Sprecher + Schuh CA7系列接触器


辰竹CZSR Classic 系列安全继电器 说明书

辰竹CZSR Classic 系列安全继电器 说明书

公司简介COMPANY PROFILEISO9001 质量管理 ISO14001 环境管理ISO45001 健康安全管理安全生产标准化三级两化融合管理体系管理体系MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS上海市高新技术企业上海市科技小巨人(培育)企业上海市五一劳动奖状获得者上海市先进私营企业上海市仪器仪表行业经济运行十佳企业华东理工大学工程硕士联合培养基地上海应用技术大学联合培养工作室中国仪器仪表行业协会理事单位中国石油和化工自动化应用协会理事单位上海仪器仪表行业协会理事单位仪器仪表行业两化深度融合标杆企业上海市专利工作试点企业上海市松江区企业技术中心辰竹实验室符合ISO/IEC 17025体系要求,并取得德国莱茵TÜV集团颁发的体系认可证书。

28%研发团队占比员工总数R&D Team12%年销售收入投入研发R&D Investment110+核心知识产权Innovation70+测试能力Testing Facility 研发 发展源泉R&D SOURCE OF DEVELOPMENT品质 成就未来QUALITY ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE FUTURE2500㎡生产面积Factory1,000,000台最大年产量10+年精益生产Lean ProductionMax Cap.CZSR Classic系列安全继电器产品特点可插拔端子台,使得接线更简单方便插拔通过扫描产品铭牌上的二维码,可以快捷地查询到产品资料快速查询电路板三防漆涂覆保护电路板防潮、绝缘、防水、防尘、 防零件松脱电源、输入端、输出端分别用红黑色,黄色和白色进行区分接线方便22.5mm 45.0mmCZSR Classic 产品选型一览表 Product List输入设备Input Devices型号Model电源Power复位方式Reset Mode继电器输出Relay Output页码 Page晶体管输出安全断开安全闭合CZSR8001-3A1BCZSR8001-3A1B(M)CZSR8002-2A2ATCZSR8002-2A2AT(M)CZSR8003-3A1BCZSR8001-3A1B-PCZSR8101-3A1B-NCZSR8201-3A1BCZSR8301-3A1BCZSR8301-3A1B(M)CZSR8302-3A1BCZSR8303-3A1BCZSR8801-8A4B24V DC/AC24V DC/AC24V DC24V DC230V AC24V DC24V DC24V DC/AC24V DC/AC24V DC/AC24V DC/AC230V AC24V DC24V DC自动 / 手动受监控的手动自动 / 手动受监控的手动自动 / 手动自动 / 手动自动 / 手动无复位自动 / 手动受监控的手动通用复位通用复位自动 / 手动自动 / 手动32223333333348--22----------12--1111111112----------------------------556679910111112121414索引急停按钮,安全门输入 E-Stop Buttons, Safety Gates Input 外观图 Products show功能框图Block diagramPower dataSupply voltageVoltage toleranceCurrent consumptionInput dataInput currentCable resistanceInput devicesOutput dataNumber of contactsContact materialExternal contact fuse protectionMechanical endurance of contactsUtilisation categoryTime dataSwitch-on delayDelay-on de-energisationRecovery timeSupply short interruptionEnvironmental dataEMCVibrationAmbient temperatureStorage temperatureRelative humidityElevationInsulation dataOvervoltage categoryPollution degreeRated insulation voltageRated impulse voltageDielectric strengthClearance and creepage distanceCertificationSafety integrity levelPerformance levelCategoryCZSR8001-3A1B电源特性供电电压电压容差电流损耗输入特性输入电流导线电阻输入设备输出特性触点数量触点材料触点熔丝保护触点机械寿命切换容量时间特性吸合缓冲时间释放缓冲时间恢复时间电源短时中断环境特性电磁兼容振动使用温度储存温度相对湿度海拔高度绝缘特性过压等级污染等级额定绝缘电压额定冲击电压绝缘强度电气间隙和爬电距离认证安全完整性等级性能等级安全类别24V DC/AC0.85~1.1≤90mA (24V DC) / ≤240mA (24V AC)≤50mA (24V DC)≤15ΩE-stop buttons, Safety gates3NO+1NCAgSnO2 + 0.2 µm Au10A gL/gG NEOZED (NO);6A gL/gG NEOZED (NC)107次以上In accordance with EN60947-5-1:AC-15, 5A/230V; DC-13, 5A/24V≤300ms≤30ms≤100ms20msEN60947, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-4Vibration frequency: 10Hz~55Hz;Vibration amplitude: 0.35mm-20℃~+60℃-40℃~+85℃10%~90%≤2000mⅢ2250V AC6000V (1.2/50us)1500V AC, 1minIn accordance with EN 60947-1SIL3PLeCat.4产品特征 Features支持单、双通道操作 Single or dual channel支持自动复位和手动复位 Manual or automatic reset通道间短路监控 Short circuit monitoring114.5mm×99.0mm×22.5mmCZSR8001-3A1BCZSR8001-3A1B(M)24V DC/AC0.85~1.1≤90mA (24V DC) / ≤240mA (24V AC)≤50mA (24V DC)≤15ΩE-stop buttons, Safety gates3NO+1NCAgSnO2 + 0.2 µm Au10A gL/gG NEOZED (NO);6A gL/gG NEOZED (NC)107次以上In accordance with EN60947-5-1:AC-15, 5A/230V; DC-13, 5A/24V≤150ms≤30ms≤100ms20msEN60947, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-4Vibration frequency: 10Hz~55Hz;Vibration amplitude: 0.35mm-20℃~+60℃-40℃~+85℃10%~90%≤2000mⅢ2250V AC6000V (1.2/50us)1500V AC, 1minIn accordance with EN 60947-1SIL3PLeCat.4CZSR8001-3A1B(M)急停按钮,安全门输入E-Stop Buttons, Safety Gates Input外观图 Products show功能框图 Block diagramCZSR8002-2A2ATCZSR8002-2A2AT(M)产品特征 Features支持延时/非延时输出 Instantaneous or delayed output 支持自动复位和手动复位 Manual or automatic reset 通道间短路监控 Short circuit monitoring114.5mm×99.0mm×22.5mmPower data Supply voltage Voltage tolerance Current consumption Input dataInput currentCable resistance Input devices Output data Number of contacts Contact materialExternal contact fuse protection Mechanical endurance of contactsUtilisation category Time data Switch-on delay Delay-on de-energisation Recovery time Supply short interruption Environmental data EMCVibrationAmbient temperature Storage temperature Relative humidity Elevation Insulation data Overvoltage category Pollution degreeRated insulation voltage Rated impulse voltage Dielectric strength Clearance and creepage distance Certification Safety integrity level Performance levelCategory电源特性供电电压电压容差电流损耗输入特性输入电流导线电阻输入设备输出特性触点数量触点材料触点熔丝保护触点机械寿命切换容量时间特性吸合缓冲时间释放缓冲时间恢复时间电源短时中断环境特性电磁兼容振动使用温度储存温度相对湿度海拔高度绝缘特性过压等级污染等级额定绝缘电压额定冲击电压绝缘强度电气间隙和爬电距离认证安全完整性等级性能等级安全类别24V DC0.85~1.1≤130mA (24V DC)≤50mA (24V DC)≤15ΩE-stop buttons, Safety gates 2NO+2NO(t)AgSnO 210A gL/gG NEOZED (NO) 107次以上In accordance with EN60947-5-1: AC-15, 3A/230V; DC-13, 3A/24V ≤300ms ≤30ms (instantaneous);0.1s~3s (delayed, factory set as 3s)≤100ms 20msEN60947, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-4Vibration frequency: 10Hz~55Hz; Vibration amplitude: 0.35mm -20℃~+60℃-40℃~+85℃10%~90%≤2000m Ⅲ2250V AC 6000V (1.2/50us)1500V AC, 1min In accordance with EN 60947-1SIL3PLe Cat.424V DC0.85~1.1≤130mA (24V DC)≤50mA (24V DC)≤15ΩE-stop buttons, Safety gates 2NO+2NO(t)AgSnO 210A gL/gG NEOZED (NO) 107次以上In accordance with EN60947-5-1:AC-15, 3A/230V; DC-13, 3A/24V ≤150ms ≤30ms (instantaneous);0.1s~3s (delayed, factory set as 3s)≤100ms 20msEN60947, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-4Vibration frequency: 10Hz~55Hz; Vibration amplitude: 0.35mm -20℃~+60℃-40℃~+85℃10%~90%≤2000m Ⅲ2250V AC 6000V (1.2/50us)1500V AC, 1min In accordance with EN 60947-1SIL3PLeCat.4CZSR8002-2A2ATCZSR8002-2A2AT(M)急停按钮,安全门输入 E-Stop Buttons, Safety Gates Input功能框图 Block diagramPower data Supply voltage Current consumption Input data Input currentCable resistance Input devices Output data Number of contacts Contact materialExternal contact fuse protection Mechanical endurance of contacts Utilisation category Time data Switch-on delay Delay-on de-energisation Recovery time Supply short interruption Environmental data EMCVibrationAmbient temperature Storage temperature Relative humidity Elevation Insulation data Overvoltage category Pollution degreeRated insulation voltage Rated impulse voltage Dielectric strength Clearance and creepage distance Certification Safety integrity level Performance levelCategoryCZSR8003-3A1B电源特性供电电压电流损耗输入特性输入电流导线电阻输入设备输出特性触点数量触点材料触点熔丝保护触点机械寿命切换容量时间特性吸合缓冲时间释放缓冲时间恢复时间电源短时中断环境特性电磁兼容振动使用温度储存温度相对湿度海拔高度绝缘特性过压等级污染等级额定绝缘电压额定冲击电压绝缘强度电气间隙和爬电距离认证安全完整性等级性能等级安全类别100V~230V AC≤7 VA (220V AC)≤50mA (220V AC)≤15ΩE-stop buttons, Safety gates 3NO+1NCAgSnO 2 + 0.2 µm Au 10A gL/gG NEOZED (NO); 6A gL/gG NEOZED (NC)107次以上In accordance with EN60947-5-1:AC-15, 5A/230V; DC-13, 5A/24V ≤300ms ≤30ms ≤500ms20ms EN60947, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-4Vibration frequency: 10Hz~55Hz; Vibration amplitude: 0.35mm -20℃~+60℃-40℃~+85℃10%~90%≤2000m Ⅱ2250V AC 6000V (1.2/50us)1500V AC, 1min In accordance with EN 60947-1SIL3PLe Cat.4产品特征 Features支持单、双通道输入 Single or dual channel 支持自动复位和手动复位 Manual or automatic reset通道间短路监控 Short circuit monitoringCZSR8003-3A1B114.5mm×99.0mm×22.5mm外观图 Products show急停按钮,安全门输入 E-Stop Buttons, Safety Gates Input外观图 Products showPower data Supply voltage Voltage tolerance Current consumption Input dataInput currentCable resistance Input devices Output data Number of contacts Contact materialExternal contact fuse protection Mechanical endurance of contacts Utilisation category Time data Switch-on delay Delay-on de-energisation Recovery time Supply short interruption Environmental data EMCVibrationAmbient temperature Storage temperature Relative humidity Elevation Insulation data Overvoltage category Pollution degreeRated insulation voltage Rated impulse voltage Dielectric strength Clearance and creepage distance Certification Safety integrity level Performance levelCategoryCZSR8001-2A1BCZSR8001-2A1B3AT1BT电源特性供电电压电压容差电流损耗输入特性输入电流导线电阻输入设备继电器输出特性触点数量触点材料触点熔丝保护触点机械寿命切换容量时间特性吸合缓冲时间释放缓冲时间恢复时间电源短时中断环境特性电磁兼容振动使用温度储存温度相对湿度海拔高度绝缘特性过压等级污染等级额定绝缘电压额定冲击电压绝缘强度电气间隙和爬电距离认证安全完整性等级性能等级安全类别24V DC/AC 0.85~1.1≤90mA (24V DC) / ≤240mA (24V DC)≤50mA (24V DC)≤15ΩE-stop buttons, Safety gates 2NO+2NCAgSnO 2 + 0.2 μm Au 10A gL/gG NEOZED (N/O); 6A gL/gG NEOZED (N/C)107次以上In accordance with EN60947-5-1: AC-15, 5A/230V; DC-13, 5A/24V≤300ms ≤30ms (instantaneous);-≤100ms 20msEN60947, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-4Vibration frequency: 10Hz~55Hz; Vibration amplitude: 0.35mm -20℃~+60℃-40℃~+85℃10%~90%≤2000m Ⅱ2250V AC 4000V (1.2/50us)1500V AC, 1min In accordance with EN 60947-1SIL3PLe Cat.424V DC/AC 0.85~1.1≤170mA (24V DC) / ≤400mA (24V AC)≤50mA (24V DC)≤15ΩE-stop buttons, Safety gates 2NO+1NC+3NO(t)+1NC(t)AgSnO2 + 0.2 μm Au 10A gL/gG NEOZED (N/O); 6A gL/gG NEOZED (N/C)107次以上In accordance with EN60947-5-1: AC-15, 5A/230V; DC-13, 5A/24V ≤300ms ≤30ms (instantaneous)0s, 0.5s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 5s(delayed, factory set as 5s)≤100ms 20msEN60947, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-4Vibration frequency: 10Hz~55Hz; Vibration amplitude: 0.35mm -20℃~+60℃-40℃~+85℃10%~90%≤2000m Ⅱ2250V AC 4000V (1.2/50us)1500V AC, 1min In accordance with EN 60947-1SIL3PLe Cat.4产品特征 Features支持单、双通道输入 Single or dual channel 支持自动复位和手动复位 Manual or automatic reset通道间短路监控 Short circuit monitoring114.5mm×99.0mm×22.5mm (CZSR8001-2A1B)114.5mm×99.0mm×45mm(CZSR8001-2A1B3AT1BT)CZSR8001-2A1B3AT1BTCZSR8001-2A1B Newly Released功能框图Block diagram安全光幕输入 Light Beam Devices Input功能框图 Block diagramPower data Supply voltage Voltage tolerance Current consumption Input dataInput currentCable resistance Input devices Output data Number of contacts Contact materialExternal contact fuse protection Mechanical endurance of contacts Utilisation category Time data Switch-on delay Delay-on de-energisation Recovery time Supply short interruption Environmental data EMCVibrationAmbient temperature Storage temperature Relative humidity Elevation Insulation data Overvoltage category Pollution degreeRated insulation voltage Rated impulse voltage Dielectric strength Clearance and creepage distance Certification Safety integrity level Performance levelCategoryCZSR8001-3A1B-P电源特性供电电压电压容差电流损耗输入特性输入电流导线电阻输入设备输出特性触点数量触点材料触点熔丝保护触点机械寿命切换容量时间特性吸合缓冲时间释放缓冲时间恢复时间电源短时中断环境特性电磁兼容振动使用温度储存温度相对湿度海拔高度绝缘特性过压等级污染等级额定绝缘电压额定冲击电压绝缘强度电气间隙和爬电距离认证安全完整性等级性能等级安全类别24V DC0.85~1.1≤90mA (24V DC)≤50mA (24V DC)≤15ΩPNP type light beam devices 3NO+1NC AgSnO 2 + 0.2 µm Au 10A gL/gG NEOZED (NO) ; 6A gL/gG NEOZED (NC)107次以上In accordance with EN60947-5-1:AC-15, 5A/230V; DC-13, 5A/24V ≤300ms ≤30ms ≤100ms20ms EN60947, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-4Vibration frequency: 10Hz~55Hz; Vibration amplitude: 0.35mm -20℃~+60℃-40℃~+85℃10%~90%≤2000m Ⅲ2250V AC 6000V (1.2/50us)1500V AC, 1min In accordance with EN 60947-1SIL3PLe Cat.4产品特征 Features支持PNP型安全光幕 PNP type light beam devices 支持双通道输入 Dual channel支持自动复位和手动复位 Manual or automatic resetCZSR8001-3A1B-PCZSR8101-3A1B-N24V DC0.85~1.1≤90mA (24V DC)≤50mA (24V DC)≤15ΩNPN type light beam devices 3NO+1NCAgSnO 2 + 0.2 µm Au 10A gL/gG NEOZED (NO); 6A gL/gG NEOZED (NC)107次以上In accordance with EN60947-5-1:AC-15, 5A/230V; DC-13, 5A/24V ≤300ms ≤30ms ≤100ms20ms EN60947, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-4Vibration frequency: 10Hz~55Hz; Vibration amplitude: 0.35mm -20℃~+60℃-40℃~+85℃10%~90%≤2000m Ⅲ2250V AC 6000V (1.2/50us)1500V AC, 1min In accordance with EN 60947-1SIL3PLe Cat.4CZSR8101-3A1B-N114.5mm×99.0mm×22.5mm外观图 Products show10辰竹仪表 销售服务************技术服务400-881-0780 网址:外观图 Products show 功能框图Block diagram114.5mm×99.0mm×22.5mm双手按钮输入 Two -Hand Control Buttons InputCZSR8201-3A1BPower dataSupply voltage Voltage tolerance Current consumption Input dataInput currentCable resistance Input devices Output data Number of contacts Contact materialExternal contact fuse protection Mechanical endurance of contactsUtilisation category Time data Switch-on delay Delay-on de-energisation Simultaneity Recovery time Supply short interruption Environmental data EMCVibrationAmbient temperature Storage temperature Relative humidity Elevation Insulation data Overvoltage category Pollution degreeRated insulation voltage Rated impulse voltage Dielectric strength Clearance and creepage distance Certification Safety integrity level Performance levelCategory电源特性供电电压电压容差电流损耗输入特性输入电流导线电阻输入设备输出特性触点数量触点材料触点熔丝保护触点机械寿命切换容量时间特性吸合缓冲时间释放缓冲时间同步时间恢复时间电源短时中断环境特性电磁兼容振动使用温度储存温度相对湿度海拔高度绝缘特性过压等级污染等级额定绝缘电压额定冲击电压绝缘强度电气间隙和爬电距离认证安全完整性等级性能等级安全类别24V DC/AC 0.85~1.1≤60mA (24V DC) / ≤140mA (24V AC)≤50mA (24V DC)≤15ΩTwo-hand control buttons 3NO+1NC AgSnO 2 + 0.2 µm Au10A gL/gG NEOZED (NO); 6A gL/gG NEOZED (NC)107次以上In accordance with EN60947-5-1: AC-15, 5A/230V; DC-13, 5A/24V≤30ms ≤15ms ≤500ms ≤250ms20ms EN60947, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-4Vibration frequency: 10Hz~55Hz; Vibration amplitude: 0.35mm-20℃~+60℃-40℃~+85℃10%~90%≤2000m Ⅲ2250V AC 6000V (1.2/50us)1500V AC, 1min In accordance with EN 60947-1SIL3PLe Cat.4产品特征 Features双通道输入 Dual channel符合EN 574 Type IIIC要求 Accord with EN 574 Type IIICCZSR8201-3A1BCZSR8301-3A1B 24V DC/AC 0.85~1.1≤90mA (24V DC) / ≤240mA (24V AC)≤50mA (24V DC)≤15ΩSafety mats (4-wire)3NO+1NCAgSnO 2 + 0.2 µm Au 10A gL/gG NEOZED (NO); 6A gL/gG NEOZED (NC)107次以上In accordance with EN60947-5-1:AC-15, 5A/230V; DC-13, 5A/24V ≤300ms ≤30ms ≤300ms20ms EN60947, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-4Vibration frequency: 10Hz~55Hz; Vibration amplitude: 0.35mm -20℃~+60℃-40℃~+85℃10%~90%≤2000m Ⅲ2250V AC 6000V (1.2/50us)1500V AC, 1min In accordance with EN 60947-1SIL3PLe Cat.411安全地毯输入 Safety Mats Input外观图 Products show 功能框图 Block diagramPower dataSupply voltage Voltage tolerance Current consumption Input dataInput currentCable resistance Input devices Output data Number of contacts Contact materialExternal contact fuse protection Mechanical endurance of contacts Utilisation category Time data Switch-on delay Delay-on de-energisation Recovery time Supply short interruption Environmental data EMCVibrationAmbient temperature Storage temperature Relative humidity Elevation Insulation data Overvoltage category Pollution degreeRated insulation voltage Rated impulse voltage Dielectric strength Clearance and creepage distance Certification Safety integrity level Performance levelCategory电源特性供电电压电压容差电流损耗输入特性输入电流导线电阻输入设备输出特性触点数量触点材料触点熔丝保护触点机械寿命切换容量时间特性吸合缓冲时间释放缓冲时间恢复时间电源短时中断环境特性电磁兼容振动使用温度储存温度相对湿度海拔高度绝缘特性过压等级污染等级额定绝缘电压额定冲击电压绝缘强度电气间隙和爬电距离认证安全完整性等级性能等级安全类别CZSR8301-3A1B(M)24V DC/AC 0.85~1.1≤90mA (24V DC) / ≤240mA (24V AC)≤50mA (24V DC)≤15ΩSafety mats (4-wire)3NO+1NCAgSnO 2 + 0.2 µm Au 10A gL/gG NEOZED (NO);6A gL/gG NEOZED (NC)107次以上In accordance with EN60947-5-1:AC-15, 5A/230V; DC-13, 5A/24V ≤150ms ≤30ms ≤300ms20ms EN60947, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-4Vibration frequency: 10Hz~55Hz; Vibration amplitude: 0.35mm -20℃~+60℃-40℃~+85℃10%~90%≤2000m Ⅲ2250V AC 6000V (1.2/50us)1500V AC, 1min In accordance with EN 60947-1SIL3PLe Cat.4产品特征 Features支持四线制安全地毯输入 4-wire safety mats 支持受监控的手动复位 Monitored manual reset114.5mm×99.0mm×22.5mmCZSR8301-3A1B(M)CZSR8301-3A1B安全地毯输入 Safety Mats Input 外观图 Products show功能框图 Block diagramPower dataSupply voltageVoltage toleranceCurrent consumptionInput dataInput currentCable resistanceInput devicesTerminal resistanceOutput dataNumber of contactsContact materialExternal contact fuse protectionMechanical endurance of contactsUtilisation categoryTime dataSwitch-on delayDelay-on de-energisationRecovery timeSupply short interruptionEnvironmental dataEMCVibrationAmbient temperatureStorage temperatureRelative humidityElevationInsulation dataOvervoltage categoryPollution degreeRated insulation voltageRated impulse voltageDielectric strengthClearance and creepage distanceCertificationSafety integrity levelPerformance levelCategoryCZSR8302-3A1B电源特性供电电压电压容差电流损耗输入特性输入电流导线电阻输入设备终端电阻输出特性触点数量触点材料触点熔丝保护触点机械寿命切换容量时间特性吸合缓冲时间释放缓冲时间恢复时间电源短时中断环境特性电磁兼容振动使用温度储存温度相对湿度海拔高度绝缘特性过压等级污染等级额定绝缘电压额定冲击电压绝缘强度电气间隙和爬电距离认证安全完整性等级性能等级安全类别24V DC/AC0.85~1.1≤95mA (24V DC) / ≤240mA (24V AC)≤10mA (24V DC)≤15ΩSafety mats, safety edges (2-wire)1.0KΩ ~ 10KΩ3NO+1NCAgSnO2 + 0.2 µm Au10A gL/gG NEOZED (NO);6A gL/gG NEOZED (NC)107次以上In accordance with EN60947-5-1:AC-15, 5A/230V; DC-13, 5A/24V≤300ms≤30ms≤100ms20msEN60947, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-4Vibration frequency: 10Hz~55Hz;Vibration amplitude: 0.35mm-20℃~+60℃-40℃~+85℃10%~90%≤2000mⅢ2250V AC6000V (1.2/50us)1500V AC, 1minIn accordance with EN 60947-1SIL3PLeCat.4产品特征 Features支持二线制安全地毯/触边 2-wire safety mats/edges支持自动复位 Automatic reset支持受监控的手动复位 Monitored manual reset114.5mm×99.0mm×22.5mmCZSR8302-3A1B100V~230V AC-≤7 VA (220V AC)≤10mA (220V AC)≤15ΩSafety mats, safety edges (2 or 4-wire)1.0KΩ ~ 10KΩ3NO+1NCAgSnO2 + 0.2 µm Au10A gL/gG NEOZED (NO);6A gL/gG NEOZED (NC)107次以上In accordance with EN60947-5-1:AC-15, 5A/230V; DC-13, 5A/24V≤300ms≤30ms≤500ms20msEN60947, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-4Vibration frequency: 10Hz~55Hz;Vibration amplitude: 0.35mm-20℃~+60℃-40℃~+85℃10%~90%≤2000mⅢ2250V AC6000V (1.2/50us)1500V AC, 1minIn accordance with EN 60947-1SIL3PLeCat.4CZSR8303-3A1BCZSR8303-3A1B12辰竹仪表 销售服务************技术服务400-881-0780 网址:24V DC/AC 0.85~1.1≤120mA (24V DC), ≤300mA (24V AC)≤10mA (24V DC)≤15ΩSafety mats, safety edges (2 or 4-wire)1.0KΩ ~ 10KΩ2NO+1NC+1SO AgSnO 2 + 0.2 µm Au10A gL/gG NEOZED (NO); 6A gL/gG NEOZED (NC)107次以上In accordance with EN60947-5-1: AC-15, 5A/230V; DC-13, 5A/24VNumber of semi-output:1SO Driving ability:20mA/24V DC ≤300ms ≤30ms(instantaneous)≤100ms 20msEN60947, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-4Vibration frequency: 10Hz~55Hz; Vibration amplitude: 0.35mm -20℃~+60℃-40℃~+85℃10%~90%≤2000m Ⅲ2250V AC 6000V (1.2/50us)1500V AC, 1min In accordance with EN 60947-1SIL3PLeCat.413安全地毯输入 Safety Mats Input外观图 Products show 功能框图 Block diagram24V DC/AC 0.85 ~ 1.1≤120mA (24V DC), ≤300mA (24V AC)≤10mA (24V DC)≤15ΩSafety switches, Contact switches 1.0KΩ ~ 10KΩ2NO(t)+1NC(t)AgSnO 2 + 0.2 µm Au10A gL/gG NEOZED (N/O); 6A gL/gG NEOZED (N/C)107次以上In accordance with EN60947-5-1: AC-15, 5A/230V; DC-13, 5A/24VNumber of semi-output:1SO Driving ability:20mA/24V DC ≤300ms ≤30ms (instantaneous)0s, 0.5s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 5s(Delated factory set as 5s)≤100ms 20msEN60947, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-4Vibration frequency: 10Hz~55Hz; Vibration amplitude: 0.35mm -20℃~+60℃-40℃~+85℃10%~90%≤2000m Ⅲ2250V AC 6000V (1.2/50us)1500V AC, 1min In accordance with EN 60947-1SIL3PLe Cat.4产品特征 Features支持二/四线制安全地毯/触边 2 or 4-wire safety mats/edges 支持自动复位 Automatic reset支持受监控的手动复位 Monitored manual reset114.5mm×99.0mm×22.5mm电源特性供电电压电压容差电流损耗输入特性输入电流导线电阻输入设备终端电阻输出特性触点数量继电器触点材料继电器触点熔丝保护继电器触点机械寿命继电器切换容量半导体输出特征时间特性吸合缓冲时间释放缓冲时间恢复时间电源短时中断环境特性电磁兼容振动使用温度储存温度相对湿度海拔高度绝缘特性过压等级污染等级额定绝缘电压额定冲击电压绝缘强度电气间隙和爬电距离认证安全完整性等级性能等级安全类别Power data Supply voltage Voltage tolerance Current consumption Input data Input currentCable resistance Input devices Terminal resistance Output data Number of contacts Contact materialExternal contact fuse protection Mechanical endurance of contacts Utilisation categorySemiconductor output data Time data Switch-on delay Delay-on de-energisation Recovery time Supply short interruption Environmental data EMCVibrationAmbient temperature Storage temperature Relative humidity Elevation Insulation data Overvoltage category Pollution degreeRated insulation voltage Rated impulse voltage Dielectric strength Clearance and creepage distance Certification Safety integrity level Performance levelCategoryCZSR8302-2AT1BT1SCZSR8302-2A1B1S CZSR8302-2AT1BT1SNewly ReleasedCZSR8302-2A1B1S14辰竹仪表 销售服务************技术服务400-881-0780 网址:触点扩展模块 Extension ModuleCZSR8801-8A4B外观图 Products show功能框图 Block diagramPower data Supply voltageCurrent consumption Input dataNumber of channels Input current Cable resistance Input devices Relay output data Number of contactsContact material External contact fuse protection Mechanical endurance of contactsUtilisation category Time data Switch-on delay Delay-on de-energisation Recovery time Supply short interruption Environmental data EMCVibrationAmbient temperature Storage temperature Relative humidity Elevation Insulation data Overvoltage category Pollution degreeRated insulation voltage Rated impulse voltage Dielectric strength Clearance and creepage distance Certification Safety integrity level Performance levelCategoryCZSR8801-4A2BCZSR8801-8A4B电源特性供电电压电流损耗输入特性通道数输入电流导线电阻输入设备继电器输出特性触点数量触点材料触点熔丝保护触点机械寿命切换容量时间特性吸合缓冲时间释放缓冲时间恢复时间电源短时中断环境特性电磁兼容振动使用温度储存温度相对湿度海拔高度绝缘特性过压等级污染等级额定绝缘电压额定冲击电压绝缘强度电气间隙和爬电距离认证安全完整性等级性能等级安全类别20V~30V DC ≤50mA (24V DC)1≤50mA (24V DC)≤15ΩSafety switches, Contact switches 4NO+2NC AgSnO 2 + 0.2 µm Au10A gL/gG NEOZED (NO); 6A gL/gG NEOZED (NC)107次以上In accordance with EN60947-5-1: AC-15, 5A/230V; DC-13, 5A/24V≤30ms ≤20ms ≤100ms20ms EN60947, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-4Vibration frequency: 10Hz~55Hz; Vibration amplitude: 0.35mm-20℃~+60℃-40℃~+85℃10%~90%≤2000m Ⅲ2250V AC 6000V (1.2/50us)1500V AC, 1min In accordance with EN 60947-1SIL3PLe Cat.420V~30V DC ≤50mA (24V DC, for each channel)2≤50mA (24V DC)≤15ΩSafety switches, Contact switches 8NO+4NC (4NO+2NC for each channel)AgSnO 2 + 0.2 µm Au 107次以上≤30ms ≤20ms ≤100ms20ms EN60947, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-4-20℃~+60℃-40℃~+85℃10%~90%≤2000m Ⅲ2250V AC 6000V (1.2/50us)1500V AC, 1min In accordance with EN 60947-1SIL3PLe Cat.4产品特征 Features独立双通道 Seperate two channels故障诊断输出触点 Fault diagnosis contact114.5mm×99.0mm×22.5mm 114.5mm×99.0mm×45.0mmCZSR8801-4A2B CZSR8801-8A4B块CZSR8001-3A1B的接线示意(急停按钮)双通道急停按钮输入 Dual channel E-stop buttons input通道间短路监控 Short circuit monitoring手动复位 Manual reset带输出触点反馈 Output with EDM适用于最高安全等级4 Up to Cat.4双通道急停按钮输入 Dual channel E-stop buttons input 通道间短路监控 Short circuit monitoring手动复位 Manual reset带输出触点反馈 Output with EDM适用于最高安全等级4 Up to Cat.4双通道急停按钮输入 Dual channel E-stop buttons input 通道间短路监控 Short circuit monitoring手动复位 Manual reset4路延时触点 4 delay-on contact带输出触点反馈 Output with EDM适用于最高安全等级4 Up to Cat.4M1K8K7双通道安全门输入 Dual channel safety gates input通道间短路监控 Short circuit monitoring手动复位 Manual reset带输出触点反馈 Output with EDM适用于最高安全等级4 Up to Cat.4K7K8M1接线示意 Wiring DiagramCZSR8001-2A1B的接线示意(急停按钮)CZSR8001-2A1B3AT1BT的接线示意(急停按钮)双通道PNP型安全光幕输入 Dual channel PNP type light beam devices input手动复位 Manual reset带输出触点反馈 Output with EDM适用于最高安全等级4 Up to Cat.4K7K8M1CZSR8101-3A1B-N的接线示意(NPN型安全光幕)双通道NPN型安全光幕输入 Dual channel NPN type light beam devices input手动复位 Manual reset带输出触点反馈 Output with EDM适用于最高安全等级4 Up to Cat.4K7K8M1K7K8M1K9K10M2K7K8M115接线示意 Wiring Diagram CZSR8201-3A1B的接线示意(双手按钮)双手按钮输入 Two-hand control buttons input符合EN574 TypeⅢC要求 In accord with EN574 type ⅢC带输出触点反馈 Output with EDM适用于最高安全等级4 Up to Cat.4K7K8M1CZSR8302-2A1B1S的接线示意(两线制安全触边)CZSR8302-3A1B的接线示意(两线制安全地毯)两线制安全地毯输入 2-wire safety mats input受监控的手动复位 Monitored manual reset带输出触点反馈 Output with EDM适用于最高安全等级4 Up to Cat.4K7K8M1CZSR8801-4A2B的接线示意(输出扩展)输出扩展(以CZSR8001-3A1B为主模块)M1四线制安全地毯输入 4-wire safety mats input受监控的手动复位 Monitored manual reset带输出触点反馈 Output with EDM适用于最高安全等级4 Up to Cat.4CZSR8301-3A1B(M)的接线示意(四线制安全地毯)接线示意Newly released典型应用Typical ApplicationM1K8K7接线示意应用一:注塑机Wiring diagram Ⅰ: Injection Moulding Machine上电ON掉电OFF闭合Close开启Open 释放Released 按下Pressed运转Run停止Stop电源Power安全门Safety Gate急停按钮E-stop Button马达MotorWiring Instructions注塑机械安全控制系统一般由安全门、急停按钮、安全继电器等设备构成。



施耐德交流接触器-施耐德接触器型号施耐德CT接触器一、施耐德CT接触器适用说明iCT 2P 63A 家用接触器专用接触器,主要适用于50Hz或60Hz、在AC-7a 使用类别额定工作电压为240V或277V 时额定电流至63A电路中,适用于起动和控制单相交流电动机(压缩机)及其它单相负载。




其主要性能指标符合IEC61095,UL508及GB17885等标准.二、主要参数及技术性能1 、按极数分类:接触器分为二极和四极。

2 、接触器的额定绝缘电压、约定自由空气发热电流、使用类别及其对应的额定工作电流和控制功率3、动作(操作)条件:在周围空气温度为-5℃~+63℃范围内,对接触器吸引线圈施以额定控制电源电压Us,使其发热至稳定状态时,接触器线圈在75% Us~110% Us范围内可靠吸合并工作。


4 、接通和分断能力(见表2)5、机械寿命:接触器的机械寿命不小于100万次。


7、接触器的使用类别为AC-1、AC-7a;8、接触器在距处,其噪声在40dB 以下。







D 型保护继电器
b TeSys D 型 3 极热过载继电器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/2 b 说明,特性. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/3 b 型号 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/5 b 附件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/9 b 尺寸,安装,线路图 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/11
v 用于至 75 kW/400V 的电动机控制, AC-3 类别 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/12 v 用于至 15 kW/400V 的电动机控制, AC-3 类别 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/13 v 用于 25 至 200A 的电路控制, AC-1 类别 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/18 b 用于电动机控制的可逆接触器, AC-3 类别 v 75 kW/400V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/20 v 15 kW/400V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/21 b 电源转换接触器组,用于 AC-1 负载控制 v 20 至 200 A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/22 b 根据所需电气寿命选型 v AC-3 使用类别 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/24 v AC-2 或 AC-4 使用类别 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/27 v AC-1 使用类别 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/30 v DC-1 至 DC-5 使用类别 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/32 b 可逆接触器的装配元件. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/35 b 辅助模块与附件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/38 b D 型接触器线圈 v 交流线圈 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/45 v 直流线圈 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/48 v 宽电压范围直流线圈 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/50 b 尺寸,安装与线路图 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eSys D 型控制继电器特性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/2 b 用于控制电路:交流,直流或低功耗 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/6 b 辅助模块 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/8 b 附件和备件. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/9

NC7系列 交流接触器 说明书

NC7系列 交流接触器 说明书

220 235
220 235
NJLc-GH NC7-205和NC7-250~300任1台组合
NJLc-GK NC7-205和NC7-410~475任1台组合
NC7-115~170 机械联锁
NJLc-GL NC7-205和NC7-620组合 NJLc-HH NC7-250~300任意两台组合
NJLc-HK NC7-250~300任1台和NC7-410~475任1台组合
NC7-09 NC7-12 NC7-18 NC7-25 NC7-32 NC7-38 NC7-40 NC7-50 NC7-65 NC7-80 NC7-95
AC-3 9
4050Leabharlann 658095
AC-4 3.5
本体不带辅助 触头可加装两 个顶挂辅助

派克汉尼汾中国 H 系列 ISO 阀说明书

派克汉尼汾中国 H 系列 ISO 阀说明书



版权所有© 2020,2019派克汉尼汾公司。

保留所有权利P2H 网络节点P2M 网络节点非电路集成连接电路集成连接Turck 网络接口PCH 网络接口• 特性 .................................................................................3-6•电路集成连接 ...............................................................7-29 15407-2 - 尺寸 02, 01 (HB, HA) .....................................8-9 5599-2 - 尺寸 1, 2 (H1, H2) ........................................10-11 尺寸参数 ......................................................................12-21 5599-2 - 尺寸 3 (H3) ...................................................22-29•非电路集成连接 .........................................................30-51 15407-1 - 尺寸 02, 01 (HB, HA) ......................................31 5599-1 - 尺寸 1, 2 (H1, H2) ........................................32-35 订货信息 ......................................................................36-44 5599-1 - 尺寸 3 (H3) ...................................................45-51• 技术参数 / 附件 .........................................................52-66• 尺寸参数 ......................................................................67-77H 系列 ISO 阀网络通讯• 特性 .............................................................................78-89• P2M 网络节点 .............................................................90-97•P2H 网络节点............................................................98-102• PCH 网络接口 .........................................................103-119• H 系列网络接口......................................................120-134• Turck 网络接口 .......................................................135-154•附件 / 电缆..............................................................155-157•技术参数 / 尺寸参数 .............................................158-163H 系列 ISO 阀特性H 系列 ISO 阀H 系列ISO 阀符合国际标准15407和5599,为终端用户提供灵活的设置。



PA D E L P o w e r S u p p l i e sP1visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationPower SuppliesSeries FLEX Power Supplies ..................................................................................P2Technical Information & Dimensions (Online) ....................................................P5F L E X P o w e r S u p p l i e sP2visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationSprecher + Schuh is proud to bring you a Flexible Power Supply from the best in AC to DC power supplies, Adel System.Solutions for Power Supply ContinuityThe FLEXline DC Power Supplies offer more power and flexibility for all your power needs. FLEX units are power rated from 100 to 150%, have a voltage input from 115V to 500V , and three modes of output circuit protection. The extremely compact housings offer a variety of features.Unparalleled BenefitsADEL system Power Supplies offer un-paralleled benefits in the industry:• High quality AC to DC power boost with up to 150% of rated output to 60ºC• 1- and 2-phase input from 230V to 500V AC eliminates the need for control transformers• Hiccup, Manual Reset and Continu-ous Output protection modes • Operating temperature range of -25/+70ºC• Metal Case IP 20 provides excellent heat dissipation• Built-in overload protection• LED status indicator for all models • Internally fused for short-circuit protection• Easy Installation, DIN Rail Mountable• Three year warrantyFlexible Switching Power SuppliesHigh Quality AC to DC power with power boost up to 150% of rated Output to 60ºCOne Solution, Many ApplicationsADEL system Power Supplies can apply to numerous applications and industries:• PLC and Smart Relay power • Proximity Switches • Light Curtains• Textile & Robotic Machinery • Material Handling Equipment • Metal & Wood Working • Freezers & Refrigerators • Building Automation • Air Cleaning Systems • Packing EquipmentRoHS✔PF L E X P o w e r S u p p l i e sP3visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationDiscount Schedule B9Three Modes of ProtectionWith the exception of FLEX6024A, all Flex Models are field selectable via a factory supplied jumper for the three protection modes as described below.Hiccup Mode Automatic RestartThis is the default factory setting of all FLEX units. In case of short-circuit or overloading, the output current is interrupted. The device tries again to re-establish output voltage and normal condition about every 2seconds until the problem is cleared.Hiccup ModeManual ResetContinuous OutputManual ResetIn case of short-circuit or overload,the output current is interrupted.In order to restart the output it is necessary to switch-off the input circuit for about 1 minute.This protection mode is particularly suggested in applications where safety procedures require that reset be carried out only by an authorized person.• Output (Load side)• LED Status "OK"• Field selectable via factory supplied jumper• • Hiccup Mode Restart (default)- Slide switch in casing• Input (Input voltage)Continuous Output modeIn case of short-circuit or overload,the output current is kept at high values with near zero voltage. In case of short circuit the current can reach up to 3 times the rated current at 60°C. This protection mode is used to meet the requirements of demanding loads such as motors, solenoid valves,lamps, PLC with highly capacitive input circuits and other loads with marked transient overload behavior. FLEX6024A is factory set to continuous output (C.O.) mode only.F L E X P o w e r S u p p l i e sP4visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationDiscount Schedule B9Flexible Switching Mode Power SuppliesTechnical InformationFLEX Power SuppliesNorms and certificationsThe CE mark in According to EMC2004/108/EC and the Low voltage directive 2006/95/ECElectrical SafetyAccording to UL508, UL file E308682, IEC/EN 60950 (VDE 0805) e EN 50178 (VDE 0160) for assembling device. The unit must be installed according to IEC/EN 60950. Input / Output separation: SELV EN60950-1 and PELV EN 60204-1. Double or reinforced insulation.EMC ImmunityEN 61000-4-2, EN 61000-4-3, EN 61000-4-4, EN 61000-4-5, EN 61000-4-6, EN 61000-6-2EMC Emission:EN 61000-6-4, EN61000-3-2Standards ConformityEN 60204-1 Safety of Electrical Equip-ment Machines➊ 115V Amp Rating shown; 3A @ 230V (72 W)➋ 115V Amp Rating shown; 2.5@ 230V @ 50ºC (60 W)➌ Input voltage selectable via slide switch located below input terminals inside metal casing.➍ With the exception of Flex6024A, all models are capable of being set to hiccup mode, manual reset or Continuous mode via factory supplied jumper.➎ The NO Power Good signal contact Closes when the output power is OK and Opens when the output voltage falls below 20V DC.➏ For 115V input voltage jumper is required between "bridge only" terminals./ecatalog - All pricing shown in US dollars - FY20PF L E X P o w e r S u p p l i e sP5visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationDiscount Schedule B9FLEX6024AInput: single-phase 115 … 230 V AC Output: One output 24 V DC 50ºC Efficiency up to 85%Strong overload without switch-off up Flexible power continuity: 36 to 72 W DIN Rail Mountable Extremely small sizeInput DataNominal Input Voltage (2 x Vac) 115 … 230 VacInput Voltage range (Vac)90 (264)Inrush Current (Vn and In Load) I 2t ≤ 19 A ≤ 5 msec. Frequency47 – 63 Hz ±6% Input Current (115 – 230 Vac) 1 – 0.7 A Internal FuseT 4 AExternal Fuse (recommended)6 A (MCB curve B) Output DataOutput Voltage (Vn) Factory Setting 3% 24 Vdc Adjustment range (Vadj)22 – 27 Vdc Start up with Strong Load (capacitive load) ≤ 50.000 µF Turn-On delay after applying mains voltage 1.5 sec. (max) Continuous Current at 24 V < 40°C (In) 2 A (115) 3 A (230) Continuous Current at 24 V < 50°C (In) 1.5 A (115) 2.5 A (230) Power Boost Current at 24 Vdc 50°C(In) 3.5A ≥ 3 min.Current max. Overload 4Vdc (permanent) Imax = In 50°C x (1.8 - 2.2) Max current Short Circuit (Icc) 7 AHold-up Time ( min. Vac) 24Vdc 5A Typ. 20 msec Residual Ripple ≤ 80 mV pp Efficiency≥ 85 %Over temperature Protection Yes. Shut-down output and automatic restart. Short-circuit protectionYes, Continuous Mode Dissipation power load max (W) 13Over Load protectionYes, Continuous Mode Over Voltage Output protection Yes (typ. 35 Vdc) Parallel connectionYesClimatic DataAmbient Temperature operation -25 up to +70 °C (>50°derating 2.5% °C) Ambient Temperature Storage -40 up to +85 °C Humidity at 25 °C, no condensation 95 % to 25 °C General DataIsolation Voltage (In / Out) 3000 Vac Isolation Voltage (In / PE) 1605 Vac Isolation Voltage (Out / PE)500 Vac Protection Class (EN/IEC 60529) IP 20Reliability: MTBF IEC 61709 > 500.000 h Pollution Degree Environment 2Protection class I with PE connected Dimension (w-h-d) 50x120x50 mm Weight0.3 kg approx. Terminal ConnectionsSolid (mm2)Stranded (mm 2) AWG Torque (NM)Stripped Length:Input:0.2-2.50.2-2.524-140.5-0.67 mm Output:0.2-2.50.2-2.524-140.5-0.67 mmTechnical InformationFLEX Power SuppliesRoHS✔"VDC ok" LED indicatorF L E X P o w e r S u p p l i e sP6visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationDiscount Schedule B9Technical InformationFLEX Power SuppliesFLEX9024AInput: single-phase 115 / 230 V AC Output: One output 24 V DC 60ºC Efficiency up to 89%Strong overload without switch-off, up to 50%Flexible power continuity: 96 to 120 W "Power Good" ContactSelectable Protection Mode: Hiccup, Continuous Mode & Restart after Main DIN Rail Mountable Extremely small sizeInput DataNominal Input Voltage (2 x Vac) Manual select Input from 115 to 230 115 / 230 VacInput Voltage range (Vac)90 – 135 (115) 170 – 264 (230) Inrush Current (Vn and In Load) I 2t ≤ 36 A ≤ 5 msec. Frequency47 – 63 Hz ±6% Input Current (115 – 230 Vac) 1.91 – 0.96 A Internal FuseT 4 AExternal Fuse (recommended)10 A (MCB curve B) Output DataOutput Voltage (Vn) Factory Setting ±3% 24 Vdc Adjustment range (Vadj)22 – 27 Vdc Start up with Strong Load (capacitive load) ≤ 50.000 µF Turn-On delay after applying mains voltage 1 sec. (max) Continuous Current at 24 V < 40°C (In) 5 A (permanent) Continuous Current at 24 V < 50°C (In) 4.5 A (permanent) Continuous Current at 24 V < 60°C (In) 4 A (permanent)Power Boost Current at 24 Vdc 60°C(In) In (60°C) x 1.5 ≥ 3 min. Current max. Overload ≅ 4Vdc (permanent) Imax = In 60°C x (1.8 - 2.2) Current Short Circuit IccMax 2 sec.: Hiccup modePermanent : Continuous Mode Mode 12 AHold-up Time ( min. Vac) 24Vdc 5A Typ. 20 msec Residual Ripple ≤ 80 mVpp Efficiency≥ 89 %Over temperature Protection Yes. Shut-down output and automatic restart. Short-circuit protection modesHiccup Mode Continuous Mode Restart After Main Dissipation power load max (W) 15 Over Load protectionYesOver Voltage Output protection Yes (typ. 35 Vdc) Parallel connectionYes Power Good contact rating (EN60947.4.1): Max. DC1: 30VDC 1S; AC1: 60 VAC 1A Min. 1mA at 5 VDCResistive loadMin. permissive load Climatic Data Ambient Temperature operation -25 up to +70 °C(>60°derating 2.5% °C)Ambient Temperature Storage -40 up to +85 °C Humidity at 25 °C, no condensation 95 % to 25 °C General DataIsolation Voltage (In / Out)3000 Vac Isolation Voltage (In / PE)1605 Vac Isolation Voltage (Out / PE)500 Vac Protection Class (EN/IEC 60529)IP 20Reliability: MTBF IEC 61709 > 500.000 h Pollution Degree Environment 2Protection class I with PE connected Dimension (w-h-d)55x110x105 mm Weight0.50 kg approx.Terminal ConnectionsSolid (mm 2)Stranded (mm 2)AWG Torque (NM)Stripped Length:Input:0.2-2.50.2-2.524-140.5-0.67 mm Output:0.2-2.50.2-2.524-140.5-0.67 mmRoHS✔PF L E X P o w e r S u p p l i e sP7visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationDiscount Schedule B9FLEX17024AInput: single-phase 115 / 230 V AC Output: 24 V DC 60ºC Efficiency up to 89%Strong overload without switch-off, up to 50%Flexible power continuity: 120 to 180 W "Power Good" ContactSelectable Protection Mode: Hiccup, Continuous Mode & Restart after Main DIN Rail Mountable Extremely small sizeInput DataNominal Input Voltage (2 x Vac) Manual select Input from 115 to 230 115 / 230 VacInput Voltage range (Vac)90 – 135 (115)170 – 264 (230)Inrush Current (Vn and In Load) I 2t ≤ 36 A ≤ 5 msec.Frequency47 – 63 Hz ±6% Input Current (115 – 230 Vac) 2.8 – 1.3 A Internal FuseT 4 AExternal Fuse (recommended)10 A (MCB curve B)Output DataOutput Voltage (Vn) Factory Setting ±3%24 Vdc Adjustment range (Vadj)22 – 27 Vdc Start up with Strong Load (capacitive load)≤50.000µF Turn-On delay after applying mains voltage 1 sec. (max)Rated Current at 24 V < 40°C (In)7.5 A (permanent)Rated Current at 24 V < 50°C (In) 6 A (permanent)Rated Current at 24 V < 60°C (In) 5 A (permanent)Power Boost Current at 24 V 60ºC(In)In (60ºC) x 1.5 ≥ 3 min.Current max. Overload ≅ 4Vdc (permanent) Imax = In 60°C x (1.8 - 2.2) Current Short Circuit IccMax 2 sec.: Hiccup mode Permanent: Continuous Mode mode 16AHold-up Time ( min. Vac) 24Vdc 5A Typ. 20 msec Residual Ripple ≤ 80 mV pp Efficiency≥ 89 %Over temperature Protection Yes. Shut-down output and automatic restart.Short-circuit protection modesHiccup Mode Continuous Mode Restart After Main Dissipation power load max (W)22 Over Load protectionYesOver Voltage Output protection Yes (typ. 35 Vdc)Parallel connectionYes Power Good contact rating (EN60947.4.1): Max. DC1: 30VDC 1S; AC1: 60 VAC 1A Min. 1mA at 5 VDCResistive loadMin. permissive load Climatic Data Ambient Temperature operation -25 up to +70 °C(>60°derating 2.5% °C)Ambient Temperature Storage -40 up to +85 °C Humidity at 25 °C, no condensation 95 % to 25 °C General DataIsolation Voltage (In / Out)3000 Vac Isolation Voltage (In / PE)1605 Vac Isolation Voltage (Out / PE)500 Vac Protection Class (EN/IEC 60529)IP 20Reliability: MTBF IEC 61709 > 500.000 h Pollution Degree Environment 2Protection class I with PE connected Dimension (w-h-d)55x110x105 mm Weight0.60 kg approx.Terminal ConnectionsSolid(mm 2)Stranded (mm 2) AWG Torque (NM)Stripped Length:Input:0.2-2.50.2-2.524-140.5-0.67 mm Output:0.2-2.50.2-2.524-140.5-0.67 mmTechnical InformationFLEX Power SuppliesRoHS✔F L E X P o w e r S u p p l i e sP8visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationDiscount Schedule B9Technical InformationFLEX Power SuppliesFLEX28024AInput: single-phase 115 / 230 V AC Output: 24 V DC 60ºC Efficiency up to 89%Strong overload without switch-off, up to 50%Flexible power continuity: 240 to 336 W "Power Good" ContactSelectable Protection Mode: Hiccup, Continuous Mode & Restart after Main DIN Rail Mountable Extremely small sizeInput DataNominal Input Voltage (2 x Vac) Manual select Input from 115 to 230 115 / 230 VacInput Voltage range (Vac)90 – 135 (115)170 – 264 (230)Inrush Current (Vn and In Load) I 2t ≤ 42 A ≤ 5 msec.Frequency47 – 63 Hz ±6% Input Current (115 – 230 Vac) 3.3 – 2.2 A Internal FuseT 6.3 AExternal Fuse (recommended)16 A (MCB curve B)Output DataOutput Voltage (Vn) Factory Setting ±3%24 Vdc Adjustment range (Vadj)22 – 27 Vdc Start up with Strong Load (capacitive load)≤50.000µF Turn-On delay after applying mains voltage 1 sec. (max)Rated Current at 24 V < 40°C (In)14 A (permanent)Rated Current at 24 V < 50°C (In)12 A (permanent)Rated Current at 24 V < 60°C (In)10 A (permanent)Power Boost Current at 24 V 60ºC(In)In (60ºC) x 1.5 ≥ 3 min.Current max. Overload ≅ 4Vdc (permanent) Imax = In 60°C x (1.8 - 2.2) Current Short Circuit Icc Max 2 sec.: Hiccup modePermanent: Continuous Mode mode 30AHold-up Time ( min. Vac) 24Vdc 5A Typ. 20 msec Residual Ripple ≤ 80 mVpp Efficiency≥ 89 %Over temperature Protection Yes. Shut-down output and automatic restart.Short-circuit protection modesHiccup Mode Continuous Mode Restart After Main Dissipation power load max (W)42 Over Load protectionYesOver Voltage Output protection Yes (typ. 35 Vdc)Parallel connectionYes, "Easy Parallel"Power Good contact rating (EN60947.4.1): Max. DC1: 30VDC 1S; AC1: 60 VAC 1A Min. 1mA at 5 VDCResistive loadMin. permissive load Climatic DataAmbient Temperature operation-25 up to +70 °C(>60°derating 2.5% °C)Ambient Temperature Storage-40 up to +85 °C Humidity at 25 °C, no condensation 95 % to 25 °C GeneralDataIsolation Voltage (In / Out)3000 Vac Isolation Voltage (In / PE)1605 Vac Isolation Voltage (Out / PE)500 Vac Protection Class (EN/IEC 60529)IP 20Reliability: MTBF IEC 61709 > 500.000 h Pollution Degree Environment 2Protection class I with PE connected Dimension (w-h-d)72x115x135 mm Weight0.65 kg approx.TerminalConnectionsSolid (mm 2)Stranded (mm 2)AWG Torque (NM)Stripped Length:Input:0.2-2.50.2-2.524-140.5-0.67 mm Output:0.2-2.50.2-2.524-140.5-0.67 mm Signal:0.2-2.50.2-2.524-140.5-0.67 mmRoHS✔PF L E X P o w e r S u p p l i e sP9visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationDiscount Schedule B9FLEX50024AInput: single-phase 115 / 230 V AC Output: 24 V DC 60ºC Efficiency up to 90%Strong overload without switch-off, up to 50%Flexible power continuity: 480 to 600 W "Power Good" ContactSelectable Protection Mode: Hiccup, Continuous Mode & Restart after Main DIN Rail Mountable Extremely small sizeInput DataNominal Input Voltage (2 x Vac) Bridge for 115V115 / 230 VacInput Voltage range (Vac)90 – 135 (115)170 – 264 (230)Inrush Current (Vn and In Load) I 2t ≤ 80 A ≤ 5 msec.Frequency47 – 63 Hz ±6% Input Current (115 – 230 Vac)8 – 4.2 A Internal FuseT 10 AExternal Fuse (recommended)16 A (MCB curve B)Output DataOutput Voltage (Vn) Factory Setting ±3%24 Vdc Adjustment range (Vadj)22 – 27 Vdc Start up with Strong Load (capacitive load)≤50.000µF Turn-On delay after applying mains voltage 1 sec. (max)Rated Current at 24 V < 40°C (In)25 A (permanent)Rated Current at 24 V < 50°C (In)22 A (permanent)Rated Current at 24 V < 60°C (In)20 A (permanent)Power Boost Current at 24 V 60ºC(In)In (60ºC) x 1.5 ≥ 3 min.Current max. Overload ≅ 4Vdc (permanent) Imax = In 60°C x (1.8 - 2.2) Current Short Circuit IccMax 2 sec.: Hiccup modePermanent: Continuous Mode mode 60AHold-up Time ( min. Vac) 24Vdc 5A Typ. 20 msec Residual Ripple ≤ 80 mVpp Efficiency≥ 90 %Over temperature Protection Yes. Shut-down output and automatic restart.Short-circuit protection modesHiccup Mode Continuous Mode Restart After Main Dissipation power load max (W)62 Over Load protectionYesOver Voltage Output protection Yes (typ. 35 Vdc)Parallel connectionYes, "Easy Parallel"Power Good contact rating (EN60947.4.1): Max. DC1: 30VDC 1S; AC1: 60 VAC 1A Min. 1mA at 5 VDCResistive loadMin. permissive load Climatic Data Ambient Temperature operation -25 up to +70 °C(>60°derating 2.5% °C)Ambient Temperature Storage -40 up to +85 °C Humidity at 25 °C, no condensation 95 % to 25 °C General DataIsolation Voltage (In / Out)3000 Vac Isolation Voltage (In / PE)1605 Vac Isolation Voltage (Out / PE)500 Vac Protection Class (EN/IEC 60529)IP 20Reliability: MTBF IEC 61709 > 500.000 h Pollution Degree Environment 2Protection class I with PE connected Dimension (w-h-d)85x120x140 mm Weight0.75 kg approx.Terminal ConnectionsSolid (mm 2)Stranded (mm 2)AWG Torque (NM)Stripped Length:Input: 4.0 6.030-100.8-1.07 mm Output: 4.0 6.030-100.8-1.07 mm Signal:0.2-2.50.2-2.524-140.5-0.67 mmTechnical InformationFLEX Power SuppliesRoHS✔F L E X P o w e r S u p p l i e sP10visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationDiscount Schedule B9Technical InformationFLEX Power SuppliesFLEX9024BInput: two-phase 230 / 400 … 500 V AC Output: 24 V DC 60ºC Efficiency up to 89%Strong overload without switch-off, up to 50%Flexible power continuity: 96 to 120 W "Power Good" ContactSelectable Protection Mode: Hiccup, Continuous Mode & Restart after Main DIN Rail Mountable Extremely small sizeInput DataNominal Input Voltage (2 x Vac)Manual select Input from 230 to 400-500 230 / 400 … 500 Vac Input Voltage range (Vac)187 – 264 (230)330 – 550 (400-500)Inrush Current (Vn and In Load) I 2t ≤ 17 A ≤ 5 msec.Frequency47 – 63 Hz ±6% Input Current (230/400…500 V AC) 1.0 – 0.58 – 0.46 A Internal FuseT 4 AExternal Fuse (recommended)10 A (MCB curve B)Output DataOutput Voltage (Vn) Factory Setting ±3%24 Vdc Adjustment range (Vadj)22 – 27 Vdc Start up with Strong Load (capacitive load)≤50.000µF Turn-On delay after applying mains voltage 1 sec. (max)Rated Current at 24 V < 40°C (In) 5 A (permanent)Rated Current at 24 V < 50°C (In) 4.5 A (permanent)Rated Current at 24 V < 60°C (In) 4 A (permanent)Power Boost Current at 24 V 60ºC(In)In (60ºC) x 1.5 ≥ 3 min.Current max. Overload ≅ 4Vdc (permanent) Imax = In 60°C x (1.8 - 2.2) Current Short Circuit IccMax 2 sec.: Hiccup modePermanent: Continuous Mode mode 12AHold-up Time ( min. Vac) 24Vdc 5A Typ. 20 msec Residual Ripple ≤ 80 mV pp Efficiency≥ 89 %Over temperature Protection Yes. Shut-down output and automatic restart.Short-circuit protection modesHiccup Mode Continuous Mode Restart After Main Dissipation power load max (W)12 Over Load protectionYesOver Voltage Output protection Yes (typ. 35 Vdc)Parallel connectionYes, "Easy Parallel"Power Good contact rating (EN60947.4.1): Max. DC1: 30VDC 1S; AC1: 60 VAC 1A Min. 1mA at 5 VDCResistive loadMin. permissive load Climatic DataAmbient Temperature operation -25 up to +70 °C(>60°derating 2.5% °C)Ambient Temperature Storage-40 up to +85 °C Humidity at 25 °C, no condensation 95 % to 25 °C General DataIsolation Voltage (In / Out)3000 Vac Isolation Voltage (In / PE)1605 Vac Isolation Voltage (Out / PE)500 Vac Protection Class (EN/IEC 60529)IP 20Reliability: MTBF IEC 61709 > 500.000 h Pollution Degree Environment 2Protection class I with PE connected Dimension (w-h-d)55x110x105 mm Weight0.50 kg approx.Terminal ConnectionsSolid (mm 2)Stranded (mm 2)AWG Torque (NM)Stripped Length:Input:0.2-2.50.2-2.524-140.5-0.67 mm Output:0.2-2.50.2-2.524-140.5-0.67 mmRoHS✔PL E X P o w e r S u p p l i e sFLEX17024BInput: two-phase 230 / 400 … 500 V AC Output: 24 V DC 60ºC Efficiency up to 89%Strong overload without switch-off, up to 50%Flexible power continuity: 120 to 180 W "Power Good" ContactSelectable Protection Mode: Hiccup, Continuous Mode & Restart after Main DIN Rail Mountable Extremely small sizeInput DataNominal Input Voltage (2 x Vac)Manual select Input from 230 to 400-500 230 / 400 … 500 Vac Input Voltage range (Vac)187 – 264 (230)330 – 550 (400-500)Inrush Current (Vn and In Load) I 2t ≤ 28 A ≤ 5 msec.Frequency47 – 63 Hz ±6% Input Current (230/400…500 V AC) 1.45 - 0.83 - 0.68 A Internal FuseT 4 AExternal Fuse (recommended)10 A (MCB curve B)Output DataOutput Voltage (Vn) Factory Setting ±3%24 Vdc Adjustment range (Vadj)22 – 27 Vdc Start up with Strong Load (capacitive load)≤50.000µF Turn-On delay after applying mains voltage 1 sec. (max)Rated Current at 24 V < 40°C (In)7.5 A (permanent)Rated Current at 24 V < 50°C (In) 6 A (permanent)Rated Current at 24 V < 60°C (In) 5 A (permanent)Power Boost Current at 24 V 60ºC(In)In (60ºC) x 1.5 ≥ 3 min.Current max. Overload ≅ 4Vdc (permanent) Imax = In 60°C x (1.8 - 2.2) Current Short Circuit IccMax 2 sec.: Hiccup modePermanent: Continuous Mode mode 16AHold-up Time ( min. Vac) 24Vdc 5A Typ. 20 msec Residual Ripple ≤ 80 mV pp Efficiency≥ 89 %Over temperature Protection Yes. Shut-down output and automatic restart.Short-circuit protection modesHiccup Mode Continuous Mode Restart After Main Dissipation power load max (W)22Over Load protectionYesOver Voltage Output protection Yes (typ. 35 Vdc)Parallel connectionYes Power Good contact rating (EN60947.4.1): Max. DC1: 30VDC 1S; AC1: 60 VAC 1A Min. 1mA at 5 VDCResistive loadMin. permissive load Climatic Data Ambient Temperature operation -25 up to +70 °C(>60°derating 2.5% °C)Ambient Temperature Storage -40 up to +85 °C Humidity at 25 °C, no condensation 95 % to 25 °C General DataIsolation Voltage (In / Out)3000 Vac Isolation Voltage (In / PE)1605 Vac Isolation Voltage (Out / PE)500 Vac Protection Class (EN/IEC 60529)IP 20Reliability: MTBF IEC 61709 > 500.000 h Pollution Degree Environment 2Protection class I with PE connected Dimension (w-h-d)55x110x105 mm Weight0.60 kg approx.Terminal ConnectionsSolid (mm2)Stranded (mm 2) AWG Torque (NM)Stripped Length:Input:0.2-2.50.2-2.524-140.5-0.67 mm Technical InformationFLEX Power SuppliesRoHS✔L E X P o w e r S u p p l i e sTechnical InformationFLEX Power SuppliesFLEX28024BInput: two-phase 230 / 400 … 500 V AC Output: 24 V DC 60ºC Efficiency up to 89%Strong overload without switch-off, up to 50%Flexible power continuity: 240 to 336 W "Power Good" ContactSelectable Protection Mode: Hiccup, Continuous Mode & Restart after Main DIN Rail Mountable Extremely small sizeInput DataNominal Input Voltage (2 x Vac) Manual select Input from 230 to 400-500 230 / 400 … 500 Vac Input Voltage range (Vac)187 – 264 (230)330 – 550 (400-500)Inrush Current (Vn and In Load) I 2t ≤ 34 A ≤ 5 msec.Frequency47 – 63 Hz ±6% Input Current (230/400…500 V AC) 2.49 - 1.44 - 1.15 A Internal FuseT 4 AExternal Fuse (recommended)16 A (MCB curve B)Output DataOutput Voltage (Vn) Factory Setting ±3%24 Vdc Adjustment range (Vadj)22 – 27 Vdc Start up with Strong Load (capacitive load)≤50.000µF Turn-On delay after applying mains voltage 1 sec. (max)Rated Current at 24 V < 40°C (In)14 A (permanent)Rated Current at 24 V < 50°C (In)12 A (permanent)Rated Current at 24 V < 60°C (In)10 A (permanent)Power Boost Current at 24 V 60ºC(In)In (60ºC) x 1.5 ≥ 3 min.Current max. Overload ≅ 4Vdc (permanent) Imax = In 60°C x (1.8 - 2.2) Current Short Circuit IccMax 2 sec.: Hiccup modePermanent: Continuous Mode mode 30AHold-up Time ( min. Vac) 24Vdc 5A Typ. 20 msec Residual Ripple ≤ 80 mV pp Efficiency≥ 89 %Over temperature Protection Yes. Shut-down output and automatic restart.Short-circuit protection modesHiccup Mode Continuous Mode Restart After Main Dissipation power load max (W)40Over Load protectionYesOver Voltage Output protection Yes (typ. 35 Vdc)Parallel connectionYes Power Good contact rating (EN60947.4.1): Max. DC1: 30VDC 1S; AC1: 60 VAC 1A Min. 1mA at 5 VDCResistive loadMin. permissive load Climatic DataAmbient Temperature operation -25 up to +70 °C(>60°derating 2.5% °C)Ambient Temperature Storage -40 up to +85 °C Humidity at 25 °C, no condensation 95 % to 25 °C General DataIsolation Voltage (In / Out)3000 Vac Isolation Voltage (In / PE)1605 Vac Isolation Voltage (Out / PE)500 Vac Protection Class (EN/IEC 60529)IP 20Reliability: MTBF IEC 61709 > 500.000 h Pollution Degree Environment 2Protection class I with PE connected Dimension (w-h-d)72x115x135 mm Weight0.65 kg approx.Terminal ConnectionsSolid(mm 2)Stranded (mm 2) AWG Torque (NM)Stripped Length:Input:0.2-2.50.2-2.524-140.5-0.67 mmRoHS✔PL E X P o w e r S u p p l i e sFLEX50024BInput: three-phase 400 … 500 V AC Output: 24 V DC 60ºC Efficiency up to 91%Strong overload without switch-off, up to 50%Flexible power continuity: 480 to 600 W "Power Good" ContactSelectable Protection Mode: Hiccup, Continuous Mode & Restart after Main DIN Rail Mountable Extremely small sizeInput DataNominal Input Voltage (3 x Vac) 400…500 VacInput Voltage range (Vac)330 – 550Inrush Current (Vn and In Load) I 2t ≤ 35 A ≤ 5 msec.Frequency47 – 63 Hz ±6% Input Current (400…500 V AC) 1.27 - 1.01 A Internal FuseT 6.3 AExternal Fuse (recommended)16 A (MCB curve B)Output DataOutput Voltage (Vn) Factory Setting ±3%24 Vdc Adjustment range (Vadj)22 – 27 Vdc Start up with Strong Load (capacitive load)≤50.000µF Turn-On delay after applying mains voltage 1 sec. (max)Rated Current at 24 V < 40°C (In)25 A (permanent)Rated Current at 24 V < 50°C (In)22 A (permanent)Rated Current at 24 V < 60°C (In)20 A (permanent)Power Boost Current at 24 V 60ºC(In)In (60ºC) x 1.5 ≥ 3 min.Current max. Overload ≅ 4Vdc (permanent) Imax = In 60°C x (1.8 - 2.2) Current Short Circuit Icc Max 2 sec.: Hiccup mode Permanent: Continuous Mode mode 60AHold-up Time ( min. Vac) 24Vdc 5A Typ. 20 msec Residual Ripple ≤ 80 mV pp Efficiency≥ 91 %Over temperature Protection Yes. Shut-down output and automatic restart.Short-circuit protection modesHiccup Mode Continuous Mode Restart After Main Dissipation power load max (W)54Over Load protectionYesOver Voltage Output protection Yes (typ. 35 Vdc)Parallel connectionYes Power Good contact rating (EN60947.4.1): Max. DC1: 30VDC 1S; AC1: 60 VAC 1A Min. 1mA at 5 VDCResistive loadMin. permissive load ClimaticData Ambient Temperature operation -25 up to +70 °C(>60°derating 2.5% °C)Ambient Temperature Storage -40 up to +85 °C Humidity at 25 °C, no condensation 95 % to 25 °C General DataIsolation Voltage (In / Out)3000 Vac Isolation Voltage (In / PE)1605 Vac Isolation Voltage (Out / PE)500 Vac Protection Class (EN/IEC 60529)IP 20Reliability: MTBF IEC 61709 > 500.000 h Pollution Degree Environment 2Protection class I with PE connected Dimension (w-h-d)85x120x140 mm Weight0.75 kg approx.Terminal ConnectionsSolid(mm 2)Stranded (mm 2) AWG Torque (NM)Stripped Length:Input: 4.0 6.030-100.8-1.07 mm Output: 4.0 6.030-100.8-1.07 mm Technical InformationFLEX Power SuppliesRoHS✔。

Schurter PG07 连接器 IEC 家用设备输入接头 C8 的商品说明说明书

Schurter PG07 连接器 IEC 家用设备输入接头 C8 的商品说明说明书

1IEC Appliance Inlet C8, Solder, PCB or Quick-connect Terminal2570-11102570-22102570-1210See below:Approvals and CompliancesC870° CDescription- Panel mount :Splitpanel (sandwich) or snap-in version from front side - Appliance Inlet , Pin temperature 70 °C , Protection class II - Solder, Quick Connect or PCB TerminalUnique Selling Proposition- Complete approvals - Well-priced productWeblinkspdf datasheet , html-datasheet , General Product Information , Distributor-Stock-Check , Accessories , Detailed request for productT echnical DataRatings IEC2.5 A / 250 VAC; 50 Hz Ratings UL/CSA 2.5 A / 250 VAC; 60 Hz ␣7 A / 125 VAC; 60 Hz Dielectric Strength> 2.5 kVAC between L-N > 3 kVAC between L/N-PE (1 min/50 Hz)Allowable Operation Tempe-rature-25 °C to 70 °CIP-Protection from front side IP 20 acc. to IEC 60529Insulation cover Suitable for appliances with protection class II acc. to IEC 61140Panel Thickness S Snap-in: from 0.6 mm to 2.0 mm Sandwich: 1.5 mm Material: HousingPA6, black, UL 94V-0appliance inlet/-outletC8 acc. to IEC 60320-1,UL 60320-1, CSA C22.2 no. 60320-1 (for cold conditions) pin-temperature 70 °C, 2.5 A, Protection Class IIApprovals and CompliancesDetailed information on product approvals, code requirements, usage instructions and detailed test conditions can be looked up in Details about ApprovalsApprovalsThe approval mark is used by the testing authorities to certify compliance with the safety requirements placed on electronic products. Approval Reference T ype: 2570Approval LogoCertificates Certification Body DescriptionVDE Approvals VDE VDE Certificate Number: 40044595UL Approvals ULUL File Number: E96454CQC ApprovalsCQCCCC Certificate Number: 2016180204001695Product standardsProduct standards that are referencedOrganizationDesignStandardDescriptionDesigned according to IEC 60320-1Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes Designed according to UL 60320-1Standard for Attachment Plugs and ReceptaclesDesigned according toCSA C22.2 no. 60320-1General Use Receptacles, Attachment Plugs, and Similar Wiring DevicesApplication standardsApplication standards where the product can be usedOrganization Design StandardDescriptionDesigned for applications acc.IEC/UL 60950IEC 60950-1 includes the basic requirements for the safety of informationtechnology equipment.CompliancesThe product complies with following Guide LinesIdentification Details Initiator DescriptionCE declaration of conformity SCHURTER AG The CE marking declares that the product complies with the applicablerequirements laid down in the harmonisation of Community legislation onits affixing in accordance with EU Regulation 765/2008.RoHS SCHURTER AG EU Directive RoHS 2011/65/EUChina RoHS SCHURTER AG The law SJ / T 11363-2006 (China RoHS) has been in force since 1 March2007. It is similar to the EU directive RoHS.Halogen Free SCHURTER AGSCHURTER strives to offer our customers halogen free products.REACH SCHURTER AG On 1 June 2007, Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 on the Registration,Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals 1 (abbreviated as"REACH") entered into force.Dimensions [mm]2570-1310Snap-in mounting with quick connect terminal22570-1110Snap-in mounting with quick solder terminal2570-1210Snap-in mounting with PCB terminal342570-2210Sandwich mounting with PCB terminalAll VariantsPackaging unit 100 PcsMating Outlets/ConnectorsCategory / DescriptionPower Cord Overview completeCord Sets 2.5 A, IEC Connector, Black, 2.0 m, H03VVH2-F 2x0,75mm2, Connector IEC C7, 001500 mm, H03VVH2-F2G0.75, black6013.0474Cord Sets 2.5 A, IEC Connector, Black, 4.0 m, H03VVH2-F 2x0,75mm2, Connector IEC C7, 001500 mm, H05VVH2-F2G0.75, black6013.0478Power Cord further types to 2570Power Supply Cord Overview completeCord Sets 2.5 A, North America, Black, 2.0 m, SVT 2x18AWG, Connector IEC C7, 002500 mm, NISPT-2, black6010.5274Cord Sets 2.5 A, North America, Black, 4.0 m, SVT 2x18AWG, Connector IEC C7, 002500 mm, NISPT-2, black6010.5278Power Supply Cord further types to 2570The specifications, descriptions and illustrations indicated in this document are based on currentinformation. All content is subject to modifications and amendments. Information furnished is believed1.9.2185。

HD7系列重型 油密封推钮柜型号说明说明书

HD7系列重型 油密封推钮柜型号说明说明书

D 7 P i l o t D e v i c e sH64Discount Schedule B5Pushbutton Enclosures and Pendant Stations ➊➊ Accepts 2-piece snap-in legends. See panel hole spacing requirements on page H86. Inscription rings possible with 1-hole enclosure only.➋ All “Complete Assembly” orders for two and three pilot devices should be accompanied by a sketch showing position of elements in enclosure.➌ Will accept one stack of latch mount contact blocks (1-3 contact blocks).➍ Will accept base mount and latch mount type contact blocks and power modules (1-3 contact blocks).➎ To complete the catalog no., replace the x with one of the following letters for desired color: Y = Yellow, R = Red, G = Green, B = Blue, W = White.Pushbutton Enclosures can either be purchased “stand alone,” or completely outfitted with thestandard pilot device combinations listed on the opposite page. Each enclosure accepts up to threecontact blocks on each pilot device (one deep).The Type 1 enclosure accepts standard latch mount contact blocks and power modules. The Type 4 and 4X enclosures accept base mount or latch mount contact blocks and power modules. Pendant stations are latch mount only.If purchasing componentsseparately for self-assembly, order enclosure and, if necessary, base mount or latch mount contact blocks and lamp elements from this page, then turn to appropriate page to order pilot devices.Complete Assemblies ➋Type 4/4X/13 (IP66) Dust-tight and Corrosion Proof - Plastic (UL/CSA Approved) Pendant Station Type 4/4X/13 (IP66) Dust-tight and Corrosion Proof - Plastic (UL/CSA Approved) ComponentTool-less Mounting Latch contact blocks and power module)Contact blocks(applies to all NC contact block styles)Ordering Instructions• Specify Catalog Number• If applicable, add suffix from opposite page for complete Pushbutton Station assembly• Total the list price of the pushbutton enclosure and the modification selectedHD 7 P i l o t D e v i c e sPushbutton Enclosure Modifications ➊Custom Assemblies➊ All Pushbutton Enclosure modification orders for two and three pilot devices should be accompanied by a sketch showing the position of all elements.➋ All pushbuttons have white lettering on the color indicated.Ordering Instructions• Add catalog suffix to the end of the enclosure catalog number on previous page• Total the list price of the pushbutton enclosure and the modification selectedD 7 P i l o t D e v i c e sH66Discount Schedule B5Emergency Stop Pushbutton Stations ➊➋➊ Will accept one stack of base mount contact blocks (1-3 contact blocks).➋ Accepts two piece snap-in legends and 60 mm emergency stop legends.HD 7 P i l o t D e v i c e sD 7 P i l o t D e v i c e sH68Discount Schedule B5Inscription RingsMounting➊ Sold only in multiples of 10. Order (quantity of) 10 to receive one package of 10 pieces.➋ Not for use with base mounted contact blocks.HD 7 P i l o t D e v i c e sAccessories➊ Sold in multiples of 10. Order (quantity of) 10 to receive one package of 10 pieces.➋ Only for use with 4 Position selector switch, 4 position toggle switch, or 3 position push-pull operator.➌ Guardian Contact blocks cannot stack.➍ D7-NUx available as a component only. Not available in assembled pilot device kits.➎ A maximum of four circuits allowable when a power module is used. Contact blocks cannot be stacked on power modules.D 7 P i l o t D e v i c e sH70Discount Schedule B5➊ Master key. See diagram for master key system details.➋ Minimum order quantity is one package of 2 keys.➌ Sold in multiples of 10. Order (quantity of) 10 to receive one package of 10 pieces.AccessoriesComponentHD 7 P i l o t D e v i c e sD 7 P i l o t D e v i c e sH72Discount Schedule B5ComponentAccessoriesHD 7 P i l o t D e v i c e sComponentSTARTExample: plate with blank text, 30 x 40 mm snap-in legend plate with AUTO engraved in it.➊ Three snap-in legend plates are required for each D7-400 legend plate frame.D7-17WE101D7-110D 7 P i l o t D e v i c e sH74visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date information Discount Schedule B5Ordering Example:Select Operator Only: D7P-P4▼ List: (page H54)(Plastic pilot light, red blank lens color)Back of panel requirements: Plastic latch, Integral LED, 24VDC, Red Light P - Plastic Latch $ N - Integral LED Module $ 3 - Voltage 24VDC no adder ~R - Red LED Color no adder ~ Total List Price adder for “PN3R” = Complete Kit Catalog Number: D7P-P4PN3R List Price 47.28 ($8.43 + $38.85)Ordering Example:Select Operator Only: D7M-E4✪ List: (from page H8)(Momentary pushbutton metal operator, extended, red blank cap)Back of panel requirements: Plastic latch, screw type termination, 1 NC late break contact block P - Plastic Latch $ X - Screw terminals no adder ~0 - No Contact required no adder ~1 - 1 NC, late break contact blocks $ L - 1 NC, late break contact blocks no adder ~ Total List Price adder for “PX01L ”= Complete Kit Catalog Number: D7M-E4PX01L List Price $35.55 ($15.78 + $19.77)➊ Configuration must be the same contact block style. Example: X11E acceptable sequence (X2Q1 Not Possible)➋ Specialty blocks can not be combined. Example: X01L acceptable sequence (X11EV not possible).➌ Up to 6 contact blocks (in any combination) can be attached. Up to 4 additional contacts when using the Guardian contact block.➊ LED modules for use with all illuminated operators. Incandescent module for use with pilot lights, push buttons, and momentary mushroom operators only.➋ Integral LED module available in 24V AC/DC, 120V AC or 240V AC only.➌ A maximum of four circuits allowable when a power module is used. Contact blocks cannot be stacked on power modules./ecatalog - All pricing shown in US dollars - FY20HD 7 P i l o t D e v i c e sH75visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date information Discount Schedule B5Complete Kits with Power Modules and Special Contact Blocks ➊➋➍Ordering Example:Select Operator Only: D7M-LF3▼ List: (page H12)(Illuminated momentary pushbutton, green blank lens cap color)Back of panel requirement: Metal latch, screwless LED power module termination, 120VAC, Green Light, 1 NO and 1 NC standard contact blocks M - Metal latch $ N - Integral LED Module $ 5 - Voltage 120V AC/DC no adder ~G - Green LED Color no adder ~Q - Screwless terminals (add per LED module) ~1 - 1 NO contact block $1 - 1 NC contact block Total Adder List price for “MQ5GQ11” = Complete Kit Catalog Number: D7M-LF3MN5GQ11 List Price $91.32 ($21.49 + $69.83)➊ Four circuits maximum allowable when power module is used. Do not stack contact block on power module.➋ LED modules for use with all illuminated operators. Incandescent module for use with pilot lights, push buttons, and momentary mushroom operators only.➌ Integral LED module available in 24V AC/DC, 120V AC or 240V AC only.➍ A maximum of four circuits allowable when a power module is used. Contact blocks cannot be stacked on power modules./ecatalog - All pricing shown in US dollars - FY20D 7 P i l o t D e v i c e sH76visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date information Discount Schedule B5Custom Printed Cap Configurator Table ➊➋➌Multi-Function Cap PositionsTop CapBottom Cap ➊ Package quantity of one for all standard custom printed caps and diffusers.➋ Standard font is Arial Narrow➌ Font size is automatically determined by the number of characters. Seven characters maximum allowable.➍ Seven characters maximum allowable./ecatalog - All pricing shown in US dollars - FY20HD 7 P i l o t D e v i c e sStandard Text/Symbols Ordering Information ➌1. Select the catalog number for the appropriate legend size and color from the Selection Tables on page H73.2. Complete the catalog number by adding the appropriate suffix number starting on page H79. Font size is automati-cally determined by the number of characters, as shown in the following table. Do not add the font code to the catalog number.Font Size(automatically selected)No. of Characters Allowed One-Piece Legend PlateTwo-Piece Legend Plate Special Multi-Function Legend PlateK (small)>14>13>6S (standard)≤14≤13≤6Example: Cat. No. D7-17WE101 identifies a white, 30 x 40 mm snap-in legend plate with AUTO engraved on it.Font size: S = 0.10 in., order D7-110 legend plate separately.➊ Three snap-in legend plates are required for each D7-400 legend plate frame.➋ Blank legend frames sold only in multiples of 10. Order (quantity of) 10 to receive one package of 10 pieces. Legends with standard text/symbols or custom text are packaged in quantities of 1.➌ Font code K = 0.08 in; font code S = 0.10 in.; font code L = 0.14 in.Customer Information:Company: __________________________________________Address: ___________________________________________City: ____________________State: ______Zip: ___________Today’s Date: _________________Order Form _____of_____Contact Name: _________________________Telephone: _________________________________________Job Reference/PO #: _________________________________Fax completed form to:In USA 800-739-7370 or in Canada 905-475-0027Custom Text Legend Plate Order Form(Text not found on pages H79...H80) ➋➌Ordering Instructions:1. Select the cat. no. for the appropriate legend size and color from the Selection Tables on page H73.3. Complete the catalog number by adding custom text in the Legend Text Line columns below.S S -99-220-301016 C A SExample of Standard Text/Symbol Legend PlateLegend Plate Size/ColorFontD7-E100Qty:Of this exact platePrice:L e g e n d T e x tLegend Plate Size/ColorFontD7-E100Qty:Of this exact platePrice:L e g e n d T e x tLine 1Line 2Line 3Line 4Line 5Line 4 and 5 only available in Small Font (K)Legend Plate Size/ColorFontD7-E100Qty:Of this exact platePrice:L e g e n d T e x tLine 1Line 2Line 3Line 4Line 5D7-18WE100K STARTER LegendD7-120 Legend PlateExample of Custom Text Legend PlateExample: a white, 30 x 50mm snap-in legend plate with custom text “STARTER” engraved in small font (K).Legend plate D7-120 ordered separately. Completed number = D7-18WE100K STARTERD 7 P i l o t D e v i c e sH78visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date information Discount Schedule B5I RStandard Symbols ** Items in gray shaded table cells only available on legend plates. Not available as custom printed text on button caps, illuminated push button diffusers, or pilot light diffusers.❄ Not available on -17 legend plates.‡ Not available on -18 legend plates.§ Not available on -34 legend plates.♣ Not available on -35 legend plates.Not available on -42 legend plates./ecatalog - All pricing shown in US dollars - FY20HD 7 P i l o t D e v i c e sH79visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date information Discount Schedule B5Standard Text ** Items in gray shaded table cells only available on legend plates. Not available as custom printed text on button caps, illuminated push button diffusers, or pilot light diffusers.❄ Not available on -17 legend plates.‡ Not available on -18 legend plates.§ Not available on -34 legend plates.♣ Not available on -35 legend plates.Not available on -42 legend plates./ecatalog - All pricing shown in US dollars - FY20D 7 P i l o t D e v i c e sH80visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date information Discount Schedule B5* Items in gray shaded table cells only available on legend plates. Notavailable as custom printed text on button caps, illuminated push button diffusers, or pilot light diffusers.❄ Not available on -17 legend plates.‡ Not available on -18 legend plates.§ Not available on -34 legend plates.♣ Not available on -35 legend plates.Not available on -42 legend plates.Standard Text/ecatalog - All pricing shown in US dollars - FY20。

施耐德接触器编码规则 p7

施耐德接触器编码规则 p7














第二篇示例:施耐德接触器编码规则P7 是指施耐德电气公司制定的关于接触器编码规则的标准,它为用户提供了一套清晰明确的编码方式来识别和区分不同类型的接触器产品,从而帮助用户更方便地选购和使用接触器产品。









Sprecher + Schuh CS8微型闸关系系统说明说明书

Sprecher + Schuh CS8微型闸关系系统说明说明书

GC S 8 C o n t r o l R e l a y sG17visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationDespite increasing complexity, control systems and installations must become increasingly compact. And the CS8 Miniature Relay System packs maxi-mum performance into minimum space.Small but ruggedSprecher + Schuh has subjected this relay series to monitored endurance tests that demonstrate their ruggedness. Under normal duty, CS8 contacts have an elec-trical life of 700,000 operations, while the AC magnet system has a mechanical life of 15,000,000 operations.The coil is designed for absolute under-voltage reliability. Undervoltages that do not cause the contactor to close can be withstood indefinitely without damage.The body of the device is sturdy as well. The front housing, containing the phase partitions and screwdriver guides, is manufactured in one piece. Front and rear housing are then joint fitted together.Superior Contact ReliabilityThe standard CS8 base relay and aux-iliary contacts are bifurcated H-bridge design which divides each movable contact into two sections at the tip of thespanner which provides a higher degree of reliability for low signal applications. Perfect fit for PLC and other electronic circuits operate at signals as low as 15V @ 2mA.Mechanically linked contacts for safetyThe CS8 control relay are the perfectchoice for fail-safe control circuits tomeet mechanically linked performanceper IEC 60947-4-1. Mechanically linkedis an interlock contact design that main-tains minimum 0.5mm clearance which prevents the NC contact from reclosing if the NO contact is welded when in op-eration. This feature applies to CS8 base relays with AC & DC coils; base relaysand add-on auxiliaries for DC coils only.CS8 front mount auxiliaries arepositive guidanceCS8 Industrial Control RelaysThe miniature relay system with bigadvantagesAccessories require no additional panel spaceThe entire CS8 system is logicallyengineered. Auxiliary contact blocks are modular and snap-on without increasing the CS8’s original width of 45mm. Also, due to its sideways switching movement, the basic relay has the same low profile whether an AC or DC operating magnet is used. This permits the use of enclo-sures with shallow mounting depths. Once the CS8 is installed, all auxiliary contact blocks can be snapped on or removed without changing any existing wiring.Auxiliary components provide flexibilityCS8 auxiliary components allow you to convert the basic four pole relay up to an 8 pole relay.Effortless installationCS8 relays are DIN-rail mountable for instant installation and modifica-tion. Fittings are also included for base mounting. All terminals are clearlymarked and shipped in the open positionfor installation with either manual orpower screwdrivers. Using self-adhesivelabels, or plastic clip-on tags.The entire line is cULus Listed and CE Certified and offers finger and back of hand protection to the strictest interna-tional standards.C S 8 C o n t r o l R e l a y sG18visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationDiscount Schedule B7CS8 RelayContact Arrangement andNumberingContacts AC OperationDC OperationNONCCatalog NumberCatalog Number4CS8-40E-✱CS8C-40E-✱31CS8-31Z-✱CS8C-31Z-✱22CS8-22Z-✱CS8C-22Z-✱1+1EM 1+1LBCS8-L22Z-✱CS8C-L22Z-✱CS8 Complete Assemblies - 4 Pole➊ The coil codes shown are for the most commonly stocked items. Contact yourSprecher + Schuh representative to determine if other voltages are on-hand or can be specially ordered in quantity.➋ Integrated diode surge suppressor coils available. Order coil code 24DD. For example CS8C-22Z-24D becomes CS8C-22Z-24DD. List price adder applies.➌ Contacts are bifurcated (H-bridge) with a minimum current rating of 2mA @ 15V.❹ The European Community has agreed that 400V is the nominal voltage in lieu of 380V. Use this code when 380V is required.➎ Use this code for 575V applications.StandardCircuit VoltageMake (Amps/VA)Break (Amps/VA)Continuous AmpsB600120AC 240AC 480AC 600AC 30A/3600VA 15A/3600VA 7.5A/3600VA 6A/3600VA 3.0A/360VA 1.5A/360VA 0.75A/360VA 0.60A/360VA 10Q600125DC 250DC 301-600DC0.55A/69VA 0.27A/69VA 0.1A/69VA0.55A/69VA 0.27A/69VA 0.1A/69VA2.5Contact Ratings (Per UL508/NEMA B600 & Q600) ➌Mechanical Link• B ase relay meets IEC 60947-5-1.See page G20 for additional information.GC S 8 C o n t r o l R e l a y sG19visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationDiscount Schedule B7➊ Auxiliary contact ratings per UL 508/NEMA (B600/Q600). Contacts are bifur-cated (H-bridge) with a minimum current rating of 15V@2mA.➋ CS8 relays with 24 VDC coils can be special ordered with integrated diodes (built-in) rather than applying CRD8 to the coil terminals.➌ Base relay with add-on auxiliaries meet mechanically linked IEC 60947-5-1 for CS8 DC coil versions only. See page G20 for additional information.Auxiliary Contact BlocksNO NC Contact Arrangement Catalog Number 2-PoleTypical auxiliary contact block4-Pole11CS8-P11E2CS8-P02E20CS8-P20E22CS8-P22Z31CS8-P31Z13CS8-P13E4CS8-P04E40CS8-P40EAuxiliary Contact Blocks (2 & 4 Pole) ➊➌Auxiliary Contact BlocksNO NC Contact ArrangementCatalog Number 2-Pole Typical auxiliary contact block4-Pole11CA8-P112CA8-P022CA8-P2022CA8-P2231CA8-P3113CA8-P1304CA8-P044CA8-P40Miscellaneous AccessoriesC S 8 C o n t r o l R e l a y sG20visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationDiscount Schedule B7Technical InformationCS8Auxiliary Contacts ElectricalContact Ratings — NEMA B600, Q600B600, Q600Contact Ratings — IEC AC-15 (solenoids, contactors)at rated voltage IEC 947, EN 60947NEMA B60024...120V [A]33230 (240V)[A]22400V [A] 1.2 1.2480...500V [A]11600 (690V)[A}0.60.6AC-12 (Rated thermal current)Ambient Temperature 40°C I th 24…690V [A]1010Ambient Temperature 60°C I th24 (240V)[A]66Low Level Signal Switching Contact design H-bridge bifurcatedH-bridge bifurcatedMinimum switching recommendation15V 2mA15V 2mAShort Circuit Protection Coordination Type 2acc. IEC 947-5-1Fuse gG [A]1010Switching DC-13 (Q600)1 pole24V [A] 2.3 2.348V [A]11110V [A]0.550.55125V [A]0.550.55220V [A]0.270.27250V [A]0.270.27400V [A]0.150.15440V [A]0.150.15600V [A]0.10.1Load Carrying Capacity according to UL/CSA Rated voltageAC [V]max. 600max. 600DC [V]max. 600max. 600Continuous rating (40ºC)AC [A]1010Switching CapacityAC [A]B600B600DC [A]Q600Q600Continuous rating (general purpose)300V [V]55600V[V]1010Resistance and Power Dissipation Main current circuit resistance, 1 pole [m Ω] 6.5 6.5Power dissipation I th , 4 poles [W] 2.6 2.6Total Power dissipation I th AC control, warm[W] 4.4 4.4DC control, warm[W]5.2 5.2Mechanically Linked Contacts and Mirror Contact PerformanceTypeCoilAdd-on Auxiliary ContactConforms to IECStatusCS8AC or DCNone 60947-5-1Mechanically linked within the base relayDC Yes 60947-5-1Mechanically linked within the base relay and with add-on auxiliary contactsACYes~Mechanically linked within the base relay onlyDefinitions• Mechanically linked contacts (IEC 60947-5-1 Annex L):• N.C. Auxiliary Contact will not re-close if a N.O. power pole welds.• N.O. Power Pole or Auxiliary Contact will not close if N.C. contact welds.• The term “Positive Guided” contacts is the same as mechanically linked.GC S 8 C o n t r o l R e l a y sG21visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationDiscount Schedule B7CS8 RelaysMechanicalMechanical Life [Mil. Op]15Electrical LifeAC-15 (240V, 2A) AC Operations [Mil. Op]0.7WeightAC control [kg/lbs]0.16 (0.35)DC control [kg/lbs]0.2 (0.44)Fine strandedw/ ferrule 1 wire 2 wires[mm 2][mm 2]0.75...2.50.75...2.5Solid or coarse stranded1 wire2 wires[mm 2][mm 2]1…41...2.5 + 1…4Max. Wire Size ➊[AWG]18…12Tightening Torque[Nm] 1.2[lb-in]10.6Control CircuitOperating Voltage AC 50/60 Hz Pickup [x U s ]0.85…1.1Dropout [x U s ]0.2...0.75DCPickup[x U s ]0.8…1.1[x U s ]9,12,24,110V DC:0.7...1.25with protection circuit Dropout [x U s ]0.1...0.75Coil Consumption AC 50/60 Hz Inrush[VA/W]35/32Seal[VA/W]5/1.8DC Inrush/Seal [W]cold 3.0, warm 2.6Operating Times AC- 50/60 Hz Pickup Time[ms]15…40Dropout Time[ms]15…33With RC module Pickup Time [ms]15…28DC Pickup Time[ms]18…40Dropout Time[ms]6…12With Integ. diode Pickup Time [ms]8…12With External diode Pickup Time[ms]35 (50)CS8 RelaysGeneralRated Voltage Withstand U IEC 690V UL; CSA600V Rated Impulse Strength U imp 6 kVRated Voltage U e AC [V]24, 48, 120, 230, 400, 500, 600, 690DC[V]24, 48, 110, 220, 440V Rated Frequency AC 50/60 Hz, DC Ambient Temperature Storage–55...+80°C (–67...176°F)Operation at nominal current –25...+60°C (–13...140°F)At 85% rated operation current –25...+70ºC (–13... 158ºF)Resistance to Climatic Change40º C (104º F), 95% relative humidity,56 days23º C (73.4 º F), 83%/40 ºC (104 ºF),93%, 56 cyclesAltitude2000m M.S.L., per IEC 60947-4-1Type of Protection IP2XStandardsIEC/EN 60947-1, -5-1, -5-4; ➊ Pozidrive No.2 / Blade No.3 screwTechnical InformationC S 8 C o n t r o l R e l a y sG22visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationDiscount Schedule B7。



产品购买 可逆产品不带连接线


205A以上 产品机械联锁 机构代号
电动机功率(AC-3)kW 660V/690V
断续周期工作制下 380V/400V 电动机功率(AC-4)kW 600V/690V
操作 频率
AC-3 AC-4
(次/h) 机械寿命
电寿命 AC-3
(万次) AC-4
冷压 端头
根 非预制端头软线
有预制端头软线 2 mm
~ 0.1 30
~ 10~180 0.1 3
~ 0.1 30
~ 10 180
AX-3/40 AX-3/31 AX-3/22 AX-3/13 AX-3/04 AX-3/20 AX-3/11 AX-3/02 F5-T0 F5-T2 F5-T4 F5-D0 F5-D2 F5-D4
可用于全系列产品 可用于全系列产品
辅助触头数量 20 2NO 11 1NO+1NC 02 2NC 40 4NO 31 3NO+1NC 22 2NO+2NC 13 1NO+3NC 04 4NC
NCF1 - 11C
侧挂辅 助触头 组


2008-5.08欧元,2007-4.33欧元,2006-3.72欧元,2005-3.21欧元,2004- 3.18欧元员工人数

Sprecher + Schuh CEP7-EE_过载保护器及其相关模块的中文说明说明书

Sprecher + Schuh CEP7-EE_过载保护器及其相关模块的中文说明说明书

Ground Fault
Ground Fault Sensor Control Wiring L1 L2 L3
Ground Fault
S1 S2
CEP7 Overload Relay with Side Mount Module
CEP7-EGJ Operational LED Steady Green - Module is powered up. Flashing LED - The number of flashes followed by a pause identifies the specific trip code as follows:
Intelli-buttons and your choice of the side-mounted modules can be ordered as (a) individual components, (b) the combination of necessary parts can be ordered as a kit or (c) you can have these kits installed in any control panel built by Sprecher + Schuh that contains a CEP7-EE_ overload relay. Check out our Intelli-button flyer for the Value Kit ordering details.
Overload Relay Reset Mode Ground Fault Current Range
20...100mA 100...500mA 0.2...1.0A 1.0...5.0A Ground Fault Trip Level Disable/Off 20% Max GF Current 35% Max GF Current 50% Max GF Current 65% Max GF Current 80% Max GF Current 90% Max GF Current 100% Max GF Current Overload Relay Type Jam Protection

控制电器 正泰产品介绍

控制电器 正泰产品介绍

3极 √ √ √ √ √
4极 √ √ √ √ √ × ×
直流操作 √ × × × ×
可逆产品 √ √ √ √ √
3极产品可自带辅助 10或01 11或22 11或22 11 11
顶挂辅助触头组 侧挂辅助触头组 空气延时头
Pe (kW)
800 20 6
800 20 6
600 10 6
600 10 6
600 10 6
600 10 6
600 10 6
600 6 6

有 有 有 有 插入式 1NO+1NC
◇产品体积小、结构紧凑 ◇单台产品功耗小、节能
Ui:690V Ue:690V Ie:0.6A~630A; 工作温度:-25 ℃ ~+75℃; 标准:IEC 60947-4-1 脱扣级别:10A 壳架等级:NRE8-25、NRE840、NRE8-100、NRE8-200、 NRE8-630

Sprecher + Schuh L2旋转相机开关系列说明书

Sprecher + Schuh L2旋转相机开关系列说明书

L 2 R o t a r y C a m S w i t c h e sSeries L2 Rotary Cam SwitchesAttractive design, reliable operation and high quality for any application up to 25 AmpsSprecher + Schuh’s comprehensive line of L2 rotary cam switches are available for all control and load applications up to 25 amps. The line is modular and has many convenience and safety features. A well thought out ordering system pro-vides many standard and nonstandard configurations, that are many times available off the shelf.Any switch configuration…Two frame sizes provide control and load switching up to 25 amps. Both frame sizes are available in panel mount and base mount for total flexibility. A wide range of switching configurations are offered , as listed below.…For any applicationL2 control and load switches are UL listed, CSA approved and comply with the most important international stan-dards for use as:• Control switches - for process control, making and breaking circuits and asinstrument selector switches.• Motor switches - as ON/OFF andreversing switches.• Multi-position load switches - for the step control of loads such as heaters and furnaces.• Motor load disconnect switches - for safely isolating circuits during repair and maintenance.• Emergency OFF switches - for isolating circuits in case of danger or emergency situations. Can be equipped for locking in the OFF position.Safety and qualityThe L2’s sturdy design incorporates a positive switching action with a clearly designed switching point. Switch bodies are touch-safe (IP20) and manufactured from self-extinguishing materials corre-sponding to Class UL 94 V0. All control knobs and shafts are spray proof and dust proof to IP65.Modular and flexible The same switch handle assemblies and shaft extension systems are used for both our L2 control switches and L7 discon-nect switches. This reduces inventory, simplifies stocking and allows you toput together the ideal switch for your application quickly and easily.Simple assembly and fast installationShaft extensions and door interlocks snap-on quickly without tools, saving time during assembly. Captive terminals are shipped open and are totally acces-sible regardless of whether the switch is base mounted or panel mounted. Screwdriver guides and clear terminal markings reduce wiring mistakes and speed installation.In addition, most switch handle assem-blies are available with either screw fix-ing or the central nut mounting systemfor total flexibility.To learn the basic differences between control, load and fusible disconnect switches and how to apply them, see our white paper Tech-LMSD in the online library.TIP!KL 2 R o t a r y C a m S w i t c h e sHow to order L2 control and load switchesA complete L2 switch is ordered with just two catalog numbers. The first number specifies the switch body and the second specifies the switch handle assembly. All L2 switch bodies come standard with a shaft and mounting screws for the switch handle assembly. Accessories such as shaft extensions and enclosures are ordered separately.First determine the switch body you need from pages K4 through K7. Then turn to page K8 to choose a switch handle assembly. If necessary, turn to page K10 and K11 to deter-mine the type and length of shaft exten-sion you require.Switch Handle Assemblies - page K8Switch Body Assemblies - pages K4 through K7A comprehensive family of switchesThe L2 line is part of an entire family of control and load switches available from Sprecher + Schuh.For specialized switching requirements or large ampere applications up to 40A (@600V), our R-Line Rotary Cam Switches offer a broad selection and rug-ged quality. See the next chapter in this section entitled “R-Line Rotary Cam Switches” (K24) for ordering informa-tion.Our modular L7 disconnect switches are rated to 100 amps for motor, loads and disconnect switching. They share many of the same components with the L2 line. A complete description and order-ing information can be found in Section L of this catalog.Rounding out our selection of “man-ma-chine interfaces,” Sprecher + Schuh also offers a broad selection of 22mm pilot devices. See “Section H” in this catalog for ordering information.L7 LineR-LineL 2 R o t a r y C a m S w i t c h e sOrdering Instructions● Specify Switch Body catalog# from top of column.●Replace (▲) with Circuit Diagram Number (refer to pages K13-K16 for diagrams).●Select Switch Handle Assembly from pages K8using Switch Handle Code above (switch handles sold separately).● Example: LE2-16-1753 (Switch Body)LFS2-A-4-175 (Switch Handle Assembly)KL 2 R o t a r y C a m S w i t c h e sOrdering Instructions● Specify Switch Body catalog# from top of column.●Replace (▲) with Circuit Diagram Number (refer to pages K13-K16 for diagrams).●Select Switch Handle Assembly from pages K8using Switch Handle Code above (switch handles sold separately).● Example: LE2-16-1753 (Switch Body)LFS2-A-4-175 (Switch Handle Assembly)L 2 R o t a r y C a m S w i t c h e sOrdering Instructions● Specify Switch Body catalog# from top of column.●Replace (▲) with Circuit Diagram Number (refer to pages K13-K16 for diagrams).●Select Switch Handle Assembly from pages K8using Switch Handle Code above (switch handles sold separately).● Example: LE2-16-1753 (Switch Body)LFS2-A-4-175 (Switch Handle Assembly)KL 2 R o t a r y C a m S w i t c h e sL 2 R o t a r y C a m S w i t c h e sType A - Type 12Silver Legend Plate - Black KnobType E - Type 12Silver Legend Plate - Black KnobType I - Type 12Yellow Legend Plate - RedKnobType L - Type 12Yellow Legend Plate - RedKnobType G - Type 12Grey Frame - Black HandleType N - Type 12Yellow Frame - Red HandleType B - Type 12Grey Ring - Black KnobType C - Type 12Silver Legend PlateSwitch Handle Assemblies➊ Mounting screws included with Switch Body Assy.➋ Central Nut mounting method cannot be used on LA style Switch Body Assemblies.➌ To order Switch Handle Assembly without legend plate, replace (✱) with “001”.➍ LFS(C)2-G(N)-6-175 handles are marked “I-ON” and “O-OFF”.KL 2 R o t a r y C a m S w i t c h e sSwitch Handle Codes➊ Frame Size descriptions:Type:A,E,I & L C N & G Standard:48x48 48x48 67X67Larger:64x64➋ Available with “MAN-O-AUTO” or “HAND-O-AUTO” legend marking.➌ LFS(C)2-G(N)-6-175 handles are marked “I-ON” and “O-OFF”.➍ For legend plate markings not included here, see page K17 for Custom NamePlates. NOTE: Types “N” and “G” are not available with custom markings. List Price adder applies.L 2 R o t a r y C a m S w i t c h e sModular Shaft Extension Components (LA2 Base Mount)ComponentCatalog Number44mm End Shaft ➋(supplied with LA2 Switch Body Assembly)LA2-G283052mm End ShaftLA2-G319457mm End ShaftLA2-G3195Extension Module(two per pkg - priced per pkg)LA2-G2853Modular Shaft Extension TableNumber of Extension Modules Required EndShaft Mounting Depth (mm) ➊Switch body LA2-12/16Switch Body LA2-20/25044mm ➋71.5 - 77.575 - 80.5052mm 77 -8780 -90057mm 82 - 9285 - 95144mm ➋99.5 101.599 - 105152mm 97.5 111101 - 114.5157mm 102.5 - 116106 - 119.5244mm ➋119.5 - 125.5123 - 129252mm 121.5 - 135125 - 138.5257mm 126.5 - 140130 - 143.5344mm ➋143.5 - 149.5147 - 153352mm 145.5 -159149 - 162.5357mm 150.5 - 164154 - 167.5444mm ➋167.5 - 173.5171 - 177452mm 169.5 - 183173 - 186.5457mm 169.5 -183178 - 191.5544mm ➋191.5 - 197.5195 - 201552mm 193.5 - 207197 - 210.5557mm 198.5 - 212202 - 215.5644mm ➋215.5 - 221.5219 - 225652mm 217.5 - 231221 - 234.5657mm222.5 - 236226 - 239.5Modular shaft extension systemShaft Extension Modules are ideal for lengthening the shaft of an LA2 switch up to 144mm (≈5.5”). These rugged poly-carbonate modules are 24mm (≈15/16”) long and snap on “piggyback” to one another without the use of tools. Strong center shafts interlock as each module is snapped together. The standard 44mm End Shaft supplied with every LA2 switch connects the last Extension Module with the Switch Handle Assembly. End Shafts of 52 and 57mm are also available, mak-ing this modular system versatile, fast and economical. ShaftExtension Modules are supplied two per package.Determining modular shaft extension components• Determine Mounting Depth. This is the distance from the inside mounting surface of the enclosure to the outside surface of the enclosure cover. See diagram below for details ➊.• If necessary convert Mounting Depth inches to millimeters(inches x 25.4 = millimeters).• In the Modular Shaft Extension Table to the right, find the Mounting Depth in the column under the appropriate LA2 Switch Body. NOTE: Table is based on an LA2 switch body with two wafers (3 or 4 pole). For a switch body with more or less wafers, add or subtract the following from overall Mounting Depth before referring to table:LA2-12/16 Switch Body- ±10mm per wafer LA2-20/25 Switch Body-±12.5mm per wafer• Order the End Shaft and number of Extension Modules required for that Mounting Depth.➊ For DIN rail mounted devices, remember to deduct the offset distance provided by the rail. For example, deduct 2.5mm from the Mounting Depth for switch bodies mounted on DIN 46277 rail.➋ One 44mm End Shaft is supplied with all Switch Body Assemblies.KL 2 R o t a r y C a m S w i t c h e sMetal Shaft Extension TableMetal Shaft Extension Mounting Depth (mm) ➊Switch body LA2-12/16Switch Body LA2-20/25LA2-G3393178 ➋ - 309181.5 ➋ - 312.5LA2-G3394298 - 424301.5 - 427.5Metal shaft extension systemAdjustable metal shaft extensions snap on securely to LA2 switches via the same quick-connect design as shaft extension modules. Metal shafts are equipped with a door interlock and a padlock hasp for locking out the switch after the enclosure is opened (for outside lockout, select a Switch Handle Assembly with lockout capability).Two standard lengths of these unique adjustable shafts areavailable. Metal shaft extensions mate with any of the standard Switch Handle Assemblies. All necessary hardware is supplied with the shaft.Determining metal shaft extension• Determine Mounting Depth. This is the distance from the inside mounting surface of the enclosure to the outside surface of the enclosure cover. See diagram below for details ➊.• If necessary convert Mounting Depth inches to millimeters(inches x 25.4 = millimeters).• In the Metal Shaft Extension Table to the right, find the Mounting Depth in the column under the appropriate LA2 Switch Body. NOTE: Table is based on an LA2 switch body with two wafers (3 or 4 pole). For a switch body with more or less wafers, add or subtract the following from overall Mounting Depth before referring to table:LA2-12/16 Switch Body- ±10mm per wafer LA2-20/25 Switch Body-±12.5mm per wafer• Order the Metal Shaft Extension required for that Mounting Depth.➊ For DIN rail mounted devices, remember to deduct the offset distance provided by the rail. For example, deduct 2.5mm from the Mounting Depth for switch bodies mounted on DIN 46277 rail.➋ This dimension can be reduced by another 55mm by cutting the plastic sleeve and further cutting the metal shaft.L 2 R o t a r y C a m S w i t c h e s(Plastic Reducer included)Enclosure Selection GuideDetermine switch & number of poles; order enclosure and shaft requiredBase Mount Switch LA2-12 & 16LA2-20 & 25LA2-12 & 16➊ Order shafts from page K11.L2 Switch AccessoriesKL 2 R o t a r y C a m S w i t c h e sCircuit DiagramsL 2 R o t a r y C a m S w i t c h e sKL 2 R o t a r y C a m S w i t c h e sCircuit DiagramsL 2 R o t a r y C a m S w i t c h e sCircuit DiagramsKL 2 R o t a r y C a m S w i t c h e sCustomer Information:Today’s Date: ___________________Order Form ______of _____Name: _______________________________________________Company: ____________________________________________Address: _____________________________________________City: _____________________State:_______Zip:____________Telephone: ___________________________________________Job Reference/PO #: ___________________________________Price Adder applies:1-45-1920-99100-199200-499500+NOTE: Types “N” and “G” are not available with custom markings.Ordering Instructions:1) For reference only, enter the switch and handle assembly part numbers in the spaces to the right.2) Based on your selection switch angle rotation, define the appropriate template figure and check mark the angle rotation (30/60/45/90º)3) Enter the desired text in the spaces provides. Text limitation is defined by the amount of “_” underlines provided per angle.4) Use a new order form for each different custom nameplate.SS-99-220-30206/26/2016 CASUSE ONE FORM FOR EACH NAME PLATE ORDEREDQuantity required exactly like this one:___________For Compatibility Verification please include the following:Catalog Number of Switch to be used onL -- Switch Handle Assembly to be used withL--L 2 R o t a r y C a m S w i t c h e sTechnical InformationUL/CSA L2-12L2-16L2-20L2-25General use1-phase/2-phase, 3-phase/3 poles Rated current 600 V 12162025Heavy Pilot Duty code designation AC A600A600~~Standard Dutycode designation DC ~~~~Alternating Current (IEC / EN 60947-3)Rated Voltage U eIEC-EN / UL-CSA (V)690/600690/600690/600690/600Rated Isolation Voltage U i IEC / UL-CSA (V)690/600690/600690/600690/600Rated impulse voltage U imp IEC(kV)6666Test voltage U i 1 min.(kV) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5Rated frequency(Hz)50/6050/6050/6050/60Thermal rated current I th open 40ºC (A)16202530Thermal rated current I the enclosed 60ºC(A)12162025Wasted power by 1 pole at thermal rated current I the (W) Operating Current I e AC-1/ AC21A Switching resistive loads with slight overload IEC947690V (A)12162025AC-1Non-inductive or slightly inductiveloads inductive loadsSEV690V (A)12162025AC-22A Switching mixed resistive and inductive loads at slight overload IEC947220-500V (A)12162025600V (A)12162025AC-15Switching magnetic drives, motors, valves and solenoidsIEC220-240V (A)5678380-415V (A)3456500V(A)2 2.534 Pilot Duty Rated currentNon-inductive or slightly inductiveloadsUL/CSA – Heavy VACA600A600——UL/CSA ➊(A)12162025Short Circuit CurrentMax. fuse rating of circuit (gL characteristic)(A)35356080Rated conditional(kA)5555Rated Operating Powers IEC/VDE/BSAC-2Slip ring motors, startinginduction motors, reversing and plugging, wye-delta starting240V(kW)34 5.5 5.5380V (kW) 5.57.59133Ø415V (kW) 5.57.59133 pole440V (kW) 5.57.5913500V (kW)7.5101115660V (kW)7.5101115AC-3Starting squirrel-cage motors, interruption while running3Ø220-240V (kW) 2.23 4.5 5.53 pole380-440V (kW)4 5.57.511500V (kW) 5.57.51013660V (kW) 5.57.58111Ø110V (kW)0.75 1.1 1.2 1.62 pole220-240V (kW) 1.3 2.2 2.5 3.2380-440V(kW)➊ Suitable for switching off load (AC-20) above 660V, but only up to 660V for switches with screws at the rear (LE switches).KL 2 R o t a r y C a m S w i t c h e sTechnical InformationL2-12L2-16L2-20L2-25Rated Operating Loads (cont.)IEC/VDE/BS AC-4Starting squirrel-cagemotors, reversing, braking, plugging3Ø220-240V (kW)0.75 1.5343 pole 380-415V (kW) 5.5440-550V (kW) 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5660V (kW)————AC-23A Periodic switching of motors or other highly inductive loads.3Ø220-240V (kW)2.23 4.5 5.53 pole 380-440V (kW)4 5.57.511500V (kW)5.57.51013660V (kW)5.57.58111Ø110V (kW)0.75 1.1 1.2 1.62 pole 220-240V (kW)1.32.2 2.53.2380-440V (kW) Power UL/CSA(FLA)(FLA)(FLA)(FLA)Normal motor load full voltage rating (similar to AC-3)120V (HP) 1 (7.2) 1.5 (12.0) 2 (13.6) 3 (19.2)3Ø240V (HP) 2 (6.8) 3 (9.6) 4 (12.4) 6 (18.0)3 pole 480V (HP)5 (7.6)7.5 (11.0)8 (11.6)12 (17.0)600V (HP)5 (6.1)7.5 (9.0)10 (11.0)15 (17.0)1Ø120V (HP)0.5 (9.8)0.75 (13.8) 1 (16) 1.5 (20.0)2 pole 240V (HP)1 (8.0)1.5 (10.0)2 (12)3 (17.0)DC Switch Ratings Contacts in Series1234568Rated Current I eRated Voltage [V]24487296120144192[A]12162022DC-21A 4896144192240288384[A]10121618For resistive loads T ≤ 1msU e max = 600V 60120180240300360450[A]8101214110220330440550660–[A]2 2.545220440660––––[A]––––––[A] Making/Breaking Capacity (=1.5 x I e )1.05 x rated voltage [V]25.250.475.6100.8126151.2201.6[A]1824303350.4100.8151.2201.6252302.4403.2[A]15212427For resistive loads T ≤ 1msU e max = 600V63126189252315378504[A]12181821115.5231346.5462577.5––[A]3 4.567.5231462–––––[A]0.75 1.12 1.05 1.2462––––––[A]0.520.780.470.75Rated Current I eRated voltage [V]24487296120144192[A]8101214306090120150180240[A] 4.5 5.578For inductive loads T = 50msU e max = 600V 4896144192240288384[A] 1.52 2.5360120180240300360450[A]1 1.2 1.5 1.8110220330440550660–[A] Making/Breaking Capacity (=1.1 x I e )1.1 x rated voltage [V]26.452.879.2105.6132158.4184.8[A]8.81113.2 1.54336699132165198231[A] 4.95 inductive loads T = 50ms 52.8105.6158.4211.2264316.8369.6[A] 1.65 2.2 2.75 3.3U e max = 600V66132198264330396462[A] 1.1 1.32 1.65 1.98121242363484605––[A]4.956.057.78.8Rated Power P eRated voltage [V]Contacts in Series241[kW], DC-3, DC-5For inductive loads T ≤ 1ms 242[kW][kW]0.250.300.370.50483[kW]0.300.370.500.75602[kW]0.250.300.370.50604[kW]0.370.500.75 1.001104[kW]0.500.75 1.00 1.201106[kW] 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.602204[kW]0.370.500.75 1.002206[kW] 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.50L 2 R o t a r y C a m S w i t c h e sTechnical InformationL2-12L2-16L2-20L2-25Rated Making/Breaking Capacity (=4 x I e )1.05 x rated voltage [V] Contacts in Series25.21[kW][kW]33.341.650.061.6DC-23A, DC-3, DC-5For inductive loads T ≤ 7.5ms 50.42[kW][kW]25.030.842.062.4632[kW]16.620.024.633.2634[kW]24.633.350.066.4115.54[kW][kW]36.443.651.058.22314[kW][kW]18.121.825.227.2 Maximum Wire GaugesRigid WireAWG (2)18…12(2)18…12(2)16…10(2)16…10[mm 2](2)1…2.5(2)1…2.5(2)1.5…6(2)1.5…6Fine StrandsAWG (2)18…12(2)18…12(2)16…10(2)16…10[mm 2](2)1…2.5(2)1…2.5(2)1.5…4(2)1.5…4Max. Torque Ratings[lb-in]9910.610.6[Nm]111.21.2Protection ClassSwitch Handle Assembly LFS2-G(N)-6…ULType 12Type 12Type 12Type 12All others IEC 529IP66IP66IP66IP66Switch Body IEC 529IP20IP20IP20IP20Mechanical Life Millions of operations 1111Rated Breaking Capacity 220V(A)7296128176Power factor 0.650.650.650.35380V(A)7296128176Power factor 0.650.650.650.35660V(A)537286112Power factor0.650.650.650.65Ambient Temperature(Fº)(Fº)(Fº)(Fº)Operation Min…Max(C°)-25…+60(-13…+140)-25…+60(-13…+140)-25…+60(-13…+140)-25…+60(-13…+140)Storage onlyMin…Max(C°)-40…+80(-40…+176)-40…+80(-40…+176)-40…+80(-40…+176)-40…+80(-40…+176)Maximum Altitude (without derating)(m) ≤2000 ≤2000 ≤2000 ≤2000(ft.) ≤6561≤6561≤6561≤6561Maximum MechanicalOperations (without derating)(cycle/hr.)1200120012001200Maximum Electrical Operation (without derating)(cycle/hr.)120120120120KL 2 R o t a r y C a m S w i t c h e sL 2 R o t a r y C a m S w i t c h e sK22visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationKL 2 R o t a r y C a m S w i t c h e sK23visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date information。





我们提供:• 方案• • •动及动力总成解决方案马达控制设备命令和控制设备终端保护产品自动化和驱动产品134MOEM 市场综合样本目录2马达和线路控制设备伊顿拥有超过百年的接触器研发和制造经验,为用户提供至3185A 的线路控制解决方案,并提供不同系列的产品以满足用户的的多种要求Xstart 系列接触器:全球化的产品,提供包括UL 在内的主流认证,最高达3185安培(AC-1)的产品:• 独特的CT 型励磁机构,功耗更小;• 115A 以上集成电子线路板,降低功耗同时工作电压幅度更宽;• 580A 以上真空灭弧,应对严苛使用环境,业界最长预期寿命;• 提供本地化的XstartC 系列(认证情况请咨询当地销售办事处)。

D 系列接触器:本地化的产品,提供最高到500A 的高效控制和保护方案,应用于泵、风机、压缩机等场合,提供功能全面的辅助触点和宽幅的控制线圈电压选项。

• 齐全的线圈控制电压,185A 以上更提供交直流通用产品;• 全系列内置辅助触点• 百万次以上电气寿命• 使用温度-20 °C ~ +55 °CE 系列接触器:全球最小的电磁接触器之一,有效地利用空间,可靠性增强,材料使用更高效。

E 系列接触器额定值可至AC-3, 95A@400V ,最高工作电压高达660V ,体积小巧,却提供强大的性能。

• 百万次以上电气寿命• 690V 绝缘额定值• 最多可加装6个辅助触点模块• 常用交流控制电压及直流24VDC 线圈1马达控制设备目录电机控制产品 xStart C 接触器式继电器DILA..C 接触器DILM..C 过载继电器ZB..C电动机保护断路器PKZMC 电机控制产品 D 系列接触器 XTCD 热过载继电器 XTOD 电气行业解决方案 Eline 控制继电器 XTRG 接触器 XTCG热过载继电器 XTOD/XTOG电机控制产品 xStart C电机控制产品 D 系列电气行业解决方案Eline1接触器式继电器DILA..C目录系统概览 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .本体DILA..C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .辅助触点模块 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .附件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .操作电压 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .特性曲线,触点行程图 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .技术数据 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .尺寸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4极触点多种组合约定发热电流(I th )16A 交流与直流操作的产品尺寸相同直流操作的产品内置浪涌抑制器••••接触器式继电器DILA..C35791112131911接触器式继电器DILA..C说明121接触器式继电器DILA..C系统概览31接触器式继电器DILA..C系统概览4系统概览本体AC 或DC 操作电磁系统AC DC 可以扩展到8对触点反向互锁触点模块化系统螺钉连接和卡装手指接触防护螺钉端子第5页起抑制电路用于直流操作接触器式继电器的保护电路(所有直流型均内置)用于交流操作接触器式继电器的保护电路第32页起辅助触点模块23, 42或4极反向互锁触点第7页起124 – 400V, 50, 60, 50/60 Hz0.8 – 1.1 × U c 24 VA/3.4 VA 24 – 220 V DC0.8 – 1.1 × U c 于24 V :0.7 – 1.3 × U c 无附加辅助触点模块环境温度+40°C 3W/3W1接触器式继电器DILA..C本体5接线方式:螺钉端子触点N/O = 常开N/C = 常闭带反向互锁触点的本体额定工作电流AC – 15220 V230 V240 VI e约定发热电流,敞开,于60°CI th代码序号触点序号380 V400 V415 VI e1本体DILAC-XHI(V)...DILAC-XHI(V)...DILAC-XHI(V)...DILA-40C(220-230V50Hz)114842DILA-31C(220-230V50Hz)114852DILA-22C(220-230V50Hz)114862DILA-40C(24VDC)114847DILA-31C(24VDC)114857DILA-22C(24VDC)1148671件1件1件可以组合辅助触点模块标准包装说明AC 操作型号订货号操作电压220-230V50HzDC 操作型号订货号操作电压24VDC附件1 抑制器2 辅助触点模块操作电压页数32711触点编号,符合EN 50011线圈端子标记,符合EN 50005直流操作的接触器式继电器具有一个内置的保护电路。


— Classifications
Object Classification Code ETIM 4 ETIM 5 ETIM 6 ETIM 7 UNSPSC E-Number (Sweden)
— Container Information
Package Level 1 Units Package Level 1 Width Package Level 1 Depth / Length Package Level 1 Height Package Level 1 Gross Weight Package Level 1 EAN Package Level 2 Units Package Level 2 Width Package Level 2 Depth / Length Package Level 2 Height Package Level 2 Gross Weight Package Level 3 Units
ABS_15-GE1349500-PDA_90682247 BV_2634H36994A CB_SE-77417M1 CCC_2013010304646569 1SBD250000U1000 DNV-GL_TAE00001AF-3 DNV-GL_TAE00001AF-3 EAC_RU C-FR ME77 B03597 1SBD250168E1000 DNV-GL_TAE00001AF-3 1SBC101036M6801 KC_HW02016-15011A LRS_1300087E1 RINA_ELE084013XG RMRS_1802705280 1SBD250000U1000 UL_20130926-E312527_14_1 UL_E312527
(220 / 230 / 240 V) 22 KWT (380 / 400 V) 37 KWT (415 V) 45 KWT (440 V) 45 KWT (500 V) 45 KWT (690 V) 45 KWT (400 V) 37 KWT
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A28S S N A 900C A 7Series CA7 ContactorsRugged, space saving and modular…Sprecher + Schuh’s newest contactor for applications up to 60HPOver 100 years of design experience has produced Sprecher + Schuh’s seventh generation contactor line. The CA7 represents the most modern and flexible power contactor available today, meeting the highest industrial application requirements.Big performance in a small packageA wide selection of ten contactors in four frame sizes covers the entire CA7 horsepower range (up to 60HP @ 460/575V). Six of the contactors are only 45mm wide, an extremely small footprint for such rugged perfor-mance. A number of design features account for this efficiency, including high contact pressure and “bounce-free” contacts, allowing the devices to handle the high starting currents typi-cal of modern motors.Type 1 and Type 2 CoordinationWhether you’re designing motor cir-cuits for use in North America, Europe or any other part of the world, all CA7 contactors have been designed and tested with respect to Type 1 and Type 2 short circuit coordination. Find out more in the CA7 Technical Informa-tion section in this chapter.45mm(≈1 3/4˝)9A 12A 16A 23A45mm(≈1 3/4˝)30A 37A54mm(≈2 1/8˝)43A72mm(≈2 13/16˝)60A 72A 85AAdvanced safety and reliability featuresThe entire CA7 line features me-chanically linked contacts, sometimes referred to as “positively guided contacts” or “force guided contacts”. If a main power pole welds, adequate clearances exist (≥0.3mm) to en-sure that the auxiliary contacts do not change state when coil power is removed and the device tries to open. This is a requirement in safety circuits per IEC 60947-5-1.Reliability is further assured by “cross-stamped” auxiliary contacts, which provide multi-point reliability in low current, low voltage applications.Three types of DC coils availableCA7-9C through 43C contactors are available with true DC or Elec-tronic 24V DC coils that dramatically decrease wattage consumption during pull-in. This allows the use of smaller power supplies. The entire CA7 line is also available with a two winding DC coil that reduces the size of the contactor, as well as the hold-in values. T wo winding coils include built-in coil suppression and an internal contact that bypasses the pull-in coil to the hold-in coil.➤➤➤➤➤➤➤➤A29S S N A 900C A7Special use contactors for specialized applicationsThe CA7 line has been expanded to in-clude a number of contactors designed and labeled for specific industrial applications. In all cases, these devices are UL and CSA approved for these specialized uses.Lighting contactorsThe CAL7 contactor can be used to control a wide variety of lighting loads. These contactors are well suited to handle the high inrush currents typical of this application as well as other non-motor (resistive) loads. Both mechani-cally held and electrically held models are available for lighting load applica-tions up to 20A, 30 A and 60 A.Modular accessories are common to all devicesAll accessories are interchangeable among all CA7 contactors and CS7 control relays. This minimizes inven-tory requirements and maximizes flex-ibility. T op and side mount auxiliary contacts are available depending on your application. A mechanical inter-lock with two built-in NC auxiliaries also provides electrical interlocking if desired. Pneumatic and electronic tim-ers, surge suppressors and electronic interface modules provide solutions foreven the most complex applications.Reversible coil provides total flexibilityWhen shipped, both coil connections are normally located at the top of the contactor in preparation for mounting an overload relay at the bottom. For multi-starter panels, however, the coil can be reversed, which provides space to close-couple a KT7 Motor Circuit Controller on the top of the contactor. CA7 contactors can either be ordered with the coil reversed or may be easily reversed in the field.Dual power terminals speed wiringCA7-30 through 85 contactors are designed with two power terminals for all three poles. This simplifies power wiring of interconnected contactors in reversing, reduced voltage and two-speed applications. Preformed power wiring connectors are also available for virtually instantaneous wiring in these labor intensive applications. Simplified wiring means less labor and less cost.Top mountedTwo power terminals on each poleDual power terminals assure hassle-free wiringin complex control schemesReversible coils are standard on allCA7 contactorsmounted coilSprecher + Schuh’s expanded CA7 line includes contactors designed and labeled for specificindustrial applicationsCAL7 Lighting ContactorCAQ7 Capacitor Switching ContactorCNX Special PurposeContactorCapacitor contactorsCAQ7 contactors manage the peak in-rush common with capacitor switching by incorporating a built-in set of resis-tors and early-make contacts, wired in parallel with the power contacts, to pre-charge the capacitors. Selection is based on applied KVAR.NEMA Labeled ContactorsCAN7 contactors are UL Listed and rated in accordance with the require-ments of NEMA standards publication ICS-2. These contactors are NEMA compliant and are labeled accordingly.Special purpose contactorsCNX contactors are standard CA7 contactors that have been tested, ap-proved and labeled by UL for heat-ing ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) applications.A30S S N A 900C A7Discount Schedule A-1➊ AC1 Resistive Ratings and UL/CSA Continuous Current Ratings may be increased by the use of Lug Kits or Paralleling Links. See CA7 Accessories section for ap-plicable information.➋ Other voltages available, see page A61. Non-standard coil voltages not listed here must be ordered and installed separately as renewal parts.Coil Terminal PositionAll CA7 contactors are stocked and delivered with the coil terminals located on the line side (top) of the contactor. This is the typical configuration when using the contactor with an overload relay. When the contactor is used with the KT7 Motor Circuit Controller, the coil must be reversed, so that the coil terminals are located at the load side (bottom) of the contactor. CA7 coils can easily be reversed in the field, however, they are also available for order with the coils reversed from the factory. Contact your Sprecher+Schuh representative for more infor-mation about ordering CA7 contactors with reversed coils.All CA7 contactors come withreversible coils.CA7-9-10-120 contactorCA7-43-00-120 contactorCA7-85-00-120 contactorA31S S N A 900C A7Discount Schedule A-1➊ Other voltages available, see page A61. Non-standard coil voltages not listed here must be ordered and installed separately as renewal parts.Coil Codes ➊CA7-23-M22-120 contactorA32S S N A 900C A7Discount Schedule A-1CA7-9C contactor (typical)CA7-43C-00-120 contactorCoil Codes ➋➊ AC1 Resistive Ratings and UL/CSA Continuous Current Ratings may be increased by the use of Lug Kits or Paralleling Links. See CA7 Accessories section for applicable information.➋ Other voltages available, see page A62. Non-standard coil voltages not listed here must be ordered and installed separately as renewal parts.➌ S urge suppressor coil with integrated diode available. Order coil code 24DD and add $42 to list price. To order, change “C” in catalog number to “D”.Ex: CA7-9C -10-24DD becomes CA7-9D -10-24DD. Check with customer service representative to determine stock availability.❹ S ee pages A52-53 for limitations on adding auxiliaries to true DC contacts.Coil Terminal PositionAll CA7 contactors are stocked and delivered with the coil terminals located on the line side (top) of the contactor. This is the typical configuration when using the contactor with an overload relay. When the contactor is used with the KT7 Motor Circuit Controller, the coil must be reversed, so that the coil terminals are located at the load side (bottom) of the contactor. CA7 coils can easily be reversed in the field, however, they are also available for order with the coils reversed from the factory. Contact your Sprecher+Schuh representative for more information about ordering CA7 contactors with reversed coils.All CA7 contactors come withreversible coils.Description:True DC coils have low inrush which allows the use of small-er power supplies. See page A62 for more information. DC and AC coils are not inter-changeable. CA7-9C…43C contactors have increased dimensions to accommodatetrue DC coils.A33S S N A 900C A7Discount Schedule A-1➊ Other voltages available, see page A62. Non-standard coil voltages not listed here must be ordered and installed separately as renewal parts.➋ Surge suppressor coil with integrated diode available. Order coil code 24DD and add $42 to list price. To order, change “C” in catalog number to “D”. Ex: CA7-9C -M40-24DD becomes CA7-9D -M40-24DD.CA7-9C contactor (typical)Description:True DC coils have low inrush which allows the use of smaller power supplies. See page A62 for more information. DC and AC coils are not interchangeable. CA7-9C…40C contactors have increased dimensions toaccommodate true DC coils.Coil Codes ➊Coil Terminal PositionAll CA7 contactors are stocked and delivered with the coil terminals located on the line side (top) of the contactor. This is the typical configuration when using the contactor with an overload relay. When the contactor is used with the KT7 Motor Circuit Controller, the coil must be reversed, so that the coil terminals are located at the load side (bottom) of the contactor. CA7 coils can easily be reversed in the field, however, they are also available for order with the coils reversed from the factory. Contact your Sprecher+Schuh representative for more information about ordering CA7 contactors with reversed coils.All CA7 contactors come withreversible coils.A34S S N A 900C A7Discount Schedule A-1CA7-23E-10-24E contactorCA7-37E-00-24E contactor(Open type only) ➊➋➌➊ AC1 Resistive Ratings and UL/CSA Continuous Current Ratings may be increased by the use of Lug Kits or Paralleling Links. See CA7 Accessories section for applicable information.➋ D C and AC coils are not interchangeable. CA7-9E…43E are only available in 24VDC.➌ S ee pages A52-53 for limitations on adding auxiliaries to Electronic DC Coil contacts.DescriptionLow Consumption Electronic DC coils have extremely low inrush which allows the use of smaller power supplies. CA7-9E…43E has internal surge suppression. See page A78 for more information. This new design results in:• Lighter, lower depth• More energy efficient contactors • Easier wiring• Uniform panel appearance.ApplicationsDirect control from PLC:The low power consumption contactor designed to control motors and other loads is especially aligned to the specific requirement of electronic control circuits. The low power consumption of 1.5 W/60 mA allows direct control through PLC’s without the need for interposing relays. Power dissipation is greatly reduced limiting theheat effect in control panels.Coil Terminal PositionAll CA7 contactors are stocked and delivered with the coil terminals located on the line side (top) of the contactor. This is the typical configuration when using the contactor with an overload relay. When the contactor is used with the KT7 Motor Circuit Controller, the coil must be reversed, so that the coil terminals are located at the load side (bottom) of the contactor. CA7 coils can easily be reversed in the field, however, they are also available for order with the coils reversed from the factory. Contact your Sprecher+Schuh representative for more information about ordering CA7 contactors with reversed coils.All CA7 contactors come withreversible coils.A35S S N A 900C A7Discount Schedule A-1➊➋CA7-23E-M22-24E contactorCoil Terminal PositionAll CA7 contactors are stocked and delivered with the coil terminals located on the line side (top) of the contactor. This is the typical configuration when using the contactor with an overload relay. When the contactor is used with the KT7 Motor Circuit Controller, the coil must be reversed, so that the coil terminals are located at the load side (bottom) of the contactor. CA7 coils can easily be reversed in the field, however, they are also available for order with the coils reversed from the factory. Contact your Sprecher+Schuh representative for more information about ordering CA7 contactors with reversed coils.All CA7 contactors come withreversible coils.➊ D C and AC coils are not interchangeable. CA7-9E…43E are only available in 24VDC.➋ S ee pages A52-53 for limitations on adding auxiliaries to Electronic DC Coil contacts.DescriptionLow Consumption Electronic DC coils have extremely low inrush which allows the use of smaller power supplies. CA7-9E…43E has internal surge suppression. See page A78 for more information. This new design results in:• Lighter, lower depth• More energy efficient contactors • Easier wiring• Uniform panel appearance.ApplicationsDirect control from PLC:The low power consumption contactor designed to control motors and other loads is especially aligned to the specific requirement of electronic control circuits. The low power consumption of 1.5 W/60 mA allows direct control through PLC’s without the need for interposing relays. Power dissipation is greatly reduced limiting the heat effect in control panels.A36S S N A 900C A7Discount Schedule A-1➊➋➌➊ CA7-9Y…23Y-D11(D20) contactors are supplied with one NO auxiliary in the base. CA7-9Y…23Y-D02 contactors are supplied with one NC auxiliary in the base.➋ All CA7-9Y…43Y contactors are supplied with an extra right side mounted block, that in-cludes one auxiliary available for customer use, in addition to a 50ms late opening auxiliary contact for transition from pick-up winding to hold-in winding.➌ CA7-60D…CA7-85D have an internal auxiliary contact to transition from the start winding to the run winding.➍ Coils include an integrated diode surge suppressor.➎ Other coil voltages are available, see page A62. Contact your Sprecher + Schuh Sales Rep-resentative to determine which coil voltages may be stocked. Non-standard coil voltages (non-stock) must be ordered and installed separately as renewal parts.➏ The coil codes shown are the most commonly stocked items. Contact your Sprecher + Schuh representative to determine if other voltages, i.e.., 12DD, 48DD, 220DD are on-hand or can be specially ordered in quantities.CA7-16Y contactor (typical)Description:Contactors with twowinding DC coils have very low hold-in values and share the same dimensions with AC contactors. See page A62 for more infor-mation. See page A89 for dimensional information.NOTE: Items in grayA37S S N A 900C A7Discount Schedule A-1➊ All CA7-9Y…23Y contactors are supplied with an extra right side mounted block, that includes one auxiliary available for customer use, in addition to a 50ms late opening auxiliary contact for transition from pick-up winding to hold-in winding.➋ CA7-90D...contactors have an internal auxiliary contact to transition from the start winding to the run winding.➌ Coils include an integrated diode surge suppressor.➍ Other coil voltages are available, see page A62. Contact your Sprecher + Schuh Sales Representative to determine which voltage may be stocked. Non-standard coil volt-ages (non-stocked) must be ordered and installed separately as renewal parts.Description:See opposite page.NOTE: Items in gray are special order.A38S S N A 900C A7Discount Schedule A-1CAU7-9-22-120 reversing contactorCAU7-43-22-120 reversing contactor➊ For Reversing Contactors without power wiring add suffix “-LW ” to catalog number and deduct the following amount: CAU7-9…23 deduct $10 CAU7-30…37 deduct $12 CAU7-43 deduct $22CAU7-60…85 without power wiring not available Ex: CAU7-9-22-✱ becomes CAU7-9-22-✱-LW.➋ For control wiring, add suffix -CW to catalog number and add $20. Example: CAU7-9-22-✱ becomes CAU7-9-22-✱-CW.➌ The NC auxiliary contacts are supplied as part of the mechanical interlock (Cat.# CM7-02) and are used to electrically interlock the contactors.➍ The NO auxiliary contacts supplied are side mounted. Top mount NO auxiliary contacts must be special ordered. Contact your Sprecher+Schuh representative.➎ Other voltages available, see page A61. Nonstandard coil voltages not listed here must be ordered and installed separately as renewal parts.Includes:• Line side coil terminations • Mechanical and electrical Interlock ➌• Reversing power wiring ➊ (using Power Wiring Kit Cat.# CAUT7-PW…)• Control wiring available; see footnote ➋A39S S N A 900C A7Discount Schedule A-1➊ For Reversing Contactors without power wiring add suffix “-LW ” to catalog number and deduct the following amount: CAU7-9C…23C deduct $10 CAU7-30C…37C deduct $12 CAU7-43C deduct $22 CAU7-60D…85D without power wiring not available Ex: CAU7-9-22-✱ becomes CAU7-9-22-✱-LW.➋ For control wiring, add suffix -CW to catalog number and add $20. Example: CAU7-9-22-✱ becomes CAU7-9-22-✱-CW.➌ The NC auxiliary contacts are supplied as part of the mechanical interlock (Cat.# CM7-02) and are used to electrically interlock the contactors.➍ The NO auxiliary contacts supplied are side mounted. Top mount NO auxiliary contacts must be special ordered. Contact your Sprecher+Schuh representative.➎ Other voltages available, see page A62. Non-standard coil voltages not listed here must be ordered and installed separately as renewal parts.➏ Coils for CAU7-60D…85D reversing contactors include an integrated diode surge suppressor.➐ Surge suppressor coil with integrated diode available. Order coil code 24DD and add $84 to list price ($42 x two contactors). To order, change “C” in catalog number to “D”. Ex: CAU7-9C -22-24D becomes CAU7-9D -22-24DD.CAU7-9C-22 reversing contactorCAU7-43C-02 reversing contactorNOTE: DC and AC coils are not interchangeable. CA7-9C…43C contactors have increased dimensions toaccommodate true DC coils. CA7-60D…85D contactors have a two winding, 3-lead coil with built-in late break auxiliary contact and coil suppression. Refer to page A87-89 for dimensions.Includes:• DC operating mechanism • Line side coil terminations • Mechanical and electrical Interlock ➌• Reversing power wiring ➊ (using Power Wiring Kit Cat.# CAUT7-PW…)• Control wiring available; see footnote➋A40S S N A 900C A7Discount Schedule A-1➎➏➊ For Reversing Contactors without power wiring add suffix “-LW ” to catalog number and deduct the following amount: CAU7-9E…23E deduct $10 CAU7-30E…37E deduct $12 Ex: CAU7-9E-22-24E becomes CAU7-9E-22-24E -LW.➋ For control wiring, add suffix -CW to catalog number and add $20. Example: CAU7-9E-22-24E becomes CAU7-9E-22-24E -CW.➌ The NC auxiliary contacts are supplied as part of the mechanical interlock (Cat.# CM7-02) and are used to electrically interlock the contactors.➍ The NO auxiliary contacts supplied are side mounted. Top mount NO auxiliary contacts must be special ordered. Contact your Sprecher+Schuh representative.➎ D C and AC coils are not interchangeable. CA7-9E…43E are only available in 24VDC.➏ S ee pages A52-53 for limitations on adding auxiliaries to Electronic DC Coil contacts.CAU7-9E-22-24E reversing contactorCAU7-37E-02-24E reversing contactorDescriptionLow Consumption Electronic DC coils have extremely low inrush which allows the use of smaller power supplies. CA7-9E…43E has internal surge suppression. See page A78 for more information.This new design results in:• Lighter, lower depth• More energy efficient contactors • Easier wiring• Uniform panel appearance.ApplicationsDirect control from PLC:The low power consumption contactor designed to control motors and other loads is especially aligned to the specific requirement of electronic control circuits. The low power consumption of 1.5 W/60 mA allows direct control through PLC’s without the need for interposing relays. Power dissipation is greatly reduced limiting the heat effect in control panels.Includes:• Line side coil terminations• Mechanical and electrical Interlock ➌• Reversing power wiring ➊ (using Power Wiring Kit Cat.# CAUT7-PW…)• Control wiring available; see footnote ➋• CAU7-9E…43E has internal surge suppression.。
