



德信诚培训网Document Control Procedure文件管理程序1.0 Purpose目的Define the requirements and responsibilities for Document control.定义出文件控制的要求和权责。

2.0 Scope范围This procedure applies to all QMS documentation, including: quality manual, procedure, WI, external document and form.适用于与质量管理体系有关的所有文件。


3.0 Definitions定义3.1 Quality Manual: According to the requirements of International and national standard (suchas ISO9001), describe quality management system documentation in Co-active.3.1质量手册:根据相关国际或国家标准(如ISO9001)要求,阐述本公司质量管理体系的文件。

3.2 Procedure: Define the function of QMS requirement allocation by department. Such as documentcontrol, management review, internal audit procedure.3.2程序文件:描述为实施质量管理体系要求所涉及的各职能部门的活动的文件。


3.3 Working Instruction: Operation procedures, inspection standards, design drawing and etc.3.3操作指导书:操作规程、检验标准、加工图纸等。

中英文对照 文档模板

中英文对照 文档模板



篇章2:模板结构在撰写中英文对照文档时,可采用以下模板结构:1. 标题:精确概括文档内容。

2. 引言:简要介绍文档的背景和目的。

3. 正文:根据文档的具体内容安排相关段落。

4. 结论:对文档的要点进行总结,强调重点理论或结论。

5. 参考文献:列出文档所参考的文献资料。




正文:产品设计流程包括以下几个步骤:1. 需求收集:收集用户对产品的需求,包括功能、性能等。

2. 概念设计:基于用户需求,设计多个初步概念。

3. 评估与选择:评估每个概念的可行性,并选择最合适的方案。

4. 详细设计:对选定的方案进行详细设计,包括结构和外观等方面。

5. 原型制作:制作产品的原型,进行功能和用户体验测试。

6. 生产制造:基于原型进行批量生产。

7. 市场推广:将产品推向市场,开展宣传和销售活动。



参考文献:[1] Smith, J. (2010). Effective Cross-Cultural Communication. International Journal of Business Communication, 37(1), 36-53.[2] Li, H., & Zhang, Y. (2015). A Comparative Study on the Writing Patterns of Chinese and English Documents. Journal of English Linguistics, 45(2), 412-426.篇章4:结语本文介绍了一个适用于中英文对照文档的模板,同时提供了一个具体的实例来展示文档的具体应用。


适用于质量和Green Partner管理体系所有部分.
Apply to the entire sections of quality andGreen Partnermanagement system.
3.1管理評審management review:由最高管理者就方針和目標,對質量和环境體系的現狀和适應性進行正式的評價。.Formal evaluation by top management of the status and adequacy of the quality and environment system in relation to quality and environment policy and objectives.
MIS Mgr:_____________________________
Tooling Repair & Maintenance Mgr:
Signature /Date
5.5.6上次管理評審跟进情况;The follow-up result of the last management review.
5.5.7在质量管理体系和GP管理体系运作过程中,糾正和預防措施的状况及有效性评价;The status and effectiveness assessment of corrective and preventive actions during implementing quality management system,andGP management system.




Purpose:Control the manufacturing equipments so that their capability will satisfy the production requirements.2适用范围:适用于本公司所有设备(包括工装夹具)的管理。

Applicable Scope:Apply to all of equipments in the company (including fixtures).3职责 Responsibility:3.1采购部负责生产设备的采购工作。

Purchasing Dept. shall be responsible for purchasing equipments.3.2设备使用部门负责编制本部门的设备操作规程,做好设备状态标识、管理,建立和维护设备台帐。

The using depts. shall prepare operation rules of equipments, ake state identification of equipment, as well manage, establish and maintain the Equipment List.3.3设备操作员负责设备使用及设备的日常维护和保养工作。

The operators shall be responsible for operation and daily maintenance of equipments.4 工作程序 Work Procedure:4.1设备的采购 Purchasing4.1.1各设备使用部门依据批准的“开支计划”和“固定资产申请表”,提交“采购申请单”,由采购部按《采购控制程序》执行。

The using dept. shall put in the “Purchasing Application”, according to the approved “Capital Assets Investment Application Report”, and then the Purchasing Dept. will implement it by the “Purchasing Control Procedure”.4.1.2必要时,由设备使用部门根据设备相关技术工艺要求,列出具体的设备技术参数或提供相关供方的联系方式,以协助采购部开展设备的采购工作;对贵重设备的采购可协同到供方进行设备的现场考查确认。


3.2 The Cross Function Team participate in FMEA design, and the plan, formulation and the audit of the process FMEA.
3.1 The principal of the design project convene members of relevant departments to form a Cross Function Team to plan, formulate, audit and track the implementation of the measures of FMEA.
4.4Cross Function Team: a team including personnel of design, process, manufacture, quality, material, sale and some related members, formed with the purpose of planning and evaluating the quality of new product, production facilities, technique equipment, production process flow and process.
3.4 The responsible department is responsible for the implementation of the measures.


终检要求说明:Explanation of final inspection requirements 5.4.1 如遇特殊情况(如:急出货部品;订单已啤完,生产部需急落模,上另一产品的模生产) 时,生产部门需提前通知 FQC 加急检查,FQC 将其优先处理。 In any urgent case such as urgent delivery or another urgent tool need to be load the injection machine after current parts are almost reach to the quantity according to the P.O. , Production Dept. must inform FQC for the inspection urgently and FQC will do it in priority. 5.4.2 5.4.3 对于需多工序加工的产品,一般只对成品进行终检。If some part need be passed to 2nd process, only its finish product need final inspection. 针对 RoHS 产品,FQC 必须检查包装箱上贴的成品标贴是否含有 RoHS 符合图案,若成品标 贴上没有 RoHS 符合图案,则检查结果判定为不合格。RoHS 符合图案样式如下图(彩色与黑 白效果等同)。若客户对 RoHS 产品标识有特殊要求,则执行客户要求。For RoHS compliant product, FQC must check whether the label is with RoHS artwork designed by Flextronics Co. or not. If no, then the final judgment is rejected. RoHS artwork is as below. If customers have their own requirement on RoHS identifier, then we follow customers’.



全英文文件范本[Your Name][Your Address][City, State, ZIP Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date][Recipient's Name][Recipient's Designation][Company's Name][Company's Address][City, State, ZIP Code]Dear [Recipient's Name],I am writing to inform you that I will be unable to attend the executive board meeting scheduled for [Date and Time] due to [Reason for Absence]. I understand the importance of this meeting and regret any inconvenience caused by my absence.[Provide a Brief Explanation for the Absence]For example:Unfortunately, I have a prior commitment that I am unable to reschedule, which overlaps with the meeting. I have tried my best to rearrange my schedule, but it is simply not possible.I request your understanding regarding this matter. However, please be assured that I will review the minutes of the meeting and follow up with any necessary actions or updates.If there is any specific matter that requires my attention or input during the meeting, please feel free to share the relevant information in advance, and I will address it accordingly.Once again, I deeply apologize for any inconvenience caused by my absence. I understand the significance of my presence at the meeting and assure you that this is an exceptional circumstance that I could not avoid.Thank you for your understanding. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any further questions or concerns.Yours sincerely,[Your Name]。






正文:一、程序文件命名规范1. 使用有意义的英文单词和短语作为文件名,避免使用无意义的字符或数字。

2. 文件名应该简洁明了,能够准确描述该程序文件的内容和功能。

3. 使用驼峰命名法或下划线命名法来命名程序文件,以提高可读性。

4. 遵循团队内的命名约定,保持一致性,提高代码的可维护性。

5. 避免使用过长的文件名,以免造成不便和混淆。

二、程序文件注释规范1. 使用清晰、简洁的英文来注释代码,解释代码的功能、用途和设计思路。

2. 注释应该有适当的缩进和格式,使得代码可读性更高。

3. 避免注释过长,要注意控制注释的长度,以免影响代码的排版和阅读。

4. 确保注释内容的准确性,不要包含过时或错误的信息。

5. 要注重代码的自解释性,尽量使得代码本身能够清晰地表达其意图,减少注释的依赖性。

三、使用合适的英文词汇和短语1. 使用专业术语和常用缩写来描述变量、函数和类的命名,提高代码的整体规范性。

2. 避免使用含糊不清或歧义的词汇,保持代码的准确性和一致性。

3. 注意使用英文单词的拼写和语法,避免拼写错误和语法错误的出现。

4. 尽量使用常见的英文词汇和短语,以减少读者在阅读代码时的困惑和误解。

5. 在需要注释时,使用简洁明了的英文来解释代码的含义,确保注释能够准确传达代码的目的。

四、其他注意事项1. 考虑国际化的需求,在代码中使用英文命名和注释,以便在跨国合作和软件国际化时更易理解和维护。

2. 及时更新和维护代码的注释,保持其与实际代码的一致性和准确性。

3. 和团队成员进行交流和讨论,共同制定并遵守代码规范,以提高协作效率和代码质量。





Purpose: In order to ensure the effective and continuous implementation of the quality management, fully meet the requirements of ISO9001:2000 standard, specially make the procedure so as to implement audit action and verify the effectiveness of the quality management system and to take corrective or preventive action if needed.2.0 范围:本厂所开展的内部质量审核的全部活动均适用本程序。

Scope: applies to all the actions relating to internal quality audit.3.0 职责Responsibility3.1 管理者代表:负责年度内审计划的拟定并计划组织实施。

Management Representative: responsible for the annual internal audit plan and its implementation.3.2 内审组长:负责制定审核日程并具体组织、指导内审作业。

Internal audit leader: responsible for making audi agenda and instructing audit. 3.3 内审员:负责按审核计划要求对相关单位实施审核。



LOGOSubject:Originator:Process OwnerNAME OF COMPANYDocument Code:DEP.SEC.P.00XRev.:Issue Date:0June xx, 2019Title of ProcedureReviewed by:Approved by:Department ManagerGeneral Manager1. PURPOSE This procedure intends to define the controls needed to…2. EXPECTED OUTPUTSBy implementing the controls defined in this procedure, the following specific outputs are expected: 2.1. Expected output 1 2.2. Expected output 2 2.3. Expected output 33. SCOPE The controls specified in this procedure apply to …This procedure covers the activities from …4. DEFINITIONTerminology 1The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.Terminology 2The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.Terminology 3The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.Terminology 4The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.5. RESPONSIBILITIESResponsible Function 1The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.Responsible Function 2The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.Responsible Function 3The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.Check the Master Document Register. Verify that this is the current version before use.Documents that do not bear the COMPANY’s official document stamps are considered “Uncontrolled”Page 1 of 4LOGOSubject:Originator:Process OwnerNAME OF COMPANYDocument Code:DEP.SEC.P.00XRev.:Issue Date:0June xx, 2019Title of ProcedureReviewed by:Approved by:Department ManagerGeneral Manager6. PROCEDURE OUTLINE ResponsiblePosition/TitlePosition/TitleActivity Key Step 1 (See Section 7.1)Key Step 2 (See Section 7.2)Position/TitleKey Step 3 (See Section 7.3)DocumentsForms Manuals ProceduresForms Manuals ProceduresForms Manuals Procedures7. PROCEDURE DETAILS7.1. Key Step The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.7.1.2. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.7.1.3. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.7.2. Key Step The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.Check the Master Document Register. Verify that this is the current version before use.Documents that do not bear the COMPANY’s official document stamps are considered “Uncontrolled”Page 2 of 4LOGOSubject:Originator:Process OwnerNAME OF COMPANYDocument Code:DEP.SEC.P.00XRev.:Issue Date:0June xx, 2019Title of ProcedureReviewed by:Approved by:Department ManagerGeneral Manager7.2.2. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog:7.3. Key Step The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. a) The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. b) The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.8. CONTROL OF NONCONFORMING OUTPUTSWhen the expected outputs are not achieved, the following measures are to be implemented:Nonconforming Output Nonconforming Output 1Nonconforming Output 2 Nonconforming Output 2Reactive Measures1. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 2. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 3. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 2. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 3. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 2. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.9. INTERFACES9.1. Title of Other Procedure related to this procedure. 9.2. Title of Other References related to this procedure. 9.3. Title of Forms related to this procedure.10. REVISION HISTORYRev. No.Nature of Change00 Initial issueIssue Date 06-XX-2019Originator NameCheck the Master Document Register. Verify that this is the current version before use.Documents that do not bear the COMPANY’s official document stamps are considered “Uncontrolled”Page 3 of 4LOGOSubject:Originator:Process OwnerNAME OF COMPANYDocument Code:DEP.SEC.P.00XRev.:Issue Date:0June xx, 2019Title of ProcedureReviewed by:Approved by:Department ManagerGeneral ManagerCheck the Master Document Register. Verify that this is the current version before use.Documents that do not bear the COMPANY’s official document stamps are considered “Uncontrolled”Page 4 of 4。



Page: 1/12Status:PROCEDURE 程序文件Document Control Procedure 文件控制程序姓名Name职位Position签名Sign日期Date编写Author 审核 Reviewers 批准 Approval分发Diffusion 人事部 HR品质部 QA 船务部 SH 生产部 PRO. 采购部 PUR. 财务部 FA.开发部 PD. 货仓部 WH. 管代 M.R. 总经理 GM 接收人Applicable to版本号Version 日期 Date 修订描述Modification description修订人 By A0 2010-01-15无 /目的OBJECTIVE 2 范围SCOPE 2 定义与缩写DEFINITIONS/ ABBREVIATIONS 2 概述GENERAL TOPICS 2 特性PARTICULARITIES 2 正文PROCEDURAL ELEMENTS 3 流程FLOW CHART 3 任务描述TASKS DESCRIPTION 4 参考文件REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 12 记录RECORDS 12关键字Key words: 质量文件Quality documentPage: 2/12Status:PROCEDURE 程序文件Document Control Procedure 文件控制程序Objective 目的To specify the way to manage the document system and to help QF members to draft and use quality documents to avoid misusage of quality documents.确定文件系统的管理方法,提供质量文件的起草和使用方法,以防误用。

__________________________________________________________Scope 范围Applied to all quality documents established, including external origin documents适用于建立的所有质量文件,也包括外来文件。


3.0 定义 Definitions: 3.1 3.2 3.3
FP: 伟创力公明厂的简称。FP is the short form of Flextronics Plastic(ShenZhen) Ltd. MFG: Manufacturing 的英文缩写; QE:Quality Engineer 品质工程师缩写
4.0 职责 Responsibility
4.1 QE:将客户对产品和包装箱标识要求传达给生产部。Convey the special requirements on label
content to production.
4.2 生产部:負責標貼格式和內容的設置. Production: set-up the format and content of labels. 4.3
產品識別總則/General principle of production identification:
5.2.1 本公司的塑膠產品種類識別根本依據:產品編號和名稱,在產品箱外表側面固定區域都貼有
標貼。F.P. use part number and part name to identify the products. A corresponding identification label is stuck onto a fixed area on the outer surface of the packaging carton.
貨倉部: 明确標貼的內容和充分認識. Store dept: Get deep knowledge of the labels’ contents.
5.0 程序 Procedure: 5.1
接收階段標識/Incoming material identification:



to be discussed, issued or implemented, they all can adopt the communication way of having the meeting. Usually,
编号(No.):QP-人-003 版本 (Edition): A版
编号(No.):QP-人-003 版本 (Edition): A版
Internal Communication Management Procedure
修订 (RevisionБайду номын сангаас:
发行日期(Issuing date): 2002/0/26 生效日期(Effective date): 2002/09/28 页 次(Page): 1/3页(1 of 3 pages)
When make the report, the lower lever department shall notify the opper supervisor the report intention in advance,
so as to let him arrange the suitable time to debrief, the report time is usually arranged in the working office of the upper supervisor. 6.1.4 会议:凡部门内部有重要的生产工作任务需要传递、宣传或部门之间有重要事务需要协调,或本厂有 重要的生产工作举措需要讨论、发布执行时,均可按举行会议的方式进行沟通协调,会议一般应安排 在专设的会议室进行,以保持其良好的环境和应有的严谨气围。责任部门应视需要作好会议记录。 Meeting: If there are important working task need to be transmitted, publicized in the department, or there are important affairs need to be coordinated between the department, or there are important production work need

中英文 SMS文件控制程序 模板

中英文 SMS文件控制程序 模板

SMS文件控制程序SMS Document Control Procedure1目的Objectives本程序旨在对公司SMS文件进行控制,以确保公司各职能部门、船舶使用的SMS文件最新有效。

This procedure intend to make control over the SMS documents so as to ensure SMS documents used either in all functional departments and or on board the ships updated and effective.2适用范围Application本程序适用于公司及船舶SMS文件的控制。

This procedure shall apply to the SMS documents control of both the company and the ships.3职责Responsibilities3.1ISM部ISM Department负责SMS文件的打印、发放和控制。

To be responsible for the printing, distribution and the control of the SMS documents.3.2各职能部门负责人Any person in charge of department负责本部门SMS文件的管理。

To be responsible for the management of own department’s SMS documents.3.3船长Master负责本船SMS文件的管理。

To be responsible for the management of the SMS documents in own ship.4工作程序Working Procedure4.1SMS文件的分类、编号及受控Classification, numbering and controlling of SMS documents−SMS文件分为以下四类:SMS documents shall be divided into following four classes: •安全管理手册System Safety Management manual•程序性文件System Procedure Document•安全管理职责手册、操作性文件等Safety Management Responsibility Manual, Operational Manual•安全记录Safety Records−ISM部负责按《SMS文件编写指南》对SMS文件进行编号。



汽车行业程序文件中英文版-程序文件目录汽车行业程序文件中英文版程序文件目录一、设计与开发程序1、产品概念设计程序 Product Concept Design Procedure市场调研与需求分析 Market Research and Demand Analysis创意构思与概念生成 Creative Conception and Concept Generation 概念评估与筛选 Concept Evaluation and Screening2、工程设计程序 Engineering Design Procedure详细设计与计算 Detailed Design and Calculation材料选择与规格确定 Material Selection and Specification Determination设计验证与优化 Design Verification and Optimization3、样车制作与测试程序 Prototype Manufacturing and Testing Procedure样车制造工艺规划 Prototype Manufacturing Process Planning样车组装与调试 Prototype Assembly and Debugging性能测试与评估 Performance Testing and Evaluation二、采购与供应链管理程序1、供应商选择与评估程序 Supplier Selection and Evaluation Procedure潜在供应商搜寻 Potential Supplier Searching供应商资质审核 Supplier Qualification Audit实地考察与评估 Onsite Inspection and Evaluation2、采购订单管理程序 Purchase Order Management Procedure采购需求确定 Purchase Requirement Determination订单下达与跟踪 Order Placement and Tracking交货验收与入库 Delivery Acceptance and Warehousing3、供应链风险管理程序 Supply Chain Risk Management Procedure风险识别与评估 Risk Identification and Evaluation风险应对策略制定 Risk Response Strategy Formulation风险监控与预警 Risk Monitoring and Early Warning三、生产制造程序1、生产计划与调度程序 Production Planning and Scheduling Procedure订单分解与排产 Order Decomposition and Production Scheduling资源配置与产能规划 Resource Allocation and Capacity Planning进度跟踪与调整 Progress Tracking and Adjustment2、工艺过程控制程序 Process Control Procedure工艺流程设计与优化 Process Flow Design and Optimization作业指导书制定 Work Instruction Formulation过程检验与质量控制 Process Inspection and Quality Control3、设备管理与维护程序 Equipment Management and Maintenance Procedure设备选型与采购 Equipment Selection and Purchase设备安装与调试 Equipment Installation and Commissioning日常维护与保养 Daily Maintenance and Repair四、质量控制与检验程序1、进料检验程序 Incoming Inspection Procedure原材料检验标准制定 Raw Material Inspection Standard Formulation 抽样方案与检验方法 Sampling Plan and Inspection Method不合格品处理 Nonconforming Product Handling2、过程检验程序 Inprocess Inspection Procedure工序检验点设置 Inspection Point Setting in Processes检验记录与统计分析 Inspection Record and Statistical Analysis质量问题反馈与处理 Quality Problem Feedback and Handling3、成品检验程序 Finished Product Inspection Procedure成品检验标准制定 Finished Product Inspection Standard Formulation 全项目检验与抽样检验 Fullitem Inspection and Sampling Inspection 检验报告与质量证书 Inspection Report and Quality Certificate五、销售与市场推广程序1、市场调研与分析程序 Market Research and Analysis Procedure市场趋势研究 Market Trend Research竞争对手分析 Competitor Analysis消费者行为研究 Consumer Behavior Research2、销售渠道管理程序 Sales Channel Management Procedure经销商选择与合作 Dealer Selection and Cooperation销售渠道拓展与优化 Sales Channel Expansion and Optimization渠道绩效评估与激励 Channel Performance Evaluation and Incentive3、客户关系管理程序 Customer Relationship Management Procedure客户信息收集与管理 Customer Information Collection and Management客户投诉处理与满意度调查 Customer Complaint Handling and Satisfaction Survey客户忠诚度培养 Customer Loyalty Cultivation六、售后服务程序1、售后服务政策制定程序 Aftersales Service Policy Formulation Procedure保修范围与期限确定 Warranty Scope and Period Determination售后服务费用标准制定 Aftersales Service Cost Standard Formulation 服务承诺与条款说明 Service Commitment and Clause Explanation2、维修与保养服务程序 Repair and Maintenance Service Procedure服务预约与接待 Service Reservation and Reception故障诊断与维修方案制定 Fault Diagnosis and Repair Plan Formulation维修作业与质量检验 Repair Work and Quality Inspection3、配件供应与管理程序 Spare Parts Supply and Management Procedure配件库存管理 Spare Parts Inventory Management配件采购与配送 Spare Parts Purchase and Distribution配件质量控制 Spare Parts Quality Control七、人力资源管理程序1、招聘与选拔程序 Recruitment and Selection Procedure岗位需求分析 Job Requirement Analysis招聘渠道选择 Recruitment Channel Selection面试与评估流程 Interview and Evaluation Process2、培训与发展程序 Training and Development Procedure培训需求调查 Training Requirement Survey培训计划制定与实施 Training Plan Formulation and Implementation 培训效果评估与反馈 Training Effect Evaluation and Feedback3、绩效考核与薪酬管理程序 Performance Appraisal and Compensation Management Procedure绩效指标设定 Performance Indicator Setting绩效考核评估 Performance Appraisal Evaluation薪酬计算与发放 Compensation Calculation and Distribution八、财务管理程序1、预算编制与控制程序 Budget Preparation and Control Procedure预算目标设定 Budget Target Setting预算编制流程 Budget Preparation Process预算执行监控与调整 Budget Execution Monitoring and Adjustment2、成本核算与控制程序 Cost Accounting and Control Procedure成本项目分类与核算方法 Cost Item Classification and Accounting Method成本分析与控制措施 Cost Analysis and Control Measures成本降低与优化方案 Cost Reduction and Optimization Plan3、财务报表编制与审计程序 Financial Statement Preparation and Audit Procedure财务数据收集与整理 Financial Data Collection and Arrangement报表编制规范与流程 Statement Preparation Specification and Process 审计配合与整改 Audit Cooperation and Rectification。



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Document Title: The Importance of Time Management in the Workplace。


Time management is a crucial skill in the workplace, as it allows individuals to prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. In this document, we will explore the significance of time management and provide practical tips for improving it in the workplace.Importance of Time Management。

Effective time management is essential for maximizing productivity and minimizing stress. By allocating time to important tasks, employees can ensure that they are making the most of their work hours. Additionally, time management allows individuals to avoid procrastination and stay focused on their goals. This, in turn, leads to increased efficiency and job satisfaction.Furthermore, time management plays a key role in meeting deadlines and delivering high-quality work. When employees can effectively manage their time, they are more likely to complete projects on schedule and produce excellent results. This not only benefits the individual but also contributes to the overall success of the organization.Practical Tips for Improving Time Management。

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第1页 ,共40页质量环境职业健康与安全手册1. Catalogue目录1.Catalogue目录 (2)1.1 Management representative Appointment Letter管理者代表任命书 (4)1.2 Employee Representative Appointment Letter员工代表任命书 (5)2.General situation of Quality environment Occupational health and safety management system质量环境职业健康与安全管理体系概况 (6)2.1 Company introduction 公司简介 (6)2.2 Quality /Environment/Safety Policy and Objective质量环境职业健康与安全方针与目标 (7)2.3 avim Management 埃孚组织架构 (8)2.4 Quality Environment Occupational Health and Safety Responsibility Distribution Matrix质量环境职业健康与安全管理职能分配表 (9)3. General situation of Manual手册概述 (14)3.1 Coverage and exclusion覆盖范围及删减说明 (14)3.2 Normative reference引用标准 (14)4. Quality, Environment and Safety Management System质量环境安全管理体系 (14)4.1 General requirements总要求 (14)4.2 Control of documents文件控制 (15)4.3 Control of records记录控制 (16)5. Management responsibility管理职责 (16)5.1 Management commitment管理承诺 (16)5.2 Customer orientation 以顾客为关注焦点 (16)5.3 Quality environment safety policy质量、环境、职业健康安全方针 (17)5.4 Planning策划 (17)5.4.1 Quality environment Occupational health and safety objectives质量环境职业健康与安全目标 (17)第2页 ,共40页质量环境职业健康与安全手册环境因素识别、评价、更新控制的策划 (18)5.4.4 Planning of hazard determination and risk evaluation and control (18)危险源辨识、风险评价和风险控制的策划 (18)5.4.5 Statuary and regulatory requirements and others法律法规和其他要求 (18)5.4.6 Environment and safety management program环境、安全管理方案 (18)5.5 Responsibility, authority and communication职责、权限、协商与沟通 (19)5.5.1 Responsibility, authority职责与权限 (19)5.5.2 Management representative管理者代表 (19)5.5.3 Communication, participation and consultation信息沟通、参与和协商 (19)5.6 Management review管理评审 (20)5.6.1 General总则 (20)5.6.2 Review input管理评审的输入 (20)5.6.3 Review output管理评审的输出 (21)6. Resource management资源管理 (21)6.1 Provision of resources资源提供 (21)6.2 Human resources人力资源 (21)6.2.1General总则 (21)6.2.2Competence, awareness and training能力、意识和培训 (21)6.3 Infrastructure基础设施 (22)6.3.1 Scope 设施范围 (22)6.3.2 Infrastructure provision设施的提供 (22)6.3.3 Usage, maintenance and repair of equipment设施的使用、维护和保养 (22)6.4 Work environment工作环境 (22)7. Product realization and operational control of environment and safety (23)产品实现与环境、职业健康与安全运行控制 (23)7.1 Planning of product realization产品实现的策划 (23)第3页 ,共40页质量环境职业健康与安全手册7.2.2 Review of requirements related to the product与产品有关的要求的评审 (23)7.2.3 Customer communication顾客沟通 (24)7.2.4 Communication in other interested parties与其他相关方的信息交流 (24)7.3 Design and development设计和开发 (24)7.4 Purchasing采购 (24)7.4.1 Purchasing process采购过程 (24)7.4.2 Purchasing information采购信息 (25)7.4.3 Verification of purchased product产品的验证 (25)7.5 Production and service provision, operational control of environment and occupational health and safety生产和服务的提供、环境、职业健康与安全运行控制 (25)7.5.1 Control of production and service provision生产和服务提供的控制 (25)7.5.2 Operational control of environment and occupational health and safety (25)环境、职业健康与安全的运行控制 (25)7.5.3 Emergency preparedness and response应急准备和响应 (25)7.5.2 Validation of processes for production and service provision生产和服务提供过程的确认 (26)7.5.3 Identification and traceability标识和可追溯性 (26)7.5.4 Customer property—face to face negotiation顾客财产 (26)7.5.5 Preservation of product产品防护 (26)7.6 Control of monitoring and measuring devices监视和测量设备的控制 (27)8. Measurement, analysis and improvement测量、分析和改进 (27)8.1 General总则 (27)8.2 Monitoring and measurement监视和测量 (27)8.2.1 Customer satisfaction顾客满意 (27)8.2.2 Internal audit内部审核 (27)8.2.3 Monitoring and measurement of processes过程的监视和测量 (28)第4页 ,共40页质量环境职业健康与安全手册量 (28)8.2.6 Evaluation of compliance合规性评价 (28)8.3 Control of nonconforming product and nonconformity不合格产品及不符合控制 .. 288.3.1 Control of nonconforming Products不合格产品的控制 (28)8.3.2 Occupational health and safety Incident investigation职业健康与安全事件调查 (29)8.3.3 Control of nonconformity不符合的控制 (29)8.4 Analysis of data数据分析 (29)8.5 Improvement改进 (29)8.5.1 Continual improvement持续改进 (29)8.5.2 Corrective action纠正措施 (30)8.5.3 Preventive action预防措施 (30)第5页 ,共40页质量环境职业健康与安全手册1.1 Management representative Appointment Letter管理者代表任命书In order to carry out ISO9001:2008 Quality Management System--Requirements, ISO14001:2004 Environment Management System--Requirements and Implementation Guidelines and OHSMS18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety management System--Specifications and strengthen the leadership for operating quality, environment and safety integration management systems, Mr. Gao Peng is hereby specially appointed as Management Representative. 为贯彻执行ISO9001:2008《质量管理体系要求》、ISO14001:2004《环境管理体系要求及使用指南》和OHSAS18001:2007《职业健康安全管理体系规范》标准,加强对质量环境安全一体化管理体系运作的领导,特任命高鹏为管理者代表。
