Least-Squares (Model Fitting) Algorithms
高精度追踪与活动平台-摄像头W Fu, L Gao说明书
High Accuracy Tracking with an Active Pan-Tilt-Zoom CameraW. Fu, L. GaoSchool of Electronics and Information EngineeringXi’an Technological UniversityXi’an, ChinaAbstract—Traditional PTZ tracking system focus on tracking algorithm, but PTZ camera control is not taken seriously and the control method has the large deviations. The algorithm for PTZ camera control is defined according to the target position which is achieved by the tracking algorithm in the image, calculates the rotation angles of the two motors to control the PTZ camera. As a result, the target appears in the centre of the image. This paper proposes a model-based algorithm for PTZ camera control, taking into account the camera distortion and the deviation is within 5 pixels. Experimental results show that the algorithm can be effectively applied to PTZ tracking system.Keywords-PTZ camera control; tracking algorithm; camera calibrationI.I NTR ODUC TIONPTZ(Pan, Tilt and Zoom) tracking mainly means that the PTZ cameras is under the automatic control for tracking of moving objects of visual guide to ensure tracking target always appearing in the center of the lens in the range of the camera monitoring scene. In the video surveillance, the distance of the target from the camera is generally 10 meters or more. If the object is a pedestrian, the characteristics of the pedestrian cannot be seen clearly since the image is low quality. In this case, we can manually zoom in the camera to obtain the high-resolution images of pedestrians. However, the method is only effective when the pedestrian is not moving. If the pedestrian is moving, it is easy to get out of the view of camera's field. It is very difficult to manual control the PTZ camera to make the pedestrians appear in the center of view. But PTZ tracking can make ensure that the moving target appears in the center of view. After suitable optical zoom in, the target will not be out of the scope of view and then we can obtain the high-resolution images of pedestrians.In the PTZ tracking system, the most important is the tracking algorithm and the control algorithm. Tracking algorithm detects and tracks the target in the image. The control algorithm controls the rotation angle of the motor according to the target position in the image, and then to make the target appear in the center of the image. Chang et al [1]. Suggested that the center of the image can be divided into eight directions, namely east, west, south, north, southeast, southwest, northeast and northwest. If the target is detected at the center of the southeast, then make the control to let motor go to southwest. Xiang et al [2]. proposed closed-loop control method basing on the concept of feedback.Owing to the larger deviation of the traditional algorithm, this paper directly establishes the relationship between the target position and the motor control angle for achieving a high accuracy based on pinhole camera model and camera distortion model.II.PTZ T RACKING S YSTEM O VER VIEWFIGURE I. THE STRUC TURE OF PTZ TR ACKING SYSTEM.As is shown in Figure 1, the whole PTZ tracking system consists of three parts, the image acquisition part, the tracking algorithm part and the PTZ control algorithm part. The system firstly obtains video streaming from the PTZ camera, and then uses the tracking algorithm to obtain the position of the targets. Then the PTZ camera control algorithm calculates the rotation angle and gives the orders to the PTZ camera. Drive the PTZ camera moving and make the target appear in the center of the image.Image acquisition part mainly acquires images from the video stream as an input of tracking algorithm. In order to meet the requirements of the tracking algorithm, this part also consists of image feature enhancement and pre-image processing algorithm. It is noted that the poor image quality and the image blurring problems because of the moving of camera. So during the video capture, we capture the image interval, the image is captured at a frame 1, frame 7.There are many different kinds of tracking algorithm. There is not a tracking algorithm which is popular now can perfectly solve the pose variation, illumination, occlusion and blur in tracking. And specific applications, the tracking algorithm is strict with real-time capability. This paper used compressive tracking algorithm proposed by Zhang Kaihua et al [3]. The compressive tracking algorithm runs in real-time and performs favorably against state-of-the-art algorithms on challenging sequences in terms of efficiency, accuracy and robustness. Our experiments show that the speed can reach about 50 frames per second under the 720P resolution and the algorithm can meet requirements of the PTZ tracking system. So this paper focuson PTZ control algorithm.International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Applications (CISIA 2015)III. T HEOR YPTZ control algorithm means that how to control the camera pan and tilt to make the tracking target always has been the central position of the image. There are generally two kinds of thoughts to solve the problem of control. First ,we can stresses in precise mathematical mode .In other words, we can get accurate mathematical model of system through inputs and outputs based on a certain theory. Along with the simple controller, we can achieve very good effect. Second, we can design the controller of excellent performance. However, generally it is difficult to get the precise mathematical model, so we always choose the second solution to solve the control problem, but is not better than the first solution in control precision.Specific to the PTZ control, also have the above two kinds of thought. We can use classical control algorithms such as the PID. We can detect error (the distance between detected positon and the center of the image) at every frame then put it into PID algorithm and get outputs to control camera. The PID has three parameters, proportional coefficient, the integral coefficient and the differential coefficient and this three parameters can be adjusted based on experiments. When selecting the appropriate parameters, the system will be in the steady-state after n frames within the permissible range of error. But the best control algorithm cannot reach steady state in the k+1 time based on the position of k time. If we want to do this, we must select the first method and know the exact mathematical model of the system. At the same time, the system has no integral parts and great noi se. The tracking system of this paper also happens to meet these conditions, so it can be done in one step and make target appears in the center position of the image.In the 3.1 section, the pinhole camera model and lens distortion model will be given a brief description. This part is the theoretical basis to get accurate mathematical model. In 3.2 sections, a model-based algorithm for PTZ camera control was described in detail.A. The Pinhole Camera Model and the Lens Distortion Model o-xyz is defined as the camera coordinate where o is the optical center of the camera. o-uv is defined as camera image plane coordinates in pixels units, where origin point is the upper left corner. o-xy is defined as the physical image plane coordinate in millimeters unis where origin point is defined the intersection of the optical axis and the image plane. It is also called the principal point of the image in the o-uv and coordinates is [u0, y0]T . As is show in figure 2, a point P=[X, Y, Z]T in the camera coordinate is projected to a pointP =[xc,yc,1]Tin the camera image plane coordinates. According to the pinhole camera model, the relationship of projection is0000101c xc y x f u X y f v Y Z λ⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦(1) where fx and fy denote focal length (pixels) of the camera. Since the optical system of the camera has some flaws in the process of machining and assembly, when a point is projectedonto the image plane, there is an offset between the actual pointand the ideal point. In this paper, we only consider the radial distortion and eccentric distortion [4]. The normalized coordinates of P is Pn=[X/Y, Y/Z]T =[x, y]T . Let r represents the distance from point P to the principle point. We can get offset24622123122462212312()2(2)()(2)2x y x k r k r k r p xy p r x y k r k r k r p r y p xyεε=+++++=+++++ (2)In the eqn(2), k1, k2 and k3 is the radial distortion coefficients, p1and p2 is the eccentric aberration coefficients. Let P d =[x d , y d ]T denotes the idea positon. It can be expressed asd x d y x x y y εε=+=+, (3)There are 4 intrinsic parameters and 5 distortion coefficients above the formula.we can get 9 parameters based on zhang[5].B. A Model-Based Algorithm for PTZ Camera ControlFIGURE II. THE DIAGRAM OF PTZ CONTROL ALGORITHM BASEDON THE MODEL.It is necessary to find the mathematical relationship between the control amount and the amount of error and to build mathematical model to achieve the steady state at time k based on time k-1 the position of the target. A model-based algorithm for PTZ camera control proposed in Figure 2. [x 0, y 0]T is the point that expected position of the target appearing. We can make o-xyx passes through expected point by transform. If we rotate o-xyx by specific angles around X-axes and Y-axes respectively and let the Z-axis passes through the point P, the point P can be imaged the center position of the CCD sensor. According to the basic principles of geometry, if the rotation angle follows the eqn(4), the point P can appear at the center position of the image.00()()arctan arctan c c x y x x y y p t f f ⎛⎫⎛⎫--∆=∆= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭, (4) In the eqn(4), in order to calculation of the correct point (x c, y c ), We need five distortion parameters. Among them, f x and f y are camera intrinsic parameters. We can get them from 3.1 sections. Since the PTZ camera is the zoom camera, we need to find a function of Z and focal length. We can use the least-squares fitting method to obtain the relationship between Z and the focal length20122012......n x x x x xn ny y y y yn f a a Z a Z a Z f a a Z a Z a Z=++++=++++(5)We can obtain the corresponding f x, f y and Z after camera calibration at different Z values, then use a least squares fit the function of Z and focal length. Five distortion parameters not only can be treated in a similar method but also can use piecewise linear fit method. In this paper, the focal length is fitted with six-order least-squares polynomial. Five distortion parameters are fitted with piecewise linear.From 3.1, we know that the position of the target that is detected by tracking algorithm cannot be directly substituted into the eqn(4) due to the presence of distortion. If you want to get high accuracy, the distortion correction is needed. Let [u,v]T is the position of the target in o-uv , provided by tracking algorithm. P=[X,Y,Z]T is defined as the position of target in o-xyz , the normalized coordinates is defined as P n =[X/Y,Y/Z]T =[x,y]T . We can get00(u )(v )x yu v x y f f --==, (6)If the eqn(6) is substituted into eqn(3), we can get the ideal projection point in o-xy . Let P d =[x d ,y d ]T is the ideal projection point, so the correct point in o-uv is00c d x c d y x x f u y y f v =+=+, (7)If the eqn(7) is substituted into eqn(4), the rotation angle after distortion correction can be got.IV. E XPERIMENT SAs is shown in Figure 3, the experimental platform is based on Hikvision DS-2DF5286 Camera. Pan part can rotate for degree 360.Tilt part can rotate from degree -5 to degree 90. Its control interface uses the RS485 interface and video capture uses RJ45 cable interface.FIGURE III. THE LEFT IMAGE IS THE HIKVISION DS-2DF5286 PTZCAMERA.Other two images are the screenshot of the running test application. When you click any point on the screen, the point will be able to move to the canter of the screen. The middle image is the result of clicking the keyhole of the left cabinet. The right image is the result of clicking the keyhole of the right cabinet.The entire program is implemented in the Windows operating system, using the C ++ programming language. The software environment is the Visual Studio 2013 and Hikvision development kits. Experiments on a PC equipped with Windows 8.1, where the processor is Intel Xeon E5-1603, clocks at 2.8GHz and memory is 8GB.In the figure 3, there is a dot of radius of 5 pixels and a circle of radius of 25 pixels. The two marks can be used to estimates approximately error of PTZ control. The parameters of current PTZ values are displayed on the lower half of the screen. Figure 3 selects two cases from the experimental results. the left PTZ parameters are P275 and T04 and the others are P264 and T05.TABLE I. THE RESUL TS OF PTZ CONTROL ALGORITHM TES Tshows the results. Experimental results show that the algorithm proposed can be effectively applied to PTZ tracking system and the error is within 5 pixels in most cases.FIGURE IV . THE R ESUL TS OF PTZ TRACKING TEST. THE TIMESTAMP AND PTZ PAR AMETERS CAN BE SEEN ON THE TOPAND BOTTOM OF THE APPLICA TIONAs is shown in figure 4, this paper implements a simple PTZ tracking system based on the proposed algorithm and compressive tracking algorithm. The experiment shows the final results of the human face PTZ tracking system. From the change of PTZ parameters and the positon of face, it can be seen that the calculated rotation angle according to the proposed PTZ control algorithm can make the face keep on the center of the screen.V. C ONCLUSIONThe most important is the control algorithm and the tracking algorithm in the PTZ tracking system. The tracking algorithm finds the target position in the image and the control algorithm controls the rotation angle of the PTZ camera based on the target position and finally let the target appear in the center of the image. This paper focuses on the PTZ control algorithms. We propose a model-based algorithm for PTZ camera control using a pinhole camera model and camera distortion model. The experiments have shown that the error of the control algorithm is within 5 pixels. But because the image acquisition is not continuous, resulting in the loss of the many information of the relationship between frame and frame, so the compressive tracking algorithm is not as better as continuous acquisition, and then resulting in poor PTZ tracking effect(such as fast-moving targets). Therefore, the optimal PTZ tracking system should bea staticcamera fordetecting anda PTZ camera for tracking targets that use the target positon from static camera and solve the problem perfectly.R EFERENCES[1] Chang, Faliang, et al. "PTZ camera target tracking in large complex scenes." Intelligent C ontrol and Automation (WCICA), 2010 8th W orld Congress on. IEEE, 2010.[2] Xiang, Guishan. "R eal-time follow-up tracking fast moving object with an active camera." Image and Signal Processing, 2009. CISP'09. 2nd International Congress on. IEEE, 2009.[3] Zhang Kaihua, Lei Zhang,and Ming-Hsuan Yang."Real-time compressive tracking." Compu ter V ision –ECCV 2012. Springer B erlin Heidelberg, 2012. 864-877.[4] Fryer, John G., and Duane C. Brown. "Lens distortion for close-range photogrammetry." Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing 52.1 (1986): 51-58.[5]Zhang, Zhengyou. "A flexible new technique for camera calibration." 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传统的LS(Least Squares)因子模型是一种基于最小二乘法的因子分析方法。
在LS因子模型中,每个观测变量可以表示为如下的线性方程:X = LF + ε
least-squares estimates 表示方法
least-squares estimates 表示方法Leastsquares Estimates 表示方法在统计学中,leastsquares estimates(最小二乘估计)是一种常用的参数估计方法,用于找到使得观测数据和预测值之间残差平方和最小的参数估计值。
本文将详细介绍leastsquares estimates的表示方法,并逐步回答和解释相关的主题。
第一部分:最小二乘估计基础最小二乘估计最早由数学家Carl Friedrich Gauss提出,并成为现代统计学的重要基础之一。
1.1 问题陈述首先,我们需要明确最小二乘估计的问题陈述。
假设我们有一组观测数据(x,y),我们的目标是找到一个函数y=f(x,θ),其中θ是待估计的参数,能够最小化观测值y 和预测值f(x,θ) 之间的残差平方和。
1.2 最小二乘估计的数学表达式最小二乘估计的数学表达式可以通过最小化残差平方和来表示。
对于给定的观测数据(x1,y1),(x2,y2),…,(xn,yn),最小化残差平方和可以表示为:min θ∑(yi - f(xi,θ))^2其中∑表示对所有观测数据求和。
1.3 最小二乘估计的步骤最小二乘估计的步骤可以总结如下:1. 根据给定的观测数据,选择一个适当的函数形式y=f(x,θ)。
2. 构建残差平方和的表达式,以对观测数据和参数进行求和。
3. 求解参数估计值θ,使得残差平方和最小化。
4. 检验参数估计值的有效性和可靠性。
2.1 求解参数估计值对于给定的函数形式y=f(x,θ),我们可以通过最小化残差平方和的导数等于零来求解参数估计值。
Least-Squares (Model Fitting) Algorithms
Least-Squares (Model Fitting) AlgorithmsOn this page…Least Squares DefinitionLarge-Scale Least SquaresLevenberg-Marquardt MethodLeast Squares DefinitionLeast squares, in general, is the problem of finding a vector x that is a local minimizer to a function that is a sum of squares, possibly subject to some constraints:such that A·x≤b, Aeq·x = beq, lb ≤ x ≤ ub.There are several Optimization Toolbox solvers available for various types of F(x) and various types of constraints:Solver F(x)Constraints\C·x–d Nonelsqnonneg C·x–d x≥ 0lsqlin C·x–d Bound, linearlsqnonlin General F(x)Boundlsqcurvefit F(x, xdata)–ydata BoundThere are four least-squares algorithms in Optimization Toolbox solvers,in addition to the algorithms used in \:■Trust-region-reflective■Levenberg-Marquardt■lsqlin medium-scale(the large-scale algorithm is trust-region reflective)■The algorithm used by lsqnonnegThe trust-region reflective algorithm, lsqnonneg algorithm,and Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm are large-scale; see Large-Scale vs. Medium-Scale Algorithms. The medium-scale lsqlin algorithm is not large-scale.For a general survey of nonlinear least-squares methods, see Dennis [8]. Specific details on the Levenberg-Marquardt method can be found in Moré [28].Large-Scale Least SquaresLarge Scale Trust-Region Reflective Least SquaresMany of the methods used in Optimization Toolbox solvers are based on trust regions, a simple yet powerful concept in optimization.To understand the trust-region approach to optimization, consider the unconstrained minimization problem, minimize f(x),where the function takes vector arguments and returns scalars. Suppose you are at a point x in n-space and you want to improve, i.e., move to a point with a lower function value. The basic idea is to approximate f with a simpler function q, which reasonably reflects the behavior of function f in a neighborhood N around the point x. This neighborhood is the trust region.A trial step s is computed by minimizing (or approximately minimizing) over N. This is the trust-region subproblem,(6The current point is updated to be x + s if f(x + s) < f(x);otherwise, the current point remains unchanged and N,the region of trust, is shrunk and the trial step computation is repeated.The key questions in defining a specific trust-region approach to minimizing f(x) are how to choose and compute the approximation q(defined at the current point x), how to choose and modify the trust region N, and how accurately to solve the trust-region subproblem. This section focuses on the unconstrained problem. Later sections discuss additional complications due to the presence of constraints on the variables.In the standard trust-region method ([48]), the quadratic approximation q is defined by the first two terms of the Taylor approximation to F at x;the neighborhood N is usually spherical or ellipsoidal in shape. Mathematically the trust-region subproblem is typically stated(6-1where g is the gradient of f at the current point x, H is the Hessian matrix (the symmetric matrix of second derivatives), D is a diagonal scaling matrix, Δ is a positive scalar, and ∥. ∥is the 2-norm. Good algorithms exist for solving Equation 6-100(see [48]); such algorithms typically involve the computation of a full eigensystem and a Newton process applied to the secular equationSuch algorithms provide an accurate solution to Equation 6-100. However, they require time proportional to several factorizations of H.Therefore, for large-scale problems a different approach is needed.Several approximation and heuristic strategies, based on Equation 6-100, have been proposed in the literature ([42]and [50]). The approximation approach followed in Optimization Toolbox solvers is to restrict the trust-region subproblem to a two-dimensional subspace S([39]and [42]).Once the subspace S has been computed, the work to solve Equation 6-100is trivial even if fulleigenvalue/eigenvector information is needed(since in the subspace, the problem is only two-dimensional). The dominant work has now shifted to the determination of the subspace.The two-dimensional subspace S is determined with the aid of a preconditioned conjugate gradient process described below. The solver defines S as the linear space spanned by s1and s2,where s1is in the direction of the gradient g, and s2is either an approximate Newton direction, i.e.,a solution to(6-1 or a direction of negative curvature,(6-1 The philosophy behind this choice of S is to force global convergence (via the steepest descent direction or negative curvature direction) and achieve fast local convergence (via the Newton step, when it exists).A sketch of unconstrained minimization using trust-region ideas is now easy to give:1.Formulate the two-dimensional trust-region subproblem.2.Solve Equation 6-100to determine the trial step s.3.If f(x+ s)< f(x),then x= x+ s.4.Adjust Δ.These four steps are repeated until convergence. The trust-region dimension Δ is adjusted according to standard rules. In particular,it is decreased if the trial step is not accepted, i.e., f(x+ s)≥f(x).See [46]and [49]for a discussion of this aspect.Optimization Toolbox solvers treat a few important special cases of f with specialized functions: nonlinear least-squares, quadratic functions, and linear least-squares. However,the underlying algorithmic ideas are the same as for the general case.These special cases are discussed in later sections.Large Scale Nonlinear Least SquaresAn important special case for f(x)is the nonlinear least-squares problem(6-1where F(x) is a vector-valued function with component i of F(x)equal to f i(x).The basic method used to solve this problem is the same as in the general case described in Trust-Region Methods for Nonlinear Minimization. However,the structure of the nonlinear least-squares problem is exploited to enhance efficiency. In particular, an approximate Gauss-Newton direction, i.e.,a solution s to(6-1 (where J is the Jacobian of F(x))is used to help define the two-dimensional subspace S.Second derivatives of the component function f i(x)are not used.In each iteration the method of preconditioned conjugate gradients is used to approximately solve the normal equations, i.e.,although the normal equations are not explicitly formed.Large Scale Linear Least SquaresIn this case the function f(x)to be solved ispossibly subject to linear constraints. The algorithm generates strictly feasible iterates converging, in the limit, to a local solution.Each iteration involves the approximate solution of a large linear system (of order n, where n is the length of x). The iteration matrices have the structure of the matrix C. In particular,the method of preconditioned conjugate gradients is used to approximately solve the normal equations, i.e.,although the normal equations are not explicitly formed.The subspace trust-region method is used to determine a search direction. However, instead of restricting the step to (possibly)one reflection step, as in the nonlinear minimization case, a piecewise reflective line search is conducted at each iteration, as in the quadratic case. See [45]for details of the line search. Ultimately, the linear systems represent a Newton approach capturing the first-order optimality conditions at the solution, resulting in strong local convergence rates.Jacobian Multiply Function. lsqlin can solve the linearly-constrained least-squares problem without using the matrix C explicitly.Instead, it uses a Jacobian multiply function jmfun,W = jmfun(Jinfo,Y,flag)that you provide. The function must calculate the following products for a matrix Y:■If flag == 0then W = C'*(C*Y).■If flag > 0then W=C*Y.■If flag < 0then W= C'*Y.This can be useful if C is large, but contains enough structure that you can write jmfun without forming C explicitly. For an example, see Jacobian Multiply Function with Linear Least Squares.Levenberg-Marquardt MethodIn the least-squares problem a function f(x)is minimized that is a sum of squares.(6-1Problems of this type occur in a large number of practical applications,especially when fitting model functions to data, i.e., nonlinear parameter estimation. They are also prevalent in control where you want the output, y(x,t), to follow some continuous model trajectory, φ(t),for vector x and scalar t.This problem can be expressed as(6-1where y(x,t) and φ(t)are scalar functions.When the integral is discretized using a suitable quadrature formula, the above can be formulated as a least-squares problem:(6-1where and include the weights of the quadrature scheme. Note that in this problemthe vector F(x)isIn problems of this kind, the residual ∥F(x)∥is likely to be small at the optimum since it is general practice to set realistically achievable target trajectories. Although the function in LS can be minimized using a general unconstrained minimization technique, as described in Basics of Unconstrained Optimization, certain characteristics of the problem can often be exploited to improve the iterative efficiency of the solution procedure. The gradient and Hessian matrix of LS have a special structure.Denoting the m-by-n Jacobian matrix of F(x) as J(x),the gradient vector of f(x)as G(x), the Hessian matrix of f(x) as H(x),and the Hessian matrix of each F i(x)as H i(x),you have(6-1whereThe matrix Q(x) has the property that when the residual ∥F(x)∥tends to zero as x k approaches the solution, then Q(x) also tends to zero. Thus when ∥F(x)∥is small at the solution, a very effective method is to use the Gauss-Newton direction as a basis for an optimization procedure.In the Gauss-Newton method, a search direction, d k,is obtained at each major iteration, k, that is a solution of the linear least-squares problem:(6-1The direction derived from this method is equivalent to the Newton direction when the terms of Q(x)can be ignored. The search direction d k can be used as part of a line search strategy to ensure that at each iteration the function f(x) decreases.The Gauss-Newton method often encounters problems when the second-order term Q (x) is significant. A method that overcomes this problem is the Levenberg-Marquardt method.The Levenberg-Marquardt [25], and [27]method uses a search direction that is a solution of the linear set of equations(6-1or, optionally, of the equations(6-1where the scalar λk controls both the magnitude and direction of d k.Set option ScaleProblem to 'none'to choose Equation 6-110,and set ScaleProblem to 'Jacobian'to choose Equation 6-111.When λk is zero,the direction d k is identical to that of the Gauss-Newton method. As λk tends to infinity, d k tends towards the steepest descent direction, with magnitude tending to zero. This implies that for some sufficiently large λk,the term F(x k + d k) < F (x k) holds true. The term λk can therefore be controlled to ensure descent even when second-order terms,which restrict the efficiency of the Gauss-Newton method, are encountered.The Levenberg-Marquardt method therefore uses a search direction that is a cross between the Gauss-Newton direction and the steepest descent direction. This isillustrated in Figure 6-4, Levenberg-Marquardt Method on Rosenbrock's Function. The solution for Rosenbrock's function converges after 90 function evaluations compared to 48 for the Gauss-Newton method. The poorer efficiency is partly because the Gauss-Newton method is generally more effective when the residual is zero at the solution. However, such information is not always available beforehand, and the increased robustness of the Levenberg-Marquardt method compensates for its occasional poorer efficiency.Figure 6-4. Levenberg-Marquardt Method on Rosenbrock's FunctionFor an animated version of this figure, enter bandem at the MATLAB command line. 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The Method of Least Squares
The Method of Least SquaresHervéAbdi11IntroductionThe least square methods(LSM)is probably the most popular tech-nique in statistics.This is due to several factors.First,most com-mon estimators can be casted within this framework.For exam-ple,the mean of a distribution is the value that minimizes the sum of squared deviations of the scores.Second,using squares makes LSM mathematically very tractable because the Pythagorean theo-rem indicates that,when the error is independent of an estimated quantity,one can add the squared error and the squared estimated quantity.Third,the mathematical tools and algorithms involved in LSM(derivatives,eigendecomposition,singular value decomposi-tion)have been well studied for a relatively long time.LSM is one of the oldest techniques of modern statistics,and even though ancestors of LSM can be traced up to Greek mathe-matics,thefirst modern precursor is probably Galileo(see Harper, 1974,for a history and pre-history of LSM).The modern approach wasfirst exposed in1805by the French mathematician Legendre in a now classic memoir,but this method is somewhat older be-cause it turned out that,after the publication of Legendre’s mem-oir,Gauss(the famous German mathematician)contested Legen-1In:Neil Salkind(Ed.)(2007).Encyclopedia of Measurement and Statistics. Thousand Oaks(CA):Sage.Address correspondence to:HervéAbdiProgram in Cognition and Neurosciences,MS:Gr.4.1,The University of Texas at Dallas,Richardson,TX75083–0688,USAE-mail:herve@ /∼hervedre’s priority.Gauss often did not published ideas when he though that they could be controversial or not yet ripe,but would mention his discoveries when others would publish them(the way he did, for example for the discovery of Non-Euclidean geometry).And in1809,Gauss published another memoir in which he mentioned that he had previously discovered LSM and used it as early as1795 in estimating the orbit of an asteroid.A somewhat bitter anterior-ity dispute followed(a bit reminiscent of the Leibniz-Newton con-troversy about the invention of Calculus),which,however,did not diminish the popularity of this technique.The use of LSM in a modern statistical framework can be traced to Galton(1886)who used it in his work on the heritability of size which laid down the foundations of correlation and(also gave the name to)regression analysis.The two antagonistic giants of statis-tics Pearson and Fisher,who did so much in the early develop-ment of statistics,used and developed it in different contexts(fac-tor analysis for Pearson and experimental design for Fisher).Nowadays,the least square method is widely used tofind or es-timate the numerical values of the parameters tofit a function to a set of data and to characterize the statistical properties of esti-mates.It exists with several variations:Its simpler version is called ordinary least squares(OLS),a more sophisticated version is called weighted least squares(WLS),which often performs better than OLS because it can modulate the importance of each observation in thefinal solution.Recent variations of the least square method are alternating least squares(ALS)and partial least squares(PLS). 2Functionalfit example:regressionThe oldest(and still the most frequent)use of OLS was linear re-gression,which corresponds to the problem offinding a line(or curve)that bestfits a set of data points.In the standard formu-lation,a set of N pairs of observations{Y i,X i}is used tofind a function relating the value of the dependent variable(Y)to the values of an independent variable(X).With one variable and alinear function,the prediction is given by the following equation:ˆY=a+bX.(1) This equation involves two free parameters which specify the in-tercept(a)and the slope(b)of the regression line.The least square method defines the estimate of these parameters as the values wh-ich minimize the sum of the squares(hence the name least squares) between the measurements and the model(i.e.,the predicted val-ues).This amounts to minimizing the expression:E= i(Y i−ˆY i)2= i[Y i−(a+bX i)]2(2) (where E stands for“error"which is the quantity to be minimized). The estimation of the parameters is obtained using basic results from calculus and,specifically,uses the property that a quadratic expression reaches its minimum value when its derivatives van-ish.Taking the derivative of E with respect to a and b and setting them to zero gives the following set of equations(called the normal equations):∂E ∂a =2Na+2bXi−2Yi=0(3)and∂E ∂b =2bX2i+2aXi−2Yi X i=0.(4)Solving the normal equations gives the following least square esti-mates of a and b as:a=M Y−bM X(5) (with M Y and M X denoting the means of X and Y)andb= (Yi−M Y)(X i−M X)(Xi−M X)2.(6)OLS can be extended to more than one independent variable(us-ing matrix algebra)and to non-linear functions.2.1The geometry of least squaresOLS can be interpreted in a geometrical framework as an orthog-onal projection of the data vector onto the space defined by the independent variable.The projection is orthogonal because the predicted values and the actual values are uncorrelated.This is il-lustrated in Figure1,which depicts the case of two independent variables(vectors x1and x2)and the data vector(y),and shows that the error vector(y−ˆy)is orthogonal to the least square(ˆy)es-timate which lies in the subspace defined by the two independent variables.yFigure1:The least square estimate of the data is the orthogonal projection of the data vector onto the independent variable sub-space.2.2Optimality of least square estimatesOLS estimates have some strong statistical properties.Specifically when(1)the data obtained constitute a random sample from a well-defined population,(2)the population model is linear,(3)the error has a zero expected value,(4)the independent variables are linearly independent,and(5)the error is normally distributed and uncorrelated with the independent variables(the so-called homo-scedasticity assumption);then the OLS estimate is the b est l inear u nbiased e stimate often denoted with the acronym“BLUE"(the5 conditions and the proof are called the Gauss-Markov conditions and theorem).In addition,when the Gauss-Markov conditions hold,OLS estimates are also maximum likelihood estimates.2.3Weighted least squaresThe optimality of OLS relies heavily on the homoscedasticity as-sumption.When the data come from different sub-populations for which an independent estimate of the error variance is avail-able,a better estimate than OLS can be obtained using weighted least squares(WLS),also called generalized least squares(GLS). The idea is to assign to each observation a weight that reflects the uncertainty of the measurement.In general,the weight w i,as-signed to the i th observation,will be a function of the variance ofthis observation,denotedσ2i .A straightforward weighting schemais to define w i=σ−1i(but other more sophisticated weighted sch-emes can also be proposed).For the linear regression example, WLS willfind the values of a and b minimizing:E w=i w i(Y i−ˆY i)2=iw i[Y i−(a+bX i)]2.(7)2.4Iterative methods:Gradient descentWhen estimating the parameters of a nonlinear function with OLS or WLS,the standard approach using derivatives is not always pos-sible.In this case,iterative methods are very often used.These methods search in a stepwise fashion for the best values of the es-timate.Often they proceed by using at each step a linear approx-imation of the function and refine this approximation by succes-sive corrections.The techniques involved are known as gradient descent and Gauss-Newton approximations.They correspond to nonlinear least squares approximation in numerical analysis and nonlinear regression in statistics.Neural networks constitutes a popular recent application of these techniques3Problems with least squares,and alternativesDespite its popularity and versatility,LSM has its problems.Prob-ably,the most important drawback of LSM is its high sensitivity to outliers(i.e.,extreme observations).This is a consequence of us-ing squares because squaring exaggerates the magnitude of differ-ences(e.g.,the difference between20and10is equal to10but the difference between202and102is equal to300)and therefore gives a much stronger importance to extreme observations.This prob-lem is addressed by using robust techniques which are less sensi-tive to the effect of outliers.Thisfield is currently under develop-ment and is likely to become more important in the next future. References[1]Abdi,H.,Valentin D.,Edelman,B.E.(1999)Neural networks.Thousand Oaks:Sage.[2]Bates,D.M.&Watts D.G.(1988).Nonlinear regression analysisand its applications.New York:Wiley[3]Greene,W.H.(2002).Econometric analysis.New York:PrenticeHall.[4]Harper H.L.(1974–1976).The method of least squares andsome alternatives.Part I,II,II,IV,V,VI.International Satis-tical Review,42,147–174;42,235–264;43,1–44;43,125–190;43,269–272;44,113–159;[5]Nocedal J.&Wright,S.(1999).Numerical optimization.NewYork:Springer.[6]Plackett,R.L.(1972).The discovery of the method of leastsquares.Biometrika,59,239–251.[7]Seal,H.L.(1967).The historical development of the Gauss lin-ear model.Biometrika,54,1–23.。
-40-常弹性方差模型下的股票抵押贷款定价-最小二乘模特卡罗实现□ 西南财经大学中国金融研究中心 高 义 / 文本文考虑在股票价格为常弹性方文首先采用欧拉法对常弹性方差模型础上生成股票价格变动的随机路径,最常弹性方差模型下的股票抵押贷款问常弹性方差模型 股票抵押贷款 资产定价 最小二乘模特卡罗Stock loan valuation under the CEV model-via the least squares Monte Carlo approachAbstract : This paper research on the stock loan valuation problem under the constant elasticity of variance model. The constant elasticity of variance model can be firstly discretized by means of the Euler method ,then the stock price paths can be generated by this discretized model ,further we can pricing the stock loan via the least squares Monte Carlo approach on the grounds of the generated stock paths. The researched scheme will be verified by some numerical examples at the last of this paper.Keywords : Constant elasticity of variance; stock loan; assets pricing; the least squares Monte Carlo前言股票抵押贷款是指股票持有人将一定数量的股票作为抵押物,以此从相关金融机构(银行或基金公司等)贷款取得一定金额贷款的金融服务,并且赋予股票持有人在该服务期内的任何时间只要偿还本金和支付贷款利息就可赎回作为抵押物股票的权利,此外作为该金融服务提供者的金融机构会向股票抵押贷款者收取一定金额的服务费用。
用法列表以下是least_squares的一些常用用法:1.线性回归2.非线性回归3.参数估计4.数据拟合5.正则化问题1. 线性回归线性回归是一种常见的数据拟合问题,用于将一个因变量与一个或多个自变量之间的线性关系进行建模。
import numpy as npfrom import least_squares# 数据准备x = ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])y = ([3, 5, 7, 9, 11])# 模型函数def linear_func(params, x):return params[0] * x + params[1]# 残差函数def residuals(params, x, y):return linear_func(params, x) - y# 初始参数猜测params_guess = [2, 1]# 通过最小二乘法求解result = least_squares(residuals, params_guess, args=(x, y))# 最佳参数best_params =2. 非线性回归当模型函数不是线性的时候,可以使用least_squares进行非线性回归。
import numpy as npfrom import least_squares# 数据准备x = ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])y = ([, , , , ])# 模型函数def nonlinear_func(params, x):return params[0] * (params[1] * x)# 残差函数def residuals(params, x, y):return nonlinear_func(params, x) - y# 初始参数猜测params_guess = [1, 1]# 通过最小二乘法求解result = least_squares(residuals, params_guess, args=(x, y))# 最佳参数best_params =3. 参数估计least_squares可以用来估计模型参数的置信区间和标准误差。
计算拟合最小二乘平面一、绪论1.1 引言拟合是科学实验和工程应用中的一种常见技术,它是一种通过使实验条件下得到的数据与理论计算曲线取得良好一致性的技术过程。
1.2 最小二乘拟合最小二乘拟合(Least Squares Fitting,LSF)是一种广泛采用的拟合方法,它的目标是求出一组参数,使得拟合的函数与实验数据之间的误差最小。
给定n个点,需要拟合一个平面方程:Ax+By+C=02.2构造最小二乘法最小二乘拟合平面的问题就转化为求解一下矩阵形式的最小二乘问题:min[(Ax1+By1+C)^2+(Ax2+By2+C)^2+……+(Axn+Byn+C)^2] 通过矩阵计算可以把最小二乘拟合平面的问题形式化为min[ (A,B,C)X^T(XAX^T)^-1X(A,B,C)^T]其中X的矩阵为X=[x1,x2,……xn;y1,y2,……yn;1,1,……1]2.3算法实现给定的n个数据点,可以构造矩阵X,继续计算可以得到系数矩阵A:A=(XAX^T)^-1XA由A可以得到拟合出的平面方程:Ax+By+C=0三、实验结果本文实施的实验数据如下:x y-4t-14-2t-50t32t124t21经过矩阵运算后,得出最后得拟合出的平面方程为:-4x-2y+12=0四、结论本文研究了最小二乘拟合平面的原理和算法,通过实验数据成功拟合出了一个平面方程,实现了实验中的目的。
诚实考试吾心不虚 , 公平竞争方显实力, 考试失败尚有机会 , 考试舞弊前功尽弃。
上海财经大学《计量经济学 》课程考试卷(A )闭卷课程代码 课程序号2008—2009 学年第 1 学期姓名 学号 班级一、单选题(每小题2分, 共计40分)1.如果模型中变量在10%的显著性水平下是显著的, 则( D )A. 该变量在5%的显著性水平下是也显著的B. 该变量在1%和5%的显著性水平下都是显著的C. 如果P 值为12%, 则该变量在15%的显著性水平下也是显著的 D 、 如果P 值为2%, 则该变量在5%的显著性水平下也是显著的 2.高斯-马尔可夫是( D )A.摇滚乐.B.足球运动.C.鲜美的菜.D.估计理论中的著名定理, 来自于著名的统计学家: Johan.Car.Friedric.Gauss 和Andre.Andreevic.Markov 。
3.以下关于工具变量的说法不正确的是( B )。
A.与随机干扰项不相关B. 与所替代的随机解释变量不相关C.与所替代的随机解释变量高度相关D.与模型中其他解释变量不相关4.在含有截距项的多元回归中, 校正的判定系数 与判定系数R2的关系有: ( B ) A.R2< B.R2> C.R2= D.R2与 的关系不能确定5.根据样本资料估计得出人均消费支出Y 对人均收入X 的回归模型为lnYi=2.00+0.75lnXi+ei, 这表明人均收入每增加1%, 人均消费支出将大约增加( B )A.0.2..B.0.75..C.2..D.7.5%6.在存在异方差的情况下, 普通最小二乘法(OLS )估计量是( B ) A.有偏的, 非有效的 B.无偏的, 非有效的 C.有偏的, 有效的 D.无偏的, 有效的7.已知模型的普通最小二乘法估计残差的一阶自相关系数为0, 则DW 统计量的近似值为( C )A.0B.1C.2D.48.在多元回归模型中, 若某个解释变量对其余解释变量回归后的判定系数接近1, 则表明原模型中存在(C)A.异方差性B.自相关C.多重共线性D.拟合优度低9.设某商品需求模型为: Yi=β0+β1Xi+Ui, 其中Y是商品的需求量, X是商品的价格, 为了考虑全年12个月份季节变动的影响, 假设模型中引入了12个虚拟变量, 则会产生的问题是(D)A.异方差性B.自相关C.不完全的多重共线性D.完全的多重共线性10.下列表述不正确的是(D)A.尽管存在不完全的多重共线性, 普通最小二乘估计量仍然是最优线性无偏估计量B.双对数模型的R2可以与对数-线性模型的R2相比较, 但不能与线性-对数模型的R2相比较。
通过Matlab 软件进行方程组求解,明确参数具体使用区域,以解决估计参数范围与辨别等相关问题,仿真结果表明,基于改进遗传算法与最小二乘法的计算机数学模型,可显著扩展搜索空间,且运算效率相对较高。
关键词:改进遗传算法;最小二乘法;数学模型中图分类号:TP18文献标识码:A文章编号:1003-7241(2021)003-0046-04Construction of Computer Mathematical ModelBased on Improved Genetic AlgorithmWANG Peng(Ankang vocational and Technical College,Ankang 725000China )Abstract:Facing the problem of data redundancy of genetic algorithm,this paper designs and improves genetic algorithm,combineswith least square method organically,constructs computer mathematical model to deal with real-time change of data.On this basis,the construction of computer mathematical model is realized and verified for specific problems.The results show that the improved genetic algorithm has strong discrimination ability,can seek the optimal solution,and to a large ex-tent improve the operation efficiency and quality.By solving the equations by Matlab software,the specific use area of pa-rameters is defined to solve the related problems such as estimation parameter range and discrimination.The simulation re-sults show that the computer mathematical model based on improved genetic algorithm and least square method can signif-icantly expand the search space and the operation efficiency is relatively high.Key words:improved genetic algorithm;least square method;mathematical model收稿日期:2020-04-261引言在计算机科学快速更新发展趋势下,各种数学方式方法在自然科学领域实现了广泛应用,且在社会科学中发挥着关键作用。
最小二乘法拟合探究吴春晖(中国海洋大学海洋环境学院山东青岛 266100)摘要:本文的拟合对象为含多个变量的待定系数的多项式。
同时,本文将对基于Laguerre多项式的最小二乘法进行分析检验,关键词:最小二乘法拟合多变量 Laguerre多项式引言:在之前的计算方法中,在给出已知节点后,如果需要根据给出的节点来确定未知节点的值,我们需要运用插值。
目录第一章matlab最小二乘法拟合程序 (3)1.1 最小二乘法拟合的数学方法 (3)1.2 编写最小二乘法的matlab拟合程序 (3)1.2.1程序算法 (3)1.2.2 最小二乘法拟合的程序 (4)1.3程序的分析说明 (4)第二章最小二乘拟合法的检验及应用 (5)2.1 最小二乘法拟合的检验 (5)2.2最小二乘法拟合的实际应用 (7)第三章Laguerre多项式的最小二乘拟合 (8)3.1 算法与程序 (8)3.2检验与分析 (9)第四章最小二乘法拟合的分析总结 (11)第一章matlab 最小二乘法拟合程序1.1 最小二乘法拟合的数学方法最小二乘法拟合的算法如下:对于给定的一组数据(,)i i x y ,1,2,,i N =求t ()t N 次多项式jti j y a x ==∑使总误差21()j N ti i i j Q y a x ===-∑∑最小.由于Q 可以视作关于i a (0,1,2,,)i t =的多元函数,故上述拟合多项式的构造可归结为多元函数的极值问题.令0,0,1,2,,kQk ta ∂==∂得到1()0,0,1,2,,Ntjk ij ii i j y a xx k t==-==∑∑即有方程组0121011201t i t i it i i t i i i t t t t i i t i i i a N a x a x y a x a x a x x y a x a x a x x y++⎧+∑++∑=∑⎪∑+∑++∑=∑⎪⎨⎪⎪∑+∑++∑=∑⎩求解该正规方程组,即可得到最小二乘法的拟合系数。
eseflslf的计算方法1.LS计算方法:LS(Least Square)是最小二乘法的缩写,在数学和统计学中广泛应用于回归分析和曲线拟合。
2.EF计算方法:EF(Ejection Fraction)即射血分数,是一种用于评估心脏收缩功能的指标。
3.LF计算方法:LF(Low Frequency)是心率变异性(HRV)分析中的一个频率成分,反映了交感神经活动的调控。
混合效应模型model fit
混合效应模型model fit
而model fit则是用来评估统计模型对观察数据的拟合程度的指标。
要评估混合效应模型的model fit,通常可以使用一些常见的指标来进行评估。
其中最常用的指标之一是最大似然估计值(Maximum Likelihood Estimation, MLE),它可以用来比较不同模型对数据的拟合程度。
另外,还可以使用AIC(Akaike Information Criterion)和BIC(Bayesian Information Criterion)等信息准则来评估模型的拟合程度,这些指标考虑了模型的拟合优度和模型的复杂度,能够帮助我们找到最合适的模型。
此外,混合效应模型的model fit还可以通过拟合优度指标(Goodness of Fit)来进行评估,比如R平方(R-squared)和调整后的R平方。
模型的model fit。
总的来说,评估混合效应模型的model fit需要综合考虑多个指标和方法,以确保我们得到的模型能够对观察数据进行准确的描述和解释。
2011年 科研热词 片上网络 调度 片上系统 嵌入式系统 多处理器片上系统 非一致存储访问 非一致cache 软硬件划分 负载分析 访存性能 置信度评估 线延迟 硬件加速 现场可编程门阵列 片上缓存 片上多核处理器 片上多处理器 混合体系结构 流水结构 有状态加速器 拓扑结构 性能分析 性能优化 开环排队网络 延时差异 局部性 存储系统 存储 多核处理器 多核 多媒体处理 多处理器 多任务等级 多任务 可扩展 公平性 全cache存储结构 rms负载 cache污染 推荐指数 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2013年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
科研热词 负载均衡 调度算法 多级缓存 可分负载 协同计算 cpu/gpu异构系统 预取器 自主恢复 现场可编程门阵列 存储控制器 图像显示 可靠性 可编程片上系统 体系结构仿真器 tft-lcd控制器 sesc nios ⅱ ip 核 edac
推荐指数 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2010年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
科研热词 片上多核处理器 多处理器片上系统 验证 遗传算法 蚁群优化算法 蚁群优化 缓存一致性 片上多处理器系统 流存储系统 时间序 时延隐藏 无线传感网络 并行计算 存储带宽 存储一致性模型 多核处理器 多媒体处理 内存访问 共享信息素矩阵 共享cБайду номын сангаасche划分 优先级仲裁 任务分配 zigbee协议 low power fpga dram
最小二乘法的外文文献The least squares method, also known as the method of least squares, is a widely used technique in statistics and mathematical optimization for estimating the parameters of a mathematical model. It provides a way to find the best-fitting curve or line to a set of data points by minimizing the sum of the squares of the differences between the observed and predicted values.There are numerous foreign-language research papers available on the topic of least squares method. Here are a few examples:1. Title: "Least Squares Estimation in Linear Models"Authors: Peter J. Huber, Elvezio M. Ronchetti.Published in: Statistical Science, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Feb., 1986), pp. 1-55。
Abstract: This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the least squares estimation technique inlinear models. It covers various aspects such as model assumptions, estimation algorithms, hypothesis testing, and robustness.2. Title: "Nonlinear Least Squares Estimation"Authors: R. J. Carroll, D. Ruppert, L. A. Stefanski, C. M. Crainiceanu.Published in: Statistical Science, Vol. 22, No. 4 (Nov., 2007), pp. 466-480。
最小二乘法拟合原理最小二乘法(Least Squares Method)是一种常用的线性回归分析方法,用于拟合数据点到一个理论模型的直线或曲线的原理。
yi = yi_true + ei以线性回归为例,模型可以表示为y=θ0+θ1x,其中θ0和θ1是要估计的参数。
残差可以定义为:ei = yi - (θ0 + θ1xi)为了最小化残差平方和,我们需要对残差平方和进行求导,并令导数等于零。
对于线性回归而言,最小二乘法的公式可以写为:θ1 = (sum(xi - x_mean)(yi - y_mean))/(sum(xi - x_mean)^2)θ0 = y_mea n - θ1x_mean其中,x_mean和y_mean分别是自变量和因变量的均值。
为了评估拟合效果,我们还需要使用一些指标,如决定系数(coefficient of determination),来评估拟合曲线与数据之间的拟合程度。
Least-Squares Fitting of Circles and Ellipses
Least-Squares Fitting of Circblem is equivalent to finding the right singular vector associated with the smallest singular value of B . If a = 0, we can transform equation (2.1) to (2.2) b1 x1 + 2a
1 Preliminaries and Introduction
Ellipses, for which the sum of the squares of the distances to the given points is minimal will be referred to as “best fit” or “geometric fit”, and the algorithms will be called “geometric”. Determining the parameters of the algebraic equation F (x) = 0 in the least squares sense will be denoted by “algebraic fit” and the algorithms will be called “algebraic”. We will use the well known Gauss-Newton method to solve the nonlinear least T squares problem (cf. [15]). Let u = (u1 , . . . , un ) be a vector of unknowns and consider the nonlinear system of m equations f (u) = 0. If m > n, then we want to minimize
最小二乘法(Least Squares Method,LSM)又称最小平方法,是一种用于线性回归
最小二乘估适线(Least Square Fitting Line, LSFL)是一种利用最小二乘法拟合
基于莱特准则的椭圆拟合优化算法曹俊丽;李居峰【摘要】普遍使用的代数距离最小的最小二乘(LS)椭圆拟合算法简单、易实现,但对样本点无选择,导致拟合结果易受误差点影响,拟合不准确.针对此特性,提出了一种基于莱特准则的椭圆拟合优化算法.首先,由代数距离最小的LS法对待拟合曲线进行椭圆拟合;其次,将待拟合曲线上的点与LS法拟合的椭圆的代数距离作为样本点集,在验证该样本点集服从正态分布的情况下,采用莱特准则,将样本点中值大于| 3σ|的点判定为野值并剔除,进行多次拟合,直至样本点中无野值;最后,得到椭圆最优拟合结果.仿真实验结果表明,优化算法的拟合误差在1.0%以下,相比同条件下的LS法,其拟合精度至少提高2个百分点.优化算法的仿真结果与其在香烟圆度在线检测中的实际应用验证了此算法的有效性.【期刊名称】《计算机应用》【年(卷),期】2017(037)001【总页数】5页(P273-277)【关键词】莱特准则;椭圆拟合;最小二乘法;圆度检测;视觉检测系统【作者】曹俊丽;李居峰【作者单位】上海大学机电工程与自动化学院,上海200072;上海大学机电工程与自动化学院,上海200072【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O241.5;TP391.413图像处理技术在现代工业中有着非常广泛的应用,在计算机图像处理技术中,曲线拟合是其基本内容之一,目的是从图像中抽取特征信息进行后续处理。
推荐指数 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
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2014年 科研热词 粒子群算法 残差-新息 故障诊断 支持向量 拉格朗日级数 小波变换 三相逆变器 s模式数据链 推荐指数 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
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科研热词 推荐指数 认知无线电 1 行递归最小二乘(rls)算法 1 纳什均衡 1 空间矢量 1 监视 1 片上可编程系统(sopc) 1 无人机测控与信息传输系统 1 整流 1 差分编码 1 多径 1 地面反射波 1 周期性扩频 1 双闭环控制 1 双核niosⅱ并 1 压缩效率 1 博弈论 1 协同仿真 1 北斗报文 1 动态频谱分配 1 功率放大器(pa) 1 分叉图 1 信道模型 1 wssus 1 telecontrol telemetry and information 1 transmissio system on programmable chip(sopc) 1 space vector 1 rectifier 1 pwm 1 power amplifier(pa) 1 parallel re-cursive least squares(rls) 1 algorith nash equilibrium 1 multipath component 1 monitoring 1 matlab 1 ground reflection 1 game theory 1 fpga数字预失真器(dpd) 1 dynamic spectrum allocation 1 dual core nios ⅱ 1 double-loop control 1 digital predistorter(dpd) 1 differential encoding 1 compression efficiency 1 compass message 1 cognitive radio 1 channel model 1 boost变换器 1 adams 1
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Least-Squares (Model Fitting) AlgorithmsOn this page…Least Squares DefinitionLarge-Scale Least SquaresLevenberg-Marquardt MethodLeast Squares DefinitionLeast squares, in general, is the problem of finding a vector x that is a local minimizer to a function that is a sum of squares, possibly subject to some constraints:such that A·x≤b, Aeq·x = beq, lb ≤ x ≤ ub.There are several Optimization Toolbox solvers available for various types of F(x) and various types of constraints:Solver F(x)Constraints\C·x–d Nonelsqnonneg C·x–d x≥ 0lsqlin C·x–d Bound, linearlsqnonlin General F(x)Boundlsqcurvefit F(x, xdata)–ydata BoundThere are four least-squares algorithms in Optimization Toolbox solvers,in addition to the algorithms used in \:■Trust-region-reflective■Levenberg-Marquardt■lsqlin medium-scale(the large-scale algorithm is trust-region reflective)■The algorithm used by lsqnonnegThe trust-region reflective algorithm, lsqnonneg algorithm,and Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm are large-scale; see Large-Scale vs. Medium-Scale Algorithms. The medium-scale lsqlin algorithm is not large-scale.For a general survey of nonlinear least-squares methods, see Dennis [8]. Specific details on the Levenberg-Marquardt method can be found in Moré [28].Large-Scale Least SquaresLarge Scale Trust-Region Reflective Least SquaresMany of the methods used in Optimization Toolbox solvers are based on trust regions, a simple yet powerful concept in optimization.To understand the trust-region approach to optimization, consider the unconstrained minimization problem, minimize f(x),where the function takes vector arguments and returns scalars. Suppose you are at a point x in n-space and you want to improve, i.e., move to a point with a lower function value. The basic idea is to approximate f with a simpler function q, which reasonably reflects the behavior of function f in a neighborhood N around the point x. This neighborhood is the trust region.A trial step s is computed by minimizing (or approximately minimizing) over N. This is the trust-region subproblem,(6The current point is updated to be x + s if f(x + s) < f(x);otherwise, the current point remains unchanged and N,the region of trust, is shrunk and the trial step computation is repeated.The key questions in defining a specific trust-region approach to minimizing f(x) are how to choose and compute the approximation q(defined at the current point x), how to choose and modify the trust region N, and how accurately to solve the trust-region subproblem. This section focuses on the unconstrained problem. Later sections discuss additional complications due to the presence of constraints on the variables.In the standard trust-region method ([48]), the quadratic approximation q is defined by the first two terms of the Taylor approximation to F at x;the neighborhood N is usually spherical or ellipsoidal in shape. Mathematically the trust-region subproblem is typically stated(6-1where g is the gradient of f at the current point x, H is the Hessian matrix (the symmetric matrix of second derivatives), D is a diagonal scaling matrix, Δ is a positive scalar, and ∥. ∥is the 2-norm. Good algorithms exist for solving Equation 6-100(see [48]); such algorithms typically involve the computation of a full eigensystem and a Newton process applied to the secular equationSuch algorithms provide an accurate solution to Equation 6-100. However, they require time proportional to several factorizations of H.Therefore, for large-scale problems a different approach is needed.Several approximation and heuristic strategies, based on Equation 6-100, have been proposed in the literature ([42]and [50]). The approximation approach followed in Optimization Toolbox solvers is to restrict the trust-region subproblem to a two-dimensional subspace S([39]and [42]).Once the subspace S has been computed, the work to solve Equation 6-100is trivial even if fulleigenvalue/eigenvector information is needed(since in the subspace, the problem is only two-dimensional). The dominant work has now shifted to the determination of the subspace.The two-dimensional subspace S is determined with the aid of a preconditioned conjugate gradient process described below. The solver defines S as the linear space spanned by s1and s2,where s1is in the direction of the gradient g, and s2is either an approximate Newton direction, i.e.,a solution to(6-1 or a direction of negative curvature,(6-1 The philosophy behind this choice of S is to force global convergence (via the steepest descent direction or negative curvature direction) and achieve fast local convergence (via the Newton step, when it exists).A sketch of unconstrained minimization using trust-region ideas is now easy to give:1.Formulate the two-dimensional trust-region subproblem.2.Solve Equation 6-100to determine the trial step s.3.If f(x+ s)< f(x),then x= x+ s.4.Adjust Δ.These four steps are repeated until convergence. The trust-region dimension Δ is adjusted according to standard rules. In particular,it is decreased if the trial step is not accepted, i.e., f(x+ s)≥f(x).See [46]and [49]for a discussion of this aspect.Optimization Toolbox solvers treat a few important special cases of f with specialized functions: nonlinear least-squares, quadratic functions, and linear least-squares. However,the underlying algorithmic ideas are the same as for the general case.These special cases are discussed in later sections.Large Scale Nonlinear Least SquaresAn important special case for f(x)is the nonlinear least-squares problem(6-1where F(x) is a vector-valued function with component i of F(x)equal to f i(x).The basic method used to solve this problem is the same as in the general case described in Trust-Region Methods for Nonlinear Minimization. However,the structure of the nonlinear least-squares problem is exploited to enhance efficiency. In particular, an approximate Gauss-Newton direction, i.e.,a solution s to(6-1 (where J is the Jacobian of F(x))is used to help define the two-dimensional subspace S.Second derivatives of the component function f i(x)are not used.In each iteration the method of preconditioned conjugate gradients is used to approximately solve the normal equations, i.e.,although the normal equations are not explicitly formed.Large Scale Linear Least SquaresIn this case the function f(x)to be solved ispossibly subject to linear constraints. The algorithm generates strictly feasible iterates converging, in the limit, to a local solution.Each iteration involves the approximate solution of a large linear system (of order n, where n is the length of x). The iteration matrices have the structure of the matrix C. In particular,the method of preconditioned conjugate gradients is used to approximately solve the normal equations, i.e.,although the normal equations are not explicitly formed.The subspace trust-region method is used to determine a search direction. However, instead of restricting the step to (possibly)one reflection step, as in the nonlinear minimization case, a piecewise reflective line search is conducted at each iteration, as in the quadratic case. See [45]for details of the line search. Ultimately, the linear systems represent a Newton approach capturing the first-order optimality conditions at the solution, resulting in strong local convergence rates.Jacobian Multiply Function. lsqlin can solve the linearly-constrained least-squares problem without using the matrix C explicitly.Instead, it uses a Jacobian multiply function jmfun,W = jmfun(Jinfo,Y,flag)that you provide. The function must calculate the following products for a matrix Y:■If flag == 0then W = C'*(C*Y).■If flag > 0then W=C*Y.■If flag < 0then W= C'*Y.This can be useful if C is large, but contains enough structure that you can write jmfun without forming C explicitly. For an example, see Jacobian Multiply Function with Linear Least Squares.Levenberg-Marquardt MethodIn the least-squares problem a function f(x)is minimized that is a sum of squares.(6-1Problems of this type occur in a large number of practical applications,especially when fitting model functions to data, i.e., nonlinear parameter estimation. They are also prevalent in control where you want the output, y(x,t), to follow some continuous model trajectory, φ(t),for vector x and scalar t.This problem can be expressed as(6-1where y(x,t) and φ(t)are scalar functions.When the integral is discretized using a suitable quadrature formula, the above can be formulated as a least-squares problem:(6-1where and include the weights of the quadrature scheme. Note that in this problemthe vector F(x)isIn problems of this kind, the residual ∥F(x)∥is likely to be small at the optimum since it is general practice to set realistically achievable target trajectories. Although the function in LS can be minimized using a general unconstrained minimization technique, as described in Basics of Unconstrained Optimization, certain characteristics of the problem can often be exploited to improve the iterative efficiency of the solution procedure. The gradient and Hessian matrix of LS have a special structure.Denoting the m-by-n Jacobian matrix of F(x) as J(x),the gradient vector of f(x)as G(x), the Hessian matrix of f(x) as H(x),and the Hessian matrix of each F i(x)as H i(x),you have(6-1whereThe matrix Q(x) has the property that when the residual ∥F(x)∥tends to zero as x k approaches the solution, then Q(x) also tends to zero. Thus when ∥F(x)∥is small at the solution, a very effective method is to use the Gauss-Newton direction as a basis for an optimization procedure.In the Gauss-Newton method, a search direction, d k,is obtained at each major iteration, k, that is a solution of the linear least-squares problem:(6-1The direction derived from this method is equivalent to the Newton direction when the terms of Q(x)can be ignored. The search direction d k can be used as part of a line search strategy to ensure that at each iteration the function f(x) decreases.The Gauss-Newton method often encounters problems when the second-order term Q (x) is significant. A method that overcomes this problem is the Levenberg-Marquardt method.The Levenberg-Marquardt [25], and [27]method uses a search direction that is a solution of the linear set of equations(6-1or, optionally, of the equations(6-1where the scalar λk controls both the magnitude and direction of d k.Set option ScaleProblem to 'none'to choose Equation 6-110,and set ScaleProblem to 'Jacobian'to choose Equation 6-111.When λk is zero,the direction d k is identical to that of the Gauss-Newton method. As λk tends to infinity, d k tends towards the steepest descent direction, with magnitude tending to zero. This implies that for some sufficiently large λk,the term F(x k + d k) < F (x k) holds true. The term λk can therefore be controlled to ensure descent even when second-order terms,which restrict the efficiency of the Gauss-Newton method, are encountered.The Levenberg-Marquardt method therefore uses a search direction that is a cross between the Gauss-Newton direction and the steepest descent direction. This isillustrated in Figure 6-4, Levenberg-Marquardt Method on Rosenbrock's Function. The solution for Rosenbrock's function converges after 90 function evaluations compared to 48 for the Gauss-Newton method. The poorer efficiency is partly because the Gauss-Newton method is generally more effective when the residual is zero at the solution. However, such information is not always available beforehand, and the increased robustness of the Levenberg-Marquardt method compensates for its occasional poorer efficiency.Figure 6-4. Levenberg-Marquardt Method on Rosenbrock's FunctionFor an animated version of this figure, enter bandem at the MATLAB command line. 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