Business Negotiation
Байду номын сангаас
1 寻求共同利益
2 灵活妥协
根据不同情况选择合适的策 略和技巧
寻找共同利益,达成满意的 协议
Business Negotiation
Business NegotiationMartin LiApr 18, 2013目录1•商务谈判定义2•商务谈判原则3•商务谈判的作用4•重要性5•特征6•商务谈判三部曲7•谈判能力8•谈判技巧9•招标投标10•商务谈判案例分析商务谈判定义商务谈判(Business Negotiations),是指人们为了协调彼此之间的商务关系,满足各自的商务需求,通过协商对话以争取达成某项商务交易的行为和过程。
商务谈判是增加利润最有效也是最快的办法,因为谈判争取到的每一分钱都是净利润增加营业额,最直接,但也最难,同时广告费用,并购费用,工资也会增长,导致营业额增加,利润不一定同步增长特征❑以经济利益为谈判目的❑以经济利益作为谈判的主要评价指标❑以价值谈判为核心❑商务谈判注重合同条款的严密性与准确性商务谈判三部曲1. 申明价值,阐明真正需求此阶段为谈判的初级阶段,谈判双方彼此应充分沟通各自的利益需要,申明能够满足对方需要的方法与优势所在。
2. 创造价值,寻求最佳方案此阶段为谈判的中级阶段,谈判中双方需要想方设法去寻求最佳的方案,为谈判双方找到最大的利益,这一步骤就是创造价值。
3. 克服障碍,达成最终协议此阶段往往是谈判的攻坚阶段。
商务谈判的步骤英文流程Business Negotiation Steps and ProcessWhen it comes to business negotiations, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the steps and process involved in order to achieve successful outcomes. Negotiating in the business world requires a strategic approach, effective communication, and the ability to reach mutually beneficial agreements. In this document, I will outline the steps and process of business negotiation in detail.Step 1: PreparationThe first step in any successful business negotiationis thorough preparation. This includes researching the other party, understanding their needs and priorities, and identifying your own goals and objectives. It is important to gather all relevant information, such as market trends,industry standards, and potential alternatives. By being well-prepared, you can enter the negotiation with confidence and a clear strategy.Step 2: OpeningOnce you have completed your preparation, the next step is to open the negotiation. This involves setting apositive tone, establishing rapport with the other party, and outlining the agenda for the discussion. It is important to be clear and concise in your communication, and to listen actively to the other party's perspective. By establishing a collaborative and respectful atmosphere from the beginning, you can lay the foundation for a productive negotiation process.Step 3: BargainingThe bargaining phase of the negotiation is where both parties present their positions, make concessions, and seek to find common ground. This is often the most challengingpart of the negotiation process, as it requires flexibility, creativity, and effective communication. It is important to focus on interests rather than positions, and to explore potential trade-offs that can benefit both parties. Bybeing open to compromise and seeking win-win solutions, you can increase the likelihood of reaching a mutuallybeneficial agreement.Step 4: ClosingThe closing phase of the negotiation involvesfinalizing the agreement, clarifying any remaining details, and ensuring that both parties are satisfied with the outcome. It is important to document the terms of the agreement in writing, and to address any potential issuesor concerns before finalizing the deal. By being thorough and clear in your communication, you can avoid misunderstandings and build trust with the other party. Closing the negotiation effectively is crucial for maintaining a positive relationship and setting the stagefor future collaboration.Step 5: Follow-upAfter the negotiation is complete, it is important to follow up with the other party to ensure that the agreement is implemented as planned. This may involve monitoring progress, addressing any issues that arise, and maintaining open communication. By demonstrating your commitment to the agreement and fulfilling your obligations, you can strengthen the relationship with the other party and pave the way for future partnerships.In conclusion, business negotiation is a complex process that requires careful planning, effective communication, and a strategic approach. By following these steps and process, you can increase your chances of achieving successful outcomes and building strong relationships with your business partners. Remember to stay flexible, open-minded, and focused on creating value for both parties. With practice and experience, you can becomea skilled negotiator and achieve your business objectives with confidence and professionalism.。
商务英语谈判课件余慕鸿chapter1Chapter 1: Introduction to Business Negotiation1.1 Definition of Business Negotiation- Business negotiation refers to the process of reaching an agreement or settlement through discussions between two or more parties.- It involves a series of interactions, give-and-take, and compromise to find a mutually acceptable solution.1.2 Importance of Business Negotiation- Business negotiation is crucial for achieving successful outcomes in various business scenarios such as sales, partnerships, contracts, and mergers.- It helps in resolving conflicts, addressing differences, and building long-term relationships with stakeholders.1.3 Key Skills for Effective Business Negotiation1. Active Listening: Paying attention to the other party's needs and concerns and understanding their perspective.2. Communication: Clearly expressing your own needs, interests, and expectations.3. Problem-solving: Identifying common goals and finding creative solutions that satisfy both parties.4. Flexibility: Being open to alternative solutions and willing to compromise.5. Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and managing your own emotions as well as understanding the emotions of the other party.6. Preparation: Conducting thorough research, planning, and strategy development before entering the negotiation.7. Patience: Remaining calm and composed during tense moments, and avoiding impulsive decisions.8. Negotiation Ethics: Upholding ethical standards and values such as honesty, fairness, and transparency in the negotiation process. 1.4 Different Approaches to Business Negotiation1. Competitive Approach: Focusing on one's own interests and trying to maximize benefits at the expense of the other party. This approach can lead to win-lose outcomes.2. Cooperative Approach: Collaborating with the other party to find mutually beneficial solutions. This approach aims for win-win outcomes.3. Integrative Approach: Combining elements of both competitive and cooperative approaches. It involves creating value through trade-offs and expanding the resources available to both parties. 1.5 Common Challenges in Business Negotiation1. Different Interests: Parties may have conflicting interests and priorities.2. Communication Barriers: Language barriers, cultural differences, and misinterpretations can lead to misunderstandings.3. Power Imbalance: One party may have more power or leverage in the negotiation, creating an uneven playing field.4. Emotions and Personality: Emotional reactions, egos, and personal conflicts can hinder the negotiation process.5. Time Pressure: Limited timeframes and deadlines can add pressure and impact decision-making.1.6 Strategies for Successful Business Negotiation1. Preparation: Gather relevant information, understand the otherparty's position, and define your own objectives.2. Building Rapport: Establish a positive relationship with the other party through trust, respect, and active listening.3. Finding Common Ground: Identify shared interests and goals to create a foundation for collaboration.4. Effective Communication: Clearly and concisely communicate your needs, preferences, and proposed solutions.5. Managing Emotions: Stay calm and composed, acknowledge emotions, and find constructive ways to address them.6. Flexibility: Be open to compromises and explore alternative options to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement.7. Closing the Deal: Ensure that the negotiated agreement is documented and all parties understand and accept the terms. References:- Lewicki, R. J., Saunders, D. M., & Barry, B. (2010). Negotiation: Readings, Exercises, and Cases.- Shell, G. R. (2006). Bargaining for advantage: Negotiation strategies for reasonable people. Penguin.- Salacuse, J. W. (2007). The global negotiator: Making, managing and mending deals around the world in the twenty-first century. Macmillan.。
国际贸易实务chapter 9 Business__ Negotiation
9.1 Roles of business negotiation and preparation 磋商的重要性及磋商前的准备工作
9.2 Cardinal principles 交易磋商的基本原则
9.3 Procedures 交易磋商的程序
9.1 Roles of business negotiation and preparation 磋商的重要性及磋商前的准备工作
9.2 Cardinal principles of business negotiation 交易磋商的基本原则
Mutual benefits, Harmonious win-win 互惠互利、和谐共赢是交易磋商的基本原则。
Notes 交易磋商应注意事项
1)加强沟通和交流并以诚相待。 2)要善于运用商务谈判的各种技巧。 3)精力集中,正确判断对方的真实意图。
9.3 Procedures of business negotiation 交易磋商的程序
Business negotiation is an important part of conducting a deal. It plays a very important role in the conclusion and implementation of a sales contract.
Status enquires are made usually by applying to banks, chambers of commerce, or enquiry agencies for information needed.
信用咨询是一种书面请求,请求交易双方以外的第三方提 供交易对方企业的资信状况(financial position)、信誉 (credit)、声誉(reputation)以及一些交易做法 (business methods)等,这种资信调查通常向银行(可 以通过自己的开户行向其国外代理行或分支机构)、商会 以及一些资信调查机构进行,因为这些部门提供的信息相 对是可靠的。
1. Business negotiations - 商务谈判- Negotiation skills - 谈判技巧- Bargaining power - 谈判实力- Win-win situation - 双赢局面- Mutual agreement - 相互协议2. Business meetings - 商务会议- Agenda - 议程- Minutes - 会议纪要- Presentation - 演示- Action items - 行动事项- Email correspondence - 邮件往来- Telephone conversation - 电话交流- Formal letter - 正式函件- Business etiquette - 商务礼仪4. Business travel - 商务旅行- Flight reservation - 航班预订- Car rental - 租车- Travel expenses - 差旅费用5. Business finance - 商务财务- Budgeting - 预算- Financial statement - 财务报表- Profit margin - 利润率- Return on investment - 投资回报率6. Business strategy - 商业策略- Market analysis - 市场分析- Market segmentation - 市场细分- Strategic planning - 战略规划以上仅是商务英语中的一些常用词汇和词组,希望对你提高商务英语能力有所帮助。
Phases of Business Negotiation商务谈判的阶段Busin ess n egotiati ons are con ducted in the follow ing four phases:the preparation phase (准备阶段);the opening phase (开始阶段):1.proposal:exploration试探),bidding (报价);2. reflect ingthe bargaining phase (讨价还价阶段):bidding & bargainthe closing phase (结束阶段):settling (成交)and ratifying (批准)笼统一点分就是:Pre-negotiation (前期准备阶段)Face-to face negotiation (面对面谈判阶段):the opening phase (开始阶段):1.proposal:exploration试探),bidding (扌报价);2. reflect ingthe bargaining phase (讨价还价阶段)biddi ng & barga in the closing phase (结束阶段):settling (成交),ratifying (批准)Post-negotiation (谈判后期阶段):summary of the negotiation (谈判总结)评估谈判过程评估对手评估谈判对手评估谈判结果For word mea ning and bus in ess value might differ. If there is some n egative feedback, it might cause ano ther round face-to-face n egotiatio n. Therefore, the terms agreed on should be read to each after the con cessi ons are excha nged. The discussi ons should be held by means of minu tes of the meet ing. Or somethi ng un pleasa nt or un expected might happe n in the later on course of impleme ntati on of the con tract uni ess both sides paid eno ugh atte nti on to every detail. f' best to confirm that both sides un dersta nd everyth ing they have agreed on before they leave the table.Modules of Business Negotiation商务谈判的环节Enquiry & Reply (询价与答复)Offer & Counter-offer (报盘与还盘)Acceptance & Conclusion of a Contract (接受与签订合同)Note:For word meaning and business value might differ. If there is some negative feedback, it might cause another round face-to-face negotiation. Therefore, the terms agreed on should be read to each after the concessions are exchanged. The discussions should be held by means of minutes of the meeting. Or something unpleasant or unexpected might happen in the later on course of implementation of the contract unless both sides paid enough attention to every detail.'Ist best to confirm that both sides understand everything they have agreed on before they leave the table.The Preparation Phase准备阶段The pre-negotiation stage starts from the first contact between the two sides whose interest in doing business with each other is shown. From this stage on, both sides begin to understand each other's needs, declare values and evaluate the benefits of entering the process of this negotiation.This stage is usually more important than the formal negotiations in the international business relationship. Social and informal relationships between negotiators, trust and confidence in each other are of great help. Both sides also start to form their strategy for face-to-face negotiation as well as try to foresee and take precautions against possible events. To be fully prepared before negotiations, negotiators will have to take into consideration the following aspects: the negotiation team, gathering of information, and the negotiation brief. 谈判的准备阶段从双方有意合作的第一次接触时就开始了。
Unit Three Business NegotiationText Passage One进出口商品交易会import and export commodities fair销售部经理sales managersupply department采购部brochure宣传小册子scope of business经营范围machine tool机床workmanship工艺make an inquiry询价quotation报价 C.I.F Seattle西雅图到岸价(*cost,insurance.freight)调整价格adjust the price competitive具有竞争力bulk很大substantially大大地展台exhibition stand1.欢迎光临上海进出口商品交易会。
Welcome to Shanghai Import and Export Commodities Fair.My name is Ming Chen.I am Sales manager of the Shanghai Machinery Company Inc..2.Hi,Mr.Chen.My name is Sean Hudson.I am from Seattle,USA.I am in charge of the supply department of the Pacific Trading Company Ltd.您好,陈先生!我叫肖恩•哈德逊,来自美国西雅图,是太平洋贸易有限公司的采购部主任。
I am very pleased to meet you,Mr.Hudson.Please sit down and allow me to introduce our company and its products.4.Thank you!I have read your brochure and am very impressed by your scope of business,especially the variety of machinery tools you manufacture.I believe my customers will like your new products.谢谢。
Chapter 1 Business Negotiation
1.Some Basic Concepts of Negotiation
(1)The Concept of Negotiation A negotiation is a process of communication between parties
• 2.The Forms of Business Negotiation
Chapter 1 Business Negotiation
3.The Overall Framework of International Business Negotiation
Background Atmosphere Factors
1)the best target; 2)the intermediate target; 3)the acceptable target.
Chapter 1 Business Negotiation
• 5.Basic Rules of International Business Negotiation
• 1.Some Basic Conceots of Negotiation • 2.The Forms of Business Negotiation • 3.The Overall Framework of International Business
Negotiation • 4.Features of International Business Negotiation • 5.Basic Rules of International Business Negotiation • 6.The General Producer of International Negotiation • munication Skills for Negotiations • 8.Types of Negotiation Styles • 9.The Business Contract
Chapter 1 Business Negotiation商务谈判
Chapter 4 Business Etiquette
Chapter 5 Export Procedures Chapter 6 Delivery Terms Chapter 7 Remittance Chapter 8 Collection Chapter 9 Letter of Credit Chapter 10 Bond Chapter 11 Marine Insurance Chapter 12 Business Ethics Chapter 13 Transportation Particulars
• 2.The Forms of Business Negotiation
The Forms of Business Negotiation
The oral form
The written form
Chapter 1 Business Negotiation
3.The Overall Framework of International Business Negotiation
Hale Waihona Puke Chapter 1 Business Negotiation
4.Features of International Business Negotiation
Two principals: First, at the beginning of the negotiation, the negotiations should know well their desired results and not be willfully manipulated by their counterparts. Second, in international business negotiations, price is usual the key point because it directly concerns the economic benefits to both sides.
Business Negotiation(商务谈判)
Step 2 – Give reasons.
☺We can’t make any profit at your price. ☺You drive me bankrupt. ☺This is rock bottom price/ minimum price/ the lowest price/ floor price. ☺High quality deserves high price. ☺It’s worth the price. ☺The costs of production have gone up recently. ☺Our products enjoy world-wide reputation.
☺Packing: 包装
water proof/ moisture-proof packing. 10 pieces to a box
☺Claim for compensation:索赔 ☺Force majeure:不可抗力exporter 作为出口商
Step 1 – Express the view on price
☺Our price is very low/ attractive/ competitive/ acceptable/ practical/ workable/ on the low side/ reasonable.
Step 1 – Express the view on price. 表达对价格的观点
☺ The price is beyond our acceptance/our ability.
这价格超出了我们的承受能力。 ☺ Your price is higher than the price in the market. 你的价格比市场价高。 ☺ Your price is not in line with current market. 你的价格与市场价格不相符。 ☺It’s much higher than that of other suppliers/ your competitors. 你的价格比其他商家/你的竞争对手的价格高出很多。
国际商务英语Chapter 2 Business Negotiation
General Procedure in Business Negotiation
Generally, the business negotiation will usually go through five steps, namely, enquiry, offer, counter-offer, acceptance and conclusion of a contract.
Chapter 2
Business Negotiation
Overview of Negotiation
What is negotiation? A negotiation is a process of communication between parties to manage conflicts in order for them to come to an agreement, solve a problem or make arrangements.
reaches the offeree before or at the same time as the offer. Until a contract is concluded an offer may be revoked if the revocation
reaches the offeree before he has dispatched an acceptance. However, an offer cannot be revoked: (a) if it indicates, whether by stating a fixed time for acceptance or
new offer
A reply to an offer which purports to be an acceptance but contains additions, limitations or other modifications is a rejection of the offer and constitutes a counter-offer.
Bisiness Englsih (unit 5)商务谈判 Business Negotiation
• • • • • • • •
Suggesting What about the model ABC? It sells very well. Why don't we consider the model ABC? I propose/suggest/think that we need to talk about that in detail. Agreeing I accept your view. That sounds fine. I think we can accept that.
business negotiation
• • • • • • • •
Rejecting an offer/compromise I'm afraid that those conditions are unacceptable. I'm afraid that is not an acceptable alternative. Your proposal, as it stands, is not acceptable.
• • • • •
Promising action I'll contact my MD this morning. I'll get back to you by the end of week. I'll take that up with our head office. I'll look into it, and get back to you on that.
business negotiation 12
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Follow-up documentation Would you like that in writing? We'll put together a written proposal. We'll let you have a detailed summary. Can you draft that before the next meeting? Looking to the future We look forward to getting to know you better both socially and professionally. • It's been a pleasure doing business with you. Closing That brings us the end of the negotiation. I think we can call it a day. I think that covers it. I'm sure we would all agree that we have had a successful meeting. This has been a very profitable and successful discussion. Thank you all for coming.
Business Negotiation商务英语谈判重点
重点:1)What is Negotiation?“Negotiation”means “doing business”or a discussion aimed at reaching an agreement.Four main phases of negotiation:①The preparing phase (预备阶段)②The debating phase (争论阶段)③The proposal phase (建议阶段)④The bargaining phase(讨价还价阶段)或者是Pre-NegotiationFace-to-Face Negotiation ( At the Negotiation P.1-3 )Post-Negotiation2)What is business negotiation?Business Negotiation is a kind of discussion aimed at reaching a business agreement or a business contract.Four stages in business negotiation①non-task sounding (开局前的试探)②task-related exchange of information (交换与谈判目标有关的信息)③persuasion (说服)④concessions and agreements (让步与同意)3)Some Issues that Chinese Corporations and Negotiators Need to Address①Chinese businessmen tend to have business negotiations in a rather indirect manner, as opposed to the direct manner of American businessmen.②The decision-making process of Chinese companies is generally both slow and time-consuming. On the other hand, American companies usually operate with quick decision made by the top management.Different Business Communication Styles between China and the USA①Manner: Direct Manner / Indirect Manner②Decision-Making: Quick, Top-Down / Slow, Tine-Consuming③Work Ethic: Individual Oriented / Social PressureValue Results more than its Process / Community Belonging, Priority to Planning④Merits: Efficiency / Encourage CooperationCompetition in Workers / more Humane⑤Demerits: Frustrating Workers / Lack of Efficiency and Competition4)China’s Foreign Trade PolicyThe principle of China’s foreign trade is “equality, mutual benefit and exchanging what one has for what one needs”.(平等互利,互通有无)5)An Introduction to the Five Links of International Business Negotiation①Enquiry (询盘)②Offer (发盘)③Counter-Offer (还盘)④Acceptance (接受)⑤Conclusion of a Contract(缔结合同)Of course, it is not necessary to have all the five links taken for every transaction. Sometimes, only offer and acceptance will do. It is stipulated in the laws of some countries that only offerand acceptance are the two required factors, failure of which will make no contract.6)Brief Introduction to Incoterms®2010Incoterms are used in international import/export contract to show the responsibility of the buyers and the sellers. They define who is responsible for “freight”or “carriage”(transportation) , insurance against risks, “duty”(tariff) and “clearance”(import and export documentation).The word “INCOTERMS”is short for International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms, and most frequently used in international sales transactions.The latest version is INCOTERMS ® 2010, which already became effective on Jan. 1st 2011.Previous versions, including INCOTERMS 2000, are now outdatedThe ® sign means a registered trade mark, it became a necessary part of Incoterms ®2010 7)International Tender or Bid 国际性招投标Concepts Related Tender or Bid on p.147Tender 投标(British English)Bid 投标(American English)submit a tender / bid(submission of tender / bid)投标Tenderer or bidder 投标者Winning bidder / successful tenderer 中标者To invite tender / bid 招标Invitation for (to) tender / Bids 招标Tenderee / the bid inviting party 招标人/ 招标方Generally speaking, people often using tendering / bidding to refer to invite tender / bid and tender / bid.Tendering / Bidding 招投标International tendering / international bidding 国际招投标Submission of Tender (投标)Tenders’/ Bidders’behaviors to deliver their bid / tenders forms to the tenderee according to the conditions of the Tender notice within the specified period of time.投标人根据招标公告或招标单规定的条件,在指定的时间内向招标人递盘的行为。
Phases of Business Negotiation商务谈判的阶段Business negotiations are conducted in the following four phases:the preparation phase(准备阶段);the opening phase(开始阶段):1.proposal:exploration(试探), bidding(报价);2. reflectingthe bargaining phase(讨价还价阶段): bidding & bargainthe closing phase(结束阶段):settling(成交)and ratifying(批准)笼统一点分就是:Pre-negotiation (前期准备阶段)Face-to face negotiation (面对面谈判阶段) : the opening phase(开始阶段):1.proposal:exploration(试探), bidding(报价);2. reflectingthe bargaining phase(讨价还价阶段):bidding & bargainthe closing phase(结束阶段):settling(成交), ratifying(批准)Post-negotiation (谈判后期阶段):summary of the negotiation (谈判总结)评估谈判过程评估对手评估谈判对手评估谈判结果For word meaning and business value might differ. If there is some negative feedback, it might cause another round face-to-face negotiation. Therefore, the terms agreed on should be read to each after the concessions are exchanged. The discussions should be held by means of minutes of the meeting. Or something unpleasant or unexpected might happen in the later on course of implementation of the contract unless both sides paid enough attention to every detail. It’s best to confirm that both sides understand everything they have agreed on before they leave the table.Modules of Business Negotiation商务谈判的环节Enquiry & Reply (询价与答复)Offer & Counter-offer (报盘与还盘)Acceptance & Conclusion of a Contract (接受与签订合同).Note:For word meaning and business value might differ. If there is some negative feedback, it might cause another round face-to-face negotiation. Therefore, the terms agreed on should be read to each after the concessions are exchanged. The discussions should be held by means of minutes of the meeting. Or something unpleasant or unexpected might happen in the later on course of implementation of the contract unless both sides paid enough attention to every detail. It’s best to confirm that both sides understand everything they have agreed on before they leave the table.The Preparation Phase准备阶段The pre-negotiation stage starts from the first contact between the two sides whose interest in doing business with each other is shown. From this stage on, both sides begin to understand each other’s needs, declare values and evaluate the benefits of entering the process of this negotiation. This stage is usually more important than the formal negotiations in the international business relationship. Social and informal relationships between negotiators, trust and confidence in each other are of great help. Both sides also start to form their strategy for face-to-face negotiation as well as try to foresee and take precautions against possible events. To be fully prepared before negotiations, negotiators will have to take into consideration the following aspects:the negotiation team, gathering of information, and the negotiation brief.谈判的准备阶段从双方有意合作的第一次接触时就开始了。
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Business NegotiationDialogueA: Our contract with ABC is duly, I suggest that we should find another suppliers, because our customers are not satisfied with the quality of the goods.B: How about attending trading fairs to find a new and one, you know, it can help us to see and compare new and relevant products.A: Good idea. What are we waiting for?C: good afternoon, we have a wide variety of bed sheet for you to choose from, it’s all of the best quality and superbly tailored. These are our latest styles.B: we would like to buy some bed suits. Can you give me some suggestions?C: Good, you have come to the right booth, We specialize in producing Bed SheetB: Can you tell me some details about that?C: Here are some samples. You will see they are soft and comfortable. What’s more, they are very hard using .It will last much longer than most others on the market.B: Why?C: One reason is that the cotton is carefully selected for quality.B: Could you pleased show me some more samples for our reference?C: Sure, we have serious items different from exhibitions. Would you like to visit our factory, here is my card.B: Ok, how about tomorrow?C: Any time.D: Thank you for coming today, we can start any time you’re ready.A: I’m all set.D: Last time you said that you wanted to see the production line. This tour will last about an hour.A: No problemD: First, you will have to put on this respirator,I’m afraid.A: Thank youD: This our production shop, we will start with the eye line.A: How many square meters does this warehouse cover?D: It covers an area of 7500 square.D: Please stop me if you have any questions.A: That’s fine, I’ll just follow you.A: I’d like to know if the production line fully automated.D: No, it’s half-automated.A: What’ the monthly output? We always place a large order.D: 5000 units per monthly.A: How wonderful, how do you control the quality?D: All products go through some checks during the whole manufacturing process.A: How do you do that?D: Our workers will confirm the quality of each part according to the regulations at every point in the process, and then we sent some products to our quality-control centre for checking.A: Wonderful.D: What particular items are you interested in?A: ItemNo.101 is of special interest to us.D: You have really a good taste. This is our latest product. Ok, if this item prove satisfactory to you, we can discuss many things later on .Right?A: Of course, we are also expecting to cooperate with you.C: I have understood that you are interested in itemNo.101. If you don’t mind, shall we go on our business?B: We are thinking of placing a large order with you. Could you give us some idea of your price?C: How large is it?B: About 5000suits.C: We charge USD120 on CIF basis for each suit. I think this price is quite reasonable compared with other others in terms of material and quality.B: Are you kidding? Your price is much higher than that we were expecting to pay.C:You will find our price highly competitive if you take quality into consideration. Different from other suppliers’, our quality is obviously superior. And our goods are made of pure cotton.B: Although we take the quality into consideration, we still think that the price is a little high to conclude business. I hope you can consider making some concession in your price. As we are middle men, of that, we have no profit margin.C:In view of our long-standing business relations in the future, we are willing to reduce our price by 3%.B: We can’t accept your offer unless the price is reduced by 7%.C: Considering you are the middle man, there will be no concession on the price.. Maybe we can give you 2% commission.B: My heartfelt thanks, but there is one thing I wish to take your special attention, do not deduct our commission from the value of the consignment. Do you know what I mean? C: I see your point, we will do as you wish. So all we have to do now is to finalize the delivery arrangements.B: Well, let’s discuss the details tomorrow.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A: We have settled everything in conversation with this transaction expects the question of payment and shipment would you mind giving us your proposition about the terms of payment?D: Absolutely, we always ask for an L/C for initial exports, at least for the first time.A: For such a large amount, an L/C is costly. So could you accept D/A or D/P? You know opening an L.C is quite costly and will tie up the capital of our company.D: I am afraid we must insist on payment by L/C, as a matter of fact, L/C protects the sellers as well as buyers.A: In order to conclude this business, should we met other half way, say, 60% by L.C and the balance by T/T?D: We regret being unable to consider your request for the balance by T/T. There is no room for negotiation if you insist on the balance by T/T. Maybe the balance for D/P is a good choice. .A: Ok, but if that, please manage to speed up the shipment.D: I am sorry. Our stock level is low and, you know, the market is active. Our factory is fully committed to existing orders.A: We can not but accept it.D: How about partial shipment?A: That will be allowed.D: Do you have any specific requirements for the packing?A: Each suit of Bed Suit is packed in a see-through plastic bag and 20 suits to a carton. D: That is OK, one more thing; please open the L/C at early date, for our mutual benefit. And here are other terms. Are all the terms have satisfied?A: I need a few minute to check over again on every detail…… yes, I do not think there is any problem with the contract. It is complete.D: So would you like to sign the contract right now?A: Why not?………………….签完了合同…………………A: I sincerely hope that will lead to successful for the business between us. D: Me too, let us celebrate our first deal.。