language acquisition
language acquisiton
Language acquisition
Refers to the child’s acquisition of his mother tongue, i.e. how the child comes to understand and speak the language of his community.
as "Baby cry", Baby chair, Daddy hat "Hit ball". Most of these sentences consist of two words, each
word with its own single-pitch contour. Most of the words are contents words, like nouns, verbs and adjectives. As indicated in Fromkin & Rodman (1983: 330), at the two-word stage there are no syntactic or morphological markers; that is, no inflections for number, or person, or tense, and so on. Pronouns are rare, although many children do use "me" to refer to themselves, and some children use other pronouns as well.
Language environment & the critical period hypothesis
▪ Two important factors: the linguistic environment children are exposed to and the age they start to learn the language.( P.147 Victor 12; Genie 13.5)
Theories of child language acquisition
▪ A behaviorist (行为主义者)viБайду номын сангаасw of language acquisition (Skinners)
▪ An innatist (语法天生主义者) view of language acquisition (Chomsky)
▪ The weak version holds that language learning will be more difficult and incomplete after puberty. (Support in Victor’s and Genie’s cases)
Stages in child language development
An interactionist view of language acquisition
▪ The interactionist view holds that language develops as a result of the complex interplay between the human characteristics of the child and the environment in which the child develops. Integrated with the innatist view, the interactionist further claims that the modified language which is suitable for the child’s capability is crucial in his language acquisition. (motherese 保姆式语言)
戴炜栋语言学-Language Acquisition
戴炜栋语言学-Language Acquisition●10.1 Introduction●语言习得(language acquisition)是指儿童习得母语的过程,即儿童是如何逐渐理解和说其社区语言的。
(Language acquisition refers to the child's acquisition of his mother tongue ,i. e. how the child comes to understand and speak thelanguage of his community.●10.2 Theories of child language acquisition儿童语言习得理论●10.2.1 A behaviourist view of languageacquisition 行为主义者眼中的语言习得观●传统的行为主义者把语言看作是一种行为,认为语言的学习只是一种模仿和习惯的养成。
(Traditional behaviorists view language as behavior and believethatlanguage learning is simply a matter of imitation and habit formation.●人物:B.F. Skinners●局限之处:The behaviorist theory of child language acquisition offers a reasonableaccount of how children acquire some of the regular and routine aspects of thelanguage, yet it fails to explain how they acquire more complex grammaticalstructures of the language.●10.2.2 An innatist view of language acquisition天赋主义者眼中的语言习得观●语言学家诺姆·乔姆斯基声称人天生具有语言能力,而且语言的发展与儿童的其他生物功能,如行走,是一样的。
新编简明英语语言学 Chapter 10 Language acquisition
Chapter 10 Language acquisition语言习得知识点:1.*Definition: language acquisition; overextention; telegraphic speech2.*Theories of child language acquisition: behaviorist view; innatist view; interactionist view3.Cognitive factors in child language development4.The Critical Period Hypothesis5.*Stages in child language development考核目标:识记:Definition: language acquisition; overextention; telegraphic speech领会:Cognitive factors in child language development; The Critical Period Hypothesis; Stages in child language development简单应用:Theories of child language acquisition: behaviorist view; innatist view; interactionist view一、定义nguage acquisition语言习得----refers to the child’s acquisition ofhis mother tongue, i.e. how the child comes to understand and speak the language of his community. 指儿童对其母语的习得,也就是儿童是如何逐渐理解和说其社区的语言。
语言学习(language learning)
指在课堂环境下有专门的教 师指导,严格按照教学大纲和课 本,通过讲解、练习、记忆等活 动,有计划、有系统、也是有意 识的对语言规则的掌握。(如: 成年人学习第二语言)
语言习得(language 语言习得(language acquisition)
指在自然的语言环境中, 通过旨在沟通意义的言 语交际活动,不知不觉 地获得一种语言。(如: 儿童习得母语)
学习的目的性非常强;习得是本能的要求。 学习主要在课堂,可能有目的语环境,也可能没有; 习得一般是在目的语环境。 学习的注意力集中在语言形式上;习得的注意力集 中在语言的功能和意义上。 在方法上,学习是在教师指导下,通过模仿、练习 来掌握语言;习得主要靠在自然的语言环境中的语 言交际活动。 学习花时间较少,效果不确定;习得需要大量时间, 一般效果比较好。
Байду номын сангаас
简言之:学习是有意识的规则的 掌握;习得是潜意识自然的获 得。
克拉申(S.Krashen)关于 学习与习得的主要观点及 其分析
• “意识说”:是否“有意识”地学习是学习和 习得的主要区别。 • “毫不相干说”:学习与习得虽然是不可缺少 的,但二者互相独立,毫不相干。 • 习得是首要的,学习实际上是辅助性的。 • 第二语言的习得不是在课堂上完成的。 • 监控假说 • 输入假说
主体不同 环境和条件不同 方式方法不同 目的和动力不同 起点不同 语言输入的方式不同 掌握语言的过程不同
Chapter 10 Language Acquisition语言习得一、本章纲要二、本章重点Language acquisition is concerned with language development in humans. In general, language acquisition refers to children’s development of their first language, that is, the native language of the community in which a child has been brought up. The development of a first or native language (L1)is called first language acquisition (FLA), and then second language acquisition (SLA). L1 and L2 development do not seem to involve identical processes. 语言习得关注的是人类语言能力发展。
The study of language acquisition enables linguists, psychologists and applied linguists to better understand the nature of human language and developmental processes of language acquisition.1.First language acquisition第一语言习得Whatever their culture, all normal human beings acquire their native language at a given time of life and in an appropriate linguistic environment that provides sufficient language exposure.(2004, 2007, 判断) It is an established understanding among linguists that the capacity to acquire one’s first language is a fundamental human trait that all human beings are equally well possessed with.No one is more successful than others in acquiring a first language. Children follow a similar acquisition schedule of predictable stages along the route of language development across cultures, though there is an idiosyntactic variation in the amount of time that takes individuals to master different aspects of the grammar. 儿童在习得母语时虽然会有个性差异,但是正常儿童只要有正常的交际环境和正常的母语输入都可以成功地习得母语,他们习得母语的过程也非常相似。
语言学概论第十章Language Acquisition
LAD-language acquisition device
LAD 语言习得机制
Chomsky referred to the innate language ability as language acquisition device (LAD). The Language Acquisition Device (LAD) is a postulated “organ” of the brain that is supposed to function as a inborn device for language acquisition.
the innatist view(语法天生主义论)
proposed by Chomsky
According to the innatist view of language acquisition, human beings are biologically programmed for language.
Chapter 10 Language acquisition
Language acquisition----refers to the child’s acquisition of his mother tongue, i.e. how the child comes to understand and speak the language of his community.
Discussion!! How do children accomplish this? What enable children to learn words and string them together into meaningful sentence? What facilitate children to develop the grammatical system of their language? What help them to achieve the communicative competence using the language to express their various needs?
语言学概论第十章Language Acquisition课件
• Language acquisition----refers to the child’s acquisition of his mother tongue, i.e. how the child comes to understand and speak the language of his community.
it refers to first language not second languaT
• Children all over the world learn to speak at about the same time unless they suffer from extreme external deficiency.
• Traditional behaviorists view language as behavior and believe that language learning is simply a matter of imitation and habit formation.
Imitation Recognition Reinforcement
Behaviorist view
Innatist view
Three main different theories concerning how
language is learned
the behaviorist(行为主义论)
• proposed by B.F.Skinners(斯 金纳)
language acquisition device 普遍语法
Language Acquisition Device 普遍语法第一部分:理解语言习得设备(LAD)语言习得设备(Language Acquisition Device,简称LAD)是由美国心理学家诺姆·乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)提出的概念。
以下是对语言习得设备的初步了解:1. LAD的定义- LAD是指存在于人类大脑中的一种生物学机制,使婴儿能够轻松、迅速地学习并掌握语言。
2. 乔姆斯基的贡献- 乔姆斯基通过提出LAD概念,挑战了传统行为主义对语言习得的解释。
以下是对普遍语法的一些关键理解:1. 普遍语法的本质- 普遍语法是一种存在于人类大脑中的语法结构,是LAD的一部分。
2. 语言的生成性- 普遍语法强调语言的生成性,即人类可以通过有限的语法规则生成无限数量的句子。
以下是它们在语言习得中的具体作用:1. 无意识的语法学习- LAD使儿童能够在毫不费力的情况下学习语法,即使在没有形式化教育的情况下,他们也能掌握语言的复杂结构。
2. 对语言结构的感知- LAD帮助儿童感知并理解语言结构的普遍性,使他们能够适应不同语言的共同特征。
3. 避免过度依赖环境- LAD的存在使语言习得不完全依赖外部环境。
Chapter 10 Language Acquisition 语言习得1.First language acquisition 第一语言习得a)The biological basis of language acquisition 语言习得的生物基础Language acquisition is a genetically determined capacity that all humans are endowed with. Human is biologically programmed to acquire at least one language.Any child who is capable of acquiring some particular human language is capable of acquiring any human language spontaneously and effortlessly.语言习得是全人类均具备的通过遗传而得来的能力。
b)Language acquisition as the acquisition of grammatical rules 语言习得即语法规则的习得Language acquisition is primarily the acquisition of the grammatical system of language. It doesn’t mean that every specific rule allowed by the grammatical system of a language must be acquired. What is actually acquired by young children are some general principle that are fundamental to the grammaticality of speech.语言习得主要是语言的语法体系的习得。
unit 10 Language acquisition
Critical Period Hypothesis
• Eric Lenneberg argues that the LAD, like other biological functions, works successfully only when it is stimulated at the right time ---- a specific and limited time period for language acquisition.
• The critical period hypothesis is the subject of a long-standing debate in linguistics and language acquisition over the extent to which the ability to acquire language is biologically linked to age. The hypothesis claims that there is an ideal 'window' of time to acquire language in a linguistically rich environment, after which this is no longer possible. • The critical period hypothesis states that the first few years of life is the crucial time in which an individual can acquire a first language if presented with adequate stimuli. If language input doesn't occur until after this time, the individual will never achieve a full command of language
姓名:闵楠学号:1101010513学院:英文学院语言习得(Language acquisition)——儿童英语学习的最佳途径习得,一般指幼儿在自然的语言环境中,通过言语交际活动,不知不觉地获得第一语言(通常是母语)的过程。
新编简明英语语言学 Chapter 10 Language acquisition
Chapter 10 Language acquisition语言习得知识点:1.*Definition: language acquisition; overextention; telegraphic speech2.*Theories of child language acquisition: behaviorist view; innatist view; interactionist view3.Cognitive factors in child language development4.The Critical Period Hypothesis5.*Stages in child language development考核目标:识记:Definition: language acquisition; overextention; telegraphic speech领会:Cognitive factors in child language development; The Critical Period Hypothesis; Stages in child language development简单应用:Theories of child language acquisition: behaviorist view; innatist view; interactionist view一、定义nguage acquisition语言习得----refers to the child’s acquisition ofhis mother tongue, i.e. how the child comes to understand and speak the language of his community. 指儿童对其母语的习得,也就是儿童是如何逐渐理解和说其社区的语言。
Chapter 10 language acquisition
Definition of Language acquisition
Language acquisition----refers to the child’s acquisition of his mother tongue, i.e. how the child comes to understand and speak the language of his community.
Language environment & the critical period hypothesis
Two important factors: the linguistic environment children are exposed to and the age they start to learn the language. In behaviorist approach, language environment plays a major role in providing both language models to be imitated and necessary feedbacks.
Vocabulary development
1) Under-extension: When a child learns a new word, he may well under-extend it or overextend it.
e.g. white --- (snow or paper??)
An interactionist view of language acquisition
322020年07期总第499期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS关于一语习得、二语习得和外语学习的理论探讨文/宁天舒一、前言语言习得(Language Acquisition)与外语学习(ForeignLanguage Learning)都是人类对于语言的学习。
Van Patten、Calvo Cortés等人在一语、二语和外语的定义、习得/学习者主体特征、习得/学习的语言生态环境、学习方式、动机、习得/学习结果等方面做了理论探讨;Schuetze通过实验研究了一语和二语的异同,以及在二语习得环境中的二语习得和在外语环境中学习外语的问题。
在众多有关语言习得的理论解释中,影响最大的莫过于Chomsky 普遍语法原则——参数论。
一语习得起始的初始状态(initial state)的人脑和二语习得起始的已经进入稳定态(steady state)的人脑肯定不相同,先天初始的普遍语法和参数化后的普遍语法肯定也不相同。
Chapter 10 Language Acquisition 语言习得1.First language acquisition 第一语言习得a)The biological basis of language acquisition 语言习得的生物基础Language acquisition is a genetically determined capacity that all humans are endowed with. Human is biologically programmed to acquire at least one language.Any child who is capable of acquiring some particular human language is capable of acquiring any human language spontaneously and effortlessly.语言习得是全人类均具备的通过遗传而得来的能力。
b)Language acquisition as the acquisition of grammatical rules 语言习得即语法规则的习得Language acquisition is primarily the acquisition of the grammatical system of language. It doesn’t mean that every specific rule allowed by the grammatical system of a language must be acquired. What is actually acquired by young children are some general principle that are fundamental to the grammaticality of speech.语言习得主要是语言的语法体系的习得。
语言学导论- 语言习得PPTLanguage Acquisition
eg. ‘present relevance’ & the perfect tense
• The cognitive factors determine how the child makes sense of the linguistic system himself instead of what meanings the child perceives and expresses. • eg. three stages in the process of learning the
• Language acquisition refers to the child’s acquisition of his mother tongue.
e.g. how the child comes to understand and speak the language of his community.
negative form.
10.4 Language environment and the Critical Period Hypothesis
• All child language acquisition theories talk about the roles of two factors to different degrees: the linguistic environment children are exposed to and the age they start to learn the language.
• Practice: repetitive manipulation of one structure / pattern
e.g. I can handle it, Hannah can handle it. WE can handle it.
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3. First words • By this time, children have learned that sounds are related to meanings, and they are producing their first words. • Most children seem to go through the one word = one sentence stage. These oneword ―sentences‖ are called holophrastic sentences.
3. Children learn to understand
• •
sentences they have never heard before. 4. Children must therefore construct the ―rules‖ that permit them to use their language creatively. 5. No one teaches them these rules. Children, then, seem to act like efficient linguists equipped with a perfect theory of language, and they use this theory to construct the grammar of the language they hear.
5. From Telegraph to Infinity
• A child‘s mean length of utterance (MLU) rather than chronological age is thus used in the study of language development. • Can stand up table • What that? • He play little tune • Andrew want that • No sit there
• During this same period, the vocalizations produced by deaf babies are qualitatively different from those produced by hearing infants; they are unsystematic, nonrepetitive, and random. In parallel, the manual gestures produced by hearing babies differ greatly from those produced by deaf infants exposed to sign language. • Pettito‘s view is that humans are born with a predisposition to discover the units that serve to express linguistic meanings, and that at a genetically specified stage in neural development, the infant will begin to produce these units, sounds or gestures, depending on the language input the baby receives.
I. Stages in Language Acquisition
• 1. The First Sounds • The stages of language acquisition can be divided into prelinguistic and linguistic stages. • The early view that the neonate is born with a mind that that is like a blank slate is countered by the evidence showing that infants are highly sensitive to certain subtle distinctions in their environment and not to others. That is, the mind appears to be ―prewired‖ to receive only certain kinds of information.
• Newborn infants respond to phonetic contrasts found in some human languages even when these differences are not phonemic in the language spoken in the baby‘s home. • However, babies will not respond to sound signals that never signal phonemic contrasts in any human language, such as sounds that are intermediate between say [pa] and [ba].
2. Babbling
• One view suggests that it is during this period that children are learning to distinguish between the sounds of their language and the sounds that are not part of the language. • It was once thought that deaf infants produced babbling sounds similar to those of normal children. This would suggest that the sounds produced do not depend on the presence of auditory input or that they are a first stage in language acquisition.(Laura Petitto and her colleagues of McGill Unviersity )
• 4. The two-word stage • Around the time of their second birthday, children begin to put two words together. At first these utterances appear to be strings of two of the child‘s earlier holophrastic utterances, each word with its own single-pitch contour. Soon, they begin to form actual two-word sentences with clear syntactic and semantic relations. The intonation contour of the two words extends over the whole utterance rather than being separated by a pause between the two words.
• allgone sock hi Mommy • byebye boat more wet • it ball dirty sock • here pretty Katherine sock • no inflections for number, person, tense, and so on. Pronouns are rare.
J.P.‘s mother reports that before April he also had used the words [bu] for ―book‖, [ki] for ―kitty‖, and [tsi] for ―tree‖ but seemed to have ―lost‖ them.
• J.P. at 16 months:
[ aw] ―not‖ ―no‖ ―don‘t‖ [b ]/[m ] ―up‘ [sa] ―sock‖ [aj]/[ j] ―light‖ [baw]/[daw] ―down‖ [s:] ―aerosol spray‖ [sju:] ―shoe‖ [sr] ―shirt‖ ―sweater‖ [ma] ―mommy‖ [dæ] ―daddy‖
• J.P.‘s early sentences were similar: • Age in Months • 25 months [ dan I tsI ] ―don‘t eat (the) chip‖ • [bwa tat ] ―(the) block (is on) top‖ • 26 months [mamis tu hæs] ―Mommy‘s two hands‖ • [dadi go] ―where‘s Daddy?‖ • 27 months [ aj gat tu djus] ―I got two (glasses of) juice‖ • [do baj mi] ―Don‘t bite (kiss) me‖ • 28 months [ aj gat pwe dis] ―I(‗m) play(ing with) this‖ • [mamis tak mεns] ―Mommy talk(ed to the) men‖
• Children can learn any human language to which they are exposed. • From around six months, babies begin to lose the ability to discriminate between sounds that are not phonemic in their language.