QoS and QoE Management in UMTS Cellular Networks Part 6



Power Stencil
确定导致生产工 序或设备出现错 误的原因
使制造工程师/ 专家在最短时间 内采取措施来解 决这些问题
使问题的原因和 历史解决方案形 成文件化
Power Stencil
MCA (Measurement Capability Analysis)
MCA (测量能力分析)
目的 :评估测量系统的能力,量化测量系统的偏差程度,从而为公司的生 产工艺和产品提供可靠的测量系统. Accuracy---准确度,测量仪器测量值的标准值与平均值的差,用Bias 来 衡量,用来评估测量仪器的准确性.一个测量员一天内重复测量16个数据. Repeatability—重复度,用来测定由于测量系统内在的变化因素是否在 可接受的范围之内, 以及它在短时期内的稳定性,用P/Trpt 来描述.一个 测量员一天内连续测量30个数据. Reproducibility- - - 再 现 度 , 用 来 评 估 整 个 测 量 系 统 总 体 的 超 差 水 平 , 决 定 测量系统是否在可接受的范围,并量化影响测量系统各因素的影响程度. 三个测量员连续三天对四个点重复测量五次,共180个数据.
确定导致生产工 序或设备出现错 误的原因
使制造工程师/ 专家在最短时间 内采取措施来解 决这些问题
使问题的原因和 历史解决方案形 成文件化
Power Stencil
DRB 程序流程(续)

产品是否 正常??

是否已出货 ???

* 启 动 一 个 MRB!
DRB 应用判断 : ■ 风险高, 中, 或低 ■ 客户和商业风险



网络服务质量(QoS)策略随着互联网的普及和发展,网络服务质量(Quality of Service,QoS)成为了一个重要的议题。








第二部分:常见的QoS策略1. 流量分类和标记:QoS策略的第一步是对网络流量进行分类和标记。



2. 队列管理:为了保证不同类别的流量都能够得到合理的处理,QoS策略需要实施队列管理机制。

这可以通过使用先进先出(FIFO)队列、公平队列(Fair Queuing)、加权公平队列(Weighted Fair Queuing)等算法来实现。


3. 带宽限制和形状化:为了防止某些流量占用过多的带宽资源,QoS策略可以通过带宽限制和形状化来控制流量的传输速率。


4. 故障恢复和保护机制:网络中的故障和异常情况可能会导致服务质量的下降。



UMTS对分组数据业务的QoS保证1、引言3G UMTS(Universal Mobile Telecommunication Systems)是第一个真正清晰定义了端到端QoS结构的移动通信系统。







图1 UMTS的QoS框架结构从图1可以看出,UMTS给出了分层次、分区域的QoS体系结构,每一层的承载服务都是通过其下一层的承载服务来提供的。







环形网络的QoS 保证机制环形网络的QoS保证机制环形网络是一种常见的网络拓扑结构,它由一系列节点以环形的方式连接起来。


然而,由于环形网络的特殊结构,QoS(Quality of Service)保证成为了一个重要的问题。


















2 0 1 4 年1 月1 日
总第 2 6 9期
研 究
无线通信 系统 中的 Qo S和 Qo E管理
段 维 宁 刘建 强 赵 鑫
( 中国联通研 究院 北京 1 0 0 0 3 2 )
摘 要 现如今 , 无线通信 系统由于 它诸 多的优 势, 已经广泛流行开来 。 从 消费者的角度来看, 我们 可以认 为最初使 用无线通信系
n o w. i t i s r e a c h i n g 4 G I n t h i s e v o l u t i o n w e t a k e c a r e a b o u t t h e q u a l i t y o f s e r v i c e r Q o S 、 a n d q u a l i t y n f e n d u s e r e x p e r i e n c e ∞o E )w h i c h c u s t o me r r e q u i r e me n t s i s i mp o t r a n t By ma i n t a i n i n g Qo S a s w e l l a s Qo E, we e a t s ma i n t a i n t h e l e v e l n f e u s — t o me r s a t i s f a c t i o n . S O t h e Qo S& Qo E ma n a g e me n t i n w i r e l e s s e o mmu n i e a t i o n s y s t e ms i s s i g n i f i c a n t
r y t h e mi n i mu m r e q u i r e me n t s o f t h e c u s t o me r s , t h e r e f o r e t h e i f r s t g e n e r  ̄ i o n( I G) m o b i l e s a r e c a me i n t o t h e p i c t u r e , t h e r e




为了满足用户对于网络性能的需求,运营商和企业往往采用QoS(Quality of Service)技术来对网络进行优化。


一、什么是QoS技术QoS(Quality of Service)技术,是指在网络中对网络性能的一种保证机制。




二、QoS技术的主要特点1. 带宽保证:QoS技术可以通过分配带宽资源来保证网络中的重要数据包能够得到足够的带宽进行传输,从而避免网络拥塞导致的延迟问题。

2. 优先级排队:QoS技术可以对数据包进行优先级排队,以确保重要数据包在网络中的传输过程中能够得到更高的优先级,从而减少丢包和延迟。

3. 流量分析和分类:QoS技术可以对网络中的数据流进行分析和分类,根据不同的特征对其进行差异化处理,以满足用户的不同服务需求。

4. 终端协商:QoS技术可以通过与终端进行协商,根据终端的网络条件和QoS策略,实时调整网络传输的参数,以实现网络性能的优化。

三、QoS技术的实现方式1. DiffServ(Differentiated Services):DiffServ是一种基于分类和标记的QoS技术,它通过对数据包进行分类和打标记,从而对不同的流量进行差异化处理。


2. MPLS(Multi-Protocol Label Switching):MPLS是一种通过标签交换来传输数据包的技术。



基 于 UMT 网络 的 Qo 管理 模 式 研 究 S s
张 惠 民
( 神华 包 头 煤 化 工 有 限 公 司 , 内蒙 古 包 头 040) 10 0
摘 要 : UM TS 网 络 具 有 应 用 范 围 广 泛 , 用 要 求 不 高 的 特 点 , 使 UM TS 网 络 中 依 靠 监 控 用 户 的 Qo S
供 的 Qo 很 好 , 层 需 要 做 的 工 作 就 少 一 些 , 之 , S 上 反 上 层负担 就会重一 些 。子 网之间也是 同样 的道理 。
1 uM TS 网 络 的 性 能 管 理
为 用户提 供更 加个性 化和 高性能 的通信 。
UM TS 定 义 了 端 到 端 的 Qo 体 系 结 构 , 一 个 S 是 分 层 多 段 的 层 间 映 射 / 段 保 证 机 制 。 承 载 层 服 务 分 提 供 约 定 Qo 的 所 有 方 面 , 括 控 制 面 信 令 、 户 S 包 用 面 数 据 传 输 和 Qo s管 理 功 能 。 UM TS 的 控 制 平 台 负 责 提 供 业 务 管 理 、 可 / 许 能 力 控 制 、签 约 控 制 和 翻 泽 等 Qo 管 理 功 能 。 S
用 ( 可 视 电话 和 电 视 会 议 等 ) 实 际 上 , 要 有 足 如 。 只 够 的带宽 , UMTS可 支 持 更 高 的 速 率 。
1. 3 实 时 传 输 率 大
网 络 可 以 由 不 同 的 子 网 组 成 。 一 般 情 况 下 , 信 系 通 统 的 各 个 子 网 或 各 层 的 协 议 很 难 全 部 满 足 所 有 Qo S
移 动 通 信 技 术 水 平 的 衡 量 有 两 个 标 准 : 宽 和 带 Qo , 动 通 信 系 统 的 性 能 决 定 于 两 者 。 Qo 是 移 S 移 S 动通 信 业 务 性 能 的 综 合 体 现 , 决 定 了 用 户 对 业 务 它 的 满 意 程 度 。 第 三 代 移 动 通 信 系 统 能 够 保 证 它 所 提



2 网络QoS体系结构
IntServ体系结构是IETF 1994年提出的QoS 保证模式.它是在传统IP网络尽力而为服务模式 的基础上定义了一组服务扩充,通过RSVP提供端到 端的QoS保障.IntServ虽然能够提供较好QoS保证, 但其基于面向连接模式,而IP网络本身是非连接的, 因此高速网络核心路由器常常被迫去维护、调度 数以千计的连接.随着连接数量的增加,连接建立 和连接释放阶段的额外开销也会增大,每个连接 的状态信息需要保存在路径通过的每个节点上, 即需要保存每流状态,其可扩展性差.而且在具体 实施中,如何与现有IP网络互连也是一个困难.

2 网络QoS体系结构
基于此,我们提出了Peer-Server-Peer(PSP)的 新的IP QoS体系结构,控制信息路径和数据路径是 相互独立的.

2 网络QoS体系结构
现有互联网基本采用全分布式的自适应路由 策略.每个路由器既要实现分组转发的功能,又要 实现选路控制的功能,要实时地掌握全网的状态 (网络拓扑和各链路的流量),建立和维护网络拓 扑数据库,频繁地交换路由信息并达到同步;在此 基础上,进行路由计算,选择最好路径,更新路由表. 随着互联网规模的扩大,这种模式的脆弱性暴露得 愈来愈明显,导致互联网称为“一个复杂的不稳定 系统”。

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1引言 2 网络QoS体系结构 3 实时QoS保证
4 融合QoP的QoS控制 5 结论

随着高速网络技术和多媒体技术的飞速发展, 人们越来越多地提出了包括多媒体通信在内的综 合服务要求.传统的分组交换网络,如Internet,是面 向非实时的数据通信而设计的,采用的TCP/IP协议 主要是为了优化整个网络的数据吞吐量并保证数 据通信的可靠性.而当今分布式多媒体应用(如视频 会议、视频点播、IP可视电话、远程教育)不仅 包括文本数据信息,还包括语音、图形、图像、 视频、动画这些类型的多媒体信息.分布式多媒体 应用不仅对网络有很高的带宽要求,




而在这浩渺的数据海洋中,有一种力量犹如舵手,精准调控着数据传输的质量和效率,这便是我们今天要揭开神秘面纱的主角——QoS(Quality of Service),即网络服务质量。












业务 。
在 UMT 中 , 端 到 端 的 业 务 可 以 分 解 成 终 端 S 设 备 / 动 终 端 ( E/ 移 T MT) 部 承 载 业 务 、 部 承 载 局 外
业 务 和 UM T 承 载 业 务 。 T S E/MT 局 部 承 载 业 务 负
责 移 动 台 ( ) 不 同 组 成 部 y- 间 的 通 信 . 些 Ms 的 ) 之 这 组 成 部 分 可 以 是 MT 和 一 个 或 几 个 相 连 的 T 其 E, 中 MT 负 责 通 过 空 中 接 口 到 UMT 陆 地 无 线 接 ^ S 网 ( TR U AN) 物 理 连 接 。 外 部 承 载 业 务 则 负 责 核 的 心 网络 ( CN) 外 部 网 络 终 端 的 连 接 。 UMT 承 载 和 S 业 务 由无 线 接 ^ 承 载 ( RAB) 务 和 核 心 网 承 载 业 业 务 来 实 现 .这 两 种 业 务 反 映 了 在 各 自蜂 窝 网 络 拓 扑 上 实 现 UMT 承 载 业 务 的 最 优 方 法 。 S R AB 业 务 在 MT 和 cN I 边 缘 节 点 之 间 提 供 u
着 重描 速 了 奎 球 移 动 通 信 系统 Qo S。
( UM TS) 的
目前 , 全 球 移 动 通 信 正 以 前 所 未 有 的 高 速 度 发 展 , 3 的 标 准 也 在 不 断 完 善 。 G将 为 移 动 环 而 G 3 境 下 的 终 端 用 户 提 供 话 音 、数 据 及 各 种 多 媒 体
必须满 足下 面 的准则 :
(1 7UM
Qo 控 制 机 制 应 该 在 MS 和 3 s G 网
关 节 对 等 的 基 础 上 提 供 Qo 参 数 控 制 ; s

通用路由平台 VRP 说明书 QoS 分册

通用路由平台 VRP 说明书 QoS 分册

目录第1章 QoS简介.....................................................................................................................1-11.1 简介....................................................................................................................................1-11.2 传统的分组投递业务..........................................................................................................1-11.3 新业务引发的新需求..........................................................................................................1-21.4 拥塞的产生、影响和对策...................................................................................................1-21.4.1 拥塞的产生..............................................................................................................1-21.4.2 拥塞的影响..............................................................................................................1-31.4.3 对策.........................................................................................................................1-31.5 几种主要的流量管理技术...................................................................................................1-4第2章流量监管和流量整形配置............................................................................................2-12.1 简介....................................................................................................................................2-12.1.1 流量监管..................................................................................................................2-12.1.2 流量整形..................................................................................................................2-32.1.3 接口限速..................................................................................................................2-52.2 配置流量监管.....................................................................................................................2-62.2.1 建立配置任务...........................................................................................................2-62.2.2 配置流量监管列表....................................................................................................2-72.2.3 配置流量监管策略....................................................................................................2-72.2.4 检查配置结果...........................................................................................................2-72.3 配置流量整形.....................................................................................................................2-82.3.1 建立配置任务...........................................................................................................2-82.3.2 配置流量整形...........................................................................................................2-82.3.3 检查配置结果...........................................................................................................2-92.4 配置接口限速.....................................................................................................................2-92.4.1 建立配置任务...........................................................................................................2-92.4.2 配置接口限速.........................................................................................................2-102.4.3 检查配置结果.........................................................................................................2-102.5 配置举例...........................................................................................................................2-102.5.1 流量监管配置示例..................................................................................................2-102.5.2 流量整形配置示例..................................................................................................2-12第3章拥塞管理配置..............................................................................................................3-13.1 简介....................................................................................................................................3-13.1.1 拥塞管理策略...........................................................................................................3-13.1.2 拥塞管理技术的对比................................................................................................3-53.2 配置先进先出队列..............................................................................................................3-63.2.1 建立配置任务...........................................................................................................3-63.2.2 配置FIFO队列的长度.............................................................................................3-73.3 配置优先队列.....................................................................................................................3-73.3.1 建立配置任务...........................................................................................................3-73.3.2 配置优先列表...........................................................................................................3-83.3.3 配置缺省队列...........................................................................................................3-93.3.4 配置队列长度...........................................................................................................3-93.3.5 在接口上应用优先列表组.........................................................................................3-93.3.6 检查配置结果.........................................................................................................3-103.4 配置定制队列...................................................................................................................3-103.4.1 建立配置任务.........................................................................................................3-103.4.2 配置定制列表.........................................................................................................3-113.4.3 配置缺省队列.........................................................................................................3-113.4.4 配置队列长度.........................................................................................................3-123.4.5 配置各队列每次轮询发送的字节数........................................................................3-123.4.6 在接口上应用定制列表..........................................................................................3-123.4.7 检查配置结果.........................................................................................................3-133.5 配置加权公平队列............................................................................................................3-133.5.1 建立配置任务.........................................................................................................3-133.5.2 配置加权公平队列..................................................................................................3-143.5.3 检查配置结果.........................................................................................................3-143.6 配置RTP队列..................................................................................................................3-143.6.1 建立配置任务.........................................................................................................3-143.6.2 在接口上应用RTP队列.........................................................................................3-153.6.3 配置最大预留带宽..................................................................................................3-163.6.4 检查配置结果.........................................................................................................3-163.7 优先队列配置举例............................................................................................................3-16第4章拥塞避免配置..............................................................................................................4-14.1 简介....................................................................................................................................4-14.2 配置WRED........................................................................................................................4-34.2.1 建立配置任务...........................................................................................................4-34.2.2 启用WRED............................................................................................................4-44.2.3 配置WRED计算平均队长的指数............................................................................4-44.2.4 配置WRED各优先级参数.......................................................................................4-44.2.5 检查配置结果...........................................................................................................4-5第5章基于类的QoS配置.....................................................................................................5-15.1 简介....................................................................................................................................5-15.1.1 流分类......................................................................................................................5-25.1.2 标记.........................................................................................................................5-25.1.3 DSCP......................................................................................................................5-35.1.4 标准的PHB.............................................................................................................5-35.1.5 基于类的队列CBQ(Class Based Queue)..........................................................5-4 5.2 配置流分类.........................................................................................................................5-45.2.1 建立配置任务...........................................................................................................5-45.2.2 在类视图中定义匹配类的规则.................................................................................5-55.2.3 检查配置结果...........................................................................................................5-6 5.3 配置基于类的标记动作.......................................................................................................5-75.3.1 建立配置任务...........................................................................................................5-75.3.2 配置标记报文的DSCP值........................................................................................5-85.3.3 配置标记报文的IP优先级值...................................................................................5-85.3.4 配置标记FR报文的DE标志位的值........................................................................5-85.3.5 配置标记ATM信元的CLP标志位的值...................................................................5-85.3.6 配置标记MPLS EXP域的值...................................................................................5-95.3.7 配置标记VLAN优先级8021P的值.........................................................................5-9 5.4 配置基于类的流量监管和流量整形动作.............................................................................5-95.4.1 建立配置任务...........................................................................................................5-95.4.2 配置基于类的流量监管动作...................................................................................5-105.4.3 配置基于类的流量整形动作...................................................................................5-105.4.4 检查配置结果.........................................................................................................5-11 5.5 配置基于类的流量限速动作..............................................................................................5-115.5.1 建立配置任务.........................................................................................................5-115.5.2 配置基于类的流量限速动作...................................................................................5-125.5.3 检查配置结果.........................................................................................................5-12 5.6 配置CBQ动作.................................................................................................................5-125.6.1 建立配置任务.........................................................................................................5-125.6.2 配置AF..................................................................................................................5-135.6.3 配置WFQ..............................................................................................................5-135.6.4 配置最大队列长度..................................................................................................5-145.6.5 配置EF.................................................................................................................5-145.6.6 检查配置结果.........................................................................................................5-14 5.7 配置基于类的WRED动作...............................................................................................5-155.7.1 建立配置任务.........................................................................................................5-155.7.2 配置基于类的WRED丢弃方式.............................................................................5-155.7.3 配置基于类的WRED的丢弃参数.........................................................................5-165.7.4 检查配置结果.........................................................................................................5-16 5.8 配置流量策略...................................................................................................................5-175.8.1 建立配置任务.........................................................................................................5-175.8.2 定义策略并进入策略视图.......................................................................................5-175.8.3 为流分类指定流动作..............................................................................................5-185.8.4 检查配置结果.........................................................................................................5-185.9 配置策略嵌套动作............................................................................................................5-185.9.1 建立配置任务.........................................................................................................5-185.9.2 配置策略嵌套动作.................................................................................................5-195.9.3 检查配置结果.........................................................................................................5-205.10 应用策略.........................................................................................................................5-205.10.1 建立配置任务.......................................................................................................5-205.10.2 应用策略..............................................................................................................5-215.10.3 检查配置结果.......................................................................................................5-215.11 调试CBQ.......................................................................................................................5-215.12 配置举例.........................................................................................................................5-225.12.1 基于类的队列配置举例........................................................................................5-225.12.2 策略嵌套配置举例...............................................................................................5-26第6章 QPPB配置..................................................................................................................6-16.1 简介....................................................................................................................................6-16.2 配置QPPB.........................................................................................................................6-26.2.1 建立配置任务...........................................................................................................6-26.2.2 配置路由策略...........................................................................................................6-36.2.3 应用路由策略...........................................................................................................6-46.2.4 定义类及类的匹配规则............................................................................................6-46.2.5 配置基于类的动作....................................................................................................6-46.2.6 定义流量策略...........................................................................................................6-46.2.7 在接口下应用流量策略............................................................................................6-46.2.8 在接口下应用QPPB................................................................................................6-56.2.9 检查配置结果...........................................................................................................6-56.3 QPPB配置举例..................................................................................................................6-56.4 故障排除...........................................................................................................................6-11第7章链路效率机制配置.......................................................................................................7-17.1 简介....................................................................................................................................7-17.1.1 IP报文头压缩..........................................................................................................7-17.1.2 链路分片与交叉.......................................................................................................7-27.2 配置IP报文头压缩.............................................................................................................7-37.2.1 建立配置任务...........................................................................................................7-37.2.2 启动IP头压缩........................................................................................................7-47.2.3 配置TCP头压缩的最大连接数................................................................................7-47.2.4 配置RTP头压缩的最大连接数................................................................................7-57.2.5 检查配置结果...........................................................................................................7-57.3 配置链路分片和交叉..........................................................................................................7-57.3.1 建立配置任务...........................................................................................................7-57.3.2 使能LFI..................................................................................................................7-67.3.3 配置LFI分片的最大时延........................................................................................7-67.3.4 配置MP绑定带宽....................................................................................................7-67.3.5 启动VT接口动态QoS的限速功能.........................................................................7-77.4 维护....................................................................................................................................7-77.4.1 调试IP头压缩.........................................................................................................7-77.4.2 清空压缩运行信息....................................................................................................7-8第8章帧中继QoS配置.........................................................................................................8-18.1 简介....................................................................................................................................8-18.1.1 帧中继class............................................................................................................8-28.1.2 实现的帧中继QoS...................................................................................................8-28.2 配置帧中继流量整形..........................................................................................................8-58.2.1 建立配置任务...........................................................................................................8-58.2.2 配置帧中继流量整形参数.........................................................................................8-68.2.3 将整形参数应用到接口............................................................................................8-78.2.4 使能帧中继流量整形................................................................................................8-78.3 配置帧中继流量监管..........................................................................................................8-88.3.1 建立配置任务...........................................................................................................8-88.3.2 配置帧中继流量监管参数.........................................................................................8-98.3.3 将流量监管参数应用到接口.....................................................................................8-98.3.4 使能帧中继流量监管................................................................................................8-98.4 配置帧中继接口的拥塞管理..............................................................................................8-108.4.1 建立配置任务.........................................................................................................8-108.4.2 配置帧中继接口的拥塞管理策略............................................................................8-108.5 配置帧中继虚电路的拥塞管理..........................................................................................8-118.5.1 建立配置任务.........................................................................................................8-118.5.2 配置帧中继虚电路的拥塞管理策略........................................................................8-128.5.3 配置虚电路的DE规则...........................................................................................8-128.5.4 将拥塞策略应用到虚电路.......................................................................................8-138.6 配置帧中继通用队列........................................................................................................8-138.6.1 建立配置任务.........................................................................................................8-138.6.2 配置帧中继通用队列..............................................................................................8-148.6.3 将通用队列应用到帧中继接口...............................................................................8-158.6.4 将通用队列应用到帧中继虚电路............................................................................8-158.6.5 检查配置结果.........................................................................................................8-158.7 配置帧中继PVC PQ队列................................................................................................8-168.7.1 建立配置任务.........................................................................................................8-168.7.2 配置帧中继接口的PVC PQ队列...........................................................................8-168.7.3 配置帧中继虚电路PVC PQ队列等级....................................................................8-178.8 配置帧中继分片................................................................................................................8-188.8.1 建立配置任务.........................................................................................................8-188.8.2 配置帧中继分片.....................................................................................................8-198.8.3 将帧中继分片应用到虚电路...................................................................................8-198.8.4 检查配置结果.........................................................................................................8-198.9 调试帧中继QoS...............................................................................................................8-208.10 配置举例.........................................................................................................................8-208.10.1 帧中继流量整形配置举例.....................................................................................8-208.10.2 帧中继分片配置举例............................................................................................8-22第9章 ATM QoS配置............................................................................................................9-19.1 简介....................................................................................................................................9-19.2 配置ATM PVC的拥塞管理................................................................................................9-29.2.1 建立配置任务...........................................................................................................9-29.2.2 配置ATM PVC的FIFO队列...................................................................................9-39.2.3 配置ATM PVC的CQ队列.....................................................................................9-49.2.4 配置ATM PVC的PQ队列......................................................................................9-49.2.5 配置ATM PVC的WFQ队列..................................................................................9-49.2.6 应用CBQ................................................................................................................9-49.2.7 配置ATM PVC的RTPQ队列.................................................................................9-59.2.8 配置ATM PVC的预留带宽.....................................................................................9-59.3 配置ATM PVC的拥塞避免................................................................................................9-59.3.1 建立配置任务...........................................................................................................9-59.3.2 配置ATM PVC的拥塞避免.....................................................................................9-69.4 配置ATM接口的流量监管.................................................................................................9-79.4.1 建立配置任务...........................................................................................................9-79.4.2 配置ATM接口的流量监管.......................................................................................9-79.5 配置ATM接口基于类的策略..............................................................................................9-89.5.1 建立配置任务...........................................................................................................9-89.5.2 配置ATM接口基于类的策略...................................................................................9-99.6 配置PVC业务映射............................................................................................................9-99.6.1 建立配置任务...........................................................................................................9-99.6.2 配置PVC-Group内PVC的IP优先级..................................................................9-109.6.3 为PVC-Group内创建的PVC配置流量参数.........................................................9-109.7 Multilink PPPoA QoS配置...............................................................................................9-119.7.1 建立配置任务.........................................................................................................9-119.7.2 创建Multilink PPPoA虚拟接口模板......................................................................9-129.7.3 创建PPPoA虚拟接口模板并绑定到Multilink PPPoA...........................................9-129.7.4 配置PPPoA应用...................................................................................................9-129.7.5 在Multilink PPPoA虚拟接口模板上应用QoS策略...............................................9-129.7.6 重启PVC...............................................................................................................9-139.8 配置举例...........................................................................................................................9-139.8.1 ATM PVC上的CBQ配置举例..............................................................................9-13。



通信网络技术电力通信网络5G业务承载的李永杰,侯焕鹏,李功明,赵景隆(国网河南省电力公司信息通信分公司,河南探讨了电力通信网络中的服务质量(Quality of Service,QoS)主要分析了高带宽需求和多样化业务对网络性能的挑战,强调了高带宽、低延迟和高可用性的重要性;探讨了优化技术在电力通信网络中的应用,包括承载关键命令调度业务和支撑视频监控需求;同时,论述了业务识别与分级传输、多路径负载均衡、智能调度与优先控制等策略的重要性。


业务;服务质量(QoS)优化QoS Optimization of 5G Service Carrying in Power Communication NetworkLI Yongjie, HOU Huanpeng, LI Gongming, ZHAO Jinglong(State Grid Henan Electric Power Company Information and Communication Branch, ZhengzhouAbstract: This paper discusses the optimization strategy of Quality of Service (QoS) in power communicationreliability of power system.下,网络性能下降,数据包传输会受到延迟和拥塞的数据包丢失率的增加。




正常情况下,电力通信网络,而在网络拥塞时,延迟可或更高,从而增加了实时应用的响在电力通信网络中,故障容忍和恢复机制对QoS 产生了深远影响,直接影响网络的可靠性和连续性。

pm qos原理

pm qos原理

pm qos原理一、引言PM(性能管理)QOS(服务质量)是网络通信中一项关键技术,它通过对网络通信流量的控制和调度,确保关键业务和重要应用的优先处理和保障,从而提高网络性能和稳定性。

本文将详细介绍PM QOS的原理、应用场景、实施方法以及优缺点。

PM QOS是一种基于优先级的流量控制技术,它通过在数据包上添加特定的标识符,将数据包分为不同的优先级,从而实现对不同优先级的数据包进行不同的处理和调度。

具体来说,PM QOS通过以下三个层次来实现对不同优先级的数据包的处理和调度:1. 标记层:在数据包进入网络之前,通过在数据包上添加特定的标识符,标记数据包的优先级和相关属性,如业务类型、时间要求等。

2. 调度层:在网络层和传输层,根据数据包的标识符和相关属性,对不同优先级的数据包进行不同的调度和处理。


3. 队列层:在网络设备上,根据数据包的优先级和相关属性,将数据包放入不同的队列中。


三、应用场景PM QOS广泛应用于关键业务和重要应用场景中,如银行、电信、电力等行业的网络通信。

以下是一些常见的应用场景:1. 银行交易系统:银行交易系统对网络通信的稳定性和实时性要求非常高,PM QOS可以确保交易数据的优先处理和传输,提高交易系统的性能和稳定性。

2. 电信网络:电信网络中,语音、视频、数据等业务对时延、丢包率等指标要求较高,PM QOS可以确保这些业务得到优先处理和保障,提高电信网络的性能和稳定性。

3. 电力监控系统:电力监控系统对数据的实时性和准确性要求非常高,PM QOS可以确保监控数据得到优先处理和传输,提高电力监控系统的性能和稳定性。

四、实施方法PM QOS的实施方法包括以下步骤:1. 需求分析:根据业务需求和网络状况,确定PM QOS的实施目标和范围。







QoS管理与控制能够保证网络服务具备以下特性:1. 延迟低:网络通信的延迟直接影响到用户的响应速度。


2. 带宽保障:不同的应用对带宽的需求不同,而网络中的带宽是有限的资源。


3. 数据丢失率低:数据在传输过程中可能会出现丢失,尤其是在网络负载高、带宽紧张的情况下更加明显。



1. 流量控制:通过限制网络中的流量量,避免网络拥塞现象的发生。


2. 优先级排队:根据应用的重要性和需求,对数据包进行优先级排队,确保重要数据包能够优先传输。

3. 资源分配:通过技术手段,将网络资源进行合理分配,以满足不同应用对资源的需求。


4. 错误处理:通过错误检测、纠错等技术手段,减少传输过程中数据的错误和丢失率。

三、QoS管理与控制的实施方法要实施QoS管理与控制,需要考虑以下几个方面:1. 网络设备的支持:网络设备需要具备支持QoS管理与控制的功能。


2. 协议支持:网络协议需要支持QoS管理与控制。



Traffic class Conversational class conversational RT Streaming class streaming RT Interactive class Interactive best effort Background Background best effort
UMTS Release 5
Note: UMTS core networks evolution to all IP backbone.
2. Background
The E2E UMTS QoS case we are investigating
Application Servers
Example of the application
-streaming video
-Web browsing
-background download of emails
UMTS QoS provisioning
• Existing UMTS QoS mechanisms:
- QoS profile - Traffic Flow Template (TFT) - PDP context
End2End QoS Parameters
• • • •
Delay Jitter Loss Rate Throughput These parameters reflect the traffic flow through the network.
QoS mechanisms
QoS provision mechanisms and QoS control mechanisms [2]: • QoS provision mechanisms include parameters mapping, admission and resource reservations schemes. • QoS control mechanisms consist of traffic shaping, scheduling, policing and control.



QoS控制是端到端(End to End)通信中为用户(UE)提供服务时需重点考虑的因素。





图1.4G网络中终端(UE)连接承载示意图二、IMS APN通常运营商为语音业务使用与互联网APN分开的IMS APN。





一旦GTP-C会话创建成功,默认的APN信息就会在Attach Accept消息中传递给UE。


如果默认APN不是IMS APN,则UE须触发附着连接,并将参数设置为“IMS”。



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6.Radio NetworkDimensioning andPlanningDr. David Soldani(david.soldani@, tel. +358.50.3633527)S-38.3215 Special Course on Networking Technology for Ph.D. students at TKKOutlineWCDMA radio dimensioning and planning Radio dimensioning aspects for UTRAN FDDA virtual time simulator for UTRAN FDDHSDPA dimensioning(E)GPRS dimensioningProcedure for CS and PS trafficDimensioning with capacity and bite guarantees Dimensioning with QoS guaranteesDimensioning aspects for UTRAN FDD3GPP leaves the engineering process, as planning and dimensioning aspects, to convert traffic demand into needed resources to vendors’and operators’choiceHence, due to the complexity of the system and related expenditures, any practical realization and deployment of new application services needs to be validated a priori by means of analytical approaches, or simulations, depending on the desired level of accuracyNone of the published analytical methods and tools showed enough flexibility for an efficient and effective WCDMA radio interface dimensioningWe propose plain methods for radio interface dimensioning an a simple tool, which supports models for packet and circuit switched services, and processes snapshots of the system status, upon which performance statistics are derivedThe proposed solution is used to analyze the deployment of PoC (Push to talk over Cellular)by means of several case studiesPMCompute total loading for GB servicesand do the admission control Compute probability of a user to be active, generate active users even based and map bearers intoservices Compute load budget for NGB services Allocate bit rates to NGB users, i.e. dopacket schedulingCollect statisticsCompute % of satisfied usersN Print offered and served traffic, throughput and % of satisfied usersN YScan inactive usersScan queueSort queue based onprioritiesScan queueAll iterationdone?% of satisfiedusers < thresholds?Increase number ofusers, the probability of a user to be active is held constantYStartSimulator structureInner loop: The new configuration of active users is repeated to approximate the desired result more closely Inner loop: The new configuration of active users is repeated toapproximate the desired result more closelyOuter loop: To derive the maximum load the cell can offer at a given QoS Outer loop: To derive themaximum load the cell canoffer at a given QoSACPSTGCall generatorSupported traffic modelsCS speech and video callsPS SWIS, PoC, streaming, MMS, WAP and dialup connectionsService (i ) based parametersQoS Profile: TC, THP, bit rates, ARP Mean service time (s): T i Mean arrival rate (s): A iShare of subscription (%): S iProbability P i for service i to be used is:Group factor for PoC in P i computationGeometric distributionMin =1, Max = 25, Mean =4Inner loop: Conditional probability for a user to make other callsOffered traffic in number of subscriptions N i is estimated as:U i = average number of active bearers carrying the service i100ii i i S A T P =iii iT A U N ⋅=RRM and load estimatesGB is blocked if either one of the following in-equation is satisfied:NGB traffic is always admitted, and bit rate allocated based onThe load estimates are based on the fractional load equationswhereOffsetL L L L t Targe GB NGB Total +>+=tyNBGBcapaci t GB GB L L L L −>Δ+Targe ()()Dl k k k k DLi v R WSHO +−+=αρη11)(GB NGB Target NGB L L L PB +−=TxMaxTxTotal k kDL Total P P L ==∑ηPerformance monitoringUser satisfaction criteriaGB services: Speech, video and SWIS calls are satisfied if they do not get blocked NGB services: PoC, streaming, MMS, Dialup and WAP users are satisfied if are not blocked and the average bit rate during the iterations (inner loop) is ≥to 8 (or 16),64, 32, 64 and 32 kb/s, respectivelyMethod 1 (maximum offered load):At a given traffic mix, the offered load is increased till at least one of the following conditions results true:Less than 70%of MMS or WAP users are satisfiedLess than 50%of dialup users are satisfiedLess than 90%of users of any of other services are satisfiedMethod 2 (impact of a new service on the existing subscribers satisfaction):The subscription level is increased gradually for the new service while keeping the input load of the other services constantParameterNumber of iterations (inner loop)Downlink Load target Overload offsetOrthogonality (α)Soft handover overhead (SHO )Other-to-own cell interference ratio (i )Chip rate (W )DL DCH bit ratesE b /N 0Activity (kb/s)(dB)Factor (ν)Speech - CS Conversational (GB)12.2170.67Video - CS Conversational (GB)64261SWIS - Streaming (GB)64361PoC - Interactive THP1 (NGB)0, 8, 16461Streaming - Interactive THP2 (NGB)0, 64570.6WAP/MMS - Interactive THP3 (NGB)0, 64, 128, 144, 256, 38465/5.51/0.6Dialup – Background (NGB)0, 64, 128, 144, 256, 38475.50.8Value 20%0.553.84 Mchip/sOffered services - Traffic class Priority 100070%10%0.5 (ITU Vehicular A)GBNGBOffered service Share ofSubscriptions(%)Mean servicetime(s)Mean arrival intensity(Hz)Speech (CS)100901/4800Video (CS)31201/24000 Streaming106001/(5*3600) MMS10101/(2*3600) SWIS (RTVS)31801/(2*3600) Dialup112001/(2*3600) WAP browsing206001/(4*3600)PoC Varies*601/(2*3600)* The volume is increased from 0 to 100%, whereas the average PoC group size is held constant: 1 user in Case 1 and Case 2, 4 users in Case 3 and Case 4.Case studies on PoC deployment Case 1Maximum allocated bit rate = 8 kb/sAverage PoC group size = 1 (one to one communication)Only different priorities are allocated to distinct servicesMethod 1Case 2Maximum allocated bit rate = 16 kb/sAll other settings as in Case 1Method 1Case 3PoC av. group size in the same cell = 4All other settings as in Case 2Method 1Case 4Method 2500 non-PoC users (held constant)All other settings as in Case 3Served PoC traffic as a function of PoC subscriptionsAverage PoC cell throughput < 50 kb/s≤7% of the total traffic in the cell1020304050600%8%20%40%60%80%100%PoC subscribersC e l l t h r o u g h p u t d u e t o P o C u s e r s (k b /s )123456780%8%20%40%60%80%100%PoC subscribersP o C t r a f f i c i n t h e c e l l (%)Impact of PoC traffic on other servicesInsignificant: Only 7% of the other services would be not satisfactory if all the end users subscribed to PoC20%00%8%40%60%80%100%PoC subscribersM a x . n u m b e r o f s u b s c r i p t i o n sSum of non-PoC subscriptionsPoC subscriptions909192939495969798991000%8%20%40%60%80%100%PoC subscribersV a r i a t i o n o f m a x . n . o f n o n -P o C s u b s c r i p t i o n s (%)Served PoC traffic as a function of PoC subscriptionsAverage PoC cell throughput < 90 kb/s≤13% of the total traffic in the cell1020304050607080901000%8%20%40%60%80%100%PoC subscribersC e l l t h r o u g h p u t d u e t o P o C u s e r s (k b /s )24681012140%8%20%40%60%80%100%PoC subscribersP o C t r a f f i c i n t h e c e l l (%)Impact of PoC traffic on other servicesMore significant than in Case 1: about 13% of the other services would be not satisfactory if all the end users subscribed to PoC100200300400500600700800900100011000%8%20%40%60%80%100%PoC subscribersM a x . n u m b e r o f s u b s c r i p t i o n sSum of non-PoC subscriptionsPoC subscriptions8586878889909192939495969798991000%8%20%40%60%80%100%PoC subscribersV a r i a t i o n o f m a x . n . o f n o n -P o C s u b s c r i p t i o n s (%)Served PoC traffic as a function of PoC subscriptionsAverage PoC cell throughput < 250 kb/s≤1/3 of the total traffic in the cell501001502002500%8%20%40%60%80%100%PoC subscribersC e l l t h r o u g h p u t d u e t o P o C u s e r s (k b /s )51015202530350%8%20%40%60%80%100%PoC subscribersP o C t r a f f i c i n t h e c e l l (%)Impact of PoC traffic on other servicesWorst case: Significant deterioration of the performance of other services if more than 20% of the end users subscribed to PoC10020030040050060070080090010001100PoC subscribersM a x . n u m b e r o f s u b s c r i p t i o n sSum of non-PoC subscriptionsPoC subscriptions4045505560657075808590951000%8%20%40%60%80%100%PoC subscribersV a r i a t i o n o f m a x . n . o f n o n -P o C s u b s c r i p t i o n s (%)Average cell throughput as a function of PoC subscriptionsAs expected, when the PoC traffic increases the NGB load decreases (PoC has higher priority), whereas the load due to GB services remains constant (PoC has no means to affect the AC of GB services)1002003004005006007000%8%20%40%60%80%100%PoC subscribers C e l l t h r o u g h p u t (k b /s )GBNGBPoCImpact of PoC traffic on other servicesSignificant deterioration of WAP performance if more than 50% of the end users subscribed to PoC: Extra capacity needed in the cell1020304050607080901000%8%20%40%60%80%100%PoC subscribersS a t i s f a c t i o n l e v e l (%)SpeechVideoRTVSPoCStreamingMMSDialupWAPVirtual time simulator for UTRAN FDDIn UMTS only a layered bearer service architecture and QoS attributes are defined: Implementation and planning aspects of the actual QoS management functions are left to vendors’and operators’choiceDue to the complexity of the system and infrastructure costs, any practical deployment of radio resources management (RRM) algorithms and offered services in UTRAN needs to bevalidated a priori by means of static or dynamic simulations,depending on the desired level of time resolution and accuracyWe present a virtual time simulator that overcomes the limitations(snap shot of the system status only) and complexity (far too high time resolution) of static and dynamic system level simulatorsSimulator structureModular structure with clear interfaces: Each module is implemented independently so that each entity may be straightforwardly replaced by an alternative solutionSupported functions: Traffic and path loss generators, Admission Control (AC), Load Control (LC), Packet Scheduler (PS), Power Control (PC), Process Calls (PrC) and Performance Monitoring (PM)Mobility effects and SHO gains:may be taken into account by e.g.speed dependent Eb/N0 requirements and SHO conditionDHO branches are processed first followed by the main branches, the bit rate assigned to the radio link set (UE) is the minimum of the bit ratesallocated separately (for each cell) to all radio links of the active setThe maximum resolution of the tool is one radio resource indication period (RRI), i.e. the time needed to receive the power levels from the basestationsTraffic & Path Generate calls/sessions, distribute UEs, allocate RRPs AllMeasure Downlink Total Load (Serve DHO branches followed by main If time spent in the queue > Compute performance Check sessions/calls to be released due to Do system PC and collect For each call take min allocated bit rate over the active set, Process Update buffer levels, All cells PCLoss GeneratorsPMPS & LC (HC)AC (HC)and sort them based on arrival times. Compute path losses, active sets and assign E b /N 0based on UE speed,SHO condition and service typecalls/sessions processed?P Total ) for eachcell and CPICH E c /N 0for each UEIf MaxQueueLength is exceeded, then reject main branches followed by DHO branches, collect accessibility and retainability statisticsbranches based on RRP and arrival time MaxQueuingTime , then reject the branch, if the main one is rejected thenblock call/session and collect statisticsIf P Total < P Target +Offset & P GB +ΔP GB <= P Target –P TxNGBcapacitythen admit the call/session and collect statisticsNYScan queueIf P Target -(P NGB +P GB ) > 0, or P Total >= P Target +Offset then schedule bit rates based on priorities and arrival times Scan queueindicators, e.g. % of satisfied users and spectral efficiencyoutage and collect retainability statistics Scan cellspower based statisticsif time spent in the queue > CRmaxQueuingTime , thenreject CR and collect statisticsCallsgenerate objects, release or move connections to Cell FACH and collect service integritystatisticsprocessed?YNIncrease virtual time:T i+1 = T i + RRISimulation flow chartTraffic modelsCall and session arrivals are generated following a Poisson process, and mapped onto the appropriate QoS profiles, depending on the carried type of trafficCircuit switched (CS) speech and video calls are held for an exponentially distributed service time, and their inter-arrival periods follow exactly the same type of distributionPacket switched services are implemented as an ON/OFF process with truncated distributionsAll calls/sessions (generated at the beginning of each simulation) are subsequently processed (played back) taking into account thecorresponding arrival times, service activities and priorities, hence the name virtual time simulatorPath loss generatorFor each mobile location, the received power levels from all cells are calculated first and then the cells satisfying the SHO conditions are assigned as activePath loss calculations: Imported from other tools or using formulas available in the literature, e.g. Okumura-Hata modelSupported RRM functionsAC, PS and LC with QoS differentiation See Chapter 5 or Lecture 4HCIncluded in PS and AC functionsTerminals not movingPCSystem basedDataFrom Cell_DCH to Cell_FACHDataInactivity Timer(service based)Reading Time (random)Release resourceT inCR(Ares implementation)Note:•FACH bit rate = 32 kb/s•No transmission allowed when the CR is sentTraffic Volume Pending TimeCR(Real implementation)Transmission interruptedCell FACH (e.g. 32 kb/s time division between bearers)Traffic Volume ThresholdTransmission disregardedStart measuring the ASTStart monitoring the UE buffer leveltProcess calls functionAll active calls in the system are processed at once each radio resource indication periodIf the ongoing connection is CS, the simulator collects its throughput, and releases the call in the case it lasted longer then the corresponding call duration periodFor packet switched connections, the ON/OFF state of each session is handled separately: Throughput is collected only if there is data to transmit, and inactive connections are moved to Cell FACH statePower control functionFor each connection during each RRI, we derive the transmission power to attain the required E b /N 0for sufficient quality, i.e.Multi-path fading and SHO effects are taken into account in the serviceE b /N 0requirementLn,i L m,i L n,i BS nBS mMS i,m∑∈+=)(,m I i mc i m m mp pP ()Mm m I i N LP L P R L Wp m i mn n i mi n nm i m i m m m i mi m i m mm ,...,1),(,/1//,,,,=∈ρ=++α−∑≠Symbol Explanation i m Index of a UE served by BS m m,n Indices of BSs I(m) Set of UE indices served by BS mMNumber of cells mi p BS transmitted power for UE i mP m , P n Total transmit power of BS m and BS n mi m L ,Pathloss from BS m to UE i m served by BS m m i n L , Pathloss from BS n to UE i m served by BS m m i RBit rate used by UE i m mi αOrthogonality factor for UE i mm i NNoise power (thermal plus equipment) of UE i m mi ρRequired E b /N 0 for UE i m?QoS and QoE monitoring functionPerformance monitoring% of satisfied users for each serviceSpectral efficiency for mixed service scenarioLink and cell based powers and E c/N0measurementsQoE performance indicators for each service Call block ratio (%)Call drop ratio (%)Capacity request rejection ration (%)Active session throughput (kb/s)Object transfer delay (s)UE buffer level for Streaming, SWIS, and PoC servicesResults available on the mapGains in terms of Spectral EfficiencyDifference between system loads (average cell throughput divided by the bandwidth) where 90% of users of the worse performing service are satisfiedLimit = 90%BS1BS2BS3Gain Traffic volume (kb/s/Hz)Spectral Efficiency % Satisfied usersGains in terms of % of satisfied usersCollect the % of satisfied users for each service: The more users that can be satisfied, at a given offered traffic volume, the more efficiently the spectrum is utilized by the operatorLimit = 90%BS1BS2BS3GainTraffic volume (kb/s)Offered traffic (“Held constant”)% Satisfied usersThe simulation was performed over a period of 2 hours using a time step of 200 ms (RRI period)The traffic mix and the traffic intensity were held constant , i.e. 2 call/session attempts per second. The corresponding offered traffic was about 750 users per cell over the all simulated timeDifferentiated parameter vales:QoS Profile ServiceBit RateRRP Min. All. Bit AC Max.Granted Min.Granted Min.Buffering Inactivity (kb/s)Rate (kb/s)Queuing DCH Alloc.DCH Alloc.Time Delay Timer Time (s)Time (s) in Overload (s)(s)(s)CS-conv.Speech 12.21GB 5-----Video 642GB 10-----PS-stream.SWIS 643GB 10--5--PS-int. THP1PoC 0, 8481515104604THP2Streaming 0, 645641*********THP3WAP/MMS 0, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 3846321550.2-1010PS-backg.Dialup 0, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 3847161510.2-55CR Max.QueuingTime (s)Most important system based parametersParameter ValueCall/session mean arrival rate 0.5 sRadio resource indication period (RRI) 0.2sSimulation time (s) 7200 sPower target for DL AC 3 dB below BTS total powerOverload offset for DL AC 1 dB above power targetOrthogonality (α) 0.5Period for load control actions 0.2 s (1 RRI)Period for Packet Scheduling 0.2 s (1 RRI)E b/N0 requirementsSpeechSWIS StreamingPoC MMS/WAPDialup 7 dB6 dB6 dB7 dB5/5.5 dB 5.5 dBMaximum BTS Tx power 43 dBmP-CPICH Tx power 33 dBmSum of all other CCH Tx powers 30 dBmLength of AC queue 10 Radio bearers Dedicated NGB capacity 0 dB, i.e. not used Power weight for inactive NGB traffic (k) 0.5Adopted traffic models and mixService Data rate(kb/s) Buffer size(s)Object size(kB)Off time(s)Session length(Objects)Mix(%)PoC 8 1 Exponential6 mean,0.5 min, 40 maxExponential60 mean,1 min, 1200 maxGeometric8 mean,1 min, 30 max18Streaming 64 8 Uniform160 min, 3200 max - 112MMS BestEffort - Exponential20 mean, 3 min, 200 max- 15Dialup BestEffort - Log-normal(μ=5, σ=1.8)0.1 min, 20000 maxPareto(k=2, α=1)2 min, 3600 maxInv. Gaussian(μ=3.8, λ=6)1 min, 50 max15SWIS 64 1 Exponential80 mean, 32 min, 2400 max - 110WAP BestEffort - Log-normal(μ=2, σ=1)0.1 min, 50 maxExponential20 mean,1 min, 600 maxGeometric3 mean,1 min, 50 max13Speech 12.3 - - - Exponential90 s20Video 64 - - - Exponential120 s 7Mapping of services onto QoS profilesRadio Resource Priority / Guaranteed Bit Rate valuesQoS Class RRP/BitRate Signalling9/3.4 kbps Emergency call1/12.2kbpsSpeech 2/12.2kbpsCS – Conversational T Data 3/64kbpsCS - Streaming NT DataQoS ClassARP=1 ARP=2 ARP=3PS - Conversational PS - Streaming 4 (SWIS)THP1 5 (PoC)THP2 6 (Streaming)PS - InteractiveTHP3 7(WAP+MMS)PS - Background8(Dialup)G BN G BNGB: Non Guarante ed Bit Rat eGB: Guara nteed Bit Rate Bearer servicesUser satisfaction: DefinitionSpeech calls and video calls (GB) The user does not get neither blockednor droppedSWIS (GB)The user does not get neither blockednor droppedNo re-buffering occur during the session PoC (NGB)The user does not get neither blockednor droppedNo re-buffering occur during the session Streaming (GB and NGB)The user does not get neither blockednor droppedNo re-buffering occur during the session Dialup (http, emails, ftp) (NGB)The user does not get neither blocked nordroppedActive session throughput >= 64 kb/sWAP (NGB)The user does not get neither blocked nordroppedActive session throughput >= 32 kb/sMMS (NGB)The user does not get neither blocked nordroppedActive session throughput >= 8 kb/sSimulated environmentHelsinki 19 cells: Terminals uniformly randomly distributed, but not on the waterBS1BS2BS3BS4BS5BS6BS7BS8BS9BS10BS11BS12BS13BS14BS15BS16BS17BS18BS19X-coordinate [m]Y -c o o r d i n a t e [m ]6.67426.67466.67506.67546.67586.6762x 1063.8453.8503.8553.8603.865x 105The status of Cell 11 is also investigated separately The status of Cell 11 is also investigated separately05012345678910111213141516171819Cell numberN u m b e r o f C a l l s /S e s s i o n sSpeechVideoStreamingMMSPoCSWISDialupWAPTraffic distribution: Offered load in call arrivalsThe offered load complies with the input traffic mix The offered loadcomplies with the input traffic mix05010015020025030035040012345678910111213141516171819Cell numberA v . C e l l T h r o u g h p u t (k b /s )SpeechVideoStreamingMMSPoCSWISDialupWAPTraffic distribution: Average cell throughputsThe served load reflects the input traffic mix and models The served load reflects the input traffic mix and models246810121460006100620063006400650066006700680069007000Simulation time (s)P o w e r (W )P TxTarget + OffsetP TxTargetP TxTotalSCP GBP NGBPBCell 11: Snapshot of the simulation periodPS, AC, LC, PC work as intended, and power estimates are sufficiently accurate PS, AC, LC, PC work as intended, and power estimates are sufficiently accurate24681012140102030405060708090100Power (W)(.) P TxLink(*) P GB (o) P NGB (+) P TxTotalP TxTarget +OffsetN o r m a l i z e d D i s t r i b u t i o n F u n c t i o n (%)P TxTargetCell 11: Power distribution functionsThe distributions comply with the input parameter values and load status in the cell Thedistributions comply with the input parameter values and load status in the cell010203040506070809010012345678910111213141516171819Cell numberS a t i s f i e d U s e r (%)SpeechVideoStreamingMMSPoCSWISDialupWAPService based indicators for each of the simulated cells: Percentage of satisfied usersThe % of satisfied users reflects exactly the provisioned discrimination between GB and NGB services The % ofsatisfied users reflects exactly theprovisioned discrimination between GB and NGB services05010015020025030035012345678910111213141516171819Cell number10t h P r c t i l e A c t i v e S e s s i o n T h r o u g h p u t (k b /s )SpeechVideoStreamingMMSPoCSWISDialupWAP10th percentile of the average active session throughput during the simulated timeThe monitored AST reflects exactly the NGB service differentiation The monitored AST reflects exactly the NGB service differentiation0.0010.0020.0030.0040.0050.0060.0070.0080.00024681012141618C a p a c i t y R e q u e s t R e j e c t i o n R a t i o (%)Cell numberStreamingMMSPoCDialupWAPCapacity request rejection ratioThe monitored CRRR reflects exactly the NGB service differentiation The monitored CRRR reflects exactly the NGB service differentiation0510152025303540455012345678910111213141516171819R e -B u f f e r i n g R a t i o (%)Cell number StreamingPoCSWISRe-buffering ratioThe re-buffering ratio is correctly higher for streaming The re-buffering ratio is correctly higher for streaming01234512345678910111213141516171819Cell number D e l a y B u f f e r i n g R a t i o (%)StreamingPoCSWISService based performance indicators: Too long time needed for re-buffering ratioThe tolerance of streaming users is higher than for PoC The tolerance of streaming users is higher than for PoC1010101010104102030405060708090100Object Transfer Delay (s)C u m u l a t i v e D i s t r i b u t i o n F u n c t i o n (%)(.-) MMS (-) WAP (--) DialupMMS, WAP and Dialup object transfer delays (system based statistics upon all simulated time)The measured metrics reflect exactly the calculated object delays from the median of AST and object size, hence PrC and PM functions work as intended The measured metrics reflect exactly the calculated object delays from themedian of AST and object size, hence PrC and PMfunctions work as intendedService CBR CDR CRRR RBR DBR Median Median Calculated SU type(%)(%)(%)(%)(%)AST Object Object(%)(kb/s)Size Delay(kB)(s)Speech0.050.00---12.2--99.95 Video0.160.00---64.0--99.84 Streaming0.000.00 1.93 6.350.0563.41682212.291.67 MMS0.000.00 2.29--70.515 1.797.55 PoC0.000.03 1.08 2.490.198.04 4.096.31 SWIS0.320.00-0.000.0064.08911.199.68 Dialup0.000.008.44--51.412018.759.94 WAP0.000.05 2.57--66.048 5.894.24 Note: RBR = Re-Buffering Ratio, DBR = Delay Buffering Ratio; SU = Satisfied UsersConsistent with the provisioned QoS for each of the deployed services Consistent with the provisioned QoS for eachof the deployed servicesDissatisfied users: (*)Dialup,(*) PoC, (*) WAP, (*)Streaming,(*) MMSBS1BS2BS3BS4BS5BS6BS7BS8BS9BS10BS11BS12BS13BS14BS15BS16BS17BS18BS19X-coordinate [m]Y -c o o r d i n a t e [m ]6.67426.67466.67506.67546.67586.67623.8453.8503.8553.8603.865x 105x 106HSDPA dimensioningDL radio dimensioning issue that arises from the introduction of HSDPA in an existing operating WCDMA networkDerives the maximum HSDPA throughput, or the HSDPA power, if the throughput is provided as an input, as a function of the actual cell load (due to dedicated and commonchannels), admission and congestion control thresholdsAlso,the results of this process can be used to find out whether resources already allocated for WCDMA aresufficient for a satisfactory HSDPA service, or it isnecessary to add new carriers or sitesEffects on coverage can be estimated using the proposed changes to the radio link power budget calculation。
