JAVA DataStructure
hprof后缀(实用版)目录1.HPROF 简介2.HPROF 文件格式3.HPROF 的应用领域4.如何使用和解析 HPROF 文件正文1.HPROF 简介HPROF(Heap Dump Analysis Tool)是一种用于分析 Java 应用程序堆转储文件的工具,通常用于调试和优化 Java 应用程序。
它可以帮助开发者查找内存泄漏、频繁的 GC(垃圾回收)操作等问题,从而提高应用程序的性能。
HPROF 由 Eclipse 项目开发,可以与 Eclipse、IntelliJ IDEA 等集成开发环境(IDE)配合使用。
2.HPROF 文件格式HPROF 文件是 Java 堆转储的二进制格式,它包含了 Java 应用程序在运行过程中创建的所有对象及其引用信息。
HPROF 文件通常以".hprof"作为文件后缀,可以在 Java 应用程序的输出目录中找到。
HPROF 文件的主要组成部分包括:- 魔数(Magic Number):用于标识 HPROF 文件的开始和结束位置。
- 版本号(Version Number):指示 HPROF 文件的格式版本。
- 堆转储数据结构(Heap Dump Data Structure):记录堆转储的详细信息,包括对象的类名、实例 ID、引用计数等。
- 类索引(Class Index):记录所有出现在堆转储中的类及其相关信息,如类名、父类、实现的接口等。
- 线程栈信息(Thread Stack Information):记录每个线程的栈信息,有助于分析线程栈中的对象引用关系。
3.HPROF 的应用领域HPROF 文件在以下领域具有广泛的应用:- 内存分析:通过分析 HPROF 文件,可以找出内存泄漏、频繁的 GC 操作等问题,从而优化应用程序的内存使用。
- 垃圾回收分析:HPROF 文件可以帮助开发者分析垃圾回收器的行为,如回收时间、回收次数、停顿时间等,从而优化垃圾回收策略。
Java数据结构 ppt课件
当输入的数据非法时,算法应当恰当 地作出反映或进行相应处理,而不是产 生莫名奇妙的输出结果。并且,处理出 错的方法不应是中断程序的执行,而应 是返回一个表示错误或错误性质的值, 以便在更高的抽象层次上进行处理。
通常,效率指的是算法执行时间; 存储量指的是算法执行过程中所需的 最大存储空间,两者都与问题的规模 有关。
1.3.3 算法效率的度量
缺点:1.必须执行程序 2.其它因素掩盖算法本质
1.算法选用的策略 2.问题的规模 3.编写程序的语言 4.编译程序产生的机器代码的质量 5.计算机执行指令的速度
一个特定算法的“运行工作量” 的大小,只依赖于问题的规模( 通常用整数量n表示),或者说, 它是问题规模的函数。
数据在计算机中的表示称为数据的物理结 构,又称为存储结构。
数据对象可以是有限的,也可以是无限的。 数据结构不同于数据类型,也不同于数据对 象,它不仅要描述数据类型的数据对象,而且 要描述数据对象各元素之间的相互关系。
数据类型:在一种程序设计语言中,变量所具有的数 据种类。 例1、 在FORTRAN语言中,变量的数据类型有整型、 实型、和复数型 例2、在C++语言中 数据类型:基本类型和构造类型 基本类型:整型、浮点型、字符型 构造类型:数组、结构、联合、指针、枚举型、自定 义 数据对象:某种数据类型元素的集合。 例3、整数的数据对象是{…-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,
1.2 有关概念和术语
数据: 所有能被输入到计算机中,且能被计算机处
理的符号的集合。 是计算机操作的对象的总称。
java new date 字符串构造
java new date 字符串构造Java中的Date类是用于表示日期和时间的类。
使用new Date()可以创建一个当前时间的Date对象。
下面将详细介绍如何使用new Date()字符串构造一个Date对象,并对其进行操作和格式化。
我们可以使用new Date()来创建一个当前时间的Date对象。
例如:```javaDate now = new Date();```通过上面的代码,我们就可以得到一个当前时间的Date对象now。
例如:```javaint year = now.getYear() + 1900; // 获取年份int month = now.getMonth() + 1; // 获取月份int day = now.getDate(); // 获取日期int hour = now.getHours(); // 获取小时int minute = now.getMinutes(); // 获取分钟int second = now.getSeconds(); // 获取秒钟```通过上述代码,我们就可以得到当前时间的年、月、日、时、分、秒等信息。
例如,我们可以将Date对象格式化为"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"的字符串形式,即年-月-日时:分:秒的格式。
可以使用以下代码实现:```javaSimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");String formattedDate = sdf.format(now);System.out.println(formattedDate);```通过上述代码,我们就可以将当前时间的Date对象格式化为指定的字符串形式,并将其打印输出。
QuestionsThese questions are intended as a self-test for readers.Answers to the questions may be found in Appendix C.1.In many data structures you can________a single record,_________it,and_______it.2.Rearranging the contents of a data structure into a certain order is called_________.30CHAPTER1Overview3.In a database,a field isa.a specific data item.b.a specific object.c.part of a record.d.part of an algorithm.4.The field used when searching for a particular record is the______________.5.In object-oriented programming,an a class.b.may contain data and a program.d.may contain classes.6.A a blueprint for many objects.b.represents a specific real-world object.c.will hold specific values in its fields.d.specifies the type of a method.7.In Java,a class specificationa.creates objects.b.requires the keyword new.c.creates references.d.none of the above.8.When an object wants to do something,it uses a________.9.In Java,accessing an object’s methods requires the_____operator.10.In Java,boolean and byte are_____________.(There are no experiments or programming projects for Chapter1.)Questions31Chapter1,OverviewAnswers to Questions1.insert,search for, typesQuestionsThese questions are intended as a self-test for readers.Answers may be found in Appendix C.1.Inserting an item into an unordered arraya.takes time proportional to the size of the array.b.requires multiple comparisons.c.requires shifting other items to make room.d.takes the same time no matter how many items there are.2.True or False:When you delete an item from an unordered array,in most cases you shift other items to fill in the gap.3.In an unordered array,allowing duplicatesa.increases times for all operations.b.increases search times in some situations.c.always increases insertion times.d.sometimes decreases insertion times.4.True or False:In an unordered array,it’s generally faster to find out an item is not in the array than to find out it is.5.Creating an array in Java requires using the keyword________.6.If class A is going to use class B for something,thena.class A’s methods should be easy to’s preferable if class B communicates with the program’s user.c.the more complex operations should be placed in class A.d.the more work that class B can do,the better.7.When class A is using class B for something,the methods and fields class A can access in class B are called class B’s__________.74CHAPTER2Arrays8.Ordered arrays,compared with unordered arrays,area.much quicker at deletion.b.quicker at insertion.c.quicker to create.d.quicker at searching.9.A logarithm is the inverse of_____________.10.The base10logarithm of1,000is_____.11.The maximum number of elements that must be examined to complete a binary search in an array of200elements isa.200.b.8.c.1.d.13.12.The base2logarithm of64is______.13.True or False:The base2logarithm of100is2.14.Big O notation the speed of an algorithm relates to the number of items.b.the running time of an algorithm for a given size data structure.c.the running time of an algorithm for a given number of the size of a data structure relates to the number of items.15.O(1)means a process operates in_________time.16.Either variables of primitive types or_________can be placed in an array. Chapter2,ArraysAnswers to Questions1.d2.True3.b4.False5.new6.d740APPENDIX C Answers to Questions7.interface8.d9.raising to a power10.311.812.613.False14.a15.constant16.objectsuestionsThese questions are intended as a self-test for readers.Answers may be found in Appendix C.puter sorting algorithms are more limited than humans in thata.humans are better at inventing new algorithms.puters can handle only a fixed amount of data.c.humans know what to sort,whereas computers need to be told.puters can compare only two things at a time.2.The two basic operations in simple sorting are_________items and_________ them(or sometimes_________them).3.True or False:The bubble sort always ends up comparing every item with every other item.4.The bubble sort algorithm alternates betweenparing and swapping.b.moving and copying.c.moving and comparing.d.copying and comparing.5.True or False:If there are N items,the bubble sort makes exactly N*N comparisons.Questions1096.In the selection sort,a.the largest keys accumulate on the left(low indices).b.a minimum key is repeatedly discovered.c.a number of items must be shifted to insert each item in its correctlysorted position.d.the sorted items accumulate on the right.7.True or False:If,in a particular sorting situation,swaps take much longer than comparisons,the selection sort is about twice as fast as the bubble sort.8.A copy is________times as fast as a swap.9.What is the invariant in the selection sort?10.In the insertion sort,the“marked player”described in the text corresponds to which variable in the program?a.inb.outc.tempd.a[out]11.In the insertion sort,“partially sorted”means thata.some items are already sorted,but they may need to be moved.b.most items are in their final sorted positions,but a few still need to be sorted.c.only some of the items are items are sorted among themselves,but items outside the groupmay need to be inserted in it.12.Shifting a group of items left or right requires repeated__________.13.In the insertion sort,after an item is inserted in the partially sorted group,it willa.never be moved again.b.never be shifted to the left.c.often be moved out of this group.d.find that its group is steadily shrinking.110CHAPTER3Simple Sorting14.The invariant in the insertion sort is that________.15.Stability might refer toa.items with secondary keys being excluded from a sort.b.keeping cities sorted by increasing population within each state,in a sortby state.c.keeping the same first names matched with the same last names.d.items keeping the same order of primary keys without regard to secondary keys.Chapter3,Simple SortingAnswers to Questions1.dparing and swapping(or copying)3.False4.a5.False6.b7.False8.three9.Items with indices less than or equal to outer are sorted.10.c11.d12.copies13.b14.Items with indices less than outer are partially sorted.15.buestionsThese questions are intended as a self-test for readers.Answers may be found in Appendix C.1.Suppose you push10,20,30,and40onto the stack.Then you pop three items. Which one is left on the stack?2.Which of the following is true?a.The pop operation on a stack is considerably simpler than the remove operation on a queue.b.The contents of a queue can wrap around,while those of a stack cannot.c.The top of a stack corresponds to the front of a queue.d.In both the stack and the queue,items removed in sequence are takenfrom increasingly high index cells in the array.3.What do LIFO and FIFO mean?4.True or False:A stack or a queue often serves as the underlying mechanism on which an ADT array is based.5.Assume an array is numbered with index0on the left.A queue representing a line of movie-goers,with the first to arrive numbered1,has the ticket window on the right.Thena.there is no numerical correspondence between the index numbers andthe movie-goer numbers.b.the array index numbers and the movie-goer numbers increase inopposite left-right directions.c.the array index numbers correspond numerically to the locations in theline of movie-goers.d.the movie-goers and the items in the array move in the same direction.6.As other items are inserted and removed,does a particular item in a queue move along the array from lower to higher indices,or higher to lower?7.Suppose you insert15,25,35,and45into a queue.Then you remove three items.Which one is left?8.True or False:Pushing and popping items on a stack and inserting and removing items in a queue all take O(N)time.174CHAPTER4Stacks and Queues9.A queue might be used to holda.the items to be sorted in an insertion sort.b.reports of a variety of imminent attacks on the star ship Enterprise.c.keystrokes made by a computer user writing a letter.d.symbols in an algebraic expression being evaluated.10.Inserting an item into a typical priority queue takes what big O time?11.The term priority in a priority queue means thata.the highest priority items are inserted first.b.the programmer must prioritize access to the underlying array.c.the underlying array is sorted by the priority of the items.d.the lowest priority items are deleted first.12.True or False:At least one of the methods in the program (Listing4.6)uses a linear search.13.One difference between a priority queue and an ordered array is thata.the lowest-priority item cannot be extracted easily from the array as it can from the priority queue.b.the array must be ordered while the priority queue need not be.c.the highest priority item can be extracted easily from the priority queue but not from the array.d.All of the above.14.Suppose you based a priority queue class on the OrdArray class in the program(Listing2.4)in Chapter2,“Arrays.”This will buy you binary search capability.If you wanted the best performance for your priority queue,would you need to modify the OrdArray class?15.A priority queue might be used to holda.passengers to be picked up by a taxi from different parts of the city.b.keystrokes made at a computer keyboard.c.squares on a chessboard in a game program.d.planets in a solar system simulation.Chapter4,Stacks and QueuesAnswers to Questions1.102.bst-In-First-Out;and First-In-First-Out4.False.It’s the other way around.5.b6.It doesn’t move at all.7.458.False.They take O(1)time.9.c10.O(N)11.c12.True13.b14.Yes,you would need a method to find the minimum value.15.aQuestionsThese questions are intended as a self-test for readers.Answers may be found in Appendix C.Questions2451.Which of the following is not true?A reference to a class objecta.can be used to access public methods in the object.b.has a size dependant on its class.c.has the data type of the class.d.does not hold the object itself.2.Access to the links in a linked list is usually through the_________link.3.When you create a reference to a link in a linked list,ita.must refer to the first link.b.must refer to the link pointed to by current.c.must refer to the link pointed to by next.d.can refer to any link you want.4.How many references must you change to insert a link in the middle of a singly linked list?5.How many references must you change to insert a link at the end of a singly linked list?6.In the insertFirst()method in the program(Listing5.1),the statement;means thata.the next new link to be inserted will refer to first.b.first will refer to the new link.c.the next field of the new link will refer to the old first will refer to the new first link in the list.7.Assuming current points to the next-to-last link in a singly linked list,what statement will delete the last link from the list?8.When all references to a link are changed to refer to something else,what happens to the link?9.A double-ended lista.can be accessed from either a different name for a doubly linked list.c.has pointers running both forward and backward between links.d.has its first link connected to its last link.246CHAPTER5Linked Lists10.A special case often occurs for insertion and deletion routines when a list is ________.11.Assuming a copy takes longer than a comparison,is it faster to delete an item with a certain key from a linked list or from an unsorted array?12.How many times would you need to traverse a singly linked list to delete the item with the largest key?13.Of the lists discussed in this chapter,which one would be best for implementing a queue?14.Which of the following is not true?Iterators would be useful if you wanted an insertion sort on a linked list.b.insert a new link at the beginning of a list.c.swap two links at arbitrary locations.d.delete all links with a certain key value.15.Which do you think would be a better choice to implement a stack:a singly linked list or an array?Chapter5,Linked ListsAnswers to;8.Java’s garbage collection process destroys it.Chapter5,Linked Lists7419.a10.empty11.a linked list12.once,if the links include a previous reference13.a double-ended list14.bually,the list.They both do push()and pop()in O(1)time,but the list uses memory more efficiently.QuestionsThese questions are intended as a self-test for readers.Answers may be found in Appendix C.1.If the user enters10in the program(Listing6.1),what is the maximum number of“copies”of the triangle()method(actually just copies of its argument)that exist at any one time?2.Where are the copies of the argument,mentioned in question1,stored? a variable in the triangle() a field of the TriangleApp a variable of the getString()methodd.on a stack3.Assume the user enters10as in question1.What is the value of n when the triangle()method first returns a value other than1?4.Assume the same situation as in question1.What is the value of n when the triangle()method is about to return to main()?5.True or false:In the triangle()method,the return values are stored on thestack.6.In the program(Listing6.2),at a certain depth of recursion,a version of the doAnagram()method is working with the string“led”.When this method calls a new version of itself,what letters will the new version be working with?7.We’ve seen that recursion can take the place of a loop,as in the loop-oriented program(Listing2.4)and the recursive program(Listing6.3).Which of the following is not true?a.Both programs divide the range repeatedly in half.b.If the key is not found,the loop version returns because the rangebounds cross,but the recursive version occurs because it reaches thebottom recursion level.c.If the key is found,the loop version returns from the entire method, whereas the recursive version returns from only one level of recursion.d.In the recursive version the range to be searched must be specified in the arguments,while in the loop version it need not be.310CHAPTER6Recursion8.In the recFind()method in the program(Listing6.3),what takes the place of the loop in the non-recursive version?a.the recFind()methodb.arguments to recFind()c.recursive calls to recFind()d.the call from main()to recFind()9.The program is an example of the_________approach to solving a problem.10.What gets smaller as you make repeated recursive calls in the redFind() method?11.What becomes smaller with repeated recursive calls in the program (Listing6.4)?12.The algorithm in the program involvesa.“trees”that are data storage devices.b.secretly putting small disks under large disks.c.changing which columns are the source and destination.d.moving one small disk and then a stack of larger disks.13.Which is not true about the merge()method in the program(Listing6.5)?a.Its algorithm can handle arrays of different sizes.b.It must search the target array to find where to put the next item.c.It is not recursive.d.It continuously takes the smallest item irrespective of what array it’s in.14.The disadvantage of mergesort is is not uses more memory.c.although faster than the insertion sort,it is much slower than is complicated to implement.15.Besides a loop,a___________can often be used instead of recursion. Chapter6,RecursionAnswers to Questions1.102.d3.24.105.false6.“ed”7.b8.c9.divide-and-conquer10.the range of cells to search11.the number of disks to transfer12.c13.b14.b15.stackQuestionsThese questions are intended as a self-test for readers.Answers may be found in Appendix C.1.The Shellsort works bya.partitioning the array.b.swapping adjacent elements.c.dealing with widely separated elements.d.starting with the normal insertion sort.2.If an array has100elements,then Knuth’s algorithm would start with an interval of________.Questions3613.To transform the insertion sort into the Shellsort,which of the following do you not do?a.Substitute h for1.b.Insert an algorithm for creating gaps of decreasing width.c.Enclose the normal insertion sort in a loop.d.Change the direction of the indices in the inner loop.4.True or false:A good interval sequence for the Shellsort is created by repeatedly dividing the array size in half.5.Fill in the big O values:The speed of the Shellsort is more than_______but less than________.6.Partitioning isa.putting all elements larger than a certain value on one end of the array.b.dividing an array in half.c.partially sorting parts of an array.d.sorting each half of an array separately.7.When partitioning,each array element is compared to the_______.8.In partitioning,if an array element is equal to the answer to question7, is passed is passed over or not,depending on the other array is placed in the pivot is swapped.9.True or false:In quicksort,the pivot can be an arbitrary element of the array.10.Assuming larger keys on the right,the partition isa.the element between the left and right subarrays.b.the key value of the element between the left and right subarrays.c.the left element in the right subarray.d.the key value of the left element in the right subarray.11.Quicksort involves partitioning the original array and then_________.362CHAPTER7Advanced Sorting12.After a partition in a simple version of quicksort,the pivot may beed to find the median of the array.b.exchanged with an element of the right subarray.ed as the starting point of the next partition.d.discarded.13.Median-of-three partitioning is a way of choosing the_______.14.In quicksort,for an array of N elements,the partitionIt()method will examine each element approximately______times.15.True or false:You can speed up quicksort if you stop partitioning when the partition size is5and finish by using a different sort.Chapter7,Advanced SortingAnswers to Questions1.c2.403.d4.false5.O(N*logN),O(N2)6.a7.pivot8.d9.true10.c11.partitioning the resulting subarrays12.b13.pivot14.log2N15.trueQuestionsThese questions are intended as a self-test for readers.Answers may be found inAppendix C.1.Insertion and deletion in a tree require what big O time?2.A binary tree is a search tree ifa.every non-leaf node has children whose key values are less than(or equalto)the parent.b.every left child has a key less than the parent and every right child has akey greater than(or equal to)the the path from the root to every leaf node,the key of each node isgreater than(or equal to)the key of its parent.d.a node can have a maximum of two children.3.True or False:Not all trees are binary trees.4.In a complete binary tree with20nodes,and the root considered to be at level 0,how many nodes are there at level4?5.A subtree of a binary tree always hasa.a root that is a child of the main tree’s root.b.a root unconnected to the main tree’s root.c.fewer nodes than the main tree.d.a sibling with the same number of nodes.6.In the Java code for a tree,the______and the_______are generally separate classes.Questions4237.Finding a node in a binary search tree involves going from node to node, big the node’s key is in relation to the search big the node’s key is compared to its right or left children.c.what leaf node we want to reach.d.what level we are on.8.An unbalanced tree is which most of the keys have values greater than the average.b.whose behavior is which the root or some other node has many more left children thanright children,or vice versa.d.that is shaped like an umbrella.9.Inserting a node starts with the same steps as_______a node.10.Suppose a node A has a successor node S.Then S must have a key that is larger than_____but smaller than or equal to_______.11.In a binary tree used to represent a mathematical expression,which of the following is not true?a.Both children of an operator node must be operands.b.Following a postorder traversal,no parentheses need to be added.c.Following an inorder traversal,parentheses must be added.d.In pre-order traversal a node is visited before either of its children.12.If a tree is represented by an array,the right child of a node at index n has an index of_______.13.True or False:Deleting a node with one child from a binary search tree involves finding that node’s successor.14.A Huffman tree is typically used to_______text.15.Which of the following is not true about a Huffman tree?a.The most frequently used characters always appear near the top of the tree.b.Normally,decoding a message involves repeatedly following a path fromthe root to a leaf.424CHAPTER8Binary Treesc.In coding a character you typically start at a leaf and work upward.d.The tree can be generated by removal and insertion operations on apriority queue.Chapter8,Binary TreesAnswers to Questions1.O(logN)2.b3.True4.55.c6.node,tree7.a8.cChapter8,Binary Trees7439.finding10.A,A’s left-child descendents11.d12.2*n+113.Falsepress15.cQuestionsThese questions are intended as a self-test for readers.Answers may be found in Appendix C.1.A2-3-4tree is so named because a node can havea.three children and four data items.b.two,three,or four children.c.two parents,three children,and four items.d.two parents,three items,and four children.2.A2-3-4tree is superior to a binary search tree in that it is________.3.Imagine a parent node with data items25,50,and75.If one of its child nodes had items with values60and70,it would be the child numbered__________.4.True or False:Data items are located exclusively in leaf nodes.514CHAPTER102-3-4Trees and External Storage5.Which of the following is not true each time a node is split?a.Exactly one new node is created.b.Exactly one new data item is added to the tree.c.One data item moves from the split node to its parent.d.One data item moves from the split node to its new sibling.6.A2-3-4tree increases its number of levels when________.7.Searching a2-3-4tree does not involvea.splitting nodes on the way down if necessary.b.picking the appropriate child to go to,based on data items in a node.c.ending up at a leaf node if the search key is not found.d.examining at least one data item in any node visited.8.After a non-root node of a2-3-4tree is split,does its new right child contain the item previously numbered0,1,or2?9.A4-node split in a2-3-4tree is equivalent to a_______in a red-black tree.10.Which of the following statements about a node-splitting operation in a2-3 tree(not a2-3-4tree)is not true?a.The parent of a split node must also be split if it is full.b.The smallest item in the node being split always stays in that node.c.When the parent is split,child2must always be disconnected from itsold parent and connected to the new parent.d.The splitting process starts at a leaf and works upward.11.What is the big O efficiency of a2-3tree?12.In accessing data on a disk drive,a.inserting data is slow but finding the place to write data is fast.b.moving data to make room for more data is fast because so many items can be accessed at once.c.deleting data is unusually fast.d.finding the place to write data is comparatively slow but a lot of data can be written quickly.13.In a B-tree each node contains_______data items.Questions51514.True or False:Node splits in a B-tree have similarities to node splits in a2-3 tree.15.In external storage,indexing means keeping a file ofa.keys and their corresponding blocks.b.records and their corresponding blocks.c.keys and their corresponding names and their corresponding keys.Chapter9,Red-Black TreesAnswers to order(or inverse order)2.b3.False4.d5.b6.rotations,changing the colors of nodes7.red8.a9.left child,right child10.d11.a node,its two children12.b13.True14.a15.TrueQuestionsThese questions are intended as a self-test for readers.Answers may be found in Appendix C.574CHAPTER11Hash Tablesing big O notation,say how long it takes(ideally)to find an item in a hash table.2.A__________transforms a range of key values into a range of index values.3.Open addressing refers toa.keeping many of the cells in the array unoccupied.b.keeping an open mind about which address to use.c.probing at cell x+1,x+2,and so on until an empty cell is found.d.looking for another location in the array when the one you want is the next available position after an unsuccessful probe is called_____________.5.What are the first five step sizes in quadratic probing?6.Secondary clustering occurs becausea.many keys hash to the same location.b.the sequence of step lengths is always the same.c.too many items with the same key are inserted.d.the hash function is not perfect.7.Separate chaining involves the use of a_____________at each location.8.A reasonable load factor in separate chaining is________.9.True or False:A possible hash function for strings involves multiplying each character by an ever-increasing power.10.The best technique when the amount of data is not well known isa.linear probing.b.quadratic probing.c.double hashing.d.separate chaining.11.If digit folding is used in a hash function,the number of digits in each group should reflect_____________.12.True or False:In linear probing an unsuccessful search takes longer than a successful search.Questions57513.In separate chaining the time to insert a new itema.increases linearly with the load proportional to the number of items in the proportional to the number of proportional to the percentage of full cells in the array.14.True or False:In external hashing,it’s important that the records don’t become full.15.In external hashing,all records with keys that hash to the same value are located in___________.Chapter11,Hash TablesAnswers to Questions1.O(1)2.hash function3.d4.linear probing5.1,4,9,16,256.b7.linked listChapter11,Hash Tables7458.1.09.True10.d11.the array size12.False13.a14.False15.the same blockQuestionsThese questions are intended as a self-test for readers.Answers may be found in Appendix C.1.What does the term complete mean when applied to binary trees?a.All the necessary data has been inserted.b.All the rows are filled with nodes,except possibly the bottom one.c.All existing nodes contain data.d.The node arrangement satisfies the heap condition.2.What does the term weakly ordered mean when applied to heaps?3.A node is always removed from the__________.4.To“trickle up”a node in a descending heap repeatedly exchange it with its parent until it’s larger than its repeatedly exchange it with its child until it’s larger than its repeatedly exchange it with its child until it’s smaller than its repeatedly exchange it with its parent until it’s smaller than its parent.5.A heap can be represented by an array because a heap。
2.(业务层)业务逻辑层(biz 或者services)
●dao:数据访问层(data access object),与数据库的增删改查等方法的相关代
Java基础常见英语词汇(共70个)OO: object-oriented ,面向对象OOP: object-oriented programming,面向对象编程JDK:Java development kit, java开发工具包JVM:java virtual machine ,java虚拟机Compile:编绎Run:运行Class:类Object:对象System:系统out:输出print:打印line:行variable:变量type:类型operation:操作,运算array:数组parameter:参数method:方法function:函数member-variable:成员变量member-function:成员函数get:得到set:设置public:公有的private:私有的protected:受保护的default:默认access:访问package:包import:导入static:静态的void:无(返回类型)extends:继承parent class:父类base class:基类super class:超类child class:子类derived class:派生类override:重写,覆盖overload:重载final:最终的,不能改变的abstract:抽象interface:接口implements:实现exception:异常Runtime:运行时ArithmeticException:算术异常ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:数组下标越界异常NullPointerException:空引用异常ClassNotFoundException:类没有发现异常NumberFormatException:数字格式异常(字符串不能转化为数字) Try:尝试Catch:捕捉Finally:最后Throw:抛出Throws: (投掷)表示强制异常处理Throwable:(可抛出的)表示所有异常类的祖先类Lang:language,语言Util:工具 Display:显示Random:随机Collection:集合ArrayList:(数组列表)表示动态数组HashMap: 散列表,哈希表Swing:轻巧的 Awt:abstract window toolkit:抽象窗口工具包Frame:窗体Size:尺寸Title:标题Add:添加Panel:面板Layout:布局Scroll:滚动Vertical:垂直Horizonatal:水平Label:标签TextField:文本框TextArea:文本域Button:按钮Checkbox:复选框Radiobutton:单选按钮Combobox:复选框 Event:事件Mouse:鼠标Key:键Focus:焦点Listener:监听Border:边界Flow:流Grid:网格MenuBar:菜单栏Menu:菜单MenuItem:菜单项PopupMenu:弹出菜单Dialog:对话框Message:消息 Icon:图标Tree:树Node:节点Jdbc:java database connectivity,java数据库连接DriverManager:驱动管理器Connection:连接Statement:表示执行对象Preparedstatement:表示预执行对象Resultset:结果集Next:下一个Close:关闭executeQuery:执行查询Jbuilder中常用英文(共33个)File:文件New:新建New Project:新建项目New Class: 新建类New File:新建文件Open project:打开项目Open file:打开文件Reopen:重新打开Close projects:关闭项目Close all except…:除了..全部关闭Rename:重命名Exit:退出View:视图Panes:面板组Project:项目Content:内容Structure:结构Message:消息 Source:源文件Bean:豆子Properties:属性Make:编绎Build:编绎Rebuild:重编绎Refresh:刷新Project properties:项目属性Default project properties:默认的项目属性Run:运行Debug:调试Tools:工具Preferences:参数配置Configure:配置Libraries:库JSP中常用英文URL: Universal Resource Location:统一资源定位符IE: Internet Explorer 因特网浏览器JSP:java server page.java服务器页面Model:模型View:视图C:controller:控制器Tomcat:一种jsp的web服务器WebModule:web模块Servlet:小服务程序Request:请求Response:响应Init: initialize,初始化Service:服务Destroy:销毁Startup:启动Mapping:映射pattern:模式Getparameter:获取参数Session:会话Application:应用程序Context:上下文redirect:重定向dispatch:分发forward:转交setAttribute:设置属性getAttribute:获取属性page:页面contentType:内容类型charset:字符集include:包含tag:标签taglib:标签库EL:expression language,表达式语言Scope:作用域Empty:空JSTL:java standard tag library,java标准标签库TLD:taglib description,标签库描述符Core:核心Test:测试Foreach:表示循环Var:variable,变量Status:状态Items:项目集合Fmt:format,格式化Filter:过滤器报错英文第一章:JDK(Java Development Kit) java开发工具包JVM(Java Virtual Machine) java虚拟机Javac编译命令java解释命令Javadoc生成java文档命令classpath 类路径Version版本author作者public公共的class类static静态的void没有返回值String字符串类System系统类out输出print同行打印println换行打印JIT(just-in-time)及时处理第二章:byte 字节char 字符boolean 布尔short 短整型int 整形long 长整形float 浮点类型double 双精度if 如果else 否则switch 多路分支case 与常值匹配break 终止default 默认while 当到循环do 直到循环for 已知次数循环continue结束本次循环进行下次跌代length 获取数组元素个数第三章:OOPobject oriented programming 面向对象编程Object 对象Class 类Class member 类成员Class method类方法Class variable 类变量Constructor 构造方法Package 包Import package 导入包第四章:Extends 继承Base class 基类Super class 超类Overloaded method 重载方法Overridden method 重写方法Public 公有Private 私有Protected 保护Static 静态Abstract抽象Interface 接口Implements interface 实现接口第五章:Exception 意外,异常RuntimeExcepiton 运行时异常ArithmeticException 算术异常IllegalArgumentException 非法数据异常ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 数组索引越界异常NullPointerException 空指针异常ClassNotFoundException 类无法加载异常(类不能找到)NumberFormatException 字符串到float类型转换异常(数字格式异常)IOException 输入输出异常找不到文件异常EOFException 文件结束异常InterruptedException (线程)中断异常try 尝试catch 捕捉finally 最后throw 投、掷、抛throws 投、掷、抛print Stack Trace() 打印堆栈信息get Message()获得错误消息get Cause()获得异常原因method 方法able 能够instance 实例check 检查第六章:byte(字节)char(字符)int(整型)long(长整型)float(浮点型)double(双精度)boolean(布尔)short(短整型)Byte (字节类)Character (字符类)Integer(整型类)Long (长整型类)Float(浮点型类)Double (双精度类)Boolean(布尔类)Short (短整型类)Digit (数字)Letter (字母)Lower (小写)Upper (大写)Space (空格) Identifier (标识符) Start (开始)String (字符串) length (值)equals (等于)Ignore (忽略)compare (比较)sub (提取)concat (连接)replace (替换)trim (整理)Buffer (缓冲器) reverse (颠倒)delete (删除)append (添加)Interrupted (中断的)第七章:Date 日期,日子After 后来,后面Before 在前,以前Equals 相等,均等toString 转换为字符串SetTime 设置时间Display 显示,展示Calendar 日历Add 添加,增加GetInstance获得实例getTime 获得时间Clear 扫除,清除Clone 克隆,复制Util 工具,龙套Components成分,组成Month 月份Year 年,年岁Hour 小时,钟头Minute 分钟Second 秒Random 随意,任意Next Int 下一个整数Gaussian 高斯ArrayList 对列LinkedList链表Hash 无用信息,杂乱信号Map 地图Vector 向量,矢量Size 大小Collection收集Shuffle 混乱,洗牌RemoveFirst移动至开头RemoveLast 移动至最后lastElement最后的元素Capacity 容量,生产量Contains 包含,容纳Copy 副本,拷贝Search 搜索,查询InsertElementAt 插入元素在某一位置第八章:io->in out 输入/输出File文件import导入exists存在isFile是文件isDirectory 是目录getName获取名字getPath获取路径getAbsolutePath 获取绝对路径lastModified 最后修改日期length长度InputStream 输入流OutputStream 输出流Unicode统一的字符编码标准, 采用双字节对字符进行编码Information 信息文件输入流文件输出流IOException 输入输出异常文件对象available 可获取的read读取write写BufferedReader 缓冲区读取文本文件读取BufferedWriter 缓冲区输出文本文件写出flush清空close关闭DataInputStream 二进制文件读取DataOutputStream二进制文件写出EOF最后encoding编码Remote远程release释放第九章:JBuiderJava 集成开发环境(IDE)Enterprise 企业版Developer 开发版Foundation 基础版Messages 消息格Structure 结构窗格Project工程Files文件Source源代码Design设计History历史Doc文档File文件Edit编辑Search查找Refactor 要素View视图Run运行Tools工具Window窗口Help帮助Vector矢量addElement 添加内容Project Winzard 工程向导Step步骤Title标题Description 描述Copyright 版权Company公司Aptech Limited Aptech有限公司author 作者Back后退Finish完成version版本Debug调试New新建ErrorInsight 调试第十章:JFrame窗口框架JPanel 面板JScrollPane 滚动面板title 标题Dimension 尺寸Component组件SwingJA V A轻量级组件getContentPane 得到内容面板LayoutManager布局管理器setVerticalScrollBarPolicy设置垂直滚动条策略AWT(Abstract Window Toolkit)抽象窗口工具包GUI (Graphical User Interface)图形用户界面VERTICAL_SCROLLEARAS_NEEDED当内容大大面板出现滚动条VERTICAL_SOROLLEARAS_ALWAYS显示滚动条VERTICAL_SOROLLEARAS_NEVER不显示滚动条JLabel标签Icon 图标image图象LEFT 左对齐RIGHT右对齐JTextField单行文本getColumns得到列数setLayout设置布局BorderLayout 边框布局CENTER居中对齐JTextArea多行文本setFont设置字体setHorizontalAlignment设置文本水平对齐方式setDefaultCloseOperation设置默认的关闭操作add增加JButton 按钮JCheckBox 复选框JRadioButton单选按钮addItem 增加列表项getItemAt 得到位置的列表项getItemCount 得到列表项个数setRolloverIcon 当鼠标经过的图标setSelectedIcon 当选择按钮的图标getSelectedItem 得到选择的列表项getSelectedIndex 得到选择的索引ActionListener按钮监听ActionEvent 按钮事件actionPerformed按钮单击方法附加.............可能有重复编程英语:(手摘)abstract (关键字) 抽象['?bstr?kt]accessvt.访问,存取['?kses]'(n.入口,使用权)algorithmn.算法['?lg?riem]Annotation[java] 代码注释[?n?u'tei??n]anonymousadj.匿名的[?'n?nim?s]'(反义:directly adv.直接地,立即[di'rektli, dai'rektli]) apply v.应用,适用[?'plai]application n.应用,应用程序[,?pli'kei??n]' (application crash 程序崩溃) arbitrarya.任意的['ɑ:bitr?ri]argument n.参数;争论,论据['ɑ:gjum?nt]'(缩写args)assert (关键字) 断言[?'s?:t] ' (java 1.4 之后成为关键字)associaten.关联(同伴,伙伴) [?'s?u?ieit]attributen.属性(品质,特征) [?'tribju:t]boolean(关键字) 逻辑的, 布尔型call n.v.调用; 呼叫; [k?:l]circumstancen.事件(环境,状况) ['s?:k?mst?ns]crash n.崩溃,破碎[kr??]cohesion 内聚,黏聚,结合[k?u'hi:??n](a class is designed with a single, well-focoused purpose. 应该不止这点)command n. 命令,指令[k?'mɑ:nd](指挥, 控制) (command-line 命令行) Comments [java] 文本注释['k?ments]compile[java] v.编译[k?m'pail]' Compilation n.编辑[,k?mpi'lei??n]const (保留字)constant n. 常量, 常数, 恒量['k?nst?nt]continue (关键字)coupling 耦合,联结['k?pli?]making sure that classes know about other classes only through their APIs.declare[java] 声明[di'kl??]default(关键字) 默认值; 缺省值[di'f?:lt]delimiter定义符; 定界符Encapsulation[java] 封装(hiding implementation details)Exception [java] 例外; 异常[ik'sep??n]entry n.登录项, 输入项, 条目['entri]enum(关键字)execute vt.执行['eksikju:t]exhibit v.显示, 陈列[ig'zibit]exist 存在, 发生[ig'zist] '(SQL关键字exists)extends(关键字) 继承、扩展[ik'stend]false (关键字)final (关键字) finally (关键字)fragments段落; 代码块['fr?gm?nt]FrameWork [java] 结构,框架['freimw?:k]Generic[java] 泛型[d?i'nerik]goto(保留字) 跳转heap n.堆[hi:p]implements(关键字) 实现['implim?nt]import (关键字) 引入(进口,输入)Info [,inf?'mei??n] )Inheritance [java] 继承[in'herit?ns] (遗传,遗产)initialize 预置初始化[i'ni??laiz]instanceof(关键字) 运算符,用于引用变量,以检查这个对象是否是某种类型。
guava的table用法英文回答:Guava Table.Guava Table is a data structure that represents a mapping from a row key, a column key, and a value. It can be visualized as a two-dimensional array, where the row keys and column keys are the indices, and the values are the elements.Tables in Guava are immutable, meaning that once created, they cannot be modified. This ensures that the data in the table remains consistent and reliable.Creating a Table.There are several ways to create a table in Guava. The most common way is to use the `HashBasedTable` class:java.Table<Integer, String, String> table = HashBasedTable.create();This creates an empty table with integer row keys, string column keys, and string values.Another way to create a table is to use the`ImmutableTable` class:java.Table<Integer, String, String> table = ImmutableTable.of(。
jna 结构体数组
jna 结构体数组JNA(Java Native Access)是一个Java库,它允许Java应用程序直接访问本地操作系统的功能。
Structure 类是JNA库中的一个重要类,它允许Java应用程序直接访问本地操作系统的结构体。
下面是一个简单的JNA结构体数组定义示例:public class MyStructure extends Structure {public int[] data;public MyStructure[] array;public MyStructure(int size) {data = new int[size];array = new MyStructure[size];}public MyStructure(Pointer p) {super(p);read();}@Overrideprotected List getFieldOrder() {return Arrays.asList("data", "array");}}在上面的示例中,MyStructure类继承自Structure类,并包含一个int类型的数组和一个MyStructure类型的数组。
构造函数MyStructure(int size)用于初始化数组大小,而构造函数MyStructure(Pointer p)用于从指针中读取数据。
《数据结构》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程名称:数据结构,Data Structure课程编码:B08029030总学时:48 (理论:32,上机:16 学分:3)适应专业:物联网方向课程性质:专业方向课教材:罗福强,《数据结构(Java版)》,人民邮电出版社,2016年【教材特点】该书是21世纪高等教育计算机规划教材。
作者力求做到: 内容丰富实用,结构清晰完整,章节安排自然,叙述简明流畅,方法分析透彻,算法描述精细,举例典型规范,练习题型多样,便于教学和读者自学。
3、John Lewis,Java软件结构与数据结构(第4版)、清华大学出版社、2014.4特点:《Java软件结构与数据结构(第4版)》是这本畅销书的第4版了,著名作者John Lewis(刘易斯)与Joseph Chase(蔡斯)在前几版的成功基础上,根据使用本书做教材的教师和学生的反馈,在新版中进行了大量改进,以更好地适应教学需要。
行为型特点:怎样合理的设计对象之间的交互通信,以及怎样合理的为对象分配职结构型特点:主要用于处理类或对象的组合Java jdk中使用了哪些设计模式1.单例2.静态工厂3.工厂方法4.抽象工厂5.构造者6.原型7.适配器8桥接9.组合10.装饰器11.外观12.享元14.代理15.迭代器16.观察者17.协调者18.模板方法19.策略20.责任链21.命令22.空对象25.解释器面向对象的设计原则有哪些?开闭原则、面向抽象的原则(依赖倒转原则)、多用组合少用继承原则、高内聚-低耦合原则。
java data类型字段get方法
java data类型字段get方法在Java中,数据类型字段的get方法是一种用于获取字段值的特殊方法。
假设我们有一个私有字段age,我们可以定义一个public的getAge方法如下:```javapublic int getAge() {return age;}```这个方法返回一个整型的值,即我们要获取的字段age的值。
假设我们有一个私有字段salary,我们可以定义一个public的getSalary方法如下:```javapublic double getSalary() {return salary;}```这个方法返回一个双精度浮点型的值,即我们要获取的字段salary的值。
假设我们有一个私有字段gender,我们可以定义一个public的getGender方法如下:```javapublic char getGender() {return gender;}```这个方法返回一个字符型的值,即我们要获取的字段gender的值。
java python 英文词汇汇总
以下是Java和Python的英文词汇汇总:Java 英文词汇:1.Java Development Kit (JDK)2.Java Runtime Environment (JRE)3.Java Virtual Machine (JVM)4.Applet5.Object-oriented Programming (OOP)6.Class7.Object8.Method9.Attribute10.Inheritance11.Polymorphism12.Interface13.Abstract class14.Package15.Exception16.Synchronization17.Annotationmbda expression19.Stream API21.Auto-boxing and unboxing22.Enum23.Annotation type24.Delegate pattern25.Builder pattern26.Singleton pattern27.Factory pattern28.Strategy pattern29.Observer pattern30.Decorator pattern31.Proxy pattern32.Interface class33.Data structure (e.g., array, list, set, map, stack, queue)34.Abstract data type (ADT)35.Linear data structure (e.g., linked list, array list)36.Tree data structure (e.g., binary tree, AVL tree)37.Graph data structure (e.g., adjacency list, adjacency matrix)38.Heap data structure (e.g., binary heap, priority queue)39.Priority queue41.Hash table (e.g., HashMap, HashSet)42.Database (e.g., MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server)working (e.g., TCP/IP, HTTP, HTTPS)44.Security (e.g., encryption, decryption, authentication, authorization)45.Web development (e.g., servlet, JSP, JSF)46.WebSocket API47.RESTful API48.SOAP-based web service (e.g., WSDL, SOAP message)49.Microservices architecture (e.g., Spring Boot)50.Domain-Driven Design (DDD) (e.g., entity, value object, aggregate root)51.Domain event (e.g., domain event bus)52.Caching (e.g., Redis, Memcached)53.Asynchronous programming (e.g., Future, Promise, CompletableFuture)54.Dependency injection (DI) (e.g., Spring Framework)55.Test-driven development (TDD) (e.g., JUnit, Mockito)56.Behavior-driven development (BDD) (e.g., Cucumber)57.Domain-specific language (DSL) (e.g., SQL query language)58.Enterprise application integration (EAI) (e.g., BizTalk Server)59.Service-oriented architecture (SOA) (e.g., SOAP-based web service)61.Big data (e.g., Hadoop, Spark)62.NoSQL database (e.g., MongoDB, Cassandra)63.Real-time system (e.g., Kafka, RabbitMQ)64.Mobile development (e.g., Android, iOS) using Java or Kotlin or cross-platform frameworks like Flutter or React Native usingJavaScript or TypeScript or Swift or Objective-C for iOS development and Java for Android development or Xamarin for cross-platform mobile development using C# language or Apache Cordova for cross-platform mobile development using HTML5 and JavaScript or Ionic for cross-platform mobile development using TypeScript and Angular or React Native for cross-platform mobile development using JavaScript and React or Kotlin Native for native mobile development using Kotlin language or Unity for game development using C# language or React Native for cross-platform mobile development using JavaScript and React or Kotlin Native for native mobile development using Kotlin language or Xamarin for cross-platform mobile development using C# language or Apache Cordova for cross-platform mobile development using HTML5 and JavaScript or Ionic for cross-platform mobile development using TypeScript and Angular or Flutter for native mobile development using Dart language and so on..65.Event-driven architecture (EDA).66.Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD).67.. Containerization and orchestration tools like Docker and Kubernetes..68.. Microservices architecture and containerization.. 69 . Event s。
3中文使用手册Jonathan K. Pritchard aXiaoquan Wen aDaniel Falush b 1 2 3a芝加哥大学人类遗传学系b牛津大学统计学系软件来自http://pritch。
edu/structure.html2010年2月2日1我们在Structure项目中的其他的同事有Peter Donnelly、Matthew Stephens和Melissa Hubisz.2开发这个程序的第一版时作者(JP、MS、PD)在牛津大学统计系.3关于Structure的讨论和问题请发给在线的论坛上:structure—software@.在邮递问题之前请查对这个文档并搜索以前的讨论.1 引言程序Structure使用由不连锁的标记组成的基因型数据实施基于模型的聚类方法来推断群体结构。
另外,从Java 14版本开始,Java引入了一个新的关键字"record",它用于定义数据类。
Java提供了许多用于访问和操作数据库的API,比如JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)。
JavaStruct 支持多种数据类型,包括整数,浮点数,布尔值和字符串。
以下是一个简单的结构体定义示例:import ng.jnaerator.runtime.Structure;public class Person extends Structure {public String name;public int age;}在这个例子中,我们定义了一个名为Person的结构体,它有两个字段:name 和age。
以下是一个简单的示例,演示如何将一个Person对象写入二进制文件中:import ng.jnaerator.runtime.Struct;import;import;public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {Person person = new Person(); = "John";person.age = 30;FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("person.bin");Struct.write(fos, person);fos.close();}}在这个例子中,我们创建了一个Person对象,并将其写入名为person.bin的二进制文件中。
我们先看⼀个struct的定义:typedef struct _Point {int x, y;} Point;上⾯的代码中,我们定义了⼀个Pointer的struct数据类下,在其中定义了int的x和y值表⽰Point的横纵坐标。
先来看下这两种情况在native⽅法中是怎么使⽤的:引⽤传递:Point* translate(Point* pt, int dx, int dy);值传递:Point translate(Point pt, int dx, int dy);Structure那么对于native⽅法中的struct数据类型的使⽤⽅式,应该如何进⾏映射呢? JNA为我们提供了Structure类。
程序员词语1. 数据结构(Data Structure):程序员常用的术语,指的是在计算机科学中,数据结构是存储和组织数据的方式,通常需要提供一组操作来访问或修改这些数据。
2. 算法(Algorithm):指的是解决问题的一组明确步骤,它描述了通过执行一系列有限步骤来实现某个任务的过程。
3. 编程语言(Programming Language):用来编写软件和程序的一种语言,有多种不同的编程语言可供选择,如C、Python、Java等。
4. 接口(Interface):指的是软件或系统提供给外部使用的功能和方法,它定义了软件或系统与其他组件之间的约定。
5. 数据库(Database):用于存储和管理数据的系统,它可以提供数据的持久化存储和高效的数据访问。
6. 操作系统(Operating System):管理计算机硬件和软件资源的核心系统软件,为应用程序提供了统一的接口和资源管理功能。
7. 并发(Concurrency):指的是多个任务或操作同时进行的能力,常见于多线程编程、分布式系统等场景。
8. 网络编程(Network Programming):涉及到在计算机网络上进行数据传输和通信的编程技术。
9. 虚拟化(Virtualization):指的是通过软件技术在一台物理机上创建多个虚拟的计算环境,可以提高硬件资源的利用率和系统的灵活性。
java审批流程表结构设计The design of a Java approval process table structure is a crucial aspect of building an efficient and effective system. Java审批流程表结构的设计是构建高效、有效系统的关键因素。
It requires careful consideration of the various components and their interrelationships. 这需要仔细考虑各种组件及其相互关系。
The table structure should be able to capture and represent the flow of information and decision-making within the approval process. 表结构应能够捕捉和代表审批流程中信息流动和决策的过程。
It should also be flexible enough to accommodate changes and updates as the approval process evolves over time. 同时,它还应具备足够的灵活性,以适应随着审批流程随着时间的变化而不断演变。
One of the key considerations in designing the table structure for a Java approval process is the identification of the primary entities and their attributes. 在设计Java审批流程的表结构时,一个关键考虑因素是主要实体及其属性的识别。
This involves understanding the various actors involved in the approval process, such as approvers, requestors, and administrators, and the data that needs to be captured for each entity. 这涉及理解参与审批流程的各种参与者,如批准者、请求者和管理员,以及为每个实体需要捕捉的数据。
**********************<JAVA编程术语英语翻译>**********************abstract 抽象的抽象的abstraction 抽象体、抽象物、抽象性抽象体、抽象物、抽象性access 存取、取用存取、访问access level 存取级别访问级别access function 存取函式访问函数activate 活化激活active 作用中的adapter 配接器适配器address 位址地址address space 位址空间,定址空间address-of operator 取址运算子取地址操作符aggregation 聚合algorithm 演算法算法allocate 配置分配allocator (空间)配置器分配器application 应用程式应用、应用程序application framework 应用程式框架、应用框架应用程序框架architecture 架构、系统架构体系结构argument 引数(传给函式的值)。
叁见 parameter 叁数、实质叁数、实叁、自变量array 阵列数组arrow operator arrow(箭头)运算子箭头操作符assembly 装配件assembly language 组合语言汇编语言assert(ion) 断言assign 指派、指定、设值、赋值赋值assignment 指派、指定赋值、分配assignment operator 指派(赋值)运算子 = 赋值操作符associated 相应的、相关的相关的、关联、相应的associative container 关联式容器(对应sequential container)关联式容器atomic 不可分割的原子的attribute 属性属性、特性audio 音讯音频A.I. 人工智慧人工智能background 背景背景(用於图形着色)後台(用於行程)backward compatible 回溯相容向下兼容bandwidth 频宽带宽base class 基础类别基类base type 基础型别 (等同於 base class)batch 批次(意思是整批作业)批处理benefit 利益收益best viable function 最佳可行函式最佳可行函式(从 viable functions 中挑出的最佳吻合者)binary search 二分搜寻法二分查找binary tree 二元树二叉树binary function 二元函式双叁函数binary operator 二元运算子二元操作符binding 系结绑定bit 位元位bit field 位元栏位域bitmap 位元图位图bitwise 以 bit 为单元逐一┅bitwise copy 以 bit 为单元进行复制;位元逐一复制位拷贝block 区块,区段块、区块、语句块boolean 布林值(真假值,true 或 false)布尔值border 边框、框线边框brace(curly brace) 大括弧、大括号花括弧、花括号bracket(square brakcet) 中括弧、中括号方括弧、方括号breakpoint 中断点断点build 建造、构筑、建置(MS 用语)build-in 内建内置bus 汇流排总线business 商务,业务业务buttons 按钮按钮byte 位元组(由 8 bits 组成)字节cache 快取高速缓存call 呼叫、叫用调用callback 回呼回调call operator call(函式呼叫)运算子调用操作符(同 function call operator)candidate function 候选函式候选函数(在函式多载决议程序中出现的候选函式)chain 串链(例 chain of function calls)链character 字元字符check box 核取方块 (i.e. check button) 复选框checked exception 可控式异常(Java)check button 方钮 (i.e. check box) 复选按钮child class 子类别(或称为derived class, subtype)子类class 类别类class body 类别本体类体class declaration 类别宣告、类别宣告式类声明class definition 类别定义、类别定义式类定义class derivation list 类别衍化列类继承列表class head 类别表头类头class hierarchy 类别继承体系, 类别阶层类层次体系class library 类别程式库、类别库类库class template 类别模板、类别范本类模板class template partial specializations类别模板偏特化类模板部分特化class template specializations类别模板特化类模板特化cleanup 清理、善後清理、清除client 客端、客户端、客户客户client-server 主从架构客户/服务器clipboard 剪贴簿剪贴板clone 复制克隆collection 群集集合combo box 复合方块、复合框组合框command line 命令列命令行(系统文字模式下的整行执行命令)communication 通讯通讯compatible 相容兼容compile time 编译期编译期、编译时compiler 编译器编译器component 组件组件composition 复合、合成、组合组合computer 电脑、计算机计算机、电脑concept 概念概念concrete 具象的实在的concurrent 并行并发configuration 组态配置connection 连接,连线(网络,资料库)连接constraint 约束(条件)construct 构件构件container 容器容器(存放资料的某种结构如 list, vector...)containment 内含包容context 背景关系、周遭环境、上下脉络环境、上下文control 控制元件、控件控件console 主控台控制台const 常数(constant 的缩写,C++ 关键字)constant 常数(相对於 variable)常量constructor(ctor)建构式构造函数(与class 同名的一种 member functions)copy (v) 复制、拷贝拷贝copy (n) 复件, 副本cover 涵盖覆盖create 创建、建立、产生、生成创建creation 产生、生成创建cursor 游标光标custom 订制、自定定制data 资料数据database 资料库数据库database schema 数据库结构纲目data member 资料成员、成员变数数据成员、成员变量data structure 资料结构数据结构datagram 资料元数据报文dead lock 死结死锁debug 除错调试debugger 除错器调试器declaration 宣告、宣告式声明deduction 推导(例:template argument deduction)推导、推断default 预设缺省、默认defer 延缓推迟define 定义预定义definition 定义、定义区、定义式定义delegate 委派、委托、委任委托delegation (同上)demarshal 反编列散集dereference 提领(取出指标所指物体的内容)解叁考dereference operator dereference(提领)运算子 * 解叁考操作符derived class 衍生类别派生类design by contract 契约式设计design pattern 设计范式、设计样式设计模式※最近我比较喜欢「设计范式」一词destroy 摧毁、销毁destructor 解构式析构函数device 装置、设备设备dialog 对话窗、对话盒对话框directive 指令(例:using directive) (编译)指示符directory 目录目录disk 碟盘dispatch 分派分派distributed computing 分布式计算 (分布式电算) 分布式计算分散式计算 (分散式电算)document 文件文档dot operator dot(句点)运算子 . (圆)点操作符driver 驱动程式驱动(程序)dynamic binding 动态系结动态绑定efficiency 效率效率efficient 高效高效end user 终端用户entity 物体实体、物体encapsulation 封装封装enclosing class 外围类别(与巢状类别 nested class 有关)外围类enum (enumeration) 列举(一种 C++ 资料型别)枚举enumerators 列举元(enum 型别中的成员)枚举成员、枚举器equal 相等相等equality 相等性相等性equality operator equality(等号)运算子 == 等号操作符equivalence 等价性、等同性、对等性等价性equivalent 等价、等同、对等等价escape code 转义码转义码evaluate 评估、求值、核定评估event 事件事件event driven 事件驱动的事件驱动的exception 异常情况异常exception declaration 异常宣告(ref. C++ Primer 3/e, 11.3)异常声明exception handling 异常处理、异常处理机制异常处理、异常处理机制exception specification 异常规格(ref. C++ Primer 3/e, 11.4)异常规范exit 退离(指离开函式时的那一个执行点)退出explicit 明白的、明显的、显式显式export 汇出引出、导出expression 运算式、算式表达式facility 设施、设备设施、设备feature 特性field 栏位,资料栏(Java)字段, 值域(Java)file 档案文件firmware 韧体固件flag 旗标标记flash memory 快闪记忆体闪存flexibility 弹性灵活性flush 清理、扫清刷新font 字型字体form 表单(programming 用语)窗体formal parameter 形式叁数形式叁数forward declaration 前置宣告前置声明forwarding 转呼叫,转发转发forwarding function 转呼叫函式,转发函式转发函数fractal 碎形分形framework 框架框架full specialization 全特化(ref. partial specialization)function 函式、函数函数function call operator 同 call operatorfunction object 函式物件(ref. C++ Primer 3/e, 12.3)函数对象function overloaded resolution函式多载决议程序函数重载解决(方案)functionality 功能、机能功能function template 函式模板、函式范本函数模板functor 仿函式仿函式、函子game 游戏游戏generate 生成generic 泛型、一般化的一般化的、通用的、泛化generic algorithm 泛型演算法通用算法getter (相对於 setter) 取值函式global 全域的(对应於 local)全局的global object 全域物件全局对象global scope resolution operator全域生存空间(范围决议)运算子 :: 全局范围解析操作符group 群组group box 群组方块分组框guard clause 卫述句 (Refactoring, p250) 卫语句GUI 图形介面图形界面hand shaking 握手协商handle 识别码、识别号、号码牌、权柄句柄handler 处理常式处理函数hard-coded 编死的硬编码的hard-copy 硬拷图屏幕截图hard disk 硬碟硬盘hardware 硬体硬件hash table 杂凑表哈希表、散列表header file 表头档、标头档头文件heap 堆积堆hierarchy 阶层体系层次结构(体系)hook 挂钩钩子hyperlink 超链结超链接icon 图示、图标图标IDE 整合开发环境集成开发环境identifier 识别字、识别符号标识符if and only if 若且唯若当且仅当Illinois 伊利诺伊利诺斯image 影像图象immediate base 直接的(紧临的)上层 base class。
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:有序的对象聚集同时允许重复接口Collection•java.utilinterface Collection•All Known Subinterfaces:–BeanContext, BeanContextServices, List, Set, SortedSet •All Known Implementing Classes:–AbstractCollection, AbstractList, AbstractSet, ArrayList, BeanContextServicesSupport, BeanContextSupport,HashSet, LinkedHashSet, LinkedList, TreeSet, VectorCollectionSetAbstractCo ListArrayList•ArrayList相当于一个长度可变的数组,但是其中的每个元素都是对象。
import java.util.*;public class ArrayListDemo {public static void main(String[] args) {List l = new ArrayList();l.add("Hello");l.add("World");l add("World")l.add(new Character('我'));l.add(new Integer(23));l dd(I t(23))l.add("Hello");String[] as = {"W","o","r","l","d"};S i[]{"W""""""l""d"}l.add(as);l.add(new Integer(23));l dd(())System.out.println(l);}}运行结果[Hello,world,我,23,Hello,[ng.String;@20c10f,23]HashSet•元素没有顺序,显示结果与我们加入元素的顺序没有必然的联系。
import java.util.*;public class {HashSetDemopublic static void main(String[] args) { Set s = new HashSet();s.add("Hello");s.add("World");s.add(new Character('我'));dd(Ch t(''))s.add(new Integer(23));s.add(Hello);s.add("Hello");String[] as = {"W","o","r","l","d"};s.add(as);s.add(null);s.add(new Integer(23));s.add(null);s add(null)System.out.println(s);}}运行结果[World,我,[ng.String;@47e553,23,null,Hello]不允许重复的素TreeSet•不允许重复的元素。
•按照升序对元素重新排列,原因是它实现了接口SortedSet 。
import java.util.*;p{public class TreeSetDemopublic static void main(String[] args) { TreeSet ts = new TreeSet();ts.add(new Integer(34));dd(())ts.add(new Integer(9));ts.add(new Integer(44));ts add(newts.add(new Integer(223));(g())ts.add(new Integer(89));ts.add(new Integer(12));ts.add(new Integer(0));ts.add(new Integer(‐1));dd(I(1))ts.add(new Integer(88));ts.add(new Integer(‐1));ts add(newts.add(new Integer(88));System.out.println(ts);}}运行结果[ ‐1, 0, 9, 12, 34, 44, 88, 89, 223]如何访问集合中的元素•通过使用接口Iterator来访问集合中的元素,通过使用接来访问集合中的素该接口定义了如下方法:hasNext( );next( );()remove( );(•对于Set来说,通过Iterator获取的元素顺序不是一定的。
不是定的Iterator import java.util.*;public class SetIteratorDemo {public static void main(String[] args) { Set s = new HashSet();s.add("Hello");s.add("World");s.add(new Character('我'));s.add(new Integer(23));s.add(new Double(23.12));s.add(null);Iterator i = s.iterator();System.out.print("[ ");boolean first = true;while(i.hasNext()) {System.out.print(" ");if ( first ) {i.remove();first = false;}}System.out.println("]");i = s.iterator();System.out.print("[ ");while(i.hasNext())System.out.print(" ");System.out.println(")");}}运行结果[World 我23.12 23 null Hello ] [我23.12 23 null Hello ]对来说以使用来访问ListIterator•对于List 来说,可以使用ListIterator 来访问元素,它是Iterator 的子类。
•ListIterator 可以实现顺序访问。
import java.util.*;java.util.;public class ListIteratorDemo {public static void main(String[] args) { p blic oidList l = new ArrayList();l.add("Hello");();l.add("World");l.add(new Character('我'));l.add(newl add(new Integer(23));l.add(new Double(23.12));l.add(null);y p(g);System.out.println("Original :");retrieve(l);ListIterator li = l.listIterator();l listIterator();li.add("New");S i l("Af dd b i i") System.out.println("After add at beginning:"); retrieve(l);li = l.listIterator();if ( li.hasNext() ) {;(p);li.set("Replace New");}System.out.println(After set at beginning :); System out println("After:"); retrieve(l);li = l.listIterator();l listIterator();if ( li.hasNext() ) {;li next();li.remove();}System.out.println("After remove at beginning :");retrieve(l);}private static voidretrieve(List l){ListIterator li = l.listIterator();while li.hasNext()(li hasNext())System.out.print(li.nextIndex()+")"" ");System out println();System.out.println();}}运行结果Original:0)Hello 1)World 2)我3)23 4)23.12 5)nullAfter add at beginning:0)New 1)Hello 2)World 3)我4)23 5)23.125)23126)nullAfter set at beginning:0)Replace New 1)Hello 2)World 3)我4)23 5)23.12 6)null After remove at beginning:0)Hello 1)World 2)我3)23 4)23.124)23125)nullp映射(Map)•映射实际上是一系列的“键-值”,也就是一个“键(Key)-值(Value)”对的集合,个“键()值(l)”对的集合可以通过一个键找到相应的值。