8B Unit4 Grammar 2



[单选]炉水中二氧化硅的危害是()。A、易结垢B、易降低pH值,对金属有腐蚀C、易产生微生物D、无危害 [单选]9岁小儿患慢性肾功能衰竭,近日出现嗜睡,心音低钝,心电图T波高尖,腱反射消失,考虑可能的原因为()A.感染B.低钠C.低镁D.代谢性酸中毒E.高钾血症 [单选]下列有关肺癌的描述中,哪项是正确的()A.肺癌患者有同侧和隆突下淋巴结转移约占75%B.胸腔积液一般为淡黄色C.鳞癌一般位于肺门周围,对射线不敏感D.腺癌恶性程度高,对射线敏感E.肺癌女性多见 [单选]以下关于烟酸缺乏症的描述错误的是()A.饮食中缺乏烟酸是主要病因B.饮食中色氨酸含量过高引起C.有皮炎表现D.有腹泻和神经炎表现 [单选]关于银行卡账户及交易管理要求的下列表述中,不正确的是()。A.单位人民币卡账户的资金一律从其基本存款账户转账存入B.单位外币卡账户的资金应从其单位的外汇账户转账存入C.单位人民币卡账户不得存取现金D.单位人民币卡账户可以存入销货收入 [单选]()是用来寻找点、线、面的工具。A.辅助角度导航B.辅助坐标导航C.辅助百分比导航D.辅助微调导航 [单选]石油的凝固℃ [单选]比较先进的电子政务网站提供基于一的用户认证机制用于保障网上办公的信息安全和不可抵赖性()A.数字证书B.用户名和密码C.电子邮件地址D.SSL [单选]促进消防工程师行业发展的动力是()。A.公平竞争B.精益求精C.团结互助D.爱岗敬业 [单选]男性,40岁,支气管扩张症20余年,近2周来咳嗽加重、咳脓性臭痰,伴发热、气急就诊。痰普通培养有需氧革兰阴性杆菌生长,而痰涂片革兰阳性菌和阴性菌均能见到,并有真菌孢子。下列感染可能最大的是()A.需氧革兰阴性杆菌感染B.需氧革兰阴性杆菌和真菌混合感染C.需氧革兰阴 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]单纯性肾病常见的并发症是()A.感染B.严重循环充血C.凝血障碍D.贫血E.高血压脑病 [单选,A1型题]关于前列腺增生(BPH)的鉴别诊断,不包括()A.神经源性膀胱B.膀胱颈挛缩C.前列腺癌D.尿道狭窄E.膀胱憩室 [单选]昏厥的原因是()。男孩,4岁,6个月起青紫,渐加重,常蹲踞。胸骨左缘第3肋间可闻及2级收缩期杂音,P2减弱,有杵状指(趾)A.流出道梗阻、肺动脉狭窄B.脑血栓C.心力衰竭D.中毒性脑病E.低钙惊厥 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]胸部叩诊为鼓音不见于下列疾病()。A.空洞型肺结核B.肺脓肿空洞形成C.肺囊肿D.肺炎E.气胸 [单选]对板翅式可逆式换热器,一般允许的热端温差为()A、2-3℃B、1-2℃C、3-5℃ [单选]《铁路旅客运输规程》规定,随同成人旅行身高()的儿童,享受半价客票、加快票和空调票。A.1.0~1.3mB.1.1~1.3mC.1.1~1.4mD.1.1~1.5m [填空题]当埋置深度小于()或小于(),且可用普通开挖基坑排水方法建造的基础,一般称为浅基础。 [单选,A1型题]在五味中,有毒中药占有较高比例的是()A.辛B.酸C.甘D.苦E.咸 [单选,B型题]听力损失指()。A.短时间暴露于强噪声,使听阈上升10~15dB,脱离噪声接触后数分钟内即可恢复正常B.较长时间暴露于强噪声,致使听阈上升超过15~30dB,脱离后需数小时至几十小时才能恢复C.已长期在强噪声环境中导致听力曲线在3000~6000Hz范围内出现"V形" [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]出生后半年身长每月平均增长()。A.1cmB.1.5cmC.2.5cmD.3cmE.3.5cm [单选]狭义理解心理发展是指()。A.心理的种系发展B.心理的种族发展C.群体的心理发展D.个体的心理发展 [填空题]主要的诱导方式方法有:证明性诱导、()和()。 [单选]小儿惊厥最常见的原因是()A.癫痫B.低钙惊厥C.高热惊厥D.低血糖E.颅内感染 [单选]致孕妇畸胎的病毒主要是()A.流感病毒B.脊髓灰质炎病毒C.冠状病毒D.风疹病毒E.登革病毒 [判断题]《进出口电池产品备案书》的有效期为一年。A.正确B.错误 [单选]给肌松药后骨骼肌的松弛有一定规律,下列哪项描述正确()A.眼轮匝肌肉-膈肌-肋间肌-四肢肌肉B.眼轮匝肌肉-四肢肌肉-膈肌-肋间肌C.眼轮匝肌肉-肋间肌-四肢肌肉-膈肌D.眼轮匝肌肉-上肢肌肉-肋间肌-膈肌E.眼轮匝肌肉-肋间肌-膈肌-四肢肌肉 [单选,A3型题]患儿,女,4个月,因惊厥5分钟来院就诊,患儿牛乳喂养,未添加辅食。1日来好哭闹,流涕,无发热、咳嗽、吐泻。查体:T37.8℃,双眼凝视,面肌颤动,面色发绀,四肢抖动,双肺有痰鸣,心腹(﹣),前囟平软2cm×2cm,脑膜刺激征(﹣),枕部有乒乓球感。首选的急救措 [单选]分区独立运行互不干扰,供水可靠,水泵集中布置便于维护管理,能源消耗较小的给水方式是()。A.并联直接给水方式B.分区并联给水方式C.气压水罐并联给水方式D.分区串联给水方式 [填空题]为测定水的色度而进行采样时,所用与样品接触的玻璃器皿都要用()或()加以清洗,最后用蒸馏水或去离子水洗净、沥干。 [单选,A1型题]一胎龄35周早产儿,冬天出生,现年龄为1个月2d。母乳喂养,体重已由出生时2.0kg增至3.0kg。现首先应添加的辅食及其添加目的是()A.米汤,以补充热量B.菜汤,以补充矿物质C.米糊,以补充热量D.鱼肝油,以补充维生素AE.鱼肝油,以补充维生素D [判断题]在彩色地图上,等高线通常不算载负量。A.正确B.错误 [单选]道路旅客运输经营者应当使用符合()规定标准的车辆从事道路运输经营。A、单位B、国家C、企业 [问答题,简答题]什么是平均自信息量与平均互信息,比较一下这两个概念的异同? [单选]印刷业经营者在印刷经营活动中发现违法犯罪行为,应当及时向()或者出版行政部门报告。A.工商行政部门B.公安部门C.文化行政部门D.党委宣传部门 [单选]下列选项中哪项不属于前肢的主要肌肉?()A、斜方肌B、半腱肌C、菱形肌D、背阔肌 [单选]下列哪种抗原不是颗粒性抗原()A.金黄色葡萄球菌B.伤寒杆菌C.红细胞D.抗原包被的乳胶微粒E.细菌外毒素 [单选]当签订合同后,当事人对合同的格式条款的理解发生争议时,以下做法不正确的是()。A.应按通常的理解予以解释B.有两种以上解释的,应做出有利于提供格式条款的一方的解释C.有两种以上解释的,应做出不利于提供格式条款的一方的解释D.在格式条款与非格式条款不一致时,应采用 [单选,A1型题]99mTc-MDP骨显像中显像剂被脏器或组织选择性聚集的机制是()A.离子交换和化学吸附B.细胞吞噬C.合成代谢D.特异性结合E.通透弥散 [单选,A1型题]慢性支气管炎的诊断标准是()A.咳嗽、咳痰或伴喘息,每年发病持续2个月,连续2年以上B.咳嗽、咳痰或伴喘息,每年发病持续2个月,连续3年以上C.咳嗽、咳痰或伴喘息,每年发病持续3个月,连续1年以上并排除其他心肺疾病D.咳嗽、咳痰或伴喘息,每年发病持续1个月,连续 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于胃镜检查术后患者饮食护理的描述,错误的是()A.术后2小时即可进食温流质饮食B.术后30~60分钟咽喉部无麻木感即可饮少量水C.术后患者如无不适即可进食温流食D.术后如无特殊变化,第2餐可恢复正常饮食E.术后第1餐一般不给予普食

牛津译林版 8BUnit 4 词组默写(含答案) - 重点词组

牛津译林版 8BUnit 4 词组默写(含答案) - 重点词组
finally manageto break the ropes
liftemy left hand into the air
begin to shout
a huge army of tiny people
comestraight towards me
After our ship, I.
crashagainst the rocks
swim as far aspossible
by the time
feelthe land under my feet
betired out.
fall down on the beach
have to
Welcome to the unit
a book about Germany in World WarⅡ
beinterested in history books
improve my knowledge of the past
Integrated skills
Speak up
want some history books
where to find them
search forinformation on the computer



8B Unit 1一掌握下面的短语和句型:(Comic strip and Welcome to the unit)1.an hour ago 一个小时前(用于一般过去时)2.(1) not… any more 不再(2) want to do sth 想要干某事(3) play with 和……一起玩,玩弄3.time (1) “时代”,常用复数。

The times are different.时代不同了。


短语和句型:(1) at that time 在那时;at times = from time to time有时;all the time 一直;at the same time 同时;at a time 一次;in time 及时;on time 按时;in no time 立刻,很快;once upon a time 从前(2)It’s time (for sb.) to do sth. 是(某人)做某事的时间了。

(Reading, Vocabulary)1.in fact 事实上2.marry 结婚,娶,嫁(1)marry sb. =be/get married to与……结婚(2)be /get married 结婚3.move to 搬到……4.change a lot 变化很大5.in the past 在过去6.Chinese medicine shop 中药店7.turn into (使)变成8.play cards 打牌,打扑克9.play Chinese chess 下棋10.once 从前11.take off (飞机等)起飞land (飞机等)着陆12.It is … to do sth. 做某事是……。

(不定式作主语)13.lonely (情感上)孤独的,寂寞的。


alone (处境上)单独的(地),独立的(地)。


译林版英语八年级下册 8B Unit4 Grammar课件

译林版英语八年级下册 8B Unit4 Grammar课件
2.I don’t know what to do next.
=I don’t know what I can do next.
1.Gulliver did not know where he could find other people.
Gulliver did not know_w__h_e_r_e_t_o_f_in_d_ other people. 2. Gulliver wondered who he could ask for help.
2.The students _a_s_k_e_d_t_h_e_i_r_t_e_a_ch__er__w_h_e_n__t_o_h_a_n_d in their work
(问他们老师何时交他们的作业). lie_s_h_o_w_e_d__u_s_w_h__a_t _to__d_o_n__ex_t__(向我们展示 下一步做什么).
• Lily, _r_e_tu__rn__ (归还) the book to the library on time.
• R_e_t_u_r_n_in_g(归还) the book to the library on time is necessary for everyone.
• You can __r_e_n_e_w__ (续借) the book without your student card.
2. 当我最终感到大地在我脚下的时候,我筋疲力 尽了。 By the time I finally felt the land under my feet, I was tired out.
3. 我的胳膊、腿和头发被拴在了地面上。 My arms, legs and hair were tied to the ground.



8B Unit4COMIC and WELLCOME :1. a charity show一场慈善演出2.hold a microphone举着麦克风3.be chosen to be …..,被选为…4.be chosen to do sth被选中做某事5.the host of ….,….的主人6.practise a lot 多练习7.practise doing sth 练习做某事8.want to be a good host想成为一个好的主持人9.sleep less during the day白天睡觉少10.raise money for ….,为…募集资金11.There are many ways to do sth .有许多做某事的方法12.There be sb doing sth .有某人在做某事13.There be sth to do .有某事要做14.make a poster 制作海报15.prepare a speech for the show为演出准备一场演讲16.fund-raising activities for …,为…筹集资金的活动17.advertise on the Internet在网上做广告an advertisement 一则广告18.give out 分发19.give out leaflets分发传单20.ask people to donate money叫人捐钱anize a character show组织慈善演出22.sell books to raise money卖书筹钱23.sell out 卖光24.sell well 畅销(主动表被动)25.help schools and students inpoor areas帮助穷困地区的学校和学生26.help sb return to school帮助某人重返校园27.help do sth 有助于做某事28.help protect rivers and lakes inChina帮主保护中国的河流湖泊READING :29.host a charity show主持一场慈善演出30.learn more about …,了解到许多关于….31.write to sb 写信给某人32.write to sb earlier早点写信给某人33.help with a charity show给一场慈善演出帮忙34.help sb with sth在某方面帮助某人35.help sb do sth 帮助某人做某事36. a lot of work 许多工作37.need to be done = need doing(主语是事或物)某事需要做(主动表示被动)38.need to do sth(主语是人)需要做某事39.have much free time有许多空闲时间40.feel very happy 感到很开心41.be chosen to be the host = bechosen as the host被选为主持人42.because of 因为(后接名次代词以及动词的-ing形式等)43.because(后接原因状语从句)44.lots of people = a number ofpeople = plenty of people =many people 许多人45.watch the show 观看表演/演出46.many famous pop stars很多著名的流行歌手47.begin /start doing sth = begin/start to do sth 开始做某事48.start working on the show开始筹备这场演出49.do everything on time按时做一切(按时完成一切工作)50.introduce each star介绍每一位星51.introduce sb to another向另外一人介绍某人/把某人介绍给另外一人52.have many other duties有许多其它的职责53.hard work 辛苦的工作54.be happy to do sth 做某事高兴55.forget /remember to do sth忘记要去做某事(事情还未做)56.forget /remember doing sth忘记做过的事情57.look at the right camera看着正确的摄像机58.at the same time 同时59.at / in the beginning 开始时60.at the beginning of …..,在….开始时61.at the end of ….,在…末端/在….结束时62.near the end of …,在…快结束时63.be able to do sth 能够做某事64.remember all the words65.记住所有的话(台词)66.do everything right 做对一切67.become easier 变得更容易68.The big day came very quickly重大的一天来得非常快。


You had better not miss the last bus. 你最好不要错过末班公共汽车。
in class
on the road
in the dining room
in class in the dining room on the road
1. Be quiet.
1. Line up.
2) 祈使句的否定结构,一律在肯定结构前 加 Do not (Don’t)。例如:
Don’t go there, please. 请别去那儿。 Don’t be late for class! 上课别迟到! Don’t let him in. 不要让他进来。
1. Jim, _____ me a hand.
should 后面要跟动词原形,且没有人称 和数的变化。
You should stop smoking. 你应该戒烟。 should 的否定式是should not/shouldn’t。
You shouldn’t drink and drive. 你不应该喝酒后开车。
注: should=ought to should not =ought not to
C. Don’t do D. Doesn’t do
II. 句型转换。
1. Will you please read it again more slowly? (改为祈使句) _R_e_a_d_i_t_ again more slowly, please.
2. If you don't listen to me, I'll go. (改为同义句) _L_is_t_e_n_t_o_ me, or I'll go.
当我们给他人提建议时,可以用had better 和should,表示“最好”或“应该”做某事, had better的语气比should强一些。

8B Unit 4 Grammar

8B Unit 4 Grammar

• 5 Who should we ask to get tickets for the show? Sally found out . Sally found out who to ask to get tickets for the show. • _____________________________________________ • 6 Which shirt should I wear to the party? I don’t know I don't know which shirt to wear to the party. • _____________________________________________
• 4 Gulliver found out what he could do with the tiny man what to _____ do • Gulliver found out____ _____ with the tiny man. • 5 Gulliver decided when he should leave Lillput. when ______ to leave • Gulliver decided _____ ______Lillput.
• 同义句转换 • 1.Gulliver did not know where he could find other people. where to find • Gulliver did not know _____ ____ _______other people. • 2 Gulliver wondered who he could ask for help. who to ask • Gulliver wondered _____ _____ _____for ____help. • 3 Gulliver did not know how he could break the ropes. • Gulliver did not know____ _____ _____ the ropes. how to break

八年级下册Unit 4《A good read》(grammar)2

八年级下册Unit 4《A good read》(grammar)2
We are discussing which place to visit. • 我不确定明天怎么去上学。
I’m not sure how to go to school tomorrow. • 她不能决定买哪条裙子。
She can’t decide which skirt to buy.
We use must when the speaker feels that something is necessary.
what when ask for
who hand in write about
Daniel: Wow, that’s amazing! By the way, c_i_n_our book report? Amy: Before next Friday. I’m still not sure _w__h_a_t_t_o___ _w__ri_t_e_a_b_o_u_t_ in the report.
Using question words + to-infinitives
1. Millie has decided what to read .(读什么) 2. Daniel didn’t say who to talk to .(与谁聊天) 3. Simon forgot when to meet friend.s(何时与朋友见面) 4. Sandy is wondering where to ask f.o(去r 哪he里lp寻求帮助) 5. Amy doesn’t know how to write th.e(如re何p写or报t 告)
Help with writing. Mr Wu is always there to help.

初中英语 人教八年级下册unit 4 2d, grammar focus-4c(共42张ppt)

初中英语 人教八年级下册unit 4 2d, grammar focus-4c(共42张ppt)
___ ___g_e_t_esnleoeupg.h 3. 我应该做什么? W__h__a_t _s_h_o_u_l_d_I do? 4. 你为什么不忘掉此事呢?尽管她错了,
但那不是一件大事。 _W__h_y_ d_o_n_’_t you forget about it?
_A_l_t_h_o_u_g_h_ she’s wrong, it’s not _a_ b__ig_ d__e_a_l.
1.掌握提出问题的方法, What’s wrong? What’s the matter? What’s the problem/the trouble?
How do you express care or concern
about others?
1. What’s wrong with ... ? 2. What's the matter/trouble with you? 3. What’s your problem? 4. What happened to you?
You’d better... Why not/ don’t you...? How/ What about doing...?
There are many problems in our lives. But it’s not a big deal because we can fight it.
What should he do? He should talk to his friend so that he can say he’s sorry. Maybe you could go to his house. I guess I could, but I don’t want to surprise him.


下列说法正确的是.A、只要干部船员能了解人体生理节律对疲劳和事故影响即可B、人体在中午前后处于松弛和反应迟钝状态C、应将高危险度的工作放在作业开始精力充沛时D、值班后期因身心疲倦易出现失误 关于散剂叙述不正确的是A.散剂应为干燥、疏松的粉末B.液体药物不能制成散剂C.眼用散应为极细粉,并要求无菌D.单味化学毒剧药应制成倍散E.儿科及外用散应为最细粉 行政机关受理或者不受理行政许可申请,应当出具加盖专用印章和注明日期的书面凭证。 用电检查的主要设备是客户的。A.供电电源B.计量装置C.受电装置D.继电保护 [单选,共用题干题]男性,8岁。于8月19日开始发热,头痛,当时测体温38℃,在外院诊断为上感,给予布洛芬退热,头孢菌素静滴无效,8月22日出现嗜睡,体温高达40℃,8月23日因昏迷伴抽搐入院。查体:神志不清,压眶有反应,体温40.5℃,血压、呼吸正常,双瞳孔等大,皮肤黏膜无出血 关于成釉细胞的描述,不正确的是A.为单层上皮细胞B.与中间层以桥粒相连C.高尔基复合体大部分位于胞核侧面和细胞的中心端D.主要细胞器位于细胞核近端E.以上均正确 不是主动脉瓣关闭不全体征的是A.靴形心B.心尖搏动向左下移位C.杂音向颈部传导D.叹气样舒张期杂音E.水冲脉 医患之间非技术关系不包括A.道德关系B.利益关系C.合作关系D.法律关系E.文化关系 某日,王某和李某共同串通抢劫路人周某的钱财(价值1万元),二人共同实施抢劫,情节相同。但法院审理此案时,考虑到王某是县政府副县长的儿子,因此判王某抢劫罪,执行3年有期徒刑,而判李某抢劫罪,执行5年有期徒刑。该法院的做法违背了下列哪项原则?A.罪刑法定原则B.罪责刑相适应 由三层板组成的门槛板,在更换时使用的方式连接。A.插入件对接B.无插入件搭接C.无插入件对接 直径>300~600制动轮安装后允许端面轴向跳动量应<。A、1mmB、0,2mmC、0.25mmD、0.5mm 根据感染发生的部位,脐炎属于A.身体多个部位感染B.神经系统感染C.其他类感染D.运动系统感染E.皮肤和软组织感染 患者王某给予留置导尿,24小时后引流出尿液50ml,该患者属于()A.正常B.少尿C.无尿D.多尿E.尿闭 YJ29滤嘴接装机滤嘴烟支切刀一旦断开,其驱动电机将受到抑制,但直到机器停机后,电机才停止转动。 出现第二心音反常分裂的是A.完全性右束支传导阻滞B.二尖瓣关闭不全C.室间隔缺损D.肺动脉瓣狭窄E.完全性左束支传导阻滞 下列何者非R.R汽车之优点?A.车内空间较大B.高速较稳定C.加速性较佳D.引擎冷却效果较佳 输血相关疾病检测实验室的建筑与设施应符合《实验室生物安全通用要求》和《微生物和生物医学实验室生物安全通用准则》中的规定。下列说法不正确的是。A.输血相关疾病检测实验室属于一级生物安全防护实验室B.实验室的实验用房、辅助用房应满足血液检测工作的需求C.实验室需保持卫生 汽轮机发电机组各转子中心连成的连续曲线与水平切线点的位置,应符合制造厂要求。如果偏差较大,则说明各转子的位置发生了较大变化A.正确B.错误 计算机将程序和数据同时存放在机器的。 综合的临床诊断应包括()A.病因诊断B.病理解剖诊断C.病理生理诊断D.疾病的分型与分期E.并发症及伴发疾病诊断 “组织文化区别于组织其他内容的根本点”描述的是组织文化的A.文化性B.实践性C.自觉性D.整合性E.综合性 梁弯曲时,横截面的中性轴上的各点正应力,距中性思最远的上下边缘上的正应力。 肺源性心脏病形成肺动脉高压的最主要因素为A.肺部毛细血管床减少B.血液黏稠度增加C.血容量增多D.肺部毛细血管微栓子形成E.缺氧以及二氧化碳潴留引起的肺小动脉痉挛 产褥感染中,哪种细菌的感染最易发生感染性休克A.厌氧性链球菌B.乙型溶血性链球菌C.金葡菌D.大肠埃希菌E.肺炎链球菌 导致染色体畸变的原因有A.母亲妊娠时年龄过大B.放射线C.化学因素D.病毒感染E.以上都是 [多选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]女性,24岁,农民。2周前因家中被盗急起精神失常,兴奋话多,疑神疑鬼,胡言乱语,打人毁物,近2天病情加重而入院。2周前因家中被盗,丢失500元,当晚彻夜不眠,反复想自己做事考虑不周。情绪激动,烦躁不安,做事不能集中注意,睡眠与饮食均明显减少。第 直接管理原则 抗结核化学药物治疗的化疗原则是。A.早期、联用、适量、规律和全程B.早期、联用、足量、规律和全程C.早期、联用、适量、规律和短程D.早期、单用、足量、规律和全程E.早期、联用、足量、规律和短程 由于工程变更会带来工程造价和工期的变化,为了有效的控制造价,无论哪一方提出工程变更,均需由。A.工程师确认,发包方签发工程变更指令B.发包方确认,工程师签发工程变更指令C.工程师确认并签发工程变更指令D.发包方确认并签发工程变更指令 因肝属木,味酸,所以口酸只见于肝胃郁热。A.正确B.错误 软件的质量属性是衡量软件非功能性需求的重要因素。可用性质量属性主要关注软件系统的故障和它所带来的后果。是能够提高系统可用性的措施。A.心跳检测B.模块的抽象化C.用户授权D.记录/重放 为了使中医药事业与经济、社会协调发展,县级以上各级人民政府应当将中医药事业纳入。A.区域社会发展规划B.国民经济和社会发展规划C.卫生区域发展规划D.城市社区发展规划E.城乡社区发展规划 下面哪种机械通气模式是"定容"型通气A.压力辅助通气P-ACVB.压力支持通气PSVC.同步间歇指令通气SIMVD.压力控制-同步间歇指令通气PC-SIMVE.压力控别通气PCV 水利水电枢纽工程的水工建筑物,根据其所属工程及其在工程中的作用和重要性划分为五级。 直流电机运行时允许的三个火花等级为。 将舱内货物由底舱移到二层舱,则。A.船舶重心降低B.船舶重心不变C.船舶重心升高D.船舶重心变化趋势不定 心理活动的源泉和内容是A.感觉与知觉B.客观现实C.认知过程D.反映活动E.想象 已知船舶排水量为18000t,GM=0.80m,横倾角为5°,则船舶的稳性力矩为kN•m。A.1255B.14345C.12312D.140724 [多选,案例分析题]以下为某出版社编辑室呈报的10个选题:A.《科学发展观读本》B.《青少年性知识必读》C.《日本动画精选》D.《相面测运技法大全》E.《中国矿产分布地图》F.《中共庐山会议纪实》G.《炒股秘诀》H.《中国新式导弹技术解析》I.《邓小平传》J.《赌博必赢66招》若该出版 男孩,2+岁,发热3天,伴口唇稍红,发热时双眼球结膜轻度充血,咽部可见均匀稀薄白色附着物。首先考虑的诊断是A.川崎病B.幼年类风湿关节炎C.传染性单核细胞增多症D.麻疹E.咽结合膜热

Book8Unit4grammar (共18张PPT)

Book8Unit4grammar (共18张PPT)
When finished, the paper should be turned in without delay.
观察下列句子,找出句子中的作状语的分词和句子主语, 判断他们之间的关系,并总结规律: 1. Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached. 2. Asked what had happened, he kept silent. 3. Given more time, we would do the work much better. 4. Left alone at home, the little boy didn’t feel afraid at all. 5. Mr. Smith entered the classroom, followed by his students.
Summary 1: 过去分词(短语) 做状语,过去分词与句子主语
之间构成__被__动___ 关系
1. Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached.
=Because my head was hit by …, it ached.
2. Asked what had happened, he kept silent. 时间状语
=When he was asked what …, he kept silent.
3. Given more time, we would can do the work much better.
思考: 过去分词作状语与现在分词作状语有

牛津英语8B Unit 4 a good read 知识点总结

牛津英语8B Unit 4 a good read 知识点总结

牛津英语8B Unit 4知识点一、重点单词1.read n. 读物read er n. 读者read v. (read-read-read)2.cooking n.烹饪,烹调cook v. 煮n. 厨师cook er n. 厨具3.Germany n. 德国German n. 德国人adj. 德国的4.knowledge n. 知识【U】know---know ledgeKnowledge is power. 知识就是力量。

5.spare adj. 空闲的;多余的in one’s spare time=in one’s free time 在某人的空余时间6.French adj. 法国的France n. 法国French man n. 法国人(Frenchmen)7.ugly adj.丑陋的(uglier-ugliest)反义词:beautiful/good-looking/pretty an ugly man8.touch vt. 感动,触动,触摸n. keep in touch with… 与……保持联系9.against prep.(hitting something) 紧靠,碰,撞;反对against the law 做违法的事10. tie v.(hold things together with ropes) 捆,绑tie—tie d-- t ying tie sth to…11. stomach n. 腹部;胃stomach s have a stomachache 胃痛12. until 直到…为止till not…until…. 直到…才….13. tiny adj. (very small) 极小的tiny---tinier--- tiniest14. continue v. (keep doing something )继续continue doing sth / continue to do sth15. either 也(否定句句末)either 两者之中任一个的;两者之中任一个,16. manage (finish what you have tried to do) 设法完成,管理manage r经理manage to do sth.设法完成做某事17. lift vt.举起,抬高,提高n. 电梯go up and down by lift \in a lift 乘电梯上下楼18. unable 不能的,不会的反ablebe unable / able to do 没\有能力做某事19. review n. 评论v.复习(go over)20. return vt. (give sth back to …) 归还返回return=come/go back21. publish vt.出版publish es publish ed22. refuse vt.拒绝;回绝(say that you will not do sth.) refuse sth./ refuse to do sth.23. success n.成功(U)Failure is the mother of success.(失败乃成功之母) n. 成功的人或事(可数)success ful adj.successful ly adv.succeed v.成功succeed in (doing) sth.24. sales n.销售量on sale在出售for sale供出售25. Canad ian adj. 加拿大(人)的Canada26. hidden adj.隐藏的hide-hid-hiddenhidden danger hidden trouble隐患27. confidence n. 信心with confidence 满怀信心地confident adj.自信的confidently adv.28. experience n.经验(U) 经历(C)an unusual experience一次非凡的经历a meaningful experience一次有意义的经历29. advice n.(U) 建议,忠告,劝告give advice / a piece of advice / give sb. some advice on ….advise v. 建议,劝告advise sb. (not) to do sth.30. classical adj. 古典的classical music 古典音乐/ classical art 古典艺术the four great classical Chinese novels中国四大古典名著二、重点短语1. a good read 一本好读物2. touch sb. 感动某人3. read novels and plays 阅读小说和戏剧4. wake me up 叫醒某人5. eel something on my leg感觉腿上有东西6. look down向下看7. make them fall over 使他们摔倒8. shout at sb朝某人大叫9. try to pull one hand free试着挣脱一只手10. begin doing / to do sth . 开始做某事11. manage to break the ropes 设法弄断绳子12. lift my left hand into the air 把我的左手举到空中13. a huge army of tiny people 一大群小人14. come straight towards me 向我直冲过来15. run away from them 逃脱他们run/ get away from 从….. 逃走16.keep doing something 不间断地做某事17. find himself unable to move 发现他自己不能动弹18. stand on one's shoulder 站在某人的肩膀上19. communicate with sb 和某人交流20. hold things together with ropes用绳子把东西捆在一起21. talk to him about the book 和他讲这本书22. in such a short time 在如此短的时间里23. hand in 上交24. renew the books 续借这些书25. a great success 一个巨大的成功26. translate the story into 70 languages 把这个故事翻译成70种语言27. at a time 一次28. renew them online 在网上续借他们29. the main character in the book 书中的主人公30. find them really interesting 发现它们真的很有趣31.give me a lot of confidence 给我很多自信32.I’m not as shy as I used to be. 我不再像以前那样害羞了。

牛津译林英语8B Unit4 Grammar 课件

牛津译林英语8B Unit4 Grammar 课件

on time
Period 3 Grammar
However the weather is, the cleaners always clean up the streets
on time ________________ .
Period 3 Grammar
2 must与have to
主观 意愿;have to侧重于表示 (1)must侧重于表示说话人的________ 客观 ________ 需要。
(2)“Must I…?”意为“我必须……吗?”,常用否定回答:
No, you needn't./No, you don't have to.
Unit 4 A good read
Unit 4 A good read
课前自主预 习 课堂互动探 究
Period 3 Grammar
单 词 闯 关
1. hand vi. ________ →hand n. 手 ________ 交,递,给
评论 2.review n. ________ →review评论,复习 v. __________
3. return vt.归还 ________ →return 返回 vi. ________
Period 3 Grammar
in 1. 上交,递交 hand ____________ have to 2 .不得不 ____________ 短 自学 语 3.teach oneself ____________

译林版八年级下册英语词组句型汇总 8B Unit 1-8B Unit 8 词组句型汇总

译林版八年级下册英语词组句型汇总 8B Unit 1-8B Unit 8 词组句型汇总

8B Unit 1 词组句型Comic & Welcome to the unit(P6)1.过去常常做某事used to do sth2.对某人友善be kind to sb(P7)3.在不同时期at different times4.不同形式的交通工具different forms of transport5.轮流做某事take turns to do sth.6.等下一班需要很长时间。

It took a long time to wait for the next one. Reading(P8)1.采访某人(两种表达) interview sb. = have an interview with sb.2.非常了解…know … very well3.自从我出生起since I was born4.搬家move house5.在城北in the northern part of town6.结婚get married7.搬离两个街区move two blocks away8.自从那时起since then9.变化很大change a lot10.在那些年里over the years11.在小镇中心in the town centre12.把…变成…turn into13.小镇的部分地区part of the town(P9)14.一家钢铁厂 a steel factory15.把垃圾倒入河道put the waste into the river16.认识到这个问题realize the problem17.改善形势improve the situation18.从某种意义上说in some ways19.和以前一样经常看到彼此see each other as often as before20.下象棋play Chinese chess21.感到有点孤单feel a bit lonely22.有时,不时from time to time(P11)23.他的一生all his life24.阳光镇的变化the changes in Sunshine TownGrammar(P14)1.在过去的那个世纪over the past / last century2.北京的过去和现在Beijing’s past and presentIntegrated skills +Study skills(P15)1.做一个关于…的历史课题do the history project on sth2.生活条件living conditions3.火车站railway station(P16)4.进城出城travel to and from the town5.另一个大的变化是…Another big change is …6.当地人local people7.从美国回来return from the USA8.你们上一次看到对方是什么时候?When did you last see each other?9.出国go abroad10.在读小学be at primary school11.保持联系keep in touch with each other12.通过电子邮件交流communicate by email13.使得交流容易得多make communication much easier(P17)14.一条河穿过镇中心 A river runs through the centre of town.15.习惯于做某事get / be used to doing sth16.(某人)独自on one’s own17.生活的变化changes in/ of (one’s) lifeTask(P19)1.在过去的几年里月光镇发生了很多变化。


on the other side of意为“在……的另一面”。该结构常用于有两个 边或面的事物,如街道、道路、河流、纸张等。例如:
An old man is standing on the other side of the road. 一位老人正 站在路对面。
基础达标 一、根据句意和中文提示写出单词。
health. 为了你的健康,你应该每天都吃水果和蔬菜。例如:
He shouldn’t throw rubbish here and there. 他不应该到处乱
—Should I go to the park with my friends 我应该和我的
—Yes, you should./No, you shouldn’t. 是的,你应该。/不,
A.had better
4.You’d better ________ wine because you have to drive back
home.( A )
A.not drink
B.not to drink
C.not drinking
5.Draw a picture on ________ side of the card and write a sentence
2.用should和had better提建议



八年级英语下册Unit4Grammar预习指导一、知识点一、语法:(一)until, so that和although/though的用法1.Until “直到...为止”用来引导时间状语从句Not...until... “直到...才...”Eg: She did her homework until 12:00 pm last night.她昨晚作业做到半夜12点。

She didn’t go to bed until her mother came back.直到她妈妈回来她才去睡觉。

2.So that “以便;为了”用来引导目的状语从句So...that...“如此...以至于...”Eg: She got up early so that she can catch the first bus.她起得早为了可以赶上头班车。

She is so young that she can’t look after herself.她如此小以至于不能照顾自己。

3.Although/though “虽然;即便;尽管”用来引导让步状语从句(不能与but连用)Eg: Although it rained heavily, they still went to the movies.尽管雨下得很大,他们仍然去看电影。

(二)提建议的常用表达1.Why don’t you do sth.? 你为什么不做...呢?2.What/How about doing sth.? 做某事怎么样?3.Let’s do sth. 让我们做...吧!4.You should (not) do sth. 你(不)应该做...。

5.You’d better (not) do sth. 你最好(不)做某事6.Would you like to do sth. 你愿意做某事吗?7.Shall we do sth.? 我们应该做某事吗?8.You could do sth. 你可能做某事。

牛津英语8B Unit4教案(Grammer)教案

牛津英语8B Unit4教案(Grammer)教案

Unit 45 &6 period:Grammar-.教学目标:l.To understand the purpose of using connectives of reason 2.To use “because” to give a reason for something3.To use “because of ” to give a reason for something 4.To show results with “so”5.To use “hope” and “wish” correctly二.教学重难点:words:groundPhrases:Sentences:1. Ricky helped with the charity show because he wanted toraise money for Project Green Hope.2.Ricky was nervous because of the TV cameras.3.There was a lot of work so I was very busy.4.I hope (that) you will like the show.5.I hope to see the charity show.6.I wish (that) I would be the host of the next show.7.I wish (that) the pop stars would invite me to lunch.8. I wish (that) I could fly.9. I wish (that) I were Richy.10. I wish you a happy holiday.11. We wish you good luck.三.教学方法:Listening and speaking.四.教学手段-tape-recorder and multi-media五.教学过程:Step 1:Lead-in1.introduce myselfI’m Zhang Ping, you can call me Miss Zhang. I’ll teach you till your teacher, Miss Cai, come back from the USA.This is my first time to teach fun with English , so you need your help, if there is any trouble. I didn’t teach for about half a year because I had a son last winter.I love my son because板书he is very lovely. I wish板书 I could stay at home板书for more time, but your English teacher has gone to the board, so板书I have to come back to teach you. I hope板书 we can get well on with.2.free talkT: I like F4 becau se they’re very handsome. Who is your favourite sports star/music starS: …is my favourite pop star.T: Why do you like him/her bestS: Because …3.ask some more questions like thisStep 2 :pre-task.l. Turn to page 60. Let’s think of Ricky.Q1: Why did Ricky help with the charity show (Because he wanted to raise money for Project Hope).Q2: Why couldn’t Ricky sleep the night before the show ( Because he was too excited).Step 3 :While-taskTask11.T: W hen we ask for reasons, we use ‘why’. When we givereasons, we can use ‘because’. T: underline thesentences that contain the word ‘because’.2.Ask two students to read out one example each from thegrammar table at the top of page 64.4.Explain the context of the exercise. Daniel is askingSandy about the charity show. The words on the pieces of paper are reasons from Sandy’s notes.Ask students to work on their own to write answers toDaniel’s notes. Remind them that each sentence must contain the word ‘because’.Read out each of Daniel’s questions. Ask volunteers to answer the questions using ‘because’. Repeat the answers clearly and ask students to check their own work.Task21. T: Look at the Bb, we say:We also can say板书We also can sayT: We can al so use ‘because of’ to give a reason for something. When we use ‘because of’, it is followed by a noun or pronoun.T: Look at the grammar table at the top of page 65. Show students that we can use ‘because of’ to answer questions with ‘why’, .Why did Ricky have to speak loudly ( Because of the noise.) Why was Ricky nervous (Because of the TV cameras.)T: Read the words above the speech bubbles in part B1, the first part says what happened, and the second part is the reason. Please use ‘because of’ to make sentences.Ask three volunteers to read out their answersT: part B2 Amy and Shirley are looking at pictures of a flood. Amy is answering Shirley’s questions about it. Please write answers to Shirley’s questions using ‘because of’ or ‘because’.Select two students to play the roles of Shirley and Amy.Task3T: I like F4 because they’re handsome. F4 are very handsome, so I like them.1.Tell students that we can use ‘so’ to introduce aresult. Read out the two examples and explain that thefirst part ( ‘There was a lot of work’/’ I wantedto help the poor’) is a fact, and the second part(‘Iwas very busy’/I ‘donated some money.’) is a resultof that fact.2.Explain that like ‘because’, ‘so’ can be used togive a reason for something, but the order is different from a sentence with ‘because’. In other words, we can give the information in the example sentences using ‘because’ as follows:I was very busy because there was a lot of work.I donated some money because I wanted to help the poor.3.Ask students to rearrange the words in Part C1 to makesentences. Remind them that the first part of the sentence should be a fact and the second part should be a result.4.Once students have finished, ask three students toread out one sentence each. Correct errors and mispronunciations.5.Ask students to read through Kitty’s letter in partC2 for overall meaning first. Then ask them to fill in the blanks using ‘because’ ‘because of’ ‘so’.6.Ask students to read out one paragraph each. Clarifyany misunderstandings if necessary.7.Ask students to complete ‘ Work out the rule!’ ontheir own. Ask one student to read out the rule and check the answer as a class.8.In a compound sentence, we cannot use because and soat the same time.(F)Because I got up late, so I’m late for school.(T) I got up late, so I’m late for school.(T) Because I got p late, I late for school.Task4T: I wish板书 I could stay at home for more time, but your English teacher has gone to the board,so板书I have to come back to teach you. I hope板书 I can get well on with you.1.Tell Ss that we use ‘hope’ and ‘wish’ to talkabout things or situations that we want to happen.2.To hope is to want something to happen and think thatit is possible. We usually use ‘hope’ to talk aboutthe present or the future.To wish is to want what is not happening or what didnot happen. We usually use ‘wish’ to talk aboutthe past or the present.age of ‘hope’:n. hope → hopes. I hope (wish) to come.. I hope she won’t come tonight.. You’re my last hope.4. usage of ‘wish’:v.wish + to do wish + sb. to dowish + clause 虚拟。

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Grammar 2
Modeled to
Must sb…?
have to(不得不) don’t have to Do/Does sb have to…?
1.must 表主观的义务和责任,意为“必 须,得,要”后跟动词原形。 e.g. You must finish your homework today. 你今天必须完成家庭作业。 2.must 的否定形式must not/mustn’t表示 禁止,“不能,不行”。 e.g. You must not smoke here. 你不能在这里抽烟。
4. must 还可以表示肯定猜测,意思是 “一定” 。否定的猜测是can’t。 e.g. You must be hungry after all that walking. 走了那么远的路,你一定饿了吧。 That can’t be Lucy. She has gone to American. 那肯定不是Lucy,她已经去了美国。
3. must 用在一般疑问句中,肯定回答用 must,否定回答用need’t /not have to。 e.g. —Must I hand in before five needn’t/don’t have to ——No, you______________________ must ——Yes,you____________________
e ‘must, have to’ to make more sentences.
2. Finish the exercises in your workbooks.
Exercise on page 56
Amy is telling her cousin Shirley some library rules. Complete what she says with must, must not, have to or don’t have to. You (1) _____ must keep quiet in the library. You (2) _____ must keep the books clean and tidy. You (3) _______ mustn’t draw or write on the books .
1. have to 表一种客观的需要,“不得不”。 have to 有人称和数,时态的变化。 e.g. It is getting dark. He has to go home now. 天快黑了,你现在得回家了。 I will/shall have to reconsider my position.我将不得不重新考虑我的位置。
1. — Dad, must we wait until the light becomes green? — Yes, I'm afraid we ______. That's the traffic rule. (2013河南) A. can B. may C. have to D. need 2. Students in our school ______ know shouting is not allowed in the library. (2013山东莱芜) A. can B. may C. must D. need
2.have to 的否定形式 not have to, 相当于 need not 。 e.g. They do not have to buy a computer at the moment. 他们目前没有必要买电脑。
They needn’t buy a computer at the moment.
You (4) _______ mustn’t eat or drink in the library. You (5) _____ must return the books on time. If you want to keep them longer, you (6) ______ have to renew them. You (7)do ____________ not have to bring your student card every time you go to the library, but remember to bring your library card.
Have a try
1. Someone has put away(收拾,整理) the books. You________do it. A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. shouldn’t D. can’t 2. It’s the library. So you ______ know shouting is not allowed here. A. can B. must C. need D. may 3. Can we discuss here? No, you ______. You will disturb other people. A. mustn’t B. won’t C. don’t D. needn’t 4. -Must I return the book today?-No, you _____. A. don’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t
must 表示说话人的主观想法, 强调个人意志和主观决心 have to 侧重客观上的必须, 强调客观条件的结果。
must study hard. As a student, we ______ My mother is ill, I ______ have to take care of her.
must 通常用于一般现在时和过去时 ,have to 则可以用于各种时态。
She said she must do well in her English. 3.否定含义不同
have to 在否定句中,意思为没必要, Must在否定句中表示 禁止,不允许。
You don’t have to go there. You mustn’t go there.