全新版大学英语综合教程4UNIT 3
1. 尽管在此次紧急迫降中,飞机跑道( airstrip )不够长,但经验老到的飞行员还是让飞机滑行了很短一段时间后就停了下来。
Despite thein adequate length of the airstrip in this emergency landing, the veteran pilot managed to stop the plane after taxiing for only a short while.2. 在记者反复追问下,该影星终于说漏了嘴,承认自己做过两次整容手术( plastic surgery )。
Grilled by the reporters, the movie star eventually blurted (out) that she had undergone two plastic surgeries.3. 我们有技术,我们的合伙人有资金。
We have the technology and our partner has the capital.Working together, we'll have the future in our hands.4. 要是我事先知道你会带这么多朋友回家,我会好好准备的。
你看,我现有的食品和饮料连小吃一顿(a snack)都不大够。
If I had known beforehand that you would bring so many friends home, I would have made better preparations.You see, I have barely enough food and drinks for a snack.5. 当人们得知地震灾区(the earthquake-stricken area)将要建造结构更牢固的新校舍时,纷纷慷慨解囊。
1. Questions about your experience and your skills.
2. Questions about your interest in the job and knowledge about the company.
Text B • Information about Text • Assignment
Background Information
Who is Harvey Mackay ?
Harvey Mackay is the author of the New York Times, the bestsellers Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten
characters and activities showing these
• 5. End by requesting an interview. Provide a phone number so the employer can contact you quickly. If you can be reached only at certain times, specify them.—— the third part of the letter.( In China, application letter is given with resume, so we don’t have to write address and other means for contact)
Vocabu laryUnit 11) alliance【译文】工党的竞选策略是建立在与其他小党战略联盟的基础上的,这一策略证明是成功的。
2) heroic【译文】纽约消防队员营救“9•11”受害者时的英勇行为受到全国人民的颂扬。
3) stroke【译文】詹尼勒在瓦砾下埋了26个小时候活着走了出来,真是幸运!4)limp【译文】我兄弟的伤并不重,但由于是腿部受伤所以几个星期以来他不得不一瘸一拐地走。
9) raw【译文】我们刚一下飞机踏上草原,迎面吹来一阵刺骨的寒风。
10) retreat【译文】敌机的轰炸迫使坦克从这座城市撤出。
11) have taken their toll【译文】过去几个月的烦心事影响了她的健康,她都有黑眼圈了。
12) In the case of【译文】周末上班的工人拿双薪,节假日期间工作,工资为平时的三倍。
13) campaign【译文】频频亮相和与公众握手是竞选活动中必不可少的一部分。
14) at the cost of 【译文】政府军以2000人员的伤亡为代价从反叛者手中夺回了这座城市。
15) has been brought to a halt【译文】由于码头工人罢工,原材料不能按时运到,许多工厂的生产被迫停止。
Unit 21) expansion【译文】在英裔美国人向西扩张之前,北美已经受到其他众多文化的影响。
Unit 1 Active reading 1 抓螃蟹大学最后一年的秋天,我们的心情变了。
全新版大学英语综合教程4 Unit3词汇
U3applicant n.申请人crack n.尝试,噼啪声grill vt.盘问,烧烤take/have a crack at尝试clip vt.剪下veteran n.老兵clipping n.剪报measurable a.可测量的beforehand ad.事先identifiable a.可识别的follow up采取进一步行动attainable a.可得到的in one's hand为…所有make a difference产生影响hand-deliver vt.亲手交送cabdriver n.出租车司机prospect n.全景,可能性downright ad.完全prospective a.可能成为的rude a.粗鲁的as I see it在我看来filthy a.肮脏的,下流的(as) the saying goes俗话说sport vt.展示,显示simultaneous a.同时的impenetrable a.穿不透的world-class a.世界级的bulletproof a.防弹的athlete n.运动员partition n.隔板preparation n.准备courteous a.彬彬有礼的court n.球场cellular phone手机endeavor n&v.努力blurt vt.脱口而出once-in-a-lifetime a.一辈子一次的respond vi.回答do one's homework事先做好准备mentor n.导师,顾问go after努力争取in the neighbourhood of大约barely ad.几乎没有generous a.慷慨的field-goal n.投篮得分jet n.喷气式飞机half-prepared a.未准备好的taxi vi.(飞机)hammer v.轻易击败 在水面滑行backhand a.反手的gleefully ad.欢快地incidentally ad.顺便提及地beyond anyone's 无论如何都想不到附带地wildest dreamspartner n.搭档sparkle vi.显露(活力、智慧)chuckle vi.咯咯地笑 闪耀physical a.身体的from one's/the从…的观点看按自然法则的standpoint (of)structure n.结构inadequate a.不适当的,不充分的活力、智慧)。
1.The Labor Party’s electoral strategy, which was based on a tactical alliance with other minorparties, has proved successful.劳动党的选择策略已经证明是成功地,这个策略主张和其他的小党派组成一个策略联盟。
2.The government troops recaptured the city from the rebels at the cost of two thousandcasualties政府部队以二万人的伤亡为代价,从版乱者手中重新占领了这所城市.3.By a stroke of good luck, Genelle,who had been buried in the rubble for more than 26 hours,came our alive。
4.My brother wasn't badly hurt,but he injured his leg and had to limp around for a few weeks。
5.The aircraft was subjected to a test of temperatures of minus65 degrees and plus 120degrees。
6.Tax incentives combined with cheap labor will attract companies to the western regions ofour country away from the east coast.有廉价劳动力的税收刺激将吸引更多的公司到我国远离东海岸的西部地区.7.To my surprise,the opening speeches sounded more like declarations of war than offeringsof peace.令我惊讶的是,公开演讲更像宣战书而不是和平提议.8.After a three-day siege by the police,the terrorists who had seized the restaurant had to givein。
Michael Jordan 1. A Brief Introduction of Michael Jordan American professional basketball player, considered by many toReading be the greatest Detailed player in basketball history. The 6 ft 6 in (198 cm) shooting guard first became known as an explosive individual scorer, but as he matured as a player he adopted a more team-oriented approach to the game. Jordan led the Chicago Bulls to six National Basketball Association (NBA) championships (1991−1993, 1996−1998). His widespread appeal to fans has helped keep basketball one of the world’s most popular spectator sports.
Detailed Reading
He wanted to get a chance to college.
Unit 3 Job Interview
Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Supplementary Reading
Mr. Doherty and his family are curren tly engage d in gettin g the autumn harves t in on the farm.2)我们不能低估敌人,他们装备了最先进的武器。
We must not underestima te the enemy. They are equipp ed with the most sophis ticat ed weapo n s.3)菲尔已三个月没有找到工作了,正变得越来越绝望。
Having been out of a job/Not having had a job for 3 months, Phil is gettin g increa singl y desperate.4)作为项目经理,山姆办事果断,工作效率高,且判断准确。
Sam, as the project manage r, is decisi ve, effici ent, and accura te in his judgme nt.5)既然已证实这家化工厂是污染源,村委会决定将其关闭,为此损失了一百个工作岗位。
Since the chemic al plantwas identi fiedas the source of pollut ion, the villag e neighb orho o d commit tee decide d to closeit down at the cost of 100 jobs.2.攻势已经持续三天,但是我们并没有取得多少进展。
The offensive had alread y lasted threedays, but we had not gained much ground.师长命令我们营夜晚绕到敌人后方发起突然袭击。
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Unit 3I. Voca bular y1)rude 2) phys icall y 3)struc ture 4)madea dif feren ce5) blu rted(out) 6)chuck ling 7) M easur able8) pro spect ive9) pre parat ions 10)Spark led 11) t ook a crac k at 12)partn er1) goafter2) loo k bac k at/on 3) be putup 4) sto od fo r5) buil d in6) fol low u p 7) be h ooked up t o 8) clos ed up1)grill ed he r abo ut wh ere s he ha d bee n all nigh t2)beyon d Cin derel la’swilde st dr eamsthatshe c ouldone d ay da nce i n the King’s pa lace3) wi ll be in r eader s' ha nds s oon4) doyourhomew ork b efore goin g onan in tervi ew.5) was in t he ne ighbo rhood of 150 do llars.1)appli cants, vet eran, theprosp ectiv e2)F rom h is st andpo int,has m ade e veryendea vor t o goa fter3) as thesayin g goe s, to have a cr ack a t, ba rely1. B ehave2. u sed t o avo id re petit ion 3. cle an4. getalong 5. p erfor m/com plete 6. p erfor m/com plete7. S tudy8. be enou gh 9. be a ccept ableStru cture1. T hereis so much to s ay an d itis ha rd to know wher e tobegin.OK,I’ll t alk a boutmysel f fir st.2. Tha nk yo u ver y muc h, Jo hn, f or yo ur be autif ul Ch ristm as ca rd. B y the way, I ha veso methi ng he re fo r you.3.The n ew co mpute r lan guage canbe qu ite e asily unde rstoo d byanyon e who canreadthe d ailynewsp aper.Now,why i s thi s anadvan tage?4. I’m go ing t o wor k out theoutli ne an d wil l let youknowhow i t goe s.Bythe w ay, I will seeyou i n Feb ruary, asI pla n toatten d you r sem inarin Sh angha i.5. OK,you g ot th e job.Now, howto ma ximiz e you r pro fitswithas li ttleeffor t aspossi ble?6. Ch ris i s bac k fro m Aus trali a.Inc ident ally, thos e pic tures yousentme ar e won derfu l.Compr ehens ive E xerci sesI. Clo ze(1) Pro spect ive (2)AsI see it(3) do ne yo ur ho mewor k (4) befo rehan d(5) Ende avor(6) s truct ure (7) P artne rs (8) Res pond(9)takea cra ck (10) fr om th e sta ndpoi nt(11) ma ke adiffe rence (12) foll ow up(1) enc ourag ing(2) inq uiry(3) re levan t (4) sam ples(5) r efere nces(6) a dvice(7) p repar ing (8) se rious ly(9) pro bably (10) exh ibitII.Trans latio n1)Despi te th ein a dequa te le ngthof th e air strip in t his e merge ncy l andin g, th e vet eranpilot mana ged t o sto p the plan e aft er ta xiing foronlya sho rt wh ile.2)Gri lledby th e rep orter s, th e mov ie st ar ev entua lly b lurte d(out) tha t she hadunder gonetwo p lasti c sur gerie s.3) We h ave t he te chnol ogy a nd ou r par tnerhas t he ca pital.Work ing t ogeth er, w e’llhavethe f uture in o ur ha nds.4) If I ha d kno wn be foreh and t hat y ou wo uld b ringso ma ny fr iends home, I w ouldhavemadebette r pre parat ions. Yousee,I hav e bar ely e nough food anddrink s for a sn ack.5) Pe oplegavegener ously upon lear ningthatnew s chool rooms with stro ngerstruc tures were to b e bui lt in theearth quake-stri ckenarea. Well begu n, ha lf do ne,as thesayin g goe s. It is e xtrem ely i mport ant f or ajob a pplic ant t o dohis h omewo rk wh ile s eekin g emp loyme nt.Fr om my stan dpoin t, wh ether or n ot on e has done hishomew ork c learl y mak es adiffe rence in h is ch anceof su ccess.I have a fr iendwho i s ear ningsomew herein th e nei ghbor hoodof100,000dolla rs ayears in a larg e com puter soft warecompa ny. H e tol d methatfromhis o wn ex perie nce t hede cisio n mak ers w ho in tervi ew pr ospec tiveemplo yeeslikepeopl e who arewellprepa red.Those whomakeno en deavo r tolearn as m uch a bouthis p rospe ctive empl oyeraspo ssibl e don’t ha ve mu ch of a ch anceof su ccess.。
教材的结构如下:1.Unit 1: Education2.Unit 2: Technology3.Unit 3: Environment4.Unit 4: Health5.Unit 5: Culture6.Unit 6: Media7.Unit 7: Travel8.Unit 8: Business9.Unit 9: Society10.Unit 10: Future每个单元包含以下几个部分:•Reading: 通过阅读文章来提高学生的阅读理解能力,并学习相关词汇和语法。
•Listening: 提供一系列与主题相关的听力材料,帮助学生提高听力技巧和理解能力。
•Speaking: 给学生机会通过对话、辩论和演讲来提高口语表达能力。
•Writing: 提供写作任务,培养学生的写作技巧和文法运用能力。
全新版大学英语综合教程四Unit1-5精选课文句子英翻中UNIT1 Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life多尔蒂先生创建自己的理想生活 1.And after years of frustration with city and suburban living, my wife Sandy and I have finally found contentment here in the country.在城市以及郊区历经多年的怅惘失望之后,我和妻子桑迪终于在这里的乡村寻觅到心灵的满足。
2.In the summer we canoe on the river, go picnicking in the woods and take long bicyclerides. In the winter we ski and skate.日里我们在河上荡舟,在林子里野餐,骑着自行车长时间漫游。
3.Three months from now, it will be 95 above and we will be cultivating corn, weedingstrawberries and killing chickens.再过三个月,气温会升到95度,我们就要给玉米松土,在草莓地除草,还要ter this month, we'll spray the orchard, paint the barn, plant the garden and clean thehen house before the new chicks arrive.这个月晚些时候,我们要给果树喷洒药水,要油漆谷仓,要给菜园播种,要赶在新的小鸡运到之前清扫鸡舍。
5.In between such chores, I manage to spend 50 to 60 hours a week at the typewriter ordoing reporting for the freelance articles I sell to magazines and newspapers.在这些活计之间,我每周要抽空花五、六十个小时,不是打字撰文,就是为作为自由撰稿人投给报刊的文章进行采访。
全新版大学英语综合教程4UNIT 3
miracle of miracles 奇迹中的奇迹
鲁迅先生曾称赞:“第一个吃螃ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ的人(first person to try tomato,first
If I can see it Then I can be it If I just believe it There's nothing to it I believe I can fly Hey, if I just spread my wings
Curt Carlson, 70 years old at the time, rich beyond anyone's wildest dreams, could still sparkle with excitement about being first. 柯特·卡尔森,当时年届70,富甲一方,竟然还会因为自己是第一个而如此兴奋。
别听旁人说你不能实现自己的目标。谁说你不比你的竞争对手更坚强、更努力、 更能干?要知道,所谓目标就是有最后限期的梦想:写成文字,可测量,可确认, 可实现。 measurable adj.①可测量的;可计量的②可预见的;不久的③重大的;重要的; 值得注意的④可以较量的
measure(vi.&vt.&n.)/ immeasurable/measurement indentifiable adj.可识别的,可确认的 attainable adj.可得到的;可达到的
I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky I think about it every night and day Spread my wings and fly away I believe I can soar I see me running through that open door I believe I can fly I believe I can fly I believe I can fly
全新版大学英语综合教程4 Unit 3词汇详解
Unit 3Text A1.interview:1. n。
1)a meeting where a person is asked questions to decide whether he can take up a jobWhen she was still at school,she had her first interview,for a part—time job in a restaurant。
2)a meeting where a person is asked questions to find out his/her actions, opinions, etc。
The film star agreed willingly to give an interview immediately after her wedding。
1) hold an interview with (someone)他正在接受一地方电视台对他关于失业率的采访。
He was being interviewed by a local TV station about the rate of unemployment.2)question (someone) to discover their opinions or experience在一次调查研究中,被调查的女性中超过一半的人都讨厌“家庭妇女”这一称呼。
In a survey more than half of the women interviewed hated the label “housewife”。
2.grill: vt.1)cook under or over direct heatWe could grill the chops on the barbecue.2)(infml) question intensely and severely (esp。
全新版大学英语综合教程4Text A课后练习答案Unit One Fighting with the Forces of NaturePart II Text AII. More Synonyms in Context1) During the First World War, battles occurred here and there over vast areas. Some of themost dramatic fighting took place in the gloomy trenches of France and Belgium.2) Elizabeth made careful preparations for the interview and her efforts / homework paid off.3)1 spent hours trying to talk him into accepting the settlement, but he turned a deaf ear toall mywords.4)Pneumonia had severely weakened her body, and I wondered how her fragile body couldwithstand the harsh weather.III. Usage1)But often it is not until we fall ill that we finally learn to appreciate good health.2)A rich old lady lay dead at home for two weeks—and nobody knew anything about it.3)It's said he dropped dead from a heart attack when he was at work4)Don't sit too close to the fire to keep warm—you could easily get burned, especially if youfall asleep.5)In those days people believed in marrying young and having children early.6)Little Tom was unable to sit still for longer than a few minutes.Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. 1. invasion2. stand in the way3.conquest4. catching... off his guard5. launching6. declaration7. campaign8. drag on9. reckon with 10. bringing...to a halt2. 1. allow 2. reckoned3. highly4. forecasts5. rapidly6. instant7. delivery8. advantage9. observing 10. powerfulUnit Two Smart CarsVocabulary I.1. 1) expansion 2) automated 3) vapor 4) take control of5) hazards 6) satellite 7) vibrated 8) magnetic9) bunched 10) in the air 11) got/was stuck in 12) approximately2. 1) send out 2) stand up for 3) pass for 4) were closing in on5) starting up 6) went through 7) fill out 8 ) fall into3.1) … incorporates all the latest safety features2) …two trees ten feet apart3) … awarding lucrative contracts to his construction firm4) … the prototype of a new model before they set up a factory to make the cars.5) … are correlated in all rac ial groups4.1) the application, remote, has turned into a reality, are poised to2) that vibrate, can detect, frequency3) lanes, are mounted in, alert a, hazardII. Word FormationClipped Words:kilo kilogram memo memorandumgym gymnasium lib liberationdoc doctor vet veterinarianprep preparatory auto automobileflu influenzaBlends:Medicare medical care email electronic mailcomsat communications satellite newscast news broadcastskyjack sky hijack Eurodollar European dollarbrunch breakfast and lunch telecast television broadcastOxbridge Oxford and CambridgeIII. Usage1. swimming pool2. drawing board3. enriched Middle English4. disturbing change5. fully developed prototype6. Canned foods7. working population 8. puzzling differencesComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. 1) computerized 2) start up 3) be poised to 4) alert 5)hazards6) monotonous 7) take control of 8) steer 9) lane 10) decrease11) calculate 12) eliminate 13) getting stuck in 14) mounted15) detect 16) vapor2. 1) generates 2) related 3) revolutionized 4) enabled5) opportunities 6) overall 7) manufacturing 8) dependent9) interact 10) fatalitiesII. Translation1. 1) There was an unusual quietness in the air, except for the sound of artillery in the distance.2) The expansion of urban areas in some African countries has been causing a significant fallin living standards and an increase in social problem.3) The research shows that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are closely correlated withglobal temperatures.4) The frequency of the bus service has been improved from 15 to 12 minutes recently5) The diver stood on the edge of the diving board, poised to jump at the signal from thecoach.2. Automobiles have, since their invention, revolutionized transportation, changing forever the way people live, travel, and do business. On the other hand, they have brought hazards, especially highway fatalities. However, today the application of computer technology and electronic sensors in designing and manufacturing cars makes it possible to eliminate most of traffic accidents. For example, electronic sensors mounted in your car can detect alcohol vapor in the air and refuse to start up the engine. They can also monitor road conditions by receiving radio signals sent out from orbiting satellites and greatly reduce your chances of getting stuck in trafficjams.Unit 3 Job InterviewText OrganizationParagraphs Main IdeasParas1- 6 : An ill-prepared college graduate failed his interview.Paras 7-27: Four pieces of advice on being a successful interviewee.Paras 28-31 Make your own tracks in whatever you do.2. Suggestions1) Prepare to win. 2) Never stop learning.3) Believe in yourself, even when no one else does.4) Find a way to make a difference.Examples1) Michael Jordan 2) a 90-year-old tennis player3) the four-minute mile, the New York Marathon and the Vietnam veteran. 4) a New Yorkcabdriver.Language Sense Enhancement1. (1) checked with (2) interview (3) grill (4) clippings (5) be right for(6) follow up (7) indicating(8)hand-delivered (9) prepared(10) prospectiveVocabularyI.1. 1) rude 2) physically 3) structure 4) made a difference5) blurted (out) 6) chuckling 7) measurable 8) prospective9) preparations 10) sparkled 11) took a crack at 12) partner2. 1) go after 2) look back at/on 3) be put up 4) stood for5) build in 6) follow up 7) be hooked up to 8) closed up3. 1) grilled her about where she had been all night2) beyond Cinderel la’s wildest dreams that she could one day dance in the King’s palace3) will be in readers’ hands soon4) do your homework before going on an interview.5) was in the neighborhood of 150 dollars.4. 1)applicants, veteran, the prospective2)From his standpoint, has made every endeavor to go after3) as the saying goes, to have a crack at, barelyII. Words with Multiple Meanings1. behave2. used to avoid repetition3. Clean4. get along5. perform/complete6. perform/complete7. study 8. be enough 9. be acceptableIII. Usage1. There is so much to say and it is hard to know where to begin. OK, I’ll talk about myself first.2. Thank you very much, John, for your beautiful Christmas card. By the way, I have somethinghere for you.3. The new computer language can be quite easily understood by anyone who can read the dailynewspaper. Now, why is this an advantage?4. I’m going to work out the outline and will let you know how it goes. By the way, I will see youin February, as I plan to attend your seminar in Shanghai.5. OK, you got the job. Now, how to maximize your profits with as little effort as possible?6. Chris is back from Australia. Incidentally, those pictures you sent me are wonderful.Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. (1) prospective (2) As I see it (3) relevant (4) beforehand(5) endeavor (6) structure (7) partners (8) Respond(9) take a crack (10) from the standpoint(11) make a difference (12) follow up2. (1) encouraging (2) inquiry (3) done your homework(4) samples (5) references (6) advice(7) preparing (8) seriously (9) probably (10) exhibitII. Translation1. 1) Despite the inadequate length of the airstrip in this emergency landing, the veteran pilotmanaged to stop the plane after taxiing for only a short while.2) Grilled by the reporters, the movie star eventually blurted (out) that she had undergone twoplastic surgeries.3) We have the technology and our partner has the capital. Working together, we’ll have thefuture in our hands.4) If I had known beforehand that you would bring so many friends home, I would have madebetter preparations. You see, I have barely enough food and drinks for a snack.5) People gave generously upon learning that new school rooms with stronger structures wereto be built in the earthquake-stricken area.2. Well begun, half done, as the saying goes. It is extremely important for a job applicant to do his homework while seeking employment. From my standpoint, whether or not one has done his homework clearly makes a difference in his chance of success. I have a friend who is earning somewhere in the neighborhood of 100,000 dollars a years in a large computer software company. He told me that from his own experience the decision makers who interview prospective employees like people who are well prepared. Those who make no endeavor to learn as much about his prospective employer as possible don’t have much of a chance of success.。
(第二版)全新版大学英语综合教程4 参考答案 Unit 3 Job Interview
Unit 3Part I Listening TaskScript for the recording:As you battle the competitive job market, your résumé is going to be the key weapon you use to get hired. For better or for worse, this is your calling card to the recruiting directors of the business world.There is one key piece of advice that seems to get lost on most people, one of the most important things you can do when applying for a job. And it is this: Target your résumé.People, we work in advertising. What do you think your résumé i s? It’s just an ad for you. Just like a good ad targets its consumer, a good résumé hits the target right between the eyes and says, “You have to hire me.” In this case, the consumer is the recruiting director at the company where you’d like to work. Never forget that.Here’s what I mean: Recruiting directors are a practical lot. They want to find the “easiest” possible person to hire. That is, someone who fits their job description perfectly.If the job description says they are looking for an account director with, at least, 5 years of experience and a background in package goods, that’s exactly who they want to hire. Now, that doesn’t mean they won’t consider anyone else, but where do you think they are going to start?If you have more than five or so years of experience, you can start your résuméwith a summary. A summary captures about four or five bullet points that show why you’re a perfect match for the job. In our example above, that first bullet point would say something like: Account director with more than 5 years of experience leading diverse agency teams as large as 18 on package-goods accounts including Unilever and Hershey.When they pick up that résumé, you want them to nod and think, “This person is perfect for the job.”After Listening1. calling card2. target one’s résumé3. job description4. summaryPart II Reading TaskComprehensionPossible answers to content questions:1. He runs a manufacturing company.2. Almost all of them were no.3. This applicant was ill prepared for the job he was applying for and therefore ill qualified.4. Prepare to win.5. They now have to switch jobs frequently.6. A 90-year-old tennis player who wanted to work on his weakness -- backhand court.7. Believing in yourself, even when no one else does.8. Because he will mention a cab driver who is different.9. His efforts to make a difference.10. He was offered a ride on a day when Minnesota was hit with one of the worst snowstorms in years and the international airport there was closed for the first time in decades.11. Because there were no tracks left in the snow, which means he was the first person to take off from there.12. Carlson was excited about being first, which is exactly what the writer recommends to job applicants.Text Organization1.Parts Paragraphs Main IdeasPart One Paras 1- 6An ill-prepared college graduate failed his interview.Part Two Paras 7-27Four pieces of advice on being a successful interviewee.Part Three Paras 28-31Make your own tracks in whatever you do.2.Suggestions Examples1) Prepare to win. 1) Michael Jordan2) Never stop learning. 2) a 90-year-old tennis player3) Believe in yourself, 3) the four-minute mile, the New York Marathon and the even when no one else does. Vietnam veteran.4) Find a way to make a difference. 4) a New York cabdriver.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) checked with (2) interview(3) grill (4) clippings(5) be right for (6) follow up(7) indicating (8)hand-delivered(9) prepared (10) prospectiveLanguage FocusI.1.1) rude 2) physically3) structure 4) made a difference5) blurted (out) 6) chuckling7) measurable 8) prospective9) preparations 10) sparkled11) took a crack at 12) partner2.1) go after 2) look back at/on3) be put up 4) stood for5) build in 6) follow up7) be hooked up to 8) closed up3.1) grilled her about where she had been all night2) beyond Cinderella’s wildest dreams that she could one day dance in the King’s palace3) will be in readers’ hands soon4) do your homework before going on an interview.5) was in the neighborhood of 150 dollars.4.1)applicants, veteran,the prospective2)From his standpoint, has made every endeavor to go after3) as the saying goes, to have a crack at,barelyII. Words with Multiple Meanings1. behave2. used to avoid repetition3. clean4. get along5. perform/complete6. perform/complete7. study 8. be enough9. be acceptableIII. Usage1.There is so much to say and it is hard to know where to begin.OK, I’ll talk about myself first.2.Thank you very much, John, for your beautiful Christmas card.By the way, I have somethinghere for you.3.The new computer language can be quite easily understood by anyone who can read the dailynewspaper. Now, why is this an advantage?4.I’m going to work out the outline and will let you know how it goes. By the way, I will seeyou in February, as I plan to attend your seminar in Shanghai.5.OK, you got the job. Now, how to maximize your profits with as little effort as possible?6.Chris is back from Australia. Incidentally, those pictures you sent me are wonderful.Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1.(1) prospective (2)As I see it (3) done your homework (4) beforehand (5) endeavor (6) structure (7) partners (8) Respond (9) take a crack (10) from the standpoint (11) make a difference (12) follow up 2.(1) encouraging (2) inquiry(3) relevant (4) samples(5) references (6) advice(7) preparing (8) seriously(9) probably (10) exhibitII. Translation1.1) Despite the inadequate length of the airstrip in this emergency landing, the veteran pilot managed to stop the plane after taxiing for only a short while.2) Grilled by the reporters, the movie star eventually blurted (out) that she had undergone two plastic surgeries.3) We have the technology and our partner has the capital. Working together, we’ll have the future in our hands.4) If I had known beforehand that you would bring so many friends home, I would have made better preparations. You see, I have barely enough food and drinks for a snack.5) People gave generously upon learning that new school rooms with stronger structures were to be built in the earthquake-stricken area.2.Well begun, half done, as the saying goes. It is extremely important for a job applicant to do his homework while seeking employment. From my standpoint, whether or not one has done his homework clearly makes a difference in his chance of success.I have a friend who is earning somewhere in the neighborhood of 100,000 dollars a years ina large computer software company. He told me that from his own experience the decision makers who interview prospective employees like people who are well prepared. Those who make no endeavor to learn as much about his prospective employer as possible don’t have much of a chance of success.Part III Home Reading TaskComprehension Check1. b2. c3. a4. a5. a6. bTranslation1. 父母亲都觉得我不会被录用。
How to collect vacancies information?
Newspapers and magazines
Employment Services of Le提j升o自b我!fairs
The company’s Human Resources department will then select the most suitable applications and prepare a _s_h_o_rt__li_s_t (优先名单) of candidates or a_p_p_l_ic_a_n_t_s, who are invited to attend an i_n_te_r_v_i_e_w_ (面试).
Unit Three
Job Interview
— Get the Job You Want
Students are expected to
understand the main idea of the text; grasp the key language points and
Job Interview: Video Clip
Watch the movie clip to see what a job interview looks like. And based on what you have watched, predict whether the applicant will get hired or not and give your reasons.
What’s wrong
What should be done - 让每个人平等的提升自我!
全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程41~6单元考试涉及内容单词背诵课文翻译句子VocabularyCloseUnit1 Fighing with the Forces of Nature背诵课文:In 1812, Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French, led his Grand Army into Russia . He was prepared for the fierce resistance of the Russian people defending their home land. He was prepared for the long march across Russian soil to Moscow, the capital c ity. But he was not prepared for the devastating enemy that met him in Moscow -- the raw, bitter, bleak Russian winter.In 1941, Adolf Hitler, leader of Nazi Germany, launched an attack against the Soviet Union, as Russia then was called. Hitler's military might was unequaled. His war mac hine had mowed down resistance in most of Europe. Hitler expected a short campaign but, like Napoleon before him, was taught a painful lesson. The Russian winter again came to the aid of the Soviet soldiers.翻译:1812年,法国皇帝拿破仑·波拿巴率大军入侵俄罗斯。
my name is chenXX,i was born in 1987 and come from the the famous scenic spot ---lunshan,jiujiang.my major in university is customs declaration and international freight.during my study in university,i went to the training of national Customs Officer,cargo agent,declarant,assiatant logistician and Documentation Specialist ,and got all the certificates.and i also win many scholarships.i have a lot of professional knowledge which made be able to work efficiently. My individuality can be described as an honest, a strong sense of duty, positive and passional,and work well under heavy pressure.i hope that i had the honor to join in your company. • This is my self introduction ,thanks!
他对上述每一个问题的回答全都一样:没有。这样我就只剩一个 问题要问了:如果此人代表本公司去见可能成为我们客户的人,他 准备工作会做得怎样?答案不言自明。
7 As I see it, there are four keys to getting hired:
全新版大学英语综合教程4【第二版】习题答案主编:李荫华上海外语教育出版社Unit 2Text AVocabularyI. 1. 1) expansion 2) automated 3) vapor 4) take control of 5) hazards6) satellite 7) vibrated 8) magnetic 9) bunched 10) in theair 11) got/was stuckin12) approximatelyI. Cloze1. 1) computerized 2) start up 3) be poised to 4) alert 5)hazards 6)monotonous 7) take control of 8) steer 9) lane 10) decrease 11)calculate 12) eliminate 13) getting stuck in 14) mounted 15) detect16) vapor2. 1) generates 2) related 3) revolutionized 4) enabled5) opportunities 6) overall 7) manufacturing 8) dependent 9) interact10) fatalitiesII. Translation1.1) There was an unusual quietness in the air, except for the sound of artillery in the distance.2) The expansion of urban areas in some African countries has been causing a significant fall in living standards and an increase in social problem.3) The research shows that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are closely correlated with global temperatures.4) The frequency of the bus service has been improved from 15 to 12 minutes recently5) The diver stood on the edge of the diving board, poised to jump at the signal from the coach.Unit 3 TextALanguage FocusI. 1.1) rude 2) physically 3) structure 4) made a difference 5) blurted(out) 6) chuckling 7) measurable 8) prospective 9) preparations10) sparkled 11) took a crack at 12) partnerI. Cloze1.(1) prospective (2) As I see it (3) done your homework (4) beforehand(5) endeavor (6) structure (7) partners (8) Respond (9) take a crack(10) from the standpoint (11) make a difference (12) follow up2.(1) encouraging (2) inquiry (3) relevant (4) samples(5) references (6) advice (7) preparing (8) seriously(9) probably (10) exhibitII. Translation1.1) Despite the inadequate length of the airstrip in this emergency landing, the veteran pilot managed to stop the plane after taxiing for only a short while.2) Grilled by the reporters, the movie star eventually blurted (out) that she had undergone two plastic surgeries.3) We have the technology and our partner has the capital. Working together, we’ll have the future in our hands.4) If I had known beforehand that you would bring so many friends home, I would have made better preparations. You see, I have barely enough food and drinks for a snack.5) People gave generously upon learning that new school rooms with stronger structures were to be built in the earthquake-stricken area.Unit 5 TextAVocabularyI1) In a way 2) in accordance 3) vacancy 4) in good condition 5)transparent 6) rub 7) spicy 8) hitherto9) with (a) bad grace 10) instinct 11) pawned 12) currentI. Cloze1.1). insane 2).current 3). candid 4). capable 5). was taken aback6). in good condition 7). constitution 8). go all to pieces 9).Gone broke 10). vacancy 11). mild 12). deceptive2.1). suspected 2). pleading 3). confirmed 4)stunned5)lucrative 6). jewellery 7). wealthy 8). urge 9). spell 10).arrestedII. Translation1.1) I have an instinct that Henry will seek to join the expedition, because he is something of an adventurer.2) He is capable of sticking to the task at hand, even if he is exposed to noises.3) The trademark was registered in accordance with the laws hitherto in force.4) Oddly enough, many people volunteered to help organize the meeting, but only afew turned up.5) The teacher’s affectionate words, along with his candid comments, changed the way Mike perceived the society and himself.Unit 6V ocabulary 11) appliances 2) comparative 3) multiply 4) distribution5) prosperity 6) decorate 7) famine 8) large quantities of/ a large quantityof9) streamline 10) fax 11) pointed the way to 12) bewilderedCloze (Text-related)1) switch off 2) obliged 3) on the go 4) cope5) shortage 6) large quantity of 7) pouring in8) by nature9) fraction 10) futileCloze (Theme-related)1) advantage 2) wisely 3) faithfully4) waking 5) includes 6) schedule7) sticking 8) priorities 9) set10) respectTranslation1.They are exploring the new frontiers of medical science in an attempt to find remedies for incurable diseases/ cures for diseases that are beyond remedy so far.2.Her unique teaching methods apart, Ms Wilson, my math teacher, never tried to cram knowledge into my head.3.The regular weather forecast by the Central TV Station keeps us up with the changes of weather wherever we go on a trip.4.The appalling explosion started a big fire and caused the partial collapse of the building.5.In the modern world, there are more ways than ever to waste away time, and all kinds of distractions are eating into our precious time.。
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paticular purpose
If you feel inadequate or incomplete, don't wait for what you think you need from other people or the outside world. 如果你感到信心不足或者不够好,不要 去空等那些你觉得需要从其他人或外面世界得到的东西。
beyond anyone's/one's wildest dreams 无论如何也想不到的,做梦也不敢想的 sparkle n. 闪耀;火花;活力 vt. 使闪耀;使发光 vi. 闪耀;闪烁;发泡;活跃; 显露(活力、才智) flash, sparkle, glow, gleam, twinkle, glitter这组词都有“闪光,闪烁,闪亮”的意 思,其区别是:flash 指突然发出随即消失的闪光,如闪电的光。sparkle 指发出 闪动的光或火星。glow 指像熔铁余烬等发出的明亮、强烈、夺目的光。gleam 指 透过间隔物或映衬于较暗背景上的微弱光线。也指闪光。twinkle 指断断续续或摇 晃不定的灿烂闪光。glitter 指连续发出的闪烁不定的光,有时含贬义。
Chinese President
Hu Jintao told a celebratory rally held in Shenzhen Monday morning the central
government will always support the country's special economic zones (SEZ)
embarking on "brave exploration" in their roles as "first movers."
Several years ago my daughter Mimi and I took a crack at running the New York Marathon. At the gun, 23,000 runners started -- and 21,244 finished. First place went to a Kenyan who completed the race in two hours, 11 minutes and one second. The 21,244th runner to finish was a Vietnam veteran. He did it in three days, nine hours and 37 minutes. With no legs, he covered 26.2 miles. After my daughter and I passed him in the first few minutes, we easily found more courage to finish ourselves.
Do you remember the four-minute mile? Athletes had been trying to do it for hundreds of years and finally decided it was physically impossible for humans. Our bone structure was all wrong, our lung power inadequate.
break 常用词,含义广泛,多指猛然用力将坚硬物打破或损坏。 crush 指用力把东西压破或变形。 crack 多指因长期使用或经受压力,物体表现呈现裂纹、裂口或破裂、裂开,但一 般没成碎片。
shatter 指破裂为许多支离破碎的碎片,多用指易碎事物。 smash 指突然而猛烈地重击某物,使之破碎或完全变形。 burst 指某物因内部外部压力过大而出现严重破裂、爆开或账破。 fracture 比crack的破裂程度更深更严重,常指断裂,医学上指骨折。
miracle of miracles 奇迹中的奇迹
鲁迅先生曾称赞:“第一个吃螃蟹的人(first person to try tomato,first
别听旁人说你不能实现自己的目标。谁说你不比你的竞争对手更坚强、更努力、 更能干?要知道,所谓目标就是有最后限期的梦想:写成文字,可测量,可确认, 可实现。 measurable adj.①可测量的;可计量的②可预见的;不久的③重大的;重要的; 值得注意的④可以较量的
measure(vi.&vt.&n.)/ immeasurable/measurement indentifiable adj.可识别的,可确认的 attainable adj.可得到的;可达到的
பைடு நூலகம்
Then one human proved the experts wrong. And, miracle of miracles, six weeks after Roger Bannister broke the four-minute mile, John Landy beat Bannister's time by nearly two full seconds. Since then, close to eight hundred runners have broken the four-minute mile!
几年前,我和女儿米米参加了纽约马拉松比赛。发令枪一响,23,000名运动员 冲出起跑线—最后有21,244名运动员到达终点。第一名是一位以2小时11分钟零1秒 跑完全程的肯尼亚人。第21,244名运动员是一位越战老兵。他用了3天9小时37分钟 跑完全程。没有双腿的他坚持跑完了26.2英里。我和女儿在比赛的最初几分钟内超 过了他,当时顿觉勇气倍增,一定要跑完全程。
还记得那4分钟跑一英里的往事吗?几百年来,运动员们一直试图实现这一目标, 最终人类的身体无法做到。我们的骨结构不适应,我们的肺活量跟不上。
structure n. [u,c]结构;构造;[c]结构体;建筑物 ;[u,c]精心组织;周密安排; 体系(文章的组织) vt. 组织;安排;构成;建造 industrial structure 产业结构 structure design 结构设计 system structure 系统结构;体制结构 economic structure 经济结构,经济体 制
crack v.破裂,裂开,断裂;砸开,破开,砸碎,打碎;重击,猛击;(使)发出爆 裂声,(使)劈啪作响;(突然)变嘶哑,变沙哑;(因压力)吃不消,崩溃,瓦解;找到解 决方法(get it cracked);阻止,打击,击败,战胜;开瓶;说笑话,开玩笑(crack a joke) n.裂缝;缝隙;声响;重击,猛击;尝试;玩笑
I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky I think about it every night and day Spread my wings and fly away I believe I can soar I see me running through that open door I believe I can fly I believe I can fly I believe I can fly
If I can see it Then I can be it If I just believe it There's nothing to it I believe I can fly Hey, if I just spread my wings
Curt Carlson, 70 years old at the time, rich beyond anyone's wildest dreams, could still sparkle with excitement about being first. 柯特·卡尔森,当时年届70,富甲一方,竟然还会因为自己是第一个而如此兴奋。
crack down on sb/sth 竭力取缔,严厉打击,镇压 crack on with sth (为尽快完成而)努力干,(急速)经过,快速继续下去 crack up (因压力造成身体或精神)垮掉,崩溃;开始大笑起来
take/have a crack(at) =try to do
break, crush, crack, shatter, smash, burst, fracture 这组词都有“打破、弄碎”的意思,其区别是:
Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't accomplish your goals. Who says you're not tougher, harder working and more able than your competition? You see, a goal is a dream with a deadline: in writing, measurable, identifiable, attainable.