




二、市场分析1. 目标市场:明确服务的目标客户群体,包括其特征、需求和消费行为。

2. 市场规模与趋势:分析目标市场的规模、增长趋势以及影响市场的因素。

3. 竞争状况:评估竞争对手的优势、劣势和市场份额。

三、服务描述1. 服务内容:详细说明所提供的具体服务。

2. 服务特色与优势:突出服务的独特之处和相对于竞争对手的优势。

四、营销策略1. 定价策略:确定合理的服务价格。

2. 推广策略:包括广告、促销、公关等手段,以提高服务的知名度和吸引力。

3. 渠道策略:选择合适的销售和分销渠道。

五、服务运营1. 服务流程:设计高效、流畅的服务流程,确保客户满意度。

2. 人员培训:对服务人员进行专业培训,提升服务质量。

3. 设施与设备:保证必要的设施和设备的正常运行。

六、客户关系管理1. 客户满意度调查:定期开展调查,了解客户需求和意见。

2. 客户忠诚度计划:制定措施提高客户的忠诚度。

七、财务预算1. 营销费用预算:列出各项营销活动的费用预算。

2. 预期收益:预测服务营销带来的收入和利润。

八、风险评估与应对1. 识别可能面临的风险,如市场变化、竞争加剧等。

2. 制定相应的应对措施,降低风险的影响。

九、实施计划1. 明确各项任务的责任人和时间节点。

2. 制定监督和评估机制,确保策划的有效实施。



二、市场分析1. 目标市场描述:包括目标客户群体的特征、需求和消费行为。

2. 市场规模和趋势:分析市场的现有规模和未来发展趋势。

3. 竞争态势:研究主要竞争对手及其优势和劣势。

三、服务描述1. 详细介绍所提供的服务内容和特点。

2. 强调服务的独特价值和优势。

四、营销策略1. 定价策略:确定合理的价格体系。












具体要求及成绩评定方法如下:总分(100%)=考试(60%)+ 考勤及课堂讨论发言(20%)+ 课后作业(20%)。

六、课程教材及主要参考书1. 建议教材叶万春.服务营销学(第三版).北京:高等教育出版社,2014.2. 主要参考书(1)王超. 服务营销管理. 北京:中国对外经济贸易出版社,1999.(2)许晖. 服务营销. 北京:中国人民大学出版社,2015.(3)克里斯托弗·洛夫洛克,约亨·沃茨著;韦福祥等译. 服务营销(原书第7版). 北京:机械工业出版社,2013.(4)瓦拉瑞尔A.泽丝曼尔,玛丽·乔·比特纳,德韦恩D.格兰姆勒著;张金成,白长虹等译。

服务营销(原书第6版). 北京:机械工业出版社,2015.制订人:6。







二、服务定位和目标客户1. 服务定位:服务定位是指明确企业要提供的服务类型、服务特点、服务定位,并与竞争对手进行差异化分析。


2. 目标客户:明确目标客户是制定有效策略的前提。


三、服务内容设计1. 服务品质:品质是服务的基本要素,对于服务行业尤为重要。


2. 补充价值:在提供基本服务的基础上,为客户提供附加的补充价值。


3. 差异化服务:针对不同的目标客户群体,提供差异化的服务。


四、营销渠道与推广策略1. 渠道选择:通过市场调研和竞争对手分析,选择适合目标客户的营销渠道。


2. 推广策略:制定有效的推广策略,提高品牌知名度和美誉度。


3. 客户关系管理:建立良好的客户关系,提升客户忠诚度。






二、工作目标1. 提升客户满意度,将客户满意度提升至90%以上。

2. 增强客户忠诚度,使客户忠诚度达到80%以上。

3. 提高企业品牌形象,使企业品牌知名度提升至行业前10%。

4. 优化服务流程,提高服务效率,降低客户等待时间。

三、工作内容1. 客户需求分析(1)通过市场调研,了解客户需求,挖掘潜在需求。


2. 服务产品规划(1)根据客户需求,设计具有竞争力的服务产品。


3. 服务流程优化(1)梳理现有服务流程,找出瓶颈环节。



4. 服务人员培训(1)加强服务人员业务培训,提高服务技能。



5. 客户关系管理(1)建立客户关系管理体系,确保客户信息完整、准确。



6. 品牌宣传推广(1)制定品牌宣传策略,提高企业知名度。



四、实施步骤1. 第一阶段(1-3个月):完成客户需求分析,制定服务产品规划,优化服务流程。

2. 第二阶段(4-6个月):开展服务人员培训,实施客户关系管理,进行品牌宣传推广。

3. 第三阶段(7-9个月):评估第一阶段实施效果,调整优化方案,继续推进各项工作。

4. 第四阶段(10-12个月):总结第一阶段至第三阶段实施成果,制定下一阶段工作计划。

五、保障措施1. 加强组织领导,明确各部门职责,确保工作顺利进行。





































《服务营销》教学大纲课程名称:服务营销英文名称:Service Marketing总学时:32 理论学时:32 实验学时:无总学分:2一、课程介绍(一)教学目的和基本要求全面了解课程的体系、结构,对服务营销学有一个整体认识;2.树立以顾客需要为中心的服务营销观念,并以此观念为指导去研究和解决市场营销实际问题;3.掌握学科的基本概念、基本原理和基本方法,包括国内外服务营销理论与实践的最新发展;4.紧密联系实际,学会分析案例,解决实际问题,把学科理论的学习融入对经济活动实践的研究和认识之中,切实提高分析问题、解决问题的能力。







(三)课程性质专业课(四)适用对象工商管理、物流管理等专业(五)预修课程市场营销、经济学、管理学、统计学等(六)参考教材1. 《服务营销(第六版)》,克里斯托弗·洛夫洛克,约亨·沃茨著,谢晓燕,赵伟韬译,中国人民大学出版社,2010年第一版。



《服务营销》课程教学大纲课程名称:服务营销课程编码:学分:3总学时: 48适用专业:营销及管理相关专业先修课程:市场营销一、课程的性质、目的与任务《服务营销学》课程是教育部“高等教育面向21世纪教学内容和课程体系改革计划”的研究成果,是面向21世纪课程,也是高等学校工商管理类专业主干课程。




































服务营销复习大纲一、名词解释 1、服务:服务是具有无形特征却可给人带来某种利益或满足感的可供有偿转让的一种或一系列活动。


) 3、目标市场:是企业从范围更大的市场中选择出来的一个细分市场。


















二、目标客户分析1. 目标客户群体的定义:根据产品或服务的特点和定位,明确目标客户群体的特征、需求和购买能力。

2. 目标客户群体的细分:根据不同的特征和需求,将目标客户群体进一步细分,以便更好地制定针对性的营销策略。

三、竞争对手分析1. 竞争对手的定位和特点:分析竞争对手的产品或服务定位、品牌形象、市场份额等,以了解其优势和劣势。

2. 竞争对手的营销策略:研究竞争对手的市场推广活动、广告宣传、促销策略等,以便制定差异化的营销策略。

四、产品定位与差异化策略1. 产品特点与优势:明确产品或服务的特点、功能、优势,以及与竞争对手的差异化之处。

2. 产品定位:根据目标客户的需求和市场竞争情况,确定产品的定位和目标市场。

五、市场推广策略1. 品牌建设:制定品牌建设的策略和计划,包括品牌形象设计、品牌传播渠道选择等。

2. 广告宣传:确定广告宣传的媒体渠道、内容和形式,制定广告投放计划。

3. 促销策略:制定促销活动的类型、时间和地点,包括特价促销、赠品促销、抽奖活动等。

4. 渠道拓展:评估现有渠道的效果,制定渠道拓展计划,包括寻找新的销售渠道、合作伙伴等。

六、销售预测与预算1. 销售预测:根据市场需求、竞争对手情况和产品定价等因素,预测未来一段时间内的销售额。

2. 营销预算:根据营销活动的具体内容和执行计划,制定营销预算,包括广告费用、促销费用、渠道费用等。

七、执行与监控1. 营销执行计划:制定具体的营销执行计划,包括活动时间表、责任分工、执行措施等。

2. 监控与评估:设立监控指标,定期评估营销活动的效果,及时调整策略和计划。

八、风险评估与应对措施1. 市场风险评估:分析市场竞争、经济环境、法律法规等因素对营销活动的影响,评估可能存在的风险。



服务营销策划书模板3篇篇一服务营销策划书模板一、前言(一)策划背景(二)策划目的(三)策划意义二、服务营销环境分析(一)市场分析1. 市场规模2. 市场增长趋势3. 市场份额分布(二)竞争对手分析1. 主要竞争对手2. 竞争对手的优势和劣势3. 竞争对手的市场策略(三)消费者分析1. 消费者需求2. 消费者行为3. 消费者满意度(四)服务产品分析1. 服务产品特点2. 服务产品优势3. 服务产品劣势三、服务营销策略(一)服务产品策略1. 服务产品定位2. 服务产品差异化3. 服务产品创新(二)服务价格策略1. 定价目标2. 定价方法3. 价格调整策略(三)服务渠道策略1. 服务渠道选择2. 服务渠道管理3. 服务渠道拓展(四)服务促销策略1. 促销目标2. 促销方式3. 促销预算(五)服务人员策略1. 服务人员招聘2. 服务人员培训3. 服务人员激励(六)服务过程策略1. 服务流程设计2. 服务质量控制3. 服务补救措施四、服务营销实施计划(一)组织与管理1. 组织结构2. 人员配备3. 职责分工(二)营销进度安排1. 营销活动时间安排2. 营销活动地点安排3. 营销活动内容安排(三)营销预算1. 营销费用预算2. 营销收入预算3. 营销利润预算五、服务营销效果评估(一)评估指标1. 服务质量评估指标2. 服务满意度评估指标3. 市场份额评估指标4. 利润评估指标(二)评估方法1. 问卷调查法2. 访谈法3. 观察法4. 统计分析法(三)评估时间1. 定期评估2. 不定期评估六、结论与建议(一)结论(二)建议篇二服务营销策划书一、策划背景(简要介绍服务的背景、市场情况和目标受众)二、服务概述(详细描述服务的内容、特点和优势)三、目标市场(分析目标市场的规模、需求、竞争情况等)四、服务定位(确定服务在市场中的定位,如高端、中端或经济型)五、营销目标(明确营销活动的具体目标,如提高知名度、增加销售额等)六、营销策略(制定具体的营销策略,包括产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略和促销策略等)1. 产品策略:服务创新:不断改进和创新服务,以满足客户的需求和期望。



Syllabus of《Service Marketing》Course Name:Service Marketing Course Code:Credits:2 Total Credit Hours:32Lecture Hours:32 Experiment Hours:0Programming Hours:0 Practice Hours:0Total Number of Experimental (Programming) Projects 0 ,Where, Compulsory ( 0 ), Optional ( 0 ).School:School of BusinessTarget Major:Business AdministrationⅠ、Course Nature & Aims"Service Marketing" is a professional elective course for marketing majors, which has strong applications. Service marketing is a course focusing on the specific characteristics of service industry and enterprise service activities, focusing on researching service products, service activities and their particularities. The course has strong practicality and skill, involving services, service markets, service consumption behavior, customer expectations and service commitments, service research, service strategy, tangible display and service links, service quality and other content.Through studying this course, students are able to master the basic connotation of service marketing, related concepts, research objects and research categories, distinguish the difference in content and marketing mix elements between service marketing and marketing, master the basic elements of service marketing mix, understand the characteristics of service consumption behavior, establish the correct concept of service marketing, understand the concept and components of service quality, measurement of service quality, and management of service quality. On the basis of theoretical study, students are able to connect with reality and engage in service industry marketing activities or participate in enterprise marketing service activities.Ⅱ、Course Objectives1. Moral Education and Character Cultivation.Through studying the "Service Marketing" course, students are required to learn the relevant theories of service marketing and master service marketing related skills, so as to fully understand and master the relevant knowledge of the "Service Marketing" course. Through the explanation of the development history of service marketing and the establishment of related theories and concepts, students are expected to understand how previous scholars at home and abroad thought about the process of service marketing development, how to overcome the obstacles encountered, and help students establish scientific thinking methods and the courage to face challenges in work. From the perspective of the role of service marketing disciplines in the development ofinnovation-driven development in China, with the research work of outstanding contributors as the carrier, the education of socialist core values is integrated into the teaching content of the course and all links of the entire teaching process, highlighting value guidance, knowledge transfer and ability training to help students correctly understand the laws of history, accurately grasp the basic national conditions, grasp the scientific world outlook, methodology, and promote the establishment of a correct world outlook and values.2. Course ObjectivesThrough the study of this course, students' qualities, skills, knowledge and abilities obtained are as follows:Objective 1. Understanding the concept, characteristics and service marketing mix, and the service quality gap model.(Corresponding to Chapters 1-2, supporting for graduation requirements index 1.1 The concept of service marketing; 1.2 The characteristics of services; 1.3 The service marketing mix; 1.4 The service quality gap model; 1.5 The customer gap; 1.6 The supplier gap)Objective 2. Grasping the customer's expectation and perception of services. (Corresponding to chapters 3-4, supporting the graduation requirement index point, supporting for graduation requirements index 2.1 Service Expectations; 2.2 Factors Affecting Service Expectations; 2.3 Customer Perception; 2.4 Consumer Satisfaction; 2.5 Service Quality)Objective 3.Understanding feedback from customers through research, building customer relationships, and service recovery.(Corresponding to Chapters 5-7, supporting for graduation requirements index 3.1 Elements of The Market Survey Plan; 3.2 Analysis and Research of Market Survey Results; 3.3 Relationship Marketing; 3.4 Customer Relationship Value; 3.5 Relationship Development Strategies; 3.6 Service Recovery; 3.7 Service Commitment)Objective 4.Understanding service innovation and design, customer-defined service standards, and tangible display and service scenarios.(Corresponding to chapters 8-10, supporting for graduation requirements index 4.1 Service Innovation and Design; 4.2 Types of Service Innovation; 4.3 Service Blueprints; 4.4 Types ofCustomer-Defined Service Standards; 4.5 Customer-Defined Development; 4.6 Tangible Display; 4.7 Services the Strategic Role of the Scene)Objective 5.Understanding the role and management needs of employees and customers in service delivery. (Corresponding to chapters 11-13, supporting for graduation requirements index 5.1 Service Culture; 5.2 The Key Role of Front-Line Service Personnel; 5.3 Customer-Oriented Service Delivery; 5.4 Customer Role; 5.5 Customer Participation; 5.6 Demand Fluctuation Law; 5.7 Ability and Demand Matching Strategy)Objective 6.Understanding the pricing of integrated marketing communication and services. (Corresponding to chapters 14-15, supporting graduation requirement index 6.1 Five Strategies for Matching Service Commitment and Service Delivery; 6.2 Service Pricing Methods; 6.3 Pricing Strategies Related to Four Value Definitions) Objective 7. Understanding the financial and economic significance of services. (Corresponding to Chapter 16, supporting the graduation requirement index 7.1 Aggressive Marketing Role of Service; 7.2 DefensiveMarketing Role of Service; 7.3 Customer Service Quality Perception and Purchase Willingness; 7.4 Key Driver of Service Quality, Customer Retention and Profit)3. Supporting for Graduation RequirementsThe graduation requirements supported by course objectives are mainly reflected in the graduation requirements indices: professional competence, decision-making ability, and problem analysis ability, as follows:Supporting for Graduation RequirementsⅢ、Basic Course ContentChapter 1 Introduction to Services (Supporting Course Objectives 1.1 Concept of Service Marketing; 1.2 Characteristics of Services; 1.3 Service Marketing Mix)1.1 What is a service1.2 Why study service marketing1.3 Service and technology1.4 Features of the service1.5 Service marketing mix1.6 Always pay attention to customersTeaching Requirements: Through the study of the first chapter service introduction course, students are required to grasp the connotation of service, clarify the important development trend of service, understand the society's need for special service marketing concepts and practical knowledge, and why this need has been rapidly developed and accelerated expansion. Familiarize and discuss the profound impact of technology on services, grasp the four characteristics of services (intangibility, heterogeneity, synchronization of production and consumption, perishability) and understand the basic differences between general services and products and its impact on the service industry Corresponding challenge.Key Points:Concept and characteristics of service and service marketing; service marketing and marketing relationship, service marketing mixDifficult Points:Characteristics of service marketingChapter 2 Service Quality Gap Model (Supporting Course Objectives 1.4 Service Quality Gap Model; 1.5 Customer Gap; 1.6 Supplier Gap)2.1 Customer gap2.2 Supplier gap2.3 Integrating all factors: bridging all gapsTeaching Requirements:Through the study of the service quality gap model in Chapter 2, students are required to master the service quality gap model and use it as the organizational framework of this course; understand the concept of customer gap and supplier gap; understand and clarify the service quality gap model for organizational understanding Service quality is a useful framework; mastering the most important service quality gap is the final customer gap, that is, the difference between customer expectations and perceptions; requires proficiency in the respective factors affecting the four supplier gaps.Key Points:Customer gap; Supplier gap; Bridging all gapsDifficult Points:Customer gap; Supplier gap; Bridging all gapsChapter 3 Customer Expectation of Service (Support Course Objectives 2.1 Service Expectation; 2.3 Factors Affecting Service Expectation)3.1 Service expectations3.2 Factors affecting customer service expectations3.3 Some issues related to customer service expectationsTeaching Requirements:Through the study of customer expectations of services in Chapter 3, students are required to master the concept of service expectations and types of service expectations, as well as understand the concept of tolerance domains and master the sources that affect ideal services and appropriate services; The consumer is still an organization consumer. For pure services or product-related services, for experienced or inexperienced customers, the types and sources of customer expectations are similar; know the five most frequently mentioned about customer expectations problem.Key Points:Service expectations, factors that affect customer service expectations, and some issues related to customer service expectationsDifficult Points:Factors affecting customer service expectationsChapter 4 Customer's perception of service (supporting course objectives Section 2.3 Customer perception;2.4 Consumer satisfaction; 2.5 Service quality)4.1 Customer perception4.2 Consumer satisfaction4.3 Quality of service4.4 Customer energy4.5 Service contact: the basis of customer perceptionTeaching Requirements:Through the study of Chapter 4 (Customer Perception of Service), students are required to understand how to affect customer perception of service, and the relationship between customer satisfaction, service quality and personal service contact; grasp the importance and definition of servicesatisfaction And important influencing factors; master the basic knowledge about services and five key dimensions: reliability, responsiveness, empathy, safety, tangibility; understand the impact of service contact or "real moment" on customer perception, Importance and type.Key Points:Service perception, customer satisfaction, service quality, service contactDifficult Points:Service perception, customer satisfaction, service qualityChapter 5 How to Investigate and Listen to Customers (Supporting Course Objectives Section 3.1 Market Research Plan Elements; 3.2 Analyzing and Researching Market Research Results)5.1 Apply customer surveys to understand customer expectations5.2 Effective service market survey plan5.3 Analysis and research of market survey results5.4 Using market research information5.5 Upward communicationTeaching requirements:Through the study of Chapter 5 (How to Investigate and Listen to Customers), students are required to understand how to understand customer service expectations and perceptions through market surveys; be familiar with the types and guidelines of customer surveys in the service industry; understand how to apply customer survey information In the service industry; master the strategies that can promote company managers to interact and communicate with customers; be familiar with the methods that service companies can promote the interaction between management and front-line contacts, and make sure that market research is to bridge the gap between customer expectations and customer expectations .Key Points:Types of customer research, market research plan, application of market research results, upward communicationDifficult Points:Using market research to identify customer gapsChapter 6 Building Customer Relationships (Supporting Course Objectives; 3.3 Relationship Marketing; 3.4 Customer Relationship Value; 3.5 Relationship Development Strategies)6.1 Relationship Marketing6.2 Customer value relationship6.3 Customer profitability segmentation6.4 Development Relationship Strategy6.5 Relationship ChallengeTeaching requirements:Through the study of Chapter 6 (Building Customer Relationships), students are required to master the concepts and objectives of relationship marketing and the benefits of long-term relationships for customers and companies; understand the reasons and methods for estimating the value of customer relationships; master customers The concept of profitability subdivision, and use it as a strategy for gathering relationship marketing efforts; familiar with the strategy of relationship development, including: quality coreservices, conversion barriers, and relationship connection; familiar with the challenges of relationship development, including the still controversial The view that customers are not always correct.Key Points:Relationship marketing, customer value relationship, customer profitability analysis, relationship development strategyDifficult Points:Relationship marketing, customer value relationshipChapter 7 Service Remedy (Support Curriculum Objectives Section 3.6 Service Remedy; 3.7 Service Commitment)7.1 Service errors and impact of remediation7.2 Customer response to service errors7.3 Service recovery strategy: appease customers7.4 Service remedies: problem solving7.5 Service commitment7.6 Replacement or acceptance of service remedyTeaching requirements:Through the study of Chapter 7 (Service Remediation), students are required to understand the importance of remediating service errors in retaining customers and building loyalty; understand the nature of customer complaints and why some people complain. No complaints from people; master what customers expect from customers during the service complaint process, and what kind of response they expect when they complain; master some effective service remedy strategies, including reassuring customers and solving problems when service errors occur Method; understand what is service guarantee, guaranteed benefits and when to use service guarantee.Key Points:Service errors, service response to service errors, service remediation strategies, service remedial measuresDifficult Points:Service errors, service remediation strategies and measuresChapter 8 Service Innovation and Design (Support Course Objectives Section 4.1 Service Innovation and Design; 4.2 Types of Service Innovation; 4.3 Service Blueprints)8.1 Challenges of service innovation and design8.2 Important considerations for service innovation8.3 Types of service innovation8.4 Procedures for service innovation and development8.5 Service blueprint: an important technique for effectively describing service innovation and designTeaching requirements: Through the study of Chapter 8 (Service Innovation and Design), students are required to understand the challenges of service innovation and design; master the main types of service innovation, including service provision innovation, customer-centric innovation and service solution innovation; Understand the importance of service customers and employees in service innovation, and be able to use servicedesign thinking for service innovation; understand the stages and unique elements of the service innovation and development process; understand the value of service blueprints and master the development and reading of service blueprints Ability.Key Points:Service innovation and design challenges, service innovation types, service innovation and development steps, service blueprintsDifficult Points:Types of service innovation, service blueprintsChapter 9 Customer-defined service standards (support course objectives; 4.4 types of customer-defined service standards; 4.5 customer-defined development)9.1 Essential factors for establishing appropriate service standards9.2 Types of customer-defined service standards9.3 Development of customer-defined service standardsTeaching requirements: Through the study of Chapter 9 (Customer-Defined Service Standards), students are required to be proficient in the enterprise-defined service standards and customer-defined service standards, and understand the difference between them; familiar with various one-time amendments and Customer-defined hard and soft service standards; understand the key role of service contact in the development of customer-defined service standards; understand how to convert customer expectations into definable, repeatable, and operable service behaviors and activities; master customer definitions Procedures for service labeling.Key Points:Necessary factors for establishing appropriate service standards, types of customer-defined service standards, and developmentDifficult Points:Types and development of customer-defined service standardsChapter 10 Tangible Display and Service Scenario (Support Curriculum Objectives 4.6 Tangible Display; 4.7 Strategic Role of Service Scenario)10.1 Tangible display10.2 Types of service scenarios10.3 The strategic role of service scenarios10.4 Theoretical framework of the impact of service scenarios on customer and employee behavior10.5 Principles of tangible display strategiesTeaching requirements: Through the study of Chapter 10 (Tangible Display and Service Scenarios), students are required to be able to master the impact of tangible display, especially service scenarios on customer perception and experience; understand the differences between various service scenarios and the role of service scenarios And its strategic revelation; grasp the theoretical framework based on marketing, organizational behavior and environmental psychology to explain why service scenarios affect the behavior of employees and customers; familiar with the environmental elements of tangible display, including surrounding price adjustment, spatial layout and function, and signs and symbols And art products.Key Points:Tangible display, the strategic role of service scenarios, the theoretical framework of the impact of service scenarios on customer and employee behavior, the principles of tangible display strategies Difficult Points:The theoretical framework of the impact of service scenarios on customer and employee behaviorChapter 11 Staff Roles in Service Delivery (Support Course Objectives 5.1 Service Culture; 5.2 Key Role of Frontline Service Staff; 5.3 Customer-Oriented Service Delivery)11.1 Service Culture11.2 The key role of frontline service personnel11.3 Cross-border effects11.4 Strategies for delivering service quality through personnel11.5 Customer-oriented service deliveryTeaching requirements: Through the study of Chapter 11 (Employee Role in Service Delivery), students are required to understand the importance of establishing a service culture in the service organization, in which the organization provides internal and external customers Quality service is equally important; the number of key service frontline employees plays a key role in creating customer satisfaction and service quality; understand the cross-border role of frontline employees in the service industry and its inherent challenges; understand how to hire the right employees and train employees to Provide quality of service and how to retain the best employees to create customer-centric service delivery.Key Points: Service culture, the key role of front-line service personnel, cross-border role, and strategies for delivering service quality through personnelDifficult Points: Service culture, cross-border roleChapter 12 Employee Roles in Customer Delivery (Support Course Objectives; 5.4 Customer Roles; 5.5 Customer Participation)12.1 The importance of customers in service delivery12.2 The role of customers12.3 Self-service technology: focus on customer participation12.4 Strategies to increase customer participationTeaching requirements:Through the study of Chapter 12 (Customer's Role in Service Delivery), students are required to master the importance of customers in successful service delivery; understand how management develops strategies to enhance customer participation, including defining the role of customers , Educating and rewarding customers, managing customer portfolios; understanding the various roles played by customers, including customers as production resources, customers as contributors to quality, satisfaction and value, and customers as competitors; understanding how effective customer engagement in service is Improve satisfaction, quality, value and productivity.Key Points:the importance of customers in service delivery, the role of customers, strategies to increase customer participationDifficult Points: the role of customers, strategies to increase customer participationChapter 13 Management Demand and Ability (Support Course Objectives Section 5.6 Law of Demand Fluctuation; 5.7 Matching Strategy of Ability and Demand)13.1 The fundamental problem: the service lacks inventory capacity13.2 Capacity limitations13.3 The law of fluctuation in demand13.4 Matching strategies for capabilities and needs13.5 Yield management: balancing capacity utilization, price, market segmentation and financial returns13.6 Queuing and waiting strategy: when demand is consistent with capability serviceTeaching requirements: Through the study of Chapter 13 (Management Demands and Capabilities), students are required to be familiar with the fundamental problem of limited service capacity, namely lack of inventory capacity; understand the impact of time, labor, equipment and facilities restrictions on various demand models ; Master the strategy of matching inventory with demand, including changing demand to adapt to inventory capacity and flexibility of use capacity to adapt to demand; understand the balance between service ability to provide pricing, market segmentation and capital return, to prove the advantages and Risk; Understand when the capacity and demand are inconsistent, provide strategies for managing queues.Key Points:Ability limitation, demand fluctuation law, ability and demand matching strategy, yield management, queue waiting strategyDifficult Points: the matching strategy of ability and demandChapter 14 Integrated Marketing Communication (Support Course Objectives Section 6.1 Five Strategies for Matching Service Commitment and Service Delivery)14.1 Marketing communication needs to be coordinated14.2 Key challenges of service dissemination14.3 Five Strategies for Matching Service Commitment and Service DeliveryTeaching requirements: Through the study of Chapter 14 (Integrated Marketing Communication), students are required to be proficient in using the service triangle to describe external and interactive communication and how to coordinate all communication channels to provide services that meet customer expectations; familiar with the challenges faced by service marketing communication , Including service intangibility, management of service commitments, management of customer expectations, customer education and content marketing communication; mastering the strategy of managing customer expectations includes providing service guarantees for customers, providing services of different value levels, etc .; familiar strategies related to customer education include letting Customers understand the process of service, make performance meet standards and expectations, and make clearexpectations after sales.Key Points: Marketing communication needs to be coordinated, the key challenges of service communication, and five strategies to match service commitment and service deliveryDifficult Points: Five strategies to match service commitment and service deliveryChapter 15 Pricing of Services (Support Course Objectives Section 6.2 Methods of Pricing Services; 6.3 Pricing Strategies Related to Four Value Definitions)15.1 Three main aspects of customer service price different from product price15.2 Method of service pricing15.3 Pricing strategies related to the four definitions of valueTeaching requirements:Through the study of Chapter 15 (Service Pricing), students are required to be proficient in the three main aspects of customer service prices different from product prices, including customer perception of service prices, the role of non-monetary costs, prices As an indicator of service quality; understand the main aspects that distinguish service pricing from product pricing from the perspective of the enterprise; grasp what value means to customers and the role of price in value; master the methods of service pricing, including cost-oriented pricing Law, competition-oriented pricing and demand-oriented pricing.Key Points: the difference between customer service prices and product prices, methods of service pricing Difficult Points: the method of service pricingChapter 16 Financial and Economic Significance of Services (Support Course Objectives 7.1 Aggressive Marketing Role of Services; 7.2 Defensive Marketing Role of Services; 7.3 Customer Service Quality Perception and Purchase Willingness; 7.4 Key Drivers of Service Quality, Customer Retention and Profit factor)16.1 Service and profitability: a direct relationship16.2 The aggressive marketing role of services: attract more and better customers16.3 The defensive marketing role of services: retain customers16.4 Customer service quality perception and purchase intention16.5 Key drivers of service quality, customer retention and profit16.6 Effective non-financial performance evaluationTeaching requirements: Through the study of Chapter 16 (Service Financial and Economic Significance), students are required to master the direct relationship between service and profitability, and be familiar with the role of service in attracting new customers, that is, the aggressive marketing role of service; understand the service The role in customer retention is the defensive marketing role of services; understand what are the key service drivers for overall service quality, customer retention, and profitability; familiarity with performance-balanced scorecards, which can be viewed from a strategic perspective rather than just financial The performance evaluation of enterprises from the perspective.Key Points: the relationship between service and profitability, the aggressive marketing role and defensiverole of service, customer service quality perception and purchase intentionDifficult Points: Aggressive marketing role and defensive role of service, customer service quality perception and purchase intentionⅣ、Table of Credit Hour DistributionⅤ、Summary of Experimental (Programming) ProjectsNo experiment (programming) sessionⅥ、Teaching MethodThe teaching of this lesson is mainly based on teachers ’classroom lectures, supplemented by self-study and homework based on course video materials. The teaching process should be able to flexibly use blackboard writing and multimedia teaching, strengthen teacher-student interaction, and focus on heuristic teaching.Seminar teaching: According to the specific teaching content, carry out appropriate seminar activities. Teachers provide discussion questions, and the students prepare for the class after the class, and then conduct class discussions to improve the teamwork ability of the students.Mixed teaching: Based on the "Mu Class" platform of Jiangnan University, part of the offline and offline mixed teaching is interspersed in the teaching process, and some content and engineering applications allow students to learn by themselves.Heuristic teaching: teaching important questions, asking questions, analyzing problems, and solving problems, and subtly cultivate students' corresponding abilities; emphasize the importance of practical experience and learn in practice.Ⅶ、Course Assessment and Achievement EvaluationAssessment Methods:Non-ExaminationExamination Formats:Open-bookGrading Methods:Five-level SystemCourse Assessment Content, Assessment Format and Supporting Course Objectives。



服务营销策划方案大纲一、项目背景和目标1.1 项目背景- 对目标市场和竞争对手进行市场调研和分析,了解市场需求和竞争环境。

- 列举公司已有的服务产品和潜在的服务产品。

- 分析公司目前的服务水平和市场占有率。

1.2 项目目标- 提高公司的服务水平和满意度。

- 提高市场份额和市场占有率。

- 增加服务交叉销售和服务与产品的捆绑销售。

二、目标市场和受众分析2.1 目标市场- 对目标市场进行细分,了解不同细分市场的特点和需求。

- 分析目标市场的规模和增长趋势。

- 评估目标市场的竞争程度和竞争对手的优势。

2.2 受众分析- 对不同受众进行分类和分析,了解其特点、需求和购买行为。

- 设定不同受众的服务目标。

三、服务产品开发和定价策略3.1 服务产品开发- 根据市场需求和竞争环境,确定需要开发的服务产品。

- 制定服务产品的特点和功能,以满足目标市场的需求。

- 设定服务产品的品牌和定位。

3.2 定价策略- 分析目标市场的价格敏感度和竞争价格水平。

- 确定服务产品的定价策略,包括高价策略、中价策略和低价策略。

- 考虑采用差异化定价策略,根据不同服务产品的独特性和价值来制定不同价格。

四、服务渠道和促销策略4.1 服务渠道- 分析目标市场的购买渠道和客户接触点。

- 根据目标市场的特点,选择合适的渠道来销售服务产品。

- 制定渠道管理计划,包括渠道招募、培训、激励和绩效评估等。

4.2 促销策略- 设定促销目标,如提高销售额、增加客户数量等。

- 制定促销活动计划,如折扣销售、特价优惠、赠品促销等。

- 制定促销渠道和媒体选择策略,如线上推广、线下活动、广告投放等。

五、售后服务和客户关系管理5.1 售后服务- 设立售后服务团队,负责处理客户投诉、回访等事宜。

- 建立售后服务流程和制度,确保及时、高效地解决客户问题。

- 通过售后服务收集客户反馈和需求,不断改进产品和服务质量。

5.2 客户关系管理- 建立客户数据库,记录客户的购买行为和偏好。

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单打独斗 没有合作
顾客层层 只抓住露出冰 漏斗严重 山一角的顾客
只依托个人,店面 销售概率低,层层流失顾客 瞎子掰玉米,掰的不如扔得多
服务营销才是最好的营销 推销 营销 服务营销 营销服务
著述及发表:《中国企业内控精要丛书》、《中国明星企业启示录》《提升中国企业战略力》 《中国商人的评价体系》 《青少年自我管理日志》等

1. 导师简介及课程要求
服 赢 务 未 营 来 销 2. 业绩不佳的五大死穴 3.服务才是最好的营销! 4. 服务营销的五大系统 5. 鱼塘系统的操作实践
品质是企业的生命,服务是企业的寿命;软服务是提升利润的硬道理;行行都是服务业, 环环都是服务链,人人都是服务员。企业的成败取决于服务的好坏,服务的好坏取决于员 工的状态,员工的工作状态取决于老板的服务心态;顾客不是上帝,是朋友。=爽
鱼塘系统Байду номын сангаас
硬变软软变硬,利他服务始终贯穿始终 内生循环,低成本自然滚动
2001—2002年 欧典企业集团 副总裁 2002—2006年 美国丽舍健康集团中国区总裁 2006—2009年 家里会科技服务集团董事长兼总裁 2011年至今 旗帜教育集团董事长 大堂家居联合创始人
曾兼任中国美容领袖年会主席、《销售与管理》杂志运营总裁 曾参与创办《瑞丽服饰美容》 畅销书《随访连战的日子》 、《回望20年》出版发行策划人 现担任《中国经营报》 《医学美容》 《中国医院院长》等媒体顾问、央视《对话》 《大家看法》 中央教育电视台《天下父母》《先锋少年》等栏目特邀嘉宾、中国大学生就业论坛 主持人 、 天津商业大学职业规划导师 、北大光华EMBA讲师、南开大学,中国青年政治学院创业导师, 《创业家》黑马会副会长兼秘书长,黑马大赛评委,2012全球创业周中国站导师 作为投资人投资多家生活创意类,互联网类企业,部分已上市 主题培训课程: 《基业长青》 《服务营销五大系统》 《插上资本的翅膀》 《成就孩子未来三十年》等
服务是我们每一个善良的人活着 的理由 您如果想活得比别人更好,就必须 让自己可被利用的价值大于别人。 努力塑造自己被他人利用的价值 ,主动创造为他人服务的机会 利他服务 利益前置
变顾客为朋友服务,经营人心立即自动成交 并爱上你,离不开你,降低流失率
洞悉“种利与借力”的经营 秘密,变利用为种利业绩迅 速倍增
变营销为引销=完全颠 覆你的传统推销思维, 马上引爆销售

被员工需要 被顾客需要 做生意就是赚取人心
企业经营战略与商业模式专家 投资人 青少年教育专家 丰厚资本管理合伙人、弼马基金创始合伙人
1998—2001年 国务院经济体制改革办公室 项目官员