Section 4 -Radiation heat transfer
流体动力学fluid dynamics 连续介质力学mechanics of continuous media 介质medium 流体质点fluid particle无粘性流体nonviscous fluid, inviscid fluid 连续介质假设continuous medium hypothesis 流体运动学fluid kinematics 水静力学hydrostatics液体静力学hydrostatics 支配方程governing equation伯努利方程Bernoulli equation 伯努利定理Bernonlli theorem毕奥-萨伐尔定律Biot-Savart law 欧拉方程Euler equation亥姆霍兹定理Helmholtz theorem 开尔文定理Kelvin theorem涡片vortex sheet 库塔-茹可夫斯基条件Kutta-Zhoukowski condition 布拉休斯解Blasius solution 达朗贝尔佯廖d'Alembert paradox雷诺数Reynolds number 施特鲁哈尔数Strouhal number随体导数material derivative 不可压缩流体incompressible fluid质量守恒conservation of mass 动量守恒conservation of momentum能量守恒conservation of energy 动量方程momentum equation能量方程energy equation 控制体积control volume液体静压hydrostatic pressure 涡量拟能enstrophy压差differential pressure 流[动] flow流线stream line 流面stream surface流管stream tube 迹线path, path line流场flow field 流态flow regime流动参量flow parameter 流量flow rate, flow discharge涡旋vortex 涡量vorticity涡丝vortex filament 涡线vortex line涡面vortex surface 涡层vortex layer涡环vortex ring 涡对vortex pair涡管vortex tube 涡街vortex street卡门涡街Karman vortex street 马蹄涡horseshoe vortex对流涡胞convective cell 卷筒涡胞roll cell涡eddy 涡粘性eddy viscosity环流circulation 环量circulation速度环量velocity circulation 偶极子doublet, dipole驻点stagnation point 总压[力] total pressure总压头total head 静压头static head总焓total enthalpy 能量输运energy transport速度剖面velocity profile 库埃特流Couette flow单相流single phase flow 单组份流single-component flow均匀流uniform flow 非均匀流nonuniform flow二维流two-dimensional flow 三维流three-dimensional flow准定常流quasi-steady flow 非定常流unsteady flow, non-steady flow 暂态流transient flow 周期流periodic flow振荡流oscillatory flow 分层流stratified flow无旋流irrotational flow 有旋流rotational flow轴对称流axisymmetric flow 不可压缩性incompressibility不可压缩流[动] incompressible flow 浮体floating body定倾中心metacenter 阻力drag, resistance减阻drag reduction 表面力surface force表面张力surface tension 毛细[管]作用capillarity来流incoming flow 自由流free stream自由流线free stream line 外流external flow进口entrance, inlet 出口exit, outlet扰动disturbance, perturbation 分布distribution传播propagation 色散dispersion弥散dispersion 附加质量added mass ,associated mass收缩contraction 镜象法image method无量纲参数dimensionless parameter 几何相似geometric similarity运动相似kinematic similarity 动力相似[性] dynamic similarity平面流plane flow 势potential势流potential flow 速度势velocity potential复势complex potential 复速度complex velocity流函数stream function 源source汇sink 速度[水]头velocity head拐角流corner flow 空泡流cavity flow超空泡supercavity 超空泡流supercavity flow空气动力学aerodynamics低速空气动力学low-speed aerodynamics 高速空气动力学high-speed aerodynamics气动热力学aerothermodynamics 亚声速流[动] subsonic flow跨声速流[动] transonic flow 超声速流[动] supersonic flow锥形流conical flow 楔流wedge flow叶栅流cascade flow 非平衡流[动] non-equilibrium flow细长体slender body 细长度slenderness钝头体bluff body 钝体blunt body翼型airfoil 翼弦chord薄翼理论thin-airfoil theory 构型configuration后缘trailing edge 迎角angle of attack失速stall 脱体激波detached shock wave波阻wave drag 诱导阻力induced drag诱导速度induced velocity 临界雷诺数critical Reynolds number 前缘涡leading edge vortex 附着涡bound vortex约束涡confined vortex 气动中心aerodynamic center气动力aerodynamic force 气动噪声aerodynamic noise气动加热aerodynamic heating 离解dissociation地面效应ground effect 气体动力学gas dynamics稀疏波rarefaction wave 热状态方程thermal equation of state 喷管Nozzle 普朗特-迈耶流Prandtl-Meyer flow瑞利流Rayleigh flow 可压缩流[动] compressible flow可压缩流体compressible fluid 绝热流adiabatic flow非绝热流diabatic flow 未扰动流undisturbed flow等熵流isentropic flow 匀熵流homoentropic flow兰金-于戈尼奥条件Rankine-Hugoniot condition 状态方程equation of state量热状态方程caloric equation of state 完全气体perfect gas拉瓦尔喷管Laval nozzle 马赫角Mach angle马赫锥Mach cone 马赫线Mach line马赫数Mach number 马赫波Mach wave当地马赫数local Mach number 冲击波shock wave激波shock wave 正激波normal shock wave斜激波oblique shock wave 头波bow wave附体激波attached shock wave 激波阵面shock front激波层shock layer 压缩波compression wave反射reflection 折射refraction散射scattering 衍射diffraction绕射diffraction出口压力exit pressure 超压[强] over pressure反压back pressure 爆炸explosion爆轰detonation 缓燃deflagration水动力学hydrodynamics 液体动力学hydrodynamics泰勒不稳定性Taylor instability 盖斯特纳波Gerstner wave斯托克斯波Stokes wave 瑞利数Rayleigh number自由面free surface 波速wave speed, wave velocity波高wave height 波列wave train波群wave group 波能wave energy表面波surface wave 表面张力波capillary wave规则波regular wave 不规则波irregular wave浅水波shallow water wave深水波deep water wave 重力波gravity wave椭圆余弦波cnoidal wave 潮波tidal wave涌波surge wave 破碎波breaking wave船波ship wave 非线性波nonlinear wave孤立子soliton 水动[力]噪声hydrodynamic noise 水击water hammer 空化cavitation空化数cavitation number 空蚀cavitation damage超空化流supercavitating flow 水翼hydrofoil水力学hydraulics 洪水波flood wave涟漪ripple 消能energy dissipation海洋水动力学marine hydrodynamics 谢齐公式Chezy formula欧拉数Euler number 弗劳德数Froude number水力半径hydraulic radius 水力坡度hvdraulic slope高度水头elevating head 水头损失head loss水位water level 水跃hydraulic jump含水层aquifer 排水drainage排放量discharge 壅水曲线back water curve压[强水]头pressure head 过水断面flow cross-section明槽流open channel flow 孔流orifice flow无压流free surface flow 有压流pressure flow缓流subcritical flow 急流supercritical flow渐变流gradually varied flow 急变流rapidly varied flow临界流critical flow 异重流density current, gravity flow堰流weir flow 掺气流aerated flow含沙流sediment-laden stream 降水曲线dropdown curve沉积物sediment, deposit 沉[降堆]积sedimentation, deposition沉降速度settling velocity 流动稳定性flow stability不稳定性instability 奥尔-索末菲方程Orr-Sommerfeld equation 涡量方程vorticity equation 泊肃叶流Poiseuille flow奥辛流Oseen flow 剪切流shear flow粘性流[动] viscous flow 层流laminar flow分离流separated flow 二次流secondary flow近场流near field flow 远场流far field flow滞止流stagnation flow 尾流wake [flow]回流back flow 反流reverse flow射流jet 自由射流free jet管流pipe flow, tube flow 内流internal flow拟序结构coherent structure 猝发过程bursting process表观粘度apparent viscosity 运动粘性kinematic viscosity动力粘性dynamic viscosity 泊poise厘泊centipoise 厘沱centistoke剪切层shear layer 次层sublayer流动分离flow separation 层流分离laminar separation湍流分离turbulent separation 分离点separation point附着点attachment point 再附reattachment再层流化relaminarization 起动涡starting vortex驻涡standing vortex 涡旋破碎vortex breakdown涡旋脱落vortex shedding 压[力]降pressure drop压差阻力pressure drag 压力能pressure energy型阻profile drag 滑移速度slip velocity无滑移条件non-slip condition 壁剪应力skin friction, frictional drag 壁剪切速度friction velocity 磨擦损失friction loss磨擦因子friction factor 耗散dissipation滞后lag 相似性解similar solution局域相似local similarity 气体润滑gas lubrication液体动力润滑hydrodynamic lubrication 浆体slurry泰勒数Taylor number 纳维-斯托克斯方程Navier-Stokes equation 牛顿流体Newtonian fluid 边界层理论boundary later theory边界层方程boundary layer equation 边界层boundary layer附面层boundary layer 层流边界层laminar boundary layer湍流边界层turbulent boundary layer 温度边界层thermal boundary layer边界层转捩boundary layer transition 边界层分离boundary layer separation边界层厚度boundary layer thickness 位移厚度displacement thickness动量厚度momentum thickness 能量厚度energy thickness焓厚度enthalpy thickness 注入injection吸出suction 泰勒涡Taylor vortex速度亏损律velocity defect law 形状因子shape factor测速法anemometry 粘度测定法visco[si] metry流动显示flow visualization 油烟显示oil smoke visualization孔板流量计orifice meter 频率响应frequency response油膜显示oil film visualization 阴影法shadow method纹影法schlieren method 烟丝法smoke wire method丝线法tuft method 氢泡法nydrogen bubble method相似理论similarity theory 相似律similarity law部分相似partial similarity 定理pi theorem, Buckingham theorem 静[态]校准static calibration 动态校准dynamic calibration风洞wind tunnel 激波管shock tube激波管风洞shock tube wind tunnel 水洞water tunnel拖曳水池towing tank 旋臂水池rotating arm basin扩散段diffuser 测压孔pressure tap皮托管pitot tube 普雷斯顿管preston tube斯坦顿管Stanton tube 文丘里管Venturi tubeU形管U-tube 压强计manometer微压计micromanometer 多管压强计multiple manometer静压管static [pressure]tube 流速计anemometer风速管Pitot- static tube 激光多普勒测速计laser Doppler anemometer, laser Doppler velocimeter 热线流速计hot-wire anemometer热膜流速计hot- film anemometer 流量计flow meter粘度计visco[si] meter 涡量计vorticity meter传感器transducer, sensor 压强传感器pressure transducer热敏电阻thermistor 示踪物tracer时间线time line 脉线streak line尺度效应scale effect 壁效应wall effect堵塞blockage 堵寒效应blockage effect动态响应dynamic response 响应频率response frequency底压base pressure 菲克定律Fick law巴塞特力Basset force 埃克特数Eckert number格拉斯霍夫数Grashof number 努塞特数Nusselt number普朗特数prandtl number 雷诺比拟Reynolds analogy施密特数schmidt number 斯坦顿数Stanton number对流convection 自由对流natural convection, free convec-tion强迫对流forced convection 热对流heat convection质量传递mass transfer 传质系数mass transfer coefficient热量传递heat transfer 传热系数heat transfer coefficient对流传热convective heat transfer 辐射传热radiative heat transfer动量交换momentum transfer 能量传递energy transfer传导conduction 热传导conductive heat transfer热交换heat exchange 临界热通量critical heat flux浓度concentration 扩散diffusion扩散性diffusivity 扩散率diffusivity扩散速度diffusion velocity 分子扩散molecular diffusion沸腾boiling 蒸发evaporation气化gasification 凝结condensation成核nucleation 计算流体力学computational fluid mechanics 多重尺度问题multiple scale problem 伯格斯方程Burgers equation对流扩散方程convection diffusion equation KDU方程KDV equation修正微分方程modified differential equation 拉克斯等价定理Lax equivalence theorem 数值模拟numerical simulation 大涡模拟large eddy simulation数值粘性numerical viscosity 非线性不稳定性nonlinear instability希尔特稳定性分析Hirt stability analysis 相容条件consistency conditionCFL条件Courant- Friedrichs- Lewy condition ,CFL condition狄里克雷边界条件Dirichlet boundarycondition熵条件entropy condition 远场边界条件far field boundary condition流入边界条件inflow boundary condition无反射边界条件nonreflecting boundary condition数值边界条件numerical boundary condition流出边界条件outflow boundary condition冯.诺伊曼条件von Neumann condition 近似因子分解法approximate factorization method 人工压缩artificial compression 人工粘性artificial viscosity边界元法boundary element method 配置方法collocation method能量法energy method 有限体积法finite volume method流体网格法fluid in cell method, FLIC method通量校正传输法flux-corrected transport method通量矢量分解法flux vector splitting method 伽辽金法Galerkin method积分方法integral method 标记网格法marker and cell method, MAC method 特征线法method of characteristics 直线法method of lines矩量法moment method 多重网格法multi- grid method板块法panel method 质点网格法particle in cell method, PIC method 质点法particle method 预估校正法predictor-corrector method投影法projection method 准谱法pseudo-spectral method随机选取法random choice method 激波捕捉法shock-capturing method激波拟合法shock-fitting method 谱方法spectral method稀疏矩阵分解法split coefficient matrix method 不定常法time-dependent method时间分步法time splitting method 变分法variational method涡方法vortex method 隐格式implicit scheme显格式explicit scheme 交替方向隐格式alternating direction implicit scheme, ADI scheme 反扩散差分格式anti-diffusion difference scheme紧差分格式compact difference scheme 守恒差分格式conservation difference scheme 克兰克-尼科尔森格式Crank-Nicolson scheme杜福特-弗兰克尔格式Dufort-Frankel scheme指数格式exponential scheme 戈本诺夫格式Godunov scheme高分辨率格式high resolution scheme 拉克斯-温德罗夫格式Lax-Wendroff scheme 蛙跳格式leap-frog scheme 单调差分格式monotone difference scheme保单调差分格式monotonicity preserving diffe-rence scheme穆曼-科尔格式Murman-Cole scheme 半隐格式semi-implicit scheme斜迎风格式skew-upstream scheme全变差下降格式total variation decreasing scheme TVD scheme迎风格式upstream scheme , upwind scheme计算区域computational domain 物理区域physical domain影响域domain of influence 依赖域domain of dependence区域分解domain decomposition 维数分解dimensional split物理解physical solution 弱解weak solution黎曼解算子Riemann solver 守恒型conservation form弱守恒型weak conservation form 强守恒型strong conservation form散度型divergence form 贴体曲线坐标body- fitted curvilinear coordi-nates [自]适应网格[self-] adaptive mesh 适应网格生成adaptive grid generation自动网格生成automatic grid generation 数值网格生成numerical grid generation交错网格staggered mesh 网格雷诺数cell Reynolds number数植扩散numerical diffusion 数值耗散numerical dissipation数值色散numerical dispersion 数值通量numerical flux放大因子amplification factor 放大矩阵amplification matrix阻尼误差damping error 离散涡discrete vortex熵通量entropy flux 熵函数entropy function分步法fractional step method。
因此,朗肯循环的热效率 n 是
所需的输出,即除以能量输入 (购买能源)。
Obviously,the thermal efficiency can be improved by increasing the numerator or by decreasing the denominator. This can be done by increasing the pump outlet pressure P2, increasing the boiler outlet temperature T3 or decreasing the turbine outlet pressure P4.
显然,通过增加分子或通过减小分母可以提高热效率。这可以通过增加泵出口压力 P2,锅炉出口温度 T3 的增加或减少涡轮出口压力 P4。
1.1。8 再热循环
很明显与高锅炉压力或低凝汽器压力朗肯循环中运行时很难防止液滴在低压涡轮的部分形成。由于大多数金属不能经受温度约 600 以上,再热周期通常用于防止液体滴形成: 蒸汽涡轮机穿越在一些中间的压力,从而提高 5 中的状态 T 的图图 1-6 的温度加热。然后的蒸汽涡轮低压条经过和进入状态 6 冷凝器。这控制或完全消除了在涡轮中的水分问题。通常,涡轮分为高压涡轮和低压涡轮。再热循环不会显著影响热效率的周期,但它不会导致重大的额外工作输出,表示在图中的地区 4-5-6-4' 的图 1-6-4。再热循环要求额外的设备,在重大的投资和使用这类设备必须是从事经济工作增加的输出的 justifled。如果再热不用于避免液滴形成,凝汽器压力必须相当高,这会导致较低循环效率。在这个意义上,再热显著增大时没有再热,但较高的凝汽器压力相比,周期循环效率。
流体力学常用名词流体动力学fluid dynamics连续介质力学mechanics of continuous介质medium流体质点fluid particle无粘性流体nonviscous fluid, inviscid连续介质假设continuous medium hypothesis流体运动学fluid kinematics水静力学hydrostatics液体静力学hydrostatics支配方程governing equation伯努利方程Bernoulli equation伯努利定理Bernonlli theorem毕奥-萨伐尔定律Biot-Savart law欧拉方程Euler equation亥姆霍兹定理Helmholtz theorem开尔文定理Kelvin theorem涡片vortex sheet库塔-茹可夫斯基条件Kutta-Zhoukowski condition 布拉休斯解Blasius solution达朗贝尔佯廖d'Alembert paradox雷诺数Reynolds number施特鲁哈尔数Strouhal number随体导数material derivative不可压缩流体incompressible fluid质量守恒conservation of mass动量守恒conservation of momentum能量守恒conservation of energy动量方程momentum equation能量方程energy equation控制体积control volume液体静压hydrostatic pressure涡量拟能enstrophy压差differential pressure流[动]flow流线stream line流面stream surface流管stream tube迹线path, path line流场flow field流态flow regime流动参量flow parameter流量flow rate, flow discharge涡旋vortex涡量vorticity涡丝vortex filament 涡线vortex line 涡面vortex surface 涡层vortex layer 涡环vortex ring 涡对vortex pair 涡管vortex tube 涡街vortex street 卡门涡街『Karman vortex street 马蹄涡horseshoe vortex 对流涡胞convective cell 卷筒涡胞roll cell 涡eddy 涡粘性eddy viscosity 环流circulation 环量circulation速度环量velocity circulation 偶极子doublet, dipole 驻点stagnation point 总压[力]total pressure 总压头total head 静压头static head 总焓total enthalpy 能量输运energy transport 速度剖面velocity profile 库埃特流Couette flow 单相流single phase flow 单组份流single-component flow 均匀流uniform flow 非均匀流nonuniform flow 二维流two-dimensional flow 三维流three-dimensional flow 准定常流quasi-steady flow 非定常流unsteady flow, non-steady flow 暂态流transient flow 周期流periodic flow 振荡流oscillatory flow 分层流stratified flow 无旋流irrotational flow 有旋流rotational flow 轴对称流axisymmetric flow 不可压缩性incompressibility 不可压缩流[动]incompressible flow浮体floating body 定倾中心metacenter 阻力drag, resistance 减阻drag reduction 表面力surface force 表面张力surface tension 毛细[管]作用capillarity 来流incoming flow 自由流free stream 自由流线free stream line 外流external flow 进口entrance, inlet 出口exit, outlet扰动disturbance, perturbation分布distribution 传播propagation 色散dispersion 弥散dispersion 附力口质量added mass ,associated mass 收缩contraction 镜象法image method无量纲参数dimensionless parameter几何相似geometric similarity 运动相似kinematic similarity 动力相似[性]dynamic similarity 平面流plane flow 势potential 势流potential flow 速度势velocity potential 复势complex potential 复速度complex velocity 流函数stream function 源source 汇sink速度[水]头velocity head拐角流corner flow空泡流cavity flow 超空泡supercavity 超空泡流supercavity flow 空气动力学aerodynamics 低速空气动力学low-speed aerodynamics 高速空气动力学high-speedaerodynamics 气动热力学aerothermodynamics 亚声速流[动]subsonic flow 跨声速流[动]transonic flow超声速流[动]supersonic flow锥形流conical flow楔流wedge flow叶栅流cascade flow非平衡流[动]non-equilibrium flow细长体slender body细长度slenderness钝头体bluff body钝体blunt body翼型airfoil翼弦chord薄翼理论thin-airfoil theory构型configuration后缘trailing edge迎角angle of attack失速stall月兑体激波detached shock wave波阻wave drag诱导阻力induced drag诱导速度induced velocity临界雷诺数critical Reynolds number前缘涡leading edge vortex附着涡bound vortex约束涡confined vortex气动中心aerodynamic center气动力aerodynamic force气动噪声aerodynamic noise气动力口热aerodynamic heating离解dissociation地面效应ground effect气体动力学gas dynamics稀疏波rarefaction wave热状态方程thermal equation of state 喷管Nozzle普朗特-迈耶流Prandtl-Meyer flow瑞利流Rayleigh flow可压缩流[动]compressible flow可压缩流体compressible fluid绝热流adiabatic flow非绝热流diabatic flow未扰动流undisturbed flow等熵流isentropic flow匀熵流homoentropic flow 兰金-于戈尼奥条件Rankine-Hugoniot condition 状态方程equation of state 量热状态方程caloric equation of state 完全气体perfect gas 拉瓦尔喷管Laval nozzle 马赫角Mach angle 马赫锥Mach cone 马赫线Mach line 马赫数Mach number 马赫波Mach wave 当地马赫数local Mach number 冲击波shock wave 激波shock wave 正激波normal shock wave 斜激波oblique shock wave 头波bow wave 附体激波attached shock wave 激波阵面shock front 激波层shock layer 压缩波compression wave 反射reflection 折射refraction 散射scattering 衍射diffraction 绕射diffraction 出口压力exit pressure 超压[强]over pressure 反压back pressure 爆炸explosion 爆轰detonation 缓燃deflagration 水动力学hydrodynamics 液体动力学hydrodynamics 泰勒不稳定性Taylor instability 盖斯特纳波Gerstner wave 斯托克斯波Stokes wave 瑞利数Rayleigh number 自由面free surface波速wave speed, wave velocity波高wave height 波歹U wave train 波群wave group 波能wave energy 表面波surface wave表面张力波capillary wave规则波regular wave不规则波irregular wave浅水波shallow water wave深水波deep water wave重力波gravity wave椭圆余弦波cnoidal wave潮波tidal wave涌波surge wave破碎波breaking wave船波ship wave非线性波nonlinear wave孤立子soliton水动[力]噪声hydrodynamic noise水击water hammer空化cavitation空化数cavitation number空蚀cavitation damage 超空化流supercavitating flow水翼hydrofoil水力学hydraulics洪水波flood wave涟漪ripple消能energy dissipation海洋水动力学marine hydrodynamics谢齐公式Chezy formula欧拉数Euler number弗劳德数Froude number水力半径hydraulic radius水力坡度hvdraulic slope高度水头elevating head水头损失head loss水位water level水跃hydraulic jump含水层aquifer排水drainage排放量discharge壅水曲线back water curve压[强水]头pressure head过水断面flow cross-section明槽流open channel flow孑1流orifice flow无压流free surface flow有压流pressure flow缓流subcritical flow急流supercritical flow渐变流gradually varied flow急变流rapidly varied flow临界流critical flow异重流density current, gravity flow堰流weir flow掺气流aerated flow含沙流sediment-laden stream降水曲线dropdown curve沉积物sediment, deposit沉[降堆]积sedimentation, deposition沉降速度settling velocity流动稳定性flow stability不稳定性instability奥尔-索末菲方程Orr-Sommerfeld equation 涡量方程vorticity equation泊肃叶流Poiseuille flow奥辛流Oseen flow剪切流shear flow粘性流[动]viscous flow层流laminar flow分离流separated flow二次流secondary flow近场流near field flow远场流far field flow滞止流stagnation flow尾流wake [flow]回流back flow反流reverse flow射流jet自由射流free jet管流pipe flow, tube flow内流internal flow拟序结构coherent structure 猝发过程bursting process 表观粘度apparent viscosity 运动粘性kinematic viscosity 动力粘性dynamic viscosity 泊poise厘泊centipoise厘沱centistoke剪切层shear layer次层sublayer流动分离flow separation层流分离laminar separation 湍流分离turbulent separation 分离点separation point 附着点attachment point 再附reattachment再层流化relaminarization 起动涡starting vortex 驻涡standing vortex 涡旋破碎vortex breakdown 涡旋脱落vortex shedding 压[力]降pressure drop 压差阻力pressure drag 压力能pressure energy 型阻profile drag 滑移速度slip velocity 无滑移条件non-slip condition 壁剪应力skin friction, frictional drag 壁剪切速度friction velocity 磨擦损失friction loss磨擦因子friction factor耗散dissipation滞后lag相似性解similar solution局域相似local similarity 气体润滑gas lubrication 液体动力润滑hydrodynamic lubrication 浆体slurry泰勒数Taylor number纳维-斯托克斯方程Navier-Stokes equation 牛顿流体Newtonian fluid边界层理论boundary later theory 边界层方程boundary layer equation 边界层boundary layer 附面层boundary layer层流边界层laminar boundary layer 湍流边界层turbulent boundary layer 温度边界层thermal boundary layer 边界层转捩boundary layer transition 边界层分离boundary layer separation 边界层厚度boundary layer thickness 位移厚度displacement thickness 动量厚度momentum thickness 能量厚度energy thickness 焓厚度enthalpy thickness注入injection吸出suction泰勒涡Taylor vortex速度亏损律velocity defect law形状因子shape factor测速法anemometry粘度测定法visco[si] metry流动显示flow visualization油烟显示oil smoke visualization孔板流量计orifice meter频率响应frequency response油膜显示oil film visualization阴影法shadow method纹影法schlieren method烟丝法smoke wire method丝线法tuft method说明氢泡法nydrogen bubble method相似理论similarity theory相似律similarity law部分相似partial similarity定理pi theorem, Buckingham theorem静[态]校准static calibration动态校准dynamic calibration风洞wind tunnel激波管shock tube激波管风洞shock tube wind tunnel水洞water tunnel拖曳水池towing tank旋臂水池rotating arm basin扩散段diffuser测压孔pressure tap皮托管pitot tube普雷斯顿管preston tube斯坦顿管Stanton tube文丘里管Venturi tubeU 形管U-tube压强计manometer微压计micromanometer多管压强计multiple manometer静压管static [pressure]tube流速计anemometer风速管Pitot- static tube激光多普勒测速计laser Doppler anemometer,laser Doppler velocimeter 热线流速计hot-wire anemometer热膜流速计hot- film anemometer流量计flow meter粘度计visco[si] meter涡量计vorticity meter传感器transducer, sensor压强传感器pressure transducer热敏电阻thermistor示踪物tracer时间线time line脉线streak line尺度效应scale effect壁效应wall effect堵塞blockage堵寒效应blockage effect动态响应dynamic response响应频率response frequency底压base pressure菲克定律Fick law巴塞特力Basset force埃克特数Eckert number格拉斯霍夫数Grashof number努塞特数Nusselt number普朗特数prandtl number雷诺比拟Reynolds analogy施密特数schmidt number斯坦顿数Stanton number对流convection自由对流natural convection, free convec-tion 强迫对流forced convection热对流heat convection质量传递mass transfer传质系数mass transfer coefficient热量传递heat transfer传热系数heat transfer coefficient对流传热convective heat transfer辐射传热radiative heat transfer动量交换momentum transfer能量传递energy transfer传导conduction热传导conductive heat transfer热交换heat exchange临界热通量critical heat flux浓度concentration扩散diffusion扩散性diffusivity扩散率diffusivity扩散速度diffusion velocity分子扩散molecular diffusion沸腾boiling蒸发evaporation气化gasification凝结condensation成核nucleation计算流体力学computational fluid mechanics 多重尺度问题multiple scale problem伯格斯方程Burgers equation对流扩散方程convection diffusion equation KDU 方程KDV equation修正微分方程modified differential equation 拉克斯等价定理Lax equivalence theorem数值模拟numerical simulation大涡模拟large eddy simulation数值粘性numerical viscosity非线性不稳定性nonlinear instability希尔特稳定性分析Hirt stability analysis相容条件consistency conditionCFL 条件Courant- Friedrichs- Lewy condition ,CFL condition 狄里克雷边界条件Dirichlet boundary condition熵条件entropy condition远场边界条件far field boundary condition流入边界条件inflow boundary condition无反射边界条件nonreflecting boundary condition数值边界条件numerical boundary condition流出边界条件outflow boundary condition冯.诺伊曼条件von Neumann condition近似因子分解法approximate factorization method人工压缩artificial compression人工粘性artificial viscosity边界元法boundary element method配置方法collocation method能量法energy method有限体积法finite volume method流体网格法fluid in cell method,FLIC method通量校正传输法flux-corrected transport method通量矢量分解法flux vector splitting method伽辽金法Galerkin method积分方法integral method标记网格法marker and cell method, MAC method特征线法method of characteristics直线法method of lines矩量法moment method多重网格法multi- grid method板块法panel method质点网格法particle in cell method, PIC method质点法particle method预估校正法predictor-corrector method投影法projection method准谱法pseudo-spectral method随机选取法random choice method激波捕捉法shock-capturing method激波拟合法shock-fitting method谱方法spectral method稀疏矩阵分解法split coefficient matrix method不定常法time-dependent method时间分步法time splitting method变分法variational method涡方法vortex method隐格式implicit scheme显格式explicit scheme交替方向隐格式alternating direction implicit scheme, ADI scheme反扩散差分格式anti-diffusion difference scheme紧差分格式compact difference scheme守恒差分格式conservation difference scheme克兰克-尼科尔森格式Crank-Nicolson scheme杜福特-弗兰克尔格式Dufort-Frankel scheme指数格式exponential scheme戈本诺夫格式Godunov scheme高分辨率格式high resolution scheme拉克斯-温德罗夫格式Lax-Wendroff scheme蛙跳格式leap-frog scheme单调差分格式monotone difference scheme保单调差分格式monotonicity preserving diffe-rence scheme穆曼-科尔格式Murman-Cole scheme半隐格式semi-implicit scheme斜迎风格式skew-upstream scheme全变差下降格式total variation decreasing scheme TVD scheme迎风格式upstream scheme , upwind scheme计算区域computational domain物理区域physical domain影响域domain of influence依赖域domain of dependence区域分解domain decomposition 维数分解dimensional split 物理解physical solution 弱解weak solution 黎曼解算子Riemann solver 守恒型conservation form 弱守恒型weak conservation form 强守恒型strong conservation form 散度型divergence form 贴体曲线坐标body- fitted curvilinear coordi-nates [自]适应网格[self-] adaptive mesh 适应网格生成adaptive grid generation 自动网格生成automatic grid generation 数值网格生成numerical grid generation 交错网格staggered mesh 网格雷诺数cell Reynolds number 数植扩散numerical diffusion 数值耗散numerical dissipation 数值色散numerical dispersion 数值通量numerical flux 放大因子amplification factor 放大矩阵amplification matrix 阻尼误差damping error 离散涡discrete vortex 熵通量entropy flux 熵函数entropy function 分步法fractional step method。
电梯专业词汇的英语翻译hacksaw 锯子hair line 发纹hair-line finish 发纹处理hairline finished stainless steel 发纹处理不锈钢half wrap 半绕halfway junction box 中间接线盒hall门厅,候梯厅hall buttons召唤盒,呼梯按钮hall call厅门呼梯hall call button厅门呼梯按钮hall call cancel厅门呼梯取消hall door层门,厅门hall fixtures门厅讯号装置hall landing门厅停站hall lantern厅外指示灯hall position indicator 层门指示灯hall station门厅讯号装置hall stop门厅呼梯停车hall wait passenger seconds 门厅候梯时间hall waiting time门厅候梯时间hall way门厅通道hammer锤子hand drill手电钻hand hammer 手锤hand lamp手提灯hand operated手动操作hand operated door 手动门hand powered lift手动提升机hand pump手压泵hand reset手动复位hand rope 绳hands-on experence 实地经验handwheel手动盘车装置,盘车手轮handwinding device盘车手轮,手动盘hanger悬吊器,吊门滑轮盒hanger plate 吊门板hanger rail吊门轨道hanger roller吊门滚轮hanger sheave 吊门轮hanger track 吊门轨道hanger trough吊门槽板hard disc 硬盘hard wire硬电线harden quench 硬淬hard—hat安全帽hardware (计算机)硬件,(机械)标准件,五金件harm损伤harmonic distortion 谐波失真harmonics 谐波harness 把,束hatch围井(船用电梯井道)出口hatchway 井道hatchway enclosure 井道围封hatchway type elevator 井道式电梯hauling hope 曳弓|绳haunched beam井道内牛腿,加腋梁hazard危险HCR (highest call reversal)顶层呼梯反向head jamb 上门套,顶门套head room顶房,顶部空间head room height 顶层高度head trim 上门套,顶门套header上门坎,门顶部header case 门顶箱header cover 门顶罩header track门上坎轨道,门顶部轨道headquarters 总部headroom height 顶层高度heat absorption 热量吸收heat accumulation 热量积聚heat dissipation 热量消耗heat emission热量散发heat output热量输出heat transfer传感器,热传导heat treatment 热处理heater发热器heating device 取暖器heatsink散热片heavy demand floor 繁忙楼层heavy demand floor call 繁忙楼层呼梯heavy demand floor control 繁忙楼层控制heavy duty dloor 繁忙楼层heavy duty dloor call繁忙楼层呼梯heavy duty dloor control 繁忙楼层控制heavy duty traffic 繁忙交通heavy duty zone 繁忙区域heavy traffic繁忙交通heavy-duty大载重,交通繁忙height above the hightest level 顶层高度helical螺旋的helical gear斜齿轮的,斜齿轮传动的,螺旋齿轮helical gear machine 斜齿轮曳弓|机helical gear reducer 斜齿轮减速器helical machin斜齿轮曳弓机helical speed reduction gear 斜齿轮减速机helical spring 螺旋弹簧helper助手,帮工hemp core 麻芯hemp rope 麻绳hemp rope core 大麻绳芯hermetically sealed 气封的Hertz (Hz)赫兹(频率单位,周/秒)hex head bolt (HHB) 六角螺栓hex screw六角螺钉hexagon head 六角头hexagonal screw 六角螺钉high efficiency 高效率的high frequency chopping 高频斩波high gain高增益high grade高级的high pressure rubber hose 高压胶皮管high pressure rubber hydraulic hose 高压橡胶液压管high rise building 高层建筑high rise elevator 高层电梯high rise escalator大高度自动扶梯high rise lift高层电梯high rise zone 高层区high signal-noise ratio 高信号噪声比high speed escalator高速自动扶梯high speed steel 高速钢high speed winding 高速绕组high tension 高张力high tension bolt耐拉螺栓,强力螺栓high tension supply 高电压higher harmonics 高次谐波highest call reversal (HCR)顶层呼梯反向highest reversal floor 最高反向楼层highlighting bar (计算机)强光线条,重点线条high-speed slevator/lift 高速电梯hight高度hilti bolt膨胀螺栓hinge铰链hinge door铰链门,外敞门hinge plate 铰链板hinged platform sill轿箱铰接式地坎hitch plate钢丝绳绳头夹板hitch rod绳头杆hob滚刀hobbing滚铳齿hobbing machine 滚齿机hohder固定架hoist起重器hoist machine提升机,曳引机hoist ropes 曳弓|绳hoist ropes ratio of lift电梯曳引绳曳引比hoisting cable 曳引绳hoisting machine提升机,曳弓|机hoisting motor曳引电动机hoisting rope 曳引绳hoistway 井道hoistway access switch 井道通道开关hoistway door 厅门hoistway door catch门厅挈,厅门捕捉器hoistway door electric contact 井道门触点hoistway door interlock 厅门联锁装置hoistway door lock device 厅门门锁装置hoistway door mechanical lock 厅门机械锁hoistway enclosure 井道围封hoistway equipment 井道设备hoistway rope 起重绳hoistway sill aprope 厅门地坎裙板hoistway sill guard厅门地坎护板hoistway telltale井道内信号灯hoistway wall井道壁,井道墙hoistway wiring harness 井道内把线holding time保持时间hole 孔hole base system 基孔制hole countersunk 沉孔holeless无孔的,无孔式hollow guide rail 空心导轨hollow rivet空心铆钉home car驻停轿箱,停在基站的轿箱home elevator/lift 家用电梯home floor驻停楼层,基站home landing 基站hood挡板hook钩,圈horizontal 水平horizontal axis 水平轴horizontal elevator 水平电梯horizontal projection 水平投影horizontal seismic force 水平地震力horizontal shaft governor 横轴式限速器horizontal transportation 水平运输horizontally sliding door 水平滑动门horizontally step run梯级水平移动距离hose软管hose connector软管连接器hose coupling软管接头hose fitting软管接头hose proof软管套hospital elevator 病床梯host主机,宿主hostile environments 有害环境hotel旅馆hourly rate小时定额housing 套hub轮毂,中心hudraulic lift 液压电梯hum嗡嗡声human interface 人机界面human safety人身安全humidity 湿度hung door悬吊门hydrant消防栓,消防龙头hydraulic液压的hydraulic buffer油压缓冲器,耗能型缓冲器hydraulic drive 液压驱动hydraulic driving machine 液压驱动机hydraulic equipment液压梯,液压设备hydraulic fluid液压用液体hydraulic hose 液压软管hydraulic installation 液压设备hydraulic jack液压千斤顶hydraulic lift nominal speed of up (down)motion 液压梯上(下)行额定速度hydraulic lift of directly-pushed 直顶式液压梯hydraulic lift of double 倍率液压梯hydraulic oil 液压油hydraulic parts 液压件hydraulic piping 液压配管hydraulic power unit 液压泵站hydraulic pump 液压泵hydraulic relevelling device 液压再平层装置hydraulic valve 液压阀I-bar工字钢I-beam工字梁idea想法,概念,意见ideal理想的identical相同的identification 鉴定,鉴别identification tag 标签idler pulley空转轮,惰轮idler sheave 惰轮IGBT (isolated grid binary transistor)隔离双栅极晶体管ignition voltage 点火电压illuminate透明,透光illuminated button 发光按钮illumination 照明illustrated sheet 图解说明iluminate ceiling 透光吊顶immunity抗干扰度impact冲击impact load冲击载荷impact loading to pit floor底坑地面冲击载荷impedance 阻抗imperfection不完整性,缺陷imperforate无孔洞的imperial system 英制impregnation 注入,饱和impulse generator 脉冲发生器impulse processing 脉冲处理in car inspection 轿内检修in service服务中,运行中in use在使用中inaccessible 准入内inadvertent operation 粗心大意操作incandescent lamp 白炽弧光灯incandescent tube 白炽灯管inch英寸inching 点数inching button 点动按钮inching feature 点动,微动inching switch 点动开关incident 事件inclination 倾斜度incline 斜面incline section 倾斜部分inclined elevator 倾斜式电梯inclined lift倾斜式电梯inclined wheel chair lift 倾斜式轮椅电梯incombustible非易燃的,不燃的ncoming panel 受电盘ncoming traffic进入交通,来到交通ncrease 增力口ncrement disk 增加盘ncrement pulse generator增量盘脉冲发生器ndependent operation 独立操作ndependent service 独立服务ndicatiing lamp 指示灯ndicating arrow 指示箭头ndicating circuit 指示电路ndicating electrical instrument 指示型电气仪表ndication contral 显示控制ndicator指示器ndicator device 指示装置ndicator face plate 指示器(灯)面板ndicator for stop 层站指示器ndicator lamp 指示灯ndicator machine 指示器(灯)机械ndirect间接的ndirect acting hyfraulic lift 间接式液压梯ndirect back plunger 柱塞后置式ndirect side plunger 柱塞侧置式ndirectly heated cathod 旁热式阴极ndirect-plunger hydraulic elevator 间接柱塞式液压梯nduced感应的nductance 电感nduction asynchtonous motor 感应异步电动机nduction furnace 感应电炉nduction motor感应电动机nductor 电感nductor plate感应器板nductor replay感应继电器ndustrial building 工业建筑物ndustrial plant 工业工厂ndustrial television 工业电视机ndustry 工业ner ledge内凹缘(壁架)nertia转动惯量nfermation 信息nformation apparatus信息器件,信息装置nformation transmitter 信息传送器nfra-red multi-beam screen detector 红外线光幕检查器,电眼nfrared ray 红外线n-ground掩埋式initial excitation timer 额外励磁时间initial failure 初期故障initial position 起始位置initial setting 初期设定initialization初始化(计算机)预置initialization travel 起始运行inlet入口,吸收inlet guard 入口护板inlet of handrail 扶手带入口inlet switch扶手带入口开关inner deck内侧盖板inoperative不运行,不工作inoperative position 不工作位置i叩ut输入input signal输入信号inrush current冲击电流,启动电流insert插件,井道预埋件insert nut嵌入螺母inserting mortar 添缝insopection traveling speed 检修运行速度inspection检查,检修inspection button 检修按钮inspection control 检修控制inspection control device 检修控制装置inspection device on top of the car 轿箱检修装置inspection door 检修门inspection operation 检修操作inspection speed 检修速度inspection switch 检修开关inspection trap检修用活板门inspection travel 检修运行inspector检测人员,验收机构inspector knife switch 检修闸刀开关installation 安装installation documents 安装文件installation drawing 安装图纸installation instructions 安装说明书installation manager 安装经理installation period 安装周期installation personnel 安装人员installation superintendent 安装总监installer安装工instantaneous瞬时的,瞬息的instantaneous safety 瞬时式安全钳instantaneous safety gear瞬时式安全钳装置instantaneously type safety gear 瞬时式安全钳institute building公共事业机构性建筑instructed person受过训练的人员instruction指示,指令instruction drawing 要领图instruction ROM指令寄存器instruction system 指令系统instruction user经训练的使用者instrument仪器,仪表insulating coupling 绝缘接头insulating material 绝缘材料insulating resistance 绝缘电阻insulating sleeve 绝缘套管insulating strength 绝缘强度insulating tape 绝缘带insulation 绝缘insulation class 绝缘等级insulation rubber防震橡胶,绝缘橡胶insulation test 绝缘试验insulator绝缘子,电瓷integrate积分,整化,结合integrated circuit 集成电路integrating electronic element 集成电子元件integrating error 累计误差intense traffic密集交通,繁重交通intense up peak 上行密集交通intensive duty traffic密集客流,繁重交通intensive traddic 稠密交通intercom device 对讲装置interconnect elevator 并联梯interface 接口,界面interference 干扰interference suppression 消除干扰interfloor balance traffic 楼层间平衡交通interfloor distance 层间距离interfloor flight time 层间运行时间interfloor height 层间高度interfloor jump time 层间跨越时间interfloor passenger arrival-rate 层间乘客至胜占率interfloor passenger traffic 层间客流交通interfloor traffic层间交通,中间楼层交通interfloor traffic mode中间楼层交通模式interim payment 分期付款nterior 内部nterior circuit 内绕圈nterior decoration 内部装潢nterior panel 内侧板nterior paneling护壁板,护栏板nterior profile 内侧盖板nterlock门联锁nterlock circuit 互锁电路nterlock switch 联锁开关nterlocking contact 联锁触点nterlocking device 联锁装置nterlocking element 联锁元件nterlocking motor 联锁电动机ntermediate floor 中间楼层ntermediate landing 中间层站ntermediate machine room 中间机房ntermediate speed 中间速度ntermediate stop中间停车,中间停站ntermediate support中心支撑,中间支撑,第三支撑ntermediate support beam 中间支撑架ntermediate tie-bracket 中间束架ntermittent间歇的,周期性的ntermittent problem间歇性的问题,时有时无的问题ntermittent service 间隙运行nternal fault内部故障nternal gear 内齿轮nternal resistance 内阻nternal soore apparaus 内部存储器nternal stress 内应力nternal traffic 内部交通nternational safety standard 国际安全标准nterphone对讲机nterpole中间极nterpole coil附加磁极线圈nterpole winding换向极绕组nterruption control 中断控制nterstice 间隙nterval 间隔ntroductory message 弓I导信息nventory 库存nventory verification 库存盘点nverse current 反向电流nverse proportion 成反比例nverse ratio 反比inverter逆变器,变频器inverter control逆变器控制inverter panel 逆变器盘investigation 调查研究invoice 发票invoicing 结账involuntary operation 偶然性操作involute tooth 渐开线齿iope slippage绳滑移,绳打滑IPM (incidental phase modulation)偶发的相位控制IPM (intelligent power module)智能化电力模块,智能功率元件iron ore 铁矿iron vronze 铁青铜irregular不规则的irregularity 不匀度irreversibility 不可逆性irreversible不可逆的I-section工字钢截面I-shape工字形ISO国际化标准组织isolate 分离isolation 隔离isolation pad 隔离垫isolation rubber 隔震橡胶item项目。
section知识点总结In this section, we have covered a wide range of knowledge points related to various topics. These knowledge points include but are not limited to:1. Mathematics1.1. Algebra: The branch of mathematics that deals with symbols and the rules for manipulating those symbols. It includes topics such as linear equations, quadratic equations, inequalities, and functions.1.2. Geometry: The study of shapes, sizes, and patterns. It includes topics such as points, lines, angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, circles, and polygons.1.3. Calculus: The study of change. It includes topics such as limits, derivatives, integrals, and differential equations.1.4. Statistics: The study of data. It includes topics such as probability, sampling, hypothesis testing, and data analysis.2. Physics2.1. Mechanics: The study of motion and forces. It includes topics such as kinematics, dynamics, and energy.2.2. Thermodynamics: The study of heat and energy transfer. It includes topics such as temperature, heat transfer, and thermal equilibrium.2.3. Electromagnetism: The study of electric and magnetic fields. It includes topics such as electric charge, electric current, electromagnetic waves, and electromagnetic induction.2.4. Quantum physics: The study of atomic and subatomic particles. It includes topics such as wave-particle duality, quantum entanglement, and superposition.3. Chemistry3.1. Atomic structure: The study of the structure of atoms. It includes topics such as atomic models, electron configuration, and periodic trends.3.2. Chemical bonding: The study of how atoms are held together in compounds. It includes topics such as ionic bonding, covalent bonding, and metallic bonding.3.3. Chemical reactions: The study of how substances change into new substances. It includes topics such as stoichiometry, reaction kinetics, and equilibrium.3.4. Organic chemistry: The study of carbon-containing compounds. It includes topics such as hydrocarbons, functional groups, and organic reactions.4. Biology4.1. Cell biology: The study of cells. It includes topics such as cell structure, cell function, and cell division.4.2. Genetics: The study of heredity and variation. It includes topics such as DNA, genes, mutations, and genetic inheritance.4.3. Evolution: The study of how species change over time. It includes topics such as natural selection, speciation, and phylogenetics.4.4. Ecology: The study of the interactions between organisms and their environment. It includes topics such as ecosystems, food webs, and biodiversity.5. Computer Science5.1. Programming: The process of designing and building computer programs. It includes topics such as algorithms, data structures, and programming languages.5.2. Databases: The study of storing and organizing data. It includes topics such as relational databases, SQL, and database management systems.5.3. Artificial intelligence: The study of creating intelligent machines. It includes topics such as machine learning, neural networks, and natural language processing.5.4. Networks: The study of connecting computers and devices. It includes topics such as protocols, network topologies, and network security.6. History6.1. Ancient history: The study of human societies in ancient times. It includes topics such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome.6.2. Medieval history: The study of the Middle Ages. It includes topics such as feudalism, the Crusades, and the Black Death.6.3. Modern history: The study of the modern era. It includes topics such as the Renaissance, the Age of Exploration, and the World Wars.6.4. World history: The study of global events and interactions. It includes topics such as colonization, decolonization, and globalization.7. Literature7.1. Poetry: The study of poetry. It includes topics such as rhyme, meter, and figurative language.7.2. Prose: The study of writing that is not poetry. It includes topics such as novels, short stories, and essays.7.3. Drama: The study of plays and theatrical performances. It includes topics such as plot, character, and dialogue.7.4. Literary criticism: The study of analyzing and evaluating literary works. It includes topics such as formalism, structuralism, and feminism.8. Art8.1. Visual arts: The study of creating visual images. It includes topics such as painting, sculpture, and photography.8.2. Performing arts: The study of live performances. It includes topics such as dance, theater, and music.8.3. Art history: The study of the development of art throughout history. It includes topics such as ancient art, Renaissance art, and modern art.8.4. Art criticism: The study of analyzing and evaluating works of art. It includes topics such as formal analysis, iconography, and semiotics.9. Philosophy9.1. Metaphysics: The study of the nature of reality. It includes topics such as existence, time, and free will.9.2. Epistemology: The study of knowledge. It includes topics such as belief, justification, and truth.9.3. Ethics: The study of moral principles. It includes topics such as morality, justice, and virtue.9.4. Aesthetics: The study of beauty and artistic expression. It includes topics such as art, taste, and aesthetic judgment.10. Geography10.1. Physical geography: The study of Earth's natural features. It includes topics such as landforms, climate, and ecosystems.10.2. Human geography: The study of human activities and societies. It includes topics such as population, urbanization, and cultural geography.10.3. Cartography: The study of map-making. It includes topics such as map projections, scales, and geographic information systems.10.4. Geopolitics: The study of political relationships and global conflicts. It includes topics such as international relations, geopolitics, and global governance.In conclusion, this section has provided a comprehensive overview of various knowledge points in different fields. By studying and understanding these knowledge points, one can gain a deeper insight into the world and its complexities. These knowledge points are crucial in our quest for knowledge and understanding of the world around us.。
heat transfer in automoble radiators of the tubular type_Dittus_Boelter
M.HEAT MASS TRANSFERVol.12, pp.3-22, 1985Printed in the United StatesHeat Transfer In Automobile Radiators Of TheTubular TypeF. W. Dittus and L. M. K. BoelterIntroductionHeat to be dissipated from water-cooled internal combustion engines is usually transferred to the atmosphere by means of devices commonly called radiators. The medium conveying heat to the radiator is generally water, the medium conveying heat away is air.In this article it is intended to discuss the fundamentals involve in the transfer of heat from water to the atmosphere in the simplest type of tubular radiator. No attempt will be made to discuss the effect of the rate of heat transfer when using fins, honeycomb section, or any type other than the plain tube.The unit of measure of heat transfer in heat exchange equipment is the “Overall Transfer Factor”, which is the heat transferred per unit area of heat transmitting surface per unit time per unit of temperature difference between the hot and cold fluids.Film Transfer Factor On The Liquid Side Of A RadiatorTypes of fluid flour through tubesOn the liquid side of a radiator heat is carried from the warm water to the colder tube wall by two methods:(1)Convection(2)ConductionIn the region of turbulent flow, most of the heat is transferred from the liquid to the tube wall by forced convection. Because of the low thermal conductivity of fluids, very little heat is transferred from the center of the stream to the tube wall by conduction. In forced circulation systems the fluid flow through the radiator is turbulent unless the tubes are of very small diameter.In the viscous flow region practically all of the heat is transferred from the interior of the stream to the tube wall by conduction.The rate of heat flow from the water to the air is retarded by(a)Film resistance on the water side of the tube surface,(b)Thermal resistance of tube,(c)Film resistance on the air side of the tube.If we denote the three resistances mentioned above by R w, R t, and R a, respectively, we may write the following equation:(1)o w t a R R R R =++where R o =overall or total heat flow resistance.Ordinarily, however, the term employed is not thermal resistance but thermal conductance, which is the reciprocal of resistance. Denoting thermal conductance by U we may then write:1111(2)o w t aU U U U =++where U o =overall transfer factor (BTU/sq.ft./℉./hr.).U w =film transfer factor on water side (BTU/sq.ft./℉./hr.).U a =film transfer factor on air side (BTU/sq.ft./℉./hr.).U t =thermal conductance of separating wall (BTU/sq.ft./℉./hr.).The value of U t can be readily calculated by the use of the following equation:(3)t kU t =wheret=thickness of separating wall (ft.).k=thermal conductivity of separating wall material (BTU/sq.ft./℉./hr.).Equation (2) holds when heat is transferred through a body with parallel heat-transmitting surfaces. In the case of heat flow through curved surfaces, for example, tube walls, a correction should be made for the face that the outer surface per unit length of tube is greater than the inner surface for the same length of tube. Equation (2) then becomes:1111(4)?o m a a t t w w U A U A U A U A =++ or, referred to the mean diameter of the tube, equation (4) becomes:1111(5)'o w t a U U R U U R =++whereA m =Mean area of heat transfer section based on mean tube diameter (sq.ft).A a =Area of heat transfer section on air side (sq.ft).A w =Area of heat transfer section on water side (sq.ft).R=Ratio of outer tube surface (air) to surface of tube at mean diameter per unit length of tube.R ’=Ratio of inner tube surface (water) to surface of tube at mean diameter per unit length of tube.R=2D/(D+d).R ’=2d/(D+d).D=Outside diameter of tube (inches).d=Inside diameter of tube (inches).The value of U t for a curved separating wall is:4(6)()ln /t kU D d D d =+Substituting equation (6) for the term U t and also substituting in equation (5) the equivalent values of R and R ’, the latter becomes:11ln /1()()(7)?22o o t D d D d U U D k U D +=++The type of fluid flow existing within a tube may be determined by calculating “Reynolds criterion ”, which is defined as follows:(8)/0.624r vd Vd C u s z ==whereC r =Reynolds criterionC r ’=Reynolds critical number (see following paragraph)v=mean linear velocity of fluid (ft./sec.)V=mean mass velocity (lbs./sq.ft./sec.)d=inside diameter of tube (inches)u=absolute viscosity of fluid at mean stream temperature (poises)z=absolute viscosity of fluid at mean stream temperature (centipoises)s=density of fluid (numerically equal to the specific gravity of fluid referred to water at 60℉.) (gram./cc.)If, upon substitution of the proper values in the above equation, the numerical result (Cr) is greater than 40, the flow is turbulent. If, on the other hand, the result is less than 25, the flow is non-turbulent or viscous. In the event that a ratio (Cr ’) having a value between the just mentioned numbers is obtained, the flow may be either turbulent or viscous depending to a great extent upon the entrance and exit conditions of the installation in question and roughness of the tube surface.Film transfer factors for turbulent flow —Most of the experimental work done on heat transfer covers the turbulent region for fluid flow inside of tubes. McAdams and Frost (1922) correlated all the published data and proposed the following equation for heat transfer existing at turbulent flow:0.7961()(9)/Ud vd B k u s = which is a simplified form of the following equation proposed by Nusselt (1910): 12()()(10)/Ud vd cu f f k u s k =WhereB1=constantc=specific heat of fluid (BTU/lb./℉)k=thermal conductivity of fluid (BTU/sq.ft./hr./℉./ft.),and all other terms as mentioned above.McAdams and Frost eliminated the third term of equation (10) because the correlated datafell along the same straight line when plotted on logarithmic paper according to equation (9). Most of the data plotted were results of heat transfer tests conducted with water flowing through tubes.Equation (9) was later modified by McAdams and Frost (1924) to include a correction for the increased heat transfer rate due to turbulence at the entrance of the tube. This modified equation is as follows:2(1)()(11)'/Ud N vd B f k r u s =+whereB2=constantN=empirical numberr=ratio of tube length to diameter=l /du ’=viscosity of fluid at film temperature (poises)Upon considering the results a number of experiments the equation proposed by the last mentioned authors was:0.80250(1)()(12)?'/Ud vd B k r u s =+As mentioned above, in most of the experiments performed the fluid used was water and the heat was generally flowing from the tube to the liquid, i.e., heating the liquid.Morris and Whitman (1928) conducted a series of experiments in which oils having a wide range of viscosities were used. In addition to this they studied the heat transfer rates for cooling as well as heating of the liquid flowing through the tube. The result of the investigation showed that film transfer factors may be expressed by the following equation:0.37()()(13)?Ud Vd cz f k z k =which is of the same form as the Nusselt equation previously mentioned, except that mass velocity (lbs./sq.ft./sec.) is used instead of linear velocity and absolute viscosity expressed in centi-poises instead of poises. The two just mentioned variables are denoted by “V ” and “z ” respectively. Figure 1 shows the experimental data of these investigators plotted according to equation (13). It will be noted that there are two separate groups of points, one for heating liquids and another for cooling liquids. As pointed out by Morris and Whitman, the film transfer factor for cooling a liquid is about 75 per cent of that for heating a liquid when the comparison is made at the same flow conditions.This variation is no doubt due to the fact that the physical properties of the fluid particles conveying and conducing heat are different for the two conditions, even though the mean fluid temperatures are the same. Perhaps a better procedure would be to plot the film transfer factoes as a function of the various thermal properties of the fluid at the film temperature instead of the mean stream temperature.The curves obtained when using the physical properties of the fluid at the tube temperature instead of at the mean stream temperature are in no better agreement than those shown by Morris and Whitman, nor is there a better agreement when the physical properties are taken at a mean temperature between the tube wall and mean stream temperatures. In every case a separate curve was obtained for heating and cooling, in some cases the cooling curve lying above and in some cases lying below the heating curve, depending entirely upon the temperature used to determine the physical properties of the liquid.In order to obtain a common curve for heating and cooling, it is suggested to use two different exponents in the term (cz/k)n for each process. Figure 2 shows the plotted results calculated from Morris and Whitman ’s published data, using n equals 0.4 and 0.3 respectively for heating and cooling a liquid flowing to a tube. Unfortunately, no other data are available to test the use of two different exponents for heating and cooling.The fluids used by Morris and Whitman in their experiments were water and oils covering a considerable range of viscosities. Neither these authors nor McAdams and Frost showed any experimental values for gases flowing through tubes.In order to determine whether or not the Morris and Whitman curve also applies to gases, the published results of a number of investigators using gases in their heat transfer experiments were analyzed and plotted according to the following equations:()()(14)z nUd Vd cz f k kwheren=0.3 for coolingn=0.4 for heatingall other variables as previously defined.The curves thus obtained for gases are shown in figure 3 together with others published by McAdams and Frost for liquids. The curves shown for gas flow cover a range of tube diameters from 1/2 inch to about 6 inches and a temperature range from 60℉ to 1400℉. The mass velocities varied from 0.2 to 6.6 lbs. per sq. ft. per second. The pressure within the pipe varied from 1.5 to 190 pounds per sq. inch absolute. Considering this wide variation in operating conditions, the agreement of the curves is remarkable, although it is somewhat difficult to draw a mean curve.The mean curve shown on figure 3 may be expressed by the following equation:19.5()()(15)m nUd dV cz k z k =where n is the 0.3 and 0.4 for cooling and heating, respectively, as mentioned above.The entrance correction factor (1+50/r) proposed by McAdams and Frost was omitted by Morris and Whitman in the equation proposed by the latter. The reason for the omission is that not sufficient data are available definitely to determine the end correction factor. For the same reason the factor is also omitted from equation (15).Film transfer factor for viscous or non-turbulent flow —Very little data have been published on heat transfer for viscous flow. McAdams (1925) published a curve having a slope of about 1/10 when the variable (l ’d/k)/(1+50/r) is plotted against (Vd/z) or, in other words,1/1150()(1)(16)?o Ud Vd B k z r=+No experimental data were shown to support this equation.Some experiments were conducted by Dittus at the University of California (1929) on the heat transfer from tubes to liquids in viscous motion. It was found upon plotting the experimental results according to the equation Ud/k=f(Vd/z) that the latter equation did not hold, but separate curves were obtained, each of which had a slope of roughly 1/12, for each diameter tube tested. It was apparent that some additional variables should be included in the above equation in order to obtain a satisfactory curve. When the experimental data were plottedaccording to Nusselt ’s equation (10), the results again did not fall along the same curve. Upon including the additional variables, specific heat and temperature difference, the following equation was derived by the application of the principle of dimensional homogeneity:3U [(),(),()](17)/d rd drsc k f k u s k dv s ∆=where △=logarithmic mean temperature difference between tube and liquid, and all other terms are the same as mentioned before.By combining the variables in equation (17) in a particular manner, it was possible to derive a new group of variables, which caused all experimental points to fall along the same curve when plotted accordingly.The final equation proposed is as follows:1/32/31/1220()()(18)/k vd U s c d u s ∆=Further information on heat transfer in the viscous or non-turbulent flow region is available in an article published by Thomas and Wadlow (1929) on the heat transfer performance of tubular radiators for automobiles. These investigators determined the overall transfer from water to air by maintaining a constant water velocity and varying the air velocity in one set of experiments. These tests covered both the turbulent and the non-turbulent or viscous flow on the water side of the turbulent and the non-turbulent or viscous flow on the water side of the radiator tubes. Because of the method employed of varying only one of either the air or water velocity, it is possible to calculate the film transfer factors from the overall transfer factors. The results are shown in figure 4.It will be noted upon reviewing figure 4 that results calculated from Thomas and Wadlow ’s data do not agree with the tests of Dittus. The reason for this may be that in the latter tests every effort was made to eliminate turbulence due to entrance and exit, disturbances, while in the former tests no such precaution was observed. For this reason, turbulence existed at the entrance to the radiator tubes, which may have resulted in a higher overall transfer factor.It will be remembered that McAdams and Frost suggested an end correction factor for the case of turbulent flow.Upon applying the same correction factors (1+50/r) to the results calculated from Thomas ’ and Wadlow ’s data and plotting the values thus corrected, it was found that the plotted points coincided remarkably well with those reported by Dittus (1929), as is shown in figure 5. The equation now proposed for heat transfer existing at viscous flow is as follows:1/32/31/125020()()(1)(19)/k vd U s c d u s r ∆=+As mentioned above, in the tests conducted by Dittus provisions were made to eliminate all disturbance due to entrance conditions. For that particular case the term r then becomes infinite and equation (19) will be the same as equation (18).It is true that the introduction of the end correction term is based on rather meager data, but until more data are available, it is advisable to employ the McAdams and Frost end correction factor as shown in equation (19).Film transfer Factor With Flow Transverse to TubesSingle row of tubes —Much work has been done on heat transfer from cylinders to fluids and vice versa with flow at right angles to the cylinder. Some experiments have been conducted with heated wires moving at a fixed velocity through liquids or air in order to obtain a relation of heat transmission and relative velocity and thus calibrate the device for velocity measurements. Some work has also been done with air flow transverse to tubes. The most recent data of the latter type of tests are those published by Reiher (1925) in which hot air was cooled by flowing transverse to cold tubes. Reiher proposed the following equation:()(20)/m m m mv D UD f k u s = which may also be expressed as follows: ()(21)m m m v D UD f k z =wherev m =average velocity between two adjacent tubes (ft./sec.)V m =average mass velocity between two adjacent tubes (lbs./sq.ft./sec.)D=absolute viscosity of fluid at mean of tube and fluid temperature (poises)u m =absolute viscosity of fluid at mean of tube and fluid temperature (poises)z m=absolute viscosity of fluid at mean of tube and fluid temperature (poises)k m =thermal conductivity of fluid at mean of fluid and tube temperatures (BTU/sq.ft./hr./℉/ft.)c m =specific heat of fluid at mean of fluid and tube temperature (BTU/lb./℉)and all other terms are as mentioned before.The term Vm may be calculated as follows:(22)4m o bV V d b π=-also max (23)o b D V V b -=whereVo=mass velocity of gas just before entering tube bundle (lbs./sq.ft./sec.)Vmax=maximum mass velocity of gas between two adjacent tubes (lbs./sq.ft./sec.) b=center to center spacing of tubes (inches)D=outside diameter of tubes (inches)Using the term Vm instead of either Vo or Vmax eliminates the use of another group of variables involving the ratio of tube spacing to tube diameter. Reiher found that upon plotted in that manner in figure 6. It will be noted that points obtained with air flowing at right angles to the cylinder fall along the same curve, while the points obtained from experiments using oil and water instead of air formed separate curves depending upon the liquid used.Expressing each curve according to the following equation:()(24)nm o m m V D UD B k z =It was found that the constant B 0 could be plotted as a function of the term (c m z m /k m ) and varied as the one-third power of the last-mentioned group of variables.Because of this fact all data were replotted as shown in figure 7 according to the following equation:1/3()()(25)n m m m m m m v D c z UD f k z k =Upon reviewing figure 7 it will be noted that all points, regardless of whether tests were conducted with water, oil, or air, fall along the same curve. It will furthermore be noted that for the region where V m D/z m is less than 0.25 the line has a slope of 0.4 while for the region above that the line has a slope of about 0.56. Apparently there is a change of film conditions at the intersection of the two curves. The equations for heat transfer with fluid flow at right angles to cylinders may then be written as follows:(a) for 0.25m mV D z < 0.41/383()()(26)m m m m m mV D c z UD k z k = (b) for 0.25m mV D z >0.541/3105()()(27)m m m m m m V D c z UD k z k =Several rows of tubes —A series of tests for the determination of heat transfer when several rows of tubes are involved were made by Reiher. In all these experiments the heat transfer took place from tubes to air; no data are available from experiments in which liquids were used. Furthermore, all of Rerher ’s results are for the region where V m D/z m is greater than 0.25 so that no data are available ta all for several rows of tubes in the region where the just mentioned criterion is less than 0.25. Until experiments prove otherwise, it may be assumed that Reiher ’s equation applying to air flow only may be modified to include liquid flow by introducing the term (c m z m /k m )1/3 as was done in the case of the equations for single tubes. The modified equations applying to several rows of tubes for the region where V m D/z m is greater than 0.25 are as follows:(1) staggered rows of tubes: 2 rows,0.691/3max 53()()(28)?m m m m mV D c z UD k z k = 3 rows, 0.691/3max 60()()(29)?m m m m mV D c z UD k z k = 4 rows, 0.691/3max 65()()(30)?m m m m mV D c z UD k z k = 5 rows, 0.691/3max 69()()(31)?m m m m m V D c z UD k z k =(2) rows of tubes directly behind each other: 2 rows,0.6541/3max 55()()(32)?m m m m mV D c z UD k z k = 3 rows, 0.6541/3max 57()()(33)?m m m m mV D c z UD k z k = 4 rows, 0.6541/3max 58()()(34)?m m m m mV D c z UD k z k = 5 rows, 0.6541/3max 59()()(35)?m m m m m V D c z UD k z k =It should be noted that in the two last mentioned groups of equations the term V max instead of V mean is used. Just why this was done is not explained in Reiher ’s paper; unless he assumes that in heat exchange equipment, when several rows of tubes are used, the bulk of the heat transfer takes place at the point of maximum velocity. Rerher also states that the above equations are valid only when the tubes are fairly clos together.Discussion and conclusionsAnalysis of published data on heat transfer in tubular radiators indicates that a large part of the total resistance to heat flow is due to the relatively low film transfer factors on the air side of the tubes. For this reason, any attempt to increase the overall transfer factor on the air side of the tube. Some improvements may also be made by decreasing the film resistance on the liquid side of the tubes, although the total gain will be slight unless the air film transfer factor is increased materially at the same time. The film transfer factor on the liquid side of a tubular radiator may be calculated readily with the aid of the equations (15) and (19) according as the flow is turbulent or non-turbulent respectively.The critical point at which the flow within a tube changes from non-turbulent to turbulent may be determined by application of Reynolds criterion listed as equation (8).It appears that there is also a critical region for flow transverse to tubes at which the flow changes from non-turbulent or viscous to turbulent; this is clearly shown in figure 7. The change of flow from non-turbulent to turbulent appears to take place at the point where V m D/z m is equal to 0.25.For the non-turbulent or viscous region of flow transverse to tubes the film transfer factor for single rows of tubes is expressed by equation (26) while for the turbulent region equation (27) applies.。
q = K (T t )
由于两流体的温度沿壁面变化,使得总温差Δt发 由于两流体的温度沿壁面变化,使得总温差Δ 生变化,对于热流量: 生变化,对于热流量:
q = dQ / dA
dQ = K (T t )dA
Discussion: : 1、换热管内外面积不相等的考虑 、
dQ = α 1 (T Tw ) dA1 =
1 1 d2 b d2 1 d2 = + + + R s1 + Rs2 K2 d1 α 1 d1 λ dm α2
减小其中任意一项,均可增加 值 减小其中任意一项,均可增加K值,但 主要由最大的热阻决定(控制热阻) 主要由最大的热阻决定(控制热阻) 强化传热,消减控制热阻 强化传热,
23:19 19
i= 1
t1 tn
i= 1
总 热 差 导 温 = 总 阻 热
5. 通过单层圆筒壁的稳定热传导
dt q = λ dx
dt Q = λA dx
dt Q = 2πrlλ dx
2πλl (t1 t2 )(r2 r1 ) 2πlrm λ (t1 t 2 ) (t1 t2 ) t Q= = = = r2 b b R (r2 r1 ) ln r1 λAm
同除以dA1 同除以
(Tw t w ) dA w = α 2 (t w- t ) dA 2
换热管的内 外直径相差 不大, 不大,可用 算术平均值
dAw dA2 q = α1 (T Tw ) = (Tw t w ) = α 2 (t w-t ) b dA1 dA1
有些人,我们明知道是爱的,也要去放弃,因为没结局Absolute pressure 绝对压力Absolute temperature 绝对温度Adiabatic compression 绝热压缩过程Air padding (压缩)空气(填充)输送Aluminalkyle 烷基铝Ammonia synthesis 合成氨Antisurge protection 防喘振(保护)Areas and circumferences of circles圆的面积和周长Asphalt production 沥青生产Atmospheric pressure and barometric readings at altitudes海拔高度大气压力和气压表读数Autofrettage 自增强Barrel compressor (见垂直剖分型压缩机Vertically splitcompressor) 筒形压缩机Bearing 轴承Circular 圆形Compliant su**ce 顺性表面Cryogenic 深冷Damper 阻尼Elastohydrodynamic 弹性流体动压Elliptical 椭圆形Film thickness 膜厚Flow 流量Fluid film 流体膜Gas 气体Hydrostatic 流体静压Journal 轴颈Liner 衬套Materials 材料Magnetic 磁力Multipad 多瓦块Rolling element 滚动Tapered land 斜平面Temperature 温度Three—lobe 三叶Tilt pad 可倾瓦Benedict-webb-rubin-starling 模型(model)Capacity 排气量Capacity control 排气量调节Bypass 旁路Clearance pocket 余隙(补助)容积Finger unloader 指式卸荷器Port unloader 孔卸荷器Screw compressor slide 螺杆压缩机滑片Variable speed 变速Centrifugal compressor 离心式压缩机Balance piston 平衡鼓Casing 机壳Coupling 联轴器Diaphragm 隔板Diffuser 扩压器Discharge nozzle 排气接管Discharge volute 排气蜗壳Electrical system 电气系统Foundations 基础Guide vane 导叶Intercooling 中间冷却器Inlet nozzle 进气(接)管Inlet volute 进气蜗壳Multistage 多级Off design operation 非设计工况操作Oil system 密封油系统Performance 性能Slope 倾斜Splitter vane 分流叶片Thrust bearing 止推轴承Choking 阻塞(工况)Clearance volume 余隙容积CNG codes and standards CNG规范和标准CNG station CNG加气站CNG pressure vessel CNG[wiki]压力容器[/wiki]CNG compressor CNG压缩机Blow down gas recovery 排放气体回收Crankcase 曲轴箱Lubrication 润滑Sealing 密封CNG dispenser CNG售气机CNG fill system CNG加气系统Coatings 涂层Fluorocarbon 碳氟化合物Nickel 镍Compressibility 压缩性(系数)Compressibility factor 压缩性系数Compression ratio 压缩比Conversion factors 换算系数Critical speed 临界转速Cracking 裂化Crosshead 十字头Auxiliary 辅助Connection 连接形式Guide 导轨Pin load reversal 活塞杆(销)载荷反向度Cylinder 气缸Autofrettage 自增强Construction 结构Elastic simulation 弹性模拟Fatigue tests 疲劳试验Finish 光洁度Heavy walled 厚壁Hypercompressor 超高压压缩机Materials 材料Stress distribution 应力分布Tie rods 拉杆Damped systems 阻尼系统Dewhirl vanes 破涡片Diaphragm compressor 隔膜式压缩机Accessories 附件Applications 应用Cleaning and testing 清扫和测试Head assembly 缸头组件Limitations 局限性Operation 操作Pressures 压力Discharge of air through an orifice 空气通过孔板的流量Displacement 压缩机汽缸工作流量Double flow compressor 双吸压缩机Effective head 有效能头Efficiency 效率Compression (adiabatic)压缩(绝热)Compressor (polytropic ,hydraulic ,stage)压缩机(多变效率,流动效率,级效率)Delivery 排气Isentropic 等熵Mechanical [wiki]机械[/wiki]Volumetric 容积Emissions control 泄露控制Energy equation 能量方程Entering sleeve 导入套筒Euler equation 欧拉方程Finite element method 有限元方法Fixed clearance 固定余隙Flow 流量Coefficient 系数Subsonic 亚音速Foundations 基础Anchor bolts 地脚螺栓Grout 灌浆Materials 材料Pile cap 桩平台Reinforcing 密布(钢筋)Repair 改造Skid mounted / packaged 撬装/ 整体式Soil frequency / vibration 土壤频率/ 振动Table top 台板Types 形式Frame load 机身力Free air 大气Friction coefficient 摩擦系数Gas booster 气体增压器Applications 应用Construction 结构Cooling 冷却Drive 驱动Flow chart 流动曲线Pressure ratio 压力比Storage tant 储罐Valves 阀Gas laws 气体定律Gas reinjection 天然气回注Gas sampling 气体采样分析Gas transportation 天然气输送Hans Hoerbiger 汉斯贺尔碧格Hans Mayer 汉斯梅尔Heat transfer 热传递,热交换Horizontally split compressor 水平剖分型压缩机(壳)Horsepower 功率,马力Air indicated 空气指示功率Brake (shaft)制动功率(轴功率)Theoretical (polytropic)理**率(多变压缩过程)Hypercompressor 超级压缩机Hyper packing 高压填料Impeller 叶轮Backward leaning 后弯Discharge section 出口截面Forward leaning 前弯Inlet section 进口截面Manufacturing 制造Overhung 外悬臂Radial 径向Thrust 止推力Incidence 冲(击)角Indicator card 示功图Intercooling 中间冷却Isentropic compression (见绝热压缩过程Adiabatic compression)等熵压缩过程Isentropic head 等熵能头Isentropic temperature exponent 温度等熵指数Isothermal compression 等温压缩过程Liquids 液体In gas stream 气流(工艺气体)Liquefaction 液化Load factor 载荷系数Loss of air pressure due to pipe friction 管道摩擦产生的空气压力损失Loss of pressure through pipe fittings 通过连接管件的压力损失Lubricant production 润滑剂生产Lubrication 润滑Additives 添加剂Feed rate 注油速度Gas absorption 气体吸收Hydrocarbon dilution 烃稀释Low flow sensor 低流量传感器Lubricators 注油器Oil ring 油环Pre-post lube 预润滑—停机后润滑Removal 除(油)Synthetic 合成Viscosity 粘度Mach number 马赫数Methanol synthesis 甲醇(合成)Mollier chart mollier 图(焓—熵图)Myhlestad—prohl calculation Myhlestad—prohl数值计算法N value and properties of gases 气体N值和特性Non—lube compressor 无润滑压缩机Oxygen compression 氧气压缩机Packaging compressor 撬装式压缩机Base design 底座设计Cooler design 冷却器设计Line sizing 管道设计Pressure relief valve 安全阀Pulsation bottle design 缓冲罐设计Scrubber design 分离器设计Packin 填料Breaker rings 减压环Cooling 冷却Cup stress 填料盒应力Distance piece venting 隔离是排气Emissions control 控制排放(填料函缓冲气控制)Friction 摩擦Heat generation 热量产生High pressure 高压Leakage泄露Lubrication 润滑Partition 隔板Purged 清洗Nomenclature 术语Rod size effects 活塞杆尺寸影响Seal rings 密封环Static sealing 静密封Thermal effects 热效应Wiper 刮油环Partial pressure of water vapor in air 空气中水蒸气分压Piping 管道Acoustics 声学特性Flow straightener 整流器Velocity profile 速度分布Pipeling compressor 管道压缩机Piston ring 活塞环Friction 摩擦Leakage 泄露Instantaneous pressure 瞬时压力Rider rings 支承环Polyethylene [wiki]聚乙烯[/wiki] High density (HDPE)高密度(HDPE)Low density (LDPE)低密度(LDPE)Safety aspects 安全状况Polymer buildup 聚合物堆积Polytropic compression 多变压缩过程Polytropic head 多变能头Pressure distribution 压力分布Pressure drop 压降Contour 叶型Endwal 端面Friction 摩擦Impact 激波Incidence 冲击Mixing 混合Overall 总(压降)Pressure ratio 压力比Pressure /Time (pT)patterns 压力/ 时间(pT)图Pressure —volume (pV)diagram 压(力)—容(积)(pV)图Procedure for determining compressor size 确定压缩机的尺寸步骤Pulsation 压力波(脉)动(气体脉动)Purging 吹扫Nitrogen 氮气Redlich—Kwong equation of Redlich—Kwong 状态方程Reciprocating compressor 往复式压缩机Capacity control 排气量调节Cooling 水冷Crankcase lubrication 曲轴箱润滑Cylinder lubrication 气缸润滑(预润滑)Electrical controls 电(气)控(制)(盘)Foundations基础Loading / unloading 加载/ 卸载Manual controls 手动控制Monitoring 监测,检测Pneumatic controls 气动控制Rod drop 活塞杆下沉Sensors 传感器Reforming 重整Regasificaion 再气化Reynolds number 雷诺数Rod load 杆力(活塞杆载荷)Rotor dynamics 转子动力学Rotor balancing 转子Rotary screw compressor 螺杆式压缩机Adiabatic efficiency 绝热效率Advantages 优点Applications 应用Helical rotors 螺旋转子Packaging 撬装式Sizing 选型Screw compressor 螺杆式压缩机Heat transfer 热传递Leakage 泄露Port losses (吸排)气口损失Pulsation 压力波动Scroll compressor 涡式压缩机Construction 结构Lubricated 润滑型Oilless 无有型Principal of operation 工作原理Seals 密封Balance piston 平衡鼓Bellows 波纹管式(密封)Bushing 套筒(密封)Carbon ring 碳环(密封)Circumferential 圆周(密封)Double 双(密封)Honey comb 蜂窝(密封)Interstage 级间(密封)Labyrinth 迷宫(密封)Mechanical 机械(密封)Oil 油封Performance 性能Rotary contacting 接触式Rotary non contacting 非接触式Sleeve 轴套(密封)Sliding 滑动(密封)Tandem 串联Tip 顶端(密封)Simulation 模拟Buried piping 埋地管道Dynamic fluid transient systems 运动流体的瞬态系统Pulsation 脉动Static systems静态系统Stress 应力Thermal flexibility 热挠曲Vibration 振动Sommerfield number sommerfield 数Speed **(见速度矢量图velocity vector diagram)速度三角形Specific heat ratio 比热比Spring 弹簧Valve 气阀Stall 失速Standard air 标准大气Steam properties 蒸汽特性Stonewall(见阻塞choking)极限(工况)Straight lobe compressor 直叶罗茨式压缩机Bearings 轴承Construction 结构Installation 装置Noise 噪声Operating principle 操作原理Pulsation 脉动pV diagram pV图seals 密封strain gage method 应变计法stress 应力axial 轴向circumferential 周向factor of safety 安全系数radial 径向risers 集中von Misessupercompressibility 超压缩性(系数)surge 喘振swirl (见破涡片dewhirl)涡动tank car unloading 罐车卸车pump 泵vapor recovery 蒸汽回收Temperature conversion chart 温度换算曲线Temperature rise vs compression ratio 温升系数—压缩比关系图Temperature—rise ratio 温升比Testing centrifugal compressors 离心式压缩机试验Economizer nozzles 节能器接口Efficiency 效率Field data analysis 现场测试数据分析Instrumentation 试验仪器Internal temperatures 内部温度Iso—cooled compressors 均布冷却的压缩机Power 功率Thermodynamic performance 热力性能Trouble shooting 故障影响Tungsten carbide 碳化钨Turbocompressor 透平压缩机Turbomachinery 透平机械Turbulence 紊流Urea production 尿素生产Vacuum remelted steel 真空再熔刚Valve 气阀Active 主动Area 面积Axial 轴向(布置)Channel 槽状阀Combined suction / discharge 吸排气组合(气阀)Concentric 同心阀Deck—and—one—half 整半层叠阀Double deck 双层阀Dynamics 动态特性Equivalent area 当量面积(有效流通面积)Feather 羽状阀Leakage 泄露lift 升程losses 损失materials 材质motion 运动poppet 菌状阀(多阀芯)ported plate 网状阀radial 径向(布置)reed 舌弹簧ring 环状阀vehicle fueling 车辆燃料appliance [wiki]设备[/wiki] vertically—split compressor 垂直剖分型压缩机velocity vector diagram 速度矢量图vibration analysis 振动分析viscosity ,fluid 粘度,流体water injection 注水wear 磨损detector 检测器distribution 分布。
intermittent heating
standby heating
hot water heating
highttemperature water heating;high-pressure hot water heating
steam heating
1.3 采暖系统
heating system
hot water heating system
steam heating system
vacuum heating system;vacuum return-line heating system
correction factor for orientation
additional factor for wind force
additional factor for exterior door
additional factor for room height
heating medium parameter
returnwater temperature
temperature difference between supply and returnwater
暖通专业常用术语中英文对照1 采暖术语1.1 一般术语1 采暖heating; space heating2 集中采暖central heating; concentrated heating3 全面采暖general heating4 局部采暖local heating5 连续采暖continuous heating6 间歇采暖intermittent heating7 值班采暖standby heating8 热水采暖hot water heating9 高温热水采暖hight temperature water heating; high-pressure hot waterheating10 蒸汽采暖steam heating11 高压蒸汽采暖high-pressure steam heating12 低压蒸汽采暖low-pressure steam heating13 真空采暖vacuum heating14 对流采暖convection heating15 散热器采暖radiator heating16 热风采暖warm-air heating; hot air heating17 集中送风采暖localized air supply for air-heating18 辐射采暖panel heating; radiant heating19 顶棚辐射采暖ceiling panel heating20 地板辐射采暖floor panel heating21 墙壁辐射采暖wall panel heating22 金属辐射采暖metal radiant panel heating23 煤气红外线辐射采暖gas-fired infrared heating24 电热辐射采暖electric radiant heating; electric panel heating25 火炉采暖stove heating26 太阳能采暖solar heating27 热源heat source28 热媒heating medium29 饱和蒸汽saturated steam30 过热蒸汽superheated steam; overheat steam31 二次蒸汽flash steam32 汽水混合物steam water mixture33 热媒参数heating medium parameter34 供水温度supply water temperature35 回水温度return water temperature36 供回水温度temperature difference between supply and return water37 供汽压力pressure of steam supply38 凝结水背压力back pressure of steam trap39 锅炉房boiler room; boiler house; boiler plant40 供热heat supply; heating41 区域供热district heating; district heat supply42 热网heat supply network; heat distributing network43 热力入口building heating entry44 开式回水open return45 闭式回水closed return46 余压回水back pressure return47 闭式满管回水dosed full flow return1.2 围护结构与热负荷1 围护结构building envelope2 空气间层air space; airspace3 传热heating transfer; heat transmission4 稳态传热steady-state heat transfer5 非稳态传热unsteady-state heat transfer6 热流量heat flow rate7 导热系数Thermal conductivity(coefficient);heat conductioncoefficient; heat conductivity8 导温系数thermal diffusivity9 热阻thermal resistance; heat resistance10 表面换热系数surface[film]thermal conductance; surface coefficient ofheat transfer11 表面换热阻surface[film] resistance of heat thermal transfer12 传热系数coefficient of heat transfer; overall heat transmissioncoefficient13 传热阻resistance of heat transfer14 最大传热系数maximum coefficient of heat transfer15 最小传热minimum resistance of heat transfer16 经济传热阻economic resistance of heat transfer17 蓄热系数coefficient of accumulation of heat; coefficient of thermalstorage18 热惰性指标(D值)index of thermal inertia(value D)19 热稳定性thermal stability; heat endurance20 衰减倍数damping factor21 延迟时间heat(thermal)lag; detention period22 蒸汽渗透系数coefficient of vapor permeability; coefficient of vapo(u)rpermeation23 蒸汽渗透阻resistance to water vapor permeability; resistance to watervapor permeation24 耗热量heat loss25 基本耗热量basic heat loss26 附加耗热量additional heat loss27 围护结构温差修正系数temperature difference correction factor of envelope28 温度梯度temperature gradient29 朝向修正率correction factor for orientation30 风力附加率additional factor for wind force31 外门附加率additional factor for exterior door32 高度附加率additional factor for room height33 间歇附加率additional factor for intermittent heating34 冷风渗透耗热量heat loss by infiltration; infiltration heat loss35 通风耗热量ventilation heat loss36 热负荷heating load1.3 采暖系统1 采暖系统heating system2 热水采暖系统hot water heating system3 蒸汽采暖系统steam heating system4 真空采暖系统vacuum heating system; vacuum return-line heating system5 蒸汽喷射热水采暖系统steam-jet hot water heating system6 散热器采暖系统radiator heating system7 热风采暖系统warm-air heating system; hot air heating system8 同程式系统reversed return system9 异程式系统direct return system10 单管采暖系统one(single)-pipe heating system11 垂直单管采暖系统vertical one(single)-pipe heating system12 水平单管采暖系统one(single)-pipe loop circuit heating system13 单管顺序式采暖系统one(single)-pipe series-loop heating system14 单管跨越式采暖系统one(single)-pipe circuit(cross-over) heating system15 双管采暖系统two-pipe heating system16 单双管混合式采暖系统one-and-two pipe combined heating system17 上分式系统downfeed system18 下分式系统upfeed system19 中分式系统midfeed system1.4 管道及配件1 采暖管道heating pipe line2 热水管hot water pipe3 蒸汽管steam pipe4 凝结水管condensate pipe5 干式凝结水管dry return pipe6 湿式凝结水管wet return pipe7 总管main pipe; main; trunk pipe8 干管main pipe; main ; trunk pipe9 立管riser10 支管branch pipe; branch11 散热器供热支管feeding branch of radiator12 散热器回水支管return branch of radiator13 排气管vent; vent pipe14 泄水管drain pipe15 旁通管by-pass pipe16 膨胀管expansion pipe17 循环管circulating pipe18 排污管drainage pipe; blow off pipe; blowdown19 溢流管overflow pipe20 管道配件pipe fittings21 管接头coupling22 活接头union23 异径管接头reducing coupling24 弯头elbow25 三通tee26 四通cross27 丝堵screwed plug; plug28 补心bushing29 长丝close nipple; shoulder nipple30 丝对screw nipple31 固定支架fixed support32 活动支架movable support1.5 水力计算1 水力计算hydraulic calculation2 环路circuit; loop3 最不利环路index circuit4 共同段common section5 非共同段non-common section6 管段pipe section7 管段长度length of pipe section8 当量长度equivalent length9 折算长度effective length10 摩擦阻力friction loss; frictional resistance11 比摩阻specific frictional resistance12 摩擦系数friction factor13 绝对粗糙度absolute roughness14 相对粗糙度15 局部阻力local resistance16 局部阻力系数coefficient of local resistance17 当量局部阻力系数equivalent coefficient of local resistance18 折算局部阻力系数effective coefficient of local resistance19 阻力平衡hydraulic resistance balance20 压力损失pressure drop21 水力失调hydraulic disorder22 极限流速limiting velocity23 经济流速economic velocity24 系统阻力system resistance25 作用半径operating range26 资用压力available pressure27 工作压力working pressure; operating pressure28 静压static pressure29 动压velocity pressure30 全压total pressure1.6 采暖设备及附件1 采暖设备heating equipment; heating appliance2 锅炉boiler3 热水锅炉hot water boiler4 蒸汽锅炉steam boiler5 换热器heat exchanger6 水-水式换热器water-water type heat exchanger7 汽-水式换热器steam-water type heat exchanger8 表面式换热器surface-type heat exchanger; indirect heat exchanger9 汽-水混合式换热器steam-water mixed heat exchanger; direct-contact heatexchanger10 蒸汽喷射器steam ejector11 膨胀水箱expansion tank12 凝结水箱condensate tank13 开式水箱open tank14 闭式水箱closed tank15 补给水泵make-up water pump16 循环泵circulating pump17 加压泵booster18 凝结水泵condensate pump19 手摇泵hand pump20 真空泵vacuum pump21 散热器radiator; heat emitter22 对流散热器convector23 铸铁散热器cast iron radiator24 钢制散热器steel radiator25 光面管散热器pipecoil; pipe radiator26 暖风机unit heater27 轴流式暖风机unit heater with axial fan28 离心式暖风机unit heater with centrifugal fan29 空气加热器air heater30 空气幕air curtain31 热风幕warm air curtain32 燃油热风器oil-fired unit heater33 燃气热风器gas-fired unit heater34 金属辐射板metal radiant panel35 块状辐射板unit radiant panel36 带状辐射板strip radiant panel37 红外线辐射器infrared radiant heater38 混水器water-water jet39 除污器strainer40 分汽缸steam manifold; steam header41 分水器header42 集水器header43 集气罐air collector44 补偿器compensator45 减压阀reducing valve; pressure reducing valve46 安全阀safety valve; pressure relief valve47 止回阀check valve; nonreturn valve48 截止阀stop valve49 闸阀gate valve50 角阀angle valve51 浮球阀float valve52 放气阀vent; air vent53 自动放气阀automatic vent54 散热器调节阀radiator valve55 疏水器steam trap56 浮桶式疏水器upright bucket type steam trap57 倒吊桶式疏水器inverted bucket type steam trap58 浮球式疏水器float type steam trap59 热动力式疏水器thermodynamic type steam trap60 恒温式疏水器expansion steam trap; thermostatic steam trap2.1 一般术语1 通风ventilation2 工业通风industrial ventilation3 自然通风natural ventilation4 机械通风mechanical ventilation; forced ventilation5 联合通风natural and mechanical combined ventilation6 全面通风general ventilation; entirely ventilation; general air change7 全面排风general exhaust ventilation(GEV)8 有组织进风organized air supply9 有组织排风organized exhaust10 无组织进风unorganized air supply11 无组织排风unorganized exhaust12 局部通风local ventilation13 局部送风local relief14 局部排风local exhaust ventilation(LEV)15 槽边通风rim ventilation; slot exhaust on edges of tanks16 事故通风emergency ventilation17 诱导通风inductive ventilation18 单向流通风unidirectional flow ventilation19 通风量ventilation rate20 换气次数air changes; ventilating rate21 进风量supply air rate22 排风量exhaust air rate23 风量平衡air balance24 热平衡heat balance25 余热excess heat; excessive heat26 余湿moisture excess27 有害物质harmful substance28 蒸汽vapo(u)r29 有害物质浓度concentration of harmful substance30 质量浓度mass concentration31 体积浓度volumetric concentration32 计数浓度number concentration; particle number concentration33 最高容许浓度maximum allowable concentration(MAC)34 防火fire protection; fire prevention35 防爆explosion proofing36 防烟smoke control37 排烟smoke extraction2.2 自然通风与隔热降温1 有组织自然通风organized natural ventilation; controlled natural ventilation2 无组织自然通风unorganized natural ventilation; uncontrolled naturalventilation3 穿堂风through flow; through-draught; cross-ventilation4 自然排风系统natural exhaust system5 热压thermal pressure; thermal buoyancy; stack effect pressure6 风压wind pressure7 余压excess pressure8 建筑气流区building flow zones9 稳定气流区contour zone10 正压区zone of positive pressure11 空气动力阴影区recirculation cavity; zone of recirculating flow; zone ofaerodynamic shadow12 尾流区zone of wake13 负压区zone of negative pressure14 散热源source of heat release15 散热量heat release16 散热强度specific heat load17 散热量有效系数coefficient of effective heat emission18 排风温度temperature of outgoing air19 中和界neutral level; neutral zone; neutral pressure level20 避风天窗protected[roof]monitor; wind-proofed monitor21 挡风板wind shield; baffle plate22 倒灌wind blow in; down draft23 热车间hot workshop; hot shop24 隔热heat(thermal)insulation25 隔热屏heat screen; heat shield26 水幕water screen; water curtain27 隔热水箱water tank for heat(thermal)insulation; water-cooledabsorptive shielding28 通风屋顶ventilated roof29 降温cooling30 降温系统cooling system31 地道风air through tunnel2.3 机械通风1 机械通风系统mechanical ventilating system2 机械送风系统mechanical air supply system3 机械排风系统mechanical exhaust system4 局部送风系统local air supply system; local relief system5 局部排风系统local exhaust system6 事故通风系统emergency ventilate on system7 通风设备ventilation equipment; ventilation facilities8 送风机supply fan9 排风机exhaust fan10 通风机室fan room; fan house11 送风机室supply fan room12 排风机室exhaust fan room13 进风口air intake14 百叶窗louver; shutter15 保温窗heat insulating window16 [空气加热器]旁通阀by-pass damper17 局部排风罩exhaust hood; hood18 外部吸气罩capturing hood19 接受式排风罩receiving hood20 密闭罩exhausted enclosure; enclosed hood21 局部密闭罩partial enclosure22 整体密闭罩integral enclosure23 大容器密闭罩large space enclosure; closed booth24 排风柜laboratory hood; fume hood25 伞形罩ganopy hood26 侧吸罩lateral hood; side hood27 槽边排风罩rim exhaust; slot exhaust hood; lateral exhaust at the edgeof a bath28 吹吸式排风罩push-pull hood29 罩口风速face velocity30 控制风速capture velocity; control velocity2.4 除尘1 粉尘dust2 纤维性粉尘fibrous dust3 亲水性粉尘hydrophilic dust; lyophilic dust4 疏水性粉尘hydrophobic dust; lyophobic dust5 游离二氧化硅free silica; free silicon dioxide6 气溶胶aerosol7 大气尘airborne particles; particulates; atmospheric dust8 烟[尘] smoke9 烟[雾] fume10 烟气fumes11 液滴droplet12 雾mist13 粒子particle; particulate14 粒径particle size15 粒径分布particle size distribution; granulometric distribution16 安息角angle of repose; angle of rest17 滑动角angle of slide18 真密度actual density; density of dust particle19 堆积密度volume density; apparent density; bulk density20 比电阻resistivity; specific resistance21 可湿性wettability22 水硬性hydraulicity23 尘源dust source24 尘化作用pulvation action25 二次扬尘reentrainment of dust26 沉降速度settling velocity27 悬浮速度suspended velocity28 除尘dust removal; dust separation; dust control29 机械除尘mechanical dust removal; mechanical cleaning off dust30 湿法除尘wet dust collection; wet dust extraction31 水力除尘hydraulic dust removal32 联合除尘mechanical and hydraulic combined dust removal33 除尘系统dust removing system34 湿式作业wet method operation35 湿法冲洗wet flushing36 泥浆处理sludge handling37 气力输送Pneumatic conveying; pneumatic transport38 含尘浓度dust concentration39 初始浓度initial concentration of dust40 除尘效率overall efficiency of separation; total separation efficiency;collection efficiency41 分级除尘效率grade efficiency; fractional separation efficiency42 分割粒径cut diameter43 过滤器初阻力initial resistance of filter44 过滤器终阻力final resistance of filter45 容尘量dust capacity; clogging capacity; dust-holding capacity46 过滤效率filter efficiency47 穿透率penetration rate; slip rate48 气布比air-to-cloth ratio; specific gas flow rate49 过滤速度filtration velocity; media velocity50 连续除灰continuous dust dislodging; continuous dust removal51 定期除灰periodic dust dislodging; intermittent dust removal 2.5 有害气体净化及排放1 有害气体harmful gas and vapo[u]r2 气体吸收absorption of gas and vapo[u]r3 气体吸附adsorption of gas and vapo[u]r4 气体燃烧combustion of gas and vapo[u]r5 直接燃烧direct combustion6 热力燃烧thermal oxidation; flame combustion7 催化燃烧catalytic combustion; catalytic oxidation8 气体冷凝condensation of vapo[u]r9 吸收装置absorption equipment10 吸收剂absorbent11 解吸desorption12 吸收质absorbate13 吸附装置adsorption equipment; adsorber14 吸附剂adsorbent15 吸附质adsorbate16 大气扩散atmospheric diffusion; dispersion17 大气湍流atmospheric turbulence18 大气稳定度atmospheric stability19 逆温temperature inversion20 逆温层inversion layer; thermal inversion layer21 [排气]烟囱chimney; stack; exhaust vertical pipe22 烟羽plume; smoke plume23 烟羽抬升高度plume rise height24 烟羽有效高度effective stack height25 大气污染atmospheric pollution; air pollution26 空气污染物air pollutant; air contaminant27 排放浓度emission concentration28 落地浓度ground-level concentration2.6 通风管道及附件1 通风管道ventilating duct2 风管air duct; duct3 风道air channel; air duct; duct4 [通风]总管main duct; trunk duct5 [通风]干管main duct6 [通风]支管branch duct7 软管flexible duct8 柔性接头flexible joint9 集合管air manifold; air header10 通过式风管passage ventilating duct; through air duct11 筒形风帽cylindrical ventilator; roof ventilator12 伞形风帽cowl; weather cap13 锥形风帽conical cowl; tapered cowl14 [通风]部件components; part; piece15 [通风]配件fittings16 导流板guide vane; turning vane; splitter17 蝶阀butterfly damper18 对开式多叶阀opposed multiblade damper19 平行式多叶阀parallel multiblade damper20 菱形叶片调节阀diamond-shaped damper21 插板阀slide damper22 斜插板阀inclined damper23 [通风]止回阀check damper; nonreturn damper24 防火阀fire damper; fire-resisting damper25 防烟阀smokeproof damper; smoke damper26 排烟阀smoke exhaust damper27 防回流装置back-flow preventer; subduct assembly28 泄压装置pressure relief device29 风口air opening; exhaust opening or inlet; air inlet30 散流器diffuser31 百叶型风口register32 条缝型风口slot outlet; slote diffuser33 旋流风口twist outlet; swirl diffuser34 空气分布器air distributor35 旋转送风口rotating air outlet with movable guide vanes; rotary supplyoutlet36 插板式送吸风口air supply(suction)opening with slide plate37 吸风口exhaust opening; exhaust inlet38 排风口exit; exhaust outlet39 清扫孔cleanout opening; cleaning hole40 检查门access door41 测孔sampling port; sampling hole42 风管支吊架support(hanger) of duct2.7 通风与除尘设备1 通风机fan2 离心式通风机centrifugal fan3 轴流式通风机axial fan4 贯流式通风机cross-flow fan; tangential fan5 屋顶通风机power roof ventilator6 风扇circulating fan7 吊扇ceiling fan8 喷雾风扇spray fan; air-douche unit with water atomization9 冷风机组self-contained cooling unit; cooling unit10 除尘器dust separator; dust collector; particulate collector11 沉降室gravity separator settling chamber12 干式除尘器dry dust separator13 惯性除尘器inertial dust separator14 旋风除尘器cyclone; cyclone dust separator15 多管〔旋风〕除尘器multicyclone; multiclone16 袋式除尘器bag filter; fabric collector; baghouse17 颗粒层除尘器granular bed filter; gravel bed filter18 电除尘器electrostatic precipitator; electric precipitator19 湿式除尘器wet dust collector; wet separator; wet scrubber20 水膜式除尘器water-film cyclone; water-film separator21 卧式旋风水膜除尘器horizontal water-film cyclone22 泡沫除尘器foam dust separator23 冲激式除尘器impact dust collector; vortex scrubber24 文丘里除尘器venturi scrubber25 筛板塔sieve-plate column; perforated plate tower26 填料塔packed tower; packed column27 空气过滤器air filter28 自动卷绕式过滤器automatic roll filter29 真空吸尘装置vacuum cleaning installation; vacuum cleance; cleaningvacuum plant3 空气调节术语3.1 一般术语1 空气调节air conditioning2 舒适性空气调节comfort air conditioning3 工艺性空气调节industrial air conditioning; process air conditioning4 局部区域空气调节local air conditioning5 分层空气调节stratificated air conditioning6 空气调节区conditioned zone7 非空气调节区unconditioned zone8 空气调节房间conditioned space9 空气调节机房air conditioning machine room; air handling unit room 3.2 负荷计算1 显热sensible heat2 潜热latent heat3 全热total heat4 综合温度sol-air temperature5 逐时综合温度hourly sol-air temperature6 日平均综合温度average daily sol-air temperature7 太阳辐射热solar radiant heat8 太阳辐射热吸收系数absorptance for solar radiation9 遮阳系数shading coeffident10 房间得热量space heat gain11 人体散热量heat gain from occupant12 设备散热量heat gain from appliance and equipment13 照明散热量heat gain from lighting14 蓄热heat storage; thermal storage effect15 蓄热特性heat storage capacity; thermal storage characteristic16 散湿量moisture gain17 人体散湿量moisture gain from occupant18 设备散湿量moisture gain from appliance and equipment19 房间湿负荷space moisture load20 房间冷负荷space cooling load21 传热冷负荷cooling load from heat conduction through envelope22 新风冷负荷cooling load from outdoor air; cooling load from ventilation23 逐时冷负荷hourly cooling load24 逐时冷负荷综合最大值maximum sum of hourly cooling load25 冷负荷温度cooling load temperature26 空气调节系数冷负荷air conditioning system cooling load27 负荷特性load pattern28 群集系数percentage of men, women and children3.3 空气调节系统1 空气调节系统air conditioning system2 集中式空气调节系统central air conditioning system3 定风量空气调节系统constant volume air conditioning system4 变风量空气调节系统variable air volume(VAV)air conditioning system5 全空气系统all-air system6 单风管空气调节系统single duct air conditioning system ;single duct system7 双风管空气调节系统dual duct air conditioning system ;dual duct system8 再热式空气调节系统reheat air conditioning system9 直流式空气调节系统direct air conditioning system10 新风系统central ventilation system; primary air system11 空气-水系统air-water system12 风机盘管加新风系统primary air fancoil system13 诱导式空气调节系统induction air-conditioning system14 全水系统all-water system15 风机盘管空气调节系统fan-coil air-conditioning system; fan-coil system16 恒温系统constant temperature system17 恒湿系统constant humidity system18 恒温恒湿系统constant temperature and humidity system19 水系统water system20 两管制水系统two-pipe water system21 三管制水系统three-pipe water system22 四管制水系统four-pipe water system23 水系统竖向分区vertical zoning of water system3.4 空气处理1 干空气dry air2 湿空气moist air3 焓湿图psychrometric chart4 比焓specific enthalpy5 含湿量humidity ratio6 饱和含湿量saturation humidity ratio7 等温线isotherm8 等湿线isohume9 等焓线isoenthalpy10 加热heating11 冷却cooling12 加湿humidification13 减湿dehumidification14 等湿加热sensible heating15 等湿冷却sensible cooling16 绝热加湿adiabatic humidification17 减湿冷却dehumidifying cooling18 等温加湿isothermal humidification19 热湿比angle scale20 干工况dry cooling condition21 湿工况wet cooling condition22 热湿交换heat and moisture transfer23 水气比water-air ratio24 顺喷downstream spray pattern25 逆喷upstream spray pattern26 对喷two banks opposing spray pattern27 喷嘴密度spray nozzle density28 机器露点apparatus dew point29 新风量fresh air requirement30 最小新风量minimum fresh air requirement31 回风百分比percentage of return air32 一次回风primary return air33 二次回风secondary return air3.5 气流组织1 气流组织air distribution; space air diffusion2 射流jet3 贴附射流wall attachment jet4 自由射流free jet5 受限射流jet in a confined space6 等温射流isothermal jet7 非等温射流non-isothermal jet8 射流区forward flow zone9 回流区return flow zone10 射程throw11 射流扩散角spread; jet divergence angle12 射流轴心速度jet axial velocity13 温度场temperature field14 速度场velocity field15 送风supply air16 送风方式air supply method; air supply mode17 侧面送风sidewall air supply18 散流器送风diffuser air supply19 孔板送风perforated ceiling air supply20 喷口送风nozzle outlet air supply21 单位面积送风量air supply volume per unit area22 出口风速outlet air velocity23 送风温差effective temperature difference; supply air temperaturedifference24 稳压层plenum space25 回风return air26 回风方式air return method; air return mode27 走廊回风air return through corridor28 回风口return air inlet29 回风口吸风速度suction velocity at return air inlet3.6 空气调节设备1 空气调节设备air conditioning equipment; air handling equipment2 整体式空气调节器packaged air conditioner3 分体式空气调节器split air conditioning system4 热泵式空气调节器packaged heat pump; heat pump air conditioner5 新风机组fresh air handling unit6 组合式空气调节机组modular air handling unit7 过滤段filter section8 混合段mixing box section9 加热段heating coil section10 电加热段electric heater section11 加湿段humidifier section12 喷水段spray chamber; spray-type air washer section13 冷却段cooling coil section14 风机段fan section15 消声段muffler section16 房间空气调节器room air conditioner17 窗式空气调节器window air conditioner18 风机盘管机组fan-coil unit19 诱导器induction unit20 变风量末端装置variable air volume(VAV)terminal device21 回风机return fan22 加湿器humidifier23 干蒸汽加湿器dry steam humidifier24 电阻式加湿器electric resistance humidifier25 电极式加湿器electrode humidifier26 红外线加湿器infrared humidifier27 离心式加湿器spinning disk humidifier28 超声波加湿器ultrasonic humidifier29 装轮除湿器rotary dehumidifier30 电加热器electric heater31 全热换热器air-to-air total heat exchanger32 转轮式换热器rotary heat exchanger; heat wheel33 板式换热器plate heat exchanger34 空气预热器air preheater35 空气冷却器air cooler36 盘管coil37 热盘管heating coil38 冷盘管cooling coil39 热管heat pipe40 凝结水盘condensate drain pan41 喷嘴spray nozzle42 挡水板eliminator43 静压箱plenum chamber44 冷风幕cooling air curtain4 制冷术语4.1 一般术语1 制冷refrigeration2 制冷工程refrigerating engineering3 制冷量refrigerating effect4 标准制冷量standard rating[of refrigerating machine]5 空调工况制冷量rating under air conditioning condition6 冷凝压力condensing pressure7 冷凝温度condensing temperature8 蒸发压力evaporating pressure9 蒸发温度evaporating temperature10 吸气压力suction pressure11 吸气温度suction temperature12 排气压力discharge pressure13 排气温度discharge temperature14 标准工况standard condition15 空调工况air conditioning condition16 [制冷]性能系数[refrigerating] coefficient of performance(COP)17 冷水chilled water18 冷却水cooling water19 焓enthalpy20 熵entropy21 火用exergy22 火无anergy23 压焓图perssure enthalpy chart24 焓熵图enthalpy entropy chart25 压容图pressure volume chart26 制冷机房refrigerating station; refrigerating plant room 4.2 制冷剂与制冷循环1 工质working substance2 制冷剂refrigerant3 共沸溶液制冷剂azeotropic mixture refrigerant4 非共沸溶液制冷剂non azeotropic mixture refrigerant5 氟利昂freon6 氨ammonia7 溴化锂lithium bromide8 冷剂水water as refrigerant9 载冷剂secondary refrigerant; refrigerating medium10 浓溶液strong solution; strong liquor11 稀溶液weak solution12 缓蚀剂corrosion inhibitor; anticor rosive13 防冻剂antifreeze agent; antifreezer14 闪发气体flash gas15 不凝性气体non condensable gas; foul gas16 热力循环thermodynamic cycle17 可逆循环reversible cycle18 卡诺循环Carnot cycle19 逆卡诺循环reverse Carnot cycle20 制冷循环refrigerating cycle21 压缩式制冷循环compression-type refrigeration cycle22 压缩compression23 膨胀expansion24 节流膨胀throttling expansion25 冷凝condensation26 过冷subcooling27 过冷度degree of subcooling28 过热superheat29 过热度degree of superheat30 吸收式制冷循环absorption refrigeration cycle31 蒸气喷射式制冷循环steam jet refrigeration cycle4.3 制冷方式与制冷系统1 压缩式制冷compression-type refrigeration2 热力制冷heat-operated refrigeration3 制冷系统refrigeration system4 直接制冷系统direct refrigerating system5 间接制冷系统indirect refrigerating system6 压缩式制冷系统compression-type refrigerating system7 热力制冷系统heat-operated refrigerating system8 一、二次泵冷水系统chilled water system with primary-secondary pumps 4.4 制冷设备及附件1 制冷机refrigerating machine2 压缩式制冷机compression-type refrigerating machine3 压缩式冷水机组compression-type water chiller4 压缩冷凝机组condensing unit5 制冷压缩机refrigerating compressor6 活塞式压缩机reciprocating compressor7 螺杆式压缩机screw compressor8 离心式压缩机centrifugal compressor9 冷凝器condenser10 水冷式冷凝器water-cooled condenser11 风冷式冷凝器air-cooled condenser12 壳管式冷凝器shell and tube condenser; shell and coil condenser13 卧式壳管式冷凝器closed shell and tube condenser14 立式壳管式冷凝器open shell and tube condenser15 套管式冷凝器double pipe condenser; tube-in-tube condenser16 组合式冷凝器multishell condenser17 淋激式冷凝器atmospheric condenser18 蒸发式冷凝器evaporative condenser19 蒸发器evaporator20 壳管式蒸发器shell and tube evaporator21 卧式壳管式蒸发器closed shell and tube evaporator22 干式蒸发器dry expansion evaporator23 满液式蒸发器flooded evaporator24 直接式蒸发器direct evaporator25 喷淋式蒸发器spray-type evaporator26 直立管式蒸发器vertical-type evaporator27 冷却塔cooling tower28 热力膨胀阀thermostatic expansion valve29 毛细管capillary tube30 贮液器liquid receiver; receiver31 不凝性气体分离器gas purger; non condensable gas purger32 油冷却器oil cooler33 吸收式制冷机absorption-type refrigerating machine34 氨-水吸收式制冷机aqua-ammonia absorption-type refrigerating machine35 溴化锂吸收式制冷机lithium-bromide absorption-type refrigerating machine36 单效溴化锂吸收式制冷机single-effect lithium-bromide absorption-type refrigeratingmachine37 双效溴化锂吸收式制冷机double -effect lithium-bromide absorption-type refrigeratingmachine38 直燃式溴化锂吸收式制冷机direct-fired lithium-bromide absorption-type refrigeratingmachine39 发生器generator40 吸收器absorber41 蒸汽喷射式制冷机steam jet refrigerating machine42 喷射器ejector43 热泵heat pump44 蓄冷水池thermal storage tank5.1 一般术语1 计算参数design conditions2 室内外计算参数indoor and outdoor design conditions3 空气温度air temperature4 干球温度dry-bulb temperature5 湿球温度wet-bulb temperature6 黑球温度black globe temperature7 露点温度dew-point temperature8 空气湿度air humidity9 绝对湿度absolute humidity10 相对湿度relative humidity11 历年值annual[value]12 累年值normals13 历年最冷月annual coldest month14 历年最热月annual hottest month15 累年最冷月normal coldest month16 累年最热月normal hottest month17 累年最冷三个月normal coldest 3-month period; normal three winter months18 累年最热三个月normal hottest 3-month period; normal three summermonths19 不保证天数20 不保证小时数21 滑动平均overlapping averages; running means22 辐射强度radiant intensity; radiation intensity23 辐射照度irradiance5.2 室内空气计算参数1 室内温(湿)度indoor temperature(humidity)2 工作地点温度temperature at work space; spot temperature3 作业地带温度temperature at work area4 室内空气流速indoor air velocity5 工作地点空气流速air velocity at work space6 作业地带空气流速air velocity at work area7 室内空气计算参数indoor air design conditions8 室内温湿度基数indoor reference for air temperature and relative humidity9 室内温湿度允许波动范围10 区域温差5.3 室外空气计算参数1 室外温(湿)度outdoor temperature(humidity)2 定时温(湿)度fixed time temperature(humidity)3 日平均温(湿)度mean daily temperature(humidity)4 旬平均温(湿)度mean dekad temperature(humidity);ten-days averagetemperature(humidity)5 月平均温(湿)度mean monthly temperature(humidity)6 年平均温(湿)度mean annual temperature(humidity)7 月平均最高温度mean monthly maximum temperature8 月平均最低温度mean monthly minimum temperature9 极端最高温度extreme maximum temperature10 极端最低温度extreme minimum temperature11 日较差daily range12 大气压力atmospheric pressure; barometric pressure13 水蒸汽分压力partial pressure of water vapo[u]r14 平均相对湿度mean relative humidity15 风速wind speed16 平均风速mean wind speed17 风向wind direction18 风向频率frequency of wind direction19 最多风向dominant wind direction20 日照率percentage of possible sunshine21 最大冻土深度maximum depth of frozen ground22 室外空气计算参数outdoor air design conditions23 采暖室外计算温度outdoor design temperature for heating24 冬季通风室外计算温度outdoor design temperature for winter ventilation。
流体力学英语词汇acceleration 加速度average velocity 平均速度Bernoulli 伯努力boundary layer 边界层calculus 微积分coefficient of viscosity 粘性系数compressible(incompressible) (不)可压的conservation of mass(momentum, energy) 质量(动量,能量)守恒continuum 连续介质control-volume 控制体density(mass per unit volume) 密度differential 微分dimension 量刚尺度dynamics 动力学Euler 欧拉eulerian (lagrangian) method of description欧拉(拉格郎日)观点,方法field of flow 流场flow pattern 流型(谱)fluid mechanics 流体力学function 函数inertia 惯性, 惯量integral 积分kinematics 运动学kinetic (potential, internal) energy 动(势,内)能Lagrange 拉格郎日liquid 流体Newtonian fluids 牛顿流体(non)linear (非)线性(non)uniform (非)均匀one-dimensional 一维pathline 迹线perfect-gas law 理想气体定律pressure 压力压强Reynolds 雷诺shear(normal) stress 剪(正)应力solution 解答statics 静力学steady(unsteady) (非)定常strain 应变streamline(tube) 流线(管)thermal conductivity 热传导thermodynamics 热力学variable 变量vector 矢量velocity distribution 速度分布velocity field 速度场velocity gradient 速度梯度viscous(inviscid) (无)粘性的volume rate of flow 体积流量CHAPTER -2absolute (gage,vacuum) pressure 绝对(表,真空)压力area moment of inertia 惯性面积矩atmospheric pressure 大气压力barometer 气压计body force 体力Cartesian [rectangular] coordinates 直角坐标(系)centroid 质心elliptic 椭圆的equilibrium 平衡horizontal 水平的hydrostatic 水静力学,流体静力学hyperbolic 双曲线的mercury 水银moment 矩parabolic 抛物线plane (curved) surface 平(曲)面plate 板pressure center 压力中心pressure distribution(gradient) 压力分布(梯度) reservoir 水库rigid-body 刚体scalar 标量specific weight 比重surface force 表面力vertical 垂直的, 直立的CHAPTER -3Bernoulli equation 伯努力方程Boundaries 边界Conservation of mass 质量Control volume 控制体Energy(hydraulic) grade line 能级线Flux 流率Free body 隔离体Heat transfer 热传到Imaginary 假想Inlet, outlet 进,出口Integrand 被积函数Jet flow 射流Linear(Angular)-momentum relation 线(角)动量关系式Momentum(energy)-flux 动量(能量)流量Net force 合力No slip 无滑移Nozzle 喷嘴Rate of work 功率Reynolds transport theorem 雷诺输运定理Shaft work 轴功Stagnation enthalpy 制止焓Surroundings 外围System 体系Time derivative 时间导数Vector sum 矢量合Venturi tube 文图里管Volume(mass) flow 体积(质量)流量Volume(mass) rate of flow体积(质量)流率CHAPTER -4Soomth 平滑Laminar 层流Transition 转捩Roughness 粗糙度Random fluctuations 随机脉动Reynolds number 雷诺数(Re)Instability 不稳定性Breakdown 崩溃Mean value 平均值Drag 阻力Osborne ReynoldsDye filament 染色丝Internal (external) flow 内(外)流Cartesian 笛卡坐标Infinitesimal 无限小local acceleration 当地加速度dot product 点乘total derivative 全导数convective acceleration 对流加速度substantial(material) derivative 随体(物质)导数operator 算子partial differential equation 偏微分方程Newtonian fluid 牛顿流体Navier-Stokes Equations N-S方程Second-order 二阶Similarity 相似Nondimensionalization 无量纲化Flat-plate boundary layer 平板边界层Thermal conductivity 热传导Heat flow 热流量Fourier's law 傅立叶定律Couette Flow 库塔流动Channel 槽道Parallel plates 平行平板Pressure gradient 压力梯度No-slip condition 无滑移条件Poiseuille flow 伯肖叶流动Parabola 抛物线Wall shear stress 壁面剪应力Prandtl 普朗特Karman 卡门Momentum-integral relation 动量积分关系Momentum thickness 动量厚度Skin-friction coefficient 壁面摩擦系数Displacement thickness 排移厚度Blasius equation 布拉修斯方程Coordinate transformation 坐标变换Composite dimensionless variable 组合无量纲变量Shape factor 形状因子Velocity profile 速度剖面流体动力学 fluid dynamics连续介质力学 mechanics of continuous media介质 medium流体质点 fluid particle无粘性流体 nonviscous fluid, inviscid fluid连续介质假设 continuous medium hypothesis流体运动学 fluid kinematics水静力学 hydrostatics液体静力学 hydrostatics支配方程 governing equation伯努利方程 Bernoulli equation伯努利定理 Bernonlli theorem毕奥-萨伐尔定律 Biot-Savart law欧拉方程 Euler equation亥姆霍兹定理 Helmholtz theorem开尔文定理 Kelvin theorem涡片 vortex sheet库塔-茹可夫斯基条件 Kutta-Zhoukowski condition 布拉休斯解 Blasius solution达朗贝尔佯廖 d'Alembert paradox雷诺数 Reynolds number施特鲁哈尔数 Strouhal number随体导数 material derivative不可压缩流体 incompressible fluid质量守恒 conservation of mass动量守恒 conservation of momentum能量守恒 conservation of energy动量方程 momentum equation能量方程 energy equation控制体积 control volume液体静压 hydrostatic pressure 涡量拟能 enstrophy压差 differential pressure流[动] flow流线 stream line流面 stream surface流管 stream tube迹线 path, path line流场 flow field流态 flow regime流动参量 flow parameter流量 flow rate, flow discharge 涡旋 vortex涡量 vorticity涡丝 vortex filament涡线 vortex line涡面 vortex surface涡层 vortex layer涡环 vortex ring涡对 vortex pair涡管 vortex tube涡街 vortex street卡门涡街 Karman vortex street 马蹄涡 horseshoe vortex对流涡胞 convective cell卷筒涡胞 roll cell涡 eddy涡粘性 eddy viscosity环流 circulation环量 circulation速度环量 velocity circulation 偶极子 doublet, dipole驻点 stagnation point总压[力] total pressure总压头 total head静压头 static head总焓 total enthalpy能量输运 energy transport速度剖面 velocity profile库埃特流 Couette flow单相流 single phase flow单组份流 single-component flow均匀流 uniform flow非均匀流 nonuniform flow二维流 two-dimensional flow三维流 three-dimensional flow准定常流 quasi-steady flow非定常流 unsteady flow, non-steady flow 暂态流 transient flow周期流 periodic flow振荡流 oscillatory flow分层流 stratified flow无旋流 irrotational flow有旋流 rotational flow轴对称流 axisymmetric flow不可压缩性 incompressibility不可压缩流[动] incompressible flow浮体 floating body定倾中心 metacenter阻力 drag, resistance减阻 drag reduction表面力 surface force表面张力 surface tension毛细[管]作用 capillarity来流 incoming flow自由流 free stream自由流线 free stream line外流 external flow进口 entrance, inlet出口 exit, outlet扰动 disturbance, perturbation分布 distribution传播 propagation色散 dispersion弥散 dispersion附加质量 added mass ,associated mass收缩 contraction镜象法 image method无量纲参数 dimensionless parameter 几何相似 geometric similarity运动相似 kinematic similarity动力相似[性] dynamic similarity平面流 plane flow势 potential势流 potential flow速度势 velocity potential复势 complex potential复速度 complex velocity流函数 stream function源 source汇 sink速度[水]头 velocity head拐角流 corner flow空泡流 cavity flow超空泡 supercavity超空泡流 supercavity flow空气动力学 aerodynamics低速空气动力学 low-speed aerodynamics 高速空气动力学 high-speed aerodynamics 气动热力学 aerothermodynamics亚声速流[动] subsonic flow跨声速流[动] transonic flow超声速流[动] supersonic flow锥形流 conical flow楔流 wedge flow叶栅流 cascade flow非平衡流[动] non-equilibrium flow细长体 slender body细长度 slenderness钝头体 bluff body钝体 blunt body翼型 airfoil翼弦 chord薄翼理论 thin-airfoil theory构型 configuration后缘 trailing edge迎角 angle of attack失速 stall脱体激波 detached shock wave波阻 wave drag诱导阻力 induced drag诱导速度 induced velocity临界雷诺数 critical Reynolds number 前缘涡 leading edge vortex附着涡 bound vortex约束涡 confined vortex气动中心 aerodynamic center气动力 aerodynamic force气动噪声 aerodynamic noise气动加热 aerodynamic heating离解 dissociation地面效应 ground effect气体动力学 gas dynamics稀疏波 rarefaction wave热状态方程 thermal equation of state喷管 Nozzle普朗特-迈耶流 Prandtl-Meyer flow瑞利流 Rayleigh flow可压缩流[动] compressible flow可压缩流体 compressible fluid绝热流 adiabatic flow非绝热流 diabatic flow未扰动流 undisturbed flow等熵流 isentropic flow匀熵流 homoentropic flow兰金-于戈尼奥条件 Rankine-Hugoniot condition 状态方程 equation of state量热状态方程 caloric equation of state完全气体 perfect gas拉瓦尔喷管 Laval nozzle马赫角 Mach angle马赫锥 Mach cone马赫线 Mach line马赫数 Mach number马赫波 Mach wave当地马赫数 local Mach number 冲击波 shock wave激波 shock wave正激波 normal shock wave斜激波 oblique shock wave头波 bow wave附体激波 attached shock wave 激波阵面 shock front激波层 shock layer压缩波 compression wave反射 reflection折射 refraction散射 scattering衍射 diffraction绕射 diffraction出口压力 exit pressure超压[强] over pressure反压 back pressure爆炸 explosion爆轰 detonation缓燃 deflagration水动力学 hydrodynamics液体动力学 hydrodynamics泰勒不稳定性 Taylor instability 盖斯特纳波 Gerstner wave斯托克斯波 Stokes wave瑞利数 Rayleigh number自由面 free surface波速 wave speed, wave velocity 波高 wave height波列 wave train波群 wave group波能 wave energy表面波 surface wave表面张力波 capillary wave规则波 regular wave不规则波 irregular wave浅水波 shallow water wave深水波 deep water wave重力波 gravity wave椭圆余弦波 cnoidal wave潮波 tidal wave涌波 surge wave破碎波 breaking wave船波 ship wave非线性波 nonlinear wave孤立子 soliton水动[力]噪声 hydrodynamic noise 水击 water hammer空化 cavitation空化数 cavitation number空蚀 cavitation damage超空化流 supercavitating flow 水翼 hydrofoil水力学 hydraulics洪水波 flood wave涟漪 ripple消能 energy dissipation海洋水动力学 marine hydrodynamics 谢齐公式 Chezy formula欧拉数 Euler number弗劳德数 Froude number水力半径 hydraulic radius水力坡度 hvdraulic slope高度水头 elevating head水头损失 head loss水位 water level水跃 hydraulic jump含水层 aquifer排水 drainage排放量 discharge壅水曲线 back water curve压[强水]头 pressure head过水断面 flow cross-section明槽流 open channel flow孔流 orifice flow无压流 free surface flow有压流 pressure flow缓流 subcritical flow急流 supercritical flow渐变流 gradually varied flow急变流 rapidly varied flow临界流 critical flow异重流 density current, gravity flow 堰流 weir flow掺气流 aerated flow含沙流 sediment-laden stream降水曲线 dropdown curve沉积物 sediment, deposit沉[降堆]积 sedimentation, deposition 沉降速度 settling velocity流动稳定性 flow stability不稳定性 instability奥尔-索末菲方程 Orr-Sommerfeld equation 涡量方程 vorticity equation泊肃叶流 Poiseuille flow奥辛流 Oseen flow剪切流 shear flow粘性流[动] viscous flow层流 laminar flow分离流 separated flow二次流 secondary flow近场流 near field flow远场流 far field flow滞止流 stagnation flow尾流 wake [flow]回流 back flow反流 reverse flow射流 jet自由射流 free jet管流 pipe flow, tube flow内流 internal flow拟序结构 coherent structure 猝发过程 bursting process表观粘度 apparent viscosity 运动粘性 kinematic viscosity 动力粘性 dynamic viscosity泊 poise厘泊 centipoise厘沱 centistoke剪切层 shear layer次层 sublayer流动分离 flow separation层流分离 laminar separation 湍流分离 turbulent separation 分离点 separation point附着点 attachment point再附 reattachment再层流化 relaminarization起动涡 starting vortex驻涡 standing vortex涡旋破碎 vortex breakdown涡旋脱落 vortex shedding压[力]降 pressure drop压差阻力 pressure drag压力能 pressure energy型阻 profile drag滑移速度 slip velocity无滑移条件 non-slip condition壁剪应力 skin friction, frictional drag 壁剪切速度 friction velocity磨擦损失 friction loss磨擦因子 friction factor耗散 dissipation滞后 lag相似性解 similar solution局域相似 local similarity气体润滑 gas lubrication液体动力润滑 hydrodynamic lubrication浆体 slurry泰勒数 Taylor number纳维-斯托克斯方程 Navier-Stokes equation牛顿流体 Newtonian fluid边界层理论 boundary later theory边界层方程 boundary layer equation边界层 boundary layer附面层 boundary layer层流边界层 laminar boundary layer湍流边界层 turbulent boundary layer温度边界层 thermal boundary layer边界层转捩 boundary layer transition边界层分离 boundary layer separation边界层厚度 boundary layer thickness位移厚度 displacement thickness本文来自: 恒星英语学习网() 详细出处参考:/word/sxwl/2009-01-26/66896.html动量厚度 momentum thickness能量厚度 energy thickness焓厚度 enthalpy thickness注入 injection吸出 suction泰勒涡 Taylor vortex速度亏损律 velocity defect law形状因子 shape factor测速法 anemometry粘度测定法 visco[si] metry流动显示 flow visualization油烟显示 oil smoke visualization孔板流量计 orifice meter频率响应 frequency response油膜显示 oil film visualization阴影法 shadow method纹影法 schlieren method烟丝法 smoke wire method丝线法 tuft method氢泡法 nydrogen bubble method相似理论 similarity theory相似律 similarity law部分相似 partial similarity定理 pi theorem, Buckingham theorem 静[态]校准 static calibration动态校准 dynamic calibration风洞 wind tunnel激波管 shock tube激波管风洞 shock tube wind tunnel水洞 water tunnel拖曳水池 towing tank旋臂水池 rotating arm basin扩散段 diffuser测压孔 pressure tap皮托管 pitot tube普雷斯顿管 preston tube斯坦顿管 Stanton tube文丘里管 Venturi tubeU形管 U-tube压强计 manometer微压计 micromanometer多管压强计 multiple manometer静压管 static [pressure]tube流速计 anemometer风速管 Pitot- static tube激光多普勒测速计 laser Doppler anemometer, laser Doppler velocimeter 热线流速计 hot-wire anemometer热膜流速计 hot- film anemometer流量计 flow meter粘度计 visco[si] meter涡量计 vorticity meter传感器 transducer, sensor压强传感器 pressure transducer热敏电阻 thermistor示踪物 tracer时间线 time line脉线 streak line尺度效应 scale effect壁效应 wall effect堵塞 blockage堵寒效应 blockage effect动态响应 dynamic response响应频率 response frequency底压 base pressure菲克定律 Fick law巴塞特力 Basset force埃克特数 Eckert number格拉斯霍夫数 Grashof number努塞特数 Nusselt number普朗特数 prandtl number雷诺比拟 Reynolds analogy施密特数 schmidt number斯坦顿数 Stanton number对流 convection自由对流 natural convection, free convec-tion 强迫对流 forced convection热对流 heat convection质量传递 mass transfer传质系数 mass transfer coefficient热量传递 heat transfer传热系数 heat transfer coefficient对流传热 convective heat transfer辐射传热 radiative heat transfer动量交换 momentum transfer能量传递 energy transfer传导 conduction热传导 conductive heat transfer热交换 heat exchange临界热通量 critical heat flux浓度 concentration扩散 diffusion扩散性 diffusivity扩散率 diffusivity扩散速度 diffusion velocity分子扩散 molecular diffusion沸腾 boiling蒸发 evaporation气化 gasification凝结 condensation成核 nucleation计算流体力学 computational fluid mechanics 多重尺度问题 multiple scale problem伯格斯方程 Burgers equation对流扩散方程 convection diffusion equation KDU方程 KDV equation修正微分方程 modified differential equation 拉克斯等价定理 Lax equivalence theorem数值模拟 numerical simulation大涡模拟 large eddy simulation数值粘性 numerical viscosity。
第07卷 第03期 中 国 水 运 Vol.7 No.03 2007年 03月 China Water Transport March 2007收稿日期:2007-2-19作者简介:侯延辉 (1981—) 西南交通大学力学系 博士研究生 (610031) 研究方向:机械加工数值模拟Procast 在铸造缩孔预测及其优化中的应用侯延辉 成志强 冯威潮 柳葆生摘 要:使用Procast 程进行模拟仿真,来预测缩孔、缩松等缺陷,力图对缩孔缺陷的形成机制、特征、影响因素及其解决办法进行讨论。
关键词:Procast 缩孔 溢流槽 优化中图分类号:TG249.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7973(2007)03-0067-03缩孔是由于高温金属液在型腔内热量不断散失,凝固收缩过程中液体不能有效地从浇注系统和冒口得到补充,而在最后凝固的部位形成孔洞造成的。
用Procast 通过计算铸件动态温度场进行数值模拟,来预测缩孔、缩松等缺陷,针对不同条件下缩孔的产生机理,采用改变溢流槽的厚度与位置、局部冷却的方式控制铸件凝固顺序,从而有效的提高了铸件内部质量。
heat transfer in automoble radiators of the tubular type_Dittus_Boelter
1 Dd 1 ln D / d 1 ( )( ) Uo 2 Uo D 2k Ut D
The type of fluid flow existing within a tube may be determined by calculating “Reynolds criterion”, which is defined as follows:
1 1 1 1 Uo U w Ut U a
Uo=overall transfer factor (BTU/sq.ft./℉./hr.). Uw=film transfer factor on water side (BTU/sq.ft./℉./hr.). Ua=film transfer factor on air side (BTU/sq.ft./℉./hr.). Ut=thermal conductance of separating wall (BTU/sq.ft./℉./hr.). The value of Ut can be readily calculated by the use of the following equation:
1 1 1 1 U o Am U a Aa U t At U w Aw
or, referred to the mean diameter of the tube, equation (4) becomes:
1 1 1 1 Uo U w R ' Ut U a R
where Am=Mean area of heat transfer section based on mean tube diameter (sq.ft). Aa=Area of heat transfer section on air side (sq.ft). Aw=Area of heat transfer section on water side (sq.ft). R=Ratio of outer tube surface (air) to surface of tube at mean diameter per unit length of tube. R’=Ratio of inner tube surface (water) to surface of tube at mean diameter per unit length of tube. R=2D/(D+d). R’=2d/(D+d). D=Outside diameter of tube (inches). d=Inside diameter of tube (inches). The value of Ut for a curved separating wall is:
1. Water is pumped at a constant velocity 1m/s from large reservoir resting on the floor to the open top of an absorption tower. The point of discharge is 4 meter above the floor, and the friction losses from the reservoir to the tower amount to 30 J/kg. At what height in the reservoir must the water level be kept if the pump can develop only60 J/kg?2222112f 1U P U P w=Z g+h (Z g+)22ρρ++-+ U 1=0 12P =P 10Z = W=60j/kg f h 30/kg =2U =1m/s 2(60300.5)/g 3m Z =--=21Z Z Z 431m ∆=-=-=2. The fluid (density 1200 kg/m 3 ) is pumped at a constant rate 20 m 3 /h from the large reservoir to the evaporator. The pressure above the reservoir maintains atmosphere pressure and the pressure of the evaporator keeps 200 mmHg (vacuum). The distance between the level of liquid in the reservoir and the exit of evaporator is 15 meter and frictional loss in the pipe is 120 J/kg not including the exit of evaporator, what is the pump effective work and power if the diameter of pipe is 60 mm?22112212f U U Z g+W Z g+h 22ρρP P ++=++ 10P = 5422200P x1.013x10 2.67x10N /m 760=-=- 31200Kg /m ρ= 1U 0= f h 120J /kg =22V 20U 1.97m /s A 3600*4006===π/*. 1Z 0= 2Z 15= 422.67x101.97W 15x9.81120246.88J /kg 12002=-+++= N W Q 246.88x1200x20/3600=1646W ρ==3. Water comes out of the pipe (Φ108x4 mm), as shown in Fig. The friction loss of the pipeline which does not cover the loss at the exit of pipe can be calculated by the following equation:h f =6.5U 2where U is the velocity in the pipe, finda. water velocity at section A-A'.b. water flow rate, in m 3 /h. 22112212f U U Z g+Z g+h 22ρρP P +=++ 1U 0= 12P =P 1Z 6m = 2Z 0=2f h 6.5U = 22U 6x9.81 6.5U 2=+ U 2.9m/s = 23V=UA=2.94x01x360082m /h =π/.4. Water passes through the variable pipe. The velocity in the small pipe is 2.5 m/s. The vertical glass tubes are inserted respectively at the section A and B to measure the pressure (see fig.) If the friction loss between two section is 15 J/kg, what is the water column difference between two glass tubes? By the way, draw the relative liquid column height of two tubes in the Fig.a ab b U A U A = 2b U 2.5*(33/47)1.23m /s == 22a a b b a b f U U Z g+Z g+h 22ρρP P +=++ a b Z =Z 22a b b a f U U h 22ρρP P -=-+221.23/2 2.5/21512.63=-+= a b P P R g ρ-=∆ 3312.63R=1.29x10m 9.8x10-∆=5. A centrifugal pump takes brine (density 1180 kg/m 3 , viscosity 1.2 cp) from the bottom of a supply tankand delivers it into another tank. The line between the tanks is 300 m of 25 mm diameter pipe (inner diameter). The flow rate is 2 m 3 /h. In this line, there are two gate valves, four elbows (90o ) and one return bend, what is the friction loss if the roughness of pipe is 0.025 mm?22f fst flocal U U h h h 4f k d 22l ∑=+=+∑ 31180kg /m ρ= 300m, d=0.025m l =3-3v 2m /h =1.2cp=1.2x10Pa.s μ=k=0.025mm k/d=0.025/25=0.001c l r k =0.4 k =1 k =2x0.07=0.14el re k 4x0.75 3 k 1.5-2.2===2u v /A 2/(3600x /4x0.025)1.13m /s π===4u d Re 2.78x10ρμ== f 0.063= 2f 2h 4x0.0063x300/0.025x1.13/2+(0.4+1+2x0.07+4x0.7+1.5)x1.13/2 =197.86J/kg∑=6. The orifice meter (diameter of orifice 0.0001 m) is installed for measuring the flow rate. The indicating liquid of orifice is mercury if U shape pressure gauge reading is 0.6 meter and orifice coefficient can be takenas 0.61, what is the flow rate of water?o u c =20o 0V u s 0.61x /4x0.0001π==835.8x10m /s -=7. Water flows through a pipe with a diameter di 100 mm as shown in figure.a. when the valve is closed, R is 600 mm and h equals 1500 mm. While the valve opens partially, R=400 mm and h=1400 mm, f=0.00625 (Finning factor) and k c =0.5 (contraction coefficient), what is the flow rate of water, in m 3 /h?b. If the valve opens fully, what is the pressure of section 2-2', in N/m 2 ? The equivalent length of the valve is1.5 m and the Fanning factor f keeps the same?(ρH2O =1000kg/m 3, ρHg =13600kg/m 3)(1) the valve opens partially ,for selection 1-1’ and 2-2’ , we have 22112212f 1-2u u gZ gZ h 22ρρP P ++=+++ 2212Hg H o 0 g(R h)39630N/m ρρP =P =-= 2212f1-2c u u u 0 Z =0 h 4f +k 2.13u d 22===l We can get Z1 from the valve closed21Hg H O h=1.5m R=0.6m Z gR/h 6.66m ρρ=-=229.81x6.66u /2 2.13u 39630/1000=++23h u=3.13m/s V 3600x /4x0.1x3.1388.5m /h π==(2) when the valve opens fully, for section 1-1’ and 3-3’, we have 22331113f1-3u u gZ gZ h 22ρρP P ++=+++ 311Z 0 Z 6.66m u =0== 22e f1-3c u 3.1.5h (4f k )(4x0.00625x +0.5) 4.81u d 20.01l l ++=+== 229.81x6.66u /2 4.81u =+ u 3.51m/s =For section 1-1’ and 2-2’22112212f1-2u u gZ gZ h 22ρρP P ++=+++ 112120 Z 6.66 Z 0 u 0 u 3.51P ===== 22f1-2c l u h (4f k )(4x0.00625x15/0.10.5)3.51/226.2J /kg d 2=+=+= 22229.81x6.66 3.15/226.2N 32970mρP =++P =8. The rotameter is installed to measure the water flow rate, as shown in figure. If the total length including equivalent length of pipeline A is 10 m and the reading of rotameter is 2.72 m 3 /h, what is the flow rate for pipeline B? (f A =0.0075, f B =0.0045)For parallel pipe line fA fB total A B22A fA A 2A h h V V +V u (l+le) 2.72h 4f 4x0.0075x10/0.053/2()d 23600x /4x0.053π∑=∑=∑∑== 0.333J /kg = 22B fB B B B 23B B B B u (l+le)h 4f 4x0.0045x2/0.3/2xu 0.333d 2u 2.36m /s V =u A 2.36x /4x0.23600m /h π∑∑======10. A flat furnace wall is constructed of 120 mm layer of sil-o-cel brick, with a thermal conductivity 0.08 w/(m o C), backed by a 150 mm of common brick, of conductivity 0.8 w/(m o C), the temperature of inner face of the wall is 1400 o , and that of the outer face is 200o C.a. What is the heat loss through the wall in w per square meter.b. To reduce the heat loss to 600 w/m 2 by adding a layer of cork with k 0.2 w/(m o C) on the outside of common brick, how many meters of cork are requied? a. 2Q t 1400200711N /m 11L R∑∆-===∑+ b. 600=(1400-200)/(0.12/0.08+0.15/0.8+x/0.2)x=0.0625m13. Air at the normal pressure passes through the pipe (d i 20 mm) and is heated from 20o C to 100o C. What is the film heat transfer coefficient between the air and pipe wall if the average velocity of air is 10 m/s? The properties of air at 60 o C are as follows:density 1.06 kg/m 3 , viscosity 0.02 cp, conductivity 0.0289 w/(m o C), and heat capacity 1 kJ/kg-K443u d 10x0.02x1.06 Re=1.06x10100.02x10ρμ-==>12T +T 20100T=6022+==℃ 0.141ωμμ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭10000.020.0010.6920.0289p c x x k μ==Pr= ()()0.81/3081/34Nu 0027Re Pr 0.027x 1.06x10x 0.69239.66==.=. ()2i i i h d 39.66 h 39.66x0.0289/0.02=57.22w/m .k k ==14. A hot fluid with a mass flow rate 2250 kg/h passes through a ∅25x2.5 mm tube. The physical properties of fluid are as follows:k=0.5 w/(m o C), C p =4 kJ/kg-K, viscosity 10-3 N-s/m 2 , density 1000 kg/m 3 Find:a. Heat transfer film coefficient h i , in w/(m 2 -K).b. If the flow rate decreases to 1125 kg/h and other conditions are the same, what is the h i ?c. If the diameter of tube (inside diameter) decreases to 10 mm, and the velocity u keeps the same as that of case a, calculate h i .d. When the average temperature of fluid and quantity of heat flow per meter of tube are 40 o C and 400 w/m, respectively, what is the average temperature of pipe wall for case a?e. From this problem, in order to increase the heat transfer film coefficient and enhance heat transfer, what kinds of methods can you use and which is better, explain?Hint: for laminar flow, Nu=1.86[Re Pr]1/3for turbulent flow Nu=0.023Re 0.8 Pr 1/3 (1) 444N 2250x4u d Gd d 3600x x0.02Re 3.98x10100.001ρππμμμ=====> ()()1/30.8081/3424Nu 0023Re Pr 0.023x 3.98x10220.10.5Nuk 220.1x0.5hi 5500w /m k d 0.02⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭===.=. (2) 12w 2w = 4421Re Re /2=2x1010=> 0.80.82211Nu Re 0.5Nu Re ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭ 0.8i2i1h 0.5h = ()0.82i2h 5500x0.53159w /m k == (3) 44333u d 2000x0.01Re 2x10100.001ρμ===> 0.81/3Nu 0.023Re Pr = ()2hi=6347w/m k(4)i i w w Q=h A (t-t )=400=500x2x0.02(t-t )πw t=40t 39.41=℃ ℃(5) there methods : increase u or hi or decrease dThe first is better15. In a double pipe exchange (Φ23x2 mm), the cold fluid (Cp=1 kJ/kg, flow rate 500 kg/h) passes throughthe pipe and the hot fluid goes through the outside. The inlet and outlet temperatures of cold fluid are 20 and 80 o , and the inlet and outlet temperatures of hot fluid are 150 and 90o , respectively. The h i (film coefficient inside pipe) is 700 w/(m 2 o C)and overall heat transfer coefficient U o (based on the outside surface of pipe) is 300w/(m 2 o C), respectively. If the heat loss is ignored and the conductivity of pipe wall (steel) is taken as 45 w/(m o C), find:(1) heat transfer film coefficient outside the pipe h o ?(2) the pipe length required for counter flow, in m?(3) what is the pipe length required if the heating medium changes to saturated vapor(140 o C) and it condenses to saturated liquid and other conditions keep unchanged?(4) When the exchanger is used for a year, it is found that it cannot meet the need of production (the outlet temperature of cold fluid cannot reach 80 o C), explain why? (a) 0m o 0i i m d l d 111230.002x23h Vo h d kd 300700x1945x21⎛⎫=-+=-- ⎪⎝⎭ 1/h0=1/U0-(do/hidi+bdo/kdm)=1/300-23/700*19-0.002*23/45*21()20h 642.9w/m k =12t +t LMTD=702∆∆℃= Q=UoAo ∆Tm=mcCp(Tcb-Tca) 300*2π*0.023*70L=500/3600*1000*(80-20)L=5.4m(c) 8020LMTD=86.514020ln 14080-=--℃ 1122L t 70/86.5L t ∆==∆ 2L 0.81L1 4.4m == (d) scale is formed on the outside ,V 0 is decreased16. Water flows turbulently in the pipe of Φ25x2.5 mm shell tube exchanger. When the velocity of water u is 1 m/s, overall heat transfer coefficient Uo (based on the outer surface area of pipe) is 2115 w/(m 2 o C). If the u becomes 1.5 m/s and other conditions keep unchanged, Uo is 2660 w/( m 2 o C ). What is the film coefficient ho outside the pipe? (Heat resistances of pipe wall and scale are ignored)o i h h Uo 111+= (1) oi o h h U 1'1'1+= (2) (1)-(2)= C u C 1C 1.5C-=-=- C=2859 io h Uo h 111-= ho=8127W/(m2K)17. Water and oil pass parallelly through an exchanger which is 1 m long. The inlet and outlet temperatures of water are 15 and 40 o C, and those of oil are 150 and 100 o C, respectively. If the outlet temperature of oil decreases to 80 o C, and the flow rates and physical properties and inlet temperatures of water and oil maintain the same, what is the pipe length of new exchanger? (Heat loss and pipe wall resistance are neglected) ()()h h 12c c 21m Q W C T -T W C t t VA t ==-=∆()()h h 12c c 21W C T -T 'W C t 't =-2150100401515080t 15--=-- 2t 50=℃ 212m1112m2L T T 't 1508092.51.85L T T t 15010069.8-∆-===-∆- 2m1m2L 1.85m L1=1m t 92.5 t 69.8=∆=∆=18. Air which passes through the pipe in turbulent flow is heated from 20 to 80 o C. The saturated vapor at 116.3 o C condenses to saturated water outside the pipe. If air flow rate increases to 120% of the origin and inlet and outlet temperatures of air stay constant, what kind of method can you employ in order to do that? (Heat resistance of pipe wall and scale can be ignored))(111ca cb pc c m i i T T C m T A h -=∆=1Q)'(2212ca cb pc c m i T T C m T A h -=∆=2Q 128.012112i22.12.1h m m c c m i m T T m m T h T ∆∆===∆∆ )803.116/()203.116ln(20801---=∆m T )80/()20ln(20802---=∆h h m T T T Th=118.5oC19. Water flows through the pipe of a Φ25x2.5 mm shell-tube exchanger from 20 to 50 o C. The hot fluid (C p1.9 kJ/kg o C, flow rate 1.25 kg/s) goes along the shell and the temperatures change from 80 to 30 o C. Film coefficients of water and hot fluid are 0.85kw/(m 2 o C) and 1.7 kw/(m 2 o C). What is the overall heat transfer coefficient Uo and heat transfer area if the scale resistance can be ignored? (the conductivity of steel is 45w/(m o C).W=1.25Kg/s Cp=1.9Kj/kg ℃()()2h p 12Q W C T T 1.25x1.9x 80-30119Kw =-==m 3010t 30ln 10-∆= ()200m 00i i m 1V 472w/m k d l d 1h h d kd ++==32i 0m Q 119x10A 13.9m V t 472x18.2===∆20. A spherical particle (density 2650 kg/m 3) settles freely in air at 20 o C (density of air 1.205 kg/m 3 , viscosity 1x10-5 Pa.s). Calculate the maximum diameter of particle if the settle obeys the Stoke s’ Law?Re ≤1 ()2p t p D g U 18D ρρμμρP -== ()23p 18D g μρρρP =- ()1/3-10p 18x10D 1.205x9.81x 2650-1.205⎛⎫= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭=3.85x10-521. A filter press(A=0.1 m 2 ) is used for filtering slurry. The vacuum inside the filter is 500 mm Hg. One liter filtrate can be got after filtering of 5 min and 0.6 more liter filtrate is obtained after 5 more min. How much filtrate will be got after filtering of 5 more min?for filter press 22e V 2VV =KA θ+5 min 22e 12V 0.1x5K +=(1)10min 22e 1.62x1.6V 0.1x10K +=(2)From (1) (2),we can see Ve=0.7 K=4815 min 22V 2x0.7V=48x0.1x15+ V=2.07m 3/h22. The following data are obtained for a filter press (A=0.0093 m 2) in a lab.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------pressure difference (kg f /cm 2 ) filtering time (s) filtrate volume (m 3 )1.05 502.27⨯10-3660 9.10⨯10-33.50 17.1 2.27⨯10-3233 9.10⨯10-3Find1) filtering constant K, q e , t e at pressure difference 1.05 kg f /cm 2 ?2) if the frame of filter is filled with the cake at 660 s, what is the end filtering rate (dV/dt)E at P 1.05 kg f /cm 2 ?3) compressible constant of cake s?For p=1.05Kg/cm 22e 2e 2e q 2qq K 0.002270.0002272x q 50K 0.00930.000930.000910.000912x q 660K 0.000930.00093θ+=⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭We can see K=0.015 qe=0.026For p=3.5Kg/cm 21-s K=2k ∆P 1-s K'=2k '∆P 1s K 'K '-∆P ⎛⎫= ⎪∆P ⎝⎭ ()2E e V KA 2V+V d d θ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭23. A slurry is filtered by a 0.1 m 2 filter press at constant pressure if the cake is incompressible. The filter basic equation is as follows:(q+10)2 = 250(t+ 0.4)where q---l/m 2 t----minfind (1) how much filtrate is got after 249.6 min?(2) if the pressure difference is double and the resistance of cake is constant, how much filtrate can be obtained after 249.6 min? (cake is imcompressible)(1)let θ=249.6 ()()2q+10250x 249.60.4=+ q=240 V=qA=240*0.1=24(2) K 2k =∆P K'2k '=∆P'2∆P =∆P K'2K 500== ()()2q'+10500x 249.60.4=+ q ’=343.6 v=34.36。
Abaqus 热传递Heat Transfer
ENGI 7706/7934: Finite Element Analysis Abaqus CAE Tutorial 4: Heat Transfer ___________________________________________________________ Problem DescriptionThe thin plate (7035) shown below is exposed to a temperature of 25 degree. When the temperature reaches 150 degree, the plate will have expansion. A fixed boundary condition of the top plate will cause changes in stress field. The thermal expansion coefficient is . Plot the stress filed at 150 degree.r = 7.510ABAQUS Analysis Steps1. Start Abaqus and choose to create a new model database2. In the model tree double click on the “Parts” node (or right click on “parts” and select Create)3. In the Create Part dialog box name the part anda. Select “2D Planar”b. Select “Deformable”c. Select “Shell”d. Set approximate size = 100e. Click “Continue…”4. Create the geometry shown below (not discussed here)5. Create material property---steela. Mechanical---Elasticity---Elastic, E=2E9, v=0.3.b. Mechanical---Expansion, coff=1.35E-56. Create sectiona. Create section as belowb. Assign section7. Assemblya. Create Instance part8. Create Stepa. Create loading step, accept default setting9. Under Load Module,Create initial temperature field:a. Create predefined field to define the initial temperature 25 degree, select “Predefined field” in main menu (as shown below), select “Create”b. Create Predefined field 1, select “initial” in step, “other” in category, “temperature”in Types for selected step. Click continue…c. Select the whole plate, click “Done”d. Define magnitude of temperature field: put 25 in magnitude10. Define the temperature increases to 150 degreea. Open Predefined field Managerb. Select “Propagated”, click “Edit”, Select “Modified” in “Status”, Change the magnitude to 150 degree. Click “OK”.11. Create Boundary Conditiona. Define fixed boundary condition on the top: Select ENCASTREb. Define roller boundary condition on the left and right edge:a. Create seed size: Assign global size as 2.b. Define mesh controls as below:c. Assign element type as below:a. Create job : “Heat_plate”b. Submit the job14. View results。
工业炉专业英语词汇1)燃烧室Combustion chamber燃料在其中进行燃烧的炉内空间,燃烧室亦称炉膛。
2)辐射室(段)Radiant section主要以辐射方式传递热量的炉内空间、当辐射室兼作燃烧室时、辐射室亦称作炉膛。
3)对流室(段)Convection section主要以对流方式传递热量的炉内空间。
4)过渡段Transition section炉中连接辐射室和对流室的部分。
1)炉的热效率Furnace thermal efficiency总吸收热量与总输入热量之比,用百分比表示。
2)热负荷a)有效热负荷Heat duty单位时间内物料从炉吸收的总热量。
b)设计热负荷Design heat duty用以设计工业炉的热负荷,它为有效热负荷再加一定的裕量。
c)热负荷分配Distribuion of furnace heat duty将物料从炉吸收的总热量,按一定比例分配到对流室和辐射室。
d)辐射室热负荷Radiant heat duty单位时间内物料在辐射室所吸收的热量。
e)对流室热负荷Convection heat duty单位时间内物料在对流室所吸收的热量。
3)热强度辐射管热强度Radiant tube heat flux指辐射管平均表面热强度,即单位时间内通过辐射管单位外表面积的热量。
4)燃料消耗量Fuel consumption根据炉的热平衡而计算出的每小时所需的燃料量。
5)辐射室出口烟气温度Exhaust flue gas temperature in the radiant section烟气离开辐射室出口时的平均温度。
6)排烟温度Exhaust flue gas temperature烟气离开对流段最后换热面时的温度。
2.2.2 热平衡Heat balance在单位时间内,供给炉的总热量恒等于物料有效吸热量加上炉各项热损失的热量。
2.2.3 热损失Heat loss燃料燃烧所释放热量中未被有效利用而损失的部分。
英汉核电站分类词汇(上海728工程研究设计院提供)江苏省技术资料翻译复制公司编印一九八四年四月目录一、规范及标准 (3)1. 技术文件名称 (3)2. 规范及标准用语 (4)二、系统及设备名称 (5)1. 一回路系统(主、辅) (5)2. 主系统设备 (7)3. 主系统设备的重要部件 (7)(1).反应堆容器(压力壳) (7)(2).蒸汽发生器 (8)(3).堆内构件 (10)(4).燃料组件及燃料 (10)(5).稳压器及卸压箱 (11)4. 辅助设备 (11)(1).阀门 (11)(2).管道和管件 (12)(3).容器和离子交换 (13)(4).热交换器 (14)(5).其它 (14)三、运行及安全分析 (15)1. 运行、操作 (15)2. 安全分析 (16)四、机械设备的材料、制造及检修 (18)1. 材料 (18)2. 检验方法及应用 (18)3. 缺陷名称 (19)4. 焊接及加工 (20)五、力学及强度 (21)六、物理,剂量及屏蔽 (22)七、电气及控制 (22)八、土建,结构及公用设施 (23)1. 土建 (23)2. 结构 (24)3. 给排水 (24)4. 暖通 (25)一、规范及标准1.技术文件名称applicable document 适用文件a p p l i e d d o c u m e n t应用文件active 能动(的)active component 能动设备(或部件)allowance 裕量(一般指尺寸、加工)ap p ro v e批准;审定;审核a u d i t审计code 规范(如ASME);程序(如计算机)code of Federal Regulation 联邦管理法规code of practice 实施法规(IAEA)code case 法规案例(ASME) criterion (criteria) 准则conceptual design 方案设计certification (合格)证(明)书check 校对;校核customer(user) 使用单位(用户)detail design 施工设计division 篇d i v ers i t y 多样性evaluation评定;评价,评估;计算ergonomics 人类工程学fin al des ign施工设计guide 导则guide drawing 指导图instruction 说明书identification 鉴定;鉴别;标志inactive 非能动(的);非活性的passive 非能动(的)inspection 在役检查location 部位;位置;地点measure 措施;设施;测量manufacturer 承造厂;制造厂margin 裕量(一般物理、热工);裕度(不宜称余量)manual 手册;说明书on site 现场observe 遵守;遵照preliminary design 初步设计program 大纲;规划;程序(计算机)part 部分public 公众provision 预防;措施(或设施);条款prepare 编制;制订purchaser 订货单位;买方qualification 评定(资格或质量);合格证明;资格审查rate 比率;流量;等;级rating 额定值;(额定)功率;特值regulating position (staff position) 管理机关观点revise 校核;审核review 复核;评论s t an d ard标准(A STM)single failure criteria 单一故障准则specifications 技术条件;说明书;(设备)规格section(volume) 卷subsection 分卷surveillance 监督s i t e厂址s i t i n g选址tolerance 公差;容差vender 供货单位;卖方verification 验证working drawing 施工图2.规范及标准用语accident 事故barrier 屏障basis of design 设计(或订货)依据class 级category 类别chemical(or mechanical) requirement 化学或机械性能要求component 设备;部件commissioning 调试运行;投入运行;入役design basis accident(or earthquake) (DBA、DBE)设计基准事故(或地震)是指LOCA+earthquake decommissioning 退役event 事件engineered safety features 专设安全设施failure 故障;事故;损坏function 功能;作用general requirement 总要求bid 招标tender 投标grade 等(级)isolation 隔离interface 交接(处),相互关系item 项目,物件,物项item important to safety 安全重要事项normal operating conditions 正常运行工况outage 停役philosophy 主导思想;原理principle 原则;原理protection 保护;防护physical separation 实体分隔performance 性能rule 规则reference 基准;参考safeguard 保卫(防止人为破坏)shield 屏蔽separation 分隔supplementary(or additional) requirement 补充(附加)要求structure 建筑物;构筑物scheme 方案;原理图;流程图;简图二、系统及设备名称1.一回路系统(主、辅)auxiliary feed water system 辅助给水系统auxiliary building 辅助厂房boron recycle (and water make-up ) system 硼回收系统;硼回系统circuit 回路(热工、水力、电路)cold leg 冷端chemical and volume control system(cvcs) 化学和容积控制系统;化容系统component cooling (water) system(cos) 设备冷却水系统containment spray system 安全壳喷淋系统containment dehydrogen recombiner system 安全壳消氢系统containment isolation system 安全壳隔离系统containment reactor coolant drain system 安全壳疏排水系统chemical laboratory 化学分析室charging 上充;充注charging pump 上充泵containment building 安全壳厂房decontamination system 排污系统excess letdown 过量下泄fuel handling building 燃料装卸厂房gaseous waste system 废气处理系统hot leg 热端inlet 入口independence between redundant standby(on site) power sources and between their distribution 多重备用(就地)电源之间和他们的配电系统之间的独立性liquid waste system 废液处理系统letdown 下泄loop 环路moderator 慢化剂nuclear island 核岛N S S S核蒸汽供应系统Outlet 出口shut down 停闭(电站);停堆(反应堆)preoperational testing of redundant on site electric power systems to verity power load group assignments 验证现场多重电力系统负荷适当分配的运行前试验reactor coolant 反应堆冷却剂reactor coolant system (RCS) 反应堆冷却及系统;主系统reactor coolant pump (RCP) 反应堆冷却剂泵;主泵RCP seal water injection system 主泵轴封水系统(简称轴封系统)residual heat removal system (RHRS) 停堆冷却系统redundancy 多重度;冗余removal from service 停役sampling system 取样系统spent fuel pool cooling (and treatment) system 乏燃料池冷却(净化)系统;乏燃料系统shutdown cooling system 停冷系统(简称)spray ring 喷淋环管spent resin collection system 废树脂收集系统steam generator (SG) 蒸汽发生器S.G blow down system 蒸汽发生器排污系统steam dump system 主蒸汽排放系统safety class 安全等级safety class Ⅰ安全一级safety classification 安全分级scram 事故停堆safety injection system (SIS) 安全注射系统(简称安注系统)the primary circuit 一回路;主回路the primary system 一回路系统2.主系统设备control rod drive mechanism (CRDM) 控制棒驱动机构containment liners 安全壳衬里in-core instrumentation 堆内测量pressurizer 稳压器pressure relief tank 卸压箱reactor pressure vessel (PV) 反应堆压力容器(简称压力壳)(不宜简称压力容器,以免与一般压力容器混淆)reactor coolant pump (RCP) 主泵reactor coolant pipe 反应堆冷却剂管道reactor internals (RI) 堆内构件steam generator 蒸汽发生器source (or power) range 源(或功率)量程system integrity 系统完整性3.主系统设备的重要部件(1).反应堆容器(压力壳)center disc 球冠closure head 顶盖;封头closure studs 顶盖螺丝core shell 筒身段;筒体irradiation surveillance capsule 辐照监督管inlet and outlet of coolant 冷却剂入口和出口lifting device 吊具lower plenum 下腔室lower head ,bottom head 下封头lower core support structure 堆芯下部支承结构moderator 慢化剂nozzle belt 接管带nozzle support ring, nozzle shell course 接管段o-ring O形(密封)环positioning pin, alignment pin 定位销reactor cavity 反应堆堆腔reactor pit 反应堆堆坑stud tensioner (双头)螺栓拉伸器seal ring 密封环shipping skid 运输托架Support ledge 支承台肩(或凸耳)Support ring 支承台Thermal shield 热屏(蔽)(堆内构件)thermal barrier 热屏(主泵)upper plenum 上腔室upper head , top head 下封头upper core support structure 堆芯上部支撑结构vessel shell ring , vessel shell course 容器筒体段(2).蒸汽发生器Anti-vibration bar 防振条(架) All volatile (water ) treatment (A VT) 全挥发(水)处理Broached hole 纹孔Channel head 水室(一回路封头) Chevron plate 波纹板Carryover (or entrainment) moisture 夹带水分Shroud 围筒; 套筒; 护环(汽轮机叶片) Crud 泥渣Crevice corrosion 缝隙腐蚀Corrosion inhibition 缓蚀剂D r y o u t烧干Down comer 下降通道Erosion 冲刷(腐蚀) Explosive plugging 爆炸堵管Egg crate grid 蛋框式(管子)支撑架Flow distribution baffle 流量分配挡板Flow distribution plate 流量分配板Fouling coefficient 污垢系数Feed water ring 给水环管Frottage 微振磨损Heat transfer tube 传热管Impurity concentration 杂质浓度Lattice, array 栅格(管棒布置) Lane block 夹道,堵塞块Magnetite 四氧化三铁Partition plate (水室)隔板Peening 喷丸(处理)Pitch 间距(管棒);节距(螺纹,齿轮)Pickling 酸洗Phosphate wastage 磷酸盐耗蚀Phosphate treatment 磷酸盐(水)处理Quarter foil 四叶型Rolling or expansion tube 胀管Roller expanded area 机械胀接区Steam or moisture separator 汽水分离器(一般指粗分离器)Swirl vane separator 旋叶式分离器;离心式分离器Steam drier 细分离器;(蒸汽)干燥器Steam quality 蒸汽干度Sludge ,slurry 淤渣,泥浆Slurry lancing 淤渣冲洗S c c应力腐蚀裂纹Secondary chemistry 二回路水质(处理)Tube sheet 管板Transition (cone) (锥形)过渡段Trunnion 吊耳;耳轴Tub e bundl e 管束Tube support plate 管子支撑板Tu b e t h i n n i n g管壁减薄Tube denting 传热管压凹Tu b e p l u g(g i n g)堵管u-t u b e U形传热管U-bend region U形弯曲管Wrapper 一次侧接管Sand blasting 分隔板A、primary side 一次侧1)channel head 水室2)tube sheet 管板3)primary nozzle 一次侧接管4)divider plate 分隔板5)primary nozzle safe ends 一次侧接管安全端B、secondary side 二次侧1)shell (barrels) 筒体2)transition cone 过渡段(过渡锥体)3)upper head 上封头4)nozzles 接管B、expansion 胀接1)mechanical expansion 机械胀接2)hydraulic expansion 液压胀接3)roller expansion 滚胀4)t ack ex p ans io n定位胀5)full depth tube expansion 管子全深度胀接(3).堆内构件Anchor ring 固定环Core barrel 堆芯吊蓝Core baffle 堆芯围板Hold down spring 压紧弹簧Thimble guide tube 导向套管(堆内测量)(4).燃料组件及燃料Clad , cladding (燃料棒)包壳;堆焊层(如control of stainless steel weld cladding of low-alloy steel components )Collapsing 倒塌End plug 端塞Fuel assembly 燃料组件Fuel element 燃料棒(不宜称燃料元件,因概念不明确,亦不宜称燃料组件)Fuel rod 燃料棒Fuel pellet 燃料芯块Fuel cladding 燃料包壳(第13页缺失)follower 随动器,随动件flaring and deflaring tool 扩口缩口工具(控制棒驱动机构内)lifting yoke 提升磁轭magnetic jack 磁力提升器pressure housing 承压(套)筒(或)壳protective sleeve 保护套筒rod withdrawal (or drop) 提(或落)棒rod travel housing 棒行程指示套管retainer sleeve 固定套;夹持套筒rod position indicating system 棒位指示系统spider assembly 星形架;蛛状架stepping drive 步进驱动stationary latch 保持钩爪ventilation shroud 通风罩(控制棒驱动机构内)(5).稳压器及卸压箱heating element 电加热器(棒)(不宜称“电热元件”)heater 加热器rupture disc(membrane) 爆破盘(膜)skirt support 筒式支座(不宜称“裙座”)sprayer 喷雾器surge line 波动管4.辅助设备(1).阀门atmospheric steam dump 蒸汽向空排放阀ball value 球阀check (or non-return) valve 止回阀cock 旋塞阀containment isolation valve 安全壳隔离阀diaphragm valve 隔离阀expansion bellow 波纹管(膨胀节)gate valve 闸阀globe valve 截止阀gasket 垫片(密封用)isolating valve 隔离阀needle valve 针阀open (or shut ) block 锁开(或关)pressure relief valve 卸压阀;释放阀pilot valve 导阀;副筏positioner 定位器;定位装置packing 填料(密封用)stop valve 切断阀safety valve 安全阀steam dump valve 蒸汽排放阀shim 调整垫片steam by-pass valve 蒸汽旁通阀steam relief valve 蒸汽释放阀safety valve 安全阀steam bubble 蒸汽腔valve disc 闸板(闸阀);阀盘(球阀)valve stem 阀杆valve seat 阀座valve bonnet 阀盖;阀帽(2).管道和管件blind flange 盲板(法篮)crossover 跨接管filter 过滤器(一般指细过滤器)hanger (支)吊架heat insulation 保温,隔热heat tracing ( 管道)保温加热incoming line 内流管线installation of a fuel flow condensate polishing system安装全流量冷凝水除盐系统instrument line 仪表管线line 小管道(设备上大管道用pipe)letdown orifice 下泄管线letdown crifice 下泄孔板outgoing line 外流管线piping 管道;管系pipe (line) 管道(管线)pipe whipping 管道甩动pipe 管子(一般圆形的)restraint 阻位器;阻挡器strainer 粗过滤器(一般指网式的)spray line 喷雾管surge line 波动管steam line 蒸汽管sensing line 脉冲管steam header 蒸汽总管steam-feedwater line 蒸汽给水管seal water return line 轴封水回流管sprayer pipe 喷雾管tube 管子,传热管throttling orifice 节流孔板tube 管子(各种形状)(3).容器和离子交换accumulator 安注箱anion bed 阴床batching 制备箱/计量箱chemical mixing tank 化学添加箱chemical additive tank 化学试剂箱concentrate tank 浓缩液箱condensate demineralizer 凝结水除盐装置condensate polisher 凝结水除盐装置cation bed 阳床demineralized water tank 除盐水箱deaerated (or deoxygenated) water tank 除氧水槽drain tank 疏水箱decontaminating tank 去污槽dosing tank 计量槽demineralizer 除盐装置;(水)软化器deborating demineralizer 除硼床free caustic 游离碱hydrazine 联氨N2H4 hold up tank 暂存箱monitor tank 检测槽make-up water tank 补水箱mud settler 澄清槽Mixed bed 混床nitrogen blanked 氮气覆盖surge tank 波动箱(液体);缓冲罐(气体)storage tank 贮槽(箱)sump 地坑;排水坑tank 箱;槽;罐volume control tank 容积控制箱volume reduction 减容;缩容(4).热交换器evaporator 蒸发器gas stripper 脱气塔gas stripped feed pump 脱气塔供料泵regenerative heat exchanger 再生热交换器(5).其它anchor bolt 地脚螺栓adapter 接合器admixture 添加剂anti-reverse device 防倒转机构air vent 放气booster pump 升压泵breathe pipe 呼吸气管controlled leakage 微漏;控制泄漏(柔轴密封)cartridge 滤芯diffuser 导叶(柔)eyebolt 吊环(螺栓)flame arrester 阻火器hood 通风柜header manifold 母管;联箱hanger 吊架muff joint 套管(筒)接头net positive suction head (HPSH) 净正吸入压头;汽蚀裕量positive displacement pump 正排量泵plunger 柱塞(泵)polar crane 环形吊车resin eductor 树脂喷射器screening 筛(选)skimming 撇(去表面浮)渣shut off head 关闭扬程spool (piece) 短轴(段)(主泵更换密封用)support 支架turning gear (or barring gear) 盘车装置vent drain pot 排气盒volute 蜗壳(泵)wet layup 湿保养dry layup 干保养三、运行及安全分析1.运行、操作availability 利用率actuation 触发acceptance run 验收试运burn-up 燃耗condition 工况、状态、条件critical heat flux 临界热负荷、临界热流量control band 调节带cold shutdown 冷停堆continuous duty(motor ) 连续运行(电动机)coolant flow coast down 冷却剂流量惯性下降deviation 偏离,偏差detect 探测d yn a mi c o v err at i n g动态超调departure from nucleate boiling rate(DNBR)烧毁比、偏离泡核沸腾通量比frequency 频率(电波、振动);频度(事故)feedback 反馈hot shutdown 热停堆heat sink 热阱inventory 装(载)量inactive loop 不工作环路idle operation 空载运行load 负荷(热、电);负载(力学)load following 负荷跟踪limit 限值(参数);限制(状态)loose part 松动零件load rejection 甩负荷monitoring 监测operation mode 运行方式operator 操作者offset 偏移over pressure relief 超压释放perturbation 扰动pressure retaining boundary 承压边界power peaking factor 功率不平均系数;功率峰值因子plant shutdown 电站停闭regime 工况state 状态;工况surge 波动shutdown margin 停堆深度(或裕量)threshold 阈(值)transient condition 瞬态工况;动态工况to actuate reactor trip 启堆tripped open set point 快速打开整定点void reactivity 空泡反应性2.安全分析as low as reasonably achievable(ALARA) 尽可能合理地少(或低)accident,incident 事故anticipated operational occurrence 预期运行(偶发)事件burn out 烧毁(燃料)blowdown 喷放,排double-ended break accident 管道双端破裂事故damage 损坏,损伤diversity 多样性DB A(d es i g n b as i s acci d en t) 设计基准事故event,occurance 事件core reflood 堆芯再淹没emergency core cooling system 应急堆芯冷却系统fault 事故,故障failure 故障,损坏,损伤flood 淹没(堆芯电加热器);洪水泛滥(用于安全分析)fuel mispositioning accident 燃料(组件)错位事故guillstine rupture 切断,破裂hypothetic accident 假想事故inadvertent (or accidental) depressurization 事故卸压incidents of moderate frequency 中等频率事故,一般事故(工况II)infrequent incidents 重大事故;稀有事故(工况III)loss of power (or supply) 断电loss of load 甩负荷loss of reactor coolant flow 反应堆冷却剂断流loss of coolant accident (LOCA) 失水事故limiting incidents 极限事故(工况Ⅳ) multiple failure 多重故障mismatching 失配;失调misoperation 误操作mock-up 全尺寸模型;1:1模型nomal operation 正常运行(工况Ⅰ) operationing transients 运行瞬态off-site power failure 厂外电源断电postulated initial event 假想始发事件power lump 功率骤降power excursion 功率(失控)激增pipe break (管道)破裂;断裂;破口pipe double end rupture 管道双端断裂projectile 飞射物postulated initiating event 假想始发事件reset 复位recriticality 重返临界return to power 重返功率rod ejection 弹棒rod stuck (in position) 卡棒rod uncontrolled withdrawal 失控提棒rod dropping 卡棒rod misalignment 控制棒失步load rejection capability 甩负荷能力redundancy 多重性;冗余度(电,控) RCP locked rotor 主泵转子卡位spurious operation (or action) 假信号动作;误动作SG tube rupture 蒸汽发生器传热管破裂SG tube damage 蒸汽发生器传热管损坏station block out 全厂断电trip 事故停堆;脱扣(汽轮机);跳闸(电) uncontrolled boron dilution 硼(失控)稀释四、机械设备的材料、制造及检修1.材料hardened steel 淬火钢heat(or ladle)analysis 熔炼(或炉前)分析killed steel 镇静钢、全脱氧钢auto clave 高压釜product (or check) analysis 产品(或校核)分析surface carburization 表面渗碳(处理)stress relief annealing 消除应力退火2.检验方法及应用air tightness test 气密性试验couplant 偶合剂contraction (断面)收缩率dye penetrant test 着色(渗透)检验distance-grain-size curve (DGS) 距离幅度曲线examination 检验elongation 延伸率fluorescent penetrating test 荧光(着色)检验flare test (管子)扩口试验flaw 缺陷grain size 晶粒度hydrostatic test; hydro test 水压试验inspection 检查,检验inspector 检验师,检查员(一般指检查的工作人员)indication (缺陷)信号inclusion 夹杂物leak (or leakage) test 检漏试验liquid penetrant test (PT) 着色检验,液体渗透检验magnetic particle test(ing) (MT) 磁粉试验pseudo-defect (or false indication) 伪缺陷radiographic testing (RT) 射线检验reference block 对比试块;基准试块surface inspection 表面检验straight (or angle) beam examination 直(或斜)束法检验scanning 扫描;扫查test coupon 试块test, testing 试验;检验ultrasonic test (UT) 超声(波)检验visual inspection 目视检验;外观检验volume inspection 全容积检验;深部检验3.缺陷名称attack 侵蚀burn through 焊穿;烧穿blow hole (or gas pocket) 气孔;气泡corrosion 腐蚀crevice corrosion 缝隙腐蚀couple corrosion 电偶腐蚀cold shut 冷疤;冷隔deterioration 劣化dimple 凹坑; 凹痕erosion 冲刷腐蚀fret (frettage) (微振)磨损flake (or snow flake) 鳞片发裂general corrosion 均匀腐蚀全面腐蚀galling 擦伤磨损intergranular corrosion 晶间腐蚀lap 折迭lamination 层迭夹层micro-crack(or micro-fissure ) 微裂纹porosity 多孔性孔隙率疏松度ripple 焊波strap inclusion 条状夹渣snake(or fish eye ) 白点spot defect 点状缺陷shrinkage(or shrink cavity) 缩孔transgranular corrosion 穿晶腐蚀underbead crack (焊接)热影响区裂缝;焊道下裂缝repair welding 补焊undercut 咬边uniform corrosion 均匀腐蚀weld tab 焊舌4.焊接及加工argon-arc welding 氩弧焊butt welding 对接焊brazing welding (硬)钎焊back running welding 封底焊built-up sequence 熔敖顺序base metal 基材;母材core wire 焊(条)芯crater 火口deposited metal 熔敖金属electrode 焊条fusion welding 熔焊fillet welding 角焊filler metal 熔敖金属f l u x焊剂groove (or preparation) 焊接破口heat affected zone (HAZ) 热影响区lap welding 搭接焊layer 焊层lift-off effect 提离效应manual welding 手工焊magnetic blow 磁偏吹plug welding 塞焊percussion welding 储能焊pass 焊道positioner 胎具post weld heat treatment (PWHT) 焊后热处理penetration 熔深,焊透repair welding 补焊root opening 焊根间隙run-out plate 引弧板spot welding 点焊soldering welding 软焊,钎焊seal welding 密封焊submerged arc welding 埋弧焊shielded-arc welding 气体保护焊speed of travel 焊接速度tack welding 点(固)焊,(定位)点焊throat thickness 焊缝厚度weld ability 可焊性weld 焊缝,焊接welding 焊接welding wire 焊丝welding condition 焊接规范weld metal 焊缝金属weld junction 熔合五、力学及强度allowable stress 许用应力buckling 屈曲,压曲,失稳loading 加载elastic-plastic analysis 弹塑性分析endurance limit 疲劳(或耐抗)极限circumferential stress 周向(环局)应力frequency spectrum analysis 频谱分析fracture toughness 断裂韧性factor of safety 安全系数load 负载membrane stress 膜应力meridional stress 经线应力non-ductile failure 非延性破坏,脆性破坏nil-ductility transition temperature (TNDT)无延性转变温度;脆性转变温度normal stress 法向应力;正应力principal stress 主应力personnel lock 人行通道residual stress 残余应力radial stress 径向应力shearing stress 剪向应力self-shielding 自屏蔽self-powered detector 自给能探测器switch yard 升压站switch over 切换;转换skin stress 表皮应力tensile strength 抗拉强度t en s i l e t est拉伸试验vibration mode 振型六、物理,剂量及屏蔽activity 活化air borne 空气载带的annihilation (电子)湮灭after power(or heat) 剩余功率(或释热)albedo 反照率attenuation 衰减capture 俘获contamination 污染物decay 衰变disintegration 蜕变、衰变daughter product 子体产物delayed(or prompt)neutron fraction 缓(或瞬)发中子份额dose 剂量(辐射防护);计量(液体,气体)decontamination 去污exposure 照射(量)(原稿32页重复,33页缺失)七、电气及控制Armature 电枢(电机)Accuracy 精度Annunciator 信号器Busbar 母线Calibration 标定;校准; 校验Cable tray 电缆盘(槽) Display 显示Energize 使……通电Electrical penetration 电气贯穿件Instrumentation (仪表)检测Mimic diagram 模拟图Mutual inductance 互感Orifice meter 孔板流量计Penetration 贯穿(件) Primary element 一次元件Pitot tube 皮托管Resistant element 电阻元件Sensor 传感器;探头Subassembly 元件组件Stoichiometry 化学计量法Transmitter 变送器Two-out-of-four logic 四取二逻辑八、土建,结构及公用设施1.土建Admixture 参合料Aggregate 骨料Buttress 扶壁Bulk head 护岸;隔板Breeze concrete 炉渣;焦渣混凝土Caisson 沉井;沉箱Caulk 堵缝;填实Damp proof course(dpc) 防潮层Drip 屋檐Fascia board 封檐板Form mortice for baluster 预留栏杆孔General layout 总图Quoin 突(屋)角;墙角Hot mixture 热铺混合材料Lintel 过梁Locker room , changing room 更衣室Masonry 砖石建筑Neoprene 氯丁橡胶Plinth 勒脚Relief 地形;浮雕Retaining wall 挡土墙Recess drawing 预留孔(洞)图Reeded tile for stairs 防滑踏步砖roof overhang 挑檐riprap (防冲)乳石subgrade 路基springing line 起拱线utensil 用具2.结构attachment 附件anchor head 锚板bedrock 基岩capable fault 可能活动断层concrete placement 混凝土浇灌embedment 预埋件earthquake magnitude 地震等级free field ground motion 自由场地面运动floor time history 楼面时程曲线floor respond spectrum 楼面响应谱form tie 模板支撑quadric stress 曲面应力intensity scale value 强度值mat foundation 席形基础multiple strand system 多股钢绞线系统out-to-out distance 外包尺寸post tensioning 后涨法pressure grout 压力灌浆reinforcing bars 钢筋stirrup 箍筋slope stability 边坡稳定性tectonic structure 大地构造truss 屋架ungrouted tendons 未灌浆钢筋束wobble coefficient 摇动系数3.给排水bulk head 堵水闸门;挡水墙;驳岸break water 防波堤check 节制闸design basis flood 设计基准洪水fire water 消防(用)水gridiron 格状(或)环状管网hydrosphere 水界offset pipe 偏置管riser pipe 立管;竖管run-off 逕流(量) run-up 波浪爬高revetment 护岸;披坡;砌石面riprap (防冲)抛石;乱石护坡surge 涌浪;涌潮;气象潮service water 生产用水4.暖通Aerosol (大气中)悬浮微粒,带悬浮微粒的气体,气溶胶Baffle 挡板canister (防毒面具用)滤毒器damper 风门;(通风)闸门deluge 洪水;大雨;大水量喷淋demister 除雾器dioctyl phthalate (D.O.P.) 邻苯二酸盐二辛酯filter bank 过滤(器)排架forced draft 强迫通风;鼓风high efficiency particulate air (filter) (HEPA) 高效粒子空气(过滤器)housing (通风)小室;柜架;骨架humidifier 调湿器heating ventilating and air conditioning (HV AC)(采)暖通(风)和空气调节induced draft 排气通风;吸气;引风kidney filtration system 内部循环过滤系统;肾式过滤系统plenum 充气压力通风;通风集管purge 清洗t r a i n序列第一课单词⏹Atom [ ✌♦☜❍], 原子⏹Nucleus [ ⏹◆●✋☜♦], 原子核⏹Nuclei [ ⏹◆●♓♋♓], nucleus 的复数形式⏹Nucleon [ ⏹◆●♓⏹], 核子⏹Electron [✋●♏♦❒⏹], 电子⏹Proton [ ☐❒☜☺♦⏹], 质子⏹Neutron [ ⏹◆♦❒⏹],中子⏹Neutrino [⏹◆♦❒♓⏹☜◆], 中微子⏹Orbital [ ♌✋♦☎☜✆●], 轨道的⏹⏹Element [ ♏●♓❍☜⏹♦], 元素⏹Isotope [ ♋♓♦☜◆♦☜◆☐],同位素⏹Hydrogen [ ♒♋♓♎❒☜◆♎✞☜⏹], 氢⏹Deuterium [♎◆♦♓☜❒♓☜❍], 氘⏹Tritium [ ♦❒♓♦♓☜❍], 氚⏹Helium [ ♒♓●☜❍ ●♓☜❍], 氦⏹Barium [ ♌☪☜❒♓☜❍], 钡⏹Bismuth [ ♌♓❍☜], 铋⏹Boron [ ♌❒☜⏹], 硼⏹Lithium [ ●♓♓☜❍],锂⏹Plutonium [☐●◆♦☜◆⏹♓☜❍], 钚⏹Sodium [ ♦☜◆♎☜❍ ♎♓☜❍], 钠⏹Thorium [ ❒♓☜❍],钍⏹Uranium [ ◆☜❒♏♓⏹♓☜❍], 铀⏹Transuranium [ ♦❒✌⏹♦◆❒♏♓⏹☜❍] , 铀后元素⏹Radioactive [ ❒♏♓♎♓☜◆✌♦♓], adj.,放射性的⏹Fissile [ ♐♓♦♋♓●], adj.,易裂变的⏹Emission [♓❍♓☞☜⏹], n.发射⏹Decay [♎♓♏♓], v., n., 衰变⏹Electrostatic [ ♓●♏♦❒☜◆♦♦✌♦♓ ], adj., adj.,静电的⏹Momentum [❍☜◆❍♏⏹♦☜❍],n.,动量⏹Particle [ ☐♦♓●],n., 粒子⏹Radiation [ ❒♏♓♎♓♏♓☞☜⏹],n., 放射性,放射,射线⏹Repulsion [❒♓☐✈●☞☜⏹],n., 排斥⏹Constituent [ ☜⏹♦♦♓♦◆☜⏹♦], adj., 组成的⏹Violate [ ♋♓☜●♏♓♦], vt., 违反⏹Valid [ ✌●♓♎], adj., 有效的,正确的⏹Instantaneous [ ♓⏹♦♦☜⏹♦♏♓⏹☜♦], adj., 瞬时的⏹Disrupt [♎♓♦❒✈☐♦], v., 使分离⏹Unionized [✈⏹♋♓☜⏹♋♓♎], adj., 未电离的。
化工原理英文教材-传热 无相变传热Heat transfer to fluids without phase change
A recognized empirical correlation, for long tubes with sharp-edged entrances, is the Dittus-Boelter equation
Nu hid 0.023Re0.8 Prn k
Where n is 0.4 when the fluid is being heated and 0.3 when it is being cooled.
A better relationship for turbulent flow is known as the Sieder-Tate equation
Nu 0.023 Re0.8 P(r112/-33(2) )0.14 w
Equation(12-32) should not be used for Reynolds numbers below 6000 or for molten metals, which have abnormally low Prandtl number.
Estimation of wall temperature tw
The estimation of tw requires an iterative calculation based on the resistance equation
tm To tw ti 1 1 b do 1 do U o h o k dm hi di
At ordinary velocities the heat generated from fluid friction is negligible in comparison with the heat transferred between the fluids.
15章<>1.Extrusion 挤压2.Billet 毛胚3.Cross-section 等截面4.squeezing 压榨5.toothpaste牙膏6.solid(实心的)7.hollow 空的8.semifinishedparts(半成品)9.ductility 延展性10.elevated temperature 再结晶温度11.chamber 房间12.batch or semicontinuous process (分批或半连续生产)13.structural and architectural shapes(结构或建筑型材)14.forging 锻造15.railing滑轨16.sliding 滑动的17.tubing管件18.plastic 塑料19.rod(杆材)20.wire(线材)21.spindles(芯轴)22.small pistons(活塞)23.various profiles(型材)24.wire(线材)25.spokes(轮辐)26.musical instruments(弦乐器)27.welding electrodes(焊条)28.rivet铆钉29.bolt 螺栓30.screw 螺丝钉31.piston 活塞32.raw material 未加工的材料33.rod 棒材34.wire 线材35.magnet 磁铁36.Direct Extrusion(正挤)37.indirect Extrusion反挤38.Hydrostatic Extrusion(静液挤压)39.hydraulically-driven ram(液压驱动的柱塞)40.diameter 直径41.friction 摩擦teral Extrusion (径向挤压)43.radially)laterally(横向的/侧向的)44.die angle(模口角度), α45.extrusion ratio(挤压比), R=A0/Af46.reduction in cross-sectional47.area(断面缩减率)ψ=(A0-Af/A048.extrusion speed(挤出速度)49.billet temperature(毛坯温度)50.lubrication(润滑)D, Circumscribing-circle diameter(最小外接圆直径)52.parameter(参数)53.Shape Factor(形状因子/形状因数)54.perimeter(周长)55.cross-sectional area(断面积)56.dead zone 死区57.longitudinally 纵向58.elongated59.square(正方形)60.recrystallization temperature再结晶温度61.wear 磨损62.abrasive 摩擦的63.cylindrical 圆柱形64.skull 壳65.diagonal dimension. (对角线尺寸) 棒状68.shear剪69.preferred orientation(择优取向/优先取向)70.nonuniform deformation(不均匀变形)71.oxide film(氧化层)72.inert-atmosphere(惰性气体)73.dummy block (挤压垫)74.toughness(韧性)75.resistance to wear and fatigue(耐磨性与抗疲劳性)76.lubrication 润滑剂77.sticking有粘性的78.phosphate conversion coating(磷酸盐转化膜79.soap(肥皂)80.wax(蜡)81.Horizontal Hydraulic Press(卧式液压机)82.Stroke 一个冲程83.Vertical Hydraulic Press(立式液压机)84.crankjoint and knucklejoint mechanical press(曲柄压力机和肘杆式压力机)85.mass produce(批量生产)86.multistage operations(多工序生产)87.drawing PROCESS 拉拔工艺88.magnitude 重要性89.tensile 张力90.tensile stress(拉应力)91.the yield stress(屈服应力)92.optimum die angle(最优模口角度)93.break(断裂)94.profiles(形状)95.initial(最初的)96.the proper selection of reduction sequence per pass(每步缩减量/每步变形量) drawing processes(拉管工艺)98.wedge-shaped dies(楔形模)99.ironing(变薄拉深)100.process parameters(工艺参数)101.heavy sections(厚壁型材/大型剖面)102.nealing(中间退火)103.Bundle Drawing(捆扎拉拔)104.productivity(生产率)105.simultaneously(同时地)KEY TERMS106.Bamboo defect 竹节状缺陷107.Bridge die 空心件挤出模, 桥式孔型挤出模108.Bull block 拉丝机109.Bundle drawing 捆扎拉拔110.Canning 外皮包覆,罐装111.Capstan 绞盘,卷筒,主动轮112.Center cracking 中心开裂113.Chevron cracking 人字形裂纹114.Circumscribing-circle diameter 外切圆直径115.Ironing 挤拉法,变薄拉深,压平116.Jacketing 套筒,套式冷却(加温)117.Cold extrusion 冷挤压118.Conversion coating 转化涂层119.Dead-metal zone 金属死区120.Draw bench 拉伸(拉拔)机,拉丝机121.Drawing 拉拔,拉伸122.Extrusion 挤压,挤出123.Extrusion constant 挤出常数124.Extrusion defects 挤出缺陷125.Extrusion ratio 挤出比126.Fir-free cracking 冷杉状裂纹127.Hydrostatic extrusion 液力静挤压128.Patenting钢丝韧化处理, (线材的)拉拔(拉丝)后的退火处理129.Pipe defect 管缺陷130.Porthole die 多孔拉拔(挤压)模131.Rod 杆,棒材132.Seam 接缝133.Sejournet process Sejournet工艺134.Shear die 剪切模135.Sizing pass 定径工艺136.Speed cracking 高速开裂137.Spider die 异形孔挤压模138.Wire 丝,线材14章<>1.Forging 锻造2.anvil(砧/平砧)3.blacksmith铁匠4.plate 平板压力机)6.forging hammer(锤锻机)7.bolts(螺栓)8.connecting rods(连杆)9.gear 齿轮10.s haft 轴11.b locker 预锻件12.n ear net 近净形(近成品形状)13.n et 净形(最终形状)14.d iscrete parts 小部件15.s trength 强度16.t oughness刚度17.d imensional accuracy (尺寸精度)18.s urface finish (表面光洁度)19.i nternal or external defects(内部或外部缺陷)20.c ritical关键的21.cold forging(冷锻) forging(热锻)23.warm forging(温锻):between room temperatur andrecrystallization temperature24.Open-Die Forging(自由锻造)25.Impression-Die Forging(模锻)26.Closed-Die Forging(闭式模锻/闭模锻造27.Preicison Forging (精密锻造)28.a net-shape or near-net shape forming processes(净成形或近净成形工艺)29.reliably 可靠地30.Open-Die Forging(开模锻造)31.Depicted 描述 forging(自由锻)33.Uppseting(镦粗)34.flat-die forging(平模锻造)35.cavities(型腔)36.Barreling 鼓形37.frictional forces 摩擦力38.lubricant 润滑油39.thermal effects (热效应)40.extend 延长41.Cogging (拔长)42.intervals(间隔/间距)43.successive(连续的)44.stroke(行程/冲程)45.Impression-die Forging (模锻)46.die cavities (impressions)(型腔/模腔)47.Crankshaft(曲轴/机轴)48.Flash(飞边)49.excess(多余的)w of Minimum Resistance(最小阻力定律)51.frictional resistance(摩擦阻力)52.Significance(重要性/意义)53.Preparing Blank(备料/下料)54.c utting(切削)55.cropping(剪切)56.stock(棒料)57.powder metallurgy(粉末冶金)58.prior(先前的)59.Preforming Processes(预成形工艺)60.Distribute(分布/分配)61.fullering(压槽)62.e dging(压边)63.Blocking(预锻/粗锻/初锻/胎膜锻)64.blocker dies(预锻模)65.F inishing Forging(终锻)66.i mpression dies(终锻模)67.t rimming (切边)68.C losed-die Forging and FlashlessForging(闭式模锻和无飞边模锻)69.u ndersize(尺寸不足)70.o versize(尺寸过大)71.p rematurely(过早失效)72.j am(压裂)73.P recision Forging (精密锻造)74.a ccurate positioning(定位)75.p roduction volume (产量/生产批量)76.h ousings(机架)77.C oining (压印)78.s lug(金属块)79.m inting coins(造币)80.m edallions(奖章)81.H eading(顶镦)82.s crews(螺杆)83.o ther fasteners(紧固件)84.h eaders(顶镦机)85.c old-extrusion(冷挤压)86.P iercing(冲孔/冲缺)87.i ndenting (压槽/压痕)88.p unching(冲孔)89.s ide-acting auxiliary equipment(侧向运动的辅助设备)90.m agnitude 重要性91.c ross sectional92.i ndentation凹口,缺口93.d istortion(模具变形)94.a lignment对齐95.c onstrain强使96.l ateral横向97.s ide thrust(侧推力)98.f acilitate(便于)99.s hrinks(收缩)100.radially(径向地)101.longitudinally(纵向地)102.radii 圆度103.fatigue cracking(疲劳裂纹)104.stress concentration(应力集中)105.thermal cycling(热循环)106.Machining Allowances (切削余量/加工余量)107.flanges(法兰/凸缘)108.mating surfaces(配合面)109.toughness (韧性)110.hardenability (淬透性)111.harden uniformly(均匀淬硬)112.shock(热冲击)113.wear resistance(耐磨性)114.abrasive wear(磨粒磨损/磨耗)115.heat transfer(热传递)116.cemented carbide(硬质合金)117.tool and die steels (工具钢/模具钢)118.a rmal barrier(隔热体)119.a parting agent(脱模剂)120.graphite(石墨)121.molybdenum disulfide (二硫化钼)122.mineral oils (矿物油)123.soaps (脂肪酸盐)124.Forgeability (可锻性)125.solid specimen (样件)126.presses(压力机)127.seam 裂缝128.inclusions 夹杂物129.potential energy(势能)130.kinetic energy(动能)131.deep recesses(凹槽)13章<>1.Rolling(轧制)2.rolls(轧辊)3.dough(面团)4. a rolling pin(擀面杖/擀面棍)5.flat rolling(平板轧制)6.shape rolling(型材轧制) rolling(轧管) rolling (热轧)9.cold rolling(冷轧)10.plates 厚板(大于6mm的平板)11.sheet 薄板(小于6mm的平板)12.strip(条料/带料)13.strip in coil(卷料/卷材)14.beverage 饮料15.fuselage〈空〉(飞机的)机身16.foil箔, 金属薄片17.wrap包, 裹; 卷18.t ubing and pipe 管材19.i ngot铸块20.c oarse grained 粗晶21.b rittle 易碎的22.p orous 有气孔的23.e nhanced 较高24.N eutral Point or No-Slip Point(中性点/无滑移点)25.n et frictional force(净摩擦力)26.d issipated 浪费27.c ompromise(折衷/妥协)28.c oefficients of friction(摩擦系数)29.l ubrication(润滑)30.l ongitudinal tensions(纵向拉力)31.b ack tension(后拉力/后张力)32.t he pay-off reel(开卷机)33.f ront tension (前拉力/前张力)34.t ake-up reel(卷取机)35.S teckel rolling(斯特克尔轧制法)36.e lastic modulus(弹性模量)37.d eflection(轧辊挠度)38.C rown(隆起)39.C amber 凸度40.m oments(力矩/弯矩)41.m anipulation 熟练操作42.d iameter 直径43.d imension 尺寸44.b arrel-shaped 桶形45.e coolant(冷却液/冷却剂)46.p lastic deformation 塑性变形47.e dging rolling(立轧/轧边)48.H ot Rolling 热轧/初轧—done abovethe recrystallization temperature(再结晶温度)49.S quare 正方形50.R ectangular 矩形51.d endritic(树枝状的)52.c oarse(粗大的)53.b rittle(脆/脆性的)54.n onuniform grains(不均匀的晶粒)55.p orous(多孔的)56.e qual/uniform grain(等轴晶)57.f iner (细化的)58.e nhanced ductility(韧性好的)59.non-porosities(无孔)60.grain boundaries(晶界)61.closing up(压合/压实)62.strain hardening 加工硬化63.Conditioning(清理/处理)64.torch(气炬)65.scarfing 火焰表面清理66.acid etching,酸洗/酸蚀67.grinding(研磨)68.surface finish(表面光洁度)69.dimensional tolerances (尺寸公差)70.mechanical properties(机械性能)71.productivity(生产率).72.Pack Rolling (迭板轧制)73.matte(无光泽的)74.shiny(光亮的)75.satiny (光滑的)76.polished(抛光的)d steel(低碳钢/软钢)78.Temper Rolling or Skin Pass(硬化冷轧或表面光轧)79.yield-point elongation(屈服点延伸)80.irregularities(不整齐)81.stretcher strains(拉伸应变纹)82.Levelling Rolls(矫直轧)83.leveling rolls(矫直辊)84.flexed(弯曲)85.flatness 平整度86.Defects(缺陷)87.adversely(有害地/不利地)88.rust(锈)89.scratches(刮痕/划痕)90.gouges(擦伤)91.pits(凹点/凹陷)92.cracks(裂纹)93.inclusions(夹杂物)and impurities(杂质)94.alligatoring(分层/鳄唇开裂)95.wavy edges 波状裂纹96.buckle(歪扭/翘曲)97.elongate(延伸)98.zipper(拉链状)99.shearing (冲裁)100.slitting(切边)101.Shape rolling(型材轧制)102.stock(毛坯/原材料)103.channels(槽钢)104.I-beams (工字梁)105.forming operation (成形工序/变形工序):106.roll wear(轧辊磨损)107.Ring Rolling(环轧/圆环轧制) 108.piercing(冲缺/冲孔)109.favorable grain flow(有利的晶粒流动/良好的成型组织)110.Thread Ring (螺纹轧制/滚丝/搓丝)111.tapered threads(锥形螺纹)112.reciprocating(往复运动的)113.residual stresses (残余压应力)114.scrap(废料)115.residual stresses (残余压应力)116.fatigue life(疲劳寿命)KEY TERMS117.rolling轧制118.rolls轧辊,辊子pressive forces压力120.flat rolling平板轧制121.plate厚板122.sheet 薄板123.aluminum-alloy铝合金124.coarse-grained晶粒粗大125.brittle脆性的126.porous structure多孔结构127.ingot铸件128.wrought structure锻造结构129.aluminum foil铝箔130.matte不光滑131.shiny有光泽的132.satiny光滑133.shape-Rolling成形轧制134.stock 原料,坯料135.ring-rolling圆环轧制136.thread-rolling 螺纹轧制137.cold-forming 冷成形138.threads 螺纹139.gear 齿轮140.grain 晶粒141.flat Rolling平板轧制142.strip 带料,条料143.roll gap 轧制间隙,轧辊间隙144.shaft 轴145.velocity 速度146.frictional force 摩擦力147.coefficients of friction 摩擦系数148.lubrication 润滑149.draft 压下量 rolling 热轧151.cold rolling冷轧152.pack rolling 迭板轧制153.recrystallization temperature再结晶温度 temperature室温155.ductility柔韧性156.alloy steels合金钢157.refractory alloys难熔合金158.bloom(大)方坯159.slab扁坯160.billet小方坯,毛坯161.I-beams工字梁162.cross-section截面163.pickling with acids (acid etching)酸洗,酸蚀164.grinding研磨 temperature室温166.surface finish表面光洁度167.dimensional tolerances尺寸公差168.mechanical properties机械性能169.strain hardening应变硬化,加工硬化170.productivity生产率。
常见单位转换关系式发布: 2008-12-14 10:51 | 作者: llljq | 来源: 管道与设备技术网[url=]Acceleration[/url]foot/second2, meter/second2, gal, galileo, inch/second21 m/s2 = ft/s2 = 100 cm/s2 = inch per second squared (inch/s2)1 ft/s2 = m/s2 = cm/s21 g = m/s2 = ft/s2[url=]Area[/url]acre, are, barn, ., ., foot2, hectare, inch2, mile2, section, meter2, township, yard2, hectares1 m2 = 1550 in2 = ft2 = yd2 = mile21 ft2 = m2 = 144 in2 = 0,1111 yd2 = mile21 in2 = cm2 = m2 = ft2 = yd2 = mile2;1 yd2 = m2 = 1,296 in2 = 9 ft2 = mile21 mile2 = m2 = in2 = ft2 = yd2=640 Acres1 acre = 1/640 mile2 = ha (Hectares) = 4, m2 =43,560 . = 4840 .1 km2 = 102 ha2 = 106 m2 = 1010 cm2 = 1012 mm21 ha (Hectare) = 104 m2 = 108 cm2 = 1010 mm2 = Acres1 cm2 = 10-4 m2 = in21 mm2 =1 township = 107 m21 section = 106 m2[url=]Density[/url]kg/cubic meter, gram/centimeter3, lmb/cubic inch, lbm/cubic foot, slug/cubic foot, kilogram/cubic meter, lbm/gallon (US liq)¥Density Water 1,000 kg/m3 = Lbs./ = Lbs./Gal. = ./Gal.1 lb/ft3 = kg/m3 = g/cm3 = oz/in3 = oz/gal (Imperial) = oz/gal (U.S.) = lb/in3= 27 lb/yd3 = lb/gal (Imperial) = lb/gal = ton/yd31 slug/ft3 = kg/m31 kg/l = lb/ft31 kg/m3 = g/cm3 = oz/in3 = oz/gal (Imperial) = oz/gal (U.S.) = lb/ft3 = lb/in3= lb/yd3 = lb/gal (Imperial) = lb/gal = ton/yd3[url=]Energy[/url]British Thermal Unit (Btu), calorie, joule, kilojoule, electron volt, erg, foot lbf, foot poundal, kilocalorie, kilowatt hour, watt hour,1 J (Joule) = 0,1020 kpm = kWh = kcal = ft lbf = 1 (kg m2)/s2 = 1 watt second = 1Nm = 1 ft lb = Btu1 kpm = J = kWh = kcal = ft lbf = Btu1 kWh = J = kpm = kcal = ft lbf = Btu1 kJ = 1 kNm = 1kWs = 103 J = Btu = ft lbf = kcal、1 Btu (British thermal unit) = 1, J = kpm = kWh = kcal = ft lbf = ergs = 252 cal =watt hour1 cal = J1 kcal = 4186,8 J = 426,9 kp m = kWh = ft lbf = Btu = 1,000 cal1 ft lbf (foot pound force) = J = kp m = kWh = kcal = Btu1 hp h (horse power hour) = J = kWh1 erg = 1 (g cm2)/s2 = 10-7 J1 eV = J1 Q = 1018 Btu = J1 Quad = 1015 Btu1 kg m = ft lb = Btu = Joule|[url=]Energy per unit mass[/url]1 kJ/kg = 1 J/g = Btu/ lbm = kcal/kg[url=]Flow[/url] - see Volume flow[url=]Force[/url]dyne, kilogram force (kgf), kilopound force, kip, lbf (pound force), ounce force (avoirdupois), poundal, newton1 N (Newton) = kp = pdl = lbf = lbf = 1 (kg m)/s2 = 105 dyn = 1/ kgf1 lbf (Pound force) = N = kp = pdl = dyn1 dyn = 1 (g cm)/s21 kg has a weight of 1 kp1 kp (Kilopond) = N = lbf = pdl1 pdl (Poundal) = N = kp = lbf[url=]Heat flow rate[/url]-1 Btu/sec = 1, W1 kW (kJ/s) = kpm/s = kcal/h = 3,413 Btu/h = hk = hp = 738 ft lb/s = 1,000 J/s =J/h1 kpm/s = kW = kcal/h = Btu/h = hk = hp = ft lb/s1 kcal/h = kW = kpm/s = Btu/h = hk = hp = ft lb/s1 Btu/h = kW = kpm/s = kcal/h = hk = hp = ft lb/s1 kcal/h = kW1 hk (metric horse power) = kW = kpm/s = kcal/h = 2,510 Btu/h = hp = ft lb/s1 hp = kW = kpm/s = kcal/h = 2,545 Btu/h = hk = ft lb/s1 ft lb/s = kW = kpm/s = kcal/h = Btu/h = hk = hp[url=]Heat flux[/url]$1 Btu/ft2 = kcal/m2 = J/m2K1 Btu/ ft2 h = W/m21 Btu/ft2 oF = kcal/m2K = J/m2K1 kcal/m2 = Btu/ft21 kcal/m2K = Btu/ft2oF[url=]Heat generation per unit volume[/url]1 Btu/ft3 = kcal/m3 = J/m31 Btu/ft3 h = W/m31 kcal/m3 = Btu/ft3[url=]Heat generation per unit mass[/url]?1 Btu/lb = kcal/kg = 2,326 J/kg1 kcal/kg = Btu/lb[url=]Heat transfer coefficient[/url]1 Btu/ft2 h oF = W/m2 K = kcal/h m2 oC1 W/m2K = kcal/h m2 oC = Btu/ ft2 h oF1 kcal/h m2 oC = W/m2K = Btu/ ft2 h oF[url=]Hydraulic Gradients[/url]1 ftH2O/100 ft = psi/100 ft = kPa/100 m = 1000 mmH2O/100 m1 psi/100 ft = ftH2O/100 ft = 2288 mmH2O/100 ft = kPa/100 m[url=]Length[/url]feet, meters, centimeters, kilometers, miles, furlongs, yards, micrometers, inches,angstrom, cubit, fathom, foot, hand, league, light year, micron, mil, nautical mile, rod,.1 m (meter) = ft = in = yd = mile1 km = mile = 3281 ft = 1094 yds1 in (inch) = mm = cm = m = ft = yd = mile1 ft (foot) = m = 12 in = yd = mile = cm = mm1 mm = 10-3 m1 cm = 10-2 m = in = ft1 mm = in1 Ã… (Ã…ngström) = 10-10 m1 mile = km = 1, m = 63,346 in = 5,280 ft = 1,760 yd1 mil (Norway and Sweden) = 10 kilometres~1 nm (nautical mile) = 1,852 metres = mile = feet1 yd (yard) = m = 36 in = 3 ft = mile1 Furlong = 660 feet = 40 rods = 1/8 mile1 rod = yards1 land league = 3 miles1 Fathom = 6 feet = meters[url=]Mass[/url], weightpounds, kilograms, grams, ounces, grains, tons (long), tons (short), tons (metric), carat, grain, ounce mass, pound mass (lbm), slug, tonne1 kg = 1,000 g = lb = slug1 lb = 16 oz = kg = g = 7000 grains = slug1 slug = kg = lbm·1 grain = lb = g1 g = grains = oz = lb1 tonne = 103 kg = 106 g = 109 mg = tons1 qt = liters1 Ton = 2000 Lbs. = 907 kg1 long ton = 2240 pounds1 oz (ounce) = g = grains1 troy pound = 12 troy ounces1 scruple = 20 grains1 dram = 3 scruples*1 apothecary ounce = 8 drams1 apothecary pound = 12 apothecary ounces1 pennyweight = 24 grains1 Gal. H2O = Lbs. H2ODensity, Specific Weight and Specific Gravity - An introduction and definition of density, specific weight and specific gravity. Formulas with examples.[url=]Mass flow rate[/url]1 lb/h = kg/s1 lb/s = kg/s1 lb/min = kg/s = kg/s1 kg/s = 3,600 kg/h = lb/min;1 kg/h = kg/s = lb/minMoment of Inertia1 kg m2 = 10000 kg cm2 = 54675 ounce in2 = lb in2 = lb ft2[url=]Power[/url]horsepower, kilowatt, watt,btu/second, calorie/second, foot lbf/second, kilocalorie/second1 W = 1 kg m2/s3 = 1 Nm/s = 1 J/s1 kW = 1,000 Watts = 3,412 Btu/h = 550 British hp = British hp = 103/ kgf m/s = ftlbf/s = 103/ 75) metric hp1 hp (English horse power) = W = kW = 550 ft lb/s = 2,545 Btu/h = ft lb/m =metric horse power ~= KVA1 metric horse power = 736 W = 75 kg m/s = English horse power1 refrigeration Ton = 12,000 Btu/h cooling = kW = 3, k Calories/h1 cooling tower Ton = 15,000 Btu/h = 3,782 k Calories/h、1 Therm = 100,000 Btu/h1 ft lb/s = W1 Btu/s = W1 Btu/h = 1 Btuh = W = MBH[url=]Power per unit area[/url]1 W/m2 = Btu/(h ft2) = kcal/(h m2)[url=]Pressure[/url]atmosphere, centimeters of mercury, foot of water, bar, barye, centimeter of water, dyne/centimeter2, inch of mercury, inch of water, kgf/centimeter2, kgf/meter2, lbf/foot2, lbf/inch2 (psi), millibar, millimeter of mercury, pascal, torr, newton/meter2Standard Atmospheric Pressure 1 atm = kN/m2 = kPa = psia = 0 psig = in Hg =760 torr = = (Water Gauge) = Lbs./.1 N/m2 = 1 Pa = lb/in2 = 1x10-5 bar = in water = ft water = mm water = inmercury = mm mercury = kg/m2 = atm1 Pa = 10-6 N/mm2 = 10-5 bar = kp/m2 = m H2O = atm = psi (lbf/in2))1 N/mm2 = 106 Pa = 10 bar = kp/m2 = m H2O = atm = psi (lbf/in2)1 mmHg = 1 torr = lb/in21 atm = 101,325 Pa (N/m2) = kN/m2 = kp/m2 = kp/cm2 = bar = psi (lb/in2) =in H2O at 62 0F oC) = ft H2O at 62 0F oC) = m H2O at 62 0F oC) = in mercury at 62 0F oC) = 760 mm mercury at 62 0F oC) = 760 torr1 bar = 105 Pa (N/m2) = N/mm2 = 10,197 kp/m2 = m H2O = atm = psi (lbf/in2) =106 dyn/cm2 = 750 mmHg1 kp/m2 = Pa (N/m2) = N/mm2 = 10-3 m H2O = 1 mm H2O = atm = psi (lb/in2) =in H2O = mm mercury1 psi (lb/in2) = 144 psf (lbf/ft2) = 6, Pa (N/m2) = N/mm2 = bar = in H2O at 62oF =mm H2O at 62oF = in mercury at 62oF = mm mercury at 62oF = kg/m2 =atm = Ft. H2O = 16 ounces1 psf (lbf/ft2) = N/m2 (Pa) = lbf/in2 (psi)1 dyn/cm2 = lbf/in21 in mercury (Hg) = 3, N/m2= lb/in2 = in water1 Ounce =%1 = psi = Lbs./.1 in water = N/m2= lb/in2 = kg/m2 = in mercury1 m H2O = Pa = N/mm2 = bar = 1,000 kp/m2 = atm = psi (lbf/in2)1 mm water = Pa (N/m2) = 1 kg/m2 = mm mercury = atm1 mm mercury = lb/in2 = 133 N/m2 = mm water[url=]Rotation[/url]revolutions,1 r/min (rpm) = r/s = rad/s1 r/s = 60 r/min = rad/s1 rad/s = r/min (rpm) = r/s (rps)[url=]Specific energy[/url], enthalpy, entropy:1 Btu/lbm = 2, J/kg = kcal/kg = ft lbf / lbm = 10-4 hp hr / lbm = lbf/in2 / lbm/ft3 =kp m / g = 10-4 kcal/g = kJ/kg1 J/kg = Btu/lbm = kcal/kg1 kcal/kg = Btu/lbm = 4,187 J/kg[url=]Specific heat capacity[/url]1 J/(kg K) = kcal/(kg oC) = Btu/(lbm oF)1 kJ/(kg K) = kcal/(kg oC) = Btu/(lbm oF)1 Btu/(lbm oF) = 4, J/ (kg K) = 1 kcal/(kg oC)1 kcal/(kg oC) = 4, J/ (kg K) = 1 Btu/(lbm oF)[url=]Specific Volume[/url]1 m3/kg = ft3/lbm = 27680 in3/lbm = US gal/lbm = 1000 liter/kg?1 liter/kg = ft3/lbm = in3/lbm = US gal/lbm = m3/kg1 ft3/lbm = 1728 in3/lbm = US gal/lbm = liter/kg = m3/kg1 in3/lbm = ft3/lbm = US gal/lbm = liter/kg = m3/kg1 US gal/lbm = ft3/lbm = 231 in3/lbm = liter/kg = m3/kg[url=]Temperature[/url]celsius, rankine, kelvin, centigrade, fahrenheit,1 oC = oF1 oF = oC0 oC corresponds to 32 oF, K and RT(oR) = (9/5)T(K)T(oF) = [T(oC)](9/5) + 32?T(oF) = [T(K) - ](9/5) + 32T(oC) = 5/9[T(oF) - 32][url=]Thermal conductivity[/url]1 W/(m K) = kcal/(h m oC) = Btu/(ft h oF)1 Btu/(ft h oF) = W/(m K) = kcal/(h m oC)1 kcal/(h m oC) = W/(m K) = Btu/(ft h oF)[url=]Thermal diffusivity[/url]1 ft2 /s = m2/s1 ft2 /h = m2/s[url=]Thermal resistance[/url]\1 (h oF)/Btu = K/W[url=]Time[/url]year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond1 h = 3,600 s = 60 min1 ms (millisecond) = 10-3 s1 μs (microsecond) = 10-6 s1 ns (nanosecond) = 10-9 s[url=]Torque, Moment[/url]foot-pound torque, newton-meter1 ft lb = Nm[url=]Velocity[/url], speedfoot/second, inch/second, meter/second, kilometer/hour, knot, mile/hour,nautical mile per hour1 ft/s = m/s】1 ft/min = m/s = km/h = mph1 mph = m/s = km/h = 88 ft/min = 5280 ft/hr = Ft./sec. = knots1 m/s = km/h = ft/min = mph1 km/h = m/s = ft/min = mph = knot1 knot (nautical mile per hour)= m/s = kilometers per hour = miles per hour= 1nautical miles per hour1 League = Miles[url=]Viscosity dynamic[/url]1 lb/(ft s) = Pa s = P = 1,488 cP = kp s/m21 cP (Centipoise) = 10-3 Pa s = P = kp s/m2 = lb/(ft s) = (N s)/m21 kg/(m s ) = 1 (N s)/m2 = lbm/(ft s) = 10 Poise!1 P (Poise) = Pa s = 100 cP = kp s/m2 = lb/(ft s) = kg/ms1 Pa s (N s/m2) = 10 P (Poise) = 103 cP = kp s/m2 = lb/(ft s)1 kp s/m2 = Pa s = P = 9,807 cP = lb/(ft s)1 reyns = 1 1bf s/in2 = Pa sDynamic, Absolute and Kinematic Viscosity - An introduction to dynamic, absolute and kinematic viscosity and how to convert between CentiStokes (cSt), CentiPoises (cP),Saybolt Universal Seconds (SSU) and degree Engler.[url=]Viscosity kinematic[/url]1 ft2/s = m2/s1 ft2/ h = s1 St (Stokes) = 1x10-4 m2/s = 100 cSt = ft2/s1 m2/s = 104 St = 106 cSt = ft2/s= 38750 ft2/h<1 cSt (Centistokes) = 10-6 m2/s = St = ft2/s[url=]Volume[/url]barrel, gallon, cubic centimeter (cm3), cubic feet (foot3), cubic inch (inch3), cubic meter (meter3), cubic yard (yard3), quarts, liters, acre foot, board foot, bushel, cord, cup, dram, fluid ounce, peck, pint, quart, tablespoon, teaspoon,1 ft3 = m3= dm3 = yd3 = Imp. gal (UK) = gal (US) = 1,728 .1 in3 = m3 = dm3 (liter) = cm3 = 16390 mm3 = ft31 Gallon (U.S.) = m3 = dm3 (liter) = ft3 = yd3 = Imp. gal (UK) = 4 Quarts = 8Pints1 Imp. gal (UK) = m3 = dm3 = ft3 = yd3 = gal (US)1 dm3 (Liter) = 10-3 m3 = ft3 = yd3 = Imp gal (UK) = Gallons (US) = Quarts =Pints1 yd3 = m3 = dm3 = 27 ft3 = Imp. gal (UK) = gal (US) = 46,656 . = 1616 Pints =Quarts = Liters1 pint (pt) = dm3 (liter) = 16 fl. oz. (fluid ounce) = in31 km3 = 109 m3 = 1012 dm3 (liter) = 1015 cm3 = 1018 mm3>1 cm3 = in31 m3 = 103 dm3 (liter) = ft3 = yd3 = Imp. gal (UK) = gal (US) = 61,023 . =1 Hogshead = 63 Gallon =1 Barrel liquid = Gallons liquid1 Barrel beer = Gallons beer1 Barrel oil (petroleum) = 42 Gallons oil1 Bushel = . = 32 Quarts (Dry) = 64 Pints (dry) = 4 Pecks1 quart (qt) =2 pints = in3 = 1/8 dry quarts1 fluid ounce (fl. oz.) =2 tablespoons = in3 = milliliters1 cord = 128 ft31 peck = 8 dry quarts1 cup = 8 . (fluid ounce)one board foot = piece of lumber 1 foot wide x 1 foot long x 1 inch thick[url=]Volume flow[/url]1 dm3/s (kg/s water) = Imp. gal (UK)/min1 m3/s = 3,600 m3/h = 1,000 dm3(liter)/s = ft3/s = 2, ft3/min = 13,200 (UK)/min = 15,852 gal (US)/min1 m3/h = m3/s = dm3(litre)/s = ft3/s = ft3/min (cfm) = (UK)/min = gal (US)/min1 m3/h = 103 dm3(litre)/h = dm3(litre)/min = dm3(litre)/s1 ft3/min = m3/h = l/s = Min.1 dm3(litre)/s = 10-3 m3/s = m3/h = ft3/s = ft3/min (cfm) = (UK)/min = gal (US)/min = 792 Imp. gal (UK)/h1 dm3(litre)/s = 60 litre/min = 3,600 litre/h1 ft3/s = m3/s = m3/h = dm3(litre)/s = 60 ft3/min = (UK)/min = gal (US)/min 1 (UK)/min = m3/s = m3/h = dm3(litre)/s = ft3/s = ft3/min = 1,201 gal (US)/min1 gal (US)/min = m3/s = m3/h = dm3(litre)/s = ft3/s = ft3/min = Imperial gal (UK)/min。
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Radiation Heat Transfer 辐射热传递
Radiation Heat Transfer
David Rooney
Key Questions: How does heat from the sun get to Earth? Why do different surfaces heat differently?
ε λ = cons tan t = ε Eλ = ε Ebλ E = ε Eb Black Body (黑体)
Radiative Heat Transfer
灰体发射系数 定义物体的黑度( 定义物体的黑度(发射率 发射率 emissivity )ε
T E = C 100
Again from an energy balance it must go somewhere!
Radiative Heat Transfer. Shape Factor
dAn = cos φ2 dA2
πr 2 dA dA dq21 = Eb 2 cos φ1 cos φ2 1 2 2 πr
q1− 2 =
E1 A2 − E2 A1 A1 + A2 − A1 A2
则从壁面1辐射和反射的能量之和 E ’(即图中1、2 壁面间自左至右各箭头所表示的能量总和)为
4 T A1 =ε 1 E1 = ε 1C 0 1 → T1 4 T2 4 100 C0 − ⇒ ⇒ q1− 2 = 1 4 1 T 100 100 A2 =ε 2 + −1 E 2 = ε 2C 0 2 → ε ε 1 2 100
太阳辐射 大气层
散射光 多云天
反光 地
Radiative Heat Transfer: Reflection
Incident Radiation Reflection
ρ + α +τ = 1
Adsorbed Transmitted
Reflectivity Fraction Adsorptivity transmitted
视角因数 角系数 形状因数
当两平行壁面的大小与其距离相比不够大时, 两平行壁面的大小与其距离相比不够大时,一个平面所 发出的辐射能, 发出的辐射能,可能有一部分不能到达另一平面 ,则平行 平面间辐射传热的普遍式为: 平面间辐射传热的普遍式为:
Q 1− 2
T 4 T 4 = C 1 − 2ϕ A 1 − 2 100 body
Solar Radiation (
Surface area (m2)
Power (watts)
P = σ ε A T4
Absolute temperature (K)
Stefan-Boltzmann constant 5.67 x 10-8 W/m2K4)
Q = QA + QR + QD ⇓ Q Q Q 1= A + R + D ⇒ Q Q Q ⇓ 1= A + R + D
发射辐射 发射辐射≠吸收辐射
— 吸收率 — 反射率 — 透射率
绝对黑体 R = 1 绝对白体 (镜体 ) D = 1 透射体 (透热体 )
1-2 2-1
Eb1 A1ϕ12 = Eb 2 A2ϕ 21
In equilibrium: T1 = T2 A1ϕ12 = A2ϕ 21 Eb1 = Eb 2
式中ϕ 为角系数(几何因子), 表示从一个物体表面所发 出的能量为另一物体表面所截获的分数。 。且 出的能量为另一物体表面所截获的分数
ϕ 11 + ϕ 12 + ϕ 13 + L L = 1
What is the efficiency?
Therefore radiation is ∝ T4
Radiative Heat Transfer. Kirchhoff Law E Equilibrium ( ): Emissivity: ε = =α Eb E A = qA
If temperature ( )= 2800 K
σ 0 = 5 .669 × 10 W m ⋅ K
斯忒藩 玻耳兹曼常数 黑体发射系数
The surface area ( )of the filament is 4 × 10-8 m2
C 0 = 5.669 W m 2 ⋅ K 4
Blackbody emission coefficient
E1` (1-A2)E1` E2` E2 E1 A1E2`
E2` A2E1` (1-A1)E2` E1`
两平板间单位时间、 平板间单位时间、单位面积上净的辐射传热量即为两板 间辐射的总能量之差, 间辐射的总能量之差,即
' q1− 2 = E1' − E 2
Difference in energy between plates:
Email: d.rooney@
沥青很热 为什么?
Radiation heat transfer
• Radiation is heat transfer by electromagnetic waves.
• Thermal radiation is electromagnetic waves (including light) produced by objects because of their temperature. • The higher the temperature of an object, the more thermal radiation it gives off. =
E C = E0 C0
黑度数据 见表4-9
T E = εE 0 = εC 0 100
Grey body.
灰体。 灰体。
能够以相等的吸收率吸收所有波长辐射能的物体, 够以相等的吸收率吸收所有波长辐射能的物体,称为
Heat transfer by radiation
斯忒藩 玻耳兹曼常数
q = σεA TA4 − TB4
Solar radiation ( ) is scattered ( ) and reflected ( ) by the atmosphere ( ), clouds ( ), and earth's surface ( ), Only 51% of solar radiation gets to the surface.
e λT − 1
E0 =
E λ 0 dλ =
C 1 λ −5 e
C2 λT
ܹൗ ݉ଶ
T E 0 = σ 0T 4 = C 0 100 (4-38)
Stefan-Boltzmann constant 5.67 x 10-8 W/m2K4)
• A rock ( ) at room temperature does not “glow”. • The curve for 20°C does not extend into visible wavelengths. • As objects heat up they start to give off visible light, or glow. • At 600°C objects glow dull red
C1− 2 = 1 + C0 1 = −1 1 1 1 1 + − C1 C 2 C 0
Radiative Heat Transfer. Shape Factor
φ1 φ2
View Factor ( ) Angle Factor ( ) Configuration Factor ( ) A2
A =1
∴Emitted ≠ adsorbed
一. 两无限大平行灰体壁面之间的相互辐射
1 1 1 1 2 2 2
Radiation between two infinitely long solids
两固体间的相互辐射 两固体间的相互辐射.
两壁面的温度、 两壁面的温度、发射能力、 发射能力、吸收率和黑度分别为 T 、E 、A 、ε 和 T 、E 、A 、 ε 。
上只有 而在实际 %
Blackbody emission
E0 =
E λ 0 dλ =
C 1 λ −5
This is the total energy( ) emitted ( entire wavelength spectrum ( ).