



i9100(EB-F1A2GBU) i997(EB555157VA) S5360(EB454357VU) I9220(EB615268VU) i9250(EB-L1F2HVU) T989(EB-625152VA) EB445163VU EB424255VA C115 BX40 BT50
1380 1540 1500 1650 1880 1880 1820 1735
1200 1200
1500 1400 1500 900 650 800 850
2300 1700 1450 1600 1650 1600 2250 1500 1750 2500 2500 1400 1450 1650 2500 2500 1750 1700 1800 2000
实际容量 标贴容量 650 1450 800 1600 1100 1900 800 1600 1200 2000 720 1520 700 1500 800 1600 700 1500 800 1600 1300 2100 1350 2150 1200 2500 1500 2500 1400 2500 2500 2500 1800 2600 2200
BK-B-22 BK-B-25 BK-BL-4C BK-BL-5C BK-B-28 BK-B-32 BK-B-33 BK-B-36 BK-B-37 BK-B-40 BK-B-33A BK-B-42 E320 BL124/P50 BL142/S710 BL161/乐PHONE A1
步步 高
860 1100 800 800 1500 1350 800 1220 1500 1500 800 900 1000 1500 2000 1500 1500



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User Manual Ver0.1 TPC-WX08U28寸人脸支付平板ARM Cortex™_A17架构RK32881.8GHz CPU8”LCD触控式电容屏2G内存,8G EMMC电子盘1x RJ45GbE LAN,1x RS232COM1x MICRO USB,2x USB2.0Port1x Mini SD卡座,1x SIM卡座支持3G/4G通讯、内置蓝牙+WIFI模块支持DC-12V电源输入版权声明随附本产品发行的文件为深圳市英康仕电子有限公司2019年版权所有,并保留相关权利。





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Description3-way, multi-location 120V/AC, 60HzDesign features• Does not control a load•Compatible with Wi-Fi smart universal dimmer for multi-location control (EWDF30)•LED indicator system alerts if the device is not connected to the Wi-Fi smart universal dimmer • Neutral wire required for installation•Dimmable seven step white LED display alongside push pad indicates selected light level - even in full daylight (coordinates light level status with connected LED indicator system alerts if the device is not connected to the Wi-Fi smart dimmer)• Adjust how long lights stay on to allow for a safe, convenient exit •Available in 8 different colors including metallic finishesProject Name:Prepared By:Project Number:Date:Catalog Number:Type:Compliances, specifications and availability are subject to change without notice.EWACDT able 1. Accessory dimmerRating DescriptionColor suffixCatalog no.AV/AC Hz-12060Accessory dimmer compatible with Wi-Fi smart dimmer (EWFD30)W, C2, C6, C7EWACD__Accessory dimmer2EATON /connectedhomeTechnical DataEffective April 2023Accessory dimmer can be wired with Wi-Fi smart dimmer (EWFD30) to provide multi-location ON/OFF/BRIGHT/DIM control. Accessory dim-mer will need to be wired with the load controlling dimmer using a single 3-way wire.ApplicationProject Name:Prepared By:Project Number:Date:Catalog Number:Type:Compliances, specifications and availability are subject to change without notice.Catalog No.EWACDPerformanceRating: 120V/AC, 60HzInstallation & programming For installation and programming the device, see the Accessory Dimmer Quick Start Guide included with product.Testing & code compliance cULus Listed 6B28. NOM Certified.TerminationsAccessory dimmers have four screw terminals for line, ground, neutral and 3-way Material characteristics Flammability: Meets UL94 requirements; V2 rated Temperature rating: 32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C)Warranty2-year limited product warrantyT able 2. SpecificationsT able 3. Color ordering informationFor ordering devices, include Catalog No. followed by the Color Suffix: W (White),C2 (Color Change Kit: LA, W, V), C6 (Color Change Kit: W, RB, SG), C7 (Color Change Kit: B, BK, GY)Figure 1. EWACD Product dimensionsTwo location control (requires one Wi-Fi smart dimmer and one accessory dimmer EWACD)EWACDAccessory dimmerC2 Color KitLA (Light Almond), W (White),V (Ivory)C7 Color KitB (Brown), BK (Black), GY (Gray)C6 Color KitRB (Oil Rubbed Bronze), W (White),SG (Silver Granite)Technical DataEffective April 2023Project Name:Prepared By:Project Number:Date:Catalog Number:Type:Certifications & compliancesKEY:cULusNOMRelated productsCompliances, specifications and availability are subject to change without notice.WallplatesPJS26, PJS262Wi-Fi smart productsEWFD30, EWFSW15, EWFTRCR15Multiple Locations using up to four accessory dimmers (EWACD)Accessory dimmerElectrical Sector 1123 Hwy 74 SPeachtree City, GA 30269United States /WifiSmartElectrical Sector Canada Operations 5925 McLaughlin RoadMississauga, Ontario, L5R 1B8CanadaEatonCanada.ca/WifiSmartElectrical Sector Mexico Operations Carr. Tlalnepantla -Cuautitlan Km 17.8 s/n Col. Villa Jardin esq.Cerrada 8 de MayoCuautitlan, Mexico CP 54800Mexico Eaton.mx/WifiSmartEaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States Eaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.© 2023 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. TD610143EN April 2023。

Leviton Wireless Decora 0-10V Room Controller with

Leviton Wireless Decora 0-10V Room Controller with

Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. Lighting & Controls10385 SW Avery Street, Tualatin, OR 97062 tel 800-736-6682 tech line (6:00AM-4:00PM PT Mon-Fri) 800-959-6004 ©2022 Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice.DescriptionWireless Decora ® 0-10V Room Controller with 5A Relay (DL057) is the primary user interface combining both familiar toggle ON/OFF control, dimming control and energy management business logic into line voltage-powered wireless controldevices. Requires use with Lumina™ RF Keypad Room Controller or GreenMAX ® DRC Wireless Keypad Room Controller.The DL057 works with compatible wireless devices to create an advanced intelligent lighting system. The DL057 alsoprovides the primary interface between the smartphone/tablet commissioning and control device. The DL057 manages a room by coordinating activities of all wireless devices within thespace and can be used to control loads up to 5A.Wireless Decora ® 0-10V Dimmer Room Controller with 5A RelayApplications• Bluetooth interface for connection to any Android or iOS devices with Bluetooth 4.0 with BLE • Configuration • Control• Status monitoring • Every node is a repeater • Line voltage powered • LED status indicators • Decora aesthetic• Complies with IEEE 80.15.4 standards—for domestic and international wireless networks• Can be used to meet energy code requirements forIECC, ASHRAE 90.1 and 2019 Title 24, Part 6 space/area control, dimming, manual-ON/OFF, occupancy control and automatic shutoff requirementsDimensions DiagramWiring Diagram*Depending on manufacture date, pink wire may be grayUser InterfaceSpecificationsLES-G-10377B/H22-aaREV AUG 2022Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. Lighting & Controls10385 SW Avery Street, Tualatin, OR 97062 tel 800-736-6682 tech line (6:00AM-4:00PM PT Mon-Fri) 800-959-6004 ©2022 Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice.。



羽毛球馆灯光设备采购清单及技术参数要求二、技术参数要求1、LED灯具:(1)额定电压;220VAC50/60Hz:额定功率:200W;灯具重量W5kg;灯具尺寸学370rmπ*13O mm*150mm:(2)灯具防护等级2IP66,防腐等级WF2,灯具防触电保护级别1级:(3)灯具外壳采用1070型铝材:(第三方检测报告备查)*(4)光源:整灯光效不小于1201m∕w,采用高光效SMD封装方式光源,显色指数280,色温5600K-6000k;(光源合作厂家证明及检测报告备查)(5)功率因数20.95,电压波纹系数W0.05%,频闪百分比W0.05%。

*(6)灯具眩光值‹30:(7)灯具经过CQC或CCC产品论证:(8)灯具通过电磁兼容型式试验:*(9)灯具通过安全认证试验,(第三方检测报告备查):(10)灯具通过耐热、防火及耐漏电起痕试验:(11)灯具通过耐久性试验和热试验:(12)灯具通过检验机构蓝光危害检测达到RGl无限制级别:2、遮光罩:(1)尺寸:37Omm*13Omm*15Imm;(2)俵面喷防腐户外粉,颜色为PANTONEC OO IGray7C;(3)表面无毛刺及其他明显缺陷;(4)使用2mm厚5052合金制成,保证防眩效果;(5)未注冲压尺寸公差等级GB∕T15055-m;三、交货期:合同签订后7个工作日安装调试完毕。




滚动摩擦系数参数没有滚动摩擦力的公式啊,朋友回答者:江苏宿迁abc | 九级| 2010-9-8 09:57都是F=UN回答者:狙击快捷键| 二级| 2010-9-8 11:07M=FU M 是扭矩F 正压力物体在另一物体上滚动(或有滚动趋势)时受到的阻碍作用是由物体和支承面接触处的形变而产生的。


滚动摩擦力矩的大小和支承力N 成正比。

即M =KN。

K 为比例系数,称为“滚动摩擦系数”。

如火车轮与铁轨间的K 值约为0.09 ~0.03 厘米。



此时,轮与支持面间只接触一条线,支承力N 通过圆轮的轴心。


其大小主要取决于相互接触物体的材料性质和表面状况(粗糙程度,湿度等)有关常用材料的滑动和滚动摩擦系数常用材料的滑动和滚动摩擦系数材料名称静摩擦系数动摩擦系数----无润滑有润滑无润滑有润滑钢-钢0.15 0.1 ~0.12 0.15 0.05~0.1钢-软钢----0.2 0.1~0.2钢- 铸铁0.3 --0.180.05~0.15钢-青铜0.15 0.1~0.15 0.15 0.1 ~0.15软钢-铸铁0.2 0.180.05~0.15皮革-铸铁0.3~0.5 橡皮- 铸铁---木材-木材0.4~0.6 常用材料的滚动摩阻系数材料名称铸铁- 铸铁钢质车轮-钢轨木-钢木-木软木-软木淬火钢珠-钢0.15 0.60.8 0.1 0.2~0.5滚动摩阻系数(mm)软钢-青铜0.20.18 0.07~0.15铸铁-铸铁--0.18 0.15 铸铁-青铜----0.15~0.2青铜-青铜--0.1 0.20.07 ~0.12 0.07~0.150.07 ~ ~0.15软钢-钢0.5有滚珠轴承的料车-钢轨0.09无滚珠轴承的料车-钢0.21钢质车轮-木面 1.5~2.5轮胎-路面2-10常用材料摩擦系数 3 Y7 n- x' Y u8 c摩擦系数摩擦副材料摩擦系数μ三维,cad,机械技术汽车,catia,pro/e,ug,inventor,solidedg e,solid works,caxa,时空镇江1 n$ I* L/ x! q6 ^ * A7 w9 K无润滑有润滑三维网技术论坛- a7 q% J$ j 7 |! F6 F6 z钢- 钢0.15* 0.1-0.12* 三维,cad,机械技术汽车,catia,pro/e,ug,inventor,solid edge, solidworks,caxa, 时空镇江" B: R* D% c; J. M- G0.1 0.05-0.1钢- 软钢0.2 0.1-0.20.2-0.3* 0.05-0.150.16-0.18% o& V( }& x+ |7 ]$ x; M0.19 0.03/ n. r4 C6 H1 h0.070.17 0.020.2 0.04钢- 夹布胶木 0.22 钢- 钢纸 0.22 钢- 冰0.027* 0.014石棉基材料 - 铸铁或钢0.25-0.40 0.08-0.12三 维网技术论坛 ( U1 {9 k5 {, a5皮革 - 铸铁或钢0.30-0.500.12-0.159 p. `. t! [9 _7 [, l1 r7 `材料 (硬木 )- 铸铁或钢0.20-0.350.12-0.16 软木 - 铸铁或钢 0.30-0.50 0.15-0.25 钢纸 -铸铁或钢 0.30-0.500.12-0.17 毛毡 - 铸铁或钢0.22 0.18软钢 - 铸铁 0.2*,0.18 0.05-0.15www.3dport , }. z4 J, \2 @3 ] f软钢 - 青铜 0.2*,0.18 0.07-0.15三维网技 术论坛 ) O9 p" K1 B *~2 Y铸铁 - 铸铁0.150.15-0.16钢- 不淬火的 T8 0.15 0.03钢 - 铸铁钢-黄铜 钢- 青铜钢 - 铝 钢- 轴承合金0.15-0.18 0.1-0.15*0.07-0.12铸铁- 青铜0.28* 0.16*三维网技术论坛6 \$ u9 d; [$ l$ K6 B( h0.15-0.21 0.07-0.15铸铁-皮革0.55*,0.280.15*,0.12 ' B$ M! i: h T/ y 铸铁-橡皮0.8 0.5皮革- 木料0.4-0.5* -0.03-0.05铜-T8 钢0.15 0.03三维,cad,机械技术汽车,catia,pro/e,ug,inventor,so lidedge,solidworks,caxa,时空镇江9铜-铜0.20-黄铜-不淬火的T8 钢0.190.03 三维,cad,机械技术汽车,catia,pro/e,ug,inventor,solidedg黄铜-淬火的T8 钢0.140.02黄铜-黄铜0.17 0.02黄铜-钢0.30 0.02 三维,cad,机械技术汽车,catia,pro/e,ug,inventor,solidedge,solidworks,caxa,时空镇江3 k* W 黄铜- 硬橡胶0.25-黄铜-石板0.25-三维网技术论坛 5 n * n9 \0 n$ q黄铜- 绝缘物0.27 -三维网技术论坛7 x6 K 6 c# H# J2 u$ {! A2 Z青铜- 不淬火的T8 钢0.16-三维网技术论坛" c, x5 T' |0 w 1v( R"青铜- 黄铜0.16- 三维网技术论坛x8 Q1 N' c 1 @$ Q) b 青铜- 青铜0.15-0.20 0.04-0.10青铜- 钢0.16-/ F , d* f- ~: D! U0 I4 t) | L青铜- 夹布胶木0.23 -青铜- 钢纸0.24青铜- 树脂0.21 )j# ?- k1 R * I! J; O% i青铜- 硬橡胶0.36 - 7 N9 N# `- z8 U3 C' D+ n 青铜- 石板0.33 - 4 B# i2 w: `3 n q青铜- 绝缘物-0.26铝-不淬火的T8 钢0.18 0.03铝-淬火的T8 钢0.020.17铝- 黄铜0.27 0.02 三维网技术论坛" ]* n( h铝- 青铜0.22 -铝- 钢0.30 0.02 三维网技术论坛6 {7 o8 A7 I-铝- 夹布胶木0.26 -硅铝合金-夹布胶木0.34-三维网技术论坛硅铝合金- 钢纸-0.32硅铝合金-树脂0.28 - & I2 _" B'P4 J" ^1 C硅铝合金-硬橡胶-0.25硅铝合金-石板0.26-三维网技术论坛S# I6 l 5硅铝合金-绝缘物-0.26钢- 粉末冶金-0.35-0.55*木材- 木材0.4-0.6* 0.1*0.2-0.5 0.07-0.10 麻绳- 木材0.5-0.8*0.5体(ABS)注:1. 表中滑动摩擦系数是试验数值 ,只能作为近似计算参考2. 表中带 "*" 者为静摩擦系数 .各种工程用塑料的摩擦系数下试样上 试 样(钢 ) 上 试 样(塑料)静摩擦 动摩擦静摩擦 动摩擦45 号淬火钢 - 聚碳酸脂 0.30 45 号淬火钢 - 尼龙 9(加 0.57 3%MoS2 填充料 )45 号淬火钢 - 尼龙 9(加 0.48 30% 玻璃纤维填充物 ) 45 号淬火钢 - 尼龙 1010 0.039 (加 30% 玻璃纤维填充物 )7 S/ Y, z9 A2 z4 R45 号淬火钢 - 尼龙 1010 0.07 0.03+ J; ^8 m) P+ O*s8 `: y0.023 三维网技 术论坛 5 e9 Y, f ) n' W(加 40% 玻璃纤维填充物 ) 45 号淬火钢 - 氯化聚醚 0.35 0.034 45 号淬火钢 - 苯乙烯 0.35-0.460.018(塑料)系数μs系数μk系数μs系数μk聚四氟乙烯0.10 0.05 0.04 0.04聚全氟乙丙烯0.25 0.18 -- 三维网技术论坛.c% w: b) B2 e,A6 _; Y低密度聚乙烯0.27 0.26 0.330.33 三维|ca 高密度聚乙烯0.18 0.08-0.12 0.12 0.11聚甲醛0.14 0.13 -5 B4V7 k% K4 w $ T1 g聚偏二氟乙烯0.33 0.25 --www.3dportal.cn3 }( E- ]- C7 e* b 0 B聚碳酸酯0.60 0.53 - - 7 o0A( [/ s# E8 J 9 y0 o聚苯二甲酸乙0.29 0.28 0.27* 0.20* 二醇酯聚酰胺(尼龙66)0.37 0.340.42*0.35*聚三氟氯乙烯0.45* 0.33*0.43*0.32聚氯乙烯0.45* 0.40* 0.50* 0.40* 聚偏二氯乙烯0.68* 0.45* 0.90* 0.52注:*表示粘滑运动.常用材料的滚动摩擦系数摩擦副材料滚动摩擦系数k,cm 6 Y, y x P. a# ~% m$ g9 I9 w铸铁- 铸铁木材- 钢0.03-0.04木材- 木材0.05-0.080.05淬火钢- 淬火钢0.001铁或钢质车轮- 木面0.15-0.25 钢质车轮-钢轨0.05 三维网技术论坛0 D6 B'注:表中滚动摩擦系数是试验值,只能作近似参考材料名称静摩擦系数动摩擦系数无润滑有润滑无润滑有润滑钢-钢0.15 0.1 ~0.12 三维网技术论坛6 |4 W9 y2 s( G+ k) s0 _0.15 0.05 ~0.1钢-软钢空白.2 0.1 ~0.2钢- 铸铁0.3 空白0.05 ~0.15 & ?& J* k* U! ~, d钢-青铜0.15 0.1 ~0.15 0.15 0.1 ~0.15软钢- 铸铁0.2 空白0.05~0.15软钢- 青铜0.2 空白0.07~0.15铸铁-铸铁空白0.15 0.07 ~0.12铸铁-青铜空白.15 ~0.2 0.07 ~0.15 三维|cad|机械汽车技术|catia|pro/e|ug|inv entor|solidedg e|sol idworks|c axa7 A6 M) A0 x) r(青铜-青铜空白0.2 0.07 ~0.1皮革-铸铁0.3~0.5 0.15 0.6 0.15 6 Y* f& w% a/ A0 _. L# K# k: W木材-木材0.4~0.6 0.1 0.2 ~0.5 0.07 ~0.15 空白常用材料的滚动摩阻系数" ^+ i' k! e6 e0 M5 c) U+ _" M材料名称滚动摩阻系数橡皮-铸铁空白.8 0.5mm铸铁- 铸铁0.5钢质车轮-钢轨0.05木- 钢0.3~0.4木- 木0.5~0.8软木- 软木 1.5淬火钢珠-钢0.01软钢- 钢0.5 2 N) q$ X. h- M( e( s* ?' k有滚珠轴承的料车-钢轨0.09无滚珠轴承的料车- 钢0.21钢质车轮-木面 1.5~ 2.5轮胎-路面2-10。

MITSUMI WiFi 模块 DWM-W028 使用手册说明书

MITSUMI WiFi 模块 DWM-W028 使用手册说明书

User ManualMITSUMI WiFi Module MODELDWM-W028The purpose of this manual is to explain correct way how to integrate module DWM-W028 to the end product. It includes procedures that shall assist you to avoid unforeseen problems. This manual presents information that shows how module and OEM product,where module integrated, complies with regulations in certain regions. Any modifications, not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the authority to operate in these regions.The MITSUMI WiFi Module, model DWM-W028 has to be installed and used in accordance with the technical description/installation instructions provided by the manufacturer.For detail information concerning type approval of this module (e.g. where this module is already pre-approved) please contact the authorized local distributor or the manufacturer.The system may only be implemented in the configuration that was authorized. Note that any changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.Regulatory InformationOperational InformationWireless InteroperabilityThe end product integrating this module is designed to be interoperable with any wireless LAN product that is based on direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) radio technology and to comply with the following standards.z IEEE Std 802.11b Standard on 2.4GHz Wireless LANz IEEE Std 802.11g Standard on 2.4GHz Wireless LANSafetyThe end product integrating this module, like other radio devices, emits radio frequency electromagnetic energy. The level of energy emitted by this device, however, is less than the electromagnetic energy emitted by other wireless devices such as mobile phones. The end product integrating this module operates within the guidelines found in radio frequency safety standards and recommendations. These standards and recommendations reflect the consensus of the scientific community and result from deliberations of panels and committees of scientists who continually review and interpret the extensive research literature. In some situations or environments, the use of the end product integrating this module may be restricted by the proprietor of the building or responsible representatives of the applicable organization. Examples of such situations include the following:z Using the end product integrating this module onboard airplanes, orz Using the end product integrating this module in any other environment where the risk of interference with other devices or services is perceived or identified as being harmful.If uncertain of the policy that applies to the use of wireless devices in a specific organization or environment (an airplane, for example), ask for authorization to use the end product integrated into this module before turning it on.USA-Federal Communications Commission (FCC)This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, it may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by tuning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try and correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:z Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.z Increase the distance between the equipment and the receiver.z Connect the equipment to outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.z Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)This device may not cause harmful interference, and(2)This device must accept any interference received, including interference that maycause undesired operation.Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.LabelingMITSUMI WiFi module DWM-W028 labeled as below.FCC ID: EW4DWMW028The proposed with FCC ID label format is to be placed on the module. If FCC ID is not visible when the module is installed into the system, “Contains FCC ID: EW4DWMW028” shall be placed on the outside of final host system.Caution: Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation.Minimum 20cm safe separation distance warning required for the module which must comply with RF exposure requirement.Canada-Industry Canada (IC)This device complies with RSS-210 of Industry Canada.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)This device may not cause interference, and(2)This device must accept any interference, including interference that may causeundesired operation of this device.L ‘ utilization de ce dispositif est autorisée seulement aux conditions suivantes :(1)il ne doit pas produire de brouillage et(2)l’ utilisateur du dispositif doit étre prêt à accepter tout brouillage adioélectrique reçu,même si ce brouillage est susceptible de compromettre le fomctionnement du dispositif.The term “IC” before the equipment certification number only signifies that the Industry Canada technical specifications were met.To reduce potential radio interference to other users, only the authorized antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) is not more than that required for successful communication.To prevent radio interference to the licensed service, this device is intended to be operated indoors and away from windows to provide maximum shielding. Equipment (or its transmit antenna) that is installed outdoors is subject to licensing.Pour empecher que cet appareil cause du brouillage au service faisant l’objet d’une licence, il doit etre utilize a l’interieur et devrait etre place loin des fenetres afinde Fournier un ecram de blindage maximal. Si le matriel (ou son antenne d’emission) est installe a l’exterieur, il doit faire l’objet d’une licence.LabelingMITSUMI WiFi module DWM-W028 labeled as below.IC: 4250A-DWMW028The proposed with IC label format is to be placed on the module. If IC number is not visible when the module is installed into the system, “Contains IC number: 4250A-DWMW028” shall be placed on the outside of final host system.Caution: Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation.Minimum 20cm safe separation distance warning required for the module which must comply with RF exposure requirement.The installer of this radio equipment must ensure that the antenna is located or pointed such that it does not emit RF field in excess of Health Canada limits for the general population; consult Safety Code 6, obtainable from Health Canada’s website at www.hc-sc.gc.ca/rpb.AntennasAccording to RSS-Gen 7.1.4, if the detachable antenna DN57 2.4GHz SMA-PR is used with the module DWMW028 for the hosts included PARTNER-CTR Debugger, PARTNER-CTR Capture and PARTNER-CTR Capture Debugger, the following condition must be considered:This device has been designed to operate with the antennas listed below, and having a maximum gain of 2.62dB. Antennas not included in this list or having a gain greater than 2.62dB are strictly prohibited for use with this device. The required antenna impedance is 50ohms.Detachable antenna: DN57 2.4GHz SMA-PRTo reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that permitted for successful communication.。



u8 hardwired zones / 2 areas / 64 user codesu On-board voice dialeru Macro functionalityu USB direct connectionThis panel is designed for residential and small tomedium-sized businesses. It offers 8 zones and 2 areasand comes with an enclosure and a transformer.An on-board PSTN dialer transmits an alarm via thecommon telephone network to a phone and / or acommunication center while at the same time a voicemessage is sent to the owner’s landline or mobilephone to inform him about an intruder’s presence.Commissioning the system is simple and involvesminimum programming: the default settings alreadycover 90 % of the available functionality. Programmingcan either be done via the AMAX TEXT, LCD and LEDkeypads or via the programming software (A-LinkPlus).The intrusion system can be used with hardwireddetectors from Bosch.System overviewPhoneCMS A-Link PlusBasic functions•Keypad code STAY / AWAY arming•One button STAY / AWAY arming•On-board dialer with CID / SIA transmission format.Voice dialer transmits up to 4 recorded messages tolandline/mobile phones in case of an alarm. Messages can be recorded with A-Link Plus and sent to thecontrol panel with the remote programming software A-Link Plus•16 weekly schedules with the option to addexceptions in the calendar• 3 programmable macros: several single functionsfrom the keypad are combined to one customermacro function, can be executed by pressing onebutton•Remote maintenance operations (e.g. walk test,bypassing)•Installer can enable the service mode for comfortable programming without having alarms or outputstriggered•In multi-area set-up (direct and multiple arming),“area status” is displayed•Area name is displayed on the master or area textkeypad• 4 on-board outputs (two monitored)•Up to three output event types can be configured for one physical output•Every zone except zone 1 can be used with four-wire fire detectors•Any zone can be used for chime mode (door bell)•Any zone can be used to detect a sensor tamper(DEOL)•Zones can be bypassed by name•Test mode for outputs and zonesOptional functions•Relay outputs on Extension module (with DX3010)•Connect outdoor sirens and IP cameras to an optional8 relay module (DX3010)•Programming key•Arming, bypassing, isolating, operating outputs andinquiry with the RSC+ app on mobile devices (withthe B426-M or the B450-M with B442 or B443modules)Optional alarm transmission•IP communication with Bosch Conettix IP, SIA DC09UDP and SIA DC 09 TCP protocols via B426-M andB450-M with B442 or B443 modules•GPRS communication with Bosch Conettix IP, SIADC09 UDP and SIA DC 09 TCP protocols via B450-Mwith B442 or B443 modulesOptional remote programming via A-Link Plus•IP communication (B426-M and B450-M with B442 or B443 modules)•GPRS communication (B450-M with B442 or B443modules)Communication with Bosch Software Packages The AMAX system can communicate with the following software packages:Remote programming software A-Link PlusThe AMAX system can be accessed and programmed via the remote programming software A-Link Plus. All control panel and status information are accessible and an operation of the AMAX panel from a remote location is possible.A-Link Plus can connect to the AMAX panel via USB, IP or modem.Compatibility informationBasicOptionalappropriate datasheet, brochure, and installation manuals for additional data.Availability varies according to sales region.Certifications and approvalsTechnical specifications ElectricalTransformerAC inputDC outputAux 1 / 2 outputOutputsOption busBatteryMechanicalPanel features Number of devicesZonesOption busEnvironmentalOrdering informationICP-AMAX2-P2-EN Intrusion panel, fr/de/nl/pt Language Package 2: French, German, Dutch, PortugueseOrder number ICP-AMAX2-P2-ENAccessoriesIUI-AMAX-LCD8 LCD keypad, 8-zoneAMAX keypad 2000 D8, 8 zones LCD icon keypad Order number IUI-AMAX-LCD8IUI-AMAX3-LED8 LED keypad, 8-zoneAMAX keypad 3000 L8 is a 8 zone LED keypad Certification: EN 50131-3 Grade 2Order number IUI-AMAX3-LED8IUI-AMAX3-LED16 LED keypad, 16-zoneAMAX keypad 3000 L16 is a 16 zone LED keypad Certification: EN 50131-3 Grade 2Order number IUI-AMAX3-LED16IUI-AMAX4-TEXT Text keypadAMAX keypad 4000 T, LCD text keypad, two lines with each 18 charactersOrder number IUI-AMAX4-TEXTICP-AMAX2-PCBP4 PCB board, en/fr/es/pt Mainboard for AMAX panel 2100Language package 4: English, French, Spanish, PortugueseOrder number ICP-AMAX2-PCBP4DX3010 Output expander, 8-relayPackage includes only the DX3010 boardOrder number DX3010AE20EN Enclosure for module w/tamper skirt, EN AE20EN plastic enclosure for DX2010/DX3010Order number AE20ENB426-M Ethernet communication module, mobile Supports Ethernet communication for remote programming and mobile apps on AMAX and Solution Series control panelsOrder number B426-MB450-M Plug-in communicator interface, mobile Supports cellular communication for remote programming and mobile apps on AMAX and Solution Series control panelsOrder number B450-MB442 Plug-in cellular module, GPRSMulti-function cellular communicator that provides IP communication over a (GPRS) cellular network Order number B442B443 Plug-in Cellular, HSPA+ (3G+)Multi-function 3G/4G cellular communicator providing IP communication over a GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSPA+ cellular networkOrder number B443ICP-EZPK Programming keyBlue key for transferring configurations to and from Easy Series and AMAX panelsOrder number ICP-EZPKICP-EZRU-0106 ROM UPDATE KEY - EZ V1Green key for upgrading the panel firmwareOrder number ICP-EZRU-0106ServicesEWE-AMAX-IW 12mths wrty ext AMAX12 months warranty extensionOrder number EWE-AMAX-IWRepresented by:Europe, Middle East, Africa:Germany:North America:Asia-Pacific:Bosch Security Systems B.V.P.O. Box 800025600 JB Eindhoven, The Netherlands Phone: + 31 40 2577 284****************************** Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbHRobert-Bosch-Ring 585630 GrasbrunnGermanyBosch Security Systems, LLC130 Perinton ParkwayFairport, New York, 14450, USAPhone: +1 800 289 0096Fax: +1 585 223 9180*******************.comRobert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, Security Systems11 Bishan Street 21Singapore 573943Phone: +65 6571 2808Fax: +65 6571 2699*****************************© Bosch Security Systems 2021 | Data subject to change without notice 182****7835|en,V26,27.Apr2021。

动态投影实例GmbH Mirror Head MH08-506L产品说明书

动态投影实例GmbH Mirror Head MH08-506L产品说明书

Mirror Head MH08-506L Optoma ZH506 Series Item Number: MH08-506LThe Mirror Head is a modern high-tech mirror that isdigitally operated and is used as an add-on feature forprojectors. It can be set to move either rapidly or slowlyto project pictures, videos and texts onto any imaginablesurface.Through its high level of performance, the entire systemguarantees highly accurate positioning. It is important tonote that the Mirror Head is also extendable to almostevery projector and a quality product made in Austria.Static projection belongs to the past. The journey intoa new visual experience begins here. Our technologypaves the way to unprecedented possibilities in lighting,projection and interior design.ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSInput Power: 100-240V / 2-1A / 50-60Hz, Max. 10A (3-pol C14 male socket)Output Power: AC loop trough for projector (3-pol C13 femalesocket) Max. 8A - cable includedMECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS WITH OPTOMA ZH506Technical Specifications MH08 Optoma ZH506Fixture dimensions (L/W/H): 566 x 407 x 254 mmFixture total weight: 13 kg Projector weight: 5,5 kg Mirror Head unit only:7,5 kg•DMX-512 control over 14 DMX channels.• DMX IN / OUT port (5-pin male and female XLR connectors).• Art-Net™ connection (RJ45) (Art-Net™ Designed by and Copyright Artistic Licence Holdings Ltd.).• Mirror Tilt modes: 90° & 162°• Mirror Panmode: 180°• High resolution micro step motors with maintenance free direct drive.• Self calibrating mirror position for high accuracy.• Absolut reposition accuracy <0,03°.• Movement accuracy: Pan and Tilt from thesame direction to the programmed point within approximately 0,01°.• RS232 remote control connection for projector (D-sub 9 male).• Flashable firmware (Mini USB).• High resolution LED-Display for easy configuration.• LED-Display backlight auto turn off for energy saving.• LED-Display Flip / Flop mode for easy reading in difficult positions.• Coated mirror for optimum reflection ~98% refraction factor.• Optimized mirror geometry for the specific projector.• Ambient Light LED with high power 3 Colour LEDs (18Watt total).• High durability black powder-coating surface finishing.•Mounting plate optimized for specific projector mounting.• Easy to adjust mounting system.• Heavy-use truss or wall mounting supports.• Passive cooled system (excluding projector).• Environmental tolerances: Ambient operatingtemperature range: 5°–35°C, Humidity: 20%-80% (non-condensing).•Package includes: RS232 cable, AC-loop through cable, Quick installation guide.Due to optical reasons we recommend a throw ratio over 1.6:1.IMPORTANT NOTE: For information about the specifications, operations and use of the projector please read the instruction manual of the projector. https:///product-details/ZH506OPERATION SPECIFICATIONS / FEATURESPROJECTOR COMPATIBILITY5.000 ANSI Lumen 5.500 ANSI Lumen6.000 ANSI Lumen 6.300 ANSI LumenZH506 / ZU506ZH506e / ZH506te / ZU506te ZU606t-w ZH606e / ZU606te。



目录一、安装环境 (3)1.1 U8远程安装方式 (3)1.2 U8远程安装环境 (3)二、安装使用说明 (4)2.1 U8服务器端集成安装U8远程 (4)2.2 U8客户端端集成安装U8远程 (6)2.3 独立安装说明 (7)2.4 远程服务端快速配置说明 (10)2.5 远程客户端安装和使用说明 (13)2.6 UU程序文件存储路径的更改办法 (16)三、服务器端和客户端配置 (17)3.1 U8远程服务器端配置 (17)3.2 U8远程客户端配置 (23)四、许可说明 (26)五、注意事项 (26)一、安装环境1.1U8远程安装方式1.集成安装方式:安装U8程序,安装时选择【全产品集中应用模式(U8远程)】或【客户端集中应用模式(U8远程)】。


1.2U8远程安装环境1.集成安装“U8远程程序”安装环境✧操作系统:Windows Server 2008、2012、2016。



2.独立安装“U8远程程序”安装环境✧操作系统系统:Windows Server 2008、2012、2016。


3.金万维客户端安装环境✧支持在Windows Server 2008、2012、2016以及windows7、windows8、windows10环境上安装。




E103-W08 产品规格书说明书

E103-W08 产品规格书说明书

E103-W08产品规格书2.4G串口WIFI BLE配网低功耗目录第一章概述 (1)1.1简介 (1)1.2功能特点 (1)1.3应用场景 (2)第二章规格参数 (2)2.1极限参数 (2)2.2工作参数 (2)第三章机械尺寸与引脚定义 (3)3.1E103-W08A引脚尺寸图 (3)3.2E103-W08A引脚尺寸图 (4)第四章推荐连线图 (5)第五章功能说明 (5)5.1工作模式 (5)5.1.1TCP通信 (6)5.1.2MQTT通信 (7)5.1.3HTTP通信 (7)5.2TCP心跳包 (7)5.3自动连接 (7)5.4手动连接 (8)5.5手动断开 (8)5.6BLE配网 (8)5.7状态指示 (8)5.8低功耗 (8)5.9注意事项 (9)第六章默认参数 (9)第七章AT指令及参数 (10)7.1错误码表 (11)7.2基本AT指令 (11)7.2.1AT测试指令 (11)7.2.2重启模块 (11)7.2.3恢复出厂参数 (12)7.2.4查询版本信息 (12)7.2.5查询、设置串口参数 (12)7.2.6查询、设置工作模式 (12)7.2.7查询、设置电源模式 (13)7.3WIFI相关AT指令 (13)7.3.1扫描可用AP (13)7.3.2连接到指定AP (13)7.3.3与AP断开连接 (14)7.3.4查询、设置连接模式 (14)7.3.5查询MAC地址 (14)7.3.6查询、设置主机名 (14)7.4TCP相关AT指令 (15)7.4.1查询网络连接状态 (15)7.4.2建立TCP传输 (15)7.4.3关闭TCP传输 (15)7.4.4查询本地IP (15)7.4.5查询、设置多连接 (15)7.4.6查询、设置TCP模式 (15)7.4.7查询、设置是否打印对端IP、端口 (16)7.4.8查询、设置远程目标参数 (16)7.4.9查询、设置心跳数据 (16)7.5MQTT相关AT指令 (17)7.5.1查询、设置MQTT远程目标 (17)7.5.2查询、设置MQTT发布主题 (17)7.5.3查询、设置MQTT订阅主题 (17)7.5.4查询、设置MQTT登录参数 (17)7.5.5查询、设置MQTT连接参数 (18)7.6HTTP相关参数 (18)7.6.1查询、设置远程目标 (18)7.6.2查询、设置URL (18)7.6.3查询、设置数据类型 (18)7.7BLE相关参数 (19)7.7.1查询、设置BLE广播名 (19)7.7.2查询、设置BLE广播间隙 (19)第八章使用教程 (20)8.1TCP通信 (20)8.1.1透传 (20)8.1.2协议传输 (21)8.2HTTP通信 (23)8.3MQTT通信 (23)8.4BLE配网 (24)第九章焊接作业指导 (27)9.1回流焊温度 (27)9.2回流焊曲线图 (27)修订历史 (28)关于我们 (28)免责申明和版权公告本文中的信息,包括供参考的URL地址,如有变更,恕不另行通知。





用友U8数据库表名参照表Accessaries 成套件表AccInformation 帐套参数表AdjustPV ouchAdjustPV ouchsAp_AlarmSet 单位报警分类设置表Ap_BillAge 帐龄区间表Ap_Cancel 核销情况表Ap_CancelNo 生成自动序号Ap_CloseBill 收付款结算表Ap_CtrlCode 控制科目设置表Ap_Detail 应收/付明细帐十二Ap_DigSetAP_DispSet 查询显示列设置表Ap_InputCode 入帐科目表Ap_InvCode 存货科目设置表Ap_Lock 操作互斥表Ap_MidExchAp_MyTableSet 查询条件存储表Ap_Note 票据登记簿Ap_Note_Sub 票据登记簿结算表Ap_SstyleCode 结算方式科目表Ap_Sum 应收/付总帐表Ap_V ouch 应付/收单主表Ap_V ouchs 应付/收单主表的关联表Ap_V ouchType 单据类型表Ar_BadAge 坏帐计提帐龄期间表Ar_BadPara 坏帐计提参数表ArrivalVouch 到货单、质检单主表*** ArrivalVouchs 到货单、质检单子表*** AssemV ouch 组装、拆卸、形态转换单主表AssemV ouchs 组装、拆卸、形态转换单子表Bank 本企业开户银行及帐号CA_ACR 按产品产量约当分配率表CA_AllMt 分配率分配方法表CA_AmoCt 各项费用成本表CA_AsDIF 辅助部门内部固定分配率表CA_AssCW 辅助费用耗用表CA_AssMP 辅助部门计划单价表CA_AWPC 各项费用耗用计划表CA_Batchmx_tempCA_Batchmxhy_tmpCA_Batchmxhy_tmpCA_bmmx_tmpCA_CBSys 系统设置表CA_ClassDef 产品类别定义CA_ComPD 完工产品处理表CA_ComPS 完工产品统计表CA_Control CA_ControlCA_CostCD 费用明细定义表CA_DaCPS 完工产品产量日报表CA_DaMBW 材料及外购半成品耗用日报表CA_DayTiS 工时日报表CA_Depcf 部门预测录入表CA_DepCs 折旧费用表CA_DepDf 部门属性表CA_DepFR 部门预测结果表CA_DepHC 部门历史成本表CA_DepPMA 部门计划人工费用率表CA_DirMA 直接人工费用表CA_DistrInputCA_DistrItemCA_EnMMC 月末部门共用材料盘点表CA_EnMOM 月末在产品原材料盘点表CA_EnMOP 月末在产品盘点表CA_IDMAC 记入直接材料费用的出库类别表CA_MaBSW 材料及外购半成品耗用表CA_ManCt 制造费用表CA_MAPC 人工费用人员类别表CA_MatDf 材料定义表CA_MenuDefCA_OnlIA 其它费用表CA_OnpB 在产品年初数表CA_OnPCE 在产品每月变动约当系数表CA_OnPQu 在产品约当系数表CA_OnpQuo 在产品定额表CA_PlanC 计划成本表CA_PPUDR 工序产品领用日报表CA_PreDf 工序定义表CA_ProCF 产品成本预测表CA_ProNb 产品批号表CA_ProPMA 工序计划人工费用率表CA_ProPt 工序产品属性表CA_ProPU 工序产品领用表CA_Quo 定额表CA_RptAdd 成本报表自定义加项CA_RptFld 成本报表自定义栏目表CA_RptHZBTmpCA_RptSub 成本报表自定义减项CA_RptSum 成本汇总表CA_RptSys 成本汇总报表系统备份CA_SAmoCt 服务项目费用成本表CA_SerPri 服务价格表CA_SPDf 结转凭证定义表CA_TimSt 工时统计表CA_UserProperty 操作员权限表CA_WasPR 废品回收表CheckV ouch 盘点单主表CheckV ouchs 盘点单子表Code 科目表ColumnSetCostJustVouch 计划价/售价调整主表十二CostJustVouchs 计划价/售价调整子表CostObj 成本对象表CurrentStock 现存量表Customer 客户档案CustomerClass 客户分类体系CW_CodePlan 科目计划初始(code plan)CW_CodePlus 科目追加计划(code plus)CW_DeptPlan 部门计划初始(department plan)CW_DeptPlus 部门追加计划(department plus)CW_ProfPlan 利润计划初始(profit plan)十二CW_ProfPlus 利润追加计划(profit plus)CW_ProjPlan 项目计划初始(project plan)CW_ProjPlus 项目追加计划(project plus)CW_WideDeptCode 粗放部门计划控制科目(wide department code) CW_WideProjCode 粗放项目计划控制科目(wide project code) Dep_AuthDepartment 部门档案DispatchList 发货单、委托代销结算单主表十二DispatchLists 发货单、委托代销结算单子表十二DistrictClass 地区分类体系十二Dsign 凭证类别表十二Dsigns 凭证类别子表十二dtproperties十二DynTemplet 打印版面临时表模版十二EnDispatch 委托代销发货单主表十二EnDispatchs 委托代销发货单子表十二Exch 汇率表十二ExpenseItem 销售费用项目ExpenseVouch 代垫费用主表ExpenseVouchs 代垫费用子表fa_AssetAttached _附属设备fa_AssetTypes _资产类别fa_Cards _卡片fa_CardsSheets _卡片Sheets表fa_Control _记录互斥fa_Departments _部门fa_Depreciations _折旧方法fa_DeprList _折旧日志fa_DeprTransactions _折旧fa_DeprVoucherMain _折旧分配凭证主表fa_DeprVouchers _折旧分配凭证fa_DeprVouchers_pre _折旧分配凭证_准备fa_Dictionary 十二_常用参照字典fa_EvaluateMain _评估单主表fa_EvaluateV ouchers _评估单fa_Items 十二_项目fa_ItemsManual _自定义项目fa_ItemsOfModel _对应各样式的项目fa_ItemsOfQuery _查询项目fa_JKItemSet 数据接口设置表fa_JKSet 数据接口文件格式表fa_Log _日志fa_Models _样式fa_Msg _信息fa_Objects _对象表fa_Operators _操作员fa_Origins _增减方式fa_QueryFilters _查询条件fa_Querys _查询fa_ReportTempfa_Status _使用状况fa_Total _汇总表fa_V ouchers _变动单fa_WorkLoad _工作量fa_ZWVouchers 外部凭证临时表FD_AccDef 帐户定义表FD_AccSet 帐户设置表FD_AccSum 累积类帐户总帐表FD_AccUnit 开户单位定义表FD_CadAcr 结息日结转利息单据表FD_CadSet 结息日设置表FD_CadSets 结息日设置子表FD_Class 单据类别表FD_CreAcrRcp 贷款利息还款单据表FD_Cred 贷款表FD_Dzd 对帐单FD_DzdUnit 对帐单单位FD_Fetch 取款表FD_Hasten 催款单FD_Intra 利率设置表FD_Intras 利率设置子表FD_Item 项目大类定义表FD_Items 项目定义表FD_Itemss 项目科目、项目帐户表FD_Option 选项FD_Return 还款表FD_Sav 存款表FD_SettAcc 结算表FD_UnwAcrRcp 拆借利息还款单据表FD_UnwDeb 内部拆借表FD_UnwRet 内部拆借还款表FD_V ouch 凭证借贷方科目定义表Fitem 项目大类fitemgrademode 项目分类定义模版fitemstructure 项目结构定义fitemstrumode 项目目录定义模版foreigncurrency 币种表GL_accass 辅助总帐GL_accsum 科目总帐GL_accvouch 凭证及明细帐GL_bage 往来帐龄区间定义GL_bautotran 自动转帐定义GL_bdigest 常用摘要表GL_bfreq 常用凭证GL_bmulti 多栏定义GL_bmultiGroupGL_btext 往来函证信息GL_CashTableGL_DigestDispGL_mccontrol 科目并发控制表十二GL_mcodeauth 科目权限表GL_mcodeused 科目常用项GL_mend 帐套结帐状态表GL_merror 对帐出错信息GL_mitemused 项目常用项GL_mpostcond 最近一次记帐凭证GL_mpostcondGL_msysname 系统名称对照表GL_mvcontrol 凭证并发控制表GL_mvocontrol 外部凭证并发控制表GL_myaccount 我的帐簿GL_mybooktype 帐簿套打格式GL_myoutput 输出栏目GL_ViewItemGL_VouchSyncGL_XmZcDetailGradeDef 编码规则表IA_DifRateDefIA_HeadSet 存货科目设置表IA_IndividualIA_InvTData 存货临时表IA_MoneyPlan 存货核算资金占用规划表IA_OppHeadIA_QueCondition 查询条件IA_Subsidiary 存货核算存货明细帐IA_Summary 存货核算存货总帐IA_tblRCsetMIA_ValuationAss 存货核算计价辅助数据表Inventory 存货目录InventoryClass 存货分类体系InvoiceItem 单据项目定义InvoiceItem_ 单据项目定义InvoiceItem_Ap 单据项目定义InvoiceItem_PRN 单据项目定义InvoiceItem_sal 单据项目定义Invoiceitem_salPRN 单据项目定义InvoiceItema 单据项目定义InvoiceItemaPRN 单据项目定义InvPositionItemDef 用户可选择项目表JustInV ouch 出入库调整单主表JustInV ouchs 出入库调整单子表KCHSItem 单据项目定义KCHSItemPRN 单据项目定义LockV ouch 单据锁定表MainBatch 批次主文件MatchV ouchMatchV ouchsMaxV ouch 最大单号表NowReceipt 现收款表OverStockVouch 呆滞积压处理单主表OverStockVouchs 呆滞积压处理单子表PayCondition 付款条件Person 职员档案Po 采购定单定义PO_Podetails 采购定单〔明细〕PO_Pomain 采购定单〔主表〕PO_Quodetails 询/报价单〔明细〕PO_Quomain 询/报价单〔主表〕PO_VendorProcucts 供给商产品PositionPP_IMRPdetails 独立需求计划〔明细〕PP_IMRPmain 独立需求计划〔主表〕PP_LockPP_MPSdetails 生产计划〔明细〕PP_MPSmain 生产计划〔主表〕PP_period 计划周期PP_PeriodToPP_PPCDetails 采购计划〔明细〕PP_PPCmain 采购计划〔主表〕PP_PU 采购计划-采购入库对照表PP_RelateXSPP_RMRPdetails 相关需求计划〔明细〕PP_RMRPmain 相关需求计划〔主表〕PriceJustify 调价记录表PrintDef 表格头尾项目定义PrintExProductStructure 产品结构主表ProductStructures 产品结构子表PS 采购结算单显示定义PU_LeftSum 采购余额一览表PurBillV ouch 采购发票主表PurBillV ouchs 采购发票子表PurchaseType 采购类型PurSettleV ouch 采购结算单主表PurSettleV ouchs 采购结算单子表QuotedPriceVouch 报价单主表QuotedPriceVouchs 报价单子表Rd_Style 收发类别RdRecord 收发记录主表RdRecords 收发记录子表RP_bankrecp 银行对帐单(银行日记帐) RP_cheque 支票登记簿Rpt_FldDEF 报表查询项目定义Rpt_FltDEF 筛选条件定义Rpt_Folder 帐夹管理Rpt_GlbDEF 报表查询定义RPT_GRPDEF 分组定义RPT_ItmDEF 报表单元选项Rpt_RelDEF 关系定义十二SA_Account 销售总帐SA_INIMainSA_INISubSA_SalePlan 销售计划表SA_WrapLease 包装物租借表SaleBillV ouch 销售发票主表SaleBillV ouchs 销售发票子表SalePayVouch 销售支出单主表SalePayVouchs 销售支出单子表SalePrice 销售价目表SaleRelation 销售关联表SaleRelation_BakSales_Control 销售菜单表SaleType 销售类型ScrapV ouch 报废单主表ScrapV ouchs 报废单子表SettleStyle 结算方式ShippingChoice 发运方式表SindexsSO_SODetails 销售订单子表SO_SOMain 销售订单主表SO_SOText 销售订单合同文本SrelationsST_TotalAccount 库存总帐TableNameTableRelation 表间关联描述TransV ouch 转库单主表TransV ouchs 转库单子表Ua_accountUa_account_subUa_authUa_controlUa_holdauthUa_periodUa_subsysUa_userUFFA_Model_AccInfomation_Init UFFA_Model_fa_AssetAttached_Init UFFA_Model_fa_AssetTypes_Init UFFA_Model_fa_Cards_InitUFFA_Model_fa_CardsSheets_Init UFFA_Model_fa_Control_InitUFFA_Model_fa_Departments_Init UFFA_Model_fa_Depreciations_Init UFFA_Model_fa_DeprList_InitUFFA_Model_fa_DeprTransactions_Init UFFA_Model_fa_DeprV oucherMain_Init UFFA_Model_fa_DeprV ouchers_Init UFFA_Model_fa_DeprV ouchers_per_Init UFFA_Model_fa_Dictionary_Init UFFA_Model_fa_EvaluateMain_Init UFFA_Model_fa_EvaluateV ouchers_Init UFFA_Model_fa_Items_InitUFFA_Model_fa_ItemsManual_Init UFFA_Model_fa_ItemsOfModel_Init UFFA_Model_fa_ItemsOfQuery_Init UFFA_Model_fa_Log_InitUFFA_Model_fa_Models_InitUFFA_Model_fa_Msg_InitUFFA_Model_fa_Objects_InitUFFA_Model_fa_Operators_InitUFFA_Model_fa_Origins_InitUFFA_Model_fa_QueryFilters_Init UFFA_Model_fa_Querys_InitUFFA_Model_fa_ReportTemp_Init UFFA_Model_fa_Status_InitUFFA_Model_fa_Total_InitUFFA_Model_fa_V ouchers_InitUFFA_Model_fa_WorkLoad_Init UFFA_Model_fa_ZWV ouchers_Init UserDef 自定义项定义表UserDefine 自定义项数值表Vendor 供给商档案VendorClass 供给商分类体系V ouchers 单据定义V ouchFormat 单据格式主表V ouchFormats 单据格式子表V ouchList 单据列表定义表V ouchType 单据类型表WA_account 工资类别管理表WA_AuthWA_AuthorityWA_Bank 银行设置表WA_Bank_Set 银行格式设置表WA_BankName 银行名称设置表WA_BankPar 银行代发参数表WA_BankTop 银行代发首末行定义表WA_Currency 工资汇率表WA_dept 各工资类别的部门表WA_FilterExpList 过滤项目表WA_FilterName 过滤器名称表WA_formula 计算公式设置表WA_FT_KM 工资分摊科目比例表WA_FT_Sum 工资分摊总额参数表WA_FTDept 工资分摊部门表WA_FTInfoWA_FTName 分摊计提名称表WA_grade 人员类别表WA_GZBItemDept 表项目组成表〔部门〕WA_GZBItemGrd 表项目组成表〔类别〕十二W A_GZBItemTitle 表项目组成表〔栏目〕WA_GZBName 表名称表WA_GZData 工资数据表WA_GZFT 工资分摊表WA_GZHZB 工资汇总表WA_GZItem 各工资类别工资项目设置表WA_GZNameList 工资项目参照表WA_GzsumComCfgWA_Gztblset 工资项目设置表WA_JKItemSet 数据接口设置表WA_JKSet 数据接口文件格式表WA_psn 人员表WA_PsnMsg 人员附加信息表WA_SDS 所得税数据表WA_SDS_p 所得税设置表WA_SDS_SL 所得税税率表WA_SelectMoney 票面额设置表WA_State 数据处理状态表WA_tblRCsetMWA_tblRCsetPWarehAuthWarehouse 仓库档案Wastage一:Accinformation〔账套参数表〕:字段名中文名备注cSysID 系统标志指对应的设置在哪个模块中起作用cID 项目ID 与cSysID组合来定位某个模块的对应的功能项目cCaption 项目描述我们可以通过这个字段了解对应的项目在软件中的作用cValue 取值指对应的项目在软件中的状态cDefault 默认值指账套最初的项目对应状态二:各个模块对应的系统标志cSysID:AA:表示公共字段;FA:表示固定资产;W A:表示工资管理;SA表示销售管理;GL:表示总账系统;AP:表示应付系统;AR:表示应收系统;ST:表示库存系统;PU:表示采购系统;IA:表示核算系统;BI表示老板通。



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001 <第一滴血1>DVD国语配音(史泰龙经典)
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004 <千年痴情>DVD国语配音(烂漫爱情)
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003 <第一滴血3>DVD国语配音(史泰龙经典)
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U8030 系列三路输出直流电源

U8030 系列三路输出直流电源
: PC
部件 U8031A U8031A-ABA U8031A-ACF U8031A-UK6 U8031A-1CM U8032A U8032A-ABA U8032A-ACF U8032A-UK6 U8032A-1CM
1 2
电压 1 说明 三路输出直流电源 30 V/6 A (2x) 和 5 V/3 A; 375 W 印刷版英语用户指南 印刷版日语用户指南 包含测试结果数据的商用校准证书 机架安装套件 — 安装时包括空白填 充面板 三路输出直流电源 60 V/3 A (2x) 和 5 V/3 A; 375 W 印刷版英语用户指南 印刷版日语用户指南 包含测试结果数据的商用校准证书 机架安装套件 — 安装时包括空白填 充面板 测试引线套件 仪表分辨率 电流 1 电压 2 电流 2 电压 3 (固定值) 电流 3 功率(最大值) 编程精度 读回精度 电压 电流 纹波和噪声 (20 Hz 至 20 MHz)
Keysight U8030 系列三路输出直流电源
— 㑻鬼㗞ⓞ☨㽼⤂龜㢜 375 W — 㗞ⓞ㈉㩠⤂ㅢ — ⓞ㓧☨⡘㴾♛㸟龜 (⧽㫥: < 0.01% + 2 mV; ⧽斗: < 0.02% + 2 mA)ᱨ ⶙㐵⌏㢺⛊☨㗞ⓞ — ≤ 1 mVrms (0.5 mVrms ♈㨻㺗 ) 㵑㔵㖫ᱨ 㝗⤅⡧ⳍ☨㗞ⓞ — < 50 μs ☨ⶼ㚑㙪㜢㦜㱎ᱨ ⶙㖯㦆㢺⛊☨␌㗎 — 㙣㦄㖸㋃⶙㦄㖸♋㫥⧧♋斗⛣㗷 — ⥙㫥⌏⩼⧧⥙斗⌏⩼
©Keysight Technologies, 2016 : 5990-9083CHCN : 2012 01 : 2016 11
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课时练习第一课时1. 根据句意和提示写单词,完成句子。

1) It’s an a to go out in such bad weather.2) Who is going to o the party today?3) It is very u to live in such a shabby house.4) We still have so much work to do. So we have to work e hours today.5) What do you m by saying “I can manage it myself”?6) Six people, _______ (包括) three women, were killed in the car accident.7) I _______ (更喜欢) to spend my holiday in traveling around.8) Have you noticed the _______ (脚印)? It’s so strange.9) Their company will offer the _______ (住宿).10) Whose _______ (行李) is over there? It’s in my way.2.选择恰当的单词或短语,并用其正确的形式完成句子。

as well as on the horizon take off prefer to realize different fromgo down be anxious about dream of go hiking1) Please fasten your safety belt. The plane is _______ in a few minutes.2) Shanghai is very _______ what it used to be.3) Don’t _______ your daughter too much, for she is very independent.4) She _______ stay at home rather than play around in such hot weather.5) Nowadays teenagers like _______ to relax.6) Then suddenly you are there! The amazing Mount Qomolangma is _______.7) The teacher, _______ his students, came into the room.8) While you are having a cup of tea, you relax and watch the sun _______.9) What should I do to _______ my dream?10) Never _______ becoming a millionaire in a day time.3. 同义句转换。

1) Not just children but some adults are interested in adventure travel.Some adults _______ _______ _______ children are interested in adventure travel. 2) You needn’t be so fit.You _______ _______ to be so fit.3) Some people don’t want to go straight home afterwards and there are also special offers for those people.There are also special offers for people _______ don’t want to go straight home afterwards.4) The hike costs $500, which includes all flights and accommodation.The hike costs $500 _______ all flights and accommodation.5) Our porters carry your luggage. So you can simply enjoy the experience.Our porters carry your luggage, _______ means that you can simply enjoy the experience.4. 根据课文,补全短文。

Have you ever imagined that one day you just climb up to the top of Mount Qomolangma, and the amazing Mount Qomolangma is on the 1) _______? If you are looking for experience like this, Adventure 2000 is the 2) _______ for you.A lot of hiking holidays sound exciting, but hiking trips can be 3) _______ and even dangerous. However, at Adventure 2000, all our guides have several years of experience in leading hiking trips. As 4) _______ as the group guide, all teams have cooks and 5) _______. That 6) _______ you can simply enjoy the fun from the experience. Besides, we can organize all the flights and 7) _______ for you.We also have special offers for those who 8) _______ to spend some time on the coast. It costs £2500 9) _______ all flights and accommodation. 10) _______ group size is 15 people.参考答案:1. 1) adventure2) organize3) uncomfortable4) extra5) mean6) including 7) prefer8) footprint9) accommodation10) luggage2. 1) taking off2) different from3) be anxious about4) prefers to5) going hiking6) on the horizon7) as well as8) go down9) realize10) dream of3. 1) as well as2) don’t need3) who4) including5) which4. 1) horizon2) organization3) uncomfortable4) well5) porters6) means7) accommodation8) prefer9) including10) Maximum第二课时1. 根据提示词完成句子。

1) Certain courses are compulsory(必修的), while others are _______ (可选择的).2) The job will require you to use all your skills to the _______ (最大限度).3) He is very _______ (焦虑的,担心的) about the final exam.4) All the teacher will be there, _______ (包括) the headmaster.5) The mountain has an _______ (海拔) of 3000 meters.6) My brother thinks hiking is fun, but I _______ (agree) with him.7) To help others when they are in trouble is _______ (mean).8) Are there any _______ (differ) between American English and British English?9) How to _______ (accommodation) all the guests is a question.10) Like going _______ (canoe)? Why not join us?2. 翻译下面的句子。

1) 那天杰克和约翰都来了。

(as well as)__________________________________________________2) 旅行费用为500美元,其中包括所有机票和食宿。

(include)__________________________________________________3) 你们愿意在海边沙滩多花一些时间吗? (prefer to)__________________________________________________4) 那将意味着浪费很多劳动力。

(mean doing)__________________________________________________5) 他们开价8万美元买这栋房子。

(offer)__________________________________________________3. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1) The food cooking on the fire smells _______ (greatly).2) He _______ (look) anxious. What _______ he _______ (think) about?3) Come on. I _______ (not look) at your brother. I _______ (look) at his tie. It _______ (look) horrible.4) We _______ (have) dinner at a restaurant when a waiter, who _______(have ) beautiful eyes, tripped and fell to the ground.5) Look, Peter _______ (taste) this Australian wine. He’ll tell us how it _______ (taste).6) The hikers were walking _______ (slow) up the mountain path.7) The creature looked very _______ (strange), with a large head and long hair.8) I slept _______ (bad) last night.9) A lot of hiking holidays sound _______ (excite).4. 根据上下文,用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。
