Despite opposition from some residents of West Roseville, the arguments in favor of merging the townships of Roseville and West Roseville are overwhelming. First, residents in both townships are confused about which authority to contact when they need a service; for example, the police department in Roseville receives many calls from residents of West Roseville. This sort of confusion would be eliminated with the merger. Second, the savings in administrative costs would be enormous, since services would no longer be duplicated: we would have only one fire chief, one tax department, one mayor, and so on. And no jobs in city government would be lost-employees could simply be reassigned. Most importantly, the merger will undoubtedly attract business investments as it did when the townships of Hamden and North Hamden merged ten years ago.
Argument 第二种类型错误因果错误错误推理源头:1 两件事情总是一起出现(关联性)2 两件事情的出现有时间先后性(时间性)如: 经济危机是大学生找不到工作的原因.( 有关联, 经济危机出现时往往不好找工作, 但除了经济环境不好之外还涉及到许多其他原因可能导致找不到工作, 比如专业, 行业现状, 个人性格, 运气等)如: 逻辑不好是不能当上新东方GRE 老师的原因.(有关联, 但当不上新东方GRE老师未必一定是由于逻辑不好而导致的, 比如新东方不缺GRE老师等)例题分析3 法学院毕业生就业倾向与大型事务所就业人员数量下降未必有因果关系. (比如职位有限)19. 乐队在Megalopolis的成功可能与Ad Lib的广告活动无因果关系. (比如DR乐队的歌曲最近又变的流行, 又比如DR乐队的某位歌手最近的媒体曝光率很高, 吸引了潜在的观众)26. 钢铁城市高中的乐队获得的三次地区奖项未必一定和谢德, 音乐指挥, 有必然的因果关系. (比如前人的基础和帮助使得谢德一上任时乐队就获得了奖项, 又或者乐队的获奖和演奏者的节目表演有更大的关系, 又或者是由于器械的改善而使得乐队获奖)攻击策略: 指出关联关系未必是因果关系, 同时必须给出别的潜在原因来驳斥题目中的信息不是结果出现的原因)1 The author attempts to establish a causal correlation between the fact that A…and the claim that…B. this argument is unacceptable if there isno compelling evidence to support the connection between these two events.2 The author fails to establish the causal relationship between A and B. The author fails to convince us that A contributes to B.The author provides no convincing/compelling/persuasive/we ll-reasoned evidence that A is the reason for B.3 Moreover, the author has not shown any correlation, let alone/not tomention a cause-and-effect relationship between A and B.4 In short, without ruling out the possible explanations for B(result), sb cannot/fails to justifiably conclude that A is the cause of /reason for B.5. The fact that …might be explained by a large variety of reasons/factors.6. I can not accept the fact that A is responsible for B.7. A correlation between A and B doesnot necessarily infer a causal relation. It is entirely possible that there are some other important factors contributing to B, such as …..8. While a high correlation is a piece of strong evidence of a causal relationship, it is in itself not sufficient; therefore, the author has to account for some other possible facts like …9. a direct correlation between A and B does not necessarily prove that the former causes the latter.10. Lacking evidence to confirm this assumption, it is entirely impossible that A is the reason of B11. Since the article fails to account for this alternative explanation for B, the article’s author cannot make any sound conclusion that A is accredited as the reason of B.题号3, 19, 26, 142, 156, 173, 220, 224,第三种逻辑错误过去推将来错误推理源头:1 认为过去的经验会带来现在或未来的必然推论2 认为现在的肯定不会改变如: 冯导的贺岁电影在过去五年间一直位居票房榜首, 那么相信明年的票房榜首一定是冯氏电影.( 冯导电影过去好, 但是未来未必好, 因为可能人们的审美习惯会变, 大家也许看腻了老优的台词, 看腻了冯女郎的妖娆, 和大团圆的结尾而去选择别的电影, 同时冯导的竞争者陈导, 张导有可能拍出更好的电影, 做出更好的宣传, 请出更大的腕儿, 那冯导的电影过去的优势未必可以保持到将来.如: 观众现在喜欢小沈阳, 未来一定也会喜欢么?(杨仔的山寨版? 小长春? 小西安?)例:1 Plainsville的居民现在的喜好和习惯在将来可能改变.161 第一次的居民读书习惯调查和第二次的读书习惯调查之间的时间差不清楚, 导致由现在的调查结论去推断以前的调查结果一定不是真实的是错误的.1 The past experience is not the mere fact which can definitely lead to the certain future results. For example, ….. If the author fails to substantiate the assumption, then the predictableconsequence would be more unconvincing.2. During a sufficiently long interim period, …will have changed. Therefore, what is predicted, based on the previous experience, is definitely not the case.3 The author’s projection also ignores the possibility that…will change/increase/decrease in the future days. Without taking into account these possibilities, the authorcannot render his conclusion convincing by stating that …(作者结论).4 The author’s inference that …was …in the past will also be …in the future rests on poor assumption that…题号236, 208, 161, 1第四种逻辑错误错误类比错误推理源头A事物和B事物具有某种相似特征,那么他们在其他方面也一定相似. 如: 最近北京的一项调查表示大学生的信用卡还款率很低, 很多银行都限制了给大学生发放信用卡, 那么西安地区的银行也应该限制本市的大学生信用卡发放.如: 最近北京的电影院推出了看电影送可乐的活动, 结果使得北京的电影院的票房收入出现了大幅度的飙升, 那么西安地区的电影院也应该推出送可乐的活动来提高上座率.例题19. Ad Lib的推广成功在Megalpolis 的成功未必会在其他地方成功.152. 在Tria照搬Badia的例子未必成功.156. 其他公司未必会像MEGA一样从DKCKENS的课程中受益.1, it is entirely possible that the experiences/measures/policy in A would not suffice to ensure similar result in B—due to the some other facts existing on the scene.2. the author assumes without justification that the background conditions in A have remained the same in B in that the author ignored that many implicit factors keepchanging at different time and at different locations.3. The mere fact that case A is scant/insufficient evidence that case B by following A’s example.4. the argument by analogy is wholly/thoroughly/entirely unconvincing for the author ignores the possibility that the specific conditions in either case vary a great deal, like…5. The autho r unfairly assumes thatthe result of case A applies specifically to case B.6. A threshold problem with the argument is that it assumes that what happens in A will also take place in B.题号214, 210, 168, 162, 160, 155, 152, 19第五种逻辑错误整体规律用于个体错误推理源头整体的特征一定也可以适用于个人如: 整个新东方的男教师的收入是高于女教师的, 那么周湘作为一个女人一定挣钱挣的比周围的…少.?如: 全国现在都对山寨文化产品很感兴趣, 所以西安地区应该寻找山寨名人来拍摄一部电视剧或电影.例题23 对于双收入家庭饮食习惯的全国性调查结果不一定适用于Bay City的情况.148 全国性的选举行为倾向并不一定说明MANROE镇的居民也会这么投票选举.驳斥方法: 证明个体的特殊性1 The nationwide study showingthat…does not necessarily apply to …(个体名称). It is quite possible that…2 The author unfairly assumes that the nationwide tendency applies specifically to个体名称. Lacking evidence that个体名称reflects this general tendency,it is entirely possible that 具体论据题号23, 148第六种逻辑错误单个事例说明整体错误推理源头个体性的特征使用与整体如: 叶问获得了巨大的成功, 所以所有爱国的由甄子丹主演的电影都会获得成功.如: 南二环的新东方外语学校招生人数还不错, 受益颇丰, 所以其他人要开外语学校也应该在南二环附近.驳斥方法: 证明个体的独特性不能延展到整个整体上.1 it is unlikely to say that case A can be repeated elsewhere in that it is not supposed to be the representative of all cases and there are somedistinctive features in each case.2. Even if…(sample A 是有道理的)this single/individual/specific sample is insufficient to draw any general conclusion about….(整体结论)题号19, 150, 176第七种逻辑错误忽视其他因素(几乎都有)1 The argument overlooks the strongpossibility that (factor one) is not the only factor affecting 结果. Other factors might include….2. Without considering and ruling out these and other factors that might have served to结果,the author cannot justifiably conclude that 结果3. A problem with the argument is that it assumes that 已给因素are the only significant factors affecting 结果. Common sense and experience tell us this is not the case, and a variety of other factors, such as A, B and C, alsoplay major roles.4. t he article fails to consider any other course of action that might help 结果. Perhaps by doing A and doing B can the same goal be achieved.题号236, 224, 221, 168, 162, 160, 156, 150, 19, 18, 11第八种逻辑错误非此即彼错误错误逻辑源头思维过于简单, 把本来具有多种解释的事件简单化为只有两种对立选择的可能.如: 调查发现许多想出国读研究生的同学不想去考GMAT了, 所以他们一定会选择GRE, 那么GRE课程的开设就非常必要了.例题148 Monroe 居民反对布朗的减税方案未必就说明他们一定支持Green的增税方案.The argument suffers from “either-or” reasoning. Based on the fact that A, the author unfairly concludes that B.However, the author overlooks the possibility that other factors or conditions may exist and function in this event/argument.题号148第九种逻辑错误非充要条件逻辑错误源头如: 吃饭是活着的充分条件.例题19. Ad Lib的广告宣传对于乐队在其他地区的成功可能不是必要的. 192. 合并政府只是消除混乱的必要条件而不是充分条件. Although…A might be necessary to B…….overlooks the possibility that A will not in itself suffice to B第十种逻辑错误大杂烩自相矛盾192 The editorial seems to make two irreconcilable claims. One is that the merger will result in the elimination of certain duplicative jobs; the other is that no current municipal employee will become unemployed as a result of the merger.比例与总量混淆23, 203, 214赢利问题赢利涉及的成本支出收入.In short, without more information about supply, demand, and production costs, it is impossible to determine whether the company can earn a profit from…23, 176忽视其他因素11, 18, 19, 150, 156, 160, 162, 168, 221, 224, 236GRE argument的结尾写法1 in conclusion, the recommendation the author made relies on certain doubtful assumptions that render it unconvincing as it stands. To bolster the recommendation, …must provide clear and compelling evidence that…(前文的逻辑批判论据简述)2 in sum, the argument i s logically flawed and therefore unconvincing as it claims. To strengthen it the…must either modify the evidence or list more compelling data such as…(前文…)3 in a summary, …cannot justify his or her recommendation that…(结论重述) on the basis of the scant evidence provided in theargument/editorial/memorandum.4 in conclusion, the recommendation/assumption/suggest ion/presumption is not well-reasoned and well-supported. To convince me that ….(结论重述) …needs/needed to provide clearer statistical evidence that (论据重述)…Meanwhile, tobetter evaluate the recommendation, I would be informed of more information with reference to …(论据重述)5 in conclusion, … fails to convince me that …(结论重述). To strengthen the argument, …should account for all other potential factors like…(论据重述). And undoubtedly, more statistical information concerned/involved, to better assess the conclusion, is needed. …(论据重述)6 in sum, the scant evidence the …cites/quotes is the fairly loose and weak evidence to support his conclusion that…. To better assess the argument the author should….(具体论据)7 in sum, the argument is weak on several grounds./in several facets. First, …(论据重述). Second, …(论据重述). Third, …(论据重述)8 in conclusion, the assertionthat …(结论) isuntenable/unconvincing/indefensible in light of a variety of alternativeexplanations ignored. For example, …(论据重述). Therefore, such evidence, if listed by the … as the tangible evidence, would be most appropriate to bolster the assumption.。
新编英语语法教程第0 6 讲练习参考答案Ex. 6A (4A) 1. description 2. arrangement 3. attendance 4. peculiarity 5.expectation 6. argument 7. dependence 8. originality 9.exaggeration 10. measurement 11. purity 12. persistence 13.extension 14. statement 15. generosity 16. entrance 17. loneliness18. forgetfulness 19. happiness 20. seriousnessEx. 6B (6E)1. How much work have you done this morning?2. To dig a tunnel will need a great amount of labour.3. He 's done the least work.4. There are several methods of approaching this problem.5. I know little French.6. There must be less empty talk but more practical work.7. Were there many people at the reception?8. May I have a few words with you?9. There were fewer people today at the exhibition than yesterday.10. Harry made the fewest mistakes.11. You ' ve lear nt more poetry and done more exercises than I have.12. Jack 's done the most work and made the most mistakes.13. He 's done a lot of work and made a lot of mistakes.14. A millionaire has lots of money —and lots of worries.15. Anna has enough worries b ecause she hasn 't got enough money.16. The telephone rang every few minutes.17. We have been persisting in making the experiment all these last few cold days.18. Both his next books on English linguistics will come out in 2006.19. Soon we learned that we had to wait another three more weeks.20. My brother spent $ 500 for a second-hand car, but I spent almost twice the amount for the same stuff.新编英语语法教程第07 讲练习参考答案Ex. 7A1. experience2. waters3. for advice4. an important piece of information5. for it is fun6. were not numerous7. Poultry8. directors are9. militia10. geniuses11. merchandise has12. sympathies13. experiences14. were times, rivalry15. clippings,were16.lookers-on17. foliage is18. photos20. Luggage isEx. 7B1. blade2. piece3. choir4. flash5. lump6. gang7. grain8. head9. staff 10. collection 11. fleet 12. cluster 13. bundle 14. bunch 15. team 16. piece 17. ear 18. bar 19. herd 20. pack 21. flock 22. crowd / swarm 23. troupe 24. bench 25. grove 26. collection 27. suite 28. squadron 29. band 30. libraryEx. 7C1. …Dick ' s decision to emigrate to Australia.2. the expansion of the Physics Department / The Physics Department ' s expansion …3. … a novel of Jane Austen ' s.4. That long report of Mr Allen ' s…5. Those new shoes of yours …6. …the article of the stude nt …7. …Shakespeare' s tragedies / the tragedies of Shakespeare8. … a ship ' s carpenter.9. The puni shment of the offenders …10. …the past decade ' s events / the events of the past decade11. •…the enemy' s unconditional surrender / the unconditional surrender of the enemy.12. •- other people ' s criticism of him.13. •…the younger generation ' s education / the education of the younger generation.14. … at John Wiley ' s, the bookseller ' s.15. …an article of T. Joh ns '…16. …this policy of the government ' s…?17. … an idiot ' s tale.18. That dog of Frank ' s…19. This book of Joe Hill ' s…20. Jane ' s letter …Ex. 7D1. The leg of the table is broken.2. Mary and John s house is on the ' s house ……on birs s nests.… the students ' problems.… at the Joneses ' … Charles ' car but someone else 's.… in ten years ' time.The products ' effectivenessThis week ' s news …than the last two weeks… others ' problems.… each other ' s worries. My brother and sister-in- A friend of my father ' s …A wheel of the carThe bas eball player ' wives …3.4. 14.15. 16. 17.18.… women' s clothing only.19. …Milt on ' s long poems.20. Those new shoes of yours …新编英语语法教程第08 讲练习参考答案Ex. 8A1-5 AABDB 6-10 CCCDB 11-15 ACABC 16-20 DBDCDEx. 8B1. books2. end3. words4. news5. weeks6. sign7. money8. intelligence9. books 10. line 11. sentences 12. strength 13. apple, money, etc 14. case 15. nurses 16. bales 17. novel, ones 18. years, cause 19. rooms 20. casesEx. 8C1-5 BDCAD 6-10 BDBDC 11-15 BBCAB 16-20 CDDCCEx. 8D1. •…little opport un ity to travel.2. … many such novels.3. … / Neither sentence is correct English.4. He has many more problems …5. …this kind of apple / these kind (s) of apples.6. I enjoy either kind, …7. … every book in the fiction section.8. … than in any other country in the world.9. …a greater amount of rai nfall this year tha n there was last year.10. …all this luggage / all the luggage at the airport.11. •…such beautiful poetry / such a beautiful poem that it is hard to believe she has never had a formal education.12. … a great many friends in New York.13. Whatever nonsense …14. That third sister of his …15. I can 't for the life of me remember.16. Presumably there are fewer / less diseases …17. … than all other methods.18. … once every three months.19. …study of Ian guage.20. …some more soup?Ex. 8EOf?all?the?things?we?eat?and?drink, water?is?the?most?important.Not?many?people?understand this, but it is quite true. The human body can go without food for a long time, but?two?or?three?days?without?water?will?result?in?death.Many?people?do?not?understand?how?much?water?the?human?body?needs?to?work properly, and many people do not drink enough. More people drink when they are thirsty, but often need much more, especially when they have been taking exercises.It is vital that people should drink enough water every day. Water can help people to keep fit. It can also ease pain in case of illness. The habit of drinking water soon after getting up will bring a purging and refreshing effect ;likewise, drinking some water before bedtime will also do people, especially old people, a lot of good. When one is fainting, water will bring him back to consciousness; if one is badly wounded, water will help to lend him vigour. In a word, water means life. A lack of water in the body is most harmful to health.新编英语语法教程第09 讲练习参考答案Ex. 9A1. 02. 03. the, an4. the5. 06. the, the, the7. 0, a8. 0, the9. a, the 10. the 11. 0, the 12. A 13. The, the 14. the 15. 0, 0 16. 0, the 17. 0, a, an, a, the 18. the, the, a, the19. the, the, the, the, the, the 20. a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 / aEx. 9B1. a2. the3. a4. a5. a6. an7. the8. the9. a 10. the11. 0 12. the13. a 14. the 15. a 16. 0 17. the 18. a 19. a 20. a / the 21. an 22. the 23. a 24. 0 25. an 26. the 27. the 28. the 29. the 30. a 31. the 32. the 33. a 34. a 35. the 36. the 37. the 38.the 39. an 40. 0 41. 0 42. 0 43. a 44. a 45. the 46. 0 47.the 48. a 49. the 50. the 51. theEx. 9C2. Lake Michigan3. The Straits of Gibraltar4. Qomolangma5. The National Gallery6. the World Cup7. Christmas8. The Olympic Games9. NATO 10. the BBC 11. Newsweek 12. The Times 13. Whitehall 14. the Finance Ministry 15. Parliament 16. the Senate 17. a John Spence 18. Jones and Smith 19. The watermans 20. The White House 22. church 23. table 24. the university 25. thehospital 26. prison 27. The train 28. The hovercraft, the boat 29.hovercraft 30. a taxi 31. school 32. a bus 33. the ferry 34. acinema 35. The film 36. the Pope 37. a world 38. Language 39. experience 40. lawEx. 9DI .1. the2. a3. the4. a5. his6. the7. my8. a9. the 10.the 11. the 12. 0 13. a 14. a 15. Sam 's 16. the 17. A 18. the19. The 20. His 21. the 22. her 23. yourn.1. a2. the3. another4. an5. the6. a7. an8. a9. an 10.0 11. 0 12. a 13. the 14. the 15. Each 16. a 17. the 18. the19. a 20. other 21. the22. another 23. the 24. a 25. the 26. theEx. 9E1. on the spot2. from top to bottom3. on hand4. an the front5. ina fashion 6. taken a fancy to 7. in caseof 8. took the fancy of14. in the shade 15. at 9. in trouble, lend a hand 10. went bythe board 11. within reach of 12. on top of 13. In the case ofa loss 16. in possession of 17. in the possession of 18. under cover 19. burning the midnight oil20. at short noticeEx. 9F1. Light travels faster than sound.2. Be quiet, please. Don 't let me hear a sound.3. In writing English, after each word we leave a space.4. This box occupies too much space.5. After a big meal, you should take a rest.6. Everybody needs food, drink and rest.7. He did it out of kindness.8. Thank you. You have done me a kindness.9. He lives close at hand.10. The children suffered a lot at the hands of their stepfather.11. Have you got an English-French dictionary?12. Have you got an English and a French dictionary?13. How do you like the red and white roses in my garden?Have you seen the red (roses) and the white roses in my garden? He is still in hospital.I ' m going to the hospital to see him.There is a garden in front of the house. There is a picture in the front of the book. This style of dress is no longer in fashion. She likes to read about the lastest fashion. Don ' t talk too much at table.My friend was sitting at the table writing a letter.When we called, his family were at dinner.When we called, his family was giving a dinner.The students take / took quite a fancy to their teacher. The exhibits in the hall soon took the fancy of the visitors. The old man is in possession of a huge fortune.This island was once in the possession of the Great Britain. You must immediately consult a doctor in case of illness.14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Pauline is stupid, but it is different in the case of Mary; she is just lazy.。
1 apology2 responded回答相应3 relationship4 abilities5 argument6 spilled泄露7 mood8 tradition9 tremendous极其10 rudely 11 touched 12 fail 13 sparkled用眼神表示14 temptation诱惑15 harm有害16 robbed … of抢劫17 hidden隐藏18 familiar熟悉19 alcohol酒精20 wisdom智慧21 drug 22 humor 23 excited 24 sharing 25 choices 26 layers 层27.filthy肮脏的28.dependent 依赖的29.soda苏打水30 alley胡同31.wheeled推拉32.coincidence 巧合33.grinned露齿而笑34.stuff 东西35.vendor摊贩36.owns拥有37.special 38.crossing 39 crippled 瘸子40 bare裸露的41 porter搬运工42 ignored忽视43 rubbed按摩44 coaching教练45 treatment 治疗46 retire退休47 discipline 纪律48.senior四年级49 encouraged/had encouraged50 is supported 51 suffered受苦52 private私人的53 resigned辞职54 is researching 55 injured 56 established建立57 disaster灾难58 comfort 59 due to 60 following 61 has served/served服务63 insist坚持64 has provided/provides供给65. fee费用66.queue队,行列67 .take a risk冒险68 .raw天然的69 .elbowed用肘挤70 .instrument 器具71.eminent出名的72.surgeon外科医生73.had set out出发74.furnish为..配备家具75. regret后悔76 Memories记忆77.habit习惯78. accident事件79. identity身份80. section部分81. local当地的82. dignity尊严83.nonsence废话84. aboard上船等85. bowed鞠躬、点头86.tilted 使倾斜87. Lord上帝、基督88 bless 祝福89. describe描述90.was bursting渴望、满得几乎开裂1.vision视力2.advantage优势3.symptom征兆4.barely仅仅5.contrast比较对照6.exception例外7. formative成长期的8.despair/despairing绝望9.quit离开10.origin起源开端11.promise 可能指望12.medicine医学13.ordinary普通的14are/were/have been hired雇佣faintly微弱的;genius天才天赋;passion热情;1 risk 2 willpower毅力3 creative创造力4 consequences结果5leading to 6have accepted 7assessed评估8 craft技能9explored 10 ambition雄心11introduce 12 has combined联合1 intensive深入细致的2 leisurely从容地3 occasion场合;机会4landed着陆5 stacks堆6Reluctantly勉强地7 swaying摆动8 took in看到;领悟9 pulled into进入10 unloading卸货11beats/beat完成;优于12 beside在…旁边avenue把..设置在;mess杂乱;melon甜瓜;basically基本上;punch一拳;sweat出汗1.necessity必要2 Polls民意调查3 putting aside4 Fill out开具,填写5 recommend介绍6 expense7 applications8stability稳定9 expectations 10employed11 labor劳动 1.participate参与2.demands/demanded要求3.household家庭的4.define给..下定义5.motivated促使;激发6.entertain使快乐7.depressed沮丧的8.worth价值9.possessed着魔的10.aware意识到11.manner方式boredom厌烦;estimate推测;incident事件;outline概述;scary令人惊慌的;severely严格的statement陈述1 figure out得出结论 2pull...through渡过3 bring out使突显4 added to5 light up容光焕发6 at least7 a touch of少许8.packing…up打包9. in…Shape处于…状况 with处理11.came to被某人想起 exchange for交换13. retire from 14. died of15 lives on继续生活16 qualifiedfor具有..资格17 learned about认识到18 looked up to赞赏尊敬某人19.make matters worse将困难情况弄得更糟20.set a record创造纪录21. Afraid of being late for themeeting由于害怕开会迟到22 .Much interested很感兴趣23.Overjoyed她非常高兴24.full ofapologies满口道歉 ofcharge免费26.Look back回忆;27.look upon…as将..看作;28.make a living维持生计29. make any difference不一样、关系重大 their disposal供..任意使用31. held in控制住32.fixed up安排33. set eyes on看见34.turned..inside out将..翻过来、彻底搜查1.turned down 拒绝2.feel like意欲3.far from远非4.fired with对..充满激情 for喜欢6.mix up弄乱be given to喜欢癖好;better off;更成功nothing but只有不过1 stay put呆在原处2 go easy on小心对待3 made a point to十分注意或打定主意做4 pulled awayfrom离开/pulled into进入5put...on安排某人做某事6 pay...off给薪解雇7 do…a favor帮助某人pull up使停止1. take notice注意留心2.turned...into使…变成3.areon...side支持某人史密斯太太一直梦想着出国旅游,今年圣诞节总算成行。
英语六级作文万能模板小潘潘Little Panpan A Versatile Template for English CET-6 Writing。
Introduction:In recent years, the English CET-6 writing test has become an important part of the examination, and many students find it challenging to write a well-structured and coherent essay within the given time frame. However, with the help of a versatile template like "Little Panpan", students can easily organize their thoughts and ideas and produce a high-quality essay. This article will provide a comprehensive guide on how to use the "Little Panpan" template effectively.Paragraph 1: Introduction。
Introduce the topic and provide a brief overview of the points that will be discussed in the essay.Paragraph 2: Background Information。
Provide relevant background information on the topic, including any important facts or statistics that will help to contextualize the issue.Paragraph 3: Main Point 1。
argument的用法及短语"Argument" 是一个多义词,可以作为名词和动词使用,具体用法取决于上下文。
以下是"argument" 的主要用法和一些常见的短语:●名词用法:1.争论或辩论:例句:They had a heated argument about politics.翻译:他们就政治问题进行了激烈的争论。
2.理由或论点:例句:She presented a strong argument in favor of renewable energy.翻译:她提出了支持可再生能源的强有力论点。
3.数学或逻辑中的论证:例句:The mathematician provided a rigorous argument to prove the theorem.翻译:数学家提供了严密的论证来证明这个定理。
●动词用法:1.争论或辩论:例句:They were arguing about the best solution to the problem.翻译:他们在争论问题的最佳解决方案。
2.提出理由或论证:例句:The lawyer argued convincingly for the defendant's innocence.翻译:律师有力地为被告的清白辩护。
●常见短语:1.Settle an argument:解决争论。
例句:Let's try to settle the argument and find a compromise.2.Make an argument:提出论点。
例句:The author makes a compelling argument for environmental conservation.3.Have an argument with someone:与某人争吵。
例句:She had a heated argument with her colleague over the project.4.Strong argument:强有力的论点。
模版部分:ArgumentIn this argument the author reaches the conclusion that.... The basis for this recommendation is that.... An additional reason given in support of this recommendation is that...(The author an example in support of this recommendation). At first glance, the author's argument appears to be somewhat convincing, but further reflection reveals that it omits some important concerns that should be addressed to substantiate the argument.In the first place,In the second place,In the third place,In conclusion, the author fails to provide adequate justification for.... As it stands, the reasoning does not constitute a logical argument in favor of the recommendation. To strengthen the argument, the author would have to provide evidence to prove that.... To better assess the argument, we need additional detailed information that we can establish the conclusion whether....IssueThe issue of a complex and controversial one. Different people hold different views due to their respective angles. On the one hand, as is well-known and has often been advocated, ...; on the other hand, others probably insist that.... We do not have to look very far to see the valid standpoint of this matter. In the following analysis, I would like to reason and provide evidence favoring the former one and refuting the latter one. (The complex nature of the above issue requires us to consider it on a case-by-case basis. In my point of view, whether one has advantages over the other depends on the specific circumstances.)In the first place, the important reason that can be presented to develop my position is that.... A good example may be found in the case that.... Under this circumstance/therefore, it is obvious that....In addition, there is another reason for me to choose the former statement/considerthe latter statement to be wrong. The reason is not far to seek:.... To illustrate, a case in point in this respect is that....Admittedly, there is no denying some conditions. As we know, .... However, this alone does not constitute a sufficient support to.... (When...of X and Y are carefully compared, the most striking conclusion is obvious. To sum up, while...may be true in exceptional cases, I agree that....)Consequently, I advocate that..., because: (1) ...; (2) .... Due to the above-mentioned reasons, which sometimes intertwine to form an organic whole and thus become more persuasive, we may safely arrive at the conclusion I support.严重推荐:Argument之七宗罪第一宗罪:无因果联系The author commits a fallacy of causal oversimplification. The line of the reasoning is that because A occurred before B, the former event is responsible for the latter. (The author uses the positive correlation between A and B to establish causality. However, the fact that A coincides with B does not necessarily prove that A caused B.) But this is fallacious reasoning unless other possible causal explanations have been considered and ruled out. For example, perhaps C is the cause of these events or perhaps B is caused by D.第二宗罪 Insufficient-sampleThe evidence the author provides is insufficient to support the conclusion drawn from it. One example is logically unsounded to establish a general conclusion (The statistics from only a few recent years are not necessarily a good indicator of future trends), unless it can be shown that A1 is representative of all A. It is possible that.... In fact, in face of such limited evidence, the conclusion that B is completely unwarranted.第三宗罪: 错误类比 (based on a false analogy )<横向>The argument rests on the assumption that A is analogous to B in all respects. This assumption is weak, since although there are points of comparison between A and B, there is much dissimilarity as well. For example, A..., however, B.... Thus, it is likely much more difficult for B to do....第四宗罪 all things are equal<纵向>The author commits the fallacy of “all things are equal”. The fact that happened two years ago is not a sound evidence to draw a conclusion that.... The author assumes without justification that the background conditions have remained the same at different times or at different locations. However, it is not clear in this argument whether the current conditions at AA are the same as they used to be two years ago.Thus it is impossible to conclude that....第五宗罪 Either-Or choiceThe author assumes that AA and BB are mutually exclusive alternatives and there is no room for a middle ground. However, the author provides no reason for imposing an either-or choice. Common sense tells us that adjusting both AA and BB might produce better results.第六宗罪 survey is doubtfulThe poll cited by the author is too vague to be informative. The claim does not indicate who conducted the poll, who responded, or when, where and how the poll was conducted. (Lacking information about the number of people surveyed and the number of respondents, it is impossible to access the validity of the results. For example, if 200 persons were surveyed but only 2 responded, the conclusion that...would be highly suspect. Because the argument offers no evidence that would rule out this kind of interpretations,) Until these questions are answered, the results of the survey are worthless as evidence for the conclusion.第七宗罪 gratuitous assumptionThe author falsely depends on gratuitous assumption that.... However, no evidence is stated in the argument to support this assumption. In fact, this is not necessarily the case. For example, it is more likely that.... Therefore, this argument is unwarranted without ruling out such possibility。
quarrel的同义词辨析quarrel有吵架;争论;挑剔等意思,那么你知道quarrel的同义词有哪些吗?下面店铺为大家带来quarrel的同义词及辨析,欢迎大家参考学习!quarrel同义词:controversy, argument, conflict, debate, dispute, quarrel, strifequarrel同义词辨析:这组名词均有"争执,不和"之意。
controversy 侧重指深刻的意见分歧,多指对引起广泛兴趣或非常重要的问题的辨论。
argument 指辩论双方均以事实或理由来说服对方的辨论。
conflict 指双方坚持已见、互不妥协,怀有敌意的争论,多暗示分歧极为严重,有时用语言无法解决,只得诉诸武力。
debate 通常指经过仔细组织和计划的个人或团体之间的辩论。
dispute 普通用词,侧重指长时间,言词激烈,针锋相对的争辩。
quarrel 普通用词,既可指言词激烈的争吵,也可指温和的言词上的不和。
strife 指因不可缓和的矛盾而引起的争吵或斗殴。
quarrel的例句:1. They could quarrel quite legitimately with some of my choices.他们大有理由不同意我的一些选择。
2. The monarchists are a small fringe group who quarrel fiercely among themselves.君主主义者是一个内部争吵激烈的非主流的小团体。
3. It could have happened during a quarrel between them over Naomi.这件事可能是在他们为娜奥米争吵的过程中发生的。
4. The quarrel between the Serbs and the Croats is old and bitter.塞尔维亚人和克罗地亚人之间的争斗由来已久,而且非常激烈。
【IT专家】警告-格式化'%d'期望类型'int',但参数6有类型'long int'
警告:格式化’%d’期望类型’int’,但参数6有类型’long int’ 警告:格式化’%d’期望类型’int’,但参数6有类型’long int’[英]warning: format ‘%d’ expects type ‘int’, but argument 6 has type ‘long int’ I receive this warning during the compilation process. 在编译过程中,我收到了这个警告。
“warning: format ‘%d’ expects type ‘int’, but argument 6 has type ‘long int’ “警告:格式‘%d’期望类型‘int’,但参数6有‘long int’类型。
Should I change %d into %lu ? 我应该把%d改为%lu吗? EDIT: This is a part of the code. 编辑:这是代码的一部分。
if (item- GetVnum() == DRAGON_HEART_VNUM) sprintf(buf, “Inc %ds by item{VN:%d SOC%d:%d}”, ret, item- GetVnum(), ITEM_SOCKET_CHARGING_AMOUNT_IDX, item- GetSocket(ITEM_SOCKET_CHARGING_AMOUNT_IDX)); sprintf(buf, “Inc %ds by item{VN:%d VAL%d:%d}”, ret, item- GetVnum(), ITEM_VALUE_CHARGING_AMOUNT_IDX, item- GetValue(ITEM_VALUE_CHARGING_AMOUNT_IDX)); 5 Change the format specifier from %d to %ld, or change the data type of argument to be int. (%lu would be for unsigned long int.) 将格式说明符从%d更改为%ld,或将参数的数据类型更改为int. (%lu将用于未签名的long int)。
语言学论元结构argument例题1.汉语属于() [单选题] *A.孤立语(正确答案)B.屈折语C.粘着语D.复综语答案解析:汉语没有形态变化,是“孤立语”和“分析性语言”。
[单选题] *A.法语B.拉丁语C.德语(正确答案)D.斯拉夫语答案解析:谱系分类的层级系统:语系—语族—(语支)—语言—方言—次方言(土语),德语和英语同属日耳曼语族。
3.首先提出“能指”和“所指”这对概念的语言学家是() [单选题] *A.洪堡特B.索绪尔(正确答案)C.乔姆斯基D.萨丕尔答案解析:瑞士语言学家索绪尔把语言符号中能够指称某种意义的声音称为“能指”;把语言符号中由特定声音表示的意义称为“所指”。
[单选题] *A.炊烟B.月晕而风C.红绿灯(正确答案)D.打狗棍答案解析:语言符号:1)必然同时具有表示特定意义的物质实体。
[单选题] *A.英语B.维吾尔语C.日语D.汉语(正确答案)6.普通话“江”字读音所含音素的数量是() [单选题] *A.2个B.3个C.4个(正确答案)D.5个答案解析:音素是最小的语音单位,音节及其他大大小小的语音单位,切分到最后就是音素,或者说所有语音单位从最底层算起都是由音素组成。
[单选题] *A:语法B:语义C:语汇(正确答案)D:语音答案解析:如果把人们说出来的一句一句、一段一段的话比作高楼大厦,那么词语就是构成这些高楼大厦的建筑材料。
8.shade阴影,shadow影子属于同源词,有一定语义联系,这体现了语汇的()[单选题] *A:任意性和理据性(正确答案)B:普遍性和民族性C:活跃性和稳定性D:任意性和稳定性答案解析:shade阴影,shadow影子属于同源词,有一定语义联系,是有理据性的,而其最初的产生又体现了任意性。
argue 6
结论性的: after careful examination ,it reveals that it lends little credible support to the claim批评文章的论据:tenuous unsubstantiated unpersuasive untenableA jazz music club in Monroe would be a tremendously profitable enterprise. At present, the nearest jazz club is over 60 miles away from Monroe; thus, our proposed club, the C Note, would have the local market all to itself. In addition, there is ample evidence of the popularity of jazz in Monroe: over 100,000 people attended Monroe's jazz festival last summer, several well-known jazz musicians live in Monroe, and the highest-rated radio program in Monroe is 'Jazz Nightly.' Finally, a nationwide study indicates that the typical jazz fan spends close to $1,000 per year on jazz entertainment. We therefore predict that the C Note cannot help but make money."Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the prediction and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the prediction.In this argument, the developers claims that C Note jazz clubwill be rather profitable in the near future after it'sconstructed. Although this argument seems reasonable at fistglance, it fails to lend credible support to the claim aftercareful examination. The reason are stated as follows.First of all, the arguer assumes that there's a huge local marketfor the jazz club. To support such assumption the arguer illustratesthe statistical fact that over 100,000 people attended Monroe'sjazz festival last summer. But the arguer cannot convince me thatsuch fact can substantiate it's assumption because it's entirelypossible that Monroe is famous for it's beautiful scenery andmost of the visitors of the jazz festival last year are foreignerswhose intentions are some other tour sites in the city, and theyjust passed by to attend the jazz festival by coincidence.In the second place, the arguer assumes that several well-knownjazz musicians who live in Monroe would help C Note to attracthuge amount of jazz fan for live jazz show. A possible situationis that the musicians won't hold jazz concerts where they livein but rather in some other cities or other countries, and they livehere just because they can avoid the overwhelming enthusiasmfrom the jazz fans and live peacefully as common people in Monroe.The third reasoning flaw I want to point out is that, the argueruse the fact that through a nationwide study a jazz fan spends1000 dollars per year on jazz entertainment to support his claim withoutgiving any conclusive evidence to prove the insight logic connection.It's pretty obvious that the jazz fan may spend all of the moneybuying posters of famous jazz singers or musicians, or buyinginstruments to play jazz music and constitute their own jazzband, and there's no evidence that any of the money could beused for tickets for jazz show in a jazz club.In conclusion, the arguer's argument mentioned above is not basedon valid evidence or sound reasoning, neither of which is dispensablefor a conclusive argument. To draw a better conclusion, the arguershould reason more convincingly, cite some evidence that is morepersuasive, and take every possible consideration into account.This loan applicant claims that a jazz club in Monroe would be a profitable venture. To support this claim the applicant points out that Monroe has no other jazz clubs. He also cites various other evidence that jazz is popular among Monroe residents. Careful examination of this supporting evidence, however, reveals that it lends little credible support to the applicant's claim.First of all, if the demand for a live jazz club in Monroe were as great as the applicant claims, it seems that Monroe would already have one or more such clubs. The fact that the closest jazz club is 65 miles away suggests a lack of interest among Monroe residents in a local jazz club. Since the applicant has not adequately responded to this concem, his claim that the proposed club would be profitable is untenable.The popularity of Monroe's annual jazz festival and of its nightly jazz radio show might appear to lend support to the applicant's claim. However, it is entirely possible that the vast majority of festival attendees are out-of-town visitors. Moreover, the author provides no evidence that radio listeners would be interested in going out to hear live jazz. For that matter, the radio program might actually pose competition for the C-Note club, especially considering that the program airs during the evening.Nor does the mere fact that several weU-known jazz musicians live in Monroe lend significant support to the applicant's claim. It is entirely possible that these musicians perform elsewhere, perhaps at the club located 65 miles away. This would go a long way toward explaining why Monroe does not currently have a jazz club, and it would weaken the applicant's assertion that the C-Note would be profitable.Finally, the nationwide study showing that the average jazz fan spends $1,000 each year on jazz entertainment would lend support to the applicant's claim only if Monroe residents typify jazz fans nationwide. However, the applicant provides no credible evidence that this is the case.In conclusion, the loan applicant's argument is not persuasive. To bolster it he must provide clearer evidence that Monroe residents would patronize the C-Note on a regular basis. Such evidence might include the following: statistics showing that a significant number of Monroe residents attend the jazz festival each year; a survey showing that fans of Monroe's jazz radio program would go out to hear live jazz if they had the chance; and assurances fromwell-known local jazz musicians that they would play at the C-Note if given the opportunity.。
1.Survey:a.Procedure of the surveySelective sample:This survey fail to cover all the possibilities of samples, which result in an undue emphasize on ……without recognizing a fact that ……were actually excluded from the survey.Quantity of the sample:To grantee a relative better availability of this survey, it is essential to ensure a certain size…Do the statistics make any difference?Actually, in the absence of data concerning/regarding the total amount of garbage sites and people living near them in the state, the argument treats a lack of proof that the current system of garbage sites will pose some extent of health hazard as constituting sufficient evidence that it will not pose any significant health hazard.What question was asked in the survey?The conclusion would not be well supported if loaded question included in the survey acts in a suggestive role.Who conducted the survey?The conductor of the survey should possess a neutral attitude; at least have nothing to do with the interest of any side.When was the survey conducted?The author’s inference that …… rests on the absurd assumption that during the interim ……., all conditions upon which their … depend have remain constant/unchanged. However, it is not the case.Fail to indicate the exact time when the statistics were collected and time period, during which all conditions may vary drastically.The greater the possibilities that the tendency has changed over this time span, the less justifiable the conclusions/inferences are.b.Result of the surveyVague dataBecause we do not know the base amount of donations each group received the year before the last. Granted that……we cannot assure that it is the people’s perception suggested by the arguer that resulted in the differences in donation rates.What fraction of people…It is relative proportion rather than total amount that make greater contribution to account for the validity of survey. However……CompletenessThe survey does not provide complete information concerning the effect of ….c.Respondents of the surveyAre the respondents being forthright?It is entire possible that respondents would not be inclined to provide authentic and believable answer out of consideration for their privacy or personal affairs.Are the respondents representative?The arguer has not shown the study upon which the argument depends to be statistically reliable.One problem with this argument lies in its failing to meet precondition---sample’s representativeness---……it is impossible to draw any conclusions about……This statistic in itself proves nothing, 加例子,either scenario, if true, would weaken theclaim rather than support it.With the purpose of establishing a strong correlation between…….,the study’s sample must be sufficient in size and representative of the overall population of……First and foremost, the council has not convince me that the five sites in the survey are suffice to represent the trash sites in general throughout the state---in terms of their impact on the health of nearby residents. If so, this effect would be weaken to a significant degree.2. False analogy and Comparisona. False analogyCommit a fallacy of false analogy, the arguer simply assumes that…,but he does not provide any evidence that…,explanation, it is true that both…,however,…Therefore, even though…,there is no guarantee that…Comparability(可比性)b. Incomplete comparison and selective comparison / Ex parte informationThe arguer unfairly/falsely assumes that A’s work and quality are superior to M’s. However, no evidence regard the performance of the new Q-C manager at Appian is provided.It is unfair to draw a hasty conclusion founded on…that…The arguer falsely employ a selective comparison as a specious criteria and draw a conclusion that…without comprehensive consideration, which weaken this argument to a significant degree. Admittedly, it might be true that…, however, too much emphasize on…would obscure other possibilities/factors affecting…, such as…. .Therefore, providing merely ex parte information without an all-around comparison showing the similarities…,the author cannot convince me effectively.c.Confusing comparison(横向比较) and variation(纵向比较)A do not necessarily…---for two reasons. First, 横向比较;Second,纵向比较;Thus, the merefact that …lends scant support to the recommendation.3.Hasty generalizationa.Different conceptsThe arguer’s erroneously identifying A with B has contributed to a misconception causing a logical falsehood and deteriorate argument’s persuasion.A is not a good indicator of B…The fact that…does not follow that …A does not necessarily indicate that B.A accomplishes little toward bolstering/support the recommendation/inference that…or that…For that matter, perhaps…In short, without ruling out other possible reasons for…the arguer cannot convince me on the basis of them that…let alone…Even if …cannot assume further that…unless this argument contains corresponding evidence to support this assumption.b.Different scopesOne trouble with the argument is that no clear evidence is provided to substantiate that the nationwide/endemic statistics about…can be applied equally to…Admittedly, this might be the case under particular conditions especially when the two places embrace same characteristics to some extent. However, an awareness of inherent distinctions between the two locations will inform us the existence of another possibility that…;or perhaps…Without patching these logical flaws the author cannot justifiably conclude that…including cultural habits, environmental diversities or genetic predispositionc.Inferring a future condition from a past conditionMoreover, the argument’s proponent infer that…which functioned well in the past will also take effect, which is ridiculous unless firm evidences are offered to assure that all conditions upon which their effectiveness depend keep constant during the…What the author neglects is the possibility that…It is also possible that…In short, since this argument fails to take into account other alternative scenarios, the author cannon convince me that…4.Necessity and Sufficiency of the Solution(充分必要条件)针对to do B, we must do A.先证明做了A也不一定能达到B的目的;再列举达到B的目的可能不需要做A。
用六种论证有关低调的作文素材英文回答:Argument 1: Being low-key can help maintain a sense of mystery and intrigue. When someone is constantly in the spotlight, their actions and words become predictable and less interesting. By keeping a low profile, individuals can leave others wanting more, creating a sense of curiosity and allure.Argument 2: Being low-key allows individuals to focus on personal growth and self-improvement. When one is not constantly seeking attention and validation from others, they have more time and energy to invest in their own development. This can lead to greater self-awareness, improved skills, and a stronger sense of self.Argument 3: Being low-key can help foster genuine connections and relationships. When someone is not constantly seeking the spotlight, they are more likely toattract people who are interested in them for who theytruly are, rather than superficial reasons. This can lead to deeper and more meaningful connections with others.Argument 4: Being low-key can help reduce stress and pressure. Constantly being in the public eye can be exhausting and overwhelming. By choosing to live a morelow-key lifestyle, individuals can create a sense of peace and tranquility in their lives, allowing them to focus on what truly matters to them.Argument 5: Being low-key can help individuals avoid unnecessary drama and conflicts. When someone is constantly seeking attention and validation, they may inadvertently attract negative attention and criticism. By choosing to live a more low-key life, individuals can avoid unnecessary conflicts and maintain a more peaceful existence.Argument 6: Being low-key can help individuals maintain a sense of humility and groundedness. When someone is constantly in the spotlight, it can be easy for them to develop a sense of entitlement and arrogance. By choosingto live a more low-key life, individuals can stay humbleand connected to their roots.中文回答:论证1,低调可以帮助保持神秘感和吸引力。
牛津译林 必修第一册 单词分层解析二 Unit 2 Let‘s talk teens
1. argument n. 争吵,争论,论点,论据【课文原句】Heated arguments and cold silences are common between teenagers and their parents. 青少年和他们的父母之间经常会有激烈的争论和冰冷的沉默。
【常用搭配】①have an argument with sb. about / over sth. 为某事与某人争吵②get into an argument 争吵起来③avoid an argument 避免争吵➢Probably the worst thing about being a penguin is after you’re in an argument you’ll try to waddle away angrily but still look adorably cute. 身为企鹅最糟糕的一点也许是,一场激烈的争吵之后,你试图摇摆着愤然离开,而在别人眼中仍是一个小可爱。
【联想词】argue v. 争论,争吵,论证,争辩argue with sb. 与某人争辩argue about / over sth. 为某事争论argue against / for (doing)sth. 争辩反对/ 据理力争(做)某事➢What do you usually argue about with your parents? 你通常因为什么和你的父母争吵呢?2. anxious adj. 忧虑的,担忧的,令人焦虑的,渴望的【课文原句】You may feel anxious that you are developing at a different rate to your friends, shooting up in height or getting left far behind. 你可能会感到焦虑,因为你的成长速度与你的朋友不同,你的身高在猛增,或者远远落后(于你的朋友).【常用搭配】①be anxious about sth. 担心某事②be anxious for sb. 为某人担心③be anxious for sth. 渴望得到某物④be anxious (for sb. ) to do sth. 渴望(某人)做某事⑤be anxious that…忧虑/ 渴望➢We are anxious about his safety. 我们担心他的安全。
运算符与表达式:1.constant常量2.variable变量3.identify标识符4.keywords关键字5.sign符号6.operator运算符7.statement语句8.syntax语法9.expression表达式10.initialition初始化11.number format数据格式12declaration说明13.type conversion类型转换14.define、definition定义条件语句:1.select选择2.expression表达式3.logical expression逻辑表达式4.Relational expression关系表达式5.priority优先6.operation运算7.structure结构循环语句:1.circle循环2.condition条件3.variant变量4.process过程5.priority优先6.operation运算数组:1.array数组2.reference引用3.element元素4.address地址5.sort排序6.character字符7.string字符串8.application应用函数:1.call调用2.return value返回值3.function函数4.declare声明5.`parameter参数6.static静态的7.extern外部的指针:1.pointer指针2.argument参数3.array数组4.declaration声明5.represent表示6.manipulate处理结构体、共用体、链表:1structure结构2member成员3tag标记4function函数5enumerate枚举6union联合(共用体)7create创建8insert插入9delete删除10modify修改文件:1、file文件2、open打开3、close关闭4、read读5、write写6、error错误序号主要章节常用英汉对照词汇备注1运算符与表达式(operator and expression)汉语英语常量constant变量variable标识符identify关键字keywords符号sign运算符operator语句statement语法syntax表达式Expression初始化Initialization数据格式number format说明Declaration类型转换type conversion定义Define、definition2条件语句(conditionstatement)选择select表达式expression逻辑表达式logical expression关系表达式Relational expression优先priority运算operation结构structure3循环语句(circle statement)循环circle条件condition变量variant过程process优先priority运算operation4函数(function)调用call返回值return value函数function声明declare参数parameter静态的static外部的extern5数组和指针(array andpointer)数组array引用reference元素element地址address排序sort字符character字符串string应用application指针pointer参数argument数组array声明declaration表示represent处理manipulate6结构体、共用体(structures、union)结构structure 成员member标记tag函数function枚举enumerate联合(共用体)union创建create插入insert删除delete修改modify7文件(file)文件file打开open关闭close读read写write错误errorProgram Design程序设计writing program编写程序standardize vt.使标准化coding the program编程simplify vt.单一化,简单化programming程序revision n.校订,修正programmer n.程序员occupy vt.占领,住进logic n.逻辑,逻辑学BASIC初学者通用符号指令代码machine code机器代码teaching language教学语言debug n.DOS命令,调试simplicity n.单纯,简朴compactness a.紧凑的,紧密的timesharing system分时系统description n.描述,说明interactive language交互式语言break n.中断manufacturer n.制造业者structure chart结构图dialect n.方言,语调the program flow程序流expense n.费用,代价manager module管理模块uniformity n.同样,划一worder module工作模块archaic a.己废的,古老的mainmodule主模块sufficient a.充分的,足够的submodule子模块data processing数据处理modify v.修正,修改business application商业应用outline n.轮廓,概要scientific application科学应用compose分解lexical a.字典的,词汇的code代码non-programmer n.非编程人员node vt改为密码notation n.记号法,表示法,注释pseudocode n.伪代码verbosity n.唠叨,冗长commas n.逗点逗号record n.记录documentation文档subrecord n.子记录flowchart/flow程表/流程data division数据部visual a.视觉的procedure division过程部represent vt.表现,表示,代表comprise vt.包含构成structured techniques结构化技术operator n.运算符,算子straightforward a.笔直的,率直的commercial package商业软件包subroutine n.子程序generator n.产生器,生产者driver module驱动模块mathematician n.专家line by line逐行operator n.作符translate vt.翻译,解释forerunner n.先驱modular摸块化ancestor n.祖宗cumbersome a.讨厌的,麻烦的teaching programming编程教学lengthy a.冗长的,漫长的alter vi./vt.改变flaw n.缺点裂纹devclop vt.发达separate a.各别的recompile v.编译assist n.帮助cycle n.循环technician n.技师remove,除去straight line直线category n.种类,类项rectangle n.长方形,矩形P-code p代码virtrally ad.事实上symology n.象征学象征的使用register n.寄存器to summaries总之,总而言之by convention按照惯例cyptic n.含义模糊的,隐藏的diamond-shaped a,菱形的bracket n.括号decision n判断obviate除去,排除terminal n.a终端机,终端的keyword n.关键字card reader阅读器underline vt.下划线translator program译程序monadic a.monad(单位)的Programming程序设计dec/binary n.二进制source language源语shift变化,转移,移位machine language机器overflow n.溢出machine instruction机器指令arithmetic n.算术,算法computer language计算机语composite symbol复合型符号.assembly language汇编语assignment n.赋值floating point number浮点数proliferation n.增服high-level language高级语pointer n.指针natural language自然语言array n.数组矩阵,source text源文本subscript n.下标intermediate language中间语言type conversion类型转换software development软件开发address arithmetic地址运算map vt.映射,计划denote vt.指示,表示maintenance cost维护费用subprogram n.子程序legibility n.易读性,易识别separate compilation分离式编泽amend vt.修正,改善alphabetic a.照字母次序的consumer n.消费者digit n.数字位数enormous a.巨大的,庞大的numeric expression数值表达式reliability n.可信赖性,可信度tap n.轻打,轻敲,选择safety n.安全,安全设备print zone打印区property n.财产,所有权column n.列correctness n.正确,functionality n.机能semicolon n.分号portable a.叮携带的,可搬运的survey n.概观.altoggle n.肘节开关task n.作,任务declaration n.宣告说明source program源程序mufti-dimension array多维数组object program目标程序c++常用英语单词常用英语单词A抽象数据类型abstract data type抽象abstraction累加accumulating实际变元actual argument实际参数actual parameter地址运算符address operator算法algorithm功能模型al model运算与逻辑单元ALU分析analysis应用软件application software参数/变元argument算术运算符arithmetic operators基类ase class汇编程序assembler汇编语言assembler language赋值运算符assignment operator(s)赋值语句assignment statement 综合性associativity原子数据类型atomic dataB备份件backup copies大o表示法Big O notation测试的基本规则basic rule of testing二分法查找binary search位bit函数体boday引导boot字节bytesC被调函数called调用函数calling类型转换cast字符值character s类class类层次class hierarchy类的成员class members类的作用范围class scope编写代码coding注释comments编译型语言compiled language编译程序compiler编译时错误compile-time error复合语句compound statement 计算机程序computer program条件condition控制单元control unit转换运算符conversion operator构造函数costructor记数countingD字段data field数据文件data file数据隐藏data hiding数据成员data member数据类型data type声明部分declaration section声明语句declaration statement自减运算符decrement operator 缺省复制构造函数default copy constructor缺省构造函数default constructor 函数定义definition定义语句definition statement派生类derived class桌面检查desk checking析构函数destructor文档编写documentation双精度数double-precision number动态绑定dynamic hinding动态模型dynamic modelE回显打印echo printing封装encapsulation转义序列escape sequence交换排序法exchange sort表达式expression外部文件名external file nameF假条件false condition域宽操纵符field width manipulator文件访问file access文件组织形式file organization文件流file stream浮点数floating-point number软盘floppy diskette流程图flowchart形式变元formal argument形式参数formal parameter友元函数friendG全局作用的范围global scope全局变量global variableH硬盘hard disk硬件hardware函数首部header头文件header file十六进制hexadecimal高级语言high-level languageI标识符identifier实现implement实现部分implementation section自增运算符increment operator 下标index下标变量indexed variable间接寻址indirect addressing无限循环infinite loop间接寻址运算符indirection operator继承性inheritance内联成员函数inline member输入文件流input file stream实例变量instance variables解释型语言interpreted language 解释程序interpreter调用invocation整数值iteger循环结构iteration输入/输出单元I/O unitJ对齐justificatingK关键字段key field关键字keywordL左值l线形查找linear(sequential)search链表linked list局部作用范围local scope局部变量local variable逻辑错误logic error低级语言low-level languageM机器语言machine language魔术数magic number操纵符manipulator数学头文件mathematicallibrary成员函数member s成员式赋值memberwise assignment 内存堆栈memory stack内存单元memory unit微处理器microprocessor混合表达式mixed-mode expression助记符mnemonic模型model模块module取模运算符modulus operator多重继承multiple inheritanceN已命名常数named constant嵌套循环nested loop空字符null character空语句null statementO面向对象的语言object-oriented language对象object八进制octal偏移量offset一维数组one-dimensional array操作码opcode操作系统operating system运算符函数operator输出文件流output file stream函数的重载overloadingP参数parameter值传递pass by引用传递pass by reference指针pointer指针变量pointer variable多态性polymorphism后判断循环posttest loop优先级preccedence先判断循环pretest loop私有private面向过程的语言procedure-oriented language汇编语言programming language程序设计progremming提示prompt函数的原形prototype伪代码pseudocode程序验证与测试program verification and testing公有publicQ快速排序法quicksortR右值r随机访问randomaccess记录recored递归传递recursive细化refinement循环结构repetition循环语句repetition statement返回语句return statement运行时错误run-time errorS换算scaling作用范围scope辅存secondary storage选择结构selection选择排序法selection sort标记sentinel顺序组织形式sepuential organization顺序结构sequence简单继承simple inheritance单维数组single-dimensional array软件software软件工程software engineering软件开发过程software development procedure软件维护software maintenance源代码soure code源程序source program字符串变量sring variable静态绑定static hiding静态类数据成员static class data member存储类型storage class结构体structure结构体成员structuremember函数占位符stub下标sub下标变量subed variable语法syntax语法错误syntax error符号常数symbolic constant系统软件system softwareT函数模板template模板前缀template prefix测试testing U文本文件text filethis指针this pointer跟踪tracing类型转换type conversions二维数组two-dimensional array 类型转换构造函数type conversion constructor二进制补码two’s complement U联合体unionV变量variable变量作用范围variablescope可变条件循环variable condition loop二进制文件vinary file虚函数virtual。
突破GRE考试难点:GRE Argument思路解析(6)
突破GRE考试难点:GRE Argument思路解析(6)14 & 11814. The following appeared as part of an article in a business magazine."A recent study rating 300 male and female Mentian advertising executives according to the average number of hours they sleep per night showed an association between the amount of sleep the executives need and the success of their firms. Of the advertising firms studied, those whose executives reported needing no more than 6 hours of sleep per night had higher profit margins and faster growth. These results suggest that if a business wants to prosper, it should hire only people who need less than 6 hours of sleep per night."Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.步骤:那些企业有着faster growth和higher profit margin → 那些企业prosper假设:企业的成功能够被成长率和利润率所代表反例:利润率高不见的实际利润高,定价太高,产品销量差;成长率可能是盲目拓张带来的证据:调查企业的利润步骤:这些执行官只睡6小时 + 它们企业成功→ 睡6小时带来的成功假设:没有它因反例:员工努力;员工素质高;行业是市场的趋势证据:……步骤:广告行业的执行官只睡6小时带来了企业的成功→ 所有行业所有员工只睡6小时都会带来企业的成功假设:各行业的人的睡眠需求时相似的反例:生产领域,疲劳会带来事故;执行官很忙,但是员工并不需要这样证据:各行业各职位的实际工作压力。
开头1、in this memo the vice president recommends that……..To support this recommendation the vice president cite the following facts that: (1)…;(2)…..;This article concludes that…….To justify this conclusion the article’s author note that………To support this argument the editorial’s author points out that…….2、Close scrutiny of each of these facts, however, reveals that none of them lend credible support to the recommendationI find this argument logically unconvincing in several respectsCareful examination of this supporting evidences, however , reveals that it lends little credible support to the applicant’s claimThis argument is logically flawed in several critical respects一、经不起推敲的类推1、反驳…… not necessarily (little)indicate that ……Perhaps……..Yet the memo contains no evidence to support this assumption. …………accomplishes nothing toward bolstering the recommendation……….It is entirely possible thatLacking such evidence it is equally (entirely) possible that2、总结In short, without ruling out other possible reason for …….the vice president cannot convince me on the basis of them that ……The recommendation rest on two additional assumptions:…(可用于永恒不变的错误)… Until the vice president substantiate these assumptions I remain unconvinced thatSince the article fails to account for this alternative explanation for……the article’s author can not make any sound recommendations to …….Since the editorial fail to rule out these and other possible explanations for…. I can not accept any conclusions that…..Thus lacking reliable evidence of the effectiveness of the … is difficult to accept the conclusion that…..Without considering and ruling out these and other factors that might have served to…..the author cannot justifiably conclude that …….自相矛盾:the editorial seems to make two irreconcilable claims . one is that……..the other is that……Thus ,as it stands the argument is self-contradictory , and the author must either modify it by choosing between two competing objectives or somehow reconcile these two objectives二、将因果关系与单纯的关联关系或时间关系混淆起来三、认为一个群体的特征使用与该群体的所有成员By relying on the national survey to support its conclusion the argument depends on the assumption that the level of satisfaction locally with store-bought groceries reflects national levels. Yet the owner provides no evidence to support this assumption. It is possible that residents of this town are quite satisfied with these vegetables. Without eliminating this possibility , the owner cannot rely on the national survey to conclude that this town’s residents would………..四、认为某个条件是为结果的必要或充分条件In recommending Schade for the job the chairperson fails to consider other possible job candidates . Even if all the evidence shows that Schade is well qualified perhaps one or more other individuals would be even more suitable for the job . without addressing this possibility the chairperson cannot convince me that the district should hire SchadeThe article fail to consider any other curse of action that might………Perhaps,………In short , without weight the proposal against alternatives, the article’s claim that the proposed incentive are the best means of ……is wholly unconvincing五、基于可能不具有代表性的统计数据Finally, the mayor provides no evidence that the survey’s respondents are representative of the overall group of people whose trash goes to the city’s landfill. Lacking such evidence, it is entirely possible that people inclined to recycle were more willing to respond to the survey that other people were. In short ,without better evidence that the survey is statistically reliable the mayor cannot rely on it to draw any firm conclusions about……..六、基于不准确的调查或民意测验结果A threshold problem with the argument involve the statistical reliability of the survey. The director provides no evidence that the number of respondents is statistically significant or that the respondents were representative of auto work in general . Lacking information about the randomness and size of the survey’s sample , the director cannot make a convincing argument based on that surveyFirst , the survey must be shown to be reliable before I can accept any conclusion based upon it . Specifically, the responses must be accurate ,and the respondents must be statistically significant in number and representative of the overall ………….. Without evidence of the survey’s reliability , it is impossible to draw any firm conclusion about ………..七、认为一切事情都是永恒不变的结尾In sum , the recommendation relies on certain doubtful assumptions that render it unconvincing as it stands. To bolster the recommendations the vice president must provide clear evidence that……….To better assess the recommendation, I would need to know ……..,and ………,I would also need to know……..In sum, the argument is logically flawed therefore unconvincing as it stands. To strengthen it the author must……..In sum, the editorial’s author cannot justify his or her voting recommendation on the basis of the scant evidence provided in the editorial. To bolster the recommendations the vice president must provide clear evidence that……….To better assess the recommendation, I would need to know ……..,and ………,I would also need to know……..In conclusion, the recommendation is not well supported.。
下面是一些与争吵相关的英语短语:1. Have an argument with someone - 与某人争吵例如:I had an argument with my sister yesterday about borrowing her clothes without asking.2. Get into a heated debate - 进入激烈的辩论例如:During the meeting, they got into a heated debate over the best strategy to implement.3. Disagree with someone - 与某人意见不合例如:We often disagree with each other on political issues.4. Clash with someone - 与某人发生冲突例如:He clashed with his boss over a difference in opinion.5. Quarrel with someone - 与某人吵架例如:The couple quarreled over money matters.6. Engage in a verbal fight - 参与口头争斗例如:The two politicians engaged in a verbal fight during the debate.7. Have a shouting match with someone - 与某人大吵一架例如:They had a shouting match in the middle of the street, attracting a lot of attention.8. Lock horns with someone - 与某人发生争执例如:The two CEOs locked horns during the negotiations, resulting in a stalemate.9. Get into a disagreement - 陷入争议例如:They got into a disagreement about which movie to watch.10. Argue fiercely with someone - 与某人激烈争吵例如:The siblings argued fiercely over who should get the last piece of cake.无论是在工作场所还是在个人生活中,与别人争吵都是不可避免的。
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Firstly, the statistics cited is problematic in that even if Helios's unemployment rate is lower than the regional average, there is no guarantee that the rate is lower than the national average, or it is attractive enough to become an advantage over other regions. Apart from that, the most egregious problem in the argument may be the gratuitous assumption that the low unemployment rate is the factor necessary to the business opportunities or corporation development. Supposedly, the unemployment rate represents the well-functioned economic system in the location, however, to some extent, it may denote that there is the less labor available in the labor market, thus raise up the possibility not only of the shortage in the workforce of corporations new-settled here, but also of the increased wages the labor required when the relationship of supply and demand is fluctuated by the shortage. Without figuring out the instinct connotation of the index and citing more evidence of the relationship between the unemployment rate and the business opportunities, the argument is illogical and vulnerable.
Secondly, it is questionable whether the available labor pool could support all types of corporations. Just as the author cited, the Helios has provided an overwhelming number of manufacturing jobs in the history, so it is highly probable that skill and awareness related to the regional focus and concern may lead the workforce there concentrated on only a few fields, thus making the workforce unsuitable for all the requirements of the corporations. For example, the education and training the worker takes in order to handle the manufacture jobs may perhaps not coincide with the knowledge needed when the worker want to join the technological fields.
In sum, since the author commits the above-mentioned logical mistakes and fails to consider whole situation comprehensively, his recommendation should not be adopted. To better bolster his recommendation, the author should provide more evidences concerning the corporation development and the unemployment rate of the place in which the corporation located. In addition, a thorough analysis over the institution of the labor in Helios will also lend a hand to the author’s claim.。