Teaching plan of Unit 1



Note-taking and summarizing
Instruct students to take notes during the lesson and summarize key points to help them retain information.
Group work and discussion
Practice and Application
Provide students with opportunities to practice and apply the grammar rules they have learned through controlled
and free writing activities.
Practice and Control
Practice Activities
Provide a variety of practice activities for students to apply the new language, such as fill-in-the-blank exercises, multiple-choice quizzes, and role-playing games.
Theme and Central Idea
Discuss the overall theme and central idea of the text, and how they are developed throughout the text.
Detail Analysis
Analyze specific details in the text, including imagery, symbolism, and other literary devices.

新职业英语《综合英语2》教案Unit 1 Teaching Plan

新职业英语《综合英语2》教案Unit 1 Teaching Plan

EnglishforCareers2Unit1WorkplaceAfterstudyingthisunit,thestudentsareabletomasterthekeywordsandstructu understandingworkplacefashiontrendsunderstandingacodeofconduct(ofaworkplace)havinginternalcommunicationunderstandingandwritinganoticepreparingforapartymasteringtimemanagementfitinwithreputationprosandconsoutfitcomplimentforinstancecasualsettingproductiveincorporateTeachingproceduresThisunitisarrangedforatimespanof8hours,duringwhichatimelimitissuggestedforeachstep.Thou din-classoccurrencesandmakenecessaryadjustmentsaccordingly.Notethatnoteverystepsuggest Hour1:Courseintroduction 45minutesWarming-upTask1 10minutesObjective:Sscanidentifydifferentroomsinanoffice.Steps:• SsreadWarming-upTask1.• GetSstolookatthelayoutoftheoffice.• AskSstoidentifydifferentrooms.•Givethesuggestedanswers.Suggestedanswers:B—4 C—5D—3E—6 F—2 G—7Task2 10minutesObjective:Sscangivedirections.Steps:•SsreadWarming-upTask2.•GetSstolookatthepictureofTask1.•AskSstoworkinpairsandtelleachotherhowtofindMikeandJackintheoffice.•AsksomeSstoreportinclass.•Givethesuggestedanswers.Suggestedanswers:Gothroughthereceptionroomtothehallway.ThefirstroomonyourleftisthemultifunctionmNewwordsinReadingA 15minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththenewwordsandexpressions,etc..Steps:•Sslistentothenewwordsandexpressions,etc.•Ssreadthenewwordsandexpressions,etc.Notes:ForaclasswithhigherEnglishproficiency,theteachermayfollowthefollowingsteps: •Sspreviewthenewwordsandexpressions.•Ssreadthenewwordsandexpressions.•Ssdictateseveralimportantnewwordsandexpressions.DiscussionsbeforeReadingA 10minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththenewwordsandexpressions,etc..Steps:•SsknowsomethingaboutReadingA.•Ssdiscussthefollowing twoquestions:1.Whataretheprosandconsofrelyingonworkplacefashiontrends?2.Beforerelyingonworkplacefashiontrends,whatwillyoudo? •Commentbrieflyontheirwork.Hours2-3:ReadingA 45minutesLanguagepoints 35minutesParagraph1fitinwith:tolive,work,etc.inaneasyandnaturalwaywithsomeone/somethinge.g. H e’sneverdonethistypeofworkbefore;I’mnotsurehowhe’llfitinwiththeotherpeople.Ournationalpolicyfitsinwiththechangedinternationalsituation.reputation:n.theopinionthatpeoplehaveaboutwhatsomeone/somethingislike,basedonwhathashappen e.g. T heschoolhasagoodreputationforexaminationresults.Heearnedthereputationofbeingahardworker.Paragraph2prosandcons:theadvantagesanddisadvantagesofsomethinge.g. W hatcommentdoyouhaveontheprosandconsofstudyingabroad?Weweigheduptheprosandconsofstartingupourownbusiness.outfit:n.asetofclothes,especiallyonethatyouwearforaspecialoccasione.g. S hewasdressedinawhiteoutfit.Ontheopeningceremonyofthesportsmeet,allofusworesportsoutfits.Thefootballteammemberswerewearingorangeoutfits.compliment:n.aremarkthatshowsyouadmiresomeone/somethinge.g. T hankyouverymuchforyourcompliment.Heknewthathehadjustbeenpaidagreatcompliment.Shetookhisacceptanceasagreatcompliment.Paragraph3forinstance:forexamplee.g. W hatwouldyoudo,forinstance,ifyoufoundamemberofstaffstealing?Hisspellingisterrible.Forinstance,lookatthisword!Forinstance,anelectricfireisarelativelyexpensivemethodofheatingaroom.casual:rmale.g. H ewaswearingcasualclothes,nothisschoolones.Wedon’tlikehiscasualbehavior.Paragraph4setting:n.asetofsurroundings;theplaceatwhichsomethinghappense.g. I twastheperfectsettingforawonderfulChristmas.Peopletendtobehavedifferentlyindifferentsocialsettings.Theoldcastlewouldhaveprovidedtheperfectsettingforahorrorstory.productive:a.producingorachievingalote.g. A gricultureandindustrybothgrowmoreproductive.Therearealotofproductiveworkersinthisfactory.Paragraph6incorporate:v.toincludesomethingsothatitformsapartofsomethingelsee.g. M anyofyoursuggestionshavebeenincorporatedintotheplan.Wehaveincorporatedallthelatestsafetyfeaturesintothedesign.Hispicturehadbeenincorporatedwithouthispermissionintoanadvertisement.Task15minutesObjective:Sscanunderstandthepassageandwritethecorrectorder.Steps:•SsdoTask1.•AskSstoworkindividually.•Checktheanswers.SuggestedAnswers:1.C2.D3.B4.F5.E6.ATask2 5minutesObjective:Sscandecidewhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrueorfalseaccordingtothepassage. Steps:•SsdoTask2.•AskSstoworkindividually.•Che cktheanswers.SuggestedAnswers:1.F2.F3.F4.F5.TLanguagelab 45minutesTask1 5minutesObjective:SsknowthespellingandmeaningofthewordsandexpressionsfromReadingA.Steps:•SsreadTask1.•AllowSs5minutestodothetask.•Checktheanswers.KeyKey:1.J 2.I3.F 4.H 5.B 6.G 7.D 8.E 9.A 10.C Task2 10minutesObjective:SscanusethewordsandexpressionsfromReadingA.Steps:•SsdoTask2.•AskSstoworkindividually.•Checktheanswers.Answers1.incorporate2.hampered3.displayed4.reputation5.impartiallyModel21.Whatintereststhechildrenalotisthattherearemanyanimalsinthezoo.2.Whatshesaidatthemeetingisthattheprogramwillbeputoff.3.WhatMr.Liwasproudofwasthathissonwoninthematch.Task5 10minutesObjective:SscanusethevocabularyinReadingAfortranslation.Steps:•Ssworkindividuallyorinpairsandtranslatethesentences. •AsktwoSstowritetheirtranslationsontheboard. •Commentbrieflyontheirworkwithemphasisonthestructuresoftheirsentences.Key:1.Allthecompanyrulesandregulationsmustbestrictlyobserved.2.Weshouldbecasualwhenwestaywiththesestudents.3.Theabove-mentionedaresomecommunicationskillsthatareveryusefulinanofficesetting.4.Wehaveaprofessionalteamtomarketourproducts.5.Doyouknowblackclotheswillbetrendythisfall?6.Wewouldratherrelyonourselvesinsteadofseekinghelpfromothers.7.Newvehiclesmustcomplywithnationalstandards.8.Someyoungpeopleinourcompanymaycometoseekyouradvice.Hours4-5:Listening 45minutesTask1 5minutesObjective:Sscanaccuratelywritedownthemissinginformation.Script:W:Roy,Ishallworkoutatimetomeetwithyourpeopletodiscussthenewproject.M:Doyouwisheveryoneinthedepartmenttobethere?Wilsonisonvacationthisweek. W:Itwouldbebestifeverybodycouldbethere.WhenwillWilsoncomeback?M:NextMonday.W:Howaboutsometimenextweek?M:Letmelookattheschedulefirst.I’llgetbacktoyouthisafternoon.W:Thankyou.KeyKey:1.thenewproject2.onvacation3.nextMonday4.thescheduleTask2 10minutesObjective:Sscandecidewhetherthestatementsaretrueorfalse.Script:M:Hi,Shelly,howareyoutoday?W:Well,Ididn’tsleepverywelllastnight.I’mhavingaslightheadachenow.M:I’msorrytohearthat.Hopeyou’llbebettersoon.W:Thanks.Doyouknowthatashift-worksystemistobeintroducednextmonth?M:Really?Howwillwebeaffected?W:Thesystemwillaffecteveryoneinouroffice.Itwillbeonatwo-shiftbasis—7 a.m.to2p.m.,and2p.m.to9p.m.M:IwonderwhichshiftI’llbeworkingon.W:Whydon’twegoandaskthemanager?M:Ishallwait.Actuallyitdoesn’tmakeanydifferencewhichshiftIamallocated.Key:1.T2.F3.T4.FTask3 10minutesObjective:Sscanaccuratelytickofftheitemsaccordingtotheconversation.Script:W:Whatdoyouusuallywearforwork?M:Idon’tneedtomeetcustomerstoooften,soIusuallywearverycasualclothesinmyoffice,likejeansandT-s W:Whatdoyouthinkofthedressingpoliciesofacompany?M:Well,Ithinkformalbusinessclothesshouldbewornwhenmeetingwithcustomersandclientsatschedule W:Yes.Bylookingneatandsmart,we’llbeabletogainthetrustofcust omers.M:Right.Butatothertimes,staffcanwearbusinesscasualclothes.Thisincludesdressshirts,collaredsports W:AndIthinkbluejeans,T-shirtsandshortsarefartoocasualtobeacceptedintheoffice.M:Idon’tagreeonthis.Ithinkcasualwearbringsasenseoffreedomintheofficeandcaninspireusinourjob. W:Maybeyouareright.KeyKey:Task4 10minutesObjective:Sscanunderstandtheconversationandchoosethebestanswer.Script:M:Areport saysthattherehasbeentoomuchwatercoolerchatinthecompanyrecently.Idon’tthinkMr.Blac W:Well,thebossmaynotlikeit,butwedo.It’salwaysrelaxingtostayatthewatercoolerandchatforawhile.It M:Yes,Iagre e.Buthaven’tyounoticedthatsomeofourworkmatesarespendingtoomuchtimechattingarou W:Youareright.Iguessweneedtocomebacktoworkoncewefinishourcupofcoffeeortea.M:Idon’twantourniceandpleasantwatercoolerchatstoevergetthebossangry.W:NeitherdoI.Ithinkthepointisthatwekeepchattingatthewatercooleruntilitistoolong.M:Yes.Otherwisewemightdrinktoomuchwaterandspendalotoftimeinthebathroom!W:Youbet!Q1:WhoisMr.Blacksmith?Q2:Whatdoesthewomanthinkofthewatercoolerchat?Q3:Whichofthefollowingstatementsistrueaccordingtotheconversation?Q4:Whataretheattitudesofthemanandthewomantowardtherecentwatercoolerchattinginthecompany? KeyKey:1.A2.B3.B4.CTask5 10minutesObjective:Sscanfindspecificinformationfromlisteningtoapassagerelatedtothetheme.Script&Key:Weallknowthatcommunicationisthekeytoahealthyrelationshipinandoutofwork.Dealingwithpeopl hardtofindandoneshouldbeprofessionalunderallsituations.Anotherbrilliantwayofdealingwithyourbossisbystudyinghim.Noticethesignalsheorshesends;pick Anddon’tbeafraidtoaskyourco-workersforhelp.Getyourselfreadytohelpinthework,andalwayslookonthepositivesideofthings.IfyourbosssaySpeaking 45minutesTask6 45minutesObjective:Ssareabletopracticeshowinganewcolleaguearoundtheoffice(andtheotherasanewcomer)wit Steps:•SsreadTask6.•Ssworkinpairs,oneshowinganewcolleaguearoundtheofficeandtheotherasanewcomer.Key:(Omitted)Hours6-7:ReadingB 45minutesNewwords 5minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththenewwordsandexpressions,etc.Steps:•Sslistentothenewwordsandexpression s,etc. •Ssreadthenewwordsandexpressions,etc.Fastreading 20minutesObjective:SscancomprehendReadingB.Steps:•Ssreadthepassage.•Providehelpifneeded.Task1 10minutesObjective:Sscandecidewhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrueorfalseaccordingtothepassage. Steps:•Ssreadthepassage.•Sscompletethetask.•Sscomparetheirworkwithothers.•SelectSstopresenttheirwork.KeyKey:1.F2.F3.T4.F5.FTask2 10minutesObjective:Sscancomprehendthespecificinformationtakenfromthepassage.Steps:•Ssreadthepassage.•Sscompletethetask.•Sscomparetheirworkwithothers.•SelectSstopresenttheirwork.Key:1.N2.N3.A4.N5.A6.NWriting 45minutesTask1 15minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththestyleofnotice.Steps:•Ssdothetaskindividually.•Sscomparewitheachoth er’sanswers.•Providehelpifneeded.KindlynotethatourHealthcareCenterwillberelocatedtothefollowingaddresswitheffectfromSeptem Newaddress:909J2ndStreetNorth,FultonNewYorkTelephonenumbersandfaxnumbersremainunchanged. Thanksforyourkindattentionandcontinuoussupport.Task2 15minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththestyleofnotice.Steps:•Ssdothetaskindividually.•Sscomparewitheachother’sanswers.•Providehelpifneeded.•Presenttheanswers.Key:Sample:PleasebeinformedthatOfficeSafetyTrainingSectionwillbeconductedfrom2:30to4:30thisFridaya Allstaffarerequiredtocome.Handoutswillbeavailableafterthesection.July15,2009Task315minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththestyleofnotice.Steps:•Ssdothetaskindividually.•Sscomparewitheachother’sanswers.•Providehelpifneeded.•Presenttheanswers.Sample:Pleasebeinformedthatathree-daysightseeingtripwillbearrangedforallthestaffinourcompany. Time:May28—May30,2010Destination:Guilin,GuangxiProvinceItinerary:May28eveningTraintoGuilin,GuangxiProvinceMay29morningCitytourinGuilinMay29afternoonCruiseonLijiangRiverMay29eveningFreetimeinYangshuoMay30morningTrainbackAccommodation:Three-starhotelsTransportation:Train,busandcruiserTripFare:CoveredbythecompanyOthers:NofamilymembersallowedThosewhowillparticipatepleaseconfirmwithmebeforeMay20,2010.May15,2010Hour8:Mini-Project40minutesObjective:Sscanknowhowtoholdaparty.Steps:•Grouping.Dividethecl assintogroups.Thereareseveralways:Sspickuptheirownpartners;Teachersgrou •Definingtheproject.Gothroughtheprojectwiththeclassandclarifyrequirements.Theymaysearchonline •Timing&cooperation.GiveSsthedeadlineforcompletionandguidelinesonworkingtogether.Timemana ced.RemindthemthatdifferentSshavedifferentworkbuteverybodycontributestotheproject.Theydiscu •Presentation.Sspresenttheirevidenceforcompletion.Inthisproject,theyneedtopresenttheirpreparation Quiz 5minutes世上没有一件工作不辛苦,没有一处人事不复杂。



Unit 1 Growing upText A Writing for MyselfI. Teaching Plan1.Objectives1)Grasp the main idea (the essence of writing is to write what one enjoys writing.) And structure of the text (narration in chronological sequence);2)Appreciate the narrative skills demonstrated in the text (selection of details, repetition, coherence.);3)Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;4)Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. 2. Time allotment3. Pre-reading tasks1)Have you listened to John Lennon's Beautiful Boy? (2 minutes)The teacher (T) may ask several students (Ss) this question:__What does Lennon think of growing up?(Possible answers: Life better as one grows up; it takes time to grow up; life is not always what one has planned, but is full of surprises; life is adventurous.)2)The art of eating spaghetti (15 minutes)a)Before class, T cuts a sheet of paper into many long, thin strips, which he/she brings to class together with fork (Or: if possible, T brings a platter of boiled noodles to class together with a fork).b)T explains that spaghetti is Italian-style noodles, and that unlike some Chinese noodles. It will never taste pulpy and is usually served with sauce, not in soup. Several Ss are invited to come up with “proper ways of eating spaghetti” and demonstrate to the class, using the fork.c)T dictates the following passage to Ss (pre-teach some words like “poke”, “scoop”, “prong”, “twirl” if necessary):i.Hold the fork in your hand as if to poke the spaghetti.ii.Scoop up a small amount of spaghetti on your fork and raise it about 30 cm above your plate.iii.Make sure the spaghetti on your fork is completely disconnected from the remainder on your plate.iv.Put the prongs of the fork at an edge of the plate that is free of food.v.Quickly point the prongs of the fork straight down toward the plate and place the points on the plate.vi.Twirl the fork to gather the spaghetti around the prongs.vii.With a quick scooping movement, gather up the roll around the prongs and place it in your mouth.viii.Gently gather up any stray spaghetti ends that don't make it all the way into your mouth.d)T asks one S to come up and demonstrate the right way of eating spaghetti.3)T asks Ss the following questions:(8 minutes)__Would you enjoy writing “The Art of Eating Spaghetti”? Why or why not?__Why did Russell Baker enjoy writing “The Art of Eating Spaghetti”? (Hint: Para.4)__Look at the title of Text A, then find out in which paragraph a similar phrase appears. Read that paragraph carefully and explain in your own words what the author means by saying “write for myself”. (Hint: Para.5) 4. While –reading tasks1.Grasping the structure of the text: (15 minutes)1)Ss circle all the time words, phrases in Text A (They include: since my childhood in Belleville, until my third year in high school, until then, when our class was assigned to Mr. Fleagle for third-year English, late in the year, until the night before the essay was due, when I finished, next morning, two days passed, when I saw him lift my paper his desk… when Mr. Fleagle finished). When they finish, T asks several Ss to read aloud what they have circled.2)T draws Ss'attention to Organization Exercise 2 , reads its instructions, and asks them these two questions:__Refer to the time words/phrases/clauses you have just circled and tell from which point on Baker starts talking about his new experience. (Hint: the paragraph containing “later in the year”)__Starting from which paragraph does Baker stop writing about his new experience? (hint: the paragraph containing “when I finished” and “next morning”3)In this way Ss will be able to divide the text into 3 parts and sum up the main ideas.4)Several Ss report the main ideas they have summed up to the class.2.Cultural background---T explains the U.S. grade school system and how school teachers are dressed. (seeCultural Notes) (3 minutes)3.T explains language points and gives Ss practice. (see Language Study) (60 minutes)4.Grammatical structures. (25 minutes)1)T asks Ss to form pairs and ask each other questions based on Para. 2 using the structure “sb./ sth. is said/believed/reported to do/be”. T may offer the following model:__What kind of person is Mr. Fleagle?__He was said/reported/believed to be very formal, rigid and hopelessly out-of-date.Afterwards, a pair or two may repeat their questions and answers to the class.2)Ss do Structure Exercise 2 in the textbook.5.T draws Ss' attention to Writing strategy in Theme-related Language Learning Tasks, especially the part about details. (also see Text Analysis) T then asks the following questions:__In Part 1, what details are selected to show “I' d been bored with everything associated with English courses”?__In Part 1, what details are given to show that Mr. Fleagle was dull and rigid?__In Part 2, which sentences show that at first Baker was unwilling to write the essay?__In Part 3, the author didn't tell us directly that his essay was very good. By which sentences did he manage to give us the impression that his essay was very good? (12 minutes)6.Synonymous words or phrases in this text (see Text Analysis):1)T chooses one words from each group of synonyms listed in Text Analysis, and asks Ss to scan for respective synonyms. If Ss' findings are inconclusive, T may reveal those they have neglected.2)T may further provoke Ss' thinking by this question: Why does Russell Baker employ all these synonymous words and phrases? (15 minutes)7.When T and Ss come to the sentence “In the eleventh grade, at the eleventh hour as it were, I had discovered a calling.” In Para. 9, T may ask Ss to recall a similar sentence they have read. (Para.1, “The idea of becoming a writer had come to me off and on since my childhood in Belleville, but it wasn't until my third year in high school that the possibility took hold.”) By this T will show Ss the importance of coherence in writing. (5 minutes)5. Exercises1.Think alone: According to Mr. Fleagle, what is the very essence of the essay? (5 minutes)Then T invites several Ss to give their opinions. T may sum up by this sentence---The essence of good essay is to write what one enjoys writing about.2.T checks if Ss have done the rest of the after-text exercises in their spare time, and discusses somecommon errors that crop up. (10 minutes)3.T checks on Ss' home reading (Text B). (3 minutes)4.Ss do Part Iv: Theme-related Language Learning Tasks in class. (1 period)5.T asks Ss to prepare the next unit:1)Do the pre-reading task;2)Preview Text A. (2 minutes)6.Confusable phrases.Severe, stern & strictSevere: 作“严厉”解时,可以来形容人(severe father),人的面貌(severe look 严厉的神色),人的态度(the teacher is severe with his students.教师对学生很严厉。

Unit 1 How do you study for a test全英分析

Unit 1 How do you study for a test全英分析

Unit 1 How do you study for a testThe Teaching Plan for “Unit 1 How do you study for a test?”I. Analysis of the teaching materialThe content of this lesson is adopted from Go for it Book III Unit1. The topic of this unit is about learning how to study things. By reviewing this unit, students will be able to master the key vocabulary words and sentence patterns of this unit, and they’ll be better to talk about various learning ways, problems in learning, asking for and giving advice, and comments on ways of learning. Obviously, the topic of this unit is related closely to students' actual life, so it will raise students learning interest. They have a great desire to talk about the problems they met in learning English and they wish to solve these problems. So we can provide situations for students to exchange ideas in the process of study and help them find the most suitable ways to improve their English. It will also cultivate students’ ability of using English to solve the practical problems. Besides, students will learn to regard problems as challenges and try their best to find ways to solve them.According to English syllabus, new curriculum standards and the type of the lesson---- revision, I wi ll use “English learning” as a clue to review the key voc abulary and sentence patterns. Wilkings, a great linguist once said, “Without grammar, very little can be conveyed. Without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed.” So, in this lesson, I lay great emphasis on the review of vocabulary. As words are used in sentences, I will review the key words and phrases in the sentences or contexts. Generally speaking, I’ll review the unit from the following four parts: ways of learning, problems, advice and comments. The four parts connect to each other closely and the topics are from easy to difficult. On the other hand, the four parts involve the main sentence patterns and key vocabulary stu dents must master in this unit. By reviewing the unit like this, at the end of the lesson, students are expected to write a letter about how to learn Chinese well based on what we reviewed.II. Analysis of learning conditionThe students I’m going to teach are from Wencheng Experimental Middle School. Most of them have a strong English background. So in this period, I mainly focus on how to get students to behave actively. And as a famous Italian doctor says, “Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I understand. Involve me and I remember!” In order to help the students maste r the key language points of this unit, I design different tasks for them to do, which will greatly get them involved in the classroom activities. As a result, they will have a better understanding of the language points.III. Teaching Objectives1. Knowledge O bjectives(1) The students will be able to master the key vocabulary words of this unit byreviewing them in different ways: make flashcards, pronunciation, differently, fast, deal with, regard, make mistakes, afraid, too … to …, etc.(2) The students will be able to use the following four sentence patterns in thegiven situations or daily life:①How do you learn English? I learn English by...② Why don’t you / Why not ...?③ Maybe you should …. / You’d better …④ I think studying Engli sh by …is…because…2. Ability Objectives(1)The students will be able to talk about their learning ways, and commenton the ways of learning English as well as the problems they meet in learning English and the solutions to them.(2) The students will be able to get information from reading passage.(3) The students will be able to use the words and sentence patterns reviewedin this period to write a passage about how to learn Chinese well.3. Emotion & attitude Objectives(1) The students will form a correct attitude to study.(2) The students will learn to choose good ways to study.4. Learning Strategies(1) The students will be able to get the information needed from the givenreading material. (Resourceful strategy)(2) The students will be able to make up a dialogue according to the providedsituation. (Communicative strategy)(3) The students will be encouraged to comment on the different ways of learning.(Cognitive strategy)IV. Teaching Focus1.The ways of learning English.2.The comment on the ways of learning English.3.The difficulties in learning English.4.The suitable learning ways for individuals.V. Teaching difficulties1.How to get students to review the key vocabulary and expressions presented inthis unit.Solutions: Review the vocabulary in different ways: brainstorming, practicing, explaining, writing a letter, etc.2.How to enable students to write a passage well enough.Solution: Review the vocabulary and sentence patterns may be used in the passage.3.How to make students master the usage of “verb +by with gerund”.Solution: Design tasks for students to do. By fulfilling the tasks, students are expected to use “verb +by with gerund” and thus know the usages of it well. VI. Teaching Methods1、Communicative approach2、Task-oriented method3、Practicing approach4、Situation-experienced methodVII. Teaching AidsMulti-media equipmentsVIII. Teaching ProceduresStep 1.Leading-in & Brain-stormingT: Class begins! Good morning, everyone!Ss: Good morning, teacher!T: Glad to meet you! Today is the first time we meet each other. Now let me introduce myself to you. I come from No. 2 Experimental Middle School. My name is Hu Haiyan. You can cal l me Miss Hu. I think we’ll have a good time together. Ok, now I’d like to know something about you. What’s your name? What’s your favorite subject? Why?S1: ….T: Do you like English? How do you study English?S2: …T: What about you? What do you think of your way?S3: …T: Hi! Nice to meet you! How long have you been learning English?S4: ….T: Well, most of you have been learning English for many years. And all of you have your own ways to learn English. Now take out the worksheet I gave you just now and fill in the mind map about the ways of English learning. Let’s see who can write t he most ways.(Ss try to write as many ways of English learning as possible.)T: O K. Are you ready? How many ways have you written? Show me your answers please. Who’d like to share your answers?(Ask two or three students to say the ways of English learning.)Design purpose: Talk with students freely can get a general idea about how well students mastered this unit and on the other hand, can help construct a relaxing learning atmosphere. The brainstorming activity can activate students’ knowledge about the ways of learning English. As a result, help them review the phrases of learning ways.Step 2. Survey & ReportT: So there’re many ways of English learnin g. And how do you learn it? What about your friends. What do you think of the ways? Please work in groups of four and make a survey about it. Fill in the chart in your worksheet.(Ss work in groups and try to fill in their charts.)T: Well, have your completed your survey chart?Ss: Yes.T: Good. Let’s make a report. Please pay attention to the sentence patterns you use. For example, when we find one way is not successful, we can say I think it’s not helpful at all. (Write “not …at all” on the blackboard.)Who’d like to give a report about it?(Let 3or 4 students give reports about their survey results.)Design purpose: This activity makes students work cooperatively and use phrases in sentences properly, which will not only review the sentence patterns, but also train students’ communicative ability. As to the students who are good at English,they can further their ability by giving reports about how their friends learn English. And the students will try to express their own attitudes toward various ways of learning in target language.Step 3. InterviewingT: You see, every one has his or her own ways of learning. And some students’ ways are really very successful. Recently there is an English Speech Contest in Wenzhou. Some students really did well in it. And the winders are asked to hold a news conference. Suppose you took part in the contest, too. Now please work in groups of four to role play it. One is the winner; the others are the reporters from different TV stations. Try to ask as many questions as you can.(After students practice for a while, invite one or two students to come to the front as a winner, and let the other students ask them questions about English learning.)Design purpose: There are two purposes for the design of the News Conference: One is to review the two sentence patterns “Do you …” and “Have you ever …” And the other is to train students’ speaking ability and activate the classroom atmosphere ---- Get every student involved in the activity.Step 4. PracticingT: Congratulations! Your spoken English is really wonderful. What about other students? It seems you’re not confident enough to come to the front. Are you good at English? Do you have any difficulties in learning English? If so, what are they?(Let some students talk about the problems they face.)T: Well, don’t worry. It’s quite common to meet problems while learning something. My students have trouble learning English, too. Here’re their problems. But some of the words are missing. Can you help me to complete the sentences? Please take out the worksheet again. And try to complete the sentences in it.(Check the answers after students finish the task and help the students to review the key words and phrases presented in the ten sentences.)Design purpose: By doing exercise, students will review the main sentence patterns about the problems students meet in learning English and the words related to this topic. And in the process of checking the answers, the teacher can remind the students of the usages of some important words and phrases.Step 5. PairworkT: Well done. You’ve got all the answers right. But here comes another problem. There are so many problems we may meet in learning English, but we still need to learn English well. How can we deal with them? How do you deal with the problems you meet in learning English? Show me your ideas.(Let different students talk about how they solve problems.)T: Good idea. I’ll tell these solutions to my students. Do you know how I usually solve my problems?Ss: No.T: Well, generally speaking, I have two ways to solve problems. First of all, I’ll deal with my problems by regarding them as challenges. And I’ll try my best to overcome the difficulties. And if I can’t solve them by myself, I’ll ask someoneelse for advice. Do you like to ask others for advice?Ss: Yes.T: Then let’s work in pairs and tell your partner your problems. I think we can solve the problems together. Do you think so?(Ss work in p airs and make conversations. After they practice for a while, invite some pairs of them to present their conversations.)Design purpose: In this activity, students are asked to ask for and give advice to each other. By doing this, students will review the sentence patterns about how to make suggestions.Step 6. ReadingT: Good job. I wish all of you will try to regard all your problems as challenges and try your best to overcome them. I really appreciate these kinds of people. My friend Tom is such a person. Let’s see what problems he met and how he solved them. Please read the passage about him in your worksheet and try to complete the chart below it.(Students read the passage individually and try to get information to fill in the chart.)T: Are you ready?Ss: Yes.(Check the answers.)T: Excellent! Your reading ability is pretty good. Now we’ve known how Tom studied English. What do you think his solutions? I think studying English by joining an English club is a good way because you can ask others when you have questions. What’s your opinion?(Let different students comment on the ways of learning English, using the sentence pattern “I think studying English by… is … because…”) Design purpose: In this part, students are supposed to get information from the reading passage quickly and to give comments on ways of learning by using the sentenc e pattern “I think studying English by … is … because ….” As to this step, students should learn to combine simple sentences to make a complex one. This will help them improve their writing ability.Step 7 WritingT: Ok. Today we talked much about English learning. Suppose you have a pen pal named Bob is coming to Wencheng soon. And he’d like to learn Chinese. As a Chinese, I believe you can give him much advice. Please write a letter to him and tell him how to learn Chinese well. You can use the key words provided in your worksheet. And here are some tips for you. Try to answer the following questions in your mind, and you’ll know what should be included in your writing.1.How long have you been learning Chinese?2.How did you learn Chinese?3.What challenges did you meet in learning Chinese?4.What’s your attitude toward the problems you met?5.How did you deal with the problems of Chinese learning6.What do you think your ways of learning Chinese?(Ss work individually to write the letter. If time is enough, I’d as k some of the students to read their letters and give comments on them.)Design purpose: The writing task is designed to see if students have already mastered all the points reviewed in this period. And it provides students a chance to output the language they learned. On the other hand, this activity helps students have a summary of what they have reviewed in this unit by answering the questions the teacher provided in sweet tips. Step 8. Emotional Education T: How t ime flies. There is not enough time for us to present your writing now. Before we end the lesson, I’d like to have a word with you. Where there is a will, there is a way. Believe yourself and work persistently, you’ll get good grades in the Entrance Examination to Senior Middle School.Design purpose: This step is to guide students to form a good attitude toward the difficulties they meet in learning procedures or daily life.Step 9. HomeworkT: Ok. Today’s homework:1. Make a vocabulary list of the key words and expressions learned in this unit.2. Finish your writing and try to improve it.3. Complete the two exercises in your Homework sheet.So much for today’s lesson. Wish you succeed every day. Goodbye, class. Ss: Goodbye, Miss Hu.IX. The blackboard designReview of Unit 1 How do you study for a test? I learn English by …. (Verb + by gerund)Do you …?Have you ever …?What / How about doing sth?Maybe you should You ’d better do sth. Why not / Why don ’t you do sth?I think studying English by … is … because …not …at all pronunciation(n.) pronounce(v.) be afraid to do.=be afraid of doingfrustrating frustrated make mistakes spoken / written Englishtoo … to …deal with。



仁爱英语八年级上册第一单元教学计划Unit 1 Teaching Plan: Compassion English Grade 8 Semester 1。

Introduction:Welcome to the first unit of Compassion English for Grade 8! In this unit, we will delve into the theme of compassion and explore its significance in our daily lives. Through a variety of engaging activities and discussions, students will enhance their understanding of compassion while improving their English language skills.Objectives:1. Understand the concept of compassion and its importance.2. Develop vocabulary related to compassion.3. Enhance reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.4. Foster empathy and kindness towards others.Week 1: Introduction to Compassion。

Activity 1: Brainstorming。

Students will engage in a brainstorming session to discuss their understanding of compassion. They will share personal experiences or stories related to compassion and its impact.Activity 2: Vocabulary Building。

Starter Unit 1 教案

Starter Unit 1 教案

Teaching Plan for Starter Unit 1I. Teaching aims:1. Learn how to greet people.2. Learn the pronunciation and writing of letter A to H.3. Grasp the new words.II. Key points and difficulties:1. Learn the following sentence patterns.1) Good morning/afternoon/evening!2) Hi/Hello!3) –How are you?--I’m fine, thanks. How are you?--I’m OK.2. The pronunciation of letter A and E in different words.(开音节和闭音节问题)A /ei/ & /æ/E /i:/ & /e/III. Time arrangement:3 periodsPeriod 1Teaching procedure:Step I Lead-inT: At the beginning of the English class, how do teacher and students greet each other?(可使用中文)Usually, the teacher will say, “Good morning, class.”Then the students will say, “Good morning, teacher.”(Show Ss three pictures to illustrate three situations.)Pic 1: At 8:00-12:00 a.m., people use “Good morning.” to greet each other.Pic 2: At 12: a.m.-6::00 p.m., people use “Good afternoon” to greet each other.Pic 3: After 6:00 p.m., people use “Good evening” to greet each other.T: But how will people greet their friends? Usually they do it in a more casual way. They will say, “Hi or Hello!” to each other.(Ask Ss to read the sentence after the teacher while explaining.)Step II Practice(Ask Ss to greet their friends according to the pics)Pic 1: Hello, Harry!Pic 2: Hi, Tom!Pic 3: Hello, Jerry!/Hi, Jerry!/Good morning, Jerry!Step III Listen and repeat (1a)1) Ask Ss to find out the boy’s name and girl’s name and read them together.2) Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.Step IV Group workPractice the conversations in 1a and greet your group members. (用图片中的人物姓名和自己的真实姓名两种情况进行对话练习)Step V Learn the first 8 letters1)Read the 8 letters after the tape.2)Learn how to write these letters. (播放书写字母的flash教程,学生跟着一起练习。

Teaching plan for Module 5 Unit 1

Teaching plan for Module 5 Unit 1

A Teaching Plan for Module 5 Healthy foodUnit 1 Have you got any oranges?By Zheng Yufang from Xinglian Junior High School Part 1. Analysis of the teaching material and the students1. The status and function of the teaching content:(1) Type of this lesson: Listening and speaking(2) Topic: Module 5 Healthy food, Unit 1 Have we got any oranges?(3) Target grammar: have got; some/ any2. Analysis of the teaching content:The topic is Have we got any oranges?It talks about healthy food. Although the students have learned some words for food and drinks, not all the students know these words well. And they have difficulty in distinguishing countable nouns from uncountable nouns. Students have learnt “have got” to talk about their family members and relatives in Module 4, so they are familiar with the structure “have got.”In this case, I assigned students to preview words for food and drinks with a dictionary and the textbook before class.Before this lesson, I spent 20 minutes teaching words for different food and drinks. Then I had students put the words into the right group, e.g. fruit, vegetable, meat, food, and drinks. So I needn’t teach the new words again in this lesson. Students still need to revise the new words at the beginning of this lesson. They will have more time to practice listening and speaking.3. Teaching objectivesLanguage objectives(1) Key vocabulary: healthy, orange, drink, fruit, vegetable, beef, carrot, chicken, juice, melon, milk, onion, pork, potato, tomato(2) Key sentence structure: have/ has got(3) Important grammar: countable nouns and uncountable nounsAbility objectives(1) Listening skill: To be able to understand and get necessary information from the listening material.(2) Oral ability: To be able to talk about the food and drinks one has got.Moral objectivesEnable students to cultivate awareness of keeping a healthy diet.4. Important and difficult pointsImportant points:1. Correctly read words for different kinds of food, fruit, vegetables and drinks.2. Use “have got” to make sentences.Difficult points1. Tell which nouns are countable and which ones are uncountable.2. Get to know the usage of “some” and “any”.Part 2. Analysis of teaching and learning methods1. Teaching MethodsCommunicative Approach, Task-based Approach, Presentation-Practice-Production2. Design ConceptMy design concept of teaching process is to make the students enjoy studying by taking part in a series of activities and improve their skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.3. Teaching aidsSome objects, some pieces of paper, fruit, CAI and Internet4. Learning method guidance(1) Train students’listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, especially listening and speakingabilities, since this is a listening and speaking lesson.(2) Help students to develop their abilities of observation, imagination, memorizing and thinking.(3) Help the students to improve their abilities of communicating and expressing by involving them in the activities.Part 3: Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Warming up1.Show pictures of different kinds of fruit. Have students look at the pictures and utter some words forfruit.2.Play a game: “Tha t’s me!”3.Show pictures of me in a KFC in Xingtan Town, to elicit “healthy food” and “unhealthy food.”4.Visit the following website to learn some of the healthy food./Step 2 V ocabulary learning1. To learn new words for food and drinks with picture aids and the following website:/zh-hans/content/%E7%94%9F%E6%9E%9C-1?st_lang=en2. To learn to classify the words for food and drinks.Step 3 In-put1. Have students guess what the teacher has got. The teacher elicits the following sentence structures with fruit as aids.(1) – What have I got? – You have got a/ an/ some…(2) – Have you got any…? – I haven’t got any…2. To distinguish the countable nouns from the uncountable nouns. Refer to the following websit:/view/1d9d8605bed5b9f3f90f1c89.html3. Students read the above sentence structures after the teacher.Step 4 Listening1. Listen and check the food and drink Lingling has got. (Activity 4, Page 26)1.Enjoy reading.2.Pair discussion: Try to remember the food and drink Betty and her mum have got and talk about itwith a partner, using the following structure:– Have they got any…? – Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t.Making sentences: Students are divided into ten groups. Each group will be given 20 slips of paper with different words on them. Students work in groups to make up sentences with the words in hand. They should write down their sentences. The group that make the most correct sentences is the winner.Step6 Oral task1.Help students summarize what they have learned in this lesson. Click the following website forsummary:/view/a3e55d3543323968011c921d.html2.Read the dialogue as much as possible at home.3.Report the food and drinks you’ve got at home to your partner, then have a discussion and post yourown ideas or report in the following forum:/i/108656276/p/324366498#0Part 4. Teaching reflectionAfter this lesson, student are able to ask and answer about things one has got. They will be able to tell different kinds of food and drinks in English, and be aware of the importance to keep a healthy diet.Part 5. Blackboard Design。



Teaching Plan: Unit1 Teenage Life Listening and Speaking教材分析本单元的中心话题是青少年的生活。







为此,针对高一学生的学习实际,我首先,通过播放高中一天的生活视频,让学生初步了解高中生活,紧张的高中生活需要学生通过参加活动来放松,很自然的引出本节课的听说话题“Choose a school club”,激发学生学习的热情和积极性。




作为本单元的第一课时,没有出现太多的新单词,学生们对于听的内容不成问题,重要的是通过第一课加深学生对本单元的认识,考虑本班学生基础, 导入视频选用了一段视频, 增强学生对高中生活的兴趣和直观认识。



所给照片也真实有力,容易引起学生共鸣,呼吁热爱集体生活,热爱学习,积极进取,这有利于帮助他们树立正确的人生观和价值观Teaching Aims:1. To talk about clubs and club activities.2. To master some practical listening skills.3. To Learn to talk about choosing a school club.A clue: The lesson is designed according to one clue: school clubs and their activities .Teaching key points and difficult points :Understand Campus life, academic challenges, problems encountered in daily life, and learn to handle solutions. This theme is closely related to student life, and guided by its significance, try to understand various aspects of campus life, promote the integration and development of students' language ability, cultural awareness, thinking quality, and learning abilityTeaching Procedures:Step 1 : Leadin1. Watch a video and describe what you can see in the video.2. What are the teenagers doing in the photo to relax themselves?3. What school clubs can you think of ?(Aims: The video is used to show a busy high school life. The first question is used to do an interaction and get students to know the topic:school clubs.The second question is used to let students to know school clubs and their activities.)Step 2 : Prelistening1. Describe what the students do in the photos and match the photos with the namesListening skills:7step listening method1. Before you listen, you can read the questions and the choices and predict what you will hear.2. Listen and choose the answer for the first time.3. Listen again and check your answers.4. Listen and fill in the blanks.5. Learn useful expressions.6. Listen and imitate the pronunciations.7. Read and memorize.(Aims: To make students be familiar with clubs and club activities, learn some listening skills and improve their listening ability.)Step 3 : WhilelisteningTask 1. Listen to the first two conversations.1. What are they learning about in Coversation 1?A. HearingB. SoundsC. Dogs2. The students are discussing ________ in Conversation 2?A. schoolworkB. relationshipsC. dating3. Circle two clubs where these two conversations happened.A. Science clubB. Ballet ClubC. Nature ClubD. Debate ClubTask 2. Listen to the conversation 3.Teacher: ________the first one, it means you’re________not a dog! ________very________ , but people can’t. And ________ the second one, you’re younger than 25. Student: Wow! Why is that?Teacher: Our ears change when we get older.________the second one, but most people older than 25 can’t.Task 2 Look at Activity 3 and help Adam choose a club.2. Adam says that he likes ___, but is not so interested in ___.A. stories, cartoonsB. animals, plantsC. making friends, cleaning up3. Which club do you think is suitable for Adam? Why?I think Adam should join the_______Club because he says that he . Task 3. Useful expressions.(Aims: To apply the 7step listening method to listen to the conversations , practice listening skills, improve students’ listening ability and learn useful expressions to prepare for postlistening.)Step 4 : Postlistening1.Learn the structure.in pairs to help each other choose a school club.3.Work in groups. Suppose you are a head of a club and design an ad. for your club.4.Give an example.(Aims: To get students know how to help each other choose a club which can lay a solid foundation for speaking. two speaking tasks are designed to make students digest and practice what we have learned by listening and to improve spoken English.) Step5 : HomeworkWrite down your advertisement and wele your classmates to join.1评测练习1.Write down your conversation on choosing a club.An example:A:Hi,Judy!I’ve decided to join the V olunteer Club.B:Good decision!A:How about you?Are you going to join a club?B:Yes. I’m wondering which one I should choose,the Football Club or the Basketball Club.A:I guess the question is...Do you like football better than basketball?B:Actually,I like football better,but my friends go to the Basketball Club and I want to be with them.A:Hmm...If you ask me,I think you should choose what you like.B: I decide to join the Football Club. Thank you for your help.教学启示与反思本节课引入较自然,通过播放视频,引起了学生的兴趣,并且自然地与本课的主题衔接。



Teaching Plan for Lesson 3, Unit 1 (Go for It Book 3)The Third Period, Reading: “The healthy life”I. Teaching Objectives1. Language Objectives(1) Important words and phrasesjunk food, milk, coffee, drink, health, interview, how many, how often.(2) Important sentence patternsa. How often do you drink milk?b. How many hours do you sleep everyday night?c. How often do you eat junk food?2. Ability Objectives(1) Learn to gain the information from the pictures, and then answer the questions.(2) Train students’ reading ability.3. Moral Objectives(1) Enable students to have a healthy life by learning the text.(2) Enable students to form good habits and get out of bad habits, and then be aware of the junk food and healthy food.II. Important Points1. How to use “How often…” to ask the questions and then how to answer the questions.2. How to grasp the key words and phrases to answer the questions.III. Difficult Points1. How to use “How often…” to ask questions.2. How to get the answers to the questions.IV. Teaching Methods1. Listening, reading, discussing, asking and answering, pictures, pair work, explaining.2. Teaching Aids: a tape recorder, pictures.V. Teaching ProceduresStep I Greeting (1 min)Greet the whole class as usual.T: Now class begins. Good morning, class.S: Good morning, julin.T: Sit down, please.I’m very happy to see you again.Welcome to my class.Step II Lead-in (2mins)Ask some students to say something about their own daily life.T: As we all know, we need to eat and drink something to stay alive. Before our class begins,I want to know something about you. What do you usually eat every day?S1: I eat rice and meat every day.T: Ok, very good! What did you eat this morning.S2: I ate noodles this morning.T:Great.It’s very important for us to have breakfast.And how about you?T3:I ate gruel this morningT:Good,all of us have breakfast everyday and should keep the good habitsT: Ok! Today we will learn more about food and drink. Now let’s turn to page 4.And we will learn section B: Healthy life.Step III Words(3mins)Show some pictures to the students and then teach students the new words. Asksome students to match each word with a picture.T: Here are some pictures. Let’s look at them, and guess how to say them in English. I read them and then you will repeat. What’s this? Do you like it?S: Yes.T: how to say it in English?S:HamburgerT:Yes,this is a hamburger,this is a kind of junk food.Read after me: junk food.Ss: junk foodT: And what’s this? Did you drink it this morning?It’s milk.Many people drink it every day. It can make us strong, right? Follow me, milk.Ss: milkT: What can you see in this picture? They are so fresh. And we eat them every day. It’s vegetable.Follow me: Vegetable.S: Vegetable.T:What’s this?There are some peaches,grapes,bananas and so on.If we put them together,how can we say them in English?It’s fruit.Many people eat it everyday.It can make us healthy.Right?Follow me,fruitS:FruitT:Do yo like to play gamesS:yesT:Now let’s play games.The game is that I put 4 pictures on the blackboard and you match the words with the pictures on the blackboard.Do you understand?S:YesT:Who want to have a try?(Student do the game on the blackboard)T: Ok, now let’s check the answer. Is she/he right?Ss: Yes.T: Give her a big hand.Step IV Explanation (5 mins)Ask two students to read the dialogue first and then explain the phrase “be good for”to students.T: Now I will invite two students to read the dialogue in 1b.(Two students read the dialogue)T: There is a phrase “be good for” in the last sentence. Do you know its meaning?Don’t worry. Now I will explain it to you. The phrase “be good for” means “to have a usefuleffect, to help somebody”Here is a sentence “Milk is good for our health”.Can you make another sentence by using this phrase?Who want have a try on the blackboard? S1: Banana is good for our health.T: Is she right?S:Yes.Good! How about others?S2: Orange is good for our body.T: Yes!But how about junk food?Ss: It’s not good for our health.T: Good! Can you say it in another way? We can say: “ Junk food is bad for our health.”The phrase “be bad for” is equal to the phrase “be not good for”.So the phrase “be bad for” is opposite of the phrase “be good for”.You can guess the meaning of the phrase “be bad for”. The phrase “be bad for” means :harmful causing or likely cause damageAre you clear?Ss: Yes.T:Can you make a setence by using this phrase?S:Ice cream is bad for our healthT:you are so smartStep V Pair work (4mins)Students make their own conversations in pairs.T: Now. You have understood the phrase “be good for”. Here I will give you several minutes to make your own conversations in pairs. You can use the sentences in 1b and then I will invite some students to play their conversations out.(Students make their conversations)T: Would you like to show your conversation to us?S1: How often do you eat junk food?S2: I eat junk food just once a week.S1: Do you like it?S2: Of course. But my mum says it’s bad for my health, so I shouldn’t eat it quiteoften.T: Good job! Junk food is not good for our health. We’d better not eat it, right?Ss: Yes!T: How about other pairs? Do you want to have a try?S3: How often do you eat vegetables?S4: Every day.S3: Why?S4: Because it is good for our health.T: Good! You have done a good job.Step VI Listening (5 mins)1.Students listen to the tape for the first time and answer the questions in 2a.T: What is healthy? If I never exercise and eat a lot of junk food, am I healthy?Ss: No.T: If I eat lots of fruits and vegetables and exercise every day, am I healthy?Ss: Yes.T: Now listen to the recording and decide if Bill or Katrina is healthy? Circle “yes”, “no”, or “ I don’t know” in 2a.And fill in the blank in 2b.(Play the recording)T: Ok, now let’s check the answers.Look at the sample answer under Katrina’s name and the answer is every day. I hope all of you get the answers in 2b. Please speak out your answer oneby one.(stuents answer questions)T: You all did a good job.Step VII Summary (1min)Ask some students to say what they have learned and let them know what they should do in the future.T: What have you learned from this class?S1: I have learned that we should eat vegetable and fruit every day. And they are good for our health.T: How about others?S2: We shouldn’t eat junk food or drink coffee quite often. We need to sleep about nine hours every night.T: Yes, good! You should form good habits and get out of bad habits, so that youcan have a healthy life, right?Ss: Yes.Step VIII Homework1.Practice the sentences just learnt2.Write and recite the words on Page 4.。



人教版八年级下册英语第一单元教学设计全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My Lesson Plan for Unit 1 of Grade 8 EnglishHello everyone! Today I am going to share with you my super fun lesson plan for Unit 1 of Grade 8 English. Are you ready? Let's get started!1. Warm-up (10 minutes)To start off the lesson, we will play a quick game of "Simon Says" to review some vocabulary from the previous unit. I will say words like "apple" or "book" and you have to do the action if I say "Simon says". This will get our brains warmed up and ready to learn!2. Vocabulary Introduction (20 minutes)Next, we will learn some new words related to the unit theme of "My hobbies". I will use flashcards and pictures to help you understand the meanings of words like "painting", "dancing", and "swimming". We will practice saying the words and make sentences using them.3. Reading Activity (30 minutes)Now it's time for some reading practice! I will read a short passage about different hobbies and you will listen carefully. After that, we will discuss the main ideas of the passage and answer some questions to check our understanding. This will help us improve our reading skills.4. Speaking Practice (20 minutes)In this activity, we will work in pairs to talk about our own hobbies. You will ask your partner questions like "What do you like to do in your free time?" and "Why do you enjoy that hobby?". This will help us practice speaking in English and improve our communication skills.5. Writing Task (20 minutes)For our writing task, you will write a short paragraph about your favorite hobby. Use the new vocabulary words we learned earlier and try to make your writing interesting and creative. Don't forget to include reasons why you enjoy that hobby!6. Review and Wrap-up (10 minutes)To end the lesson, we will review the key points we learned today and do a quick quiz to see how much you remember. I willalso give you some homework to practice at home. Remember, practice makes perfect!I hope you enjoyed my lesson plan for Unit 1 of Grade 8 English. Let's keep working hard and improving our English skills together! Thank you for listening and see you next time! Bye bye!篇2Hello everyone! Today I am going to share with you the teaching design for the first unit of the Eighth Grade English textbook from People's Education Press.First, let's talk about the objectives of this unit. By the end of the unit, students should be able to introduce themselves and others, talk about likes and dislikes, and ask and respond to questions about hobbies and interests.To achieve these objectives, I have planned the following activities:1. Warm-up activity: I will start the lesson with a fun icebreaker activity where students will introduce themselves using simple English phrases like "My name is..." and "I am from...". This will help create a positive and interactive learning atmosphere.2. Vocabulary building: I will introduce key vocabulary related to hobbies and interests such as "reading, swimming, playing basketball, listening to music, etc." Students will practice pronouncing and using these words in sentences.3. Listening and speaking practice: I will play a recording of different people talking about their hobbies and interests. Students will listen and answer questions related to the recording. Then, they will work in pairs to interview each other about their hobbies.4. Reading comprehension: I will distribute a short passage about a student's favorite hobby. Students will read the passage and answer comprehension questions to check their understanding.5. Writing task: Students will write a short paragraph about their own hobbies and interests. They will then share their paragraphs with the class to practice speaking in front of others.6. Group discussion: In groups, students will discuss and share their favorite hobbies and interests. They will also talk about common interests they have with their classmates.7. Review and assessment: At the end of the unit, I will give students a quiz to test their understanding of the vocabulary andgrammar covered in the unit. I will also ask them to present a short skit where they introduce themselves and talk about their hobbies.I hope this teaching design will help students learn and practice English in a fun and engaging way. Let's work hard and improve our English skills together!篇3Hey guys! Today we're going to talk about the first unit in the eighth grade English textbook. It's all about "My Day". I'm so excited to teach you all about it!First, we'll start with the key vocabulary words. We have things like "morning", "afternoon", "evening", and "night". These are all important words to describe different times of the day. We'll also learn about activities we do during each of these times, like "get up", "have breakfast", "go to school", "do homework", and "go to bed".Next, we'll practice using these words in sentences. For example, "I get up in the morning and have breakfast". Or "I go to school in the afternoon and do homework in the evening". Try to make your own sentences using these words!Then, we'll move on to grammar. We'll learn about the simple present tense and how to use it correctly. Remember to use the base form of the verb for most subjects, like "I", "you", "we", and "they". But don't forget to add an "s" to the verb for subjects like "he", "she", and "it".Finally, we'll do some fun activities to practice what we've learned. We can play games, do role plays, or even make a daily schedule for ourselves. It will be a lot of fun!I hope you're all as excited as I am to learn about "My Day". Let's have a great time learning together!篇4Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk about our first unit in the Grade 8 English textbook. It's called "A new start".First, we will learn some new words like ambition, curious, survive, communicate, etc. We can use flashcards or games to help us remember them.Next, we will learn the grammar rules. In this unit, we will focus on the past simple tense and how to form questions and negative sentences using it. We can practice by makingsentences about our weekend activities or what we did during the holidays.Then, we will read a text about a girl named Sarah who moves to a new city and tries to adapt to her new surroundings. We will discuss the main idea and key details of the text and talk about how Sarah overcomes her challenges.After that, we will work on our speaking and listening skills by doing some role play activities. We can pretend to be Sarah and her new friends and have conversations about our interests and hobbies.Finally, we will do some writing tasks where we can write about our own ambitions and goals for the future. We can also write a short story using the past simple tense.I hope you're all excited to start this new unit with me. Let's work hard and have fun learning English together!篇5Hello everyone! Today, I’m going to share with you my teaching plan for the first unit of the eighth grade English textbook. Let’s dive in!First off, we will start the lesson by introducing the topic of the unit, which is “School Life”. We will ta lk about different school subjects, daily routines, and school activities. I will use pictures, videos, and real-life examples to make the lesson more interesting and engaging.Next, we will focus on key vocabulary and grammar points in the unit. We will learn how to talk about our school subjects, describe our daily routines, and express our likes and dislikes. I will use games, role-plays, and group activities to help reinforce the new vocabulary and grammar structures.After that, we will work on listening and speaking skills. We will listen to dialogues, watch videos, and practice speaking exercises to improve our communication skills. I will also encourage students to work in pairs or small groups to practice speaking in a more interactive way.Then, we will move on to reading and writing activities. We will read short passages about school life, answer comprehension questions, and write short paragraphs about our own school experiences. I will provide feedback and guidance to help students improve their reading and writing skills.Finally, we will review and assess what we have learned in the unit. We will play review games, complete worksheets, and take aquiz to test our knowledge. I will also encourage students to reflect on their learning and set goals for improvement.Overall, my teaching plan for the first unit of the eighth grade English textbook is designed to be fun, interactive, and engaging. I hope that by the end of the unit, all students will have improved their English skills and gained a deeper understanding of school life. Thank you for listening and let’s have a great lesson together!篇6Design of the first unit in Grade 8 of the People's Education Press EnglishHi everyone, I'm going to tell you about the teaching plan for the first unit in Grade 8 of the People's Education Press English! This unit is all about "School Life", so let's get started!First, we will start by introducing the new vocabulary words like "homework", "classmate", and "schedule". We can play games like bingo or charades to help us remember these words.Next, we will practice using these words in sentences by doing some activities like matching pictures with words or fillingin the blanks. We can also do some role-playing exercises where we act out different school situations using the new vocabulary.After that, we will move on to grammar and focus on the present simple tense. We will learn about how to form positive, negative, and question sentences using this tense. We can practice by writing sentences about our daily routines and then sharing them with the class.Finally, we will work on our listening and speaking skills by listening to dialogues and answering questions about them. We can also practice speaking by doing pair work activities where we ask and answer questions about our school lives.In the end, we will have a review session where we can play games or do some fun activities to help us remember everything we have learned in this unit.I hope you guys are excited to start learning about "School Life" in Grade 8! Let's have a great time learning together!篇7Hello everyone! Today I'm going to share with you a super fun lesson plan for the first unit of Grade 8 English textbook by People's Education Press. Are you ready? Let's get started!1. Warm-up activities (10 minutes)To start off the lesson, let's do a quick warm-up activity. We can play a game of vocabulary charades, where one student acts out a word from the unit vocabulary list while the rest of the class tries to guess what it is. This will help get everyone excited and engaged for the lesson.2. Introduction to the unit (15 minutes)Next, let's introduce the theme of the unit, which is about traveling. We can show a short video clip of different modes of transportation and famous landmarks around the world. This will help students understand the context of the unit and get them interested in learning more about different cultures.3. Reading and comprehension (20 minutes)Now it's time to dive into the reading passage for this unit. We can have students read the passage individually or in pairs, and then discuss comprehension questions as a class. This will help students practice their reading skills and improve their understanding of the text.4. Vocabulary practice (15 minutes)After reading the passage, let's do some vocabulary practice. We can play a matching game where students match words fromthe unit vocabulary list with their definitions. This will help reinforce new words and concepts learned in the reading passage.5. Grammar focus (20 minutes)In this unit, the grammar focus is on using the present perfect tense. Let's do some exercises together to practice forming sentences in the present perfect tense. We can also have students write short paragraphs using the present perfect tense to describe their own travel experiences.6. Speaking activity (15 minutes)To wrap up the lesson, let's do a speaking activity where students can practice using the vocabulary and grammar structures learned in this unit. We can have students pair up and take turns asking each other questions about their favorite travel destinations, using the present perfect tense.7. Homework assignment (5 minutes)Lastly, let's assign a homework task for students to complete before the next lesson. This can be a writing assignment where students write a short essay about their dream vacation using the vocabulary and grammar structures learned in this unit.I hope you enjoyed this lesson plan for the first unit of Grade8 English textbook. Have fun learning and exploring the world of travel! See you next time!篇8Hello everyone, my name is Lily and today I'm going to share with you the teaching plan for Unit 1 of the Eighth Grade English textbook in the People's Education Edition.First, we will start the lesson by introducing the new vocabulary words such as culture, custom, behavior, etc. We can use flashcards or pictures to help students understand the meaning of these words better.Next, we will move on to the grammar points in this unit. We will focus on the past continuous tense and how to use it in sentences. We can give students some examples and ask them to make their own sentences using the past continuous tense.After that, we will discuss the reading passage in the textbook. We will read the passage together as a class and then ask students some comprehension questions to check their understanding. We can also ask students to summarize the main idea of the passage in their own words.For the speaking practice, we can set up role-play activities where students can act out different scenarios related to the topic of the unit. This will help students improve their speaking skills and also apply what they have learned in a real-life situation.Finally, we will end the lesson by giving students a short quiz to assess their understanding of the unit. This will help us identify any areas that need further clarification or review.I hope you find this teaching plan helpful and that your students enjoy learning English in a fun and interactive way. Thank you for listening!篇9Unit 1: School LifeHey friends! Today we're gonna talk about the first unit in our English textbook, "School Life". It's gonna be super cool and fun!First, we're gonna learn some new words like "classroom", "teacher", "homework", "test", and "friend". These words are super important for us to talk about our school life.Next, we're gonna learn some grammar rules like present simple tense, past simple tense, and future tense. We need to know how to use these tenses to talk about our daily routines, past events, and future plans.After that, we're gonna do some reading and listening exercises to improve our reading and listening skills. We'll read some stories about school life and listen to some conversations between classmates.Then, we're gonna do some speaking and writing activities to practice our speaking and writing skills. We'll talk about our school life, our favorite subjects, and our school activities. We'll also write some compositions about our school life and our future dreams.In the end, we're gonna have a unit test to see how much we've learned in this unit. Don't worry, we've been studying hard and we're gonna do great!So get ready to have some fun learning about school life in this unit. Let's do our best and have a blast! Let's go!篇10Unit 1 Making New FriendsHey guys! Today I’m going to share with you the teaching plan for the first unit of our 8th grade English textbook. This unit is all about making new friends, so get ready to learn how to introduce yourself and start conversations with people.Lesson 1: Greetings and IntroductionsIn this lesson, we will learn how to greet people and introduce ourselves. We will practice saying “Hello, my name is…” and “Nice to meet you.” We will also learn some common questions to ask when meeting someone new. At the end of the lesson, we will do a role play where we introduce ourselves to a new friend.Lesson 2: Hobbies and InterestsIn this lesson, we will talk about our hobbies and interests. We will learn how to ask “What do you like doing in your free time?” and h ow to respond with our own hobbies. We will have a discussion in pairs about our favorite activities and interests. We will also learn how to invite someone to do something together.Lesson 3: Making PlansIn this lesson, we will learn how to make plans with our friends. We will practice using phrases like “Let’s hang out thisweekend” and “What time works for you?” We will also learn how to accept or decline an invitation politely. At the end of the lesson, we will plan a group outing together.I hope you guys are excited to start making new friends and practicing your English skills! Remember to speak up and participate in the activities. Let’s have fun learning together!。



七年级英语上册StarterUnit1教学设计(英文)Teaching Plan for Unit 1Period 1I. Teaching aims:1.To have the Ss know the way of greetings.2.To have the Ss introduce themselves and others.II. Key points and difficulties:1.Structures or sentences:a.Hi!/ Hello!b.Good morning /afternoon /evening.c.Nice to meet you.d.— How are you?— Fine, thanks.e.What’ s your /his /her name?f. My /His /Her name is2. Words: P100III. Time arrangement: 1 periodTeaching procedure:Step Lead-inShow the Ss some objects in the picture.Step Presentation1. Greetings.Show the Ss some ways of greetings.Ask the Ss to match the greeting sentences with the correct answer sentences.Watch a video.2.Introduce self.Question: How to introduce yourself and others?(Ask some Ss to try to answer it.)New structures and sentences.T: Just now I asked you how to introduce yourself and ask others’names. Now please listen to me carefully. (Show the Ss some sample dialogues.)eg.1 A: What ’ s your name?B: My name is Gina. / I’m Gina.1b Listen and number the conversations.(3) Chain work(4) Point to the photos of famous people and ask the Ss to make dialogues.eg.2 A: What ’ s his/her name?B:His/Her name is Gina./He/She is Gina.3.2a Number the pictures.4.2b ListeningStep PracticeGroup work: Making new friends用下边的对话 , 介绍新朋友。



北京新高考高一英语必修一教学计划全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Beijing New High School Senior High School, English Compulsory 1 Teaching PlanCourse Introduction:English Compulsory 1 is a core subject for all senior high school students in Beijing. The course aims to develop students' English language proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It also focuses on enhancing students' critical thinking skills and cultural awareness through the study of various texts and topics.Teaching Objectives:1. To improve students' listening and speaking skills througha variety of activities such as listening comprehensions, group discussions, and presentations.2. To enhance students' reading and writing skills through the analysis of authentic texts and the practice of different types of writing.3. To develop students' critical thinking skills by engaging them in discussions and debates on various topics.4. To foster students' cultural awareness by introducing them to diverse cultures and traditions through authentic texts and multimedia resources.Teaching Schedule:Week 1-2: Introduction to the course; ice-breaking activities; diagnostic testWeek 3-4: Unit 1: Friendship - Reading comprehension and writing tasksWeek 5-6: Unit 2: Sports - Listening comprehension and speaking tasksWeek 7-8: Unit 3: Travel - Vocabulary building and writing tasksWeek 9-10: Mid-term exam preparationWeek 11-12: Unit 4: Technology - Reading comprehension and speaking tasksWeek 13-14: Unit 5: Environment - Listening comprehension and writing tasksWeek 15-16: Unit 6: Culture - Research project and presentationWeek 17-18: Unit 7: Education - Reading comprehension and discussion tasksWeek 19-20: Final exam preparationTeaching Methods:1. Task-based learning: Students will engage in various tasks that require them to use English in real-life situations.2. Collaborative learning: Students will work in groups to complete tasks, discuss topics, and give presentations.3. Multimedia resources: Teachers will use videos, audio clips, and online resources to enhance students' learning experience.4. Authentic texts: Students will read and analyze authentic texts, such as newspaper articles, poems, and short stories, to improve their reading and writing skills.Assessment:1. Weekly quizzes: Short quizzes will be given at the end of each week to assess students' understanding of the material.2. Mid-term and final exams: Exams will be based on the course material and test students' listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.3. Assignments and projects: Students will be given writing assignments and research projects to assess their critical thinking and research skills.4. Participation: Students' active participation in class discussions, group activities, and presentations will be taken into account when assessing their overall performance.Conclusion:The English Compulsory 1 teaching plan for senior high school students in Beijing aims to develop students' English language proficiency, critical thinking skills, and cultural awareness. By following this plan and implementing innovative teaching methods, teachers can help students achieve success in their English studies and become global citizens with a strong command of the English language.篇2Title: Teaching Plan for High School English Grade One, Beijing New College Entrance ExaminationIntroduction:With the implementation of the new college entrance examination system in Beijing, the teaching of high school English has been adjusted to better prepare students for the challenges of the new exam. This teaching plan for Grade One focuses on developing students' English proficiency in all four language skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing.Goals:1. Help students master basic grammar and vocabulary.2. Improve students' reading comprehension and listening skills.3. Enhance students' ability to communicate in English accurately and fluently.4. Develop students' critical thinking and analytical skills through reading and writing tasks.Teaching Content:1. Grammar: The teaching plan will cover basic grammar topics such as tenses, articles, prepositions, and conjunctions. Students will be introduced to sentence structures and common grammatical patterns to help improve their writing skills.2. Vocabulary: Students will learn essential vocabulary related to different themes such as family, school life, hobbies, and daily routines. Vocabulary building exercises and activities will be included to help students expand their word bank.3. Reading: The teaching plan will include a variety of reading materials including short stories, articles, and poems. Comprehension questions and discussions will follow each reading passage to enhance students' reading skills.4. Listening: Students will listen to a range of audio materials such as dialogues, lectures, and interviews. Listening exercises will help improve students' listening skills and comprehension.5. Speaking: Speaking activities will be incorporated into each lesson to provide students with opportunities to practice their oral communication skills. Task-based speaking activities such as role-plays and presentations will be included.6. Writing: Students will engage in writing tasks such as essays, personal letters, and descriptions. Emphasis will be placed on organizing ideas, using appropriate language, and expressing opinions effectively in writing.Assessment:Assessment will be ongoing and will include a variety of tasks such as quizzes, tests, projects, and presentations. Formative assessment will be used to monitor students' progress and provide feedback for improvement. Summative assessment will be conducted at the end of each term to evaluate students' overall performance.Conclusion:The teaching plan for Grade One aims to provide students with a solid foundation in English language skills to prepare them for the new college entrance examination in Beijing. By focusing on all four language skills and incorporating a variety of engaging activities, students will be able to build confidence in using English and achieve success in their English studies.篇3Beijing New Gaokao Senior High School English Teaching PlanIntroductionThe Beijing New Gaokao Senior High School English Teaching Plan for Grade 10, Book 1 is designed to provide a comprehensive and engaging English language learning experience to students. This teaching plan covers all the keylanguage skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing, along with a focus on grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. The teaching plan aims to equip students with the necessary English language proficiency to excel in the new Gaokao examination.Week 1-4: Introduction to English LanguageIn the first four weeks, students will be introduced to the basics of the English language. They will learn about the English alphabet, pronunciation rules, and basic greetings. Students will also engage in simple conversations and practice speaking and listening skills. This period will lay the foundation for more advanced language learning in the following weeks.Week 5-8: Grammar and Vocabulary BuildingDuring weeks five to eight, students will focus on grammar and vocabulary building. Topics covered include parts of speech, sentence structure, verb tenses, and common vocabulary words. Students will practice using grammar rules in sentence formation and expand their vocabulary through reading and writing exercises.Week 9-12: Reading Comprehension and Writing SkillsIn the next four weeks, students will work on improving their reading comprehension and writing skills. They will read short passages and answer comprehension questions to test their understanding. Students will also practice writing essays, reports, and narratives to enhance their writing abilities.Week 13-16: Speaking and Listening PracticeDuring weeks 13 to 16, students will engage in speaking and listening practice. They will participate in group discussions, role plays, and presentations to improve their speaking skills. Students will also listen to audio recordings and videos to enhance their listening comprehension.Week 17-20: Review and AssessmentIn the final weeks of the teaching plan, students will review all the topics covered and prepare for assessments. They will take quizzes, tests, and mock exams to assess their understanding of the English language. Teachers will provide feedback and guidance to help students improve their language proficiency.ConclusionThe Beijing New Gaokao Senior High School English Teaching Plan for Grade 10, Book 1 is designed to provide a comprehensive and engaging English language learningexperience for students. By focusing on key language skills, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, this teaching plan aims to equip students with the necessary English language proficiency to excel in the new Gaokao examination. Students are encouraged to actively participate in all activities and seek help from teachers whenever needed to ensure successful language learning.。

Teaching plan for The Real Father Christmas教学设计

Teaching plan for The Real Father Christmas教学设计

Teaching plan for The Real Father Christmas(period 1)I.Teaching material analysisThe theme context of this unit is "people and society", and the theme context involves Chinese and foreign festivals.This section presents a text reflecting the unit theme, and the text type is book review. This text introduces the letter from Santa Claus written by English writer Tolkien. It mainly tells the story of Tolkien writing to his children in the tone of Santa Claus at Christmas, which reflects Tolkien's deep father love for children. The lead-in activity before reading helps students understand Tolkien, so as to be familiar with the main characters and cultural background of the text. While-reading activities guide students to think about "what is the book about and why Tolkien write it". The post-reading activities inspire students to think deeply and explore the meaning of the theme through the activities of understanding the theme, understanding the details and open questions. II.Analysis of the studentsStudents are less likely to have read the original English books and are not familiar with book reviews. They may have a certain understanding of the meaning of Christmas, the theme of this paper is not difficult for students. Generally speaking, this article may be a little difficult for students.III.Teaching objectives1. Lead the students to grasp the content of the text quickly and understand and explain the meaning of the title accurately through skimming;2. Guide students to understand the characteristics of book review articles and obtain the key information about the works introduced in the articles;3. Guide the students to deepen their understanding of the meaning of the holiday by understanding the spirit of giving and dedication through Letters From Father Christmas.IV. Teaching difficulties1. Analyze the features of book review;2. Understand the spirit of giving and dedication through the text and deepen students’ understanding of the meaning of the festivals.V. Teaching methodsTask-based language teaching, communicative, cooperative learning. VI. Teaching aidsMulti-media facilitiesVII. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in1.Show students poster pictures of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings and ask if they have ever seen these movies.2.Tell the students that both films are adapted from books, ask themif they know who the original author is.3.Tell the students that today we will read the book review of one of Tolkien's works, but before that they need to read the introduction of Tolkien in activity 1 on the page 14 of the book.4.After reading the introduction, ask a student what he thinks of Tolkien.Step 2 Reading for general understanding1.Ask the students to read the passage and find out the answers of “ what Letters from Father Christmas is about” and “why Tolkien wrote these letters” . Ask 2 students to share their understandings with the class.2.Ask the students to match each paragraph with its main idea.3.Give the students 2 minutes to draw their mind map of the structure of the text using 1-3 words only.Step 3 Reading for details1.Ask the students to read and choose the best answers of four detailed questions. Check answers together.2.Ask the students to notice the title of the passage and ask them to choose the sentence which can best explain the title of the passage.3.Ask the students to work in pairs, read the passage again carefully to complete the notes. Check answers together.Step 4 Post-reading1.Ask the students if they would like to read the book Letters fromFather Christmas after reading the book review?2.Show the students the manuscript of one of the letters in the book. Ask the students to read it quickly and then share their feelings about the letter.3.Ask the students their impression about Tolkien now.4.Ask the students if they have any new understanding of festivals after reading. Guide them to explore the meaning of festivals is not only no school and a gift, but also giving and loving.Step 5 SummaryWhat have we learned today?Homework:Ask students to write down their feelings about Tolkien’s letter.。


III. Text Structure Analysis
IV. Text Study
1.Paragraph Meaning
2.Words and Phrases Study
nguage Points
4.Summary or Main Idea of the Passage
i.Student’s Presentation
5.To help the students further master the writing technique: double clues and dominant impression supported by details;
6. To help the students learn about the meaning of birth and death;
3.To enable the students to analyze the structure of the 2 passages in this unit;
4.To introduce the basic reading skills of this unit:Understanding idiomatic expressions, in order for the students to fully understand a writer’s point;

新编大学实用英语教程第二册教案unit 1

新编大学实用英语教程第二册教案unit 1

新编大学实用英语教程第二册教案unit 1 UNIT1 Teaching Plan序号1课程1班级教师周次课型日期主任签字Unit 1LoveListening , Speaking practicesTeaching Objectives:talking about their relationships at school listening short dialogue and conversation Teaching Important and Difficult Points listening a dialogue and monologues diction and answer questionsTeaching MethodsCommunicative T eaching Method; Audio-visual Teaching Method Teaching AidsMulti-media teaching ,such as audio and video files.Teaching ProcessTeaching process designStep I.(4mins)Match the following pictures to the sentencesStep II. (5mins)discuss what love is with partner.Step III.(3mins)Watch the short video The Other Pair. Answer the following question.Letting it go or holding on, which is better?Step IV.(5mins)Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks.Listen to the dialogue again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)Step V(5mins)Listen to the monologue and answer the following questions by students.Step VI.(3mins)Listening the monologue again and give the keys to students.Step VII.(3mins)Introducing Festival knowledgeIntroducing Qi Xi Festival and Valentine's DayStep VIII.(2mins)Listen to the radio and read the words and phrases loudly Step IX.(5mins)SpeakingDiscuss what do the students do for their first date. Step IIX.(5mins)BrainstormWatch the video The Other Pair. What is your choice? Leaving the only shoe to the poor boy, or keeping the only shoe as a kind of regretful memory? Discuss with your classmates and share your opinions in the class.Step IIX.(5mins)Listen to the radio about Functional-sentence Bank and repeat loudly.Use the words and phrases in the Brainstorm andFunctional-sentence Bank to prepare a dialogue or brief speech with your partner, and then present it in your class. You may refer to the following situation prompts for ideas.序号2课程1班级教师周次课型日期主任签字Unit 1LoveLead-in; New Words and Text AnalysisTeaching Objectives:retell the main idea of the passageto comprehend the new words and phrases of text Ause the suitable forms of words or phrases to fill in the blanks in sentenceshave a idea of some grammar which had appeared in the text ATeaching Important and Difficult PointsWords and Phrases of A and B level;Sentence structure and words forms;Difficult Sentence Analysis and main idea of textTeaching MethodsPresentation; Communicative Teaching Method; Audio-visual Teaching MethodTeaching AidsMulti-media teaching ,such as audio and video files.Teaching ProcessTeaching process designStep I.(3mins)Pre-reading QuestionsChoose students to answer the pre-reading questions.Step II. (7mins)Step I Lead in of text ALet students fast reading the text and summary the main idea of whole passage and each paragraph,Main Idea of whole passage: the passage will tell about the orientation week.ParagraphsMain Ideas1The author receives a gardenia every year.2The author guessed what the giver of flowers might look like.3The author hopes the flower giver is as she thinks.4Mother wants her child to be like a gardenia.5That was the year the gardenias stopped coming.Step III.(18mins)Intensive ReadingStudents read the text again and find out the answers to the while-reading questionsTeacher and students read the words and expressions togetherTeacher explain the sentence structure and grammar of text AWords & Expressions of Text AVocabulary of student bookmystery n.谜;神秘的事物;推理小说e.g. They decided to turn the machines on this mystery virus. 他们决定用新机器测试这个神秘的病毒。

人教版高中英语必修一 Unit1 示范教案

人教版高中英语必修一 Unit1 示范教案

【英语】新人教版必修一 Unit1 示范教案Teaching planUnit oneTeaching aims:1. 能力目标:①Listening: gain useful information and clear views from the listening material;②Speaking: express one’s attitude or views about friends and friendship in appropriate words.③Reading: let Ss summarize the main idea④Writing: write a letter about how to make friends2. 知识目标:①Talk about friends and friendship; how to BE friends; how to gain friendship②Use the following expression:so do I / neither do II think it is a good ideaAll rightYes,but…③to get the Ss to master direct speech and indirect speech④vocabulary and phrases: upset, calm, concern, careless, loose, cheat, list, share, German, series, outdoors, crazy, purpose, thunder, entirely, power, trust, suffer, teenager, advice, quiz, editor, communicate, situation, add up, calm down, have got to, be concerned about, walk the dog, go through, hide away, set down, a series of, on purpose, so as to, face to face, according to, get along with, fall in love with, join in, be upset about, for once3. 情感目标:①To ari se Ss’ interest in learning English;②To encourage Ss to take part in the activities and make Ss confident;③To develop the ability to cooperate and communicate with others.4. 策略目标:①To develop Ss’ cognitive strategy: making notes when listening carefully;②To develop and improve Ss’ communicative strategies.5. 文化目标:To enable the Ss to come to know different opinions about making friends from different countries.6. 现实目标①To make Ss respect each other and friendship②To make them get well with one another in societyTeaching steps:Period oneStep 1. warming up1. Ss listen to an English song AULD LANG SYNE.2. Brainstorming: let Ss say some words about friendship:careful, warm-hearted, honest, friendly, brave, humorous, funny, smart, kind, open-minded, responsible….3. To let Ss make a correct choice about their questions that they meet in warming up.Step 2. practice speaking1. Ss talk about their old friends in Junior Middle School, talk about theirappearance, personality, hobbies, etc.2. Self-introduction or work in pairs3. Ss can ask some questions about life or learningStep 3. Make new friends1. Ss go around and ask their new friends some information and fill in the following form name age/hobbies/favorite sport s, books …2. Report to the class: who will probably be your friend why.Step 4. Do a surveySs do the survey in the text on P1Step 5. Listening and talkingDo Workbook on P41 (Talking). While Ss listen to the material, ask them to take notes about t he speaker’s views of making friends.When Ss make their conversation, ask them to try to use the following expressions.I am afraid not exactly I agree I think that is a good idea of course notStep 6. DiscussionDivide Ss four in one group and each group choose a topic to discuss. There are four topics.Topic 1: Why do you need friends? Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you.Topic 2: There is a saying “to have a good friend, you need to be a good friend.” What do you think of the saying and how can you be a good friend?Topic 3: Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be your friend? Why?Topic 4: List some qualities of a person who does not make friend easily.Step 7. Summary1. Ask Ss themselves to summarize what is friendship and what is the most important in making friends.2. T shows more information about friendship and a poem about friendship.What is friendship?I want to find the answer to the questionWhat is friendship?When it rains, I think friendship is a small umbrella.It can give me a piece of clear sky.When I’m crying, I think friendship is a white handkerchief.It can wipe my tears dry.When I am sad, I think friendship is a warm word.It can bring me happiness again.When I am in trouble, I think friendship is a strong hand.It can help me escape my troubles.When I sit in a quiet place, I think friendship is a very wonderful feeling.It can’t be pulled and torn, because it is in everyone’s heart.It is there from the beginning to the end of our lives.3. Tell Ss: make new friends and keep the old; one is silver and the other is gold.Step 8. EvaluationSs finish the following evaluation form. Standard: A, B, CContents 自评他评1. I’m active in talking with others.2. I’m active in cooperating with others.3. I can express myself fluently, accurately and appropriately.4. I know more about friendship after the lesson…5. Do you think you need to improve yourself in some ways? Which ways?Homework:1. Look up the new words and expressions in warm-up and pre-reading in a dictionary.2. Write a short passage about your best friend.Period twoStep 1. Warming upActivity 1: Suppose you have to stay indoors to hide yourself for a whole year. You can never go outdoors, otherwise you will be killed. You have no telephone, computer, or TV at home.How would you feel?What would you do?Four students a group discuss with each other for 2 minutes.Activity 2: Play a short part of the moviesStep 2. PredictingStudents read the title of the passage and observe the pictures and the outline of it to guess:Who is Anne’s best friend?What will happen in the passage?Step 3. SkimmingStudents skim the passage in 2 minutes to get the main idea:Who is Anne’s best friend?When did the story happen?Step 4. ScanningStudents work in pairs to find the information required below:Anne in World War ⅡStep 5. Intensive readingStudents work in groups of four to discuss the following open questions:1. Why did the windows stay closed?2. How did Anne feel?3. What do you think of Anne?4. Guess the meanings of “spellbound”, “hold me entirely in their power”from the discourse(语篇,上下文).5. Which sentences attract you in the passage?Step 6. ActivityFour students a group to discuss the situation:Suppose you four have to hide yourselves for 3 months. During the three months, you will be offered the basic food, water and clothes. Your group can take 5 things with you.What will you take? Why?How will you spend the 3 months?How will you treat each other and make friends?Step 7. AssignmentTask 1. Surf the internet to find Anne’s Diary and read some of it. Print out a piece of the diary and write down your feelings after reading it on the page. We will share the pieces and your feelings with the whole class.Task 2.Ex 2.3 on Page3Period threeStep 1. Warming upCheck the Ss’ assignment: task 2Step 2. Language points:1. add (v.)1). To put together with something else so as to increase the number, size, importance, etc.增加,添加Please add something to what I’ve said, John.2). To join numbers, amount, etc so as to find the total 相加Add up these figures for me, please.add to something: to increase 增加The bad whether added to our difficultiesadd up to总计、加起来共是Having a big breakfast adds up to 112add…to…把…加到…Please add the names to your list2. Cheat v.1). To act in a dishonest way in order to win 欺骗;作弊2). (of, out of) to take from (someone) in a dishonest way 骗取The boss has cheated out of his money1). an act of cheating 作弊行为2). one who cheats 骗子3. Go through1).To examine carefully 仔细阅读或研究I went through the students’ papers last night.2).To experience 经历,遭受They went through the terrible earthquake at night4. Crazy (adj.)1). mad, foolish 疯狂的,愚蠢的It’s crazy to go out in such hot weather.2). wildly excited; very interested 狂热的,着迷的She is crazy about music5. Lonely (adj.) unhappy because of being alone or without friends 孤独的,寂寞的He has been very lonely since his wife left him.Lonely/alonealone1). without or separated from others单独的She lives alone.2). only 仅仅,只有。



Reading Skills

Translation Skills

Guided Writing

Listening Practice
III Teaching Ste
• Step 1 Self-introduction
• Step 2 Text-Related Information
• Step 3 Detailed Explanation of Text A
• 1 Teacher • 2 Students
Step 2 Text–Related Information
• College is a place many young p eople are longing for. They are f ond of college life for different r easons. In this text, you’ll lear n something about how an Ame rican student feels when she goe s to college. In the following, yo u are introduced some informati on about the college life.
our own.
• 3 have (some time) off: to have a r est for a period of time; be away fr om work or duty
• You’d better have a few days off.
• 经理放员工两天假。
• The manager had the staff two

New Horizon College English book 1 Unit 1

New Horizon College English  book  1 Unit  1

A Teaching Plan for Unit 1(In New Horizon College English Book 1)I. Time: the first 10 class hours in Oct. 2006II. Contents:1.Listening and Speaking2.Section A: Learning a Foreign Language3.Section B: Keys to Successful Online LearningIII. Suggested Timetable:1.The first two-class-hour session for listening and speaking2.The next four-class-hour session for Section A3.The fourth two-class-hour session for exercises of Section A4.The fifth two-class-hour session for Section B and Section CIV. Aims and Requirements:Listening and Speaking1.Train the students’ ability to understand the main idea and grasp important details of the listeningtexts.2.Give the students a chance to exchange views on the texts they have heard to enable them to havea deeper understanding of the texts.Section A: Learning a Foreign Language1.New words and expressions: reward, frustrate, positive, former, unlike, opportunity, communicate,access, technology participate, virtual, continual, finally, culture, activity, be well worth sth./ doing sth., not only… but also…, far from, get access to.2.Writing Skills: Cause and EffectSection B: Keys to Successful Online Learning1.Reading Skills: Finding out word meaning though different ways2.Teach the students how to grasp the main idea of the textV. Focal Points and Difficult Points:Listening and Speaking1.Listening skills: listen for important information rather than details2.New words and expressionsSection A: Learning a Foreign Language1.Sentence structure: how to analyze the structure of a sentenceprehension of the text3.Words and expressionsSection B: Keys to Successful Online Learning1. Ask students to retell the story2.Review the subjunctive moodVI. Suggested Teaching Procedure and Methodology:·Listening and Speaking: ( an interactive approach is introduced)1. Pre-listening Task:arrange the students in pairs and ask them to discuss the followingquestions:1.What problems do you have in trying to learn English in your middle school?2.Do you think the computer can help you in learning English, why?3.What other things do you think we can gain through English language learning?2. Background Information3. Listening to text 1 and 24. Speaking Tasks: ask the students to get into pairs and explain to them how to carry out Speaking Task A- Reflections on the texts, and then select a pair to present their views in class.·Section A: Learning a Foreign Language1. Background Information:Online learningOnline learning, a form of distance education, refers to learning and other supportive resources that are available through a networked computer. With the development of the Internet, online learning often takes place on the Internet. In an online lesson, the computer displays material (often in web browsers) in response to a learner’s request. The computer asks the learner for more information and presents appropriate material based on the learner’s input. The material can be as simple as traditional lessons and tests that are transcribed into a computer program. The material can also be a complex system that tracks users’ input and suggests learning material as a result. Or the material can be a work session that occurs through a real time chat; learning occurs through the interaction. The material can be presented as text, graphics, animated graphics, audio, video, or a combination of these that are displayed in wed browsers or other multimedia players such as Windows Media Player.2. Pre-reading ActivitiesListen to short passage twice and answer questions1.What problems do you have in trying to learn English in your middle school?2. Do you think the computer can help you in learning English, why?3. What other things do you think we can gain through English language learning?3. Text Structure AnalysisIn Reading Passage A, the author presents the reader his own language learning experiences for different stages, from middle school to online learning, and for each different stage of learning he describes an effect that results from some causes. This is an example of cause and effect writing, which makes clear the reasons why something happens by showing the relation between a cause and its effect.4. Language PointsWords and Expressions1. rewarding a. (of an experience or action) worth doing or having; worthwhile (经验或事情)有益的;值得做的;有用的e.g. Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life.学习外语是我最一生中最困难,然而也是最有意义的经历。

Teaching Plan for 1A Module 4 Unit3

Teaching Plan for 1A Module 4 Unit3

Teaching Plan for 1A Module 4 Unit3In the parkDate: Dec. 25th, 2012School: Lantian Primary SchoolTeacher: Yan HuiStudents’ level: 1Period: 1Ⅰ. Teaching Contents:1.V ocabularies:red, blue, green, yellow, black, white2.Sentences:It will united the learnt language points with new points. E.g. “This…is …”3. Short chants:Red bear, green bear, I see you.Yellow tiger, blue tiger, one and two.Panda, panda, black and white.Ⅱ. Teaching Objectives:1. Knowledge skills:a. Be able to read and recognize the new words about colours.b. Can use “Merry Christ mas” to greet people.c. Get more familiar with the sentence structures (involved in the chants) learntbefore. Such as: “I can…”, “It’s…”, “This is a…”2. Teaching methods and the procedures:a. The mainly methods are CLT&TBLT, also, there is 3P (present, practice andproduction), zunited the learnt points with the new points, aid by the vividpictures.b. The brief steps: firstly, a free talk to lead in the topic, then elicit target wordsone by one, practice in short sentences. Then check their learnt degree, andpractice these new words in a short chant. Lastly, finish the practice paper.3. Emotional skills:a. To improve their values of cooperation and discipline;b. Can express their wishes with easy sentences.Ⅲ. Teaching keys and difficultiesKeys: the target six words about color.Difficulties: correct pronunciations of the target languages.Ⅳ. Preparations before class1.Student: little papers, books, crayons, rulers and so on.2.Teacher: PPT (open the Multi-media), crayon, stickers, ruler, give out thesmall papers to the students.Ⅴ. Teaching steps:(一)Before-tasks (warming-up and lead in activities)1.Free talking about Christmas. Elicit “Merry Christmas”.2.Enjoy a song “We wish you a Merry Christmas”.3.Free talking about “winter’s color”, and then lead in today’s topic “colours”(二)While-tasks1.Elicit new word “red”, practice in “red, red, a red____”, read, listen andpractice.2.Elicit new word “blue”, practice in “blue, blue, a blue book.” & “Look! The______is blue.” Read, listen and practice.3.Elicit “green”, chant “green, green, I love green.” Sentences “Look, this is agreen_____.” Read, listen and practice.4.Elicit “yellow”, chant “yellow, yellow, I can see yellow.”Short passages“Look! This is a___. It’s yellow. Read, listen and practice.5.Elicit “black”& “white”. Chant “Black/White, black/white, I can seeblack/white.” Sentences: Look! The_____is black and white.”(三)Post-tasks activities1.PPT present the target words, read together then check in small groups or“driving trains”.2. A chant. (read and do it)3.The small paper (a. a match practice; b.colour the Santa Claus.)Ⅵ. Homework1.Read and listening the new words on P47.2.Preview the contents on P46.ⅦⅧ. Teaching reflection。

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Teaching plan of Unit 1(Designed to the periods)Teaching aims and demands1. goals: Talk about making a Study Plan for ExamsPractise talking about what you should do for making a study plan for exams Learn to use the nouns2. Vocabulary and useful expressions:Make a list, mark, work out, relax, opposite, diary, calendar, target, in other words, tick, circle, item, organize, concentrate, achievement 3. Function:It’s helpful to do sth.Organizing yourself in this way really helps you to concentrate. . 4. Grammar:NounsI.The definition of Nouns.II.The numbers of nounsIII.The genitive of nounsTeaching important points:Vocabulary StudyTeaching Difficult Points:1.How to improve the Ss’ speaking ability.2.NounsAids:1. A recorderTeaching procedure:Period 1-2.Step 1.Warming up1. Brainstorming:Activity: a quiz to test the knowledge of making a study plan for exams.2. Finishing the steps of comprehension on page 19.Step 2. While-reading1. Scanning: Ss read quickly and discussWhat have you learned from the passage?2. Ss read and get the main ideas of each paragraph.Step 3. After-readingDiscussion: how to make a study plan for exams.Layout:Make a PlanMake a list Work out the orderA study targetStep 4. Learning about the languageTeacher explain some language points in the text on page18.1. Many people find that it’s helpful to make a study plan. Layout: 1) It’s help to do morning exercises.2) It’s necessary to study English.2. Organizing yourself in this way really helps you to concentrate Layout: 1) Collecting stamps can be very helpful to everyone.2) Playing video games is harmful to students.3. concentrate.Layout: 1) We students should concentrate on our study.4. work out.Layout: 1) At last, he worked out this problem.Step 5. PracticeSs finish Ex 1 and 2 on page 27-29 by themselves.Step 4. Assignment1. Learn the useful expressions by heart.2. Finish Wb.for unit one.Period 3-4. Step 1. Layout:⏹ 名词的分类:⏹ 普通名词(Common Nouns) ⏹ 专有名词(Proper Nouns)⏹ 1) 个体名词Individual Nouns⏹ 2)集体名词 Collective Nouns Countable Nouns ⏹ 3)物质名词 Material Nouns⏹ 4)抽象名词 Abstract Nouns Uncountable NounsThe pls of the Countable Nouns⏹ Chinese,Japanese,deer,sheep,means ⏹ Eg:Every means _____________(try). ⏹ All the possible means_______________. ⏹ Sheep _______(feed) on grass.⏹ One of the sheep _________(be) missing. ⏹ The Chinese _are____(be) a great people. ⏹ Japanese __is__(be) hard to learn.Step 3. Interaction1. Ss four in one group and have a discussion about the translation on page 312. Ss make notes during the discussion, and try to make the process clear in mind.Step 4. SpeakingStep 5. AssignmentFinish Wb Ex on page1-5Finish Tb Ex on page 12-13Period 5-6. (The Subject-verb agreement)Step 1. Question Analyzing1. Analyze the questions on page28-29.2. Master the important rules of this grammar.Layout:Subject –verb Agreement主语谓语一致no less than/as well as/besidesrather thanlike; more thanA+ with (together with) +B +V.( 与A一致)but; unlikeexcept; including…percent(two-thirds)the rest/halfall; a part; some of 表整体的名词/不可数名词+v.(单) most; a lot; lots n.(pl.) +v.(pl.)plenty; parteach; any;many a; every;either; neither; + 单数名词+单数动词no…and no…each…and each…every…and every…oreither…orA+ +B+v.(与靠近的主语一致,即B一致) neither…norStep 2. dealing with the Ex on p 12-14 of textbook.Step 3. Listening skillsGive the students some tips on how to improve listening while checking the Ex.a. make notes while listening;b. grasp the most important informationStep 4. AssignmentRecite the new words & phrases.Period 7-8 Exercises for consolidationStep 1. Listening1. Ss listen to the passage and get the general idea about it.2. Explain the skills on how to improve Ss’listening ability. Step 2. Vocabulary and Grammar1.give up, give in, give out, give away2. put up with, put down, put out, put up, put forward, put off, put away3. The Noun; Subject-verb agreementLayout:1.a. He is the only one of the students that _______ got full mark.b. He is one of the students that ______ got full mark.A. isB. areC. hasD. have2. a. Three fourths of the teachers present _____ against the plan.b. Three fourths of the surface of the earth ______ covered with water.A. isB. areC. wasD. were3. a. What she wants ____ more time.b. What she wants ____ more sheep.A. hasB. haveC. isD. are4. a. I can work out two of the five problems, but the rest______ too difficult for me.b. I have finished one third of the work and the rest _____ left for you.A. isB. areC. hasD. have名词与主谓一致归纳题(1)1.He found a lot of ____were _____.a. passers-by; grown-upsb. passer-bys; growns-upc. passer-bys; grown-upsd. passers-by; growns-up2. My family raise a lot of ______ , including two ______.a. cattles; cowsb. cows; cattlec. cattle; cowsd. cow; cattles3. Two_________ and three _______attended the meeting.a. Englishmans; Germenb. Englishmen; Germenc. Englishmen; Germansd. Englishmans; Germans4. He left________ with my secretary that he would call again in the afternoon. He said he would keep__________.a. words; his wordsb. word; his wordc. word; wordd. the word; his word5. She is the only one among the ________writes who _________ stories for children.a. woman; writesb. women; writec. women; writesd. woman ; write6. My sister has two _________.a. tooth-brushesb. tooth-brushc. teeth-brushesd. teeth-brush7. This is an old photo of my aunt’s when she had black________, but now she has some white_______.a. hair; hairsb. hairs; hairc. hair; haird. hairs; hairs8. This is the ______.a. students’ exercise-bookb. student’s exercise-bookc. students’ exercise-booksd. student’s exercise-books9. “What does Mr Brown do for a living?”“He’s one of the most successful ________ in the city.”a. newspaper reporterb. newspaper’s reportersc. newspaper’s reporter b. newspaper reporters10. “Where’s your brother?”“At ______.”a. the Mr Green’sb. Greensc. Mr Green’sd. the Greens11. What he says and what he does __________.a. does not agreeb. do not agreec. does not agree withd. not agree12. The boy and the girl each ________ toys.a. have their ownb. has their ownc. have her ownd. has her own13. A great of talking and listening that ______ under casual circumstance may seem to be aimless.a. is occurredb. are occurredc. occursd. occur14. _______ the classroom needs to be cleaned.a. Either the officers orb. The offices andc. Both the office andd. The office and15. _________ food is kept in his new cave.a. Large quantities ofb. A great deal ofc. A large quantities ofd. Quite a fewStep 3. Translation (Interaction)Correct the answers with the class and show them in class. Step 4. writing1. Teach Ss the right style of writing a letter.2. Give Ss the sample for the compostion.Step 5. AssignmentSs in group 3-5, make an plan to spend Mid-autumn Festival.Period 9-10. (Examination )Period 11-12 Analyze the papers:Step 1: give the correct answers to the whole classStep 2: analyze the difficult points22. You haven’t had your supper yet, ________?A. do youB. did youC. have youD. had you(解析)本题考查附加疑问句,因为have是行为动词,主句中助动词是have,所以答案应选C.27. By the end of last year, we ______more than 2,000 teachers of English all over the province.A. trainedB. have trainedC. would train C. had trained(解析)本题考查时态,因为时间状语是by the end of last year, 看到by引出时间状语,动词用完成时,和last year连用,表过去,因此整句时态用过去完成时,答案选C.28. _____the teacher’s suggestion, Tom finally found a way to settle the problem.A. FollowingB. To followC. FollowD. Followed(解析)本题考查非谓语动词中分词作原因状语,要看follow与句子主语Tom之间是主动关系,因此答案选A.30. Sometimes Cathy dreamed of _______ away on a white horse by a handsome young prince.A. carryingB. being carriedC. to carryD. to be carried(解析)本题考查介词后作宾语可以用动名词,又因为句子主语Cathy 和carry away 根据句意是被动关系,所以应采用being done 的结构,故答案选B.Period 13-14.Analyze the exercises in the WBStep 1. c heck the whole answers in the WBStep 2. analyze the important and difficult points in the ex1.________experience our journey by camel is!A. What an excitingB. What excitingC. How an excitingD. How excitingKey: A(分析) 感叹句的基本句式:(1) 由what 引出的感叹句,其句式为:(a/an)+(adj.)+可数名词单数形式What (adj.)+可数名词复数形式 +(主语+谓语)adj. +不可数名词eg: What an interesting story(it is)!What terrible mistakes they made!What lovely weather it is!(2)由how 引导的感叹句,用来修饰形容词、副词和动词,其形式为:①How +adj(adv)!省略句子的主语和谓语。
