七年级英语上册 Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer?教案 新版外研版
1.掌握本单元的单词keyboard ,mouse, screen, ------paper 及短语:connect to, turn on等。 2.掌握四会句型: 1).How do I write my homework on my computer ? 2).What do I do next? 3).Where do I write the name? 4).How do I save the document? First ,open a new document .Then ,use the mouse and click “new document”. 3.掌握一般现在时的特殊疑问句的用法。
二、翻译下列短语。 1. 连接显示器 与主机 2. 打开电脑 3. 打开一个新 文件 4. 使用键盘 5. 给它命名 6. 再点击保存 connect the monitor to the computer turn on the computer open a new document use the keyboard write a name for it click “save” again
Listen again and answer:
What does Lingling want to do on the computer? She wants to write her homework . Who is good at using the computer?
7.Find the words from the box in the conversat Write the words they go with. Work in pairs.
1. Listen to the recording.
2. Repeat after the recording.
3. Practice the sounds in pairs.
Step7 Work in pairs
s of computer items
2.Conversations about how to use a computer
How to give instructions of writing homework on the computer
Tape recorder, CAI, blackboard
6. Find the words from the box in the conversation. Write the words they go with.
7. Pair work and check the answer together.
2.the document
3.your homework / a name / the name / it
Keys: 1. screen 2. keyboard 4. mouse
2 Label the parts of the computer.
3 Complete the sentences with the word and expression from the box.
4. Play the recording again, then check together.
英语七年级M7 Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer
Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer?
Learning Objectives(学习目标):
1.能听掌握电脑方面的简单词汇和句型; 2.能就电脑的使用进行简单地问答练习;
the computer. 3 Finally, _t_u_r_n__o_n_ the computer.
Task2. Listen and choose the correct answer.
1. What does Lingling want to do on the computer? A.Play computer games. B.Write her homework. C.Listen to music. 2. Where does Lingling click on “new document”? A. On the left of the screen. B.On the right of the screen. C.In the middle of the screen. 3. How does Lingling print her document? A.Click on “new document” . B.Click “save” . C.Click “print” and “OK” .
What do you do next?
There are five people in my family.
How do you save the document?
Then save the document
Where do you write the name?
turn on
First, connect the screen to the computer.
Next, connect the keyboard and the
mouse to the computer. Finally, turn on the computer.
Tips: pay attention to key words when you listen to the taquestions in pairs.
1.How do you open a new document? Click the mouse on new document.
2. Where do you write your homework? I write my homework in the new document.
3. How do you save the document? Click “save” and write a name for the document.
Number them in order. 2 Write your homework. 5 Print your document. 1 Open a new document. 3 Save the document. 4 Put some paper in.
Tips: First,… Next,… Next, …Then, … Finally,…
Listen and answer
1 What does Lingling want to do on the computer?
初一英)M7 Unit 1 How do I write my homework教学
Module7 Unit 1 How do I write my homework onthecomputer?
书名: 《英语七年级上册》
出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 出版日期:2012年 7月
3.使用first, next, finally介绍使用电脑写家庭作业的操作说明。
; https:// 3d试机号
张罗了丰盛的饭菜。新屋封顶是男人们干的活儿,所以小青和耿英那天只能是婆姨们做饭队伍中的成员了,两人跑前跑后地一直忙个不停。耿 直小,也加入到了这个队伍中,一会儿抱柴,一会儿择菜,高高兴兴地忙碌着。新屋封顶工程结束后,白家就在院子里摆开桌子,招呼大家伙 儿高高兴兴地吃了一顿饭。说起来,这新屋封顶街坊邻里帮忙,主家宴请吃一顿丰盛的饭菜,已经是这一带地方一直流传下来的一种乡俗了。 来帮忙的人高兴,主家也高兴。那天干活儿时耿正注意到,在两个负责挑水的年轻后生中,有一个长得虎头虎脑的特别壮实可爱,大家都喊他 东伢子。只见他挑了两只木制大水桶,跑了一趟又一趟,干得比哪一个都欢快。他不但给男人们这边负责和泥的人送水,而且还抽空给西墙根 下的那只大水缸里添水。虽然那边的女子们不断地洗菜做饭大肆用水,但水缸里的水一直都是满满的。耿英那天也注意到这个年轻后生了,他 看上去比小青姐姐略大几岁的样子。但不知道为什么,小青姐姐非但不感激这个赶来帮忙,并且特别勤快的好街坊,反而老是给人家甩脸子。 但这个年轻后生似乎并不生气,反而处处让着小青姐姐。当他第一次高高兴兴地过来给大水缸里添水时,小青姐姐竟然硬邦邦地对人家说: “你来我家干什么!”没有想到这年轻后生一点儿也没有生气,只是特别憨厚地对小青姐姐笑一笑,说:“婆婆叫我过来帮忙呢,我想自己也 不会干别的,就挑水吧,反正咱有的是力气啊!”小青却用鼻子“哼”一声,很不肖地扭头不看人家了,继续低头剥葱。耿英不解地看着小青, 心里着实替这个年轻后生打抱不平,但又不好说什么。这时候,正好乔氏提着一篮子准备清洗的莲藕过来了。看到这个年轻后生给大水缸里添 满了水,高兴地说:“东伢子就是有眼力啊,这边也是很费水呢。”然后转头笑着对正在一边切蒜薹的对门儿老婆婆说:“娘娘的这个大孙子 就是讨人喜欢呢,您老好福气啊!”老婆婆高兴地笑了,说:“我老了,是他爹和他姆妈好福气呢!”另一个婆姨的笑声更响,大声说:“哪 里啊,是谁家的丫头好福气呢!”小青低声骂一句:“真讨厌!”到这个时候,耿英已经基本上搞明白了,这个人们喊他东伢子的年轻后生为 什么总是处处让着小青姐姐!那天上午,耿英一边干着活儿,一边还一直在想,这个东伢子人挺不错的呀,可小青姐姐为什么要那样对待人家 呢?有那么一刻,耿英甚至还跑了神:这东伢子怎么看怎么就好像是大壮呢!唉,大壮啊,你现在可好?你在干什么呢?在给我娘挑水吗?热 热闹闹地吃完午饭后,男人们又帮助收拾整理一番,就各自搬上自家的桌椅板凳告辞回去了。婆姨们则帮助乔氏将碗呀碟呀的全部洗刷干净了, 各人将自家的碗碟归拢在一
秋七年级英语上册 7 Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer(第2
Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer第二课时(Activity 5-Activity 9)Step 1:Have a dictationGet the students to write the words and phrases in Unit 1,check them if they have grasped the usages of the points.Step 2:Ask and answer1.Read the conversation in Activity 4 again.2.Have the students answer the questions in Activity 5.(1)How do you open a new document?(2)Where do you write your homework?(3)How do you save the document?(4)Where do you write its name?(5)How do you print the document?3.Ask some students to show their answers,then check the answers.Keys:(1)Click the “new document”.(2)Write it in the new document.(3)Click “save”.(4)Write it in the box.(5)Click “print”and “OK”.Step 3:Learning to learnRemember to use words like first,next and finally when you talk about a sequence of activities.Notice where the comma goes.Step 4:Practice1.Read the words in the box and the sentences aloud in Activity 6.finally,learn,paper,print,save(1)I want to ________ how to print a document.(2)________ your document and write a name for it.(3)Put some ________ in there to print your document.(4)Click “________”and “OK”.(5)________,go and get your document.2.Play the 3rd time,and pause after each phrase,askingthe students to repeat,and then do Activity 6.3.Pair work and check the answers together.Keys:(1)learn (2)Save (3)paper (4)print (5)Finally4.Ask the students to read the sentences.5.Find the words from the box in the conversation.Writethe words they go with in Activity 7.open,print,save,use,writeopen a__new__document(1)use ________(2)write ________(3)save ________(4)print ________6.Pair work and check the answers together.Keys:(1)use the__keyboard(2)write a__name(3)save the__document(4)print the__documentStep 5:Pronunciation1.Play the recording once without stopping in Activity 8.2.Play the recording again and ask the whole class to repeat.3.Ask the students to listen and check their pronunciation.4.Now listen again and repeat.Step 6:SpeakingWork in pairs.Ask and answer questions about computers.A:What's this?B:It's the keyboard.A:How do you write your homework on the computer?…Step 7:Homework1.Revise all the check points in this unit.2.Finish off the workbook exercises.Blackboard DesignUnit 1How do I write my homework on the computer?(Activity 5-Activity 9 )learn save paper print finally。
外研版英语七年级上册Module 7 Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer
1 First, _c_o_n_n_e_c_t_ the screen to the computer. 2 Next, _c_o_n_n_e_c_t_ the keyboard and the mouse
to the computer. 3 Finally, _t_u_r_n_o_n__ the computer.
• 你离开办公室时务必把灯关掉。 Be sure to turn off the light when you leave the office.
5 Answer the questions.
1 How do you open a new document? 2 Where do you write your homework? 3 How do you save the document? 4 Where do you write its name? 5 How do you print the document?
Betty: Click “print” and “OK”. Lingling: What about some paper?
Betty: Oh yes, of course! You put the paper in there first!
Everyday English
• Is this it? • What’s next? • Of course!
Read again then answer.
How does Lingling write her homework on the computer?
_F__ir_s_t_, click and open a new document. _N__e_x_t_, use the keyboard to write your homework. _T_h_e_n__, save the document. Write the name in the box and click “save”. _F_i_n_a_l_ly_, save your document.
七年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 1 How do I write my homework
1.键盘 1.keyboard
2.显示器 2.monitor
3.鼠标 3.mouse
4.打印 / 打印机 4.print / printer
5.连接 5.connect…to…
6.接通,开 6.switch on/ turn on
7.最后 7.finally
8.首先 8.first
9.文件 9. document
10.使用 e
11.点击 11.click
12.然后, 其次 12.then / next
14. 方框
15. 再一次,又 15.again
Words learning
Example: yoradbek contenc doctuemn onlnie etnrIten uretpmco
keyboard key+board connect document online on+ line Internet Inter+net computer
1.键盘 1.keyboard
4. Click “_p__r_in__t_____” and “OK”. 5. _F_i_n_a_l_ly_____, turn the computer off.
A. Listen to the dialogue, then find out these words.
B. Say the words they go with and read out the sentences. (听录音, 作听力笔记,写出含有该词的短语)
A. to
B. at
C. on
D. in
13. Don’t ___A__ the TV. My baby is sleeping now.
A. turn on
B. turn off
C. look at
D. pick up
14. Do you know ___B__ to start the computer?
“play” to listen to music.
8. Alice uses the keyboard (键盘)to write her homework on the computer.
9. Sorry, I can’t see the words on the screen (屏幕). 10. John thinks it’s a little difficult to learn (学习)
四、根据汉语意思完成句子。 26. 你能教我如何打印这个文件吗? Can you teach me how to ______p_r_in_t_______th__e
_d_o_c_u_m__e_n_t ?
27. 我需要三张纸写信。 I need ______t_h_re_e____p_i_ec_e_s______o_f _____p_a_p_etro write a
goes home.
5. They go to the shop to buy some paper (纸). 6. [ 安徽合肥市瑶海区期末] You can use it to print .
(打印) your homework. 7. [ 安徽合肥包河区期末] You can click (点击)
24. He is a famous player and he __is_g_o_o_d__a_t_ playing basketball.
外研版初一英语上册 Module 7 Unit 1 How do I write my hom
Read the dialogue after the recording for three times.
Workbook(1) P48
Work in pairs.
Can I learn ?
Next, connect the keyboard and the mouse to the computer.
Finally, turn on the computer.
Pair work
A: How do I turn on the computer? B: First, ...
Then, ... Next, ... A: Thank you. …
P42 Listen and number the words as you hear them, and then label them. keyboard □2 mouse □3 screen □1
turn on
First, connect the screen to the computer .
How do I print the document?
Click ______ and ______.
How do you write your homework on the computer?
First, open ..., click ...
Next, write ... in the new document.
in the new document.
Use the
动词,意思为“连接”,通常与介 词to连用。 Connect …to … 让我们把鼠标连接到电脑上。 Let’s connect the mouse to the computer.
turn on
turn on the computer.
on 打开,接通 Turn on 意思为“打开”,多指打开电器的开 关,接通电源。反义词为Turn off 请打开收音机 Please turn on the radio. 请同学们想一下:Turn on 与open的区别
printer 打印机
1 Listen and number the words as you hear them.
keyboard mouse
3 Complete the sentences with the word and expression from the box.
connect turn on
First,open _____ a new document.
Use themouse ____ to click ______.
On the left
Next, use the keyboard ______
write your homework. to_____
My homework
on 后接的名词是电器类事物,open 后接的名词 是门、窗之类的事物。 打开电脑 turn on the computer 打开窗户 Open the window
Words and expressions
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • keyboard n. 键盘 use the keyborad use v. 使用 mouse n. 鼠标; 老鼠 click the mouse click v. 点击 document n. 文件 save v. 保存;储存 save the document print v. 打印 print the document box n. 盒子; (电脑屏幕上的)框 finally adv. 最后 paper n. 纸 screen n. 屏幕 connect …to… connect v. 连接 turn on 打开 learn v. 学;学习
七年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 1 How do I write my homework
Module 7 Unit 1 How do I write my homework on thecomputer?Teaching aims:To get to know basic words about computer.To understand conversation about how to use a computer.To learn how to give instructions.课前检测根据句意和首字母提示完成单词1.How do I write my homework o____ the computer?2.—May I u____ your pen? --Sure. Here you are.3.Can you use the m____ and click “new document”?4.—How do I save the d____? --You click “save”.5.—Where do I write the name? --Write it in the b____.6.If you want to print something, you can c____ “print” and “OK”.7.The p____ can print your homework.8.I open a new document; what do I do n____?9.This question is very difficult, but f____ he can answer it.10.—W____ do you write your homework?--I write it on the computer.Some important knowledge points.1.表示步骤的词:first, next, then, finally2.一些特殊疑问词:where, when, how, what and so on.3.一些动词的用法:4.短语:在电脑上写作业__________ 打开新文件___________保存文件___________ 给它写个名字__________使用键盘__________ 在方框里____________接通,打开_______首先,其次,然后,最后_______________把主机和显示器连接__________打印文件____________当堂检测单项选择1.--____ is your email address?--Daming 2007@ .A. WhereB. WhatC. HowD. When2.____ the computer;I am going to use it.A. Switch offB. Switch upC. Switch downD. Switch on3.First, connect the monitor ____ the computer.A. onB. inC. forD. to4.You can write your homework ____the keyboard.A. useB. withC. andD. for5.--____ do you write your homework?--In the new document.A. HowB. WhatC. WhereD. When6.--____ do you open a new document?--Click “new document”.A. HowB. WhatC. WhereD. When7.My mother wants to visit ____ my grandmother.A. toB. forC./D. on8.I often do my homework ____ the computer.A. inB. toC. atD. on9.My brother often listens ____ music.A. atB. ofC. forD. to10.I am very busy. I have ____ homework to do.A. manyB. anyC. lots ofD. a few句型转换1.I often play computer games at the weekend.(就划线部分提问)____ ____ you often ____ at the weekend?2.You can write your homework in the new document.(就划线部分提问)____ can you write your homework?3.My aunt always uses the computer to draw some pictures.(改为一般疑问句)____ your aunt always ____ the computer to draw ____ pictures?4.Write it in the box.(改为否定句)____ ____ ____ in the box.5.The printer is behind you.(改为同义句)You are ____ ____ ____ the printer.完成句子1.首先,把鼠标和主机连接起来。
中学秋七年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 1 How do I write my homew
Module 7 Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the puter?Warming upGood morning, class! Do I have a puter at home? Yes, I do. I have a laptop at home. What do I usually do on my puter? I usually listen to CDs and watch films on my puter. Do I write my diary on it? Yes, I do. How do I write my diary on the puter? First, I open a new document. I use the mouse and click “new document”. Next, I write my diary in the new document. I use the keyboard. At last, I click “save”, and write a name for it. So everyb ody can write his or her diary on the puter. What can you do on your puter besides this? You can write your homework on it! After you finish your homework, you can click “print” and “OK”. And then you can hand in your homework to teachers. Do you know how to use the puter now? Let’s turn to page 60 and learn more about the puter!Vocabulary and listening1 Listen and number the words as you hear them.Here is a puter. It has several different parts. The big screen we see is the monitor. In front of the monitor is the keyboard. We use the keyboard to write things on the puter. The mouse is next to the keyboard. We use the mouse to click things on the monitor. The part on the left side is the printer. We use the printer to print images and documents. Now, please listen to the tape. Number the words as you hear them.Now we are going to label the parts of the puter. Look at the above picture please. Which part is the mouse? How do we use the mouse? What is the name of the second part? What is the fourth part used for?Hi, class! Can you tell me how to turn on the puter? First, we connect the monitor to the puter. Next, we connect the keyboard and the mouse to the puter. Finally we switch on the puter. In this way the puter can work.Now we are going to listen and read.Lingling and Daming are talking about how to write the homework on the puter. Lingling doesn’t know how to do it. She asks Daming questions of writing the homework on the puter. Daming answers to her questions. Listen carefully.Now let’s go on to read the dialogue. While reading try to cut(断句)/ the sentences into parts, blacken(涂黑)the predicates, shade(加影)the connectives and underline(划线)the expressions.Now write all the expressions in your Expression Book.5 Find these words in the dialogue. Write the words they go with.There are six verbs in the box below. We can find these words in the dialogue in Activity 4. Do you know how to use these words after reading the dialogue? First, find these words in the dialogue yourself. Second, make new sentences with these words. For example, I save my new document. I use the keyboard to write my diary. I open the document. I use the mouse to click print and OK. I use the mouse to draw a picture in the new document. I use the printer to print my picture. I write my position in the new document.4 save the document5 print itHello, class! I would like you to write today’s English homework on your puter. Do you know how to write the homework on the puter now? What do you needto do first? Of course, you need to switch on the puter first. What do you needto do next? You should open a new document for your homework. What is the third step? You write your homework in the new document. How do you save the document? You use the mouse and click save. Do you print your homework? Yes, you do. You need to click print and OK to print the document. Number the instructions in the correct order please.2 Write your homework.4 Print your document.1 Open a new document.3 Save the documentThese are some questions about the conversation we learn. Now please answer them yourself. Use the correct sentences from the conversation.1 Ho w do you open a new document?→I use the mouse and click “new document”.2 Where do you write your homework?→I write my homework in the new document.3 How do you save the document?→I use the mouse and click “save”.4 Where do you write its name?→I write it in the box.5 What do you do next?→I click “save” again.6 How do you print it?→I click “print” and “OK”.8 Listen and repeat.On page 61 there is one sound and one word. You are going to listen and repeat. Pay attention to the sound on the left and blackened part the word.//switch9 Listen and repeat the questions.There are five sentences here. Listen to the tape and repeat the questions. Make sentences like these by yourself. Say as many sentences as you can. Now I give you some examples. What’s the printer? What’s the polar bear? What do you do at weekends? What does he do on Sunday? How do I open a new document? How does a washing machine work? Where is the zoo? Where is the monitor? Where do we write our homework? Where do you go swimming?Work with your partner. Ask each other questions about puters. Try to think of as many as questions as possible. Use the word where, what and how. When you answer the questions, please try to make your answers plete.。
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Module 7 Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer?Warming upGood morning, class! Do I have a computer at home? Yes, I do. I have a laptop at home. What do I usually do on my computer? I usually listen to CDs and watch films on my computer. Do I write my diary on it? Yes, I do. How do I write my diary on the computer? First, I open a new document. I use the mouse and click “new document”. Next, I write my diary in the new document. I use the keyboard. At last, I click “save”, and write a name fo r it. So everybody can write his or her diary on the computer. What can you do on your computer besides this? You can write your homework on it! After you finish your homework, you can click “print” and “OK”. And then you can hand in your homework to teach ers. Do you know how to use the computer now? Let’s turn to page 60 and learn more about the computer!Vocabulary and listening1 Listen and number the words as you hear them.Here is a computer. It has several different parts. The big screen we see is the monitor. In front of the monitor is the keyboard. We use the keyboard to write things on the computer. The mouse is next to the keyboard. We use the mouse to click things on the monitor. The part on the left side is the printer. We use the printer to print images and documents. Now, please listen to the tape. Number the words as you hear them.Now we are going to label the parts of the computer. Look at the above picture please. Which part is the mouse? How do we use the mouse? What is the name of the second part? What is the fourth part used for?Hi, class! Can you tell me how to turn on the computer? First, we connect the monitor to the computer. Next, we connect the keyboard and the mouse to the computer. Finally we switch on the computer. In this way the computer can work.Now we are going to listen and read.Lingling and Daming are talking about how to write the homework on the computer. Lingling doesn’t kno w how to do it. She asks Daming questions of writing the homework on the computer. Daming answers to her questions. Listen carefully.Now let’s go on to read the dialogue. While reading try to cut(断句)/ the sentences into parts, blacken(涂黑)the predicates, shade(加影)the connectives and underline(划线)the expressions.Now write all the expressions in your Expression Book.5 Find these words in the dialogue. Write the words they go with.There are six verbs in the box below. We can find these words in the dialogue in Activity 4. Do you know how to use these words after reading the dialogue? First, find these words in the dialogue yourself. Second, make new sentences with these words. For example, I save my new document. I use the keyboard to write my diary. I open the document. I use the mouse to click print and OK. I use the mouse to draw a picture in the new document. I use the printer to print my picture. I write my composition in the new document.6 Number the instructions in the correct order.Hello, class! I would like you to write today’s English homework on your computer. Do you know how to write the homework on the computer now? What do you need to do first? Of course, you need to switch on the computer first. What do you need to do next? You should open a new document for your homework. What is the third step? You write your homework in the new document. How do you save the document? You use the mouse and click save. Do you print your homework? Yes, you do. You need to click print and OK to print the document. Number the instructions in the correct order please.These are some questions about the conversation we learn. Now please answer them yourself. Use the correct sentences from the conversation.8 Listen and repeat.On page 61 there is one sound and one word. You are going to listen and repeat. Pay attention to the sound on the left and blackened part the word.There are five sentences here. Listen to the tape and repeat the questions. Make sentences like these by yourself. Say as many sentences as you can. Now I give you some examples. What’s the printer? What’s the polar bear? What do you do at weekends? What does he do on Sunday? How do I open a new document?How does a washing machine work? Where is the zoo? Where is the monitor? Where do we write our homework? Where do you go swimming?Work with your partner. Ask each other questions about computers. Try to think of as many as questions as possible. Use the word where, what and how. When you answer the questions, please try to make your answers complete.。