高级职业英语听说教程2 unit-2 Listening and Speaking
Unit 2 Listening and Speaking Reading and Thining
[例2] The director responded that he remained optimistic when asked about the company's future.
问到公司的未来的时候,经理回答说他依然乐观。 [造句] 你可以相信他迎接挑战的能力。
例如,你看一看听古典音乐会的观众,大部分是五十岁以上的。 [造句] (2015·浙江卷)当我有不同的观点时,我可能会选择放弃 并尊重大多数人的观点。
_W_h_e_n_I__ha_v_e__a_d_if_f_er_e_n_t _o_p_in_i_on_,__I_m__a_y_c_h_o_o_se__to__g_iv_e_i_t _u_p_a_n_d___ _r_es_p_e_c_t _th_e_o_p_i_n_io_n__of__th_e_m__a_jo_r_it_y.______________________
[知识拓展] (1)respond to sth. (2)response n. in response to make (a) response to
对……做出反应/回答 回答;反应 对……做出反应 回答/响应……;对……做出反应
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
①The disease quickly responded _to_ the treatment. ②_In_ response to the audience's great demand,the play will/would
教案Unit 2 Listening and Speaking 教学设计人教版(2019)必修第二册
Book 2 Chapter 1 The PopulationToday we’re going to talk about population in the United States. According to the most recent government census, the population is 281,421,906 people. Now this represents an increase of almost 33 million people since the 1990 census. A population of over 281 million makes the United States the third most populous country in the whole world. As you probably know, the People’s Republic of China is the most populous country in the world. But do you know which is the second most populous? Well, if you thought India, you were right. The fourth, fifth, and sixth most populous countries are Indonesia, Brazil, and Pakistan. Now let’s get back to the United States. Let’s look at the total U. S. population figure of 281 million in three different ways. The first way is by race and origin; the second is by geographical distribution, or by where people live; and the third way is by the age and sex of the population.First of all, let’s take a look at the population by race and origin. The latest U. S. census reports that percent of the population is white, whereas percent is black. Three percent are of Asian origin, and 1 percent is Native American. percent of the population is a mixture of two or more races, and percent report themselves as “of some other race”. Let’s make sure your figures are right: OK, white, percent; black, percent; Asian, 3 percent; Native American, 1 percent; a mixture of two or more races, percent; and of some other race, percent. Hispanics, whose origins lie in Spanish-speaking countries, comprise whites, blacks, and Native Americans, so they are already included in the above figures. It is important to note that Hispanics make up percent of the present U.S. population, however. Finally, the census tells us that 31 million people in the United States were born in another country. Of the 31 million foreign born, the largest part, percent are from Mexico. The next largest group, from the Philippines, number percent.Another way of looking at the population is by geographical distribution. Do you have any idea which states are the five most populous in the United States? Well, I’ll help you out there. The five most populous states, with population figures, are California, with almost 34 million; New York, with 21 million; Texas, with 19 million; and Florida, with 16 million; and Illinois with million people. Did you get all those figures down? Well, if not, I’ll give you a chance later to check your figures. Well, then, let’s move on. All told, over half, or some 58 percent of the population, lives inthe South and in the West of the United States. This figure, 58 percent, is surprising to many people. It is surprising because the East is more densely populated. Nevertheless, there are more people all together in the South and West. To understand this seeming contradiction, one need only consider the relatively larger size of many southern and western states, so although there are more people, they are distributed over a larger area. To finish up this section on geographical distribution, consider that more than three-quarters of the people live in metropolitan areas like Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, and Houston. That means that only 20 percent, or 2 out of 10 people, live in rural areas. An interesting side note is that some 3,800,000 U.S. citizens live abroad, that is, in foreign countries.Before we finish today, I want to discuss the distribution of the U.S. population in terms of age and sex. Just for interest, would you say there are more men or more women in the United States? Well, according to the 2000 census, there are more women. In fact, there are more than five million more women than men in the U.S. population. If we consider that more males than females are born each year, how can this difference be explained? Well, for a variety of complicated reasons that we can’t go into here, there is a progressively higher death rate for males as they get older. This is seen in 2003 life expectancy figures: the life expectancy for women is years whereas for men it is only years. I don’t know how these life expectancy figures compare to those in your countries, but statistically women generally live longer than men worldwide. Now, to finish up, let’s look at the average age of the whole population. Overall, the average age of the population is increasing: from years in 1990 to years in 2000. The average age has been slowly, but steadily, increasing over the past several decades. This trend toward a higher average age can be explained by a decreasing birth rate and an increasing life expectancy for the population as a whole. Well, I’d like to investigate these two subjects further, but I see our time is up, so we’ll have to call it quits for today. You may want to pursue the topic of the aging U.S. population further, so there are some suggestions at the end of the lesson to help you do so. Thank you.Chapter Two Immigration: Past and PresentThe act of immigrating, or coming to a new country to live, is certainly nothing new. Throughout history, people have immigrated, or moved to new countries, for many different reasons. Sometimes these reasons were economic or political. Other people moved because of natural disasters such as droughts or famines. And some people movedto escape religious or political persecution. No matter what the reason, most people do not want to leave their native land and do so only under great pressure of some sort, but a few people seem quite adventuresome and restless by nature and like to move a lot. It seems both kinds of people came to America to live. The subject of immigration is quite fascinating to most Americans, as they view themselves as a nation of immigrants. However, the early Britons who came to what is today the United States considered themselves “settlers” or “colonists,” rather than immigrants. These people did not exactly think they were moving to a new country but were merely settling new land for the “mother country.” There were also large numbers of Dutch, French, German, and Scotch-Irish settlers, as well as large numbers of blacks brought from Africa as slaves. At the time of independence from Britain in 1776, about 40 percent of people living in what is now the United States were non-British. The majority of people, however, spoke English, and the traditions that formed the basis of life were mainly British traditions. This period we have just been discussing is usually referred to as the Colonial Period. Today, we’re a little more interested in actual immigration after this period. Let’s first look at what is often called the Great Immigration, which began about 1830 and ended in 1930. Then let’s consider the reasons for this so-called Great Immigration and the reasons it ended. Finally, let’s talk about the immigration situation in the United States today,As I said, we’ll begin our discussion today with the period of history called the Great Immigration, which lasted from approximately 1830 to 1930. It will be easier if we look at the Great Immigration in terms of three major stages, or time periods. The first stage was from approximate1y 1830 to 1860. Now, before this time, the number of immigrants coming to the United States was comparatively small, only about 10,000 a year. However, the rate began to climb in the 1830s when about 600,000 immigrants arrived. The rate continued to climb during the 1840s with a tota1 of 1,700,000 people arriving in that decade. The rate continued to climb, and during the 1850s 2,600,000 immigrants arrived. During this first stage of the Great Immigration, that is, between the years 1830 and 1860, the majority of immigrants came from Germany, Great Britain, and Ireland. Now let’s consider the second stage of the Great Immigration. The second stage was from l860 to 1890, during which time another 10,000,000 people arrived. Between l860 and 1890 the majority of immigrants continued to be from Germany, Ireland, and Great Britain. However, during the second stage, a smaller but significant number of immigrants came from the Scandinavian nations of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The third stage of the Great Immigration, which lasted from 1890 to 1930, was the eraof heaviest immigration. Between the years l890 and l930, almost 22 million immigrants arrived in the United States. Most of these new arrivals came from the Southern European countries of Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain and the Eastern European countries of Poland and Russia.Now that we know something about the numbers and origins of immigrants who came to the States during the Great Immigration, let’s consider the reasons why most of these people immigrated to the United States. Why did such large numbers of Europeans leave their homes for life in an unknown country? It would be impossible to discuss all the complex political and economic reasons in any depth today, but we can touch on a few interesting facts that might help to clarify the situation for you. First of all, one of the most important reasons was that the population of Europe doubled between the years 1750 and 1850. At the same time that the population was growing so rapidly, the Industrial Revolution in Europe was causing widespread unemployment. The combination of increased population and the demand for land by industry also meant that farmland was becoming increasingly scarce in Europe. The scarcity of farmland in Europe meant that the abundance of available land in the growing country of the United States was a great attraction. During these years, the United States was an expanding country and it seemed that there was no end to land. In fact, in 1862, the government offered public land free to citizens and to immigrants who were planning to become citizens. In addition to available farmland, there were also plentiful jobs during these years of great economic growth. Other attractions were freedom from religious or political persecution. Some other groups also came to the United States as the direct results of natural disasters that left them in desperate situations. For example, the frequent failure of the potato crop in Ireland between the years 1845 and 1849 led to widespread starvation in that country, and people were driven to immigrate. Another factor that affected the number of immigrants coming to the United States was improved ocean transport beginning in the 1840s. At that time, ships large enough to carry large numbers of people began to make regular trips across the ocean. Now let’s summarize the reasons for the high rate of immigration to the United States during the years we discussed: first, the doubling of the population in Europe between 1750 and 1850; second, the unemployment caused by the Industrial Revolution; and third, the land scarcity in Europe, followed by religious and political persecution and natural disaster. These reasons combined with improved transportation probably account for the largest number of immigrants.I would now like to talk briefly about the period of time following the Great Immigration and the reasons for the decline in the rate of immigration. Although immigration continues today, immigration numbers have never again reached the levels that we discussed previously. There are several reasons for this decline. This decline was in part due to various laws whose aim was to limit the number of immigrants coming from different parts of the world to the United States. The first such law that limited the number of immigrants coming from a certain part of the world was the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. This law was followed by many other laws that also tried to limit the numbers of people immigrating from various countries or parts of the world. In addition to such laws, certainly economic and geopolitical events as important as the Great Depression starting in 1929 and World War II also contributed to the decline in immigration.Let’s conclude our talk by discussing the current situation with respect to immigration, which is quite different from that in the past. To understand some of the changes, it’s important to note that in 1965 strict quotas based on nationality were eliminated. Let’s see how different things are today from the past. As I noted, the greatest number of immigrants to the United States have historically been European. According to . Census figures, in 1860, the percentage of immigrants that were European was 92 percent. But by 1960, the percentage of European immigrants had dropped to percent, and by the year 2002, it had dropped to 14 percent! In 2002, percent of immigrants came from Latin America, that is, from the Caribbean, Central America, and South America. Mexico is ordinarily considered part of North America, but the . Census Bureau considers Mexico as a Central American country in terms of immigration statistics, and estimates that more than one-third of the total of all immigrants to the United States in 2002 came from Mexico or another Central American country. The next largest percentage, percent, of immigrants came from Asia, mainly from the Philippines, China, and India.Although immigration dropped sharply when the United States entered World War I and remained low throughout the Depression and World War II years, at the end of the l940s, immigration began to increase again and has, in general, risen steadily since then. It might surprise you to know that the actual number of immigrants coming yearly to the States in recent years is about the same as the numbers coming yearly between 1900 and 1910. Keep in mind, though, that the population of the United States is much larger now than at the turn of the century, so that while the yearly numbers may be similar, thepercentage of the population that is foreign-born is considerably smaller today than it was a century ago.It might be interesting to speculate on immigration in the future. Will the trend continue for non-Europeans to immigrate to the United States? The answer is probably yes for the foreseeable future. Do these non-European people come to the United States for the same reasons that Europeans came? Well, land is no longer plentiful and cheap. Industry no longer requires large numbers of unskilled workers. In fact, the government usually tries to restrict immigration to those people who already have the skills to be successful in U.S. society. Still, people come for politica1 and economic reasons and probably will continue to do so.Chapter 3 Americans at WorkWhether you love it or hate it, work is a major part of most people’s lives everywhere in the world. Americans are no exception. Americans might complain about “blue Monday,” when they have to go back to work after the weekend, but most people put a lot of importance on their job, not only in terms of money but also in terms of identity. In fact, when Americans are introduced to a new person, they almost always ask each other, “What do you do?” They are asking, what is your job or profession. Today, however, we won’t look at work in terms of what work means socially or psychologically. Rather, we’re going to take a look at work in the United States today from two perspectives. First, we’ll take a historical look at work in America. We’ll do that by looking at how things changed for the American worker from the beginning to the end of the twentieth century, that is, from the year 1900 to the year 1999. Then we’ll look at how . workers are doing today.As we look at the changes over the last century, we’re going to use a lot of statistics to describe these changes. You will need to write down a lot of numbers in today’s lecture. First, let’s consider how the type of work people were involved in changed. At the beginning of the twentieth century, about 38 percent of the workforce was involved in agriculture; that is, they worked on a farm. By the end of the century, only 3 percent still worked on farms. There was also a large decrease in the number of people working in mining, manufacturing, and construction. The number of workers in mining, manufacturing, and construction went down from 31 percent to 19 percent.While the number of people in these goods producing industries went down, the number of people in the service industries went up. As you may know, a service industry is one that provides a service, rather than goods or products. A few examples include transportation, tourism, banking, advertising, health care, and legal services. I’m sure you can think of more. The service industry workforce jumped from 31 percent of the workforce at the turn of the century to 78 percent in 1999.Let’s recap the numbers: in 1900, 38 percent in agriculture; 31 percent in mining, manufacturing, and construction; and 31 percent in the service industries. That should add up to 100 percent. In 1999, 3 percent in agriculture; 19 percent in mining, manufacturing, and construction; and 78 percent in the service industries. Again, that should add up to 100 percent.The labor force changed in other important ways. For example, child labor was not unusual at the beginning of the twentieth century. In 1900 there were 1, 750, 000 children aged ten to fifteen working full-time in the labor force. This was 6 percent of the labor force. Over the years, child labor laws became much stricter and by 1999, it was illegal for anyone under sixteen to work full-time in any of the fifty states. While the number of children in the workforce went down, the number of women went up dramatically. In 1900, only 19 percent of women were employed; in 1999, 60 percent of women were holding down jobs.Let’s see what has happened to wages and salaries. All the numbers I will give you are in terms of 1999 dollars. Let me explain. In 1900 the average per capita income was $4,200 a year. That does not mean that the average worker in 1900 earned $4,200, a year, but that what he or she earned was equal to $4, 200 in 1999. That is, the amount of money the average worker earned in 1900 was worth the same as $4,200 in 1999. The average per capita income in 1999 was $33, 700. Not only did people earn a lot more money at the end of the century, they also received a lot more in benefits than at the beginning of the century. One of the important benefits most workers received later in the century was health insurance. Whereas wages and salaries rose over the century, the average workweek dropped. That is, workers, in general, did not work as long hours in 1999 as they did in 1900.The last area that I’d like to give you a few statistics about is workplace safety. Most of us who go to work every day don’t think a lot about whether we are safe or not, but in 1900 it was a real concernfor a lot of workers. There aren’t many statistics available, but the . government does have statistics on two industries that will give you some idea of the differences today. In 1900 almost 1,500 workers were killed in coal-mining accidents; in 1999, the number was 35. 2,555 railroad workers were killed in 1900, compared to 56 in 1999.People often tend to romanticize the past and talk about “the good old days,” but I think it’s fair to say that by the end of the twentieth century, . workers in general made more money, they enjoyed more benefits, and their working conditions had improved greatly.Now let’s turn our attention to the current situation for . workers. The picture is not so rosy as the one drawn by comparing U.S. workers at the beginning and the end of the twentieth century. I’m going to focus on the current situation in terms of productivity, working hours, and wages and salaries.First let’s consider the number of hours worked. According to a 2003 study released by the United Nations International Labor Organization, U.S. workers are the most productive in the world among industrialized nations, but they work longer hours than European workers to achieve this productivity. Europeans typically have four to six weeks of vacation a year, whereas the average American worker has only about two weeks. This study points out that the longer working hours in the United States is a rising trend, while the trend in other industrialized countries is the opposite.Workers in some European countries actually outproduce American workers per hour of work. It has been suggested that this higher rate of productivity might be because European workers are less stressed than U.S. workers.At any rate, there seems to be general agreement that U.S. productivity has greatly increased over the last thirty years. However, workers have not seen their wages rise at the same rate. A group of sociologists in their book Inequality by Design point out that there is a growing gap between rich Americans and everyone else in the United States. They write that between 1949 and 1974, increases in productivity were matched by increases in wages for workers in both manufacturing and the service industries, but since 1974, productivity increased 68 percent in manufacturing and 50 percent in services, but real wages stagnated. That is, wages moved up little or not at all. So, where does all the money generated by the increased productivity go then? According to the authors of this book, the moneygoes to the salaries for CEOs, to the stock market, and to corporate profits. Workers play a great role in increasing productivity, but no longer see their wages connected to increased productivity. In other words, CEOs’ salaries, the stock market, and the corporate profits go up as work productivity goes up, but workers’ wages don’t.What are the reasons why . workers, who are the most productive in the world, have to work longer hours, have fewer vacation days, and see their wages stagnate and not rising at the same rate as productivity? The answer to this question is complex and controversial, but there are two reasons most people who speak or write about these issues mention: The first is that labor unions in the United States have lost great power since the beginning of the 1980s, and the second is that the government has passed laws that favor the rich and weaken the rights of the workers.I see our time is up. So, I’ll see you next time.Chapter 4 Family in the United StatesA hundred years ago, one heard the same kind of comments about the American family that one hears today --- in short, that the American family is disintegrating. Proof of this disintegration at the end of the nineteenth century included three points: the declining birth rate, a rising divorce rate, and evidence that women were not completely content with their domestic role. It’s a little surprising to me that the same claim about the family is being made today --- that it is disintegrating. And often the same points are mentioned as proof: declining birth rates, increasing divorce rates, and discontent of women with domestic roles. Now, in no way do I mean to imply that cultural, demographic, and economic conditions are the same now as they were 100 years ago. On the contrary, the very nature of the family has changed drastically in the last 50 years, not to mention the last 100 years. But I don’t think the average person’s concept of the family has changed very much over the years. A lot of people have on fixed idea of the family: a married couple where Mother stays home to care for the children and Father works. But this idea is challenged by what we see every day in U.S. society. To be sure, the family is a very sensitive barometer for what is happening in the society, the culture, and the economy of the United States. To make this point clearer, we’ll take a look at how the American family has changed in the last 50 years by looking at three different time periods: there are the mid-1940s to the mid-1960s; the mid-60sto the mid-80s; and finally the present. Sociologist Barbara Dafoe Whitehead labels these three periods: the period of traditional familism, the period of individualism, and the period of the new familism. I will try for each period to show how economic, demographic, and cultural elements interact and, in turn, affect the family.Well, let’s proceed in chronological order and start with traditional familism. We’re talking here of the twenty years from the mid-1940s to the mid-1960s. This was the period after World War II, a period characterized by a very strong economy. This gave the United States a rising standard of living and a growing middle class. Demographically, the predominant configuration of the family from these years was the traditional one: a married couple with children. Some women worked, but divorce rates were low, and birth rates were high. I guess you could say that the country idealized the family in these years. And what I mean is, there was a commitment to the family from its members and a reverence for it from society. TV programs of the era depicted the family in the classical configuration: working father, housewife, and children. Culturally, three characteristics stand out in this period: conformity to social norms, greater male domination of the family than in the later periods, and clear-cut gender roles, that is, clear and separate roles for men and women at home and at work. Well, things changed quite a bit after this period.Let’s move on to the second period, the period of individualism. This period is from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s. Now, because individualism is so often mentioned in our discussion of U.S. culture and people, I should make a little detour here before we discuss it. Individualism brings to mind two other words: independence and self-reliance. Individualism conveys the idea that one should think and act for himself or herself, according to what one feels is right. Individualism is easily confused with egotism or selfishness, but in its best sense, it is much more. Individualism implies that one has the freedom to decide what is best rather than allowing that decision to be made by a group such as the community or society. Individualism does, of course, conflict with the concept of community, which implies that the group shares in making decisions. And this conflict between the individual and the community is one that comes up again and again in our lecture series about the United States. All right, let’s get back to our discussion about the family.The second period, the period of individualism, saw three important social and political movements. Do you have any idea which movements I might be talking about? Keep in mind that these decadeswere characterized by a lack of conformity to social norms. Well, the movements have in mind are the sexual revolution, in which sex was clearly no longer reserved for marriage; the women’s liberation movement; and the movement against the war in Vietnam. All three movements---the sexual revolution, woman’s liberation, and the antiwar movement --- were typical of the nonconforming nature of these decades. Now, culturally, it is in this period where we see two important developments: one the idealization of one’s career and work and, two, the drive for self-expression and self-fulfillment. In this period, the feminist movement challenged traditional gender roles and male domination of society. Women began to enter professions previously closed to them like medicine, law, and management. Men, for their part, began at least to consider a more active role in raising their children.These cultural changes occurred during a time of economic changes, too. This was a time of rapidly rising cost of living. Together, these forces changed the demographics of the family. The former picture of the family had only one configuration: a married couple with children where Mother stayed home. The new picture of the family had to include new configurations, like families in which the husband and wife both worked, families of single parents with children, and families of cohabiting couples with or without children. With more women pursuing careers and making money, there was less economic pressure for them to stay in an unsuitable marriage. Therefore, divorce rates doubled in a decade. Rising divorce rates and more financial independence for women made marriage a less attractive arrangement for many women. Consequently, the number of single-parent households tripled. Less conformity to social norms paved the way for cohabitation. So the number of unmarried couples living together in this period quadrupled. Can you see how economic, cultural, and demographic aspects of the society interact with each other? I hope so. Well, let’s continue with our agenda.The third period, the new familism, is harder to see because we are living in this period now. And because we are constantly informed by the media about the deteriorating American family, it’s hard to get an objective view of the state of the family. I think that today most people applaud the social changes that came about in the second period of individualism. They are not willing to give up gender equality, the freedom to leave an unsuitable marriage, or the self-fulfillment of an interesting job. At the same time, most experts, if not most people, admit that children paid a high price for the social changes that took place in the second period. It was the。
高级职业英语立体化系列教材电子教案2 unit 4 unit 4- Listening and Speaking
Section 2 Things to Do
Activity 1 Task Check-up
Activity 2 Interactions
Activity 3 Listen Out
Task 1 Listen and Write Task 2 Make a presentation Task 3 Answer Questions
1. rent a display site in an exhibition 2. cancel a registration
3. receive customers at an exhibition
Section 1 Getting Things Ready
Section 1 Getting Things Ready
Activity 1 Task Check-up
Task 3 Answer questions.
1. He should know
the information about the fair/ when and where the fair will be held 2. He should apply for participation .
5. He could ask the exhibitor to show him _t_h_e_p_r_o_d_u_c_ts_o.r samples
Activity 2 Interactions
Task 1 Listen and repeat.
Activity 2 Interactions
Universal Expo (also known as World Fair) is held in different countries every five years for 6 months since 1851. It is the world’s largest-scale and highest-level fair of the latest
全新版大学英第二版语综合教程2听力原文Unit 2
Unit2 Express Yourself!Listening and SpeakingAudio Track 2-2-1A: The woman in the red coat is smiling and the woman in the blue jeans beside her is laughing. Why are they so happyB: Maybe they’re going to the movies and they are excited.Audio Track 2-2-2/Audio Track 2-2-31.Angie: Okay, what’s the next test questionMarc: The next question is ... What’s the capital of GreenlandAngie: (yawning ) ... It’s ...Marc: Angie!Angie: WhatMarc: Stop yawning. This is serious!Angie: I’m sorry. I’m listening.2.Pablo: So, my plane leaves at 8: 00, and ... hey Carolyn, are you crying Carolyn: No, not really.Pablo: Yes, you are! What’s wrongCarolyn: Well, it’s summer vacation and you’re going away.Pablo: Come on now. Don’t cry. It’s only for three months.Carolyn: Okay. But write to me. I’ll miss you.3.Vickie: Tony, what’re you doingTony: I’m planning our trip to Las Vegas. Ugh! I can’t find a hotel room. Vickie: So we can’t visit Las VegasTony: No, we can’t. Hey Vickie, why are you smilingVickie: I don’t really want to go to Vegas, Tony. I’m glad. Now we can visit London instead!Audio Track 2-2-4/Audio Track 2-2-51.Man: Where are you running to, PaulaWoman: I have Connie’s wallet. I need to give it to her.Man: Come on. I’ll help you.Woman: I don’t see Connie anywhere.Man: Look! She’s over there. Standing at the bus stop.Woman: Oh yeah, I see her. Connie! Connie!Man: She doesn’t see us.Woman: You’re right. It’s too noisy, and she’s talking to someone.2.Man: Well, here we are. This is my mom’s house.Woman: It’s beautiful.Man: Hey, Jen. Are you okayWoman: I’m just a little nervous. It’s my first time meeting your mother. Man: Come on. Don’t worry. Here she is now.Woman 2: Hi, Tim!Man: Hi, Mom. I’d like you to meet Jen.Woman 2: Hi, Jen. It’s very nice to meet you.Woman: It’s nice to meet you, too. Mrs. Harris.3.Man: Hey, Anne. Where are you goingWoman: I’m going to the library to study.Man: For what It’s only 7:00 a.m.!Woman: My final exams. They’re next week.Man: Wow, well, good luck!Woman: Thanks!4.Woman: Bill, it’s late. Where’s the theaterMan: Hmmm ... I think it’s near here.Woman: Are you sure What street is thisMan: Uhm ... I don’t know.Woman: Where’s the map I want to check.Audio Track 2-2-6/Audio Track 2-2-7Paula: So, Jane, what are you doing these daysJane: I’m working in an office. And I’m studying computer science in the evening. Paula: You’re really busy!Jane: That’s for sure! And in my free time, I’m learning Spanish for my vacation. I’m planning a trip to Mexico next year.Paula: What about your brothers How are they doingJane: They’re doing great! Alex is helping our father in his business, and Adam is going to Pacific University.Paula: How nice!Jane: Paula, how about you How are you doing these daysPaula: I’m doing great, too. I’m working on a project about community safety. Jane: Community safetyPaula: Yeah. We’re planning a campaign against theft, fire, AIDS and drugs in ourcommunity.Jane: Oh, that sounds interesting!Paula: Yes, indeed it is interesting. And it is very important to the community.Audio Track 2-2-8/Audio Track 2-2-10Know before you go!BangladeshPeople greet their friends by shaking hands softly and then putting their hands over their heart. People in Bangladesh don’t use many gestures. Waving at people and winking are very rude. Don’t touch people on the head. Don’t point with your foot — Bangladeshi people think feet are very dirty.IndonesiaIndonesians greet people with a long handshake, and they bow at the same time. At a meeting, give every person your business card, but use your right hand — using your left hand is very rude.Audio Track 2-2-9/Audio Track 2-2-10ThailandIn Thailand, the traditional greeting is called wai— people put their hands together and bow. Men and women don’t often touch each other in public. Thai people don’t use their hands for gestures, but they love to smile a lot. They sometimes laugh when they feel nervous or embarrassed.The United Arab EmiratesPeople in the United Arab Emirates have some special gestures. When two men meet, they shake hands. Sometimes old men touch noses together. Women kiss their friends on the cheek. If a man meets a woman, he doesn’t shake hands with her. He just smiles. When you give your friend something, give it to him with your right hand. Don’tuse your left hand. And don’t point at people with your finger. Use your hand to gesture towards them.Audio Track 2-2-11/Audio Track 2-2-12In Brazil, men often shake hands when they meet for the first time. When women meet, they kiss each other on the cheek. Women also kiss male friends to say hello. When you shake hands, look at the person in the eyes. This shows interest and friendliness. In New Zealand, usually, both men and women shake hands when they meet someone for the first time. If you see two people pressing their noses together, they are probably Maori. The Maori are the native people of New Zealand. This is their traditional greeting.In Japan, when people meet for the first time, they usually bow. In business, people also shake hands. In formal situation, people often exchange business cards. When you give a business card, give it with two hands. This is polite. Special note: In Japan, when people smile it can have different meanings. It usually means that the person is happy, or that the person thinks something is funny. But it can also mean that the person is embarrassed.Audio Track 2-2-131. The man is laughing. The man’s laughing.2. The bus is coming. The bus’s coming.3. Why is she frowning Why’s she frowingAudio Track 2-2-141. Tina’s studying in the library.2. My sister’s nervous. She is studying for a test.3. When is your class4. Cintra’s dad is talking on the phone.5. How’s your family doing6. Toshi’s car is not working.Audio Track 2-2-15Jim: Hi, Katy.Katy: Hey, Jim. How’s it goingJim: Great! How’re you doingKaty: I’m stressed.Jim: Yeah What’s wrongKaty: Oh, I have an important test tomorrow.Jim: Well, why aren’t you studyingKaty: I’m kind of tired.Jim: Come on. Let’s have a cup of coffee. Then you can study.Katy: Okay, sounds good!Audio Track 2-2-16A: Hi, Mike.B: Hi, Jim. How are you doingA: Not so good. Actually I’m a bit angry.B: Yeah What’s wrongA: Oh, I’m going to see a football game tonight with my friend Dan, but he’s late. B: Why not give him a call right nowA: I did, but his mobile is out of service and I couldn’t reach him.B: Calm down. When will the game startA: It starts in 20 minutes! There’s not much time left to get there.B: Don’t worry. Just take a taxi to the game. Maybe Dan is there already.A: Yeah, I guess that’s the best thing to do!Audio Track 2-2-17A: Hi, Ben.B: Hi, Lisa, How are you getting along You look unhappy today.A: It’s nothing really. It’s just ... about my trip to Boston.B: You’re going on a trip to Boston Sounds nice. Why are you so glumA: Well I hate flying. That’s what is bothering me. Just thinking of airplane crashes makes me scared.B: Come on, Lisa. Airplanes are safe.A: Perhaps, but I’m still afraid.B: OK. I understand. Let me see ... I have a suggestion! Want to hear itA: Go ahead.B: Why don’t you rent a car and drive to BostonA: That’s a great idea!B: Yeah, and perhaps I could come with you! I have friends in Boston, and I could visit them, too.A: Sounds good.Audio Track 2-2-18A: Hi, Mike! It’s great to see you again! How’s it goingB: I’m fine. Thanks. How are you doingA: Fine! Where are you living nowB: I’m living in Boston, attending Harvard University.A: Wow, so you’re still at university.B: Yeah, I’m doing my PhD. It’s taking ages to finish and it’s pretty stressful.How about youA: Well, I’m a sales manager at an American company. It’s pretty exciting.B: I wish I were working already. I’m sick of studying.Video CourseVideo Track 2-2-1Dave: I get stressed very often because of school.Natalie: Sometimes at the office I get stressed, and when I do, I take a break and go for a walk.Dayanne: One of the things that really makes me happy is going to the beach. Alyssa: I don’t like to feel angry or sad or frustrated. I do like to feel happy and excited. WhenI’m angry, I like to be alone, I don’t like to be around other people. Agnes: I don’t like to be angry or stressed, because when I am, I eat all the time, and when I’m angry, I yell at everybody.Jennifer: When I have stress, I like to take my dog to the park and throw the ball or throw the Frisbee, and that relaxes me.Video Track 2-2-2Alyssa: I don’t like to feel angry or sad or frustrated. I do like to feel happy and excited. When I’m angry, I like to be alone. I don’t like to be around other people.Jennifer: When I have stress, I like to take my dog to the park and throw the ball or throw the Frisbee, and that relaxes me.Video Track 2-2-3Dennis: We have a special way of greeting our elders in the Philippines by takingtheir hand and kind of kissing it like this. And it’s called mano.Dayanne: In Brazil when you greet a friend you give them a big hug and sometimes you give them a kiss on the cheek and in some places you give two kisses and in some places three kisses.Miyuki: Bowing is a very polite gesture in Japan, but I often shock people when I stick my hands out to shake their hands because it’s not very common.Agnes: When you greet somebody in Senegal you shake hands for a long time or you can hug, too, and ask about him, and his family, and his friends, and it takes a while.Video Track 2-2-4Takeshi: OK, let’s begin. In Japan, you bow when you greet people ... like this. (bows)Claudia: (bows) That’s cool.Tara: (Tara enters) Hi! What are you two doingClaudia: Takeshi is teaching me traditional Japanese greetings for my trip to Japan. Tara: Your trip to Japan WhenClaudia: I have a big meeting in Tokyo in July.Tara: Wow! That’s great.Claudia: I’m a little nervous about the whole trip, though.Takeshi: Why There’s no need to be nervous.Claudia: I’m kind of worried about making mistakes. I don’t know anything about Japan.Tara: Don’t worry. Everything’s going to be fine.Takeshi: And you have a good teacher. Let’s see, what else Oh, remember — always use two hands when you give a person your business card ... like this. (hands Claudia business card, she responds)Tara: (points to Claudia) Hey! That looks really good, Claudia. You’re a natural! Takeshi: And remember — never use your finger to point. That’s actually rude in a lot of countries.Tara: ReallyTakeshi: Yep. Oh, and one more thing. In Japan, for luck, you jump three times and nod your head ... like this.Claudia: WhatTakeshi: Yeah. Let’s try it, come on. Come on, Claudia, try it.Claudia: OK. (Claudia starts to jump and nod her head)Takeshi: Good.Claudia: Like thisTakeshi: (winks at Tara) Yup. (Tara and Takeshi laugh)Claudia: Hey! They don’t do that in Japan! You guys are joking. Oh!Takeshi: Come on Claudia! I only wanted to teach you a very important rule for traveling — relax! And have a little fun!Claudia: You’re right. Some teacher you are!Video Track 2-2-5Takeshi: OK, let’s begin. In Japan, you bow when you greet people ... like this. (bows)Claudia: (bows) That’s cool.Tara: (Tara enters) Hi! What are you two doingClaudia: Takeshi is teaching me traditional Japanese greetings for my trip to Japan. Tara: Your trip to Japan WhenClaudia: I have a big meeting in Tokyo in July.Tara: Wow! That’s great.Video Track 2-2-6Claudia: I’m a little nervous about the whole trip, though.Takeshi: Why There’s no need to be nervous.Claudia: I’m kind of worried about making mistakes. I don’t know anything about Japan.Tara: Don’t worry. Everything’s going to be fine.Video Track 2-2-7Takeshi: And you have a good teacher. Let’s see, what else Oh, remember — always use two hands when you give a person your business card ... like this. (hands Claudia business card, she responds)Tara: (points to Claudia) Hey! That looks really good, Claudia. You’re a natural! Takeshi: And remember — never use your finger to point. That’s actually rude in a lot of countries.Tara: ReallyTakeshi: Yep. Oh, and one more thing. In Japan, for luck, you jump three times and nod your head ... like this.Claudia: WhatTakeshi: Yeah. Let’s try it, come on. Come on, Claudia, try it.Claudia: OK. (Claudia starts to jump and nod her head)Takeshi: Good.Claudia: Like thisTakeshi: (winks at Tara) Yup. (Tara and Takeshi laugh)Claudia: Hey! They don’t do that in Japan! You guys are joking. Oh!Takeshi: Come on Claudia! I only wanted to teach you a very important rule for traveling — relax! And have a little fun!Claudia: You’re right. Some teacher you are!。
新编大学英语视听说教程Book 2 Unit 2Part 1 Listening, understanding and speakingListening I1.1-5 FTFFT2. 1. skin 2. local hospital3. eat --- skin trouble4. waiting for ---- a big basket5. done all her/the shopping ---- her / a shopping listScript:Mrs. Black was having a lot of trouble with her skin, so she went to her doctor. However he could not find anything wrong with her. So he sent her to the local hospital for some tests. The hospital, of course, sent the results of the tests directly to Mrs. Black's doctor. The next morning, he telephoned her to give her a list of the things that he thought she should not eat, as any of them might be the cause of her skin trouble.Mrs. Black carefully wrote all the things down on a piece of paper, which she then left beside the telephone while she went out to a meeting.When she got back home two hours later, she found her husband waiting for her. He had a big basket full of packages beside him, and when he saw her, he said, "Hello, dear. I have done all your shopping for you.""Done all my shopping?" she asked in surprise. "But how did you know what I wanted?""Well, when I got home, I found your shopping list beside the telephone," answered her husband, "so I went down to the shops and bought everything you had written down."Of course, Mrs. Black had to tell him that he had bought all the things the doctor did not allow her to eat!Listening I I1 1. British English --- American English 2. sound, words and expressions, --grammar 3. confusing --- different --- understandable--- each2. British EnglishI don’t know.What do you say?jumpertrouserschipschemist’s shopring them upHave you got an extra pen?Script:American and British people both speak English, of course, but sometimes it does not seem like the same language. In fact, there are some important differences between British and American English.First of all, they sound very different. Often, Americans don't say all the letters in each word. For example, Americans may say "I dunno" instead of "I don't know", or they may say "Whaddya say?" instead of "What do you say?"Sound is not the only difference between British and American English. The two languages have different words and expressions for some things. For example, some words for clothing are different. Americans use the word "sweater", but the British say "jumper". Americans wear "vests" over their shirts, but British people wear "vests" under their shirts. Americans talk about "pants" or "slacks", but the British talk about "trousers". The British chips are American French fries. A British chemist is an American drugstore. In Britain, if you are going to telephone friends, you "ring them up". In America, you "give them a call".There are also some differences in grammar. For example, Americans almost always use the helping verb "do" with the verb "have". They might say, "Do you have an extra pen?" The British often ask the question a different way. They might say, "Have you got an extra pen?"These differences can be confusing when you are learning English. But when the same language is used in different places, it is understandable that it changes in each place.Listening III11-6 T F F F F T21) small 2) pie 3) pine 4) big 5) small 6) pint 7) half 8) German9) warm 10) brown 11) English 12) a packet of 13) in the evening14) fried potatoes 15) crispsScript:Nick: Hi, Dieter. OK?Dieter: Oh, hi, Nick. Yes, I'm fine, except that I had a big problem ordering my drink.I didn't think my English was so bad!Nick: Your English is very good! What kind of problem?Dieter: Well, look at this beer I've got here—this warm, brown, English beer—it wasn't what I wanted!Nick: Why, what did you ask for?Dieter: Well, I just asked for a small beer. Then the barman asked what type of beer and said lots of names that I didn't understand—and something about a pie or a pine. I didn't understand anything!Nick: Oh, no! He probably said a pint! In English you don't ask for a big or a small beer. You ask for either a pint or a half. A pint's the big one.Dieter: So this one I've got here is a half?Nick: Yes, that's a half of bitter. Bitter's the name for that type of beer.Dieter: Ah, that's what he said—bitter! Well, it's very different from the beer we drink in Germany, I must say.Nick: Yes, I know. They call the German type of beer lager. So you have to ask for a half of lager, or a pint of lager.Dieter: OK. I understand that now. My another problem was chips. I asked for a packet of chips, and the barman said something strange—that they don't have chips in the evening, only at lunchtime. What did he mean?Nick: Yes, they have fish and chips, but I think you meant crisps. In England, chips are fried potatoes, you know, French fries. The ones you buy in a packet are crisps. Dieter: Well, in the end I didn't get anything to eat. So you see, I did everything wrong!Listening IV11-5 F T T F T2Examples: 1. MEN 2. HIS 3. MAN-madeConsequences: 1. mental image --- females/women 2. females/ women --- males/ men 3. citizensScript:(Mr. and Mrs. Jones are having a conversation one evening while Mrs. Jones happens to be looking at some of the textbooks her daughter, who is in the fifth grade, is using.)Mrs. Jones: Listen to what this book says. It really makes me angry! When talking about the settling of the western part of the U.S., it says, "MEN by the thousands headed west." Then on the very same page it says, "The average citizen in the United States is proud of HIS heritage."Mr. Jones: What's wrong with that? It's true. I don't understand why you are angry. Mrs. Jones: Why? Because women are left out!Mr. Jones: Everyone knows when the author says "men" or "his" in those sentences that the author means to include women.Mrs. Jones: I think you are wrong. When young people read these sentences, they simply do not form a mental image which includes females.Mr. Jones: Mm. Do you have other examples?Mrs. Jones: Yes I do! This book mentions "MAN-made improvements that have raised America's standard of living". A child will not think that females as well as males have made contributions when reading this.Mr. Jones: I still don't think it's very important.Mrs. Jones: Of course you don't! You're a man. But don't you want our daughter and other little girls to have the idea that they can be important citizens in their country, just as other women have been in the past?Mr. Jones: Well, I guess you're right. I hope not all textbooks are like that.Part 2 Viewing, understanding and speaking11-6 T F F F F T21) or another 2) seeing each other 3) boating 4) half an hour 5) someoneelse 6) anymore 7) Of course I do. 8) two different places 9) stupid Script:(The telephone rings in Julia's home, and she picks up the phone.)Julia: Hello!Michael: Hello, this is Michael.Julia: Hi, Michael. How are you?Michael: I'm fine. I miss you a lot though.Julia: Me, too. Can we get together again before you leave?Michael: Yes, sure! That's why I called you.Julia: Where should we meet?Michael: Mm, how about in front of Wanghu Hotel? (Some people are talking loudly in Julia's home.) That's not far from your home.Julia: Which hotel? I didn't hear you clearly.Michael: Wanghu Hotel.Julia: OK! What time?Michael: Mm, how about 12:30, tomorrow afternoon?Julia: OK, see you then.Michael: OK. OK, see you then.(In front of Wanghu Hotel, Michael is waiting. But Julia is waiting in front of Huanhu Hotel.)Michael: (He Looks at his watch, talking to himself.) It's 1:35 now! What's wrong with her?Julia: (She Looks at everywhere, hoping to see Michael, then talking to herself.) He's always late!Michael: (He Looks at his watch again, talking to himself.) Maybe she doesn't want to see me again?Julia: (She Looks at her watch, talking to herself.) It's almost 1:45 now! Where is he? Can it be that he is waiting at Wanghu Hotel? (Julia quickly rushes to Wanghu Hotel. There she sees Michael, who stands there waiting anxiously.)(In front of Wanghu Hotel.)Michael: Hi, Julia. You are so late. How come?Julia: I'm late?! I'm not late! I was waiting somewhere else! Believe it or not, I was waiting in front of Huanhu Hotel!Michael: Oh, my goodness! I've been waiting here for one hour. How come you went to Huanhu Hotel? I told you to come to Wanghu Hotel.Julia: But it sounded like Huanhu Hotel to me! You should've pronounced it more clearly.Michael: I'm sorry, but...but it never occurred to me you would have confused the two.Julia: I wish I'd realized that sooner, so that I wouldn't have waited there for so long. You know what? When you called yesterday, my mom had a group of friends over. They were so noisy that I could hardly hear you.Michael: That's why. Then how did you figure out that it might be here—Wanghu Hotel?Julia: Did it ever occur to you that we might be waiting at two different hotels? Michael: I guess not. I thought you were delayed by traffic or something.Julia: No! You don't think. Whenever we meet, we always have one problem or another.Michael: But last Saturday was all right. We had no trouble whatsoever seeing each other.Julia: It's always me who is waiting for you.Michael: That's not true! Wasn't I waiting for you today? And do you still remember the day when we went boating? I waited for you for about half an hour!Julia: If you don't want to wait for me, then wait for someone else.Michael: Julia, it's not that. You know what I mean.Julia: You just don't love me anymore.Michael: Of course I do. That's why I'm here. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't have waited here for an hour.Julia: But you never say "I love you" any more.Michael: Do you think I have to repeat the same three words all the time? Actions speak louder than words.Julia: But if you don't say it, how do I know?Michael: Come on, Julia. Don't be childish. Are we speaking the same language? It seems to me you always get me wrong.Julia: Well, if...if I hadn't realized what had happened we would still be waiting at two different places right now!Michael: Are you saying I'm stupid? Then why did you fall in love with me, then? Julia: Because I am even more stupid than you are! (Both laugh.)Michael: Now, let's forget it. Why don't we go for a walk in the park?Julia: Sure! (They walk away hand in hand.)Part 3 Video Appreciation and Singing for Fun1.Tip 1: Use open-ended questionsTip 2: Active listeningTip 3: The cocoonTip 4: Engage with the other personTip 5: Don’t make assumptionsTip 6: Avoid antagonistic sentences2. 1) closed questions 2) kill the conversation 3) summarizing 4) concentrate on 5) visualize a “cocoon”6) turn around and face that individual7) a particular topic 8) projecting your own thoughts or feelings9) a form of attack 10) a lot less conflictsPart 4 Further Speaking and ListeningListening I1) closer 2) regular 3) down 4) sense 5) envelope 6) convenience 7) instant 8) longer 9) positive 10) 2,252 11) quality 12) decreased 13) similar 14) inside 15) agreed 16) differentListening II1) status 2) definite 3) doubts 4) interrupt 5) power structure 6) establish and test 7) knowledge 8) power 9) sharing approach 10) encourageScript:At an early age, little girls' conversation is less definite and expresses more doubts, while little boys use conversation to establish status with their listeners.These differences continue into adult life. In public conversations, men talk more and interrupt other speakers more. In private conversations, men and women speak in equal amounts, although they say things in a different style. For women, private talking is a way to establish and test intimacy. For men, private talking is a way to explore the power structure of a relationship.Teaching is one job which shows the differences between men's and women's ways of talking. When a man teaches a woman, he wants to show that he has more knowledge, and hence more power in conversation. He uses his language to show this. When a woman teaches another woman, however, she is more likely to take a sharing approach and to encourage her student to join in.But it doesn't suggest that women are naturally more helpful. Actually, women feel they achieve power by being able to help others.Listening III1-5 F T F F TScript:Walking down the street, a dog saw an ad in an office window. "Help wanted. Must type 70 words a minute. Must be computer literate. Must be bilingual. Anequal-opportunity employer."The dog applied for the position, but he was quickly refused. "I can't hire a dog for this job," the office manager said. But when the dog pointed to the line that read "An equal-opportunity employer", the office manager sighed and asked, "Can you type?" Silently, the dog walked over to a typewriter and typed a letter without a mistake. "Can you operate a computer?" the manager inquired. The dog then sat down at a computer, wrote a program and ran it perfectly."Look, I still can't hire a dog for this position," said the office manager. "You have fine skills, but I need someone who's bilingual. It says so right in the ad."The dog looked up at the manager and said, "Meow."Listening IV1 1-6 T F T F T T2 1) an American education 2) fluent English 3) misses 4) nice5) little things 6) walking the dog 7) weather 8) snowy9) sunshine 10) boots 11) umbrella 12) a big smileScript:Ramon Romero is a seventeen-year-old boy from Bolivia. He speaks Spanish and a little bit of English.Ramon lives in the United States now, in Little Rock, Arkansas, with the Hutchinsons. They are not his real family. His real family is back in Bolivia. They cannot come to America because they have jobs and duties in their country and aren't able to leave. However, they do want their son to have an American education and be fluent in English.He misses his family and wishes to see them. It seems that no one understands his true feelings. It is difficult to listen to English all the time and then to express his thoughts in English. His American family is very nice to him and helps him in every way. In return, Ramon does little things to help the family. For instance, he takes the dog for a walk every morning and every evening.When he comes back from the morning walk, he tells Mrs. Hutchinson about the weather. This tells her how to dress her four-year-old son. On Tuesday, Mrs. Hutchinson asks, "How is the weather today?"Ramon answers, "It rain.""No, Ramon, in English we say, 'It's raining.'"On Wednesday, it rains again."It's raining today," reports Ramon.On Thursday, it snows. On Friday, the sun finally shines. Ramon is very happy that he doesn't have to wear boots or carry an umbrella. He comes into the house with a big smile on his face."How's the weather today?" asks Mrs. Hutchinson."Oh, today I am very happy," replies Ramon. "There is no weather."。
高级职业英语 听说教程Section 2 task 2
6Task 2Xiaofang lives in Qingdao. Now he is driving to the airport to pick up his American friend Amile, who comes here to attend the Qingdao International Beer Festival. He has reserved a single room for her in Qingdao Holiday Inn. It’s a five-star hotel. Fiona is living in Wuhan. Now she is seeing off her general manager, Mr. Li, at the railway station, who came to sign a contract with ABC Company. He stayed in Yangtze Hotel these days, which is also a five-star hotel. Miss Wang lives in Guangzhou. She is going to the subway to pick up his boss and his wife. They come to attend China Import and Export Fair. They’ll stay in Garden Hotel.7A: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Morris, please?B: Sorry, he’s just gone out.A: When is he expected to be back?B: Two hours later, I guess.A: Could you please take a message for him?B: Yes, certainly.A: This is Paul. Please tell him I’ll call him again at the office tomorrow morning.B: All right. I’ll tell him when he comes back.A: Thank you very much. Goodbye.B: You’re welcome. Goodbye.8.I am a secretary in a shoe-making company. My main duties are to arrange and make preparations for meetings. There are two meetings to be held in our company this week. One of them is an annual sales meeting. There will be 100 participants in the meeting. I have notified every attendee to attend the meeting well in advance. In addition, I have sent an agenda to each participant so that they can come prepared. As usual, I’m the one who takes the minutes.9.Business trips are common to business people, but a lot of preparations have to be done before starting the trip. First, determine the goals of your trip. You should know what you want to accomplish in this trip. Second, set up appointments. As your company will pay for the travel expenses, it is necessary to make your trip productive, time-saving and money-saving. Try to make some appointments with your customers or business partners before departure. Third, make arrangements for transportation, and accommodation, such as booking a flight, or a train and a hotel. Fourth, get necessary trip documents ready, such as your passport, visa and health certificate. Fifth, pack your luggage with necessary items, such as business documents, laptop, address books, name cards, cell phone, or anything that is needed for you to do your work.10.My name is David Liu. I am employed as a software developer in the Great Wall Computer Company. Our manager is an easygoing person and usually plays jokes with us, but he is strict and serious in work. Most of my colleagues are ready to help and support. I can get along with most of them. However, I was in a situation where I had a problem with one of my colleagues. Later I talked to him directly and sincerely and resolved the conflict between us. Now I find it enjoyable to work with him.。
高级英语视听说教程第二册听力文本SANY标准化小组 #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#Book 2 Chapter 1 The PopulationToday we’re going to talk about population in the United States. According to the most recent government census, the population is 281,421,906 people. Now this represents an increase of almost 33 million people since the 1990 census. A population of over 281 million makes the United States the third most populous country in the whole world. As you probably know, the People’s Republic of China is the most populous country in the world. But do you know which is the second most populousWell, if you thought India, you were right. The fourth, fifth, and sixth most populous countries are Indonesia, Brazil, and Pakistan. Now let’s get back to the United States. Let’s look at the total U. S. population figure of 281 million in three different ways. The first way is by race and origin; the second is by geographical distribution, or by where people live; and the third way is by the age and sex of the population.First of all, let’s take a look at the population by race and origin. The latest U. S. census reports that 75.1 percent of the population is white, whereas 12.3 percent is black. Three percent are of Asian origin, and 1 percent is Native American. 2.4 percent of the population is a mixture of two or more races, and 5.5 percent report themselves as “of some other race”. Let’s make sure yourfigures are right: OK, white, 75.1 percent; black, 12.3 percent; Asian, 3 percent; Native American, 1 percent; a mixture of two or more races, 2.4 percent; and of some other race, 5.5 percent. Hispanics, whose origins lie in Spanish-speaking countries, comprise whites, blacks, and Native Americans, so they are already included in the above figures. It is important to note that Hispanics make up 12.5 percent of the present U.S. population, however. Finally, the census tells us that 31 million people in the United States were born in another country. Of the 31 million foreign born, the largest part, 27.6 percent are from Mexico. The next largest group, from the Philippines, number 4.3 percent.Another way of looking at the population is by geographical distribution. Do you have any idea which states are the five most populous in the United States Well, I’ll help you out there. The five most populous states, with population figures, are California, with almost 34 million; New York, with 21 million; Texas, with 19 million; and Florida, with 16 million; and Illinois with 12.5 million people. Did you get all those figures downWell, if not, I’ll give you a chance later to check your figures. Well, then, let’s move on. All told, over half, or some 58 percent of the population, lives in the South and in the West of the United States. This figure, 58 percent, is surprising to many people. It issurprising because the East is more densely populated. Nevertheless, there are more people all together in the South and West. To understand this seeming contradiction, one need only consider the relatively larger size of many southern and western states, so although there are more people, they are distributed over a larger area. To finish up this section on geographical distribution, consider that more than three-quarters of the people live in metropolitan areas like Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, and Houston. That means that only 20 percent, or 2 out of 10 people, live in rural areas. An interesting side note is that some 3,800,000 U.S. citizens live abroad, that is, in foreign countries.Before we finish today, I want to discuss the distribution of the U.S. population in terms of age and sex. Just for interest, would you say there are more men or more women in the United States Well, according to the 2000 census, there are more women. In fact, there are more than five million more women than men in the U.S. population. If we consider that more males than females are born each year, how can this difference be explainedWell, for a variety of complicated reasons that we can’t go into here, there is a progressively higher death rate for males as they get older. This is seen in 2003 life expectancy figures: the life expectancy for women is 80.4 years whereas for men it is only 74.5years. I don’t know how these life expectancy figures compare to those in your countries, but statistically women generally live longer than men worldwide. Now, to finish up, let’s look at the average age of the whole population. Overall, the average age of the population is increasing: from 33.1 years in 1990 to 35.3 years in 2000. The average age has been slowly, but steadily, increasing over the past several decades. This trend toward a higher average age can be explained by a decreasing birth rate and an increasing life expectancy for the population as a whole. Well, I’d like to investigate these two subjects further, but I see our time is up, so we’ll have to call it quits for today. You may want to pursue the topic of the aging U.S. population further, so there are some suggestions at the end of the lesson to help you do so. Thank you. Chapter Two Immigration: Past and PresentThe act of immigrating, or coming to a new country to live, is certainly nothing new. Throughout history, people have immigrated, or moved to new countries, for many different reasons. Sometimes these reasons were economic or political. Other people moved because of natural disasters such as droughts or famines. And some people moved to escape religious or political persecution. No matter what the reason, most people do not want to leave their native land and do so only under great pressure of some sort, but a few people seemquite adventuresome and restless by nature and like to move a lot. It seems both kinds of people came to America to live. The subject of immigration is quite fascinating to most Americans, as they view themselves as a nation of immigrants. However, the early Britons who came to what is today the United States considered themselves “settlers” or “colonists,” rather than immigrants. These people did not exactly think they were moving to a new country but were merely settling new land for the “mother country.” There were also large numbers of Dutch, French, German, and Scotch-Irish settlers, as well as large numbers of blacks brought from Africa as slaves. At the time of independence from Britain in 1776, about 40 percent of people living in what is now the United States were non-British. The majority of people, however, spoke English, and the traditions that formed the basis of life were mainly British traditions. This period we have just been discussing is usually referred to as the Colonial Period. Today, we’re a little more interested in actual immigration after this period. Let’s first look at what is often called the Great Immigration, which began about 1830 and ended in 1930. Then let’s consider the reasons for this so-called Great Immigration and the reasons it ended. Finally, let’s talk about the immigration situation in the United States today,As I said, we’ll begin our discussion today with the period ofhistory called the Great Immigration, which lasted from approximately 1830 to 1930. It will be easier if we look at the Great Immigration in terms of three major stages, or time periods. The first stage was from approximate1y 1830 to 1860. Now, before this time, the number of immigrants coming to the United States was comparatively small, only about 10,000 a year. However, the rate began to climb in the 1830s when about 600,000 immigrants arrived. The rate continued to climb during the 1840s with a tota1 of 1,700,000 people arriving in that decade. The rate continued to climb, and during the 1850s 2,600,000 immigrants arrived. During this first stage of the Great Immigration, that is, between the years 1830 and 1860, the majority of immigrants came from Germany, Great Britain, and Ireland. Now let’s consider the second stage of the Great Immigration. The second stage was from l860 to 1890, during which time another 10,000,000 people arrived. Between l860 and 1890 the majority of immigrants continued to be from Germany, Ireland, and Great Britain. However, during the second stage, a smaller but significant number of immigrants came from the Scandinavian nations of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The third stage of the Great Immigration, which lasted from 1890 to 1930, was the era of heaviest immigration. Between the years l890 and l930, almost 22 million immigrants arrived in the United States. Most of thesenew arrivals came from the Southern European countries of Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain and the Eastern European countries of Poland and Russia.Now that we know something about the numbers and origins of immigrants who came to the States during the Great Immigration, let’s consider the reasons why most of these people immigrated to the United States. Why did such large numbers of Europeans leave their homes for life in an unknown countryIt would be impossible to discuss all the complex political and economic reasons in any depth today, but we can touch on a few interesting facts that might help to clarify the situation for you. First of all, one of the most important reasons was that the population of Europe doubled between the years 1750 and 1850. At the same time that the population was growing so rapidly, the Industrial Revolution in Europe was causing widespread unemployment. The combination of increased population and the demand for land by industry also meant that farmland was becoming increasingly scarce in Europe. The scarcity of farmland in Europe meant that the abundance of available land in the growing country of the United States was a great attraction. During these years, the United States was an expanding country and it seemed that there was no end to land. In fact, in 1862, the government offered public land free tocitizens and to immigrants who were planning to become citizens. In addition to available farmland, there were also plentiful jobs during these years of great economic growth. Other attractions were freedom from religious or political persecution. Some other groups also came to the United States as the direct results of natural disasters that left them in desperate situations. For example, the frequent failure of the potato crop in Ireland between the years 1845 and 1849 led to widespread starvation in that country, and people were driven to immigrate. Another factor that affected the number of immigrants coming to the United States was improved ocean transport beginning in the 1840s. At that time, ships large enough to carry large numbers of people began to make regular trips across the ocean. Now let’s summarize the reasons for the high rate of immigration to the United States during the years we discussed: first, the doubling of the population in Europe between 1750 and 1850; second, the unemployment caused by the Industrial Revolution; and third, the land scarcity in Europe, followed by religious and political persecution and natural disaster. These reasons combined with improved transportation probably account for the largest number of immigrants.I would now like to talk briefly about the period of time following the Great Immigration and the reasons for the decline inthe rate of immigration. Although immigration continues today, immigration numbers have never again reached the levels that we discussed previously. There are several reasons for this decline. This decline was in part due to various laws whose aim was to limit the number of immigrants coming from different parts of the world to the United States. The first such law that limited the number of immigrants coming from a certain part of the world was the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. This law was followed by many other laws that also tried to limit the numbers of people immigrating from various countries or parts of the world. In addition to such laws, certainly economic and geopolitical events as important as the Great Depression starting in 1929 and World War II also contributed to the decline in immigration.Let’s conclude our talk by discussing the current situation with respect to immigration, which is quite different from that in the past. To understand some of the changes, it’s important to note that in 1965 strict quotas based on nationality were eliminated. Let’s see how different things are today from the past. As I noted, the greatest number of immigrants to the United States have historically been European. According to U.S. Census figures, in 1860, the percentage of immigrants that were European was 92 percent. But by 1960, the percentage of European immigrants had dropped to74.5 percent, and by the year 2002, it had dropped to 14 percent! In 2002, 52.2 percent of immigrants came from Latin America, that is, from the Caribbean, Central America, and South America. Mexico is ordinarily considered part of North America, but the U.S. Census Bureau considers Mexico as a Central American country in terms of immigration statistics, and estimates that more than one-third of the total of all immigrants to the United States in 2002 came from Mexico or another Central American country. The next largest percentage, 25.5 percent, of immigrants came from Asia, mainly from the Philippines, China, and India.Although immigration dropped sharply when the United States entered World War I and remained low throughout the Depression and World War II years, at the end of the l940s, immigration began to increase again and has, in general, risen steadily since then. It might surprise you to know that the actual number of immigrants coming yearly to the States in recent years is about the same as the numbers coming yearly between 1900 and 1910. Keep in mind, though, that the population of the United States is much larger now than at the turn of the century, so that while the yearly numbers may be similar, the percentage of the population that is foreign-born is considerably smaller today than it was a century ago.It might be interesting to speculate on immigration in thefuture. Will the trend continue for non-Europeans to immigrate to the United States The answer is probably yes for the foreseeable future. Do these non-European people come to the United States for the same reasons that Europeans cameWell, land is no longer plentiful and cheap. Industry no longer requires large numbers of unskilled workers. In fact, the government usually tries to restrict immigration to those people who already have the skills to be successful in U.S. society. Still, people come for politica1 and economic reasons and probably will continue to do so.Chapter 3 Americans at WorkWhether you love it or hate it, work is a major part of most people’s lives everywhere in the world. Americans are no exception. Americans might complain about “blue Monday,” when they have to go back to work after the weekend, but most people put a lot of importance on their job, not only in terms of money but also in terms of identity. In fact, when Americans are introduced to a new person, they almost always ask each other, “What do you do?” They are asking, what is your job or profession. Today, however, we won’t look at work in terms of what work means socially or psychologically. Rather, we’re going to take a look at work in the United States today from two perspectives. First, we’ll take ahistorical look at work in America. We’ll do that by looking at how things changed for the American worker from the beginning to the end of the twentieth century, that is, from the year 1900 to the year 1999. Then we’ll look at how U.S. workers are doing today.As we look at the changes over the last century, we’re going to use a lot of statistics to describe these changes. You will need to write down a lot of numbers in today’s lecture. First, let’s consider how the type of work people were involved in changed. At the beginning of the twentieth century, about 38 percent of the workforce was involved in agriculture; that is, they worked on a farm. By the end of the century, only 3 percent still worked on farms. There was also a large decrease in the number of people working in mining, manufacturing, and construction. The number of workers in mining, manufacturing, and construction went down from 31 percent to 19 percent.While the number of people in these goods producing industries went down, the number of people in the service industries went up. As you may know, a service industry is one that provides a service, rather than goods or products. A few examples include transportation, tourism, banking, advertising, health care, and legal services. I’m sure you can think of more. The service industry workforce jumped from 31 percent of the workforce at the turn of the century to 78percent in 1999.Let’s recap the numbers: in 1900, 38 percent in agriculture; 31 percent in mining, manufacturing, and construction; and 31 percent in the service industries. That should add up to 100 percent. In 1999, 3 percent in agriculture; 19 percent in mining, manufacturing, and construction; and 78 percent in the service industries. Again, that should add up to 100 percent.The labor force changed in other important ways. For example, child labor was not unusual at the beginning of the twentieth century. In 1900 there were 1, 750, 000 children aged ten to fifteen working full-time in the labor force. This was 6 percent of the labor force. Over the years, child labor laws became much stricter and by 1999, it was illegal for anyone under sixteen to work full-time in any of the fifty states. While the number of children in the workforce went down, the number of women went up dramatically. In 1900, only 19 percent of women were employed; in 1999, 60 percent of women were holding down jobs.Let’s see what has happened to wages and salaries. All the numbers I will give you are in terms of 1999 dollars. Let me explain. In 1900 the average per capita income was $4,200 a year. That does not mean that the average worker in 1900 earned $4,200, a year, but that what he or she earned was equal to $4, 200 in 1999. That is,the amount of money the average worker earned in 1900 was worth the same as $4,200 in 1999. The average per capita income in 1999 was $33, 700. Not only did people earn a lot more money at the end of the century, they also received a lot more in benefits than at the beginning of the century. One of the important benefits most workers received later in the century was health insurance. Whereas wages and salaries rose over the century, the average workweek dropped. That is, workers, in general, did not work as long hours in 1999 as they did in 1900.The last area that I’d like to give you a few statistics about is workplace safety. Most of us who go to work every day don’t think a lot about whether we are safe or not, but in 1900 it was a real concern for a lot of workers. There aren’t many statistics available, but the U.S. government does have statistics on two industries that will give you some idea of the differences today. In 1900 almost 1,500 workers were killed in coal-mining accidents; in 1999, the number was 35. 2,555 railroad workers were killed in 1900, compared to 56 in 1999.People often tend to romanticize the past and talk about “the good old days,”but I think it’s fair to say that by the end of the twentieth century, U.S. workers in general made more money, they enjoyed more benefits, and their working conditions had improvedgreatly.Now let’s turn our attention to the current situation for U.S. workers. The picture is not so rosy as the one drawn by comparing U.S. workers at the beginning and the end of the twentieth century. I’m going to focus on the current situation in terms of productivity, working hours, and wages and salaries.First let’s consider the number of hours worked. According to a 2003 study released by the United Nations International Labor Organization, U.S. workers are the most productive in the world among industrialized nations, but they work longer hours than European workers to achieve this productivity. Europeans typically have four to six weeks of vacation a year, whereas the average American worker has only about two weeks. This study points out that the longer working hours in the United States is a rising trend, while the trend in other industrialized countries is the opposite.Workers in some European countries actually outproduce American workers per hour of work. It has been suggested that this higher rate of productivity might be because European workers are less stressed than U.S. workers.At any rate, there seems to be general agreement that U.S. productivity has greatly increased over the last thirty years. However, workers have not seen their wages rise at the same rate. Agroup of sociologists in their book Inequality by Design point out that there is a growing gap between rich Americans and everyone else in the United States. They write that between 1949 and 1974, increases in productivity were matched by increases in wages for workers in both manufacturing and the service industries, but since 1974, productivity increased 68 percent in manufacturing and 50 percent in services, but real wages stagnated. That is, wages moved up little or not at all. So, where does all the money generated by the increased productivity go thenAccording to the authors of this book, the money goes to the salaries for CEOs, to the stock market, and to corporate profits. Workers play a great role in increasing productivity, but no longer see their wages connected to increased productivity. In other words, CEOs’salaries, the stock market, and the corporate profits go up as work productivity goes up, but workers’ wages don’t.What are the reasons why U.S. workers, who are the most productive in the world, have to work longer hours, have fewer vacation days, and see their wages stagnate and not rising at the same rate as productivity The answer to this question is complex and controversial, but there are two reasons most people who speak or write about these issues mention: The first is that labor unions in the United States have lost great power since the beginning of the1980s, and the second is that the government has passed laws that favor the rich and weaken the rights of the workers.I see our time is up. So, I’ll see you next time.Chapter 4 Family in the United StatesA hundred years ago, one heard the same kind of comments about the American family that one hears today --- in short, that the American family is disintegrating. Proof of this disintegration at the end of the nineteenth century included three points: the declining birth rate, a rising divorce rate, and evidence that women were not completely content with their domestic role. It’s a little surprising to me that the same claim about the family is being made today --- that it is disintegrating. And often the same points are mentioned as proof: declining birth rates, increasing divorce rates, and discontent of women with domestic roles. Now, in no way do I mean to imply that cultural, demographic, and economic conditions are the same now as they were 100 years ago. On the contrary, the very nature of the family has changed drastically in the last 50 years, not to mention the last 100 years. But I don’t think the average person’s concept of the family has changed very much over the years. A lot of people have on fixed idea of the family: a married couple where Mother stays home to care for the children and Father works. But this idea is challenged by what we see every dayin U.S. society. To be sure, the family is a very sensitive barometer for what is happening in the society, the culture, and the economy of the United States. To make this point clearer, we’ll take a look at how the American family has changed in the last 50 years by looking at three different time periods: there are the mid-1940s to the mid-1960s; the mid-60s to the mid-80s; and finally the present. Sociologist Barbara Dafoe Whitehead labels these three periods: the period of traditional familism, the period of individualism, and the period of the new familism. I will try for each period to show how economic, demographic, and cultural elements interact and, in turn, affect the family.Well, let’s proceed in chronological order and start with traditional familism. We’re talking here of the twenty years from the mid-1940s to the mid-1960s. This was the period after World War II, a period characterized by a very strong economy. This gave the United States a rising standard of living and a growing middle class. Demographically, the predominant configuration of the family from these years was the traditional one: a married couple with children. Some women worked, but divorce rates were low, and birth rates were high. I guess you could say that the country idealized the family in these years. And what I mean is, there was a commitment to the family from its members and a reverence for it from society. TVprograms of the era depicted the family in the classical configuration: working father, housewife, and children. Culturally, three characteristics stand out in this period: conformity to social norms, greater male domination of the family than in the later periods, and clear-cut gender roles, that is, clear and separate roles for men and women at home and at work. Well, things changed quite a bit after this period.Let’s move on to the second period, the period of individualism. This period is from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s. Now, because individualism is so often mentioned in our discussion of U.S. culture and people, I should make a little detour here before we discuss it. Individualism brings to mind two other words: independence and self-reliance. Individualism conveys the idea that one should think and act for himself or herself, according to what one feels is right. Individualism is easily confused with egotism or selfishness, but in its best sense, it is much more. Individualism implies that one has the freedom to decide what is best rather than allowing that decision to be made by a group such as the community or society. Individualism does, of course, conflict with the concept of community, which implies that the group shares in making decisions. And this conflict between the individual and the community is one that comes up again and again in our lecture seriesabout the United States. All right, let’s get back to our discussion about the family.The second period, the period of individualism, saw three important social and political movements. Do you have any idea which movements I might be talking about Keep in mind that these decades were characterized by a lack of conformity to social norms. Well, the movements have in mind are the sexual revolution, in which sex was clearly no longer reserved for marriage; the women’s liberation movement; and the movement against the war in Vietnam. All three movements---the sexual revolution, woman’s liberation, and the antiwar movement --- were typical of the nonconforming nature of these decades. Now, culturally, it is in this period where we see two important developments: one the idealization of one’s career and work and, two, the drive for self-expression and self-fulfillment. In this period, the feminist movement challenged traditional gender roles and male domination of society. Women began to enter professions previously closed to them like medicine, law, and management. Men, for their part, began at least to consider a more active role in raising their children.These cultural changes occurred during a time of economic changes, too. This was a time of rapidly rising cost of living. Together, these forces changed the demographics of the family. Theformer picture of the family had only one configuration: a married couple with children where Mother stayed home. The new picture of the family had to include new configurations, like families in which the husband and wife both worked, families of single parents with children, and families of cohabiting couples with or without children. With more women pursuing careers and making money, there was less economic pressure for them to stay in an unsuitable marriage. Therefore, divorce rates doubled in a decade. Rising divorce rates and more financial independence for women made marriage a less attractive arrangement for many women. Consequently, the number of single-parent households tripled. Less conformity to social norms paved the way for cohabitation. So the number of unmarried couples living together in this period quadrupled. Can you see how economic, cultural, and demographic aspects of the society interact with each other I hope so. Well, let’s continue with our agenda.The third period, the new familism, is harder to see because we are living in this period now. And because we are constantly informed by the media about the deteriorating American family, it’s hard to get an objective view of the state of the family. I think that today most people applaud the social changes that came about in the second period of individualism. They are not willing to give up。
Listen to the first part and check your predictions. What on Earth Are We Doing to Our Planet?
Our planet’s _w__il_d_li_f_e_ is dying out at an alarming rate. Between 150-200 species are becoming extinct every day. This mass extinction is caused by hunting, habitat __lo_s_s__, and pollution. We must make people aware of the problem and help _p_r_o_te_c_t_ the endangered wildlife before it’s too late!
Have you heard about birdwatching? How much do you know about it? Let’s watch a video.
What tools are used when watching birds?
Guess the meanings of the following word and phrases. binoculars bird feeder bird field guide
高级职业英语听说教程until 2 Planning your career
arrangement n. 安排,布置 bookkeeper n. 簿记员,记账员 considering prep. 鉴于,考虑到 diploma n. 文凭 field n. 领域;田地 immediate a. 直接的;最接近的 internship n. 实习期;实习生职位 professional a. 专业的,职业的
SSecetciotinon1 B1efBoerefo-crlea-scslaAscstivAitcietisv:itGieestt:inGgeTthtiinnggsTRheinagdys Ready Task 2 Prepare a short speech to be presented in class according to the information
2. We should choose a career according to our interests and motivation.
3. Work experience and skills are more important than knowledge when hunting for a job.
motivation n. 动机;动力 promotion n. 晋升;促销 qualified a. 有资格的 required a. 必需的 hunt for 寻找,搜寻 inquire about 询问,查
Unit 2 Planning Your Career
SSecetciotinon1 B1efBoerefo-crlea-scslaAscstivAitcietisv:itGieestt:inGgeTthtiinnggsTRheinagdys Ready Task 2 Listen to the following sentences and then repeat them after the recording. 1. What’s your ideal job?
【教案】Unit 2 Listening and Speaking教学设计人教版(2019必修第二册
其中第一部分的listening and speaking的活动主题是“谈论濒危野生动物保护”(Talkabout saving endangered wildlife)。
下面为大家分享全新版大学英语听说教程2的答案,欢迎参考!Warming Up1. T2.F3. NGUnderstanding Short Conversations1.B2.D3. C4. D5. C6. C7.B8. B9. A 10. CUnderstanding a Long Conversation1. D2.D3. A4. B5. CUnderstanding a Passage1. C2.D3. B4. C5. BUnderstanding a Movie Dialog1. upset2. sick3. law4. harmless5. break6. replaced7. memories8. natural9. birthday10. appreciateListening and Speaking1. sit quietly and listen to2. a blank stare3. put it a different way4. speak up in class5. in turn, a great deal of Homework SupplementaryListening Task 11. D2.C3. B4. D5. BTask 21. C2.A3. B4. A5. CTask 31 the age, size and future2. Seventy years ago3. increase with distance4. Late last month5. A light year6. distances in space7. other measurements8. support the idea9. slow down and break up10. or possibly even olderUnit 2Warming Up1. passion2. make sacrifices3. The meaning of greatness. Understanding Short Conversations 1.B2.B 3. C4. C5. C6. A7.A8. A9. C10. A Understanding a Long Conversation 1. D 2.B 3. C 4. D 5. D Understanding a Passage1. C2. B3.C4. D5. D Understanding a Movie Dialog1. training2. touch3. understand4. appreciate5. trouble6. fighting7. three8. honest9. cry10. borrowListening and Speaking1. Because her dad had yelled at her.2. Helping children develop a sense of goodsportsmanship3. When people treat each other with due respect4. Open-ended.5. Open-ended.Homework SupplementaryListeningTask 11. D2.C3. D4. B5. ATask 21. A2.B3. C4. B5. DTask 31 on the ball2. did something unexpected3. at the job or activity4. hit it out of the park5. think it over6. is very successful7. complete a job or activity8. did something wrong9. how much it is worth10. close to my selling priceUnit 3Warming Up3 2 1Understanding Short Conversations1. D2.A3. B4. C5. D6. A7.D8. B9. A 10. B Understanding a Log Conversation1. A2.B3. D4. D5. AUnderstanding a Passage1. B2.D3. D4. A5. BUnderstanding a Movie Dialog1. night2. definitely3. love4. wise5. My wife6. 267. died8. youngest9. goes by10. gotten oldListening and Speaking1. physically OK2. To the kitchen3. a bowl of ice cream with stawberries4. I don’t need to write it down5. a plate of bacon and eggs Homework SupplementaryListeningTask 11. A2.B3. D4. C5. DTask 21. B2.D3. B4. C5. ATask 31 they care about2. performed marriages3. wait longer t get married4. bring people together5. plan a blind date6. follow their cultural traditions7. meant for the other8. establishing a relationship9. improve their chances10. meet someone over the InternetUnit 4Warming Up1. C2.A3. AUnderstanding Short Conversations1.D2.B3. C4. A5. B6. D7.A8. C9. C 10. B Understanding a Long Conversation1. B2.A3. C4. D5. BUnderstanding a Passage1. C2.B3. D4. B5. AUnderstanding a Movie Dialog1. certain2. occasionally3. come along4. receiving5. delight6. gathering7. natural8. special9. welcoming10. remindingListening and Speaking1. a class of adults2. the ruler, the book, the pen and so on3. Give me the keys4. looked surprised and somewhat at a loss5. threw his arms around the teacher’s neck andkissed him on both cheeksHomework SupplementaryListeningTask 11. A2.C3. A4. B5. BTask 21. D2.C3. A4. C5. BTask 31 answer a qestion2. to be admitted3. copies of all school records4. the results of the TOEFL5. minimum acceptable TOEFL6. additional English training7. conditionally accept students8. taking regular classes9. provides more information10. successfully pass classesUnit 5Warming Up1. F2.T3. TUnderstanding Short Conversations1.C2.D3. A4.D5. A6. B7.D8. D9. D 10. CUnderstanding a Long Conversation1. B2.D3. A4. D5. AUnderstanding a Passage1. D2.C3. B4. A5. CUnderstanding a Movie Dialog1. Everything the light touches2. rises and falls3. will rise with you4. shadowy place5. never go there6. getting your way7. exists together8. respect all the creatures9. let me explain10. in the great circle of lifeListening and Speaking1. He smoked, drank, and acted in a mannergenerally bad for his health.2. He learned how to be a good person.3. He died early, alone and sad.4. Open-ended.5. Open-ended.Homework SupplementaryListeningTask 11. B2.A3. D4. B5. CTask 21. A2.C3. D4. D5. BTask 31. one million new cases2. have increased3. drug treatments4. gathered results5. 145,0006. before it has spread7. from coming back8. reduce by half9. within 15 years10. middle-aged womenUnit 6Warming Up1. T2.F3. NGUnderstanding Short Conversations1. B2.A3. D4. B5. B6. C7.C8. A9. B 10. C Understanding a Long Conversation1. A2.D3. D4. C5. BUnderstanding a Passage1. C2.A3. B4. C5. DUnderstanding a Movie Dialog1. important decisions2. As in3. agreed on4. What’s wrong with5. I mean6. wait a minute7. what a challenge8. what he’s doing9. gets his way10. ever imaginedListening and Speaking1. Why Chinese talk so much.2. When it is put on our table.3. It’s a dish of potato noodles with bits ofmeat in it.4. Open-ended.5. Open-ended.Homework SupplementaryListeningTask 11. B2.C3. B4. C5. CTask 21. B2.C3. D4. B5. DTask 31 federal government2. education reform law3. be forced to4. place top importance on5. calls for6. main goal7. by 40 percent8. low-income and minority9. poorly performing students10. free after-school helpUnit 7Warming Up1. active during life2. work for days3. busy work scheduleUnderstanding Short Conversations1.B2.C3. B4.D5. A6. D7.C8. C9. D 10. C Understanding a Long Conversation1. D2.C3. B4. A5. BUnderstanding a Passage1. C2.C3. D4. D5. BUnderstanding a Movie Dialog1. flight2. heartbroken3. tries real hard4. witnessing a miracle5. completely6. marriage7. special occasions8. sacrifices9. dream10. chooseListning and Speaking1. 40 percent.2. Longer hours, overtime and career concerns.3. The rise in outsourcing and the trend towardtemporary employment.4. Open-ended.5. Open-ended.Homework SupplementaryListeningTask 11. D2.D3. A4. C5. ATask 21. D2.B3. D4. A5. DTask 31 severe mental health2. published the findings3. examined the results4. gathered the information5. learn what treatment6. nervous anxiety7. illegal drugs8. less likely to admit9. with serious disorders10. prevent many serious cases laterUnit 8Warming Up1. T2.F3. NGUnderstanding Short Conversations1. B2.A3. C4. D5. D6. D7.C8. B9. A 10. B Understanding a Long Conversation1. B2.A3. D4. A5. CUnderstanding a Passage1. B2.C3. C4. A5. BUnderstanding a Movie Dialog1. the light had gone2. should remember3. don’t go the right way4. when we suffer defeat5. you’re really tested6. on the highest moutain7. served this government and this country8. always give your best9. high hopes and good spirits10. in our heartsListening and Speaking1. to make their days interesting2. giving a guy a break3. glared at me4. writing a third ticket5. have a little fun each dayHomework SupplementaryListeningTask 11. C2.D3. D4. D5. BTask 21. A2.C3. B4. B5. CTask 31 how much they expect to earn2. dishonest reporting3. are charged with4. under pressure5. include a warming6. should not be held responsible7. have influenced that decision8. no reason to stop9. estimate earnings10. to hide bad newsUnit 9Warming Up1. boxing2. couldn’t do it3. determinationUnderstanding Short Conversations1. C2.D3. A4. A5. D6. B7.A8. B9. C 10. C Understanding a Long Conversation1. B2.D3. A4. C5. CUnderstanding a Passage1. B2.D3. C4. C5. BUnderstanding a Movie Dialog1. Come on in2. sweetheart3. a part of life4. your own destiny5. God gave you6. figure that out7. a box of chocolates8. explaining9. had got the cancer10. with little flowers on itListening and Speaking1. Self-reliance.2. Usually by the age of 18.3. Because then they may not be free to do whatthey want.4. Open-ended.5. Open-ended.Homework SupplementaryListeningTask 11. A2.C3. D4. B5. BTask 21. C2.A3. B4. C5. ATask 31 develop a plan2. reduce cancer rates3. cancer prevention and control4. a leading cause of death5. on the rise6. cancer-producing chemicals7. aging populations8. most common forms9. more action is needed10. early cancer testingUnit 10Warming Up1. F2.F3. TUnderstanding Short Conversations1. D2.B3. B4. D5. C6. C7.A8. B9. C10. A Understanding a Long Conversation1. D2.C3. A4. B5. DUnderstanding a Passage1. B2.C3. D4. D5. AUnderstanding a Movie Dialog1. guarded2. a greater responsibility3. Marines4. probably saved lives5. existence6. parties7. honor8. spent defending something9. freedom10. OtherwiseListening and Speaking1. A Japanese pen friend.2. He had always criticized the nuclear attacks.3. Around 140,000 people.4. Open-ended.5. Open-ended.Homework SupplementaryListeningTask 11. D2.D3. C4. A5. BTask 21. C2.B3. D4. B5. ATask 31. monthly payments2. more money than3. is expected to4. be out of money5. born out of6. pay for itself7. start with8. survived the death9. for the poor10. all federal workers【全新版大学英语听说教程2答案】。
听说教程Unit 2答案及原文
Unit 2Warming up1. Running, swimming, and lifting weights2. Exercise makes him happy, keeps his stress level down, and gives him all sorts of energyfor his work and family.3. Well, there is no swimming pool near my home and i can't swim every day. But anyway, Icann run in the morning . There are many benefits to exercising. They include a strongbody, an improved mood, longer life, better appearance and an overall sense of well-being.ListeningShort conversations1.C2.C3.B4.A5.D6.B7.C8.D9.A 10.ALong conversation1.D2.C3.A4.B5.APassage1.B2.D3.D4.C5.ARadio program1. the quality of school menus2. moving into the neighbourhood3. eats fast food4. the Chicago study5. children's eating habitsHomeworkTask 11.A2.B3.C4.D5.BTask 21.A2.B3.D4.C5.DTask 31. advancements2.physical3.depression4.condition5.mentioned6.admitbat8.high-fiber and vitamin-rich foods, such as vegetables and fruits9.should give up smoking if they haven't already done so10. No section of the population can benefit from exercise.听力原文Unit 2Warming upW thank you for agreeing to take this interview. I know you are quite a busy man.M I am always happy to talk to people and answer questions from the audience.W that is very nice to hear. People are calling you the world’s healthiest man. What do you think about that?M what do I think? I think people are being very kind to me by saying so. I don’t think I am the healthiest man in the world, but I do take my health seriously. I exercise every day, running, swimming, and lifting weights.W you certainly look great!M thanks. Better than that, though, I feel great. Exercise makes me happy, keeps my stress level down, and gives me all sorts of energy for my work and family.W do you have any special words for the audience?M yes. Start exercising today, and start living a better life. Listening10 short conversations1. W wow!Y ou look great! What have you been doing to look sogood?M I have been lifting weights. I really feel great. Strange, but it hardly took anytime at all before I started seeing improvements in my body.2. M can you help me open this bottle? Someone put the cap on too tight.W sure thing! Umm…there! Hey, that wasn’t tight at all! Y ou really need to work out a little more and build up your strength!3. M I just don’t know what I am going to do about my energy level! No matter what I do, I always feel tired!W here’s an idea: since you have already been exercising a lot with no result, maybe you can change your diet.4. M I’d really like to begin an exercise program, but I simply don’t know how to begin.W I’ve spoken to a doctor about it. I will tell you what you told me: start off with a little bit of running and then do more and more every day.5. M I’ve been feeling terrible lately. Do you think exercise could help me?W I can’t say for sure. It probably wouldn’t hurt, but exercise can’t cure all of your problems.6. W you always do so well in your classes!M running gives me energy to stay up late into the night. This allows me to study more. Do the same and run with me tomorrow!7. M there’s a strange limp in your walk. Did you pull a muscle or something?W nah. I just feel a bit tired from all of the exercise I’ve been doing at the gym. I’ll return to normal in just a moment.8. M have you seen how much weight Angela’s put on? Why do you think she stopped exercising and started eating such unhealthy foods? W it is a sad story. Her parents got divorced, and now she is totally ignored her health.9. W hello? Are you the person I talked to on the phone about checking in for an appointment?M yes. Just sign your name on this piece of paper, and the doctor will see you as soon as he is free.10. W I’ve been so very worried, and I don’t have a clue as to why I’ve been so sick.M try not to worry too much. Do some running, see me in a week, and let me know if things change. I’ll run some tests on you if you are still not feeling well.Understanding a long conversationM hey! Hold up! Can you spare a minute?W ugh, do you think you can make it quick?M I’ll only need a minute, and then you can return to your run.W fine, what’s up?M Ma and Pa asked me to talk to you about all the exercising you’ve been doing. They told me I could find you here at the school track.W so what of it?M they think you’ve been doing a bit too much.W you know what the doctor said---if I don’t get active, I could die of a heart attack.M yeah, but I don’t think he meant for you to do so much. Y ou should take it slowly. Maybe you could build an exercise program that becomes more and more difficult as time goes by.W is that what your doctor said?M no. it is just common sense. Everyone knows you shouldn’t overwork yourself when you start exercising.W thanks for the concern. But tell Ma and Pa that I’ll be fine with what I’m doing.Understanding a passageIt is very important to exercise. Many studies have shown that regular activity and exercise can improve overall health substantially. Exercisereduces the risk of heart disease by up to 35%, stroke by about 28%, certain cancers by 20% and more, and high blood pressure by an amazing 52%. Exercise can also help you to build healthy bones and muscles. Athletes must do physical training on a regular basis to increase their level of performance. Exercising includes walking, running, biking and plenty of other activities as well. My advice would be to pick something you enjoy doing and wouldn’t mind pursuing on a regular basis. Then, you must stick to a schedule. Y ou can even pick a few different activities to mix things up and keep it interesting. Also, always stretch before physical activity! This is very important as you do not want to pull muscles. Most importantly, to keep a healthy body you must stay ACTIVE!Understanding a radio programHere at this Chicago High School and others, there has been so much emphasis on the quality of school menus, but this new study says that none of that really matters when fast food is just a short walk away.How can a cafeteria ever hope to compete with this? A new Harvard study says more and more schools now have to. Eighty percent of schools in Chicago with a fast food restaurant less than half a mile away, raising concerns about how easy it is for kids to eat poorly, and whether fast food companies are moving into the neighborhood on purpose.“they take into account the demographics of neighborhoods, the roadways in neighborhoods, and where the access is to the consumer base.”Doctor Bryn Austin is the study’s lead author and says on a typical day, nearly a third of American kids eat fast food. When they do, they consume more fat and calories, fewer vegetables and fruits than on days when they don’t.Overall, nearly nine million children in the US are overweight or obese, more than one in every seven kids, a number that has tripled since 1980. McDonald’s criticized the Chicago study, saying most restaurants are in heavily trafficked areas. Schools said their spokesmen have nothing to do with it. But child health advocates like Doctor Matte Longjohn say the study shows how recent attempts to improve school menus, even remove soda vending machines, may not be enough to improve children’s eating habits.Listening and speakingPeople talk endlessly about the benefits of exercise. And when they aren’t talking about it, they’re reading about it in health magazines, watching programs about it on television, or listening to recordings about it. People can become so concerned about exercise that they begin to goinsane with worry.It is easy to understand why people attach great importance to exercise. Exercise can not only improve your health, but also enhance your mood and reduce depression and anxiety. People who do regular exercise often achieve an overall sense of well-being.But this concern about exercise has gone too far. Some people are so obsessed with exercise that they give little time and attention to other aspects of their personal lives. I know a guy who spent all his spare time in the gym. Finally, he found himself estranged from his family. What’s more, if you do it in the wrong way, exercise can actually harm your body. Some people work out hard and pull their muscles; some even hurt a joint or break a bone.。
《Unit 2 Duties at Work Listening and Speaking》作业设计
《Duties at Work Listening and Speaking》作业设计方案(第一课时)一、作业目标本次作业旨在帮助学生巩固和运用在课堂上学到的关于工作职责的听说技能,提高他们的英语口语表达能力,同时增强他们的职业素养。
二、作业内容1. 听力练习:学生将完成一份关于工作职责的听力理解练习。
2. 口语练习:学生将被要求模拟不同职业的工作场景,用英语表达工作职责。
三、作业要求1. 作业必须独立完成,不得抄袭。
2. 听力练习中,学生应确保完全理解听力材料,并正确填写空白处。
3. 口语练习中,学生应尽可能使用地道的英语表达方式,避免使用中式英语。
4. 每个角色扮演的时间控制在3-5分钟内,确保所有学生都有机会参与并得到充分的练习。
5. 作业完成后,学生需提交录音或视频文件以供教师评价。
五、作业反馈1. 教师将在课堂上对学生的作业进行点评,指出普遍存在的问题和优秀之处,帮助学生进一步提高。
2. 学生可以根据教师的反馈进行自我反思,找出需要改进的地方并努力改进。
3. 对于有特殊需求或存在困难的学生,教师将提供额外的支持和指导。
Unit2 Listening and Speaking and Reading 长难句型精析1. This is why…这就是为什么.教材原文This is why we’re here—to observe Tibetan antelope这就是我们在这里的原因——观察藏羚羊。
结构剖析This is why.意为“这就是为什么……” w hy在句中引导表语从句。
经典例句①I’ve got a cold; that is why I wouldn’t like to have a meal.我感冒了,那就是我不想吃饭的原因。
②You have made great progress in English. This is because you have improved your studying methods.你在英语方面取得了很大的进步,这是因为你改进了你的学习方法。
③The reason why he failed the English exam was that he didn't learn it well.他英语考试不及格的原因是他没学好。
应用佳句(2018 浙江,完形填空)So, try filling up your time with other work. This is why there is a saying that if you want something done, ask a busy person to do it.所以,试着用其他工作来填满你的时间。
教材原文Their habitats were becoming smaller as new roads and railways were built.随着新公路和铁路的修建,它们的栖息地变得越来越小。
Match the words to the correct meanings.
habitat, alarm, endangered, rate, extinct, aware of, mass
• a large amount of something mass n.大量;堆;群 • you know about something aware of 意识到;知道 • the region where a plant or animal naturally grows or
➢ To learn to talk about saving endangered wildlife. ➢ To learn to use visuals to predict content. ➢ To learn to listen for general and specific information. ➢ To learn word stress. ➢ To learn to know we should take actions to protect
Listen and answer the questions. You can find the key words first.
1. How many elephants are killed on average every day?
2. What did Prince William say about China? A. China has made a lot of progress. 取得进步
B. China can become a global leader in wildlife protection.
Unit2 Listening and Speaking 课件-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第三册
• If you hear people speaking very quickly or loudly, they may be excited or angry.
The best portion of a good man’s life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love. -William Wordsworth
一个好人一生中最美好的部分就是他那小小的、无名的、不 为人知的善良和爱的行为。 -威廉.华兹华斯
2. Read the conversation and mark ↗in the correct places. Then listen to the recording to check. Notice the meaning of each rising intonation.
PPeeteterr: :IIt'ts'saanniciceeddaayy, ,isisnn't'titi?t? NNicickk: :YYeess, ,bbuut tititloloookkssgglolooommyytotommee. . PPeeteterr::WWhhyy??WWhhaatthhaappppeenneedd?? NNicickk::YYoouukknnooww↗TToonnyy?? PPeeteterr::↗YYese.s. NNicickk: :HHeeaasskkeeddmmeetotowwrritieteaanneesssaayyffoorrhhimim. .BBuut tII
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Activity 1 Task Check-ups
Task 3 Answer questions
Listen to the questions and complete the answers 1 A businessperson must keep in mind the saying “___________________________________.” “no customer no business” 2 He needs the detailed information to _____________________________________________. establish new business relations. 3 He can obtain the information through many channels, such as (name three:) ___________________________________. advertisements in newspapers, market investigations, and chambers of commerce at home and abroad. 4 He should try to contact them to explore the possibility of setting up business relations. _________________________________________________. Open. (He can also pay visits to the potential 5 He can also ________________________________________ customers.)
Section 1
Activity Three: Speak out
Task 1 Talk to 2 students and complete the table below.
Section 1
Activity Three: Speak out
Task 2 Prepare a short speech to be presented in class by filling in the blanks with the information from the table above. Usually, the information of the target customers is obtainable through different channels (渠道). Attending all kinds of commodity fairs and _______ held both at home and abroad is a direct way to collect the names and addresses of other companies. ________ and consulates are usually able to provide the information you want. _______ in newspapers and on TV provide another useful source of information. Chambers of ________ can also play an important role. After you have obtained all the necessary information, you should try to _______ the target partners to explore the possibilities of setting up business relations.
Activity 1 Task Check-ups
Task 1 Listen and Write
Script: 1 commodity 2 commerce 3 market investigation 4 source 5 channel 6 No customer, no business. 7 There are many ways to get in touch with a potential customer.
3. how to establish business relations.
Section 1 Getting Things Ready
Section 1 Getting Things Ready
Activity 1 Listen and Look
Activity 2 Listen and Repeat
Activity 1 Task Check-ups
Task 2 Make a presentation
Listen and take notes. Then report the information you get to your class.
Script: Usually, the information of the target customers can be obtained through different channels. Attending all kinds of commodity fairs and exhibitions held both at home and abroad is a direct way to collect the names and addresses of other companies. Embassies and consulates are usually able to provide the information you want. Ads in newspapers and on TV provide another useful source of information. Chambers of commerce can also play an important role. After you have obtained all the necessary information, you should try to get in touch with the target partners to explore the possibilities of setting up business relations.
source establishment exhibition pamphlet market investigation
potential embassies and consulates brochure chamber of commerce business relation
Section 1
Activity 2
Task 1 Listen and repeat lathe n. 车床 machine tool 机床 production line 生产线 business scope 业务范围 have in mind 心里想着
Section 1
Activity Two
6. Embassies, conferences, ads, etc. are helpful places to obtain the names and addresses of other companies. 7. You can also seek help from chambers of commerce. 8. When you have obtained the information about a new customer you should try to contact him. 9. There are many ways to get in touch with a potential customer. 10. The next step after obtaining the desired information is to send a letter to explore the possibilities of setting up business relations.
In this unit, you will learn to talk about:
1. how to get information about potential clients
2. the main points of making business liaison
Listening and Speaking
Higher Education Press
Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations
Listening and Speaking
Listening for Fun
Section Two
Section One
Task 1 Listen and Repeat Task 2 Listen and Complete Task 3 Role Playing Task 4 Just Do It
Task 5 Challenge Yourself
Task 1 Listen and Repeat Task 2 Listen and Judge Task 3 Listen and Decide Task 4 Listen and Complete
Activity 3 Speak Out
Task 1 Listen and Match