





托福写作题目Do you agree ordisagree with the following statement:It’s better to make friends with intelligent people than with people who ha ve a good sense of humor?解析:这道题目是一道对比类的题目,这种题目在考试中占有很大的比例,也希望各位考生在今后的备考中多多注意这类题型。




具体文章结构安排:中心论点:交聪明的朋友比幽默的朋友更好1. 向他们学习珍贵的品质,有助于我们成功举例论证,并列例子的方法证明分论点2. 聪明的朋友总能帮助我们渡过难关因果论证的段内展开结构3. 尽管幽默的朋友能逗我们笑,让我们快乐,但是聪明的朋友更能够理性地安慰我们,帮助我们真正摆脱不良情绪让步转折的段落展开结构托福写作范文:Friendsare those who have confidence in you and offer assistance to youunconditionally; they are always there no matter what happens. On a practicallevel, friends benefit us in many ways due to the valuable characteristics thatthey are in possession of. Then which characteristic of a friend is moreattractive, being intelligent or humorous? From my perspective, I attach greater importance to intelligence of friends than the sense of humor.Makingfriends with intelligent people affords us the opportunity to achieveself-improvement. There is no denying that ingenious people must possesscertain significant characteristics making them stand out among the peers. By makingfriends with them, we are more likely to be positively influenced by them andobtain the important quality and effective methods in deal with problems weconfront in our life, thus increasing the possibility of fulfilling our goals.For example, playing with those who are able to manage their time efficientlyhelps us foster the ability to plan and organize. Also, talking with a personwho enjoys favorable social relationship contributes to the cultivation of ourexcellent communicating skills. What’s more, learning about a friend whosucceeds in realizing his dream through hard work motivates us to set apractical goal and work toward it continuously. Therefore we tend to acquire amyriad of wholesome characteristics by building friendship with intelligent people.Ona more practical level, we have a better chance to come up with creativesolutions to the problems we are faced with in our life with the help ofingenious friends. It is not uncommon that we have to meet a multitude ofproblems or get in trouble that we may find difficult to resolve.However, intelligentfriends, being analytical and insightful, never fail to offer advice andguidance that are of great help in overcoming these difficulties. Chances arethat friends with intelligence help us analyze the situation in an efficient way,correct the mistakes we have made in seeking for solutions and predict theresults that our decisions may yield to ensure our successful going throughhard times. Thanks to the wisdom and level-headedness of intelligent friends we have, there is no need for us to worry about the difficulties we may beconfronted with either in our study or work.Admittedly,friends with a good sense of humor could bring us jokes and joy and make ourlife full of happiness. We may have fun when staying along with humorousfriends. Nevertheless, at times of sorrow, it is ingenious friends who surprisinglymanage to drive off our loneliness and sadness due to the fact that they areable to comfort us in a comparatively rational way rather than just make us laugh and forget about the adversity.Hence,it is more desirable to have intelligent friends than friends with a good sense of humor. Not only can ingenious friends provide assistance that contributes toy our success and that makes it possible for you to overcome difficulties, bu talso they could better satisfy your psychological needs when you are in bad mood than humorous friends do.倚窗远眺,目光目光尽处必有一座山,那影影绰绰的黛绿色的影,是春天的颜色。



懂幽默的人到哪都受欢迎英语作文Humor has the power to bring people together, lighten the mood, and create a positive atmosphere.People who have a good sense of humor can easily connect with others and build strong relationships.They can make others laugh and enjoy their presence, making them more likable and approachable.One of the reasons why humor is so appealing is that it can help reduce stress and tension.In a workplace, a person with a sense of humor can boost team morale and improve collaboration.In social settings, they can make conversations more enjoyable and memorable.Humor can also help to break the ice in new situations and make it easier to form new connections.Furthermore, people who understand humor are often better at handling difficult situations and conflicts.They can use humor to defuse tense moments and find common ground with others.To be a person who understands humor, here are some tips:1. Develop a positive outlook on life.2. Observe and learn from others who have a good sense of humor.3. Be self-aware of your audience and what they might find funny.4. Don't be afraid to make light of yourself and have a good laugh.。



如何在大学处理人际关系英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1How to Be a Good Friend and Get Along With People at CollegeCollege is a super fun time where you get to meet all kinds of new people! There are students from all over who have different backgrounds and interests. Making new friends is really exciting, but it can also be kind of scary at first if you're shy or not sure how to act. Don't worry though, I'm going to give you some tips on how to be a good friend and get along with your classmates.First off, you have to remember to be yourself. Don't try too hard to act cool or pretend to like things you actually don't like just to fit in. The best friends are the ones who accept you for who you really are, weird habits and all! If someone can't handle your quirks, then they probably aren't worth being friends with anyway. Real friends let you be 100% your authentic self.Speaking of being authentic, it's really important to be a good listener. Don't just wait for your turn to talk, but actuallypay attention when your friend is speaking. Look them in the eye, nod your head, and ask follow-up questions to show you care about what they're saying. Nobody likes a friend who is always zoning out or playing on their phone when you're trying to have a real conversation.You also need to be a good share-er, not a share-er (get it?). What I mean is, don't hog the conversation by just rambling on and on about yourself. Friendships are a two-way street, so make sure you give your pal a chance to talk about their life too. It's all about balance - share some things about yourself, but then ask them questions so you can learn more about them too.Another important rule of being a good friend is being trustworthy. If someone tells you something personal or asks you to keep a secret, you have to respect that and not go blabbing it all over campus. Having a friend who can't keep their mouth shut is the worst! Once that trust is broken, it's really hard to regain. Keep your lips zipped about other people's private stuff.Sometimes friends have disagreements or get into fights. That's normal and happens to everyone from time to time. The key is to fight fair if you get into an argument. Don't call your friend mean names or say really hurtful things that you'll regretlater. Instead, use "I" statements to explain how you're feeling without blaming them. For example, you could say "I felt really hurt and upset when you didn't show up for my presentation like you promised." Then you both need to really listen to each other's side, and try to come to a compromise or resolution that you're both okay with. Holding grudges never solves anything!In college, you'll end up meeting people who are super different from you in terms of their race, religion, culture, or other backgrounds. It's important to always be respectful of other people's beliefs and traditions, even if they're unfamiliar to you. Don't judge others just because they do things differently than what you're used to. Instead, be curious and open-minded! Ask them questions to learn more about their customs and perspectives. Having friends from diverse backgrounds is an awesome way to expand your worldview.At the same time, don't be afraid to educate others if they seem ignorant about your own culture or identity. You can politely explain things to them and clear up any incorrect assumptions. For example, if someone makes an insensitive joke about your ethnicity, you could say something like "Actually, that comment kind of perpetuates a hurtful stereotype. Let me tellyou a little more about my cultural background." A true friend will be happy to learn.It's also a good idea to get involved in some clubs or activities that align with your interests. That's a guaranteed way to meet people who already have something in common with you, which can make it easier to strike up conversations and make friends. Having shared interests gives you instant things to bond over and talk about. Who knows, you might end up meeting your new best friend in the Kappa Kappa Knitting Klub!Last but not least, don't forget about the friends you already had before college. Just because you're making new friends doesn't mean you have to ditch your old ones. Your lifelong besties from back home will always have a special place, so make sure you keep in touch with them too. Thanks to texting, FaceTime, and social media it's easy to stay connected even if you're miles apart.Well, those are my tips for being a stellar friend and handling all kinds of social situations in college. If you just remember to be yourself, be a good listener, keep things balanced, be trustworthy, fight fair, respect differences, get involved, and stay loyal to your core crew, you'll be ready to make massloads ofamazing new friends! College is going to be the best four years ever. Good luck!篇2How to Make Friends and Get Along With People at UniversityHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm going to tell you all about making friends and getting along with people when you go to university. University is a really fun place, but it can also be kind of scary at first because there are so many new people around. But don't worry, I've got some great tips for you!The first thing you need to do is be friendly and smile at people. My mom always says that smiling is like giving someone a free gift - it makes them feel good inside. So whenever you see someone new, give them a big smile and say "Hi!" You never know, they might become your new best friend!Another important thing is to be a good listener. Don't just talk about yourself the whole time. Ask the other person questions about their life and really listen to what they have to say. People really like it when you're interested in them. My teacher says that having two ears and one mouth means we should listen twice as much as we talk!You also need to be helpful and kind to others. If someone needs help carrying their books or finding their classroom, offer to help them out. Holding the door open for people is really nice too. Little acts of kindness go a long way in making friends. Nobody wants to be friends with a mean grumpy pants!It's also fun to get involved in clubs, sports teams or other activities at university. That way you can meet people who like doing the same things you do. If you love reading, you could join a book club. If you're into soccer, tryout for the university team. Doing activities you enjoy with others is a great way to bond.Speaking of bonding, never forget to make time for your friends! You can study together, grab meals, or just hang out and chat. My grandpa always says "Making a friend is good, keeping a friend is better." So put in the effort to stay close with your pals.A simple text to say hi or making plans to do stuff together shows you care.Another really important thing is to keep an open mind and be accepting of others. At university, you'll meet people from all different backgrounds, cultures, and walks of life. Aren't you lucky?! Make an effort to learn about people's traditions and beliefs. Never judge someone for being different. Diversity makes the world a much cooler, more interesting place!Lastly, don't be afraid to be yourself. Don't try to act a certain way just to fit in and make friends. The real friends are the ones who will like you for your true, authentic self - the good, the bad, and the silly! Everyone has quirks and that's totally okay. The right people will appreciate you for you.So there you have it - my tips for making friends and getting along at university! It might feel a little scary at first, but stick to being a kind, friendly human and you'll be okay. Oh, and remember to have fun too! University is a great place to learn and grow. Enjoy every minute of it!篇3How to Be a Friendship Superstar in College!Hey friends! Are you excited to go to college and make a ton of new buddies? College is gonna be so much fun - you'll get to meet people from all over the place with different backgrounds and interests. But making friends can also be a little tricky sometimes. Not to worry though, I'm here to share sometop-secret tips to become a total friendship superstar!First up, you gotta work on those social skills. Yeah, I know it sounds boring, but hear me out. Having good social skills means being a great listener, asking questions to get to know people,and making eye contact when they talk to you. It shows you actually care about them and what they have to say. Nobody likes a buddy who just talks about themselves the whole time!Another big part of making friends is being open-minded. You'll meet so many different kinds of people in college from diverse cultures and lifestyles. Instead of judging them for being different than you, stay curious and try to learn about their perspectives. Chances are if you give them a chance, you'll realize you have more in common than you think!Speaking of being open-minded, don't just stick with the same few friends you make in the first week. Keep putting yourself out there, joining clubs or study groups where you can meet even more cool people. The more people you meet, the more potential friends there are!Now let's talk about keeping those new friendships strong. Communication is key - share how you honestly feel with your friends if something is bothering you, rather than bottling it up. But also be an amazing listener for when your friends need to vent or get advice. A problem shared is a problem halved, as they say!Don't forget to make time for fun too! College work is important but you'll go crazy if you only study all the time.Schedule hangouts to get meals together, explore the city, or even have a silly movie night. Making fun memories is what college friendships are all about.Finally, be a generous friend. Compliment your buddies when they accomplish something cool, do little favors for them if you can, and show you appreciate them. In return, surround yourself with friends who pump you up and have your back, not ones who bring you down or use you.That's all my tips! I know making new friends can be scary, but don't be afraid to go outside your comfort zone a little. The friends you make in college could end up being lifelong ones. Just remember to be your awesome, authentic self and those real, lasting friendships will fall into place. Wishing you the best of luck, friendship superstars!篇4Uh oh, you're going to college soon! That's so exciting but it can also be a little scary. There will be so many new people and you'll have to make all new friends. Don't worry though, I've got some tips for you on how to be good at people skills in college!First off, you've got to put yourself out there and meet new people. Sitting in your dorm room by yourself won't help youmake any friends. Try keeping your door open when you're in your room so people can stop by and say hi. And definitely go to events put on by your school or dorm - things like movie nights, game tournaments, dances, etc. It's a perfect way to meet people who like the same stuff as you.But just going to events isn't enough, you actually have to talk to people too! I know, I know, that can be hard. A good trick is to ask people questions about themselves. People love talking about their favorite things. You can ask what they're studying, where they're from, what clubs they're in, or anything else. And be sure to really listen to their answers so you can ask follow up questions and keep the conversation going.Speaking of conversations, there's an important rule - don't just talk about yourself the whole time! Make sure you let the other person talk too. And try to read their body language to see if they seem interested or are trying to end the chat. If they look bored or keep glancing away, it's probably time to wrap it up. Oh, and don't forget to smile and make eye contact so you seem friendly and welcoming.Once you start meeting some cool people you want to be friends with, you've got to put in effort to actually become friends. Ask them to hang out and do stuff together! You couldgrab lunch at the dining hall, go to a campus event, or even just hang out and watch Netflix together. The more time you spend with someone, the better friends you'll become.It's also really nice to do little favors or nice things for your friends sometimes. Like if your friend has a really big test coming up, you could surprise them with their favorite snacks and a nice note to cheer them on. Or if it's their birthday, you could get them a small gift like a stuffed animal or their favorite candy bar. Teeny tiny nice things like that mean a lot!But paying attention to your friends is just as important as being nice to them. Notice if they seem sad or stressed and actually ask them what's wrong and how you can help. Don't just assume everything's fine. A good friend will really listen and lend an ear when their buddy needs to vent or needs some advice about something tough they're dealing with.Uh oh, I can't forget to talk about dating and romantic relationships too! That's a whole other situation in college. If you start liking someone as more than a friend, you should try flirting a little bit to test the waters and see if they're interested too. Flirting is just being a little sillier, gigglier, and more complimentary than you normally would be. You could say things like "I love your shirt, it looks so good on you!" or playfullytease them in a nice way. But be careful not to overdo it or make them uncomfortable.If you get the vibe they're flirting back, then awesome! Ask them out on a date doing something fun you'll both enjoy like getting ice cream or going to a movie. And if the date goes well, you'll officially be dating - yay! Just remember that communication is really important in dating relationships. Don't be afraid to express how you feel and what you want. And don't forget to still make time for your other friends too instead of spending all your time with your boyfriend or girlfriend.Uh oh, fights and arguments are inevitable too, even with your best friends. Nobody's perfect and everyone will get grumpy or annoyed with each other sometimes. If you have a fight or argument with a friend, don't panic! Just take a deep breath and stay calm. Listen to what they have to say and don't interrupt them. When it's your turn to speak up, use "I feel..." statements to explain how you're feeling without blaming them. Like "I feel upset when you don't text me back for a long time" instead of "You're such a bad friend who never texts me back!"The most important thing is to avoid holding grudges or giving your friend the silent treatment if you're upset. That will only make the problem bigger. You've gotta talk it out,understand each other's feelings, and figure out a solution you both feel good about. And if it's a really big serious issue, don't be afraid to ask a counselor or trusted adult for help sorting it out.Okay, last thing - don't forget about your friends and family back home while you're off making all these new friends! Your old friends will miss you, so make sure you take time to call, text, or video chat with them pretty often to catch up. You can even have times where you all watch the same movie together while video chatting to feel like you're hanging out together again.Well, there you have it - all my tips for making friends and being a good friend in college! I know it might seem hard at first, but I believe in you. Just put yourself out there, be friendly and kind, and you'll be a total pro at these people skills before you know it. Now go get out there and work on those interpersonal relationships!篇5How to Make Good Friends at CollegeHiya! I'm gonna tell you all about how to be a good friend and get along with people when you go to college. College is a super fun place where you get to meet loads of new kids from allover. But it can also be a little scary at first 'cause everything is new and different from your old school.The most important thing is to just be yourself and not try too hard to be someone you're not. If you act all fake and pretend to like stuff you don't really like, then kids will see right through that. The friends you make by being your true self are the best kind of friends anyway.When you first get to college, you'll probably have a roommate to share your room with. This kid might end up being your bestie, or you might not get along great. Either way, you gotta be respectful of their space and belongings. Don't borrow their stuff without asking, and be considerate about noise when they're trying to sleep or study.A really good way to make new pals is by joining some clubs or teams for activities you enjoy. That way you already know you have something in common with those kids. Maybe you like sports, so you join the soccer or basketball team. Or maybe you're into art, so you join the art club. You could also join the drama club if you like acting and putting on plays!In your classes, don't be afraid to talk to the kids sitting near you before the teacher starts the lesson. You can ask them what other classes they're taking, where they're from, or what videogames they play. Stuff like that makes it easy to get a convo going. And definitely invite them to sit with you at lunchtime so you can get to know each other better.Something I've learned is that a huge part of having good friends is being a good friend yourself. You gotta take an interest in your buddies' lives and listen when they want to talk about what's going on with them. Ask them questions about their families, hobbies, favorite things. And if they're having a hard time with something, be there to support them without judging.It's also really important to be a trusty-rusty friend who keeps their secrets safe and doesn't spread rumors about them behind their back. Having a friend who can't keep their mouth shut about private stuff is the worst! Nobody will want to be your pal if they can't trust you.You're also gonna meet kids who you just don't really click with for whatever reason. And that's completely okay! You don't have to be super best friends with every single kid at college. As long as you're polite and friendly to everyone, it's fine if you're just acquaintances with some people and don't hang out with them one-on-one.At the same time, don't totally shut out a kid just because they're a little different from you at first. Some of the coolest,most interesting friends are the ones who don't seem to have much in common with you on the surface. If you give them a chance and keep an open mind, you might find you actually do have some awesome stuff in common once you get to know each other.So that's my advice for how to be a stellar friend and have an amazing social life at college. Just stay true to your totally awesome self, be a kind and trustworthy pal, and get out there and meet as many new kids as possible. College is gonna be an epic adventure where you'll make some lifelong friends for sure!篇6Here's a 2000-word essay on "How to Handle Interpersonal Relationships in College" written in the style of an elementary school student:How to Make Friends and Be Nice to People in CollegeHey guys! Today I'm gonna tell you all about how to make friends and be nice to people when you go to college. College is really fun, but it can also be kinda scary meeting a whole bunch of new people. But don't worry, I'm here to help!First thing's first, you gotta be yourself. Don't try to act all cool or be someone you're not just to make friends. The real you is awesome, and the right kind of people will like you for who you truly are. If someone doesn't wanna be your friend just'cause you're being yourself, then they're not worth being friends with anyway!Next, you gotta be friendly and smiley. Smile at people in the hallways, in the cafeteria, and in your classes. Say "hi" to the people you see often. Ask them how their day is going. People are way more likely to wanna be your friend if you seem like a happy, friendly person.Speaking of being friendly, you should also try to be a good listener. When you meet new people, let them talk about themselves and their interests. Ask them questions about their lives. People just love talking about themselves, and if you listen closely, you'll learn all sorts of cool stuff about them!Another really important thing is to be kind and helpful. If you see someone struggling with their books or looking lost on campus, offer to lend a hand. Hold the door open for people. Say "please" and "thank you." Little acts of kindness go a long way in making friends.Oh, and you can't forget to be respectful of others. Don't be judgy about how someone looks or what they're into. Accept people for who they are, just like you'd want them to accept you. Don't gossip about people behind their backs either - that's just mean.It's also really fun to get involved in clubs, sports teams, or other groups on campus. You'll instantly have something in common with the other members, which makes it easier to strike up conversations and make new friends. Joining groups is one of the best ways to meet people with similar interests as you.But what if you make a friend and then you two end up fighting about something? Don't worry, even best friends fight sometimes. The key is to not be stubborn and try to work things out. Listen to your friend's side, and calmly explain how you're feeling too. With good communication and a little compromise, you can get through any argument.If there's someone who's just being a big meanie to you though, it's okay to distance yourself from them or stop being their friend altogether. You don't have to put up with bullies or people who are outright disrespectful and mean to you. There are plenty of other awesome people at college who will treat you right.Last but not least, remember to keep being you! Don't change who you are or what you believe in just to fit in with a certain group. The right friends will love you for your true, authentic self. If you just stay confident in yourself and treat others with kindness, you're gonna make so many wonderful friends at college!Well, that's all the friend advice I've got for now. Making friends can be a little scary, but if you follow these tips, you'll be building up your friend squad in no time! College is about learning, growing, and meeting new people who might just become friends for life. So get out there, be yourself, and make some awesome new buds!。



大学英语作文大学英语作文模板:跟聪慧的人仍是风趣的人交朋友【六级范文】Making friends are indispensable in everyone There’s life. is no denying the fact that intelligent and humor are two vital characters of a good friend. Some people, however, mayclaim that it is better to make friends with intelligentpeople than with people who have a good sense of humor.As for me , I ’m quite agree with it.To begin with, intelligent friends often enlighten us andteach us something useful which is benefit for our life andcareer. It means that we will be inflenced by intelligent peopleand inclined to gain some characters from them. Most importantly, intelligent friends also have a proper goal. They manage their time for their goal, implementing it andcomplementing themselves, so they have a relatively high probability to success in their life. Staying long with afriend who is intelligent like this, we will be intelligentgruadually too. We can learn a lot of wholesome things fromthem, but a friend who have a good sense of humor just can brings us jokes. In our daily life, I thought intelligence is userthan jokes.Furthermore, an intelligent friend helps us more whenwe are in trouble. Compared with the humorous friends, anintelligent peole think more about the problem in a rationalway. Useful suggestions and help from them will of muchmore importance to resolve the trouble we meet. For instance,if I was in trouble, those friends who are intelligent are morelikely to put forth some constructive suggestions for me, while humorous friends may make a joke on me in a improper time. Although their jokes will relax me temporary, but in fact itis suggestion that resovle the problem at this momentand jokes do nothing.Nevertheless, a humorous friend is also benefical to us. We will have fun and happiness when we stay with them, whichsum up, it will be a pleasure to make friends both with intelligent people and humorous people. If I hhave to choose, however, I prefer to make friends with intelligent people than with people who have a good sense of humor for the reason above.。



如何在大学处理好人际关系英语作文How to Be a People Person at Big Kid SchoolHey kids! Are you going to be a big kid in college soon? That's super exciting! College is like the hugest, funnest playground ever. But it can also be a little scary with all those new people around. You'll meet kids from all over and have to make totally new friends. Don't worry though, I'm here to share some tips on how to be a friend-making machine at big kid school!The most important thing is to just be yourself. Don't try too hard to be someone you're not because eventually the real you will slip out. The quirky things that make you unique are what people will like about you. If you're a little weird, own it! The right friends will think your quirks are cool.Speaking of friends, you'll want to find your squad pretty quickly. Having a group to hang with makes everything less awkward and intimidating. But how do you get that friend ball rolling? Easy - be a super friendly explorer! Introduce yourself to all the kids in your dorm or halls. Ask them questions about themselves and really listen to their answers. People just love talking about themselves!Once you break the ice, you can start putting out friend vibes. Smile a lot, make eye contact, and have an open, approachable body language. Don't cross your arms or hunch over. Instead, stand up straight, make eye contact, and turn your body towards people when they're speaking. These little things make you seem warm and inviting.You'll also want to get out of your dorm room as much as you can. Sure, it's tempting to just Netflix and chill all day in your pjs. But you're way more likely to make new friends if you're out and about. Leave your door open when you're in your room so folks can poke their head in and say hi. Hang out in the common rooms working on homework or just chilling. Go grab meals with your hallmates. The more face time you get with people, the better!Another major key to making friends is finding people with the same interests and hobbies as you. Maybe you're really into sports, video games, music, or academic stuff. Join some clubs or intramural teams for the things you're passionate about. You'll instantly have something to bond over with the other kids in the group. It's so much easier to make friends when you already have things in common!Don't be afraid to go out and explore campus events and activities too. Snag a friend and check out athletic games, performances, fairs, movie nights, or anything else happening. It gets you out meeting new peeps and is way more fun than staying cooped up.Once you start making some friends, it's important to be a good friend back. Don't ditch your crew to hang out with other kids all the time. Loyalty is key! Check in on your friends, do fun things together outside of just getting meals, and be someone they can lean on. Listen if they need to vent, give encouraging advice, and just be a caring pal.At the same time, make sure you're setting boundaries and sticking up for yourself. Don't let friends take advantage of you or make you do things you really don't want to do. Use "I" statements to express your feelings calmly but firmly, like "I feel uncomfortable when you pressure me to drink." It's ok to say no sometimes!Oooh, and you'll definitely want to steer clear of the drama llamas! You know, those kids who just loooove causing rumors and stirring up trouble for no reason. Don't get involved in gossiping or talking bad about others behind their backs. It's not a good look and could come back to bite you. Take the high roadand be the bigger person. Surround yourself with positive, dramaless peeps.You'll likely hit a few friend speed bumps along the way too. Maybe you'll have a conflict or just drift apart from some people as your interests change. That's totally normal and happens to everyone! The key is to handle it with maturity and kindness. Don't burn bridges or hold grudges. Simply move on and continue nurturing the friendships that feel good and supportive.Most importantly, don't take this whole friend thing too seriously! College is meant to be an amazing, fun period ofself-discovery. If you just stay true to your values and interests, the right crew will naturally gravitate towards you. Have a blast meeting new people and embrace friend-making as an adventure! You've totally got this.Ok buddies, those are my tips for being a big kid school social butterfly! The key things to remember are: put yourself out there, find your people, nurture your friendships, and above all, just have fun. Friend-making should be an exciting adventure at college, not a stressful obligation. You're gonna do great!。



English: Having a conversation filled with humor can often lighten the mood and bring a sense of joy to those involved. It allows us to connect with others on a deeper level and create a sense of camaraderie. Humor can break down barriers and ease tension, making it easier to communicate effectively. When we share a laugh with someone, we share a moment of connection that can strengthen our relationships and make us feel more at ease. Whether it's a witty comment or a playful joke, humor has a way of bringing people together and bringing a smile to our faces.
中文翻译: 进行一场充满幽默的对话经常会缓解情绪,给参与其中的人带来愉悦的感觉。









I always insist that humorous people are the easiest to get along with. however, many other individuals, even if they are a mused by witty humorists at times, do not agree with me upon the fact that a humorous person can become a trusty friend.they refuse to accept "the humorous" possibly because they are deluded by three main misunderstandings.The first one is the erroneous association with adjectives such as "glib" and "superficial," which might attribute to the misunderstanding of the terminology "humor" itself. as we all know, in the modern english language, "humor" is no longer a general term for liquids in the body, but if we were asked what humor is, we would probably say that it's merely something that makes people laugh. i am sorry to mention that the statement above has badly decried the worth of the too-muchprofaned word.humor is not only something that pleases you, but the very thing that pleases you meaningfully.rather than arousing empty laugh that brays the sanctum, true humorists bring witty smiles to this world. a meaningful humorous story as well as a real humorousperson invariably enjoy long lifein other words, they are immortal. the work and life of la fontaine,moliere etc. did remind us;humor is valuable and profound.therefore, befriending a humorous person will benefit both our body and mind.Another misunderstanding may be clearly epressed by sentences like "i feared that i would be made fun of by humorists."i think i must emphasize that real humorists do not play jokes on their friends.even though they specialize in the art of irony,they do not eert that on the kind majority. instead of designing a new laughing stock, they will convince their friends to smile at grief when they run into trouble. they bring encouraging shrugit offs to friends while reserving the bitter sarcasms for tyranny.mark twain, gogol and sha yein are people's friends and sensible critics. in the light of this, truly humorous people are philosophers of life who are worthy of making friends with.The third misunderstanding is an arbitrary belief that humorous ones are not qualified for any serious job. but the fact is,great achievements are always accomplished by people with a good sense of humor, not by unimaginative ones who toe the line. humorous individuals have an intense dislike for red tape.they have long been guided by the faith that simplicity means "eplicitness." when sir isaac newton saw the apple fall, something humorous occurred to him that he (god) would not create another law for celestial bodies that differed from the one that confines the apple.it's true that a humorous emotion also haunted einstein when he murmured to himself, "the rule for reference system in electrodynamics must not be anything different from that in mechanics." then the theory of relativity was born.following the thoughts of those giants, physicists have engaged themselves in the eternal pursuit of world's unity and universality. and the pursuit continues...hence, having a humorous friend will also help you to handle tough problems with ease and make inspirational discoveries in "serious jobs."So let's befriend the humorous ones. the world is simple and life is earnest.。



和幽默的人交朋友英语作文Making friends with a humorous person can be adelightful experience. Humor has the power to bring joy and laughter into our lives, and being friends with someone who possesses a good sense of humor can make our days brighter. There are several reasons why making friends with a humorous person is beneficial, and in this essay, I will explore the advantages of having a humorous friend, the qualities that make a person humorous, and the impact of humor on our social interactions.First and foremost, having a humorous friend can significantly improve our overall well-being. Laughter is known to have numerous health benefits, both physically and mentally. When we share a good laugh with a humorous friend, it can reduce stress, boost our mood, and even strengthen our immune system. Additionally, humor can act as a coping mechanism during difficult times, helping us to navigate through challenging situations with a more positive outlook.A humorous friend can provide a source of comfort andsupport, using their wit and lightheartedness to uplift our spirits when we are feeling down.Furthermore, a humorous friend can make social interactions more enjoyable and engaging. Their ability to lighten the mood and create a jovial atmosphere can enhance the quality of our conversations and interactions with others. Whether it's at social gatherings, work events, or casual hangouts, having a humorous friend by our side can make the experience more entertaining and memorable. Their quick wit and comedic timing can bring a sense ofliveliness to any social setting, making them a valuable companion in various social situations.In addition to the immediate enjoyment that comes from being friends with a humorous person, there are also long-term benefits to these relationships. Humor can strengthen the bond between friends, creating a sense of camaraderie and shared laughter that forms the foundation of a strong and lasting friendship. The ability to laugh together and find humor in everyday experiences can create a sense of intimacy and connection that deepens the friendship overtime. This shared laughter can also serve as a form of emotional support, allowing friends to navigate throughlife's ups and downs with a sense of levity and understanding.So, what qualities make a person humorous? Humor is a complex and multifaceted trait, and there are various qualities that contribute to someone being perceived as humorous. One key quality is a quick wit and the ability to think on their feet, coming up with clever and amusing responses in the moment. A humorous person is also adept at finding humor in everyday situations, often through a combination of observational skills and a unique perspective on the world around them. Additionally, a good sense of humor often involves an element of empathy, as it requires an understanding of others' perspectives and emotions in order to effectively connect through laughter.Moreover, a humorous person is often characterized by their ability to bring joy to others and create a positive and lighthearted atmosphere. They possess a natural talent for lifting the spirits of those around them, using theirhumor to brighten the mood and bring a sense of levity to any situation. This ability to spread joy and laughter is a defining characteristic of a humorous person, and it iswhat makes them such a valuable friend to have in our lives.In conclusion, making friends with a humorous personcan enrich our lives in countless ways. From the immediate joy and laughter they bring to our daily interactions, tothe long-term benefits of strengthened friendships and shared experiences, having a humorous friend can be asource of immense happiness and support. Their quick wit, unique perspective, and ability to bring joy to others make them a valuable addition to our social circles, and their presence can truly brighten our days. So, if you have the opportunity to befriend a humorous person, cherish the laughter and joy they bring into your life, and enjoy the countless benefits of having such a delightful companion by your side.。



和幽默的人交朋友英语作文Making friends with humorous people can bring a lot of joy and laughter into one's life. They have the ability to lighten up even the most mundane situations with their wit and sarcasm. 与幽默的人交朋友能给生活带来许多快乐和笑声。


Humorous people have the unique talent of making others feel comfortable and at ease in their presence. Their ability to crack jokes and make light of serious situations can be a breath of fresh air in a world that can sometimes feel heavy and overwhelming. 幽默的人有让别人感到舒适和自在的独特天赋。


In addition to bringing joy and laughter, humorous people also have the ability to build strong connections with those around them. Their ability to make others laugh and feel good about themselves can create a sense of camaraderie and friendship that is hard to replicate. 除了带来快乐和笑声外,幽默的人还有与周围人建立强大连接的能力。

最新 英语六级作文预测跟聪明的还是幽默的人交朋友-精品

最新 英语六级作文预测跟聪明的还是幽默的人交朋友-精品

英语六级作文预测跟聪明的还是幽默的人交朋友题目:跟聪明的人还是幽默的人交朋友点击查看:正文Making friends are indispensable in everyone's life. There is no denying the fact that intelligent and humor are two vital characters of a good friend. Some people, however, may claim that it is better to make friends with intelligent people than with people who have a good sense of humor.As for me , I'm quite agree with itTo begin with, intelligent friends often enlighten us and teach us something useful which is benefit for our life and career. It means that we will be inflenced by intelligent people and inclined to gain some characters from them. Most importantly, intelligent friends also have a proper goal. They manage their time for their goal, implementing it and complementing themselves, so they have arelatively high probability to success in their life. Staying long with a friend who is intelligent like this, we will be intelligent gruadually too. We can learn a lot of wholesome things from them, but a friend who have a good sense of humor just can brings us jokes. In our daily life, I thought intelligence is user than jokes.Furthermore, an intelligent friend helps us more when we are in trouble. Compared with the humorous friends, an intelligent peole think more about the problem in a rational way. Useful suggestions and help from them will of much more importance to resolve thetrouble we meet. For instance, if I was in trouble, those friends who are intelligent are more likely to put forth some constructive suggestions for me, while humorous friends may make a joke on me in a improper time. Although their jokes will relax me temporary, but in fact it is suggestion that resovle the problem at this moment and jokes do nothing.Nevertheless, a humorous friend is also benefical to us. We will have fun and happiness when we stay with them, which probable leads a high efficiency in our work and studying.To sum up, it will be a pleasure to make friends both with intelligent people and humorous people. If I have to choose, however, I prefer to make friends with。



你在大学是如何交朋友的,英语作文Making friends in university can be both exciting and challenging. As a university student, I have had my fair share of experiences when it comes to meeting new people and building strong friendships. In this essay, I will share with you some of the strategies I have used to make friends in university and the importance of having a good support system during this crucial stage of life.One of the most important factors in making friends in university is being open-minded and willing to step out of your comfort zone. It can be daunting to approach new people and strike up a conversation, but the key is to be confident and be yourself. I have found that joining different clubs and organizations on campus is a great way to meet like-minded individuals who share similar interests as you. By participating in activities and events, you are more likely to connect with people who have common hobbies and passions.Another tip for making friends in university is to be a good listener. People appreciate when you show genuine interest in their lives and take the time to listen to what they have to say. By actively engaging in conversations and asking questions, you are more likely to build meaningful connections with others. I havealso found that being kind, supportive, and reliable are important traits to have when forming friendships. Being there for your friends through both the good times and the bad times can strengthen your bond and create a sense of trust and loyalty.Building a solid support system in university is vital for your mental health and overall well-being. Friends can provide a sense of belonging, encouragement, and emotional support during challenging times. Having a close-knit group of friends who you can rely on can make your university experience more fulfilling and enjoyable. It is important to surround yourself with positive and uplifting people who will uplift you and motivate you to reach your full potential.In conclusion, making friends in university requires effort, courage, and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone. By being open-minded, engaging in activities, being a good listener, and building a strong support system, you can create lasting friendships that will enrich your university experience. Remember that friendships are a two-way street, so be sure to invest time and effort into maintaining and nurturing your relationships. Friends are the family we choose, so choose wisely and cherish the friendships that bring joy and positivity into your life.。



如何相处聪明的人英语作文How to Get Along with Intelligent People。

In a world where intelligence is highly valued, it's essential to know how to interact effectively with smart individuals. Here are some strategies to help you navigate and build positive relationships with intelligent people:1. Show Genuine Interest: Intelligent people often enjoy discussing ideas, theories, and current events. Engage them in conversations about topics they are passionate about. Ask thoughtful questions and listen attentively to their responses. Showing genuine interest in their interests demonstrates respect and appreciation for their intellect.2. Be Open-Minded: Intelligent individuals may have unique perspectives and unconventional ideas. Keep an open mind and be willing to consider viewpoints that differ from your own. Avoid dismissing their opinions simply becausethey don't align with your beliefs. Instead, engage in constructive dialogue and be open to learning from each other.3. Respect Their Intelligence: Recognize and respect the intelligence of those you interact with. Avoid patronizing or underestimating them based on their intellect. Instead, treat them as equals and acknowledge their contributions to discussions and decision-making processes.4. Be Prepared to Challenge and Be Challenged: Intelligent people appreciate intellectual stimulation and enjoy engaging in debates and discussions. Don't be afraid to express your opinions and challenge their ideas, but do so respectfully and with logical reasoning. Likewise, be open to being challenged yourself and view it as an opportunity for growth and learning.5. Embrace Diversity of Thought: Intelligentindividuals often thrive in environments where diverse perspectives are valued. Encourage a culture of inclusivityand diversity of thought within your interactions. Celebrate different viewpoints and encourage healthy debates that foster creativity and innovation.6. Offer Support and Collaboration: Intelligent people may have ambitious goals and projects they are working on. Offer your support and assistance where possible, whether it's providing feedback, lending expertise, or collaborating on projects together. Showing your willingness to contribute can strengthen your relationship and build mutual respect.7. Be Authentic: Above all, be authentic in your interactions with intelligent individuals. Avoid trying to impress or pretend to be someone you're not. Instead, be yourself and let your genuine personality shine through. Authenticity fosters trust and deeper connections in relationships.In conclusion, getting along with intelligent people requires a combination of respect, open-mindedness, and genuine interest in their ideas and perspectives. Byfollowing these strategies, you can build positive and fulfilling relationships with individuals of varying levels of intellect.。



大学交友之道英文作文英文:Making friends in college can be a daunting task, especially for those who are introverted or shy. However,it is important to remember that college is a time for growth and exploration, and making new friends can greatly enhance the college experience. Here are some tips for making friends in college:1. Join clubs and organizations. This is a great way to meet people who share similar interests. Whether it's a sports team, a cultural club, or a volunteer organization, getting involved on campus can lead to new friendships.2. Attend social events. Many colleges offer a variety of social events, such as dances, parties, and game nights. These events are designed to bring students together and create a sense of community on campus.3. Study with classmates. Studying with classmates not only helps you learn the material better, but it also provides an opportunity to get to know your peers. You may find that you have more in common than just the classyou're taking.4. Be open-minded. College is a diverse environment, and it's important to be open to meeting people from different backgrounds and cultures. You never know who you may connect with and become friends with.5. Be yourself. It's important to be true to yourself when making friends. Don't try to be someone you're not in order to fit in. The best friendships are built on authenticity and mutual respect.中文:在大学交朋友可能是一项令人望而却步的任务,尤其是对于那些内向或害羞的人。



幽默的人英语作文80词英文回答:Humor can be a powerful tool for communication, connecting people from different backgrounds and bridging cultural gaps. A well-timed joke or a witty observation can break the ice, create a sense of camaraderie, and make people feel more at ease.Humor can also be a form of self-expression, allowing us to share our unique perspectives and experiences with others. It can be a way to cope with difficult situations, to find joy in the mundane, or to simply make others laugh.Different cultures have different approaches to humor, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations. For example, some cultures value slapstick comedy, while others prefer more subtle forms of humor. It is important to be aware of these cultural differences and to adjust one's humor accordingly.Overall, humor is a valuable tool that can enrich our lives and make the world a more enjoyable place.中文回答:幽默是一种有力的沟通工具,它可以连接来自不同背景的人们,并弥合文化鸿沟。



2016六级作文预测:跟聪明的还是幽默的人交朋友正文Making friends are indispensable in everyone's life. There is no denying the fact that intelligent and humor are two vital characters of a good friend. Some people, however, may claim that it is better to make friends with intelligent people than with people who have a good sense of humor.As for me , I'm quite agree with itTo begin with, intelligent friends often enlighten us and teach us something useful which is benefit for our life and career. It means that we will be inflenced by intelligent people and inclined to gain some characters from them. Most importantly,intelligent friends also have a proper goal. They manage their time for their goal, implementing it and complementing themselves, so they have a relatively high probability to success in their life. Staying long with a friend who is intelligent like this, we will be intelligent gruadually too. We can learn a lot of wholesome things from them, but a friend who have agood sense of humor just can brings us jokes. In our daily life, I thought intelligence is user than jokes.Furthermore, an intelligent friend helps us more when we are in trouble. Compared with the humorous friends, an intelligent peole think more about the problem in a rational way. Useful suggestions and help from them will of much more importance to resolve the trouble we meet. For instance, if I was in trouble, those friends who are intelligent are more likely to put forth some constructive suggestions for me, while humorous friends may make a joke on me in a improper time. Although their jokes will relax me temporary, but in fact it is suggestion that resovle the problem at this moment and jokes do nothing.Nevertheless, a humorous friend is also benefical to us. We will have fun and happiness when we stay with them, which probable leads a high efficiency in our work and studying.To sum up, it will be a pleasure to make friends both with intelligent people and humorous people. If I have to choose, however, I prefer to make friends with intelligent people than with people who have a good sense of humor for the reason above.。



幽默的人英语作文In the vast tapestry of human personalities, there is a unique charm to those who possess a sense of humor. Humor is a universal language that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers, connecting people in a way that is both profound and lighthearted. Here's a composition on the topic:The Charm of Humorous PeopleAmidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's the humorous individuals who bring a breath of fresh air into our mundane routines. They have the ability to turn a dull moment into a memorable one, to find joy in the simplest of things, and to share that joy with others.The Power of LaughterLaughter is a powerful tool that humorous people wield with finesse. It's said that laughter is the best medicine, and those who are adept at humor are often seen as healers of sorts. They can ease tensions, relieve stress, and create a positive atmosphere wherever they go.The Art of WitHumor is an art form that requires a keen sense of timing andwit. Humorous people are often quick thinkers, able torespond to situations with a clever quip or a well-timed joke. Their ability to think on their feet is a testament to their intelligence and creativity.The Role of Humor in CommunicationIn communication, humor plays a crucial role in building rapport and establishing connections. It helps to break the ice, to make people feel at ease, and to foster a sense of camaraderie. Humorous people are often great conversationalists, able to engage others with their stories and jokes.The Impact of Humor on Personal GrowthBeing humorous also has a positive impact on personal growth. It encourages a person to be more open-minded, to see the lighter side of life's challenges, and to maintain a positive outlook. Humor can be a coping mechanism that helpsindividuals to navigate through difficult times.ConclusionIn conclusion, humorous people are a treasure to society.They bring laughter, joy, and a sense of community to our lives. They remind us that even in the face of adversity,there is always room for a smile and a good laugh. Let us appreciate the humorists among us and strive to cultivate our own sense of humor, for it is a gift that enriches our lives and the lives of those around us.This composition highlights the various ways in which humor enriches our lives and the importance of nurturing a humorous spirit.。



成为幽默的人重要的英语作文Being a humorous person is important for many reasons. First of all, humor can help to break the ice in social situations and make people feel more comfortable. Whetherit's at a party, a work meeting, or just hanging out with friends, being able to make others laugh can create a positive and enjoyable atmosphere.In addition, humor can also help to diffuse tense or stressful situations. When things get heated or serious, a well-timed joke or lighthearted comment can help to lighten the mood and bring some much-needed perspective. This can be especially valuable in professional settings, where the ability to bring levity to a situation can make a big difference in how people perceive you and your leadership skills.Furthermore, being humorous can also make you more likable and approachable. People are naturally drawn to those who can make them laugh, and being able to do so can help to build stronger connections and relationships with others. This can be beneficial in both personal and professional settings, as it can help to create a morepositive and supportive network of friends, colleagues, and acquaintances.Overall, being a humorous person is important because it can help to create a more positive and enjoyable environment, diffuse tense situations, and make you more likable and approachable to others.成为一个幽默的人对很多方面都很重要。



(8)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: it is better to make friends with intelligent people than with the people who have a good sense of humor?开头:更愿意和有幽默感的人交朋友(话题引入+他人观点+明确立场+过渡句)It is universally acknowledged that human beings are social creatures so that every one of us will make a great many friends throughout the whole life. Lately, an interesting discussion arises concerning which kind of people is more inclined to make friends with: people who have high intelligence or people who enjoy a good sense of humor. According to my experiences and preference, I prefer to befriend humorous ones. My reasons and examples are given below to illustrate my standpoint.中间段1:有幽默感的人有亲和力,让人愿意靠近。

(主题句+说理论证+细节例子)Firstly, humorous people are usually open and easy-going, which makes it easier to get along with them. As is known to all, by telling jokes and sharing experiences in a funny way, a humorous person naturally creates a relaxing and joyful atmosphere in which everyone involved is happy with the moment and expecting to be with him again. For example, Joe Wong is a famous talk show comedian in America and his hilarious acting and funny words always make his audience burst into laughter. I have watched a TV program that showed Joe Wong, in life, is particular popular among his colleagues and neighbors because of his humorous personalities.中间段2:和有幽默感的人在一起有利于化解压力。



大学生如何处理人际关系英语作文全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1How University Students Should Be Good FriendsUniversity is a big deal! You go away from your family and you get to live in a dorm with other students. It's like a super cool sleepover that never ends! But it can also be kinda scary because you have to make all new friends.When you start university, you don't know anybody. Everybody is a total stranger. That's why it's really important to be friendly and introduce yourself. Just go up to people and say "Hi! My name is [Your Name]. What's your name?" Easy peasy!Sometimes people are feeling shy too, so you might have to be the brave one and start the conversation. You can ask them questions like "Where are you from?" or "What's your major?" or "Do you have any pets?" People usually like talking about themselves.It's also a good idea to get involved in clubs and activities. That way you can meet people who like the same things you do. If you like sports, join a sports team. If you like video games, seeif there's a video game club. It's much easier to become friends with people when you have something in common.Once you start making friends, you have to be a good friend back. That means being nice, listening to them when they talk, not being mean or leaving them out. Sharing is caring, so share your snacks and let them borrow your colored pencils. You also have to be trustworthy and keep their secrets secret.Sometimes friends have disagreements or get mad at each other. That's okay, it happens. The important thing is to apologize, make up, and don't stay angry forever. Nobody's perfect and we all make mistakes sometimes. The good friends are the ones who forgive.Your roommate will probably become one of your closest friends because you literally live together. Make sure to discuss dorm room rules so you each respect each other's space and belongings. It's kinda like having a sibling you never had before!As you get older in university, you might start dating or having a boyfriend/girlfriend. That's fine, but don't forget about your friends! Your pals should still be a big part of your life. Don't blow them off just because you have a partner now.Having a good group of friends makes university way more fun. You have people to sit with at meals, hang out with on weekends, and make lots of great memories. Friends make everything better! Just be yourself, be kind, and the friends will follow.So in summary:Introduce yourself to make new friendsJoin clubs to meet people with common interestsBe a good friend - nice, trustworthy, forgivingGet along with your roommateDon't forget about friends if you start dating someoneHaving good university friends makes the experience awesome!Making friends is one of the most important and rewarding parts of going to university. With a few friendly skills, you'll have a stellar social life in no time! Now get out there and start meeting people!篇2Here's an essay on "How College Students Can Handle Interpersonal Relationships" written in English from a primary school student's perspective (around 2000 words):Title: Making Friends at Big Kid SchoolYay! I'm going to be a big kid soon! Next year, I'll be going to college, just like my older brother and sister. They tell me it's like a gigantic school with lots of other big kids from all over. I can't wait!But they also said that making friends in college can be really hard. There are so many new people, and everyone is from different places with different backgrounds. My brother said he had a hard time at first because he's really shy. My sister said she got in an argument with her roommate almost right away over something silly.Making new friends is tough, but I think I've got some good ideas from watching my siblings. Here are my top tips for making friends at big kid school:Smile and Say Hi!The first step is easy - just smile and say "hi" to people! My mom always tells me to smile because it makes me look friendly. When I smile at other kids at the park or the store, they usuallysmile back. Then I say hi, and we can start talking and become friends. It's that simple! I bet it works the same way with big kids in college too.Get to Know Your RoomiesIf you live in the dorms, you'll have roommates. That's like having built-in friends right there in your room! My sister said she should have made more of an effort with her roommate instead of fighting over little things. You have to share your space, so you may as well share friendship too. Ask them questions about where they're from, what movies and games they like, and offer to make snacks to share while you all hang out.Join Clubs or TeamsThere are always lots of clubs and activity groups at big kid schools. If you join one for something you really enjoy, like sports, art, music, or whatever, you'll meet people who already have something in common with you. Speaking of sports, my gym teacher says teammates become friends faster because they have to work together. So join a club or a team, and make friends while you do what you love!Study TogetherYou'll have lots of classes at college with assignments, papers, and huge tests called "exams." My brother used to get together with friends from his classes to review the hard material and help each other understand it better. He said studying is more fun with friends, and you can take breaks to laugh and joke around too. Just don't joke around too much - exams are super important!Be a Friend YourselfFinally, the most important thing is to be a good friend. My dad told me that means listening, being kind and patient, keeping promises, not lecturing people, and learning to apologize when you mess up. If you treat people with respect and kindness, they'll want to be your friend. And don't forget to keep being a friend to your friends from home too!I know making new friends as a big kid won't be easy, but if I follow my tips, I'm sure I'll make lots of great friends at college. We'll hang out, study together, joined clubs, and have tons of fun! I can't wait for big kid school!篇3How College Kids Can Be Good FriendsCollege is really fun! You get to live away from your parents and make all kinds of new friends. But sometimes it can be hard to know how to be a good friend and get along with everyone. Here are some tips for college kids to have good relationships with their classmates and roommates!First of all, you have to remember to be kind and respectful to everyone. Don't be mean or bully people, even if you think they are weird or different from you. Everyone deserves to feel safe and welcome at college. Use nice words, don't call people names, and don't make fun of how someone looks or acts. Being polite goes a long way!It's also really important to be a good listener when your friends want to talk to you. Put down your video games or cell phone and look at them when they're speaking. Nod your head to show you understand and ask questions if you need them to explain something more. Don't interrupt them or start talking about yourself before they're finished. Being a good listener makes people feel heard and valued.Speaking of talking, when it's your turn, be honest but kind with what you say. Don't lie or keep secrets from your friends. But also think before you speak so you don't blurt out something mean by accident that could hurt their feelings. It's okay todisagree sometimes, but do it in a respectful way using your nice words. Fighting and yelling won't help solve any problems.You have to be considerate of your friends' needs too, not just think about yourself all the time. If your roommate likes studying at night, don't blast loud music that will bother them. If your friend is feeling sad, give them a hug or do something kind for them to cheer them up. Sharing and taking turns is important so no one feels left out.Don't be jealous if your friend has another good friend besides you. It's normal and okay to have multiple friends! The more the merrier. You can even try making friends with their other friends instead of being jealous or rude to them. The more people you're nice to, the more friends you'll have.If you do get into an argument or conflict with someone, try to compromise and meet in the middle instead of just fighting. Coworking solutions helps maintain your friendships instead of ending them over one mistake or disagreement. You both have to admit when you've done something wrong and apologize sincerely.Most importantly, make time for your friends and attend their events or gatherings when you can. Plan fun activities you can do together, like going to the movies or just hanging out insomeone's dorm. Don't ditch your friends for no reason or take them for granted. They need you just like you need them!Overall, as long as you stay kind, listen, speak nicely, think of others, allow multiple friends, compromise when you can, and make time for your friends, you'll have awesome relationships at college. It's all about being respectful, generous and forgiving. Follow these tips and you'll be so popular!篇4My Big Sister's Tips for Being a Cool College KidMy big sister just started college last year and she's already super popular! All her friends love hanging out with her and she even has a boyfriend named Kyle. I asked her how she got to be so cool and made so many friends. She told me it's all about how you treat people. Here are her tips that I'm sharing with you!First up, you gotta smile and be friendly to everyone! My sister says college is a great place to meet new people from all over. Some might seem really different from you at first, but you shouldn't judge. Give them a chance and say hi with a big smile. People are way more likely to want to be your friend if you seem happy and welcoming. It's like my dad always says - you catch more flies with honey than vinegar!Another important thing is to be a good listener. Don't just wait for your turn to talk, but really pay attention when someone is speaking to you. Ask them questions to learn more about their life, hobbies, and interests. People love feeling heard and understood. My sister says her friend Amanda from down the hall is one of the most popular girls on campus because she's a super good listener. Everyone feels comfortable opening up to her.You also need to be considerate and think about how your actions affect others around you. Don't be that rowdy college kid who throws loud parties every night and ticks off the whole dorm! Be mindful of things like noise levels, sharing community spaces, and cleaning up after yourself. A little consideration goes a long way in keeping the peace.It's awesome to be passionate about the things you love, but don't be a know-it-all who makes others feel dumb. Instead, my sister says you should ask questions and try to learn from those around you too. Like her roommate Jamal is a total computer wiz and she's been picking his brain about coding. It's way more fun to share knowledge than just showing off!Speaking of sharing, you shouldn't hog the spotlight or make everything about you. Be sure to give others a chance toshare their thoughts and stories too. Nobody likes a conversation hog! My sister lets each of her friends get a turn talking about their day at their weekly dinners together. Apparently, it makes them all feel valued and part of the group.Finally, and this one is really important - don't gossip or trash talk others behind their back. It's so uncool and mean! My sister says gossiping is one of the fastest ways to ruin your reputation on campus. Plus, how would you feel if someone was spreading rumors about you? Not so great, right? She recommends taking the high road and being a true friend who has people's backs, not stabbing them in the back.Those are my big sis's top tips for being a cool kid at college who has a ton of great friends. Smile, listen, be considerate, share the spotlight, and NO GOSSIPING! If you follow her advice, you'll be more popular than a puppy giving out free hugs. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some very important824 video games to get back to!篇5How College Kids Should Be Nice to Other PeopleCollege is super fun! You get to live away from your parents and make all kinds of new friends. But making friends can behard sometimes, especially in college where there are so many people from different places. Here are some tips for college kids on how to be nice to others and have good friendships!First off, you gotta remember that everyone is a little different. Some people might be from the city while others are from small towns. Some people's families have a lot of money while others don't. And some people believe in different religions or celebrate different holidays. That's okay though! The best thing is to be curious about other people's backgrounds and cultures. Ask them questions and really listen when they tell you about their lives. Don't just think about what video game or cool toy you want to play with next.Speaking of listening, that's like the most important part of being a good friend! If your roommate or someone in your dorm is talking to you, put your phone down and look at them. Nod your head to show you're paying attention. After they're done, you can ask a question about what they said to prove you were really listening. Nobody likes feeling ignored, ya know?You should also be willing to spend quality time together. That means actually doing stuff face-to-face, not just texting or playing online games. You could go to the movies, get lunch at the dining hall, or even just hang out and watch Netflix together.The point is you're making memories and having fun convos in person. Don't just stare at your phones the whole time either! That's pretty rude.Another big part of friendship is being there for each other when times are tough. Like if your friend fails a major test or breaks up with their boyfriend/girlfriend, you should do your best to cheer them up. You could take them out for ice cream, or just listen while they vent about what's stressing them out. Whatever you do, don't judge them or call them a crybaby. Everyone feels sad sometimes and needs a friendly shoulder to lean on.On that note, you should accept your friends for who they are, flaws and all. Maybe your friend is kinda messy and leaves clothes all over your dorm room. Or maybe they talk too much about that boy band you think is lame. As long as they're a good person overall, you shouldn't ride them too much about their little quirks. We all have our weird habits, right? The key is being patient with each other.At the same time, there's a line you can't let your friends cross. If they start doing really mean or illegal stuff, that's when you may need to speak up or distance yourself from that negativity. Peer pressure is no joke in college, and you don'twanna end up failing classes or getting in big trouble because you were just going along with what your buddies wanted. Make smart choices and surround yourself with people who make you a better person.Oh, and please don't forget about your family and childhood friends back home! Your new college pals are awesome, but your family and old friends will always be special too. Make sure you keep in touch with them, whether it's through texting, video chatting, or visiting on breaks. The people who love you most deserve just as much of your time and attention.Last but not least, always treat your college friends the same way you want to be treated - with kindness, respect, and acceptance. If you live by that golden rule, your friend group will be as tight as Legos! You'll make so many amazing memories together before you know it.Well, there you have it - the keys to being a stellar friend during your college years. Work hard, but don't forget to have fun and be a good pal too. If you can master all that, these will be some of the best four years of your life! Now go make your momma proud.。

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Making friends are indispensable in everyone There
’s life.
is no denying the fact that intelligent and humor are two vital
characters of a good friend. Some people, however, may
claim that it is better to make friends with intelligent
people than with people who have a good sense of humor.As for
me , I ’m quite agree with it.
To begin with, intelligent friends often enlighten us and teach us something useful which is benefit for our life and
career. It means that we will be inflenced by intelligent people
and inclined to gain some characters from them. Most
importantly, intelligent friends also have a proper goal. They manage
their time for their goal, implementing it and
complementing themselves, so they have a relatively high probability to success in their life. Staying long with a
friend who is intelligent like this, we will be intelligent
gruadually too. We can learn a lot of wholesome things from
them, but a friend who have a good sense of humor just can brings us jokes. In our daily life, I thought intelligence is user
than jokes.
Furthermore, an intelligent friend helps us more when
we are in trouble. Compared with the humorous friends, an
intelligent peole think more about the problem in a rational
way. Useful suggestions and help from them will of much
more importance to resolve the trouble we meet. For instance,
if I was in trouble, those friends who are intelligent are more
likely to put forth some constructive suggestions for me, while humorous friends may make a joke on me in a improper time. Although their jokes will relax me temporary, but in fact it
is suggestion that resovle the problem at this momentand jokes do nothing.
Nevertheless, a humorous friend is also benefical to us. We will have fun and happiness when we stay with them, which
probable leads a high efficiency in our work and studying.To
sum up, it will be a pleasure to make friends both with intelligent people and humorous people. If I hhave to choose, however, I prefer to make friends with intelligent people than with people who have a good sense of humor for the reason above.。
