2018年上半年CATTI英语一级笔译实务真题 (1)

2018年上半年CATTI英语一级笔译实务真题(总分:100.00,做题时间:120分钟)一、英译汉(总题数:1,分数:25.00)1.In December 2015, British publishing stood accused of woeful blindness to diversity, and not for the first time, after World Book Night announced its titles, and none of the 15 books was by a writer of colour. An apology was issued by organisers but a wider malaise had already set in, and along with it, the troubling feeling that WBN’s oversight was less an isolated incident and more a recurring pattern of exclusion that stretched across theliterary establishment.A report on the state of the books industry had been published earlier that year by the development agency Spread the Word, which drew attention to how intransigently white,middle-class and male remained, from literary festivals and prizes to publications and personnel.The industry has been announcing strategies for change since 2015. Publishing houses have rolled out paid internships, mentoring schemes and traineeships to attract socially under-represented and BAME (black, Asian, minority ethnics) applicants on an unprecedented scale, as well as creating opportunities for women to move into boardrooms.To name a few recent initiatives: Penguin Random House is offering interest-free rent loans to draw more applicants from outside London and has set a company goal “for allnew hires and the books we acquire to reflect UK society by 2025 in terms of social mobility, ethnicity, gender, disability, and sexuality”. Harper Collins is launching programmes for BAME employees and those taking long-term parental leave, while Hachette is encouraging diversity at an executive level in a mentoring scheme with board members.Some schemes show promising signs. Penguin’s scheme connects aspiring writers from socially excluded communities to agents, editors and authors, is helping to demystify these professions.Margaret Busby, the writer and pioneering publisher, regards the endeavor for better representation in publishing as a struggle begun decades ago and still no closer to being won. Mainstream publishing, she says, is too institutionalized in its biases to be corrected by a few new authors or schemes.In the1980s she helped to found a group that campaigned to diversify the industry. Anarticle she wrote in 1988 posed questions that are still being asked today, such as: “What are publishers doing to make their companies a more accurate reflection of their lists, readers and society?”“What’s happening now is more initiatives,” Busby says. “But the problem can’t be solved with initiatives.”Margaret Busby believes the struggle for better representation in publishing is no closer to being won.There is overwhelming agreement among excluded communities that systemic change can only happen when inclusivity is filtered upwards. There is not yet gender parity on boards, eventhough women outnumber men in the industry; a lack of social diversity is one of its most stubborn problems. (分数:25.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(2015 年 12 月, 英国出版界因对作家多样性熟视无睹的糟糕状况而饱受非议,在世界读书之夜(WBN)公布入选的 15 本图书书目中,没有一本是有色种族作家的著作,而这种情况已经不是第一次了。

二、阅读理解题型解析1. 长篇阅读长篇阅读通常会给出一篇较长的文章,考生需要仔细阅读并回答相关问题。
2. 短篇阅读短篇阅读题目较长篇阅读题目较短,考生需要花费更少时间进行阅读和分析。
三、综合能力题型解析1. 词汇词汇题主要考查考生对词汇的理解和应用能力。
2. 语法语法题主要考查考生对语法规则的理解和运用能力。
3. 翻译翻译题主要考查考生对汉语和英语之间的翻译能力。

2018年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)答案及解析参考答案:1-5:CADBD6-10:BCDBA11-15:BBACD16-20:ACBAC21-25:DCADB26-30:DABCA31-35:BCDDB36-40:BAACD41-45:EGABD46. 参考译文:在他出生之前,欧洲正在经历宗教戏剧的衰退,古典悲剧和喜剧催生了新的戏剧形式。
47. 参考译文:任何一个上过文法学校的男孩都知道戏剧是一种文学形式。
49. 参考译文:本土的文学戏剧就此诞生,并与大众剧院结缘,少说也引生了一些了不起的传统。
51. 参考作文:Dear professors,I wonder if there is the possibility for you to come to my graduation at our university’s gymnasium at 7:00 pm next Saturday night.It would be my pleasure to share the important moments with you. During the experiment, it is your generous help and constant encouragement that contributes to the success of the experiment. As I have been elected as the students’ representative, I will deliver a speech at the ceremony. I do wish you to be there to witness my growth and allow me to express my sincerest gratitude to you in person.I would like you to attend, so please let me know your decision.Yours faithfully,Li Ming 52. 参考作文:As is vividly depicted in the picture, sitting in front of a computer is a university student pondering over which kind of course he should choose: the courses creative, informative and difficult to pass or the easy and less-work-amount ones.The implication underlying this picture is rather thought-provoking: his confusion in fact mirrors hundreds of thousands of students’dilemmas. Nowadays, many students in universities or colleges are not sure of what they want and where they will go in the future. As a result, they easily become anxious and helpless when choices confront them.What should we do? In my opinion, the most important thing is having a goal. It is crucial for us college students to understand what we actually want and what kind of men we want to be. And then follow your heart. If you have the ambition to be an expert in some fields, you will naturally choose the courses that are creative, informative and progressive rather than courses oriented to students who want just to dip into it for fun or credit. Otherwise, if your focus is on honing your work skills or just feeding yourselves early and supporting your family, you can just choose whichever subject you would like to successfully graduate and then hunt for jobs or establish your own career.解析:1.【答案】[C] for【解析】考察介词的用法。

上外2018年MTI真题回忆版(超详细)(一)翻译硕士英语一、阅读,回答问题(哲学类,3页5面,四个问题,40分)标题:Barney's caseStudy of philosophy knowledgeBarney’s case of the study of history of philosophy?(Barney's case for the history of philosophy)……问题:1.What are the reasons Barney cite for the study of history by three goroups of people?2. According to the passage, what are Martin Lin's interpretation about philosphers?3.How does the author comment on the men's innate thirst for knowledge?4.Sum up how the author writes about Barney and Martin Lin’s discussion on philosophical progress二、Writing. 800words, 60分Digital Humanities in the New Era(二)英语翻译基础一、汉译英,翻译划线部分,70分对中国90后,00后深入骨髓的剖析现如今的家庭教育之难,难在什么地方?难在我们的教育有太多的悖论和问题需要面对。

上外考研英语真题作文IntroductionIn recent years, the examination for postgraduate studies in English at Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) has become increasingly competitive. Many students strive to pass the exam, known as the "SISU examination," in order to pursue their academic dreams. This article aims to delve into the characteristics of the SISU English postgraduate entrance exam and provide some tips for success.Section 1: Overview of the SISU English Postgraduate Entrance ExamThe SISU English postgraduate entrance exam is renowned for its rigorousness and comprehensive content. It consists of four sections: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, translation, and essay writing. Each section requires candidates to demonstrate their English proficiency and analytical skills.Section 2: Strategies for Listening ComprehensionListening comprehension is a challenging section for many test-takers. To improve scores in this section, candidates can employ the following strategies:1. Familiarize yourself with various English accents and practice listening to different recordings.2. Focus on understanding the main idea rather than individual details.3. Take notes while listening to help retain information and facilitate answering questions.4. Practice timed mock tests to enhance speed and accuracy.Section 3: Approaches for Reading ComprehensionReading comprehension tests the ability to comprehend and analyze written passages. Here are some approaches candidates can use to improve their performance in this section:1. Skim the passage first to get a general understanding of the topic and main points.2. Pay attention to keywords and their synonyms or antonyms.3. Make use of context clues to deduce the meaning of unfamiliar words.4. Practice summarizing and paraphrasing the main ideas of the passages.Section 4: Key Tips for TranslationThe translation section assesses candidates' ability to transfer meaning accurately between English and Chinese. To excel in this section, consider the following suggestions:1. Enhance vocabulary and grammar skills in both languages.2. Pay attention to the context and register of the original text in order to choose appropriate equivalents.3. Practice translating various types of texts, such as formal documents, news articles, and literary works.4. Review common translation errors and learn from them to avoid making similar mistakes.Section 5: Techniques for Essay WritingThe essay writing section evaluates candidates' ability to express opinions and arguments in English. To excel in this section, consider the following techniques:1. Practice different types of academic writing, such as argumentative essays, descriptive essays, and persuasive essays.2. Develop a clear and logical structure for your essay, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.3. Use appropriate vocabulary and grammar to convey your ideas effectively.4. Revise and proofread your essay to correct any spelling or grammatical errors.ConclusionThe SISU English postgraduate entrance exam is challenging but not insurmountable. By understanding the exam structure and employing effective strategies, test-takers can enhance their performance and increase their chances of success. Remember to practice regularly, seek feedback, and stay confident throughout the preparation process. Good luck to all aspiring candidates!。
目 录2013年上海外国语大学高级翻译学院211翻译硕士英语考研真题(回忆版)2012年上海外国语大学高级翻译学院211翻译硕士英语考研真题(回忆版)2011年上海外国语大学高级翻译学院211翻译硕士英语考研真题(回忆版)2010年上海外国语大学高级翻译学院211翻译硕士英语考研真题(回忆版)2013年上海外国语大学高级翻译学院211翻译硕士英语考研真题(回忆版)Making the most of diversityFrom Reuters Thu Nov 15, 2012 4:22pm ESTBy Chrystia FreelandNEW YORK Nov 15 (Reuters) - For America, 2012 will go down in history as the year of the Latinos, the blacks, the women and the gays. That rainbow coalition won President Barack Obama his second term. This triumph of the outsiders is partly due to America's changing demographics. And it is not just the United States that is becoming more diverse. Canada is, too, as is much of Europe.That is why it is worth thinking hard about how to make diverse teams effective, and how people who straddle two cultural worlds can succeed. Three academics, appropriately enough a diverse group based in Asia and America, have been doing some provocative research that suggests that our ability to comfortably integrate our different identities - or not - is the key.In "Connecting the Dots Within: Creative Performance and Identity Integration," Chi-Ying Cheng of Singapore Management University, Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks of the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, and Fiona Lee, also at the University of Michigan, argue that ethnic minorities and women in male-dominated professions are most creative whenthey have found a way to believe that their "multiple and conflicting social identities are compatible.""We tried to see how people who have to deal with seemingly in-conflict culture or gender identities cope," Cheng told me. Their conclusion was that people who have found a way to reconcile their two identities - Asian-Americans, for example, or women who work in male-dominated jobs like engineering - are the best at finding creative solutions to problems."Those who see their identities as compatible, they are better at combining ideas from the two identities to come up with something new," Cheng said. "While those who also share these two social identities, but see them as being in conflict, they cannot come up with new ideas."Cheng, Sanchez-Burks and Lee devised a research strategy to probe this issue that you do not need a Ph.D. to appreciate: They asked Asian-Americans to invent new fusion cuisine dishes using both typically Asian and typically American ingredients, and they asked female engineers to design products geared specifically to women. In both cases, people who were at peace with their dual identities performed better."Asian-Americans who had higher bicultural integration could create more creative recipes, and they believed it was possible to come up with more recipes," Cheng said. "By contrast, Asian-Americans who feel their two identities are in conflict cannot come up with as many creative recipes.''Cheng has her own experience of being a minority. She is from Taiwan but went to graduate school in the United States; she is a woman but has taught in the male-dominated environment of graduate business schools. She does not minimize the challenge of coming to terms with this sort of diversity."People who have high identity integration, it is not that they are more easygoing. It is that they find peace between the two different worlds," Cheng said. "It is not that easy. Pretending doesn't work. There has to be real understanding and integration between the two worlds. They find a way for the two worlds to coexist inside a person."This academic work is a useful prism for understanding the man who may be the world's most prominent integrator of two potentially conflicting identities: President Obama. He has gained admission to what used to be the most exclusive white club of all, the White House, while remaining patently at ease with his black identity.As Cheng advises, Obama does not ignore the complexities of straddling these two worlds: He governs with an acute awareness of the particular challenges a black skin poses for the man Americans still like to describe as the leader of the free world. But the president is also deeply at ease with his various identities, a psychological state that may help him use them to powerful effect - as in the election campaign, when he rallied pretty much all Americans who think of themselves as different.。

四、备考建议针对2018年CATTI一级笔译真题,考生可以主要从以下几个方面进行备考:1. 拓宽词汇量考生需要增加自己的词汇量,特别是对新闻类和人文类涉及到专业的词汇进行具体的学习和记忆。
2. 提高语法功底考生需要深入学习常用的语法规则,例如时态、语态等方面。
3. 注重阅读练习考生要练习阅读各种类型的英文资料,例如新闻报道、杂志文章、学术论文等。
4. 多练习笔译模拟题考生要多练习笔译模拟题,在模拟题练习过程中,考生可以检验自己对真题的掌握情况,同时也可以发现自己的不足之处。

一篇cloze一篇阅读还有一篇作文cloze的那篇文章题目是Into Africa--human ancestors from Asia文章不长有15个空,但没有任何选项供选择,文章大概讲的是:人们一直认为非洲是人类祖先的发源地,但是近期考古学家发现的化石研究发现人类的组先很可能是从亚洲而来。
无首字母,15空,2分一个,讲得大概是人类祖先并非起源于非洲,而是可能从亚洲迁移而来的.EvolutionInto Africa–the human ancestors from AsiaThe human family tree may not have taken root in Africa after all, claimscientists,after finding that its ancestors may have travelled fromAsia.By Richard Alleyne,Science Correspondent7:00PM BST27Oct2010While it is widelyaccepted that man evolved in Africa,in fact its immediate predecessors mayhave1colonised thecontinent after developing elsewhere,the study says.The claims are madeafter a team2unearthedthe fossils of anthropoids–the primate group that includes humans,apes andmonkeys–in Libya's Dur At-Talah.Paleontologistsfound that3amongstthe39million year old fossils there were three distinct families ofanthropoid primates,all of whom lived in the4area at approximately the same time.Few or anyanthropoids are known to have existed in Africa during this 5period,known as theEocene epoch.This could eithersuggest a huge gap in Africa's fossil record–6unlikely, say the scientists,given the amount ofarchaeological work undertaken in the area–7or that the species"colonised"Africafrom another continent at this time.As the evolutioninto three species would have8taken extreme lengths of time,combined with the lack of fossilrecords in Africa,the team concludes that Asia was the most likely9origin.Writing in thejournal Nature,the experts said they believed migration from Asia to be themost10plausibletheory.Christopher Beard,of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, said:"11If our ideas are correct,this early colonisation of Africa by anthropoids was a truly12pivotal event—one ofthe key points in our evolutionary history."At the time,Africa was an island continent;when these13anthropoids appeared,there was nothing on thatisland that could compete with them. "It led to aperiod of flourishing evolutionary divergence amongstanthropoids,and one ofthose lineages14resultedin humans."If our earlyanthropoid ancestors had not succeeded in migrating from Asia to Africa,wesimply15wouldn'texist."He added:"This extraordinary new fossil site in Libya shows us that in the middleEocene,39million years ago,there was a surprising diversity of anthropoidsliving in Africa,whereas few if any anthropoids are known from Africa beforethis time."This suddenappearance of such diversity suggests that these anthropoids probably colonisedAfrica from somewhere else."Withoutearlier fossil evidence in Africa,we're currently looking to Asia as the placewhere these animals first evolved."阅读。

2018年上半年笔译二级综合能力真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. V ocabulary and Grammar 2. Reading Comprehension 3. Cloze TestPART 1 V ocabulary and Grammar (25 points)This part consists of three sections. Read the directions for each section before answering the questions. The time for this part is 25 minutes.SECTION 1 V ocabulary SelectionIn the section, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentences. There is only ONE right answer.1.I______with rage at his offensive remarks, finding it meaningless to argue with such a rude man.A.quiveredB.quenchedC.quippedD.quelled正确答案:A解析:本题考查形式相近的动词语义搭配。
本题四个选项皆以qu-作为前缀,后半句意为“觉得跟这样一个粗鲁无礼的人争论毫无意义”,选项中只有quiver(发抖,颤抖)的语义能与with rage(愤怒,生气)构成符合上下文逻辑的搭配,意为“气得发抖”,故只有A选项符合题意。

2018年3月英语高级口译第一阶段笔试真题及答案解析(1~20/共20题)Part A Spot DictationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.Play00:0003:03VolumeCigarette smoking is the greatest preventable cause of illness and death in Britain. It is associated with around 110,000__1__and an estimated 50 million lost working days each year, and costs the National Health Service an estimated__2__for the treatment of related diseases, for example, heart disease,__3__. In addition, smoking by pregnant women can cause__4__in infants and other natal problems. The Government is following an active__5__supported by voluntary agreements with the tobacco industry aimed at__6__.The Government also supports the work of the voluntary organization Action on Smoking and Health whose services include__7__, offering advice and help to employers in formulating anti-smoking policies. The Government__8_a smoke-free environment, with facilities where appropriate for those who wish to smoke, and has published__9_on smoking in public places. Health authorities have been asked to__10_as the normal practice in health service buildings and to give help and advice to people who want__11__. The Independent Scientific Committee on Smoking and Health estimated that passive smoking, especially__12__, may cause several hundred deaths through lung cancer every year.Passive smoking, the inhalation of second-hand smoke, can increase a non-smoker´s risk of getting lung cancer__13__, and may also increase the risk of cancers of the larynx (voice box) and pharynx (upper throat). Second-hand smoke can__14__. Every year, second-hand smoke kills thousands of people in Britain from lung cancer, heart disease,__15_—Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Second-hand smoke is particularly__16__. Children exposed to passive smoking are at a higher risk of__17__, asthma, bacterial meningitis and cot death. Second-hand smoke has been linked to around__18_new cases of disease among children in Britain each year. Almost__19_of tobacco smoke is invisible and smoke particles might also__20__.第1题第2题第3题第4题第5题第6题第7题第8题第9题第10题第11题第12题第13题第14题第15题第16题第17题第18题第19题第20题下一题(21~25/共20题)Part B Listening ComprehensionDirections: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Play00:0003:18Volume第21题A.She is stressed and overweight.B.She could only write email letters to her friends.C.Things seem to become more complicated.D.There are too many traffic jams and accidents.第22题A.By making phone calls.B.By paying regular visits.C.By writing email letters.D.By texting them via her smart phone.第23题A.He can use it for cosy chats with his friends and colleagues.B.He can have close contacts with his friends and colleagues.C.He can keep up with the latest trend in auto designing.D.He can show his friends and colleagues newly-arrived products.第24题A.They are stressed and overweight.B.Time can be saved for healthy activities.C.Everyone is irritated by the traffic jam.D.There is smog everywhere in the city proper.第25题A.You need to purchase a new mobile phone.B.You need to apply for a permit to use the smart phone.C.You need to go through certain professional training.D.You need a suitable smart phone with app installed.上一题下一题(26~30/共20题)Part B Listening ComprehensionDirections: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After eachone, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Play00:0006:09Volume第26题A.Melbourne has suffered from an "unprecedented" deluge.B.150 millimetres of rain have been expected to fall in three days.C.Heavy rain has brought major flooding to its north-east part.D.Its State Emergency Service has evacuated over 1,500 families.第27题A.An abandoned lorry with explosives.B.A sealed box with explosives.C.A detonator with batteries and wires.D.A wired device filled with nails.第28题A.It returned for retrofitting.B.It had a fatal accident.C.It was cut in half.D.It had a tiny leak at the bottom.第29题A.In 1974.B.In 1983.C.In 1993.D.Unknown.第30题A.$10 billion.B.$17 billion.C.$19.5 billion.D.$22.5 billion.上一题下一题(31~35/共20题)Part B Listening ComprehensionDirections: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Play00:0005:24Volume第31题A.To have someone invest in your future business.B.To come up with the right idea for your products.C.To incorporate or form a limited liability company.D.To go through the incorporation process.第32题A.You can sell your products in a legitimate way.B.You have an entity so that people can invest in your business.C.You want to open a bank account and start accepting money.D.You will feel like getting more than just the incorporation.第33题A.More investors are coming in to buy ownership or trust from your company.B.You start getting more checks for your new product or service.C.The bank requires incorporation papers to open an account.D.It is becoming more full-time than you had anticipated.第34题A.Make all of the decisions right from the beginning.B.Choose the type of entity that generates the best revenue.C.Open the bank account in the business name.D.File a conversion from a corporation to an LLC.第35题A.Make sure that it´s either an S corporation or a C corporation.B.Incorporate to protect their personal assets and save on taxes.C.Discuss with their accountants for the best incorporation strategy.D.Make adjustments based on tax situation and economic situation.上一题下一题(36~40/共20题)Part B Listening ComprehensionDirections: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Play00:0004:09Volume第36题A.Gain and loss in the financial markets.B.Merits and demerits of information overload.C.Benchmarking as a knowledge-sharing exercise.D.Cost-effectiveness in the information and digital age.第37题A.They all had ´information anxiety syndrome´.B.They often worked overtime surfing the Internet.C.They were too hard-working to take regular exercise.D.They had stage-fright before the Reuter correspondent.第38题A.Salomon Brothers went bankrupt back in the late 90s.B.Some guy leaned on his computer keyboard and lost £300 million.C.A trader typed £300 million into his computer instead of £30 million.lions of pounds´ worth of government bonds were sold by mistake.第39题paring individuals´ performance, according to different criteria.B.Managing expertise knowledge for employees´ career development.C.Investing in a company´s intellectual capital.D.Soliciting the information in the managers´ heads.第40题A.It is 20% material.B.It is 30% know-how.C.It is 70% know-how.D.It is 80% material.上一题下一题(41~45/共20题)SECTION 2 READING TESTDirections: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several questions about it. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write tile letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.It was the frog that pushed me over the edge. I´ve never been a Harry Potter fan myself—I was already out of kids´ books when they first came out, and those clever grown-up covers weren´t enough to tempt me back—but I´d always admired JK Rowling from afar. Who wouldn´t? A writer whose imagination transfixed the world, whose riches now exceed those of the Queen, but who has founded a children´s charity, and remains both poised and politically engaged: as role models go, it is hard to think of a better one.So I was pleased when my seven-year-old son went Harry Potter crazy. Having never read to himself before, he was suddenly racing through book after book, his bedside light on late into the night. His brother and several of his friends caught the hug. They dashed about on broomsticks, casting spells and looking for snitches. It was impressive to see the "Harry Potter effect" in action. the magical power that, since its publication, has revitalised the children´s publishing industry, encouraged millions of children to read, sold more than 400m copies, and generated a cultural empire worth £20bn.Less pleasant was the realisation that there was a marketing juggernaut poised to capitalise on my son´s enthusiasm. Unlike those first readers 20 years ago, the children discovering Harry Potter now are immediately faced with a multibillion-pound industry trading in Potter-themed "experiences" and paraphernalia. The prices of this stuff are hardly childsized: £35 for a plastic wand—and £4.50 for a chocolate frog. In the gift shop at the British Library´s exhibition, Harry Potter: A History of Magic, I watched my son deliberate anxiously about whether to spend nine weeks´ pocket money on the chocolate, and couldn´t avoid feeling that he was being fleeced by the Harry Potter industry.Rowling´s approach to commerce appears to have shifted in recent years. In the early days, the marketing around Harry Potter relied upon scarcity. Total secrecy surrounded the books before publication, and Rowling insisted that Warner Bros, which bought the merchandising rights in 1998, issued relatively few licences to manufacturers. She refused profitable partnerships with fast-food chains. The idea was to play the long game, and avoid over-saturatingthe market. More recently, it has become clear that the thirst for Potter-related products is nigh on unquenchable. It is estimated that when you include the income generated by tourism to Harry Potter-related attractions, the boy wizard is worth £4bn to the UK economy. It was reported that 10 wands are sold on eBay every minute, and three Harry Potter costumes every hour. There are now four Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme parks (two in Florida, one in Hollywood and one in Osaka, Japan).The Warner Bros studio tour The Making of Harry Potter has attracted more than 8 million visitors since it opened outside London in March 2012, and official themed shops have opened in King´s Cross railway station and Heathrow airport, with smaller independent tribute shops around the country. When a Harry Potter-themed wand shop opened in Brighton recently there were queues around the block. "My feeling is that Rowling, who once vowed to resist the commercialisation of her creation, has decided to ´give the customers what they want´," says Stephen Brown, a marketing expert who has studied the Harry Potter phenomenon. "You can hardly blame her. If she didn´t, all sorts of fakes and counterfeits and so on would crawl out of the woodwork."This may be true, but I still feel sorry for the young readers whose experience of Harry will be forever shaped by these commercial forces. One can only hope that they pay close attention to the books themselves, in which Rowling satirises marketing mumbo-jumbo. The books are careful to show us that what we want may not be, in fact, what we need. In The Philosopher´s Stone, the Mirror of Erised reflects each viewer´s deepest desires, but as Dumbledore observes, "This mirror will give us neither knowledge nor truth. Men have wasted away before it, entranced by what they have seen, or been driven mad, not knowing if what it shows is real or even possible."第41题What is the passage mainly about? ______A."Harry Potter effect" and its inevitable consequences.B.Harry Potter: A History of Magic, a successful exhibition.C.The over-commercialisation of JK Rowling´s Harry Potter.D.Rowling´s consistent approach to the marketing of Harry Potter.第42题The author uses her 7-year-old son´s story as an introduction mainly to tell us ______.A.how successful the creation of the magic story of Harry Potter isB.how the world changes in the two decades of Harry Potter´s publicationC.how Harry Potter-related attractions have become a multimillion-pound industryD.how the readers´ enthusiasm has been capitalised by the marketing strategy第43题Which of the following CANNOT be true according to the passage? ______A.Harry Potter theme parks have generated a culture empire worth £20bn.B.The studio tour of Harry Potter has attracted millions of visitors since 2012.C.Harry Potter: A History of Magic exhibition was held in the British Library.D.Warner Bros bought the merchandising rights of Harry Potter.第44题When Rowling has decided to "give the customers what they want" (para. 5), her implication is that she will ______.A.serve the young customers whole-heartedlyB.write more books for childrenC.cater to the marketing demandD.refuse profitable partnerships with fast food chains第45题At the end of the passage, the author introduces Dumbledore´s observation ______.A.to reveal that JK Rowling´s real intention is to satirise marketing propagandaB.to demonstrate that Rowling is paradoxical in what she preaches and acts.C.to show that what we want is often not what we needD.to indicate that Harry Porter books are a best example of commercialisation上一题下一题(46~50/共20题)SECTION 2 READING TESTDirections: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several questions about it. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write tile letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Coventry has been named the UK´s city of culture for 2021, a one-off opportunity to boost the economy, tourism, civic pride and access to the arts but also, its backers hope, a chance to be in the limelight and have some fun. It follows Derry and Hull as the third UK city of culture, a programme modelled on the European capital of culture concept, which had such a dramatic effect on the fortunes of Glasgow in 1990 and Liverpool in 2008. The winner was announced live on television by the arts minister John Glen at BBC´s The One Show. Coventry beat Swansea, Stoke-on-Trent, Sunderland and the town of Paisley.David Burbidge, the chair of the bid team, said: "It´s huge and just an incredible result. Most importantly, we are bringing this to the people of Coventry and they deserve this, so we are thrilled that we have been selected." He said one early survey showed 80% of Coventry residents supported the bid. About 150 businesses have also given the bid financial support, which may have set Coventry apart from other bidders. "Coventry has taken a lot of knocks over the years and this is the time for us to spring back and to show the world what we are made of. We have the advantage of being a very young city, seven years below the national average, which means more time to enjoy the success. We will make the most of this title and make everybody proud of Coventry," Burbidge said.Glen said the title was "an incredible opportunity for Coventry to boost investment in the local economy, grow tourism and put arts and culture centre stage". Each of the bidders had made spirited pitches reflecting on their cultural pasts and future ambitions. Coventry is the birthplace of the poet Philip Larkin, the thriller writer Lee Child, the singer Hazel O´Connor and the band The Specials, whose anthem to 1980s urban decay and rising unemployment, Ghost Town, was inspired by the city. The "Our Coy" promotional film reflected on the city´s rebuilding and reinvention after the Blitz, the steeliness of its people and the boast "we shape, we make, we give more than we take".While Coventry celebrated, others reflected on what might have been. Paisley, with a population of 77,000, was easily the smallest bidder and had been one of the favourites. It was the first town to be shortlisted after the contest began in 2009. Its promotional film rifled on it being the birthplace of Paisley print, the musicians Kelly Marie, Gerry Rafferty and Paolo Nutini,the actors David Tennant and Gerard Butler, and Robertson´s marmalade. The Scottish culture secretary, Fiona Hyslop, said Paisley´s bid had been inspiring. "Despite just missing out they can all be immensely proud of their efforts, they have done Paisley and Scotland proud." Swansea, a city summed up by its most famous son, Dylan Thomas, as an "ugly, lovely town", was also shortlisted last time around. The winner gets £3m from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) but government money is also expected to be forthcoming. Hull was said to have received £15m in government funding as well as £3m from Arts Council England and £3m from the HLF. Importantly, the city of culture status gives leverage and access to other pots of money, public and private. It has been estimated that Hull has had £1bn of investment since it won four years ago, with an economic boost in 2017 alone of £60m. Hotel occupancy has been up 14% and train journeys up 17%.But more than bald economic figures, the status has given Hull a spiritual lift and changed perceptions of the city. The blizzard of cultural highlights over the year included a visit by the Royal Ballet, the first Prom outside London since the 1930s, the Turner prize, 3,000 residents getting naked and blue for a Spencer Tunick photograph, and the world premiere of a new Richard Bean play, The Hypocrite. The lure of the prize has intensified since the EU, post-Brexit, cancelled Britain´s turn for a European city of culture award in 2023. That came after much time, effort and money had gone into formal bids from Dundee, Nottingham, Leeds, Milton Keynes and Belfast-Derry.The five competing UK cities of culture were visited by a panel of judges chaired by Phil Redmond, the creator of Brookside and Grange Hill, who headed Liverpool´s European capital of culture year. He said: "The process has highlighted the depth and strength of culture across the UK. That made it difficult choosing a winner, but I would like to congratulate Coventry and I am sure they will build on the legacy of Derry-Londonderry and Hull and bring about a transformational change in 2021." The UK city of culture programme was introduced by the then Labour culture secretary, Andy Burnham, and has spawned a London version with the mayor, Sadiq Khan, launching a contest to choose a London borough of culture, the first in 2019.第46题According to the passage, the UK city of culture programme ______.A.has had a history of thirty yearsB.was first initiated by a non-governmental organisationC.has been followed by the European capital of culture programmeD.was established when the Labour Party was in power第47题It can be inferred from the passage that Coventry ______.A.is the youngest city in Great BritainB.is a glorious city full of art and cultural traditionsC.has undergone huge reconstruction after World War ⅡD.has produced the most famous poet Dylan Thomas第48题Which of the following is true according to the passage? ______A.Coventry has won the UK city of culture after Glasgow and Liverpool.B.Three cities of Derry, Hull and Coventry have won the UK city of culture.C.Eight cities have joined the bidding for the UK city of culture for 2021.D.Most businesses in Coventry have given the bid financial support.第49题All of the following about Paisley is true EXCEPT that ______.A.it is the town with the smallest population among the biddersB.it is the town located in ScotlandC.it was shortlisted in the first contest for the UK city of cultureD.it has been bidding for the UK city of culture three times running第50题It can he concluded from the last paragraph that ______.A.Britain will join the contest for a European city of culture award in 2023B.the five UK cities spent much time, effort and money to win the bidding with much hopeC.the London borough of culture contest follows the UK city of culture programmeD.Brexit will lead to the cancellation of the European city of culture programme上一题下一题(51~55/共20题)SECTION 2 READING TESTDirections: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several questions about it. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write tile letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.American workers without college degrees have suffered financially for decades. More recent is the discovery that their woes might be deadly, in 2015 Anne Case and Angus Deaton reported that in the 20 years to 1998, the mortality rate of middle-aged white Americans fell by about 2% a year. But between 1999 and 2013, deaths rose. Thereversal was all the more striking because, in Europe, overall middle-age mortality fell at the same 2% pace. By 2013 middle-aged white Americans were dying at twice the rate of similarly aged Swedes. Suicide, drug overdoses and alcohol abuse were to blame.Ms Case and Mr Deaton have now updated their work on the issue. The results are no happier. White middle-age mortality continued to rise in 2014 and 2015. The trend transcends geography. It is found in almost every state, and in both cities and rural areas. The problem seems to be getting worse over time. Deaths from drugs, suicide and alcohol have risen in every five-year cohort of whites born since the 1940s. You might think that rising mortality is the flipside of falling incomes. Recent trends in median per-person income for households headed by white 50- to 54-year-olds mirror their mortality rate. Income rises in the 1990s and then falls in the 2000s. But split people out by education, and the reflection fades. The income of college graduates has followed a similar pattern. But their mortality has steadily fallen. And deaths of despair are much rarer among blacks and Hispanics, whose incomes have been on similar paths.The authors suspect more amorphous forces are at work. The fundamental cause is still a familiar tale of economic malaise: trade and technological progress have snuffed out opportunities for the low-skilled. But social changes are also in play. As economic life has become less secure, low-skilled white men have tended towards unstable cohabiting relationships. They have abandoned traditional communal religion in favour of churches that emphasise personal identity. And they have become more likely to stop working entirely. The breakdown of family, community and clear structures of life, has liberated many but left others who fail blamingthemselves and feeling helpless and desperate.Why are whites the worst affected? The authors speculate that their misery flows from their crushed aspirations. Blacks and Hispanics face worse economic circumstances, but may have had lower expectations. Or they may have taken hope from progress against discrimination. Low-skilled whites, by contrast, may find many aspects of their lives perennially disappointing. That may Push them towards depression, drugs and alcohol. The theory does not explain why misfortune is so lethal in America. It is hardly the only place where manufacturing jobs have disappeared and the social fabric has frayed. In other English-speaking countries deaths of despair have risen, but not by as much. But it is not hard to see ways in which Americans are particularly vulnerable.One example is the easy availability of opioid painkillers. Deaths from opioids more than doubled between 2002 and 2015. The epidemic is primarily found in North America. Another is access to guns, which are used in around half of suicides. However, although both these factors probably increase deaths, they cannot fully explain them. Alcohol, which kills many of those who despair, is readily available across the West. A more likely root cause for despair is the absence of a safety net for swathes of Americans. Before Obamacare financed an expansion of Medicaid, few states provide any coverage at all for adults without dependent children. A lack of health insurance has obvious implications for mortality when illness strikes. But it causes the healthy anguish, too. A randomised trial in Oregon found that Medicaid reduces depression rates by a third. In other rich countries, people in dire straits need not worry about paying for health care.Broader social insurance is also lacking. The help available for workers who lose their jobs is paltry compared with their lifetime income losses. As a percentage of GDP, America spends only one-fifth of the average in the OECD, a club of mostly rich countries, on training workers: It spends only a quarter of the average on financial help for the jobless. Yet Americans do not seem to build their own safety nets; 46% say they could not cover an unexpected $400 expense and would have to sell something or borrow to pay for it. A perilous economic existence and a culture which almost indiscriminately holds people responsible for their circumstances are toxic for mental well-being.Life is unlikely to become more secure for the low-skilled. In fact, policy may soon make it more perilous. The health-care bill that lawmakers were due to vote on as The Economist went to press would vastly increase costs for the older, poorer people who are suffering the most. One avenue for reducing despair may lie in future generations of low-skilled Americans curbing their aspirations. Indeed, some of the jobless young already seem content to spend much of their leisure time playing video games. But America can surely do better than to hope for less hope.第51题What did Anne Case and Angus Deaton tell us about the issue of mortality rate? ______A.The mortality of middle-aged white Americans rose at 2% pace for four decades.B.The mortality rate of middle-aged white Americans rose without stop from 1999 to 2015.C.The overall middle-age mortality in Europe also rose at 2% between 1999 and 2013.D.The mortality rate varies from each other in every five-year group of white Americans.第52题Why are the deaths of despair much rarer among blacks and Hispanics in America? ______A.They have been liberated largely from progress against racial discrimination.。

2018年对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士英语真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. V ocabulary 2. Reading Comprehension 3. Writing 5. Structure and RhetorieV ocabulary1.Technological change will continue to pose______challenges to labor markets across economies, just as it has in the past.A.momentaryB.momentalC.momentumD.momentous正确答案:D解析:本题考查形容词辨析。
momental 意为“动量的,力矩的”。
momentous 意为“重大的,重要的,关键的”。
2.An efficient system that centers on patients is essential for the sustainability of healthcare in the country, given ballooning expenses caused by factors such as a rapidly aging population with increased incidence of ______ disease.A.chronicB.cronicalC.chronicleD.chronological正确答案:A解析:本题考查形容词辨析。
由空格后的disease 可知,“慢性病”符合句意,故答案为[A]项。

上外2018年MTI真题回忆版(超详细)(一)翻译硕士英语一、阅读,回答问题(哲学类,3页5面,四个问题,40分)标题:Barney's caseStudy of philosophy knowledgeBarney’s case of the study of history of philosophy?(Barney's case for the history of philosophy)……问题:1.What are the reasons Barney cite for the study of history by three goroups of people?2. According to the passage, what are Martin Lin's interpretation about philosphers?3.How does the author comment on the men's innate thirst for knowledge?4.Sum up how the author writes about Barney and Martin Lin’s discussion on philosophical progress二、Writing. 800words, 60分Digital Humanities in the New Era(二)英语翻译基础一、汉译英,翻译划线部分,70分对中国90后,00后深入骨髓的剖析现如今的家庭教育之难,难在什么地方?难在我们的教育有太多的悖论和问题需要面对。

Lecce was once a critical crossroads in the Mediterranean. Severo Martini, a member of the City Council, said archaeological relics turn up on a regular basis — and can present a headache for urban planning. A project to build a shopping mall had to be redesigned after the discovery of an ancient Roman temple beneath the site of a planned parking lot.
(1/1)SectionⅠEnglish Chinese Translation
Translate the following two passages into Chinese .
All Luciano Faggiano wanted when he purchased the seemingly unremarkable building at 56 Via Ascanio Grandi, was to open a restaurant. The only problem was the toilet. Sewage kept backing up. So Mr. Faggiano enlisted his two older sons to help him dig a trench and investigate. He predicted the job would take about a week. “We found underground corridors and other rooms, so we kept digging,” said Mr. Faggiano, 60. His search for a sewage pipe, which began in 2000, became one family’s tale of discovery.

Was fehlt dir,(这两个历年重复率很高)Zum Glück, 介词,马上,
(Jeder) darf ins Haus gehen.
Der kranke darf (etwas) essen.
Er fährt Motorrad.
Ich ging in Deutschland einmal ins Kino.
Wir haben noch etwas Zeit für Museumbesuch.
Wir haben uns irgendwo gegangen.
viele (interesannten)Geschäfte.
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上外考研2018翻译硕士英语真题(回忆版)一、阅读,回答问题(哲学类,3页5面,四个问题,40分)标题:Barney's caseStudy of philosophy knowledgeBarney’s case of the study of history of philosophy?(Barney's case for the history of philosophy)……(正文不明)问题:1.What are the reasons Barney cite for the study of history by three goroups of people?2.According to the passage, what are Martin Lin's interpretation about philosphers?3.How does the author comment on the men's innate thirst for kn owledge?4.Sum up how the author writes about Barney and Martin Li n’s discussion on philosophical progress二、Writing. 800words,60分Digital Humanities in the New Era上外考研2018英语翻译基础(真题)(回忆版)一、汉译英,翻译划线部分,70分对中国90后,00后深入骨髓的剖析现如今的家庭教育之难,难在什么地方?难在我们的教育有太多的悖论和问题需要面对。