
基于SolidWorks Flow Simulation的车载半导体制冷箱的仿真分析

基于SolidWorks Flow Simulation的车载半导体制冷箱的仿真分析
浙江科技学院学报,第31卷第5期,2019年10月 Journal of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology Vol. 31 No. 5, Oct 2019 doi: 10. 3969/j. issn. 1671-879& 2019. 05. 002
(School of Mechanical and Energy Engineering , Zhejiang University of Science and Technology , Hangzhou 310023 , Zhejiang , China)
Abstract: The refrigerating efficiency of semiconductor refrigeration box is an important parameter to evaluate performance of the refrigeration box, and thus a key factor in its design. The coupling mode oftherefrigerationassemblyandtherefrigerationboxwasoptimized $togetherwithsimulationanalysis by virtue of the software of SolidWorks Flow Simulation. By comparison, it can be concluded that whenthe outer surfa;e ofthe refrigeration assembly fan ;oinides with theinner walofthe refrigeration box, the groove size being 41. 7 mmX 41. 7 mmX 20 mm and the fan being inhaled, the temperature3nsdethebox3sthelowest? Keywords: semiconductor refrigeration; car refrigerator; SolidWorks Flow Simulation; temperature field;simulation;optimization




当然应根据不同的器件结构和工作环境 有选择性的使用。甚至还可以在一定条件下 进行进一步简化,这样可以在能基本反映器 件性能的前提下节省运算时间。下面我们介 绍一些常用的迁移率模型公式。 (1)在纯晶体中,载流子散射的最基本过程 是载流子同晶体中原子热振动之间的相互作 用。这些晶格振动是温度的函数,由所谓 “声畸变势晶格散射”引起的迁移率的理论 结果为:

Sah 等人已经发表了一个不同的模型,据称该 模型能可靠地估计在 4.2 到 600K 温度范围内 Si 的迁移率值:
L n
1 1 cm2 T 4195 ( ) 1.5 Vs 300K 1 cm2 T 2153 ( ) 3.13 Vs 300K

L p

为了模拟目的,人们通常用一个简单乘方律,它 的系数由拟合实验迁移率值得到:
T n ( ) 300 K T p L 0 p p( ) 300 K
L n 0 n

(3.2-3) (3.2-4)
0 n
0 p

Байду номын сангаас

已发表的(3.2-3)、(3.2-4 )式中的常数数值 、、 α n 、 α p 显示出若干分散,这些不同来源的系数汇编 在 S.赛尔勃赫〔奥〕编的《Analysis and Simulation of Semiconductor Devices》的表4.1-1 晶格迁移率常数中,使用时可查找,这些数据的评价 和推荐是相当困难的。
LI min n , p n, p L min n , p n, p
I (
min n, p



科技创新与应用Technology Innovation and Application研究视界2021年13期碳化硅功率器件的发展与数值建模李国鑫(上海电力大学,上海200090)1碳化硅材料的发展随着集成电路与微电子的发展,传统的半导体材料由于自身的结构和局限性,在高导热、高电场的工作环境下已难堪大任,碳化硅材料以其卓越的物理特性引起了人们的关注,并成为了继第一代元素半导体硅和第二代化合物半导体磷化镓等之后发展迅速的第三代半导体材料[1-2]。

碳化硅电子器件的发展已有多年,在1907年首次观察到碳化硅的电致发光现象,且于1923年利用碳化硅制成了第一种LED 。

但早期大多数关于碳化硅的研究是通过升华法生产的,目前最常用的方法是物理气相输运法(Physical VaporTransport ,PVT )。





24H-SiC MOSFET 器件结构半导体功率器件一般可分为两种,即MOS 器件与双极结型器件。

图1中展示了一种基本的碳化硅MOS 器件的结构,该结构具有工频高,栅压可控的优点。

然而,在SiO 2/SiC存在的高界面态却阻碍了碳化硅MOS 在航天航空及通信等领域的广泛应用。









Semiconductor process development involves knowledge in materials science, physics, chemistry, and other fields.2.硅晶圆制备是半导体工艺开发的重要环节。

Silicon wafer preparation is an important part of semiconductor process development.3.薄膜沉积是半导体工艺开发中的关键步骤之一。

Thin film deposition is a key step in semiconductor process development.4.明晶硅的制备对于半导体工艺开发至关重要。

The preparation of monocrystalline silicon is crucial for semiconductor process development.5.化学气相沉积技术在半导体工艺开发中有着重要的应用。

Chemical vapor deposition technology has important applications in semiconductor process development.6.刻蚀技术在半导体工艺开发中起着至关重要的作用。

Etching technology plays a crucial role in semiconductor process development.7.掺杂工艺是半导体器件制备中不可或缺的步骤。

Doping process is an indispensable step in the preparation of semiconductor devices.8.纳米加工技术在半导体工艺开发中占据重要地位。





基于对同一个si 双极晶体管的模拟,与商用软件有近似的仿真结果。


关键词:量子流体动力学模型;仿真;物理模型;数值计算中图分类号:TN303文献标识码:A文章编号:1674-6236(2013)02-0140-04Semiconductor device simulation based on quantum fluid dynamics modelDONG Guo -xiang(Institute of Physical Electronics ,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China ,Chengdu 610054,China )Abstract:The quantum hydrodynamic model -based ,self -preparation program was developed semiconductor devices simulation software.Including fast and accurate numerical discretization method and an accurate physical model.Based on a Si bipolar transistor analog approximate simulation results with the commercial software.That quantum hydrodynamic model is feasible ,but also shows the correctness of numerical algorithms and physical models.Key words:quantum hydrodynamic model ;simulation ;physical model ;numerical calculation收稿日期:2012-09-21稿件编号:201209157作者简介:董果香(1986—),男,陕西西安人,硕士研究生。


和工艺仿真的区别 devedit - 考虑结果 他不考虑器件生成的实际物理过程,生成器件时不需要对 时间、温度等物理量进行考虑。
athena - 考虑过程 必需对器件生成的外在条件、物理过程进行描述。
结构定义指令 athena之外的另一种可以生成器件信息的工具。
与devedit类似,用atlas器件仿真器语言编写器件信息。 与devedit不同的是需要编程操作,没有图形操作界面。
2. 熟悉并学会使用器件仿真软件 (1)学习如何用仿真语句编写器件的结构特征信息 (2)学习如何使用atlas器件仿真器进行电学特性仿真
3. 对半导体工艺仿真及器件仿真中所用到的模型加以了解
4*. 利用工艺器件仿真软件,培养和锻炼工艺流程设计和新器件 开发设计等方面的技能。
6. 半导体器件仿真的历史发展
*.str文件 指定工作条件下的 结构文件。包含器 件的载流子分布、 电势分布、电场分 布等信息。
指令的输入通过deckbuild 软件窗口传送至仿真器
*.log *.str等输出文件通过tonyplot软件窗口来查看 Atlas器件仿真部分
athena 工艺仿真器
(IC Circuit Simulation)
3. 有什么用?
一方面,充分认识半导体物理学,半导体器件物理学等这些抽象 难懂的理论基础知识在半导体工业中的实际应用。加强理论教学 的效果。
仿真也可以部分取代了耗费成本的硅片实验,可以降低成本,缩 短了开发周期和提高成品率。也就是说,仿真可以虚拟生产并指 导实际生产。
功能: (1)勾画器件。 (2)生成网格。(修改网格) 既可以对用devedit画好的器件生成网格,或对athena工艺仿真生成含有网格信息的 器件进行网格修改。

蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo)方法简介

蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo)方法简介

蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo)方法简介蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo)方法简介蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo)方法,也称为计算机随机模拟方法,是一种基于"随机数"的计算方法。


Monte Carlo方法创始人主要是这四位:Stanislaw Marcin Ulam, Enrico Fermi, John von Neumann(学计算机的肯定都认识这个牛人吧)和Nicholas Metropolis。

Stanislaw Marcin Ulam是波兰裔美籍数学家,早年是研究拓扑的,后因参与曼哈顿工程,兴趣遂转向应用数学,他首先提出用Monte Carlo方法解决计算数学中的一些问题,然后又将其应用到解决链式反应的理论中去,可以说是MC方法的奠基人;Enrico Fermi是个物理大牛,理论和实验同时都是大牛,这在物理界很少见,在“物理大牛的八卦”那篇文章里提到这个人很多次,对于这么牛的人只能是英年早逝了(别说我嘴损啊,上帝都嫉妒!);John von Neumann可以说是计算机界的牛顿吧,太牛了,结果和Fermi一样,被上帝嫉妒了;Nicholas Metropolis,希腊裔美籍数学家,物理学家,计算机科学家,这个人对Monte Carlo方法做的贡献相当大,正式由于他提出的一种什么算法(名字忘了),才使得Monte Carlo方法能够得到如此广泛的应用,这人现在还活着,与前几位牛人不同,Metropolis很专一,他一生主要的贡献就是Monte Carlo方法。



二解决问题的基本思路Monte Carlo方法的基本思想很早以前就被人们所发现和利用。




2. 在整个学科中所处的位置是什么?
从纵向来讲,和其他CAD类或仿真类课程一样,它是基础理论知 识和实际生产的链接点。 从横向来讲, 电路模拟、工艺模拟、器件模拟之间的关系可以用下 面的结构图来表示
本门课程 重点学习部分
(Process Simulation)
(Device Simulation)
一、概论:半导体仿真概述 Introduction of Semiconductor Simulation
1. 这门课是研究什么的?
(1)什么是仿真? 仿真和另外一个词汇建模(modeling)是密不可分的。 所谓建模就是用数学方式抽象地总结出客观事物发展的一般规律。 仿真是在这个一般规律的基础上,对某事物在特定条件下的行动 进行推演和预测。 因此可以说建模是仿真的基础,仿真是随着建模的发展而发展的。 建模和仿真的关系可以比作程序设计中算法和语言的关系。
3. 对半导体工艺仿真及器件仿真中所用到的模型加以了解 4*. 利用工艺器件仿真软件,培养和锻炼工艺流程设计和新器件 开发设计等方面的技能。
6. 半导体器件仿真的历史发展
1949年: 半导体器件模拟的概念起源于此年肖克莱(Shockley)发表的论文, 这篇文章奠定了结型二级管和晶体管的基础。但这是一种局部分 析方法,不能分析大注入情况以及集电结的扩展。 1964年: 古默尔(H.K.Gummel)首先用数值方法代替解析方法模拟了一维 双极晶体管,从而使半导体器件模拟向计算机化迈进。 1969年: D.P.Kennedy和R.R.O’Brien第一个用二维数值方法研究了JFET。 J.W.Slotboom用二维数值方法研究了晶体管的DC特性。 从此以后,大量文章报导了二维数值分析在不同情况和不同器件 中的应用。相应地也有各种成熟的模拟软件,如CADDET和 MINIMOS等。



考试试题纸(春)————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:中国农业大学2012 ~2013学年春季学期文献检索课程考试试题题号一二三四五六七八总分得分考生诚信承诺1.本人清楚学校关于考试管理、考场规则、考试作弊处理的规定,并严格遵照执行。


学院:工学院班级:农工122 学号:1207140226姓名:韩万龙一、中文数据库检索自选课题,利用中文期刊全文数据库进行检索。

(20分)课题名称: ___________ 转基因食品 _______ __________数据库名称___________ 中国知网 _________________ ________ 检索式[包括检索方法(简单或高级检索等)、检索字段、检索词(两个检索词以上,用布尔逻辑组配)、检索时间段]__ 高级检索 (题目=转基因食品)*(关键字=安全性)*全部期刊*年2005-2013检出篇数__ 100篇 _________摘抄1条结果的题录信息:题目:转基因食品安全性的探讨作者:郭桦;郭祀远;文献出处(刊名、年、卷期):现代食品科技, Modern Food Science and Technology,2007年08期二、学位论文数据库检索自选课题,选择一种中文学位论文数据库进行检索。

(20分)课题名称: _________计算机 _________________ __________数据库名称:万方数据 ___________检索式[包括检索字段、检索词(两个检索词以上,用布尔逻辑组配)、检索时间段]:__高级检索(题目=计算机)*(关键字=发展)*学位论文*年*不限___ __ 检出篇数_____ 22篇 ____摘抄1条结果的题录信息:论文题名:基于计算机符号计算的若干变系数非线性模型可积性质的研究作者:李娟授予学位:博士授予单位:北京邮电大学授予学位时间:2008三、外文全文数据库检索自选课题,选择一种外文全文数据库进行检索。


IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference
SPIE Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing
3Gand Beyond
European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology
IEEEPacific RimConference on Multimedia
International Symposium of infrared and millimeter wave
AsiaPacific Microwave Conference
IEEE International Symposium of Circuits and Systems
Conference on Optical fiber Communication




为了模拟目的,人们通常用一个简单乘方律,它 的系数由拟合实验迁移率值得到:
T n ( ) 300 K T p L 0 p p( ) 300 K
L n 0 n

(3.2-3) (3.2-4)
0 n
0 p

已发表的(3.2-3)、(3.2-4 )式中的常数数值 、、 α n 、 α p 显示出若干分散,这些不同来源的系数汇编 在 S.赛尔勃赫〔奥〕编的《Analysis and Simulation of Semiconductor Devices》的表4.1-1 晶格迁移率常数中,使用时可查找,这些数据的评价 和推荐是相当困难的。
p 1 Jp G U t q x n 1 J n G U t q x
p q p p x x n J n qD p q n n x x J p qD p
2 q ( Nd Na p n) 2 x
器件模拟有两种方法:一种是器件等效电路 模拟法;另一种是器件物理模拟法。 (1)器件等效电路模拟法是依据半导体器件 的输入、输出特性建立模型分析它们在电路中 的作用,而不关心器件内部的微观机理,在电 路模拟中常用这种方法。 (2)器件物理模拟法则从器件内部载流子的 状态及运动出发,依据器件的几何结构及杂质 分布,建立严格的物理模型及数学模型,运算 得到器件的性能参数,这种方法能深刻理解器 件内部的工作原理、能定量分析器件性能参数 与设计参数之间的关系.

③单能谷假设:在漂移扩散模型中,使用平均漂移 和扩散的概念描述电荷输运,没有涉及多能谷半导 体的考虑。对于象GaAs之类器件,多能谷输运现象 往往对器件的工作特性起决定性作用,以此模型就 很难处理。 鉴于上述的局限性,目前发展了更高级理论及 相应的模型,例如玻尔兹曼输运理论,基于此理论 的器件模型已构成迄今所有较精确的器件模拟研究 的概念性框架,并派生出器件的蒙特卡罗模拟,动 量能量守恒,动量能量平衡模型等。更严格地处理 超小器件的量子输运理论,仍是当前器件物理工作 者探索研究的课题。



半导体设备验证流程英文回答:Semiconductor device verification is an essential step in the semiconductor manufacturing process. It involves various tests and inspections to ensure that the devices meet the required specifications and perform as intended. The verification process typically includes the following steps:1. Design Verification: This step involves verifying the design of the semiconductor device against the specifications and requirements. It includes functional verification, where the device's functionality is tested using simulation tools or prototype devices. For example, if I am designing a microcontroller, I would verify thatall the input and output pins are functioning correctly by connecting them to different peripherals and checking their behavior.2. Fabrication Verification: Once the design is verified, the semiconductor device is fabricated using the chosen manufacturing process. Fabrication verification involves checking the integrity of the fabrication process and ensuring that the device is manufactured according to the design specifications. This can include various tests such as electrical testing, optical inspection, and physical measurements. For instance, if I am fabricating a memory chip, I would test its electrical properties by applying different voltage levels to the input pins and checking the output responses.3. Reliability Testing: This step involves subjecting the semiconductor device to various stress tests to assess its reliability and durability. Reliability testing can include temperature cycling, humidity testing, and accelerated aging tests. For example, if I am testing a power transistor, I would subject it to high-temperature conditions to check its thermal stability and ensure it can handle the expected operating conditions without failure.4. Performance Testing: Once the device's reliabilityis verified, performance testing is conducted to evaluate its performance under different operating conditions. This can include testing the device's speed, power consumption, and signal quality. For instance, if I am testing a digital signal processor, I would measure its processing speed by running different algorithms and comparing the results against the expected performance.5. Compliance Testing: In many industries, semiconductor devices need to comply with specific standards and regulations. Compliance testing ensures that the device meets these requirements. For example, if I am developing a wireless communication module, I would testits compliance with the relevant wireless communication standards, such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.中文回答:半导体设备验证流程是半导体制造过程中的一个重要环节。

pdk 开发流程

pdk 开发流程

pdk 开发流程PDK development process, also known as process design kit development process, is a critical stage in the semiconductor industry. PDKs are essential for the design and manufacture of integrated circuits, providing the necessary tools and componentsfor designers to create their products. 而在半导体产业中,PDK开发流程是一个至关重要的阶段。


The PDK development process typically involves multiple steps, including technology assessment, design rule creation, process simulation, and model parameter extraction. Each stage is crucial for ensuring the success of the overall PDK development process. 该PDK 的开发过程通常涉及多个步骤,包括技术评估,设计规则的创建,工艺模拟以及模型参数提取。


One of the key challenges faced during the PDK development process is the need for close collaboration between various teams, including process engineers, device physicists, and circuit designers.Effective communication and coordination are essential to ensure that all aspects of the PDK development process are aligned and progressing smoothly. 在PDK开发流程中面临的关键挑战之一是需要各个团队之间的紧密合作,包括工艺工程师、器件物理学家和电路设计人员。

MB_TCAD(学习sentaurus tcad时可以观摩)

MB_TCAD(学习sentaurus tcad时可以观摩)

Modified Shockley-Read-Hall G/R
A sum of SRH contribution by each trap Γ is the degeneracy of the trap, ni the intrinsic
concentration of carriers
Rn , p Ri Ri pn ni
Generation recombination and trapping
Impact ionization Tunneling Oxide physics
Vertex 2013, Lake Starnberg, September 18 2013
Approximated solution to the equation to solve
Aproximation of the solution space using test function
Vertex 2013, Lake Starnberg, September 18 2013
TCAD simulation principles : Beyond the standard model !

Example of TCAD simulation
Space-Charge Sign Inversion (SCSI) Double peak in inverted sensors Charge multiplication P-Spray Insulation Magnetic Field effects Charge-Sharing in pixel sensors
Vertex 2013, Lake Starnberg, September 18 2013



学科一:序号 会议英文名称会议英文名称缩写 会议中文名称会议主办机构 备注(会议频次)1American Physics Society March MeetingAPS 美国物理学年会APS 每年一次2Material Research Society: Spring meeting and Fall meetingMRS 美国材料学年会MRS 每年两次3European Material Research Society: Spring meeting and Fall meeting E-MRS 欧洲材料学年会EMRS 每年两次4International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors ICPS 国际半导体物理会议IOP 每两年一次5The World Anniversary Congress on BiosensorsWACB世界生物传感器大会Elsevier每年一次序号 会议英文名称会议英文名称缩写 会议中文名称会议主办机构 备注(会议频次)1Magnetic and Magnetic MaterialsMMM 磁学和磁性材料会议APS 每年一次2International Conference on Computational Physics ICCP 国际计算物理会议IAPCM 每年一次3International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors ICDS 国际半导体缺陷会议Elsevier 每年一次4International Conference of the European Ceramic Society ICECS 欧洲陶瓷学年会ECS 每年一次5International Conference on Composite MaterialsICCM 国际化合物材料会议ICCM 每年一次6International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites ICEACC 国际先进陶瓷和化合物会议ACS 每年一次7International Sol-Gel ConferenceISGC 国际溶胶-凝胶会议ISGS 每年一次8International Symposium on Compound Semiconductor ISCS 化合物半导体国际会议Wiley 每年一次9International Conference on NanotechnologyIEEE Nano 国际纳米技术会议IEEE 每年一次10IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and EngineeringMSE材料科学与工程会议IOP每年一次序号 会议英文名称会议英文名称缩写 会议中文名称会议主办机构 备注(会议频次)1International Symposium on Bioanalysis, Biomedical Engineering and NanotechnologyISBBEN 国际生物医学工程和纳米技术会议HU 每年一次2Semiconductor Interface Specialists ConferenceSISC 半导体界面会议IEEE 每年一次3International Congress on Materials and Renewable Energy ICMRE 国际材料与可再生能源大会MRE 每年一次4International Conference on II-VI CompoundsII-VI 国际II-VI 族化合物会议Wiley 每两年一次5International Conference on Molecular Beam EpitaxyICMBE 国际分子束外延会议Elsevier 每两年一次6International Conference on Thin Film and Surface Coating Technology ICTFSCT 国际薄膜和表面技术会议TFS 每年一次7International Conference on Ceramic Processing ScienceICCPS 国际陶瓷制备科学会议ACS 每年一次8International Conference on Thin Film Physics and Application ICTFPA 国际薄膜物理和应用会议SPIE 每两年一次9International Conference on ElectrospinningICES国际电子自旋会议ACS每年一次华东师范大学信息科学技术学院各学科重要国际学术会议目录(2017版)物理电子学一、顶尖级国际会议二、A 类国际会议三、B 类国际会议10Symposium on Materials and Chemical Engineering SMCE材料和化学工程会议SRP每年一次11Asian Workshop on First-Principles Electronic Structure Calculations AWFPESC亚洲电子结构第一性原理计算研讨会APCTP/KPS每年一次学科二:序号会议英文名称会议英文名称缩写会议中文名称会议主办机构备注(会议频次)1IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting IEDM国际电子器件会议IEEE每年一次2IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference ISSCC国际固体电路会议IEEE每年一次3IEEE International Conference on Microelectromechanical Systems MEMS国际微机电系统会议IEEE每年一次4IEEE International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators TRANSDUCERS国际固态传感器与执行器会议IEEE每两年一次5International Conference of Circuits and Systems I CCAS国际电路与系统会议IEEE每年一次6 IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference PVSC IEEE光伏专家会议IEEE每年一次序号会议英文名称会议英文名称缩写会议中文名称会议主办机构备注(会议频次)1IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology/Circuit VLSI国际VLSI技术与电路会议IEEE每年一次2International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes andDevicesSISPAD国际半导体工艺模拟和器件会议IEEE每年一次3IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference CICC国际定制集成电路会议IEEE每年一次4International Conference on Solid-State Devices and Materials SSDM国际固体器件与材料会议IEEE每年一次5IEEE Sensors Conference Sensors国际传感器会议IEEE每年一次6International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics OMN国际光学MEMS和纳米光子学会议IEEE每年一次7International Conference on Optoelectronics and MicroelectronicsTechnology and ApplicationOMTA国际光电子与微电子技术及应用研讨会IEEE每年一次8Electronic Components and Technology Conference ECTC国际电子元件与技术会议IEEE每年一次9Internation Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics ISIF国际集成铁电会议IEEE每年一次10IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ICCAS国际电路与系统会议IEEE每年一次11The International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference PVSEC国际光伏科学与工程会议PVSEC每年一次序号会议英文名称会议英文名称缩写会议中文名称会议主办机构备注(会议频次)1IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference CICC国际定制集成电路会议IEEE每年一次2European Solid-State Circuits Conference ESSCIRC欧洲固态电路会议IEEE每年一次3International Conference on Computer-aided Design ICCAD国际计算机辅助设计会议IEEE每年一次4IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and MolecularSystemsNEMS国际微纳工程和分子系统会议IEEE每年一次微电子学与固体电子学一、顶尖级国际会议二、A类国际会议三、B类国际会议5International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated-Circuit Technology ICSICT 国际固态集成电路技术会议IEEE 每年一次6IEEE Conference on NanotechnologyNANO 国际纳米技术会议IEEE 每年一次7IEEE International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated CircuitsIPFA 器件测试与失效分析国际会议IEEE Electron Devices Society每年一次8The IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular SystemsNEMS 纳机电系统国际会议IEEE NanotechnologyCouncil 每年一次9International Conference on Acoustic Speech and Signal ICASSP 国际语音信号会议IEEE 每年一次10Internation Symposium on Integrated FerroelectricsISIF 国际集成铁电会议IEEE 每年一次11International Conference on Very Large Scale IntegrationVLSI 超大规模集成电路研讨会IEEE每年一次12International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications Power-MEMS 国际微纳技术发电和能量转换应用会议IEEE 每年一次13IEEE International Conference On ASIC ASICON 专用集成电路国际会议IEEE 两年一次14IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium IRPS 器件可靠性物理国际会议IEEE Electron Devices Society 每年一次15Symposia on VLSI Technology and CircuitsVLSI Symposium大规模集成电路国际会议IEEE Electron Devices Society每年一次序号 会议英文名称会议英文名称缩写 会议中文名称会议主办机构 备注(会议频次)1International Microwave Theory and Techniques Symposium MTT-S 国际微波理论与技术研讨会IEEE 每年一次2IEEE Symposium on Antennas and Propagation AP-S 国际天线与电波传播会议IEEE 每年一次3The European Microwave ConferenceEuMC 欧洲微波会议The European Microwave Association 每年一次4Asia Pacific Microwave ConferenceAPMC 亚太微波会议IEEE 等每年一次5IEEE Radio Frequecny Integrated Circuits SymposiumRFIC射频集成电路论坛IEEE每年一次序号 会议英文名称会议英文名称缩写 会议中文名称会议主办机构 备注(会议频次)1IEEE Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility & Signal Integrity EMCSI 电磁兼容与信号完整性会议IEEE 每年一次Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium PIERS 电磁研究进展研讨会TheElectromagneticsAcademy 每年二次2Asia Pacific Conference on Antenna and Propagation APCAP 亚太天线与传播会议IEEE 等每年一次3European Conference on Antenna and PropagationEUCAP欧洲天线与传播会议EURAAP每年一次一、顶尖级国际会议学科三:电磁场与微波技术二、A 类国际会议4International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics- MetamaterialsMetamaterials****微波与光学中先进电磁材料国际会议Metamorphose Virtual Institute每年一次5International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics ACES 国际应用计算电磁学进展会议ACES 每年一次6International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference IMOC 国际微波与光电子学会议IEEE-MTTS每二年一次7Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices(NUSOD)光电器件数字仿真IEEE 每年一次8International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves IRMMW-THz红外与毫米波、太赫兹国际会议IEEE 每年一次9Internatioanl Wireless SymposiumIWS国际无线会议IEEE每年一次学科四:序号 会议英文名称会议英文名称缩写 会议中文名称会议主办机构 备注(会议频次)1(Spring, Fall Meeting) of American Geophisical Union, AGU 美国地球物理协会(春季、秋季)年会AGU 每年两届2International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Meeting, IUGG IUGG欧洲地球物理协会年会IUGG 每年一届3European Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, EGU 国际大地测量和地球物理协会大会EGU 每两年一次4IEEE Global Communications ConferenceGLOBECOMIEEE全球通信会议IEEE 每年一届5IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC IEEE国际通信会议IEEE 每年一届6IEEE International Symposium on Information TheoryISITIEEE国际信息论研讨会IEEE每年一届序号 会议英文名称会议英文名称缩写 会议中文名称会议主办机构 备注(会议频次)1Asian and Pacific Space Geodynamics Meeting, , APSG 亚太地区空间地球动力学研究计划EGU 每年一届2IEEE Vehicular Technology ConferenceVTC IEEE车辆技术会议IEEE 每年两届3IEEE Internation Conference on Computing, Networking and CommunicationsICNC IEEE国际计算网络与通信会议IEEE 每年一届4IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking ConferenceWCNC IEEE无线通信与网络会议IEEE 每年一届5International Conference on Complex Networks and Their ApplicationsICCNA复杂网络及其应用国际会议Springer每年一届序号 会议英文名称会议英文名称缩写 会议中文名称会议主办机构 备注(会议频次)1International Conference on Computational Science and Applications ICCSA 国际计算科学和应用会议Springer LNCS 每年一届2Symposium on Fractional Derivatives and Their ApplicationsFDTA 国际分数阶微积分与应用研讨会ASME/IEEE每年一届3International Conference on Simulation and Modeling, Methodologies,Technologies and ApplicationsSMTA系统仿真,建模及其应用国际研讨IEEE每年一届学科五:一、顶尖级国际会议通信与信息系统一、顶尖级国际会议二、A 类国际会议三、B 类国际会议信号与信息处理序号会议英文名称会议英文名称缩写会议中文名称会议主办机构备注(会议频次)1ACM International Conference on Multimedia ACM MM国际多媒体会议ACM每年一届2AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence AAAI AAAI人工智能大会AAAI每年一届3IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition CVPR计算机视觉与模式识别大会IEEE每年一届4International Conference on Computer Vision ICCV国际计算机视觉会议IEEE两年一届5European Conference on Computer Vision ECCV欧洲计算机视觉会议Springer两年一届二、A类国际会议序号会议英文名称会议英文名称缩写会议中文名称会议主办机构备注(会议频次)1International Conference on Multimedia Modeling MMM国际多媒体建模会议Springer每年一届2International Conference on Image Processing ICIP国际图像处理会议IEEE每年一届3Pacific rim Conference on MUltimedia PCM亚太地区多媒体学术会议Springer每年一届4IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,Speech and SP ICASSP国际声学、语音和信号处理大会IEEE每年一届5IEEE International Conference on Multimedia& Expo ICME国际多媒体博览会IEEE每年一届6Asian Conference on Computer Vision ACCV亚洲计算机视觉会议Springer两年一届7International Conference on Pattern Recognition ICPR模式识别国际会议IAPR两年一届8International Joint Conference on Biometrics ICB生物特征识别国际会议IEEE每年一届9International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN神经网络国际联合会议IEEE每年一届10British Machine Vision Conference BMVC英国机器视觉会议Springer每年一届11Visual Communication and Image Processing Conference VCIP视觉通信与图像处理大会IEEE每年一届12International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory ALT算法学习理论国际会议Springer每年一次。




Studying burnout mechanism of HPM t analyzing the semiconductor’S representative effect of HPM,evaluating impact of HPM,supplying the basis for design and research of High Power equipment.To improve electron confront level, especially radar level is important.

导师签名: 垄!』!

定向能武器是利用沿一定方向发射与传播的高能电磁波射束以光速攻击目 标的一种新机理武器,它包括高功率微波武器、高能激光武器和粒子柬武器。定 向能武器的攻击目标隐蔽、杀伤力强、既可用于防御、又可用于进攻。因此,它 将成为未来信息化战场上对飞机、舰艇、坦克导弹乃至卫星等高价目标的重要武 器系统。
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半导体器件建模方法English:One of the commonly used methods for modeling semiconductor devices is the use of simulation software such as SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis). SPICE allows designers to create models of various semiconductor components such as diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits, and simulate their behavior under different operating conditions. This enables designers to predict the performance of their semiconductor devices before actual fabrication and testing, saving time and resources. Another method for modeling semiconductor devices is the use of mathematical equations and physical principles to describe the behavior of the devices. This method requires a deep understanding of semiconductor physics and material properties, but it allows for a more detailed and accurate representation of the device behavior. Additionally, compact models, which are simplified versions of detailed physical models, are often used for efficient circuit simulation and design optimization. These compact models capture the essential behavior of the device without the complexity of adetailed physical model, making them suitable for large-scale circuit simulations. Overall, the various modeling methods for semiconductor devices provide designers with the tools to accurately predict and optimize the performance of their devices, leading to the development of more efficient and reliable electronic systems.中文翻译:半导体器件建模的常用方法之一是使用模拟软件,如SPICE(带有集成电路重点的仿真程序)。

MATLAB PDE工具箱在半导体器件中的 应用研究

MATLAB PDE工具箱在半导体器件中的 应用研究
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/
= e( x, 0) e0 ( x)= , p ( x, 0) p0 ( x= ),T ( x,t ) T0 ( x), x ∈ Ω.
其中(2.1)为电子位势方程,(2.2)和(2.3)分别为电子、空穴浓度方程,(2.4)为温度方程。电子位势方程是椭 圆的,电子和空穴浓度方程是对流扩散型的,温度方程是热传导型的。电子位势是通过电场强度在电子、 空穴浓度方程和热传导型温度方程中出现,并和相应的初边值条件构成封闭系统[9]。
1 1+ ∇u
Computer Science and Application 计算机科学与应用, 2019, 9(5), 874-882 Published Online May 2019 in Hans. /journal/csa https:///10.12677/csa.2019.95098
Semiconductor, PDE Toolbox, Numerical Simulation
MATLAB PDE工具箱在半导体器件中的 应用研究
马 宁*,王振宇,朱子君
{ } ρ ( x) ∂T= − ∆T ∂t
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SIMULATION OF SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES AND PROCESSES Vol. 4 Edited by W. Fichtner.D. Aemmcr - Zurich (Switzerland) September 12-14,1991 - Hartung-Gorre
[3], W, [5].
In this paper, we present a method of decomposing the spatial domain of silicon (containing one or more devices) into subdomains. After decomposing the domain, the transient analysis algorithm uses different time-steps within each subdomain and avoids a full solution of the nonlinear P D E ' s in areas where the solution does not change rapidly. Although domain decomposition is often used with parallel algorithms, we show how it can be used without parallelization due to the relation between spatial and time domain latencies. Section 2 of this paper describes some inherent difficulties in transient simulation and explores the concept of latency in time and space. Section 3 explains the concept of decomposition and gives a flexible algorithm to decompose a silicon domain based on charge transport considerations. In Section 4, we show the form of the equations after decomposition. In the last section, we show the results of applying the decomposition algorithm t o a simulated MOS transistor.
Transient Simulation and Latency
The nonlinear PDE's which arise in transient semiconductor simulation form a stiff system of equations with widely varying time constants which are dependent on the dielectric relaxation timact The transient simulation of multiple semiconductor devices is critical in the analysis of dynamic effects such as latch-up. During transient simulation, a large system of coupled nonlinear partial differential equations (PDE) must be solved with considerable effort. In this paper, we present a method of decomposing the spatial domain of silicon (containing one or more devices) into smaller subdomains. A transient simulation algorithm can then use different time-steps within each subdomain and avoid a full solution of the nonlinear PDE's in areas where the solution does not change rapidly.
Motivation and Decomposition Principle
Consider the case in Figure 1. We first discretize the basic semiconductor equations using finite differences on a tensor product grid. Between each pair of nodes on the grid there exists an edge, & , with associated electron and hole currents, Jn\b , Jp\b , and potential rpb . Each mesh & edge also has associated length and cross section, Lb and Xb • As stated in [10], one common goal of decomposition is finding a useful geometric partitioning to exploit locality. The locality condition used in a semiconductor is charge transfer. We will cluster regions in the silicon where charge transfer occurs and make them the centers or nuclei of our subdomains. Between adjacent nuclei there will be regions of low charge transfer which in a circuit sense are equivalent to high impedances (or low admittances). By clustering the edges, bb , of high admittance, we form the nuclei of subdomains; by connecting the remaining low-admittance edges we form the boundaries between the subdomains. What remains is to find an expression for the admittance of a mesh edge. First, examine the expression for charge, Q*b, transferred through an area equal to the cross section Xb of edge bb at time tj. It can be expressed as the sum of electron, hole, and displacement currents:
qHnn + qnPp
Because the rate of spatial charge dispersal is exponentially proportional to rj we can expect regions of high charge density to react more quickly than those of low charge density, and in these regions a smaller time-step in the transient simulation will be necessary. Time Domain Latency (TDL) means that while some areas of the silicon domain are active, i.e., the rate of charge transfer is changing, other subdomains are dormant and the rate of charge transfer there is not changing as quickly. If we are able to separate these regions a priori then we can assign different time-steps to each. Although TDL has been explored in other classes of problems, such as network theory [6] [7] [8], it is not as simple to exploit in device analysis because the boundaries between silicon subdomains are not as clear as they are in hierarchical or modular circuits. It may not be correct to divide a multi-device circuit along the boundaries of each device because this ignores the underlying concept of dielectric relaxation and charge transfer. Instead, we can use the work of Ohtsuki [9] where the domain is approximated by lumped-elements and with these approximations formulate decomposition criteria.