Speech Magnitude-Spectrum Information-Entropy (MSIE) for Automatic
MODIFIED SPECTRAL SUBTRACTION BASED SPEECHENHANCEMENTVictor I. Djigan*, Pavel Sovka ♦, Roman Cmejla ♦* DSP Center, SPIRIT Corp., B. Kommunisticheskay Str. 27, Moscow 109004, Russia♦ Dep. of Circuit Theory, Czech Tech. University in Prague, CTU FEL K331,Technicka 2, 166 27 Praha 6,Czech RepublicABSTRACTThe one-microphone speech enhancement, (SE) algorithm as a modification of the extended spectral subtraction (SS)method (ESS) [1] is presented in this paper. The algorithm can be used for the reduction of additive stationary and quasi-stationary colored broad-band noise in noisy speech in hands-free communication terminals as well as in a number of other applications. The achieved noise reduction of the algorithm is comparable to other one-microphone methods. However, the proposed algorithm produces a lower level of ”musical noise”, less than that of the known ones. The proposed algorithm does not require a voice activity detector (VAD), and is very simple (it should be implementable in the bounds of 10 MIPS computing resource in a DSP platform, similar to TMS320C50x).1. INTRODUCTIONThe SE algorithm presented in the paper is appropriated to the reduction of additive stationary and quasi-stationary colored broad-band noise in noisy speech. Such noise is produced by different mechanisms like, the engine of a car,an air conditioner etc. The problem of noise reduction arises in hands-free communication terminals, but the technologies that solve the problem can be also used for the enhancement of speech, received from noisy media (broadcasting, old magnetic or mechanical records).Among different SS methods, amplitude SS was chosen, as providing better perception of processed speech. The idea of SS SE is presented at Fig. 1. Here L i ≤≤1, i is the number of a spectral component in a m -th frame of short-time spectral analysis. It follows from Fig. 1, if ),(),(m S m N i i ωω<< (that means high signal-to-noise ratio, SNR), then the following approximation can be used),(),(),(ˆm N m X m S ii i ωωω−≈. (1)),(m X i ω represents noisy speech amplitude spectrum,),(m N i ω is noise amplitude spectrum and ),(ˆm S i ωstands for the estimation of clean speech amplitudespectrum ),(m S i ω. In the case, ),(ˆm S i ω can be estimated as[]),(),(),(),(ˆm j ii i i X e m N m X m S ωϕωωω−≈, (2)as),(),(ˆm m i X i S ωϕωϕ≈, (3)for each i . If SNR is low, then the approximations (1) and(3) can cause errors. In this case, certain measures must be taken to suppress the consequences of these errors, which can be heard as residual noise and speech distortion.Figure 1. Vector representation of amplitudespectral subtraction.Complex spectrum of noisy speech ),(m X i ω and amplitude spectrum of additive noise ),(m N i ω are required in (2). The first one is determined by means of L -point Fast Fourier Transform on the base of frame processing of noisy speech sequence )(k x . The second one can be only estimated in some sense from the first one.One widely used method for that is the evaluation of ),(m N i ω in speech pauses. It also allows implementation of the single input SE algorithm.However, it is known that the VAD needed for the pause detection operates properly only under high SNR conditions. Low SNR conditions do not allow to use the VAD.Some SS algorithms without the VAD are presented in [2,3]. However, it was found that the method [2] does not operate properly in low SNR conditions and the method [3] has some performance degradation in pause-less speech. Method [1] was found as the most suitable for these conditions.2. MODIFIED SPECTRAL SUBTRACTIONALGORITHMThe key idea of ESS [1] is to estimate noise rather than speech. The noise amplitude spectrum estimation ),(ˆm Niω is obtained from the noisy speech amplitude spectrum ),(m X i ω by means of a noise matched filter as (see [4] for the derivation)),()1,()1,()1,(),()1,(),(ˆ222m X m S m N m N m X m H m N i i i i ii N i ωωωωωωω−+−−=−=, (4)where ),(m N i ω and ),(m S i ω are determined as)1,(),(ˆ)1(),(−+−=m N p m N p m N ii i ωωω (5)and ),(),(),(m N m X m S i i i ωωω−=. (6)Such a method does not produce negative components in enhanced speech. It allows us to avoid the so-called half-wave rectification. However, for the possibility of the additional adjustment of noise suppression in some bounds, the speech matched filter has to be modified as)1,(1),(−−=m H m H i N i S ωαω (7)and (7) has to use half-wave rectification in this case.Like other SS based algorithms, the considered one also generates a ”musical noise”. The proposed approach for the noise reduction is similar to that of [5,6]. However,unlike these efforts, the proposed method does not depend on the kind of noise and does not produce a high level of residual noise. The main idea of the ”musical noise”reduction [5,6] consists in the adjustment of ),(m H i S ωdepending on the SNR, determined in some way during the algorithm operation. Under high SNR conditions (speech presence assumption), ),(m H i S ω is not changed. If the SNR is low (speech absence assumption), ),(m H i S ω is modified. Such dynamically regulation is developed under white noise assumption that does not take place in the case of colored noise. At the same time, similar regulation of ),(m H i S ω can be performed on the basis of direct determining of the speech activity and pauses.Though the VAD is not used in the developed algorithm,the voice and pause detection is performed on the base of the ),(m H i S ωanalysis. In actuality, 1),(≤m H i S ω. It follows from (4)…(7), if speech exists in a noisy signal,then 1),(→m H i S ω. It has been found by experiments that if there are more than 8…12 components 5.0),(≥m H i S ω, the analyzed frame can be considered as one that contains speech. The idea also corresponds to the formant model of speech. It was also found, that the performance of this simple criterion is comparable with more complex ones. Besides, such VAD performance does not depend on the noise type (white or colored).Further, the algorithm proceeds in accordance to the following rule. If the mentioned criterion is true,),(m H i S ω is left without any change, and if it is false,),(m H i S ω is modified in some way. The first case corresponds to high SNR condition (speech presence). In the case, low energy ”musical noise” is masked by speech.The second case corresponds to the speech absence. In this case, some additional efforts should be made, as the SS by itself does not eliminate the ”musical noise”. If ),(m H S ωis averaged, the low components in ),(m H i S ω are increased, residual noise is also increased and ”musical noise” is masked by residual one. The increasing of residual noise is the trade off for the ”musical noise”masking. However, unlike [5,6], the proposed method does not depend on the type of noise; it provides a lower level of the residual noise and, unlike the averaging ),(m X i ωin frequency domain [2], it does not distort speech, as ),(m H i S ω is not modified during the speech activity.For the averaging of ),(m H i S ω, simple (in computing sense) and effective (in ”musical noise” masking sense)rule was used),(1),(1m H Lm H j Lj S i av S ωω∑==, (8)for each L j !1=. The averaging is not performed during a few frames, followed by the last speech presence frame.Such a decision is based on the assumption that low energy frames, corresponding to active speech parts, can be detected as speechless ones and distorted due to the averaging of ),(m H S ω. Low energy frames usually also precede active speech parts, but the same rule cannot be applied for looking ahead, as it increases algorithmic time-delay of output signal (cleaned speech).The optimal parameters of the SE algorithm, operating with kHz 8 sampling frequency, are L = 256, Hanning window and half-overlap segmentation of input data x [k ],95.0=p , 1=α. Parameter 1=α is the noise suppression and the distortion of cleaned speech trade off. With the parameter value, about dB 18 noise suppression in pauses (NSP) is achieved. The changing of parameter α allows for NSP changing. The dependence is almost linear:changing parameter α in the bounds 0.5…1.5 allows to achieve dB 305! NSP.An example of the considered SE algorithm performance with parameters mentioned above is presented in Fig. 2 to 6. Fig.2 shows noisy speech with SNR=3 dB while at Fig.3 the enhanced speech is depicted. The comparison of Fig.2 and Fig. 3 reveals dramatic noise suppression with negligible residual noise and only slight speech distortion in the output signal. The same conclusions are valid forspectrograms at Fig. 4 to Fig. 6.Figure 2.Noisy speech, SNR=3 dB.Figure 3.Enhanced speech.Figure 4.Spectrogram of clean speech.Figure 5.Spectrogram of noisy speech.Figure 6. Spectrogram of enhanced speech .3. ALGORITHM QUALITY EVALUATIONTo evaluate the quality of the described modified SS (MSS) algorithm, the mixtures of 2 speech samples (English Male, EM and English Female, EF) and a few different samples of noise, produced by a dust cleaner,were created. The tests included objective methods using the SNR and subjective speech quality evaluations. TheMSS algorithm and another type of noise suppression algorithm (Clear Speech Product, CSP, available from ) had an approximately equal number of the preferences in the A-B comparison test. At the same time, the MSS algorithm provided a significantly lower level of ”musical noise” (almost unheard in cleaned speech) than that of CSP algorithm.The objective quality of the SE algorithms is described by the value of NSP and by the value of the SNR improvement (SNRI ) in active parts of speech. Two types of the SNR measurements are used. The first type, 1SNR ,is based on the measuring of the cumulative energies of speech E S and noise E N at all active parts of the sentences,)/(log 10110N S E E SNR =. The second type, 2SNR (also called segmental SNR), is based on the measuring of )(1k SNR on each active frame k and the averaging of the results over all K active frames, ∑==Kk k SNR KSNR 1)(112.As these two types of measurements give different results (1SNR is determined mostly by strong vowels, 2SNR takes into consideration low-level consonants as well),both types are used for the evaluation of the quality. The results for mentioned speech samples, averaged over different types of noises, are presented in the table below.Input Output ParameterSpeech, EMSpeech, EFInput SNR1 2.4-1.13Input SNR2-5.84-8.09CSP SNRI1 4.147.14CSP SNRI27.319.15CSP NSP 17.3817.55MSS SNRI1 3.63 6.47MSS SNRI27.359.04MSSNSP17.7017.71The data of the table are valid for the parameter 1=α. Through variation means of varying of this parameter, it is possible to increase or to diminish the NSP, as mentioned earlier.4. SUMMARYThe developed algorithm for the reduction of additive quasi-stationary noise in noisy speech is presented in the paper. This algorithm, however, was also proved to be very efficient for the suppression of highly non-stationary noises. The only condition is that the rate of noise changes must be lower than the rate of speech changes. In practicethis condition is often fulfilled. In this case the algorithm is able to estimate the background noise during speech activity. It is very valuable feature (not existing in the classical SS approach) in many applications. The performance of classical SE algorithms based on SS approach suffer from the impossibility of proper noise reduction during speech activity.The original algorithm given by (4)-(6) was successfully used as the car noise suppressor for speech recognizer [7].The preliminary experiments with the new described modification have shown further recognition rate improvement. Besides, the algorithm demonstrated subjective quality of enhanced speech, that is important in hands-free voice terminals, operating in noisy environment.Our approach for the algorithm implementation is based on the SS method. Though the method is ”as old as the world”, it has recently found broad application in the communication field, because the SS based SE algorithms are more computationally effective in comparison with other SE algorithms. The main drawback of the SS based SE algorithm, ”musical noise”, can be overcome by means of different methods. One of the possible methods is presented in the paper. The problem still remains challenge for SE algorithm developers throughout the world.This research was supported by the grant GACR 102/96/KO87 Theory and Application of Voice Communication in Czech.5. REFERENCES[1] P. Sovka, P. Pollak, J. Kibic, ”Extended SpectralSubtraction”. EUSIPCO’96, September 1996, pages 963-966.[2] L. Arslan, A. McCree, V. Viswanathan, ”New methodfor Adaptive Noise Suppression”. Proceedings of International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP’95), 1995, pages 812-815.[3] R. Martin, ”Spectral Subtraction Based on MinimumStatistics”, EUSIPCO’94, September 1994, pages 1182-1185.[4] P. Sovka, ”Extended Spectral Subtraction: descriptionand preliminary results”. Research report #R95-2,CTU FEE in Prague, Czech republic, September 1995.[5] Y. Ephraim, D. 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bar graph n.条形图equalization n.均衡化;均等image contrast n.图像对比度addition n.加subtraction n.减lapse v.流逝, 失效, 下降time-lapsed (时间上)相继的matrix n.矩阵motion n.运动, 动作v.运动dimension n.维数convolution n.回旋, 盘旋, 卷积boundary n.边界, 分界线blur v.涂污, 污损, 使……模糊,sharp adj.锐利的, 锋利的, 明显的locate v.定位, 位于spectra n.范围, 光谱spectrum n.光谱, 频谱phase spectrum相位频谱magnitude spectrum幅度频谱facsimile n. 传真,摹写,影印lossless compression(压缩)无损压缩lossy compression 有损压缩irretrievably adv.不能挽回地, 不能补救地CT (computed tomography) 计算机断层造影MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging ) 核磁共振成像DCT (discrete cosine transform)离散余弦变换run-length encoding行程编码Huffman encoding霍夫曼编码Image contrast图像对比度Edge filter边缘滤波Edge detection边缘检测Object recognition目标识别Run-length encoding行程编码Huffman encoding哈夫曼编码Pixel 像素Gray scale image 灰度图像Gray scale level灰度级Histogram 直方图Bar graph条形图Histogram equalization直方图均衡encryption program 加密程序deletion command 删除命令authorized user 授权的用户backup copy 备份的副本voltage surge 电涌,浪涌电压circuit breaker 断路器electronic component 电子器件data-entry error 数据输入错误electronic break-in 电路中断power line 电力线,输电线EC:Electronic Commerce 电子商务Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)电子数据交换Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)电子资金转账embedded system 嵌入式系统radio frequency 射频schematic原理图capture记录,输入building block模块,构件EDA (Electronic Design Automation)电子设计自动化HDL: Hardware Description Language 硬件描述语言Full-custom IC(全定制集成电路)Semi-custom IC(半定制集成电路)FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) 现场可编程门阵列CD: compact disc光盘LP: long playing record慢转密纹唱片CAD: Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计EDA: Electronic Design Automatic电子设计自动化HDL: Hardware Description Language 硬件描述语言VHDL: VHSIC Hardware Description Language极高速集成电路(VHSIC)硬件描述语言ASIC: Application Specific Integrated Circuit专用集成电路PLD: Programmable Logic Device可编程逻辑器件PLA: Programmable Logic Array可编程逻辑阵列RTL: Register Transfer Level寄存器传送级CRT: Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管transducer 传感器,换能器fundamental frequency基频sonic boom声爆single-shot单脉冲raster 光栅attenuator 衰减器particle 粒子phosphor 磷,启明星vibrating 振动grading 分级,归类pervade 遍及indispensable不可缺少的demanding过分的,苛刻的luminous 发光的,明亮的legible 清晰的,易读的front-end 前端的,前期的archive 存档,档案文件user authentication 用户认证electronic purse 电子钱包information filter 信息过滤data integrity 数据完整性smart card 智能卡HTML 超文本标记语言symmetric key cryptosystem 对称密钥密码系统message authentication code 信息鉴定码unauthorized access control 未授权访问控制electronic catalog 电子目录electronic money (或cash) 电子货币search engine 搜索引擎digital signature 数字签名user interface 用户界面EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) 电子资金转帐public key cryptosystem 公钥密码系统PDA (personal digital assistant)个人数字助理hypertext link 超文本链接3D image 三维图像credit card 信用卡Alkaline 碱性的Resolution 清晰度,分辨力Beam splitter分光镜,分色镜Photography 摄影,摄影术Lens 透镜,镜头Film 薄膜,胶卷,影片Focus 焦点TIFF: Tagged Image File Format标签图像文件格式JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group 联合图像专家组LCD: Liquid Crystal Display液晶显示器CCD: Charge Coupled Device电荷耦合器件user authentication 用户认证electronic purse 电子钱包symmetric key cryptosystem 对称密钥密码系统search engine 搜索引擎detection program 检测程序power source 电源digital signature 数字签名software piracy 软件侵权hard-disk drive 硬盘驱动器Programmable Logic Array 可编程逻辑阵列primary storage 主存储器electronic bulletin board 电子公告板histogram equalization 直方图均衡edge detection 边缘检测magnitude spectrum 幅度谱Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器full-custom integrated circuit 全定制集成电路embedded system 嵌入式系统图象传感器image sensor电子设计自动化electronic design automation模拟电子电路设计analogue electronic circuit design加密程序encryption program电子器件electronic component计算机病毒computer virusⅡ. Choose among the four choices the one that best completes the sentence. (70 points) 1. A ___B___ copy is a copy of a current file made in order to protect against loss ordamage.A. hardB. backupC. softD. file2. T h e infamous “Michelangelo” __C__ strikes thousands of computers every year onMarch 6.A. crackerB. hackerC. virusD. disease3. D ata __A____ can reduce the amount of data sent or stored by partially eliminatinginherent redundancy.A. compressionB. conversionC. configurationD. compilation4. C onfidentiality of the message is not enough in a secure communication; ____C____is also needed. The receiver needs to be sure of the sender’s identity.A. encryptionB. authorizationC. authenticationD. encapsulation5. T o access a page on the WWW, one needs a ___D_____ that usually consists ofthree parts: a controller, a method, and an interpreter.A. routerB. codeC. passwordD. browser6. T he data, when they are not encrypted, are called ___A_____.A. plaintextB. ciphertextC. hypertextD. context7. W hereas the decimal system is based on 10, the _____B___ system is based on 2.There are only two digits in the latter system, 0 and 1.A. bilateralB. binaryC. byteD. bit8. The larger the number of pixels in an image, and the lager the number of availablegray scale levels, the better the ___A__ of the image.A. resolutionB. identificationC. recognitionD. shade9. The gray scales present in a digital image can be summarized by its _C_______.A. graphB. schematicC. histogramD. diagram10.The abbreviation JPEG stands for Jointed Picture ___B_____ Group.A. ExpertsB. ExpertC. EngineersD. Engineer11.When you send a document electronically, you can also sign it. This is called___B____ signature.A. onlineB. digitalC. virtualD. simulated12. People who gain unauthorized access to a computer system for malicious purposes are called ____B____.A. HackersB. CrackersC. breakersD. intruders13. The abbreviation FPGA stands for Field ____B____Gate Array.A. ProgramB. ProgrammableC. ProgrammingD. Programmer14.To save time and bandwidth, both images and other files are often compressedbefore being ____C____.A. transferredB. transportedC. transmittedD. traversed作业如下:翻译文章"Digital Image Fundamentals"(P237~240)翻译“补充资料”中的《Computer Security》全文翻译补充资料"Electronic Commerce"中的<4. Security Services>部分翻译文章"Overview of Modern Digital Design"中的<Design automation>部分(Page 131~132)完成<课后练习>的第1题的第一段(Page 149)。
利用频谱信息的人工耳蜗语音处理作者,作者*(小四号楷体,居中,拟作报告者在作者名下添加下划线)(学校专业,邮编,通讯作者邮箱)(5号宋体/Times New Roman,居中)摘要基于对普通话的声学研究成果,利用频谱信息的人工耳蜗语音处理的两种新的算法在声学仿真实验得到有效的认证。
从听力正常的受试者的声音信号中导出了调幅(AM )和调频(FM )信息,并进行了声学仿真实验,。
通过提取和编码的窄带信号的手两个信封和语音信号的基本频率(F0 )开发了一种新颖的算法。
宿主及合成器常用术语中英文对照表宿主及合成器效果器常用术语中英文对照表AAbout 关于(软件信息)Accent 重音,强音Active 活跃,起作用Add 增加,加法(合成方式)Adjust 调整,调节Adjusts 调节ADSR 包络校准AfterTouch 触后(缩写AT)Air 空气,空间感All 全部,完整和弦Always 总是,始终AM(Amplitude Modulation)振幅调制,调幅(合成方式)Amount 数量,影响程度(缩写AMNT)Amplifiter 放大器Amplitude 振幅,音量,放大器(缩写AMP)Analog 色偏差,模拟(信号)Anchor 标记,定位Application 应用,程序Apply 应用Area 范围,区域Arpeggiator 琶音,琶音器(缩写ARP)Articulation 清晰度ASIO(Audio Stream Iput Output)Steinberg开发的计算机声卡低延迟专业驱动Assign 分配,指派(设备功能)Assingment 分配,设置(设备功能)Asymmetry 不对称性,偏移(缩写ASYM)Asynchronous 不同步,异步Attack 启动,触发(缩写A或ATT)Attributes 属性Audio 音频Author 创造者,作者Auto 自动Available 可用的BBalance 平衡(信号)(缩写BAL)Band pass 带通(滤波)模式Band Reject 带除,带阻(滤波)模式Band 段带,区间(滤波器模式)Bank 库存(音色)Base 基础,基于Basic 基础(波形)Bass 低音,低频,低音乐器(贝司)Beat 拍子,节拍Bend 弯音,弯音轮,弯音范围Bipolar 双极(信号)Blend 混合比,透明度Box 封装BPM 节拍,速度Break 分割,分开Breakpoint 分界点,连接点Breath 呼吸,呼吸控制器Bright 明亮(音色)Brightness 明亮程度(音色)Browser 浏览器Bypass旁通CCabinet 机架,音箱头Carrier 搭载,载波器Center 中间,居中(缩写C)Chain 链(信号)Change 改变(音色排序)Chunnel 通道,声道(缩写CH或CHN)Clear 清除Click 滴答声,颗粒,单机Clip 修剪,分离器Clock 时钟(同步)Close 关闭,停止Clouds 云(粒子)Coarse 粗略调节(音调)Code 编码Color 色彩(声音)Comb 梳妆Combiner 混合器Comment 注释,备注Company 单位,团队Compare 对比,比较Chorus 合唱,合唱效果器Computer 计算机,电脑Container 容器Control 控制Controller 控制器(缩写CTRY)Copy 复制,拷贝Create 创建,创造Curve 曲线图Cut 切除Cutoff 截止频率DDamp 阻尼,抑制db 分贝,振幅单位DC Offset 直流偏移Decay 衰减,回落(缩写D或DEC)Default 默认,缺省(参数)Delay 延迟,延迟效果器Delete 删除Demo 试用(软件,演示)Dens 密度Depth 深度Destination 目标(调制)Detune 解谐,音调偏移Developer 开发者Diffusion 扩散,传播Digital 数字,数码(缩写DIGI)Displace 偏移,转移Distortion 失真,失真效果器Dotted 附点音Double 双重,双倍Down 向下,下行Download 下载Draft 实时Draw 描绘(波形)Drive 驱动,过载程度Driver 驱动器,光驱Dry 干声,原始声Dynamic 动态EEasy 容易Echo 回声Edit 编辑Editor 编辑器Effect 效果器EG(Envelope Generator)包络发生器Electric 电子(设备,乐器)(缩写ELEC)Emphasis 强调(截止频率)Empty 空白的,待编辑的Enabled 打开,激活End 结束,结束处Ensemble 群体感,群奏,合奏(ENS)Envelope 包络(缩写ENV)Equalizer 均衡,均衡器(缩写EQ)Expand 扩展,扩展器ER(Early Reflection)早期反射Event 事件Example 举例Expert 专业,复杂,详细(操作)Explorer 浏览(硬盘)Export 导出Expression 表情External 外部的(信号)FFader 推子,衰减器Fat 肥厚,饱满Feedback 反馈程度,反复次数(缩写FBK)File 文件(菜单)Filter 滤波,滤波器Fine 精细调节(音调)Flanger 镶边,镶边效果器Flat 平坦(图形参数)FM(Frequency Modulation) 频率调制,调频(合成方式)Formant 共振峰Fractal 不规则碎片(波形)Fractalize 分裂碎片(合成方式)Freeze 冻结Frequency 频率(缩写FREQ)FX 效果GGain 增益(音量)Gate 门,噪声门,时值Generator 发生器Genre 风格,流派Gibbs 吉布斯(现象)Glide 滑音,滑音模式Global 全局,整体Granular 颗粒,粒子(合成方式)Grid 网格Group 群组HHarmonic 谐波,泛音Harmonics 泛音High 高,高频(缩写HI)Highest 最高的(音)Hold 保持,持续HPF(High Pass Filter) 高通滤波器Hz 赫兹(频率单位)II/O(Input/Output) 输入/输出Icon 图标Image 图像Import 导入In 入口Index 指数,指标Information 信息,注释Inharmonic 不谐和的Input 输入,输入通道Insert 插入Instruments 乐器,工具Interpolate 加入变化Inverse Sawtooth 倒锯齿波Inverse 倒转,反转Invert 颠倒,反转Iterations 重复,反复KKey 琴键,键位,调式Keyboard 键盘,键盘乐器,键盘跟踪器,键盘跟踪功能(缩写KBD)Knob 旋钮LLag 懒散,缓缓,滞后Latch 持续演奏Latest 最后的(音)Layer 层面,层次Lead 领奏,主奏(音色类型)Learn 识别,捕获Left 左边,左声道Legato 连音,连奏Lenght 长度,时值Level 强度,程度多用于表示音量Limit 限制,限度Limiter 限制限制器(缩写LIM)Link 连接,关联List 列表Load 读取,调用Logic 逻辑Loop 循环素材Low 低,低频(缩写LIM)Low Frequency Oscillator低频振荡器(缩写LFO)Lowest 最低的(音)Low Pass Filter低通滤波器(缩写LPF)MMagnitude 数量Main 主要的Make 安排,制造Maker 制造者Manager 管理器Manual 手动,不自动Mapping 映射Master 主要的,总控,总线Matrix 矩阵Max 最大的Message 信息Middle 中频,中间(缩写MID)Musical Instrument Digital Interface数字化乐器接口(缩写MIDI)Min 最小的Mix 混音,混合,混合比例Mixer 混合器,调音台Mode 模式,方式Modeling 建模Modifiers 校正,调节器Modulate 调制,调制器Modulated 已调制,被调制Modulation 调制,调制轮,调制技术Module 模块Monitor 监听Mono 单声道,单音模式Morph 变化,复合(波形)Mouth 用嘴表达一样的(效果)ms 毫秒,时间单位Multi 多(功能)Multicomb 梳妆延迟(效果)Multiplivator 倍频Multitap 多输出延迟(效果)Mute 静音(音轨)(缩写M)NName 名字(音色)Navigator 导航器New 新的(音色)Next 下一步,下一个Noise 噪音Normal 正常,标准Notch 带除(缩写NOT)Notches 等级,程度Note 音符Number 数字,数量(缩写NUM)OOctave 八度,每八度(缩写OCT)OFF 关闭,停止Offset 偏移(频率)ON 打开,启动Open 打开,启动Operator 操作,控制,操作器,运算器(缩写OP)Option 选项Order 次序,工作状态(缩写ORD)Oscillator 振荡器缩写(OSC)Out 出口Output 输出,输出通道Overall 全局,总控Overdrive 过载,过载效果器Overload 信号过载Pad 铺底,铺垫(音色类型)Pan 声像Panel 面板Parallel 并联Parameter 参数,参量Pass 通过(滤波器模式)Paste 粘贴Pattern 图示,模式Pulse Code Modulation 脉冲编码调制(缩写PCM)Peak 顶点(图形参数)Perform 执行演奏Phase 相位Phaser 移相,移相效果器Physical 物理的Ping-Pong 乒乓(效果)Pink 粉红(噪音)Pipe 管道(效果)Pitch 音高偏移,定调Pitchbend 弯音轮,弯音控制器Play 演奏,播放Pluck 拨奏Plugin 插件Point 节点,端点Polyphonic 复音,复音数Polyphony 复音,复音数(缩写POLY)Portamento 滑音,延音(缩写PORTA)Position 位置Post 加速Power 功率。
电子信息工程专业英语词汇transistor n 晶体管 plug vt堵,塞,插上n塞子,插头,插销 OSI开放式系统互联参考模型(Open System diode n 二极管 coaxial adj 同轴的,共轴的Interconnect) semiconductor n 半导体 fiber n 光纤 GSM全球移动通信系统(Global System forresistor n 电阻器 relay contact 继电接触器 Mobile Communications) capacitor n 电容器 single instruction programmer 单指令编程器 GPRS通用分组无线业务(General Packet Radio dedicated manufactures programmingunit 专 alternating adj 交互的 Service)amplifier n 扩音器,放大器供制造厂用的编程单元 FDD(frequencydivision duplex)频分双工 integrated circuit 集成电路 beam n (光线的)束,柱,梁 TDD(time division duplex)时分双工 polarize v(使)偏振,(使)极化linear time invariant systems 线性时不变系统 VPI虚路径标识符(Virtual Path Identifier); voltage n 电压,伏特数 Cathode Ray Tube(CRT) 阴极射线管 ISDN(Integrated Services Digital Network)综 tolerance n 公差;宽容;容忍 neuron n神经元;神经细胞合业务数字网 fuzzy adj 模糊的 condenser n 电容器;冷凝器 IDN综合数字网(integrated digital network)dielectric n 绝缘体;电解质 Artificial Intelligence Shell 人工智能外壳程序 HDTV (high definition television)高清晰度电视 electromagnetic adj 电磁的 Expert Systems 专家系统 DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform)离散余弦变换 Artificial Intelligence 人工智能 adj 非传导性的 VCI(virtual circuit address)虚通路标识 deflection n偏斜;偏转;偏差 Perceptive Systems 感知系统 MAN城域网Metropolitan area networks linear device 线性器件 neural network 神经网络 LAN局域网local area networkthe insulation resistance 绝缘电阻 fuzzy logic 模糊逻辑 WAN广域网wide area network anode n 阳极,正极 intelligent agent 智能代理同步时分复用STDM Synchronous Time Division cathode n 阴极 electromagnetic adj 电磁的 Multiplexing breakdown n 故障;崩溃 coaxial adj 同轴的,共轴的统计时分复用STDM Statistical Time Divisionterminal n 终点站;终端,接线端 microwave n 微波 Multiplexing emitter n 发射器 charge v充电,使充电单工传输simplex transmission collect v 收集,集聚,集中 insulator n 绝缘体,绝缘物半双工传输half-duplex transmission insulator n 绝缘体,绝热器 nonconductive adj非导体的,绝缘的全双工传输full-duplex transmission oscilloscope n 示波镜;示波器antenna n天线;触角交换矩阵Switching Matrix gain n 增益,放大倍数modeling n建模,造型电路交换 circuit switchingforward biased 正向偏置 simulation n 仿真;模拟分组交换packet switching reverse biased 反向偏置 prototype n 原型报文交换message switching P-N junction PN结 array n 排队,编队奇偶校验parity checking MOS(metal-oxide semiconductor) 金属vector n 向量,矢量循环冗余校验CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check 氧化物半导体 wavelet n 微波,小浪虚过滤Virtual filter enhancement and exhausted 增强型和耗sine 正弦 cosine 余弦数字滤波digital filtering 尽型 inverse adj倒转的,反转的n反面;相反v伪随机比特Quasi Random Bit integrated circuits 集成电路倒转带宽分配 Bandwidth allocation analog n 模拟 high-performance 高精确性,高性能信源information sourcedigital adj 数字的,数位的 two-dimensional 二维的;缺乏深度的信宿destination horizontal adj, 水平的,地平线的 three-dimensional 三维的;立体的;真实的数字化digitalize vertical adj 垂直的,顶点的 object-oriented programming面向对象的程序数字传输技术Digital transmission technology amplitude n 振幅,广阔,丰富设计灰度图像Grey scale images attenuation n衰减;变薄;稀薄化 spectral adj 光谱的灰度级Grey scale level multimeter n 万用表 attenuation n衰减;变薄;稀释幅度谱Magnitude spectrumfrequency n 频率,周率 distortion n 失真,扭曲,变形相位谱Phase spectrum the cathode-ray tube 阴极射线管 wavelength n 波长频谱frequency spectrum dual-trace oscilloscope 双踪示波器 refractive adj 折射的智能设备Smart Device signal generating device 信号发生器 ATM 异步传输模式Asynchronous Transfer 软切换Soft handover peak-to-peak output voltage 输出电压峰峰值 Mode 硬切换 Hard Handover sine wave 正弦波 ADSL 非对称用户数字线Asymmetric digital 相干检测Coherent detection triangle wave 三角波 subscriber line 边缘检测Edge detection square wave 方波 VDSL甚高速数字用户线very high data rate 冲突检测collision detection amplifier 放大器,扩音器 digital subscriber line 业务集合service integration oscillator n 振荡器 HDSL高速数据用户线 high rate digital 业务分离/综合service separation/ integration feedback n 反馈,回应 subscriber line 网络集合network integration phase n 相,阶段,状态FDMA频分多址(Frequency Division Multiple 环形网Ring networks filter n 滤波器,过滤器 Access) 令牌环网Token Ring network rectifier n整流器;纠正者 TDMA时分多址(Time Division Multiple Access) 网络终端NetworkTerminal band-stop filter 带阻滤波器 CDMA同步码分多址方式(Code Division Multiple 用户终端user terminalband-pass filter 带通滤波器 Access) 用户电路line circuit decimal adj 十进制的,小数的 WCDMA宽带码分多址移动通信系统(Wideband 电路利用率channel utilization(通道利用率) hexadecimal adj/n十六进制的 Code Division Multiple Access) 相关性coherence binary adj 二进制的;二元的TD-SCDMA(Time Division Synchronous Code 相干解调coherent demodulation octal adj 八进制的 Division Multiple Access)时分同步码分多址数字图像压缩digital image compression domain n 域;领域 SDLC(synchronous data link control)同步数据图像编码image encoding code n代码,密码,编码v编码链路控制有损/无损压缩lossy/lossless compression the Fourier transform 傅里叶变换 HDLC(high-level data link control)高级数据链路解压decompression Fast Fourier Transform 快速傅里叶变换控制呼叫控制Call Control microcontroller n 微处理器;微控制器 IP/TCP(internet protocol/transfer Control 误差控制error control assembly language instrucions n 汇编语Protocol)网络传输控制协议存储程序控制stored program control 言指令 ITU (International Telecommunication Union)存储转发方式store-and-forward manner chip n 芯片,碎片国际电信联盟语音\视频传输voice\video transmission modular adj 模块化的;模数的 ISO国际标准化组织(International 视频点播video-on-demand(VOD) sensor n 传感器Standardization Organization); 会议电视Video Conference有线电视cable television deploy 采用,利用,推广应用 multiplex 多路复用的量化quantization take the form of 采用…的形式 degradation 恶化,降级吞吐量throughput parameter 参数,参量 dioxide 二氧化碳话务量traffic layer 层 LED(light-emitting-diode) 发光二极管多径分集Multipath diversity dope 掺杂 evolution 发展,展开,渐进 FET(field effect transistors) 场效应管多媒体通信MDM Multimedia Communication feedback 反馈,回授多址干扰Multiple Access Interference audio recording 唱片dimension 范围,方向,维,元人机交互man machine interface ultra-high-frequency(UHF) 超高频 scenario 方案 in excess of 超过交互式会话Conversational interaction scenario 方案,电影剧本路由算法Routing Algorithm in excess of 超过 amplifer 放大器目标识别Object recognition hypertext 超文本 noninvasive 非侵略的,非侵害的话音变换Voice transform ingredient 成分,因素 tariff 费率,关税率;对…征税中继线trunk line ingredient 成分,组成部分,要素 distributed functional plane(DFP) 分布功传输时延transmission delay metropolitan-area network(WAN) 城域网能平面远程监控remote monitoring metropolitan area network(WAN) 城域网,DQDB(distributed queue dual bus) 分布式光链路optical link 城市网络队列双总线拓扑结构Topology congestion 充满,拥挤,阻塞 hierarchy 分层,层次均方根root mean square collision 冲突 partition 分成whatsoever=whatever 0 extractive 抽出;释放出 segmentation 分割switchboard (电话)交换台 extract 抽取,取出,分离 interface 分界面,接口bipolar (电子)双极的 lease 出租,租约,租界期限,租界物 asunder 分开地,分离地 premise (复)房屋,前提 pass on 传递,切换 detached 分离的,分开的,孤立的 cursor (计算机尺的)游标,指导的 transmission 传输 dispense 分配 elapse (时间)经过,消失 facsimile 传真 allocate 分配,配给;配给物vaporize (使)蒸发 innovative=innovatory 创新的,富有革新精神centigrade 分为百度的,百分度的,摄氏温度subsystem (系统的)分部,子系统,辅助系的的统 track 磁道 fractal 分形 metallic (像)金属的,含金属的,(声音)impetus 促进,激励 molecule 分子,微小,些微刺耳的 cluster 簇cellular 蜂窝状的 dispatch (迅速)派遣,急件 stored-program control(SPC) 存储程序控制 cellular 蜂窝状的,格形的,多孔的 consensus (意见)一致,同意 a large number of 大量的 auxiliary storage(also called secondary storage)deadline (最后)期限,截止时间 peal 大声响,发出辅助存储器tomographic X线体层摄像的 supersede 代替 decay 腐烂,衰减,衰退 alas 唉,哎呀 supplant 代替,取代 negative 负电 cluster 把…集成一束,一组,一簇,一串,out-of-band signaling 带外信号 vicinity 附近,邻近一群simplex transmission 单工传输 vicinity 附近地区,近处 encyclopedia 百科全书 monochromatic 单色的,单色光的,黑白的 sophisticated 复杂的,高级的,现代化的 millionfold 百万倍的 ballistic 弹道的,射击的,冲击的 high-frequency(HF) 高频 semiconductor 半导体 conductor 导体 high definition television 高清晰度电视 radius 半径范围,半径,径向射线 hierarchy 等级制度,层次 chromium 铬 half-duplex transmission 半双工传输 infrastructure 底层结构,基础结构 annotate 给…作注解 accompaniment 伴随物,附属物geographic 地理的,地区的 in terms of 根据,按照 reservation 保留,预定geographically 地理上 disclosure 公布,企业决算公开 quotation 报价单,行情报告,引语 GIS(ground instrumentation system) 地面测public network 公用网 memorandum 备忘录量系统 functionality 功能,功能度 redundancy 备用ground station 地面站 mercury 汞 be viewed as 被看作… earth orbit 地球轨道 resonator 共鸣器 be regards as 被认为是 extraterrestrial 地球外的,地球大气圈外的 resonance 共振 as such 本身;照此;以这种资格 Land-sat 地球资源卫星 whimsical 古怪的,反复无常的 textual 本文的,正文的 rug 地毯,毯子 administration 管理,经营 verge 边界 ignite 点火,点燃,使兴奋cursor 光标(显示器),游标,指针 variation 变化,变量 electromagnetic 电磁的 optical computer 光计算机 conversion 变化,转化 inductive 电感photoconductor 光敏电阻 identity 标识;标志 arc 电弧 optical disks 光盘criterion 标准,准则 telephony 电话(学),通话 optically 光学地,光地 in parallel on 并联到,合并到 dielectric 电介质,绝缘材料;电解质的,绝wide-area networks 广域网 juxtapose 并置,并列缘的 specification 规范,说明书 dialing pulse 拨号脉冲 capacitor 电容 silicon 硅 wave-guide 波导telecommunication 电信,无线电通讯 the international telecommunication union(ITU)wavelength division multiplexed 波分复scenario 电影剧本,方案国际电信联盟用 modem pool 调制解调器(存储)池 excess 过剩 baud rate 波特率 superimposing 叠加,重叠 obsolete 过时的,废弃的 playback 播放(录音带,唱片) pin 钉住,扣住,抓住 maritime 海事的 no greater than 不大于customize 定做,定制 synthetic 合成的,人造的,综合的 update 不断改进,使…适合新的要求,更monolithic 独立的,完全统一的 synthetic 合成的,综合性的新 aluminize 镀铝 rational 合乎理性的 asymmetric 不对称的strategic 对全局有重要意义的,战略的 rationalization 合理化 irrespective 不考虑的,不顾的 substantial 多的,大的,实际上的 streamline 合理化,理顺 inevitably 不可避免的 multi-path fading 多径衰落 infrared 红外线的,红外线 inevitable 不可避免的,不可逃避的,必定的 multi-path 多路,多途径;多路的,多途径的 skepticism 怀疑论 segment 部分 multi-access 多路存取,多路进入 ring network 环形网 abrasion 擦伤,磨损 multiplex 多路复用hybrid 混合物counterpart 伙伴,副本,对应物 pervasive 扩大的,渗透的implementation 实施,实现,执行,敷设 electromechanical 机电的,电动机械的 tensile 拉力的,张力的 entity 实体,存在 Robot 机器人 romanticism 浪漫精神,浪漫主义 vector quantification 矢量量化 Robotics 机器人技术,机器人学 discrete 离散,不连续 mislead 使…误解,给…错误印象,引错accumulation 积累 ion 离子 vex 使烦恼,使恼火,基础结构 force 力量;力infrastructure 基础defy 使落空 substrate 基质,底质 stereophonic 立体声的 facilitate 使容易,促进 upheaval 激变,剧变 continuum 连续统一体,连续统,闭联集 retina 视网膜 compact disc 激光磁盘(CD) smart 灵巧的;精明的;洒脱的 compatible 适合的,兼容的 concentrator 集中器,集线器 token 令牌transceiver 收发两用机 centrex system 集中式用户交换功能系统 on the other hand 另一方面 authorize 授权,委托,允许 converge on 集中于,聚集在…上 hexagonal 六边形的,六角形的 data security 数据安全性 lumped element 集总元件 hexagon 六角形,六边形 data independence 数据独立CAI(computer-aided instruction) 计算机monopoly 垄断,专利 data management 数据管理辅助教学 video-clip 录像剪辑 database 数据库computer-integrated manufacturing(CIM) 计aluminum 铝 database management system(DBMS) 数算机集成制造 pebble 卵石,水晶透镜据库管理信息系统 computer mediated communication(CMC) 计forum 论坛,讨论会database transaction 数据库事务算机中介通信 logical relationships 逻辑关系 data integrity 数据完整性,数据一致性 record 记录 code book 码本attenuation 衰减 register 记录器,寄存器 pulse code modulation(PCM) 脉冲编码调制 fading 衰落,衰减,消失 expedite 加快,促进 roam 漫步,漫游dual 双的,二重的 weight 加权 bps(bits per second) 每秒钟传输的比特transient 瞬时的 accelerate 加速,加快,促进 ZIP codes 美国邮区划分的五位编码 deterministic 宿命的,确定的 categorize 加以类别,分类susceptible(to) 敏感的,易受…的 algorithm 算法 in addition 加之,又,另外 analog 模拟,模拟量 dissipation 损耗 hypothetical 假设的 pattern recognition模式识别 carbon 碳 rigidly 坚硬的,僵硬的 bibliographic 目录的,文献的 diabetes 糖尿病 compatibility 兼容性,相容性 neodymium 钕cumbersome 讨厌的,麻烦的,笨重的 surveillance 监视 the european telecommunication razor 剃刀,剃 surveillance 监视 standardization institute(ETSI) 欧洲电信标准go by the name of 通称,普通叫做 retrieval 检索,(可)补救局 commucation session 通信会话 verification 检验coordinate 配合的,协调的;使配合,调整 traffic 通信业务(量) simplicity 简单,简明 ratify 批准,认可 synchronous transmission 同步传输 film 胶片,薄膜 bias 偏差;偏置 concurrent 同时发生的,共存的 take over 接管,接任 deviate 偏离,与…不同 simultaneous 同时发生的,同时做的 ruggedness 结实 spectrum 频谱 simultaneous 同时发生的,一齐的 threshold 界限,临界值 come into play 其作用 coaxial 同轴的 with the aid of 借助于,用,通过entrepreneurial 企业的 copper 铜 wire line 金属线路,有线线路 heuristic methods 启发式方法 statistical 统计的,统计学的 coherent 紧凑的,表达清楚的,粘附的,相play a …role(part) 起…作用 dominate 统治,支配干的stem from 起源于;由…发生 invest in 投资 compact 紧密的 organic 器官的,有机的,组织的 perspective 透视,角度,远景 approximation 近似hypothesis 前提 graphics 图示,图解 undertake 进行,从事 front-end 前置,前级 pictorial 图像的 transistor 晶体管 potential 潜势的,潜力的coating 涂层,层 elaborate 精心制作的,细心完成的,周密安intensity 强度deduce 推理排的 reasoning strategies 推理策略 coincidence 巧合,吻合,一致vigilant 警戒的,警惕的 scalpel 轻便小刀,解剖刀 inference engine 推理机 alcohol 酒精,酒 inventory 清单,报表 topology 拓扑结构 local area networks(LANs) 局域网 heterodyne 外差法的 spherical 球的,球形的local-area networks(LANs) 局域网 distinguish 区别,辨别 peripheral外界的,外部的,周围的 drama 剧本,戏剧,戏剧的演出 succumb 屈服,屈从,死 gateway 网关 focus on 聚集在,集中于,注视 hazardous 危险的 global functional plane(GFP) 全局功能平面insulator 绝缘 full-duplex transmission 全双工传输 microwave 微波(的) root mean square 均方根 hologram 全息照相,全息图 microprocessor 微处理机,微处理器 uniform 均匀的 microelectronic 微电子 deficiency 缺乏open-system-interconnection(OSI) 开放系thermonuclear 热核的 nuance微小的差别(色彩等) 统互连 artifact 人工制品 encompass 围绕,包围,造成,设法做到 expire 开始无效,满期,终止 AI(artificial intelligence) 人工智能 maintenance 维护;保持;维修 immunity 抗扰,免除,免疫性 fusion 熔解,熔化 satellite communication 卫星通信take…into account 考虑,重视… diskettes(also called floppy disk) 软盘 satellite network 卫星网络programmable industrial automation 可编程sector 扇区 transceiver 无线电收发信机工业自动化 entropy 熵 radio-relay transmission 无线电中继传输demountable 可拆卸的 uplink 上行链路 without any doubt 无疑 tunable 可调的 arsenic 砷 passive satellite 无源卫星 reliable 可靠 neural network 神经网络 sparse 稀少的,稀疏的 be likely to 可能,大约,像要 very-high-frequency(VHF) 甚高频 downlink 下行链路 videotex video 可视图文电视upgrade 升级 precursor 先驱,前任 negligible 可以忽略的 distortion 失真,畸变 visualization 显像 aerial 空气的,空中的,无形的,虚幻的;天线identification 识别,鉴定,验明 feasibility 现实性,可行性 broadband 宽(频)带 pragmatic 实际的 linearity 线性度constrain 限制,约束,制约 regenerative 再生的 ABC American Broadcasting Company 美considerable 相当的,重要的 improve over 在……基础上改善国广播公司 geo-stationary 相对地面静止 play important role in 在…中起重要作用 Automatic Bass Compensation 自动低音by contrast 相反,而,对比起来 in close proximity 在附近,在很近补偿 coorelation 相关性underlying 在下的,基础的 Automatic Brightness Control 自动亮度控制mutual 相互的 in this respect 在这方面mutually 相互的,共同的 entail 遭遇,导致 ABL Automatic Black Level 自动黑电平 interconnect 相互连接,互连 presentation 赠与,图像,呈现,演示 ABLC Automatic Brightness Limiter Circuit 自动亮度限制电路 one after the other 相继,依次 narrowband 窄(频)带minicomputer 小型计算机 deploy 展开,使用,推广应用 ABU Asian Broadcasting Union 亚洲广播protocol 协议,草案 megabit 兆比特联盟(亚广联 ABS American Bureau of Standard 美国protocol 协议,规约,规程germanium 锗psycho-acoustic 心理(精神)听觉的;传音positive 正电标准局的quadrature 正交 AC Access Conditions 接入条件 channelization 信道化,通信信道选择 orthogonal 正交的 Audio Center 音频中心 run length encoding 行程编码 quadrature amplitude modulation(QAM) 正 ACA Adjacent Channel Attenuation 邻频groom 修饰,准备交幅度调制道衰减 virtual ISDN 虚拟ISDN on the right track 正在轨道上 ACC Automatic Centering Control 自动中multitude 许多,大批,大量 sustain 支撑,撑住,维持,持续心控制whirl 旋转 outgrowh 支派;长出;副产品 Automatic Chroma Control 自动色度(增preference 选择,喜欢 dominate 支配,统治益avalanche 雪崩 knowledge representation 知识表示 ACK Automatic Chroma Killer 自动消色pursue 寻求,从事 knowledge engineering 知识工程器 interrogation 询问 knowledge base 知识库 ACP Additive Colour Process 加色法 dumb 哑的,不说话的,无声的 in diameter 直径 ACS Access Control System 接入控制系subcategory 亚类,子种类,子范畴 helicopter 直升飞机统 orbital 眼眶;轨道 acronym 只取首字母的缩写词 Advanced Communication Service 高级oxygen 氧气,氧元素 as long as 只要,如果通信业务 service switching and control points(SSCPs) 业tutorial 指导教师的,指导的 Area Communication System 区域通信务交换控制点 coin 制造(新字符),杜撰系统service control points(SCPs) 业务控制点 fabrication 制造,装配;捏造事实 ADC Analog to Digital Converter 模-数转service controlfunction(SCF) 业务控制功能 proton 质子换器 in concert 一致,一齐intelligence 智能,智力,信息 Automatic Degaussirng Circuit 自动消磁handover 移交,越区切换 intelligent network 智能网电路 at a rate of 以……的速率 intermediate 中间的 ADL Acoustic Delay Line 声延迟线 in the form of 以…的形式 nucleus(pl.nuclei) 中心,核心 ADS Audio Distribution System 音频分配base on… 以…为基础 neutrons 中子系统 yttrium 钇(稀有金属,符号Y) terminal 终端,终端设备 AE Audio Erasing 音频(声音asynchronous transmission 异步传输 overlay 重叠,覆盖,涂覆 AEF Automatic Editing Function 自动编asynchronous 异步的 highlight 重要的部分,焦点辑功能 exceptional 异常的,特殊的 charge 主管,看管;承载 AES Audio Engineering Society 音频工程voice-grade 音频级 dominant 主要的,控制的,最有力的协会indium 铟 cylinder 柱面 AF Audio Frequency 音频 give rise to 引起,使产生 expert system 专家系统 AFA Audio Frequency Amplifier 音频放大private network 专用网络器 cryptic 隐义的,秘密的hard disk 硬盘 transition 转变,转换,跃迁 AFC Automatic Frequency Coder 音频编hard automation 硬自动化 relay 转播码器 relay 转播,中继Automatic Frequency Control 自动频率by means of 用,依靠equip with 用…装备 repeater 转发器,中继器控制 subscriber 用户pursue 追赶,追踪,追求,继续 AFT Automatic Fine Tuning 自动微调 desktop publish 桌面出版 Automatic Frequency Track 自动频率跟telex 用户电报PBX(private branch exchange) 用户小交换机ultraviolet 紫外线的,紫外的;紫外线辐射踪或专用交换机 field 字段 Automatic Frequency Trim 自动额率微vendor 自动售货机,厂商调 be called upon to 用来…,(被)要求…superiority 优势 naturally 自然的;天生具备的 AGC Automatic Gain Control 自动增益控predominance 优势,显著 synthesize 综合,合成制integrate 综合,使完全 AI Artificial Intelligence 人工智能 active satellite 有源卫星in comparison with 与…比较 ISDN(intergrated services digital network) 综 ALM Audio-Level Meter 音频电平表 comparable to 与…可比合业务数字网 AM Amplitude Modulation 调幅 preliminary 预备的,初步的 as a whole 总体上 AMS Automatic Music Sensor 自动音乐premonition 预感,预兆bus network 总线形网传感装置 nucleus 原子核 crossbar 纵横,交叉 ANC Automatic Noise Canceller 自动噪valence 原子价 impedance 阻抗声消除器circumference 圆周,周围 initial 最初的,开始的 ANT ANTenna 天线teleprocessing 远程信息处理,遥控处理 optimum 最佳条件 AO Analog Output 模拟输出 perspective 远景,前途 appear as 作为…出现 APS Automatic Program Search 自动节constrain 约束,强迫 A Analog 模拟目搜索 mobile运动的,流动的,机动的,装在车 A/D Analog to Digital 模-数转换 APPS Automatic Program Pause System 上的 AAC Advanced Audio Coding 高级音频编自动节目暂停系统 convey 运输,传递,转换码 APSS Automatic Program Search System impurity 杂质 ABB Automatic Black Balance 自动黑平自动节目搜索系统 impurity 杂质,混杂物,不洁,不纯衡 AR Audio Response 音频响应ARC Automatic Remote Control 自动遥 BTA Broadband Terminal Adapter宽带 CII China Information Infrastructure 中国控终端适配器信息基础设施ASCII American Standard Code for Broadcasting Technology Association (日CIF Common Intermediate Format 通用中Information Interchange 美国信息交换标准本间格式 AST Automatic Scanning Tracking 自动 BTL Balanced Transformer-Less 桥式推 CIS Chinese Industrial Standard 中国工业扫描跟踪挽放大电路标准ATC Automatic Timing Control 自动定时 BTS Broadcast Technical Standard 广播 CLV Constant Linear Velocity 恒定线速度控制技术标准 CM Colour Monitor 彩色监视器 Automatic Tone Correction 自动音频校 BTU Basic Transmission Unit 基本传输单 CMTS Cable Modem Termination System正元线缆调制解调器终端系统 ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode 异步 BVU Broadcasting Video Unit 广播视频 CNR Carrier-to-Noise Ratio 载噪比传输模式型(一种3/4英寸带录像机记录格式 CON Console 操纵台ATF Automatic Track Finding 自动寻迹 BW BandWidth 带宽 Controller 控制器 ATS Automatic Test System 自动测试系 BWTV Black and White Television 黑白 CPB Corporation of Public Broadcasting 统电视 (美国公共广播公司ATSC Advanced Television Systems CA Conditional Access 条件接收 CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理单元 Committee (美国高级电视制式委员会) CAC Conditional Access Control 条件接 CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗余校 ***C Automatic Volume Control 自动音收控制验量控制 CAL Continuity Accept Limit 连续性接 CRCC CRI Cyclic Redundancy Check Code ***R Automatic Voltage Regulator 自动受极限循环冗余校验码稳压器 CAS Conditional Access System 条件接 CROM China Radio International 中国国际AWB Automatic White Balance 自动白平收系统广播电台衡 Conditional Access Sub-system 条件接 CRT Control Read Only Memory 控制只读 AZC Automatic Zooming Control 自动变收子系统存储器焦控制 CATV Cable Television 有线电视,电缆电 CS Cathode-Ray Tube 阴极射线管 AZS Automatic Zero Setting 自动调零视 CSC Communication Satellite 通信卫星 BA Branch Amplifier 分支放大器 Community Antenna Television 共用天 CSS Color Sub-carrier 彩色副载波Buffer Amplifier 缓冲放大器线电视 Center Storage Server 中央存储服务器 BAC Binary-Analog Conversion 二进制模 C*** Constant AngularVelocity 恒角速 Content Scrambling System 内容加扰系统拟转换度 CSU Channel Service Unit 信道业务单元BB Black Burst 黑场信号 CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corporation CT Color Temperature 色温 BBC British Broadcasting Corporation 英加拿大广播公司 CTC Cassette Tape Controller 盒式磁带控国广播公司 CBS Columbia Broadcasting System (美制器BBI Beijing Broadcasting Institute 北京国哥伦比亚广播公司 Channel Traffic Control 通道通信量控制广播学院 CC Concentric Cable 同轴电缆Counter Timer Circuit 计数器定时器电路 BC Binary Code 二进制码 CCG Chinese Character Generator 中文 Counter Timer Control 计数器定时器控制Balanced Current 平衡电流字幕发生器 CTE Cable Termination Equipment 线缆终 Broadcast Control 广播控制 CCIR International Radio Consultative 端设备 BCT Bandwidth Compression Technique Committee 国际无线电咨询委员会 Customer Terminal Equipment 用户终端设带宽压缩技术 CCITT International Telegraph and 备 BDB Bi-directional Data Bus 双向数据总Telephone Consultative CTV Color Television 彩色电视线 Committee 国际电话电报咨询委员会 CVD China Video Disc 中国数字视盘BER Basic Encoding Rules 基本编码规则 CCR Central Control Room 中心控制室 CW Carrie Wave 载波 Bit Error Rate 比特误码率 CCTV China Central Television 中国中央 DAB Digital Audio Broadcasting 数字音频 BF Burst Flag 色同步旗脉冲电视台广播BFA Bare Fiber Adapter 裸光纤适配器 Close-Circuit Television 闭路电视 DASH Digital Audio Stationary Head 数字 Brillouin Fiber Amplifier 布里渊光纤放大 CCS Center Central System 中心控制系音频静止磁头器统 DAT Digital Audio Tape 数字音频磁带BGM Background Music 背景音乐 CCU Camera Control Unit 摄像机控制器DBMS Data Base Management System 数 BIOS Basic Input,Output System 基本CCW Counter Clock-Wise 反时针方向据库管理系统输入输出系统 CD Compact Disc 激光唱片 DBS Direct Broadcast Satellite 直播卫星B-ISDN Broadband-ISDN 宽带综合业务 CDA Current Dumping Amplifier 电流放 DCC Digital Compact Cassette 数字小型盒数据网大器带 BIU Basic Information Unit 基本信息单 CD-E Compact Disc Erasable 可抹式激光Dynamic Contrast Control 动态对比度控制元唱片 DCT Digital Component Technology 数字 Bus Interface Unit 总线接口单元 CDFM Compact Disc File Manager 光盘分量技术 BM Bi-phase Modulation 双相调制文件管理(程序Discrete Cosine Transform 离散余弦变换BML Business Management Layer 商务 CDPG Compact-Disc Plus Graphic 带有静 DCTV Digital Color Television 数字彩色电管理层止图像的CD唱盘视BN Backbone Network 主干网 CD-ROM Compact Disc-Read Only DD Direct Drive 直接驱动BNT Broadband Network Termination 宽Memory 只读式紧凑光盘 DDC Direct Digital Control 直接数字控制带网络终端设备 CETV China Educational Television 中国 DDE Dynamic Data Exchange 动态数据交 BO Bus Out 总线输出教育电视台换BPG Basic Pulse Generator 基准脉冲发 CF Color Framing 彩色成帧 DDM Data Display Monitor 数据显示监视生器 CGA Color Graphics Adapter 彩色图形器 BPS Band Pitch Shift 分频段变调节器 (显示卡 DES Data Elementary Stream 数据基本码BSI British Standard Institute 英国标准 CI Common Interface 通用接口流学会 CGA Color Graphics Adapter 彩色图形(显示卡 Data Encryption Standard 美国数据加密 BSS Broadcast Satellite Service 广播卫星 CI Common Interface 通用接口标准业务 CIE Chinese Institute of Electronics 中国电 DF Dispersion Flattened 色散平坦光纤 BT Block Terminal 分线盒、分组终端子学会 DG Differential Gain 微分增益 British Telecom 英国电信 DI Digital Interface 数字接口DITEC Digital Television Camera 数字电视摄像机 DL Delay Line 延时线DLD Dynamic Linear Drive 动态线性驱动 DM Delta Modulation 增量调制Digital Modulation 数字调制DMB Digital Multimedia Broadcasting 数字多媒体广播DMC Dynamic Motion Control 动态控制DME Digital Multiple Effect 数字多功能特技 DMS Digital Mastering System 数字主系统DN Data Network 数据网络 DNG Digital News Gathering 数字新闻采集 DNR Digital Noise Reducer 数字式降噪器DOB Data Output Bus 数据输出总线 DOCSIS Data Over Cable Service Interface Specifications 有线数据传输业务接口规范 DOC Drop Out Compensation 失落补偿 DOS Disc Operating System 磁盘操作系统DP Differential Phase 微分相位 Data Pulse 数据脉冲 DPCM Differential Pulse Code Modulation差值脉冲编码调制 DPL Dolby Pro Logic 杜比定向逻辑 DSB Digital Satellite Broadcasting 数字卫星广播 DSC Digital Studio Control 数字演播室控制DSD Dolby Surround Digital 杜比数字环绕声 DSE Digital Special Effect 数字特技DSK Down-Stream Key 下游键 DSP Digital Signal Processing 数字信号处理Digital Sound Processor 数字声音处理器 DSS Digital Satellite System 数字卫星系统 DT Digital Technique 数字技术Digital Television 数字电视 Data Terminal 数据终端 Data Transmission 数据传输DTB Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting 数字地面广播 capacitance欢迎您阅读该资料,希望该资料能给您的学习和生活带来帮助,如果您还了解更多的相关知识,也欢迎您分享出来,让我们大家能共同进步、共同成长。
第37卷第5期计算机仿真2020年5月文章编号:1006-9348 (2020)05-0197-04Mel频率下语音信号深度频谱特征提取方法仿真张红兵(中国刑事警察学院,辽宁沈阳110854)摘要:采用当前方法提取语音信号频谱特征时,不能有效去除语音信号中存在的噪声信号,提取得到的特征误差较大,存在 抗干扰性能差和特征提取结果准确率低的问题。
对噪声 信号进行经验模态分解,将分解得到的IM F分量进行门限域处理,通过对应的滤波方案去除语音信号中存在的噪声信号。
利用线性预测系数描述Mel频率下的语音信号,并对 其进行微分处理,将微分向量进行加权处理,根据一定的加权比例重组微分向量,利用语音信号深度频谱特征参数,完成M el 频率下语音信号的深度频谱特征提取。
关键词:语音信号;深度频谱特‘征;特征提取中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:BSimulation of Depth Spectrum Feature Extraction Method forSpeech Signal under Mel FrequencyZHANG Hong-bing(Criminal Investigation Police University of China,Shenyang Liaoning 110854, China)A B S T R A C T:The current method cannot effectively remove the noise signal in voice signal.The extracted feature error i s large.The anti-interference performance i s poor and the accuracy of feature extraction result i s low.Therefore,a method to extract the depth spectrum feature of voice signal at Mel frequency was proposed.The empirical mode decomposition was performed on the noise signal.The decomposed IMF component was subjected to threshold domain processing.The noise signal existing in voice signal was removed by the corresponding filtering scheme.Mel f i l t e r was used to process the denoised voice signal,so as to obtain the Mel frequency.The linear prediction coefficient was used to describe the voice signal a t Mel frequency and the voice signal was differentiated.The differential vector was weighted.According to a certain weighting ratio,the differential vector was reconstructed.Finally,the depth spectrum feature parameter of voice signal was used t o complete the depth spectrum feature extraction of voice signal at Mel frequency.Simulation results show that the proposed method has high anti-interference performance and high accuracy of feature extraction result.K E Y W O R D S:Voice signal;Depth spectrum feature;Feature extractioni引言人们获得信息的重要途径之一是语言,语音是一种表现 形式,人们的日常生活在一定程度中都会受到语音的影响[1]。
transistor n 晶体管diode n 二极管semiconductor n 半导体resistor n 电阻器capacitor n 电容器alternating adj 交互的amplifier n 扩音器,放大器integrated circuit 集成电路linear time invariant systems线性时不变系统voltage n 电压,伏特数tolerance n 公差;宽容;容忍condenser n 电容器;冷凝器dielectric n 绝缘体;电解质electromagnetic adj 电磁的adj 非传导性的deflection n偏斜;偏转;偏差linear device 线性器件the insulation resistance 绝缘电阻anode n 阳极,正极cathode n 阴极breakdown n 故障;崩溃terminal n 终点站;终端,接线端emitter n 发射器collect v 收集,集聚,集中insulator n 绝缘体,绝热器oscilloscope n 示波镜;示波器gain n 增益,放大倍数forward biased 正向偏置reverse biased 反向偏置P-N junction PN结MOS(metal-oxide semiconductor)金属氧化物半导体enhancement and exhausted 增强型和耗尽型integrated circuits 集成电路analog n 模拟digital adj 数字的,数位的horizontal adj, 水平的,地平线的vertical adj 垂直的,顶点的amplitude n 振幅,广阔,丰富attenuation n衰减;变薄;稀薄化multimeter n 万用表frequency n 频率,周率the cathode-ray tube 阴极射线管dual—trace oscilloscope 双踪示波器signal generating device 信号发生器peak-to—peak output voltage 输出电压峰峰值sine wave 正弦波triangle wave 三角波square wave 方波amplifier 放大器,扩音器oscillator n 振荡器feedback n 反馈,回应phase n 相,阶段,状态filter n 滤波器,过滤器rectifier n整流器;纠正者band-stop filter 带阻滤波器band-pass filter 带通滤波器decimal adj 十进制的,小数的hexadecimal adj/n十六进制的binary adj 二进制的;二元的octal adj 八进制的domain n 域;领域code n代码,密码,编码v编码the Fourier transform 傅里叶变换Fast Fourier Transform 快速傅里叶变换microcontroller n 微处理器;微控制器assembly language instrucionsn 汇编语言指令chip n 芯片,碎片modular adj 模块化的;模数的sensor n 传感器plug vt堵,塞,插上n塞子,插头,插销coaxial adj 同轴的,共轴的fiber n 光纤relay contact 继电接触器single instruction programmer单指令编程器dedicated manufacturesprogramming unit 专供制造厂用的编程单元beam n (光线的)束,柱,梁polarize v(使)偏振,(使)极化Cathode Ray Tube(CRT)阴极射线管neuron n神经元;神经细胞fuzzy adj 模糊的Artificial Intelligence Shell人工智能外壳程序Expert Systems 专家系统Artificial Intelligence 人工智能Perceptive Systems 感知系统neural network 神经网络fuzzy logic 模糊逻辑intelligent agent 智能代理electromagnetic adj 电磁的coaxial adj 同轴的,共轴的microwave n 微波charge v充电,使充电insulator n 绝缘体,绝缘物nonconductive adj非导体的,绝缘的antenna n天线;触角modeling n建模,造型simulation n 仿真;模拟prototype n 原型array n 排队,编队vector n 向量,矢量wavelet n 微波,小浪sine 正弦 cosine 余弦inverse adj倒转的,反转的n反面;相反v倒转high—performance 高精确性,高性能two—dimensional 二维的;缺乏深度的three—dimensional 三维的;立体的;真实的object—oriented programming面向对象的程序设计spectral adj 光谱的attenuation n衰减;变薄;稀释distortion n 失真,扭曲,变形wavelength n 波长refractive adj 折射的ATM 异步传输模式AsynchronousTransfer ModeADSL非对称用户数字线Asymmetricdigital subscriber lineVDSL甚高速数字用户线very highdata rate digital subscriberlineHDSL高速数据用户线 high ratedigital subscriber lineFDMA频分多址(Frequency DivisionMultiple Access)TDMA时分多址(Time DivisionMultiple Access)CDMA同步码分多址方式(CodeDivision Multiple Access)WCDMA宽带码分多址移动通信系统(Wideband Code DivisionMultiple Access)TD—SCDMA(Time DivisionSynchronous Code DivisionMultiple Access)时分同步码分多址SDLC(synchronous data linkcontrol)同步数据链路控制HDLC(high—level data linkcontrol)高级数据链路控制IP/TCP(internet protocol/transfer Control Protocol)网络传输控制协议ITU (InternationalTelecommunication Union)国际电信联盟ISO国际标准化组织(InternationalStandardization Organization);OSI开放式系统互联参考模型(OpenSystem Interconnect)GSM全球移动通信系统(GlobalSystem for Mobile Communications)GPRS通用分组无线业务(GeneralPacket Radio Service)FDD(frequency division duplex)频分双工TDD(time division duplex)时分双工VPI虚路径标识符(Virtual PathIdentifier);ISDN(Integrated ServicesDigital Network)综合业务数字网IDN综合数字网(integrateddigital network)HDTV (high definitiontelevision)高清晰度电视DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform)离散余弦变换VCI(virtual circuit address)虚通路标识MAN城域网Metropolitan areanetworksLAN局域网local area networkWAN广域网wide area network同步时分复用STDM SynchronousTime Division Multiplexing统计时分复用STDM StatisticalTime Division Multiplexing单工传输simplex transmission半双工传输half-duplex transmission全双工传输full-duplex transmission交换矩阵Switching Matrix电路交换 circuit switching分组交换packet switching报文交换message switching奇偶校验parity checking循环冗余校验CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check虚过滤Virtual filter数字滤波digital filtering伪随机比特Quasi Random Bit带宽分配 Bandwidth allocation信源information source信宿destination数字化digitalize数字传输技术Digital transmission technology灰度图像Grey scale images灰度级Grey scale level幅度谱Magnitude spectrum相位谱Phase spectrum频谱frequency spectrum智能设备Smart Device软切换Soft handover硬切换 Hard Handover相干检测Coherent detection边缘检测Edge detection冲突检测collision detection业务集合service integration业务分离/综合service separation/ integration网络集合network integration环形网Ring networks令牌环网Token Ring network网络终端Network Terminal用户终端user terminal用户电路line circuit电路利用率channel utilization (通道利用率)相关性coherence相干解调coherent demodulation数字图像压缩digital image compression图像编码image encoding有损/无损压缩lossy/lossless compression解压decompression呼叫控制Call Control误差控制error control存储程序控制stored program control存储转发方式store-and-forward manner语音\视频传输voice\video transmission视频点播video—on-demand(VOD)会议电视Video Conference有线电视cable television量化quantization吞吐量throughput话务量traffic多径分集Multipath diversity多媒体通信MDM Multimedia Communication多址干扰Multiple Access Interference人机交互man machine interface 交互式会话Conversationalinteraction路由算法Routing Algorithm目标识别Object recognition话音变换Voice transform中继线trunk line传输时延transmission delay远程监控remote monitoring光链路optical link拓扑结构Topology均方根root mean squarewhatsoever=whatever 0switchboard (电话)交换台bipolar (电子)双极的premise (复)房屋,前提cursor (计算机尺的)游标,指导的elapse (时间)经过,消失vaporize (使)蒸发subsystem (系统的)分部,子系统,辅助系统metallic (像)金属的,含金属的,(声音)刺耳的dispatch (迅速)派遣,急件consensus (意见)一致,同意deadline (最后)期限,截止时间tomographic X线体层摄像的alas 唉,哎呀cluster把…集成一束,一组,一簇,一串,一群encyclopedia 百科全书millionfold 百万倍的semiconductor 半导体radius 半径范围,半径,径向射线half-duplex transmission 半双工传输accompaniment 伴随物,附属物reservation 保留,预定quotation 报价单,行情报告,引语memorandum 备忘录redundancy 备用be viewed as 被看作…be regards as 被认为是as such 本身;照此;以这种资格textual 本文的,正文的verge 边界variation 变化,变量conversion 变化,转化identity 标识;标志criterion 标准,准则in parallel on 并联到,合并到juxtapose 并置,并列dialing pulse 拨号脉冲wave-guide 波导wavelength division multiplexed波分复用baud rate 波特率playback 播放(录音带,唱片)no greater than 不大于update不断改进,使…适合新的要求,更新asymmetric 不对称的irrespective 不考虑的,不顾的inevitably 不可避免的inevitable 不可避免的,不可逃避的,必定的segment 部分abrasion 擦伤,磨损deploy 采用,利用,推广应用take the form of 采用…的形式parameter 参数,参量layer 层dope 掺杂FET(field effect transistors) 场效应管audio recording 唱片ultra—high—frequency(UHF)超高频in excess of 超过in excess of 超过hypertext 超文本ingredient 成分,因素ingredient 成分,组成部分,要素metropolitan—area network(WAN)城域网metropolitan area network(WAN)城域网,城市网络congestion 充满,拥挤,阻塞collision 冲突extractive 抽出;释放出extract 抽取,取出,分离lease 出租,租约,租界期限,租界物pass on 传递,切换transmission 传输facsimile 传真innovative=innovatory 创新的,富有革新精神的track 磁道impetus 促进,激励cluster 簇stored-program control(SPC)存储程序控制a large number of 大量的peal 大声响,发出supersede 代替supplant 代替,取代out—of—band signaling 带外信号simplex transmission 单工传输monochromatic 单色的,单色光的,黑白的ballistic 弹道的,射击的,冲击的conductor 导体hierarchy 等级制度,层次infrastructure 底层结构,基础结构geographic 地理的,地区的geographically 地理上GIS(ground instrumentationsystem) 地面测量系统ground station 地面站earth orbit 地球轨道extraterrestrial 地球外的,地球大气圈外的Land-sat 地球资源卫星rug 地毯,毯子ignite 点火,点燃,使兴奋electromagnetic 电磁的inductive 电感arc 电弧telephony 电话(学),通话dielectric 电介质,绝缘材料;电解质的,绝缘的capacitor 电容telecommunication 电信,无线电通讯scenario 电影剧本,方案modem pool 调制解调器(存储)池superimposing 叠加,重叠pin 钉住,扣住,抓住customize 定做,定制monolithic 独立的,完全统一的aluminize 镀铝strategic 对全局有重要意义的,战略的substantial 多的,大的,实际上的multi-path fading 多径衰落multi—path 多路,多途径;多路的,多途径的multi-access 多路存取,多路进入multiplex 多路复用multiplex 多路复用的degradation 恶化,降级dioxide 二氧化碳LED(light—emitting—diode)发光二极管evolution 发展,展开,渐进feedback 反馈,回授dimension 范围,方向,维,元scenario 方案scenario 方案,电影剧本amplifer 放大器noninvasive 非侵略的,非侵害的tariff 费率,关税率;对…征税distributed functional plane(DFP)分布功能平面DQDB(distributed queue dual bus)分布式队列双总线hierarchy 分层,层次partition 分成segmentation 分割interface 分界面,接口asunder 分开地,分离地detached 分离的,分开的,孤立的dispense 分配allocate 分配,配给;配给物centigrade 分为百度的,百分度的,摄氏温度的fractal 分形molecule 分子,微小,些微cellular 蜂窝状的cellular 蜂窝状的,格形的,多孔的auxiliary storage(also called secondary storage) 辅助存储器decay 腐烂,衰减,衰退negative 负电vicinity 附近,邻近vicinity 附近地区,近处sophisticated 复杂的,高级的,现代化的high-frequency(HF) 高频high definition television 高清晰度电视chromium 铬annotate 给…作注解in terms of 根据,按照disclosure 公布,企业决算公开public network 公用网functionality 功能,功能度mercury 汞resonator 共鸣器resonance 共振whimsical 古怪的,反复无常的administration 管理,经营cursor 光标(显示器),游标,指针optical computer 光计算机photoconductor 光敏电阻optical disks 光盘optically 光学地,光地wide—area networks 广域网specification 规范,说明书silicon 硅the internationaltelecommunication union(ITU) 国际电信联盟excess 过剩obsolete 过时的,废弃的maritime 海事的synthetic 合成的,人造的,综合的synthetic 合成的,综合性的rational 合乎理性的rationalization 合理化streamline 合理化,理顺infrared 红外线的,红外线skepticism 怀疑论ring network 环形网hybrid 混合物counterpart 伙伴,副本,对应物electromechanical 机电的,电动机械的Robot 机器人Robotics 机器人技术,机器人学accumulation 积累infrastructure 基础,基础结构substrate 基质,底质upheaval 激变,剧变compact disc 激光磁盘(CD)concentrator 集中器,集线器centrex system 集中式用户交换功能系统converge on 集中于,聚集在…上lumped element 集总元件CAI(computer-aided instruction)计算机辅助教学computer—integratedmanufacturing(CIM)计算机集成制造computer mediated communication(CMC)计算机中介通信record 记录register 记录器,寄存器expedite 加快,促进weight 加权accelerate 加速,加快,促进categorize 加以类别,分类in addition 加之,又,另外hypothetical 假设的rigidly 坚硬的,僵硬的compatibility 兼容性,相容性surveillance 监视surveillance 监视retrieval 检索,(可)补救verification 检验simplicity 简单,简明film 胶片,薄膜take over 接管,接任ruggedness 结实threshold 界限,临界值with the aid of 借助于,用,通过wire line 金属线路,有线线路coherent 紧凑的,表达清楚的,粘附的,相干的compact 紧密的approximation 近似undertake 进行,从事transistor 晶体管elaborate 精心制作的,细心完成的,周密安排的vigilant 警戒的,警惕的alcohol 酒精,酒local area networks(LANs)局域网local-area networks(LANs)局域网drama 剧本,戏剧,戏剧的演出focus on 聚集在,集中于,注视insulator 绝缘root mean square 均方根uniform 均匀的open—system-interconnection(OSI)开放系统互连expire 开始无效,满期,终止immunity 抗扰,免除,免疫性take…into account考虑,重视…programmable industrialautomation 可编程工业自动化demountable 可拆卸的tunable 可调的reliable 可靠be likely to 可能,大约,像要videotex video 可视图文电视negligible 可以忽略的aerial 空气的,空中的,无形的,虚幻的;天线broadband 宽(频)带pervasive 扩大的,渗透的tensile 拉力的,张力的romanticism 浪漫精神,浪漫主义discrete 离散,不连续ion 离子force 力量;力stereophonic 立体声的continuum 连续统一体,连续统,闭联集smart 灵巧的;精明的;洒脱的token 令牌on the other hand 另一方面hexagonal 六边形的,六角形的hexagon 六角形,六边形monopoly 垄断,专利video-clip 录像剪辑aluminum 铝pebble 卵石,水晶透镜forum 论坛,讨论会logical relationships 逻辑关系code book 码本pulse code modulation(PCM)脉冲编码调制roam 漫步,漫游bps(bits per second) 每秒钟传输的比特ZIP codes 美国邮区划分的五位编码susceptible(to)敏感的,易受…的analog 模拟,模拟量pattern recognition 模式识别bibliographic 目录的,文献的neodymium 钕the european telecommunicationstandardization institute(ETSI)欧洲电信标准局coordinate 配合的,协调的;使配合,调整ratify 批准,认可bias 偏差;偏置deviate 偏离,与…不同spectrum 频谱come into play 其作用entrepreneurial 企业的heuristic methods 启发式方法play a …role(part)起…作用stem from 起源于;由…发生organic 器官的,有机的,组织的hypothesis 前提front-end 前置,前级potential 潜势的,潜力的intensity 强度coincidence 巧合,吻合,一致scalpel 轻便小刀,解剖刀inventory 清单,报表spherical 球的,球形的distinguish 区别,辨别succumb 屈服,屈从,死global functional plane(GFP) 全局功能平面full-duplex transmission 全双工传输hologram 全息照相,全息图deficiency 缺乏thermonuclear 热核的artifact 人工制品AI(artificial intelligence) 人工智能fusion 熔解,熔化diskettes(also called floppy disk) 软盘sector 扇区entropy 熵uplink 上行链路arsenic 砷neural network 神经网络very-high—frequency(VHF) 甚高频upgrade 升级distortion 失真,畸变identification 识别,鉴定,验明pragmatic 实际的implementation 实施,实现,执行,敷设entity 实体,存在vector quantification 矢量量化mislead 使…误解,给…错误印象,引错vex 使烦恼,使恼火defy 使落空facilitate 使容易,促进retina 视网膜compatible 适合的,兼容的transceiver 收发两用机authorize 授权,委托,允许data security 数据安全性data independence 数据独立data management 数据管理database 数据库database management system(DBMS)数据库管理信息系统database transaction 数据库事务data integrity 数据完整性,数据一致性attenuation 衰减fading 衰落,衰减,消失dual 双的,二重的transient 瞬时的deterministic 宿命的,确定的algorithm 算法dissipation 损耗carbon 碳diabetes 糖尿病cumbersome 讨厌的,麻烦的,笨重的razor 剃刀,剃go by the name of 通称,普通叫做commucation session 通信会话traffic 通信业务(量)synchronous transmission 同步传输concurrent 同时发生的,共存的simultaneous 同时发生的,同时做的simultaneous 同时发生的,一齐的coaxial 同轴的copper 铜statistical 统计的,统计学的dominate 统治,支配invest in 投资perspective 透视,角度,远景graphics 图示,图解pictorial 图像的coating 涂层,层deduce 推理reasoning strategies 推理策略inference engine 推理机topology 拓扑结构heterodyne 外差法的peripheral 外界的,外部的,周围的gateway 网关hazardous 危险的microwave 微波(的)microprocessor 微处理机,微处理器microelectronic 微电子nuance 微小的差别(色彩等)encompass 围绕,包围,造成,设法做到maintenance 维护;保持;维修satellite communication 卫星通信satellite network 卫星网络transceiver 无线电收发信机radio—relay transmission 无线电中继传输without any doubt 无疑passive satellite 无源卫星sparse 稀少的,稀疏的downlink 下行链路precursor 先驱,前任visualization 显像feasibility 现实性,可行性linearity 线性度constrain 限制,约束,制约considerable 相当的,重要的geo-stationary 相对地面静止by contrast 相反,而,对比起来coorelation 相关性mutual 相互的mutually 相互的,共同的interconnect 相互连接,互连one after the other 相继,依次minicomputer 小型计算机protocol 协议,草案protocol 协议,规约,规程psycho-acoustic 心理(精神)听觉的;传音的channelization 信道化,通信信道选择run length encoding 行程编码groom 修饰,准备virtual ISDN 虚拟ISDNmultitude 许多,大批,大量whirl 旋转preference 选择,喜欢avalanche 雪崩pursue 寻求,从事interrogation 询问dumb 哑的,不说话的,无声的subcategory 亚类,子种类,子范畴orbital 眼眶;轨道oxygen 氧气,氧元素service switching and controlpoints(SSCPs)业务交换控制点service control points(SCPs) 业务控制点service control function(SCF) 业务控制功能in concert 一致,一齐handover 移交,越区切换at a rate of 以……的速率in the form of 以…的形式base on… 以…为基础yttrium 钇(稀有金属,符号Y)asynchronous transmission 异步传输asynchronous 异步的exceptional 异常的,特殊的voice—grade 音频级indium 铟give rise to 引起,使产生cryptic 隐义的,秘密的hard disk 硬盘hard automation 硬自动化by means of 用,依靠equip with 用…装备subscriber 用户telex 用户电报PBX(private branch exchange)用户小交换机或专用交换机be called upon to 用来…,(被)要求…superiority 优势predominance 优势,显著active satellite 有源卫星in comparison with 与…比较comparable to 与…可比preliminary 预备的,初步的premonition 预感,预兆nucleus 原子核valence 原子价circumference 圆周,周围teleprocessing 远程信息处理,遥控处理perspective 远景,前途constrain 约束,强迫mobile 运动的,流动的,机动的,装在车上的convey 运输,传递,转换impurity 杂质impurity 杂质,混杂物,不洁,不纯regenerative 再生的improve over 在……基础上改善play important role in 在…中起重要作用in close proximity 在附近,在很近underlying 在下的,基础的in this respect 在这方面entail 遭遇,导致presentation 赠与,图像,呈现,演示narrowband 窄(频)带deploy 展开,使用,推广应用megabit 兆比特germanium 锗positive 正电quadrature 正交orthogonal 正交的quadrature amplitudemodulation(QAM) 正交幅度调制on the right track 正在轨道上sustain 支撑,撑住,维持,持续outgrowh 支派;长出;副产品dominate 支配,统治knowledge representation 知识表示knowledge engineering 知识工程knowledge base 知识库in diameter 直径helicopter 直升飞机acronym 只取首字母的缩写词as long as 只要,如果tutorial 指导教师的,指导的coin 制造(新字符),杜撰fabrication 制造,装配;捏造事实proton 质子intelligence 智能,智力,信息intelligent network 智能网intermediate 中间的nucleus(pl.nuclei) 中心,核心neutrons 中子terminal 终端,终端设备overlay 重叠,覆盖,涂覆highlight 重要的部分,焦点charge 主管,看管;承载dominant 主要的,控制的,最有力的cylinder 柱面expert system 专家系统private network 专用网络transition 转变,转换,跃迁relay 转播relay 转播,中继repeater 转发器,中继器pursue 追赶,追踪,追求,继续desktop publish 桌面出版ultraviolet 紫外线的,紫外的;紫外线辐射field 字段vendor 自动售货机,厂商naturally 自然的;天生具备的synthesize 综合,合成integrate 综合,使完全ISDN(intergrated servicesdigital network) 综合业务数字网as a whole 总体上bus network 总线形网crossbar 纵横,交叉impedance 阻抗initial 最初的,开始的optimum 最佳条件appear as 作为…出现A Analog 模拟A/D Analog to Digital 模—数转换AAC Advanced Audio Coding高级音频编码ABB Automatic Black Balance 自动黑平衡ABC American Broadcasting Company 美国广播公司Automatic Bass Compensation 自动低音补偿 Automatic BrightnessControl 自动亮度控制ABL Automatic Black Level自动黑电平ABLC Automatic BrightnessLimiter Circuit 自动亮度限制电路ABU Asian BroadcastingUnion 亚洲广播联盟(亚广联ABS American Bureau ofStandard 美国标准局AC Access Conditions 接入条件Audio Center 音频中心ACA Adjacent ChannelAttenuation 邻频道衰减ACC Automatic CenteringControl 自动中心控制Automatic Chroma Control 自动色度(增益ACK Automatic Chroma Killer自动消色器ACP Additive Colour Process加色法ACS Access Control System接入控制系统Advanced CommunicationService 高级通信业务Area Communication System区域通信系统ADC Analog to DigitalConverter 模-数转换器Automatic DegaussirngCircuit 自动消磁电路ADL Acoustic Delay Line 声延迟线ADS Audio DistributionSystem 音频分配系统AE Audio Erasing 音频(声音AEF Automatic EditingFunction 自动编辑功能AES Audio EngineeringSociety 音频工程协会AF Audio Frequency 音频AFA Audio FrequencyAmplifier 音频放大器AFC Automatic FrequencyCoder 音频编码器Automatic Frequency Control自动频率控制AFT Automatic Fine Tuning自动微调Automatic Frequency Track自动频率跟踪Automatic Frequency Trim 自动额率微调AGC Automatic Gain Control自动增益控制AI Artificial Intelligence人工智能ALM Audio—Level Meter 音频电平表AM Amplitude Modulation 调幅AMS Automatic Music Sensor自动音乐传感装置ANC Automatic NoiseCanceller 自动噪声消除器ANT ANTenna 天线AO Analog Output 模拟输出APS Automatic ProgramSearch 自动节目搜索APPS Automatic ProgramPause System 自动节目暂停系统APSS Automatic ProgramSearch System 自动节目搜索系统AR Audio Response 音频响应ARC Automatic RemoteControl 自动遥控ASCII American StandardCode for InformationInterchange 美国信息交换标准AST Automatic ScanningTracking 自动扫描跟踪ATC Automatic TimingControl 自动定时控制Automatic Tone Correction自动音频校正ATM Asynchronous TransferMode 异步传输模式ATF Automatic Track Finding自动寻迹ATS Automatic Test System自动测试系统ATSC Advanced TelevisionSystems Committee (美国高级电视制式委员会)***C Automatic VolumeControl 自动音量控制***R Automatic VoltageRegulator 自动稳压器AWB Automatic White Balance自动白平衡AZC Automatic ZoomingControl 自动变焦控制AZS Automatic Zero Setting自动调零BA Branch Amplifier 分支放大器Buffer Amplifier 缓冲放大器BAC Binary-AnalogConversion 二进制模拟转换BB Black Burst 黑场信号BBC British BroadcastingCorporation 英国广播公司BBI Beijing BroadcastingInstitute 北京广播学院BC Binary Code 二进制码Balanced Current 平衡电流Broadcast Control 广播控制BCT Bandwidth CompressionTechnique 带宽压缩技术BDB Bi-directional Data Bus双向数据总线BER Basic Encoding Rules 基本编码规则Bit Error Rate 比特误码率BF Burst Flag 色同步旗脉冲BFA Bare Fiber Adapter 裸光纤适配器Brillouin Fiber Amplifier布里渊光纤放大器BGM Background Music 背景音乐BIOS Basic Input/OutputSystem 基本输入输出系统B—ISDN Broadband—ISDN 宽带综合业务数据网BIU Basic Information Unit基本信息单元Bus Interface Unit 总线接口单元BM Bi-phase Modulation 双相调制BML Business ManagementLayer 商务管理层BN Backbone Network 主干网BNT Broadband NetworkTermination 宽带网络终端设备BO Bus Out 总线输出BPG Basic Pulse Generator 基准脉冲发生器BPS Band Pitch Shift 分频段变调节器BSI British Standard Institute 英国标准学会BSS Broadcast Satellite Service 广播卫星业务BT Block Terminal 分线盒、分组终端British Telecom 英国电信BTA Broadband Terminal Adapter 宽带终端适配器Broadcasting Technology Association (日本BTL Balanced Transformer—Less 桥式推挽放大电路BTS Broadcast Technical Standard 广播技术标准BTU Basic Transmission Unit 基本传输单元BVU Broadcasting Video Unit 广播视频型(一种3/4英寸带录像机记录格式BW BandWidth 带宽BWTV Black and White Television 黑白电视CA Conditional Access 条件接收CAC Conditional Access Control 条件接收控制CAL Continuity AcceptLimit 连续性接受极限CAS Conditional Access System 条件接收系统Conditional Access Sub—system 条件接收子系统CATV Cable Television 有线电视,电缆电视Community Antenna Television 共用天线电视C*** Constant Angular Velocity 恒角速度CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 加拿大广播公司CBS Columbia Broadcasting System (美国哥伦比亚广播公司CC Concentric Cable 同轴电缆CCG Chinese Character Generator 中文字幕发生器CCIR International Radio Consultative Committee 国际无线电咨询委员会CCITT International Telegraph and Telephone ConsultativeCommittee 国际电话电报咨询委员会CCR Central Control Room 中心控制室CCTV China Central Television 中国中央电视台Close-Circuit Television 闭路电视CCS Center Central System 中心控制系统CCU Camera Control Unit 摄像机控制器CCW Counter Clock—Wise 反时针方向CD Compact Disc 激光唱片 CDA Current DumpingAmplifier 电流放大器CD—E Compact Disc Erasable可抹式激光唱片CDFM Compact Disc FileManager 光盘文件管理(程序CDPG Compact—Disc PlusGraphic 带有静止图像的CD唱盘CD-ROM Compact Disc—ReadOnly Memory 只读式紧凑光盘CETV China EducationalTelevision 中国教育电视台CF Color Framing 彩色成帧CGA Color Graphics Adapter彩色图形(显示卡CI Common Interface 通用接口CGA Color Graphics Adapter 彩色图形(显示卡CI Common Interface 通用接口CIE Chinese Institute ofElectronics 中国电子学会CII China InformationInfrastructure 中国信息基础设施CIF Common IntermediateFormat 通用中间格式CIS Chinese IndustrialStandard 中国工业标准CLV Constant Linear Velocity恒定线速度CM Colour Monitor 彩色监视器CMTS Cable Modem TerminationSystem 线缆调制解调器终端系统CNR Carrier-to—Noise Ratio载噪比CON Console 操纵台Controller 控制器CPB Corporation of PublicBroadcasting (美国公共广播公司CPU Central Processing Unit中央处理单元CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check循环冗余校验CRCC CRI Cyclic RedundancyCheck Code 循环冗余校验码CROM China RadioInternational 中国国际广播电台CRT Control Read Only Memory控制只读存储器CS Cathode—Ray Tube 阴极射线管CSC Communication Satellite通信卫星CSS Color Sub-carrier 彩色副载波Center Storage Server 中央存储服务器Content Scrambling System 内容加扰系统CSU Channel Service Unit 信道业务单元CT Color Temperature 色温CTC Cassette Tape Controller盒式磁带控制器Channel Traffic Control 通道通信量控制Counter Timer Circuit 计数器定时器电路Counter Timer Control 计数器定时器控制CTE Cable TerminationEquipment 线缆终端设备Customer Terminal Equipment用户终端设备CTV Color Television 彩色电视CVD China Video Disc 中国数字视盘CW Carrie Wave 载波DAB Digital AudioBroadcasting 数字音频广播DASH Digital AudioStationary Head 数字音频静止磁头DAT Digital Audio Tape 数字音频磁带DBMS Data Base ManagementSystem 数据库管理系统DBS Direct BroadcastSatellite 直播卫星DCC Digital Compact Cassette数字小型盒带Dynamic Contrast Control 动态对比度控制DCT Digital ComponentTechnology 数字分量技术Discrete Cosine Transform 离散余弦变换DCTV Digital ColorTelevision 数字彩色电视DD Direct Drive 直接驱动DDC Direct Digital Control直接数字控制DDE Dynamic Data Exchange 动态数据交换DDM Data Display Monitor 数据显示监视器DES Data Elementary Stream数据基本码流Data Encryption Standard 美国数据加密标准DF Dispersion Flattened 色散平坦光纤DG Differential Gain 微分增益DI Digital Interface 数字接口DITEC Digital TelevisionCamera 数字电视摄像机DL Delay Line 延时线DLD Dynamic Linear Drive 动态线性驱动DM Delta Modulation 增量调制Digital Modulation 数字调制DMB Digital MultimediaBroadcasting 数字多媒体广播DMC Dynamic Motion Control动态控制DME Digital Multiple Effect数字多功能特技DMS Digital Mastering System数字主系统DN Data Network 数据网络DNG Digital News Gathering数字新闻采集DNR Digital Noise Reducer 数字式降噪器DOB Data Output Bus 数据输出总线DOCSIS Data Over CableService Interface Specifications有线数据传输业务接口规范DOC Drop Out Compensation 失落补偿DOS Disc Operating System 磁盘操作系统DP Differential Phase 微分相位Data Pulse 数据脉冲DPCM Differential Pulse Code Modulation 差值脉冲编码调制DPL Dolby Pro Logic 杜比定向逻辑DSB Digital Satellite Broadcasting 数字卫星广播DSC Digital Studio Control 数字演播室控制DSD Dolby Surround Digital 杜比数字环绕声DSE Digital Special Effect 数字特技DSK Down-Stream Key 下游键DSP Digital Signal Processing 数字信号处理Digital Sound Processor 数字声音处理器DSS Digital Satellite System 数字卫星系统DT Digital Technique 数字技术Digital Television 数字电视Data Terminal 数据终端Data Transmission 数据传输DTB Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting 数字地面广播DTBC Digital Time—Base Corrector 数字时基校正器DTC Digital Television Camera 数字电视摄像机DTS Digital Theater System 数字影院系统Digital Tuning System 数字调谐系统Digital Television Standard 数字电视标准DVB Digital Video Broadcasting 数字视频广播DVC Digital Video Compression 数字视频压缩DVE Digital Video Effect 数字视频特技DVS Desktop Video Studio 桌上视频演播DVTR Digital Video Tape Recorder 数字磁带录像机EA Extension Amplifier 延长放大器EB Electron Beam 电子束EBS Emergency Broadcasting System 紧急广播系统EBU European Broadcasting Union 欧洲广播联盟EC Error Correction 误差校正 ECN Emergency Communications Network 应急通信网络ECS European Communication Satellite 欧洲通信卫星EDC Error Detection Code 错误检测码EDE Electronic Data Exchange 电子数据交换EDF Erbium—Doped Fiber 掺饵光纤EDFA Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier 掺饵光纤放大器EDL Edit Decision List 编辑点清单EDTV Extended Definition Television 扩展清晰度电视EE Error Excepted 允许误差EFM Eight to Fourteen Modulation 8-14调制 EFP Electronic FieldProduction 电子现场节目制作EH Ethernet Hosts 以太网主机EIN Equivalent Input Noise等效输入噪声EIS Electronic InformationSystem 电子信息系统EISA Extended IndustrialStandard Architecture 扩展工业标准总线EL Electro—Luminescent 场致发光EM Error Monitoring 误码监测EN End Node 末端节点ENG Electronic NewsGathering 电子新闻采集EOT End of Tape 带尾EP Edit Point 编辑点Error Protocol 错误协议EPG Electronic Program Guides 电子节目指南EPS Emergency Power Supply应急电源ERP Effective Radiated Power 有效辐射功率ES Elementary Stream 基本码流End System 终端系统ESA European Space Agency 欧洲空间局ETV Education Television 教育电视FA Enhanced Television 增强电视FABM FAS Facial Animation 面部动画FC Fiber Amplifier BoosterModule 光纤放大器增强模块Fiber Access System 光纤接入系统Frequency Changer 变频器FCC Fiber Channel 光纤通道FD Film Composer 电影编辑系统Federal CommunicationsCommission 美国联邦通信委员会FDCT Frequency Divider 分频器FDDI FDM Fiber Duct 光纤管道FDP Forward Discrete CosineTransform 离散余弦正变换FE Fiber Distributed DataInterface 分布式光纤数据接口Frequency-Division Multiplexing频分复用FF Fiber Distribution Point光纤分配点FG Front End 前端FH Framing Error 成帧误差FIT Fast Forward 快进FN Frequency Generator 频率发生器FOA Frequency Hopping 跳频FOC Frame—Interline Transfer帧一行间转移Fiber Node 光纤节点Fiber Optic Amplifier 光纤放大器FOM Fiber Optic Cable 光缆FON Fiber Optic Communications光纤通信FOS Fiber Optic Coupler 光纤耦合器FOTC Fiber Optic Modem 光纤调制解调器FS Fiber Optic Net 光纤网Factor of Safety 安全系数Fiber Optic Trunk Cable 光缆干线FT Frame Scan 帧扫描FTP Frame Store 帧存储器FTTB Frame Synchro 帧同步机FTTC France Telecom 法国电信Absorber Circuit 吸收电路AC/AC Frequency Converter 交交变频电路AC power control交流电力控制AC Power Controller交流调功电路AC Power Electronic Switch交流电力电子开关Ac Voltage Controller交流调压电路Asynchronous Modulation异步调制Baker Clamping Circuit贝克箝位电路Bi—directional Triode Thyristor双向晶闸管Bipolar Junction Transistor-—BJT双极结型晶体管Boost—Buck Chopper升降压斩波电路Boost Chopper升压斩波电路Boost Converter升压变换器Bridge Reversible Chopper桥式可逆斩波电路Buck Chopper降压斩波电路Buck Converter降压变换器Commutation换流Conduction Angle导通角Constant Voltage ConstantFrequency —-CVCF 恒压恒频Continuous Conduction—-CCM(电流)连续模式Control Circuit 控制电路Cuk Circuit CUK 斩波电路Current Reversible Chopper电流可逆斩波电路Current Source Type Inverter--CSTI 电流(源)型逆变电路Cyclo convertor周波变流器DC-AC-DC Converter直交直电路DC Chopping直流斩波DC Chopping Circuit直流斩波电路DC—DC Converter直流-直流变换器Device Commutation器件换流Direct Current Control直接电流控制Discontinuous Conduction mode(电流)断续模式displacement factor 位移因数distortion power 畸变功率double end converter 双端电路driving circuit 驱动电路electrical isolation 电气隔离fast acting fuse 快速熔断器fast recovery diode快恢复二极管fast revcovery epitaxial diodes快恢复外延二极管fast switching thyristor快速晶闸管。
《信号与系统》专业术语中英文对照表第 1 章绪论信号(signal)系统(system)电压(voltage)电流(current)信息(information)电路(circuit)网络(network)确定性信号(determinate signal)随机信号(random signal)一维信号(one–dimensional signal)多维信号(multi–dimensional signal)连续时间信号(continuous time signal)离散时间信号(discrete time signal)取样信号(sampling signal)数字信号(digital signal)周期信号(periodic signal)非周期信号(nonperiodic(aperiodic) signal)能量(energy)功率(power)能量信号(energy signal)功率信号(power signal)平均功率(average power)平均能量(average energy)指数信号(exponential signal)时间常数(time constant)正弦信号(sine signal)余弦信号(cosine signal)振幅(amplitude)角频率(angular frequency)初相位(initial phase)周期(period)频率(frequency)欧拉公式(Euler’s formula)复指数信号(complex exponential signal)复频率(complex frequency)实部(real part)虚部(imaginary part)抽样函数Sa(t)(sampling(Sa)function)偶函数(even function)奇异函数(singularity function)奇异信号(singularity signal)单位斜变信号(unit ramp signal)斜率(slope)单位阶跃信号(unit step signal)符号函数(signum function)单位冲激信号(unit impulse signal)广义函数(generalized function)取样特性(sampling property)冲激偶信号(impulse doublet signal)奇函数(odd function)偶分量(even component)奇分量(odd component)正交函数(orthogonal function)正交函数集(set of orthogonal function)数学模型(mathematics model)电压源(voltage source)基尔霍夫电压定律(Kirchhoff's voltage law(KVL))电流源(current source)连续时间系统(continuous time system)离散时间系统(discrete time system)微分方程(differential function)差分方程(difference function)线性系统(linear system)非线性系统(nonlinear system)时变系统(time–varying system)时不变系统(time–invariant system)集总参数系统(lumped–parameter system)分布参数系统(distributed–parameter system)偏微分方程(partial differential function)因果系统(causal system)非因果系统(noncausal system)因果信号(causal signal)叠加性(superposition property)均匀性(homogeneity)积分(integral)输入–输出描述法(input–output analysis)状态变量描述法(state variable analysis)单输入单输出系统(single–input and single–output system)状态方程(state equation)输出方程(output equation)多输入多输出系统(multi–input and multi–output system)时域分析法(time domain method)变换域分析法(transform domain method)卷积(convolution)傅里叶变换(Fourier transform)拉普拉斯变换(Laplace transform)第 2 章连续时间系统的时域分析齐次解(homogeneous solution)特解(particular solution)特征方程(characteristic function)特征根(characteristic root)固有(自由)解(natural solution)强迫解(forced solution)起始条件(original condition)初始条件(initial condition)自由响应(natural response)强迫响应(forced response)零输入响应(zero-input response)零状态响应(zero—state response)冲激响应(impulse response)阶跃响应(step response)卷积积分(convolution integral)交换律(exchange law)分配律(distribute law)结合律(combine law)第3 章傅里叶变换频谱(frequency spectrum)频域(frequency domain)三角形式的傅里叶级数(trigonomitric Fourier series)指数形式的傅里叶级数(exponential Fourier series)傅里叶系数(Fourier coefficient)直流分量(direct composition)基波分量(fundamental composition)n 次谐波分量(n th harmonic component)复振幅(complex amplitude)频谱图(spectrum plot(diagram))幅度谱(amplitude spectrum)相位谱(phase spectrum)包络(envelop)离散性(discrete property)谐波性(harmonic property)收敛性(convergence property)奇谐函数(odd harmonic function)吉伯斯现象(Gibbs phenomenon)周期矩形脉冲信号(periodic rectangular pulse signal)周期锯齿脉冲信号(periodic sawtooth pulse signal)周期三角脉冲信号(periodic triangular pulse signal)周期半波余弦信号(periodic half–cosine signal)周期全波余弦信号(periodic full–cosine signal)傅里叶逆变换(inverse Fourier transform)频谱密度函数(spectrum density function)单边指数信号(single–sided exponential signal)双边指数信号(two–sided exponential signal)对称矩形脉冲信号(symmetry rectangular pulse signal)线性(linearity)对称性(symmetry)对偶性(duality)位移特性(shifting)时移特性(time–shifting)频移特性(frequency–shifting)调制定理(modulation theorem)调制(modulation)解调(demodulation)变频(frequency conversion)尺度变换特性(scaling)微分与积分特性(differentiation and integration)时域微分特性(differentiation in the time domain)时域积分特性(integration in the time domain)频域微分特性(differentiation in the frequency domain)频域积分特性(integration in the frequency domain)卷积定理(convolution theorem)时域卷积定理(convolution theorem in the time domain)频域卷积定理(convolution theorem in the frequency domain)取样信号(sampling signal)矩形脉冲取样(rectangular pulse sampling)自然取样(nature sampling)冲激取样(impulse sampling)理想取样(ideal sampling)取样定理(sampling theorem)调制信号(modulation signal)载波信号(carrier signal)已调制信号(modulated signal)模拟调制(analog modulation)数字调制(digital modulation)连续波调制(continuous wave modulation)脉冲调制(pulse modulation)幅度调制(amplitude modulation)频率调制(frequency modulation)相位调制(phase modulation)角度调制(angle modulation)频分多路复用(frequency–division multiplex(FDM))时分多路复用(time–division multiplex(TDM))相干(同步)解调(synchronous detection)本地载波(local carrier)系统函数(system function)网络函数(network function)频响特性(frequency response)幅频特性(amplitude frequency response)相频特性(phase frequency response)无失真传输(distortionless transmission)理想低通滤波器(ideal low–pass filter)截止频率(cutoff frequency)正弦积分(sine integral)上升时间(rise time)窗函数(window function)理想带通滤波器(ideal band–pass filter)第 4 章拉普拉斯变换代数方程(algebraic equation)双边拉普拉斯变换(two-sided Laplace transform)双边拉普拉斯逆变换(inverse two—sided Laplace transform)单边拉普拉斯变换(single—sided Laplace transform)拉普拉斯逆变换(inverse Laplace transform)收敛域(region of convergence(ROC))延时特性(time delay)s 域平移特性(shifting in the s—domain)s 域微分特性(differentiation in the s—domain)s 域积分特性(integration in the s—domain)初值定理(initial-value theorem)终值定理(expiration—value)复频域卷积定理(convolution theorem in the complex frequency domain)部分分式展开法(partial fraction expansion)留数法(residue method)第 5 章策动点函数(driving function)转移函数(transfer function)极点(pole)零点(zero)零极点图(zero—pole plot)暂态响应(transient response)稳态响应(stable response)稳定系统(stable system)一阶系统(first order system)高通滤波网络(high-low filter)低通滤波网络(low-pass filter)二阶系统(second system)最小相移系统(minimum-phase system)维纳滤波器(Winner filter)卡尔曼滤波器(Kalman filter)低通(low—pass)高通(high—pass)带通(band—pass)带阻(band—stop)有源(active)无源(passive)模拟(analog)数字(digital)通带(pass—band)阻带(stop-band)佩利-维纳准则(Paley—Winner criterion) 最佳逼近(optimum approximation)过渡带(transition—band)通带公差带(tolerance band)巴特沃兹滤波器(Butterworth filter)切比雪夫滤波器(Chebyshew filter)方框图(block diagram)信号流图(signal flow graph)节点(node)支路(branch)输入节点(source node)输出节点(sink node)混合节点(mix node)通路(path)开通路(open path)闭通路(close path)环路(loop)自环路(self—loop)环路增益(loop gain)不接触环路(disconnect loop)前向通路(forward path)前向通路增益(forward path gain)梅森公式(Mason formula)劳斯准则(Routh criterion)第 6 章数字系统(digital system)数字信号处理(digital signal processing)差分方程(difference equation)单位样值响应(unit sample response)卷积和(convolution sum)Z 变换(Z transform)序列(sequence)样值(sample)单位样值信号(unit sample signal)单位阶跃序列(unit step sequence)矩形序列(rectangular sequence)单边实指数序列(single sided real exponential sequence)单边正弦序列(single sided exponential sequence)斜边序列(ramp sequence)复指数序列(complex exponential sequence)线性时不变离散系统(linear time-invariant discrete-time system)常系数线性差分方程(linear constant—coefficient difference equation)后向差分方程(backward difference equation)前向差分方程(forward difference equation)海诺塔(Tower of Hanoi)菲波纳西(Fibonacci)冲激函数串(impulse train)第7 章数字滤波器(digital filter)单边Z 变换(single-sided Z transform)双边Z 变换(two-sided (bilateral)Z transform)幂级数(power series)收敛(convergence)有界序列(limitary-amplitude sequence)正项级数(positive series)有限长序列(limitary—duration sequence)右边序列(right-sided sequence)左边序列(left—sided sequence)双边序列(two—sided sequence)Z 逆变换(inverse Z transform)围线积分法(contour integral method)幂级数展开法(power series expansion)z 域微分(differentiation in the z—domain)序列指数加权(multiplication by an exponential sequence)z 域卷积定理(z-domain convolution theorem)帕斯瓦尔定理(Parseval theorem)传输函数(transfer function)序列的傅里叶变换(discrete—time Fourier transform:DTFT)序列的傅里叶逆变换(inverse discrete—time Fourier transform:IDTFT)幅度响应(magnitude response)相位响应(phase response)量化(quantization)编码(coding)模数变换(A/D 变换:analog-to—digital conversion)数模变换(D/A 变换:digital—to- analog conversion)第8 章端口分析法(port analysis)状态变量(state variable)无记忆系统(memoryless system)有记忆系统(memory system)矢量矩阵(vector-matrix )常量矩阵(constant matrix )输入矢量(input vector)输出矢量(output vector)直接法(direct method)间接法(indirect method)状态转移矩阵(state transition matrix)系统函数矩阵(system function matrix)冲激响应矩阵(impulse response matrix)朱里准则(July criterion)。
matlab中语音效果转变的原理(一)MATLAB中语音效果转变1. 引言在语音信号处理中,语音效果转变是一个重要的研究方向。
2. 语音信号的基本概念在开始深入探讨语音效果转变之前,我们需要了解一些关于语音信号的基本概念。
3. 语音特征提取语音特征提取是语音信号处理中的重要任务之一。
常用的语音特征包括短时能量、短时平均幅度差(Spectral Flatness Measure)、基频和共振峰等。
4. 音频增强音频增强是一种常见的语音效果转变应用。
5. 语音合成语音合成是将文字转换为语音的过程。
6. 语音转换语音转换是一种高级的语音效果转变技术。
IN和AF OUT是主口,AUX1和AUX2是入/出的辅
还可以通过选择Analyzer Power来精
Pow.Meter Freq.Sel.
语音特征参数的提取、量化讲课内容:1.LPC 预测参数的提取 2.LPC 预测系数的量化3.线谱频率Line Spectrum Frequencies (LSF)线谱对Line Spectrum Pairs (LSP) 4.基音周期的提取 5. 清浊音的判决 6. 激励信号的改善1. L PC 预测参数的提取采用全极点模型,辐射、声道以及声门激励的组合谱效应的传输函数为:()()()()11Pii i S z G GH z E z A z a z -====-∑ (1)其中P 是预测器阶数,一般取10;G 是声道滤波器增益。
由此,语音抽样)(n s 和激励信号)(n e 之间的关系可以用下列的差分方程来表示:1()()()Pi i s n Ge n a s n i ==+-∑(2)即语音样点间有相关性,可以用过去的样点值预测未来样点值。
对于浊音,激励)(n e 是以基因周期重复的单位冲激;对于清音,)(n e 是稳衡白噪声。
)(Z A 称作逆滤波器,传输函数为:()()1()1pj j j E z A z Z S z α-==-=∑ (3)预测误差()n ε为:1()()()pj j n s n a s n j ε==--∑(4)要解决的问题是:给定语音序列,求预测系数的最佳估值j a 。
现在以最小均方误差作为估计模型参数的准则求j a 。
短时平均预测误差定义为:∑=--=pj j j n s a n s E n E 122})]()({[)}({ε(5)对i a 求偏导,并令其为零,有∑==---pj j i n s j n s a n s E 10)}()]()({[, p i ,,1 =(6)上式表明采用最佳预测系数时,预测误差)(n ε与过去的语音样点正交。
记(,)n i j Φ为:)}()({),(j m s i m s E j i n n n --=Φ则有:∑=Φ=Φpj n nj i j i a 1)0,(),(,p i ,,1 =(7)希望找到一种有效的方法求解这组包含P 个未知数的P 个方程,就可以得到在语音段n s 上使均方预测误差为最小的预测系数{}j a ,p j ,,1 =。
aerial adj. 天线的 n.天线e. m. wave 电磁波convey vt.传递the morse code 莫尔斯电码in a controlled way 有控制的bang n.响声Quality of Service 服务质量Service Status 服务状态Float Type 浮点型(数据)s.s.b=single sideband 单边带reinsert n.重插入take place 发生allow for 考虑到,允许multiply v. 乘,扩大Inter symbol Interference 码间干扰Auxiliary Equipment 辅助设备in the case of 在…………情况下foresight n.远见look like 看起来象prone (to) adj.易于……的Payphone 付费电话Payload 负荷Payload pointers 荷指针Appendix 附录Coverage 覆盖Coverage Area 覆盖范围,覆盖区,有效区Interference 干扰Preliminary Design 概要设计,初步设计Jam-to-signal ratio 干扰信号比Interferer diversity 干扰源分集Interference-Adaptive System 干扰自适应系统感应电荷Inductive charge高保真度音响High Fidelity高层兼容性High Layer Compatibility 高电位差High potential difference高频High Frequency (HF)高增益天线High gain antenna高增益功放板High gain Power Amplifier board 告警面板Alarm panel告警模块Alarm module格式转换Format Conversion隔行扫描Interlace Scanning个人编码Personal Number个人识别码Personal Identity Number工程手册Engineering Manual工具软件Tool Software个人通信网,专用通信网Personal Communications Network 工业水平尺Industrial horizontal ruler工作波长Working wavelength工作单元working unit功率分配结构Distributed Power Architecture 公用密钥,公开密钥Public key供参考For reference共享内存Shared Memory共享资源Shared Resource规程Procedure规定容限,可接受容限Tolerance规范和描述语言Specification & Description Language SDL规则脉冲激励长期预测Regular Pulse Excited Long-Term Prediction 硅钢片Silicon Steel Sheet硅谷Silicon Valley硅控整流器Silicon Control Rectifier骨干网Backbone Network固定比特率Constant Bit Rate固定卫星业务Fixed Satellite Services固定信道分配Fixed Channel Allocation固态继电器Solid-state Relay故障,错误fault, error,failure, Bug故障定位Fault locating故障申告受理Fault Complaint Handling光探测器Photodetector光开关Optical Switch光缆Fiber Optic Cable光连接器Fiber Connectors光滤波器Optical Filters光敏电阻Optical Resistor光耦合器Optical Couplers光收发模块Optical Transceivers光通道Optical channel光网络单元Optical Network Unit光无源器件Optical Passive Devices光纤Optical Fiber/Optic fiber光纤包层Cladding of Fiber国标National Standard国际电信联盟International Telecommunications Union 国内长途号码National Toll Numbercircuit components 电路元件circuit parameters 电路参数electric circuit 电路electrical device 电气设备electric energy 电能energy source 电源secondary cell 蓄电池energy converter 电能转换器conductor 导体generator 发电机heating appliance 电热器direct-current(D.C.)circuit 直流电路self (or mutual) induction 自(互)感dielectric 电介质storage battery 蓄电池wire 导线e.m.f.=electromotive force 电动势circuit diagram 电路图load characteristic 负载特性terminal voltage 端电压external characteristic 外特性load resistance 负载特性voltage drop 电压降conductance 电导volt-ampere characteristics伏安特性non-linear characteristics 非线性特性ideal source 理想电源series and parallel circuit 串并联等效电路internal resistance 内阻ideal voltage source 理想电压源ideal current source 理想电流源active circuit elements 有源电路元件passive circuit elements 无源电路元件power transmission line 输电线sending end 发送端receiving end 接收端leakage current 漏电流Ohm law 欧姆定律circuit branch支路reference point 参考点passive element 无源元件complex circuit 复杂电路P.D.=potential drop 电压降active branch 有源支路positive reference direction 正(参考)方向potential distribution电位分布single-loop network(circuit)单回路网络D.C.machine 直流电机r.m.s. values=root mean square values 均方根值effective value 有效值steady direct current 恒稳直流电sinusoidal time function 正弦时间函数complex number 复数vector 向量counter—clockwise 逆时针方向clockwise (顺)时针方向vector diagrams 向量图complex plane 复平面absolute value 绝对值phase displacement 相位差instantaneous values 瞬时值small signal amplifier 小信号放大器mid-frequency band 中频带bipolar junction transistor (BJT) 双极性晶体管field effect transistor (FET) 场效应管electrode 电极,电焊条cathode 阴极anode 阳极block diagram 框图gain 增益,放大voltage gain 电压增益current gain 电流增益moderate 中等的,适度的buffer amplifier 缓冲放大器isolation 隔离,绝缘polarity 极性,偏极configuration 外形、形状、轮廓isolator 绝缘体emitter 发射极collector 集电极base 基极emitter follower 射极跟随器in parallel with 和……并联parallel circuit 并联电路series circuit 串联电路resonance 谐振,共振parallel series 混联common emitter 共射极common collector 共集电极common base 共基极common source 共源极common drain 共栅极source follower circuit 信号源跟随电路self-bias resistor 自偏置电阻DC blocking capacitor 隔直流电容器DC supply 直流供电电源input resistance 输入电阻output resistance 输出电阻operational amplifier 运算放大器op-amp=operational amplifier 运放electronic analog 电子模addition,subtraction 加、减multiplication,integration乘、积分differentiation 微分convention 惯例schematic 纲要的;图解的triangular symbol 三角符号differential input 差动输入single-ended output 单端输出phase reversal 反相common reference 参考点noninverting terminal 非反相端inverting terminal 反相端manufacturer's date sheet (产品)铭牌megohm 兆欧(姆) order 数量级infinite voltage gain 无穷大电压增益microvolt 微伏feedback component 反馈元件inverting amplifier 反相放大器feedback 反馈ideal amplifier 理想放大器virtual 虚的virtual ground 虚假接地factor 系数,因率数open loop gain 开环增益offset=bias 偏置initial voltage 初始电压dimensional 量纲的,……维的negative feedback 负反馈positive feedback 正反馈amplifier 放大器overall amplifier gain 放大器总增益impedance 阻抗thermal noise 热噪音transistor noise 晶体管噪音nonlinear distortion 非线形失真frequency bandwidth 频带宽度gain bandwidth product 增益带宽积effective gain 有效增益fidelity 保真度oscillation 振荡be in phase with 同相的out of phase with 有相位差的phase inversion 倒相trans-conductance 跨导,互导 trans-resistance 互阻be sampled by 被采样return difference 反馈深度difference signal 差值信号inverse 倒数admittance 导纳logic circuit 逻辑电路hand-held calculator 便携式计数器building-block circuit 积木式结构电路gate (逻辑)门 subsystem 子系统,分系统 integrated circuit of the large-scale 大规模集成电路 very large-scale (VLSI) types 超大规模集成电路digital circuit 数字电路microcomputer 微机logic gate circuit 逻辑门电路digital computer circuit 数字计算机电路digital logic 数字逻辑computational arithmetic 算术运算decimal system 十进制binary system 二进制arabic number 阿拉伯数 decimal number 十进制数 variable 变量chance variable 随机变量 dependent variable 因变量,函数independent variable 自变量Boolean algebra 布尔代数binary-sequential order 二进制次序truth table 真值表assembled circuit 集成电路 logic AND function 逻辑“与”函数terminology 术语,专门名词simple algebra 初等代数 algebraic equation 逻辑方程 logic OR function 逻辑“或”函数logic NOT function 逻辑“非”函数logic NOR function 逻辑“或非”函数universal gate 全能门Boolean equation 布尔方程NOR gate 或非门ATM 异步传输模式Asynchronous Transfer ModeADSL非对称用户数字线Asymmetric digital subscriber lineVDSL甚高速数字用户线very high data rate digital subscriber lineHDSL高速数据用户线high rate digital subscriber lineFDMA频分多址(Frequency Division Multiple Access)TDMA时分多址(Time Division Multiple Access)CDMA同步码分多址方式(Code Division Multiple Access)WCDMA宽带码分多址移动通信系统(Wideband Code Division Multiple Access)TD-SCDMA(Time Division Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access)时分同步码分多址SDLC(synchronous data link control)同步数据链路控制HDLC(high-level data link control)高级数据链路控制IP/TCP(internet protocol /transfer Control Protocol)网络传输控制协议ITU (International Telecommunication Union)国际电信联盟ISO国际标准化组织(International Standardization Organization);OSI开放式系统互联参考模型(Open System Interconnect)GSM全球移动通信系统(Global System for Mobile Communications)GPRS通用分组无线业务(General Packet Radio Service)FDD(frequency division duplex)频分双工TDD(time division duplex)时分双工VPI虚路径标识符(Virtual Path Identifier);ISDN(Integrated Services Digital Network)综合业务数字网IDN综合数字网(integrated digital network)HDTV (high definition television)高清晰度电视DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform)离散余弦变换VCI(virtual circuit address)虚通路标识MAN城域网Metropolitan area networksLAN局域网local area networkWAN广域网wide area network同步时分复用STDM Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing统计时分复用STDM Statistical Time Division Multiplexing单工传输simplex transmission半双工传输half-duplex transmission全双工传输full-duplex transmission交换矩阵Switching Matrix电路交换circuit switching分组交换packet switching报文交换message switching奇偶校验parity checking循环冗余校验CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check虚过滤Virtual filter数字滤波digital filtering伪随机比特Quasi Random Bit带宽分配Bandwidth allocation信源information source信宿destination数字化digitalize数字传输技术Digital transmission technology灰度图像Grey scale images灰度级Grey scale level幅度谱Magnitude spectrum相位谱Phase spectrum频谱frequency spectrum 智能设备Smart Device软切换Soft handover硬切换Hard Handover相干检测Coherent detection边缘检测Edge detection冲突检测collision detection业务集合service integration业务分离/综合service separation/ integration 网络集合network integration环形网Ring networks令牌环网Token Ring network网络终端Network Terminal用户终端user terminal用户电路line circuit电路利用率channel utilization(通道利用率)相关性coherence相干解调coherent demodulation数字图像压缩digital image compression图像编码image encoding有损/无损压缩lossy/lossless compression解压decompression呼叫控制Call Control误差控制error control存储程序控制stored program control存储转发方式store-and-forward manner语音\视频传输voice\video transmission视频点播video-on-demand(VOD)会议电视Video Conference有线电视cable television量化quantization吞吐量throughput话务量traffic多径分集Multipath diversity多媒体通信MDM Multimedia Communication多址干扰Multiple Access Interference人机交互man machine interface交互式会话Conversational interaction路由算法Routing Algorithm目标识别Object recognition话音变换Voice transform中继线trunk line传输时延transmission delay远程监控remote monitoring光链路optical link 拓扑结构Topology均方根root mean square。
下面是一个使用Python实现的条纹噪声去除算法的示例代码:```pythonimport numpy as npimport cv2import matplotlib.pyplot as pltdef remove_stripe_noise(image, stripe_direction):# 对图像进行傅里叶变换f = np.fft.fft2(image)fshift = np.fft.fftshift(f)# 计算频谱magnitude_spectrum = 20 * np.log(np.abs(fshift))# 滤波器的宽度filter_width = 30# 根据条纹方向创建滤波器rows, cols = image.shapeif stripe_direction == 'horizontal':crow, ccol = rows // 2, cols // 2fshift[crow - filter_width:crow + filter_width, :] = 0 elif stripe_direction == 'vertical':crow, ccol = rows // 2, cols // 2fshift[:, ccol - filter_width:ccol + filter_width] = 0# 逆傅里叶变换f_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(fshift)image_back = np.fft.ifft2(f_ishift)image_back = np.abs(image_back)return image_back# 读取图像image = cv2.imread('image.jpg', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)# 去除水平方向的条纹噪声image_horizontal = remove_stripe_noise(image, 'horizontal')# 去除垂直方向的条纹噪声image_vertical = remove_stripe_noise(image, 'vertical')# 显示结果plt.subplot(131), plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray')plt.title('Original Image'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])plt.subplot(132), plt.imshow(image_horizontal, cmap='gray') plt.title('Horizontal Stripe Noise Removed'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])plt.subplot(133), plt.imshow(image_vertical, cmap='gray') plt.title('Vertical Stripe Noise Removed'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])plt.show()```在上述示例代码中,我们首先导入了需要的库,包括numpy、OpenCV和matplotlib。
[image understanding图像理解]
[interstate highway州际公路]
[in a nutshell简而言之]
[iterative method迭代法]
[information transfer信息传递]
[international standard国际标准]
[Parseval’s theorem巴塞瓦尔定理]
[quantum level 量化电平]
[RAM随机存取存储器,内存(random access memory)]
[round off舍入,用四舍五入化为整数]
[radio wave无线电波]
[radiating power发射功率]
[random pulses随机脉冲]
[ALU算术逻辑单元,运算器(arithmetic logic unit)]
[ASIC专用集成电路application specific integrated circuit]
[ADPCM自适应差分脉码调制(adaptive differential PCM)]
[ALU算术逻辑单元,运算器(arithmetic logic unit)]
[network operator网络运营商,网络操作员]
[nonlinear operation 非线性运算]
[optical receiver光接收器]
[open architecture开放型结构]
[OOP面向对象程序设计(object oriented programming)]
[log pulse PCM quantizer对数脉冲PCM量化器]
语音增强报告(谱减法和维纳滤波)Speech Enhancement一、语音增强方法的理论分析 (2)1.引言 (2)2.语音增强算法 (2)2.1谱减法 (2)2.2 Wiener滤波法 (3)二、谱减法 (5)1.算法实现 (5)2.改善算法,减少音乐噪声 (9)三、Wiener滤波法 (11)1.算法实现 (11)2.迭代Wiener滤波的算法实现 (14)四、Wiener滤波法与谱减法的比较 (17)五、参考文献 (17)一、语音增强方法的理论分析1.引言语音增强的目标是从含有噪声的语音信号中提取尽可能纯净的原始语音。
比较常用的有噪声对消法、谱相减法、维纳滤波法、卡尔曼滤波法、FIR 自适应滤波法等。
此外,随着科学技术的发展又出现了一些新的增强技术,如基于神经网络的语音增强、基于HMM 的语音增强、基于听觉感知的语音增强、基于多分辨率分析的语音增强、基于语音产生模型的线性滤波法、基于小波变换的语音增强方法、梳状滤波法、自相关法、基于语音模型的语音增强方法等。
电子信息工程专业英语教程_第5版 题库
《电子信息工程专业英语教程(第5版)》题库Section A 术语互译 (1)Section B 段落翻译 (5)Section C阅读理解素材 (12)C.1 History of Tablets (12)C.2 A Brief History of satellite communication (13)C.3 Smartphones (14)C.4 Analog, Digital and HDTV (14)C.5 SoC (15)Section A 术语互译Section B 段落翻译Section C阅读理解素材C.1 History of TabletsThe idea of the tablet computer isn't new. Back in 1968, a computer scientist named Alan Kay proposed that with advances in flat-panel display technology, user interfaces, miniaturization of computer components and some experimental work in WiFi technology, you could develop an all-in-one computing device. He developed the idea further, suggesting that such a device would be perfect as an educational tool for schoolchildren. In 1972, he published a paper about the device and called it the Dynabook.The sketches of the Dynabook show a device very similar to the tablet computers we have today, with a couple of exceptions. The Dynabook had both a screen and a keyboard all on the same plane. But Key's vision went even further. He predicted that with the right touch-screen technology, you could do away with the physical keyboard and display a virtual keyboard in any configuration on the screen itself.Key was ahead of his time. It would take nearly four decades before a tablet similar to the one he imagined took the public by storm. But that doesn't mean there were no tablet computers on the market between the Dynabook concept and Apple's famed iPad.One early tablet was the GRiDPad. First produced in 1989, the GRiDPad included a monochromatic capacitance touch screen and a wired stylus. It weighed just under 5 pounds (2.26 kilograms). Compared to today's tablets, the GRiDPad was bulky and heavy, with a short battery life of only three hours. The man behind the GRiDPad was Jeff Hawkins, who later founded Palm.Other pen-based tablet computers followed but none received much support from the public. Apple first entered the tablet battlefield with the Newton, a device that's received equal amounts of love and ridicule over the years. Much of the criticism for the Newton focuses on its handwriting-recognition software.It really wasn't until Steve Jobs revealed the first iPad to an eager crowd that tablet computers became a viable consumer product. Today, companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft and HP are trying to predict consumer needs while designing the next generation of tablet devices.C.2 A Brief History of satellite communicationIn an article in Wireless World in 1945, Arthur C. Clarke proposed the idea of placing satellites in geostationary orbit around Earth such that three equally spaced satellites could provide worldwide coverage. However, it was not until 1957 that the Soviet Union launched the first satellite Sputnik 1, which was followed in early 1958 by the U.S. Army’s Explorer 1. Both Sputnik and Explorer transmitted telemetry information.The first communications satellite, the Signal Communicating Orbit Repeater Experiment (SCORE), was launched in 1958 by the U.S. Air Force. SCORE was a delayed-repeater satellite, which received signals from Earth at 150 MHz and stored them on tape for later retransmission. A further experimental communication satellite, Echo 1, was launched on August 12, 1960 and placed into inclined orbit at about 1500 km above Earth. Echo 1 was an aluminized plastic balloon with a diameter of 30 m and a weight of 75.3 kg. Echo 1 successfully demonstrated the first two-way voice communications by satellite.On October 4, 1960, the U.S. Department of Defense launched Courier into an elliptical orbit between 956 and 1240 km, with a period of 107 min. Although Courier lasted only 17 days, it was used for real-time voice, data, and facsimile transmission. The satellite also had five tape recorders onboard; four were used for delayed repetition of digital information, and the other for delayed repetition of analog messages.Direct-repeated satellite transmission began with the launch of Telstar I on July 10, 1962. Telstar I was an 87-cm, 80-kg sphere placed in low-Earth orbit between 960 and 6140 km, with an orbital period of 158 min. Telstar I was the first satellite to be able to transmit and receive simultaneously and was used for experimental telephone, image, and television transmission. However, on February 21, 1963, Telstar I suffered damage caused by the newly discovered Van Allen belts.Telstar II was made more radiation resistant and was launched on May 7, 1963. Telstar II was a straight repeater with a 6.5-GHz uplink and a 4.1-GHz downlink. The satellite power amplifier used a specially developed 2-W traveling wave tube. Along with its other capabilities, the broadband amplifier was able to relay color TV transmissions. The first successful trans-Atlantic transmission of video was accomplished with Telstar II , which also incorporated radiation measurements and experiments that exposed semiconductor components to space radiation.The first satellites placed in geostationary orbit were the synchronous communication (SYNCOM ) satellites launched by NASA in 1963. SYNCOM I failed on injection into orbit. However, SYNCOM II was successfully launched on July 26, 1964 and provided telephone, teletype, and facsimile transmission. SYNCOM III was launched on August 19, 1964 and transmitted TV pictures from the Tokyo Olympics. The International Telecommunications by Satellite (INTELSAT) consortium was founded in July 1964 with the charter to design, construct, establish, and maintain the operation of a global commercial communications system on a nondiscriminatory basis. The INTELSAT network started with the launch on April 6, 1965, of INTELSAT I, also called Early Bird. On June 28, 1965, INTELSAT I began providing 240 commercial international telephone channels as well as TV transmission between the United States and Europe.In 1979, INMARSAT established a third global system. In 1995, the INMARSAT name was changed to the International Mobile Satellite Organization to reflect the fact that the organization had evolved to become the only provider of global mobile satellite communications at sea, in the air, and on the land.Early telecommunication satellites were mainly used for long-distance continental and intercontinental broadband, narrowband, and TV transmission. With the advent of broadband optical fiber transmission, satellite services shifted focus to TV distribution, and to point-to-multipoint and very small aperture terminal (VSAT) applications. Satellite transmission is currently undergoing further significant growth with the introduction of mobile satellite systems for personal communications and fixed satellite systems for broadband data transmission.C.3 SmartphonesThink of a daily task, any daily task, and it's likely there's a specialized, pocket-sized device designed to help you accomplish it. You can get a separate, tiny and powerful machine to make phone calls, keep your calendar and address book, entertain you, play your music, give directions, take pictures, check your e-mail, and do countless other things. But how many pockets do you have? Handheld devices become as clunky as a room-sized supercomputer when you have to carry four of them around with you every day.A smartphone is one device that can take care of all of your handheld computing and communication needs in a single, small package. It's not so much a distinct class of products as it is a different set of standards for cell phones to live up to.Unlike many traditional cell phones, smartphones allow individual users to install, configure and run applications of their choosing. A smartphone offers the ability to conform the device to your particular way of doing things. Most standard cell-phone software offers only limited choices for re-configuration, forcing you to adapt to the way it's set up. On a standard phone, whether or not you like the built-in calendar application, you are stuck with it except for a few minor tweaks. If that phone were a smartphone, you could install any compatible calendar application you like.Here's a list of some of the things smartphones can do:•Send and receive mobile phone calls•Personal Information Management (PIM) including notes, calendar and to-do list•Communication with laptop or desktop computers•Data synchronization with applications like Microsoft Outlook•E-mail•Instant messaging•Applications such as word processing programs or video games•Play audio and video files in some standard formatsC.4 Analog, Digital and HDTVFor years, watching TV has involved analog signals and cathode ray tube (CRT) sets. The signal is made of continually varying radio waves that the TV translates into a picture and sound. An analog signal can reach a person's TV over the air, through a cable or via satellite. Digital signals, like the ones from DVD players, are converted to analog when played on traditional TVs.This system has worked pretty well for a long time, but it has some limitations:•Conventional CRT sets display around 480 visible lines of pixels. Broadcasters have been sending signals that work well with this resolution for years, and they can't fit enough resolution to fill a huge television into the analog signal.•Analog pictures are interlaced - a CRT's electron gun paints only half the lines for each pass down the screen. On some TVs, interlacing makes the picture flicker.•Converting video to analog format lowers its quality.United States broadcasting is currently changing to digital television (DTV). A digital signal transmits the information for video and sound as ones and zeros instead of as a wave. For over-the-air broadcasting, DTV will generally use the UHF portion of the radio spectrum with a 6 MHz bandwidth, just like analog TV signals do.DTV has several advantages:•The picture, even when displayed on a small TV, is better quality.• A digital signal can support a higher resolution, so the picture will still look good when shown on a larger TV screen.•The video can be progressive rather than interlaced - the screen shows the entire picture for every frame instead of every other line of pixels.•TV stations can broadcast several signals using the same bandwidth. This is called multicasting.•If broadcasters choose to, they can include interactive content or additional information with the DTV signal.•It can support high-definition (HDTV) broadcasts.DTV also has one really big disadvantage: Analog TVs can't decode and display digital signals. When analog broadcasting ends, you'll only be able to watch TV on your trusty old set if you have cable or satellite service transmitting analog signals or if you have a set-top digital converter.C.5 SoCThe semiconductor industry has continued to make impressive improvements in the achievable density of very large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuits. In order to keep pace with the levels of integration available, design engineers have developed new methodologies and techniques to manage the increased complexity inherent in these large chips. One such emerging methodology is system-on-chip (SoC) design, wherein predesigned and pre-verified blocks often called intellectual property (IP) blocks, IP cores, or virtual components are obtained from internal sources, or third parties, and combined on a single chip.These reusable IP cores may include embedded processors, memory blocks, interface blocks, analog blocks, and components that handle application specific processing functions. Corresponding software components are also provided in a reusable form and may include real-time operating systems and kernels, library functions, and device drivers.Large productivity gains can be achieved using this SoC/IP approach. In fact, rather than implementing each of these components separately, the role of the SoC designer is to integrate them onto a chip to implement complex functions in a relatively short amount of time.The integration process involves connecting the IP blocks to the communication network, implementing design-for-test (DFT) techniques and using methodologies to verify and validate the overall system-level design. Even larger productivity gains are possible if the system is architected as a platform in such as way that derivative designs can be generated quickly.In the past, the concept of SoC simply implied higher and higher levels of integration. That is, it was viewed as migrating a multichip system-on-board (SoB) to a single chip containing digital logic, memory, analog/mixed signal, and RF blocks. The primary drivers for this direction were the reduction of power, smaller form factor, and lower overall cost. It is important to recognize that integrating more and more functionality on a chip has always existed as a trend by virtue of Moore’s Law, which predicts that the number of transistors on a chip will double every 18-24 months. The challenge is to increase designer productivity to keep pace with Moore’s Law. Therefore, today’s notion of SoC is defined in terms of overall productivity gains through reusable design and integration of components.。
傅里叶变换magnitude 和phase
傅里叶变换magnitude 和phase 傅里叶变换是一种十分重要的数学工具,在信号处理、图像处理、通信系统等领域具有广泛的应用。
首先,我们来谈谈傅里叶变换的幅度谱,也称为magnitude spectrum。
对于连续时间域信号,我们可以通过连续傅里叶变换(Continuous Fourier Transform)得到幅度谱。
连续傅里叶变换的公式如下:F(ω) = ∫[f(t) * e^(-jωt)] dt其中,F(ω)表示频域信号的复数形式,f(t)是原始信号,ω为角频率,e^(-jωt)是复指数形式的正弦函数。
对于离散时间域信号,我们可以通过离散傅里叶变换(Discrete Fourier Transform)得到幅度谱。
离散傅里叶变换的公式如下:F(k) = Σ[f(n) * e^(-j2πkn/N)]其中,F(k)表示频域信号的复数形式,f(n)是原始信号,k为频率索引,N为信号的长度。
幅度谱的计算公式如下:M agnitude = |F(ω)|其中,|F(ω)|表示频域信号的振幅。
接下来,我们来讨论傅里叶变换的相位谱,也称为phase spectrum。
且说上⽂提到的Parseval恒等式,⽼师有提到该等式的intuitive sense是:傅⾥叶变换的原信号和频谱之间是能量守恒的。
傅⾥叶变换的另⼀个令⼈震惊的事实是:Gaussian分布的密度函数 $e^{-x^2/2}$是唯⼀的⼀个傅⾥叶变换不变函数。
Gaussian密度函数的⼀阶导数与哺乳动物视觉感知系统主视⽪层简单细胞的感受野(cortical receptive field)具有相似的结构。
泛函分析中,Gaussian密度函数的极限($\sigma\to\infty$)是delta-dirac函数 $\delta(x)$,即脉冲函数。
更简单地,在⼤学⼀年级的数学分析课程中,Gaussian密度函数的积分是 $\sqrt{\pi}$。
matlab 频域信号 指标 重心频率
matlab 频域信号 指标 重心频率在频域信号中,"重心频率"(Centroid Frequency )是描述信号频谱集中程度的一个指标。
假设信号的频谱为()X f ,频率为f ,则重心频率c f 的计算如下:22()()c f X f dff X f df∞−∞∞−∞⋅=⎰⎰ 这个表达式表示频谱的加权平均,其中2()X f 是频谱的幅度谱。
在 MATLAB 中,可以使用 FFT (Fast Fourier Transform )计算频谱,并通过频谱的幅度谱来计算重心频率。
以下是一个 MATLAB 的示例代码:% 假设信号为 x ,Fs 为采样率Fs = 1000; % 采样率t = 0:1/Fs:1-1/Fs; % 时间向量x = cos(2*pi*50*t) + 0.5*sin(2*pi*150*t); % 示例信号% 计算信号的频谱N = length(x);X = fft(x);frequencies = linspace(0, Fs/2, N/2+1);% 计算频谱的幅度谱magnitude_spectrum = abs(X(1:N/2+1));% 计算重心频率centroid_frequency = sum(frequencies .* magnitude_spectrum.^2) / sum(magnitude_spectrum.^2);disp(['Centroid Frequency: ' num2str(centroid_frequency) ' Hz']);在这个示例中,centroid_frequency 即为信号的重心频率。
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The Magnitude-Spectrum Information-Entropy (MSIE) of the speech signal is presented as an alternative representation of the speech that can be used to mitigate the mismatch between training and testing conditions. The speech-magnitude spectrum is considered as a random variable from which entropy coefficients can be calculated for each frame. By concatenating these entropic coefficients to its corresponding MFCC vector, then calculating the dynamic coefficients, Δ and ΔΔ, the results show an improvement compared to a baseline. The MSIE effectiveness was tested under the Aurora 2 database audio files. When trained in clean speech, the experimental results obtained by the MSIE concatenated to the MFCC outperform the results obtained with the MFCC baseline system for selected types of noises at different SNRs. For this selected group of noises the overall improvement performance in the range 0 dB to 20 dB for the Aurora 2 database is of 15.06%.
DOI 10.1109/ICPR.2010.1061
process, a PMF is calculated, but instead of the enery spectrum they use the entropy of the complex spectrum. This complex spectrum is treated as a two-dimensional signal, being the real part of the spectrum one dimension, and the imaginary part of the spectrum the other dimension. Therefore entropy is computed as
p(ω) =
ω=N ω=1
where Se(ω) represents the energy of the ω-th frequency component of the spectrum, p(ω) is the PMF of the energy spectrum, and N is the total number of frequency components. This equation is later used for
where n is the n-esim signal frame.
FFT ( ) S()
1 2
2 y
2 xy
FC (n)
Figure 2. Camarena entropy-based coding system.
computing full-band or multiband entropy. The com-
plete process is shown in Figure 1.
( ) ( ) ( ) s t
Se () Se () p()
H ( ) N
2010 International Conference on Pattern Recognition
Speech Magnitude-Spectrum Information-Entropy (MSIE) for Automatic Speech Recognition in Noisy Environments
Juan A. Nolazo-Flores1, Roberto A. Aceves L.1, L. Paola Garc´ıa-Perera1 ∗ 1Computer Science Department.
Instituto Tecnolo´gico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey,
H(S∗(ω)) = − p(S∗(ω)) ln (p(S∗(ω))), (3)
where H(S∗(ω)) is the complex spectrum entropy. Moreover, they assume that the spectrum (or part of the spectrum) follows a Gaussian distribution, so the mean and the variance are used to calculate the entropy as follows,
H (S ∗ (ω(ln(σx2
σx2y )),
where σx2 and σy2 are the variances of the real and imaginary part respectively, and σx2y is the covariance between the real and imaginary part of the spectrum. Fi-
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 defines MSIE. Section 3 describes the setup of the experiments to test the efficency of MSIE. Section 4 shows the results of those experiments. Finally, Section 5 opens the future discussion and gives conclusions of the study.
Figure 1. Misra entropy calculation.
Camarena [1] calculates an entroy-based acoustic binary code to represent music (Figure 2). As part of their
1051-4651/10 $26.00 © 2010 IEEE
nally, to compute the acoustic binary code, they em-
ployed the sign function of the entropy slope, obtaining FC (n), defined as
FC (n) =
1 0
if [h(n) − h(n − 1)] > 0 , Otherwise
2 Methodology
2.1 Magnitude Spectrum Entropy
1. Introduction
In pattern recognition, classification needs relevant feature vectors. Feature vectors are numerical representations of the objects’ properties. For Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) task, the Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) have shown to be very robust feature vectors and are by far the dominant parameters. Other parametrizations and enhancement algorithms are PLP (Perceptual Linear Predictive) [3] and RASTA (RelAtive SpecTrAl) [4]. The purpose of this
The entropy is defined as
H(ω) = − p(ω) log2(p(ω)).
Therefore, a key element to evaluate the entropy lies on obtaining the probability mass function (PMF), p(ω). This PMF can be derived in different ways, in [5], e.g., the energy spectrum is directly scaled such that it represents a probability mass function (PMF) as follows