Affiliate 知识简介







常见的比如说Page View,Visit,bounce rate什么的,我就不多说了,相信大家都非常熟悉。

下面按字母先后顺序列举一些可能大家会有疑惑的英语名词:1. A/B testA/B test即A/B测试,晚一些我也准备写一个关于A/B test的文章。

A/B test是把同一个页面的两个或者多个版本(实际上是多个页面文件)在同一个时间段内随机的展现给不同的访问者,以测试不同版本的转化效能,并最终为选取某一个版本,或者为更好的优化这个页面提供依据。

本质上,A/B test就是一种实验。

2. Abandon RateAbandon Rate,也作Abandonment Rate,是一个电子商务网站分析的度量。

Abandonment Rate是指把商品添加入购物车却又没有完成购物的比例。

有两种情况,一种被称为购物车Abandonment Rate,它是点击“进/加入购物车”按钮却没有继续点击“结账(或者立即支付)”按钮的顾客占全部点击“进/加入购物车”按钮的顾客的百分比。

另一种情况是付款环节的Abandonment Rate,是点击“结账”按钮却没有完成支付的顾客占全部点击“结账”按钮顾客的百分比。

3. Action / EventAction或者Event是指页面上非HTML格式的互动形式/互动链接,就是我们常见的Flash形式的互动,JavaScript等。

这些互动形式令网站分析格外关注的原因是,你不能通过页面HTML上的默认监测代码的实施实现对它们的监测,而需要把相关的监测function语句加入到Flash的Action Script或者JavaScript中去。

在Google Analytics中,有Event Tracking功能,即是对这互动形式的特殊监测方法。



BEC 商务英语口语词汇详解 (44)【商务用语】advisory panel 顾问团advisory committee 咨询委员会,顾问委员会advisory commission 咨询/顾问委员会advisory opinion 顾问意见【例句】You should pay more attention to the advisory opinion.你们应该多考虑一下意见。 adj.飞行的 n.飞机;飞行【商务用语】an aero club 飞行俱乐部aero lens (空中照相机所用) 航空透镜3.affidavit n. 宣誓书【商务用语】affidavit of export 输出宣誓书affidavit of support (经济) 资助宣誓书4.affiliate vt.接纳,使附属于 n.关系企业,联营公司 vi.有联系【商务用语】connecting affiliates 企业联署/联营foreign affiliate 外国联署企业;国外联号securities affiliate 经营有价证券的分行affiliate company 关联公司【例句】This company is affiliated with that university.这家公司附属于那所大学。

5.affiliation n.联署关系,联营关系,联号【商务用语】business affiliation 企业联营educational affiliation 教学用具father-son-grandson affiliations 母公司、子公司、孙公司型的联营reciprocal affiliations 相互投资的联营公司。



AFFILIATE(关联公司)is a corporation that is related to another corporation by shareholding or other means of control . It includes not only a parent or a subsidiary but also corporation that is under common control.AGGRESSOR CORPORATION(收购公司) is a corporation that attempts to obtain control of a publicly held corporation, often by a direct cash tender or public exchange offer to shareholders, but also possibly by way of merger, which requires agreement or assent of the target’s management.AMOTION(股东罢免董事决议) is the common law procedure by which a director may be removed for cause by the shareholders.ANTI-DILUTION PROVISIONS (反稀释条款)appear in convertible securities to guarantee that the conversion privilege is not affected by share reclassifications ,share splits, share dividends, or similar transactions that may increase the number of outstanding shares without increasing the corporate capital.APPRAISAL (小股东的股份买取请求权)in corporation law is limited statutory right granted to minority shareholders who object to specified fundamental transaction ,e.g. mergers in an appraisal proceeding a court determines the value of their shares and the corporation pays that value to the dissenting shareholders in cash ,The Model Business Corporation Act(1804)uses the term “dissenters rights to obtain payment for theirshares “to describe this right.ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION(公司设立章程)is the name customarily given to the document that is filed in order to form a corporation .Under various state statutes ,this document may be called the “certificate of incorporation ””charter””articles of association ,” or other similar name.ATTHORIZED SHARES (授权股份) are the shares described in the articles of incorporation which a corporation may issue .Modern corporate practice recommends authorization of more shares than it is currently planned to issueBONUS SHARES (免费赠股,即在缺乏对价的情况下发行的面值股份) are par value shares issued without consideration ,usually in connection with the issuance of preferred or senior securities , or debt instruments, Bonus shares are considered a species of watered shares and many impose a liability on the recipient equal to the amount of par value. BOOK V ALUE (账面价值) is the value of shares determined on the basis of the books of the corporation ,Using the corporation’s latest balance sheet ,the liabilities are subtracted from assets , an appropriate amount is deduced to reflect the interest of senior securities (preferred shares), and what remains is divided by the number of outstanding common shares to obtain the book value per share.BROKER(证劵经纪人)in a securities transaction , means a person whoacts as an agent for a buyer or seller, or an intermediary between a buyer and seller, usually charging a commission .A broker who specializes in shares ,bonds ,commodities, or options must be registered with the exchange where the specific securities are traded. A broker should be distinguished from a dealer who, unlike a broker, buys or sells for his own account. Securities firms typically act as dealers and brokers, depending on the security involved.BYLAWS(公司附属章程) are the formal rules of internal governance adopted by a corporation , State corporation statutes contemplate that every corporation will adopt bylaws , though special close corporation statutes may make bylaws optional for qualifying close corporations.C CORPORATION (C类公司)is a corporation that is subject to federal income tax at the corporation level. See S Corporation.CALL FOR REDEMPTION (请求赎回) See: redemptionCALLS (购买证劵选择权) are options to buy securities at a stated price for a stated period. Calls are written on a variety of indexes, foreign currencies, and other securities. The person who commits himself of herself to sell the security upon the request of the call holder is referred to as the call writer; the act of making the purchase of the securities pursuant to the call option is referred to as exercise of the option. The price at which the call is exercisable is the strike price .See also: puts CAPITAL STOCK (资本股票) is another phrase for common shares ,often used when the corporation has only one class of shares outstanding. CAPITAL SURPLUS(资本余额) in the old Model Business Corporation Act nomenclature, is an equity or capital account which reflects the capital contributed for shares not allocated to stated capital :the excess of issuance price over the par value of issued shares or the consideration paid for no par shares allocated specifically to capital surplusCASH FLOW(现金合并) is a merger transaction in which certain shareholders or interest in a corporation are required to accept cash for their shares.CASH TENDER OFFER(收购要约)is a technique by which an aggressor seeks to obtain control of a target corporation by making a public offer to purchase a specified fraction (usually a majority)of the target corporation’s shares from persons who tender their shares.CEO(首席执行官)stands for “chief executive officer” of a publicly held corporation. CEO is a preferred and useful designation because official titles of such persons vary widely from corporation to corporation.CFO(首席财务官)stands for “chief financial officer”CLO(首席财务官)stands for “chief legal officer”COO(首席经营官)stands for” chief operation officer”CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION (公司成立证书)in most states is the document prepared by the secretary of state that evidences the acceptance of articles of incorporation and the commencement of thecorporate existence. In Delaware the certificate of incorporation is the name given to the document filed with the secretary of state .The Model Business Corporation Act(1984)has eliminated certificates of incorporation , requiring only a fee receipt.CHARTER(公司章程)may mean (i)the document filed with the secretary of state, i.e. the articles of incorporation, or (ii)the grant by the state of the privilege of conducting business with limited liability. Charter is often used in a colloquial sense to refer to the basic constitutive documents of the corporation.CLASS A SHARES (A类股份)See participating preferred shares. CLASS VOTING (种类表决权)See:voting groupCLASSIFIED BOARD OF DIRECTORS (分类董事会)may refer either (1)to a board of directors of which the individual members are elected by different classes of shares or (2)to a board of directors of which one-third or one-half are elected each year. See staggered boardCLOSE CORPORATION or CLOSELY HELD CORPORATION (内部控股公司)is a corporation with relatively few shareholders and no regular markets for its shares .Close corporations usually have never made a public offering of shares and the shares themselves may be subject to restriction on transfer. Close and Closely held are synonymous. COMMON SHAREHOLDERS(普通股东)are holders of common shares, the ultimate owners of the residual interest of a corporation.COMMON SHARES(普通股份)represent the residual ownership interests in the corporation . Holders of common shares select directors to manage the enterprise, are entitled to dividends out of the earnings of the enterprise declared by the directors, and are entitled to a per share distribution of whatever assets remain upon dissolution after satisfying or making provisions for creditors and holders of senior securities. CONSOLIDATION(公司的新设合并)is an amalgamation of two corporation pursuant to statutory provision in which both of the corporations disappear and a new corporation is formed. The Model Business Corporation Act (1984) eliminates the consolidation as a distinct type of corporate amalgamation.CONTROL OF A CORPORATION BA A PERSON(人对公司的控制)normally means that a person has power to vote a majority of the outstanding shares. However, control may be reflected in a significantly smaller block if the remaining shares are scattered in small, disorganized holding.CONTROL PERSON(控制人)in securities law is a person who is deemed to be in a control relationship with the issuer. Sales of securities by control person are subject to many of the requirements applicable to the sale of securities directly by the issuer. In addition, controlling person have a duty under ITSFEA to prevent insider trading by persons under their control.CONVERSON CECURITIES(转换证券)are the securities into which convertible securities may be converted.CONVERTIBLE SECURITIES(可转换证券)are securities that include the right of exchanging the convertible securities, usually preferred shares or debentures, at the option of their holders, for a designated number of shares of another class, usually common shares, called the conversion securities. The ratio between the convertible and conversion securities is fixed at the time the convertible securities are issued, and is usually protected against dilution.CO-PROMOTERS(共同发起人)See: promoters.CORPORATE OPPORTUNITY(公司机会)is a fiduciary concept that limits the power of officers, directors, and employees to take personal advantage of opportunities that belong to the corporation. CORPORTION BY ESTOPPEL(禁反言的公司)is a doctrine which prevents a third person from holding an “officer,”“director,”or “shareholder”of an nonexistent corporation personally liable on an obligation entered in the name the nonexistent corporation on the theory that the third person relied on the existence of the corporation and is now “estopped” from denying that the corporation existed.CUMULATIVE VOTING(累积投票权)is a method of voting that allows substantial minority shareholders to obtain representation on the board of directors. When voting cumulatively, a shareholder may cast all of his orher available votes in an election in favor of a single candidate.D﹠O INSURANCE(董事与经理保险)refers to directors’and officers’liability insurance. Such insurance, which is widely available commercially, insures persons against claims based on negligence, failure to disclose, and to a limited extend, other defalcations. D﹠O insurance provides coverage against expense and to a limited extend fines, judgments, and amounts paid in settlement.DEADLOCK(僵局)in a closely held corporation arises when a control structure permits one or more factions of shareholders to block corporate action if they disagree with some aspect of corporate policy. A deadlock often arises with respect to the election of directors, e.g., by an equal division of shares between two factions, but many also arise at the level of the board of directors itself.DEEP ROCK DOCTRINE(“深石”法理)is a principle in bankruptcy law by which unfair or inequitable claims presented by controlling shareholders of bankrupt corporations may be subordinated to claims of general or trade creditors. The doctrine received its name from the corporate name of the subsidiary involved in the leading case articulating the doctrine.DE FACTO CORPORATION(事实上的公司)at common law is a partially formed corporation that provides a shield against personal liability of shareholders for corporation obligations; such a corporationmay be attacked by the state.DE FACTO MERGER(事实上的公司吸收合并)is a transaction that has the economic effect of a statutory merger but is cast in the form of an acquisition of assets or an acquisition of voting stock and is treated by a court as if it were a statutory merger.DE JURE CORPORATION(法律上的公司)at common law is a corporation that is sufficiently formed to be recognized as a corporation for all purposes. A de jure corporation may exist even though some minor statutory requirements have not been fully complied with.DELECTUS PERSONAE(合伙人对新合伙人入伙的接受或拒绝)is a Latin phrase used in partnership law to describe the power each partner possesses to accept or reject proposed new members of the firm. DEPOSITORY TRUST CIRPORATION(保管信托公司)is the principle central clearing agency for securities trades. See: book entry.DERIV ATIVE SUIT(代表诉讼)is a suit brought by a shareholder in the name of a corporation to correct a wrong done to the corporation. DISCOUNT SHARES(折价发行的股份)are par value shares issued for cash less than par value. Discount shares are a species of watered shares or watered stocks.DISSENSION(公司内部诉讼)in a closely held corporation refers to personal quarrels or disputes between shareholders that may make business relations unpleasant and interfere with the successful operationof the business. Dissension may occur without constitution oppression or causing a deadlock or adversely affect the corporation's business. DISSENTERS’RIGHT(异议股东的权利)See: appraisal. DISTRIBUTION(分配)is a payment to shareholders by a corporation. If out of present or past earnings it is a dividend. The word describing is sometimes accompanied by a word describing the source or purpose of the payment, e.g. Distribution of Capital Surplus, or Liquidating Distributing.DIVIDEND(股利)is a payment to shareholders from or out of current or past earnings.DOWN STREAM MERGER(下游公司吸收合并)is the merger of a parent corporation into its subsidiary.EARNINGS PER SHARE(每股收益)equals a firm’s net income divided by the number of shares held by shareholders.EQUITY or EQUITY INTEREST(股东权或者股东权益)are financial terms that refer in general to the extent of an ownership interest in a venture. In this context, equity refers not to a legal concept but to the financial definition that an owner’s equity in a business is equal to the business’s assets minus its liabilities.EQUITY INANCING(股权融资)is raising money by the sale of common shares or preferred shares.EQUITY SECURITY(股权证券)is a security that represents anownership interest in the business, i.e. Common or preferred shares.EX DIVIDEND(除息日)refers to the date on which a purchaser of publicity traded shares is not entitled to receive a dividend that has been declared and the seller of such shares is entitled to retain the dividend. The ex dividend date is a matter of agreement or of convention to be established by the securities exchange.EX RIGHTS(除权日)refers to the date on which a purchaser of publicity traded shares is not entitled to receive rights that have been declared on the shares.FACE V ALUE(面值)is the value of a bond , note, mortgage, or other security, as stated on the certificate or instrument, payment upon maturity of the instrument. Face value is also often referred to as the par value or nominal value of the instrument.FORCED CONVERSION(强制转换)refers to a conversion of a convertible security that follows a call for redemption at a time when the value of the conversion security is greater than the amount that will be received if the holder permits the security to be redeemed.FREEZE-OUT MERGER(排挤或公司吸收合并). See: cash merger. GENERAL PARTNERS(普通合伙人)are partners that participate in management of the business. General partner is traditionally used in contrast with limited partner in a limited partnership, but general partner is also sometimes used to refer to any partner in a general partnership. Ageneral partner is liable for the obligations of the business if the partnership has not elected to be a limited liability partnership.GOING PRIV ATE(公司股份有公众持有改为经营者与大股东持有)refer to a transaction in which shareholders of a publicity held corporation are compelled to accept cash for their shares while the business continues to be owned by officers, directors, or large shareholders. A going private transaction may involve a merger of the publicity held corporation into a subsidiary in a cash merger.GOLDEN PARACHUTE(金降落伞)is a slang term for a lucrative contract to a top executive of a corporation which provides additional benefits in cash the company is taken over and the executive is either forced to leave the target company or voluntarily leaves it. A golden parachute may include severance pay, stock options, or a bonus payable when the executive’s employment at the company ends.HOLDING COMPANY(控股公司)is a corporation that owns a majority of the shares of one or more other corporations. A holding company is not engaged in any business other than the ownership of shares. See: investment companies.INCORPORATORS(公司设立人)are the person or the persons who execute the articles of incorporation. Historic restrictions on who may serve as incorporators have largely been eliminated.INDEPENDENT DIERCTORS(独立董事)as directors of a publicity heldcorporation who are not officers or executive of the corporation and have no substantial direct or indirect financial interest in transactions with the corporation.INSIDE DIRECTORS(内部董事)are directors of a publicity held corporation who hold executive positions with management.INSIDER(内幕人)is a term of uncertain scope that refers to persons having some relationship to a corporation, and whose securities trading on the basic of nonpublic information may be a violation of law. Insider is broader than inside director.INSIDER TRADING(内幕交易)refers to transactions in shares of publicity held corporation by person with inside or advance information on which the trading is based. Usually the trader himself is an insider with an employment or other relationship of trust and the confidence with the corporation.INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS(机构投资者)are large investors who largely invest other person’s money, e.g. mutual funds, pension funds, insurance companies, and others.INTERLOCKING DIRECTORS(连锁董事)are persons who serve simultaneously on the boards of directors of two or more corporations that have dealings with each other.INVESTMENT COMPANIES(投资公司)are corporations that are engaged in the business of investing in securities of other businesses. Themost common kind of investment company is the mutual fund. An investment company differs from a holding company in that the latter seeks control of the ventures in which it invests while an investment company seeks investment for its own sake and normally diversifies its investments.ISSUED SHARES(已发行股份)are shares a corporation has actually issued and has not canceled.JOINT VENTURE(合资企业)is a limited purpose partnership largely governed by the rules applicable to partnerships. In an earlier day, many states permitted corporations to participate in joint ventures but treated as ultra virus an attempt by a corporation to become a partner in a general partnership.LEVERAGE(杠杆)refers to the advantages that may accrue to a business though the use of debt obtained from third persons in lieu of contributed capital. Third party debt improves the earnings allocable to contributed capital if the business earns more on each dollar invested than the interest cost of borrowing funds.LEVERAGED BUYOUT (or “LOB”) (杠杆式收购)is a transaction by which an outside entity purchases all the shares of a public corporation primarily with borrowed funds. Ultimately the debt incurred to finance the takeover is assumed by the acquired business. If incumbent management has a financial and participatory interest in the outside entity,the transaction may be referred to as a management buyout or MBO. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (usually called an LLC)(有限责任公司)is an unincorporated business from that provides limited liability for its owners and may be taxed as a partnership. To created an LLC, a certificate must be filed with a state official.LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP (usually called an LLP) (有限责任合伙)is a general partnership that has elected to register under state statutes that provide some protection against liability for actions of co-partners. To create an LLP a certificate, renewable annually, must be filed with a state official.LIMITED LIABILITY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (usually called an LLLP)(有限责任有限合伙)is a limited partnership that has elected to register under state statutes that provide some protection for general partner against liability for actions of other general partners. To create an LLLP a certificate, renewable annually, must be filed with a state official. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP(有限合伙)is a partnership consisting of one or more limited partners (whose liability for partnership debts is limited to the amount originally invested) and one or more general partners. To create a limited partnership a certificate must be filed with a state official. MERGER(公司吸收合并)is an amalgamation of two corporations pursuant to statutory provision in which one of the corporations survives and the other disappears.NASDAQ(纳斯达克)is an acronym for “Nations Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations” and is the principal recording device for transactions on the over-the-counter market.NEW ISSUE(初次发行)is a security being offered to the public for the first time. The distribution of new issues is usually subject to SEC rules. New issues may be initial public offerings by previously private companies or additional securities offered by public companies.NON-CALLABLE(不可赎回的)preferred shares or bonds are securities that cannot be redeemed at the option of the issuer.NON-CUMULATIVE VOTING or STRAIGHT VOTING(非累积性投票或直接股票)limits a shareholder to voting no more than the number of shares he or she owns for a single candidate.NONVOTING COMMON SHARES(无表决权普通股)are shares that expressly have general power to vote for directors and for other issues coming before the shareholders. Nonvoting shares may be entitled to vote as a separate voting group on certain proposed changes adversely affecting that class as such.NO PAP SHARES(无面值股份)are shares issued under a traditional par value statute that are stated to have no par value. Such shares may be issued for the consideration designated by the board of directors. In many respects no par shares do not differ significantly from par value shares. In state that have abolished par value, the concept of no par value shares isobsolete.OUTSIDE DIRECTORS(外部董事)are directors of publicly held corporations who do not hold executive positions with management. Outside directors, however, may include investment bankers, attorneys, or other who provide advice or services to incumbent management and thus have financial ties with management.OVER-THE-COUNTER (柜台市场)refers to the NASDAQ securities market which consists of brokers who purchase or sell securities by computer hook-up or telephone rather than through the facilities of a securities exchange.PAR V ALUE or STATED V ALUE(票面价值或者载明价值)of share is an arbitrary or nominal value assigned to each other share. At one time par value represented the selling or issuance price of shares, but in modern corporate practice, par value has little or no significance. Shares issued for less than par value are usually referred to as watered shares. The Model Business Corporation Art(1984) and the statutes of many states has eliminated the concept of par value.PARTICIPATING PREFERRED SHARES(可参加的优先股)are preferred shares that, in addition to paying a stipulated dividend, give the holder the right to participate with the common shareholders in additional distributions of earnings, if declared, under specified conditions. Participatory preferred shares may be called class A common or given asimilar designation to reflect their open-ended rights.PAYABLE DATE(股利支付日)is the date on which a dividend or distribution is actually paid to a shareholder.POISON PILL(毒药丸)is an issue of shares by a corporation as a protection against an unwanted takeover. A poison pill creates rights in existing shareholders to acquire debt or stock of the target (or of the aggressor upon a subsequent merger) upon the occurrence of specified events, such as the announcement of a cash tender offer or the acquisition by an outsider of a specified percentage of the shares of the target. A poison pill raises the potential cost of an acquisition, usually thereby compelling the aggressor to negotiate with the target in order to persuade it to withdraw the pill.POOLING AGREEMENT(集合投票协议)is a contracture arrangement among shareholders relating to the voting of their shares. PREEMPTIVE RIGHTS(优先权)given an existing shareholder the opportunity to purchase or subscribe for a pro proportionate part of a new issue of shares before it is offered to other persons. Its purpose is to protect shareholders from dilution of value and control when new shares are issued. In modern statutes, preemptive rights may be limited or denied.PREFERRED SHARES(优先股份)are shares that have preferential rights to dividends or to amounts distributable on liquidation, or to both, aheadof common shareholders. Preferred shares are usually entitled only to receive specified limited amounts as dividends or on liquidation. PREFERRED SHAREHOLDERS’CONTRACT(优先股东的合同)refers to the provisions of the articles of incorporation, the bylaws, or the resolution of the board of directors, creating and defining the rights of holders of the preferred shares in question. Preferred shareholders have only limited statutory or common law rights outside of the preferred shareholders’ contract. Provisions creating and defining the rights of the holders of preferred shares may usually be amended without the consent of each individual holder of preferred shares if they are approved by the holders of the class of preferred shares.PREINCORPORATION SUBSCRIPTION(公司设立前认购). See: subscription.PROMOTERS(发起人)are persons who develop or take the initiative in funding or organizing a business venture. Where more than one promoter is involved in a venture, their described as co-promoters.PROXY(投票代理人)is a person authorized to vote someone else’s shares. Depending on the context, proxy may also refer to the grant of authority itself (the appointment), or the document grating the authority (the appointment form).PUBLIC OFFERING(公开募集股份)involves the sales of securities by an issuer or a person controlling the issuer to members of the public.Generally, any offering that is not exempt under Regulation D or the private offering exemption of the Securities Act of 1933 and/or similar exemptions under state blue sky law is considered a public offering. Normally registration of a public offering under those statutes is required though in some instance other exemptions from registration may be available.PUBLIC HELD CORPORATION(公开上市公司)is a corporation with shares held by numerous persons. Shares of publicly held corporations are usually trade either on a securities exchange or over-the-counter. RECAPITALIZATION(公司资产重组)is are restructuring of the capital of the corporation through amendment of the articles of incorporation or a merger with a subsidiary or parent corporation. Recapitalization may involve the elimination of unpaid cumulated preferred dividends, the reduction or elimination of par value, the creation of new chasses of senior securities, or similar transactions. A leveraged recapitalization involves the substitution of debt for equity in the capital structure. REDEMPTION(赎回)means the reacquisition of a security by their issuer persuade to a provision in the security that specifies the terms on which the reacquisition may take place. Typically, a holder of a security that has been called for redemption will have a limited period thereafter to decide whether or not to exercise a conversion right, if one exists. REGISTERED CORPORATION(登记公司)is a publicly heldcorporation which has registered a publicity held class of securities under section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Section 12 may apply to issuers other than corporations. The registration of an outstanding issue under this section of the 1934 Act should be contrasted with the registration of a public distribution under the Securities Act of 1933. REGISTRATION(登记)of an issue of securities under the Securities Act of 1933 permits the public sale of those securities in interstate commercial or with the use of the mails. That registration should be distinguished from the registration of already publicly held classes of securities under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. REORGANIZATION(公司重组)is a general term describing corporate amalgamations or readjustments. The classification of the Internal Revenue Code is widely used in general corporate literature. A Class A reorganization is a statutory merger or consolidation (i.e. pursuant to the business corporation act of a specific state). A class B reorganization is a transaction by which one corporation exchange s its voting shares for the voting shares of another corporation. A class C reorganization is a transaction in which one corporation exchange s its voting shares for the property and assets of another corporation. A class D reorganization is a “spin off” of assets by one corporation to a new corporation. A class E reorganization is a recapitalization. A class F reorganization is a “mere change of identity, form, or place of organization, however effected.” A。



石油英语词汇(A3)aff. 亲近种affair 事affect 影响;感动;假装;倾向于affectation 假装affected area 受影响区affection 影响AFFF 水成膜泡沫affidavit 宣誓书affiliate 分支机构;关联公司;追源;分支affiliated company 附属公司affiliation 亲缘关系;附属机构affine anisotropy 仿射各向异性affine coordinates 仿射坐标affine deformation 均匀变形affine estimator 仿射估计affine function 仿射函数affine group 仿射群affine hull 仿射包affine image 仿射图象affine independence 仿射独立性affine strain 均匀应变affine subspace 仿射子空间affined transformation 仿射变换affinis 亲近种affinity bond 亲合键affinity coefficient 亲合系数affinity constant 亲合常数affinity 类同affirm 肯定affirmative vote 赞成票affix 添加;添加剂;固定;附标affixing organ 附加器管affixture 附加;贴上;加成物afflight 近月飞行affluence 富裕affluent 汇流的;支流afflux 流入affluxion 汇流afford 给予Afghanella 阿富汗蜓属AFID 碱火焰电离检测器AFIPS 美国信息处理学会联合会AFIT 交联邦所得税后afloat gas 浮选气afloat maintenance 船上保养afloat repair 水上检修afloat 浮AFM 耐摩金属Afmag method 声频磁法AFMAG 声频磁法afocal 无一定焦点的aforesaid 前述的AFP 平均流动压力AFP 异常地层压力AFRA 估算平均运费率AFRA 平均运费率定值AFRGC 碱溶反应气相色谱Africa 非洲African 非洲的;非洲人的;非洲人africandite 钛黄云橄岩AFS 原子荧光光谱法afsd 前述的aft deck 后甲板aft draft 艉吃水;后吃水AFT 音频变压器aft 在船尾AFT 自动微调after load 后载荷after mast 后桅after peak bulkhead 艉尖舱舱壁after peak 艉尖舱;后尖舱after perpendicular 艉垂线after production period 续流期after pump gravel injection system 泵后加砂注入系统after shrinkage 后收缩after skirt 后缘after survey calibration summary 测后刻度记录after tack 回粘after tackiness 回粘性after tax income 税后收入after tax net profit 税后净利after tax profit 税后利润after tax 税后after time 余辉时间after tool check summary 测后仪器检查记录after treatment 后处理after twist 复捻after vibration 后振动afterblow 后吹afterbody 船体后部;弹体尾部afterburner 补燃器;复燃室afterburning 补燃afterclap 意外变动;节外生枝的事件aftercoder 寻码器aftercombustion 补充燃烧aftercooler 后冷却器aftercooling 后冷却afterdamp 爆后气体afterdeck 后甲板aftereffect 后效;副作用afterflaming 停止供油后的燃烧;补充燃烧afterflow rate 续流流量afterflow 续流;残余塑性流动;蠕变afterflush 后处理aftergases 爆炸后的有害气体afterglow tube 余辉管afterglow 余辉;光惰性afterheat 余热afterimage 余象afterinjection 续注aftermath 余波;后果aftermost 最后头的afterpower 剩余功率afterproduction 续流afterpulse 剩余脉冲afterpulsing 寄生脉冲afterservice 售后服务aftershock 余震afterthought 回想aftertossing 船尾波动afterward 后来afterword 编后记后后烘二次燃烧后缩合后收缩后拉伸后膨胀后期硬化afte延迟着火测后校验充填后砾石的沉降后置液后净化售后服务后沉效应后收缩后拉伸事后资料返稠after油井处理后生产剖面测井后效尾部天线afunction 功能缺失AFWC 自动给水控制afwillite 硅酸钙石AG 可用增益AG 气隙Ag 银AGA 美国天然气协会agad 海滨植物Agallospira 圆环螺属Agalmatoaster 首饰星石agalmatolite 寿山石;滑石;块云母;叶蜡石Agama 飞蜥属agar slug 琼脂段塞agar solution 琼脂溶液agar 琼脂Agarum 孔叶藻属agate mortar 玛瑙研钵agate 玛瑙;点铅字agathacopalite 化石树脂agatized wood 硅化木AGC 自动测量调整装置AGC 自动增益控制Agcy 代理处age dating 年龄测定age determination 年龄测定age group 年龄组age hardening 时效硬化age instability 老化不稳定性age overnight 老化过夜age pattern 年龄模式age spectrum 年龄谱age strength relation 龄期强度关系age theory 年龄理论age 年龄;成年;老年;时代aged core 陈置岩心aged product 老化油品aged sample 陈置样品aged 陈化的agehardenability 可时效硬化性ageing oven 老化炉ageing resistance 抗老化性能ageing stability 老化稳定性ageing time 老化时间sistant grease 抗老化润滑脂agency agreement 代理协议agency contract 代理合同Agency for International Development 国际开发署agency 办事处agenda 议事日程;记事本agendum agenda 的单数agent 代理人ager 水压箱Agerina 西郊虫属agerite 弹性地蜡;地蜡Agetolitella 小阿盖特珊瑚属油井寿命与产量的关系agg. 共计agglaciation 冰川加强作用agglomerant 烧结剂agglomerate lava 集块熔岩agglomerate tuff 集块凝灰岩agglomerate 成团的烧结矿渣泡沫混凝土agglomerating agent 烧结因素;凝结剂;胶凝剂agglomeration agent 烧结因素;凝结剂;胶凝剂agglomeration 成团;烧结;附聚;凝聚agglomerative 凝聚的agglutinant 烧结剂;胶粘的agglutinate 粘合集块岩agglutinating power 聚结能力agglutination 聚结agglutinin 凝集素aggradated plain 加积平原aggradation coast 加积海岸aggradation island 淤积岛aggradation stream 加积河aggradation 浮土aggradational deposit 加积沉积物aggradational plain 加积平原aggradational 层序加积的aggrade 加积;变厚aggrading braided stream 加积辫状河aggrading continental sea 填积大陆海aggrading neomorphism 加积新生形变作用aggrading river 加积河aggrading 加积作用aggravate 恶化aggravation 加剧aggreagative fluidization 聚式流态化aggregate balance sheet 合并资产负债表aggregate breaking force 综合破断拉力aggregate capacity 合计容量;机组总功率aggregate demand 总需求量aggregate erection 组合安装aggregate error 集合误差aggregate eye 聚合眼aggregate index 综合指数aggregate investment 投资总额aggregate liability 债务总额aggregate map 综合地图aggregate momentum 总动量aggregate motion 组合运动aggregate planning 总体规划aggregate plant 集料厂aggregate polarization 集合偏光aggregate preparation plant 集料制备厂aggregate sample 混合样aggregate scheduling 总进度aggregate size 骨料粒度aggregate social product 社会总产品aggregate spreader 集料撒布机aggregate structure 集合体构造aggregate supply 总供给aggregate thickness 合计厚度aggregate transfer rate 总传输率aggregate 聚集的aggregation plain 集积平原aggregation 集结aggregational rock 集合岩aggregative index 综合指数aggregative model 综合模型aggregative state 聚集态aggremeter 集料称量器aggression 侵蚀aggressive action 侵蚀作用aggressive agent 侵蚀剂aggressive assembly 进取性钻具组合aggressive substance 使质量变坏的物质aggressive water 前侵水;侵蚀性水aggressive 侵蚀性的AGI 美国地质学会AGI 美国天然气学会agile 敏捷的aging action 老化因素aging crack 时效裂纹aging crust 老化的地壳aging effect 老化效应aging inhibitor 防老剂aging period 老化周期aging resister 防老剂aging resisting agent 防老化剂aging test 老化试验aging 变老aging 时效agio bank commission 银行手续费agio 贴水Agip Spa 阿吉普石油公司AGIP 视天然气储量agitate 搅拌agitation 搅拌agitator treating 搅动洗涤agitator truck 带搅拌工具的汽车agitator 搅拌器;鼓动家agium 海滨群落AGL 联合地球物理实验室Aglaiocypris 彩星介属Aglestheria 华美叶肢介属aglet 金属箍aglucone 配质AGMA 美国齿轮制造商协会agmatite 角砾混合岩Agnostus 球接子属Agnotozoic 疑生代agonic line 无偏线agonic 不成角的;无偏差的agpaite 钠质霞石正长岩类agraphitic carbon 无定形碳agraphitic 非结晶的agravic 无重力的;无重力状态agreeable 合意的;适宜的agreed price 议定价格agreed text 议定文本agreement on avoidance of double taxation 避免双重征税协定agreement price 协定价agreement 同意agricultural chemicals 农用化学品agricultural engineering 农业工程agricultural film 农膜agriculture 农业;农学Agricutural Bank of China 中国农业银行agrimotor 农业用拖拉机agrochemical 农业化肥;农产品中提炼出的化学品agrochemicals 农业化学药品agron 土壤腐殖质残积层agronomic 农业学的agrosterol 草本甾醇agrostology 草本学agrotechnician 农业技术员agrotechnique 农业技术aground 搁浅AGS 自动增益稳定性agstein 琥珀Agt 代理人;剂Agt 对;逆;反对;靠近;对比;以防AGU 美国地球物理联合会aguada 浅洼地Ah 安培小时AH 芳香烃AH 运锚工作船ahd 前进ahead fluid 前置液ahermatypic coral 非造礁珊瑚ahermatypic 异性型;非造礁型Ahmuellerella 阿缪石Ahnfeltia 伊谷草属AHP 分析系统加工AHVC 自动高压控制AI of M&M 大洋洲采矿和冶金学会AI 清晰度指数AI 人工智能AIA 防冻剂AIChE 美国化学工程师学会aid decision making 辅助决策AID 国际开发署AID 应用接口设备aid 援助aided device 半自动装置aided tachometer 半自动转数表aiding 帮助AIDS 自动智能数据系统AIEE 美国电机工程师学会aigrette 鹭鸶;条纹;光束AIGS 全惯性制导系统aiguille 钻头AIHA 美国工业卫生协会AIIE 美国工业工程师协会Ailanthipites 樗粉属aileron 副翼aillikite 方解霞黄煌岩ailsyte 钠闪微岗岩aim 瞄准;目的AIME 美国机械工程师学会aiming circle 照准圆aiming point 觇点Aimitus 凶猛螺属AIMME 美国矿冶工程师学会AIMS 自动工业管理系统aiounite 辉云斜岩AIPG 独立职业地质学家协会AIPG 美国职业地质学家研究会air accumulator 空气储罐air actuator 空气促动器air agitation 通气搅动air arc cutting 空气电弧切割air aspirator foam maker 吸入空气式泡沫发生器air atomizing burner 空气雾化喷燃器air base 航摄基线air bath 空气浴air blast effect 空气冲击波效应;空中爆炸效应air blast 爆炸气流;鼓风air bleeder 放气阀air bleeding valve 排气阀air blown asphalt 喷射沥青air bond 型芯砂结合剂;气障air bottle 氧气瓶;空气瓶;压缩空气瓶air brake 气闸air breather 空气呼吸阀air brush 喷枪air bubble level 水准仪air bubble viscometer 气泡粘度计air buffer 空气缓冲器air burner 喷灯air cable 气缆air cannon 空气枪air cap 气孔air case 空气包air cement gun 气动水泥枪air centrifuge 空气离心机air chamber water shock absorber 气室式水击吸收器air chamber 空气室air change 换气air circuit breaker 空气自动断路器air circulation 空气循环洗井;大气环流air clamp 气动对管器air cleaner 空气滤清器air clearance 空隙air clutch 空气离合器air cock 排气旋塞air collector 储气罐air condenser 空气电容器air conditioner 空调器air conditioning 空气调节;通风air conduction 气导air conductivity 大气导电性air conduit 空气管;风管air conservation 防止空气污染air control 气控air controlled rig 气控制钻机air coolant 冷却空气air cooler 空气冷却器air core 空气心air corrosion 空气腐蚀air counterbalance 气动平衡air course 气路air cured 空气养护的air current ripple 风成波浪air current 气流air cushion drilling platform 气垫钻井平台air cushion 气垫air cushioning 空气减震air cutting 气侵air delivery 空气输送air discharge 空气排放量air distributor 空气分配器air dolly 气压顶铆器air dome 空气包air draft 气流air dried coating 风干层;风干硬皮air drill 风钻air drilling 空气钻井air drive 压气传动air driven pump 风动泵air drum 储气筒air dryer 空气干燥器air drying varnish 风干清漆air duct 风管air eddy 空气涡流air electromagnetic 航空电磁法air engine 空气发动机air entrained cement 加气水泥air entrainment 吸入空气air escape cock 放气阀air escape 排气孔air exhaust 抽气air exhauster 排气机air extractor 抽气机air feeder 送气机air filter 滤气器air filtration 空气过滤air flotation 空气浮选air flowmeter 空气流量计air flue 通风道air flush drilling 空气洗井钻井air flush 吹气air flux 通风强度air forging hammer 空气锤air funnel 通风斗air gap 空隙air gauge 气压计air governor 空气调节器air grid 通风格栅air gun array 气枪组合air gun davit 气枪吊杆air gun firing chamber 空气枪起爆室air gun 气枪;风动铆枪;喷漆枪air hammer 气锤air hardening 气硬的air heater 空气预热器air hoist 气压提升机air holder 空气罐air hole 通气孔air horn 空气报警器air hose 空气软管air injection 注空气air inlet wedge 楔形进气口air inlet 进气口air insulation 空气绝缘air intake grid 进气栅air intake opening 进气口air intake 进气口air interchanger 换气装置air intermitter 空气间歇诱流筒air jack 气压千斤顶air jet evaporation method 空气喷射蒸发法air jet texturing 空气喷射变形air junction box 气缆连接盒air knife 喷气括刀air lance 空气喷管;用空气清除风动支架钻凿机气顶升倒装法air lift pump 气压泵air lift rod transfer elevator 气动抽油杆运移吊卡气动对管器air liquefaction 空气液化air lock valve 气锁安全阀air loss 挥发损失air louver 空调活门air machine 风扇air magnetic survey 航空磁测air magnetometer 航空磁力仪air main 空气总管air mask 空气面具air mass shower 气团性阵雨air micrometer 气动测微计air monitor 大气监测器air monitoring station 大气监测站air motor drill 风钻air motor 气动马达air navigation 空中导航air nozzle 喷气嘴air oil drive 空气驱油air operated 气动的air output 出气量air oxidation 空气氧化air painting equipment 喷漆设备air pattern shooting 空中成组爆炸air photogrammetry 航空摄影测量学air photography 航空摄影术air placed concrete 气压浇注混凝土air plenum 空气室air pocket 气囊air pollution 空气污染air preheat 空气预热air preheater 空气预热器air preheating 空气预热air pressure 大气压力air pump 空气泵air pumping 气举采油air puncher 风动凿孔机air purge 空气吹扫air purification 空气净化air reactor 空心扼流圈air receiver 空气储蓄罐air reconnaissance 航空勘测air refrigerating machine 空气冷冻机air regenerating device 空气再生装置air register 调风器air relay 气动继电器;电触式气动测量仪air release 放气阀air relief 放气air remote sensing 航空遥感air renewal 换气air reservoir 空气储存器air respirator 空气滤尘器air return 回风air ride axle 浮动桥空气弹簧支撑air riveter 气压铆钉枪air saddle 剥蚀褶皱air sampler 大气采样器air sand blower 喷砂器air saturation ratio 空气饱和率air scour 空气冲洗air seal 气封air seasoning 风干air separation plant 空气分离装置air set pipe 空气冷凝管air setting 气干air shooting 空中爆炸air shrinkage 干缩air slaking 风化;潮解air slips 气动卡瓦air slug 气塞air source 气源air spider 气动卡盘air spinning cathead 气动旋螺纹猫头air spinning 气流纺air spring 气垫air starter 空气启动器air sterillization 空气消毒air storage 露天堆放;储气air strainer 空气过滤器air stripper 空气吹提器air supply 气源air survey 航空测量air sweetening 空气氧化脱硫醇air switch 空气开关air tack cement 封气粘胶水泥air tamper 风动捣棒air tank 空气罐air tap 气嘴air test 气密试验air throttle 节流阀;风门air tongs 气动大钳air transport 风力搬动作用;空运air trap 空气分离器air trunk 通风阱air tube clutch 气胎离合器air tugger 气动卷扬机air turbine 空气轮机air turbulence 空气扰动air vent 排气孔air vibration 空气振动air voids 气孔;含气率air volcano 喷气泥火山air washer 空气洗涤器air wave 空气波air weight 钻柱悬于空气中之重量air whistle 气笛air wire 架空线air 空气AIR 平均注入速度AIR 硬石膏指示比airborne AFMAG 航空声频磁法airborne altimeter 飞机高度计airborne collision avoidance equipment 机载避撞设备airborne data processor 航空数据处理机airborne direction finder 航空测向器airborne electromagmetic prospecting 航空电磁法勘探airborne eleectomagnetics 航空电磁法airborne exploration 航空勘探airborne geophysical prospecting 航空地球物理勘探airborne geophysics 航空地球物理学airborne gradiometer 航空梯度仪airborne gravimeter 航空重力仪airborne gravimetry 航空重力测量airborne infrared survey 航空红外测量airborne INPUT 航空感应脉冲瞬变电磁系统airborne interferometer 机载干涉仪airborne laser profiler 航空激光剖面测绘仪airborne laser radar 机载激光雷达airborne laser sounding system 机载激光测深系统airborne magnetic gradiometer 航空磁力梯度仪airborne magnetic survey 航空磁测airborne magnetometer profile 航磁剖面airborne magnetometer 航空磁力仪airborne magnetometric gradiometer 航空磁力梯度仪airborne magnetometry 航空磁力测量airborne material 风成物质airborne photogrammetric camera 机载摄影机airborne platform 机载仪器平台airborne pollution 大气污染airborne radiation detector 航空放射性检测仪airborne radioactivity survey 航空放射性测量航空无线电相位法airborne range 航空测距airborne remote sensing 航空遥感airborne scanner 机载扫描仪airborne sound 空气传声airborne survey 航空测量airborne thermal survey 航空热辐射测量airborne trace 航迹airborne 空中的机载测地雷达aircomatic welding 惰性气体保护金属极弧焊aircon 空调aircospot welding 氩电极惰性气体保护接地点焊艾尔科胡佛脱硫法aircraft altimetry 飞机测高法aircraft engine fuel 航空发动机燃料aircraft engine oil 航空机油aircraft fuel 航空汽油aircraft motor gasoline 航空汽油aircraft oil 飞机润滑油aircraft 航空器aircrafttivity 航空性机载的airdent 喷砂磨齿机airdraulic 气液联动的aired up 气堵airfall tuff 空降凝灰岩airflow 空气流airfoil 翼型;机翼airframe 飞机骨架airglow 气辉airgun array source 空气枪组合震源airgun bubble pulse 气枪气泡脉冲airgun signature 空气枪特征airgun subarray 气枪子阵列airgun towing system 气枪拖曳系统airiness 空气流通;活泼airing 气爆;晾;烘干;通风airless spraying 无气喷涂airlift 空运;总载重airlight 空气光airline mask 供气式面具airline respirator 供气式呼吸器airline 航线;空气管路;航空系统;架空线airliner 客机airload 气动载荷;空运装载airman 航空兵airometer 空气流速计;空气流量计airosol 气溶胶airphoto coverage 航空摄影范围airphoto criteria 航空摄影标志airphoto interpretation 航摄相片判读airphoto mosaic 航摄相片镶嵌图airphoto pair 航摄象对airphoto pattern 航摄相片样片airphoto reconnaissance 航空摄影勘测airphoto stereoscopic instrument 航空相片立体测绘仪器airphoto surveying 航空摄影测量airphoto transfer 航空相片转绘airphoto 航空摄影;航摄相片airplane strand 航空软钢绳airplane 飞机airport plug 通气孔塞airport 航空港airproof 不漏气的AIRS 自动信息检索系统airscape 空瞰图airshed 气流量airship 飞艇airslide 气力输送airspace division 空域划分airspace 空域airspeed indicator 空速表airspeed 空速airstream 气流;空气射流airstrip 飞机跑道;简易机场airtightness 气密airview 鸟瞰图;航空摄影;航摄相片airwater pipeline trenching sled 气水喷射式管沟挖掘滑橇airway 航线;航空公司;通风道;波长;电波airworthiness 适航性;飞行性能airwrench 套筒扳手Airy disk 艾里斑Airy spiral 艾里螺线艾里海斯堪宁地壳均衡论艾里相位空气空气乙炔焊气助真空成型气动平衡抽油机气动平衡抽油机鼓风清除cooled 鼓风冷却的风冷淬火鼓风机氧化沥青空传污染大气尘埃空气断开接触器充气盐水气泡;砂眼气灰分离器空气循环管sion plant 空压站空气压缩机气冷冷凝器风冷变压器空心线圈美国空军测定辛烷值法空气耦合波气帘空气缓冲垫地震振动器气垫运载工具气动推料机空气阻尼器气眼气动冲击钻机气动涡轮空投声呐浮标加气剂空气浮选槽空气烟道气混合物空气泡沫浓缩液a空气泡沫液空气泡沫枪空气泡沫稳定剂空气泡沫密实混凝土无空气的空气燃料比测定计空气燃料比率空气燃料气配比调节器空气燃料混合气气动震击钻井air气胀构造空气进口空气套温度计气流成网气栓空中摄影地图气团气流计空气原油比油空气分离器气动调节器空气出口空气渗透率气动的空气分离罐气硬性耐火砂浆冲击波气滑成型空气绝缘电缆大气圈阻流玻璃片空气变形丝气密隔墙不透气的空气油品蒸汽混合气空气水冷却AIS 阵列感应探测器AISC 美国钢结构学会AISI 美国钢铁学会aisle 走廊AIT 陈列感应成象仪AIT 自燃温度AIW 南极中层水AIWM 美国度量衡学会AJ margin 抗干扰容限AJ tubing joint 阿特拉斯约翰逊油管接头Ajax 铅青铜轴承合金AJD 磨料喷射钻井ajutage 放水管akalche 喀斯特沼泽akaryote 无核细胞akaustobiolite 非可燃性有机岩akenobeite 明延岩akerite 尖晶石;英辉正长岩akermanite 镁黄长石Akiyoshiella 秋吉属akmolith 岩刃akontean =akontaeAkrit 钴铬钨刀具合金aksaite 阿硼镁石aktian deposit 陆坡沉积aktological 近岸浅水的aktology 近海学akyrosome 杂岩体的附属部分AL block 铝块AL 警戒灯AL 酒精AL 铝AL 铝块AL 声波测井alabandite 硫锰矿alabaster 雪花石膏alacrity 乐意;敏捷alader 硅铝合金aladra 含卤岩地蜡aladza 阿拉扎地蜡alae ala的复数Alaiophyllum 阿莱珊瑚属alamosite 铅辉石Alangiopollis 八角枫粉属alanine 丙氨酸丙氨酰Alar 铝硅系合金alar 翼状alarm code 报警码alarm manometer 报警压力计alarm relay 报警继电器alarm set point 报警点alarm threshold 报警门限alarm 警报;警报器;惊恐alas 热融喀斯特洼地alaskite 白岗岩白岗斑岩alass =alasAlatacythere 翅女神介属Alatisporites 三翼粉属ALB 铝青铜albanite 地沥青;暗白榴岩albedo 反照率albedometer 反照率测定仪albert coal 黑沥青Albert lay 顺捻Albert shale 阿尔伯特页岩Albertan 阿尔伯塔统albertite =albert coalAlbertosaurus 阿尔伯脱龙属Albian 阿尔必阶albite twin 钠长石双晶albite 钠长石钠长石白云岩albitite 钠长岩albitization 钠长石化albitolite 火山沉积钠长岩albitophyre 钠长斑岩albocarbon 萘alboranite 拉苏安玄岩albronze 铝青铜album 粘贴簿;文选;歌曲选albumen 蛋白;白朊albumin 白朊albuminoid 蛋白质的ALC 分析液相色谱仪ALC 铝铸件ALCAL 铝刻度器alcali 碱alcaline 碱性的alchemy 炼金术Alchrome 铁铬铝系电炉丝alclad 用铝作复盖层的alcogas 醇汽油燃料alcogel 醇凝胶alcohol acid 羟基酸alcohol aldehyde 羟基醛alcohol burner 酒精灯alcohol ether sulfate 醇醚硫酸盐alcohol ethoxy glycerol sulfonate 脂肪醇乙氧基丙三醇磺酸盐alcohol ethoxylate 醇乙氧基化物alcohol flooding 醇类驱油alcohol fluid 醇基液alcohol thermometer 酒精温度计alcohol 醇alcoholate 醇化物;烃氧基金属alcoholic group 醇基alcoholic poisoning 酒精中毒alcoholic 醇的;乙醇的alcoholimeter 酒精比重计alcoholism 酒精中毒alcoholize 酒精处理;使醇化alcoholysis 醇解醇基体系酒精段塞驱油法ALCOM 算法语言程序编译器Alcomax 无碳铝镍钴磁铁alcometer 醉度计alcosol 醇溶胶alcove 凹室Alcres 铁铝铬耐蚀耐热合金Alcrosil 铝铬硅耐酸钢Alcumite 铜铝铁镍耐蚀合金alcyl 脂环基ALD 接近致死剂量ALD 声波定位仪Aldanian 阿尔丹阶aldary 铜合金aldehyde 醛;乙醛aldol condensation 醇醛缩合aldol 丁间醇醛aldose 醛糖Aldrey 铝镁硅合金Alectrosaurus 阿莱龙属alembic 蒸馏器alemite fitting 黄油嘴alemite gun 黄油枪alemite 黄油嘴alert field 报警字段alert standard 警戒标准alert 警觉的alerting signal 报警信号alertor 警报器aletus =aletealeurite 粉砂aleuritic texture 粉砂结构aleuritopelitic 粉砂泥质的aleurolite 粉砂岩aleuropelitic 粉砂泥质的aleutite 闪长辉长斑岩aleuvite 粉砂岩Alexandrian 亚历山大阶alexandrite 变石alexeyevite 阿列沥青Alexinis 带环切壁孢属alexoite 磁黄铁橄榄岩Alfenide 德银Alfenol 高导磁铝铁合金alfin catalyst 醇烯催化剂alfin catalyzed polymerization 醇烯催化聚合Alfven velocity 阿尔芬速度Alfven wave 阿尔芬波alg 代数学alg 代数学的alga 藻类algae colony 藻类群体algae mat 藻席algae alga 的复数algainite 藻类体algal accretionary grain 藻类加积颗粒algal anchor stone 锚状藻类岩algal ball 藻饼algal bank 藻滩algal beach 藻海滩algal bench 藻阶地algal bioherm 藻类生物岩礁algal biscuit 藻饼algal bound sand flat 藻结砂坪algal cannel 藻烛煤algal coal 藻煤algal coating 藻类包壳algal crust 藻壳algal facies 藻相algal filament 藻丝algal flat 藻坪algal head 藻丘algal kerogen 藻类干酪根algal limestone 藻灰岩algal mat blister 藻席小丘algal mat 藻丛algal mound 藻丘algal paste 含藻泥晶灰岩algal pisolite 藻豆粒algal pit 藻坑algal reef 藻礁algal ridge 藻礁岩脊algal rim 藻缘algal sinter 硅藻泉华;藻硅华algal sponge reef 藻海绵礁algal stromatolite 藻叠层石algal structure 藻丛构造algal tufa 藻华algal 藻类的e 藻苔藓动物粘结灰岩藻丛生物岩藻席相algarite 藻沥青algarvite 云霞霓岩algebra addition 代数加法algebra of logic 逻辑代数algebra of matrices 矩阵代数algebra product 代数积algebra 代数algebraic adder 代数加法器algebraic complement 代数余子式algebraic decoding 代数解码algebraic developable surface 代数可展曲面algebraic difference 代数差algebraic expression 代数表达式algebraic function 代数函数algebraic identity 代数恒等式algebraic language 代数语言algebraic number 代数数algebraic product 代数乘积algebraic reconstruction technique 代数重建法algebraic relation 代数关系algebraic solution 代数解algebraic spiral 代数螺线algebraic sum 代数和algebraic surface 代数曲面algebraic transformation 代数变换algebraic value 代数值algebraic zero 代数零点algebraic 代数的algicide 杀藻剂algin 褐藻胶alginate fiber 藻朊酸纤维alginate 藻朊酸盐alginic acid 褐藻酸alginite 藻类体algite 微藻类煤;藻类体algoflora 藻类区系;藻类志algoid 藻类的Algol compiler 算法语言程序编译器ALGOL 算法语言algology 藻类学Algoman orogeny 阿尔戈马造山运动algon 分解的有机屑Algonkian preiod 阿尔冈纪Algonkian system 阿尔冈系Algophytic 藻植代algorism 算法;十进位计数法algorithm convergence 算法收敛algorithm routine 算法例程algorithm 算法;规则系统;演段;工作步骤algorithmic language 算法语言藻屑体类ALGOL语言alias band 混叠段alias filter 去假频滤波器alias 别名aliasing criteria 假频准则aliasing filter 假频滤波器alicyclic acid 脂环酸alicyclic compound 脂环化合物alicyclic group 脂环基alicyclic hydrocarbon 脂环烃alicyclic series 脂环系脂环母核alicyclic 脂环的alidade 照准仪alien corporation 外国公司alien structure 外界构筑物alien 外来的align reamer 长铰刀align 使成一直线aligned curent structure 线状流动构造aligned sample 均衡采样aligned structure 线性构造aligner 前轴定位器;转向轮安装角测定仪;校准器;定线器aligning key 校准键alignment air clamp 气动对管器alignment bearing 定位轴承alignment bracket 对准架alignment chart 列线图alignment clamp 瞄准器alignment coil 校正线圈alignment diagram 列线图alignment error 定线误差alignment funnel 漏斗形校直承口alignment marker 启闭指示线alignment pin 定位销alignment thread 对中丝扣alignment 列线aliment 食物;滋养品;养料alimentary toxicosis 食物中毒alimentation area 补给区alimentation facies 补给相alimentation 补给作用alimentative 补给的aline =alignalinement =alignmentaliphatic acid 脂肪酸aliphatic bridge 脂肪键aliphatic chain 脂肪链aliphatic compound 脂肪族化合物aliphatic group 脂族基aliphatic hydrocarbon 脂族烃aliphatic hydrocrbon 脂族烃aliphatic olefin 脂族烯烃aliphatic series 脂肪系aliphatic sesquiterpene 脂族倍半萜aliphatic terpene 脂肪族萜烯aliphatic unsaturated hydrocarbon 不饱和脂族烃aliphatic 脂族的aliphatics 脂肪族aliquant 除不尽数;除不尽的aliquation 层化aliquot part 整除部分aliquot 除得尽数;除得尽的Alisphaera 海石Alisporites 阿里粉属alitizing 渗铝法alive 活的alivincular ligament 全韧式韧带alizarin 茜素;1Aljutovella 阿留陀夫属alk 碱alk 碱性alkadiene 二烯烃alkadienes 二烯属烃alkalescence 微碱性alkalescency =alkalescencealkalescent 微碱性的alkali alkyl 烷基碱金属alkali amide 氨基碱金属alkali basalt 碱性玄武岩alkali cellulose 碱纤维素alkali cleaning 碱洗alkali degreasing 碱法除油alkali dolerite 碱性粒玄岩alkali earth metal 碱土金属alkali earth 碱土alkali family 碱族alkali feldspar 碱性长石alkali flame detector 碱火焰检测器alkali flat 盐碱滩alkali fusion reaction gas chromatography 碱熔反应气相色谱alkali gabbro 碱性辉长岩alkali granite 碱性花岗岩alkali lake 碱湖alkali lime index 碱钙指数alkali lime series 碱钙岩系alkali liquor 碱液alkali metal 碱金属alkali metasomatism 碱性交代作用alkali olivine basalt 碱性橄榄石玄武岩alkali reclaim 碱液回收alkali resistance 抗碱性alkali 碱;强碱;碱金属alkalic 碱性的碱钙性岩系alkaliferous 含碱的alkalimeter 碱度计alkalimetry 碱量滴定法;碳酸定量alkaline basalt 碱性玄武岩alkaline cleaning 碱洗alkaline earth 碱土alkaline element 碱性元素alkaline hydrolysis 碱解alkaline land 盐碱地alkaline lignite 煤碱剂alkaline magma 碱性岩浆alkaline marsh 碱性沼泽alkaline mud 碱性沉渣;碱性滤泥alkaline permanganate oxidation 碱性高锰酸盐氧化法alkaline plant 适碱植物alkaline reaction 碱性反应alkaline reagent 碱性试剂alkaline reducer 碱性还原剂alkaline reduction 碱性还原alkaline resisting 耐碱的alkaline rock 碱性岩alkaline saponification 加碱皂化alkaline scale 碱性垢alkaline silica gel 碱性硅胶alkaline soil 碱性土alkaline spring 碱性矿泉alkaline tannate 纯碱单宁酸盐alkaline wash 碱洗alkaline washing tower 碱洗塔alkaline waterflooding 碱水驱alkaline 硷性的碱土金属碱性硅质高岭土alkalinity 碱性alkalitrophy 碱性alkalitropism 向碱性alkality 碱性alkalization 碱化alkalize 碱化耐碱的碱蒸汽磁力仪alkaloid 生物碱alkalosis 碱中毒alkamine 氨基醇alkane isomerisation 链烷异构化alkane sulfonate 烷基磺酸盐alkane 链烷alkanization 烷化alkaryl 烷芳基alkazid unit 强碱弱酸法装置alkene 链烯alkenyl 烯基alki 乙醇alkine 链炔alkoxide 醇盐;酚盐alkoxy 烷氧基alky 乙醇alkyd molding compounds 醇酸模塑料alkyd paint 醇酸漆alkyd plastics 醇酸塑料alkyd resin 醇酸树脂alkyd varnish 醇酸树脂漆alkyd 醇酸树脂alkyl aluminium 烷基铝alkyl amine 烷基胺alkyl aromatic compound 烷基芳香烃化合物alkyl aromatics 烷基芳香烃alkyl aryl sulfonate 烷基芳基磺酸盐alkyl benzene sulfonate 烷基苯磺酸盐alkyl benzene 烷基苯alkyl chain 烷基链alkyl cycloheptane 烷基环庚烷alkyl cyclohexane 烷基环己烷alkyl cyclopentane 烷基环戊烷alkyl group 烷基alkyl lead 烷基铅alkyl methacrylate 烷基异丁烯酸酯alkyl naphthalene 烷基萘alkyl phenate 烷基酚盐alkyl phenol 烷基酚alkyl polyoxyethylene ether sulfate 烷基聚氧乙烯醚硫酸盐alkyl radical 烷基alkyl sodium sulfonate 烷基磺酸钠alkyl sulfate 烷基硫酸盐alkyl sulfhydryl 烷基硫醇alkyl sulfide 硫醚alkyl sulfonate 烷基磺酸盐alkyl sulfonic acid 烷基磺酸alkyl sulfonyl chloride 烷基磺酰氯alkyl toluene sulfonate 烷基甲苯磺酸盐alkyl 烷基;烃基alkylammonium 烷基铵烷基芳基alkylate 烷基化合物alkylated quinoline 烃化喹啉alkylated thiobisphenol 烷基化硫化双酚alkylated 烷基化的alkylation 烷基取代;烷化alkylene oxide polymer 烯化氧聚合物alkylene oxide 烯化氧alkylene 亚烃基alkylphenol ethoxylate 烷基酚乙氧基化物alkylthiolane 烷基四氢化噻吩alkylthrophene 烷基噻吩alkylxylene sulfonate 烷基二甲苯磺酸盐烷基菲alkyne 炔alkynol 炔醇alkynyl 炔基all band 全波段all channel decoder 全通道译码器all districts and departments 各地区和部门all flex tee 软管三通all hydrogen refinery 全氢炼厂all in one paver 联合铺路机all parallel AD converter 全并行模数转换器all purpose bit 万能钻头all purpose machine 万能工具机all risks insurance 综合险保险all serial AD converter 全串行模数转换器all serivce 多能的all welded screen 全焊接筛管allalinite 蚀变辉长岩allanite 褐帘石allantoid structure 似香肠构造allantoid 香肠状的allayer 抑制器allegation 宣称alleghanyite 粒硅锰石Allegheny orogeny 阿勒格尼造山运动Allegheny series 阿勒格尼统allegiance 忠诚;结合;耦合;通信;键allegory 寓言;比方allelotropism 稳变异构allen key 内六角扳手allen screw 内六角螺钉allen type socket screw 内六角螺钉allen wrench 内六方扳手allene 丙二烯allenoy 钼钢allergic reaction 变态反应allergy 过敏症Allerod 阿勒罗德间冰期alleviate 减轻alleviator 减轻装置allgovite 辉绿玢岩alliance 同盟Alliatina 阿利提虫属allied 有关的alligation 熔合alligator clip 鳄鱼夹alligator grab 颚式夹钳alligator lace 颚式带alligator shears 剪切机alligator wrench 活动管钳alligator 鳄鱼;鳄式碎石机;水陆平底军用车alligatoring 鳄纹;裂痕Allison transmission 阿里逊变速箱allite 铝铁土allivalite 橄长岩ALLM 液面自动监控器allo 紧密相联的;同分异构的allobar 异组分体allobiocenose 杂组群落allocable profit oil 分成油allocable remainder oil 分成油allocate 分配allocated cost 分摊的成本allocated fixed cost 分摊固定成本allocated quotas 分配配额allocating oil production 配产油量allocation and transfer price 调拨价格allocation of risks 风险分担allocation of well rates 油井配产allocation plan of physical assets 物资分配计划allocation scheme 分配方式allocation sheet 配料表;分配表allocation 分派;调配;配置;部署;配产;地址分配;拨款allocator 分配程序;分配器allochem 全化学沉积allochemical metamorphism 异化变质作用allochemical rock 异化岩allochemical 他化的allochetite 霞辉二长斑岩。



分享雅思单词来源:周佳的日志acacia n. 金合花affiliate vt. 使录属于,使成分会员;使紧密联系affinity n. 密切关系airtight vt. 捆绑;捆扎alchemist n. 炼丹家aldosterone n. 醛固酮alga n. 水藻alien a. 陌生的;外国的allegory n. 寓意;寓言alloy n. 合金allusive a. 含暗示的;含典故的aloof a. 远离的;孤零的alter vt. 改变alternate a. 可供选择的;可替换的alternately ad. 交替地alternative n. 供替代的抉择altitude n. 高度aluminum n. 铝alumni n. 男校友;男毕业生amateur n. 业余爱好者amazing a. 令人吃惊的ambidextrous a. 两手都善用的ambiguity n. 意义不明确;模棱两可ambition n. 志向,抱负ambitious a. 费劲的,要求过高的;雄心勃勃的ambivalent a. 含糊不定的;(态度等)矛盾的ameliorate vt. 改善;缓和amenable a. 经得起检验的;顺从的;对...负有义务(或责任)的Amendment n. 修正案amenity n. 令人愉快的举动amethyst n. 紫晶amid prep. 在...中间ammonia n. (化)氨amplification n. 扩大;加强amplifier n. 放大器analogy n. 类比anatomy n. 解剖ancestor n. 祖宗;祖先ancestral a. 祖先的anchor n. 锚ancillary a. 附属的,从属的angiotensin n. 高血压素;血管收缩素ankle n. 踝annex vt. 并吞;附加annual a. 一年一度的antagonist n. 敌手,对抗者Antarctic a. 南极的Antarctic a. & n. 南极(的) anthropologist n. 人类学家anti-Federalist 反北部联邦同盟者antiquate vt. 淘汰,废弃antiquated a. 陈旧的,老式的antiquity n. 古代;古人们apathy n. 无动于衷apothecary n. 药剂师apparent a. 明显的appeal n. 吸引力;感染力appealing a. 有吸引力的application n. 适用;用途apply vt. 涂;添加;应用appoint vt. 任命appointment n. 任命apportion vt. 分配apposite a. 适当的appraisal n. 评估;估价appreciable a. 相当可观的;可估量的apprentice vt. 使当学徒approach vt. 接近;靠近,n. 方法;态度appropriate a. 私占,侵占;挪用;拨款approve vt. 赞成,称许;批准aquamarine n. 海蓝宝石arboreal a. 栖于树木的arcade n. 拱形建筑物arch vt. 使成弓形archaeologist n. 考古学家archaeology n. 考古学architectural a. 建筑上的Arctic a. & n. 北极(的)arduous a. 艰苦的arid a. 干旱的arithmetic n. 算术;演算armor n. 盔甲armour n. 盔甲arranger n. 改编乐曲的人arsenal n. 军工厂arthritis n. 关节炎article n. 条款,n. 物品artifact n. 制造物;人工制品artificial a. 人工的artisan n. 工匠;手工艺人artistry n. 艺术才能aspect n. 方面asphalt n. 沥青assemble vt. 召集assert vt. 坚定地断言;坚持associate vt. 联接associate n. 伙伴,同事association n. 联系assume vt. 假定;想当然地认为;采取;承担,就(职);assumption n. 假设assure vt. 向...保证;使确信asteroid n. 小行星;流星astrobleme n. 陨星坑astronaut n. 宇航员astronomer n. 天文学家atheist n. 无神论者athlete n. 运动员attain vt. 达到,获得attainment n. 成就attribute n. 属性;特性auditorium n. 观众席;礼堂authentic a. 真实的authority n. 权力,权威authorization n. 授权;批准auto-education 自我教育autonomy n. 自主;自治权auxiliary a. 辅助的availability n. 可用性;可得性available a. 可获得的avalanche n. 雪崩;山崩avant-garde n. 先锋;前驱avenue n. 渠道;大街,林荫道average vi. 平均,a. 平均的, 一般的aviation n. 航空aviator n. 飞行员avid a. 热心的;贪婪的awareness n. 认识;意识axis n. 轴;轴线baboon n. 狒狒back-breaking a. 使人劳累之极的;断人腰背的backbreaking a. 费力的background n. 背景bacteria n. (bacterium的复数)细菌bag vt. 把...装进口袋balance n. 平衡baleen n. 鲸须ballad n. 民谣ballet n. 芭蕾舞ballroom n. 舞厅band n. 乐队band n. 波段bandanna n. 印花大手帕bankruptcy n. 破产barge n. 驳船barrel n. 桶barrelful n. 一桶之量barren a. 贫瘠的;不毛的barrier n. 障碍;屏障base a. 差的;次的basin n. 流域;海盆bass n. 低音乐器;男低音beacon n. 灯塔;指向标beam n. 光线,光柱bear vt. 带有beast n. 野兽beaver n. 河狸bed n. 苗床bedrock n. 基岩belle n. 靓女beloved a. 敬爱的;受爱戴的beluga n. 白鲸bend vt. 弯曲beneficial a. 有益的benefit n. 好处;利益besiege vt. 围困bestow vt. 给予beyond prep. [表示位置]在...的那边bifocal a. 双焦点的billion num. (英,德)万亿;(美,法)十亿biographer n. 传记作者biographical a. 传记(体)的biography n. 传记;志biological a. 生物的birthright n. 与生俱来的权力bison n. 野牛bitterness n. 痛苦bituminous a. (含)沥青的blackout n. 断电blame vt. 责备blanket n. 毯子;覆盖层blast vt. 爆破;摧毁blaze vi. 闪耀;发(强)光bleak a. 荒凉的blink vi. 眨眼睛block vt. 阻挡,n. 大块blower n. 增压器board n. 委员会boast vt. 有;以拥有...而自豪bombard vt. 不断攻击;炮击bonanza n. 富源bond n. 债券bone-boiling 熬骨bony a. 多骨的;瘦的booklet n. 小册子boom n. 兴旺border n. 边界border n. 行成...的边界bore n. (管道等的)内膛;内径botanical a. 植物(学)的botanical a. 植物学的botanist n. 植物学家botany n. 植物学bound n. (常用复数)限制范围;界线boundary n. 分界线,边界branch n. 树枝, 分支(学科)brawl v. 争吵;吵架break-up n. 分散,分离breakdown n. 分解breakthrough n. 突破breathtaking 激动人心的breed vt. 繁殖;培育breeze n. 微风;轻风brilliance n. (声音的)清晰动人;光辉brittle a. 易碎的bromine n. 溴bubble vi. 沸腾buckskin n. 鹿皮bud n. 芽,苞bugle n. 军号;喇叭,号角built-in a. 内置的bulge vi. 凸出bulk n. 体积;大部分bulldoze vt. 推平bulldozer n. 推土机bunch n. 群;帮.伙burdensome a. 难以负担的;沉重的burgeon vi. 迅速生长;发芽;抽枝burial n. 掩埋,葬burrow n. (免,狐的)地洞;穴burst n. 迸发bush n. 藻木丛cabinet n. 储藏柜cacti n. (cactus的复数)仙人掌calculate vt. 预算;估计calculate v. 估计calory n. 卡路里Calvinist n. 加尔文主义(的)camouflage vt. 伪装campaign vi. 从事活动;参加运动campaign n. 竞选活动canal n. 水道;运河, (动植物体内的)管,canary n. 金丝雀candidate n. 候选人cane n. 手杖canoe n. 小划子,独木舟capability n. 性能;能力capacity n. 容量;承受力capital n. 资本captain n. 上校captivating a. 迷人的;可爱的carat n. 公制克拉(钻石等珠宝的重量单位) carbohydrate n. 碳水化合物cardinal a. 基本的;主要的career n. 职业;生涯caribou n. 北美驯鹿carnivorous a. 食肉的cartoon n. 漫画carve vt. 雕刻;切cast-iron a. 用铸铁制的casual a. 满不经心的;随意的catalog n. 目录catalog v. 编目录catalyze vt. 促成,刺激;催化category n. 类别caterpillar n. (动)毛虫cathedral n. 大教堂;教区cattle n. 牛cautious a. 谨慎的cave-in 坍塌cavity n. 腔;洞;穴cease vt. 停止,结束ceiling n. 天花板;屋顶celebrate vt. 纪念,歌颂;赞美celebrated a. 著名的celebrity n. 名人;名流cell n. 细胞cellar n. 地窖;地下室cellular a. 细胞的census n. 统计数字;普查centimeter n. 厘米centralize vt. 使集权ceremonial a. 仪式的;礼节的ceremony n. 仪式;典礼chafe vt. 擦伤;磨损chain n. 连锁,一系列,vt. 拘禁;用链条拴住challenge vt. & n. 挑战challenging a. 具有挑战性的champion vt. 支持channel n. 渠道chaos n. 纷乱;一团糟chaotically ad. 混乱的;无秩序character n. 本性;特性characteristic n. 特征;特点characterize vt. 显示...的特色charge n. 指控charitable a. 宽厚的charm n. 魅力charter n. 宪章chase vt. 追赶chaste a. 朴实无华的;高雅的;高尚的check vt. 控制cheerless a. 寡欢的chemurgy n. 农业化学cherish vt. 抱有;怀有Chicano n. 住在美国的墨西哥人chief n. 奠长child-care 照料孩子chilled-steel n. 淬火钢;硬化钢chilly a. 寒冷的chimpanzee n. 黑猩猩chip vi. 削下碎片chirp vi. 吱吱叫chlorine n. 氯chlorophyll n. 叶绿素chondrite n. 球粒陨石choppy a. 波涛起伏的chord n. 心弦choreographer n. 舞蹈编导choreography n. 编舞蹈;编舞术chromosphere n. (太阳的)色球层chronological a. 按年月顺序的chunk n. 厚片,大块church-connected 与教堂有关系的churn vi. (波涛)翻腾;剧烈搅动cipher vt. 运算circle vt. 围绕,n. 范围;领域circulate vt. 使循环citadel n. 堡垒;避难所cite vt. 引用civic a. 城市的;公民的civilian n. 平民百姓;a. 平民百姓的civilization n. 文明claim vt. 要求得到clarify vt. 使清晰明了;澄清clarity n. 清晰clash n. 冲突,不协调class n. 类别classic a. 古典的classify vt. 分类clavichord n. (敲弦)古钢琴claw n. 爪clay n. 泥土clear-cut a. 轮郭分明的;清晰的clergy n. (总称)教牧人员;神职人员clergyman n. 牧师;教士click vi. 卡嗒声client n. 客户cliff n. 悬崖clip vt. 剪;删clue n. 线索,提示clumsy a. 笨手笨脚的cluster n. 一组;一群;vi. 群集,丛生coach n. 教练coalescence n. 聚结;凝聚coalition n. 联盟;联合, 条约,协定coaming n. 舱口拦板coarse a. 粗糙的coat n. 皮毛,层coax vt. 耐心地摆弄;哄诱code n. 准则;范围codify vt. 编集成典(意指模式化的) coelenterate n. 腔肠动物cognitive a. 认知的coherence n. 一致性cohesion-tension 内聚压力(亦作cohesion pressure) cohesive a. 内聚(力)的;有黏合性的coincidence n. 巧合collaborator n. 协作者;合作者collapse v. & n. 倒坍;崩溃collarless a. 无领的collection n. 收集;收藏collision n. 碰撞colonel n. 陆军上校colonize vt. 在...开拓殖民地colossal a. 巨大的column n. 柱combat v. 跟...斗争comedy n. 喜剧comet n. 彗星comical a. 滑稽的,可笑的commemorate vt. 纪念commercial a. 商业的commissioner n. 地方长官commitment n. 承诺commodity n. 商品commonwealth n. (美国的)州;联邦communal a. 公有的community n. 社区,团体,(生)群落commute n. 承车上下班compact a. 紧凑的;密集的compaction n. 压实company n. 陪同;交往compass n. 罗盘compensatory a. 补偿性的compete vi. 对抗competence n. 能力competition n. 比赛;竞争competitive a. 竞争的compilation n. 汇编compile vt. 汇编;收集complement vt. 补足;补充;完善complementary a. 互补的,补充的complex a. 复杂的,n. 复合体;综合建筑complexity n. 复杂(性);复杂的事物complicated a. 复杂的;难解的compose vt. 组成composer n. 作曲家composition n. 组成,构成comprehensible a. 可理解的comprehensive a. 综合的compress vt. 压缩;浓缩compressed a. 压缩的,压紧的comprise vt. 构成compromise n. 妥协concave a. 凹面的conceal vt. 掩盖;隐瞒concede vt. 承认conceive vt. 设想;想象conceive vt. 构想出concentrated a. 浓缩的concentration n. 浓度, 集中(物)concept n. 概念concern n. 担扰;关心concert n. 音乐会concrete a. 具体的condemn vt. 批评;责备condense v. 凝聚,凝结,vt. 压缩conduct vt. 进行(研究)conductor n. 导体, 列车员, 指挥confederacy n. 联盟confer vt. 授予confide vt. 吐露confidence n. 信心configuration n. 形状;布局confine vt. 限制;禁闭confirm vt. 进一步证实conflict n. 冲突confluence n. 汇集conform vi. 与...一致conformity n. 一致confront vt. 面临congenial a. 协调的;意气相投的congestion n. 拥挤conifer n. 松柏目植物connect vt. 连接connection n. 连接线connoisseur n. 行家;内行conscription n. 征募consent n. 同意;准许consequence n. 结果;后果consequent a. 随之发生的consequently ad. 合乎逻辑的;随之发生的conservation n. 保护conservative a. 保守的;守旧的considerably ad. 十分地;相当地considerate a. 考虑周到的consortium n. (复数consortia)国际性协会constantly ad. 不断地constitution n. 章程, 宪法constitutional a. 宪法的;章程的constrain vt. 强迫;压制,抑制constrict vt. 约事;收缩construction n. 建筑物consume vt. 消耗;花费consumer n. 消费者consumption n. 消耗contemporary n. 同时代的人,a. 当代的contend vt. 声称,主张,认为contender n. 竞争者content n. 容量;含量contest n. 比赛,vt. 争夺(地盘,阵地,席位等) continental a. 大陆(性)的continuum n. 连续统;闭联集contract v. 收缩contradict vt. 反驳;与...发生矛盾;抵触contribution n. 贡献controversy n. 争论;论战convention n. 会议conventional a. 习惯的,符合传统的converge vi. 汇合converse vi. 交谈convex a. 凸的convey vt. 传递convey vt. 运输convict vt. 证明...有罪,宣判有罪conviction n. 确信,深信convince vt. 使信服;使确信convincing a. 令人信服的coordinated a. 协调的coordination n. 协调copy vt. 仿照coral n. 珊瑚cord n. 绳;线;带corona n. 日冕;冠状物corps n. 队;团;特殊兵种corral vt. 占有,围住correspondingly ad. 相应地corridor n. 地带;走廊corset n. 紧身衣cosmic a. 宇宙的cosmopolitan a. 不限于国家或地区范围的;全世界的cosmos n. 宇宙costume n. 服饰council n. 议会;理事会counterbalance vt. 使平衡counterpart n. 对应的人(或物)course n. 发展;进程cowhand n. 牧牛工crack n. 裂缝craft n. 手工艺, 船只, 工艺,手艺crash n. 暴跌;坠落crater n. 陨石坑;火山口crawl vi. 爬creature n. 生物credit n. 荣誉crew n. 人员crisscross vt. 交叉criteria n. (criterion的复数)标准critic n. 批评家critical a. 批评的, 关键的;必不可少的crooked a. 不老实的,欺诈的crowbar n. 撬棍crucial a. 至关重要的crude a. 粗糙的;原始的crudely ad. 粗糙地;未加工地crumple vt. 扭弯;弄皱crunch n. 左右为难的困境;艰难局面crush vt. 压塌crust n. 地壳crustacean n. 甲壳动物crystal n. 晶体cubic a. 立方的cultivate vt. 养殖cultivate vt. 耕种curator n. 馆长curio n. 古董;珍品curiosity n. 好奇心current n. 水流currently ad. 现在curriculum n. 课程(设置)customs n. 海关;关税cut-and-try 试验法的cyan n. (介乎绿色和蓝色之间的)青色cycle n. 周期cycle n. 循环;周期cylindrical a. 圆筒形的dam n. 坝dampen vt. 使潮湿dart vi. 急速移动;飞奔;投掷data n. (datum的复数)数据;资料dawn-horse 始祖马dawning n. 开端,黎明dazzlingly ad. 耀眼地deaccess vt. 拍卖;出售dealer n. 画商dean n. 系主任debris n. 碎片debt n. 债务debtor n. 负债者debut n. 首次登台演出decade n. 十年decay n. 破败;衰败deccication n. 脱水;干贮deceive...into... 欺骗...来(做)deception n. 欺骗decline n. 衰退;下降decor n. 装饰;装璜decorative a. 装饰的deed n. 行为deem vt. 认为;相信deficiency n. 不足, 缺陷define vt. 限定;定义definite a. 明确的definition n. 定义deforestation n. 滥伐森林deity n. 神;上帝delectable a. 美味的deliberately ad. 故意地,慎重地delineate vt. 描绘;画出...轮廓deliver vt. 发表,讲;投递,n. 交付;交货demobilize vt. 使(军人)复员Democratic a. (美国)民主党的demolition n. 拆毁;毁坏demonstrate vt. 论证;说明denomination n. 货币的面额dense a. 浓密的;密集的density n. 密度dentist n. 牙医deny v. 拒绝给予;拒绝(某人的)要求departure n. 脱离dependable a. 可依靠的depict vt. 描写deplete vt. 耗尽deposit n. 矿床deposit n. & v. 沉积;存储depositor n. 储户depot n. 货栈;仓库depreciation n. 贬值;折旧;跌价depredation n. 掠夺depression n. 经济萧条depression n. 萧条;沮丧deprivation n. 夺去;剥夺derive vt. 取得derive...from 从...借鉴过来derrick n. 铁架塔desalination n. 脱盐descend vi. 是...后裔;祖传descendant n. 后代;派生物descent n. 下降;下倾desert vi. 放弃deserted a. 无人的designate vt. 指派designation n. 表明,指定desirable a. 令人想要的;值得有的desolate a. 荒凉的,荒芜的desperate a. 极其严重的;绝望的despite prep. 尽管destined a. 命中注定的;预定的destroy vt. 破坏destructive a. 破坏性的detect vt. 发现detectable a. 易发现的determine vt. 确定determine vt. 决定;确定devastate vt. 破坏devise vi. 设计devotion n. 忠心devour vt. 狼吞虎咽dial n. 日晷diameter n. 直径diameter n. 直径dictaphone n. 口述录音机dictate n. 命令,要求diction n. 措辞;用语diet n. 饮食,食谱differentiate vt. 区分,鉴别diffuse vt. 散开;使扩散digest vt. 消化digestion n. 消化dilemma n. 进退两难之境dilute vt. 稀释dime n. 一角dimension n. (常用复数)面积;规模dimension n. 特点;方面dimensional a. 维dinosaur n. 恐龙direct vt. 直接(吹风);指引directive n. 指示,命令dirt n. 泥土disadvantage n. 缺点disaster n. 灾难disastrous a. 灾难性的discard vt. 丢弃,抛弃discern vt. 看出;识别discernible a. 看得清的;辨别得出的discerning a. 有识别力的discharge vt. 释放;发射disciple n. 学徒;弟子discipline n. 学科#discontent n. 不满discount vt. 不信,不考虑,怀疑地看待discouraging a. 令人泄气的disguise n. 伪装;假扮disgust n. 恶心disintegrate vi. 瓦解,分裂disinterest n. 无兴趣;冷漠dismal a. 阴沉的,忧郁的dismemberment n. 瓜分dispense vt. 分配dispersal n. 分散;疏散disperse vi. 分散displacement n. 移置;移位display n. 展现disposal n. 处理;处置dispute n. 争论;争端disregard vt. 不理会;漠视dissenter n. 反对者dissolve vt. 溶解distasteful a. 不合口味的;令人反感的distinct a. 明显的;清楚的distinction n. 著名,荣誉;区分,辨别distinctive a. 特别的;独具一格的distinguish vi. 区别;辨别distorted a. 扭曲的;被歪曲的distribution n. 分布ditch n. 水沟dive vi. 潜入diverge vi. 分离;分叉divergent a. 叉开的;岐异的diverse a. 多种多样的;不同的diversify vt. 使多样化diversity n. 多样性;差异divert vt. 转移division n. 除法divorce vt. 离婚dizzy vt. 使头昏眼花doctrine n. 教条;学说document n. 文件,vt. 记述性地描述documentation n. 文献资料doggedly ad. 顽强地dolphin n. 海豚domain n. 领土;领域domestic a. (动物的)非野生的,驯养的dominance n. 优势,最高位置dominant a. 主要的dominate vt. 占主导地位domination n. 主宰,统治don vt. 披上;穿上donation n. 捐赠dot n. 点drag vt. 拖drain vt. 抽干(水)drainage n. 流域;排水系统;下水道drama n. 戏剧性场面(情景) dramatic a. 富有戏剧性的dramatically ad. 显著的;戏剧性的drape vi. 呈褶状垂下draw vt. 吸引drawback n. 缺陷dread a. 令人敬畏的drift vi. 游荡drift vi. 漂流drill vt. 钻探,vi. 操练,练习drip vi. 滴水;溢出droplet n. 微滴drugstore n. 杂货店dubious a. 怀疑的duct n. 管;输送管ductless a. 无输送管的due n. (常作dues)税;应缴税duke n. 公爵dump vt. 倾倒dupe n. 被蒙骗者;易受骗的人durable a. 耐用的dwarf n. 侏儒星dwell vi. 居住dwelling n. 住所dye n. 染料dynamic a. 动态的;有活力的eagle n. 鹰earnestness n. 诚挚earthenware n. 陶器eccentric a. 古怪的eclipse n. (日,月)食eclipse vt. 掩盖...的重要性;使暗淡ecological a. 生态的;生态学的ecologist n. 生态学家ecologist n. 生态学家ecology n. 生态学ecosystem n. 生态系统edible a. 可以吃的edition n. 版editorial n. 社会;重要评论eerily ad. 神秘地,离奇地effect n. 效果effective a. 有效的elaborate a. 复杂的vt. 精心制做,详述electrocardiogram n. 心电图electroencephalogram n. 脑电图electromagnetic a. 电磁的elegance n. 典雅;雅致elementary a. 基础的;初级的elevate vt. 提高,上升elevation n. 提高;高度elevator n. 电梯elicit vt. 引起eligible a. 有资格当选的;合适的eliminate vt. 取消elixir n. 精华;长生不老药eloquent a. 生动逼真的;雄辩的;富于表情的elusive a. 难以表达(捉摸)的;令人困惑的;逃避的emanate vi. 发出;散发emancipate vt. 解放embody vt. 体现,包含embroidery n. 绣花;刺绣品embryo n. 胚emergence n. 浮现;出现eminence n. 卓越;显赫;(此处喻指高处) emotional a. 感情的empire n. 帝国employ vt. 使用enactment n. 制订,通过encase vt. 围住,包起;把...装入箱内enchantment n. 魔法;陶醉,狂喜encircle vt. 环绕encompass vt. 包括encounter n. 遭遇,vt. 受到;碰到encroachment n. 侵占endear vt. 使受喜爱endeavor n. 努力,事业,vi. 试图;努力endocrine n. 内分泌endocrinology n. 内分泌学endotherm n. 温血动物endurance n. 耐力enforce vt. 实施,使生效engage vt. 施展;吸引;占用(时间,精力等) enhance vt. 增加enlargement n. 扩大Enlightenment n. 启蒙运动enormous a. 巨大的enroll vt. 报名参加ensure vt. 保证给予;保证entail vt. 使成为必要;必须包括enterprise n. 企业entertainment n. 娱乐enthusiasm n. 热情;激情enthusiastic a. 热情的entrench vt. 保证;确立entry n. 参加比赛的人(或物)envelope n. 外壳,vt. 笼罩envision vt. 预测;想象enzyme n. 酶Eocene a. 始新世的eohippus n. (动)始祖马eons n. (aeon)极长时期,万古;千万年ephemeral a. 瞬息的epic n. 史诗episode n. 片段;情节equator n. 赤道equilibrium n. 平衡equivalent n. 相等物;等值era n. 时代erect vt. 建造;建立erode vt. 削弱;腐蚀erosion n. 侵蚀erupt vi. 喷出escalator n. 自动扶梯esoteric a. 秘传的essence n. 本质;实质establish vt. 建立established a. 已移植生长的;已被确认的estimate vt. 估计etch vt. 蚀刻;刻划etching n. 蚀刻;蚀刻画eternal a. 永恒的ethics n. 道德体系,行为准则ethnic a. 种族的evaluate vt. 评价evaporate vt. 使蒸发,挥发evaporation n. 蒸发eventually ad. 最终地everlasting a. 永恒的;永久的evoke vt. 引起,唤起evolution n. 进化evolve vt. 形成;演化exacting a. 严厉的,苛求的exaggerate vt/vi. 夸大excavation n. 挖掘exceed vt. 超过exceedingly ad. 极端地;非常excel vi. 突出;超常exceptional a. 异常的,例外的excess n. 过多的量;超越exclude vt. 排斥exclusive a. 独有的executive n. 行政主管人员exemplary a. 模范的exemplify vt. 例示;例证exert vt. 产生影响exhibit vt. 展览;展出exhilarating a. 使人高兴的;令人振奋的exocrine n. 外分泌exotic a. 奇异的;外(国)来的expand vi. 扩展expansion n. 扩张expedition n. 探险;远征expenditure n. 花费explicit a. 明确的exploit vt. 利用;开发exploration n. 探索explosion n. 爆炸explosive n. 炸药export vt. 输出exposed a. 暴露的;无遮蔽的exposure n. 暴露;显露extend vi. 延伸extensive a. 广泛的extensively ad. 广泛地;过度地extent n. 程度;范围exterior a. 外部的;外表的external a. 外部的externally ad. 外部;外表extinct a. 灭绝extinction n. 灭绝extra a. 额外的;多余的extract vt. (费力地)取出;提炼extremity n. 末端;尽头eyelid n. 脸eyewitness n. 证人fabric n. 结构;构造facade n. 正面facelift n. 改建facet n. 面;方面facilitate vt. 促进;使便利facility n. 设备;便利facsimile n. 摹本factor n. 因素faculty n. (任何学校的)全体教员Fahrenheit a. 华氏的;华氏温度计的faint a. 浅淡的faintly ad. 微弱地;模糊地fair n. 集市fall vi. 衰落fame n. 名声famed a. 有名的,著名的fanatical a. 狂热的;入迷的fancy a. 昂贵的;花哨的farce n. 笑剧farm vt. 饲养;耕种fascinate v. 迷住,强烈的吸引住fashion n. 时髦, 方式,vt. 把...塑造成;制作fatal a. 致命的fate n. 命运fatigue n. 疲劳faucet n. 水龙头fauna n. (复数faunas/faunae)动物群favor vt. 有利于,有助于;赞同favorable a. 称赞的fear vt. 担心;忧虑fearsome a. 吓人的;可怕的feat n. 技艺;技能;功绩feathery a. 羽状的feature n. 特征;特点,vt. 以...为特色, 描绘federal a. 联邦的fell vt. 弄倒fellowship n. 奖学金;研究员的职位felt-padded a. 有毡垫的female a. 女性的feminist a. 主张男女平等的;女权主义的ferromagnetic a. 铁磁的fertilize vt. 使受精fervor n. 热情;热诚feud n. 长期不和fiber n. 纤维fiction n. 虚构;小说field n. 领域fieldstone n. 大卵石fieldwork n. 现场考古工作figure n. 人物, 形状,vi. 计算film vt. 拍摄,n.胶卷filmy a. 朦胧的;薄膜似的filter vi. 渗入;过滤fin n. 鳍finance vt. 供资金给;筹措资金find n. 发现finding n. (常用复数)发现finy a. 极小的fitness n. 适应性fix vt. 规定flagella n. (flagellum的复数)鞭毛虫flair n. 洞察力,天才flamboyant a. 光彩夺目的;灿烂的;火焰似的flannel n. 绒布flash vi. 闪光,闪耀flatcar n. 平板车flatten vt. 把...弄平flee vi. 逃离flexibility n. 灵活性flicker vi. 闪烁float vi. 漂浮flock vi. 蜂拥,群集,n. 鸟群flood vt. 淹灭flora n. (复数floras/florae)植物群florist n. 花商,种花者flourish vi. 兴旺,繁荣flow vi. 来自...的结果flu n. (influenza的缩写)流感fluctuate vi. 波动fluctuation n. 波动fluffy a. 蓬松的;绒毛状的fluid n. 液;流体fluorine n. 氟flute n. 笛子flyspeck n. 小点;小缺点focus n. 焦点;注意力foghorn n. 雾角fold vt. 折叠foliage n. (总称)叶folklore n. 民间看法;民俗,民间传说folkloric a. 民间传说的;民俗的folly n. 愚蠢footnote n. 脚注footprint n. 脚印foray n. 初步的尝试;突袭forbearance n. 克制;宽容forbidding a. 令人生畏的,险恶的,难以靠近(或通过)的forefather n. (常用复数)祖先foresee vt. 预见foresight n. 远见forestall vt. 抢在...之前采取行动;预先阻止forge v. 伪造(货币,文件等);编造formalize vt. 使形式化;使程序化formula n. (复数formulas/formulae)公式fort n. 要塞;城堡fortify vt. 增强fossil n. 化石fossilize vt. 使成化石foster vt. 培养;促进;养育foul a. 难闻的,恶臭的foundation n. 基础,机构;基金(会)fraction n. 部分fragile a. 易碎的,脆弱的fragment n. 片段;碎片fragrance n. 香味frame n. 构架framework n. 结构fray v. 磨损;摩擦free-wheeling a. 随心所欲的,不受约束的frequent vt. 常到fresco vt. 作湿壁画于freshwater n. 淡水friction n. 摩擦frigid a. 死板的;呆板的,寒冷的frisky a. 活蹦乱跳的frivolity n. 轻浮;轻薄fruitless a. 无结果的fuel n. & v. (加)燃料fulfil vt. 实现;满足fumigate vt. 烟熏;熏蒸function n. 功能;作用,vi. 起作用fundamental a. 基本的funding n. 资金;基金fungus n. 真菌funnel n. 漏斗;漏斗形物,vt. 传送;运送fur n. 毛,毛皮furnace n. 炉子furnishing n. 装饰品furniture n. 家具fuse vt. 熔化;交融futility n. 无用;无意义galaxy n. 星系;(G-)银河系gallery n. 美术馆gallop vi. (马等)飞跑gambit n. (常指带风险的)策略;弃兵局(指国际象棋开局让棋法) gamble v. 赌博gang n. 群gap n. 空白garb n. 装束gateway n. 通道gender n. 性别genderless a. 无性的generate vt. 生殖,发生(电,热,光,力等)generosity n. 胸怀宽阔;慷慨大方generous a. 大量的;慷慨的genetic a. 基因的;遗传的genius n. 天才;天赋genre n. 类型;体裁gentility n. 高贵的出身gentle a. 温和的gentlemanly a. 有绅士风度的geologic a. 地质的geologist n. 地质学家geometric a. 几何的,几何形状的geometrically ad. 呈几何图形地ghost n. 鬼魂giant n. 巨物;巨人,a. 巨大的gibe vi. 嘲笑gifted a. 有天赋的gingham a. 花格方布的given prep. 考虑到glacial a. 冰的glacier n. 冰川;冰河glamorous a. 富于刺激的,富的魅力的gland n. 腺glandular a. 腺的glare n. 耀眼的光glaze n. 釉glean vt. 收集(资料);探明glide vi. 滑动glimpse n. 一瞥,一闪global a. 完整的;全球的glow vi. 发光glue n. 胶水,vt. 用胶粘gnaw vi. 咬;啃golly int. 天哪gospel n. 信条;[常作G-][基督教]福音gouache n. 树胶水彩画gourd n. 葫芦graceful a. 优雅的gradation n. (颜色等的)层次grade vt. 给...打分grain n. 颗粒gram-calorie 克卡grandeur n. 伟大;壮丽grant vt. 授予;同意grasshopper n. 蚂蚱grassland n. 草场,牧场gratuitous a. 无缘无故的;免费的gravitational a. 吸引力的;引力作用的gravity n. 重力;引力greedy a. 贪婪的grind vt. 磨制grit n. 勇气,坚毅;砂子groom vt. 修整,照料;梳毛;打扮grope vi. 暗中摸索;摸索guarantee vt. 保证;担保guideline 指导gunfire n. 炮火gush vi. 喷;涌gymnastic a. 似体操的habitat n. 日常生活之地,栖息地hacienda n. 庄园;庄园住宅hail n. 冰雹,vt. 欢迎hairdo n. 发型hallmark n. 标志,特征halt vt. 停止hammer n. 音锤hamper vt. 妨碍,阻碍handicap n. 残疾;障碍handily ad. 轻易地;灵巧地handle vt. 处理handsomely ad. 相当大地,可观地hanker vi. 渴望,热切希望haphazardly ad. 随意地;偶然地hardware n. (总称)金属器材harem n. 由一群雄性动物支配的,一群雌性动物harmony n. 和声harness n. 马具,vt. 应用harpsichord n. 拨弦古钢琴harvest n. 收获hatch vt. 孵hatchery n. 育种站hatchet n. 短柄小斧haunt n. 常去的地方hazard n. 危险head vt. 标题为hearing n. 听觉heat vt. 加热heighten vt. 提高helium n. 氦hemlock n. 铁杉;常青树herald vt. 预示...的来临,欢迎herculean a. 非常大的;大力神的heritage n. 遗产;传统hexagon n. 六边形hibernation n. 冬眠hide n. 皮,vt.剥...皮hierarchy n. 等级;范围high-concentration 高强度highlight vt. 突出,强调highly ad. 高度地hillside n. 山坡hind a. 后面的hinder vt. 阻碍hippopotamus n. 河马Hispanic a. 拉丁美洲的;西班牙的hit vt. 到达,n. 风行一时的作品hive n. 蜂巢hold vt. 主张;坚持,认为hold vt. 包含,担任,主张;认为hollow vt. 掏空home-grown 土生土长的homely a. 普通的;无饰的homeotherm n. 恒温动物hominid n. 人种homogeneous a. 同种类的;相同特征的honeycomb n. 蜜蜂巢hook-like 钩状的horde n. (贬)群horizon n. 范围,眼界;地平线hormonal a. 激素的hormone n. 荷尔蒙;激素horn n. 角horsefly n. 马蝇;虻hospitable a. 宜人的,有利的;好客的hostile a. 不利的;怀敌意的house vt. 可容纳hover vi. 盘旋;彷徨hue n. 颜色hum n. 轰鸣声humanitarian n. 人道主义者,慈善家humble a. 卑下的humid a. 潮湿的humidity n. 潮湿;湿度humiliate vt. 羞辱hump n. 峰;驼背hydra n. 水螅hydrogen n. 氢hygiene n. 卫生hypothesis n. 假设;假说hypothesize vt. 假设,假定hypothetical a. 假设的iceberg n. 冰山ichthyosaur n. 鱼龙icicle n. 冰柱iconographic a. 肖像画法;肖像学identical a. 相等的,一致的identifiable a. 可证明是同一的;可识别的identification n. 确认;识别identify vt. 识别;鉴别identity n. 同一性;特性ideology n. 意识形态idiom n. 风格;特色;习语,成语idiosyncracy n. 独特风格;(个人特有的)气质idleness n. 懒散idyllic a. 田园诗般的ignorance n. 无知,愚昧ignore vt. 忽视;不理illuminate vt. 阐明,解释;照明illusion n. 幻觉illustrate vt. 举例或以图表说明illustrate vt. (用图或例子)说明,表明illustration n. 实例;说明illustrator n. 插图画家image n. 图像,形象imagist n. & a. 意象派(的)imitate vt. 模仿immigrant n. 移民imminent a. 即将发生的;逼近的immortal a. 流芳百世的,不朽的impact n. 影响,vi. 冲击,撞击impair vt. 损害impair vt. 削弱,损害impart vt. 传授;给予impediment n. 妨碍,阻碍imperative n. 命令,规则;必要的事imperceptibly ad. 察觉不到的impersonate vt. 扮演;模仿implement n. 工具implementation n. 实行;贯彻implication n. 含义implicit a. 内含的;含蓄的imply vt. 暗示,意味concept n. 概念impose vt. 把...强加于;征(税);加(负担,惩罚等)于impractical a. 不实际的imprisonment n. 关押;监禁improvise vi. 即席创作impulse n. 冲动;推动,脉冲impurity n. 不纯;杂质inaccessible a. 达不到的;不可接近的inactivity n. 迟钝inanimate a. 无生命的;无生气的incandescent a. 白炽的incentive n. 鼓励;刺激inclination n. 倾向income n. 收入incorporate vt. 合并;包括incur vt. 招致;惹起indefinitely ad. 不确定地indenture vt. 以契约约束学徒,师徒契约independent a. 无党派人士indicate vt. 显示indication n. 表明indicator n. 指示者,指示物indifference n. 冷淡;不感兴趣indifferent a. 冷淡的indiscernible a. 分辨不清的indispensable a. 必不可少的;必需的individuality n. 个性induce vt. 导致;引诱industrious a. 勤劳的inedible a. 不可食用的inefficient a. 无效率inequity n. 不公正,不公平inexorably ad. 不可阻挡地;不容变更地inextricably ad. 无法摆脱地infant n. 幼儿inferiority n. 自卑感infertile a. 不肥沃的;贫瘠的infiltration n. 渗入infinitely ad. 无限地inflation n. 通货膨胀influence n. 有影响的人物influx n. 涌入infrared a. & n. 红外线(的)ingenuity n. 独创性;设计创造力ingredient n. 成分;原料inhabit vt. 栖居于inhabitant n. 居民inherent a. 生来的,固有的inherit vt. 继承initial a. 最初的,首先的,a. (姓名的)首字母initially ad. 最初地,ad. 首先initiate vt. 发起,开始inject vt. 注射(入)injection n. 注射injustice n. 不公正,非正义inland a. 内陆的;内地的innate a. 天生的,固有的innocent a. 单纯的;清白无辜的innovation n. 革新innovative a. 创新的innovator n. 发明者innumerable a. 无数的,数不清的inquire vt. 询问insect n. 昆虫insert vt. 插入insight n. 洞察力,深入了解insightful a. 有深刻见解的,有洞察力的insist vt. 坚持认为inspect vt. 检验inspiration n. 灵感inspire vt. 使生灵感;使感悟inspiring a. 鼓舞人心的;启发灵感的instability n. 不稳定性install vt. 安装instantaneous a. 即刻的;瞬间的instinct n. 本能;直觉instinctive a. 本能的institute vt. 建立institution n. 机构instruct vt. 指示;分咐instruction n. 教育;教学insufficient a. 不足的insulation n. 隔热insulator n. 绝缘insulting a. 侮辱的intact a. 完好无损的integrated a. 整体的;相互协调的,vt. 结合intelligence n. 智力;才智intelligent a. 聪明的intelligible a. 可理解的;清晰的intend vt. 打算;计划intense a. 强烈的,紧张的intensity n. 强度intent n. 意图intention n. 意图interact vt. 横切;和...交叉,vi. 相互作用interior a. 内部;深层,a. & n. 内部(的)(意指市区) interject vt. (突然)插入interlocal a. 地区间的intermittent a. 间歇的internal a. 内在的;内部的interplanetary a. 星际间的interplay n. 相互影响;相互作用interpret vt. 解释;阐明,翻译interpretation n. 解释;表演,翻译intersperse v. 穿插;散布interstellar a. 星际的interval n. 间隙intervene vi. 介入;插入intestine n. 脉intimacy n. 熟悉;密切intimate a. 熟悉的;亲密的intrepid a. 勇敢的intricate a. 复杂的intriguing a. 引起好奇心的;有迷惑力的intrinsic a. 固有的,内在的introspective a. 内省的;反省的invade vt. 侵入invariable a. 不变的,永恒的invasion n. 侵犯invertebrate a. 无脊椎动物investigate vt. 调查investment n. 投资investor n. 投资者invisible a. 不可见的invite vt. 吸引invite vt. 征求;欢迎inviting a. 诱人的involve vt. 使卷入;使参加,包括iodine n. 碘ironworks n. (用单或复)钢铁厂irony n. 冷嘲热讽。





1、affiliate, link, attach都有“附加”的意思,用法不同。

affiliate v.加入,成为……一部分。

E.g. This middle school is affiliated to the university. 这所中学附属于那所大学。

link v.将人或物连接起来。

E.g. Television stations around the world are linked by satellite.全世界的电视台通过卫星联系一起。

attach v.将某物系在、贴在、附在另一物上,一般与to连用。

E.g. With the skin gone, to what can the hair attach itself. 皮之不存,毛将焉附?2、affirm, assert, allege, claim, announce, proclaim这一组动词都有“声称”的意思。

affirm v.坚信不疑地肯定或宣称,是deny的反义词。

E.g. Everything I had accomplished seemed to affirm that opinion.我所做成的每件事似乎都证实了那个观点。

assert v.指不管事实如何,主观自信地宣称,或者清楚有力地坚持某个情况为事实。

E.g. The republics began asserting their right to govern themselves.各共和国开始坚持他们自治的权利。

allege v.在无真凭实据的情况下宣称、断定。

E.g. The newspapers allege that the police shot the suspect without warning.报纸指称警察未经示警就枪杀那位嫌疑犯。



2021年6月大学英语六级高频词汇(1)acquisition n. 获得,添加的物品adolescent a. 青春期的,青年的 n. 青少年adverse a. 不利的,敌对的,相反的,逆的aesthetic a. 美学的,审美的,有美感affiliate vt. 附属,接纳 vi. 有关afflictvt. 使痛苦,折磨aggravat Vt. 使恶化,使更加重agitation n.鼓动,煸动;搅动alleviate vt. 减轻,使缓和amends n. 赔偿anonymous a. 匿名的appraisal n. 评价,估价,鉴定articulate a. 发音清晰的,听得懂的ascertain vt.查明,确定,弄清ascribe vt.把…归于assault vt.袭击;殴打 n.攻击assert vt.断言,宣称;维护asset n. 资产,有用的东西assimilate vt. 使同化,吸收,比较attorney n.代理人;辩护律师augment 增加,增大authentic a. 真实的,可靠的,可信的 avail vt.有益于 n.效用avert vt. 转开,避免,防止baffle vt.使挫折 n.迷惑barren a.贫瘠的;不妊的batch n. 一组,分批,成批,批bizarre a. 奇异的bleak a. 萧瑟的,苍白的,荒凉的blunder vi.犯大错 n.大错blunt a. 钝的,坦率的,麻痹的bonus n. 奖金,红利brace n.支柱 vt.拉紧,撑牢brittle a.脆的;易损坏的capsule n. 胶囊,瓶帽,太空舱casualty n. 伤亡,受害者ceramic a. 陶器的 n. 陶瓷制品cerea n.谷类,五谷,禾谷commentary n. 注释,评论,批评commitment n. 委托,实行,承担义务,赞助commute vt. 交换,兑换, 经常来往compatible a.一致的;兼容制的competence n. 胜任,资格,能力compile vt.编辑,编制,搜集compulsory a.强迫的,义务的concede vt. 承认,退让 vi. 让步conceive v/vt.设想,以为;怀孕重点单词查看全部解释barren['bærən]想一想再看adj. 不育的,贫瘠的authentic[ɔ:'θentik]想一想再看adj. 可信(靠)的,真实的,真正的联想记忆X单词authentic联想记忆:源于author作者-属于原创作者的-真正的 assault[ə'sɔ:lt]想一想再看n. 攻击,突袭vt. 袭击,突袭联想记忆X单词assault联想记忆:saul=sail,详见:assail bonus['bəunəs]想一想再看n. 奖金,红利联想记忆X单词bonus联想记忆:bon好,us我们-我们的好事-发奖金了,分红利了 commitment[kə'mitmənt]想一想再看n. 承诺,保证; 确定,实行联想记忆X单词commitment联想记忆:com共同,mit送-共同送东西到指定处-对方接受后便要承诺责任。



Fertile a.能繁殖的肥沃的
Fertilize v.使肥沃
Fertilizer n.肥料
Filial a.子女的,孝顺的
Affiliate v.使隶属于n.子公司
Confer v.交换意见商讨
Conference n.会议(正式)
Differ v.与···不同
Difference n.差别
Differentiate v.区分
Different a.不同的
Ferry n.渡口v.摆渡
Indifferent a.冷漠的,不关心的
Infer v.推论
Inference n.推论
Interfere v.干预
Interference n.干预
Offer v.提供,提议n.出价
Prefer v.更喜欢preferable a.更可取的preference n.偏爱
Refer v.参考提交reference n.参考书目
Suffer v.遭受忍受
Transfer v/n 转移
Firm a.坚固的
Affirm v.断言
Confirm v.确认
Rim n.轮缘篮筐
Frame n. 框架;结构vt. 陷害;使…适合vi. 有成功希望adj. 有木架的;有构架的Brim n.碗边v.溢出
Fringe n.边缘a.边缘的(窗帘等边)





1. Affiliated with (与...有联系)Affiliate动词最常见的用法之一是与介词“with”连用,表示一个事物与另一个事物之间的联系或关系。


下面是一些例句:- He is affiliated with a prestigious law firm. (他与一家知名的律师事务所有联系)- The company is affiliated with several international organizations. (该公司与几个国际组织有关联)- She is affiliated with a political party. (她与一个政党有联系)2. Affiliated to (隶属于...)Affiliate动词还可以与介词“to”连用,用来表达一个事物隶属于另一个事物的意思。


下面是一些例句:- The university is affiliated to the Ministry of Education. (这所大学隶属于教育部)- The hospital is affiliated to a medical school. (这家医院隶属于一所医学院)- The company is affiliated to a larger corporation. (这个公司隶属于一个更大的公司)3. Affiliated as (作为...的一部分)Affiliate动词还可以与连词“as”一起使用,表达一个事物作为另一个事物的一部分的意思。



"Affiliate" 是一个由词根和词缀构成的单词,它由以下部分组成:
1. 词根"affili-":这个词根来自拉丁语"affiliare",意思是"联合"或"加入"。

在"affiliate" 中,这个词根表达了加入或关联的含义。

2. 词缀"-ate":这是一个常见的后缀,通常用于构建动词。


在"affiliate" 中,这个后缀将词根"affili-" 转化为一个动词,表示"加入"或"联合"。

因此,"affiliate" 这个词的基本含义是"加入"、"联合"或"附属于",通常用于描述一个组织、公司或个体与另一个组织或公司有关联或合作的关系。

例如,"affiliate marketing" 意味着通过合作伙伴关系来推广产品或服务。

affiliated 翻译

affiliated 翻译

affiliated 翻译affiliated 的中文翻译是“隶属的”或“附属的”,它通常用来形容一个组织、机构或个体与另一个组织、机构或个体有某种形式的关联或联系。

下面是一些用法和中英文对照例句:1. Our company is affiliated with a larger multinational corporation.我们的公司是与一家更大的跨国公司隶属关系的。

2. He is a member of the affiliated organization.他是该附属组织的成员。

3. The university has several affiliated research institutes.这所大学有几个隶属的研究机构。

4. The hospital is affiliated with a medical school.这家医院与一所医学院有隶属关系。

5. The magazine is an affiliated publication of a major newspaper.这本杂志是一家大报的附属出版物。

6. The organization has many affiliated branches across the country.这个组织在全国范围内有许多附属分支机构。

7. The company has an affiliated office in China.这家公司在中国有一个附属办公室。

8. The university offers affiliated programs in partnership with other institutions.这所大学与其他机构合作开设了一些附属项目。

9. The affiliated companies work together to achieve common goals.这些隶属公司共同努力实现共同的目标。



2020考研英语:熟词僻义Affiliate(1次)考研英语有许多题目组成,方便大家及时了解,下面由小编为你精心准备了“2020考研英语:熟词僻义Affiliate(1次)”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取更多的考试资讯!2020考研英语:熟词僻义Affiliate(1次)Affiliate(1次)【熟义熟性】vt. (使...)加入, 接受为会员Middle School Affiliated to SCNU 华师大附属中学【僻义僻性】 n. 成员,分支机构【真题例句】International affiliates account for a fast-growing segment of production in economies that open up and welcome foreign investment. [2001年阅读T ext4]【经典译文】在那些对外开放并欢迎外资的国家中,国际分公司在生产中所占的份额也在快速增长。

这一句话是黄金背诵句型:它不仅考查了affiliate的【僻义僻性】, 还考查了economy的【僻义僻性】国家,经济体;短语account for 占…比例;以及 that定语从句。

2020考研英语:词缀单词sub-前缀sub-来源拉丁文的介词sub,意为“under,from under”等,表示“在下”的位置。




Affiliate定义目录-[什么是A ff il ia te](#什么是A ff il ia t e)-[为什么选择A ff il i at e营销](#为什么选择A ff il ia te营销)-[Af fi li at e的工作机制](#Af fi li at e的工作机制)-[如何开始Af fi lia t e营销](#如何开始A ff il ia te营销)-[常见的A ff il ia te营销模式](#常见的A ff il ia te营销模式)-[成功的A ff il ia te营销策略](#成功的A ff il ia te营销策略)-[总结](#总结)什么是Affi liateA f fi li at e,也被称为联盟营销,是一种通过推广他人产品或服务来获得佣金的商业模式。

在Af fi li at e中,你作为一个推广者(A ff il ia te)为其他商家(Me rc ha nt)销售他们的产品或服务,并从每个成功的销售中获得一定比例的佣金。

A f fi li at e营销是一种互惠互利的合作方式,对于推广者来说,他们能够通过推广优质产品或服务来获得收益,而对于商家来说,他们能够扩大销售渠道,增加品牌曝光度,并只需支付基于实际销售结果的佣金。

为什么选择A f f i l i a t e营销A f fi li at e营销相比传统的广告模式有多种优势。

首先,Af f il ia te 营销是基于实际销售结果来计费的,这意味着商家只需要支付真正带来业绩的推广者。

其次,A f fi li at e营销可以有效降低商家的营销成本,因为他们无需承担推广费用,只有当发生销售时才需要支付佣金。

此外,A ff il ia te营销也具有灵活性和可扩展性。



affiliate attach的区别用法

affiliate attach的区别用法

affiliate attach的区别用法Affiliate 和Attach 在商业和营销领域有着重要的意义。


在接下来的文章中,我们将探讨Affiliate 和Attach 的区别和使用方式。

Affiliate 的定义和用法Affiliate 的字面意思为“附属物”,在商业和营销上,它通常用来描述一个组织或公司与另一个公司或组织的关系。


Affiliate 可以是一个子公司、合作伙伴、加盟商或分销商,它们之间通常会有一些经济利益的共享。

举个例子,假设你是一家大型电商企业,你可以通过建立一个Affiliate 程序来吸引其他商家和网站来推广你的产品。

这些商家和网站可以通过你的Affiliate 链接或代码来推广你的产品,并获得一定的佣金。


还有一种常见的Affiliate 模式是通过分销商来扩大销售网络。



通过与分销商建立Affiliate 关系,你的企业可以在更广泛的市场上销售产品,并将风险和成本分配给分销商。

Attach 的定义和用法Attach 的字面意思为“附加”,在商业和营销上,它通常用来描述一个组织或公司与另一个组织或活动的密切联系。


Attach 常常和市场推广和品牌策略密切相关。

举个例子,假设你是一个时装品牌,你可以通过Attach 的方式来推广你的品牌。



另一种常见的Attach 活动是赞助体育赛事或文化活动。



石油英语词汇(A3)石油英语词汇(A3)石油英语词汇(A3)aff.亲近种affair事affect影响;感动;假装;倾向于affectation假装affected area受影响区affection影响afff水成膜泡沫affidavit宣誓书affiliate分支机构;关联公司;追源;分支affiliated company附属公司affiliation亲缘关系;附属机构affine anisotropy仿射各向异性affine coordinates仿射坐标affine deformation均匀变形affine estimator仿射估计affine function仿射函数affine group仿射群affine hull仿射包affine image仿射图象affine independence仿射独立性affine strain均匀应变affine subspace仿射子空间affined transformation仿射变换affinis亲近种affinity bond亲合键affinity coefficient亲合系数affinity constant亲合常数affinity类同affirm肯定affirmative vote赞成票affix添加;添加剂;固定;附标affixing organ附加器管affixture附加;贴上;加成物afflight近月飞行affluence富裕affluent汇流的;支流afflux流入affluxion汇流afford给予afghanella阿富汗蜓属afid碱火焰电离检测器afips美国信息处理学会联合会afit交联邦所得税后afloat gas浮选气afloat maintenance船上保养afloat repair水上检修afloat浮afm耐摩金属afmag method声频磁法afmag声频磁法afocal无一定焦点的aforesaid前述的afp平均流动压力afp异常地层压力afra估算平均运费率afra平均运费率定值afrgc碱溶反应气相色谱africa非洲african非洲的;非洲人的;非洲人africandite钛黄云橄岩afs原子荧光光谱法afsd前述的aft deck后甲板aft draft艉吃水;后吃水aft音频变压器aft在船尾aft自动微调after load后载荷after mast后桅after peak bulkhead艉尖舱舱壁after peak艉尖舱;后尖舱after perpendicular艉垂线after production period续流期after pump gravel injection system泵后加砂注入系统after shrinkage后收缩after skirt后缘after survey calibration summary测后刻度记录after tack回粘after tackiness回粘性after tax income税后收入after tax net profit税后净利after tax profit税后利润after tax税后after time余辉时间after tool check summary测后仪器检查记录after treatment后处理after twist复捻after vibration后振动afterblow后吹afterbody船体后部;弹体尾部afterburner补燃器;复燃室afterburning补燃afterclap意外变动;节外生枝的事件aftercoder寻码器aftercombustion补充燃烧aftercooler后冷却器aftercooling后冷却afterdamp爆后气体afterdeck后甲板aftereffect后效;副作用afterflaming停止供油后的燃烧;补充燃烧afterflow rate续流流量afterflow续流;残余塑性流动;蠕变afterflush后处理aftergases爆炸后的有害气体afterglow tube余辉管afterglow余辉;光惰性afterheat余热afterimage余象afterinjection续注aftermath余波;后果aftermost最后头的afterpower剩余功率afterproduction续流afterpulse剩余脉冲afterpulsing寄生脉冲afterservice售后服务aftershock余震afterthought回想aftertossing船尾波动afterward后来afterword编后记afterafter bake后烘after burning二次燃烧after condensation后缩合after contraction后收缩after drawing后拉伸after expansion后膨胀after hardening后期硬化after ignition延迟着火after log verification测后校验after pack settling充填后砾石的沉降after pad后置液after purification后净化after sale service售后服务after settling effect后沉效应after shrink后收缩after stretching后拉伸after the fact information事后资料after thickening返稠after treatment profile log油井处理后生产剖面测井after working后效aft antenna尾部天线afunction功能缺失afwc自动给水控制afwillite硅酸钙石ag可用增益ag气隙ag银aga美国天然气协会agad海滨植物agallospira圆环螺属agalmatoaster首饰星石agalmatolite寿山石;滑石;块云母;叶蜡石agama飞蜥属agar slug琼脂段塞agar solution琼脂溶液agar琼脂agarum孔叶藻属agate mortar玛瑙研钵agate玛瑙;512agathacopalite化石树脂agatized wood硅化木agc自动测量调整装置agc自动增益控制agcy代理处age dating年龄测定age determination年龄测定age group年龄组age hardening时效硬化age instability老化不稳定性age overnight老化过夜age pattern年龄模式age spectrum年龄谱age strength relation龄期强度关系age theory年龄理论age年龄;成年;老年;时代aged core陈置岩心aged product老化油品aged sample陈置样品aged陈化的agehardenability可时效硬化性ageing oven老化炉ageing resistance抗老化性能ageing stability老化稳定性ageing time老化时间ageing resistant grease抗老化润滑脂agency agreement代理协议agency contract代理合同agency for international development国际开发署agency办事处agenda议事日程;记事本agendumagenda 的单数agent代理人ager水压箱agerina西郊虫属agerite弹性地蜡;地蜡agetolitella小阿盖特珊瑚属age size law油井寿命与产量的关系agg.共计agglaciation冰川加强作用agglomerant烧结剂agglomerate lava集块熔岩agglomerate tuff集块凝灰岩agglomerate成团的agglomerate foam concrete烧结矿渣泡沫混凝土agglomerating agent烧结因素;凝结剂;胶凝剂agglomeration agent烧结因素;凝结剂;胶凝剂agglomeration成团;烧结;附聚;凝聚agglomerative凝聚的agglutinant烧结剂;胶粘的agglutinate粘合集块岩agglutinating power聚结能力agglutination聚结agglutinin凝集素aggradated plain加积平原aggradation coast加积海岸aggradation island淤积岛aggradation stream加积河aggradation浮土aggradational deposit加积沉积物aggradational plain加积平原aggradational层序加积的aggrade加积;变厚aggrading braided stream加积辫状河aggrading continental sea填积大陆海aggrading neomorphism加积新生形变作用aggrading river加积河aggrading加积作用aggravate恶化aggravation加剧aggreagative fluidization聚式流态化aggregate balance sheet合并资产负债表aggregate breaking force综合破断拉力aggregate capacity合计容量;机组总功率aggregate demand总需求量aggregate erection组合安装aggregate error集合误差aggregate eye聚合眼aggregate index综合指数aggregate investment投资总额aggregate liability债务总额aggregate map综合地图aggregate momentum总动量aggregate motion组合运动aggregate planning总体规划aggregate plant集料厂aggregate polarization集合偏光aggregate preparation plant集料制备厂aggregate sample混合样aggregate scheduling总进度aggregate size骨料粒度aggregate social product社会总产品aggregate spreader集料撒布机aggregate structure集合体构造aggregate supply总供给aggregate thickness合计厚度aggregate transfer rate总传输率aggregate聚集的aggregation plain集积平原aggregation集结aggregational rock集合岩aggregative index综合指数aggregative model综合模型aggregative state聚集态aggremeter集料称量器aggression侵蚀aggressive action侵蚀作用aggressive agent侵蚀剂aggressive assembly进取性钻具组合aggressive substance使质量变坏的物质aggressive water前侵水;侵蚀性水aggressive侵蚀性的agi美国地质学会agi美国天然气学会agile敏捷的aging action老化因素aging crack时效裂纹aging crust老化的地壳aging effect老化效应aging inhibitor防老剂aging period老化周期aging resister防老剂aging resisting agent防老化剂aging test老化试验aging变老aging时效agio bank commission银行手续费agio贴水agip spa阿吉普石油公司agip视天然气储量agitate搅拌agitation搅拌agitator treating搅动洗涤agitator truck带搅拌工具的汽车agitator搅拌器;鼓动家agium海滨群落agl联合地球物理实验室aglaiocypris彩星介属aglestheria华美叶肢介属aglet金属箍aglucone配质agma美国齿轮制造商协会agmatite角砾混合岩agnostus球接子属agnotozoic疑生代agonic line无偏线agonic不成角的;无偏差的agpaite钠质霞石正长岩类agraphitic carbon无定形碳agraphitic非结晶的agravic无重力的;无重力状态agreeable合意的;适宜的agreed price议定价格agreed text议定文本agreement on avoidance of double taxation避免双重征税协定agreement price协定价agreement同意agricultural chemicals农用化学品agricultural engineering农业工程agricultural film农膜agriculture农业;农学agricutural bank of china中国农业银行agrimotor农业用拖拉机agrochemical农业化肥;农产品中提炼出的化学品agrochemicals农业化学药品agron土壤腐殖质残积层agronomic农业学的agrosterol草本甾醇agrostology草本学agrotechnician农业技术员agrotechnique农业技术aground搁浅ags自动增益稳定性agstein琥珀agt代理人;剂agt对;逆;反对;靠近;对比;以防agu美国地球物理联合会aguada浅洼地ah安培小时ah芳香烃ah运锚工作船ahd前进ahead fluid前置液ahermatypic coral非造礁珊瑚ahermatypic异性型;非造礁型ahmuellerella阿缪石ahnfeltia伊谷草属ahp分析系统加工ahvc自动高压控制ai of m m大洋洲采矿和冶金学会ai清晰度指数ai人工智能aia防冻剂aiche美国化学工程师学会aid decision making辅助决策aid国际开发署aid应用接口设备aid援助aided device半自动装置aided tachometer半自动转数表aiding帮助aids自动智能数据系统aiee美国电机工程师学会aigrette鹭鸶;条纹;光束aigs全惯性制导系统aiguille钻头aiha美国工业卫生协会aiie美国工业工程师协会ailanthipites樗粉属aileron副翼aillikite方解霞黄煌岩ailsyte钠闪微岗岩aim瞄准;目的aime美国机械工程师学会aiming circle照准圆aiming point觇点aimitus凶猛螺属aimme美国矿冶工程师学会aims自动工业管理系统aiounite辉云斜岩aipg独立职业地质学家协会aipg美国职业地质学家研究会air accumulator空气储罐air actuator空气促动器air agitation通气搅动air arc cutting空气电弧切割air aspirator foam maker吸入空气式泡沫发生器air atomizing burner空气雾化喷燃器air base航摄基线air bath空气浴air blast effect空气冲击波效应;空中爆炸效应air blast爆炸气流;鼓风air bleeder放气阀air bleeding valve排气阀air blown asphalt喷射沥青air bond型芯砂结合剂;气障air bottle氧气瓶;空气瓶;压缩空气瓶air brake气闸air breather空气呼吸阀air brush喷枪air bubble level水准仪air bubble viscometer气泡粘度计air buffer空气缓冲器air burner喷灯air cable气缆air cannon空气枪air cap气孔air case空气包air cement gun气动水泥枪air centrifuge空气离心机air chamber water shock absorber气室式水击吸收器air chamber空气室air change换气air circuit breaker空气自动断路器air circulation空气循环洗井;大气环流air clamp气动对管器air cleaner空气滤清器air clearance空隙air clutch空气离合器air cock排气旋塞air collector储气罐air condenser空气电容器air conditioner空调器air conditioning空气调节;通风air conduction气导air conductivity大气导电性air conduit空气管;风管air conservation防止空气污染air control气控air controlled rig气控制钻机air coolant冷却空气air cooler空气冷却器air core空气心air corrosion空气腐蚀air counterbalance气动平衡air course气路air cured空气养护的air current ripple风成波浪air current气流air cushion drilling platform气垫钻井平台air cushion气垫air cushioning空气减震air cutting气侵air delivery空气输送air discharge空气排放量air distributor空气分配器air dolly气压顶铆器air dome空气包air draft气流air dried coating风干层;风干硬皮air drill风钻air drilling空气钻井air drive压气传动air driven pump风动泵air drum储气筒air dryer空气干燥器air drying varnish风干清漆air duct风管air eddy空气涡流air electromagnetic航空电磁法air engine空气发动机air entrained cement加气水泥air entrainment吸入空气air escape cock放气阀air escape排气孔air exhaust抽气air exhauster排气机air extractor抽气机air feeder送气机air filter滤气器air filtration空气过滤air flotation空气浮选air flowmeter空气流量计air flue通风道air flush drilling空气洗井钻井air flush吹气air flux通风强度air forging hammer空气锤air funnel通风斗air gap空隙air gauge气压计air governor空气调节器air grid通风格栅air gun array气枪组合air gun davit气枪吊杆air gun firing chamber空气枪起爆室air gun气枪;风动铆枪;喷漆枪air hammer气锤air hardening气硬的air heater空气预热器air hoist气压提升机air holder空气罐air hole通气孔air horn空气报警器air hose空气软管air injection注空气air inlet wedge楔形进气口air inlet进气口air insulation空气绝缘air intake grid进气栅air intake opening进气口air intake进气口air interchanger换气装置air intermitter空气间歇诱流筒air jack气压千斤顶air jet evaporation method空气喷射蒸发法air jet texturing空气喷射变形air junction box气缆连接盒air knife喷气括刀air lance空气喷管;用空气清除air leg mounted drill风动支架钻凿机air lift flip chip气顶升倒装法air lift pump气压泵air lift rod transfer elevator气动抽油杆运移吊卡air line up clamp气动对管器air liquefaction空气液化air lock valve气锁安全阀air loss挥发损失air louver空调活门air machine风扇air magnetic survey航空磁测air magnetometer航空磁力仪air main空气总管air mask空气面具air mass shower气团性阵雨air micrometer气动测微计air monitor大气监测器air monitoring station大气监测站air motor drill风钻air motor气动马达air navigation空中导航air nozzle喷气嘴air oil drive空气驱油air operated气动的air output出气量air oxidation空气氧化air painting equipment喷漆设备air pattern shooting空中成组爆炸air photogrammetry航空摄影测量学air photography航空摄影术air placed concrete气压浇注混凝土air plenum空气室air pocket气囊air pollution空气污染air preheat空气预热air preheater空气预热器air preheating空气预热air pressure大气压力air pump空气泵air pumping气举采油air puncher风动凿孔机air purge空气吹扫air purification空气净化air reactor空心扼流圈air receiver空气储蓄罐air reconnaissance航空勘测air refrigerating machine空气冷冻机air regenerating device空气再生装置air register调风器air relay气动继电器;电触式气动测量仪air release放气阀air relief放气air remote sensing航空遥感air renewal换气air reservoir空气储存器air respirator空气滤尘器air return回风air ride axle浮动桥空气弹簧支撑air riveter气压铆钉枪air saddle剥蚀褶皱air sampler大气采样器air sand blower喷砂器air saturation ratio空气饱和率air scour空气冲洗air seal气封air seasoning风干air separation plant空气分离装置air set pipe空气冷凝管air setting气干air shooting空中爆炸air shrinkage干缩air slaking风化;潮解air slips气动卡瓦air slug气塞air source气源air spider气动卡盘air spinning cathead气动旋螺纹猫头air spinning气流纺air spring气垫air starter空气启动器air sterillization空气消毒air storage露天堆放;储气air strainer空气过滤器air stripper空气吹提器air supply气源air survey航空测量air sweetening空气氧化脱硫醇air switch空气开关air tack cement封气粘胶水泥air tamper风动捣棒air tank空气罐air tap气嘴air test气密试验air throttle节流阀;风门air tongs气动大钳air transport风力搬动作用;空运air trap空气分离器air trunk通风阱air tube clutch气胎离合器air tugger气动卷扬机air turbine空气轮机air turbulence空气扰动air vent排气孔air vibration空气振动air voids气孔;含气率air volcano喷气泥火山air washer空气洗涤器air wave空气波air weight钻柱悬于空气中之重量air whistle气笛air wire架空线air空气air平均注入速度air硬石膏指示比airborne afmag航空声频磁法airborne altimeter飞机高度计airborne collision avoidance equipment机载避撞设备airborne data processor航空数据处理机airborne direction finder航空测向器airborne electromagmetic prospecting航空电磁法勘探airborne eleectomagnetics航空电磁法airborne exploration航空勘探airborne geophysical prospecting航空地球物理勘探airborne geophysics航空地球物理学airborne gradiometer航空梯度仪airborne gravimeter航空重力仪airborne gravimetry航空重力测量airborne infrared survey航空红外测量airborne input航空感应脉冲瞬变电磁系统airborne interferometer机载干涉仪airborne laser profiler航空激光剖面测绘仪airborne laser radar机载激光雷达airborne laser sounding system机载激光测深系统airborne magnetic gradiometer航空磁力梯度仪airborne magnetic survey航空磁测airborne magnetometer profile航磁剖面airborne magnetometer航空磁力仪airborne magnetometric gradiometer航空磁力梯度仪airborne magnetometry航空磁力测量airborne material风成物质airborne photogrammetric camera机载摄影机airborne platform机载仪器平台airborne pollution大气污染airborne radiation detector航空放射性检测仪airborne radioactivity survey航空放射性测量airborne radio phase method航空无线电相位法airborne range航空测距airborne remote sensing航空遥感airborne scanner机载扫描仪airborne sound空气传声airborne survey航空测量airborne thermal survey航空热辐射测量airborne trace航迹airborne空中的airborne ground mapping radar机载测地雷达aircomatic welding惰性气体保护金属极弧焊aircon空调aircospot welding氩电极惰性气体保护接地点焊airco hoover sweeteningaircraft altimetry飞机测高法aircraft engine fuel航空发动机燃料aircraft engine oil航空机油aircraft fuel航空汽油aircraft motor gasoline航空汽油aircraft oil飞机润滑油aircraft航空器aircrafttivity航空性aircraft based机载的airdent喷砂磨齿机airdraulic气液联动的aired up气堵airfall tuff空降凝灰岩airflow空气流airfoil翼型;机翼airframe飞机骨架airglow气辉airgun array source空气枪组合震源airgun bubble pulse气枪气泡脉冲airgun signature空气枪特征airgun subarray气枪子阵列airgun towing system气枪拖曳系统airiness空气流通;活泼airing气爆;晾;烘干;通风airless spraying无气喷涂airlift空运;总载重airlight空气光airline mask供气式面具airline respirator供气式呼吸器airline航线;空气管路;航空系统;架空线airliner客机airload气动载荷;空运装载airman航空兵airometer空气流速计;空气流量计airosol气溶胶airphoto coverage航空摄影范围airphoto criteria航空摄影标志airphoto interpretation航摄相片判读airphoto mosaic航摄相片镶嵌图airphoto pair航摄象对airphoto pattern航摄相片样片airphoto reconnaissance航空摄影勘测airphoto stereoscopic instrument航空相片立体测绘仪器airphoto surveying航空摄影测量airphoto transfer航空相片转绘airphoto航空摄影;航摄相片airplane strand航空软钢绳airplane飞机airport plug通气孔塞airport航空港airproof不漏气的airs自动信息检索系统airscape空瞰图airshed气流量airship飞艇airslide气力输送airspace division空域划分airspace空域airspeed indicator空速表airspeed空速airstream气流;空气射流airstrip飞机跑道;简易机场airtightness气密airview鸟瞰图;航空摄影;航摄相片airwater pipeline trenching sled气水喷射式管沟挖掘滑橇airway航线;航空公司;通风道;波长;电波airworthiness适航性;飞行性能airwrench套筒扳手airy disk艾里斑airy spiral艾里螺线airy heiskanen systemairy phase艾里相位airair acetylene welding空气乙炔焊air assist vacuum forming气助真空成型air balanced pumping unit气动平衡抽油机air balanced sucker rod pumping unit气动平衡抽油机air blast cleaning鼓风清除air blast cooled鼓风冷却的air blast quenching风冷淬火air blower鼓风机air blown asphalt氧化沥青air borne contamination空传污染air borne dust大气尘埃air break contactor空气断开接触器air brine充气盐水air bubble气泡;砂眼air cement separator气灰分离器air circulating umbilical空气循环管air compression plant空压站air compressor空气压缩机air cooled condenser气冷冷凝器air cooled transformer风冷变压器air core coil空心线圈air corps method for octane rating美国空军测定辛烷值法air coupled wave空气耦合波air curtain气帘air cushion seismic vibrator空气缓冲垫地震振动器air cushion vehicle气垫运载工具air cylinder pusher气动推料机air damper空气阻尼器air drain气眼air driven hammer drill气动冲击钻机air driven turbine气动涡轮air dropped sonobuoy空投声呐浮标air entraining agent加气剂air flotation cell空气浮选槽air flue gas mixtureair foam concentrate空气泡沫浓缩液air foam liquid空气泡沫液air foam nozzle空气泡沫枪air foam stabilizer空气泡沫稳定剂air foam空气泡沫air free concrete密实混凝土air free无空气的air fuel ratio meterair fuel ratioair gas proportionerair gas空气燃料混合气air hammer drilling气动震击钻井air heave structure气胀构造air in空气进口air jacketed thermometer空气套温度计air lay气流成网air lock气栓air map空中摄影地图air mass气团air meter气流计air oil ratio空气原油比air oil separatorair operated controller气动调节器air out空气出口air permeability空气渗透率air powered气动的air separating tank空气分离罐air setting refractory mortar气硬性耐火砂浆air shock wave冲击波air slip forming气滑成型air space cable空气绝缘电缆air sphere大气圈air stop glass阻流玻璃片air textured yarn空气变形丝air tight partition气密隔墙air tight不透气的air vapour mixtureair water coolingais阵列感应探测器aisc美国钢结构学会aisi美国钢铁学会aisle走廊ait陈列感应成象仪ait自燃温度aiw南极中层水aiwm美国度量衡学会aj margin抗干扰容限aj tubing jointajax铅青铜轴承合金ajd磨料喷射钻井ajutage放水管akalche喀斯特沼泽akaryote无核细胞akaustobiolite非可燃性有机岩akenobeite明延岩akerite尖晶石;英辉正长岩akermanite镁黄长石akiyoshiella nfda3akmolith岩刃akontean=akontaeakrit钴铬钨刀具合金aksaite阿硼镁石aktian deposit陆坡沉积aktological近岸浅水的aktology近海学akyrosome杂岩体的附属部分al block铝块al警戒灯al酒精al铝al铝块al声波测井alabandite硫锰矿alabaster雪花石膏alacrity乐意;敏捷alader硅铝合金aladra含卤岩地蜡aladza阿拉扎地蜡alaeala的复数alaiophyllum阿莱珊瑚属alamosite铅辉石alangiopollis八角枫粉属alanine丙氨酸alanylalar铝硅系合金alar翼状alarm code报警码alarm manometer报警压力计alarm relay报警继电器alarm set point报警点alarm threshold报警门限alarm警报;警报器;惊恐alas热融喀斯特洼地alaskite白岗岩alaskite porphyry白岗斑岩alass=alasalatacythere翅女神介属alatisporites三翼粉属alb铝青铜albanite地沥青;暗白榴岩albedo反照率albedometer反照率测定仪albert coal黑沥青albert lay顺捻albert shale阿尔伯特页岩albertan阿尔伯塔统albertite=albert coal albertosaurus阿尔伯脱龙属albian阿尔必阶albite twin钠长石双晶albite钠长石albite dolomitealbitite钠长岩albitization钠长石化albitolite火山沉积钠长岩albitophyre钠长斑岩albocarbon萘alboranite拉苏安玄岩albronze铝青铜album粘贴簿;文选;歌曲选albumen蛋白;白朊albumin白朊albuminoid蛋白质的alc分析液相色谱仪alc铝铸件alcal铝刻度器alcali碱alcaline碱性的alchemy炼金术alchrome铁铬铝系电炉丝alclad用铝作复盖层的alcogasalcogel醇凝胶alcohol acid羟基酸alcohol aldehyde羟基醛alcohol burner酒精灯alcohol ether sulfate醇醚硫酸盐alcohol ethoxy glycerol sulfonate脂肪醇乙氧基丙三醇磺酸盐alcohol ethoxylate醇乙氧基化物alcohol flooding醇类驱油alcohol fluid醇基液alcohol thermometer酒精温度计alcohol醇alcoholate醇化物;烃氧基金属alcoholic group醇基alcoholic poisoning酒精中毒alcoholic醇的;乙醇的alcoholimeter酒精比重计alcoholism酒精中毒alcoholize酒精处理;使醇化alcoholysis醇解alcohol base system醇基体系alcohol slug method酒精段塞驱油法alcom算法语言程序编译器alcomax无碳铝镍钴磁铁alcometer醉度计alcosol醇溶胶alcove凹室alcres铁铝铬耐蚀耐热合金alcrosil铝铬硅耐酸钢alcumite铜铝铁镍耐蚀合金alcyl脂环基ald接近致死剂量ald声波定位仪aldanian阿尔丹阶aldary铜合金aldehyde醛;乙醛aldol condensation醇醛缩合aldol丁间醇醛aldose醛糖aldrey铝镁硅合金alectrosaurus阿莱龙属alembic蒸馏器alemite fitting黄油嘴alemite gun黄油枪alemite黄油嘴alert field报警字段alert standard警戒标准alert警觉的alerting signal报警信号alertor警报器aletus=aletealeurite粉砂aleuritic texture粉砂结构aleuritopelitic粉砂泥质的aleurolite粉砂岩aleuropelitic粉砂泥质的aleutite闪长辉长斑岩aleuvite粉砂岩alexandrian亚历山大阶alexandrite变石alexeyevite阿列沥青alexinis带环切壁孢属alexoite磁黄铁橄榄岩alfenide德银alfenol高导磁铝铁合金alfin catalyst醇烯催化剂alfin catalyzed polymerization醇烯催化聚合alfven velocity阿尔芬速度alfven wave阿尔芬波alg代数学alg代数学的alga藻类algae colony藻类群体algae mat藻席algaealga 的复数algainite藻类体algal accretionary grain藻类加积颗粒algal anchor stone锚状藻类岩algal ball藻饼algal bank藻滩algal beach藻海滩algal bench藻阶地algal bioherm藻类生物岩礁algal biscuit藻饼algal bound sand flat藻结砂坪algal cannel藻烛煤algal coal藻煤algal coating藻类包壳algal crust藻壳algal facies藻相algal filament藻丝algal flat藻坪algal kerogen藻类干酪根algal limestone藻灰岩algal mat blister藻席小丘algal mat藻丛algal mound藻丘algal paste含藻泥晶灰岩algal pisolite藻豆粒algal pit藻坑algal reef藻礁algal ridge藻礁岩脊algal rim藻缘algal sinter硅藻泉华;藻硅华algal sponge reef藻海绵礁algal stromatolite藻叠层石algal structure藻丛构造algal tufa藻华algal藻类的algal bryozoan boundstonealgal mat biolithite藻丛生物岩algal mat facies藻席相algarvite云霞霓岩algebra addition代数加法algebra of logic逻辑代数algebra of matrices矩阵代数algebra product代数积algebra代数algebraic adder代数加法器algebraic complement代数余子式algebraic decoding代数解码algebraic developable surface代数可展曲面algebraic difference代数差algebraic expression代数表达式algebraic function代数函数algebraic identity代数恒等式algebraic language代数语言algebraic number代数数algebraic product代数乘积algebraic reconstruction technique代数重建法algebraic relation代数关系algebraic solution代数解algebraic spiral代数螺线algebraic sum代数和algebraic surface代数曲面algebraic transformation代数变换algebraic value代数值algebraic zero代数零点algebraic代数的algicide杀藻剂algin褐藻胶alginate fiber藻朊酸纤维alginate藻朊酸盐alginic acid褐藻酸alginite藻类体algite微藻类煤;藻类体algoflora藻类区系;藻类志algoid藻类的algol compiler算法语言程序编译器algol算法语言algology藻类学algoman orogeny阿尔戈马造山运动algon分解的有机屑algonkian preiod阿尔冈纪algonkian system阿尔冈系algophytic藻植代algorism算法;十进位计数法algorithm convergence算法收敛algorithm routine算法例程algorithm算法;规则系统;演段;工作步骤algorithmic language算法语言algo detrinite藻屑体algo like language类algol语言alias band混叠段alias filter去假频滤波器alias别名aliasing criteria假频准则aliasing filter假频滤波器alicyclic acid脂环酸alicyclic compound脂环化合物alicyclic group脂环基alicyclic hydrocarbon脂环烃alicyclic series脂环系alicyclic stem nucleus脂环母核alicyclic脂环的alidade照准仪alien corporation外国公司。

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