The Network based on intelligent control system


Neural Network Control Robot Learning

Neural Network Control Robot Learning

Neural Network Control Robot Learning Neural network control in robot learning is a complex and evolving field that holds great promise for the future of robotics. As robots become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, it is essential to develop effective control systems that enable them to adapt and learn in dynamic environments. Neural networks offer a powerful approach to control and learning, allowing robots to process sensory information, make decisions, and improve their performance over time.One of the key challenges in neural network control for robot learning is the need to balance the trade-off between exploration and exploitation. In order to learn effectively, robots must explore their environment to gather information, but they must also exploit their existing knowledge to make decisions and take action. This balance is particularly important in real-world applications, where robots must operate in uncertain and changing conditions. Neural network control systems must be designed to enable robots to learn from their experiences while also making effective use of their existing knowledge.Another important consideration in neural network control for robot learning is the need to ensure safety and reliability. As robots become more autonomous and capable of learning from their experiences, it is essential to develop control systems that can guarantee safe and reliable behavior. Neural networks can be powerful tools for learning complex control policies, but they must be carefully designed and trained to ensure that they do not exhibit unsafe or unpredictable behavior. This requires a combination of advanced control algorithms, rigorous testing and validation, and a deep understanding of the potential risks and challenges associated with autonomous robots.In addition to safety and reliability, neural network control for robot learning must also consider the ethical and societal implications of autonomous robots. As robots become more integrated into our lives, it is essential to consider the impact of their behavior on human society. Neural network control systems must be designed to enable robots to interact with humans in a safe and socially acceptable manner, while also respecting ethical principles and legal regulations. This requires a holistic approach to robot learning, considering not only technical challenges, but also ethical, legal, and social considerations.Furthermore, neural network control for robot learning must also address the challenge of scalability and generalization. As robots are deployed in a wide range of applications and environments, it is essential to develop control systems that can generalize across different tasks and conditions. Neural networks offer the potential to learn complex control policies from data, but they must be carefully designed and trained to ensure that they can generalize effectively. This requires a deep understanding of the underlying principles of neural network control, as well as advanced techniques for training and optimization.Finally, neural network control for robot learning must consider the need for continual adaptation and improvement. As robots operate in dynamic and uncertain environments, they must be able to adapt and learn over time in order to maintain their performance. Neural network control systems must be designed to enable robots to continually update their control policies based on new experiences and information. This requires a combination of online learning algorithms, adaptive control techniques, and advanced optimization methods.In conclusion, neural network control for robot learning is a complex and challenging field that holds great promise for the future of robotics. By addressing the trade-off between exploration and exploitation, ensuring safety and reliability, considering ethical and societal implications, addressing scalability and generalization, and enabling continual adaptation and improvement, neural network control systems can enable robots to learn and adapt in dynamic environments. This requires a multidisciplinary approach, combining advanced techniques from control theory, machine learning, ethics, and sociology. As we continue to develop and deploy autonomous robots, neural network control for robot learning will play a crucial role in enabling robots to operate safely, effectively, and ethically in our society.。



在数字时代发展有效的信息识别技能英语作文In the digital age, information is constantly at our fingertips. With the click of a button, we can access a wealth of knowledge and data from around the world. However, this abundance of information also comes with its own set of challenges, particularly in terms of identifying what is accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. In order to navigate this digital landscape effectively, it is crucial to develop strong information identification skills.One of the key skills needed to effectively identify information in the digital age is critical thinking. Critical thinking involves the ability to analyze and evaluate information, as well as the sources from which it comes. This means questioning the credibility of sources, considering biases, and weighing the evidence presented. By developing strong critical thinking skills, individuals can better discern between reliable and unreliable information.Another important skill for information identification is media literacy. In today's society, we are bombarded with information from a variety of sources, including social media, news outlets, and websites. Media literacy involves the ability to critically analyze and interpret media messages, as well as understand the techniques used to manipulate information. Byhoning media literacy skills, individuals can better navigate the vast amount of information available to them and make informed decisions about what to trust.Furthermore, it is essential to be able to evaluate the credibility of sources in the digital age. With the rise of fake news and misinformation, it can be challenging to determine what sources are reliable and trustworthy. By learning how to assess the credibility of sources based on factors such as expertise, objectivity, and reputation, individuals can avoid falling victim to false information and make well-informed decisions.Additionally, staying informed about current events and trends can help individuals develop a sense of what information is timely and relevant. By actively seeking out information from a variety of sources and staying up to date on important issues, individuals can become more adept at identifying valuable information and filtering out distractions.In conclusion, developing effective information identification skills is crucial in the digital age. By honing skills such as critical thinking, media literacy, source evaluation, and staying informed, individuals can navigate the vast amount of information available to them and make informed decisions. As technology continues to advance and information becomes more readilyaccessible, it is more important than ever to possess the skills necessary to identify accurate and reliable information.。



论我对智能网络的认识作文英文回答:Understanding intelligent networks is crucial intoday's digital age. Intelligent networks, in essence,refer to interconnected systems equipped with advanced technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and big data analytics to enhance efficiency, automation, and decision-making processes.One fundamental aspect of my understanding ofintelligent networks is their adaptability. These networks possess the ability to learn from data patterns, making them highly flexible and responsive to changing circumstances. For instance, consider a smarttransportation system that utilizes real-time data to optimize traffic flow based on current conditions, reducing congestion and travel time for commuters.Moreover, intelligent networks excel in predictivecapabilities. By analyzing vast amounts of data, they can forecast trends and anticipate future events with remarkable accuracy. Take, for example, predictive maintenance in manufacturing plants, where AI algorithms predict equipment failures before they occur, allowing for timely maintenance and preventing costly downtime.Another key feature is their self-optimization ability. Intelligent networks continuously refine their operations to achieve optimal performance levels. Think of a smart energy grid that automatically adjusts electricity distribution based on demand, maximizing efficiency and minimizing wastage.Furthermore, intelligent networks foster connectivity and collaboration across various devices and platforms. Through seamless integration, they facilitate data exchange and communication, enabling innovative solutions and services. Consider the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem, where interconnected devices interact to streamline daily tasks, from smart homes to wearable technology.In addition to their technical capabilities,intelligent networks also raise important ethical and societal considerations. Issues such as data privacy, security, and algorithmic bias require careful attention to ensure equitable and responsible deployment of these technologies.Overall, my understanding of intelligent networks encompasses their dynamic adaptability, predictive prowess, self-optimization capabilities, and role in fostering connectivity. These networks not only drive efficiency and innovation but also pose challenges that need to be addressed for their ethical and sustainable implementation.中文回答:对智能网络的理解在当今数字时代至关重要。




低压配电网智能型无功最优补偿控制器设计何东升1,2, 林志力1, 苗本健1(1.国家中低压输配电设备质量监督检验中心,广东东莞 523325;2.广州电气安全检验所东莞基地,广东东莞 523325)摘 要:基于相关理论原理和控制算法,采用DSP 控制的硬件电路,设计了具有无功最优补偿功能的智能型控制器。



关键词:无功补偿;智能控制;低压配电网中图分类号:T M 761:T P 273 文献标识码:B 文章编号:100125531(2008)1920022204D esi gn of I n telli gen t O p ti m i za ti on React i ve Power C o m pen s a ti onCon tr oller i n L ow Volta ge D istr i bu ti n g Networ kHE D ongsh e ng1,2, L I N Zh ili 1, M I A O Ben jia n1(1.China Na tiona l Qua lity Supe r vision and Testing Cente r f or Mid 2Low Voltage Trans m issi on and D istribution Equipm ent,Dongguan 523325,China;2.Dongguan Base,Guangz hou Electrical Safety Testing I nstitute,Dongguan 523325,China) Abstra c t:T he i nte lligent op ti m iza ti on reac tive po wer compensa ti on contr o ller wa s de signed by making us e ofthe ha rd wa re circuit controlled byDSP based on correla tive theory and control algorith m.The control stra teg y of the intelligent opti m iza tion reactiv e po wer co mpens a tion,the hardwa re structure of the syste m and t he s oft wa re f l o wchart were ex pounded .The field running re s ult sh ows this contr o ller can effecti ve ly s olve the p r oble m s such as oscilla 2tion,over or under compensati on which easily occurred i n traditi ona lway of compensa ti on .This controlle r fea tures with go od perf o r mance,lo w cost,high re liability and feasibl e config urati on .Key word s:r ea ctive power com pen s a t i on;i n telli gen t con tr ol ;low volt a ge d istr ibuti n g ne twor k林志力(6—),男,教授级高级工程师,从事低压电器的技术研究与检测认证。



智能网络英文作文英文:Intelligent networks refer to computer networks that can automatically adapt to changing conditions and provide efficient and effective communication services. These networks are designed to be self-managing, self-organizing, and self-healing, which means they can detect and correct faults and errors without human intervention.One of the key features of intelligent networks istheir ability to learn from experience and improve their performance over time. For example, a self-driving car can use artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to analyze data from sensors and cameras, and make decisions based on that data. As the car gains more experience on the road, it can become more accurate and efficient in its driving.Another example of intelligent networks is the Internetof Things (IoT), which refers to a network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other objects that are embedded with sensors, software, and connectivity. These devices can communicate with each other and with the internet, and can be controlled remotely using a smartphone or other device. For example, a smart thermostat can learn your daily routine and adjust the temperature in your home accordingly, saving energy and reducing your utility bills.Intelligent networks have many benefits, including increased efficiency, improved reliability, and reduced costs. They can also provide new opportunities for innovation and creativity, as developers and entrepreneurs find new ways to use the data and insights generated by these networks.Overall, intelligent networks are a key component of the digital revolution, and are likely to play an increasingly important role in our lives in the coming years.中文:智能网络是指能够自动适应变化条件并提供高效有效通信服务的计算机网络。



先进网络感知和特征管理Now,network is very common all over the field in human life. It is not only asimple media for communication but also roles a very important effect in thedevelopment of our human society. People pay more and more attention to informationand network then before, and with the development of mobilc communication devices,they have higher request for intellectualized and mobile network,so we need tointroduce the context-aware concept to satisfy the demands.Future 3G nctwork will provide services of context-aware which were producedby cooperating with contcxt information and context managcmcnt. It is very importantthat context-aware can improve system cfficiency and support network. We import theconcept of context-aware to a new network-Ambicnt network, which can make somenew applications and scrvices. I believe that this technology will be gradually used inour lives to make them convenient and comfortable in the future.Either Ambient network or context-awarc technology is a new topic for us.soexlensive research and applications have not becn devcloped. Thus,the author of thispaper realized their concepts,frameworks and system processing through studying.Also, it can be an introduction of this field for the rescarch to more and more peoplc,and it will be useful for thc rapid development of the context-aware technology inambient network.Based on the studying composing or corrclative literature by Raffaele Giaffreda,Matthias Baldauf,Schahram Dustdar and Forian Roscnberg etc,the author mainlymakes her own comprehensions and chicfs about context-aware technology in Ambientnetwork.The work l do as follows:1. Importing the concepts of Ambient network and context-aware and introducingcorrelative background knowledge mainly oncontext-aware.2.Analyzing contcxt-aware system and describing the basic context-aware technologyin Ambient network.3.Lucubrating context-aware frameworks and its key technology,and based on theframework, I construct a new simple context model.4. Putting forward new challenging for future scicntific rcsearch of context-aware.。








随着全球航运事业的飞速发展以及海上数字交 通建设需求的日益突出,有关企业、科研单位和管理 部门开 展 基 于 自 动 识 别 系 统 ( Automatic Identification System,AIS) 的 研 究 和 应 用 越 来 越 普 遍 和 深
入. [1-4]由于建设一定规模的 AIS 信息采集系统需要 大量的人力、物力和财力,实时、可靠地共享已采集 的 AIS 信息,实现 AIS 研究和应用的充分协作的呼 声也越来越高. 在先前的研究中,已经成功开发基于 分布式网络的 AIS 信息采集系统,并提供一定的 AIS 数据共享服务. [5]然而由于该系统运行于互联
( 下转第 39 页)
第2 期
李 欣,等:基于人工势场法的自治水下机器人路径规划
针对传统人工势场的势场函数梯度变化过快、 容易导致对机器人运动路径的误判的缺点,本文提 出 1 种改进的势场函数用于水下机器人的路径规
参考文献[5]已对分布式 AIS 信息采集系统的 开发进行了阐述,因此,本文重点探讨 AIS 数据服务 器所负责的相关处理的实现问题.
2. 1 认证
认证是对请求数据服务的用户身份( 包括用户 的名称和密码) 进行鉴别,防止非法用户有意或无 意地进入系统,从而给系统的安全带来隐患. 因此, 认证是实现系统安全的基本手段之一,处于网络环 境或公共场合的系统都应具备安全认证的能力. [6-7] 数据服务器的认证和 Socket 网络通信密切结合:首 先,系统在指定的端口号创建监听 Socket,该 Socket 负责监听客户端的连接请求,一旦有客户端开始连 接,则执行监听 Socket 的 OnAccept 事件的重载函 数,在该函数中完成认证的全过程. 具体认证过程 如下:


为提高故障诊断的速度,本文提出了将灵敏度分析与遗传算法结合应用于模拟电路软故障 诊断。讨论了基于模拟电路的灵敏度分析估算元件参数偏移量求解故障元件的诊断方法。将测试 节点电压增量与元件参数变化量所构成诊断方程转化为以其为硬约束条件下求自变量最小值的 线性规划问题。然后引入罚函数将其转化为无约束条件下的极值求解问题,最后利用遗传算法寻 求最优解。本文讨论了控制参数对遗传算法性能的影响,提出了改进的自适应遗传算法,实验结 果表明该方法对容差模拟电路的软故障诊断具有较好的诊断效率。 关键词:模拟电路,SLPS,模拟电路故障诊断,遗传算法,灵敏度分析
In order to improve the speed of fault diagnosis, the application in soft fault diagnosis of analog circuits based on sensitivity analysis combined with the genetic algorithm is presented in this paper. We have discussed the sensitivity analysis of analog circuits. Estimate the offset of the component parameters to diagnose the fault of the analog circuits. We convert the diagnosis equation, which is constituted by the incremental test node voltage and the component parameters variation, into the linear programming problem about finding the smallest independent variable based on the hard constraints of the fault diagnosis equation. And the linear programming problem with constraints is converted to the extreme solution without constraints by the penalty function. The genetic algorithm is used to solve the optimal solution. Then, the influence of the control parameters of genetic algorithm is discussed with examples. A new Self-adaptive Genetic Algorithms was proposed and the experiments show that the method has a good efficiency on the soft fault diagnosis of tolerance analog circuits and has a higher speed.



控制具有控制方便 ,操作简单 等特点 ,互联 网传输控制指令具有传输距离远 ,数据安 全快速等优势 ,将 网络信号转化成红外信号 可
以最大限度地降低家居智能化成本 。 关键词 :智 能家居 ;红外控制 ;网络通讯
中 图分 类 号 :TP242.6
文献 标 志码 :A
文章 编 号 :2095—2163(2017)02—0131—04
Intelligent household network system based on infrared control
LI Running,YANG Jianhao,GUANG Jinzheng,FANG Guohao (Electronic Institute ofElectrical Engineering,Shanghai University o f Engin eer ing Science,Shanghai 201620,China)
第 7卷 第 2期 2017年 4月
智 能 计 算 机 与 应 用 Intelligent Com puter and Applications
V01.7 No.2 Apr.2017
基 于 STM32的智 能 家 居 控 制 系统
李润 宁 ,杨 建 豪 ,光金 正 ,方 国好
(上海工程技术大学 电子 电气 7-程学院 ,上海 201620)
容 目前市 面上 的绝 大多数 的 NEC红外设备 ,最大 限度 地降低 用户构建智能家居使用成本 。用户通过手机就能够随时随地 查看 家居 的实 时状 态并 进行操 控管理 ,实现 了对家居用 电的 无条件 自由在线管控 ,减少了家居能源的消耗成本 ,该智能家 居 控 制 系统 操 作 简单 ,具 有 极 强 的 兼 容 性 软 件 设计 互界面 、互联 网作为信号传输媒介 、STM32接 收端进行红外信号转换 、家



第一章测试1.Synapse is the place where neurons connect in function. It is composed ofpresynaptic membrane, synaptic space and postsynaptic membrane.()A:对B:错答案:A2.Biological neurons can be divided into sensory neurons, motor neurons and()according to their functions.A:Pseudo unipolar neural networksB:multipolar neuronsC:bipolar neuronsD:interneurons答案:D3.Neurons and glial cells are the two major parts of the nervous system. ()A:对B:错答案:A4.Neurons are highly polarized cells, which are mainly composed of two parts:the cell body and the synapse. ()A:错B:对答案:B5.The human brain is an important part of the nervous system, which containsmore than 86 billion neurons. It is the central information processingorganization of human beings. ()A:错B:对答案:B第二章测试1.In 1989, Mead, the father of VLSI, published his monograph “( )”, in which agenetic neural network model based on evolutionary system theory wasproposed.A:Analog VLSI and Neural SystemsB:Perceptrons: An Introduction to Computational GeometryC:Learning MachinesD:Journal Neural Networks答案:A2.In 1989, Yann Lecun proposed convolutional neural network and applied itto image processing, which should be the earliest application field of deeplearning algorithm. ()B:错答案:A3.In 1954, Eccles, a neurophysiologist at the University of Melbourne,summarized the principle of Dale, a British physiologist, that “each neuronsecretes only one kind of transmitter”.()A:错B:对答案:B4.In 1972, Professor Kohonen of Finland proposed a self-organizing featuremap (SOFM) neural network model. ()A:错B:对答案:B5.Prediction and evaluation is an activity of scientific calculation andevaluation of some characteristics and development status of things orevents in the future according to the known information of objective objects.()A:对B:错答案:A第三章测试1.The function of transfer function in neurons is to get a new mapping outputof summer according to the specified function relationship, and thencompletes the training of artificial neural network. ()A:错B:对答案:B2.The determinant changes sign when two rows (or two columns) areexchanged. The value of determinant is zero when two rows (or two columns) are same. ()A:错B:对答案:B3.There are two kinds of phenomena in the objective world. The first is thephenomenon that will happen under certain conditions, which is calledinevitable phenomenon. The second kind is the phenomenon that may ormay not happen under certain conditions, which is called randomphenomenon. ()A:错答案:B4.Logarithmic S-type transfer function, namely Sigmoid function, is also calledS-shaped growth curve in biology. ()A:错B:对答案:B5.Rectified linear unit (ReLU), similar to the slope function in mathematics, isthe most commonly used transfer function of artificial neural network. ()A:对B:错答案:A第四章测试1.The perceptron learning algorithm is driven by misclassification, so thestochastic gradient descent method is used to optimize the loss function. ()A:misclassificationB:minimumC:maximumD:correct答案:A2.Perceptron is a single-layer neural network, or neuron, which is the smallestunit of neural network. ()A:错B:对答案:B3.When the perceptron is learning, each sample will be input into the neuronas a stimulus. The input signal is the feature of each sample, and the expectedoutput is the category of the sample. When the output is different from thecategory, we can adjust the synaptic weight and bias value until the output ofeach sample is the same as the category. ()A:错B:对答案:B4.If the symmetric hard limit function is selected for the transfer function, theoutput can be expressed as . If the inner product of the row vector and theinput vector in the weight matrix is greater than or equal to -b, the output is1, otherwise the output is -1. ()A:对B:错答案:A5.The basic idea of perceptron learning algorithm is to input samples into thenetwork step by step, and adjust the weight matrix of the network according to the difference between the output result and the ideal output, that is tosolve the optimization problem of loss function L(w,b). ()A:对B:错答案:A第五章测试1.The output of BP neural network is ()of neural network.A:the input of the second layerB:the output of the second layerC:the output of the last layerD:the input of the last layer答案:C2.BP neural network has become one of the most representative algorithms inthe field of artificial intelligence. It has been widely used in signal processing, pattern recognition, machine control (expert system, data compression) and other fields. ()A:错B:对答案:B3.In 1974, Paul Werbos of the natural science foundation of the United Statesfirst proposed the use of error back propagation algorithm to train artificialneural networks in his doctoral dissertation of Harvard University, anddeeply analyzed the possibility of applying it to neural networks, effectivelysolving the XOR loop problem that single sensor cannot handle. ()A:对B:错答案:A4.In the standard BP neural network algorithm and momentum BP algorithm,the learning rate is a constant that remains constant throughout the training process, and the performance of the learning algorithm is very sensitive tothe selection of the learning rate. ()A:错B:对答案:B5.L-M algorithm is mainly proposed for super large scale neural network, andit is very effective in practical application. ()A:错B:对答案:A第六章测试1.RBF neural network is a novel and effective feedforward neural network,which has the best local approximation and global optimal performance. ()A:对B:错答案:A2.At present, RBF neural network has been successfully applied in nonlinearfunction approximation, time series analysis, data classification, patternrecognition, information processing, image processing, system modeling,control and fault diagnosis. ()A:错B:对答案:B3.The basic idea of RBF neural network is to use radial basis function as the“basis” of hidden layer hidden unit to form hidden layer space, and hiddenlayer transforms input vector. The input data transformation of lowdimensional space is mapped into high-dimensional space, so that theproblem of linear separability in low-dimensional space can be realized inhigh-dimensional space. ()A:对B:错答案:A4.For the learning algorithm of RBF neural network, the key problem is todetermine the center parameters of the output layer node reasonably. ()A:对B:错答案:B5.The method of selecting the center of RBF neural network by self-organizinglearning is to select the center of RBF neural network by k-means clusteringmethod, which belongs to supervised learning method. ()A:错B:对答案:A第七章测试1.In terms of algorithm, ADALINE neural network adopts W-H learning rule,also known as the least mean square (LMS) algorithm. It is developed fromthe perceptron algorithm, and its convergence speed and accuracy have beengreatly improved. ()A:对B:错答案:A2.ADALINE neural network has simple structure and multi-layer structure. It isflexible in practical application and widely used in signal processing, system identification, pattern recognition and intelligent control. ()A:对B:错答案:A3.When there are multiple ADALINE in the network, the adaptive linear neuralnetwork is also called Madaline which means many Adaline neural networks.()A:错B:对答案:B4.The algorithm used in single-layer ADALINE network is LMS algorithm,which is similar to the algorithm of perceptron, and also belongs tosupervised learning algorithm. ()A:对B:错答案:A5.In practical application, the inverse of the correlation matrix and thecorrelation coefficient are not easy to obtain, so the approximate steepestdescent method is needed in the algorithm design. The core idea is that theactual mean square error of the network is replaced by the mean squareerror of the k-th iteration.()A:错B:对答案:B第八章测试1.Hopfield neural network is a kind of neural network which combines storagesystem and binary system. It not only provides a model to simulate humanmemory, but also guarantees the convergence to ().A:maximumB:local maximumC:local minimumD:minimum答案:C2.At present, researchers have successfully applied Hopfield neural network tosolve the traveling salesman problem (TSP), which is the most representative of optimization combinatorial problems. ()A:对B:错答案:A3.In 1982, American scientist John Joseph Hopfield put forward a kind offeedback neural network “Hopfield neural network” in his paper Ne uralNetworks and Physical Systems with Emergent Collective ComputationalAbilities. ()A:对B:错答案:A4.Under the excitation of input x, DHNN enters a dynamic change process, untilthe state of each neuron is no longer changed, it reaches a stable state. Thisprocess is equivalent to the process of network learning and memory, andthe final output of the network is the value of each neuron in the stable state.()A:错B:对答案:B5.The order in which neurons adjust their states is not unique. It can beconsidered that a certain order can be specified or selected randomly. Theprocess of neuron state adjustment includes three situations: from 0 to 1, and1 to 0 and unchanged. ()A:对B:错答案:A第九章测试pared with GPU, CPU has higher processing speed, and has significantadvantages in processing repetitive tasks. ()A:对B:错答案:B2.At present, DCNN has become one of the core algorithms in the field of imagerecognition, but it is unstable when there is a small amount of learning data.()A:对B:错答案:B3.In the field of target detection and classification, the task of the last layer ofneural network is to classify. ()A:错B:对答案:B4.In AlexNet, there are 650000 neurons with more than 600000 parametersdistributed in five convolution layers and three fully connected layers andSoftmax layers with 1000 categories. ()A:错B:对答案:A5.VGGNet is composed of two parts: the convolution layer and the fullconnection layer, which can be regarded as the deepened version of AlexNet.()A:错B:对答案:B第十章测试1.The essence of the optimization process of D and G is to find the().A:minimaxB:minimumC:maximumD:local maxima答案:A2.In the artificial neural network, the quality of modeling will directly affect theperformance of the generative model, but a small amount of prior knowledge is needed for the actual case modeling.()A:对B:错答案:B3. A GAN mainly includes a generator G and a discriminator D. ()A:对B:错答案:A4.Because the generative adversarial network does not need to distinguish thelower bound and approximate inference, it avoids the partition functioncalculation problem caused by the traditional repeated application of Markov chain learning mechanism, and improves the network efficiency. ()A:对B:错答案:A5.From the perspective of artificial intelligence, GAN uses neural network toguide neural network, and the idea is very strange. ()A:错B:对答案:B第十一章测试1.The characteristic of Elman neural network is that the output of the hiddenlayer is delayed and stored by the feedback layer, and the feedback isconnected to the input of the hidden layer, which has the function ofinformation storage. ()A:对B:错答案:A2.In Elman network, the transfer function of feedback layer is nonlinearfunction, and the transfer function of output layer islinear function.()A:错B:对答案:B3.The feedback layer is used to memorize the output value of the previous timeof the hidden layer unit and return it to the input. Therefore, Elman neuralnetwork has dynamic memory function.()A:对B:错答案:A4.The neurons in the hidden layer of Elman network adopt the tangent S-typetransfer function, while the output layer adopts the linear transfer function. If there are enough neurons in the feedback layer, the combination of thesetransfer functions can make Elman neural network approach any functionwith arbitrary precision in finite time.()A:错B:对答案:B5.Elman neural network is a kind of dynamic recurrent network, which can bedivided into full feedback and partial feedback. In the partial recurrentnetwork, the feedforward connection weight can be modified, and thefeedback connection is composed of a group of feedback units, and theconnection weight cannot be modified. ()A:错B:对答案:B第十二章测试1.The loss function of AdaBoost algorithm is().A:nonlinear functionB:exponential functionC:linear functionD:logarithmic function答案:B2.Boosting algorithm is the general name of a class of algorithms. Theircommon ground is to construct a strong classifier by using a group of weakclassifiers. Weak classifier mainly refers to the classifier whose predictionaccuracy is not high and far below the ideal classification effect. Strongclassifier mainly refers to the classifier with high prediction accuracy. ()A:对B:错答案:A3.Among the many improved boosting algorithms, the most successful one isthe AdaBoost (adaptive boosting) algorithm proposed by Yoav Freund ofUniversity of California San Diego and Robert Schapire of PrincetonUniversity in 1996. ()A:错B:对答案:B4.The most basic property of AdaBoost is that it reduces the training errorcontinuously in the learning process, that is, the classification error rate onthe training data set until each weak classifier is combined into the final ideal classifier. ()A:对B:错答案:A5.The main purpose of adding regularization term into the formula ofcalculating strong classifier is to prevent the over fitting of AdaBoostalgorithm, which is usually called step size in algorithm. ()A:错B:对答案:B第十三章测试1.The core layer of SOFM neural network is().A:hidden layerB:competition layerC:input layerD:output layer答案:B2.In order to divide the input patterns into several classes, the distancebetween input pattern vectors should be measured according to thesimilarity. ()are usually used.A:Sine methodB:Cosine methodC:Euclidean distance methodD:Euclidean distance method and cosine method答案:D3.SOFM neural networks are different from other artificial neural networks inthat they adopt competitive learning rather than backward propagationerror correction learning method similar to gradient descent, and in a sense, they use neighborhood functions to preserve topological properties of input space. ()A:错B:对答案:B4.For SOFM neural network, the competitive transfer function (CTF) responseis 0 for the winning neurons, and 1 for other neurons.()A:对B:错答案:B5.When the input pattern to the network does not belong to any pattern in thenetwork training samples, SOFM neural network can only classify it into the closest mode. ()A:对B:错答案:A第十四章测试1.The neural network toolbox contains()module libraries.A:fourB:threeC:fiveD:six答案:C2.The “netprod” in the network input module can be used for().A:dot multiplication or dot divisionB:addition or subtractionC:dot divisionD:dot multiplication答案:A3.The “dotrod” in the weight setting module is a normal dot product weightfunction.()A:错B:对答案:A4.The mathematical model of single neuron is y=f(wx+b).()A:对B:错答案:A5.The neuron model can be divided into three parts: input module, transferfunction and output module. ()A:对B:错答案:A第十五章测试1.In large-scale system software design, we need to consider the logicalstructure and physical structure of software architecture. ()A:对B:错答案:A2.The menu property bar has “label” and “tag”. The label is equivalent to thetag value of the menu item, and the tag is the name of the menu display.()A:对B:错答案:B3.It is necessary to determine the structure and parameters of the neuralnetwork, including the number of hidden layers, the number of neurons inthe hidden layer and the training function.()A:对B:错答案:A4.The description of the property “tooltipstring” is the prompt that appearswhen the mouse is over the object. ()A:错B:对答案:B5.The description of the property “string” is: the text displa yed on the object.()A:错B:对答案:B第十六章测试1.The description of the parameter “validator” of the wx.TextCtrl class is: the().A:validator of controlB:position of controlC:style of controlD:size of control答案:A2.The description of the parameter “defaultDir” of class wx.FileDialog is: ().A:save the fileB:default pathC:default file nameD:open the file答案:B3.In the design of artificial neural network software based on wxPython,creating GUI means building a framework in which various controls can be added to complete the design of software functions. ()A:错B:对答案:B4.When the window event occurs, the main event loop will respond and assignthe appropriate event handler to the window event. ()A:错B:对答案:B5.From the user’s point of view, the wxPython program is idle for a large partof the time, but when the user or the internal action of the system causes the event, and then the event will drive the wxPython program to produce the corresponding action.()A:错B:对答案:B。









介绍智能家居的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Smart Home RevolutionOver the past decade, the concept of the "smart home" has rapidly evolved from a futuristic idea to an increasingly mainstream reality. As a student living in today's high-tech world, I have grown up witnessing the incredible rise of smart home technology and its integration into our daily lives. In this essay, I will explore the fascinating realm of smart homes, discussing their key features, benefits, and potential impact on the way we live.At its core, a smart home is a residence equipped with a network of interconnected devices and systems that can be remotely controlled, monitored, and automated. These devices range from smart thermostats and lighting systems to security cameras, appliances, and even voice-activated virtual assistants like Amazon's Alexa or Google Home.One of the most appealing aspects of smart home technology is its ability to enhance convenience and efficiency.With just a few taps on a smartphone app or a simple voice command, homeowners can adjust the temperature, turn on lights, lock doors, and even start the laundry or dishwasher remotely. This level of control and automation not only saves time and effort but also offers a heightened sense of comfort and ease in managing daily household tasks.Energy efficiency is another significant benefit of smart homes. By utilizing intelligent systems that can automatically adjust heating, cooling, and lighting based on occupancy patterns and environmental conditions, homeowners can significantly reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint. Smart thermostats, for example, can learn a household's temperature preferences and schedules, optimizing energy usage while maintaining a comfortable living environment.In addition to convenience and efficiency, smart home technology also provides enhanced security and peace of mind. Advanced security systems with motion sensors, smart locks, and integrated cameras allow homeowners to monitor their properties remotely and receive real-time alerts in case of any suspicious activity. This level of surveillance and control can beparticularly reassuring for families with children, elderly relatives, or frequent travelers.While the advantages of smart homes are numerous, there are also legitimate concerns regarding privacy and data security. With so many interconnected devices collecting and transmitting personal data, there is a risk of potential breaches or unauthorized access. However, reputable smart home manufacturers and service providers prioritize robust security measures, such as encryption and multi-factor authentication, to mitigate these risks.As a student, I have had the opportunity to witness the integration of smart home technology not only in residential settings but also in educational environments. Many modern classrooms and campus facilities now incorporate smart lighting, climate control, and even interactive whiteboards, enhancing the learning experience and promoting energy efficiency.Looking ahead, the smart home industry is poised for even greater growth and innovation. The Internet of Things (IoT) and advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) will likely play a significant role in the development of more sophisticated and intuitive smart home systems. Imagine a home that can anticipate your needs and preferences based on your dailyroutines, automatically adjusting settings and providing personalized recommendations for optimal comfort and efficiency.Moreover, the increasing focus on sustainability andeco-friendly living will likely drive the adoption of smart home technologies that prioritize energy conservation and resource management. Smart homes of the future may incorporate advanced water management systems, solar power integration, and even indoor gardening and composting solutions, contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious lifestyle.As exciting as these developments may be, it is crucial to approach the smart home revolution with a critical and ethical mindset. Issues surrounding data privacy, cybersecurity, and the potential for technology to perpetuate societal biases or exacerbate digital divides must be carefully addressed. Collaboration between policymakers, technologists, and consumers will be essential to ensure that smart home technology is developed and deployed in a responsible and equitable manner.In conclusion, the smart home revolution represents a significant technological leap that is transforming the way welive, work, and interact with our living spaces. While the benefits of convenience, efficiency, and enhanced security are undeniable, it is essential to navigate this new era with caution and a commitment to addressing potential challenges. As a student witnessing this transformation firsthand, I am excited to see how smart home technology will continue to evolve and shape our future living experiences, hopefully in a way that promotes sustainability, accessibility, and a better quality of life for all.篇2Smart Homes: The Future of LivingAs technology continues to advance at a breakneck pace, our homes are becoming smarter and more connected than ever before. Smart homes, equipped with cutting-edge technology and automated systems, are revolutionizing the way we live, making our lives more convenient, energy-efficient, and secure. As a student fascinated by the latest technological advancements, I find the concept of smart homes captivating and worthy of exploration.At the core of a smart home lies a sophisticated network of interconnected devices and systems that communicate with each other seamlessly. These devices range from smart thermostatsand lighting systems to security cameras, smart locks, and voice-controlled assistants like Amazon's Alexa or Google Home. The beauty of a smart home lies in its ability to automate and control various aspects of daily living through a centralized system, often accessible via a smartphone app or voice commands.One of the most appealing features of smart homes is the convenience they offer. Imagine waking up to a perfectly adjusted room temperature, with the blinds automatically opening to let in natural light, and your favorite morning playlist gently streaming through the home speakers. With a simple voice command or a tap on your smartphone, you can control virtually every aspect of your home, from adjusting the lighting to setting the thermostat or even preheating the oven for breakfast.Energy efficiency is another significant advantage of smart homes. Smart thermostats, for instance, can learn your daily routines and adjust the temperature accordingly, ensuring that energy is not wasted when rooms are unoccupied. Additionally, smart lighting systems can automatically turn off lights in unoccupied rooms, and smart appliances can be programmed to run during off-peak hours when energy rates are lower.Safety and security are paramount concerns for any homeowner, and smart homes excel in this area. Advanced security systems with motion sensors, smart locks, and remote monitoring capabilities provide an extra layer of protection against intruders. Smart smoke detectors can alert homeowners to potential fire hazards, and smart water leak detectors can quickly identify and mitigate water damage.But smart homes offer more than just convenience, efficiency, and security. They also open up new possibilities for home entertainment and automation. Imagine a home theater system that automatically adjusts lighting, sound, and video settings based on the content being played. Or a smart kitchen that can guide you through recipes, adjust oven temperatures, and even order groceries when you're running low on ingredients.As a student, the prospect of living in a smart home is particularly appealing. Imagine being able to control your home's environment with a simple voice command, ensuring optimal conditions for studying or relaxing. Smart assistants could help with research, scheduling, and even tutoring in specific subjects. Additionally, smart home technology could potentially save students money by optimizing energy usage andautomating certain tasks, freeing up time and resources for academic pursuits.Of course, like any emerging technology, smart homes are not without their challenges and concerns. Privacy and security remain significant issues, as these interconnected systems potentially create new vulnerabilities to hacking and data breaches. There are also concerns about the environmental impact of producing and disposing of the numerous devices and components required for a fully integrated smart home.Additionally, the upfront costs of implementing smart home technology can be substantial, potentially limiting access for those with lower incomes. Furthermore, as with any new technology, there is a learning curve involved in mastering the various systems and interfaces, which could prove daunting for some users.Despite these challenges, the future of smart homes looks promising. As the technology continues to evolve and become more affordable and accessible, it is likely that smart homes will become the norm rather than the exception. Major tech companies and startups alike are investing heavily in developing new smart home products and services, constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible.As a student, I am excited to witness and potentially contribute to the continued development of smart home technology. Perhaps one day, we will see fully automated homes that can anticipate our needs and preferences, seamlessly integrating with our daily routines and lifestyles. Or maybe we'll even see smart homes that can adapt and evolve along with their inhabitants, learning and growing in tandem with the families that reside within their walls.In conclusion, smart homes represent a fascinating intersection of technology, convenience, and sustainability. While challenges remain, the potential benefits of these interconnected, automated living spaces are undeniable. As students and future homeowners, it is our responsibility to embrace and shape this technology responsibly, ensuring that smart homes contribute to a better, more efficient, and more sustainable way of living for generations to come.篇3Smart Homes: The Future is HereAs a student living in the 21st century, I can't help but be amazed at the rapid pace of technological advancement happening all around us. One area that has seen incredibleinnovation in recent years is home automation and the concept of the "smart home." These intelligent living spaces are revolutionizing the way we interact with our homes, offering unprecedented levels of convenience, energy efficiency, and security. Let me take you on a journey through the fascinating world of smart homes and explore how they are shaping the future of modern living.At the heart of every smart home lies a central control system, often in the form of a hub or smart speaker. This ingenious device acts as the brain, seamlessly integrating and coordinating various connected devices and appliances throughout the house. With a simple voice command or tap on a smartphone app, you can control virtually every aspect of your home environment, from adjusting the thermostat and lighting to operating the entertainment systems and even monitoring security cameras.One of the most compelling features of smart homes is their ability to learn and adapt to your preferences and routines. Through advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, these systems can analyze your behavior patterns and make intelligent decisions on your behalf. Imagine waking up to your preferred temperature, with the blinds automaticallyopening to let in natural light, and your favorite morning playlist gently filling the room. As you head out for the day, the smart home can automatically adjust the settings to conserve energy, ensuring efficient resource management and lower utility bills.Energy efficiency is a significant focus in the design of smart homes. Smart thermostats, for instance, can optimize heating and cooling systems by adjusting temperatures based on occupancy and weather conditions. LED light bulbs, which can be controlled remotely or programmed to turn on and off at specific times, consume far less energy than traditional bulbs. Furthermore, smart homes can integrate with renewable energy sources like solar panels, allowing you to monitor and manage your energy consumption more effectively.Security is another area where smart homes excel. Advanced door locks, motion sensors, and security cameras can be seamlessly integrated into the system, providing real-time monitoring and alerts directly to your smartphone. You can remotely grant or deny access to visitors, receive notifications when someone enters or leaves the premises, and even check in on live video feeds from anywhere in the world. This level of vigilance not only enhances your peace of mind but also serves as a powerful deterrent against potential intruders.But smart homes aren't just about practicality; they also offer a delightful user experience. Imagine walking into your living room and having the lights automatically adjust to your preferred ambiance, the music system cueing up your favorite playlist, and the smart TV suggesting personalized content based on your viewing habits. With voice-controlled virtual assistants like Alexa or Google Assistant, you can effortlessly manage your smart home devices, set reminders, control your smart appliances, and even access useful information or entertainment with simple voice commands.The possibilities for smart home integration are virtually endless. From smart kitchen appliances that can assist with meal planning and grocery shopping to automated pet feeders and self-watering garden systems, every aspect of your home can be transformed into an intelligent, interconnected ecosystem. Additionally, smart homes can integrate with wearable devices and health monitoring systems, providing valuable insights into your well-being and enabling proactive healthcare management.Of course, as with any groundbreaking technology, there are concerns surrounding privacy and cybersecurity. Smart homes rely heavily on the exchange of data, and ensuring the protection of this sensitive information is of utmost importance.Manufacturers and service providers must implement robust security measures, such as encryption and secure authentication protocols, to safeguard user data and prevent unauthorized access or cyber attacks.Furthermore, the widespread adoption of smart home technology raises questions about energy consumption and environmental impact. While intelligent energy management systems can contribute to reduced energy usage, the production and disposal of the numerous electronic devices and components involved in smart home systems must be carefully evaluated to minimize their carbon footprint.Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of smart homes are undeniable. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative solutions that seamlessly integrate into our daily lives, enhancing our comfort, convenience, and overall quality of living.As a student, I find the concept of smart homes incredibly exciting. Not only do they offer a glimpse into the future of modern living, but they also present numerous educational and career opportunities. From software development and engineering to user experience design and data analysis, thesmart home industry is a fertile ground for diverse skills and talents.Ultimately, smart homes are more than just a collection of fancy gadgets; they represent a fundamental shift in how we perceive and interact with our living spaces. As technology continues to evolve, the boundaries between our physical and digital worlds will increasingly blur, giving rise to a future where our homes become intelligent, adaptive, and deeply integrated into our daily lives. While there may be challenges to overcome, the promise of a more efficient, secure, and enjoyable living experience makes the journey towards smarter homes an incredibly exciting one.。


• Unsupervised Learning: Unsupervised learning algorithms are used to discover patterns or structures in unlabeled data Common unsupervised learning techniques include clustering, dimensionality reduction, and association rule learning
The field of AI has continued to grow quickly, with advantages in deep learning and other machine learning techniques leading to significant breakthroughs in areas such as image recognition, speech recognition, and natural language processing AI systems are now capable of performing complex tasks that were once thought to be the exclusive domain of humans
• Supervised Learning: Supervised learning algorithms are trained using labeled examples, such as input output pairs, and the goal is to generalize to new, unseen data Common supervised learning algorithms include linear regression, logistic regression, decision trees, and support vector machines

Internet English

Internet English

There are various standards that govern the operation of the Internet, so as the Internet Standards developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) These standards specify how different devices and applications should interact with each other over the network
Communicate effectively: Use the platform's messaging features to communicate with team members in real time Share ideas, ask questions, and provide feedback
• VPN: A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a technology that allows you to create a secure connection over a less secure network, so as the public Internet VPNs are often used to access resources on a private network remotely or to bypass geographical restrictions on websites and services
Servers are computers that provide services to other computers on the network They can host websites, provide email services, store files, and more



第43卷 第12期2020年12月计 算 机 学 报CHINESEJOURNALOFCOMPUTERSVol.43No.12Dec.2020收稿日期:2019 06 17;在线发布日期:2020 01 18.本课题得到国家重点研发计划(2017YFB1001901)资助.史殿习,博士,研究员,中国计算机学会(CCF)会员,主要研究领域为人工智能、分布式计算、云计算及大数据处理等.E洪 臣,硕士,主要研究方向为人工智能、分布式计算及云计算等.康 颖(通信作者),博士,助理研究员,主要研究方向为人工智能、数据挖掘、社区发现等.E金松昌,博士,助理研究员,主要研究方向为人工智能、数据挖掘、社区发现等.张拥军,博士,研究员,主要研究领域为高性能计算、分布式应用系统等.杨 东,学士,主要研究方向为有线通信、信息安全防护等.面向多无人机协同飞行控制的云系统架构史殿习1),2),3) 洪 臣4) 康 颖2),3),5) 金松昌2),3) 张拥军2) 杨 东5)1)(国防科技大学计算机学院 长沙 410073)2)(军事科学院国防科技创新研究院 北京 100166)3)(天津(滨海)人工智能创新中心 天津 300457)4)(中国人民解放军61932部队 北京 100071)5)(中国人民解放军31401部队 长春 130022)摘 要 有限的载荷使得无人机难以承载过多的仪器设备,其极大地限制了无人机上资源的交互、共享以及无人机遂行任务多样性的能力.多无人机智能协同成为AI领域发展的主流方向,但已有的多无人机系统存在通信距离受限、数据资源分离等问题,且因网络连接的不稳定性及数据传输的延迟性,多无人机间难以实现有效的协同控制.本文提出了一种面向多无人机协同飞行控制的云系统架构UAV3CA.UAV3CA在云端为多无人机构建了一个“远程大脑”,通过PaaS抽象封装无人机及其上资源,可实现多无人机间信息数据的实时共享,并基于云端强大的存储和计算能力完成多无人机的统一规划及协同飞行控制.实验从单无人机制导和多无人机协同两个方面,对UAV3CA在网络通信的稳定性、数据传输的实时性和协同控制的有效性等方面的性能给予了验证,最终以完美的编队队形呈现出UAV3CA协同控制方式的灵活多样性.关键词 多无人机;云系统架构;协同飞行控制;实时共享中图法分类号TP393 犇犗犐号10.11897/SP.J.1016.2020.02352犆犾狅狌犱 犅犪狊犲犱犆狅狀狋狉狅犾犛狔狊狋犲犿犃狉犮犺犻狋犲犮狋狌狉犲犳狅狉犕狌犾狋犻 犝犃犞狊犆狅狅狆犲狉犪狋犻狏犲犉犾犻犵犺狋SHIDian Xi1),2),3) HONGChen4) KANGYing2),3),5) JINSong Chang2),3)ZHANGYong Jun2) YANGDong5)1)(犛犮犺狅狅犾狅犳犆狅犿狆狌狋犲狉犛犮犻犲狀犮犲,犖犪狋犻狅狀犪犾犝狀犻狏犲狉狊犻狋狔狅犳犇犲犳犲狀狊犲犜犲犮犺狀狅犾狅犵狔,犆犺犪狀犵狊犺犪 410073)2)(犖犪狋犻狅狀犪犾犐狀狀狅狏犪狋犻狅狀犐狀狊狋犻狋狌狋犲狅犳犇犲犳犲狀狊犲犜犲犮犺狀狅犾狅犵狔,犃犮犪犱犲犿狔狅犳犕犻犾犻狋犪狉狔犛犮犻犲狀犮犲狊,犅犲犻犼犻狀犵 100166)3)(犜犻犪狀犼犻狀犃狉狋犻犳犻犮犻犪犾犐狀狋犲犾犾犻犵犲狀犮犲犐狀狀狅狏犪狋犻狅狀犆犲狀狋犲狉,犜犻犪狀犼犻狀 300457)4)(犘犲狅狆犾犲’狊犔犻犫犲狉犪狋犻狅狀犃狉犿狔狅犳犆犺犻狀犪犖狅.61932,犅犲犻犼犻狀犵 100071)5)(犘犲狅狆犾犲’狊犔犻犫犲狉犪狋犻狅狀犃狉犿狔狅犳犆犺犻狀犪犖狅.31401,犆犺犪狀犵犮犺狌狀 130022)犃犫狊狋狉犪犮狋 Unmannedaerialvehicle(UAV),asapriorbranchofintelligentunmannedsystem,hasattractedawiderangeofinterestfromdifferentkindsofapplicationdomains,includingreal timemonitoring,providingwirelesscoverage,remotesensing,searchandrescue,deliveryofgoods,securityandsurveillance,precisionagriculture,andcivilinfrastructureinspectionetc.However,thereareseveralnewchallengesarisingfrommoreandmorecomplexapplicationenvironmentsandscenes,whichsettingahigherdemandfortheextensiblecapacityofUAV,especiallyforsomepropertiesofUAVsuchassmallsize,lightweight,enduringenergy,processingcapability,signaltransmissionrangeandsoon.ThelimitedprocessingpowerandpayloadofUAVarethemostchallengingissues,whichrestraintheon boardrequirementslikesensorweight,sizeandrequiredpower.Asaresult,itisdifficultforUAVtocarryonplentyofinstrumentsandequipmentsandhardwireprocessors,whichimposesdramaticalrestrictionsontheexchangeandshareofresourcesbetweenUAV,andonthecapabilityofUAVtoexecutediversetasksliketrackingmultipleobjects,explorationofcomplexterrainandsoon.Toaddresstheproblemsmentionedabove,manysolutionshavebeenpromoted,ofwhichonemainstreamonAIdevelopmentistomakemulti UAVsflyinginsomeformationandcompletingjobsintheformofintelligentcooperation,whilebreakingthroughtheintrinsiclimitationsofindividualUAVinpayload,enduringenergy,computingandmemorypower.However,theexistedsystemsofmulti UAVslackofcollaborationhavebeenfacedupwithsuchproblemsastheconfineddistanceofwirelesscommunicationandseparationofkindsofdatasources.Inaddition,thecooperativecontrolonmulti UAVsishardtorealizebecauseoftheinstabilityofnetworkconnectionaswellasthelatencyofdatatransmission.Inlightofthedeficiencyofsynergyofmulti UAVs,thispaperproposesacloud basedcontrolsystemarchitectureformulti UAVscooperativeflight(shortforUAV3CA).ThemainideaofUAV3CAistoconfiguratea“remotebrain”formulti UAVsbasedontheconstructionofcloud,equallymeaningthatbyvirtueoftheabstractionandencapsulationoftheresourcesfromUAVsoronboardofUAVsbasedonPaaS(platformasaservice),theinformationanddataamongmulti UAVsareabletoshareinrealtime.Foranotherthing,thepowerfulstorageandcomputingabilityofthecloudputitintorealitythatenablingthemulti UAVstoplaninaunifiedmannerandcontrollingthecooperativeflightofmulti UAVs.Abundantexperimentalresultsfromtwodifferdesignedaspects,ofthatoneforsingletonUAVguidanceandtheotherformulti UAVscooperation,demonstratetheexcellentperformancesofthepresentedUAV3CA,whichareconcretelyshownasthenetworkcommunicationbecomingstablewithoutinterruption,thedatatransmissionreachingoneanotheramongmulti UAVssystemintime,andachievingthevalidcooperativecontrolonmulti UAVsbymeansoftheresourcessharedoncloud.Intheend,theperfectdisplayofformationevolutionoffiveunmannedaerialvehiclesinthevirtualenvironmenthasaccountedfortheflexibilityandmultiformityofcooperativecontrolpatternsofmulti UAVsbasedontheproposedUAV3CA.犓犲狔狑狅狉犱狊 multi UAVs;cloud basedsystemarchitecture;cooperativeflightcontrol;real timesharing1 引 言智能无人系统是人工智能(AI)领域的重要应用之一,其按照适用场景的不同分为无人车、无人机、空间机器人、海洋机器人、无人工厂机器人等不同类别[1],其中以无人机(UnmannedAerialVehicle,UAV)的应用最为典型且广泛.作为一种新兴产业和最具发展前景的AI技术,无人机不仅潜移默化的改变着人们的生活模式,还将在未来的产业或商业乃至民用、军事领域引发一场革命性变革.无人机因其具有成本低、全天候、零伤亡等优势,不仅能够取代人完成简单的重复性劳动,如边境巡逻、精准农业、货物运送、道路交通实时监管等,还能够在复杂环境或危险场景中替代人完成特殊难度的任务,如遥测遥感、建筑与公共设施巡检、事故灾害现场勘测及救援等[2].但随着应用需求的不断扩展,实时多变、纷繁复杂的任务场景对无人机提出了更多更高的要求和挑战.面对单无人机有效载荷低、数据信息整合能力有限等情形,多无人机集群化、协同化、智能化成为无人机技术发展的一种必然趋势.体积小,重量轻是无人机的优势,但同时制约着无人机自身有效的载荷能力,使之难以承载过多的仪器设备和硬件处理器.目前,已有的无人机操控系统主要是以无线局域网或WiFi作为传输媒介,通过遥控器或者软件APP建立端到端的连接并施加控制,其最大的局限性是通信距离受限、可操作性不强,且不支持多架无人机同时接入同一个操控端局.因此,如何突破上述瓶颈成为亟待解决的问题.扩展无人机的体积以增加其有效载荷及存储计算能力或许是一种方法.但如果将多架无人机组成一个集群,使之协同飞行并执行任务,其将具备单无人机无353212期史殿习等:面向多无人机协同飞行控制的云系统架构可比拟的优势.正如Humboldt等人[3]所言,利用有限的资源创造无限的价值(makeinfiniteuseoffinitemeans),大量低成本的无人机通过有机的组合,会产生群体智能效应,这将极大地推进无人机潜在的应用能力.多无人机协同技术的研究未来可用于多个领域,其控制系统架构具有广阔的应用前景,并将在国民经济中产生巨大的经济效益.无线网络的飞速发展和物联网(InternetofThings,IoT[4])的广泛推崇,使得研究人员将云计算的概念引入无人机领域,形成“云+无人机”的概念.追溯到20世纪90年代,东京大学Inaba[5]提出了远程大脑的概念,即提议将机器人与计算机通过万维网连接———发展“网络机器人”.这一概念实现的典型案例是Goldberg等人[6]通过Internet浏览器远程控制网络中的机器人;随后,Kim等人[7]采用UDP协议连接无线传感器和群体机器人实现基于网络连接的控制.网络机器人仅仅是通过网络连接实现多机器人的简单相加,并没有从根本上解决机器人的物理瓶颈问题.在2010年的Humanoids大会上,卡耐基梅隆大学的Kuffner博士[8]首次提出“云机器人”的概念,即机器人可利用互联网上的云服务器进行分布式并行计算和大数据存储、分析与处理,机器人本身无需能力扩展,若想获取信息,连接服务器即可.基于这一概念,很多研究尝试将繁复的计算卸载到云端来解决机器人自身存储计算能力受限的问题.Arumugam等人[9]在Hadoop[10]集群上采用Map/Reduce[11]计算框架来增强机器人算法执行的有效性,但该方法没有给出可靠的通信机制.Hunziker等人[12]设计了一个开源的平台即服务机器人应用框架Rapyuta,提供了一种安全的可定制化的计算环境以帮助机器人将繁重的计算任务转移到云端.上述两种方法仅专注于解决机器人计算层级的问题,协同控制的讨论没有深入.Kuriki等人[13]基于c共识协议提出了一种具有避碰能力的协同编队控制结构,其核心关注点在于如何解决多无人机间的避碰问题.随着无人机角色在机器人领域的不断增强,人们开始将无人机部署到云端.Gharibi等人[14]基于IoT(InternetofThings[4])提出了IoD(InternetofDrones)的概念模型并规划了一个设计框架.Koub a等人[15]提出了一个软件架构DroneMapPlanner(DMP),通过具体的实现和实验证明了IoD,即基于互联网的无人机云处理架构,但该方法一次仅支持访问控制一架无人机.Lin等人[16]提出将无人机连接到GoogleEarth云服务,并将数据存储于MySQL数据库中,用户通过Web浏览器可访问数据库中的无人机信息,该方法没有阐明多无人机控制问题,且通过数据库监控无人机将影响系统的实时响应能力.Sanchez Lopez等人[17]提出了一种在复杂环境中构建自主无人机系统的控制架构Aerostack,Aerostack具有管理大量无人机的能力,但没能实现多无人机间的全局调控.Sampedro等人[18]设计了一个全局协调器GlobalMissionPlanner(GMP),弥补了Aerostack无法协调多无人机执行任务的缺陷,其可动态地将任务分配给每架无人机,同时监控无人机集群行为,但与负责上层任务分配的本地协调器AgentMissionPlanner(AMP)的异步通信却制约着整个系统的实时性.Dong等人[19]提出了一种基于局部邻域信息的多无人机编队控制协议,研究多旋翼无人机系统的编队 围堵控制理论,但控制平台是基于局部拓扑结构实现的,缺乏多无人机系统的全局信息.Zhao等人[20]探讨了无人机通信与控制一体化的通道跟踪、协同通信、自定位、无缝覆盖、轨迹设计、资源配置等技术问题,仅从通信的视角分析了多无人机控制所面临的挑战和机遇.Pham等人[21]通过一个基于分布式控制的多无人机集群,可在野火蔓延的情况下协同跟踪动态环境,但系统需要预规划编辑,灵活性一般.Zou等人[22]针对无人机编队队形变换问题设计的协同控制方法,其网络通信拓扑是弱连接的,数据交互会出现延时现象.Yu等人[23]研究了多无人机在执行器故障和输入饱和条件下的分布式容错控制问题,采用图论和滑模观测器SlidingModeObserver(SMO)相结合的方法增强了系统的可靠性,但忽略了无人机间信息共享的实时性等问题.一些无人机的开源控制平台如QGroundControl①和DJIFlightHub②等,虽然都支持基本的飞行控制功能,但系统启用的飞行模式单一,且不具备通用性.CoUAV是由Wu等人[24]面向多无人机协作设计的一个通用控制监控平台,CoUAV基于Linux核作为中间件实现与无人机的交互,虽然屏蔽了机组硬件上的差异,但无云架构支撑,通用性不强且服务应用范围有限.综上所述,基于云架构实现多无人机的数据共享和协同控制是扩展无人机应用场景、提升动态环境任务需求的有效方法,但系统集成对网络通信的实时性和稳定性以及控制协同的有效性均提出了新的挑战及要求.多无人机联合旨在“1+1>2”,实现多无人机协同飞行控制的目标拟解决以下几个关键问题:(1)多无人机协同控制的有效性;(2)多源异构数据的高4532计 算 机 学 报2020年①②QGroundControl.效存储、处理及信息共享;(3)通信链路的稳定性及数据响应的实时性.针对上述问题和已有研究存在的不足如数据实时处理能力差、计算资源匮乏、无人机间数据分离、难以实施全局协同调度等,本文提出了面向多无人机协同飞行控制的云系统架构(Multi UAVOrientedCooperativeControlSystemArchitectureBasedonCloud,UAV3CA),其原理是通过云服务器连接无人机,并在平台即服务(Platform as a Service,PaaS[25])层将无人机资源封装并提供公开接口;云控制端根据预执行的任务对无人机进行分组并做有机组合,通过远程过程调用(RemoteProcedureCall,RPC)获取无人机及其传感器上的数据,并将数据卸载到云端做高效存储,实现多无人机间数据的交互及共享;云计算节点作为无人机集群的远程CPU,运用其强大的计算能力对无人机回传的数据进行处理,生成控制命令并将其发送到无人机上完成远程控制,实现对多无人机的联合部署、飞行调度以及通力协作.图1 UAV3CA的系统架构图2 面向多无人机协同飞行控制的云系统架构多无人机协同飞行是未来机器人在人工智能领域发展的必然趋势.通过将多架低成本的无人机组合并部署到云端,可弥补单无人机因体积小、续航时间短等自身条件限制所带来的能力不足及缺陷,使得无人机集群具备单无人机硬件无法超越的计算、存储及处理能力.传统的无人机集群技术难以满足日趋复杂的任务场景需求,如(1)稳定的通信链路以支持数据实时传输,(2)状态数据和感知信息强大的存储、计算能力,(3)全局最优解的决策生成及命令部署,(4)系统控制的协同性、智能性、灵活性等.鉴于此,本文提出一种面向多无人机协同飞行控制的云系统架构UAV3CA,为无人机协作应用创建一个开发原型系统.UAV3CA采用互联网将无人机与云及云控制端连接,实现多无人机之间的超视距连接.基于基础通信链路,无人机将承载的传感器数据和自身的状态信息同步到云端,而云控制端根据目标任务间接驱动无人机协同飞行.作为无人机与控制端的中间桥梁,云端一方面对无人机卸载下来的感知数据进行处理,并公开且共享无人机上的状态信息;另一方面按照控制端的要求进行数据分析,将生成的控制命令经封装后传递给无人机的飞控系统.图1所示为UAV3CA的系统架构图,下面将详细阐述系统553212期史殿习等:面向多无人机协同飞行控制的云系统架构架构的组成部分及软件功能的具体实现.UAV3CA系统架构主要由无人机执行层、云端层和操控层组成,针对不同的层级和功能需求,本文采用模块化松散耦合的方式,设计了三个软件功能逻辑节点———无人机节点、云控制节点和协同控制节点.下面进行详细介绍.2 1 无人机执行层无人机是系统最终的交互目标,其代表一组资源,可向外部应用提供服务.硬件层上,本文通过开源机器人操作系统ROS[26]的一些标准服务如硬件抽象、进程间消息传递等,将无人机资源对外服务化;通过另一种资源抽象方式———微型飞行器轻量级消息编组库MAVLink①的不同传输方式如TCP、UDP、USB等,使无人机与地面控制站交换预定义消息.为减少因重复性操作造成的资源浪费,降低系统开发的经济成本,缩短开发周期,本文基于Gazebo运行模拟环境场景,并通过PC机上SITL②模拟器模拟仿真无人机.仿真无人机上载有飞行控制器程序ArduPilot③,与飞行控制相关的状态信息和环境感知数据可从仿真无人机的飞行动力学模型中模拟收集,未来用于系统框架模型的仿真实验测试.软件层上,无人机被抽象为一个逻辑节点.首先通过ROS的发布/订阅机制和软件包MAVROS[26]的解析封装功能,向无人机发送MAVLink消息,为开发人员提供高级接口.其次基于ROSBridge[27]软件包,开发人员可在非ROS系统和ROS系统之间进行交互式通信,本文在操控层(非ROS系统,参见2.3节内容)上采用Websocket④协议格式发送数据,并由ROSBridge进行转换发送给相关的ROS主题;反之,从ROS主题获取的无人机上数据经ROSBridge转换回传到操控层.另外,无人机节点还包含飞行控制模块和数据感知采集模块两个部分.飞行控制模块用于控制无人机的基本动作,通过解析ROS发来的MAVLink指令消息包,将生成的预期飞行动作与无人机当前的姿态和位置进行比较,并经飞行控制算法计算出无人机的运动偏移量,制导无人机飞行.数据感知采集模块,用于收集无人机上的数据,其中包括无人机的硬件信息、客户端验证数据信息、无人机状态同步信息以及传感器采集信息等.基于ROS的消息发布/订阅机制和ROSBridge工具的代理转发,数据感知采集模块可与云控制节点(参见2.2节内容)的数据感知接收模块进行数据交互.2 2 云端层云端层是UAV3CA系统架构设计的重点,是操控层与无人机执行层间连接控制的桥梁,具有无人机远程“CPU”之美誉,是多无人机协同飞行的核心运行层.为了实现各组件间的松散耦合且功能需求可扩展,本设计将云端层细化为两个部分,即无人机影射层和云核心层,另外在软件层上抽象一个逻辑节点———云控制节点.2.2.1 无人机影射层无人机影射层旨在将无人机抽象为云端资源,为开发者提供完全独立于无人机具体特征的操作方法.无人机影射层在物理无人机和云之间起桥接作用,一方面将无人机状态及感知数据转移到云端进行处理,另一方面将云端计算、分析的结果发送给无人机作任务调度.无人机影射层包含以下两个基本组件:(1)无人机接入组件,亦称为底层通信模块.无人机可选择多种网络协议与控制端交互数据,但为了避免云端部署ROS时发生中心节点Master过载的宕机现象,本文在云端(非ROS端)采用ROSBridge与无人机(ROS端)发送消息,对应于无人机执行层建立Websocket协议通信.当无人机申请接入到云服务器时,首先需要经过身份验证.身份一旦验证成功,云服务器将通过线程池与无人机保持连接,且为有效处理不同格式的数据和指令信息,通信模块被设计为多线程服务模式.UAV3CA设计是面向多无人机和多控制端服务的,访问请求必然会存在冲突.为避免此类现象发生,本文将在控制端与无人机之间设置一定的匹配权限,即先对无人机进行分组,然后在控制端设置不同的组权限来分层管理无人机信息,实现对无人机资源的有效管理.假设存在一种情形,即某一时刻有多个用户同时访问一架无人机,由于当前请求频繁且即时并发数据量过大,网络空间通信链路会因带宽资源有限而发生过载.为此,系统设计嵌入了一个网络分发器,将系统多源请求数据进行存储转发,并采取网络代理的方式把MAVLink消息和ROSBridge消息广播到其它端口.(2)无人机抽象组件,是对无人机及其上资源,6532计 算 机 学 报2020年①②③④MAVLink.包含与无人机相关的信息以及可执行的操作,进行抽象并封装,具体包含:①远程控制器.封装为可在无人机上执行的所有MAVLink命令消息以及和与ROS主题相关的无人机动作指令,如起飞、降落、悬停、前进、拍照等;②任务控制器.以协助无人机自主完成任务,其可以运行单个任务,也可依时间轴运行一系列连续的任务;③传感器管理器.用统一的方式集中管理传感器信息,以解决因无人机异质性、传感器多样性而产生的数据不一致性,以及ROS中基于不同主题发布消息而产生的交互性冲突;④无人机影射文件.通过一个JSON格式的文件反映物理世界中无人机的形态.2.2.2 云核心层云核心层是UAV3CA系统框架的核心,具体包含以下组件:(1)数据存储工具组件,为来自无人机的各种数据提供存储服务.无人机系统中需要存储、检索和访问不同类型的数据,且根据数据类型、结构及应用需求的不同采用不同的数据库.如SQL数据库存储位置坐标、三维速度、姿态欧拉角、方向、环境温度等结构化数据;NoSQL数据库存储无人机设备信息、认证信息、图像及视频等非结构化数据;对于及时响应的指令数据,系统采用近实时处理的Storm流,而对于实时性要求不高的大容量数据,系统在Hadoop[10]框架上使用HDFS[28]文件系统读取数据,并采用分布式编程模型Map/Reduce[11]对数据进行并行处理.(2)虚拟环境组件.虚拟技术已经成为构建服务器集群的重要手段.本文选择Docker[29]和Kubernetes[29]进行集中式服务器的管理和调度,其中Docker负责提供虚拟容器运行时环境,Kubernetes负责管理、编排和调度由Docker引擎构建的容器,对服务器集群进行资源整合和调度.(3)智能引擎组件.无人机在任务执行的过程中需要智能算法的支持,如任务匹配、路径规划、动态调度等.智能引擎组件基于Hadoop集群、采用分布式计算框架Map/Reduce实现对大规模数据的并行计算和分析.这种远程“大脑”的控制模式,可支撑多无人机系统智能协同运行.2.2.3 云控制节点云控制节点上装有Ubuntu操作系统,但不部署ROS,以规避Master的中心节点效应.为实现对多无人机的协同控制,云控制节点设计了多个功能服务模块.(1)数据感知接收模块.使用消息发布/订阅机制从数据感知采集模块中订阅与主题相关的数据信息,并依类型的不同对数据作分发处理,如将入网验证信息转发至认证管理模块,状态数据转发至状态同步模块,传感器数据转发至误差检测模块.(2)认证管理模块.接收来自数据感知接收模块的无人机IP地址以及用于认证的密钥Key,通过和系统内置约定的安全验证码进行比对匹配来确定请求入网的无人机是否合法.(3)状态同步模块.为无人机协同控制提供实时且稳定的无人机状态数据.通过Timing机制定期从数据感知接收模块中获取无人机的状态数据,同时对无人机的特定状态进行实时监听,以保持无人机影射文件内容与物理无人机真实状态的同步性.(4)误差检测模块.将从数据感知接收模块中获取的传感器数据与预期目标指令进行对比,鉴定无人机是否成功接收到命令、是否成功执行命令且达到预期目标.MAVLink协议本身没有反馈机制,因此,对于控制端的即时命令,系统每发出一次DO命令,误差检测模块就检测一次无人机状态,通过反复发送、反复检测,直至确认无人机执行该DO命令为止.而对于过程执行命令,系统不作强精度要求,仅预设误差容限范围,即通过反复计算和调整无人机当前状态和预期目标的差值,使其降至误差容限范围内来表明命令执行成功.(5)基于影射文件的命令控制模块.影射文件在认证管理模块认证成功且分组编成后生成,是存储在云服务器上物理无人机的数字孪生,反映物理世界中无人机实时状态(如飞行模式、当前位置等)的JSON格式文件,可视为虚拟无人机.影射文件将发送给无人机的命令执行序列按时间戳顺序先缓存再发送.物理无人机和虚拟无人机通过状态同步模块推送同步状态信息,即无人机将实时状态上传至影射文件,控制端通过影射文件将期望的状态指令发送给无人机.基于影射文件的命令控制模块不仅可以克服因网络不稳定性而导致的无人机频繁上线、掉线现象以及控制命令的时间顺序误差,而且其内置的存储转发机制可以减轻由多个控制节点向同一架无人机重复请求访问而引发的网络负载过压问题.(6)坐标转换模块.是将一个参考系下的坐标点转换为另一个参考系下的坐标点,以统一系统内部的控制调用接口.(7)服务提供模块.是对无人机及其上资源封753212期史殿习等:面向多无人机协同飞行控制的云系统架构装并向外部提供统一风格接口的服务.其通过面向资源的接口设计提供三种类型的服务:无人机自身状态数据UAVInfo,如方向、速度等;可提供资源服务UAVService,如传感器数据、雷达数据等;执行动作参数UAVAction,如运动轨迹改变参数等.2 3 操控层操控层建立在云端层之上,云核心层给予操控层强大的数据计算与分析能力支撑;当有任务下达,操控层生成决策部署,并通过云端层间接控制多无人机协同飞行.操控层为无人机飞控程序提供了两种类型的接口:Websocket和Webservice,通过这两种接口,操控层可以同时访问多个无人机,或基于云端层提供的服务为无人机设置参数并执行协同飞行算法.Websocket是一种全双工通信协议,一方面允许无人机主动向客户端同步信息,另一方面允许操控层通过云端向无人机推送指令.ROSBridge包中的ROSJS库同样支持Websocket.当无人机执行层MAVLink消息包进入云端层时,将首先通过套接字被接收,然后由网络分发器经Websocket发送到操控层.Webservice接口用于开发实时控制、任务控制、无人机管理以及其他非连续数据流等应用.协同控制节点是建立在操控层上的可公开调用无人机资源的节点,基于云控制节点中的功能模块,即通过统一接口封装屏蔽不同无人机的异质性,降低传感器数据的异构性,无人机之间可实现数据的交互与共享.基于操控层上的Web[30]协议,协同控制节点通过HTTP接口向外部提供无人机的资源和服务,如通过HTTPGET方式获取无人机上的资源;通过HTTPPOST方式请求服务;通过HTTPPUT方式更新无人机的ID信息;通过HTTPDELETE方式中止无人机执行当前任务或移除任务.基于资源公开和数据共享,协同控制节点可面向具体的任务需求,调用一定的智能算法对在线的多架无人机进行匹配、分组和调度,使之协同飞行并完成期望目标任务.综上所述,UAV3CA设计完成了一个面向多无人机协同飞行控制的云系统框架,其从通信链路建设开始,到基础设施和功能组件服务模块的中间件设计,从底层抽象到面向应用,最终在控制端实现了对多无人机终端的远程协同飞行控制.3 系统框架设计的关键技术机制多无人机协同控制是建立在无人机到云端的可靠连接之上,基于连接,先将无人机上的数据卸载到云端,通过云核心层对多源异构数据进行处理、存储、计算和分析,并将生成的指令回传至无人机实施控制.而设计的核心控制层将来自不同无人机上的数据信息进行交互共享,参考任务作统一规划、调度,控制多无人机协同飞行,共同完成目标.因此,面向多无人机协同飞行控制的云系统架构UAV3CA提出了三种嵌入式关键技术机制:(1)基于ROS发布订阅的无人机连接机制;(2)基于MAVLink协议的无人机控制机制;(3)基于RESTful[31]架构的无人机数据共享机制.下面详细阐述这三种关键机制.3 1 基于犚犗犛发布订阅的无人机连接机制无人机上装载ROS[26],一方面可重用开源的项目库,另一方面还可为硬件资源提供软件抽象.目前,ROS已广泛应用于机器人的程序开发,但却缺乏通过互联网来远程控制和监控机器人的原生支持.因此,本文在ROS发布/订阅的机制上通过引入ROSBridge和代理服务器的方法,提出一种新的无人机连接机制,以支持UAV3CA框架能够快速创建无人机实例,安全可靠的连接无人机与云端,对无人机进行硬件级别的认证,并基于策略的授权,使控制端对特定主题拥有读写权限,以保证安全.3.1.1 基于ROSBridge的去中心化方法ROS是一个分布式系统,其将机上每一个应用程序表征为一个节点(Node),节点之间采用基于主题(Topic)的发布(Publish)和订阅(Subscribe)机制来实现消息传递,不同的ROS程序间通过RPC(RemoteProcedureCall)方式建立通信并传输数据.为了简单,云端可选择部署ROS,但分布式ROS系统管理是一种基于Master主节点的“集中式”管理模式,如果将云端设置为Master主节点,且运行在Internet上具有公共IP地址的服务器上,进而通过基于发布/订阅主题和服务的方式实现无人机和云端以及无人机之间的通信访问来维护网络中所有其他节点的信息,必将导致整个网络强烈依赖于中心节点Master,极大地影响系统的实时性和稳定性,具体表现为:(1)当多个无人机同时申请接入网络时,主节点Master会因负载过高而导致崩溃,影响整个系统的运行并且难以恢复;(2)当网络系统中存在大量主题和数据时,本地数据传输会产生延迟,远程数据传输会因网络带宽和处理能力而受限.因此,为保证无人机远程控制的稳定性,本文设计采用一种基于ROSBridge的去中心化方法来实现无8532计 算 机 学 报2020年。








智能小车选择飞利浦公司的 LPC2290微控制器作为核心处理器,利用其高速的处理能力和芯片内部集成的丰富的外设接口资源,并结合CAN总线接口为智能小车提供了一个功能强大并具有一定扩展性的硬件平台。

论文结合嵌入式系统的特点说明了在智能小车中引入嵌入式操作系统的价值,介绍了嵌入式操作系统u C/OS—II在微处理器LPC2290的移植过程和开发方法。




关键词:智能小车; 运动控制; CAN总线; 嵌入式系统;la C/OS—IIABSTRACTIntelligent vehicle is an integration system of optical system and mechatronics system combined with environmental perception、path planning and decision making and automatic driving functions using computer, sensing, information, communications,navigation,artificial intelligence and automatic control technology. CAN Bus is a type of serial communication network with many features such as high confidentiality,hi曲anti—interference ability,the effective support of distributedcontr01and real—time contr01mode. A distributed control experiment platform of intelligent vehicle is designed based on CAN bus technologyin mechatronics measuring and monitoring experiment center of Southwest Jiaotong University.At first,the key technology of intelligent vehicle is summarized in the paper. And then the design of control circuit and interface circuits for intelligent vehicle are presented.With high processor speed and abundant interface support LPC2290is used as the core processor of contr01circuits.It can afford an extensible platform for the intelligent vehicle combined with the application of CAN bus.Combined with the characteristics of embedded system the value of embedded operating system which is introduced into the intelligent vehicle is showed.The whole process of la C/OS——II operating system is migrated to LPC2290CPU. Based on the functions of intelligent vehicle the flow chart of every task module is described in thepaper.It is independent between modules and convenient for mutual communication by application of CAN Bus.Owning to the use of uniform communication agreement,we can avoid repeated bottom development or debugging of software and hardware.The test shows that the intelligent vehicle design is the effectiveness and correctness that can be taken as a reference for the intelligent transport vehicles. Keywords:InteI I igent VehiCle:Motion OontroI:CAN—Bus:Embedded System; uC/OS—II西南交通大学曲南爻遗大罕学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。



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详细内容...By [kai en] | Comment[1] | 108 views Email(3)[阅读]E-mail acronymsAcronym Meaning ExpressionASAP quickly as soon as possibleBCNU see you later be seeing youBB I'm going to the bathroom bathroom break详细内容...By [kai en] | Comment[3] | 165 views Email(2)[阅读]Email is now so common that it is hard to realize just how much it has changed the way we do thing s.Email is a public mediumE-mail is a public medium. You are expected to follow certain rules when using it. For example, yo u are should be polite. This includes what you say and how you say it. Rude or offensive words are t o be avoided. You should also try to be clear, and to the point. Careless, badly-written emails are oft en regarded as rude.详细内容...By [kai en] | Comment[1] | 129 views Email(1)[阅读]Because of its efficiency and low cost, e-mail it has transformed the way we work, study, and comm unicate with others. Bill Gates, in his book, Business at the Speed of Thought, names 12 Rules tha t will help organizations in the new economy. His Rule Number One says that all business informati on should flow through email. Here are some of the reasons he gives:· Email has a perfect memory.· It saves time on note taking and offers automatic storage/information filing.· Emails don't get lost. Once written, the email is available until the issue is dealt with.详细内容...By [kai en] | Comment[5] | 117 views Talking about the internet[阅读]Web browsersEvery web page needs 2 things:· the server (host) to transmit the message· the browser to receive it.详细内容...By [kai en] | Comment[1] | 104 views1 [2][>]Reading and studying are good for your English. Tips and suggestions alsohelp. However, there is only one way to improve your speaking, and that is bypracticing.Learn to speak by speakingHow to surf the internet[阅读]Finding web documents (web pages/websites) can be frustrating, especially for the internet newbie. It can be difficult to navigate and downloading– particularly graphics – can be slow. The reasons for this are:1. The very large amount of information that can now be found on the net.2. The net uses several different technologies.详细内容...By [kai en] | Comment[1] | 69 views What is the internet used for?[阅读] The internet has 3 main applications:Messaging. If you want to find out about people who share your interests, there are thousands of ne wsgroups, usenets, forums, and chatrooms where participants can connect with each other by email. There are ICQs that allow you to meet people. There are sites that help family members, or distant relatives to connect, etc. Email is the most widely used function of all.Surfing. Surfing is for fun, information, or research. A skilled surfer can use the net as an educational tool, or for academic or business research. Most US university libraries are now online. The majority of American high-school kids, and probably all university students, do some research on the net. The net provides access to millions of documents, to file transfer, advice, help, entertainment, and much more. Web pages offer text, graphics, sounds, streaming video, etc, otherwise known as multimedia.详细内容...By [kai en] | Comment[1] | 49 views What is the internet?[阅读]The internet is a global network, a world-wide computer based communications medium. The world wide web offers a high speed means of transferring information and sharing resources. It is unlike any other broadcasting medium (TV, or radio, for example) because it is decentralized. This means that each connected individual can communicate with any other.The internet has seen tremendous growth since the nineties. This will almost certainly continue, possibly for decades. It is now growing so fast that it is impossible to estimate exactly how many people use it, but the number of users has easily surpassed one billion.The web originated in the US Department of Defense during the 1970’s as a means of moving data between computers on a network. The software was adopted by academic institutions as a research tool during the mid and late 70s and gradually evolved in complexity.详细内容...By [kai en] | Comment[1] | 51 views。



Internet of Things1.the definition of connotation内涵The English name of the Internet of Things The Internet of Things, referred to as: the IOT.Internet of Things through the pass, radio frequency identification technology, global positioning system technology, real-time acquisition of any monitoring, connectivity, interactive objects or processes, collecting their sound, light, heat, electricity, mechanics, chemistry, biology, the location of a variety of the information you need network access through a variety of possible things and things, objects and people in the Pan-link intelligent perception of items and processes, identification and management. The Internet of Things IntelliSense recognition technology and pervasive computing, ubiquitous network integration application, known as the third wave of the world's information industry development following the computer, the Internet. Not so much the Internet of Things is a network, as Internet of Things services and applications, Internet of Things is also seen as Internet application development. Therefore, the application of innovation is the core of the development of Internet of Things, and 2.0 of the user experience as the core innovation is the soul of Things.物联网网络的英文名字,称为:物联网。



In the realm of human innovation,there have been countless inventions that have shaped the course of history and transformed the way we live.These inventions,ranging from the wheel to the internet,have not only made our lives easier but have also opened up new horizons for exploration and understanding.The Wheel:A Symbol of ProgressThe wheel is often regarded as one of the most fundamental inventions in human history. Its invention dates back to around3500BC in Mesopotamia.The wheel revolutionized transportation,enabling the movement of goods and people over long distances with greater ease and speed.This invention laid the groundwork for the development of various forms of vehicles,from chariots to modern cars and airplanes.The Printing Press:Spreading KnowledgeThe invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in the15th century was a pivotal moment in the dissemination of knowledge.Before the printing press,books were handcopied,which was a timeconsuming and expensive process.Gutenbergs press allowed for the mass production of books,making them more accessible to the general public and contributing to the spread of literacy and education.The Steam Engine:Powering the Industrial RevolutionThe steam engine,developed in the18th century,was instrumental in the Industrial Revolution.It provided a reliable and efficient source of power,which led to the mechanization of various industries.This invention not only increased production but also changed the landscape of work,leading to the growth of factories and urbanization. The Telephone:Connecting the WorldAlexander Graham Bells invention of the telephone in1876revolutionized communication.It allowed people to converse over long distances without the need for physical presence.This invention has since evolved into various forms of telecommunication,including mobile phones and the internet,which have made the world more interconnected than ever before.The Internet:A Global NetworkThe internet,a network of networks,has arguably had the most profound impact on modern society.Developed in the late20th century,it has transformed how wecommunicate,access information,and conduct business.The internet has democratized information,allowing anyone with access to explore and learn about virtually any subject.ConclusionEach of these inventions represents a leap forward in human capability and understanding. They have not only improved our daily lives but have also expanded our horizons, allowing us to dream bigger and reach further.As we continue to innovate and create,it is important to remember the legacy of these great inventions and the impact they have had on shaping our world.。

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The Network based on intelligent control system Intelligent home network With the network technology and communication technology continues to evolve and requirements of people living continuously improve and achieve family intelligent remote control has become an inevitable trend. Ministry of Construction and Housing Industrialization Promotion Center proposed residential area to achieve the six intelligence requirements, including safety precautions implemented automated monitoring and management: on residential fires, toxic gas leak to implement automatic alarm; anti-theft alarm system should be installed such as infrared or microwave various types of alarm detector; system should be integrated with the computer security management system network; computer system burglar alarm system can be centrally managed and controlled. However, as wireless technology immature, operating expenses of higher malpractice, intelligent home controller and the external network of wireless communications technology as leading to a low degree of market acceptance of the important factors, the characteristics of GPRS system can be a good solution to the problem. GPRS network communication business communications company launched a data communication services, the GPRS network coverage area, unlimited transmission distance, communication cost is relatively low transfer rate faster. This article related to intelligent systems and GPRS technology family background, analysis of its basic characteristics and their basic functions to be achieved, and on this basis was proposed based on GPRS wireless home the overall intelligent control system solutions. At last, the core GPRS chip system software and hardware realization.Overall system architecture The popularity of network applications and the production of a variety of information appliances are made within the family visit on the Internet, no longer limited to a single PC, each family will be faced with how to transfer Internet data within the family and how the various appliances problems connecting, based on this, intelligent home networks come into being. Intelligent home network is the basic unit of information society. The future of the family, all kinds of appliances will form a home LAN and Internet access through the smart home controller. Intelligent home network market potential is considerable, several large manufacturers Intel, IBM, Microsoft and Sony are already involved in them.Intelligent home network that is in a home in a communications network, the various appliances connected together, to achieve all the intelligent home network appliances for remote access and control, and any request for information exchange, such as music, television or data. Intelligent home network architecture, including within the family network system, intelligent home controller and the intelligent home network and external Internet networks of data communications. Among them, the smart home smart home network controller is an integral part of the core to play the management, control and communications role with the external network. It is the management platform and home through the family life of the combination of the various subsystems of a system is to connect the family intelligence network inside and outside the physical interfaces, complete with external communication networks within the family, the data exchange between functions, but also for familiesequipment management and control.Smart home controller on the one hand the need for cabling to provide communication interface within the family, to collect information on household equipment, and processing, automatic control and regulation; other smart home controller as a home gateway, to provide for external network interfaces, connectivity within the family network and external Internet networks, so users can access the home network, internal network, to achieve monitoring and control. In addition, smart home controller should also be equipped with automatic alarm and other functions, that is, when found, such as alarm signal: it was a malicious intrusion, high temperature, etc., the controller can be dealt with immediately send alarm signals to the user.Shown in Figure , intelligent home control for the core of the system. ARM embedded system design can be used to automatically run, processing of data, management and control through the RS485 bus, the control terminal. And the controller through the GPRS module to achieve the family system and the external network communications, so users can SMS and the Internet, etc. to achieve the family system, remote control, while the controller through the keyboard and display for the user interface, easy users to achieve local control. Control terminal for the SCM control system composed of a number of small control various home appliances, and by controlling the bus, the control system composed of these small networks, connected to the smart home controller, by the smart home controller.Specific smart home controller features include: Household equipment data collection: Collection of household equipment, including indoor temperature, lighting appliances, security doors and other equipment of the state data, processed by the controller feedback to the user.Local control: the user through the controller keyboard and display, for home monitoring equipment.Remote Control: Remote users can send text messages or via the Internet on the family system to control and query.Automatic alarm: when the controller detects high temperature, such as illegal intrusion or alarm signal, triggering indoor alarm in time and send alert messages by means of promptly notify the user.Temperature check: the user can check the room temperature by the controller. Security door password settings: local or remote user can modify the password security door, enter the correct password at the door before they can open the door.Infrared Appliance Control: receiving user commands via infrared transmitter control TV, air conditioning and other infrared controlled appliances.Other lamps and so on-off control: receiving user commands control the amount of lighting and other switching equipment.Smart home controller through GPRS module, to achieve the family system and the external network communication as a central part of the smart home system to solve the bottleneck before the key technology. GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) is short, the existing GSM system is to add a new GGSN (Gateway Support Node) and SGSN (Service Support Node) node developed a new packet data bearer services. GPRS with the existing GSM system the most fundamental difference is, GPRS is a packet switching system, particularly suitable for intermittent, sudden or frequent, small amounts of data transfer, but also to the occasional large data transfers. The main advantage of GPRS network transmission are: always online, according to traffic accounting, quick log on, high-speed transmission, within a restricted range (transmission distance, terrain, weather, etc.), data transmission reliability.The booming Internet has broadened the traditional concept of smart consumer appliances. Originally, smart consumer appliances are just stand-alone devices that have the control program running by themselves. Due to hardware limitations, these appliances can only implement some simple control algorithms that can at most achieve local optimal control effects. On the other hand, Hardware implementation of control systems will be one of important issues in the development of smart consumer electronics. For simple applications, such as smart toys, microwaves, and washing machines, simple control algorithms can be used and implemented on a single chip that may cost very little. However, for more complex problems, such as smart heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (WAC) for individual houses or office buildings, advanced control methods must be utilized and implemented with sophisticated hardware that would cost significantly more than the conventional controllers. For example, an intelligent PLC (programmable logic controller) for energy efficient and waving temperature control may cost several times more than a household air conditioning unit. This might be justified for some industrial applications but obviously not acceptable for average individual customers. Therefore, to make smart consumer electronics marketable for this type of applications, innovative approach for implementation must be established to reduce the cost to a level acceptable to average customers.In the following sections, the architecture of intelligent control systems for consumer appliances via Internet is briefly presented, and then a network-basednemo-fuzzy implementation is described.Architecture of Networked AppliancesFigure shows two versions of architecture for networked appliances. Both architectures can be seen composed of two different types of functional devices: home-based appliances, and remote controllers. The remote controllers in both architectures play the same role as: a) running advanced control algorithms and issue control commands; b) monitoring the running status of appliances.The difference between these two architectures is on the home side. In architecture (I), home appliances must first connect to Home Control System, which functions in part as a common gateway to the Internet for all appliances. This architecture is suitable for current implementation because networked appliance is still in its early stage of development; they are still lack of standard software and hardware interfaces to the Internet. Besides, the data exchange between home appliances and remote controller at current stage are limited, therefore the utility lines and phone lines are enough for transmitting simple control signals. Architecture (II) is the choice for future development while all home appliances have direct access to the Internet. In this case, large amounts of real-time data from home appliances can be fed back to remote controller as the control input through Internet, and control output, which could vary from simple control parameters or set values to updated algorithms, can also be downloaded to the corresponding appliances.The architectures proposed here have their origins in Distributed Control Systems (DCS), which is widely used in industrial automation and proved to be mature and reliable. From topology point of view, the networked appliances systems and DCS are similar, and those functional devices in networked appliances systems can also find their counterpart in DCS. But a significant difference lies in the fact that DCS uses proprietary communication protocols in a local area network for data exchange, thus it is not an open architecture that makes devices from different vendors very difficult, if it’s not impossible to be interconnected, while networked appliances systems rely on the Internet that uses TCP/IP, the de facto protocol for network communication, so any applance that is TCP/IP compatible can be easily interconnected and communicate with other appliances that are already on the net.To the home environment, and a network-based neuro-fuzzy implementation of this architecture. The basic idea of this implementation is to use simple and reliable in-system programmable devices for on-line field control execution with fuzzy logic, and communication networks and computers for off-line learning and optimization through neural networks. An ongoing research project in consumer electronics is to implement this architecture to the network- based intelligent control of smart heating and air-conditioning systems, which could lead to significant saving in energy and reduction in pollution.。
