X-ray Photoemission Study of MgB2



3光动力治疗的优点 光动力治疗简单、快捷、高效,且相对安全。它
相比于有创和微创治疗,减少了对正常动脉血管壁 的损伤,从而降低手术并发症的风险;相比于低脂 和分子靶向治疗,缩短治疗周期,减少并发症发生 的可能。在治疗效果上,光动力治疗能通过抑制甚 至消除炎症反应来稳定斑块,降低斑块易损性,减 少并发症的发生。此外,光动力治疗不仅能稳定和 缩小斑块,具有治疗的作用,同时还具有预防斑块 治疗术后再狭窄的作用,对改善患者预后具有满意 的效果3。研究证明,光动力治疗联合微创介入治 疗和单纯应用介入治疗相比,在针对实验样本预后 和避免再复发方面的效果要好得多“。
4光敏剂的种类 4.1初代光敏剂初代光敏剂的代表药物为血吓 咻。在兔动脉粥样硬化模型中,能够清楚观察到斑 块中血吓咻的浓度从内膜表面到中膜浓度呈梯度 递减丽。利用血吓咻的光动力治疗,能够有效抑制 兔模型平滑肌细胞生长,降低动脉粥样硬化内膜与 介质的比值。但在临床实验中,血吓咻光敏剂会导 致严重的皮肤光毒性,有急性红斑、水肿现象产生。
中,明显显示斑块的减少与消退㉔。 4.3第三代光敏剂第三代光敏剂目前正在研发 之中,其目的在于使光敏剂具有更高的选择性,避 免在血管内皮细胞中的积累,从而避免对血管壁的 损害,减少并发症的发生。同时,新一代光敏剂应吸 收更长波长的光,并与血管内介入技术、光纤技术、 激光技术相适应,以保证对斑块病变细胞的均匀照 射,从而减少不良反应。光敏剂还可以与其他纳米 颗粒(如胶束、纳米粒子、蛋白纳米结构)形成纳米 复合材料,从而具备更好的治疗效果阴。
光敏剂以Ml型巨噬细胞为靶点,光动力治疗能够 有效减少斑块的形成影像学结果显示,大的坏 死脂质核、炎性薄纤维帽和大量的巨噬细胞浸润是 斑块易损性的主要特点,这表明斑块易损性与局部 的炎症反应密切相关。如能抑制斑块的炎症反应 , 也就能够抑制斑块的进展,从而稳定斑块。而巨噬 细胞在动脉粥样硬化斑块进展过程中发挥着重要 作用。研究表明,使光敏剂被胶束包裹之后注射进 入样本中,由于特殊的巨噬细胞相比于正常内皮细 胞具有更高的脂肪酶活性,因而降解胶束的速度更 快,比内皮细胞更早激活光敏剂,从而为选择性杀 伤巨噬细胞创造了可能切。以此可实现稳定斑块, 避免斑块破裂,避免致死性并发症发生的作用。尽 管巨噬细胞在斑块易损性中发挥了巨大的作用,但

686 RAPID COMMUNICATION nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn n

686 RAPID COMMUNICATION nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn n

important additional findings like common iliac vein or inferior vena cava thrombosis (Fig.4).In two further cases,unknown contralateral thrombosis was seen with True-FISP MR-venog-Fig.1True-FISP MR-venography (TR 5.0ms,TE 2.5ms,860 860 m in-plane resolution)in a 42year old patient without thrombosis.Veins and arteries are displayed with a bright signal.A black rim surrounding the vessel lumen is readily apparent (magnification).True-FISP sequence for MR-venography,which may allow for a high-contrast MR-venography without costly contrast agent.Technical considerations of MR-venography using high resolution True-FISPTrue-FISP sequences demonstrate a T1/T2contrast due to data acquisition in a steady state condition of the transverse magnetization [9].Therefore,the long T2of blood allows for Fig.2True-FISP MR-venography (TR 5.0ms,TE 2.5ms,860 860 m in-plane resolution)in a 31year old pregnant plete left femoral (a )and iliac (b )vein thrombosis is diagnosed because of the dark signal,whereas open superficial and deep right veins show a bright signal.The inferior vena cava is highly compressed due to pregnancy (arrow in c ).in the inferior vena cava(Fig.4),a highly important finding for therapy.In two other patients,tumor masses causing venous compression were diagnosed on the MR-images.This shows the Recently,new MR-approaches for fast detection ofwith fast MR-venography。



X-Ray对大鼠皮肤伤口愈合生物力学研究王志刚;鲍卫汉;徐少骏【期刊名称】《中国美容整形外科杂志》【年(卷),期】2000(011)006【摘要】目的通过不同时间点的X-Ray照射大鼠伤口皮肤,利用生物力学,寻找X-Ray对它们影响的最明显时间点,从而为瘢痕疙瘩和增生性瘢痕切除术后何时开始放射治疗的最佳时间点提供一个理论根据.方法本实验采用纯系SD雌性大鼠为实验动物,在低背部伤口上分别于手术第1、4天,第4、7天,第7、10天,和第10、13天,共4组行X-Ray照射,每次照射6GY,两次共12GY,并分别于手术第7、10、20、40天取材,利用拉力机(Inston)对伤口皮肤进行极限应力强度测试.结果通过对连续X-Ray照射后伤口生物力学研究,观察到X-Ray对皮肤伤口的抑制作用以手术7天内影响最大,第7~13天也明显于对照组.手术后第7天拆线未见伤口裂开现象.结论通过本实验研究提出了瘢痕疙瘩,增生性瘢痕切除后,在行放射治疗时应以1周内开始为宜.【总页数】3页(P294-296)【作者】王志刚;鲍卫汉;徐少骏【作者单位】上海中医药大学附属龙华医院整形外科,上海,200032;北京医科大学第三临床医院成形外科研究中心,北京,100083;北京医科大学第三临床医院成形外科研究中心,北京,100083【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R318.01【相关文献】1.糖尿病大鼠皮肤伤口愈合过程中结缔组织生长因子的表达 [J], 匡玉珍;肖新华2.皮肤伤口仪的研制及其在大鼠皮肤伤口愈合研究中的应用 [J], 高亚兵;彭瑞云;谷庆阳;崔玉芳;王德文3.国产氧化纤维素可吸收止血纱布对大鼠皮肤伤口愈合影响的机制研究 [J], 崔智慧; 张雅菲; 田田; 董晓辉; 贾庆忠; 张连珊4.LED-254 nm紫外线对大鼠皮肤伤口愈合及血管生成的影响 [J], 张钊;林希圣;高月明;王兴林5.LED-254 nm紫外线对大鼠皮肤伤口愈合及血管生成的影响 [J], 张钊;林希圣;高月明;王兴林因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy 麻茂生

X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy 麻茂生
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
X射线光电子能谱及其特性 电子能级及其表示 光电效应 俄歇效应 表面与表面灵敏性
l X射线光电子能谱(X-Ray
Photoelectron Spectroscopy),简称XPS,别称ESCA
l X射线光电子能谱学是最近四十年来发展起
来的一门独立完整的综合性学科。它与多种 学科相互交叉,融合了物理学,化学,材料 学,真空电子学,以及计算机技术等多学科 领域。
量子数 n 1 2 l 0 0 1 j 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/2 3 0 1 1/2 1/2 3/2 2 3/2 5/2 4 0 1 1/2 1/2 3/2 2 3/2 5/2 3 5/2 7/2 5 0 1/2 电子能级 X射线符号 K L1 L2 L3 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 O1 光谱学符号 1s1/2 2s1/2 2p1/2 2p3/2 3s1/2 3p1/2 3p3/2 3d3/2 3d5/2 4s1/2 4p1/2 4p3/2 4d3/2 4d5/2 4f5/2 4f7/2 5s1/2
f i EK = hν − E ( n − 1, k ) − E (n) tot tot

EK = hν − EB
此即爱因斯坦光电发射定律。 f i 其中结合能定义为: EB = Etot (n − 1, k ) − Etot ( n)
1.3.3 光电离截面
l 电离过程中产生的光电子强度与整个过程发生的几率有关,后者常称为电离截面σ。 一个原子亚壳层的总截面σnl与电子的主量子数n和角量子数l有关。当n一定时,随l值



长波紫外光引起人红细胞自体荧光增强效应的研究陈民才;马丽慧;吴限;冯学胜;骆群;李高元;杨利杰;潘雷霆【摘要】研究长波紫外光对红细胞的生物学效应之一——自荧光增强效应.用不同强度长波紫外光(365 nm)照射人红细胞,观察红细胞自体荧光变化.在实验中加入外源活性氧理论模拟非连续紫外光引起自荧光变化.结果随着照射强度的升高,红细胞自荧光作用逐渐加强;随着时间延长荧光逐渐减弱.连续紫外光照射下,起始自荧光增强速率是受到细胞内氧自由基浓度的影响;因此,在过程中紫外光的作用之一是生成大量活性氧,进一步影响自荧光增强的速率.在紫外线照射充氧自血回输疗法(UBIO 疗法)过程中,对血液进行短时间的紫外光照射,必然会使红细胞中的血红素发生光解,并生成了一定量的活性氧自由基(ROS),再将红细胞回输人体后可能引起人体内的应激反应,从而激发清除这些产物的一系列反应,从而改善人体环境.【期刊名称】《科学技术与工程》【年(卷),期】2014(014)034【总页数】4页(P104-107)【关键词】长波紫外光;人红细胞;活性氧自由基;应激反应【作者】陈民才;马丽慧;吴限;冯学胜;骆群;李高元;杨利杰;潘雷霆【作者单位】南开大学物理科学学院&泰达应用物理学院,天津300457;中国人民解放军307医院输血科,北京100071;格尔木解放军22医院,格尔木816000;南开大学物理科学学院&泰达应用物理学院,天津300457;中国人民解放军307医院输血科,北京100071;中国人民解放军307医院输血科,北京100071;格尔木解放军22医院,格尔木816000;解放军93682部队门诊部,北京100300;南开大学物理科学学院&泰达应用物理学院,天津300457【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q813.5紫外线照射充氧自血回输疗法(ultraviolet blood irradiation and oxygenation,UBIO 疗法)是一种将患者自身少量静脉血在体外经紫外线照射和充氧处理后立即回输的治疗技术。



Material Sciences 材料科学, 2019, 9(7), 678-683Published Online July 2019 in Hans. /journal/mshttps:///10.12677/ms.2019.97085Preparation of X-Ray PolycrystallinePowder Diffraction Samplesby Suspension DepositionLiyu Hao1, Tie Yang1, Ming Tan2*1School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest University, Chongqing2College of Science, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou HenanReceived: June 24th, 2019; accepted: July 9th, 2019; published: July 16th, 2019AbstractX-ray powder diffraction plays an important role in material research. However, the accuracy of experimental data is not high because of the problems of large thickness, uneven surface and pre-ferred orientation of particles. This makes it difficult to accurately measure the cell parameters and so on. In this paper, a method of preparing samples by suspension deposition is introduced.The apparatus used in this method is simple and the preparation process is also simple and fast. It can effectively avoid the problems of large thickness, uneven surface and preferred orientation of particles.KeywordsX-Ray Powder Diffraction, Sample Preparation Method, Suspension Deposition Method悬浮液沉积法制备X射线多晶粉末衍射样品郝立宇1,杨铁1,谭明2*1西南大学物理科学与技术学院,重庆2河南农业大学理学院,河南郑州收稿日期:2019年6月24日;录用日期:2019年7月9日;发布日期:2019年7月16日摘要X射线粉末衍射在材料研究中有着重要应用,但是通常制备的X射线粉末衍射样品由于存在厚度较大、厚*通讯作者。



2012年 第57卷 第7期:498 ~ 505 英文引用格式: Deng H, Dai Q, Yu H F, et al. Josephson junctions fabrication in multi-layer deposition and post annealing MgB 2 thin films (in Chinese). ChinSci Bull (Chin Ver), 2012, 57: 498–505, doi: 10.1360/972011-1917《中国科学》杂志社SCIENCE CHINA PRESS论 文多层交替沉积后退火处理MgB 2超导薄膜上 约瑟夫森结的制备邓辉①, 戴倩②, 于海峰①, 魏彦锋①③, 王福仁②, 任建坤①, 崔丽敏①, 吴玉林①, 赵士平①, 陈莺飞①, 李洁①, 郑东宁①*① 中国科学院物理研究所, 北京 100190;② 北京大学物理学院, 人工微结构和介观物理国家重点实验室, 北京 100871; ③ 襄樊学院薄膜与电子实验室, 襄樊 441053 * 联系人,E-mail:**************** 2011-09-24收稿, 2011-12-18接受国家自然科学基金(10974229, 10911130357, 10974243)、国家重点基础研究发展计划(2011CBA00106)和国家重大科学研究计划(2009CB929102)资助摘要 在多层交替(SiC/[Mg/B]5)沉积后退火处理的MgB 2薄膜上用紫外光刻和Ar 离子刻蚀制作出SQUID 环路膜条, 然后用聚焦离子束(FIB)刻蚀方法在SQUID 的环路上制作了150~ 300 nm 之间不同尺寸的纳米微桥结构, 并测量了其电阻温度(R-T )曲线和电流电压(I-V )曲线. 膜条的R-T 曲线与薄膜基本相同, 表明薄膜没有受到膜条制备过程中潮湿的影响. 对SQUID 的R-T 关系测量发现电阻有较大升高, 并看到由纳米微桥的存在而具有的结构. SQUID 的I-V 曲线表明, 纳米微桥形成了弱连接, 超流主要体现为约瑟夫森耦合电流. 其中一个150 nm 宽纳米微桥的SQUID, 其回滞消失的温度约为10 K, 在此温度下, 得到临界电流I c 约为4.5 mA, I c R N ~2.25 mV, 单个纳米微桥结的临界电流密度约为1.5×107 A/cm 2. 临界电流I c 随温度以幂指数关系变化, 也验证了纳米微桥的弱连接特性. 我们的实验对基于MgB 2薄膜的约瑟夫森器件制备具有参考价值.关键词多层交替沉积后 退火 MgB 2薄膜 聚焦离子束刻蚀 约瑟夫森结2001年超导临界温度(T c )达40 K 的材料MgB 2的发现[1], 是近年来超导研究的重要进展之一. MgB 2的多带特征和高T c , 不仅吸引了人们探讨新的高温超导机理的浓厚兴趣, 也对基于约瑟夫森效应的超导电子器件的研究提出了新的要求和挑战[2~11]. 用MgB 2材料制作的器件其优点主要有: (1) 器件在20 K 附近仍能保持优良的工作性能[12], 方便新型实用的超导器件的应用. MgB 2材料有金属性, 体现在相对铜氧化物高温超导体具有较低的电阻率[13~15]和较小的各向异性[16,17], 能弥补铜氧化物高温超导器件噪声大的缺陷; 同时, 较高的工作温度所需制冷机的体积和功率, 相对于以Nb 为主的低温超导器件则大大降低了成本[2,18]. (2) MgB 2作为有2个能带的超导体[17], 其中较小的超导能隙[2,19]约2.2 meV, 意味着在快速单磁通量子(RSFQ)电路中可以使用1 THz 的时钟频率[20]. (3) MgB 2具有远大于铜氧化物高温超导体的相干长度[21](MgB 2相干长度具有各向异性, 在a-b 面约~5 nm), 使约瑟夫森器件中超导电流密度受晶界的影响并不显著[22].高质量MgB 2薄膜的制备是制作约瑟夫森器件的重要基础[23]. MgB 2薄膜的制备方案按工艺流程大致可分为二步法和一步法. 二步法中[24], 一般先通过电子束蒸发或脉冲激光沉积(PLD)制备B的薄膜然后再和Mg(或Mg的化合物)反应得到MgB2. 这种方法一般会形成较大的MgB2晶粒, 并且薄膜的结构不可从衬底外延. 一步法利用B和Mg同时反应生成薄膜. 这种方法一般能生成致密和均匀的薄膜, 代表工艺有HPCVD和Moeckly-Ruby方法等[25~28].在不断追求高质量薄膜工艺的同时, 人们对基于MgB2薄膜的约瑟夫森结的探索也在一直进行[4,29~35], 并且在基础和应用研究方面都取得了许多进展. 一方面, 约瑟夫森器件用来研究MgB2的多带特性所带来的新奇的物理现象[11,36,37]; 同时, 面向电子学应用的约瑟夫森器件的研制也不断向前发展. 对于集成化程度要求高的RSFQ器件, 研究者主要致力于原位(in situ)制作的全MgB2结[4,5,34,35,38]性能的提高. 在超导量子干涉器件(SQUID)和磁强计等方面, 人们也进行了多种尝试, 如点接触[30]、离子注入的SNS结[39]及纳米微桥[32,33,40]和纳米线[41]等.由于Mg和B两种材料自身在物理和化学性质上的差异, 虽然不同工艺对衬底的要求差别并不大[25~27], 但是高质量薄膜的获得通常需要复杂的设备和技术[17,27]. Mg和B化学性质都比较活泼, 因此薄膜和器件不易于在空气和潮湿环境中长期保存[27]. 使用电子束蒸发设备, 采用多层交替沉积后退火处理的薄膜具有致密的结构, 薄膜与器件的寿命和对环境的适应性可能会有较好的表现. 本文在多层交替沉积后退火处理工艺制作的MgB2薄膜上, 采用聚焦离子束(FIB)刻蚀的方法制备了纳米微桥形式的约瑟夫森结, 对膜条与结使用标准的四引线法分别测量了电阻温度(R-T), 电流电压(I-V)或临界电流温度(I c-T)的关系曲线.1 MgB2薄膜的制备实验中所用MgB2薄膜的制备分两步进行. 首先在SiC(001)衬底上利用电子束蒸发法制备了Mg/B多层前驱膜. 前驱膜的结构是SiC/[Mg(12 nm)/B(8 nm)]5: 其中单层的Mg层和B层的厚度分别为12和8 nm, 一共5层Mg/B层, 薄膜总厚度为100 nm. 前驱膜的厚度由电子束蒸发设备内置的石英振荡器原位监测. 蒸镀B膜的材料采用纯度为99.5%的商用金属B块, Mg源为纯度为99.5%的金属Mg柱. 在镀膜过程中背景气压小于5×10-6 Pa.随后对前驱膜进行外退火处理. 退火温度为680~740℃, 退火时间为6~8 min. 退火时, 样品周围放置若干Mg块, 挥发的Mg蒸气在样品周围形成高的Mg分压, 保证MgB2相稳定. 背景气氛为5.0 kPa流动的氢气. 氢气在高温下具有还原性, 可以保护前驱膜不被腔体中残留的氧气污染. 另外流动的氢气可带走多余的Mg蒸气, 避免Mg蒸气在薄膜表面凝结, 污染表面. 用此方法制备的薄膜T c~32 K, 有效粗糙度~4.5 nm.2 膜条和约瑟夫森结的制作和测量2.1 膜条和约瑟夫森结的制作对长在5 mm×5 mm大小SiC衬底上的MgB2薄膜, 采用通常的光刻和Ar离子刻蚀工艺在~15 μm宽的膜条上制作出一个dc SQUID形的环路结构(图1(a)), 主要部分包括两个约2~5 μm宽的膜条. 随后在膜条上, 采用FIB刻蚀出长度在150 nm左右的同样参数的纳米微桥作为约瑟夫森结. 对不同样品, 纳米桥的宽度在150~300 nm. 光刻胶使用S1813, 4000r/min旋涂40 s. 涂胶后80℃烘烤3 min. 显影液用正胶显影剂, 定影液使用去离子水, 随后样品在涂胶台上甩干. Ar离子刻蚀过程中, 样品所在的金属支架采用循环水冷却. 即使这样, 因为离子源离样品太近,刻蚀过程中温度升高很快. 因此为防止温度过高, 刻蚀过程由2 min刻蚀和3 min冷却交替进行. 刻蚀过程中样品始终与离子束成45°角.FIB在FEI-DB235系统上进行. 衬底与FIB样品托盘使用导电胶连接以防止电荷累积过多. DB235系统是具有离子束和电子束的双束系统, 可以在微米尺度上对同一区域进行双聚焦校准. 在进行离子束刻蚀之前, 首先用电子束观察好要进行纳米结构制作的区域, 用系统的定标系统估算坐标. 用离子束进行刻蚀时, 可以利用之前定好的坐标进行粗定位. 这样就能减少离子束对样品的照射时间以及照射面积,从而减低对薄膜性质的影响. 刻蚀采用30 kV电压Ga+离子束, 以10 pA的束流完成, 最后制作好的纳米结构见图1(b).2.2 测量所有的测量在液氦储槽中进行. 样品杆为不锈钢长约1.5 m, 一端为紫铜样品托, 另一端为测量引线接口和抽气口. 样品在紫铜样品托上固定, 用银胶4992012年3月 第57卷 第7期500图1 (a) 光刻和Ar 离子刻蚀的膜条; (b) 离子束刻蚀成的纳米微桥约瑟夫森结和金丝通过四引线法与样品托上的电极相连. 样品托用紫铜套罩住, 紫铜套以铟丝和样品杆密封连接. 样品杆中的空气被抽出并注入氦气, 随后样品杆被放入液氦储槽中进行降温和测量. 样品杆的接线端通过四芯双绞线接入四引线测量盒. 电流从测量盒上单端输入, 电流信号流经样品后回测量盒通过短路BNC 头接地. 电压信号从测量盒上通过2个BNC 接头引出, 可通过放大器设置为差分或单端的读出. 在R-T 测量中, 使用EGG7265 DSP 锁相放大器和Lakeshore340温度计进行测量(温度计有固定正向偏移误差量0.5 K). 锁相放大器前面板有一个输出端, 两个输入端A 和B 可用来选择差分或单端的输入. 单端输入, 即采样电压一端在测量盒上用短路BNC 头接地, 另一端直接输回A 端(电压输入灵敏度从2 nV 至1 V 可调). 差分输入, 即将采样电压两端分别输回A 和B 并选择A-B 模式. 在我们的测量中, 没有发现这两种方法得到的结果有明显差异. 在对膜条的测量中(图2(a)), 电流采用1 V 交流信号, 串联1 M Ω电阻作为输出, 即电流大小约为1 μA. 在对SQUID 的测量中, 分别使用了0.1 μA(图2(b), 0.1 V 串联 1 M Ω), 0.02 μA(图2(c), 0.2 mV 串联10 k Ω)和0.01 μA(图2(d), 0.1 mV 串联10 k Ω)作为测量电流. 在I-V 曲线的测量中, 使用Agilent33120任意波形发生器串联1 k Ω电阻(电阻精度为1‰)后作为电流源, 电压信号取出后经过前置放大器SR560放大1000倍后接入示波器Agilent54621A.3 结果和讨论3.1 测量结果膜条和不同尺寸纳米微桥SQUID 的电阻转变特性如图2所示. 其中2.5 μm 宽度的膜条(图2(a))电阻随温度的变化关系同MgB 2薄膜基本相同, T c 约32 K. 在进行FIB 操作以后, 电阻有显著增大. 图2(b)和(c)为同一基片的两个膜条形状相同但纳米微桥尺寸不同的样品. 可以看到微桥的超导转变起始温度基本没有变化, 但在转变温度附近出现分段, 而零阻温度则降低到25 K. 两个SQUID 结构(各含两个纳米微桥)的剩余电阻大小的不同基本符合纳米微桥之间的尺寸差异. 图2(d)中的R-T 曲线在超导转变区域的分段更为明显, 零阻温度约在27 K.图2(d)所示SQUID 样品的I-V 特性及随温度的变化关系如图3. 从I-V 曲线上看, 约瑟夫森效应的特征十分明显, 观察到直流约瑟夫森效应以及电流增大时从零电压态到电压态的跳变. 在低温下I-V 曲线出现回滞, 随温度增加在10 K 附近回滞消失. 从图3(c)可知在9.8 K 时, 临界电流I c 约为4.5 mA. 每个SQUID 是由两个参数相同的纳米微桥并联, 估算临界电流密度约为j c =4.5 mA/(100×150 nm 2)/2=1.5× 107 A/cm 2. 从图3(c)电压态的斜率得到正常态电阻R N 约为0.5 Ω, 则乘积I c R N 的值约为2.25 mV. 在25 K(图3(f))时由于接近零阻温度27 K, 超流已经很小. 在所有的I-V 曲线中电压态都有一些结构, 并随着温度的变化而改变, 在3.2节中讨论了这一现象.3.2 讨论用FIB 在MgB 2膜条上制作纳米微桥约瑟夫森结,501图2 (a) 膜条的R -T 曲线, T c =32 K, 转变宽度1 K; (b), (c)和(d)为纳米微桥SQUID 的R -T 曲线, 其中膜条的宽度分别为2.5,2.5,3.5 μm; (b), (c) 为同一片薄膜上的不同SQUID. 测量时所用电流分别为1, 0.1, 0.02, 0.01μA图3 纳米微桥SQUID(图2(d))的I -V 曲线通常在FIB 操作前后器件R-T 关系的变化比较明显. 第一是电阻变大[8,42,43]. 电阻的变化首先是因为结构尺寸的变化[14], 这点和采用电子束曝光(EBL)与Ar 离子刻蚀制作的纳米线和纳米结构类似[41,44]. 其次,在FIB 的操作过程中, 离子束扫描过膜条的一部分及纳米微桥的附近区域, 也能使纳米膜条及纳米桥的电阻性质发生改变[8]. 在FIB 制作前后, 剩余电阻比 (R (280 K)/R (39 K))由~1.64(图2(a))变为~1.51(图2(c)).2012年3月 第57卷 第7期502这种电阻随温度变化趋势的平缓可能由于离子照射区域的薄膜中, 晶界的耦合变弱[8]; 可供参考的是, 在体材料与薄膜的R-T 对比中, 虽然有电阻大小的差别, 但是在形状上基本一致[14]. 第二个特点是在超导转变的区域变成分段转变, 伸出一节“拖尾”[42~45], 即有两个转变温度. 一般认为第一个转变温度是电极或膜条的转变温度, 即与MgB 2薄膜温度相同(加上在制作膜条和纳米结构过程中可能产生的少许差异), 大致在32 K; 第二个转变温度即是纳米微桥结区的转变温度, 大约在25~27 K. 对“拖尾”的产生及形状的影响相关的因素可能还来自纳米结构的几何特征[44,46]. 图2(b)和(c)的“拖尾”形状与EBL+Ar 离子刻蚀制备的纳米线相似表现[41,44], 较能证明尺寸差异对临界温度T c 的影响[47], 而且较小的纳米结构所造成的“拖尾”也占整个超导转变区域较小的比例[42,45]. 晶粒的大小和离子照射时间对“拖尾”的出现和形状的影响也应被考虑[43]. 总的说来, 离子照射升高电阻率, 纳米结构降低了T c . 而“尾”长即超导转变的展宽, 在高温超导体的晶界约瑟夫森结中通常意味着热激发相滑移(TAPS)[48]. 在已见报道的MgB 2的晶界结中, 常使R-T 曲线“拖尾”的区域出现近似水平的一段[8,43]; 但MgB 2的情形与高温超导体还有很多不同的地方, 因此是否能以单一的热激发相滑移理论来说明在MgB 2纳米微桥结以及晶界结的R-T 曲线中出现的全部现象还有待进一步研究[8,46].图3(a)~(c)演示了SQUID 在升温过程中I-V 特性曲线中回滞逐渐变小直到消失的过程. 对于dc SQUID, 其临界电流能被加在环路中的磁通调制; 除此以外, I-V 特性从两个约瑟夫森结并联的关系得到. 对一个实际应用于磁场探测的SQUID, 要求在任一固定外磁场条件下I-V 曲线是单值的[49]. 这一条件可用SQUID 中约瑟夫森结的麦克坎伯参量22c c eI R C β= 描述, 其中R 和C 分别为结的电阻和电容. 当1c β≤时, dc SQUID 的I-V 曲线没有回滞, 此时I-V 曲线可以用RSJ 模型[49]描述. 图3(c)和(d)即是典型的符合RSJ 模型的I-V 曲线(在电压不太大的范围内). 当温度降低时, 由于I c 的增大, 会使c β值增加, 同时由于处于电压态时的电压值的快速增加, 所造成的发热效应, 都会促使回滞的产生. 对于纳米微桥的情况, 除了晶界结[8], 电容一般都很小, 使得在超导温区内都有1c β<<, 因此回滞主要应由发热引起[32].图3所示的I-V 曲线中, 在低温下十分显著的非线性特征随温度的升高逐渐变弱, 并最后趋于电阻式线性(图中未给出). I-V 曲线开始变为线性的起始点即为SQUID 的临界温度T c . 在远离T c 的温度(图3(c), (d)), I-V 曲线(第一象限正值部分)在随着电流的增加从零电压态跳到电压态后, 先是有符合RSJ 模型的类似抛物线的一段(Ⅰ), 然后出现一段向下折向电压轴(Ⅱ), 随后又向右上渐进的趋向线性(Ⅲ), 这三段的起始点在图3(c)中标出. 第(Ⅲ)段以后属于通常的电阻渐进区域. 第(Ⅰ)(Ⅱ)段见于不能完全用RSJ 模型描述的情形[50,51], 即纳米微桥的耦合并非完全是约瑟夫森耦合, 而同时具有弱连接与强连接的因素在内; 超流中除了约瑟夫森电流以外, 还同时含有磁通流的成分[22]. 当温度接近T c 时(图3(e), (f)), I-V 曲线上RSJ 的特性并没有减弱太多, 同时过剩电流并不明显, 说明纳米微桥整体表现较多弱连接的特性, 在SQUID 中结的约瑟夫森耦合能比热能要大[46]. 图3中临界电流I c 随温度的变化关系在图4中给出. 曲线能被较好地拟合到关系式 1.9c c c ()(0)(1)I T I T T =-中, 其中参数取为T c =30 K, I c (0)取为9.5 mA. 这种临界电流以幂函数随温度而变化的情况, 说明SQUID 中的纳米微桥具有SNIS 弱连接的特点[52,53]. 而I c -T 曲线呈现整体向上凹的形状, 这种特点和具有RSJ 特性的约瑟夫森结是类似的[50].4 结论我们采用电子束蒸发设备和多层(5层)交替沉积后退火处理工艺制作了MgB 2薄膜, 使用紫外光刻与Ar 离子刻蚀工艺制作15 μm 的膜条及5 μm 宽的图4 临界电流随温度的变化关系SQUID环路, 然后用FIB在SQUID环路上对称的位置上制作了相同参数的纳米微桥约瑟夫森结. 利用四引线法, 我们测量了膜条与SQUID的R-T曲线, 以及SQUID的I-V曲线. 实验数据表明, 经过光刻与Ar离子刻蚀后的膜条与刻蚀前的MgB2薄膜具有几乎相同的R-T曲线, 说明用这种工艺生长的薄膜对光刻过程中的水分接触具有耐受性, 薄膜的超导性质没有受到破坏性的影响. 在随后的测量过程中, 薄膜在数周内在测量平台中及与空气的长时间接触都没有发生明显的性质改变. 在制作纳米微桥约瑟夫森结之后, SQUID的R-T曲线上观测到由弱连接引起的“拖尾”现象和转变温度的展宽, 即约瑟夫森结具有比膜条略小的临界温度. 分析表明FIB刻蚀本身, 及过程中离子束的照射, 对薄膜和纳米微桥超导性质的影响不可忽视, 但是应明显小于对晶界性质的影响. FIB对薄膜影响的另一方面是使电阻率升高较多(本文没有分离FIB对膜条电阻的影响和纳米微桥自身的电阻). 对SQUID的I-V特性的测量显示回滞消失的温度约在10 K, 同时在10~14 K之间纳米微桥具有RSJ模型描述的约瑟夫森结特征. 在10 K温度, 我们估算出结的R N~0.5 , I c R N~2.25 mV. 在I-V曲线上的结构, 说明超流的主要部分是弱连接的约瑟夫森耦合电流, 并在升温测量中从回滞消失直到接近临界温度都保持这一特点. 我们可以将临界电流随温度的变化关系拟合到约化温度的幂函数, 说明约瑟夫森结的性质类似SNIS弱连接. 我们的实验对于在薄膜上实现用FIB制作应用于磁强计的SQUID具有启发和借鉴意义.致谢感谢北京大学杨涛教授对紫外光刻与Ar离子刻蚀的指导以及中国科学院物理研究所微加工实验室罗强和金爱子老师对FIB操作的帮助.参考文献1Nagamatsu J, Nakagawa N, Muranaka T, et al. Superconductivity at 39 K in magnesium diboride. Nature, 2001, 410: 63–642Brinkman A, Rowell J M. MgB2 tunnel junctions and SQUIDs. Physica C, 2007, 456: 188–1953Chen K, Cui Y, Li Q, et al. Planar MgB2 superconductor-normal metal-superconductor Josephson juncions fabricated using epitaxialMgB2/TiB2 bilayers. Appl Phys Lett, 2006, 88: 2225114Singh R K, Gandikota R, Kim J, et al. MgB2 tunnel junctions with native or thermal oxide barriers. Appl Phys Lett, 2006, 89: 0425125Shim H, Yoon K S, Moodera J S, et al. 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Josephson effect in SNINS and SNIS tunnel structures with finite transparency of the SN boundaries. SovPhys JETP, 1989, 69: 805–81253Tafuri F, Kirtley J R. Weak links in high critical temperature superconductors. Rep Prog Phys, 2005, 68: 2573–2663Josephson junctions fabrication in multi-layer deposition and postannealing MgB2 thin filmsDENG Hui1, DAI Qian2, YU HaiFeng1, WEI YanFeng1,3, WANG FuRen2, REN JianKun1,CUI LiMin1, WU YuLin1, ZHAO ShiPing1, CHEN YingFei1, LI Jie1 & ZHENG DongNing11Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;2State Key Laboratory for Artificial Microstructure and Mesoscopic Physics, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China;3Thin Film & Elect Laboratory, Xiangfan University, Xiangfan 441053, ChinaJosephson junctions are fabricated by focused ion beam in MgB2 thin films. The films were prepared by deposite multi-layer Mg and Bfilms at room temperature first and then annealed at about 700°C. These films have T c of 32 K. Strips and SQUID loops were definedby photolithography and Ar ion beam milling. Then nanobridges of 150–300 nm wide were made by focused ion beam etching. TheR-T characteristics of the strip is the same as that of the raw film while SQUIDs have a “foot” near the critical temperature. The I-Vcurve of one of the SQUIDs is hysteretic below about 10 K. Nanobridges show features of the resistively shunted junction like, and thetemperature dependence of the critical current turns out to be of SINS weaklink. At 9.8 K, the critical current density is about 1.5×107A/cm2.multi-layer deposition and post annealing, MgB2 thin film, FIB, Josephson junctiondoi: 10.1360/972011-1917505。











T2DM 合并的本体感觉下降、视觉功能受损、前庭功能障碍等都会影响平衡功能。






T2DM 常伴随平衡功能异常[8]。


T2DM常伴随静态平衡功能下降:贾佳等[9]应用PC708静态平衡仪器发现在睁眼或闭眼状态下, T2DM组轨迹图总长度与轨迹面积均显著较大(P<0.05),提示T2DM患者的静态平衡功能下降。











所有系统的校正与注册都是有效的,而且在最坏情况下目标注册误差小于5 mm。

在运动过程注入会产生心脏注入幻影,这时定位精度的变化范围是0.57~3.81 mm。


关键字:心脏干预;干细胞治疗法;3维超声波;核磁共振成像;X射线;电磁跟踪;图像融合Computerized Medical Imaging and GraphicsVolume 37, Issue 2, March 2013, Pages 162–173MRI—3D ultrasound—X-ray image fusion with electromagnetic tracking for transendocardial therapeutic injections: In-vitro validation and in-vivo feasibility∙Charles R. Hatt, , (University of Wisconsin – Madison, College of Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering, 1415 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI 53706, USA)∙Ameet K. Jain, (Philips Research North America, 345 Scarborough Road, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, USA)∙Vijay Parthasarathy,(Philips Research North America, 345 Scarborough Road, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, USA)∙Andrew Lang, (Philips Research North America, 345 Scarborough Road, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, USA)∙Amish N. Raval(University of Wisconsin – Madison, School of Medicine and Public Health, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, 600 Highland Avenue, Madison, WI 53792, USA)accuracy was validated in a motion enabled cardiac injection phantom, where targeting accuracy ranged from 0.57 to 3.81 mm. Clinical feasibility was demonstrated with in-vivo swine experiments, where injections were successfully made into targeted regions of the heart.Keywords:Cardiac interventions; Stem-cell therapy; 3D ultrasound; MRI; X-ray; Electromagnetic tracking; Image fusion。



近红外Ag2S量子点的合成及在生物成像中的应用张丹;于金海;李冬泽;周淼;张颖【期刊名称】《高等学校化学学报》【年(卷),期】2018(000)004【摘要】通过引入巯醇活化单质硫,制备了近红外发射的高质量硫化银半导体量子点(粒径<4 nm).该制备方法降低了反应温度,避免了有毒前体的引入,缩短了反应时间,制备出的粒子尺寸均一,单分散性较好.制备的量子点的光致发光光谱表现出了量子尺寸效应,其发射峰位置在700~830 nm范围之间可调.将具有近红外光致发光特性的Ag2S纳米晶应用于细胞成像,实验结果表明,制备的量子点在细胞成像中清晰可见且毒性较低,表现出了较好的应用潜力.%A new method for preparingAg2S quantum dots(QDs)with near-infrared emission was presented by introducing the active sulfur precursor with alkylthiols as ligands. The high reactivity of sulfur precursor enables low temperature(<120 ℃)syntheses,and produces Ag2S QDs with small size. As-prepared samples were well characterized by means of UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM),X-ray powder diffraction(XRD)and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDX). As a result, the size of as-prepared Ag2S QDs is tunable in a range from 1.7 nm to 3.5 nm with the inerease of reaction temperature from 50℃ to120℃.Accordingly,the emission peak position of the Ag2S QDs can be tuned from 700 nm to 830 nm. Also, the biomedical imaging results indicate that the as-prepared Ag2S QDs is a nice carrier with low toxicity.【总页数】6页(P623-628)【作者】张丹;于金海;李冬泽;周淼;张颖【作者单位】吉林大学第二医院,长春130022;吉林大学第一医院,长春130012;吉林大学化学学院,长春130012;吉林大学化学学院,长春130012;吉林大学化学学院,长春130012【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O613;O649【相关文献】1.近红外Ag2S量子点的研究进展 [J], 张叶俊;王强斌2.乙醇胺修饰的石墨烯量子点的合成及生物成像应用 [J], 曾敏翔;陈翔;谢虞清;管剑;甄杰明;朱先军;杨上峰3.第二近红外窗口荧光Ag2 Te量子点的合成 [J], 王佳梅;朱春楠;朱东亮;田智全;林毅;庞代文4.近红外荧光碳点的合成及其在生物成像中的应用 [J], 李利平;任晓烽;白佩蓉;刘妍;许玮月;解军;张瑞平5.应用N-乙酰-L-半胱氨酸合成紫色-近红外荧光发射的量子点 [J], 薛冰;邓大伟;曹洁;郭静;张俊;顾月清因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



构建下转换荧光-适配体的免疫层析试纸条用于快速检测黄曲霉毒素B1王邹璐琪1,李立煌1,李丹阳1,艾超超1,任磊1,*,孙本强2,*(1.厦门大学材料学院,福建厦门361005;2.厦门医学院附属口腔医院,福建厦门361005)摘 要:构建下转换荧光-适配体免疫层析试纸条用于食品中黄曲霉毒素B1(aflatoxin B1,AFB1)的快速高效检测。


该方法在AFB1质量浓度1~40 ng/mL范围内与荧光信号呈良好的线性关系,线性相关系数为0.994,检测限为0.287 ng/mL。



关键词:稀土掺杂荧光纳米颗粒;荧光免疫层析;黄曲霉毒素B1;快速检测Construction of Down-conversion Fluorescence-Aptamer Immunochromatographic Strip for Rapid Detection of Aflatoxin B1 WANG Zouluqi1, LI Lihuang1, LI Danyang1, AI Chaochao1, REN Lei1,*, SUN Benqiang2,*(1. College of Materials, Xiamen University, Xiamen361005, China;2. Stomatological Hospital of Xiamen Medical College, Xiamen361005, China)Abstract: In this study, a down-conversion fluorescence-aptamer immunochromatographic strip was constructed for the rapid and efficient detection of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in foods. The presence of AFB1 in the system will weaken the binding ability of down-conversion-aptamer fluorescent nanoparticles to the hapten AFB1 when down-conversion-aptamer fluorescent nanoparticles reach the T-line, thus leading to the attenuation of down-conversion fluorescence signal and consequently highly efficient detection of AFB1. In the range of 1–40 ng/mL, the concentration of AFB1 had a good linear relationship with the fluorescence signal, showing a correlation coefficient of 0.994, and the detection limit for AFB1 was0.287 ng/mL. By taking advantage of the long-lived luminescence and the near infrared fluorescence characteristics of rareearth doped fluorescent nanoparticles, this method effectively reduced the interference of biological background fluorescence and improved the specificity of the detection system, making it a promising candidate for application in the rapid and sensitive detection of AFB1.Keywords: rare earth doped fluorescent nanoparticles; fluorescence immunochromatographic assay; aflatoxin B1; rapid detection DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-20191030-337中图分类号:TS201.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-6630(2021)12-0295-07引文格式:王邹璐琪, 李立煌, 李丹阳, 等. 构建下转换荧光-适配体的免疫层析试纸条用于快速检测黄曲霉毒素B1[J]. 食品科学, 2021, 42(12): 295-301. DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-20191030-337. WANG Zouluqi, LI Lihuang, LI Danyang, et al. Construction of down-conversion fluorescence-aptamer immunochromatographic strip for rapid detection of aflatoxin B1[J]. Food Science, 2021, 42(12): 295-301. (in Chinese with English abstract) DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-20191030-337. 收稿日期:2019-10-30基金项目:福建省自然科学基金项目(2017Y0078);国家自然科学基金面上项目(31870994)第一作者简介:王邹璐琪(1996—)(ORCID: 0000-0002-7715-1267),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为生物医学材料。



超导体MgB2及其制备方法综述蒋雯(北京理工大学材料学院材料科学与工程专业,北京 100081)摘要:2001年1月所发现的MgB2超导体具有39K的临界转变温度,是迄今为止转变温度最高的非铜氧化物超导体。

本文介绍了 MgB2的超导电性、超导机理以及提高其高磁场临界电流密度的途径,综述了它的制备方法。


它有较高的超导转变温度(T C=39K)和临界场,较大的相干长度,并且晶界不存在弱连接,结构简单,成本低廉【1】。



1 MgB2的超导电性及其超导机制的超导电性1.1 MgB2MgB2是具有最高超导转变温度的低温超导体,转变温度高达39.4K,有效载流子为空穴型。



零场条件下的临界电流密度J C=106A/cm2。




另外,在目前的研究的压力范围内,随着压力的升高,MgB2的T C遵循二次方关系或者线性关系而降低。



的超导机制1.2 MgB21.2.1 以声子为媒介的超导机制同位素效应研究结果表明,MgB2属于传统的BCS超导体,比较高的德拜温度以及强烈的的电子—声子互相作用导致了较高的转变温度。






结果表明,采用羟甲基纤维素作为衬层,添加0.5 g微晶纤维素测定砂岩型铀矿中9种主次元素的精密度(RSD,n=11)为0.34%~4.8%,测铀准确度为0.93%~2.8%,测钍准确度为0.80%~2.8%,其他主量元素相对误差为0.060%~5.5%。


采用羟甲基纤维素作为衬层可用于砂岩型铀矿中主次元素的测定,降低了样品分析过程中产生粉末,避免了对仪器金属部件的腐蚀影响,添加微晶纤维素0.5 g改善了矿石粘结性能,提升实验制备样片的稳定性和达标率。




X射线的种类及应用摘要:Like many imperishable discoveries,X-rays’s invention or discovery was accidental. 1895 at Wurzburg, Wilhelm Rontgen discovered X-rays (Rontgen rays). After all these years, the technology of the X-rays has not only got extensivedevelopment in industry, also play a more and more important role in medical science. It is mainly used for the human body perspective and check injury. While scientists explore the essence of,they found the phenomenon of diffraction of X-rays and opened the gate of the crystal structure. With the widely use of x-ray both in micro fields and macro fields, it have brought great gospel to human.引言:自1895年X射线被发现,X射线已被广泛应用到医疗卫生、军事、科学及工农业各方面,为人类社会的发展做出了巨大贡献。






基质金属蛋白酶-2和细胞外基质金属蛋白酶诱导因子在视网膜母细胞瘤中的表达程育宏;史强;申家泉;王理论;刘思伟【摘要】AlM: To investigate expressions of matrix metalloproteinase-2 ( MMP-2 ) and extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer ( EMMPRlN) in retinoblastoma (Rb) and the relationships between MMP-2, EMMPRlN and tumor development.METHODS:lmmunohistochemical technique was used to detect expressions of MMP-2 and EMMPRlN in 39 cases of paraffin embedded Rb samples. Quantitative analysis of expressions of MMP-2 and EMMPRlN were assessed by measuring the mean gray scale of Rb tissue with LElCA lM50 Color Pathologic Analysis System. The differences of expressions of MMP-2 and EMMPRlN in each clinical and pathological stage were statistically analyzed, and the same step was also undertaken to study the relationship between Rb with MMP-2 positive expression and that with EMMPRlN positive expression.RESULTS:The positive expression rate of MMP-2 was 90% (Gray value: 109. 64 ± 14. 52; 35/39), and that of EMMPRlN was 85% (Gray value:108. 01±13. 60;33/39). The expres sions of MMP - 2 and EMMPRlN were significantly higher in tumors of glaucomatous stage (Gray value:108. 21±11. 47 and 107. 56±14. 32) than those in intraocular stage ( Gray value: 121. 13 ± 11. 32 and 119. 34 ± 12. 66; P<0. 01 and P<0. 05). And the same conclusion can be concluded between those in extraocular stage (Gray value: 91. 03 ± 11. 71 and 92. 26 ± 12. 93) with those in glaucomatous stage (P<0. 01 and P<0. 05). Theexpressions of MMP-2 and EMMPRlN were significantly higher in tumors with optic nerve invasion (Gray value:103. 89±13. 39 and 105. 23±14. 00) than those without optic nerve invasion ( Gray value: 118. 39 ± 15. 11 and 117. 53±16. 13) (P<0. 01 and P<0. 05).CONCLUSlON:The positive expression levels of MMP-2 and EMMPRlN may correlate with tumor infiltration and metastasis.%目的::探讨基质金属蛋白酶-2( matrix metalloproteinase-2, MMP-2)和细胞外基质金属蛋白酶诱导因子(extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer,EMMPRIN)在视网膜母细胞瘤( retinoblastoma,Rb)中的表达及其与临床病程的关系。



大型仪器功能开发 (227 ~ 229)X -射线单晶衍射仪XtaLAB Pro 的低温系统改造马 宣,孙爱君,张 云(中国科学院 南海海洋研究所,广东 广州 510301)摘要:X -射线单晶衍射作为一种可以精确测定分子三维空间结构的物理方式,是现代化学研究中重要的技术手段之一,广泛应用于生物、化学等领域. 低温系统是X -射线单晶衍射仪中重要的配件系统,晶体在低温液氮条件下测试,能够避免风化和开裂,同时减少晶体中原子的热运动,从而得到更好的测试数据. 改造了一款X -射线单晶衍射仪XtaLAB Pro 的低温系统,实现了实时监测杜瓦瓶内液氮液位高度、液氮自动补给以及远程报警功能,减少频繁手动添加液氮的麻烦,提升效率,节省时间与成本.关键词:X -射线单晶衍射;低温系统;改造;自动补液;远程报警中图分类号:O657 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1006-3757(2023)02-0227-03DOI :10.16495/j.1006-3757.2023.02.014Modification of Cryogenic System of X -ray Single CrystalDiffractometer XtaLAB ProMA Xuan , SUN Aijun , ZHANG Yun(South China Sea Institute of Oceanology , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Guangzhou 510301, China )Abstract :X -ray single crystal diffractometer is a physical method that can accurately determine the three-dimensional structure of molecules. It is one of the important technical means in modern chemical research and is widely used in biology, chemistry and other fields. The cryogenic system is an important accessory system in the X -ray single crystal diffractometer. Crystals tested under low-temperature liquid nitrogen conditions can avoid the weathering and cracking,and reduce the thermal movement of atoms in the crystal, thus better test data are obtained. The cryogenic system of XtaLAB Pro, an X -ray single crystal diffractomete was modified to realize the real-time monitoring of liquid nitrogen in the Dewar flask, the automatic rehydration and the remote alarm, which reduce the frequently manual addition of liquid nitrogen, improve the efficiency, save time and cost.Key words :X -ray single crystal diffractometer ;cryogenic system ;modification ;automatic rehydration ;remote alarmX -射线单晶衍射仪是化学和生命科学领域用来解析小分子和酶等生物大分子结构的有力工具. 通过X -射线单晶衍射仪可以获得原子的种类、化合状态、位置分布,原子间相互结合的方式,准确的原子坐标、键长键角等信息,特别是手性绝对构型、分子构象等其他表征手段难以提供的精确信息,从而进行价态分析、功能研究等,广泛用于无机小分子化合物、复杂天然有机小分子绝对构型测定以及生物大分子(蛋白、核酸、糖类)研究领域[1-3]. 低温冷却系统是单晶衍射仪的重要组成部分,某些不稳定的晶体在常温下测试会出现开裂、风化等问题,在试验过程中产生的衍射点被拉长或者呈粉末化,无法得到理想的试验数据[4]. 因此在低温条件下,晶体较稳定,而且低温可以减少化合物中原子的热运动,有助于消除或减少无序性[5].目前,常用的低温系统主要采用低温液氮对晶收稿日期:2023−02−20; 修订日期:2023−04−13.作者简介:马宣(1991−),女,工程师,主要从事质谱光谱等仪器测试与管理工作,E-mail :.第 29 卷第 2 期分析测试技术与仪器Volume 29 Number 22023年6月ANALYSIS AND TESTING TECHNOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTS June 2023体降温,低温系统主要包括以下几个模块:(1)液氮存储供应模块,(2)低温泵模块,(3)流量控制器,(4)干燥气系统,(5)Cryoscream 冷头. 其中,液氮存储供应模块主要是杜瓦瓶,瓶内液氮为低温系统提供冷源. 低温泵模块将液氮从无压的杜瓦瓶中通过灵活的真空绝缘传输线,流入Cryoscream 冷头. 液氮通过加热器,大部分液体被蒸发成气体,气体沿着热交换器的一条路径向外流动,通过温度和流量控制器到达泵. 此时气体流回Cryostream 冷头,沿着热交换器的第二条路径重新冷却,气体温度在进入Cryostream 喷嘴前由加热器和传感器调节,沿着等温喷嘴流动,在样品上方流出. 仪器长时间运作,需要不断向杜瓦瓶内加入液氮保证低温系统正常运行. 杜瓦瓶要求无压,瓶口处密封性不强,当杜瓦瓶内充满液氮时,由于液氮温度较低,易挥发,导致杜瓦瓶口一直处于结冰的状态. 每次手动向瓶内加入液氮打开瓶口时,瓶口的冰块很容易掉入瓶底,冰块被吸入到液氮管路,堵塞管路,此时整个低温系统无法达到降温的目的. 需要将杜瓦瓶中的液氮管拿出,在室温或者加热条件下使冰块融化,频繁加液氮导致管路堵塞的频率会更高,此过程会浪费大量的时间. 另外,在试验过程中,由于不能实时监测杜瓦瓶内液氮使用情况,当剩余液氮量较少时,无法及时补充液氮,迫使试验终止,影响试验进度.本文主要对仪器的低温系统液氮存储模块进行简单改造,能够实时监测杜瓦瓶内液氮液面高度,达到杜瓦瓶内液氮自动补给并远程报警的目的.1 试验部分1.1 仪器X -射线单晶衍射仪XtaLAB Pro ,日本理学公司生产.1.2 低温系统改造低温系统改造后的示意图如图1所示,主要包括6个方面:(1)自增压液氮罐. 增加液氮存储体积,延长液氮使用时间. (2)电磁阀. 在自增压液氮罐出口处安装电磁阀,电磁阀连通补液灌和控制器. 当液位低于设置的补液液位时,电磁阀打开,开始补液. 当液位到达设置的停止补液液位时,电磁阀关闭,停止补液,从而实现液氮的自动补给. (3)液位传感器. 电容式液位计,能够在低温容器中对液氮等低温液体进行连续的高度测量,通过金属杆内的液位传感器感应当前液位,为控制器提供当前液位值.(4)法兰. 在杜瓦瓶瓶口安装法兰盖,法兰盖上面设置液氮出口、入口、液位传感器与安全阀接口,减少液氮瓶口频繁打开. (5)远程报警模块. 当杜瓦瓶内的液氮液面高度低于设置的液面高度时,控制器会触发报警,同时远程报警模块将远程发送信息或打电话提醒仪器管理人员. (6)控制器系统. 控制器是一切的终端,LED 触摸屏直接显示当前液位,可以设置补液液位和停止补液液位.以上配件中自增压液氮罐生产厂家为成都米兰低温科技有限公司;电磁阀为ASCO 品牌,型号为2/2-210系列;液位计型号为LL-445,由四川赛尔电磁阀自增压液氮罐红色虚线框内为改造部分控制器报警模块杜瓦瓶杜瓦瓶口法兰设计3∶20仪器进液管出液管液位传感器安全阀接口16ϕ7510700液氮出口液氮入口出气口排气口液位计设置告警(a)(b)图1 (a )低温系统改造后示意图,(b )图(a)中蓝色框部分的尺寸和具体构造Fig. 1 (a) Diagram of modification of cryogenic system, (b) size and construction of blue section in figure (a)228分析测试技术与仪器第 29 卷微讯科技有限公司定制;法兰型号为FT-B45、远程报警模块型号为BMT/GSM-2、控制器系统型号为MLT-200B ,均由广州倍玛特仪器设备有限公司生产.2 结果与讨论低温系统在样品测试过程中发挥着重要的作用,小分子以及蛋白大分子样品在低温下测试,减少晶体开裂,提高数据质量. 针对该仪器低温系统存在的不足加以改进,并增加了其他功能,与改造前相比:(1)改造前液氮3~5 d 需手动添加一次,改造后2周添加一次,延长液氮使用时间,减少液氮补充次数. (2)改造后通过控制器界面可实时查看杜瓦瓶内的液氮液位高度. (3)由手动向杜瓦瓶中添加液氮升级为自动补充. (4)实现远程报警功能,当杜瓦瓶内液氮低于补液液位时,报警模块会触发报警,通过电话或短信告知仪器管理者. (5)此设计不需要打开杜瓦瓶口就能够向瓶内添加液氮,因此避免了冰块堵塞液氮管的风险,相关测试结果已表明(如图2所示).3 结论本文主要改造了X -射线单晶衍射仪低温系统中的液氮存储模块,解决了测试过程中冰块堵塞管路问题,防止因管路堵塞或者无法及时补充液氮导致试验终止的现象,节省了时间,提高了效率,同时实现液氮液位监测与自动补充的目的. 目前仪器公司对于X -射线单晶衍射仪的改进部分主要集中在主机部分,但其他配件对于仪器的运行也非常重要,例如低温系统、循环冷却系统等,其存在的问题可能会影响仪器的正常运行. 本文改造的低温系统能够保证单晶样品(尤其是不稳定样品以及大分子蛋白晶体等)的稳定性(防止开裂和风化)与测试数据的高质量性. 测试结果表明改造后的低温系统能够流畅运行,具有较高的实用性,对其他领域类似仪器低温系统使用者具有借鉴意义.参考文献:李国武. CCD 平面探测X 射线单晶衍射新技术开发及在调制结构研究中的应用[D ]. 北京: 中国地质大学,2005. [LI Guowu. New techniques development for CCD detector X -ray single crystal diffraction and ap-plication in modulated structure [D ]. Beijing: China University of Geosciences, 2005.][ 1 ]武佳颖, 于碧辉. X 射线单晶衍射仪远程控制系统消息通信系统[J ]. 计算机系统应用,2017,26(2):43-50. [WU Jiaying, YU Bihui. Communication system of X -ray single crystal diffraction remote control system [J ]. Computer Systems & Applications ,2017,26(2):43-50.][ 2 ]陈小明, 蔡继文. 单晶结构分析原理与实践[M ]. 第2版. 北京: 科学出版社, 2007.[ 3 ]杨培菊, 沈志强, 黄晓卷, 等. 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X-ray Photoemission Study of MgB2R. P. Vasquez*Center for Space Microelectronics Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91109-8099C. U. Jung, Min-Seok Park, Heon-Jung Kim, J. Y. Kim, and Sung-Ik LeeNational Creative Research Initiative Center for Superconductivity andDepartment of Physics, Pohang University of Science and Technology,Pohang 790-784, Republic of KoreaAbstractA c-axis oriented thin film and a high density sintered pellet of MgB2 have been studied by x-ray photoemission spectroscopy, and compared to measurements from MgO and MgF2 single crystals. The as-grown surface has a layer which is Mg-rich and oxidized, which is effectively removed by a nonaqueous etchant. The subsurface region of the pellet is Mg-deficient. This nonideal near-surface region may explain varied scanning tunneling spectroscopy results. The MgB2 core level and Auger signals are similar to measurements from metallic Mg and transition metal diborides, and the measured valence band is consistent with the calculated density of states.PACS Numbers: 74.70.Ad, 79.60.-i, 82.80.Pv, 81.65.Cf*email: richard.p.vasquez@1. IntroductionThe recent discovery1 of superconductivity at 39 K in MgB2 has generated a great deal of interest. This is the highest reported superconducting transition temperature (T c) outside of the cuprate high temperature superconductors and certain doped fullerenes. Like the cuprates, MgB2 appears to be hole-doped, as is evident from theoretical considerations2-5 and Hall effect measurements,6 and has a layered crystal structure, with planar sp2 bonding yielding a structure very similar to graphite. However, unlike the cuprates MgB2 appears to be a conventional BCS superconductor, based on early evidence from 11B NMR measurements,7 the B isotope effect,8 and scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) measurements.9-13 These indications of conventional superconductivity are preliminary, and the STS measurements in particular appear to have problems of reproducibility, most likely due to variations in surface quality. Thus, it is important to characterize the initial surface, to understand mechanisms of surface degradation, and to develop methods of obtaining clean surfaces capable of yielding measurements intrinsic to the superconducting phase.In this work, MgB2 surfaces are characterized with x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS). The core levels, Mg KLL Auger transitions, and valence bands measured from a c-axis oriented thin film and a sintered polycrystalline pellet of MgB2 are compared to XPS measurements from MgO (100) and MgF2 (100) crystal surfaces. Nonaqueous chemical etching is shown to effectively remove oxidized Mg from the MgB2 surface, and XPS signals intrinsic to the superconducting phase are identified. This work will show that the Mg core level and Auger signals of MgB2 are similar to measurements from metallic Mg, the B 1s signal is similar to measurements from transition metal diborides, and the measured valence band is consistent with the calculated density of states.2. ExperimentalA c-axis oriented thin film of MgB2 is grown on an R-plane sapphire substrate as described elsewhere.14 The superconducting transition temperature (T c) onset is 39 K, and the 10 – 90% transition width is 0.7 K, comparable to high quality bulk samples. A high density sintered polycrystalline pellet of MgB2, also with T c = 39 K, is synthesized at high pressure and characterized as described elsewhere.6,15 The polycrystalline pellet contains MgB4 as a minor phase detected in transmission electron microscopy,15 but is 99% MgB2 as determined by x-ray diffraction.6 Optical quality single crystals of MgO and MgF2 with (100) orientation are also studied for comparison. The sample surfaces are cleaned in a dry box with an inert ultrahigh purity N2 atmosphere which encloses the load lock area of the XPS spectrometer. An etchant consisting of 1% HCl in absolute ethanol or 0.5% Br2 in absolute ethanol is used for the MgB2 and MgO, and 10% HF in absolute ethanol is used for the MgF2. The samples are immersed in the etchant for 15-60 seconds, rinsed in ethanol, blown dry with nitrogen, and loaded into the XPS spectrometer with no atmospheric exposure. The etchant removes surface oxides, hydroxides, and carbonates by the formation of reaction products, in this case MgCl2 and BCl3 or MgBr2 and BBr3, which are soluble in nonaqueous solvents such as alcohols. Other than the small amount of water originating from the concentrated HCl, the etchants used for MgB2 are nonaqueous. Nonaqueous etching has previously been shown to yield high quality surfaces of high temperature superconductors,16,17 which also contain reactive alkaline earth elements.The XPS spectrometer is a Surface Science Instruments SSX-501 utilizing monochromatic Al Kα x-rays (1486.6 eV). Spectra are measured at ambient temperature with photoemission 55° from the surface normal for the MgB2 pellet and normal to thesurface for the film. Data from both samples are qualitatively similar except as otherwise noted. The data presented in the figures are from the film. Charging of the insulating MgO and MgF2 samples is compensated with an electron flood gun and the spectra are referenced to the adventitious C 1s signal at 284.6 eV. The spectra are measured with an x-ray spot size of 150 or 300 µm and the pass energy of the electron energy analyzer is set to 25 eV. The energy scale is calibrated using sputter-cleaned Au and Cu with the Au 4f7/2 binding energy set to 83.95 ± 0.05 eV (0.80 eV full width at half-maximum (FWHM)) and the Cu 2p3/2 binding energy set to 932.45 ± 0.05 eV (0.97 eV FWHM).3. Results and DiscussionThe XPS core level binding energies and Mg KL23L23 Auger kinetic energies measured in this work are summarized in Table 1. The as-grown MgB2 surface exhibits significant levels of C and O in addition to Mg and B signals. The Mg 2p core levels and Mg KL23L23 Auger transitions before and after etching are shown in Figures 1 and 2, respectively. Equivalent results are obtained for the HCl and Br2 etchants, but the Br2 etchant leaves a small residue with a Br 3p signal which overlaps with the B 1s signal, while the HCl etchant leaves less residue and any Cl signals do not overlap with signals of interest. Measurements from etched surfaces presented here are therefore from HCl-etched surfaces. Two Mg 2p signals are evident in Figure 1, and two Mg KL23L23 Auger signals are also observed in Figure 2 more clearly due to the greater energy separation. The reduced intensities of the high binding energy (low kinetic energy) peaks after etching correlates with the elimination of a carbonate C 1s signal (288.5 eV) and reduction of the O 1s signal (532.4 eV). The lower binding energy Mg 2p (49.35 eV, FWHM 0.67 eV) and higher kinetic energy Mg KL23L23(1185.0 eV) signals are therefore assigned to the MgB2 phase, and are slightly lower in energy compared to those observed for Mg metal (Mg 2p at 49.8 eV and Mg KL23L23 at 1185.5 eV).18 The O 1s binding energy is significantly higher than that measured from the MgO (100) surface, and most likely originates from MgCO3 and Mg(OH)2.The B 1s signals measured before and after chemical etching do not differ qualitatively, as shown in Figure 3. The B 1s binding energy of the major signal (186.55 eV, FWHM 0.85 eV) is somewhat lower than measurements from transition metal diborides, which have B 1s binding energies in the range 187.2 – 188.5 eV.19,20 In addition to the major signal, a minor peak near 192 eV is present, consistent with B2O3. The B 1s signal measured from the polycrystalline pellet differs from the data in Figure 3 in having an additional signal at 187.9 eV.The as-grown surface of the MgB2 polycrystalline pellet, in addition to significant levels of C and O, exhibits a Mg:B ratio of 1:1.25. Attempts to obtain clean surfaces by mechanical abrasion were unsuccessful, yielding spectra which did not differ significantly from the as-grown surface. This may indicate that intragrain fracturing is rare, i.e. abrasion primarily exposes fresh grain boundary surfaces. The greater reactivity of Mg relative to B results in the observed Mg-rich oxidized surface layer, which is also observed on the film. Similar observations are made for surfaces of alkaline earth-containing high temperature superconductors.17Increasing the chemical etch time to 60s did not significantly change the measured spectra compared to a 15s etch time. The Mg:B ratio of the polycrystalline pellet surface after etching is 1:3, indicating that the subsurface region is depleted of Mg. This Mg-deficient layer is not observed for the film. The Mg:B ratio does not change with increasingetch time, suggesting that the etchant removes only the oxidized surface layer and does not appear to leach Mg from the bulk or to etch unoxidized B. The presence of a reacted Mg surface layer on a Mg-deficient layer for the polycrystalline pellet may explain the variation in results obtained with surface-sensitive STS measurements.9-13 A Mg-deficient surface layer would have lower electron density in the B planes, consistent with the higher binding energy B 1s signal measured from the polycrystalline pellet.The Mg 2p core level of chemically-etched MgB2 is compared to measurements from MgO and MgF2 in Figure 4. It is interesting to note that the Mg 2p signals of both MgB2 and MgO occur at lower binding energies than that of Mg metal, despite the +2 charge of the Mg ion in both compounds. Other alkaline earth compounds also exhibit this unusual negative chemical shift,21 which has been attributed to initial-state electrostatic effects primarily due to the large value of the Madelung energy relative to the ionization energy.21-24The Mg KL23L23 Auger signals are compared in Figure 5. From the Auger parameter (sum of the Mg core level binding energy and Auger transition kinetic energy) differences, the final state relaxation energy relative to MgF2 can be estimated to be 0.9 eV larger in MgO and 2.6 eV larger in MgB2. The larger value of the relaxation energy for MgO is consistent with the larger polarizability of O2- ions relative to F- ions, resulting in greater polarization screening of core holes. The large value of the relaxation energy for MgB2 is nearly identical to that of Mg, and is consistent with metallic screening of core holes. This observation is consistent with calculations showing that electrons in B 2p z states are delocalized (i.e. metallic conductivity between B planes) and Mg-Mg bonding is metallic.4,5,25,26The measured MgB2 valence band is shown in Figure 6. A single well-defined peak near 6 eV is observed, with less well-defined structure at higher and lower binding energies.There is intensity observed at the Fermi level and the suggestion of a Fermi edge, but within the resolution and signal-to-noise ratio of the measurement a clear Fermi edge is not unambiguously apparent. The total density of states (DOS) determined from band structure calculations2 is shown below the measured spectrum. A good correspondence with the measured spectrum is obtained if the DOS is shifted to higher binding energy by 4 eV, as shown in Figure 6. Similar shifts of ~2 eV are required for high temperature superconductors, and have been attributed to electron correlation effects.4. Summary and ConclusionsA c-axis oriented film and a high density sintered pellet of MgB2 have been studied by XPS, and the results have been compared to measurements from MgO and MgF2 single crystals. The as-grown surface is found to be Mg-rich and oxidized, resulting from the greater reactivity of Mg relative to B. This oxidized layer is effectively removed by nonaqueous etchants of 1% HCl in absolute ethanol or 0.5% Br2 in absolute ethanol. The subsurface region of the sintered pellet is found to be Mg-deficient. This reacted surface layer and nonstoichiometric subsurface region may explain the varied results obtained in surface-sensitive scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) measurements.9-13 Indeed, STS measurements are significantly improved by the chemical etching described in this work, exhibiting improved spatial homogeneity and a nearly vanishing DOS near E F.13The Mg core level and Auger signals of MgB2 are similar to measurements from metallic Mg, theB 1s signal is similar to measurements from transition metal diborides, and the measured valence band is consistent with the calculated density of states.AcknowledgmentsPart of the work described in this paper was performed by the Center for Space Microelectronics Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, and was sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Part of this work was performed at Pohang University of Science and Technology, and supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Korea through the Creative Research Initiative Program.References1.J. Nagamatsu, N. Nakagawa, T. Muranaka, Y. Zenitani, and J. Akimitsu, Nature 410,63 (2001).2.J. Kortus, I. I. Mazin, K. D. Belashchenko, V. P. Antropov, and L. L. Boyer,cond-mat/0101446 (2001).3.J. E. Hirsch, cond-mat/0102115 (2001).4.K. D. Belashchenko, M. van Schilfgaarde, and V. P. Antropov, cond-mat/0102290(2001).5.J. M. An and W. E. Pickett, cond-mat/0102391 (2001).6.W. N. Kang, C. U. Jung, Kijoon H. P. Kim, Min-Seok Park, S. Y. Lee, Hyeong-JinKim, Eun-Mi Choi, Kyung Hee Kim, Mun-Seog Kim, and Sung-Ik Lee, cond-mat/0102313 (2001).7.H. Kotegawa, K. Ishida, Y. Kitaoka, T. Muranaka, and J. Akimitsu, cond-mat/0102334(2001).8.S. L. Bud’ko, G. Lapertot, C. Petrovic, C. E. Cunningham, N. Anderson, and P. C.Canfield, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 1877 (2001).9.G. Rubio-Bollinger, H. 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B 1s spectra measured from a c-axis oriented MgB2 film (a) with no surface treatment,and (b) after nonaqueous chemical etching.parison of the Mg 2p spectra measured from a c-axis oriented MgB2 film and (100)single crystal surfaces of MgO and MgF2.parison of the Mg KL23L23 Auger transitions measured from a c-axis orientedMgB2 film and (100) single crystal surfaces of MgO and MgF2.parison of the measured MgB2 valence band (top curve) with the total density ofstates (DOS) calculated in Ref. 2 (bold curve). A shift of the DOS to higher binding energy by 4 eV is necessary to approximate the measured spectrum.。
