
2007年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试英语翻译试卷Ⅰ.Multiple Choice Questions (30 points, 2 points for each)A.Directions: This part consists of ten sentences, each followed by four different versions marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that is the closest equivalent of the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness.1.I always found myself a dread of west and a love of east in Eden.A.我总是在自己身上找到对伊甸之西的畏惧和对伊甸之东的喜爱。
2.No man is so foolish but he may give another good counsel sometimes.A.没有人如此愚笨,他有时也能给别人提出好的忠告。
3.A pretext was the last thing that Hastings was likely to want.A.最后,哈丁斯好像需要一个借口。
4.A powerful indictment of America’s disregard of ecology, Silent Spring was aimed chiefly at the wholesale use of chemical pesticide.especially DDT.A.有力地控诉了美国对生态的忽视,《沉默的春天》主要是针对大规模使用农药,特别是滴滴涕。

七年汉译英带答案七年级英语汉译英试题Module 11、他经常把钥匙落在车⾥。
He often his keys the car.2、---你在找什么?----我的书包。
---What are you ? ----My schoolbag.3、⼩⼼那辆车!with that car!4、贝蒂,这⼿套是你的吗?不是我的。
---Are these gloves , Betty ? - --No, they are not5、欢迎回到学校!6、这有⼀个紫⾊的钱包。
people come here every day .8、请给托尼打电话,号码是123456.Please Tony 123456.9、他们能帮助你找到他们They can you them .10、⾸先,来看看失物招领箱。
, come and look at the lost and found box .1 leaves in2 looking for3 Be careful4 yours mine. 5.Welcome back to school ! 6 Here is a purple wallet . 7 Hundreds of 8 call at 9 help find 10 First of all Module 21、不要担⼼你的⼉⼦。
Don’t your son.2、我们会尽⼀切努⼒让你幸福。
We will do our best to you .3、我妹妹想加⼊体育俱乐部,因为她能跑得⾮常快。
My sister wants to the PE Club, because she can4 我真的很擅长⾜球。
I’m really football.5、今天的课就到这。
for today. Class is over.6、--你会说汉语吗?--是的,但是我说不好。
--Can you ? ----Yes, but I can’t speak .7、选我当班长,我保证帮助你。

参考答案:Starting from this year, three new panda’s nature reserves will be created in Sichuan to ensure that 50% of the panda’s habitat and 60% of panda individuals are protected, bringing the total number of the reserves to 40 in the province. The protected areas to be set up are located in Lushan County’s Huangshuihe nature reserves in Qionglai Mountains and Yingjing County’s Paocaowan nature reserves in Daxiang Mountain and Xiaoxiang Mountain. In the meanwhile, the third one, Bayuelin protected area in Jinhekou District, Leshan City, is currently waiting for approval. And it is likely to be set up in the year.At present, there are 37 panda’s nature reserves in Sichuan, covering more than 2 million hectares, among which 11 nature reserves are designated by the state. According to the third panda population census, the number of pandas living in the wild is 1206, accounting for 76% of the total number in the country. The panda’s habitat areas in Sichuan h ave reached 1.77 million hectares, making up 77% of the panda’s habitat areas in China.As early as 1950s, the first nature reserves designed to protect pandas had been established in China. In 1992, the Chinese government initiated the “Protection of Pandas and Pandas’ Habitat Program” which was aimed at protecting pandas’ habitat and in 1998, such projects as the “Protection of Natural forests” and the “Conversion of farm land into forest” were started, after which the living and breeding conditions of pandas have improved considerably.Being referred to as a “living fossil”, the panda is one of the most precious and endangered species. Currently, there are only 1590 pandas living in the wild and most of them are spread mainly in Sichuan and Shan’xi.。

2007年Text 1If you were to examine the birth certificates of every soccer player in 2006’s World Cup tournament, you would most likely find a noteworthy quirk: elite soccer players are more likely to have been born in the earlier months of the year than in the later months. If you then examined the European national youth teams that feed the World Cup and professional ranks, you would find this strange phenomenon to be even more pronounced.如果你打算调查一下2006年世界杯锦标赛上所有足球运动员的出生证明,那么你很有可能发现一个值得注意的怪现象:优秀足球运动员更可能出生于每年的前几个月而不是后几个月。
What might account for this strange phenomenon? Here are a few guesses: a) certain astrological signs confer superior soccer skills; b) winter-born babies tend to have higher oxygen capacity, which increases soccer stamina; c) soccer-mad parents are more likely to conceive children in springtime, at the annual peak of soccer mania;d) none of the above.什么可以解释这一奇怪的现象呢?下面是一些猜测:a)某种星象学的征兆使人具备更高的足球技能;b)冬季出生的婴儿往往有较高的血氧含量,这增加了踢足球所需要的耐力;c)热爱足球的父母更可能在春季(每年足球狂热的鼎盛时期)怀孕;d)以上各项都不对。

2007年八级翻译PART V TRANSLATION(60 MIN)SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISHTranslate the underlined part of the following text into English. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.暮色中,河湾里落满云霞,与天际的颜色混合一起,分不清哪是流云哪是水湾。
如果稍稍长久一点端详这张张面庞,还会生出无限的怜悯SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESETranslate the following text into Chinese. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.Scientific and technological advances are enabling us to comprehend the furthest reaches of the cosmos, the most basic constituents of matter, and the miracle of life.At the same time, today, the actions, and inaction, of human beings imperil not only life on the planet, but the very life of the planet.? Globalization is making the world smaller, faster and richer. Still, 9/11, avian flu, and Iran remind us that a smaller, faster world is not necessarily a safer world.Our world is bursting with knowledge - but desper¬ately in need of wisdom. Now, when sound bites are getting shorter, when instant messages crowd out essays, and when individual lives grow more crazy, college graduates capable of deep reflection are what our world needs.For all these reasons I believed - and I believe even more strongly today - in the unique and irreplaceable mission of universities.===============================参考译文:Beside this picture with profusions of colors, a group of sheep are lowing their heads, eating by the river bank. Hardly none of them would spare some time to raise their eyes to have a glance at the beautiful dusk. They are, perhaps, taking use of every minute to enjoy their last chew before being driven home. This is a picture of the Yellow River bank, in which the shepherd disappears, and no one knows where he is resting himself. Only the sheep, however, as free creatures, are joyfully appreciating the dusk. The exuberant water plants have nutrited the sheep, making them grow as fat as balls. When approaching near, you would find their lily-white teeth and a variety of innocent facial impressions.科技进步正在使我们能够探索宇宙的边陲、物质最基本的成分及生命的奇迹。

2007汉译英专题训练答案-很好的英语资料D求世界和平).[参考答案] concentrate more on world peace[详细解答] 此处考查动词concentrate的用法。
另外注意代词more 的用法。
5. She has got used to____(用吸管喝牛奶) though she is only two months old. [参考答案] sucking milk through a straw[详细解答] 此处used是形容词,表示“已适应,已习惯”,to后接名词或动名词形式。
6. Depending on what you are lookingfor, you have to judge for yourself______(这些资料对你来说有多大的相关性)。
[参考答案] how relevant the material is for you[详细解答] 此处考查how引起的宾语从句的用法,表示“多么,到何种程度”。
7. Mary received unemployment compensation__________ (当他从工厂下岗后)。
[参考答案] when she was laid off from her factory job[详细解答] 此处考查动词短语lay off的用法。
8. __________(第一次也是最后一次) did I quarrel with my beloved parents.[参考答案] For the first and last time[详细解答] 此句为倒装结构。
9. True friendship foresees the needs of others_________(而不是声明自己的要求)[参考答案] rather than proclaims its own[详细解答] rather than意思相当于instead of。

汉译英答案:The Chinese government attaches great importance to environmental protection. It believes that environmental protection has a bearing on the overall situation of China’s modernization drive and its long-term development and that it is an undertaking which will not only benefit the Chinese people of today but also bring benefit to their children and grand children. The Chinese government has established environmental protection as a basic national policy. While promoting economic growth, it has adopted a series of measures to protect the environment. Especially in recent years, adhering to the principle of prevention first, comprehensive control, entire push-on and key-point breakthrough, Chinese government has made great efforts to solve those outstanding environmental problems that threaten people’s health. It has persisted in institutional innovation, relied on technological advances, strengthened the role of law in environmental protection and brought into full play the initiative of various sectors of the society. Thanks to these efforts, the trend toward aggravated environmental pollution and ecological destruction has slowed down, pollution control in some river basins has achieved some initial success, the environmental quality of some cities and regions has improved to some extent, and the people’s awareness of the importance of environmental protection has increased further.二、2007年09月翻译二(汉译英):据说,上海男人是最好丈夫。

2007年5月翻译资格考试二级英语笔译实务真题及答案第一部分英译汉必译题Strolling beside Amsterdam‟s oldest canals, where buildings carry dates like 1541 and 1603, it is easy to imagine the city‟s prosperity in the 17th century. Replace today‟s bicycles and cars with horse-drawn carts, add more barges on the waterways, and this is essentially how Amsterdam must have looked to Rembrandt as he did his rounds of wealthy merchants.Such musings are not, of course, unprompted. This year, Amsterdam is celebrating the 400th anniversary of Rembrandt‟s birth, and it is hard to escape his shadow. His birthplace in Leiden, 20 miles south, has naturally organized its own festivities. But Amsterdam has two advantages: it boasts the world‟s largest Rembrandt collection — and tourists like to come here anyway.True, anniversaries can be pretty corny, but what city resists them? This year, Amsterdam is competing with Salzburg, where Mozart was born 250 years ago, and Aix-en-Provence, where Cézanne died a century ago. A sign in Amsterdam‟s tourist office by t he Central Station hints at one motive for such occasions: “Buy your Rembrandt products here.”Still, if you start off by liking Rembrandt, as I do, there is much to discover. For instance, when in Amsterdam I always make a point of paying homage to the Rembrandt masterpieces in the Rijksmuseum, yet until now I had never bothered to visit Rembrandt House, where the painter lived from 1639 until driven out by bankruptcy in 1658. In brief, I had never much connected his art to his person.Now, at least, I have made a stab at doing so because, for this anniversary (he was born on July 15, 1606), Amsterdam has organized a host of events that offer insights into Rembrandt‟s world. They highlight not only what is known about his life, but also the people he painted and the city he lived in from the age of 25 until his death at 63 in 1669.Although the Rijksmuseum is undergoing a massive renovation through 2009, the museum is not snubbing its favorite son. Throughout the year, in part of the building to be renovated last, it is presenting some 400 paintings and other 17th-century objects representing the Golden Age in which Rembrandt prospered. These include works by Jan Steen, Vermeer and Frans Hals as well as by Rembrandt and his pupils. And they climax with Rembra ndt‟s largest and best known oil, “The Night Watch,” itself the focus of “Nightwatching,” a light and sound installation by the British moviedirector and Amsterdam resident, Peter Greenaway.参考译文:阿姆斯特丹古老的运河旁矗立着许多年代久远的老建筑,在这里(甚至)能看到 1541 年和1603 年修建的建筑。

Passage 11—20 ACBDC BDACA BDABD CBADB 1.only to find his wife lying in bed seriously ill 2.went to bed hungry.3.returned safe and sound4. stood still like stones5. fell down dead6. The best way to learn a language7. to which he used to turn a deaf ear8. must have had something important to do9. had taken a little more time to think10. it were not for the expense involvedPassage 21—20 BDCAC BACBA CBDAD BBACB 1.The fact that America still attracts millions of people 2.The news that our team was beaten3.that he missed the morning train4. why he did it at all/why on earth he did it5. Broadly speaking6. Frankly speaking7. All the time it was quite evident8. is down and out in this round9. not to take this into consideration/account10. partly/in part from his ability to sell the product. Passage 31—20 CABCA CABDA CBCBD ADBCC1.will not have it said2.(should) make full use of3.Not knowing what to do4.than the phone rang again5.Seeing is believing6.except when the weather was bad7.except when he was in trouble8.except that he pants are a little too long9.as much money as I did when I was at that time10..make as few mistakes as possiblePassage 41—20 BDABA DBABD AABCB CCDBA1.the way he faces difficulties2.the way you laughed at her3.and some eggs as well4.give them a reply/reply to them as soon as possible5.write home as often as he could6.depending more and more on computers7.it‟s not necessarily the case8.could have made9.Not until the 18th century10.that is more difficult to learn than ChinesePassage 51—20DDBAB CDBCA DCDCD BACBD1. who violate traffic regulations2. It is time the authorities concerned3. Not that John doesn't want to help you,4. No matter how frequently performed,5. the three most common means of conveying news and information.6. only added to his confusion.7. I had no choice but to call in the police.8.I have had great deal of trouble9. As might be expected,10. it can‟t have been cleaned.Passage 61—20 CDAAC BBBAD CADCC ABBCA1. the extent to which2. to lay off a large number of clerks/emolyees3. to live much longer than in the past.4. According to a recent survey,5. differ in their attitudes towards failure/hold different attitudes to/toward failure. Some can stand up to it, draw useful lessons from it and try hard to fulfill what they are determined to do. Others, however, lose heart and give in.Passage 71—20 BACCA DDBAC BDCCB BADDC1.In contrast to2.no matter what job he is doing.3. plays an important part4. We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let‟s have another one this month.5. nor could I make him6. to make further improvements7. put off going to see the doctor.8. to put bottles of pills out of their reach.9. where the workers live10.done on timePassage 81 -20 ABCDB DABCA CDBDB CBACB题解Passage 11.这句话虽长,为简单句,意思是“甚至连感情亲密,彼此间倾诉个人问题和秘密的友谊也会因生活中的变化而中断”。

2007年考研英语·英译汉真题及解析真题:Directions:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(10 points)The study of law has been recognized for centuries as a basic intellectual discipline in European universities. However, only in recent years has it become a feature of undergraduate programs in Canadian universities. (46)Traditionally, legal learning has been viewed in such institutions as the special preserve of lawyers, rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person. Happily, the older and more continental view of legal education is establishing itself in a number of Canadian universities and some have even begun to offer undergraduate degrees in law.If the study of law is beginning to establish itself as part of a general education, its aims and methods should appeal directly to journalism educators. Law is a discipline which encourages responsible judgment. On the one hand, it provides opportunities to analyze such ideas as justice, democracy and freedom. (47)On the other, it links these concepts to everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news. For example, notions of evidence and fact, of basic rights and public interest are at work in the process of journalistic judgment and production just as in courts of law. Sharpening judgment by absorbing and reflecting on law is a desirable comp onent of a journalist’s intellectual preparation for his or her career.(48)But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media. Politics or, more broadly, the functioning of the state, is a major subject for journalists. The better informed they are about the way the state works, the better their reporting will be. (49)In fact, it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear grasp of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a competent job on political stories.Furthermore, the legal system and the events which occur within it are primary subjects for journalists. While the quality of legal journalism varies greatly, there is an undue reliance amongst many journalists on interpretations supplied to them by lawyers. (50)While comment and reaction from lawyers may enhance stories, it is preferable for journalists to rely on their own notions of significance and make their own judgments. These can only come from a well-grounded understanding of the legal system.解析:1、Traditionally, legal learning has been viewed in such institution as the special preserve of lawyers,rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person.be viewed as 被视为institutions 大学,学院educated 受教育的legal learning 法律学习;学习法律the special preserve(of lawyers)律师的特权;律师的特有领域intellectual equipment 知识体系;知识储备【译文】长久以来,法律知识在这类大学里一直被视为律师们所专有的,而不是一个受教育者的知识素养的必要组成部分。

(46)Traditionally,legal learning has been viewed in such institutions as the special preserve of lawyers,rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person.【句子详解】主干:legal learning has been viewed as the special preserve of lawyers其他:traditionally 副词做时间状语;in such institutions 介词短语作地点状语,rather than...并列连词,与前面the special preserve of lawyers 并列【参考翻译1】传统上来说,法律知识一直被加拿大这样的大学视为律师独有的学习内容,而并非是受教育者知识储备的必要组成部分。
——顺译为被动【参考翻译2】传统上来说,加拿大这样的大学一直将法律知识视为律师独有的学习内容,而并非是受教育者知识储【重点词汇】①learning n.知识;学问②institution n.学校;机构;制度③preserve v.专属内容④intellectual a.知识的【语法难度】难度指数:☆考查的语法点较简单,主干可简单处理为:主谓宾。
be viewed as 可看作是符合谓语。
【翻译要点】1.institution 、preserve 一词多义2.被动可转移为主动(体现翻译技巧)(47)On the other,it links these concepts to everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news.【句子详解】主干:it links these concepts to everyday realities其他:on the other是连接词;in a manner...是介词短语作方式状语;which...on the news是限制性定语从句。

He likes to people.【答案】talk with【解析】句意:他喜欢和人们谈话。
故答案是talk with.【2】他每天早上7点一刻起床。
He gets up at every morning.【答案】a quarter past seven【解析】句意:他每天早上7点一刻起床。
故答案是a quarter past seven。
【3】对付老人你有一套吗?Are you old people?【答案】good with【解析】句意:对付老人你有一套吗?故填good with。
【4】今天你想做什么运动?sports do you want to play ?【答案】What【解析】句意:今天你想做什么运动?故填What.【5】他在游泳俱乐部吗?Is he in the ?【答案】swimming club【解析】句意:他在游泳俱乐部吗?故填swimming club.【考点】完成句子。
【答案】Every year many people get hurt in traffic accidents.【解析】get hurt受伤,Every year每年。
【2】为什么不上楼并看一看呢?【答案】Why not go upstairs and have a look?【解析】Why not+动词原形?为什么不做……呢?go upstairs and have a look上楼并看一看。
【3】桌子上有多少模型飞机?【答案】How many model planes are there on the table?【解析】How many model planes多少模型飞机,据句意此句是there be句式的特殊疑问句。
【4】他们正在寻找靠近我们学校的一间公寓吗?【答案】Are they looking for an apartment next to our school?【解析】look for寻找, next to在……附近。

参考答案:Material 1:A successful leader needs a wide range of skills and qualities, including excellent communication skills, leadership, decision-making, and teamwork abilities. They should possess a sense of mission, be able to set clear objectives, and inspire the potential of their employees to ensure the organization's success. Leaders should also have adaptability and innovation skills to respond to the constantly changing market environment.Material 2:China has a rich cultural history with deep-rooted traditions and values. Traditional culture emphasizes family, filial piety, and etiquette. Traditional Chinese arts such as calligraphy, painting, and music have also garnered international acclaim. These cultural elements not only enrich China's identity but also help the country establish a unique image on the international stage.Material 3:Global climate change is increasingly a cause for concern, and urgent action is needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Green energy and sustainable development are key to addressing this issue. Governments, businesses, and individuals should collaborate and take measures to reduce their negative impact on the planet and protect our environment.请注意,以上的汉译英参考答案是根据给定的材料进行翻译的,希望对您的翻译需求有所帮助。

(1分)________________________________________________________________ ___(2)以上事实说明中国出口商品越来越受国外顾客的青睐。
(1分)________________________________________________________________ ___ (3)他责怪我的奢侈。
(1分)________________________________________________________________ ___ (4)连长正在审问战俘。
(1分)________________________________________________________________ ___(5)昨天我打热线询问了一个关于如何购买、安装、使用数字传呼机的问题。
(2分)________________________________________________________________ ___ (6)这位作家指责评论者没有公正地对待他的处女作。
(2分)________________________________________________________________ ___2.减词法,注意词语搭配得当(共4分)(1)它带来了社会主义科学文化的极大繁荣、极大昌盛。
(1分)___________________________________________________________________ (2)据说他对邓的灵活态度印象很深。
(1分)________________________________________________________________ ___ (3)勇之过度则为蛮,爱之过度则为宠,俭之过度则为贪。

2007 年全国攻读工商管理硕士学位研究生入学考试英语试题Section I Vocabulary ( 10 points )Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Then blacken the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a pencil.1.His wife has been _______a lot of pressure on him to change his job.A.taking B.exerting C.giving D.pushing2.It is estimated that,currently, about 50,000 species become _____every year.A.extinct B.instinct C.distinct D.intense3.John says that his present job does not provide him with enough ______for his organizing ability.scope B.space C.capacity D.range4.Many _______will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.A.probabilitiesB.realities C.necessities D.opportunities5.After his uncle died,the young man _____the beautiful estate with which he changed from a poor man to a wealthy noble.A.inhabited B.inherited C.inhibited D.inhaled6.The manager is calling on a______ customer trying to talk him into signing the contract.A.prosperousB.preliminary C.pessimistic D.prospective7.In 1991,while t11e economies of industrialized countries met an economic_____,the economies of developing countries were growing very fast.A.revival B.repression C.recession D.recovery8.The destruction of the twin towers _________shock and anger throughout the world.A.summoned B.tempted C provoked D.stumbled9.About 20 of the passengers who were injured in a plane crash are said to be in _____condition.A.decisive B.urgent C.vital D.critical10.The interactions between China and the US will surely have a significant _______on peace and stability in the Asia—Pacific region and the world as a whole.A.importance B.impression C.impact D.implication11.The poor countries are extremely _______to international economic fluctuations-A.inclined B.vulnerable C.attracted D.reduced12.Applicants should note that all positions are——to Australian citizenship requirements.A.subject B.subjective C.objected D.objective13.We aim to ensure that all candidates are treated fairly and that they have equal ______to employment opportunities.A.entrance B.entry C.access D.admission14.Successful learning is not a(n)________activity but consists of four distinct stages in a specific orderA.only B.sole C.mere D.single15.The opportunity to explore and play and the encouragement to do so Can ________the performance of many children.A.withhold B.prevent C.enhance D.justify16.All her hard work __________in the end,and she finally passed the exam.A.showed off B.paid off C.1eft off D.kept off17.In order to live the kind of life we want and to be the person we want to be,we have to do more than just ________with events.A.put sup B.set up C.turn up D.make up18.The team played hard because the championship of the state was______.A.at hand B.at stake C.at large D.at best19.I don’t think you'll change his mind;once he’s decided on so something he tends to _____it.A.stick to B.abide by C.comply with D.keep on20.Tom placed the bank notes,_________the change and receipts,back in the drawer.A. more thanB. but for C.thanks to D. along withSection II Cloze (10 points)Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.Advancing age means losing your hair, your waistline and your memory,right ? Dana Denis is just 40 years old,but 21 she’s worried about what she calls’my rolling mental blackouts.””I try to remember something and I just blank out,”she saysYou may 22 about these lapses,calling them ”senior moments ”or blaming "early Alzheimer’s (老年痴呆症).”Is it an inescapable fact that the older you get,the 23 you remember? Well, sort of.But as time goes by, we tend to blame age 24 problems that are not necessarily age—related.“When a teenager can’t find her keys,she thinks it's because she’s distracted or disorganized,”says Paul Gold.“A 70-year-old blames her 25 .”In fact,the 70-year-old may have been 26 things for decades.In healthy people,memory doesn’t worsen as 27 as many of us think.“As we 28 ,the memory mechanism isn’t 29 ,”says psychologist Fergus Craik.”It’s just inefficient.”/The brain’s processing 30 slows down over the years,though no one knows exactly 31. Recent research suggests that nerve cells lose efficiency and 32 there’s less activity in the brain.But,cautions Barry Gordon,”It's not clear that less activity is 33 .A beginning athlete is winded(气喘吁吁)more easily than a 34 athlete.In the same way, 35 the brain gets more skilled at a task,it expends less energy on it.”There are 36 you can take to compensate for normal slippage in your memory gears,though it 3 7 effort.Margaret Sewell says:”We’re a quick-fix culture, but you have to 38 to keep your brain. 3 9 shape.It’s like having a good body.You Can’t go to the gym once a year 40 expect to stay in top form.”21.A. almost B. seldom C. already D. never22.A. joke B. laugh C. blame D. criticize23.A. much B. little C. more D. less24.A. since B. for C. by D. because25.A. memory B. mind C. trouble D. health26.A. disorganizing B. misplacing C. putting D. finding27.A. swiftly B. frequently C. timely D. quickly28.A.mature B. advance C. age D. grow29.A. broken B. poor C. perfect D. working30.A. pattern B. time C. space D. information31.A . why B. how C. what D. when32.A. since B. hence C. that D. although33.A. irregular B. better C. normal D. worse34.A. famous B. senior C. popular D. trained35.A. as B. till C. though D. yet36.A. stages B. steps C. advantages D. purposes37.A. makes B. takes C. does D. spends38.A. rest B. come C. work D. study39.A. to B. for C. on D. in40.A. so B. or C. and D. ifSection III Reading comprehension (40 points)Directions:Read the following four passages. Answer the questions below each passage by choosing A, B, C and D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Passage OnePrior to the 20th century, many languages with small numbers of speakers survived for centuries. The increasingly interconnected modern world makes it much more difficult for small language communities to live in relative isolation, a key factor in language maintenance and preservation.It remains to be seen whether the world can maintain its linguistic and cultural diversity in the centuries ahead. Many powerful forces appear to work against it :population growth, which pushes migrant populations into the world’s last isolated locations; mass tourism; global telecommunications and mass media; and the spread of gigantic global corporations. All of these forces appear to signify a future in which the language of advertising, popular culture, and consumer products become similar. Already English and a few other major tongues have emerged as global languages of commerce and communication. For many of the world’s peoples, learning one of these languages is viewed as the key to education, economic opportunity, and a better way of life.Only about 3,000 languages now in use are expected to survive the coming century. Are most of the rest doomed in the century after that?Whether most of these languages survive will probably depend on how strongly cultural groups wish to keep their identity alive through a native language. To do so will require an emphasis on bilingualism(mastery of two languages). Bilingual speakers could use their own language in smaller spheres---at home, among friends, in community settings---and a global language at work, in dealings with government, and in commercial spheres. In this way, manysmall languages could sustain their cultural and linguistic integrity alongside global languages, rather than yield to the homogenizing(同化的)forces of globalization.Ironically, the trend of technological innovation that has threatened minority languages could also help save them. For example, some experts predict that computer software translation tools will one day permit minority language speakers to browse the Internet using their native tongues. Linguists are currently using computer—aided learning tools to teach a variety of threatened languages.For many endangered languages, the line between revival and death is extremely thin. Language is remarkably resilient(有活力的),however. It is not just a tool for communicating, but also a powerful way of separating different groups, or of demonstrating group identity. Many indigenous(原生的,土著的)communities have shown that it is possible to live in the modern world while reclaiming their unique identities through language.41.Minority languages can be best preserved in __________.A.an increasingly interconnected worldB.maintaining small numbers of speakersC.relatively isolated language communitiesD.following the tradition of the 20th century42.According to Paragraph 2, that the world can maintain its linguistic diversity in the future is _______.A.uncertain B.unrealistic C.foreseeable D.definite43.According to the author, bilingualism can help_________.A.small languages become acceptable in work placesB.homogenize the world’s languages and culturesC.global languages reach home and community settingsD.speakers maintain their linguistic and cultural identityputer technology is helpful for preserving minority languages in that it_________.A.makes learning a global language unnecessaryB.facilitates the learning and using of those languagesC.raises public awareness of saving those languagesD.makes it easier for linguists to study those languages45.In the author’s view, many endangered languages are________.A.remarkably well-kept in this modern worldB.exceptionally powerful tools of communicationC.quite possible to be revived instead of dying outD.a unique way of bringing different groups togetherPassage TwoEveryone,it seems,has a health problem。

2007年6月23日大学英语六级82. The auto manufacturers found themselves ________________________ (正在同外国公司竞争市场的份额).83. Only in the small town ________________________ (他才感到安全和放松).84. It is absolutely unfair that these children ________________________ (被剥夺了受教育的权利).85. Our years of hard work are all in vain, ________________________ (更别提我们花费的大量金钱了).86. The problems of blacks and women ________________________ (最近几十年受到公众相当大的关注).2007年12月大学英语六级82. But for mobile phone, ___________________(我们的通信就不可能如此迅速和方便)。
83. In handling an embarrassing situation, _____________(没有什么比幽默感更有帮助的了).84. The Foreign Minister said he was resigning , ______________(但他拒绝进一步解释这样做的原因).85. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, _________________(而动物的行为主要依靠本能).86. The witness was told that under no circumstances _____________________(他都不应该对法庭说慌).2008年6月21日英语六级82. We can say a lot of things about those who have spent their whole lives on poems (毕生致力于诗歌的人): they are passionate, impulsive, and unique.83. Mary couldn’t have received my letter, or she should have replied to me last week (否则她上周就该回信了).84. Nancy is supposed to have finished her chemistry experiments (做完化学实验) at least two weeks ago.85. Never once has the old couple quarreled with each other (老两口互相争吵) since they were married 40 years ago.86. The prosperity of a nation is largely dependent upon (一个国家未来的繁荣在很大程度上有赖于) the quality of education of its people2009年12月大学英语六级考试82. How long does a jacket like this last me? — (这要看你多长时间穿一次).83. The theory he advanced has proved (对许多传统概念的一种挑战).84. The manager (本可以亲自参加会议), but he was called away for someurgent business abroad.85. Both research and practical experience have shown that a (均衡的饮食对健康是必不可少的).86. Much (我感到遗憾), I was unable to finish the work on time.2009年6月英语六级考试82. With the oil prices ever rising, she tried to talk ________ (说服他不买车). 83. ________ (保持幽默有助于) reduce stress and promote creative thinking in today’s competitive society.. 84. When confronted with the evidence, ________ (他不得不坦白自己的罪行). 85. When people say, “I can feel my ears burning,” it means they think ________ (一定有人在说他们坏话). 86. She has decided to go on a diet, but finds ________ (很难抵制冰淇淋的诱惑).2010年6月大学英语六级考试82. __________________ (他们的独生儿子从未想过) to leave them and strike out on his own though he is in his late twenties.83. Before you take any action, please remember to __________________ (权衡你的决定会产生的后果).84. He assured his friend that under no circumstances __________________ (他会违背还钱的承诺).85. Most educators advise that kids __________________ (不要沉溺于电脑游戏).86. Business major as he is, he has __________________ (从未考虑过从事推销员工作).2010年12月大学英语六级考试真题82. There is no denying that you __________________________________ (越仔细越好) in dealing with this matter. 83. Only when I reached my thirties _____________________________(我才意识到读书是不能被忽视的). 84. Much _________________________________(使研究人员感到惊讶), the outcome of the experiment was far better than they had expected. 85. Oh, my, I can’t find my key; ______________________________(我一定是把它忘在哪儿了). 86. I ____________________________________________ (宁愿加入你们去做义工) than go to the beach for a holiday.2011年12月大学英语六级考试真题1. You shouldn't have run across the road without looking, you ——————(也许会被车撞到)2 By no means—————, (他把自己当成专家) although he knows a lotabout the field. 3 He doesn't appreciate the sacrifice his friends have made for him,————.(把他们所做的视作理所应当) 4 Janet told me that she would rather her mother————.(不干涉她的婚姻)5 To keep up with the expanding frontiers of scholarship. Edward Wilson found himself——————. (经常上网查信息)2010年6月大学英语4级考试真题及答案 87. Because of the noise outside, Nancy had great difficulty __________________ (集中注意力在实验上). 88. The manager never laughed; neither __________________ (她也从来没有发过脾气). 89. We look forward to __________________ (被邀请出席开幕式). 90. It is suggested that the air conditioner __________________ (要安装在窗户旁). 91. The 16-year-old girl decided to travel abroad on her own despite__________________ (她父母的强烈反对).2010年12月英语四级考试真题注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答,只需写出译文部分。

英语试题解析Section I Vocabulary and Structure(10 points)1.答案为B。
根据上下文,只有B项exerting与后面的pressure 搭配恰当,意为“施加压力”;故选项B为正确答案。
译文:据估计,目前每年约有50 000个物种灭绝。
A项意为“复苏”,B项意为“镇压”,c 项意为.“衰退、不景气”,D项意为“恢复”。
A项意为“召集”,B项意为“引诱”,c 项意为“激怒”,D项意为“绊倒”。

5.Thereisasupermarketnearhishouse.(用nextweek改写)There________________asupermarketnearhishousenextweek.6.MycousinwenttoAmericaandboughttheexpensivehandbagfor$3 00.(同义句转换)MycousinwenttoAmericaand________$300________theexpensive handbag.7.Theywillgohomeinfivedays.(对划线部分提问)________________willtheygohome?Hestudiedhard____________________topasstheexam.9.听音乐是有乐趣的事。
________________________________________________________ ____________.10.Tom希望他的梦想成真。
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汉译英专项训练答案第一周1. There is no time limitation in such classes so students can repeat exercises______(想要多少次都可以) [参考答案] as many times as they need [详细解答] 考查连接结构as…as,表示“同…一样达到某种程度”。
2. The media are_______(起着越来越重要的作用) in leading fashions and trend. [参考答案] playing an increasingly important role。
[详细解答] 要注意副词increasingly 的用法。
3. _______(这件夹克不但太大), the jacket don't match my trousers either. [参考答案] Apart from being too large [详细解答] apart from在此相当于in addition to还有一个意思等同于except for。
4. Now that the cold war is over, we must begin to____(集中更多的精力来谋求世界和平).[参考答案] concentrate more on world peace[详细解答] 此处考查动词concentrate的用法。
另外注意代词more 的用法。
5. She has got used to____(用吸管喝牛奶) though she is only two months old. [参考答案] sucking milk through a straw[详细解答] 此处used是形容词,表示“已适应,已习惯”,to后接名词或动名词形式。
6. Depending on what you are lookingfor, you have to judge for yourself______(这些资料对你来说有多大的相关性)。
[参考答案] how relevant the material is for you[详细解答] 此处考查how引起的宾语从句的用法,表示“多么,到何种程度”。
7. Mary received unemployment compensation__________ (当他从工厂下岗后)。
[参考答案] when she was laid off from her factory job[详细解答] 此处考查动词短语lay off的用法。
8. __________(第一次也是最后一次) did I quarrel with my beloved parents.[参考答案] For the first and last time[详细解答] 此句为倒装结构。
9. True friendship foresees the needs of others_________(而不是声明自己的要求)[参考答案] rather than proclaims its own[详细解答] rather than意思相当于instead of。
10. I tried every means to get a copy of her newly issuedalbum,______________(却没有得到).[参考答案] but failed。
[详细解答] 此处考查动词fail的用法。
第二周1. We don't laugh at___________(那伙敢于尝试的人) no matter how many errors they make.[参考答案] those who dare try[详细解答] 此处考查定语从句的用法。
2. America is frequently referred to asa "throw-away society"because________________(大多数产品都是用过就扔的)[参考答案] most products are made to use and then discard[详细解答] 注意此处两个动词use 和discard的用法。
3. The Committee decided that aproposal______________(应立即提交给国会).[参考答案] (should)be submitted to the state council immediately[详细解答] 此处考查虚拟语气。
4. __________________(强迫证人作出对自身不利的证词) is against his constitutional rights.[参考答案] Forcing a witness to testify against himself[详细解答] 考察动词testify的用法。
5. Even if all government money forresearch were cut off, the force ofcompetition_______ ____(仍将带来技术的近步)[参考答案] would still bring about advances in technology。
[详细解答] ]此处考查虚拟语气。
6. Many private companies______(不得不宣布破产) when they begin to losebusiness to their competitors.[参考答案] are forced to declare bankruptcy[详细解答] 被动语态,非谓语动词注意动词declare的用法。
7. I bought a large box of fast noodles thinking_____(他能够我一个星期吃的).[参考答案] it would last(me)the whole week[详细解答] 考查动词last的用法,表示“足够维持”。
8. Doctors use medical histories to help diagnose problems and_____(为病人开出治疗处方)[参考答案] prescribe medical care for patients[详细解答] 考查动词prescribe的用法.9. _________(他们最担心的) is their 30 year otd daughter who is still single.[参考答案] what worries them most[详细解答] 此处考查主语从句。
10. Sometimes I fight for Morn and sometimes I fight for Dad, but I wish____(让我从中完全解脱出来)[参考答案] they would leave me out of it completely。
[详细解答] 此处考查虚拟语气。
第三周1. A lighted cigarette_______(被扔出汽车或火车窗外) can start a fire.[参考答案] thrown out of a car or train window。
[详细解答] 此处考查动词的过去分词。
2. It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene____ (来搭救这几个幸存者)[参考答案] to rescue the survivors。
[详细解答] 此处考查动词rescue的用法。
It was not long before...表不“不久就…”。
3. The earthquake left thousands of people ______ (急需要医疗照顾).[参考答案] in urgent need of medical care。
[详细解答] 空格处是句子的补语成分。
4. There is____(无可否认)that he has directed the most popular films in ten years.[参考答案] no denying the fact。
[详细解答] 空格处是there be结构的主语成分,应该用动名词形式。
5. We booked rooms at the hotel lest______________(我们到达时没有空房).[参考答案] we should find no vacancies on our arrival[详细解答] lest引导的状语从句中常用动词原形或should+动词原形,表示“惟恐,以防”的意思;“我们到达时”可以翻译成词组“on our arrival”。
6. I have never have_____________(告到法院) if I hadn't been so desperate. [参考答案] resorted to a court of law [详细解答] resort to意为“求助于,诉诸于(某种不太好的手段)”,尤其是在没有别的办法的情况下,resort to 正与本题中说到的万般绝望的情况相符。
7. It is high time that____________________ (终止这种做法)[参考答案] such practices were ended [详细解答] 在lt is high time that…结构中,that从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语气,以过去时表示现在时。
8. The continuous rain______________ (推迟了小麦的收割) by two weeks.[参考答案] set back the harvesting of the wheat crop[详细解答] 本题考查词组set back,意为“阻碍,减缓进程”,set的过去式仍是原形;动名词短语the harvesting of the wheat crop做set back的宾语。
9. Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter_______________(白天我们可能做什么).[参考答案] what we may have done during the day[详细解答] no matter what引导含让步意义的从句,白天的行为应在晚上dream之前发生,所以用完成时表达,再加上语义要求是一种可能性,故“可能做什么”可翻译成may have done sth.,表示对过去情况的不肯定猜测,而且此处情态动词may语义上具有让步功能,常用于让步状语从句中。