整理“中国名⾔名句带英语翻译”,以供⼤家参考,希望可以帮助到⼤家,感谢⼤家的阅读与⽀持!【篇⼀】中国名⾔名句带英语翻译 1、⼈类,永远有难题,是我们的解答不了的。
——谢有顺 Human beings, always has a problem, is our answer. 2、不要轻易说爱,许下的就是⽋下的债!——郭敬明 Don't say love easily, promises the promise is debt! 3、时光⽆涯,聚散有时。
——⽩落梅 Time is long, life is short, accumulation and dispersion are sometimes. Because understand, so mercy. 4、爱情是风花雪⽉的事,失意的⼈是玩不起的。
——张爱玲 Love is sentimental, frustrated people can't afford to play. 5、孤独是空⽓,你呼吸着它⽽感觉到⾃⼰存在。
——安妮宝贝 Loneliness is the air you breathe it and felt his presence. 6、⼤家都不想活的时候,⽣命的⼒量是会爆发的。
——郭沫若 Everyone don't want to live, the power of life is there. 7、我们都是在战⽃⾥⾯学习战⽃,在爱⾥⾯学习爱。
——叶倾城 We are all learning fighting in combat, learning to love in love. 8、在严酷的丛林法则的统辖下,⽣存是很不容易的。
——沈⽯溪 In harsh under the rule of the law of the jungle, survival is not easy. 9、萤⽕⾍的光点虽然微弱,但亮着便是向⿊暗挑战。
For the love of the nation and the evil of the nation.2、皇灵大动变,震雷风且寒。
Emperor Ling big dynamic change, shock wind and cold.3、晋武轻后事,惠皇终已昏。
Wu Jin Hui Huang light funeral, finally has been lost.4、月儿弯弯照九州,几家欢乐几家愁。
The moon shines on Kyushu, grad.5、向北望星提剑立,一生长为国家忧。
Looking at the north to raise the sword, a long life as a national worry.6、人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。
All men are mortal., according to retain loyalty.7、於中应有,一个半个耻臣戎。
In its little shame, Chen rong.8、地下千年骨,谁为辅佐臣。
Underground Millennium bone, who served as assistant minister.9、一去隔绝国,思归但长嗟。
A to insulate a country, but a long sigh of nostalgia.10、故国梅花归梦,愁损绿罗裙。
The old plum to dream, worry about the loss of green luoqun.11、余亦赴京国,何当献凯还。
I also went to the kingdom of Beijing, when he offered Kay also.12、日日望乡国,空歌白苎词。
One country's place in history.2、为国捐躯,虽死犹荣。
One's life is a glorious death.3、国耻未雪,何由成名。
No humiliation snow, where by fame.4、天下兴亡,匹夫有责。
Everyone is responsible for his country.5、天下无事,不可废武。
There is nothing in the world.6、为中华之崛起而读书。
Reading for the rise of china.7、国之兴亡,匹夫有责。
The rise and fall of the nation.8、要爱国,祖国须可爱。
To love the motherland, the motherland must be lovely.9、忧国亡家,捐躯济难。
His death, their economic difficulties.10、赤心事上,忧国如家。
The red heart on his home.11、人民是祖国的集中体现。
People are the concentrated embodiment of the motherland.12、哪里好,哪里就有祖国。
Where good, where there is the motherland.13、国之大务,莫先于戒备。
The country's big business, not before the alert.14、至治之时,常不忘武备。
To treat, often did not forget wubei.15、祖国是人民的共同父母。
The motherland is the common parent of the people.16、当须徇忠义,身死报国恩。
100句中华名言的中英文对照1.温故而知新:Reviewing the past enables one to understand the future.2.三人行,必有我师:Among three people, there must be one who can bemy teacher.3.学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆:Learning without thinking leads toconfusion, while thinking without learning results in danger.4.知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也:It is wisdom to know what oneknows, and to承认what one does not know.5.天下兴亡,匹夫有责:Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall ofthe world.6.人之初,性本善:Human nature is originally good.7.满招损,谦受益:Pride comes before a fall, modesty brings success.8.人生自古谁无死?留取丹心照汗青:Since ancient times, no one hasescaped death. Let us leave a lasting record of our loyalty in history.9.大道之行也,天下为公:When the great way prevails, the world is acommonwealth.10.路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索:The road ahead is long andarduous, but I will search for it tirelessly, both up and down.11.志不强者智不达:Without strong will, one cannot acquire wisdom.12.静以修身,俭以养德:Quietude leads to self-cultivation, frugalityfosters virtue.13.一寸光阴一寸金:Time is precious.14.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲:If one does not work hard in youth, one willregret it in old age.15.三人同心,其利断金:When three people are of the same mind, theirstrength is unbreakable.16.天下无难事,只怕有心人:There is nothing difficult in the world, onlythose who have the heart to do it can succeed.17.知己知彼,百战不殆:Knowing both oneself and the enemy leads toinvincibility in all battles.18.千里之行,始于足下:A journey of a thousand miles begins with asingle step.19.不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹:One cannot see the rainbow withoutexperiencing the rain.20.学如逆水行舟,不进则退:Learning is like rowing upstream; if onedoes not keep moving forward, one will fall back.21.良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行:Good medicine tastes bitter, butit is beneficial for the illness; loyal advice may be unpleasant to hear, but it is beneficial for one's actions.22.万事开头难:Everything is difficult at the beginning.23.不为无益之事,何以遣有涯之生:If one does not do anything useless,how can one spend his life meaningfully?24.好事不出门,坏事传千里:Good deeds are not publicized, while baddeeds are spread far and wide.25.读万卷书,行万里路:One should read thousands of books and travelthousands of miles.26.满招损,谦受益,时乃天道:Pride comes before a fall, modesty bringssuccess; this is the way of heaven.27.人无远虑,必有近忧:If one does not think about the future, one willsurely have worries in the near future.28.君子一言,驷马难追:A gentleman's word is as good as a horse's kick;once said, it cannot be retracted.29.水至清则无鱼,人至察则无徒:If the water is too clear, there will beno fish; if one is too observant, there will be no friends.30.青出于蓝而胜于蓝:The green comes from the blue but is better thanthe blue.31.金无足赤,人无完人:Gold is not pure enough, and no one is perfect.32.大智若愚,大巧若拙:Great wisdom seems foolish, great skill seemsclumsy.33.大方无隅,大器免成,大音希声,大象无形:The square has no corner,the great vessel need not be completed, the great sound is silent, and the great image has no form.34.有志者事竟成:Where there is a will, there is a way.35.临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网:It is better to go back and weave a net thanto stand by the深渊and envy the fish.36.玉不琢不成器:A piece of jade that is not carved cannot become avaluable object.37.不为圣贤,便为禽兽:If one cannot become a sage or a saint, one willbecome a beast or a devil instead.38.天下兴亡,匹夫有责:The rise and fall of the world is everyone'sresponsibility, not just the统治者or the wise men.39.工欲善其事,必先利其器:If one wants to do a good job, one mustfirst sharpen one's tools or instruments.40.人之初,性本善:In human nature at its original state, goodness prevails,but this can be corrupted by external factors or one's own desires and passions。
A piece of heartfelt desire to repay the country, two lines of clear tears for loyal family.2、江娥啼竹素女愁,李凭中国弹箜篌。
Jiang E sings about Zhusu's woe, while Li plays with the help of China.3、靖康耻,犹未雪;臣子恨,何时灭!Jingkang shame, still not snow; ministers hate, when to extinguish!4、诗称国手徒为尔,命压人头不奈何。
Poetry calls the country's hands are empty, fate pressure people's head helpless.5、汉家君臣欢宴终,高议云台论战功。
At the end of the feast, the emperors and ministers of the Han family spoke highly of the merits of the battle in Yuntai.6、位卑未敢忘忧国,事定犹须待阖棺。
He who dares not forget his country must wait for the coffin to be closed.7、绝域从军计惘然,东南幽恨满词笺。
Desperate to join the army, the southeast hated the words.8、僵卧孤村不自哀,尚思为国戍轮台。
Stiff and lonely villages do not mourn for themselves, Shang Si is the national garrison platform.9、王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁。
Cover such as day, let the like。
Swim to the processing of prey。
The righteousness of the end, is a way。
Save and save people。
No escape between heaven and earth。
Dun day times feeling, forget it。
Without moving to advise。
White elephant, and does not return。
To the fire, fire to the water to save water。
The light on the feather, the mo of the load。
Suppress a rat water the river, but full of。
The number of his set, slant blarney。
Form such as dry sticks, heart like dying embers。
Qiao and knower sorrow, incompetent。
The man given in view of the water stop flowing water。
The afterlife cannot stay, to the chase。
急求50个中国名人名言 要英语的 带中文意思
急求50个中国名人名言要英语的带中文意思 A bad beginning makes a bad ending.不善始者不善终。
A bad thing never dies.遗臭万年。
A bad workman always blames his tools.不会撑船怪河弯。
A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。
A boaster and a liar are cousins-german.吹牛与说谎本是同宗。
A bully is always a coward.色厉内荏。
A burden of one's choice is not felt.爱挑的担子不嫌重。
A candle lights others and consumes itself.蜡烛照亮别人,却毁灭了自己。
A cat has 9 lives.猫有九条命。
A cat may look at a king.人人平等。
A close mouth catches no flies.病从口入。
A constant guest is never wele.常客令人厌。
Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。
Adversity leads to prosperity.穷则思变。
Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.逆境出人才。
A fair death honors the whole life.死得其所,流芳百世。
A faithful friend is hard to find.知音难觅。
A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit.吃一堑,长一智。
A fox may grow gray, but never good.江山易改,本性难移。
A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。
Figure a heart of pure loyalty to serve the country, two lines of tears for family loyalty.2、青春元不老,君知否。
The youth element is not old, you know.3、忽忆周天子,驱车上玉山。
Suddenly the emperor week, driving to Yushan.4、指点六朝形胜地,惟有青山如壁。
Some six shaped resort, only the green hills such as wall.5、白马金鞍从武皇,旌旗十万宿长杨。
The white horse saddle gold from Wu Huang, Su Yang long one hundred thousand flags.6、即从巴峡穿巫峡,便下襄阳向洛阳。
Gap clothing from Pakistan Wu Gorge, next to Xiangyang Luoyang.7、天时怼兮威灵怒,严杀尽兮弃原野。
The other day my anger welling, Yan Xi kill all abandoned fields.8、忘身辞凤阙,报国取龙庭。
Forget the body by Feng que, the patriotic dragon court.9、从臣皆半醉,天子正无愁。
From the hill are drunk, emperor is no worry.10、南渡君臣轻社稷,中原父老望旌旗。
The light elder at the monarch, flags.11、春风举国裁宫锦,半作障泥半作帆。
The spring breeze the whole nation cuts the palace brocade, the half makes the barrier mud to make the sail.12、东南西北效皇极,日月星辰奏凯歌。
——⽩落梅Love is pain, is the shore.2、⼼美⼀切皆美,情深万象皆深。
——林清⽞Heart beautiful everything is beautiful, the fierceness of vientiane is deep.3、的表达是沉默,⽽不是语⾔。
——林清⽞Silence is the best expression, rather than language.4、柔软是最有⼒量,也是最恒常的。
——林清⽞Soft is the most powerful and most constant.5、那些不堪⾔的疼痛,经历过的⼈会懂。
——许嵩The pain of unbearable speech, experienced people can understand.6、以笑的⽅式哭,在死亡的伴随下活着。
——余华Way to cry with a smile, under the accompany of death alive.7、爱情,在最开始的时候,总是美丽的。
——笛安Love, in the beginning, always beautiful.8、但我还记得我爱过你,所以我要谢谢你。
——许嵩But I remember I love you, so I want to thank you.9、死亡不是失去了⽣命,只是⾛出了时间。
——余华Death is not lost their lives, just out of the time.10、也许你会忘记,但总有⼀天会再想起。
——饶雪漫Perhaps you will forget, but will one day be no more remembered.11、⾃从经历过那些以后,你都没怎么笑过。
The river has two banks and two sides.2、脚长沾露水,嘴长惹是非。
The feet are dewy and the mouth is troublesome.3、背后不商量,当面无主张。
There is no discussion behind the scenes and no opinions face to face.4、边学边问,才有学问。
Learning is what we learn.5、长兄如父,老嫂比母。
Brothers are like fathers and sisters-in-law are better than mothers.6、鸟美在羽毛,人美在勤劳。
Bird beauty is in feathers, and man beauty is in diligence.7、不图便宜不上当,贪图便宜吃大亏。
If you don't want to be cheaper, you will lose a lot if you want to be cheaper.8、吃饭防噎,走路防跌。
Eat to prevent choking, walk to prevent falling.9、宁可认错,不可说谎。
Better confess your mistakes than lie.10、打不干的井水,使不完的力气。
Drill a well that you can't do, and make an endless effort.11、宁可正而不足,不可邪而有余。
Better be right than insufficient than evil.12、好马不停蹄,好牛不停犁。
A good horse never stops ploughing, a good ox never stops ploughing.13、久在江边站,必有望海心。
You respect people one foot, people respect you one foot.2、年纪不饶人,节令不饶天。
Age does not spare people, season does not spare days.3、粗丝难织细绢,粗人难做细活。
It is difficult for coarse silk to weave fine silk and for rough people to do fine work.4、船载千斤,掌舵一人。
Shipborne jacks, one man at the helm.5、吃饭吃米,说话说理。
Eat rice for dinner and make sense.6、好种出好苗,好树结好桃。
Good planting, good seedling, good tree, good peach.7、尺有所短,寸有所长。
The ruler is short and the inch is long.8、关西出将,关东出相。
Guanxi is a general and Guandong is a minister.9、从俭入奢易,从奢入俭难。
From thrift to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality is difficult.10、撑死胆大的人,饿死胆小的鬼。
Supports the bold person, starves the cowardly ghost.11、狗朝屁走,人朝势走。
Dogs go fart, people go at the trend.12、话不要说死,路不要走绝。
Don't talk to death, don't walk all the way.13、会过不会过,少养张口货。
中国的名言警句英语版你看过版的中国名句警句吗?下面小编为你分享的是中国的英语版的内容,希望你会喜欢!中国的名言警句英语版最新Union is strength. 团结就是力量。
Until all is over one's ambition never dies. 不到黄河心不死。
Use a book as a bee does flowers. 如蜜蜂采花,吸取其中之精华。
Virtue is a jewel of great price. 美德是无价之宝。
Virtue is fairer far than beauty. 美德远比美丽更美好。
Virtue is her (or its) own reward. 为善最乐。
Virtue is the only true nobility. 唯有美德是真正高贵的。
Wash a dog, comb a dog, Still a dog, remains a dog. 本性难移。
Waste not, want not. 俭以防匮。
Weak men wait for opportunity, but the strong men make it. 若者等待机会,强者创造机会。
We all do fade as a leaf. 我们都要像树叶一样枯萎。
You can't eat your cake and have it. 不能既要吃饼,又要把饼保存。
You can't make omelets (or omeletts) without breaking eggs. 有失才有得。
You have no goats, and yet you sell kids. 你虽无老山羊,却出卖小山羊。
Zeal without knowledge is fire without light. 有热情而无知识,犹如有火焰而无光芒。
Anger begins with folly, and ends in repentance.愤怒以愚蠢开始,以后悔告终。
Figure a heart of pure loyalty to serve the country, two lines of tears for family loyalty.2、青春元不老,君知否。
The youth element is not old, you know.3、忽忆周天子,驱车上玉山。
Suddenly the emperor week, driving to Yushan.4、指点六朝形胜地,惟有青山如壁。
Some six shaped resort, only the green hills such as wall.5、白马金鞍从武皇,旌旗十万宿长杨。
The white horse saddle gold from Wu Huang, Su Yang long one hundred thousand flags.6、即从巴峡穿巫峡,便下襄阳向洛阳。
Gap clothing from Pakistan Wu Gorge, next to Xiangyang Luoyang.7、天时怼兮威灵怒,严杀尽兮弃原野。
The other day my anger welling, Yan Xi kill all abandoned fields.8、忘身辞凤阙,报国取龙庭。
Forget the body by Feng que, the patriotic dragon court.9、从臣皆半醉,天子正无愁。
From the hill are drunk, emperor is no worry.10、南渡君臣轻社稷,中原父老望旌旗。
The light elder at the monarch, flags.11、春风举国裁宫锦,半作障泥半作帆。
The spring breeze the whole nation cuts the palace brocade, the half makes the barrier mud to make the sail.12、东南西北效皇极,日月星辰奏凯歌。
陈与义White head hanging in the wind and frost, the old wood cangbo infinite sorrow.2、艰辛能磨练人的意志。
托布朗Hardship sharpens a man's will.3、青春是不耐久藏的东西。
莎士比亚Youth is not something to hide.4、富人思来年,穷人想眼前。
增广贤文Rich people think of the coming year, poor people think of the present.5、愁看飞雪闻鸡唱,独向长空背雁行。
罗邺Sad to see the snow, hear the chicken singing, alone to the sky back geese.6、九日黄花才过了,一尊聊慰秋容老。
赵可Nine days of yellow flowers just passed, a chat to comfort the old autumn. 7、假作真时真亦假,无为有处有还无。
曹雪芹If you pretend to be true, you can also be true if you are not doing something.8、树直用途多,人直伴侣多。
谚语A tree is more useful than a friend.9、起看檐蛛结网、又寻思。
吴文英From the eaves cobweb, and thinking.10、佳期怅何许,泪下如流霰。
谢朓What's the season of sorrow, tears like flowing graupel.11、涧影见松竹,潭香闻芰荷。
孟浩然Pines and bamboos can be seen in the stream shadow, and the lotus can be heard in the pond fragrance.12、拜华星之坠几,约明月之浮槎。
关于爱国情怀的名言警句英文1. "Love of country is like love of a mother. It knows no bounds." - Benjamin Disraeli2. "Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it." - Mark Twain3. "True patriotism springs from a belief in the dignity of the individual, freedom and equality not only for Americans but for all people on earth." - Eleanor Roosevelt4. "I know of no way of judging the future but by the past." - Patrick Henry5. "Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious." - Oscar Wilde6. "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." - John F. Kennedy7. "Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism." - George Washington8. "The key to national success lies in the passionate devotion of its people." - Martin Luther King Jr.9. "Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime." - Adlai Stevenson 10. "Patriotism is not a badge sold for a penny at the nearest market. It is a fire of love for your country that cannot be extinguished." - Unknown。
Didn't double diligence, neither can nor a genius.别人光鲜的背后或者有着太多不为人知的痛苦。
Others behind glamorous or has too many unknown pain.不论你怎么样,父母总是在第一时间为你着想。
No matter how are you, my parents always think of you at the first time.那些离别和失望的伤痛,已经发不出声音来了。
Those who leave and disappointed hurt, has not sent out the sound.必须如蜜蜂一样,采过许多花,才能酿出蜜来。
Must like bees, picked lots of flowers, to brew a honey.一个人的美不在外表,而在才华、气质和品格。
A person's beauty is not in appearance, and in the talent, temperament and character.一个人越在意的地方,就是最令他自卑的地方。
The more one mind place, is the place where the most to his inferiority.精打细算叫会过日子;挣一个花俩必是败家子。
Pinch pennies will live; Make a spend two must be the black sheep of his family.你若先走了,转身时就不要怪我也在背对着你。
英语爱国名言带翻译1、起来,不愿做奴隶的人们,把我们的血肉筑成我们新的长城!Get up, people who do not want to be slaves, and build our flesh and blood into our new Great Wall!2、我重视祖国的利益,甚于自己的生命和我所珍爱的儿女。
I value the interests of my motherland more than my own life and my cherished children.3、爱国英雄给民族带来光荣,专制暴君给民族带来灾难。
Patriotic heroes bring glory to the nation and autocratic tyrants bring disaster to the nation.4、爱国是文明人的首要美德。
Patrioti *** is the first virtue of civilized people.5、人类的最高精神面就是爱国。
The highest spirit of mankind is patrioti *** .6、工人阶级要用自己的模范行动来带动全国人民建设社会主义!The working class should use its exemplary actions to drive the people of the whole country to build sociali *** !7、我希望在烈火与热血中得到永生!I hope to live forever in the fire and blood!8、爱国之心,实为一国之命脉。
Patrioti *** is the lifeblood of a country.9、想从我手中抢走火炬,除非从我尸体上爬过去。
I want to take the torch from my hand unless I climb over my body.10、爱国的主要方法,就是要爱自己所从事的事业。
I laugh from Hengdao to-day, the fate of two Kunlun hepatobiliary.2、去国十年老尽、少年心。
After ten years old, young heart.3、羌管悠悠霜满地。
Are yo Montreal cream. People insomnia, general white hair Yukio tears.4、武侯祠堂常邻近,一体君臣祭祀同。
Wuhou often adjacent to one of the ancestral temple, worship the same.5、故国且回首,此意莫匆匆。
The old and look back, this is in a hurry.6、山甫归应疾,留侯功复成。
Fu Gui hill should stay Gongfu into.7、位卑未敢忘忧国。
Dared not country.8、臣心一片磁针石,不指南方不肯休。
Chen Xin Shi a needle, not to the South would not take.9、奏恺乐,归皇都,班爵献俘邦国娱。
Caleb played, belong to the Royal Prince, offering Captive Nations entertainment class.10、缟素酬家国,戈船决死生!胡笳千古恨,一片月临城。
The ship will return home, mourning, life and death! Hujia eternal hate, a month in Lincheng.11、四十年来家国,三千里地山河。
Consistency is strong, and conflict is easy to conquer.
We love our nation, this is the source of our confidence.
Everyone is responsible for his country.
The guest at the border, returning more bitter yan.
One who, in the heart of Tianshan Mountains, old cangzhou!
Forty thousand tears together, where is china.
Patriotism is the first virtue of a civilized man.
Only the soul of the people is worthy of the precious, but he carried forward, China has really progress.
Again, do not want to be slaves, our flesh and blood to build our new the Great Wall!
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——白落梅Love is pain, is the shore.2、心美一切皆美,情深万象皆深。
——林清玄Heart beautiful everything is beautiful, the fierceness of vientiane is deep.3、的表达是沉默,而不是语言。
——林清玄Silence is the best expression, rather than language.4、柔软是最有力量,也是最恒常的。
——林清玄Soft is the most powerful and most constant.5、那些不堪言的疼痛,经历过的人会懂。
——许嵩The pain of unbearable speech, experienced people can understand.6、以笑的方式哭,在死亡的伴随下活着。
——余华Way to cry with a smile, under the accompany of death alive.7、爱情,在最开始的时候,总是美丽的。
——笛安Love, in the beginning, always beautiful.8、但我还记得我爱过你,所以我要谢谢你。
——许嵩But I remember I love you, so I want to thank you.9、死亡不是失去了生命,仅仅走出了时间。
——余华Death is not lost their lives, just out of the time.10、也许你会忘记,但总有一天会再想起。
——饶雪漫Perhaps you will forget, but will one day be no more remembered.11、自从经历过那些以后,你都没怎么笑过。
——许嵩Since experienced those, what didn't you laughed.12、总有回不去的故园,总有等不到的春天。
——白落梅Always have to go back to not homeworld, there is alwayscan't wait until spring.13、我的悲伤还来不及出发,就已经到站下车。
——余华My sadness is too late, had to get off.14、你终究会明白,别人的东西才是的。
——饶雪漫You will eventually understand that other people's things is the best.15、她不美丽,却能够用任何一种姿态倾城。
——白落梅She is not beautiful, but she can use any kind of attitude the whole.16、得之我幸,失之我命!什么时候她能应承?——徐志摩I hope, my what break life! When she can promise?17、你喜欢我,不过我爱你。
——笛安Do you like me, but I love you. This is a za a pair of distinction.18、谁知道谁在想什么,谁又会是谁的救世主。
——饶雪漫Who knows who think, who is who's savior.19、我们都是没有未来的人,这个点非常可怕!——饶雪漫We are all have no future, this is very terrible!20、我承认爱情曾浮现,仅仅你看不见在这瞬间。
——许嵩I admit that love once, you just can't see at this moment.21、本该牵你手的手指,每至夜晚却独自合十!——徐志摩Was supposed to hold your hand fingers, every night isfolded alone!22、死是最简单容易的事,活着已经是在地狱里。
——老舍Death is the most simple and easy, living is already in hell.23、我们终究逃不了,面对这世界的多变与苍老。
——饶雪漫We all can't escape, face the world with the old variable.24、一笑而过,是人生的淡然,也是人生的优雅。
——林清玄Smile, life is cool, and the grace of life.25、再温柔平和宁静的落雨,也有把人浸透的威力。
——林清玄Gentle peace rainy again, also have a people the power of penetration.26、一双眼睛也在说话,眼光里漾起,心泉的秘密。
——徐志摩A pair of eyes also talking, eyes overflow, the spring inthe heart of the secret.27、就算被岁月没收了青春,我们还有老去的资格。
——白落梅Even if confiscated by years, youth, we still have old qualification.28、而我终将出发,去向你说过的无法到达的永恒。
——饶雪漫And I will set out, to you said is unable to be eternal.29、自己的路既然走不通,便没法不承认别人作得对。
——老舍Own way since go, he couldn't help others to be right.30、爱的开始是一个眼色,爱的最后是无尽的苍穹。
——林清玄The beginning of love is an expression of eyes, the last of love is the endless sky.31、我们需要时间来长大,更需要时间来变得强大。
——饶雪漫We need time to grow up, need time to become more powerful.32、记住太阳光是健康的来源,比什么药都好。
——徐志摩Remember that the sun is the only source of health is better than what medicine.33、男人就像车票,只有持续的换票,才能到达终点。
——饶雪漫Men are like tickets, only constant change ticket, to reach the destination.34、你又怎会理解,那段时间,用尽心血,所做的一切。
——许嵩How can you understand, at the time, with effort, everything.35、一个人命再大,要是自己想死,那就怎么也活不了。
——余华A life again big, if they want to die, then how could live.36、春光与希望,是长驻的;自然与人生,是调谐的。
——徐志摩Spring and hope, is resident; Nature and life, it is tuned.37、既然要强并没有用处,不过毁掉自己也不见得高明。
——老舍Since the stronger and useless, but destroy oneself also not good.38、一个人,唯有经历万般磨砺,才能够做到百折不挠。
——白落梅A person, only experience all hone, perseverance can do.39、高贵的人打得赢自己的*,无论那*有多么高级。
——笛安Noble people played to win his own desire, no matter how advanced the desire.40、每个女子,都珍爱自己的容颜,愿与繁花相守一生。
——白落梅Every woman, cherish their own appearance, and flowers would like to be together for life.41、最是那一低头的娇羞,像一朵水莲花一样不胜的温柔。
——徐志摩The most is the head of attraction, like a water lotus very gentle.42、你我相逢在黑夜的海上,你有你的,我有我的,方向。
——徐志摩I meet you in the night of the sea, you have to you, I have my direction.43、现在,他才明白过来,悔悟过来,人是不能独自活着的。
——老舍Now, he didn't understand, repentance, people can not live alone.44、要强又怎样呢?这个世界并不因为自己要强而公道一些。
——老舍What is better? The world is not fair for your better.45、经验是生活的肥料,有什么样的经验便变成什么样的人。
——老舍Experience is the fertilizer of life, what kind of experience will become what kind of person.46、我家最贵重的,不是什么宝物,而是满室的花香与绿叶。
——林清玄My most precious, is not what treasures, but a room full of flowers and green leaves.47、世界上有很多也许。
——饶雪漫There are a lot of maybe in the world. Unfortunately, all that happens is one of the most unlucky.48、虽然明天还会有新的太阳,但永远不会有今天的太阳了。
——林清玄Although the sun will also have a new tomorrow, but never see the sun today.49、自己的努力与克己既然失败,大家的行为一定是有道理的。