresis 对流电泳counter for radioisotope 放射性同位素计数器counterpoise ①天衡器,砝码②配重counter register 计数寄存器counter shock 计数电震计counter tube 计数管counterweight 砝码counting 计数counting assembly 计数装置238counting cell (血细胞)计数池counting chamber (血球)计数板,计数池counting grid 计数栅counting meter 计数器counting plate 计算板,计数盘counting rate computer 计数率计算机counting ratemeter 计数率计counting tube 计数管counting unit 计数装置counting vial 计数管形瓶count pulse 计数脉冲country 国家,地区country of destination 目的国country of origin 生产国,原产国couple 一对,连接coupled rhythm 二联律coupler 耦合器,连接器coupler plug 连接插头coupling adjustment 耦合调整coupling amplifier 耦合放大器coupling probe 耦合探头coupling transformer 耦合变压器239coupling tube 耦合管couveuse 孵化器,保温箱cover 盖,罩covered wire 绝缘线,皮线coverglass 盖玻片coverglass forceps 盖玻片镊cover hood 机罩套covering 套,罩cover plate 盖片cowhorn forceps 牛角钳cowl 帽,罩coxa 髋,髋关节coxankylometer 髋弯测量仪coxo-plastics circular bone chisel 髋关节成形圆凿coxo-plastics file 髋关节成形锉coxo-plastics plain bone chisel 髋关节成形平凿cp(chemically pure) 化学纯(试剂)c. p. m.(counts per minute) 次/分(每分钟次数)c. p. s.; c/s(cycles per second) 周/秒(每秒钟周波数),赫(兹)cpu(central processing unit) 中央处理器cr(chromium) 铬crack 破裂,裂痕240crack detector 探伤仪,裂缝探测器cradle 吊架,支架cranial 颅的,颅侧的cranial diameter 颅经cranial drill 颅骨钻cranial drill set 颅钻机cranial hemostat 颅止血器cranial perforator 颅骨穿孔钻cranial rongeur 颅骨咬骨钳cranial trephine 颅骨环锯craniencephalometer 颅外测脑器cranio- 颅cranioclast 碎颅钳craniodiaclast 碎颅器craniognomy 颅形学,相颅术craniograph 颅形描记器craniometer 头颅测量计craniophore 颅位保持器cranioscope 颅检查器craniostat 颅支持器craniotome 开颅器craniotomy forceps 颅骨切开钳241craniotony scissors 颅骨剪craniotonometer 头颅叩听诊器craniotonoscope 头颅叩听诊器craniotractor 碎颅牵引器craniotripsotome 碎颅刀cranium 颅cranium holder 持颅器crash cart 救护车cravat 三角布绷带cream ①乳油②乳膏,霜剂creamometer 乳脂测定器crease 褶痕,皱褶creatinine analyser 肌酸酐分析仪creator 创造者credit card 信用卡credit sale 赊售crematory incinerator 火葬炉cremometer 乳油计crepe bandage 弹性绷带crescent 月牙,新月状的crescograph 植物生长描记器crevice 裂隙,裂缝242crib ①槽②栏床cribral 筛状的cribration 过筛cricoid 轮形的,环状的crimper 压折器cripple cart 残废人用手推车critesistor 热敏电阻critical 临界的,极限的critical absorption wavelength 临界吸收波长critical care system 危重病人护理系统critical point 临界点critical resistance 临界电阻cr lead cr 导程,胸右手导程(心电图)cro (cathode-ray oscilloscope) 阴极射线示波器crocodile clip 鳄鱼夹cross ①交叉的②十字,十字形cross action forceps 咬齿钳cross bar 横杆,闩cross box 转换箱cross-cut 横切cross-cut bur 横切钻cross cylinder 十字筒243crossed 交叉的crossed lens 最小球差透镜cross fire 信道间的干扰crossgraphy 断面造影术cross-hatched (画有)交叉影线的cross point 交叉点cross section 横切面,横断面crotchet 产钩,取胎钩crwn 冠,牙冠crown holder 冠柱crown pliers 金冠钳crown post-puller 冠柱拔出器crown remover 去冠器crown saw 冠形锯crown scissors 金冠剪crown slitter 牙冠拆除钳,破冠器crownwork 牙冠术crt(cathode-ray tube) 阴极射线管,示波管crt indicator 阴极射线指示器crucial bandage 十字绷带crucible 坩埚,炉缸crucible tongs 坩埚钳,坩埚夹244crude 天然的,生的,粗制的crusher 压碎器,碾碎机crushing clamp 挤压夹crushing forceps 压碎钳crutch ①拐杖,支器②(电缆)终端接续套管crutcher 搅和机,螺旋搅拌器crutch shoe 拐杖脚垫cryo- 冷,冰冻,低温cryo-cut 冷冻切割cryo-cut cryostat microtome 冷冻切割恒冷切片机cryo-cut microtome 冷冻切割切片机cryodrying 低温干燥cryoextractor 冷冻(内障)摘出器,低温摘除器cryofixation 冰冻固定cryogen 冷冻剂,致冷剂cryogenerator 低温发生器,低温致冷器cryogenic compressor 低温压缩机cryogenic dewar bottle 低温杜瓦瓶,低温真空瓶cryogenic equipment 低温设备cryogenic memory 低温存储器cryogenic refrigerator 低温致冷器,低温冰箱cryogenic system 低温装置,深冷装置245cryogenic thermometer 低温温度计cryolite 冰晶石cryometer 深冷温度计,低温计cryomicroscope 低温显微镜cryomite 小型低温致冷器cryopencil 冷冻头(眼科用)cryophorus 凝冰器cryoprobe ①冷冻器,冷冻探头②冷冻手术刀cryopump 低温泵cryoscope 冰点测定器cryoscopy 冰点降低测定法cryostat 低温箱,低温恒温器cryostat cabinet 冷冻恒温柜cryosurgery 冷冻手术cryosurgery system 低温手术装置cryosurgical equipment 冷冻外科仪器cryotome 低温切片机cryoultramicrotome 低温超薄切片机,冰冻超薄切片crypt 陷窝,陷凹,腺管crypt hook 肛门陷凹钩cryptometer (涂料)遮盖力计cryptoradiometer x 射线透度计246cryptosciascope 克鲁克管(观察x 射线阴影)cryptoscope 荧光镜,荧光屏cryptoscopy 荧光镜透视检查,x 射线透视检查cryscope 冰点测定器crystal 晶体,结晶crystal analyzer 晶体分析仪crystal bar photocell 晶体棒光电池crystal calibrator 晶体校准器crystal cell 晶体盒crystal clock 石英钟crystal controlled oscillator 晶控振荡器crystal counter 晶体计数器crystal diode 晶体二极管crystal earphone 晶体耳机crystal glasses 水晶镜crystalline lens 晶状体crystallizer 结晶器crystallizing dish 结晶皿crystallizing pan 结晶锅,结晶盘crystallogram 晶体照片crystallography 结晶学,晶体照像术crystal oscillator 晶体振荡器247crystal radio 晶体管收音机crystal scintillation counter 晶体闪烁计数器crystal spectrometer 晶体分光计crystal structure 晶体结构crystal transducer 晶体换能器,晶体传感器crystal triode 晶体三极管crystal video receiver 晶体电视接收机cs(cesium) 铯c. s.(current strength) 电流强度c/s; c/s(cycles per second) 每秒周数,周/钞ct(①cardiotachometer ②computed tomography) ①心率计②电子计算机x 线断层摄影术ct scanner ct 扫描装置cu(cuprum) 铜cubic 立方的,立方体的cubic centimeter(abbr. cm3; c. c.) 立方厘米,立方公分,公摄cubic foot(abbr. cf) 立方英尺cubicle switch 组合开关,室内开关cucurbitula 吸杯,吸罐cue tape 指令磁带cuff 袖袋,封套cuff spreader 麻醉套管扩张器cuirass respirator 胸甲式呼吸器248culdoscope 陷凹镜,后穹窿镜culdoscopy 陷凹镜检查,后穹窿镜检查cultivation 培养,培育cultivator 孵卵器culture 培养,培养物culture bottle 培养瓶culture dish 培养皿,培养碟culture flask 培养瓶culture medium 培养基culture plate 培养皿culture tube 培养管cup 杯cupping cup 拔火罐cupping glass 吸奶杯,吸杯,拔罐cup shaped 杯状的curage 刮除术curet 刮匙,刮器curet scaler 刮离刀curettage 刮除术curette 刮匙,刮器curette for osseous tuberculosis 骨结核刮匙curie 居里(放射性强度单位=3.7 1010 次衰变/秒)249curiegram 氡(射)线照片curiemeter 居里测定仪curietherapy 镭疗法current 流,电流current amplifier 电流放大器current balance 电动天平current collector 集电器current condenser 收电容器current indicator 电流指示器current meter ①电流计②流速计current regulator 电流调节器,变阻器current stabilizer 电流稳定器,稳流器current tap 分插器curschmann s trocar 库司曼氏套针(皮下水肿穿刺套针) curtain electrophoresis 幕电泳curtometer 曲面测量计,曲度计。







关键词:c语言嵌入式;开发技术;智能手机中图分类号:tn929 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1007-9599 (2011) 22-0000-02embedded development technology application based on c language in the smart phoneluo sha(beihai vocational college,beihai 536000,china)abstract:with the development of information technology,especially the c language embedded development technology,widely used,to the development of smart phones has brought a new impetus.c language is a relatively common computer programming language,c language program written bya safe,convenient operation and high the smart phone applications,not only to ensure the safety of the call,but also run faster rate,can bring a lot of convenience for the user.this article from the c-based embedded software design of smart phones,smart phones based on the c language embedded hardware design,c-language application development technology embedded in the smart phone starting in three areas of application,based on the c language for embedded development technology applications in the smart phone discussion accordingly.keywords:c language embedded;development of technology;smart phones随着经济的发展,人们生活水平的提高,人们对手机的功能的需求越来越高,不仅要满足其通话、发短信功能,还要满足其社交、游戏、办公及多媒体等功能。



下列关于计算机语言的描述正确English Answer:Computer languages are systems of symbols used to translate human intentions into instructions that machines can execute. They provide a way for humans to communicate with computers and control their behavior.There are many different computer languages, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some of the most popular languages include:Java: A general-purpose language that is widely used in web development, mobile applications, and enterprise software.Python: A general-purpose language that is known for its simplicity and ease of use. It is popular in machine learning, data science, and web development.C++: A powerful and efficient language that is often used in operating systems, embedded systems, and high-performance applications.JavaScript: A popular language that is used in web development and mobile applications.C#: A general-purpose language that is popular in Windows development and web development.Each computer language has its own unique features and syntax. For example, Java is an object-oriented language, which means that it is based on the concept of objects and classes. Python is an interpreted language, which means that it is executed directly by the interpreter without being compiled into machine code.Computer languages are constantly evolving, and new languages are being developed all the time. However, the basic principles of computer languages remain the same.中文回答:计算机语言是符号系统,用于将人的意图翻译成机器可以执行的指令。




Unit OneSection CPDA Prizefight: Palm vs. Pocket PCI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. With DataViz’s Documents To Go, you can view and edit desktop documents on your PDA without converting them first to a PDA-specific ________. (format)2. Both Palm OS and Windows Mobile PDAs can offer e-mail via ________ so that new messages received on your desktop system are transferred to the PDA for on-the-go reading. (synchronization)3. The Windows Mobile keyboard, Block Recognizer, and Letter Recognizer are all ________ input areas, meaning they appear and disappear as needed. (virtual)4. Generally speaking, Windows Mobile performs better in entering information and playing ________ files while Palm OS offers easier operation, more ________ programs, better desktop compatibility, and a stronger e-mail application. (multimedia; third-party)II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. data field数据字段2. learning curve学习曲线3. third-party solution第三方解决方案4. Windows Media Player Windows媒体播放器5. 开始按钮Start button6. 指定输入区designated input area7. 手写体识别系统handwriting-recognition system8. 字符集character setUnit ThreeSection BLonghorn:The Next Version of WindowsI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. NGSCB, the new security architecture Microsoft is developing for Longhorn, splits the OS into two parts: a standard mode and a(n) ________ mode. (secure)2. It is reported that Longhorn will provide different levels of operation that disable the more intensive Aero effects to boost ________ on less capable PCs. (performance)3. With Longhorn’s new graphics and presentation engine, we can create and display Tiles on the desktop, which remind us of the old Active Desktop but are based on ________ instead of ________. (XML; HTML)4. The most talked-about feature in Longhorn so far is its new storage system, WinFS, whichworks like a(n) ________ database. (relational)II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. search box搜索框2. built-in firewall内置防火墙3. standalone application独立应用程序4. active desktop 活动桌面5. mobile device移动设备6. 专有软件proprietary software7. 快速加载键quick-launch key8. 图形加速器graphics accelerator9. 虚拟文件夹virtual folder10. 三维界面three-dimensional interfaceUnit FourSection CArraysI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. Given the array called object with 20 elements, if you see the term object10, you know the array is in ________ form; if you see the term object[10], you know the array is in ________ form. (subscript; index)2. In most programming languages, an array is a static data structure. When you define an array, the size is ________. (fixed)3. A(n) ________ is a pictorial representation of a frequency array. (histogram)4. An array that consists of just rows and columns is probably a(n) ________ array. (two-dimensional)II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. bar chart条形图2. frequency array频率数组3. graphical representation图形表示4. multidimensional array多维数组5. 用户视图user(’s) view6. 下标形式subscript form7. 一维数组one-dimensional array8. 编程结构programming constructUnit FiveSection BMicrosoft .NET vs. J2EEI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. One of the differences between C# and Java is that Java runs on any platform with a Java Virtual ________ while C# only runs in Windows for the foreseeable future. (Machine)2. With .NET, Microsoft is opening up a channel both to ________ in other programming languages and to ________. (developers; components)3. J2EE is a single-language platform; calls from/to objects in other languages are possiblethrough ________, but this kind of support is not a ubiquitous part of the platform. (CORBA)4. One important element of the .NET platform is a common language ________, which runs bytecodes in an Internal Language format. (runtime)II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. messaging model消息收发模型2. common language runtime通用语言运行时刻(环境)3. hierarchical namespace分等级层次的名称空间4. development community开发社区5. CORBA公用对象请求代理(程序)体系结构6. 基本组件base component7. 元数据标记metadata tag8. 虚拟机virtual machine9. 集成开发环境IDE(integrated development environment)10. 简单对象访问协议SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)Unit SixSection ASoftware Life CycleI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. The development process in the software life cycle involves four phases: analysis, design, implementation, and ________. (testing)2. In the system development process, the system analyst defines the user, needs, requirements and methods in the ________ phase. (analysis)3. In the system development process, the code is written in the ________ phase. (implementation)4. In the system development process, modularity is a very well-established principle used in the ________ phase. (design)5. The most commonly used tool in the design phase is the ________. (structure chart)6. In the system development process, ________ and pseudocode are tools used by programmers in the implementation phase. (flowcharts)7. Pseudocode is part English and part program ________. (logic)8. While black box testing is done by the system test engineer and the ________, white box testing is done by the ________. (user; programmer)II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. standard graphical symbol标准图形符号2. logical flow of data标准图形符号3. test case测试用例4. program validation程序验证5. white box testing白盒测试6. student registration system学生注册系统7. customized banking package定制的金融软件包8. software life cycle软件生命周期9. user working environment用户工作环境10. implementation phase实现阶段11. 测试数据test data12. 结构图structure chart13. 系统开发阶段system development phase14. 软件工程software engineering15. 系统分析员system(s) analyst16. 测试工程师test engineer17. 系统生命周期system life cycle18. 设计阶段design phase19. 黑盒测试black box testing20. 会计软件包accounting packageIII. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary:development; testing; programmer; chart; engineer; attend; interfacessystem; software; small; userdevelop; changes; quality; board; UncontrolledIV. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese:软件工程是软件开发的一个领域;在这个领域中,计算机科学家和工程师研究有关的方法与工具,以使高效开发正确、可靠和健壮的计算机程序变得容易。



低级语言和高级语言(Low level language and high-levellanguage)13.3.1 low-level language and high-level languageComputer programming languages can be divided into two types: low level language and high-level language.1. low level languageLow-level languages provide the ability to manipulate the underlying hardware of a computer system. A skilled programmer usually uses low-level languages to write bottom system software such as operating systems, device drivers, and compilers. Low-level languages use the CPU instruction set to directly call processors, registers, and memory addresses, and maintain very high efficiency in these operations. Since different CPU provides different instruction sets, low-level languages rely on computers.Low level languages are very flexible and efficient in processing hardware, but writing programs requires a more thorough understanding of operating systems and hardware, usually only by a few professional programmers.(1) machine languageA machine language is a programming language that exists in binary form and can be directly executed by a computer. Every sentence in a machine language is a machine instruction consisting of binary operands and operands.Machine language is difficult for people to understand and difficult to master. It is only used in the initial stage of computer development.(2) assembly languageAssembly language uses some mnemonic symbols to represent the instructions and data in machine language, and makes the machine language symbolic. Therefore, sometimes assembly language is also called symbolic language. Different types of computer systems usually have different assembly languages.Assembly language before execution, it is necessary to use assembly system to translate assembly language into machine language. As shown in figure 13.9.2. high-level languageThe high-level language also provides the instructions or statements needed to write programs, but these statements are very close to human language and are quite functional, and you can use them to write large application software systems. Common computer programming languages are mostly high-level languages such as BASIC, C, C++, FORTRAN, PASCAL, Java, and so on.Unlike low-level language, a high-level program can run on different computer systems, this feature greatly reduces the burden of programmers, so they do not understand the underlying computer knowledge, and will focus on the application of logicsystem.Programs written in high-level languages do not run directly on the operating system. They need to translate program code into computer languages that can be directly run by the computer, depending on the computer system. This work is generally handled automatically by high-level language systems.Generally, program code written in high-level language is called source program, and the translated machine language code is called object program".(1) procedural languageA program written in procedural languages that contains a series of statement descriptions that tell the computer how to execute these statements for specific tasks. The process of the language program need to design specific algorithms, process design program we mentioned earlier, it is mainly aimed at the process of the language, we are most common programming language the process of language, such as BASIC and C etc..(2) declarative languageDeclarative language is a rather special language, which differs greatly from the idea of procedural language. The definition of language programmers only need to specify the rules and conditions, do not need to describe the specific means of language's own built-in algorithm, can put these rules to explain specific steps to solve the problem. That is to say, when you write a program in declarative language, you just tellthe computer what to do without telling it how to do it.The SQL language in the database management system is an illustrative language. For example, the user wrote the SQL statement "SELECT * FROM TB", the function of this statement to output all records of the TB table. You can see, this statement does not describe how to query, but tell the system to check what, the system received this instruction, according to the scheduled algorithm to complete the query, and output results.Figure 13.12 is a Oracle SQL Plus interface that runs the SQL statement.Figure 13.12 Oracle SQL Plus running interface(3) scripting languageScripting languages are extensions that some application systems provide to extend the functionality of the application system. Users can write scripts to embed into the application system and accomplish certain tasks. Scripting languages run entirely on application systems and cannot run separately.For example, HTML, VBScript, and JavaScript are scripting languages running on browsers, using these scripts to write colorful web programs.The macro language in Microsoft Office is also a scripting language, as shown in figure 13.13. This macro language has exactly the same syntax as VB, and users can use these macrosto extend the application of Office. Incidentally, the Office macro language also provides an opportunity for some people who have an ulterior motive, in recent years a variety of macro virus is rampant everywhere, use the Office macro language.Figure 13.13 Microsoft Office macro editorIn general, scripting languages are relatively simple and provide a lot of control options.(4) object oriented languageObject oriented language is a programming language based on object oriented method. The basic idea of object-oriented method is: the objective world is composed of many kinds of objects, each object has its own internal state and the motion law of interaction and connection between different objects of different kinds of system.Object oriented language reflects the objective world more intuitively, and facilitates the decomposition of complex problems into a number of sub problems. Therefore, it has been widely used in the development of large-scale software in recent years.Object oriented languages generally include the following concepts:Object: an object is made up of attributes and operations. Attributes and operations describe the characteristics of an object.Class: a class is a collection of objects with the same characteristics, and an object is an instance of a particular class.Encapsulation: hide the internal details of objects as much as possible. Only some interfaces of an object are provided to the outside.Inheritance: hierarchies exist between classes, and child objects have all the properties of a parent class.Message: an object sending a service request to another object is called a message. Messages are means of communication between objectsPolymorphism: refers to an operation that operates on different objects and can have different operations, depending on the class information that the object determines which operations to perform.C++, Java, and are all object oriented languages.13.3.2 interpreted language and compiled languageWhen a computer translates a source program into an object program, there are two ways of translating, one is "Interpreting", and the other is "compiling". Corresponding to the two translation methods, high-level language can be divided into interpretative language and compiled language.1. explanatory languageInterpreted languages use interpreters to generate target programs. Run an interpretive language program, an interpreter reads a statement, put it into executable machine language, and sent to the processor; and then read the next statement, to continue the process until the end. Explain the characteristics of language is the implementation of the translation of a sentence by sentence, translating, so explain written language program execution speed is relatively slow, especially multi loop program loop is repeated several times to explain, the efficiency is very low.The process in which a statement is interpreted by an interpreted language, as shown in figure 13.10.The more familiar BASIC and scripting languages are explanatory languages. But some advanced BASIC environments, such as Visual BASIC, now provide compilation capabilities.2. compiled languagePrograms written in compiled languages must be passed by the compiler to translate the source program into equivalent object programs before they run, and then execute the machine code. The compiled target program can run directly from the compiler environment under the operating system. Many compilers provide the compiler optimization function to optimize the speed of the target program under different computer systems, so the compiler language runs more efficiently.In a compiled language, programs written in compiled language contain any syntax errors,Then the compiler can not pass, and can not run and view the results.The compiler's compilation process is usually divided into two steps:1. compiler: the compiler converts the source program to the target program, but the target module does not allocate the absolute address of the memory and can not be executed directly.2. links: the compiler converts all relevant objects and function libraries into a loader that assigns addresses and belongs to executable programs.The entire process of compiling a compiler is shown in figure 13.11.Both the C and C++ languages belong to the compiled language.Java is a very special language, is between the compilation and explanation, Java can be compiled to generate binary file binary file, but this can not directly run in the operating system, through the Java virtual machine to explain real operation.。



学好计算机英语,高效的方法英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Learning Computer English EfficientlyIn today's digital age, it is essential to have a good command of English, especially when it comes to computer-related subjects. Whether you are a programmer, a software engineer, or a computer scientist, being able to communicate effectively in English is a valuable skill that can help you succeed in the tech industry. In this article, we will discuss some high-impact methods to learn computer English efficiently.1. Immersion in English-speaking environments:One of the best ways to improve your English skills is to immerse yourself in an English-speaking environment. This can be achieved by watching English-language television shows and movies, listening to English podcasts, and reading English books and articles. By exposing yourself to the language on a daily basis, you will gradually become more comfortable with using English in a computer-related context.2. Taking specialized courses:There are many online and offline courses available that focus specifically on computer English. These courses cover topics such as programming languages, technical terminology, and communication skills for professionals in the tech industry. By enrolling in such courses, you can acquire the specialized vocabulary and skills needed to excel in the field of computer science.3. Practice writing and speaking:To become proficient in computer English, it is crucial to practice writing and speaking in the language. You can start by writing code snippets in English, describing algorithms and data structures in English, and discussing technical topics with your peers in English. By actively using the language in practical contexts, you will gain confidence in expressing yourself fluently and accurately.4. Engaging with online communities:There are numerous online communities and forums dedicated to computer science and programming, where you can interact with like-minded individuals from around the world. By participating in discussions, asking questions, and sharing your knowledge, you can improve your English skills while staying up-to-date with the latest trends in the tech industry.5. Seeking feedback and guidance:To accelerate your progress in learning computer English, it is important to seek feedback and guidance from experienced professionals in the field. You can join mentoring programs, attend workshops and conferences, and network with industry experts to receive valuable advice and insights. By learning from those who have practical experience in the tech industry, you can gain a deeper understanding of how to use English effectively in a computer-related context.In conclusion, mastering computer English is a key factor in achieving success in the tech industry. By immersing yourself in English-speaking environments, taking specialized courses, practicing writing and speaking, engaging with online communities, and seeking feedback and guidance, you can develop the language skills needed to excel in the field of computer science. Remember that learning a new language is a continuous process, so be patient and persistent in your efforts to improve your computer English skills.篇2Title: How to Learn Computer English EfficientlyIn today's digital era, having a good command of computer English is essential for anyone working in the technology field. Whether you are a programmer, a software engineer, or a data analyst, being proficient in computer English can greatly enhance your career prospects. In this article, we will explore some effective methods to learn computer English efficiently.1. Immerse Yourself in the LanguageOne of the most effective ways to learn any language is by immersing yourself in it. Surround yourself withcomputer-related content such as online articles, books, forums, and videos. This will not only improve your language skills but also help you stay updated with the latest trends in the tech industry.2. Take Online CoursesThere are plenty of online platforms that offer courses specifically tailored to help you learn computer English. Websites like Coursera, Udemy, and Codecademy offer courses on programming languages, software development, and data analysis, all of which can help you improve your computer English skills.3. Practice RegularlyConsistent practice is key to mastering any language. Take every opportunity to practice speaking, writing, and reading computer English. You can set aside some time each day to work on vocabulary exercises, coding challenges, or simply readtech-related articles to improve your language skills.4. Join Tech CommunitiesJoining online tech communities and forums can be a great way to learn computer English while networking withlike-minded individuals. Participate in discussions, ask questions, and share your knowledge with others. This will not only help you improve your language skills but also expand your professional network.5. Use Language Learning AppsThere are several language learning apps available that can help you improve your computer English skills. Apps like Duolingo, Memrise, and Rosetta Stone offer interactive lessons that can make learning more engaging and fun. Make use of these apps to supplement your language learning efforts.6. Seek FeedbackSeeking feedback from native speakers or language tutors can be extremely beneficial when learning a new language. Askfor feedback on your writing, pronunciation, and grammar to identify areas that need improvement. Use this feedback to make necessary adjustments to your learning strategy.7. Stay MotivatedLearning a new language can be challenging, so it's important to stay motivated throughout the process. Set realistic goals for yourself, track your progress, and celebrate your achievements along the way. Remember that learning computer English is a valuable skill that can open up new opportunities in your career.In conclusion, learning computer English can be a rewarding experience that can enhance your career prospects in the tech industry. By immersing yourself in the language, taking online courses, practicing regularly, joining tech communities, using language learning apps, seeking feedback, and staying motivated, you can effectively learn computer English and excel in your field. Keep these tips in mind and you'll be on your way to mastering computer English in no time.篇3Learning computer English is essential for anyone working in the field of technology or IT. With the increasing globalization ofthe IT industry, being proficient in English is a valuable skill that can help improve communication with colleagues and clients worldwide. However, mastering computer English can be a daunting task for some, especially for those whose first language is not English. In this article, we will discuss some effective methods to learn computer English efficiently.1. Improve your general English skillsBefore diving into computer-specific vocabulary and terminology, it is important to have a strong foundation in general English. This includes grammar, vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. There are many resources available for improving general English skills, such as textbooks, online courses, language exchange programs, and language learning apps.2. Familiarize yourself with computer terminologyOnce you have a good grasp of general English, it's time to focus on computer-specific vocabulary and terminology. Start by learning common computer terms related to hardware, software, networking, programming languages, and IT concepts. You can use specialized dictionaries, glossaries, textbooks, and online resources to help you expand your computer vocabulary.3. Practice reading and listening to technical contentTo become more comfortable with computer English, it's important to expose yourself to technical content such as articles, blogs, tutorials, and podcasts related to technology and IT. Reading and listening to technical content will not only help you understand computer English in context but also improve your reading and listening skills. You can start by following technology websites, blogs, and social media accounts to stay updated on the latest trends and developments in the IT industry.4. Participate in online forums and discussion groupsJoining online forums and discussion groups related to computer technology is a great way to practice using computer English in a real-life context. Engage in conversations, ask questions, share your knowledge, and seek help from other members. Participating in online forums can help you improve your writing and speaking skills, as well as gain valuable insights from experienced professionals in the field.5. Take online courses and certificationsEnrolling in online courses and certifications focused on computer English can significantly accelerate your learningprocess. Many reputable websites offer courses specifically designed to help non-native English speakers improve their computer English skills. These courses usually cover a wide range of topics such as technical writing, presentation skills, business English, and communication in the workplace.6. Practice with language exchange partnersFinding a language exchange partner who is fluent in English and also interested in technology can be a fun and effective way to practice computer English. You can take turns teaching each other your respective languages, discussing technical topics, and providing feedback on each other's language skills. Language exchange partnerships can help you build confidence, improve your fluency, and expand your vocabulary in a supportive environment.7. Stay motivated and consistentLearning a new language, especially a specialized one like computer English, requires dedication and perseverance. Set realistic goals, create a study schedule, and track your progress regularly. Celebrate small achievements, stay motivated, and don't get discouraged by setbacks. Consistency is key when it comes to mastering computer English, so make it a habit topractice regularly and maintain a positive attitude towards learning.In conclusion, learning computer English is a valuable skill that can open up a world of opportunities in the technology and IT industry. By improving your general English skills, familiarizing yourself with computer terminology, practicing reading and listening to technical content, participating in online forums, taking online courses, practicing with language exchange partners, and staying motivated and consistent, you can effectively learn computer English and enhance your communication skills in the field of technology. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep practicing and never stop learning.。



CCT全国高等学校计算机考试——单选、多选、判断题库(Common Computer Test全国高等学校非计算机专业学生计算机基础知识和应用能力等级考试)一、单选(红色标记为对的答案)1.世界上第一台电子计算机诞生于()年。





A.大型计算机B.小型计算机C.中型计算机D.微型计算机6.下列计算机应用中, 不属于数据解决的是()。







A.科学计算B.辅助教学C.信息解决D.过程控制13.就工作原理而言, 目前大多数计算机采用的是科学家()提出的"存储程序和程序控制"原理。


A.模块化B.系列化C.网络化D.功能化15.计算机之所以能按人们的意图自动地进行操作, 重要是由于采用了()。







例如,COPY(拷贝文件命令)是英语单词,意为“复制、抄写”,DIR(显示目录命令)是英语单词Directory 缩略而来,REN(改变文件名命令)来自英语单词Rename。













CCT: Common Computer Test-指全国高等学校非计算机专业学生计算机基础知识和应用能力等级考试,简称高校等考。








back, previous 前一步
next 下一步
finish 结束
cancel 取消,撤消
exit 退出
edit 编辑
copy 复制,通常的快捷键为Ctrl + c
cut 剪切,通常的快捷键为Ctrl + x
paste 粘贴,通常的快捷键为Ctrl + v
delete 删除
undo 取消
delete 删去
update 更新
query, search 查询
sort 排序
SQL (Structured Query Language) 结构化查询语言
restore 恢复
configuration 配置
document 文档
cursor 光标
object 对象
attribute 属性
Programming language 编程语言
OOP (Object Oriented Programming) 面向对象的程序设计,JAVA就是一种OOP语言
visual programming 可视化编程
upper (lower) case 大写(小写)字母
change directory 更换目录
access level访问级别
account 账户
action 动作
activate 激活
active 活动的
actual parameter 实参
adapter 适配器
add-in 插件
address 地址
address space 地址空间
ADO(ActiveX Data Object)ActiveX数据对象



PASCAL The computer language PASCAL was invented in 1970 by Professor Nucleus Wirth of Zurich. It was named after the French mathematician, Blaze Pascal,who invented one of the earliest known calculators--a forerunner of the modern computer. As with all computer languages PASCAL was designed to meet a particular objective. In this case the objective was to relate a language, which would be better suited to teaching programming than any existing language. Although PASCAL was invented in 1970, this is not to s叮that it came out of the blue and had no similarity to computer languages that already existed—PASCAL's ancestors include the programming languages ALGOL and PL I .PASCAL took much of the best material from these two languages and as a result it is a better and simple language than either. PASCAL, like BASIC, also is a high level language. However, before a program written in PASCAL can be run on a computer it must be trans-lasted into machine code. This is different from BASIC.It means that running a PASCAL program takes at least three operations:(1) The program must be entered into the computer as text.(2) It must be compiled into machine code(3) It must then be run,i.e.the computer must begin obeying its instructions. The first stage usually involves the use of a pro-gram called an editor, which allows text of any sort to be entered, altered and saved for later use. The sec-and stage then uses the output from the editor and converts it to machine code. Finally this machine codes loaded into the computer and is allowed to take control. We can visualize this process as:①program written on paper②Editor③program text in computer④Compiler⑤program in machine code form⑥program loaded and running We start with a program written on paper and end with the equivalent machine code program in control of the computer's actions. In developing a program it is rare for it to work first time.In this case we have to discover the reason for the failure and correct it. This involves going back to the text of the program and using the editor to make the correction. The amended program must then be re-compiled and once again tested by running. This forms a cycle that may have to be repeated severalties. If you have used a computer with a language couch as BASIC you may be puzzled as to why PASCAL requires so many steps to get from a written program to running program. It is fairly common to find implementations of BASIC where the program is typed in, edited and run without any obvious moving from editor to compiler, catch. The reason for this is that an interpreter most often implements BASIC. An interpreter is a program that serves the same purpose as a compiler, in that it allows instructions writ-ten in a high level language to control a computer that understands only machine code, but it achieves this in a very different way.An interpreter is a program that’s in the machine at the same time as the text of over program. When you type RUN,or whatever word indicates that the computer should carry out your program, the interpreter looks at the first line of your program and makes the machine carve out actions that are implied by its meaning. You can think of this as the interpreter converting the current line of your program to machine code and running it whereas compiler converts the entire program before you can run it. It is obvious that for learning a language it is better to use an interpreter or some similar system. Its a sad fact that nearly all implementations of PASCAL use compilers and therefore not ideal foreigners.However, if you need a program to bedewed at full speed then use of a compiler is clearly-.he better choice. This is because an interpreter trans-.Ate the program every time it is run but a compiler4ocs it once only. Thus, for a program that uses an-interpreter, the translation time is added to the time Nat the program takes to carry out its task. Therefore, hale interpreters are easy to use, compilers produce sat programs. The picture that we have given so far is a little too simple to account for the way that all versions of PASCAL are implemented. The truth is that a complier is a program that translates from one computer language to another--not just to machine code.It would for example be quite possible to write a compiler to change PASCAL into BASIC.Indeed it must be an advantage because if we translated PASCAL into BASIC we could make use of the BASIC interpreter that is almost always supplied with a computer. What we have just proposed is a method that issued by many versions of PASCAL although instead of translating to BASIC the language that the compiler translates to is known as Plods. In other words,many PASCAL compilers do nottranslate PASCAL into machine code: Instead they produce another language called P Cod. A P-Code interpreter then interprets this P-Code pro-gram. This might sound like a silly way to run a program because it combines the difficulty of a compiler in the first stage with the slowness of an interpreter in the second, However, it is the method used by a number of PASCAL implementations and the reason is that it makes it easier to produce versions for different machines.If a compiler produces machine code then moving it to a new machine means virtually rewriting it. If a compiler produces P-Code then moving it to anew machine is a matter of writing a new P-Code interpreter--which is a considerably easier task!To summarize, there are two popular ways to implement PASCAL:Compile to machine code, or compile to P-Code and then interpret it. Of course anyone version of PASCAL will only use one of these two methods but it should help you to understand the different steps that you have to go through to run your PASCAL programs and why other versions are different.。



现吨市安达阳光实验学校高三英语阅读理解专练(47)AWind—even the slightest of winds can prevent frost (霜冻).T hat’s because wind is like a spoon in your cup of tea: it stirs (搅起)things down and brings down a lot of warm air that often floats just above housetops and trees .It may seem strange , but ice itself sometimes can protect crops from frost . Some growers actually spray their crops with water on a freezing night . Water freezes quickly on plants and then a strange thing happens . As long as ice stays wet , it can’t ge t colder than 32°F, a temperaure many plants can stand . By continual spraying water on the ice , the growers keep it from going below 32 degrees even if the air is much colder . This may defeat frost and saves plants .This strange kind of “ice blanket” works only on plants that are strong enough to stand the weight of frozen spray . This is used even to protect banana plants on some Central American farms .1.If the ice became entirely frozen and dry , suppose what might happen .A.The plants might be frozen to death . B.The plants might benefit from it .C.It might save the plants . D.It might make the plants grow slowly .2.Ice can save plants rather than destroy them on condition that they are .A.sprayed regularly B.quickly frozen C.not strong enough D.used to frost3.The best title would be .A.Frost Saves crops B.Ice Battle C.Ice Can Be Nice D.Ice Is Good4.In which of the following sentences “stand” has the same meaning as in the last paragraph ?A.He could hardly stand . B.This house stands the test of time .C.The train stood for an hour . D.He stands in terrible danger .BBuild the highway and watch the town grow . At first a few shops appear and maybe a restaurant . Then a hotel opens . Eventually new houses are built . A village is born .This is also how the virtual world has developed . Think of the Internet as the road carrying information between two computers . Think of the World Wide Web as the village . At first it is just a place on the virtual road where travelers meet . More travelers come bringing new kinds of information . New villages are started .Every village has a founder . Tim Berners Lee is the man who wrote the software program that led to the foundation of the World Wide Web .How did he get the idea ? He tells us on his own website : “ One of the things computers were not able to do was store contacts from different sources . The dream behind the Web is of a common space in which we communicate by sharing information.”Tim Berners Lee could have followed the Microsoft route by forming a company to sell the programs he invented . Or he could have joined an existing company . But in his view the Web is a language , not a product . Charging a fee for using his programs would have slowed the growth of the Web . And other companies would make similar products to compete . Instead of one World Wide Web there would be several smaller Webs . Each would use incompatible (不相容的)software . The Web is valuable because it uses a common computer language to reach people and share information . Competing Webs would lose this value .Imagine if somebody sent you a bill every time you spoke a word of English .In 1994 Tim Berners Lee formed World Wide Web Consortium , or W3C. More than 200 leading companies and laboratories are represented by W3C. Together they make sure that everyone no matter what their equipment or software is can work equally on the Web .“The Web can help people to understand the way that others live and love . It hel ps us understand the humanity of people ,” he says . 5.Which appeared first , the Web or the Internet ?A.The Web . B.The InternetC.They appeared at the same time . D.There is no clue in the passage .6.What does the underlined part “ the virtual world” refer to ?A.The computer system . B.Scientific research C.All the information on the Web and the Internet .D.People working on the Web and the Internet7.What can be inferred from the sentence “Imagine if somebody sent yo ua bill every time you spoke a word of English ?A.The information on the Web should be shared by all .B.The Web is where all kinds of information are stored .C.People can get all kinds of information on the Web . D.People can communicate on the Web .8.Which is the main idea of the passage ?A.How Tim Berners Lee founded the World Wide Web .B.The advantage of working on the World Wide Web .C.Why Tim Berners Lee wanted to found the World Wide Web .D.The building of World Wide Web is similar to the building of highways .CFOREIGN EXCHANGEA CLASS OE THEIR OWN9.The students who refer to both the good time and the bad time include .A.Susan Lane and Sara Small B.Linda Marks and David Links C.Tom Jennings and Linda Marks D.Leanne Smythe and Tom Jennings 10.The writing above would probably be .A.the records of students’ activities B.the foreign students’ name cardsC.the notice about a visit to foreign countriesD.the advertisement from an international travel service 11.The student who valued learning another language is .A.Linda Marks B.Sara Small C.Tom JenningsD.Leanne Smythe12.How many students mention the culture difference they have experienced ?A.Three . B.Four . C.Five . D.Six .DTake care about those who use the truth to deceive. When someone tells you something that is true , but leaves out important information that should be included , he can make a false impression . For example , someone might say, “I just won a hundred do llars on the lottery . It was great .I took that dollar ticket back to the store and turned it in for one hundred dollars !”This guy is a winner , right ? Maybe , maybe not . We then discovered that he bought two hundred tickets , and only one was a winner .He is really a big loser ! He didn’t say anything that was false , but he intentionally left out important information . That’s called ahalf-truth . Half truths are not technically lies , but they are just as dishonest .Untrustworthy candidates(候选人)in political campaigns often usethis trick . Let’say that during Governor Smith’s last term , her state lost one million jobs and gained three million jobs . Then she seeks another term . One of her opponents (对手) runs and ad. saying , “During Governor Smi th’s term , the state lost one million jobs !” That’s true . However ,an honest statement would have been , “During Governor Smith’s term, the state had a net gain of two million jobs .”Advertisers will sometimes use half-truths . It’s against the law to make false statements so they try to mislead you with the truth . An ad might boast (吹嘘), “Nine out of ten-doctors recommend Yucky Pills to cure nose pimples.” It fails to mention that they only asked ten doctors and nine of them work for the Yucky Corporation .This kind of trick happens too often . It’s a sad fact of life: Lies are lies ,and sometimes the truth can lie as well .13.Which of the statements is true according to the article ?A.All advertisements are lies .B.You can’t trus t anyone who tells the truth .C.The truth can be used in dishonest ways .D.Whenever people tell the truth , they are really lying . 14.What does the underlined word “deceive” probably mean ?A.tell B.explain C.fool D.win15.The writer suggests in this article that people should .A.believe in nobody for female candidatesC.stay away from political campaigns D.think carefully about what they read and hear16.What is the best title for this article ?A.Everyone Lies at PresentB.Lying With the TruthC.Try to Be Honest to the PeopleD.Don’t Believe People Who Tell the TruthEA new study says one part of the human brain may become smaller as the result of a condition known as jet lag . Jet lag results from flying long distances in an airplane . People with jet lag may feel extremely tired for several days . They may also have problems thinking clearly and remembering .Recently a researcher at the University of Bristol in Britain reported the findings of his jet lag study , which involved twenty young women who worked for international airlines . They had served passengers on airplanes for five years . These flight attendants flew across many countries and at least seven time zones . In the study , the flight attendants had different amounts of time to recover from jet lag . Half the women spent five days or fewer in their home areas between long flights . The other half spent more than fourteen days in their home areas .The researcher took some saliva from the women’s mouths to measure levels of a hormone (荷尔蒙)that increases during stress(紧张). He tested them to see if they could remember where black spots appeared on a computer screen . And he took pictures of their brains to measure the size of the brain’s temporal lobes (脑叶).It was found that the women who had less time between flights had smaller right temporal lobes . This area of the brain deals with recognizing and remembering what is seen . The same group performed worse and had slower reaction times on the visual memory test . And their saliva samples showed higher levels of stress hormones .The researcher believes the brain needs at least ten days to recover after a long trip . He says airline workers told him their ability to remember got worse after working on planes for about four years . Other studies have shown that increased feelings of stress can cause a loss of cells in the part of the brain that controls memory .Scientists say more tests are needed to study the effects of jet lag on the brain . They want to find out if too much jet lag could permanently (永久性的)affect memory .17.According to the text , jet lag .A.can cause difficulties in speakingB.can make people feel tired for a few weeksC.can be only found in flight attendantsD.can be caused by flying over several time zones18.It can be inferred from the text that .A.the conclusion is refused by many scientistsB.scientists fear that this research is not done properlyC.every scientific conclusion needs the support from many tests D.the women who were examined in the research were not healthy 19.From the result of the research we can see that .A.the women who have longer rest at home show better memoryB.the women who fly in short time have smaller right temporal lobes C.the women who have longer flights fail the memory testD.the women who rest more than 14 days produce less hormones 20.What is the subject discussed in the text ?A.The cause of jet lag .B.A story of a group of flight attendants .C.The importance of having enough rest after flights .D.A research about the effects of jet lag on the brain .参考答案AACBB CACCA BACCD BDCAD。



计算机必懂的英文单词和缩写·PC:个人计算机Personal Computer·CPU:中央处理器Central Processing Unit·CPU Fan:中央处理器的“散热器”(Fan)·MB:主机板MotherBoard·RAM:内存Random Access Memory,以PC-代号划分规格,如PC-133,PC-1066,PC-2700 ·HDD:硬盘Hard Disk Drive·FDD:软盘Floopy Disk Drive·CD-ROM:光驱Compact Disk Read Only Memory·DVD-ROM:DVD光驱Digital Versatile Disk Read Only Memory·CD-RW:刻录机Compact Disk ReWriter·VGA:显示卡(显示卡正式用语应为Display Card)·AUD:声卡(声卡正式用语应为Sound Card)·LAN:网卡(网卡正式用语应为Network Card)·MODM:数据卡或调制解调器Modem·HUB:集线器·WebCam:网络摄影机·Capture:影音采集卡·Case:机箱·Power:电源·Moniter:屏幕,CRT为显像管屏幕,LCD为液晶屏幕·USB:通用串行总线Universal Serial Bus,用来连接外围装置·IEEE1394:新的高速序列总线规格Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers·Mouse:鼠标,常见接口规格为PS/2与USB·KB:键盘,常见接口规格为PS/2与USB·Speaker:喇叭·Printer:打印机·Scanner:扫描仪·UPS:不断电系统·IDE:指IDE接口规格Integrated DeviceElectronics,IDE接口装置泛指采用IDE接口的各种设备·SCSI:指SCSI接口规格Small Computer SystemInterface,SCSI接口装置泛指采用SCSI接口的各种设备·GHz:(中央处理器运算速度达)Gega赫兹/每秒·FSB:指“前端总线(Front Side Bus)”频率,以MHz为单位·ATA:指硬盘传输速率ATAttachment,ATA-133表示传输速率为133MB/sec·AGP:显示总线Accelerated GraphicsPort,以2X,4X,8X表示传输频宽模式·PCI:外围装置连接端口Peripheral Component Interconnect·ATX:指目前电源供应器的规格,也指主机板标准大小尺寸·BIOS:硬件(输入/输出)基本设置程序Basic Input Output System·CMOS:储存BIOS基本设置数据的记忆芯片Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor ·POST:开机检测Power On Self Test·OS:操作系统Operating System·Windows:窗口操作系统,图形接口·DOS:早期文字指令接口的操作系统·fdisk:“规划硬盘扇区”-DOS指令之一·format:“硬盘扇区格式化”-DOS指令之一·setup.exe:“执行安装程序”-DOS指令之一·Socket:插槽,如CPU插槽种类有SocketA,Socket478等等·Pin:针脚,如ATA133硬盘排线是80Pin,如PC2700内存模块是168Pin·Jumper:跳线(短路端子)·bit:位(0与1这两种电路状态),计算机数据最基本的单位·Byte:字节,等于8 bit(八个位的组合,共有256种电路状态),计算机一个文字以8 bit来表示·KB:等于1024 Byte·MB:等于1024 KB·GB:等于1024 MB计算机网络常用术语一、基本概念lP地址:因特网地址的俗称,为了使信息可以在因特网上正确地传送到目的地,连接在因特网上的每台计算机必须拥有一个唯一的地址,即IP地址。



《计算机英语》课后答案计算机英语computer english technologyUnit One/Section AI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. Charles Babbage; Augusta Ada Byron2. input; output3. VLSI4. workstations; mainframes5. vacuum; transistors6. instructions; software7. digit; eight; byte8. microminiaturization; chipII. T ranslate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. artificial intelligence 人工智能2. paper-tape reader 纸带阅读器3. optical computer 光计算机4. neural network 神经网络5. instruction set 指令集6. parallel processing 并行处理7. difference engine 差分机8. versatile logical element 通用逻辑元件9. silicon substrate 硅衬底10. vacuum tube 真空管11. 数据的存储与处理the storage and handling of data12. 超大规模集成电路very large-scale integrated circuit13. 中央处理器central processing unit14. 个人计算机personal computer15. 模拟计算机analogue computer16. 数字计算机digital computer17. 通用计算机general-purpose computer18. 处理器芯片processor chip19. 操作指令operating instructions20. 输入设备input deviceIII. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary:We can define a computer as a device that accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output. According to the mode of processing, computers are either analog or digital. They can also be classified as mainframes, minicomputers, workstations, or microcomputers. All else (for example, the age of the machine) being equal, this categorization provides some indication of the computer’s speed, size, cost, and abilities.Ever since the advent of computers, there have been constant changes. First-generation computers of historic significance, such as UNIVAC (通用自动计算机), introduced in the early 1950s, were based on vacuum tubes. Second-generation computers, appearing in the early 1960s, were those in which transistors replaced vacuum tubes. In third-generation computers, dating from the 1960s, integrated circuits replaced transistors. In fourth-generation computers such as microcomputers, which first appeared in the mid-1970s, large-scale integration enabled thousands of circuits to be incorporated on one chip. Fifth-generation computers are expected to combine very-large-scale integration with sophisticated approaches to computing, including artificial intelligence and true distributed processing.IV. T ranslate the following passage from English into Chinese: 计算机将变得更加先进,也将变得更加容易使用。



h a r d w a r e硬件computer 计算机,Personal Computer(简称PC)个人计算机keyboard 键盘mouse 鼠标monitor 监视器LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) 液晶显示屏CPU (Center Processor Unit) 中央处理单元main board 主板memory 存储器,内存RAM (Random Access Memory) 随机存储器(内存)Hard Disk 硬盘Modem = Modulator-DEModulator 调制解调器,将信号由一种形式转换成另一种形式的装置BIOS (Basic-input-Output System) 基本输入输出系统Printer 打印机LPT (Line Printer) 打印口,并行口driver 驱动程序或驱动器AGP (Accelerate Graphics Processor) 加速图形接口resolution 分辨率DPI (Dots Per Inch) 每英寸点数,指打印机的分辨率scanner 扫描仪adapter 适配器(卡),俗称“卡”,如声卡、显示卡。

UPS (Uninterruptible Power System) 不间断电源PnP (plug and play) 即插即用compatibility 兼容性,指电脑的通用性。

software 软件OS (Operation System) 操作系统,如DOS,Windows,UNIX都是操作系统advanced 高级的administrator 管理员user 用户guest 访客permission 权限priority 优先级valid 有效的setup, install 安装program 程序uninstall 卸载wizard 向导license 许可(证),在安装非共享软件时,一般都需要有合法的许可证。



Computer Vocabulary In Common Use⼀、硬件类(Hardware)⼆、软件类(Software)三、络类(Network)四、其它CPU(Center Processor Unit)中央处理单元mainboard主板RAM(random accessmemory)随机存储器(内存)ROM(Read Only Memory)只读存储器Floppy Disk软盘Hard Disk硬盘CD-ROM光盘驱动器(光驱)monitor监视器keyboard键盘mouse⿏标chip芯⽚CD-R光盘刻录机HUB集线器Modem= MOdulator-DEModulator,调制解调器P-P(Plug and Play)即插即⽤UPS(Uninterruptable Power Supply)不间断电源BIOS(Basic-input-OutputSystem)基本输⼊输出系统CMOS(Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor)互补⾦属氧化物半导体setup安装uninstall卸载wizzard向导OS(Operation Systrem)操作系统OA(Office AutoMation)办公⾃动化exit退出edit编辑copy复制cut剪切paste粘贴delete删除select选择find查找select all全选replace替换undo撤消redo重做program程序license许可(证)back前⼀步next下⼀步finish结束folder⽂件夹Destination Folder⽬的⽂件夹user⽤户click点击double click双击right click右击settings设置update更新release发布data数据data base数据库DBMS(Data Base ManegeSystem)数据库管理系统configuration配置command命令document⽂档POST(power-on-self-test)电源⾃检程序cursor光标attribute属性icon图标service pack服务补丁option pack功能补丁Demo演⽰short cut快捷⽅式exception异常debug调试previous前⼀个column⾏row列restart重新启动text⽂本font字体size⼤⼩scale⽐例interface界⾯function函数access访问manual指南active激活computer language计算机语⾔menu菜单GUI(graphical userinterfaces )图形⽤户界⾯template模版page setup页⾯设置password⼝令code密码print preview打印预览zoom in放⼤zoom out缩⼩pan漫游cruise漫游full screen全屏tool bar⼯具条status bar状态条ruler标尺table表paragraph段落symbol符号style风格execute执⾏graphics图形image图像Unix⽤于服务器的⼀种操作系统Mac OS苹果公司开发的操作系统OO(Object-Oriented)⾯向对象virus病毒file⽂件open打开colse关闭new新建save保存LAN局域WAN⼴域Client/Server客户机/服务器ATM( AsynchronousTransfer Mode)异步传输模式Windows NT微软公司的络操作系统Internet互联WWW(World Wide Web)万维protocol协议HTTP超⽂本传输协议FTP⽂件传输协议Browser浏览器homepage主页Webpage页website站URL在Internet的WWW服务程序上⽤于指定信息位置的表⽰⽅法Online在线Email电⼦邮件ICQ上寻呼Firewall防⽕墙Gateway关HTML超⽂本标识语⾔hypertext超⽂本hyperlink超级链接IP(Address)互联协议(地址)SearchEngine搜索引擎TCP/IP⽤于络的⼀组通讯协议Telnet远程登录IE(Internet Explorer)探索者(微软公司的络浏览器)Navigator引航者(景公司的浏览器)multimedia多媒体ISO国际标准化组织ANSI美国国家标准协会able 能activefile 活动⽂件addwatch 添加监视点allfiles 所有⽂件allrightsreserved 所有的权⼒保留altdirlst 切换⽬录格式andfixamuchwiderrangeofdiskproblems 并能够解决更⼤范围内的磁盘问题andotherinFORMation 以及其它的信息archivefileattribute 归档⽂件属性assignto 指定到autoanswer ⾃动应答autodetect ⾃动检测autoindent ⾃动缩进autosave ⾃动存储availableonvolume 该盘剩余空间badcommand 命令错badcommandorfilename 命令或⽂件名错batchparameters 批处理参数binaryfile ⼆进制⽂件binaryfiles ⼆进制⽂件borlandinternational borland国际公司bottommargin 页下空⽩bydate 按⽇期byextension 按扩展名byname 按名称bytesfree 字节空闲callstack 调⽤栈casesensitive 区分⼤⼩写causespromptingtoconfirmyouwanttooverwritean 要求出现确认提⽰,在你想覆盖⼀个centralpointsoftwareinc central point 软件股份公司changedirectory 更换⽬录changedrive 改变驱动器changename 更改名称characterset 字符集checkingfor 正在检查checksadiskanddisplaysastatusreport 检查磁盘并显⽰⼀个状态报告chgdrivepath 改变盘/路径node 节点npasswd UNIX的⼀种代理密码检查器,在提交给密码⽂件前,它将对潜在的密码进⾏筛选。

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Common Computer Language常用计算机英语知识及词汇一. Common Hardware 常见硬件篇CPU:Central Processing Unit,中央处理单元,又叫中央处理器或微处理器,被喻为电脑的心脏。

RAM:Random Access Memory,随机存储器,即人们常说的“内存”。

ROM:Read-Only Memory,只读存储器。

EDO:Extended Data Output,扩充数据输出。

当CPU的处理速度不断提高时,也相应地要求不断提高DRAM 传送数据速度,一般来说,FPM(Fast Page Model)DRAM传送数据速度在60-70ns,而EDO DRAM比FPM 快3倍,达20ns。

目前最快的是SDRAM (Synchronous DRAM,同步动态存储器) ,其存取速度高达10ns。

SDRAM:Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory,同步动态随机存储器,又称同步DRAM,为新一代动态存储器。


Cache:英文含义为“(勘探人员等贮藏粮食、器材等的) 地窖;藏物处”。

电脑中为高速缓冲存储器,是位于CPU和主存储器DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory)之间,规模较小,但速度很高的存储器,通常由SRAM(Static Random Access Memory静态存储器)组成。

CMOS:是Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor的缩写,含义为互补金属氧化物半导体(指互补金属氧化物半导体存储器) 。

CMOS是目前绝大多数电脑中都使用的一种用电池供电的存储器(RAM) 。





PCI:Peripheral Component Interconnection,局部总线(总线是计算机用于把信息从一个设备传送到另一个设备的高速通道) 。






著名硬盘商标,美国昆腾硬盘生产商(Quantum Corporation)。


LD:Laser Disk,镭射光盘,又称激光视盘。

CD:Compact Disc,压缩光盘,又称激光唱盘。

CD-ROM:Compact Disc-Read Only Memory,压缩光盘-只读记忆(存储) ,又叫“只读光盘”。

VCD:Video Compact Disc,视频压缩光盘,即人们通常所说的“小影碟”。

DVD:至今有许多人把DVD视为Digital Video Disc (数字视频光盘) 的缩写,事实上,从1995年9月,索尼/飞利浦和东芝/时代华纳两大DVD开发集团达成DVD统一标准后,DVD的内涵有了很大的变化,它已成了数字通用光盘,即Digital Versatile Disc的英文缩写。


目前按其用途可分为5种类型:1 计算机用只读光盘——DVD-ROM;2 家用型影音光盘——DVD-Movie;3 专供音乐欣赏的DVD Audio;4 只写一次的光盘——DVD-R;5 可读写多次的光盘——DVD-RAM。

Modem:调制解调器,家用电脑上Internet (国际互联网) 网的必备工具,在一般英汉字典中是查不到Modem 这个词的,它是调制器(Modulator) 与解调器(Demodulator) 的缩写形式。




UPS:为Uninterruptible Power Supply (不间断电源) 的英文缩写。






二. Common Software 常见软件篇DOS:Disk Operating System,磁盘操作系统。


DOS 的主要功能是管理电脑的硬件和软件资源,方便用户对电脑进行操作。


Windows (微软视窗操作系统) 的出现,标志着DOS时代的结束,图形操作电脑时代的到来。


Window指微软公司(Microsoft) 著名的新一代电脑主流“视窗操作系统”。


Windows视窗操作系统系列产品有Windows 3.1、Windows 3.2、Windows 95(因为该产品是1995年出品,因而取名为Windows 95,也可写成Win95。

PWindows 95指中文版本的Windows 95),而功能更强大的最新产品为Windows 98和Windows 2000等。

Windows 95是目前最著名、最受欢迎的图形化操作系统之一。

Windows NT:微软公司的著名网络视窗操作系统。

NT是New Technology (新技术) 的缩写。

OS/2 Warp:Operating System (操作系统) 。

它是IBM推出的一个性能卓越的纯32位操作系统,同时它也能提供完善的DOS支持,在总体技术上比Windows 95更优越,是Windows 95的一个强有力的竞争对手。

OS/2 Warp中的Warp,英文含义为“弄弯;歪曲”,在这里指IBM为其新一代操作系统OS/2加入的别名。




WPS:Word Processing System,文字处理系统,1989年由香港金山公司(King sun) 开发的一套编辑、打印等功能为一体的DOS平台汉字处理系统,以其简单易学和实用方便等优势迅速占领市场。

在昔日WPS 的辉煌时期,国人一提到电脑无不与WPS联系在一起,真可谓“言电脑必提WPS”。



WPS97:Word Processing System,文字处理系统,珠海金山公司(King sun) 出品,因在1997年上市而命名为WPS97。

它是WPS升级换代产品,是一个能运行在UCDOS、Windows 3 X和Windows 95等中文环境下的文字处理软件。


Office 97:Office为“办公室”之意。


Office 97包括:Word 97(文字处理软件),Excel 97(电子表格处理软件),PowerPoint 97(电子幻灯演示软件),Outlook 97(集日程管理、邮件信息交换等功能于一体的个人事务管理软件)。

Word 97:Word在英语中意思为“单词”。

Word 97指微软高级文字处理软件。

其系列产品还有Word 5.0、Word 6.0、Word 7.0等。

Excel 97:Excel英文意为“胜过、优于”,Excel 97是Microsoft Office 97软件包中的一个电子表格软件。


Microsoft Excel 97是被公认为目前功能最强大、技术最先进、使用最方便的电子表格软件。

Lotus 1-2-3:Lotus是“莲花”之意。

Lotus 1-2-3是美国莲花(Lotus) 公司推出的在Windows环境下的集成软件,它把常用的电子数据表、文字处理、数据库、图形软件、文件管理功能组合在一个系统里,且可以互相传递和调用信息。

Photoshop:由Photo (照片) 和Shop (商店;工厂) 两个单词组成,由此可知,Photoshop是“处理照片的工厂”。




