专访瑞士驻华大使 戴尚贤
100 CHINA BICYCLEINTERVIEW高端访谈瑞士是全球最富裕、经济最发达和生活水平最高的国家之一,同时,瑞士也是世界上最不该错过的骑行胜地之一。
CHINA BICYCLE 101INTERVIEW高端访谈102 CHINA BICYCLECHINA BICYCLE 103国家主席习近平于2017年1月15日至18日对瑞士进行了国事访问,这是新世纪以来,中国国家元首第一次对瑞士进行国事访问。
16 cfr 1512
16 CFR Ch. II (1–1–07 Edition)Pt.1511, Fig. 2 F IGURE 2 TO P ART 1511—S MALL P ARTS G AGEPART 1512—REQUIREMENTS FORBICYCLESSubpart A—RegulationsSec.1512.1Scope.1512.2Definitions.1512.3Requirements in general. 1512.4Mechanical requirements.1512.5Requirements for braking system. 1512.6Requirements for steering system. 1512.7Requirements for pedals.1512.8Requirements for drive chain.1512.9Requirements for protective guards.1512.10Requirements for tires. 1512.11Requirements for wheels.1512.12Requirements for wheel hubs. 1512.13Requirements for front fork.1512.14Requirements for fork and frame as-sembly.1512.15Requirements for seat.1512.16Requirements for reflectors. 1512.17Other requirements.1512.18Tests and test procedures. 1512.19Instructions and labeling. 1512.20Separability.Subpart B—Policies and Interpretations[Reserved ]Figure 1 to Part 1512—Bicycle Front Fork CantileveConsumer Product Safety Commission §1512.4F IGURE1 TO P ART1512—B ICYCLE F RONT F ORKC ANTILEVER B ENDING T EST R IGF IGURES 2 AND 3 TO P ART1512—H ANDLEBARS TEM L OADING AND E NTRANCE8 O BSERVA-TION A NGLESF IGURE5 TO P ART1512—T YPICAL H ANDBRAKEA CTUATOR S HOWING G RIP D IMENSIONF IGURES 6 AND7 TO P ART1512—T OE C LEAR-ANCE AND C HAIN G UARD R EQUIREMENTSF IGURE8 TO P ART1512—R EFLECTORIZED B ICY-CLE W HEEL R IM A BRASION T EST D EVICET ABLE 1 TO P ART1512—M INIMUM C ANDLE-POWER PER I NCIDENT F OOT-C ANDLE FORC LEAR R EFLECTOR1T ABLE 2 TO P ART1512—M INIMUM C ANDLE-POWER PER I NCIDENT F OOT-C ANDLE FORC LEAR R EFLECTOR1T ABLE3 TO P ART1512—M INIMUM A CCEPTABLE V ALUES FOR THE Q UANTITY A D EFINED INTHE R ETROREFLECTIVE T IRE AND R IM T ESTP ROCEDURET ABLE 4 TO P ART1512—R ELATIVE E NERGYD ISTRIBUTION OF S OURCESA UTHORITY: Secs. 2(f)(1)(D), (q)(1)(A), (s), 3(e)(1), 74 Stat. 372, 374, 375, as amended, 80 Stat. 1304–05, 83 Stat. 187–89 (15 U.S.C. 1261, 1262); Pub. L. 107–319, 116 Stat. 2776.S OURCE: 43 FR 60034, Dec. 22, 1978, unless otherwise noted.Subpart A—Regulations§1512.1Scope.This part sets forth the requirements for a bicycle as defined in §1512.2(a) (except a bicycle that is a ‘‘track bicy-cle’’ or a ‘‘one-of-a-kind bicycle’’ as de-fined in §1512.2 (d) and (e)) which is not a banned article under §1500.18(a)(12) of this chapter.§1512.2Definitions.For the purposes of this part:(a) Bicycle means:(1) A two-wheeled vehicle having a rear drive wheel that is solely human- powered;(2) A two- or three-wheeled vehicle with fully operable pedals and an elec-tric motor of less than 750 watts (1 h.p.), whose maximum speed on a paved level surface, when powered solely by such a motor while ridden by an oper-ator who weighs 170 pounds, is less than 20 mph.(b) Sidewalk bicycle means a bicycle with a seat height of no more than 635 mm (25.0 in); the seat height is meas-ured with the seat adjusted to its high-est position.(c) Seat height means the dimension from the point on the seat surface intersected by the seat post center line (or the center of the seating area if no seat post exists) and the ground plane, as measured with the wheels aligned and in a plane normal to the ground plane.(d) Track bicycle means a bicycle de-signed and intended for sale as a com-petitive machine having tubular tires, single crank-to-wheel ratio, and no free-wheeling feature between the rear wheel and the crank.(e) One-of-a-kind bicycle means a bicy-cle that is uniquely constructed to the order of an individual consumer other than by assembly of stock or produc-tion parts.(f) Normal riding position means that the rider is seated on the bicycle with both feet on the pedals and both hands on the handlegrips (and in a position that allows operation of handbrake le-vers if so equipped); the seat and han-dlebars may be adjusted to positions judged by the rider to be comfortable.[43 FR 60034, Dec. 22, 1978, as amended at 68 FR 7073, Feb. 12, 2003]§1512.3Requirements in general.Any bicycle subject to the regula-tions in this part shall meet the re-quirements of this part in the condi-tion to which it is offered for sale to consumers; any bicycle offered for sale to consumers in disassembled or par-tially assembled condition shall meet these requirements after assembly ac-cording to the manufacturer’s instruc-tions. For the purpose of compliance with this part, where the metric and English units are not equal due to the conversion process the less stringent requirement will prevail.§1512.4Mechanical requirements.(a) Assembly. Bicycles shall be manu-factured such that mechanical skills required of the consumer for assembly shall not exceed those possessed by an adult of normal intelligence and abil-ity.(b) Sharp edges. There shall be no un-finished sheared metal edges or other sharp parts on bicycles that are, or may be, exposed to hands or legs; sheared metal edges that are not rolled shall be finished so as to remove any16 CFR Ch. II (1–1–07 Edition)§1512.5 1Copies may be obtained from: Super-intendent of Documents, U.S. GovernmentPrinting Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.2Copies may be obtained from: AmericanNational Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, New York 10018. feathering of edges, or any burrs of spurs caused during the shearing proc-ess. (c) Integrity. There shall be no visible fracture of the frame or of any steer-ing, wheel, pedal, crank, or brake sys-tem component resulting from testing in accordance with: The handbrake loading and performance test, §1512.18(d); the foot brake force and performance test, §1512.18(e); and the road test, §1512.18(p) (or the sidewalk bicycle proof test, §1512.18(q)). (d) Attachment hardware. All screws, bolts, or nuts used to attach or securecomponents shall not fracture, loosen, or otherwise fail their intended func-tion during the tests required in this part. All threaded hardware shall be of sufficient quality to allow adjustments and maintenance. Recommended qual-ity thread form is specified in Hand-book H28, ‘‘Screw Thread Standards for Federal Service,’’1issued by the Na-tional Bureau of Standards, Depart-ment of Commerce; recommended me-chanical properties are specified in ISO Recommendation R898, ‘‘Mechanical Properties of Fasteners,’’ and in ISO Recommendations 68, 262, and 263, ‘‘General Purpose Screw Threads.’’2 (e)–(f) [Reserved] (g) Excluded area. There shall be no protrusions located within the area bounded by (1) a line 89 mm (31⁄2in) to the rear of and parallel to the handle-bar stem; (2) a line tangent to the front tip of the seat and intersecting the seatmast at the top rear stay; (3) the topsurface of the top tube; and (4) a lineconnecting the front of the seat (whenadjusted to its highest position) to thejunction where the handlebar is at-tached to the handlebar stem. The toptube on a female bicycle model shall bethe seat mast and the down tube ortubes that are nearest the rider in thenormal riding position. Control cables no greater than 6.4 mm (1⁄4in) in di-ameter and cable clamps made from material not thicker than 4.8 mm (3⁄16 in) may be attached to the top tube.(h) [Reserved](i) Control cable ends. Ends of all con-trol cables shall be provided with pro-tective caps or otherwise treated to prevent unraveling. Protective caps shall be tested in accordance with the protective cap and end-mounted de-vices test, §1512.18(c), and shall with-stand a pull of 8.9 N (2.0 lbf).(j) Control cable abrasion. Control ca-bles shall not abrade over fixed parts and shall enter and exit cable sheaths in a direction in line with the sheath entrance and exit so as to prevent ab-rading. §1512.5Requirements for braking sys-tem. (a) Braking system. Bicycles shall beequipped with front- and rear-wheel brakes or rear-wheel brakes only. (b) Handbrakes. Handbrakes shall betested at least ten times by applying a force sufficient to cause the handlever to contact the handlebar, or a max-imum of 445 N (100 lbf), in accordance with the loading test, §1512.18(d)(2), and shall be rocked back and forth with the weight of a 68.1 kg (150 lb) rider on the seat with the same handbrake force ap-plied in accordance with the rocking test, §1512.18(d)(2)(iii); there shall be no visible fractures, failures, movement of clamps, or misalignment of brake com-ponents. (1) Stopping distance. A bicycle equipped with only handbrakes shall be tested for stopping distance by a rider of at least 68.1 kg (150 lb) weight in ac-cordance with the performance test,§1512.18(d)(2) (v) and (vi), and shall havea stopping distance of no greater than4.57 m (15 ft) from the actual test speedas determined by the equivalentground speed specified in§1512.18(d)(2)(vi).(2) Hand lever access. Hand levermechanisms shall be located on thehandlebars in a position that is readily accessible to the rider when in a nor-mal riding position.(3) Grip dimension. The grip dimension (maximum outside dimension between the brake hand lever and the handle-bars in the plane containing the centerlines of the handgrip and the hand brake lever) shall not exceed 89 mm (31⁄2in) at any point between the pivot point of the lever and lever mid-point; the grip dimension for sidewalkConsumer Product Safety Commission §1512.53This is proportional to a gear develop-ment greater than 6.67 m (21.9 ft) in the bicy-cle’s highest gear ratio. Gear development is the distance the bicycle travels in meters, in one crank revolution.bicycles shall not exceed 76 mm (3 in). The grip dimension may increase to-ward the open end of the lever but shall not increase by more than 12.7 mm (1⁄2 in) except for the last 12.7 mm (1⁄2in) of the lever. (See figure 5 of this part 1512.)(4) Attachment. Brake assemblies shall be securely attached to the frame by means of fasteners with locking de-vices such as a lock washer, locknut, or equivalent and shall not loosen during the rocking test, §1512.18(d)- (2)(iii). The cable anchor bolt shall not cut any of the cable strands.(5) Operating force. A force of less than 44.5 N (10 lbf) shall cause the brake pads to contact the braking sur-face of the wheel when applied to the handlever at a point 25 mm (1.0 in)from the open end of the handlever.(6) Pad and pad holders. Caliper brake pad shall be replaceable and adjustable to engage the braking surface without contacting the tire or spokes and thepad holders shall be securely attachedto the caliper assembly. The brake padmaterial shall be retained in its holderwithout movement when the bicycle isloaded with a rider of at least 68.1 kg(150 lb) weight and is rocked forwardand backward as specified in the rock-ing test, §1512.18(d)(2)(iii).(7) [Reserved] (8) Hand lever location. The rear brake shall be actuated by a control located on the right handlebar and the front brake shall be actuated by a control lo-cated on the left handlebar. The left- hand/right-hand locations may be re-versed in accordance with an individual customer order. If a single hand lever is used to actuate both front and rear brakes, it shall meet all applicable re-quirements for hand levers and shall be located on either the right or left han-dlebar in accordance with the cus-tomer’s preference. (9) Hand lever extensions. Bicycles equipped with hand lever extensions shall be tested with the extension le-vers in place and the hand lever exten-sions shall also be considered to be hand levers. (c) Footbrakes. All footbrakes shall be tested in accordance with the force test, §1512.18(e)(2), and the measured braking force shall not be less than 178 N (40 lbf) for an applied pedal force of 310 N (70 lbf). (1) Stopping distance. Bicyclesequipped with footbrakes (except side-walk bicycles) shall be tested in ac-cordance with the performance test,§1512.18(e)(3), by a rider of at least 68.1 kg (150 lb) weight and shall have a stopping distance of no greater than 4.57 m (15 ft) from an actual test speed of at least 16 km/h (10 mph). If the bicy-cle has a footbrake only and the equiv-alent groundspeed of the bicycle is in excess of 24 km/h (15 mph) (in its high-est gear ratio at a pedal crank rate of 60 revolutions per minute),3the stop-ping distance shall be 4.57 m (15 ft) from an actual test speed of 24 km/h (15 mph) or greater.(2) Operating force. Footbrakes shall be actuated by a force applied to the pedal in a direction opposite to that of the drive force, except where brakes are separate from the drive pedals andthe applied force is in the same direc-tion as the drive force.(3) Crank differential. The differentialbetween the drive and brake positionsof the crank shall be not more than 60°with the crank held against each posi-tion under a torque of no less than 13.6N-m (10 ft-lb).(4) Independent operation. The brakemechanism shall function independ-ently of any drive-gear positions or ad-justments. (d) Footbrakes and handbrakes in com-bination. Bicycles equipped with foot-brakes and handbrakes shall meet all the requirements for footbrakes in §1512.5(c), including the tests specified. In addition, if the equivalent ground speed of the bicycle is 24 km/h (15 mph) or greater (in its highest gear ratio at a pedal crank rate of 60 revolutions per minute),3the actual test speed speci-fied in §1512.18(e)(3) shall be increased to 24 km/h (15 mph) and both braking systems may be actuated to achieve the required stopping distance of 4.57 m (15 ft). (e) Sidewalk bicycles. (1) Sidewalk bi-cycles shall not have handbrakes only.16 CFR Ch. II (1–1–07 Edition) §1512.6(2) Sidewalk bicycles with a seat height of 560 mm (22 in) or greater (with seat height adjusted to its lowest position) shall be equipped with a foot-brake meeting all the footbrake re-quirements of §1512.5(c), including the specified tests except that the braking force transmitted to the rear wheel shall be in accordance with the side-walk bicycle footbrake force tests, §1512.18(f).(3) Sidewalk bicycles with a seat height less than 560 mm (22 in) (with seat height adjusted to its lowest posi-tion) and not equipped with a brake shall not have a freewheel feature. Such sidewalk bicycles equipped with a footbrake shall be tested for brake force in accordance with the sidewalk bicycle footbrake force test, §1512.18(f). Such sidewalk bicycles not equipped with brakes shall be identified with a permanent label clearly visible from a distance of 3.1 m (10 ft) in daylight con-ditions and promotional display mate-rial and shipping cartons shall promi-nently display the words ‘‘No Brakes.’’ §1512.6Requirements for steering sys-tem.(a) Handlebar stem insertion mark. The handlebar stem shall contain a perma-nent ring or mark which clearly indi-cates the minimum insertion depth of the handlebar stem into the fork as-sembly. The insertion mark shall not affect the structural integrity of the stem and shall not be less than 21⁄2 times the stem diameter from the low-est point of the stem. The stem strength shall be maintained for at least a length of one shaft diameter below the mark.(b) Handlebar stem strength. The han-dlebar stem shall be tested for strength in accordance with the handlebar stem test, §1512.18(g), and shall withstand a force of 2000 N (450 lbf) for bicycles and 1000 N (225 lbf) for sidewalk bicycles. (c) Handlebar. Handlebars shall allow comfortable and safe control of the bi-cycle. Handlebar ends shall be symmet-rically located with respect to the lon-gitudinal axis of the bicycle and no more than 406 mm (16 in) above the seat surface when the seat is in its low-est position and the handlebar ends are in their highest position.(d) Handlebar ends. The ends of the handlebars shall be capped or otherwise covered. Handgrips, end plugs, control shifters, or other end-mounted devices shall be secure against a removal forceof no less than 66.8 N (15 lbf) in accord-ance with the protective cap and end- mounted devices test, §1512.18(c).(e) Handlebar and clamps. The handle-bar and clamps shall be tested in ac-cordance with the handlebar test, §1512.18(h). Directions for assembly of the bicycle required in the instruction manual by §1512.19(a)(2) shall includean explicit warning about the danger of damaging the stem-to-fork assembly and the risk of injury to the rider that can result from overtightening the stem bolt or other clamping device. The directions for assembly shall also contain a simple, clear, and precise statement of the procedure to be fol-lowed to avoid damaging the stem-to- fork assembly when tightening the stem bolt or other clamping device.§1512.7Requirements for pedals.(a) Construction. Pedals shall have right-hand/left-hand symmetry. The tread surface shall be present on bothtop and bottom surfaces of the pedal except that if the pedal has a definite preferred position, the tread surface need only be on the surface presentedto the rider’s foot.(b) Toe clips. Pedals intended to be used only with toe clips shall have toe clips securely attached to them and need not have tread surfaces. Pedals designed for optional use of toe clips shall have tread surfaces.(c) Pedal reflectors. Pedals for bicycles other than sidewalk bicycles shall have reflectors in accordance with §1512.16(e). Pedals for sidewalk bicyclesare not required to have reflectors.§1512.8Requirements for drive chain.The drive chain shall operate over the sprockets without catching or binding. The tensile stength of the drive chain shall be no less than 8010 N (1,800 lbf) or 6230 N (1,400 lbf) for side-walk bicycles.§1512.9Requirements for protective guards.(a) Chain guard. Bicycles having a single front sprocket and a single rearConsumer Product Safety Commission §1512.14sprocket shall have a chain guard that shall cover the top strand of the chain and at least 90° of the perimeter where the drive chain contacts the drive sprocket as shown in figure 7. The chain guard shall extend rearward to a point at least 8 cm (3.2 in.) forward of the centerline of the rear axle. The minimum width of the top area of the chain guard shall be twice the width of the chain in that portion forward of the rear wheel rim. The rear part of the top area may be tapered. The minimum width at the rear of the guard shall be one-half the chain width. Such chain guard shall prevent a rod of 9.4 mm (3⁄8 in.) diameter and 76 mm (3.0 in.) length from entrapment between the upper junction of the chain and the sprocket when introduced from the chain side of the bicycle in any direction within 45° from a line normal to the sprocket.(b) Derailleur guard. Derailleurs shall be guarded to prevent the drive chain from interfering with or stopping the rotation of the wheel through improper adjustments or damage.§1512.10Requirements for tires.The manufacturer’s recommended in-flation pressure shall be molded into or onto the sidewall of the tire in let-tering no less than 3.2 mm (1⁄8in.) in height. The statement of recommended inflation pressure shall be in the English language utilizing Arabic nu-merals. (The following language is sug-gested to indicate recommended infla-tion pressure: ‘‘Inflate to ll PSI.’’) After inflation to 110 percent of the recommended inflation pressure, the tire shall remain intact on the rim, in-cluding while being tested under a load of 2,000 N (450 lbf) in accordance with the rim test, §1512.18(j). Tubular sew-up tires, nonpneumatic tires, and non-molded wired-on tires are exempt from this section.§1512.11Requirements for wheels.(a) Spokes. There shall be no missing spokes.(b) Alignment. The wheel assembly shall be aligned such that no less than 1.6 mm (1⁄16in.) clearance exists be-tween the tire and fork or any frame member when the wheel is rotated to any position.(c) Rims. Rims shall retain the spokes and tire when side-loaded with 2000 N (450 lbf) and tested in accordance with the rim test, §1512.18(j). Sidewalk bicy-cles need not meet this requirement.§1512.12Requirements for wheel hubs.All bicycles (other than sidewalk bi-cycles) shall meet the following re-quirements:(a) Locking devices. Wheels shall be secured to the bicycle frame with a positive lock device. Locking devices on threaded axles shall be tightened to the manufacturer’s specifications.(1) Rear wheels. There shall be no rel-ative motion between the axle and the frame when a force of 1,780 N (400 lbf) is applied symmetrically to the axle for a period of 30 seconds in the direction of wheel removal.(2) Front wheels. Locking devices, ex-cept quick-release devices, shall with-stand application of a torque in the di-rection of removal of 17 N-m (12.5 ft-lb). (b) Quick-release devices. Lever-oper-ated quick-release devices shall be ad-justable to allow setting the lever posi-tion for tightness. Quick-release levers shall be clearly visible to the rider and shall indicate whether the levers are ina locked or unlocked position. Quick- release clamp action shall emboss the frame or fork when locked.(c) Front hubs. Front hubs not equipped with lever-operated quick-re-lease devices shall have a positive re-tention feature that shall be tested in accordance with the front hub reten-tion test, §1512.18(j)(3), to assure that when the locking devices are released the wheel will not separate from the fork.§1512.13Requirements for front fork.The front fork shall be tested for strength by application of at least 39.5J (350 in-lb) of energy in accordance with the fork test, §1512.18(k)(1), with-out visible evidence of fracture. Side-walk bicycles need not meet this re-quirement.§1512.14Requirements for fork and frame assembly.The fork and frame assembly shall be tested for strength by application of a load of 890 N (200 lbf) or at least 39.5 J16 CFR Ch. II (1–1–07 Edition)§1512.15(350 in-lb) of energy, whichever results in the greater force, in accordance with the frame test, §1512.18(k)(2), without visible evidence of fracture or frame deformation that significantly limits the steering angle over which the wheel can be turned. Sidewalk bicycles are exempt from this section.§1512.15Requirements for seat. (a) Seat limitation. No part of the seat, seat supports, or accessories attached to the seat shall be more than 125 mm (5.0 in.) above the top of the seat sur-face at the point where the seat surface is intersected by the seat post axis. (b) Seat post. The seat post shall con-tain a permanent mark or ring that clearly indicates the minimum inser-tion depth (maximum seat-height ad-justment); the mark shall not affect the structural integrity of the seat post. This mark shall be located no less than two seat-post diameters from the lowest point on the post shaft, and the post strength shall be maintained for at least a length of one shaft diameterbelow the mark.(c) Adjustment clamps. The seat ad-justment clamps shall be capable of se-curing the seat in any position towhich it can be adjusted and pre-venting movement of the seat in anydirection under normal conditions of use. Following the road test, §1512.18(p) (or the sidewalk bicycle proof test, §1512.18(q), as applicable), the seat clamps shall be tested in accordance with the seat adjustment clamps and load test, §1512.18(l).§1512.16Requirements for reflectors. Bicycles shall be equipped with re-flective devices to permit recognition and identification under illumination from motor vehicle headlamps. The use of reflector combinations off the center plane of the bicycle (defined in §1512.18(m)(2)) is acceptable if each re-flector meets the requirements of this section and of §1512.18 (m) and (n) and the combination of reflectors has a clear field of view of ±10° vertically and ±50° horizontally. Sidewalk bicycles are not required to have reflectors. (a) Front, rear, and pedal reflectors.There shall be an essentially colorless front-facing reflector, essentially colorless or amber pedal reflectors, and a red rear-facing reflector.(b) Side reflectors. There shall be retroreflective tire sidewalls or, alter-natively, reflectors mounted on the spokes of each wheel, or, for non-cal-iper rim brake bicycles, retroreflective wheel rims. The center of spoke- mounted reflectors shall be within 76mm (3.0 in.) of the inside of the rim. Side reflective devices shall be visible on each side of the wheel. (c) Front reflector. The reflector or mount shall not contact the ground plane when the bicycle is resting on that plane in any orientation. The op-tical axis of the reflector shall be di-rected forward within 5° of the hori-zontal-vertical alignment of the bicy-cle when the wheels are tracking in a straight line, as defined in §1512.18(m)(2). The reflectors and/or mounts shall incorporate a distinct, preferred assembly method that shall insure that the reflector meets the op-tical requirements of this paragraph (c) when the reflector is attached to thebicycle. The front reflector shall betested in accordance with the reflectormount and alignment test, §1512.18(m).(d) Rear reflector. The reflector ormount shall not contact the ground plane when the bicycle is resting on that plane in any orientation. The re-flector shall be mounted such that it is to the rear of the seat mast with the top of the reflector at least 76 mm (3.0 in) below the point on the seat surfacethat is intersected by the line of the seat post. The optical axis of the reflec-tor shall be directed rearward within 5°of the horizontal-vertical alignment of the bicycle when the wheels are trav-eling in a straight line, as defined in§1512.18(m)(2). The reflectors and/or mounts shall incorporate a distinct, preferred assembly method that shall insure that the reflector meets the op-tical requirements of this paragraph (d) when the reflector is attached to the bicycle. The rear reflector shall be tested in accordance with the reflector mount and alignment test, §1512.18(m). (e) Pedal reflectors. Each pedal shallhave reflectors located on the front and rear surfaces of the pedal. The reflector elements may be either integral withConsumer Product Safety Commission §1512.14sprocket shall have a chain guard that shall cover the top strand of the chain and at least 90° of the perimeter where the drive chain contacts the drive sprocket as shown in figure 7. The chain guard shall extend rearward to a point at least 8 cm (3.2 in.) forward of the centerline of the rear axle. The minimum width of the top area of the chain guard shall be twice the width of the chain in that portion forward of the rear wheel rim. The rear part of the top area may be tapered. The minimum width at the rear of the guard shall be one-half the chain width. Such chain guard shall prevent a rod of 9.4 mm (3⁄8 in.) diameter and 76 mm (3.0 in.) length from entrapment between the upper junction of the chain and the sprocket when introduced from the chain side of the bicycle in any direction within 45° from a line normal to the sprocket.(b) Derailleur guard. Derailleurs shall be guarded to prevent the drive chain from interfering with or stopping the rotation of the wheel through improper adjustments or damage.§1512.10Requirements for tires.The manufacturer’s recommended in-flation pressure shall be molded into or onto the sidewall of the tire in let-tering no less than 3.2 mm (1⁄8in.) in height. The statement of recommended inflation pressure shall be in the English language utilizing Arabic nu-merals. (The following language is sug-gested to indicate recommended infla-tion pressure: ‘‘Inflate to ll PSI.’’) After inflation to 110 percent of the recommended inflation pressure, the tire shall remain intact on the rim, in-cluding while being tested under a load of 2,000 N (450 lbf) in accordance with the rim test, §1512.18(j). Tubular sew-up tires, nonpneumatic tires, and non-molded wired-on tires are exempt from this section.§1512.11Requirements for wheels.(a) Spokes. There shall be no missing spokes.(b) Alignment. The wheel assembly shall be aligned such that no less than 1.6 mm (1⁄16in.) clearance exists be-tween the tire and fork or any frame member when the wheel is rotated to any position.(c) Rims. Rims shall retain the spokes and tire when side-loaded with 2000 N (450 lbf) and tested in accordance with the rim test, §1512.18(j). Sidewalk bicy-cles need not meet this requirement.§1512.12Requirements for wheel hubs.All bicycles (other than sidewalk bi-cycles) shall meet the following re-quirements:(a) Locking devices. Wheels shall be secured to the bicycle frame with a positive lock device. Locking devices on threaded axles shall be tightened to the manufacturer’s specifications.(1) Rear wheels. There shall be no rel-ative motion between the axle and the frame when a force of 1,780 N (400 lbf) is applied symmetrically to the axle for a period of 30 seconds in the direction of wheel removal.(2) Front wheels. Locking devices, ex-cept quick-release devices, shall with-stand application of a torque in the di-rection of removal of 17 N-m (12.5 ft-lb). (b) Quick-release devices. Lever-oper-ated quick-release devices shall be ad-justable to allow setting the lever posi-tion for tightness. Quick-release levers shall be clearly visible to the rider and shall indicate whether the levers are ina locked or unlocked position. Quick- release clamp action shall emboss the frame or fork when locked.(c) Front hubs. Front hubs not equipped with lever-operated quick-re-lease devices shall have a positive re-tention feature that shall be tested in accordance with the front hub reten-tion test, §1512.18(j)(3), to assure that when the locking devices are released the wheel will not separate from the fork.§1512.13Requirements for front fork.The front fork shall be tested for strength by application of at least 39.5J (350 in-lb) of energy in accordance with the fork test, §1512.18(k)(1), with-out visible evidence of fracture. Side-walk bicycles need not meet this re-quirement.§1512.14Requirements for fork and frame assembly.The fork and frame assembly shall be tested for strength by application of a load of 890 N (200 lbf) or at least 39.5 J。
1892年由WIllem Kolling和Rudolf Arentsen联手创办的贸易公司,从英国进口各式自行车到荷兰,并在1902年注册了这个著名的商标,因为Willem Kolling在一次散步时发现了一只矫健的獐子从他面前优雅地闪过,他被那灵动的身影吸引,就此决定用这种森林中的精灵命名自己的品牌,从此自行车品牌里就多了一个充满灵动又充满魔力的动物形象。
奥地利自行车的市场价格每辆均价约为800欧元,市场价格每辆在500~2 500欧元之间。
1.可以踩踏当做助力车以缓解步行压力 紧急刹车踏板2.四周有照明灯夜间行走1.可拆卸的可视遮阳顶棚让宝宝可以看到外面的风景2.配备有蚊帐3.可以过滤粉尘烟雾 夜间反光涂层配备小型摄像头可以拍照录像监控宝宝状态小型LED 夜光照明灯1.LED 显示屏显示车内状况 宝宝的生理状况 行走公里数 速度 gps2.一键折叠按键和设置自动前进功能3.太阳能充电可用于手机充电4.可用于播放儿童早教音频1.天然橡胶轮胎 避震防滑和紧急刹车踏板2.前轮后轮轴内置弹簧避震设计1.座椅内置弹簧减震2.车身周围配备安全气囊和保险杠3.座椅可上下移动 360°旋转座椅可拆卸作为儿童安全座椅置物篮放置婴儿用品1.内部配备安全带2.车身底部可拆卸让宝宝伸出双腿上图为我公司设计的童车概念图小型摄像头宝宝扶手用于探身等动作置物篮减震保险杠防滑减震轮胎可拆卸作为儿童安全座椅柔软舒适的护头靠垫保证宝宝的头部安全和舒适程度遮阳蓬蚊帐上图为我公司设计的童车概念图一、产品名称:HC智能童车二、研发背景1、2015年11月10日,国新办就坚持计划生育基本国策、实施全面两孩政策有关情况举行发布会。
CAT EYE CC-MC100W 操作说明手册
感應器必須安裝在前叉的上緣,而感應器和碼錶間的距離不要超過70cm 。
碼錶在以下情況時可能會受干擾,導致偵測有誤:•靠近TV 、PC 、收音機、汽機車,或是在汽車及火車的車廂內。
•靠近鐵道交叉路口、鐵軌、TV 發射站或是雷達基地。
目前速度感應器訊號接收圖示同時和感應器訊號閃爍次要測量圖示 配速箭號指示出是否目前的速度比平均速度快或慢( 較快 較慢)自動模式圖示 速度單位模式符號..........................................................................b 指示出目前所選的模式Tm (Tm 2)...............[已耗用時間]Dst (Dst 2)...............[行程距離]Av (Av 2)..................[平均速度]Mx ............................[最大速度]..........................[總距離]] 開始/停止測量此碼錶允許自動(自動模式)或是手動模式的測量。
•自動模式(自動測量)如果看到 圖示時,便是自動測量。
自行车顶级品牌顶级车架或整车公路:Colnago----(意大利梅花最具专业品质的自行车品牌)Passoni----(意大利·公路钛,异类)Time----(法国世界上最高级的碳纤维车架)Pinarello----(意大利皮纳里奥亦称王子意大利传奇公路车品牌)bianchi----(意大利比安奇120 年的自行车品牌)Cervelo----(加拿大环法冠军常客)look----(法国自行车赛中的F1)CINELLI----(意大利赛耐利意大利自行车美学的象征)DE ROSA----(意大利德.罗萨純種公路車)MOSSO----(中国台湾·不知道该不该归为顶级)山地:nicolai----(德国纯手工奢华车架山地车界的劳斯莱斯)intense----(淫天使尖端全避震车架最终极的全避震车架设计)Santa Cruz---- (美国俗称三条裤子世界上公认的最好的vpp后避震车)Cannondale----(美国肯诺戴尔左撇子前叉的鼻祖公路和山地)litespeed----(钛合金车架鼻祖生产顶级钛价山地和公路)L YNSKEY----(林-斯基创办litespeed的家族分开后自立顶级钛架品牌)MERLIN----(美国顶级钛合金避震车架隶属于litespeed品牌)MOOTS----(美国顶级钛架“钛”极限测试你的钱包厚度)Van Nicholas Tuareg ----(荷兰范尼古拉斯顶级钛架的品牌)yeti----(雪人美国顶级软尾品牌)TITUS----(泰达斯美国三大顶级山地车,只做顶级车,可惜倒闭了)Specialized----(美国顶级的自行车品牌,堪称自行车界的BMW,山地和公路)trek----(崔克美国的自行车第一品牌山地和公路)BMC----(瑞士令人难以抗拒的自行车品牌山地和公路)Schwinn----(美国美国著名自行车品牌,现在有点不行了)Seven ----(美国世界上最大的自行车钛合金、碳纤、碳钛结合及钢车架订做厂商)Mongoose----(美国蒙古士超级极限自行车品牌,也没落了)kona----(美国亚洲代工钪合金特色山地和公路)Orbea----(西班牙山地和公路)TYRELL----(德国·TYRELL产品都是卖给一些懂车的人,售价都比同级别的COLNAGO 更贵,车架平均售价2万以上。
本 、精雕 细琢 的现 代文 明交 通 。
转 的 自行 车专 用道 ,避 免 与直 行机 动 多辆 车使 用 同一 套号 牌 、同一份 保 险
通规 划和 组 织 引导 ,城 市交 通运 行有
序、顺畅。尽管道路条件是 很好,
但 由于 市 民的文 明礼 让 ,即 便在 交通
瑞士 人 倡导 低碳 环保 ,以 自行车
为代 表 的低 碳绿 色交 通十 分 普遍 。从
城市到乡村 ,从设施提供到交通管理
在乘 车 外 出观光 途 中 ,发现 瑞士 车 辆 冲突 。此 外 , 自行 车 道的 停车 线 和 同一份 税 ,保 险和税 费 只需 交纳 最
的 大 部 分 道 路 为 双 向 4车 道 或 2车 比机动车道停车线靠前 1 米,确保 自 大排 气量 车辆 的金 额 。但 因为 只有一 道 ,部 分道路 为 有轨 电车 和 普通 车辆 行 车停 驶 的安 全 。如 卢塞 恩市 的机 动 套号 牌 ,所以 ,车 主 一次 只能 使用 一 混 行 ,但 有 条件 的路 面 均设 置 了 自行 车 道仅 3 米 左 右 ,在路 中 间或 两侧 都 辆车 ,其 他车辆 不得 上路 。0 车 道 和宽 阔 的步 行道 。 通过 科学 的交
尔 等 城 市 旅 行时 ,除 了迷 人 的 风 景 、 通 标志 。苏黎 世 、 巴塞尔 等城 市 不仅 免小 轿车 的过 度 使用 ,瑞 士规 定拥 有 美味 的佳 肴 、时 尚 的服饰 给 我 印象深 有 连续 、系统 的 自行车 专 用道 ,还 在 多 辆 汽 车 的 车 主 ,可 以 申请 互 用 号
26寸27.5寸和29寸山地车全方位对比 到底哪个尺寸好?
26寸,27.5寸和29寸山地车全方位对比到底哪个尺寸好?“最近客观的新闻报道很难得到了,虽然我们都在渴望着,但谁能指明一条路呢?”-Hunter S. Thompson我们已经准备计划很久了。
SRAM公司带着他们的测试车来到了意大利的Massa Vecchia,测试车分别是26寸,27.5寸和29寸的车轮。
三辆车都有根据轮组校正过的几何,来帮助骑乘者感觉更相似,而且都有1 x10的传动系统,32齿的牙盘,和11-36的飞轮。
中处于 难堪 的境地。 该车充 电十分 方便 , 由此这在 较 大程度上 则就为许 多喜 欢经 常骑 车外 出游玩 、兜 风或
远 足的骑 车者 在使用上 带来诸 多便利。 “ L E 8 F Y RT 一
].3” 的 自行车照明灯新品 F, 0 -5 3
图 为 B K T C推 出 的称 之 为 “ I ]E E F 腿 P MI M” 的 电动 自行车新 品 RE U
T- S
上 是一 种具 有特殊 功 能 ( 既能 电力辅 助驱动 , 同时又
能脚踏 传动 ) 的简易款 电动 自行车。 它那独特 的生产 技 术及其先进 的技 术装备 . 不会令骑 车者在骑 行途 决
术 与超 级发光 的 白色两极发光管融 为一体 的高品位 自 行 车照明灯 . 明亮度 以及 夜 间能 见度均相 当高。 由 照
囝 哑 日 皿 衄 HN IY L 圈 卫 目 同 C IABC C E
名为 “ ATE — L 3 " C YE HL E 5 0
翻 译 / 国 强 士 B K T C推 出的 瑞 IE E
此种 自行车照 明灯 , 可将 白色的发光 两极 管 的灯 光聚 集在一起 , 使灯光光束集中 , 光度均匀 , 发光亮度更高 , 并能明显提 高灯 光的夜间能见度。 由于该照 明灯采用
了一种能节约 能源 的 L D技术 , E 故车灯 的连续照 明时
间就 可达 到 1 6小 时。
PE U R MI M” 科技含 金量相 当高。现代 化传 动技术和
程可达 5 5千米 )确 实是 款非 常适合 家庭成 员骑 车 , 外出游 玩、兜风的简易款 电动 自行车。
下面是由店铺收拾的世界上最小自行车的知识,期望我们喜!世界上最小自行车:Kwiggle BikeKarstin Bettin是一位来自德国汉诺威的规划师,在充分考虑了上述需求后,他带着历时四年的研究成果Kwiggle Bike露脸于2013年的Eurobike。
Bettin声称此款Kwiggle Bike是当今世界上折叠后最紧凑的自行车。
Kwiggle Bike看起来简约大方,为了到达最好的折叠效果,此款自行车在规划过程中运用了诸多专利元素。
此外,主体结构外部的驱动齿轮设置也为Kwiggle Bike供给了更大的折叠空间。
Kwiggle Bike的鞍座规划采用了共同的斜倚式,相对于传统的直立式来说更为舒适。
Kwiggle Bike的车速可轻松到达25公里(15.5英里)每小时,踏板旋转一圈就可驱动车身前行4.5米(14.7英尺)。
Kwiggle Bike样品的轮胎直径为8英寸,折叠后的'尺度为50x40x25厘米(19.6x15.7x9.8英寸),它的外形细巧,足能够将其装入手提行李箱并携带至飞机。
Bettin曾研发过一款轮胎直径为14英寸的模型产品,折叠后的最大尺度为55x 40x25厘米(21.6x15.7x9.8英寸),他还在努力让车身变得愈加细巧。
以前 ,苏格兰人麦克米伦制造出木制车轮,装实心橡胶轮胎、前轮小、后轮大、坐垫较低、
1790年 法国人西夫拉克发明了最原始的自行车。它只有两 个轮子而没有传动装置,人骑在上面,需用两脚蹬地驱车向前 滚动。
1801年 俄国人阿尔塔马诺夫设计出世界上第一辆用踏板踩动的自行车
。1817年德国人德雷斯在自行车上装了方向舵,使其能改变 行使方向。 1817年 德国人德莱斯开始制作木轮车,样子跟西夫拉克的差不多。不 过,在前轮上加了一个控制方向的车把子,可以改变前进的方 向.但是骑车依然要用两只脚,一下一下地蹬踩地面,才能推 动车子向前滚动,他自称为:小马崽。因此德国男爵卡尔德莱 斯成为一般公认的自行车发明人!
民国时期 1937年日本人在中国上海、天津和沈阳三地先后开
设自行车厂,但产量极微; 1940年上海自行车厂(上海永久股份有限公司前身)
成立,使中国有了自已品牌自行车生产企业;由此 开创并演绎了中国自行车行业历史上最辉煌的篇章, 引领了几代中国人的自行车消费时尚,堪称中国自 行车行业的一面先锋旗帜。
90年代,自行车的生产发生了巨大的变化,外来品牌的进入,如: GIANT捷安特(台湾巨大机械工业股份 有限公司)、Merida美利达(于1972年台湾,台湾自行车第一品牌)、TREK崔克(于1976年美国),千篇一 律的老样式被五光十色的新式自行车代替。特别是捷安特从进驻内地后基本上每年都是排名第一,使 “永久、凤凰、飞鸽”不在独享殊荣。轻便车、折叠车、山地车、变速车、赛车遍地开花。过去自行车 单一的实用功能衍变出运动功能,人们对自行车的认识度也远比60、70年代高得多,自行车自此已普及 进入千万家庭!
当Colnago骑着自己自己的Colnago 自行车获胜的时候,也就是这个标志诞生的时候。
TYRELL产品以经典纯手工打造为主,基于高超的设计和卓越的性能代表着无与伦比,匠心独具的造车工艺,堪称自行车行业中的迈巴赫!TYRELL 产品设计简约而又大气,主要卖给那些真正懂得什么才是最好的自行车的人。
捷安特自行车标准价格表2010年9月(NO:100901)英文名称中文名称规格零售价备注城市车休闲系列2008 ALICE242008艾丽斯24/2624*15L/26*15L5682008 TOUCHING-M2008踏骑-M26*18M5682008 TOUCHING24/262008踏骑24/2624*15L/26*15L5682005 MIAU-LS妙-lS18*16L6982009 妙点子2009 妙点子20X13L95809款新车种2009 妙点子-1232009 妙点子-12320X15L11582008 ATHENA242008雅典娜24/2624*15L/26*15L6582008 ATHENA26-1232008雅典娜12326*15L8582008 MASTER2008玛斯特2626*18M6582008 MASTER-1232008玛斯特12326*18M858IVY24爱维24/2624*15L/26*16L4682006 KAPASA24/26卡帕莎24/2624*15L/26*16L568新造型,全链罩2006 SELINA24赛琳娜24/2624*15L/26*16L6582008 HELLEN-S08 海伦-S20*16L5682005 HELLEN-AL2005 海伦-AL20X16L7582005 HELLEN-1232005 海伦-12320X16L9582006 NUMEN-AL2006 精灵-铝20*16M7982005 NUMEN-1232005 精灵-12320*16M9982008 HARRY2008 哈里24*16M8982008 SALLY2008 莎莉24*16L8982009 COLORFUL2009 COLORFUL26*16L / 24X15L7982009 ORLANE2009 幽兰26*16L8982009 ORLANE-1232009 幽兰-12326*16L1298NEWING新鹰24/2624*15L/26*16L468NEWING-M新鹰-M26*16L468EMILE 22/24艾米勒 22/2422*13L/24*15L49808 EMILE2.0 24′08 艾米勒2.0 2424*15L5682008 SUEDE 新思维26X17M17982008 SUEDE GX新思维 GX26X17M21982009 LIGERO 乐骑26×17L10982009 LIGERO GX乐骑 GX26×17L1498童车青少年车系列2010 MTX 162010 MTX1616X1.5L5682010 MTX 20 2010 MTX20 20X1.5698WOODY-B 2010 WOODY-B 16X1.5L598WOODY-G 2010 WOODY-G 16X1.5L5982009 MTX125-B2009 MTX125-B20X1.513982009 MTX125-G2010 MTX125-G20X1.510982010 PUDDIN 16 2010 布丁1616X1.5L568TAFFY TAFFY 20X1.55982010 GLOSS2010 GLOSS24寸10582010 XTC20-B2010 XTC20-B20寸10982010 XTC20-G2010 XTC20-G20寸10982010 XTC242010 XTC2424寸15982010 AREVA242010 AREVA2424寸1298BELLA BELLA20寸858折叠/伸缩车系列RUBO1.0瑞宝1.016*13L598RUBO2.0瑞宝2.020*13L598MY2010 GI LINEUP & PRICE LIST - BIKE (TAIWAN)SKUMODEL NAME COLOR MOQTCRADRBJ0TCR ADV SL RB I RABOBANK TEAMNIL TCRADRBS0NIL TCRADRBM0NIL TCRADRBB0NIL TCRADRBL0NIL TCRADRBG0NIL GI387052TCR ADV SL 1I CARBON/WHITENIL GI387053NIL GI387054NIL GI387055NIL GI387056NIL GI387057NIL GI387382TCR ADV SL 3CARBON/BLUENIL GI387383NIL GI387384NIL GI387385NIL GI387386NIL GI387387NIL TCRADRKJ0TCR ADV RABO RABOBANK TEAMNIL TCRADRKS0NIL TCRADRKM0NIL TCRADRKL0NIL TCRADRKB0NIL TCRADRKG0NIL GI386752TCR ADV 1CARBON/WHITENIL GI386753NIL GI386754NIL GI386755NIL GI386756NIL GI386757NIL GI386352TCR ADV 2CARBON/SILVERNIL GI386353NIL GI386354NIL GI386355NIL GI386356NIL GI386357NIL TCRAD3BJ0TCR ADV 3WHITE/BLUENIL TCRAD3BS0NIL TCRAD3BM0NIL TCRAD3BB0NIL TCRAD3BL0NIL TCRAD3BG0NILTCRAD3RJ0WHITE/REDNIL TCRAD3RS0NIL TCRAD3RM0NIL TCRAD3RB0NIL TCRAD3RL0NIL TCRAD3RG0NIL GI385452TCR A CARBON/BLACKNIL GI385453NIL GI385454NIL GI385455NIL GI385456NIL GI385457NIL TCR1WKJ0TCR 1WHITE/BLACKNIL TCR1WKS0NIL TCR1WKM0NIL TCR1WKL0NIL TCR1WKB0NIL TCR1WKG0NIL TCR1WYJ0WHITE/YELLOWNIL TCR1WYS0NIL TCR1WYM0NIL TCR1WYL0NIL TCR1WYB0NIL TCR1WYG0NIL TCR2RKJ0TCR 2RED/BLACKNIL TCR2RKS0NIL TCR2RKM0NIL TCR2RKL0NIL TCR2RKB0NIL TCR2RKG0NIL TCR2RWJ0RED/WHITENIL TCR2RWS0NIL TCR2RWM0NIL TCR2RWL0NIL TCR2RWB0NIL TCR2RWG0NIL GI384452DEFY ADV 1CARBON/WHITENIL GI384453NIL GI384454NIL GI384455NIL GI384456NIL GI384457NIL GI384652DEFY AD 3 TRI CARBON/SILVERNIL GI384653NIL GI384654NILTCR ADV 3GI384655NIL GI384656NIL 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CF842WPS0WHITE/PINK NIL FD17WYLS0HALFWAY W YELLOW NIL FD17WBLS0BLUE NIL CLIP7GRS0CLIP 7SGREEN NIL CLIP7ORS0ORANGE NIL CLIP7PKS0PINK NIL CLIP7WTS0WHITE NIL GI384462BOWERY 72WHITE/REDNIL GI384463NIL GI384464NIL GI384465NIL GI384466NIL GI384762BOWERY 84BLACK/ALUMNIL GI384763NIL GI384764NIL GI384765NIL GI384766NIL GI359663SEEK 0ANO SILVERNIL GI359664NIL GI359665NIL GI359666NIL GI359563SEEK 1MATTE GRAYNIL GI359564NIL GI359565NIL GI359566NIL GI359463SEEK 2BLACK NIL GI359464NIL GI359465NIL GI359466NIL CF950WHS0CITY STORM WHITE NIL CITSPGOS9CITY SPEED GOLD NIL CITSPGOM9NIL CITSPSLS9SILVER NIL CITSPSLM9NIL FLMI0BKS0FLIGHT MINI 0BLACK NIL FLMI1BAS0FLIGHT MINI 1BRUSHED NIL FLMI1WTS0WHITE NIL FLMI2GRS0FLIGHT MINI 2GREENNILFLIGHT ClassicGREENFD17SBKS0HALFWAY 7S MATT BLACK NILFD17SRDS0RED NIL FD17SWTS0WHITE NIL FD817ORS0FD817ORANGE NIL FD817SLS0SILVER NILAIWAN)SIZE SIZE SPEED 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