
技术、新业态、新模式、新产业发展,创 湾区内第四名。
一步升级优化,粤港澳大湾区有潜力成为 值为1139.37亿元,相对于珠三角其他大湾
◎ 梁育民 郑海御
摘 要:粤港澳大湾区是我国解决区域协调发展的新战略。当前,大湾区内,珠江 西岸和珠江东岸发展仍然非常不均衡。地处珠江西岸的珠海,面对新的历史机遇,如何 依托独特的区位优势和产业特色,找准发展目标定位,并明确在粤港澳大湾区中所发挥 的作用,是关系到珠江西岸能否在粤港澳大湾区中崛起的核心命题。
速通达的现代道路交通网络。广东多市机 区域合作示范区。机制体制创新是发展突
场扩建、改造工程也正在进行,世界级机 破口,粤港澳不同的规则将相互接轨,打
破行政区划的藩篱,一系列针对粤港澳居 民通关、创业、就业、生活便利化的措施 将会研究出台,人流、物流、资金流、信息 流互联互通,创新要素自由流动。
香港 澳门 广州 深圳 珠海 佛山 江门 肇庆 惠州 东莞 中山 广东
常住人口 (万人)
741.31 65.31 1449.84 1252.83 176.54 765.67 456.17 411.54 477.70 834.25 326.00 11169.00
GDP (亿元)
23049.14 3389.33 21503.15 22490.06 2675.18 9398.52 2690.25 2110.01 3830.58 7582.09 3430.31 89705.23

7.通用航空装备。重点发展航空关键技术研发,以及通用飞机、大型水 陆两栖飞机、轻型水上飞机、无人机、特种飞行器和轻型直升机等的制造 ,积极发展机场空管导航监视装备和牵引车、气源车、电源车和空调车等 机场地勤设备。
6.新能源装备。重点发展光伏装备、风电装备、核电装备及智能电网装 备等,加快发展高倍聚光型太阳能发电成套系统、第四代光伏发电技术及 装备、大型风电机组整机及部件和核电辅助装备和非动力核技术,逐步延 伸产业链。
社会消费品零售总额及人均 肇庆 江门
珠海 惠州 东莞 佛山 广州 深圳
30000 40000 50000 人均 总量
生活质量 目前珠海人均公园绿地面积 为 19.8 平方米, 高于全国平均水平。 根据《美丽珠海——公园之城规划(2016-2020)》 ,在 2016 年至 2020 年间,全市计划新建 545 个公园, 全面构建 " 市政特色 "、" 城乡社区 "、" 水网湿地 "、" 森 林郊野 " 四大公园体系,打造千园之城,其中规划新建城 乡村居公园达到 332 个,更大尺度地开放城市绿色空间, 实现 300 米见绿、500 米见园的公园服务半径全覆盖网络 。货运总量珠海港集装箱吞吐量2017年突破200万标箱, 在全国24个沿海主要港口集装箱吞吐量增速排名中,位列 第一。
城市GDP总量:GDP收入:2564.73亿,增长:9.2% 人均GDP:145269元,广东排名第三,仅次于广州, 深圳 全市纳入劳动用工管理的用人单位62244个。全年城 镇新增就业人数46923人,12695名城镇失业人员实现再 就业,就业困难人员实现就业2230人,农村劳动力转移就 业2161人。年末城镇实有登记失业人员1.10万人,城镇登 记失业率2.26%,比上年末降低0.02个百分点。 第一产业增加值45.53亿元,增长4.1%,对GDP增长 的贡献率为0.8%;第二产业增加值1288.75亿元,增长 11.6%,对GDP增长的贡献率为63.2%;第三产业增加值 1230.45亿元,增长6.9%,对GDP增长的贡献率为36.0% 。

虽然三大经济圈高新技术产业发展迅猛, 并已具有一定的规 模, 但是区域产业趋同化严重, 地区间竞争加剧, 没有形成 良好的区域分工与协作。三大经济圈各地区高新技术产业 都以电子信息、生物工程、新能源、新材料作为各自的主 导产业和发展方向, 因为电子信息技术、生物医药工程、 新材料技术等产业关系密切, 在技术开发中起着关键的带 头作用,对传统产业和其他行业的带动作用也极为明显, 因 此各地区大都把它们作为优先发展和项目优先引进的对象。 但这造成了三大经济圈高新技术产业的结构趋同, 使三大 经济圈之间竞争加剧, 不利于区域之间的相互协作和区际 分工。
长三角城市群的空间地域范围涉及两省一市,包括1个直辖市: 上海;3个副省级市:南京、杭州、宁波;11个地级市:江苏省 的苏州、无锡、常州、镇江、南通、扬州、泰州和浙江省的湖州、 嘉兴、绍兴、舟山,共15个城市。土地面积10万平方公里,占全 国总面积的1%;人口7570万,占全国人口总数的5.9%。其中科 技人员占区域总人口的3.8%。
• 目前三大经济圈的工业结构中, 都是以传统 的轻纺工业和重化工业为主, 普遍存在着工 业结构相似度高, 支柱产业、区域经济与产 业经济主导产业雷同的现象。地区工业专 门化水平不高, 应加强区域合作。
环渤海地区第三产业规模最大, 珠江三角洲地区发展速度 最快 从近几年的资料可以得知环渤海地区第三产业规模最大 , 珠 江三角洲地区发展速度最快
• 环渤海城市群的空间地域范围涉及两市一省,包括北京、天津两 个直辖市和河北省的唐山、保定、廊坊3个地级市,以及秦皇岛、4%;人口2762万,占全国的2.15%。其中科技人员占本 区域人口总数的3.65%。

接下来是小编为大家整理的关于珠海旅游英语导游词,方便大家阅读与鉴赏!珠海旅游英语导游词1Welcome to here! I'm your guide. My name is X. you can call me Xiao X. In order to facilitate your visit, let me first introduce you.Located in Sanzao Island, Zhuhai City, southern China, Sanzao Island ten thousand people cemetery covers an area of about 4000 square meters. It is now a cultural relic protection unit in Guangdong Province. It reveals the cruel historical facts that Japan occupied China during the Second World War.In order to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Anti Japanese War, Zhuhai plans to expand the ten thousand people cemetery in Sanzao Island, and build a museum of Japanese atrocities and criminal evidence in Sanzao island with 8 million yuan. The plan will increase the area of the original ten thousand person cemetery to more than 40000 square meters. The venue of the museum includes a two-story Museum, a monument and a memorial park covering an area of more than 1000 square meters. Exhibition contents of the exhibition hall: mainly the atrocities of Japanese invasion of Sanzao Island, as well as the history of Chinese people's Anti Japanese struggle in South China, especially in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. The library displays documents, evidence of Japanese invasion of China and historical materials with pictures and pictures, and carries out patriotic education. The monument is a place formourning and sacrificing the Anti Japanese compatriots. The inscriptions are to be collected from the public in Zhuhai. Pine, cypress, chrysanthemum and other "gentleman plants" are widely planted in the Memorial Park, giving the leisure area a sense of solemnity.Sanzao island "wanrenfen" is located in zhulishan, Sanzao town. After the July 7 Lugouqiao Incident, the Japanese imperialists launched a comprehensive war of aggression against China. On January 17, 1938, more than 6000 Japanese troops landed in Liantang Bay, Sanzao island. After landing, the Japanese army built an airport in the south of the island and set up a headquarters composed of sea, land and air forces headed by lieutenant general Fujita. Sanzao was used as a military base for invading South China, There was a bloody massacre on Sanzao island. On March 12 of the lunar calendar, the Japanese army looted Yunong village and killed 386 people. On March 13, the Japanese army burned 36 villages and 164 fishing boats, including Shangbiao and dengjiawan. They raped women and killed children. They carried out the inhuman "three light policy" throughout the island. On March 14, the Japanese army captured more than 2000 men, women, young and old in Shagang and Lianyungang, respectively Tangwan beach, Chunyuan ancestral hall, Shiwan Guandi temple, Yulin Xianfeng pit, Qingwan and other places were collectively shot. In just three days, villages in the northern part of the island were burned to scorched earth, with corpses everywhere.During the eight years of the Japanese occupation, the Japanese army killed 2891 of our Sanzao compatriots and starved 3500 people. At the same time, they secretly killed more than 3000 migrant workers from Korea, Taiwan, Wanshan, Hengqinand other places to repair the airport. After the surrender of Japan, the fleeing people returned to the island one after another. In 1948, they collected the bones of the dead compatriots and buried them in Shangmao village. In 1979, they moved the bones to Zhuli mountain. It was announced as a cultural relic protection unit of Guangdong Province in 1983. The protection area is 1000 square meters.珠海旅游英语导游词2Zhuhai Haiquanwan mysterious island, mysterious island theme park Haiquanwan mysterious island is located in Haiquanwan resort city in the west of Zhuhai, covering an area of about 1 square kilometers. Taking the rare ocean hot spring as the core, it is composed of eight parts: two five-star resort hotels, fisherman's Wharf integrating food, entertainment and performance, high-tech modern theater, exciting mysterious island theme park, star service physical examination center, fitness club for health, and expansion training camp for elite team. Haiquan Bay mysterious island, the mysterious and strange pirate Castle area of Haiquan Bay mysterious island. The southwest corner of Haiquan Bay mysterious island was originally a fishing port, which was later occupied by pirates and became an important supply station and stronghold at sea. After a series of resistance and repression, the residents of mysterious island finally defeated the heinous pirates. There were pirate three masted sailboats, Pirate Skeleton flags, old-fashioned rifles, rusty knives and powder kegs. Two black cannons watched the lake in silence, as if ready to fire at any time to attack the pirates.Zhuhai mysterious island Haiquan Bay mysterious island dream fairy tale Mermaid Lake District colorful and lovely ocean cartoon is the young theme of mermaid Lake District. The streetlights and flagpoles in the whole area are surrounded by seaweed, like coral pillars on the sea floor. High flagpole, full of fish flag, slender fish flag is the shape of all kinds of marine fish, floating in the wind, like countless marine fish swimming in the sea. Haiquanwan mysterious island is the birthplace of Haiquanwan mysterious island. The mysterious island is full of mysterious and magical power. The cracks between numerous stones and the springs in the land hiss with white steam, as if a mysterious force at the foot is flowing everywhere, looking for the passage out of the surface. Under the action of mysterious forces, the huge rocks have broken away from the conventional massive structure and are growing freely with this incredible shape and angle.On the roadside rocks, there are countless devout, frightened, eager and giant faces, large and small. With the passage of time, the statues of faces are covered with a thick layer of moss, with a deeper mystery in the blur. The water screen movie of Haiquan Bay mysterious island the dreamlike water screen movie of Haiquan Bay mysterious island has a wonderful performance in the inner lake of fisherman's Wharf at the beginning of the Lantern Festival. The spring in the fountain square is a perfect combination of music and laser. It's like a jade plate with beads falling down. It's exciting.EDSA, WatG, forrec of Canada, Nihon Sekkei of Japan, Wilson & Associates of America, Inc, hbaand cell of Hong Kong are responsible for the overall planning and landscape design, architectural design, theme park planning and design, hot spring project and interior decoration design of the resort respectively.The 2.7 km long coastal couple Road, more than 200000 square meters of lake water system and 300000 square meters of green area make the resort maintain a harmonious and perfectecological environment.According to statistics, during the Spring Festival, Haiquan Bay received 200000 tourists, eight of whom were family tourists.There is no new year's Eve in 2006. Traditionally, it should be the day when the whole family gather at home to watch the new year. However, nearly 1000 rooms of two five-star hotels in Haiquan Bay are all full. Neptune resort hotel opens on the first day of the year, and tourists can't wait to stay in. From 29 to the seventh day of the new year, the opening rate of two hotels in Haiquan Bay is 99%.It was designed by FORREC, a Canadian company that once served for Lotte World in Korea and Universal Studios. According to the natural beautiful coastline and natural lake surface, it skillfully integrates a variety of exciting high-tech amusement equipment with Mediterranean style buildings, forming a passionate lucky Avenue area, a thrilling adventure jungle area, a mysterious and treacherous pirate Castle area, a dreamy and fairy tale Mermaid Lake area and a passionate mysterious island area. It is a large-scale modern theme park integrating experience, plot, entertainment and interest. It has the world's advanced amusement equipment, the first catapult "roller coaster" in Asia, the first "vertical limit" in China, more than 100 kinds of amusement projects, more than 10 kinds of unique and wonderful music and dance performances in China, and the first theme expansion training camp in China The journey is full of adventure and excitement.Haiquanwan resort, located in the west of Zhuhai, is another masterpiece of Hong Kong CTS International Investment Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong listing Code: 308) after Shenzhen Jinxiu Chinese folk village and window of the world. The initial investment is 2.2billion yuan, covering an area of about 1 square kilometer. Taking the rare ocean hot spring as the core, it is composed of eight parts: two five-star resort hotels, fisherman's Wharf integrating food, entertainment and performance, high-tech modern theater, exciting mysterious island theme park, star service physical examination center, fitness club for health, and expansion training camp for elite team. It was fully opened on January 22, 2006.珠海旅游英语导游词3Welcome to here! I'm your guide. My name is X. you can call me Xiao X. In order to facilitate your visit, let me first introduce you.Mysterious island theme park integrates participation, appreciation, entertainment and interest. The park is divided into six theme areas: Lucky Avenue area, adventure jungle area, mysterious island area, pirate Castle area, mermaid Lake area and Caribbean coast area, with a variety of high-tech amusement projects to take you flying.Mysterious island theme park has the world's latest and Asia's first "stormy waves" and "E-type chariot"; China's first "crazy escape ship", "roller coaster", "vertical limit" and other high-tech large-scale amusement facilities, with a number of small and medium-sized amusement projects and nearly 10 exotic performances, so that tourists can enjoy excitement and joy in the interaction. In February 2008, four new facilities were added to the theme park: Hurricane flying chair, bouncing flying man, rolling spaceship and small train.珠海旅游英语导游词4Welcome to here! I'm your guide. My name is X. you can call me Xiao X. In order to facilitate your visit, let me first introduceyou.Shijingshan is the best sightseeing spot in Zhuhai City. Shijingshan cableway is located in the famous Jingshan Park in the center of Zhuhai City. Shijingshan covers an area of 579000 square meters with an altitude of 148 meters. The stone scenery here is unique, the secluded cave is strange, the green lake is clear, and the vegetation is rich. The beauty of the stone forest Pavilion and the strange cultural scenery are in harmony with the graceful "Fisherman" by the Xianglu Bay. The cable slide project of Shijingshan in Zhuhai invested and developed by Zhuhai Sanxin cableway Co., Ltd. in 1998 is located in the Jingshan Park near the mountain and the sea in the center of Zhuhai City.Shijingshan is famous for its many strange stone scenes. The strange rocks on the mountain are undulating and falling down on the rocks. They are scattered in an orderly way. They are like galloping horses to wipe out the dust. They are like people returning to the sea. They are a natural picture of all kinds of animals, so they are named Shijingshan. Ropeway reaches the top of the mountain, the most visible: Oriental Pearl, Hongkong, south view east Monte Carlo - Macao, a green Zhuhai tree, overlooking the incense burner, the fishing girl close at hand and the jade lovers' Chui TSE, winding the seaside "Lovers Road", and picturesque scenery makes people feel the modern and romantic atmosphere of "romantic city". From the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, there is a 630 meter long pipe track slide, which crosses the stone and forest, sweeps the green and rushes the secluded, twists and turns, fresh and exciting. Riding it, the rapid heartbeat of the dynamic suddenly gives birth to the "world's first rush" detachment and pride. Since its opening in 1998, it has received more than two million tourists from homeand abroad. It is the most famous tourist attraction in Zhuhai.At present, Jingshan Park includes: Peak view area, hillside stone area, lakeside recreation area, cableway slide area and large amusement park area. The scenic spot at the top of the mountain overlooks the beautiful Xianglu bay with the famous symbol of Zhuhai City - "fishing girl" statue, as well as most of the city appearance of Macao and Zhuhai. It is an excellent place for tourists to enjoy the sea view and urban landscape; The hillside stone scenic spot is unique in various forms of stone scenery. There are 26 groups of distinctive stone scenery, which are: Xianglu cave, toad stone, Guanyin cave, Tongtian cave, Foshi cave, Haiou stone, whale emerald stone, shuangxiang yunbao, Haiyu stone, zhuyaochi, Nantian Yizhu, buffalo stone, panda stone, Fuhu stone, single humped stone camel, yidongtian, Feizhu stone Yangguidong stone, panda playing bamboo stone, rhinoceros moon stone, flying eagle stone, yixiantian stone, seal stone, "Fu" stone, "Shou" stone, etc.There are also Zhuhai's "two wonders": the water and stone wonder of the combination of waterfalls and different rocks - "Bitan floating waterfall", and a pair of Metasequoia trees - "lovers tree", which coexist in the middle of the lake and depend on each other. The lakeside recreation area is centered on Cuihu lake, an artificial lake with an area of about 6000 square meters. It is surrounded by a large area of sloping grassland, and has been built into children's playground, water playground (boat and fishing activity center), bird paradise - Fun garden, rope skating and other recreational projects.At the bottom of the ship, on the south slope of Shandong Province, is the cableway area of Shijingshan. There is a unique mountain assault vehicle in Zhuhai, and the world's first tube railslide. It has a total length of 650 meters, an average inclination of 10.2 degrees, and an average height above the ground of 0.8 meters. The whole set of equipment is imported from Germany's latest products, which are composed of 5 big curves and 3 small curves. The speed is all controlled by ourselves, with triple insurance facilities. The speed is controlled by ourselves, which can be fast or slow, safe and comfortable. Take the cable car to view the scenery, overlooking the mountains and green island, overlooking the romantic city, fresh and happy, carefree.Features: the rocks on Shijingshan mountain are jagged and strange, like all kinds of birds and animals. It is a strange stone zoo. From afar, the mountains are full of strange rocks, like a natural picture of galloping horses. In the near view, there are "double elephants" with long noses drooping to the ground, "goshawks" flapping their wings, honest and naughty "Panda", fierce tiger "lying in the mountain stream," carp ", raging" bison "," moon looking rhinoceros "," double sheep galloping grass "," Zhenhai lion ", etc. And there are yixiantian, Tongtian cave, Yingyang cave and other secluded caves. Looking from a distance, you can see the waves and sails of Jiuzhou ocean. At the foot of the mountain is Shijingshan tourist center, with sifan lake and Cuihu lake. There are 800 square meters of island in the center of Cuihu lake, waterside pavilion and fish pond for tourists to rest, row boats, fish and dance in the open air. In the park, you can take the cable car to overlook the scenery of Zhuhai, Macao and Hong Kong. You can also drive the slide car to charge, which makes people have a good time. The Garden Lake can be used for boating and fishing. It is a good place for mountaineering and leisure.Shijingshan Park Shijingshan in Zhuhai is also calledrhinoceros moon mountain. Because there is a huge stone on the top of the mountain, which looks like the head of a rhinoceros, and the shape of the mountain is like the body of a rhinoceros. From a distance, it looks like a rhinoceros looking up at the moon. The northeast of the mountain is called chuandishan. Chuandishan is the Zhuhai Radio and television transmission tower. The main tower is 180 meters high and of steel structure. The weight of the tower is about 610 tons. Every night, all the lights are put on, reflecting with the lights in the city, adding color to the night scene of ZhuhaiFounded in 1987, Shijingshan Park covers an area of about 500000 square meters and is located in the tourist center of Zhuhai City. Haibin North Road in the East, Shijingshan tourist center in the south, Xiangzhou downtown in the north, convenient transportation, geographical location is very superior. Jingshan Park is close to the mountain and the sea, with exquisite and charming scenery. It is a very good park for natural landscape and ecological environment protection in Zhuhai City. It is a garden like public park integrating stone scenery, climbing, children's recreation, sports extreme telecontrol and entertainment high-tech achievements.The park's annual May Day, Mid Autumn Festival, Spring Festival, large-scale cultural activities planned by the park itself and the annual Double Ninth Festival (designated climbing site in Zhuhai) have formed a must go tradition among the general public every year. Jingshan Park has a complete management organization and sound management system. Adhering to the principle of "law-abiding operation and fair competition", the park has gained a good reputation for its rich and colorful holiday cultural activities and unique amusement projects. Onthe premise of maintaining the park's characteristics and paying close attention to environmental beautification, Jingshan Park vigorously introduces new, strange, dangerous and interesting entertainment projects that are beneficial to tourists' physical and mental health, so as to make Jingshan Park stand out in Zhuhai's tourism industry with a new look. It will become a bright pearl in Zhuhai and add a beautiful scenery line to the beautiful Zhuhai!珠海旅游英语导游词5Welcome to here! I'm your guide. My name is X. you can call me Xiao X. In order to facilitate your visit, let me first introduce you.Founded in 1987, Shijingshan Park covers an area of about 500000 square meters and is located in the tourist center of Zhuhai City. Haibin North Road in the East, Shijingshan tourist center in the south, Xiangzhou downtown in the north, convenient transportation, geographical location is very superior. Jingshan Park is close to the mountain and the sea, with exquisite and charming scenery. It is a very good park for natural landscape and ecological environment protection in Zhuhai City. It is a garden like public park integrating stone scenery, climbing, children's recreation, sports extreme telecontrol and entertainment high-tech achievements.Shijingshan is the best sightseeing spot in Zhuhai City. Shijingshan cableway is located in the famous Jingshan Park in the center of Zhuhai City. Shijingshan covers an area of 579000 square meters with an altitude of 148 meters. The stone scenery here is unique, the secluded cave is strange, the green lake is clear, and the vegetation is rich. The beauty of the stone forest Pavilion and the strange cultural scenery are in harmony with the graceful"Fisherman" by the Xianglu Bay. The cable slide project of Shijingshan in Zhuhai invested and developed by Zhuhai Sanxin cableway Co., Ltd. in 1998 is located in the Jingshan Park near the mountain and the sea in the center of Zhuhai City.Shijingshan is famous for its many strange stone scenes. The strange rocks on the mountain are undulating and falling down on the rocks. They are scattered in an orderly way. They are like galloping horses to wipe out the dust. They are like people returning to the sea. They are a natural picture of all kinds of animals, so they are named Shijingshan. Ropeway reaches the top of the mountain, the most visible: Oriental Pearl, Hongkong, south view east Monte Carlo - Macao, a green Zhuhai tree, overlooking the incense burner, the fishing girl close at hand and the jade lovers' Chui TSE, winding the seaside "lovers' road". From the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, there is a 630 meter long pipe track slide, which crosses the stone and forest, sweeps the green and rushes the secluded, twists and turns, fresh and exciting. Riding it, the rapid heartbeat of the dynamic suddenly gives birth to the world's first rush of detachment and pride. Since its opening in 1998, it has received more than two million tourists from home and abroad. It is the most famous tourist attraction in Zhuhai.Shijingshan cable car (at the entrance of the cableway) is 350 meters long, with a running speed of 1.25 m / s and a one-way transportation capacity of 500 people / hour. When you line up to take the cable car here, you should pay attention to following the instructions of the staff and not taking fireworks up the mountain. Cableway package tickets are in two copies. Please take good care of your tickets and use them when you go down the mountain.At the top of Shijingshan mountain, there is a 2000 square meter sightseeing and leisure platform made of shirt wood. It is the highest and largest sightseeing and leisure platform in Zhuhai. There is a unique sightseeing and leisure teahouse in Zhuhai. At the top of the mountain, you can have a panoramic view of Zhuhai City, and you can have a panoramic view of the whole Zhuhai City.。

刨 新
No . 3 2 01 3
( V o 1 . 7 , C u mu l a t i v e l y N o . 4 5 )
深玎 I I 、 珠海 、 汕头经济猪区发展比较砜究
【 摘
有毗邻香港和澳门的独特地缘优势。汕头经济特区 则拥 有数 量 庞大 的海 外侨 胞 , 成立 时 的经 济 总量 已 超过 1 0 亿, 经济实力相当雄厚 。然而经过 3 0 多年
较 分 析
1 9 8 0 年8 月2 6 H, 第五届全国人大常委会第 的发展 , 2 01 7 0 1
1 5 0
2 0 6 4
5 2 4
1 2 9 5 0 . 0 8 1 5 0 3 . 8 1
1 4 8 2 1 6 2
1 4 1 5
9 6
的自 然地理、 人文历史 、 经济基础等不尽相 同, 其各
财政收入( 亿元 )
亿美元) 4 6 6 7 4 5 7 7 5 自的建设和发展也很不平衡 , 存在着诸多差异。通 进 出 口总 额 ( 资料来源 : 深圳、 珠海、 汕头 2 0 1 2 年 统计年鉴和统计公报 过 比较研究 ,可以 了解各个经济特 区的优 势与劣 ( 一) 产业发 展规模 比较 势, 成 绩 与 差距 , 从 而 更好 地 认 识 经 济 特 区 的共 性
表1 广东省三大经济特区发展情况( 2 0 1 2年 )
设 立 时 间( 年)
深 圳
1 9 8 0 3 2 7 . 5
珠 海
1 9 8 0 6 . 8 1
备战2021年高考地理微专题02 珠江三角洲(解析版)

专题02 珠江三角洲基础知识1、地理位置:广东省南部,珠江下游,南临南海,被称为我国的“南大门”。

参考译文:In order to promote equity in education, China has invested 36 billion yuan for the improvement of educational facilities in rural areas and strengthening of rural compulsory education Midwest. These funds were used to improve the teaching facilities, purchase of books, so that more than 160,000 primary and secondary income. Funds are also used to purchase music and painting equipment. Now children in rural and mountainous areas with children’s coastal cities like music and painting lessons. Some receive a better education for the city school students now transferred back to the local rural schools now.粤港澳大湾区粤港澳大湾区包括香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和广东省广州市、深圳市、珠海市、佛山市、惠州市、东莞市、中山市、江门市、肇庆市(以下称珠三角九市),总面积5.6万平方公里,2017年末总人口约7000万人,是我国开放程度最高、经济活力最强的区域之一,在国家发展大局中具有重要战略地位。


2024年人教版八年级上册地理第八单元课后练习题(含答案和概念)试题部分一、选择题:1. 下列哪个城市被称为“世界工厂”?()A. 北京B. 东莞C. 杭州D. 深圳2. 广东省位于我国的哪个地区?()A. 华北地区B. 华南地区C. 华东地区D. 西南地区A. 深圳B. 珠海C. 广州D. 汕头4. 珠江三角洲地区的主要产业是什么?()A. 农业B. 工业C. 旅游业D. 金融业A. 北京B. 上海C. 香港D. 深圳A. 福建省B. 浙江省C. 江西省D. 湖南省A. 广州B. 深圳C. 珠海D. 惠州8. 珠江三角洲地区的主要优势是什么?()A. 丰富的矿产资源B. 优越的地理位置C. 丰富的劳动力资源D. 完善的交通设施A. 广州B. 深圳C. 珠海D. 东莞A. 深圳B. 珠海C. 广州D. 东莞二、判断题:1. 广东省是我国人口最多的省份。
()2. 珠江三角洲地区的发展始于20世纪80年代。
()3. 香港特别行政区位于珠江口西岸。
()4. 广东省的简称是“粤”。
()5. 珠江三角洲地区的主要产业是农业。
()6. 澳门特别行政区位于珠江口东岸。
()7. 广东省与广西壮族自治区相邻。
()8. 珠江三角洲地区的发展离不开政策的支持。
()9. 广东省的气候类型是亚热带季风气候。
()10. 珠江三角洲地区是我国最早开放的地区之一。
()三、填空题:1. 珠江三角洲位于广东省的______部,与香港、澳门毗邻。
2. 广东省的简称是______,省会是______。
3. 珠江三角洲地区的核心城市是______,被誉为“中国的硅谷”。
4. 珠江三角洲地区的主要外语是______,这是因为该地区与香港、澳门的交流密切。
5. 珠江三角洲的气候类型是______,四季分明,雨量充沛。
6. 广东省的地理位置使其成为我国对外开放的______窗口。
7. 珠江三角洲地区的发展模式被形象地称为“______经济”。

珠海位于广东省珠江口的西南部,在北纬21° 48′一22°27′、东经113°03′一114°19′之间。
园区占地 4.36 平方公里,规划为 4.2 平方公里工业区和 0.16 平方公里生活配套区。
已开发配套3.7 平方公里工业区,其中市政基础设施用地 0.75 平方公里,企业用地 2.95 平方公里。


介绍珠海的英语作文七句话Zhuhai, a vibrant coastal city in the Guangdong province of China, is a true gem waiting to be discovered. With its stunning natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and thriving economic landscape, Zhuhai offers a unique and captivating experience for visitors and residents alike. In this essay, we will delve into seven compelling aspects that make Zhuhai a truly remarkable destination.Firstly, Zhuhai's breathtaking natural scenery is a true feast for the senses. The city's stunning coastline, dotted with pristine beaches and serene bays, provides a serene and rejuvenating escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The picturesque Xianglu Bay, with its crystal-clear waters and lush, verdant hills, is a prime example of Zhuhai's natural splendor. Visitors can enjoy a leisurely stroll along the promenade, taking in the stunning vistas and the gentle lapping of the waves.Secondly, Zhuhai's rich cultural heritage is a testament to its long and storied past. The city is home to numerous historical landmarks and cultural sites that offer a glimpse into its fascinating history. TheZhuhai Museum, for instance, showcases a vast collection of artifacts and exhibits that chronicle the region's development from ancient times to the present day. Visitors can also explore the Jintai Temple, a beautifully preserved Buddhist temple that dates back to the Ming Dynasty, and marvel at its intricate architecture and serene atmosphere.Thirdly, Zhuhai's thriving economy and its status as a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) have made it a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship. The city's strategic location, coupled with its business-friendly policies, has attracted a diverse range of industries, from high-tech manufacturing to finance and services. Zhuhai's Hengqin New Area, in particular, has become a hub for cutting-edge research and development, with numerous tech companies and startups setting up operations in the area.Fourthly, Zhuhai's vibrant culinary scene is a true delight for food enthusiasts. The city's coastal location means that fresh seafood is a staple, with local specialties like steamed crab, grilled fish, and oyster omelettes. Visitors can also explore the city's bustling night markets, where they can sample a wide variety of local street food, from fragrant dim sum to sizzling barbecue. Zhuhai's culinary offerings also reflect its diverse cultural influences, with a range of international cuisines available throughout the city.Fifthly, Zhuhai's commitment to sustainable development and environmental protection is truly admirable. The city has invested heavily in renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, and has implemented strict measures to reduce its carbon footprint. Zhuhai's extensive network of parks and green spaces, such as the Gongbei Wetland Park and the Xianglu Bay Coastal Park, provide residents and visitors with ample opportunities to connect with nature and enjoy the great outdoors.Sixthly, Zhuhai's vibrant arts and cultural scene is a testament to the city's creative spirit. The city is home to a thriving arts community, with numerous galleries, performance venues, and cultural festivals that showcase the work of local and international artists. The Zhuhai Opera House, for instance, is a stunning architectural masterpiece that hosts a wide range of musical and theatrical performances throughout the year.Finally, Zhuhai's strategic location and well-developed transportation infrastructure make it an ideal hub for both business and leisure travel. The city's proximity to Hong Kong and Macau, as well as its convenient access to major highways and high-speed rail networks, make it a highly accessible destination. Zhuhai's Jinwan Airport also serves as an important gateway, connecting the city to a vast network of domestic and international destinations.In conclusion, Zhuhai is a truly remarkable city that offers a unique and captivating experience for visitors and residents alike. From its stunning natural beauty and rich cultural heritage to its thriving economy and commitment to sustainability, Zhuhai has something to offer everyone. Whether you're drawn to its bustling urban centers or its serene natural landscapes, Zhuhai is a destination that is sure to leave a lasting impression.。

论珠海落后的原因论珠海经济发展落后的原因11071109 洪硕彪内容摘要:珠海与深圳同为五⼤经济特区,但深圳的经济发展却远远快于珠海,其中的原因有客观原因也有主观原因,客观原因有:1.珠海占地⾯积⼩。
关键词:珠海落后深圳主观客观⼀、珠海与深圳经济发展的差距在1980年刚刚设⽴特区时,珠海的GDP⽐深圳多⼀些,从1983年到1994年,深圳每年的GDP 都是珠海的三倍多,过了1994年后,深圳的经济更加快速发展,⼀直都是珠海的四倍以上。


介绍珠海的英语作文英文回答:Zhuhai, a coastal city located in the southern part of China, Guangdong Province, is a vibrant hub of tourism, industry, and culture. It is situated at the mouth of the Pearl River estuary, facing Hong Kong across the Lingdingyang Strait. Zhuhai is renowned for its picturesque scenery, stunning coastline, and thriving economy.Zhuhai has a rich history dating back centuries. It was once a small fishing village but has since transformed into a modern metropolis. The city is home to numeroushistorical and cultural landmarks, including the Qi'ao Stone Forest, the Amoi Mazu Temple, and the Zhuhai Opera House.Zhuhai is a major economic center in southern China. It is a hub for manufacturing, international trade, and tourism. The city is home to many large corporations andhas attracted substantial foreign investment. Zhuhai's economy has been growing rapidly in recent years, fueled by its strategic location and favorable business environment.Zhuhai is also a popular tourist destination. It offers a wide range of attractions, including pristine beaches, lush parks, and fascinating museums. The city's iconic landmark is the Zhuhai Tower, which offers panoramic views of the city and the surrounding area. Zhuhai is home to several world-class golf courses and is a popular destination for golf enthusiasts.The city is well-connected to other parts of China and the world. It is served by the Zhuhai Jinwan Airport and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, which connects Zhuhai to Hong Kong and Macau. Zhuhai is also a popular destination for cruises, with many cruise lines offering itineraries that include stops in the city.Zhuhai is a vibrant and dynamic city that offers something for everyone. Whether you are interested in history, culture, nature, or business, you will find plentyto explore and enjoy in Zhuhai.中文回答:珠海是一座位于中国南部广东省的沿海城市,是旅游、工业和文化的重要枢纽。

产 业增 加 值 增 长 3 _ , 平均 增 长 速 度 79 , 二产 业 增 加值 增 长 7 .%, 平 均 增 长 速 度 53 年 % .% 第 58 年
1.%, 三产业 增 加值增 长 6 . , 平均 增 长速度 1 .%。2 0 51 第 1% 年 3 2 7 0 5年全 市 国 内生 产总 值 已达 到 6 46亿元 , 3. 比上年增 长 1 . , 31 全市经 济社 会 发展 继续 保 持 良好势 头 。纵 观珠 海 市近 几年 产业 %
珠海 市通 过产业 技术 升 级和结 构 不断 调整 . 已经形 成若 干优 势产 业 。2 0 0 4年 , 市 电子及 全
通信设 备制 造业 实现工 业增 加值 6 . 44 9亿 元 , 占珠海 市规模 以上 T业 增加 值总额 的 2 .%, 5 4 居珠
海 市工 业之 首 ; 电气机 械及 器 材制 造业 增 加值 6 .l 元 , 21 亿 占珠 海 市 规模 以 上工 业 增加 值 总 额 的 2. ; 45 电力 、 % 热力 的 生产 和供应 业 增加值 2 .6亿元 , 8 6 占珠 海市 规模 以上工 业 增加 值 总额 的 l . ; 学 原料及 化 学制造 业 增加值 l.8亿 元 , 1% 化 3 1 5 占珠海 市 规模 以上 工业 增加 值 总额 的 45 ; . % 医药制 造业 增加 值 98 . 7亿元 , 占珠海 市规 模 以上工 业 增加 值 总额 的 39 仪 器仪 表 及文 化 、 .%; 办 公用 机 械制造业 完 成增加 值 9 1 元 , . 亿 4 占珠海 市 规模 以上工 业增 加值 总额 的 37 上 述产 业 的 . %。
发展 态势 , 呈现 出 以下 三大 主要特 征

2024年高考地理复习专题训练(新高考专用)地区产业结构变化1. 甘孜藏族自治州川西高原区,曾为集中连片贫困区,当时部分村民依托国道经营汽修、餐饮等低端服务业,还有部分村民前往成都等地以贩卖土特产为生。
【小题1】1. 下列对甘孜州产业结构和就业结构的变化特点,描述正确的是()A. 第一产业占比均持续下降B. 第二产业占比均波动下降C. 二、三产业占比逐步上升D. 就业结构在不断优化改善【小题2】1. 推测甘孜州第一产业产业结构占比最低但就业占比最高的原因是()①第一产业产值较高②二、三产业基础较薄弱③当地自然环境较差④二、三产业就业人口多A. ①②B. ①③C. ②③D. ②④【小题3】1. 甘孜州第三产业比重变化的主要原因是()A. 第一产业的快速发展B. 第二产业实现快速发展C. 低端服务业发展迅速D. 中高端服务业发展迅速[知识点]服务业的区位因素,区域产业结构优化,地区产业结构及发展,服务业区位因素的变化[答案]【小题1】D【小题2】C【小题3】D[解析]【小题1】据图分析可知,甘孜州第一产业的产业结构和就业结构都呈现出波动下降的趋势,A错误;当地第二产业产业结构波动上升,而就业结构整体上略有上升,并不是波动下降;当地第三产业产业结构占比呈下降趋势,但就业结构占比处于上升趋势,故BC错误;据图可知,当地第一产业就业结构处于波动下降趋势,而第二产业就业结构占比略有上升,第三产业就业结构处于波动上升趋势,说明当地第二、三产业有所发展,逐步改善以第一产业为主的就业结构,就业结构处于不断优化改善中,D正确。
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The situation of the proportion of the three sectors of the economy.Biblioteka Primary sector
Main industries: animal husbandry and fishery; the annual total value of out-put of Agriculture Forestry Animal Husbandry and fishery is about 6.98 billion yuan.
The second sector
The city's total industrial output value reached 317.697 billion yuan.
The main industry of the second sector
The main industry of the tertiary sector
The most prosperous industries
The electronic information industry develops rapidly.
Petrochemical industry , electric power industry and biological medicine also have increased. The growth of foreign trade rebounded significantly.
Fixed-asset investment
Industrial investment grows strongly. Fixed assets maintains a higher growth rate, the completed investment in fixed assets is 96.089 billion yuan.
Currently,there are 5 provincial professional towns, respectively is featuring high quality aquaculture industry Baijiao town, a well of the features of electronic information industry, Jinan town, which are characterized by biological medicine industry Sanzao town, Pingsha town features a yacht manufacturing industry and Nanping town are characterized by printing consumables industry .
Financial institution
The financial, real estate, transportation , warehousing and other industries develop rapidly, their added value up to 33.5% of the total services.
Emerging industries
The key breakthrough of high-end new electronic information, biological medicine, new energy and new energy automobile industry, the development of new materials, aerospace, marine engineering and energy-saving environmental protection industry .