1969 Oscillation theorems for systems of linear differential equations




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%The theories of non-oscillation for second-order linear system with periodic coefficient are investigated.One necessary and sufficient condition and a sufficient criterion condition of non-oscillation for second-order linear system with periodic coefficient are given.Examples show that the obtained result has better practicability.【期刊名称】《华侨大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2014(000)003【总页数】3页(P358-360)【关键词】周期系数;二阶线性系;非振动;充要条件;微分方程【作者】陈敏;王晶海【作者单位】福建工程学院数理系,福建福州 350118;福州大学数学与计算机科学学院,福建福州 350116【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O175.11 预备知识关于系统振动与非振动的研究很多[1-5],其中绝大部分是研究振动的,结论一般是振动的充分条件.本文给出非振动的充要条件及一个充分条件.考虑如下二阶周期系数线性系定理A 或者式(2)的所有非零解都只有有限个零点,或者式(2)的所有解都有无穷多个零点[6].由于变换式因子没有零点,因此定理A的结论对式(1)也是对的.定义1 若式(1)的所有非零解都只有有限个零点,那么称式(1)是非振动的.若式(1)的所有解都有无穷多个零点,那么称式(1)是振动的.由于式(1)的非振动行可归结为式(2)的非振动性,所以文中只讨论式(2)的非振动性.2 结论及其证明定理B[6]式(2)非振动的充分且必要条件是对一切连续可微的π周期函数W (t)恒有定理B实际上是一个判定式(2)振动的定理.若能找到一个连续可微的π周期函数W0(t),使,则式(2)是振动的.如果要判别式(2)非振动,定理B实际上是很难应用的.为此,得到以下结论.定理1 式(2)非振动的充分且必要条件是存在一个连续可微的π周期函数φ(t),使证明充分性 .设Q(t)≤φ′(t)-φ2(t),于是对任意连续可微的π周期函数W(t)有必要性 .设式(2)非振动.由文献[6]可知式(2)存在一个非零解实解X(t)及一个正数ρ,使式(4)中:ρ实为式(2)的特征乘数 .可以肯定,对任意t∈R,X(t)≠0,若不然,可设X(t0)=0,那么,对任意自然数n有,X(t0+nπ)=ρn·X(t)=0,这与式(2)非振动矛盾.所以X(t)没有零点.注1 若取ψ(t)=φ(t)+c,c>0常数且使2φ(t)-c<0,则易证Q(t)<ψ′(t)-ψ2(t).3 实例验证引理1 若式(3)非振动,且f(t)不恒等于0,则必有λ<0.证明由引理1可知,存在连续可微π周期函数φ(t),使Mathieu方程x″+(λ-cos 2t)·x=0的最小特征值是λ0≈-0.122[7],由文献[6]可推断式(8)是振动的.由此可见定理1与定理2并非是粗糙结论.例3 考虑二阶线性系参考文献:[1] PHILOS C G.Oscillation theorems for linear differential equations of second order[J].Arch Math,1989,53(1):482-492.[2] JAROD J.An oscillation test for a class of a linear neutral differentialequations[J].Math Anal,1991,159(1):406-417.[3] YU Jian-she,WANG Zhi-cheng.Some further results on oscillation of neutral differential equations[J].Bull Austral Math Soc,1992,46(1):49-157.[4] GUORI I.On the oscillatory behavior of solutions of certain nonlinear and linear delay differential equations[J].Nonlinear Analysis,1984,8(1):429-439.[5] QIAN C,LADAS G.Oscillation in differential equations with positive and negative coefficients[J].Canad Math Bull,1990,33(1):442-450. [6] MAGNUS W,WINKLER S.Hill′s equation[M].New York:Interscience Publishers,1966:23-28.[7] National Bureau of Standards.Table relating to mathieu function [J].New York:Columbia University Press,1951:86-97.[8]史金麟.周期系数二阶线性微分方程的稳定性[J].数学物理学报,2000,20(1):130-139.[9]张俊祖,葛键.关于二阶线性齐次微分方程解的非振动性研究[J].西安联合大学学报,2001,4(2):40-43.[10]孔淑霞.二阶线性微分方程解的振动性[J].衡水学院学报,2010,12(1):1-4.。


荷 研究低温下物质 性质,制成液氦, 发现超导现象
德 1912年发现X射 线的晶体衍射
时间 获奖者 国籍
1915 亨利•布拉格 英
劳伦斯•布拉 英 格
1917 巴克拉

利用X射线分析晶体 结构 同上(父子共同)
英 研究大气高层物理性
时间 获奖者
1948 布莱克

发展威尔孙云室,在 粒子和宇宙线方面贡 献
1949 汤川秀树 (H.Yukawa)
日 从核力理论基础上 预言介子的存在
1909 马可尼 (G.Marconi)
布劳恩 (C.F.Braun) 范德瓦耳斯
(J.D.Van derWaals)
意 发明无线电报和对 发展无线电通讯的 贡献
德 对无线电报的研究 和改进
荷 气体和液体状态方 程的研究
1911 维恩(W.Wien)
时间 获奖者





%To study the oscillation of the second order neutral differential equations with mutiple delays of a class of second order neutral differential equations were discussed .The obtained result were based on the new comparison theorems ,that enable us to reduce the problem ofthe oscillation of the second order equation to the oscillation of the first order equation .T he obtained comparison principles essentially simplifythe examination of the studied equations .【期刊名称】《安徽大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2015(000)003【总页数】4页(P1-4)【关键词】二阶多时滞线性中立型微分方程;比较原理;振动性;非振动性【作者】闫卫平;王兰红【作者单位】山西大学数学科学学院,山西太原030006;山西大学数学科学学院,山西太原 030006【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O175.4讨论二阶多时滞中立型微分方程的振动性.其中:qj(t)∈C([t0,∞)),r(t),pi(t),τi(t),σj(t)∈C1([t0,∞))(i=1,2,…,m;j=1,2,…,n),并且满足假设记方程(1)的解应满足x(t)∈C([Tx,∞)),Tx≥t0 和r(t)z′(t)∈C1([Tx,∞)),并且在[Tx,∞)上满足方程(1).这里只考虑方程(1)的解,对于所有的T≥Tx 满足sup{|x(t)|:t≥T}>0.假设方程(1)拥有这样的解,如果方程(1)的解在[Tx,∞)上有任意大的零解,那么称它为振动的,否则就是非振动的.若方程(1)的所有解都是振动的,那么这个方程就称为是振动的.二阶微分方程在物理、生物、经济等许多方面有重要应用.例如,文献[1-10]讨论了关于二阶中立型微分方程的振动性.在文献[4]中,作者研究了二阶中立型微分方程在文献[7-8]中,作者研究了关于非线性方程的振动性,但是多时滞方程的振动性的研究并不多见.受文献[4]的启发,作者对二阶多时滞中立型微分方程的振动性做了研究,并得到了满意的结果.1 预备知识文中涉及函数不等式都假设它们最终成立,即它们对足够大的t成立.不失一般性,在文中只考虑方程(1)的正解.引理1 设x(t)是方程(1)的一个正解,则对应的函数z(t)最终满足证明若x(t)是方程(1)的一个正解,那么,且由方程(1)知那么(r(t)z′(t))是递减的,最终z′(t)>0或者z′(t)<0.如果设z′(t)<0,那么存在一个常数c,使得r(t)z′(t)≤-c<0,并对该式从t1到t积分,可以得到当t→∞时,有这与z(t)的性质矛盾,从而引理得证.指定这里t是足够大的.2 定理证明定理1 设Q(t)是(3)中定义的且t是足够大的.若一阶多时滞中立型微分不等式没有正解,那么,方程(1)是振动的.证明设x(t)是方程(1)的一个正解,对应的函数z(t)满足z(t)>0,z′(t)>0,(r(t)z′(t))′<0,且有所以,有这里应用了(H3).另一方面,由(1)可知进一步,将(H1)代入计算可得那么所以,有将(H3)代入计算可以得到联合(6)和(8),有将(3)和(5)代入上式可得由引理1知y(t)=r(t)z′(t)>0是递减的,有从而可得联合(9)和(10)可得即这意味着y(t)是(4)的一个正解.这与假设矛盾,从而定理1得证.定理2 设Q(t)是(3)中定义的且t是足够大的.当τi(t)≥t(i=1,2,…,m)时,且一阶微分不等式没有正解,那么方程(1)是振动的.证明设x(t)是方程(1)的一个正解,由引理1和定理1的证明知y(t)=r (t)z′(t)>0是递减的且满足不等式(4).令,且由τi(t)≥t(i=1,2,…,m)知将其代入(4),可以得到w(t)是不等式(11)的一个正解,这与假设矛盾,从而定理2得证.现在考虑τi(t)(i=1,2,…,m)是滞后的时滞,用τ-1i(t)表示它的反函数.定理3 设Q(t)是(3)中定义的且t是足够大的.当τi(t)≤t,τ(t)=min {τi(t)}(i∈{1,2,…,m})时,且一阶微分不等式没有正解,那么方程(1)是振动的.证明设x(t)是方程(1)的一个正解,由引理1和定理1的证明知y(t)=r (t)z′(t)>0是递减的,且满足不等式(4).令,且由τi(t)≤t(i=1,2,…,m)知将上式代入(4),可以得到w(t)是不等式(12)的一个正解.这与假设矛盾,从而定理3得证.参考文献:[1]Grammatikopoulos M K,Ladas G,Meimatidou A.Oscillation of second order neutral delay differential equation[M].Rad Mat,1985[2]Sahine Y.On oscillation of second order neutral type delay differential equations[M].Appl Math Comput,2007,150:697-706.[3]Baculikova J.Oscillation criteria for second order nonlinear differential equations[J].Arch Math,2006,42:141-149.[4]Baculikova J,Dzurina A.Oscillation theorems for second order neutral differential equations[J].Applied Mathematical Modelling,2011,61:94-99.[5]Liu L H,Bai Z.New oscillation criteria for second order nonlinear delay differential equtions[J].Comput Appl Math,2009,231:657-663. [6]Xu R,Xia Y.A note on the oscillation of second order nonlinear neutral functional differential equations[J].Contemp Math Comput Sci,2008(3):1441-1450.[7]Han Z,Li T,Sun S,et al.Oscillation criterial for second order nonlinear neutral delay differential equations[M].Adv Difference Equ,2010:1-23.[8]Dzurina J,Hudakova D.Oscillation criteria for second order delay differential equations[J].Math Bohem,2006:134 31-38.[9]Xu R,Meng F.Oscillation criteria for second order quasi linear neutral delay differential equations[M].Appl Math Comput,2007,192:216-222.[10]Hasanbulli M,Rogovchenko Y.Oscillation criteria for second order nonlinear neutral differential equations[J].Appl Math Comput,2010,。





1902年,Ronald Ross(英国)。








1906年,C.高尔基(意大利),桑地牙哥·拉蒙卡哈(Santiago Ramón y Cajal,西班牙)。


1907年,Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran(法国),发现原生动物在引起疾病中的作用。

1908年,Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov(俄国),保罗·埃尔利希(德国)。


1909年,埃米尔·特奥多尔·科赫尔(Emil Theodor Kocher)(瑞士)。


1910年,艾布瑞契·科塞尔(Albrecht Kossel)(德国)。


1911年,Allvar Gullstrand(瑞典)。


1912年,Alexis Carrel(法国)。


1913年,Charles Robert Richet(法国)。


1914年,Robert Bárány(奥地利)。



1919年,Jules Bordet(比利时)。


1920年,Schack August Steenberg Krogh(丹麦)。

核磁共振谱 红外光谱 质谱

核磁共振谱 红外光谱 质谱

The Noble Prize in Physics 1943 美籍德国人O.Stern 因发展分子束的方法 和发现质子磁矩获得 了1943年诺贝尔物 理学奖。 Otto Stern Carnegie Institute of Technology Pittsburgh, PA, USA
The Noble Prize in Physics 1952 1946年,美籍科学家Bloch和Purcell首次观测 到宏观物质核磁共振信号,他们二人为此获 得了1952年诺贝尔物理学奖。
弛豫过程的分类 能级回到低能级。该能量被转移至周围的分子(固体的晶 格,液体则为周围的同类分子或溶剂分子)而转变成热运 动,即纵向驰豫反映了体系和环境的能量交换; 自旋—自旋驰豫,也称为横向驰豫,这种驰豫并不改变 低能态和高能态之间粒子数的分布,但影响到具体的核 在高能级停留的时间。
两种能级:m=1/2, m=-1/2上数目之比:
6.626 34 100.0 6 E h E E i j 10 23 10 i exp exp exp exp kT kT kT 1.3806610 298 j 0.999984
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2003 2003年诺贝尔生理或医学奖授予美国的保罗· C· 劳特伯(Paul C. Lauterbur)和英国的皮特· 曼斯菲尔德(Peter Mansfield), 因为他们发明了磁共振成像技术(Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRI)。该项技术可以使 人们能够无损伤地从微观 到宏观系统地探测生物活体的结构和功能,为医疗诊断和科 学研究提供了非常便利的 手段。



劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室详细资料大全劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,LLNL),美国著名国家实验室之一,位于美国旧金山湾区利弗莫尔(Livermore),隶属于美国能源部的国家核安全局(NNSA),现由劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家安全机构(LLNS,由加州大学等机构联合构成)负责运行。



劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室发现或参与发现了6种化学元素(113号- 118号元素)。


基本介绍•中文名:劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室•外文名:Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory•建立时间:1952年•隶属:美国能源部•运行单位:LLNS(加州大学等共同构成)•地址:美国加州旧金山湾区•现任主任:Bill Goldstein历史沿革,人员机构,科研成果,化学元素,超级计算机,美国国家点火装置,高安保级别核材料,科研合作,获奖情况,历史沿革劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,LLNL)于1952年建立于美国加州旧金山湾区的利弗莫尔(Livermore),由加州大学伯克利分校物理学教授欧内斯特·劳伦斯、爱德华·泰勒(氢弹之父)共同建立。

最初名叫“加州大学放射实验室-利弗莫尔分部”(University of California Radiation Laboratory at Livermore),是位于加州大学伯克利分校的“加州大学放射实验室”的分支实验室,隶属于美国能源部(DOE),由加州大学具体负责运行。



带有强迫项的二阶拟线性微分方程的振动准则王培颖【摘要】In this paper,by using integral averaging functions of the formu(t)and the generalized Riccati technique,new interval oscillation criteria areestablished for forced second-order quasi-linear differential equations of the form p (t)y′(t)α-1 y′(t) ( )′+q(t)q(t)β-1 y (t)=e(t).We drop the restriction “φ′(t)≥0”in some existing results.%主要利用一元函数 u(t)型积分平均辅助函数和广义 Riccati 变换技巧,建立带有强迫项的二阶拟线性微分方程 p (t)|y′(t)|α-1 y′(t)()′+q(t)|y (t)|β-1 y (t)=e (t)的新的区间振动准则,去掉了某些已有结果中关于“φ′(t)≥0”的限制。

【期刊名称】《德州学院学报》【年(卷),期】2015(000)004【总页数】5页(P24-28)【关键词】微分方程;区间振动准则;Riccati 变换技巧;强迫项【作者】王培颖【作者单位】广东技术师范学院天河学院,广州 510540【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O175考虑带有强迫项的二阶拟线性微分方程(p(t)|y′(t)|α-1y′(t))′+q(t)|y(t)|β-1y(t)=e(t),t≥t的振动性,其中p,q,e∈C([t0,∞),R),p(t)>0,0<α≤β(α,β是常数),称函数 y(t)∈C1([Ty,∞),R),Ty≥t0,是方程(1)的解,如果p(t)|y′(t)α-1|y′(t)∈C1(Ty,∞)且满足(1)式.主要考虑方程(1)的非平凡解y(t),即sup{|y(t)|:t≥T}>0,T≥Ty,如果它有任意大的零点,方程(1)的非平凡解y(t)称为振动的;否则,称之为非振动的.如果它的所有非平凡解都是振动的,方程(1)称为振动的.当0<α=β时,方程(1)转化为半线性微分方程(p(t)|y′(t)|α-1y′(t))′+q(t)|y(t)|α-1y(t)=e(t≥t当0<α<β时,方程(1)是超半线性微分方程.方程(2)和它的特殊情形(没有强迫项)(p(t)|y′(t)|α-1y′(t))′+q(t)|y(t)|y(t)=0,t≥t的振动性已经被许多学者广泛的研究,可见Elbert[3],Li和Yeh[4].拟线性微分方程(3)和线性微分方程具有类似的性质.例如,当 w=时,方程(3)可转化为方程(4)和α+1阶泛函与线性振动理论中的经典Riccati方程和二次泛函起着相同的作用.当α=1时,方程(2)转化为带有强迫项的线性微分方程对于方程(6),1999年Wong[5]得到下面结果定理1 如果对任意T≥t0,存在T≤s1<t1≤s2<t2,使得令D(si,ti)={u∈C1[si,ti]:u(t)≠0, u( si)=u( ti)=0};i=1,2假定存在u∈ D( si,ti),使得则方程(6)是振动的.上述定理改进了没有强迫项的微分方程的结论.2002年,Li和Cheng [6]用类似的方法和一个正的、非减的函数φ∈C1([t0,∞),R)可以将定理1的结论推广到方程(2)的振动性.定理2 如果对任意T≥t0,存在T≤s1<t1≤s2<2,使得假定存在H∈D(si,ti)和一个正的、非减的函数φ∈C1([t0,∞),R)使得则方程(2)是振动的.当α=1,φ(t)=1,H(t)=t)时,(8)式转化为(7)式.(8)式和(5)式没有联系,并且定理2不能应用于α>1的情形.2007年,Zheng和Meng[7]将定理2推广到方程(1).定理3 如果对任意T≥t0,存在T≤s1<t1≤s2<t2,使得假定存在H∈si,ti)和一个正的、非减的函数φ∈C1([t0,∞),R)使得其中,约定00=1,则方程(1)是振动的.上述定理1-3所用的积分平均辅助函数为一元的.1999年,Manojlovic[8]利用Philos[9]提出的二元函数H(t,s)型积分平均辅助函数,研究了方程(3)的振动性,其中的一个结果如下.定理4 假设存在一个定义在 D={(t,s):t≥s≥t0}→R上的连续函数H,使得H(t,t0)=0,t≥t0,H(t,s)>0,(t,s)∈D.是定义在D上的非负连续函数.如果存在一个正的、非减的函数ρ∈C1([t0,∞),R),使得成立,则方程(3)是振动的.2001年,Wang[10]将定理4中的限制“ρ′(t)≥0”去掉.2004年,Wang和Yang[11]利用二元函数H(t,s)型积分平均辅助函数,研究了方程(3)的区间振动性,其中的一个结果如下.定理5 假设存在c∈(a,b),ρ∈([t0,∞),(0,∞)]),使得则方程(3)的每一个解在(a,b)上至少有一零点.将利用一元函数u(t)型积分平均辅助函数,建立方程(1)的新的区间振动准则.首先给出一个不等式,可见文献[29].引理1 假设X≥0,等号成立有且只有 X=Y.下面给出主要结果.定理6 如果对任意T≥t0,存在T≤s1<t1≤s2<t2,使得令D(si,ti)={u∈ C1[si,ti]:uα+1(t)>0,t∈( si,ti),u(si)=u(ti)=0};i=1,2假定存在H∈D(si,ti)和一个函数φ∈C1([t0,+∞),(0,+∞))使得p(t)dt>0,i=1,2其中约定00=1,则方程(1)是振动的.证明反证法.假设方程(1)有非平凡非振动解 y(t),t∈[t0,∞),则存在T0≥t0使得当t≥Ty(t)≠0.不妨设y(t)>0.令对(10)式求导并利用方程(1)得由假设取t1>s1≥t0,因此在I1=[s1,t1],e(t)≤0,令F′(x)=0,得所以由(11)(12)得即把(13)式两边同乘以 Hα+1(t)并从si到ti积分,而且H(si)=H(ti)=0,得到令据引理1所以∫tisiφ(t) Q e(t) H α+1(t)dt≤∫ tisit)p(t)即当i=1时(14)与(9)矛盾,同理当 y(t)<0.t≥T0>t0,做和(10)式相同的Riccati变换得当 i=2时与(9)式矛盾,定理得证.推论1 若在定理6中令φ(t)≡1,式子(9)变为Qi(H)=∫tisi[Qe(t)Hα+1(t)-p(t)则方程(1)是振动的.推论2 若在定理6中令φ(t)≡1,α=β>0,式子(9)变为Qi(H)=∫tisi[q(t)Hα+1(t)-p(t)则方程(2)是振动的.注定理6去掉了定理2和定理3中关于“φ′(t)≥0”的限制.例考虑带有强迫项的拟线性微分方程方程其中λ,γ都是常数,且λ,γ>0在定理6中取,则取,对任意T≥1,当nπ=2kπ≥T,s1=2kπ,t1=(2k+1)π,于是由定理6得故即因此当时.同理,取s2=(2k+1)π,t2=(2时.所以据定理6得当0<γ<时原方程是振动的.[1]parisonAnd Oscillation Theory of Linear Differential Eq uations[M].New York:Academic Press,1968.[2]燕居让.常微分方程的振动理论[M].太原:山西教育出版社,1992.[3]A.Elbert.A half-linear second order differential equation,Colloq.Math.Soc.Janos Bolyai:Qual itative Theory of Differential Equations[J].Szeged,1979:153-180.[4]H.J.Li,CC.Yeh.Sturmian comparison theorem for half-linear second-order differential equations[J].Proc.Royal Soc. 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[22]H.L.Hong,W.C.Lian,C.C.Yeh.The oscillation of half-linear differential equations withAn oscillatory coefficient[J]put. Modelling,1996,24:77-86.[23]J.S.W.Wong.Second order nonlinear forced oscillations[J].SIAM J.Math. Anal.,1988,19:667-675.[24]Qi-Ru Wang.Oscillation criteria for nonlinear second order damped differentia l equations[J].Acta Math.Hungar.,2004,102:117-139.[25]Qi-Ru Wang.Interval criteria for oscillation of certain second order nonlinear d ifferential equations[J].Dynam.Cont.Discrete Impulsive Syst.SeriesA:Math.A nal.,2005,12:769-781.[26]Qi-Ru Wang.Interval criteria for oscillation of second-order nonlinear differential equations[J]put.Appl.Math.,2007,205:1,2 31-238.[27]H.W.Wu,Q.R.Wang,Y.T.Xu.OscillationAndAsymptotics for nonlinear seco nd-order differential equations[J].Comput.Math.Appl.,2004,48:61-72. [28]Q.G.Yang.Interval oscillation criteria forA forced second order nonlinea r ordinary differential equations with oscillatory potential[J].Appl.Math.Co mput.,2003,135:49-64.Key words:differential equations; interval oscillation criteria; generalized ric cati transformation; forcing term。












从图中可以看出,60年代中期,电子直线加速器的能量处于领先地位,图中有一个点代表的就是 SLAC新建的 20 GeV电子直线加速器。


1952年第三台电子直线加速器在斯坦福大学建成,命名为Mark Ⅲ,可使电子加速到1 GeV。


Transient Simulation is Inefficient Many timesteps for each cycle (accuracy) Many (thousands/millions) cycles needed in simulation Transient Simulation is Inaccurate difficult to extract phase information Numerical integration errors
Locking area
V inj V0
0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
If NOT locked Large amplitude variations (periodic beat notes)
December 10, 2004 Slide 5
Amplitude Variations (unlocked driven oscillator)
Proof: linear models (LTI/LTV) cannot capture injection locking
December 10, 2004 Slide 9
Nonlinear phase macromodel (PPV)
Nonlinear scalar differential equation
-0.01 -1
Voltage ­­>
December 10, 2004 Slide 16
LC osc: Max locking range vs injection strength Nonlinear



Some Properties of Solutions of Periodic Second OrderLinear Differential Equations1. Introduction and main resultsIn this paper, we shall assume that the reader is familiar with the fundamental results and the stardard notations of the Nevanlinna's value distribution theory of meromorphic functions [12, 14, 16]. In addition, we will use the notation )(f σ,)(f μand )(f λto denote respectively the order of growth, the lower order of growth and the exponent of convergence of the zeros of a meromorphic function f ,)(f e σ([see 8]),the e-type order of f(z), is defined to berf r T f r e ),(log lim)(+∞→=σSimilarly, )(f e λ,the e-type exponent of convergence of the zeros of meromorphic function f , is defined to berf r N f r e )/1,(loglim)(++∞→=λWe say that )(z f has regular order of growth if a meromorphic function )(z f satisfiesrf r T f r log ),(log lim)(+∞→=σWe consider the second order linear differential equation0=+''Af fWhere )()(z e B z A α=is a periodic entire function with period απω/2i =. The complex oscillation theory of (1.1) was first investigated by Bank and Laine [6]. Studies concerning (1.1) have een carried on and various oscillation theorems have been obtained [2{11, 13, 17{19].When )(z A is rational in ze α,Bank and Laine [6] proved the following theoremTheorem A Let )()(z e B z A α=be a periodic entire function with period απω/2i = and rational in zeα.If )(ζB has poles of odd order at both ∞=ζ and 0=ζ, then for everysolution )0)((≠z f of (1.1), +∞=)(f λBank [5] generalized this result: The above conclusion still holds if we just suppose that both ∞=ζ and 0=ζare poles of )(ζB , and at least one is of odd order. In addition, the stronger conclusion)()/1,(l o g r o f r N ≠+ (1.2) holds. When )(z A is transcendental in ze α, Gao [10] proved the following theoremTheorem B Let ∑=+=p j jj b g B 1)/1()(ζζζ,where )(t g is a transcendental entire functionwith 1)(<g σ, p is an odd positive integer and 0≠p b ,Let )()(ze B z A =.Then anynon-trivia solution f of (1.1) must have +∞=)(f λ. In fact, the stronger conclusion (1.2) holds.An example was given in [10] showing that Theorem B does not hold when )(g σis any positive integer. If the order 1)(>g σ , but is not a positive integer, what can we say? Chiang and Gao [8] obtained the following theoremsTheorem 1 Let )()(ze B z A α=,where )()/1()(21ζζζg g B +=,1g and 2g are entire functions with 2g transcendental and )(2g μnot equal to a positive integer or infinity, and 1g arbitrary. If Some properties of solutions of periodic second order linear differential equations )(z f and )2(i z f π+are two linearly independent solutions of (1.1), then+∞=)(f e λOr2)()(121≤+--g f e μλWe remark that the conclusion of Theorem 1 remains valid if we assume )(1g μ isnotequaltoapositiveintegerorinfinity,and2g arbitraryand stillassume )()/1()(21ζζζg g B +=,In the case when 1g is transcendental with its lower order not equal to an integer or infinity and 2g is arbitrary, we need only to consider )/1()()/1()(*21ηηηηg g B B +==in +∞<<η0,ζη/1<.Corollary 1 Let )()(z e B z A α=,where )()/1()(21ζζζg g B +=,1g and 2g are entire functions with 2g transcendental and )(2g μno more than 1/2, and 1g arbitrary.(a) If f is a non-trivial solution of (1.1) with +∞<)(f e λ,then )(z f and )2(i z f π+are linearly dependent.(b)If 1f and 2f are any two linearly independent solutions of (1.1), then +∞=)(21f f e λ.Theorem 2 Let )(ζg be a transcendental entire function and its lower order be no more than 1/2. Let )()(z e B z A =,where ∑=+=p j jj b g B 1)/1()(ζζζand p is an odd positive integer,then +∞=)(f λ for each non-trivial solution f to (1.1). In fact, the stronger conclusion (1.2) holds.We remark that the above conclusion remains valid if∑=--+=pj jjbg B 1)()(ζζζWe note that Theorem 2 generalizes Theorem D when )(g σis a positive integer or infinity but2/1)(≤g μ. Combining Theorem D with Theorem 2, we haveCorollary 2 Let )(ζg be a transcendental entire function. Let )()(z e B z A = where ∑=+=p j jj b g B 1)/1()(ζζζand p is an odd positive integer. Suppose that either (i) or (ii)below holds:(i) )(g σ is not a positive integer or infinity; (ii) 2/1)(≤g μ;then +∞=)(f λfor each non-trivial solution f to (1.1). In fact, the stronger conclusion (1.2) holds.2. Lemmas for the proofs of TheoremsLemma 1 ([7]) Suppose that 2≥k and that 20,.....-k A A are entire functions of period i π2,and that f is a non-trivial solution of0)()()(2)(=+∑-=k i j j z yz A k ySuppose further that f satisfies )()/1,(logr o f r N =+; that 0A is non-constant and rationalin ze ,and that if 3≥k ,then 21,.....-k A A are constants. Then there exists an integer qwith k q ≤≤1 such that )(z f and )2(i q z f π+are linearly dependent. The same conclusionholds if 0A is transcendental in ze ,andf satisfies )()/1,(logr o f r N =+,and if 3≥k ,thenas ∞→r through a set1L of infinite measure, wehave )),((),(j j A r T o A r T =for 2,.....1-=k j .Lemma 2 ([10]) Let )()(z e B z A α=be a periodic entire function with period 12-=απωi and betranscendental in z e α, )(ζB is transcendental and analytic on +∞<<ζ0.If )(ζB has a pole of odd order at ∞=ζ or 0=ζ(including those which can be changed into this case by varying the period of )(z A and Eq . (1.1) has a solution 0)(≠z f which satisfies )()/1,(logr o f r N =+,then )(z f and )(ω+z f are linearly independent. 3. Proofs of main resultsThe proof of main results are based on [8] and [15].Proof of Theorem 1 Let us assume +∞<)(f e λ.Since )(z f and )2(i z f π+are linearly independent, Lemma 1 implies that )(z f and )4(i z f π+must be linearly dependent. Let )2()()(i z f z f z E π+=,Then )(z E satisfies the differential equation222)()()(2))()(()(4z E cz E z E z E z E z A -''-'=, (2.1)Where 0≠c is the Wronskian of 1f and 2f (see [12, p. 5] or [1, p. 354]), and )()2(1z E c i z E =+πor some non-zero constant 1c .Clearly, E E /'and E E /''are both periodic functions with period i π2,while )(z A is periodic by definition. Hence (2.1) shows that 2)(z E is also periodic with period i π2.Thus we can find an analytic function )(ζΦin +∞<<ζ0,so that )()(2z e z E Φ=Substituting this expression into (2.1) yieldsΦΦ''+ΦΦ'-ΦΦ'+Φ=-2222)(43)(4ζζζζcB (2.2)Since both )(ζB and )(ζΦare analytic in }{+∞<<=ζζ1:*C ,the V aliron theory [21, p. 15] gives their representations as)()()(ζζζζb R B n =,)()()(11ζφζζζR n =Φ, (2.3)where n ,1n are some integers, )(ζR and )(1ζR are functions that are analytic and non-vanishing on }{*∞⋃C ,)(ζb and )(ζφ are entire functions. Following the same arguments as used in [8], we have),(),()/1,(),(φρρφρφρS b T N T ++=, (2.4) where )),((),(φρφρT o S =.Furthermore, the following properties hold [8])}(),(max{)()()(222E E E E f eL eR e e e λλλλλ===,)()()(12φλλλ=Φ=E eR ,Where )(2E eR λ(resp, )(2E eL λ) is defined to berE r N R r )/1,(loglim2++∞→(resp, rE r N R r )/1,(loglim2++∞→),Some properties of solutions of periodic second order linear differential equationswhere )/1,(2E r N R (resp. )/1,(2E r N L denotes a counting function that only counts the zeros of 2)(z E in the right-half plane (resp. in the left-half plane), )(1Φλis the exponent of convergence of the zeros of Φ in *C , which is defined to beρρλρlog )/1,(loglim)(1Φ=Φ++∞→NRecall the condition +∞<)(f e λ,we obtain +∞<)(φλ.Now substituting (2.3) into (2.2) yields+'+'+-'+'++=-21112111112)(43)()()()()(4φφζζφφζζζφζζζζζR R n R R n R cb R n n)222)1((1111111112112φφφφζφφζφφζζζ''+''+'''+''+'+'+-R R R R R n R R n n n (2.5)Proof of Corollary 1 We can easily deduce Corollary 1 (a) from Theorem 1 .Proof of Corollary 1 (b). Suppose 1f and 2f are linearlyindependentand +∞<)(21f f e λ,then +∞<)(1f e λ,and +∞<)(2f e λ.We deduce from the conclusion of Corollary 1 (a) that )(z f j and )2(i z f j π+are linearly dependent, j = 1; 2.Let)()()(21z f z f z E =.Then we can find a non-zero constant2c suchthat )()2(2z E c i z E =+π.Repeating the same arguments as used in Theorem 1 by using the fact that 2)(z E is also periodic, we obtain2)()(121≤+--g E e μλ,a contradiction since 2/1)(2≤g μ.Hence +∞=)(21f f e λ.Proof of Theorem 2 Suppose there exists a non-trivial solution f of (1.1) that satisfies)()/1,(logr o f r N =+. We deduce 0)(=f e λ, so )(z f and )2(i z f π+ are linearlydependent by Corollary 1 (a). However, Lemma 2 implies that )(z f and )2(i z f π+are linearly independent. This is a contradiction. Hence )()/1,(log r o f r N ≠+holds for each non-trivial solution f of (1.1). This completes the proof of Theorem 2.Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the referees for helpful suggestions to improve this paper. References[1] ARSCOTT F M. Periodic Di®erential Equations [M]. The Macmillan Co., New Y ork, 1964. [2] BAESCH A. On the explicit determination of certain solutions of periodic differentialequations of higher order [J]. Results Math., 1996, 29(1-2): 42{55.[3] BAESCH A, STEINMETZ N. Exceptional solutions of nth order periodic linear differentialequations [J].Complex V ariables Theory Appl., 1997, 34(1-2): 7{17.[4] BANK S B. On the explicit determination of certain solutions of periodic differential equations[J]. Complex V ariables Theory Appl., 1993, 23(1-2): 101{121.[5] BANK S B. Three results in the value-distribution theory of solutions of linear differentialequations [J].Kodai Math. J., 1986, 9(2): 225{240.[6] BANK S B, LAINE I. Representations of solutions of periodic second order linear differentialequations [J]. J. Reine Angew. 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后来秘密揭开了:噬菌体在突变菌中被修饰了 而不能生长,只有到其它菌种上才能繁殖。
标记的T2与 充分搅拌使菌 离心,检测上清
大肠杆菌混 合感染
体表面T2与菌 体分离
和沉淀中放射性 元素情况
发现病毒复制机理和遗传结构中核糖核酸所起的根本 作用,具有十分重大的科学意义。沃森和克里克受启 发,很快提出了脱氧核糖核酸的双螺旋结构,因此获 一九六二年的诺贝尔生理学及医学奖。
亚伯〔W·Arber〕等人于70年代在分子水平上解开了 这一谜团:细菌的酶对于入侵噬菌体DNA发生作用, 将其切成小片段。而这些DNA被特殊修饰“标记〞后 就不会被切割了。亚伯找到了这种切割的酶,叫做限 制性内切酶,它能识别DNA顺序上特定的DNA位置并 在这个地方切割。这种酶后来被广泛地使用于基因工 程中,亚伯因此荣获了1978年度诺贝尔奖。
精品PPT课件 浏览免费 下载后可以编辑修改。 :///
精品PPT课件 浏览免费 下载后可以编 结石由无机盐或有机物组成。结石 中正常 有一核 心,由 脱落的 上皮
细胞、细菌团块、寄生虫卵或虫体、 粪块或 异物组 成,无 机盐或 有机物 再层层 沉积核 心之上 。由于 受累器 官的不 同,结 石形成 的机理 所含的 成分、 形状、 质地、 对机体 的影 响等均不相同。常见的结石有胆结石 、膀胱 结石、 输尿管 结石、 胰导管 结石、 唾液腺 导管结 石、阑 尾粪石 、胃石 、包皮 石和牙 石等。
结石病是一种顽固性疾病,病症复杂, 并发症 多,易 于残留 一般口 服消石 胶囊每 日4-6粒 可以预 防结石 生成。 /



历年诺贝尔物理学奖得主(1901—2016)年份获奖者国籍获奖原因1901年威廉·康拉德·伦琴德国“发现不寻常的射线,之后以他的名字命名”(即X射线,又称伦琴射线,并伦琴做为辐射量的单位)1902年亨得里克·洛仑兹荷兰“关于磁场对辐射现象影响的研究"(即塞曼效应)彼得·塞曼荷兰1903年亨利·贝克勒法国“发现天然放射性”皮埃尔·居里法国“他们对亨利·贝克勒教授所发现的放射性现象的共同研究"玛丽·居里法国1904年约翰·威廉·斯特拉斯英国“对那些重要的气体的密度的测定,以及由这些研究而发现氩"(对氢气、氧气、氮气等气体密度的测量,并因测量氮气而发现氩)1905年菲利普·爱德华·安东·冯·莱纳德德国“关于阴极射线的研究"1906年约瑟夫·汤姆孙英国"对气体导电的理论和实验研究"1907年阿尔伯特·迈克耳孙美国“他的精密光学仪器,以及借助它们所做的光谱学和计量学研究"1908年加布里埃尔·李普曼法国“他的利用干涉现象来重现色彩于照片上的方法"1909年古列尔莫·马可尼意大利“他们对无线电报的发展的贡献"卡尔·费迪南德·布劳恩德国1910年范德华荷兰“关于气体和液体的状态方程的研究" 1911年威廉·维恩德国“发现那些影响热辐射的定律”1912年尼尔斯·古斯塔夫·达伦瑞典“发明用于控制灯塔和浮标中气体蓄积器的自动调节阀”1913年海克·卡末林·昂内斯荷兰“他在低温下物体性质的研究,尤其是液态氦的制成”1914年马克斯·冯·劳厄德国“发现晶体中的X射线衍射现象”1915年威廉·亨利·布拉格英国“用X射线对晶体结构的研究”威廉·劳伦斯·布拉格英国1917年查尔斯·格洛弗·巴克拉英国“发现元素的特征伦琴辐射"1918年马克斯·普朗克德国“因他的对量子的发现而推动物理学的发展”1919年约翰尼斯·斯塔克德国“发现极隧射线的多普勒效应以及电场作用下谱线的分裂现象”1920年夏尔·爱德华·纪尧姆瑞士“他的,推动物理学的精密测量的,有关镍钢合金的反常现象的发现”1921年阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦德国“他对理论物理学的成就,特别是光电效应定律的发现”1922年尼尔斯·玻尔丹麦“他对原子结构以及由原子发射出的辐射的研究”1923年罗伯特·安德鲁·密美国“他的关于基本电荷以及光电效应的工作”立根1924年卡尔·曼内·乔奇·塞格巴恩瑞典“他在X射线光谱学领域的发现和研究”[3]1925年詹姆斯·弗兰克德国“发现那些支配原子和电子碰撞的定律”古斯塔夫·赫兹德国1926年让·佩兰法国“研究物质不连续结构和发现沉积平衡”1927年阿瑟·康普顿美国“发现以他命名的效应”查尔斯·威耳逊英国“通过水蒸气的凝结来显示带电荷的粒子的轨迹的方法”1928年欧文·理查森英国“他对热离子现象的研究,特别是发现以他命名的定律”1929年路易·德布罗意公爵法国“发现电子的波动性”1930年钱德拉塞卡拉·文卡塔·拉曼印度“他对光散射的研究,以及发现以他命名的效应”1932年维尔纳·海森堡德国“创立量子力学,以及由此导致的氢的同素异形体的发现”1933年埃尔温·薛定谔奥地利“发现了原子理论的新的多产的形式”(即量子力学的基本方程——薛定谔方程和狄拉克方程)保罗·狄拉克英国1935年詹姆斯·查德威克英国“发现中子"1936年维克托·弗朗西斯·赫斯奥地利“发现宇宙辐射”卡尔·戴维·安德森美国“发现正电子”1937年克林顿·约瑟夫·戴维孙美国“他们有关电子被晶体衍射的现象的实验发现”乔治·汤姆孙英国1938年恩里科·费米意大利“证明了可由中子辐照而产生的新放射性元素的存在,以及有关慢中子引发的核反应的发现”1939年欧内斯特·劳伦斯美国“对回旋加速器的发明和发展,并以此获得有关人工放射性元素的研究成果”1943年奥托·施特恩美国“他对分子束方法的发展以及有关质子磁矩的研究发现”1944年伊西多·艾萨克·拉比美国“他用共振方法记录原子核的磁属性"1945年沃尔夫冈·泡利奥地利“发现不相容原理,也称泡利原理”1946年珀西·威廉斯·布里奇曼美国“发明获得超高压的装置,并在高压物理学领域作出发现”1947年爱德华·维克托·阿普尔顿英国“对高层大气的物理学的研究,特别是对所谓阿普顿层的发现”1948年帕特里克·梅纳德·斯图尔特·布莱克特英国“改进威尔逊云雾室方法和由此在核物理和宇宙射线领域的发现”1949年汤川秀树日本“他以核作用力的理论为基础预言了介子的存在"1950年塞西尔·弗兰克·鲍威尔英国“发展研究核过程的照相方法,以及基于该方法的有关介子的研究发现”1951年约翰·道格拉斯·考克饶夫英国“他们在用人工加速原子产生原子核嬗变方面的开创性工作”欧内斯特·沃吞爱尔兰1952年费利克斯·布洛赫美国“发展出用于核磁精密测量的新方法,并凭此所得的研究成果"爱德华·珀塞尔美国1953年弗里茨·塞尔尼克荷兰“他对相衬法的证实,特别是发明相衬显微镜”1954年马克斯·玻恩英国“在量子力学领域的基础研究,特别是他对波函数的统计解释"瓦尔特·博特德国“符合法,以及以此方法所获得的研究成果"1955年威利斯·尤金·兰姆美国“他的有关氢光谱的精细结构的研究成果”波利卡普·库施美国“精确地测定出电子磁矩”1956年威廉·布拉德福德·肖克利美国“他们对半导体的研究和发现晶体管效应”约翰·巴丁美国沃尔特·豪泽·布喇顿美国1957年杨振宁中国“他们对所谓的宇称不守恒定律的敏锐地研究,该定律导致了有关基本粒子的许多重大发现"李政道中国1958年帕维尔·阿列克谢耶维奇·切连科夫苏联“发现并解释切连科夫效应”伊利亚·弗兰克苏联伊戈尔·叶夫根耶维奇·塔姆苏联1959年埃米利奥·吉诺·塞格雷美国“发现反质子"欧文·张伯伦美国1960年唐纳德·阿瑟·格拉泽美国“发明气泡室”1961年罗伯特·霍夫施塔特美国“关于对原子核中的电子散射的先驱性研究,并由此得到的关于核子结构的研究发现”鲁道夫·路德维希·穆斯堡尔德国“他的有关γ射线共振吸收现象的研究以及与这个以他命名的效应相关的研究发现”1962年列夫·达维多维奇·朗道苏联“关于凝聚态物质的开创性理论,特别是液氦"1963年耶诺·帕尔·维格纳美国“他对原子核和基本粒子理论的贡献,特别是对基础的对称性原理的发现和应用”玛丽亚·格佩特-梅耶美国“发现原子核的壳层结构"J·汉斯·D·延森德国1964年查尔斯·汤斯美国“在量子电子学领域的基础研究成果,该成果导致了基于激微波-激光原理建造的振荡器和放大器"尼古拉·根纳季耶维奇·巴索夫苏联亚历山大·普罗霍罗夫苏联1965年朝永振一郎日本“他们在量子电动力学方面的基础性工作,这些工作对粒子物理学产生深远影响”朱利安·施温格美国理查德·菲利普·费曼美国1966年阿尔弗雷德·卡斯特勒法国“发现和发展了研究原子中赫兹共振的光学方法”1967年汉斯·阿尔布雷希特·贝特美国“他对核反应理论的贡献,特别是关于恒星中能源的产生的研究发现”1968年路易斯·沃尔特·阿尔瓦雷茨美国“他对粒子物理学的决定性贡献,特别是因他发展了氢气泡室技术和数据分析方法,从而发现了一大批共振态”1969年默里·盖尔曼美国“对基本粒子的分类及其相互作用的研究发现”1970年汉尼斯·奥洛夫·哥斯达·阿尔文瑞典“磁流体动力学的基础研究和发现,及其在等离子体物理学富有成果的应用”路易·奈耳法国“关于反铁磁性和铁磁性的基础研究和发现以及在固体物理学方面的重要应用"1971年伽博·丹尼斯英国“发明并发展全息照相法”1972年约翰·巴丁美国“他们联合创立了超导微观理论,即常说的BCS理论”利昂·库珀美国约翰·罗伯特·施里弗美国1973年江崎玲于奈日本“发现半导体和超导体的隧道效应”伊瓦尔·贾埃弗挪威布赖恩·戴维·约瑟夫森英国“他理论上预测出通过隧道势垒的超电流的性质,特别是那些通常被称为约瑟夫森效应的现象”1974年马丁·赖尔英国“他们在射电天体物理学的开创性研究:赖尔的发明和观测,特别是合成孔径技术;休伊什在发现脉冲星方面的关键性角色”安东尼·休伊什英国1975年奥格·尼尔斯·玻尔丹麦“发现原子核中集体运动和粒子运动之间的联系,并且根据这种联系发展了有关原子核结构的理论”本·罗伊·莫特森丹麦利奥·詹姆斯·雷恩沃特美国1976年伯顿·里克特美国“他们在发现新的重基本粒子方面的开创性工作”丁肇中美国1977年菲利普·沃伦·安德森美国“对磁性和无序体系电子结构的基础性理论研究”内维尔·莫特英国约翰·凡扶累克美国1978年彼得·列昂尼多维奇·卡皮查苏联“低温物理领域的基本发明和发现"阿尔诺·艾伦·彭齐亚斯美国“发现宇宙微波背景辐射”罗伯特·伍德罗·威尔逊美国1979年谢尔登·李·格拉肖美国“关于基本粒子间弱相互作用和电磁相互作用的统一理论的,包括对弱中性流的预言在内的贡献”阿卜杜勒·萨拉姆巴基斯坦史蒂文·温伯格美国1980年詹姆斯·沃森·克罗宁美国“发现中性K介子衰变时存在对称破坏"瓦尔·洛格斯登·菲奇美国1981年凯·西格巴恩瑞典“对开发高分辨率电子光谱仪的贡献”尼古拉斯·布隆伯根美国“对开发激光光谱仪的贡献”阿瑟·肖洛美国1982年肯尼斯·威尔逊美国“对与相转变有关的临界现象理论的贡献"1983年苏布拉马尼扬·钱德拉塞卡美国“有关恒星结构及其演化的重要物理过程的理论研究”威廉·福勒美国“对宇宙中形成化学元素的核反应的理论和实验研究”1984年卡洛·鲁比亚意大利“对导致发现弱相互作用传递者,场粒子W和Z的大型项目的决定性贡献”西蒙·范德梅尔荷兰1985年克劳斯·冯·克利青德国“发现量子霍尔效应”1986年恩斯特·鲁斯卡德国“电子光学的基础工作和设计了第一台电子显微镜”格尔德·宾宁德国“研制扫描隧道显微镜”海因里希·罗雷尔瑞士1987年约翰内斯·贝德诺尔茨德国“在发现陶瓷材料的超导性方面的突破”卡尔·米勒瑞士1988年利昂·莱德曼美国“中微子束方式,以及通过发现梅尔文·施瓦茨美国子中微子证明了轻子的对偶结构”1989年诺曼·拉姆齐美国“发明分离振荡场方法及其在氢激微波和其他原子钟中的应用”汉斯·德默尔特美国“发展离子陷阱技术"沃尔夫冈·保罗德国1990年杰尔姆·弗里德曼美国“他们有关电子在质子和被绑定的中子上的深度非弹性散射的开创性研究,这些研究对粒子物理学的夸克模型的发展有必不可少的重要性"亨利·肯德尔美国理查·泰勒加拿大1991年皮埃尔-吉勒·德热纳法国“发现研究简单系统中有序现象的方法可以被推广到比较复杂的物质形式,特别是推广到液晶和聚合物的研究中”1992年乔治·夏帕克法国“发明并发展了粒子探测器,特别是多丝正比室”1993年拉塞尔·赫尔斯美国“发现新一类脉冲星,该发现开发了研究引力的新的可能性"约瑟夫·泰勒美国1994年伯特伦·布罗克豪斯加拿大“对中子频谱学的发展,以及对用于凝聚态物质研究的中子散射技术的开创性研究"克利福德·沙尔美国“对中子衍射技术的发展,以及对用于凝聚态物质研究的中子散射技术的开创性研究”1995年马丁·佩尔美国“发现τ轻子”,以及对轻子物理学的开创性实验研究弗雷德里克·莱因斯美国“发现中微子,以及对轻子物理学的开创性实验研”1996年戴维·李美国“发现了在氦-3里的超流动性”道格拉斯·奥谢罗夫美国罗伯特·理查森美国1997年朱棣文美国“发展了用激光冷却和捕获原子的方法”克洛德·科昂-唐努德日法国威廉·菲利普斯美国1998年罗伯特·劳夫林美国“发现一种带有分数带电激发的新的量子流体形式"霍斯特·施特默德国崔琦美国1999年杰拉德·特·胡夫特荷兰“阐明物理学中弱电相互作用的量子结构"马丁纽斯·韦尔特曼荷兰2000年若雷斯·阿尔费罗夫俄罗斯“发展了用于高速电子学和光电子学的半导体异质结构”赫伯特·克勒默德国杰克·基尔比美国“在发明集成电路中所做的贡献”2001年埃里克·康奈尔美国“在碱性原子稀薄气体的玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚态方面取得的成就,以及凝聚态物质属性质的早期基础性研究”卡尔·威曼美国沃尔夫冈·克特勒德国2002年雷蒙德·戴维斯美国“在天体物理学领域做出的先驱性贡献,尤其是探测宇宙中微子"小柴昌俊日本里卡尔多·贾科尼美国“在天体物理学领域做出的先驱性贡献,这些研究导致了宇宙X射线源的发现”2003年阿列克谢·阿布里科索夫俄罗斯“对超导体和超流体理论做出的先驱性贡献”维塔利·金兹堡俄罗斯安东尼·莱格特美国2004年戴维·格娄斯美国“发现强相互作用理论中的渐近自由”休·波利策美国弗朗克·韦尔切克美国2005年罗伊·格劳伯美国“对光学相干的量子理论的贡献”约翰·霍尔美国“对包括光频梳技术在内的,基于激光的精密光谱学发展做出的贡献,"特奥多尔·亨施德国2006年约翰·马瑟美国“发现宇宙微波背景辐射的黑体形式和各向异性"乔治·斯穆特美国2007年艾尔伯·费尔法国“发现巨磁阻效应"彼得·格林贝格德国2008年小林诚日本“发现对称性破缺的来源,并预测了至少三大类夸克在自然界中的存在”益川敏英日本南部阳一郎美国“发现亚原子物理学的自发对称性破缺机制”2009年高锟英国“在光学通信领域光在纤维中传输方面的突破性成就"威拉德·博伊尔美国“发明半导体成像器件电荷耦合器件”乔治·史密斯美国2010年安德烈·海姆俄罗斯“在二维石墨烯材料的开创性实验”康斯坦丁·诺沃肖洛夫俄罗斯2011年布莱恩·施密特澳大利亚“透过观测遥距超新星而发现宇宙加速膨胀”亚当·里斯美国索尔·珀尔马特美国2012年塞尔日·阿罗什法国“能够量度和操控个体量子系统的突破性实验手法"大卫·维因兰德美国2013年彼得·W·希格斯英国对希格斯玻色子的预测[1][4-6]弗朗索瓦·恩格勒比利时2014年赤崎勇日本“发明一种新型高效节能光源,即蓝色发光二极管(LED)"天野浩日本中村修二美国2015年梶田隆章日本“通过中微子振荡发现中微子有质量。


教师:刘晓辉 成都理工大学 核技术与自动化工程学院
第1章 绪论
最早由英国的卡麦隆(A. Cameron)于 1910 年提出——放射化学是研究放射性元素及其 衰变产Байду номын сангаас的化学性质和属性的一门科学。
放射化学是研究放射性物质,及与原子核 转变过程相关的化学问题的化学分支学科。
第2节 放射化学研究的内容
(1)基础放射化学(Basic Radiochemistry)
研究放射性物质的物理化学行为和状态及其分 离、纯化方法和原理。
低浓度时放射性物质的物理化学行为和状态; 吸附、共沉淀、胶体
研究放射性物质的分离、纯化方法及其原理。 共沉淀法、溶剂萃取法、离子交换法、色谱法等。

在原子弹试验后两年零八个月,我国于1967年 6月17日又成功地进行了首次氢弹空爆试验。
1971年9月,我国第一艘核动力潜艇下水。“两弹一艇” 伟业标志着我国进入了核大国的行列,我国在一些原属空 白的重要科技领域缩短了与世界发达国家的差距,进入世 界科技前沿。
• 能源- 核电站 • 基础医学- 放射性核素作示踪剂 • 临床医学- 放射性药物 • 药剂学- 放射性标记化合物
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1943
G.V. Hevesy The Absorption and Translocation of Lead(ThB) by plants [ThB=212Pb] Biochem. J. 17, 439 (1923)










最后本文采用csm25Rf工艺并使用Cadence SpectreRF仿真器进行仿真分析,设计了一个COMS LC压控振荡器,频率变化范围为2.34GHz-2.49GHz,振荡的中心频2.4GHz,输出振幅为 480mV,相噪声为100kHz 频率偏移下-91.44dBc/Hz ,1MHz频率偏移下-116.7dBc/Hz, 2.5V电源电压下功耗为18mW。


ABSTRACTV oltage-control-oscillator is the crucial components of wireless transceiver , it provides local signal and clock for the whole circuit, its performance parameter, such as: phase noise, tuning range, power consumption, have great effect on wireless transceivers.Firstly, two oscillator theorems: negative-feedback theorem and negative-resistance theorem , are presented and the conditions of startup, equilibrium, stabilization required for oscillator are discussed respectively.Secondly , we introduce two types of VCO : ring VCO and LC VCO ,and made a comparison between them , it is obvious that LC VCO are suit for RF application. The physical model for MOS varactor and planar spiral inductor are present.At last, a COMS LC VCO with csm25rf technology is presented , the VCO operates at 2.34GHz to 2.49 GHz, and its oscillation frequency is 2.4GHz. The amplitude is 480 mV. The phase noise at 100 kHz offset is –91.48dBc/Hz, and -116.7dBc/Hz at 1MHz. The power consumption of the core is 18mW with 2.5V power supply.Key Words:LC VCO;on-chip spiral inductor;MOS-varactor;phase noise;turning range.目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1 研究背景 (1)1.2 LC压控振荡器的研究现状 (2)1.2.1 片上电感和可变电容 (2)1.2.2 相位噪声理论和降噪技术 (2)1.3 论文研究的主要内容 (3)第二章 LC振荡器的基本原理 (5)2.1 振荡器概述 (5)2.2反馈理论 (5)2.2.1巴克豪森准则 (5)2.2.2平衡条件 (6)2.2.3 稳定条件 (7)2.3 负阻理论 (8)2.3.1 起振条件 (8)2.3.2 平衡条件 (8)2.3.3 稳定条件 (9)2.4 常见的振荡器 (11)2.4.1 环形振荡器 (11)2.4.2 LC振荡器 (11)第三章压控振荡器的实现 (13)3.1 环形振荡器 (13)3.2 LC压控振荡器 (14)3.2.1 COMS变容管的实现 (14)3.2.2 COMS工艺中的电感 (17)3.3 LC压控振荡器的实现 (21)3.3.1 LC交叉耦合振荡器 (21)3.3.2 压控振荡器的数学模型 (22)3.3.3 LC压控振荡器的实现 (23)3.4 振荡器的相位噪声 (24)3.4.1 相位噪声的知识 (24)3.4.2 非时变模型 (26)3.4.3时变模型 (28)3.4.4 降低相位噪声的方法 (32)第四章 2.4GHz LC压控振荡器设计方案 (34)4.1 电路结构的选择 (34)4.2 谐振器的设计 (34)4.2.1 片上电感 (34)4.2.2 MIM电容 (35)4.2.3 压控变容器(Varactor) (35)4.2.4 谐振器电路设计 (35)4.3 负电阻产生电路设计 (36)4.4 外围电路 (36)4.5 电源电路 (38)第五章仿真结果分析 (39)5.1 电路模拟结果 (39)5.1.1 LC压控振荡器V-f曲线 (39)5.1.2 瞬态仿真曲线 (40)5.1.3 频谱分析曲线 (40)5.1.4 相位噪声仿真曲线 (41)5.2 VCO的性能总结 (42)结束语 (43)致谢 (44)参考文献 (45)第一章绪论1.1 研究背景随着集成电路技术的发展,电路的集成度逐渐提高,功耗变的越来越大,于是低功耗的CMOS技术优越性日益显著。


2001 The prize is being awarded with one half jointly to: WILLIAM S. KNOWLES, and RYOJI NOYORI, for their work on chirally catalysed hydrogenation reactions and the other half to: K. BARRY SHARPLESS for his work on chirally catalysed oxidation reactions.
我的整个遗产不动产部分可作如下处理:由指定遗嘱执行人进行安 全可靠的投资,并作为一笔基金,其利息每年以奖金形式分发给那 些在前一年中对人类作出较大贡献的人。奖金分为五份,其处理是: 一部分给在物理学领域内有重要发现或发明的人;一部分给在化学 上有重要发现或改进的人;一部分给在生理学及医学上有重要发现 或发明的人;一部分给在文学领域内有理想倾向的杰出著作的人; 还有一部分给在促进民族友爱、取消或裁减军队、支持和平事业上 作出了许多或杰出贡献的人。物理学及化学奖应由斯德哥尔摩瑞典 皇家科学院颁发,生理学及医学奖由卡罗琳医学研究院颁发,文学 奖由斯德哥尔摩文学院颁发,和平奖由挪威国会选派5人组成的委员 会颁发。我衷心希望在颁发奖金时,要严格审查谁最应得奖,而不 要考虑受奖人的国籍,不要考虑是否属纳维亚血统。
for the development of the metathesis method in organic synthesis.
2004 AARON CIECHANOVER, AVRAM HERSHKO , and IRWIN ROSE for the discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation

历年诺贝尔化学奖获奖者介绍【1969】 OddHassel

历年诺贝尔化学奖获奖者介绍【1969】 OddHassel

历年诺贝尔化学奖获奖者介绍【1969】OddHasselFactsname: OddHasselKristiania (now Oslo), NorwayAffiliation at the time of the award: University of Oslo, Oslo, NorwayPrize motivation: "for their contributions to the development of the concept of conformation andits application in chemistry."Prize share: 1/2LifeWorkIn nature organisms are composed of an enormouslyvaried number of chemical compounds, with the element carbon as a common component. The binding energy between atoms in carbon compounds determines their structure, but the structuresare not completely rigid. They are flexible to a certain degree. Consequently, molecules canassume different conformations, which has ramifications for their way of reacting with other substances. At the end of the 1940s, Odd Hassel published pioneering works about different conformations for ring-shaped molecules with six carbon atoms.In nature organisms are composed of an enormouslyvaried number of chemical compounds, with the element carbon as a common component. The binding energy between atoms in carbon compounds determines their structure, but the structuresare not completely rigid. They are flexible to a certain degree. Consequently, molecules canassume different conformations, which has ramifications for their way of reacting with other substances. At the end of the 1940s, Odd Hassel published pioneering works about different conformations for ring-shaped molecules with six carbon atoms.。



普里戈金,Ilya Prigogine (1917~) 比利时物理学家

















CCD (Charge-coupled Device):电荷耦合元件(CCD图像传感器)

CCD上植入的微小光敏物质称作像素(Pixel)。 一块CCD上包含的像素数越多,其提供的画面分辨率也就越高。 类型

线性(线阵)(以一维感光点构成,通过步进马达扫瞄图像,图片一行行组成 )

可编程彩色光到频率转换器 集成64个光电二极管 R\G\B各16个 全透(无虑光)16个 输出频率量


白光照射,依次选通,计数255,计算消耗 时间—时间基准 相同条件,定时计数,计算比例因子 比例因子=定时计数值/时间基准


定时计数,与比例因子计算 得到R\G\B值 颜色=实测定时计数值*比例因子

中国香港科学家高锟 :光纤 博伊尔和乔治-E-史密斯:电荷藕合器件图像传感器CCD” 快捷半导体(Fairchild Semiconductor)、美国无线电公司 (RCA)和德州仪器(Texas Instruments)。 1974年发表500单元的线性装置和100x100像素的平面装置


密闭、无反射 光源集中,注意角度 需要白平衡调整




生产 公司:SONY、Philps、Kodak、 Matsushita、Fuji、SANYO和Sharp


(D ep t. o f Ma th ., Qufu N orm al U niversity, Qufu 27 3 16 5 , Sh a ndo ng ; E-m a il: zhao jh1 2 1@1 6 )
Xiao Nie
( De pt. of M ath ., D ingta o Prima ry Sch oo l, Qing da o 2 66 6 0 2, S ha nd o ng)
n X
q i ( t) | x | λi sgnx = 0 ,
(1 . 2)
whe re r( t ) , p ( t ) , qi ( t ) , e ( t ) are c ontinuou s fu nc tion s d efi ne d on [0 , ∞ ); r ( t) is positive and differe ntiab le; λ 1 > · · · > λ m > 1 > λm + 1 > · · · > λ n > 0 (n > m ≥ 1). No restriction is im p osed on p ( t) , qi (t ) , e( t ) to b e non ne gative . As u sual, a solu tion to e qu ation (1.1) is called oscillatory if it is d efi ne d on [ T , ∞ ) with T ≥ 0 an d h as un bou nd ed set of z eros. Equ ation (1.1) is called oscillatory if all its solu tion s on som e in te rval are oscillatory. For the sim ple case w he n n = 1, th is p rob lem was initiate d by A garwal an d G race [1] for highe r-orde r equ ation s and sub sequ ently was de velop ed in O u an d Won g [2]. In 2007, Su n [6] also e stablishe d osc illation criteria for solution to e quation (1.1), usin g a ge ne raliz ed Ricc ati tran sformation. Th e p urp ose of this p ape r is to give a fu rthe r stud y of e qu ation (1.1). An d the ap proach is simp le r an d m ore gene ral th an that of Su n [6]. An exam ple is give n to illu strate that our re sults imp rove the p reviou s one s at th e e nd of th is p ape r.
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OSCILLATION THEOREMS FOR SYSTEMS OFLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONSBYZEEV NEHARI(')1. The systems to be considered in this paper are of the form(1.1) / = Ay,where A = A(x) is a continuous n x « matrix on an x-interval F, and y is an «-dimensional column vector. We shall assume that the elements of A are real, and we shall consider only real solution vectors of (1.1). This is not an essential restric-tion since, in the complex case, (1.1) can be replaced by an equivalent real system with a 2« x 2« coefficient matrix.We shall say that a nontrivial solution vector y = (yx,..., yn) of (1.1) is oscillatory on F if each of its components takes the value zero at some point of R, i.e., yk(xk) = 0, xk e R, k = 1,..., «. The system (1.1) itself will be said to be oscillatory if it possesses at least one oscillatory solution vector. If there is no such solution vector, i.e., if every nontrivial solution vector has a component which does not vanish on F, the system will be said to be nonoscillatory on R.In a recent paper by B. Schwarz [16], systems with the latter property are called "disconjugate", rather than "nonoscillatory", and a word of justification for this change of terminology is in order. The term "disconjugate", as introduced by Wintner [21], refers to the absence of a conjugate point in the sense of Jacobi, and thus originally applied only to selfadjoint equations and systems [3], [4], [14], [15], [19], [20]. However, this concept generalizes in a natural way to general «th order differential equations [1], [8], [9], [10], [13], [17], [18] and thus also to systems which are equivalent to such equations. In all these cases, the right con-jugate point r¡(x0) of x0 (■n(x0)>x0) is a continuous function of x0, and the left conjugate point of ^(x0) coincides with x0 [17], [18]. In the case of a system which can be reduced to an nth order equation, -n(x0) c an be defined in the following way : there exists a solution vector of (1.1) such that every component of y vanishes either at x0 or at r¡(x0), and -n(x0) i s the smallest number with this property. It can then be shown that r¡(x0)=infb, where b is such that the system is oscillatory in [x0, b) [9], [13], [17].In the case of a general system (1.1), the conjugate point may be defined in the same way, but it is in general not true that ry(x0) = £(x0), where £(x0)= m^ b, andReceived by the editors February 6, 1968 and, in revised form, August 21, 1968.(') Research sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Office of Aerospace Research, United States Air Force, under AFOSR Grant No. 62-414.339340 ZEEV NEHARI [May[x0, b) is an interval of oscillation of the system. That this can happen even in the case of a 2 x 2 matrix A, is shown by the following simple example. IfA = (a a\ = 2x 2(x-l)\t tJ' " x2 + (x-l)2' T_x2 + (x-l)2'equation (1.1) has the two independent solution vectors (x2, (x-1)2) and (1, — 1). The general solution is thus (ax2+ß, a(x— l)2—j8), where a, ß are constants, and it is easily seen that (x2, (x—l)2) is the only oscillatory solution of the system. Accordingly, the point x=l is the only point which possesses a conjugate point. On the other hand, £(x0) =1 for all nonpositive x0. Moreover, if we set %(x0) = sup a, where the system is oscillatory in (a, x0], we have \(xQ) = 0 for all x^ 1, and this shows that £[Ç(x0)] =1 ¥= x0 if x0 > 1. It would therefore hardly be appropriate to call £(x0) the conjugate point of x0. Accordingly, it seems preferable to say that the system is nonoscillatory in (x0, ri(xQ)), r ather than disconjugate.We introduce here yet another concept which is closely related to nonoscillation, and which has the merit that it can be defined without reference to the components of the solution vectors. We shall say that the system (1.1) is suborthogonal on R if, for any nontrivial solution vector y, and for any s e R, t e R,(1.2) y(s)y(0 > 0.In the case of a 2 x 2 matrix, suborthogonality implies nonoscillation ; indeed, if the two components of y vanish at s and /, respectively, we evidently have y(s)y(0 = 0.It may be noted that, if C is a constant orthogonal matrix the system(1.3) w' = CAC-^is suborthogonal if the same is true of the system (1.1). Indeed, the general solution of (1.3) is of the form Cy, where y is the general solution of (1.1), and the assertion follows from the fact that [Cy(s)][Cy(0]=y(s)y(0- Nonoscillation is in general not preserved if the coefficient matrix A is replaced by CAC~X. However—and this points up the close relation between the concepts of nonoscillation and sub-orthogonality—if the system (1.3) is nonoscillatory on R for all constant orthogonal matrices C, then it is also suborthogonal on this interval. To establish this assertion, suppose (1.1) has a nontrivial solution vector y for which y(s)y(0 = 0, s e R, t e R. If we determine the constant orthogonal matrix C so that the vector Cy(s) has the components (||y(s)|| 0,..., 0), it follows from 0=y(s)y(i)= [Cy(s)][Cy(0] that the first component of Cy(0 is zero. Hence, (1.3) has a solution vector w=Cy all of whose components vanish at either s or t and it follows that (1.3) is oscillatory.The suborthogonality of the system (1.1) can also be expressed in terms of a fundamental (i.e., nonsingular) solution matrix Y of the matrix-matrix equation(1.4) Y'= AYcorresponding to (1.1). Since the general solution of (1.1) is of the form y= Ya, where a is an arbitrary constant vector, condition (1.2) is equivalent to aY*(s) Y(t)a1969] OSCfLLATION THEOREMS FOR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 341>0, i.e., to the condition that the symmetric part of the matrix Y*(s)Y(t) he positive-definite for all s e R, te R. In particular, if we choose a fundamental solution Fs of (1.3) which reduces to the unit matrix 7 for x=s, the condition becomes aFs(Oa>0- With the help of this version of condition (1.2) it is easy to establish the following property of suborthogonal systems.If the system (1.1) is suborthogonal, so is the adjoint system(1.5) w' = -A*w.Indeed, if the matrix Ws(x) is the fundamental solution (with Ws(s) = I) of the matrix-matrix equation corresponding to (1.5), we have(W* Ys)' =- W*A Y+ W*A Y =0and therefore W*YS=I. Hence, if yS is an arbitrary constant vector, and we set a= Ys~\t)ß= W*(t)ß, we have ßWs(t)ß=ßW*(t)ß = aYs(t)a>0. Since s, t and the constant vector ß were arbitrary, the assertion follows.2. The principal aim of this paper is to obtain conditions—expressed in terms of the coefficient matrix—which guarantee the nonoscillation of the system (1.1) on a given interval. All these conditions will follow from two basic inequalities, which we state here in the form of a theorem.Theorem 2.1. Let y and w be nontrivial solution vectors of the systems:(2.1) y' - Ay,(2.2) w' = Bw,respectively, where the nxn matrices A, B are continuous on the interval [a, b]. If u, v are the unit vectors(2.3) u = y/\\y\\, v = w/\\w\\and C is an arbitrary constant orthogonal matrix, then(2.4) |arc sin [u(b)Cv(b)]~arc sin [zz(a)Ct<a)]| ¿ f (\\A\\ +\\B\\) d x,Jawhere \\A\\ denotes the norm sup|ja[| =1 \\Aa\\.If one of the systems (2.1), (2.2) is oscillatory on [a, b], (2.4) can be replaced by the stronger inequality(2.5) |arc sin [u(b)Cv(b)]\ + |arc sin [w(a)Ci<a)]| ^ f (||^|| + ||F||) dx.JaProof. Differentiating (2.3), we obtain"'=//lbll-j0y)/bll3,and a similar expression for v'. In view of (2.1) and (2.2), this leads to(2.6) u' = Au—u(uAu)and(2.7) v' = Bv-v(vBv).342 ZEEV NEHARI [May If C is a constant orthogonal matrix, we have (uCv)' = u'Cv + v'C*u and thus, by (2.6) a nd (2.7),(2.8) iuCv)' = [Cv-(uCv)u]Au+[C*u-(uCv)v]Bv.Hence, since u and v are unit vectors,I («co'| s \\Cv-(uCv)u\\-\\a\\ + \\c*u-(uCv)v\\-\\b\\.Because ofandthis implies :|Ct;-(uC0w||2 = \\Cv\\2-(uCv)2 = 1-(«C02\C*u-(uCv)v\\2 = ||C*m||2-(mC02 = l-(wC02,f)Q\ ("CO' < mil , h f ill(2-9) (1-(«C0T2- ^ll + ^ll'and an integration establishes (2.4).We now turn to the proof of inequality (2.5). Since uCv = vC*u, we may assume without loss of generality that w (and thus also 0 is oscillatory on [a, b]. If vx,.. ,,vn are the components of v, there will thus exist a set of points xx,..., xn in [a, b], containing at least two different points (since otherwise w would reduce to the trivial solution), such that t^(xk) = 0, k = l,..., n. Evidently, the vector Cv(xk) is not changed if the elements cik, i=l,..., n in the kth column of the matrix C are replaced by different numbers. We shall take advantage of this fact by substituting — c ik for clk (i= 1,..., n), and we note that this change does not affect the orthogonal character of the matrix. Proceeding from a to b, and making this change whenever a point xk is crossed, we obtain a matrix function C(x) which is constant and orthogonal in the intervals between adjacent points xk. By the construction of C(x), the vector function C(x)zz(x) is continuous on [a, b], and we evidently have C(b) =- C(a) = - C.In any interval between adjacent points xk we may use (2.9) with C(x) substituted for C. We integrate, and add up the contributions from all the intervals making up [a, b]. Since C(x)v(x) is continuous, and since C(b)= —C(a)= — C, we obtain|arc sin [u(b)Cv(b)] +arc sin [u(a)Ctz(a)]| S \ (\\A\\ +\\B\\) d x.JaCombining this with (2.4), we obtain (2.5). It is easy to see that this argument remains valid if some (or even all) of the points xk coincide with either a or b.In the special case in which C is a diagonal matrix whose elements ckk a re either 1 or — 1, the continuity of C(x) is not affected by changing ckk into — ckk at a point at which the kth component of either u or v is zero. In order to obtain inequality (2.5) it is therefore sufficient to assume that, for each k (k = l,..., ri),1969] OSCILLATION THEOREMS FOR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 343the kth component of at least one of the vectors y, w vanishes on [a, b]. If, for x=a, we take C to be the unit matrix, this leads to the following result.Theorem 2.2. Let y, w, A, B, u, v have the same meaning as in Theorem (2.1). If, for each k (k = 1,..., «), the kth component of at least one of the vectors y, w vanishes at a point of [a, b], then(2.10) |arc sin [u(b)v(b)]\ + |arc sin [u(a)v(a)]\ ^ fJa Mil +11*11)<fa.3. As a first application of Theorem 2.1 we derive the following sufficient condition for suborthogonality.Theorem 3.1. If, for some continuous real function p.=p.(x) on [a, b], we have (3.1) f \\A+p.I\\dx<jthen the system (2.1) is suborthogonal on [a, b]. The constant -n/2 in (3.1) is the best possible; in fact, the conclusion does not necessarily hold if the sign of equality is permitted in (3.1).Proof. We use (2.4), with F=0 and C=7. Since (2.2) is solved by an arbitrary constant vector, v may be taken to be an arbitrary constant unit vector. If a^s <t^b, and we set v = u(t), (2.4) becomes(3.2)- arc sin [u(s)u(t)]\ ^ Mil ax = \\A\\ d x.Js JaIf (2.1) is not suborthogonal on [a, b], there exist s, t e [a, b] such that u(s)u(t) = 0. In this case we thus must have 7r/2£j"a \\A\\ d x. If p.=0, this conflicts with (3.1) and thus proves Theorem (3.1) in this particular case. The case of a general con-tinuous function p. is easily reduced to the case p = 0, since the general solution of the system o' = (A+Ifi)o is of the form o=gy, where g(x) is the scalar function exp {/* p. dx) and y is the general solution of (2.1). We have o(s)o(t)=g(s)g(t)x [y(s)y(t)] and, since g #0, the system a=(A+p.I)o is suborthogonal if, and only if, the same is true of the system (2.1).To show that the constant in Theorem 3.1 is the best possible, we set n = 2m, where m is a positive integer, and we consider the coefficient matrix A whose elements aik are defined as follows: ak.k + x=l, k= 1,...,«— 1, anX = (— l)m; all other elements of A are zero. It is easily confirmed that the system (2.1) associated with this matrix has a solution vector y=(yx,.. .,y2m) with y2k+x = (-l)k sin x, k = 0,..., m-l, and y2k = (-l)k + 1c os x, k=l,.. .,m. Accordingly, we have y(0)y(tr/2) = 0, i.e., the system is not suborthogonal on [0,7r/2]. On the other hand, it is easily confirmed that Mil "*h and tnusI*'2 7TA\dx~\344ZEEV NEHARI[MayThis shows that (3.1) (with the particular choice p=0) is the best possible condition of its kind and that suborthogonality does not necessarily obtain if the sign of equality holds in (3.1). We also note for further reference that the exhibited solution vector is oscillatory on [0, tt/2].Turning now to criteria for nonoscillation, we set B=0, C=I in (2.5) and, as before, we identify the arbitrary constant unit vector v with u(a). An application of Theorem 2.1 then leads to the following result.Theorem 3.2. If the solution vector y of (2.1) is oscillatory on [a, b], then (3.3) ?+arcsin ,, ^f^' S f \\A\\ dx.2 || y(a) I || y(Zz) || JaAs an immediate corollary of this result we find that the condition j"a \\A\\ d x <rr/2 is sufficient to guarantee the nonoscillation of the system (2.1) on [a,b]. However, this criterion can be given a more general form with the help of an arbitrary diagonal nxn matrix P, whose diagonal elements pkk are continuously differentiable and do not vanish on [a, b]. If w=Py and y is a solution of (2.1), the vector w is a solution of(3.3) w' = (PAP-^P'P-^wand, as remarked by B. Schwarz [16], the system (3.3) is nonoscillatory on an interval if and only if the same is true of the system 2.1 ; indeed, if yk and wk are the components of y and w, respectively, then wk=pkkyk, and p^^O. We thus have the following result.Theorem 3.3. Let P be a diagonal nxn matrix whose diagonal elements are con-tinuously differentiable and do not vanish on [a, b], and let A be a continuous nxn matrix on this interval. If(3.4) f \\PAP-1+P'P-1\\ dx < ^.then the system (2.1) is nonoscillatory on [a, b]. The constant tt/2 in (3.4) is the best possible, and the conclusion does not necessarily hold if the sign of equality is per-mitted in (3.4).A weaker form of condition (3.4) (with the constant 1 instead of tt/2) was recently obtained by W. J. Kim [7]. (For nonoscillation criteria of a different type see [11], [12], [16].) The sharpness of (3.4) can be verified (for F=/), with the help of the same example which was used to show that Theorem 3.1 is the best possible of its kind.4. The presence of the n arbitrary functions in the main diagonal of P lends a great deal of flexibility to condition (3.4). For a given A, the best choice of F would be that which minimizes the integral on the left-hand side (and thus increases the interval to which the condition may be applied). Since the resulting variational problem will in general present great technical difficulties, it will often be more1969] OSCILLATION THEOREMS FOR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 345rewarding to choose a matrix F of simple type which depends on some arbitrary parameters, and then to find the best criterion obtainable in this way.We shall illustrate this method in the case of a system (2.1) which is equivalent to the «th order scalar differential equation(4.1) oM + r(x)o = 0,where v(x) is continuous on the interval [a, b]. If A is the « x « matrix whose only nonzero elements aik are afc(fc+1=l, fe=l,...,n—1 and anX=-r, the solution vector y of (2.1) has the components o,o',..., <7(n_1), where o is the solution of (4.1). The nonoscillation of the system is thus equivalent to the condition that, for any solution o of (4.1), at least one of the functions o, o ,..., a*»-1' does not vanish in the interval in question. An equation with this property is said to be disfocal on the interval [13]. It may be noted that, by Rolle's theorem, a real disfocal equation is a fortiori disconjugate, i.e., none of its solutions can have more than «— 1 zeros on the interval.Theorem 4.1. Let R be a closed x-interval and let S be a measurable subset of R ofLebesgue measure p.(S). Ifr(x) is continuous on R, ifr(x)j±0 except on a null set, and if(4.2) sup M S)]""1 Js s \r\ d x < (n-iy-^J,then equation (4.1) is disfocal on R. The constant in (4.2) is the best possible.If r is of constant sign and |r| is monotonie on F, the expression (4.2) can be simplified. For instance, if |r| is nondecreasing and F is the interval [a, b], (4.2) may evidently be replaced by the condition(4.3) sup (c-a)""1 Í |z-|o-x < («-l)""1^)", ce[a,b].To prove Theorem 4.1, we use a constant diagonal matrix F. If we setpkk = ßn~k, k = l,.. .,n, where ß is a positive constant, the matrix PAP~1 = (bik) has the elements bktk +i=ß, k=l,.. .,«-1, bnA= -rß~n + 1, and all the other elements bik are zero. It is easy to see that\\PAP-1+P'P-1\\ = HF^P-1!! = max [ß, \r\ß~n+1],and we may therefore conclude from Theorem 3.3 that the system associated with the coefficient matrix A is nonoscillatory on F (and, therefore, the equation (4.1) is disfocal on F) if" {max[ß,\r\ß-n+1]}dx<~; z.JrIf S denotes the subset of F on which \r\^ßn, this may be written in the form(4.4) ßp.(S)+ß~n + 1 f \r\dx <Jb-s346ZEEV NEHARI[MayA simple approximation argument shows that it is sufficient to treat the case in which r is not constant on any subinterval of R. In this case it is possible to choose ß in such a way that(4 5Ï _£L _ Sn-s\r\dx( - ' n-\~ p(S)Indeed, the set S depends on ß, and it is easy to see that the right-hand side of (4.5) varies continuously from 0 to co if ßn decreases from max |z-| to 0. Hence, there must exist a positive ß for which (4.5) holds. For this particular value of ß, the left-hand side of (4.4) takes the form(4.6) ^-r {(«- IMS)]""1 £ s \r\ dx}1'",and condition (4.4) will thus certainly be satisfied if (4.2) holds. This completes the proof of Theorem 4.1.To show that the constant in (4.2) is the best possible, we consider the equationa(2m)-(-l)m(7 = 0on the interval [0, tt/2]. The solution sin x of this equation, as well as all its deriva-tives, vanish at either 0 or 7r/2, and the equation is thus not disfocal on [0,7r/2]. On the other hand,maxc""1 j |r| dx = maxcn_1l^-c) = («-l)n_1l^-J , (zz = 2zw)and this shows that the constant in condition (4.2) (which in this case is equivalent to condition (4.3)) cannot be improved upon.5. Finally, we give a simple example which illustrates the use of Theorem 2.2. We take B to be a matrix whose only nonzero elements bik a ppear in the zzth c olumn, and we set bx¡n = b2¡n= ■ ■■=bm¡n = c (lSmSn-l), where e is a small positive number, and 6…+i,» = • • • = èn,… = 0. We have ||5|| =e\/m, and it is easily confirmed that the system (2.2) associated with this matrix B has the solution vector w = (e(x-xx), c(x-x2),.. .,£(x-xm), cm +x,..., cn_!, 1), where xx, ...,xm, cm +x, . .., cn_x are arbitrary constants. If xr e [a, b], r= 1,..., zzz, the first m components of w have zeros in [a, b], and Theorem 2.2 can be applied if y = (yi,..., y…) is a solution vector of (2.1) whose components ym+x,..., yn vanish at points of [a, b]. For £->0, we have ||5||->0 and zz = w/||w|| tends to a constant unit vector f = (izl5..., vn) with vx = v2 =■ • • =zzm=0, vk = ak, k = m + l,..., n. This leads to the following result.Theorem 5.1. Let y = (yx,.. .,yn)be a solution vector of the system (2.1). If each of the components ym +i, ■ ■-, yn (i=mSn-l) vanishes at some point of the interval [a, b], then1969] OSCILLATION THEOREMS FOR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 347(5.1)■ST -hCarc sin £ uk(b)ak + arc sin ¿^ uk(a)ak S \A\dx k=m+l k=m+l Jawhere u = (ui.«n)=jVII>i> and tne ak are such that a2 + 1+ • • • +a2= 1 and are otherwise arbitrary.References1. J. H. Barrett, Fourth order boundary value problems and comparison theorems, Cañad. J. Math. 13 (1961), 625-638.2. E. A. Coddington and N. Levinson, Theory of ordinary differential equations, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1955.3. P. Hartman, Ordinary differential equations, Wiley, New York, 1964.4. P. Hartman and A. Wintner, On disconjugate differential systems, Cañad. J. Math. 8 (1956), 72-81.5. R. W. Hunt, The behavior of solutions of ordinary, self-adjoint differential equations of arbitrary even order, Pacific J. Math. 12 (1962), 945-961.6. -, Oscillation properties of even-order linear differential equations, Trans. Amer. Math. 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