Tobii PCEye Go 用户手册说明书
![Tobii PCEye Go 用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2b965b391611cc7931b765ce0508763231127491.png)
Tobii PCEye Go 用户手册用户手册Tobii PCEye Go版本2.808/2015版权所有。
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以下产品受美国专利保护,专利号7,572,008:•Tobii PCEye Go您可以在背面的标签上找到Tobii PCEye Go产品的型号。
目录内容1简介 (6)1.1关于警示语的说明 (6)1.2符号与标志 (6)1.3预期用途 (6)1.4包装内容 (7)2安全性 (8)2.1安装警告 (8)2.2紧急警告 (8)2.3红外警告 (8)2.4癫痫警告 (8)2.5磁场警告 (8)2.6儿童安全 (8)2.7请勿拆开Tobii PCEye Go (9)2.8Gaze Interaction (9)3开始使用 (10)3.1Tobii PCEye Go安装指南 (10)3.2将Tobii PCEye Go装到您的显示器/笔记本电脑上 (10)3.3Tobii PCEye Go配置指南 (11)3.4软件更新 (13)4使用Tobii PCEye Go (14)4.1定位 (14)4.1.1跟踪箱 (14)4.1.2跟踪状态查看器 (15)显示跟踪状态 (15)4.1.3定位指南 (15)4.2使用Windows Control (16)4.2.1Windows Control类型 (16)4.2.2启动和禁用Windows Control (17)4.2.3使用Gaze Selection (17) Selection任务栏 (17)任务按钮 (19)里的功能重叠 (20)里的功能重叠 (20)里的功能重叠 (22)在Windows8.1和Windows10中并排显示窗口/关闭应用 (24)如何并排显示窗口/关闭应用 (24)如何分屏并排更多应用 (26)选择方法—Gaze(注视)和Switch(外置按钮) (28)让外置按钮执行固定任务和默认左键单击/轻按 (28)不用外置按钮而用键盘按键来激活任务 (28)注视键盘 (29)键盘任务栏 (30)键盘任务栏的任务按钮 (31)文字预测 (31)结合基于区域键盘的Gaze Selection (32)4.2.4使用Mouse Emulation (32)放置Mouse Emulation菜单 (32)在Mouse Emulation模式下利用Windows Control进行点击 (32)在Mouse Emulation模式下使用Windows Control进行放大 (33)选择Mouse Emulation功能 (33)在Mouse Emulation模式下暂停Windows Control (33)在Mouse Emulation模式利用Windows Control进行滚动 (33)4.3暂停/继续Gaze Interaction (34)4.4Tobii PCEye Update Notifier (35)5Gaze Interaction设置 (36)5.1访问Gaze Interaction Settings (36)5.2校准 (37)5.2.1开始校准 (37)5.2.2中断校准 (37)5.2.3自定义活动眼 (38)5.2.4改进校准点 (39)5.2.5移除校准点 (40)5.2.6自定义校准 (40)5.2.7自定义校准区域 (41)5.3互动 (42)5.4用户配置文件 (43)5.4.1创建新的配置文件 (43)5.4.2选择当前的用户配置文件 (44)5.4.3删除配置文件 (44)5.5Windows Control (44)5.5.1自动启动 (44)5.5.2Windows Control类型 (44) Selection (45) Emulation (46)鼠标控制速度 (46)放大镜大小和缩放 (46)自动从“鼠标右键单击”切换为“鼠标左键单击” (46)关闭滚动功能 (46)自定义光标 (46)隐藏菜单 (47)5.6系统设置 (47)5.6.1系统屏幕外沿菜单 (47)5.6.2定位指南 (48)5.7系统信息 (49)5.7.1升级眼动仪固件 (49)6Gaze Selection设置 (50)6.1常规设置选项卡 (50)6.2键盘设置选项卡 (51)6.3任务栏设置选项卡 (52)6.3.1左键单击/轻敲最大化 (52)7产品保养 (53)7.1温度和湿度 (53)7.1.1一般用途 (53)7.1.2运输和储存 (53)7.2清洁 (53)7.3运送Tobii PCEye Go (53)7.4处置Tobii PCEye Go (53)附录A支持和保修 (54)附录B合规信息 (55)附录C第三方配件 (57)附录D技术规格 (58)1简介感谢您选购Tobii Technology公司的Tobii PCEye Go设备!为确保获得此产品的最佳性能,请仔细阅读本手册。
BBC micro bit v2 说明书
![BBC micro bit v2 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a4611b2059fafab069dc5022aaea998fcc22409c.png)
BBC micro:bit v2Please see https:/// for latest updatesAbout the BBC micro:bit v2 2 Hardware Description 3.............................................................................................................................. Hardware block diagram 3....................................................................................................................... nRF52 Application Processor 3........................................................................................................... Bluetooth Wireless Communication 4................................................................................................................. Low level radio communications 4 ............................................................................................................................................................ Buttons 5 ............................................................................................................................................................ Display 5 ................................................................................................................................................. Motion sensor 6 ..................................................................................................................................... Temperature sensing 6 ........................................................................................................................................................... Speaker 7 .................................................................................................................................................... Microphone 7........................................................................................................... General Purpose Input/Output Pins 7 .................................................................................................................................................. Power supply 8 .......................................................................................................................................................... Interface 9 .................................................................................................................................... USB communications 9 ................................................................................................................................................... Debugging 10 ................................................................................................................................................... Mechanical 10About the BBC micro:bit v2The micro:bit is Single Board Computer (SBC) that contains an application processor with a variety of on-chip peripherals. Other peripherals are connected to this chip.An interface processor is connected to the application processer and manages communication via the USB interface, including the drag-and-drop code flashing process. The interface processor does not control any of the peripherals on the board but is connected to the application processor on the internal board I2C bus.Hardware DescriptionHardware block diagramnRF52 Application ProcessorThe nRF52 application processor is where user programs run. A single, complete application including user code, runtime code and Bluetooth stack is loaded and run directly from on chip flash memory. All user accessible GPIO pins are provided by this processor. There is an onboard 2.4GHz radio peripheral used to provide Bluetooth and custom radio capabilities via an off-chip aerial.item detailsModel Nordic nRF52833Core variant Arm Cortex-M4 32 bit processor with FPUFlash ROM512KBRAM128KBSpeed64MHzDebug SWD, J-Link/OBMore Info Software, NRF52 datasheetBluetooth Wireless CommunicationThe on board 2.4GHz transceiver supports Bluetooth communications via the NordicS140 SoftDevice, which provides a fully qualified Bluetooth low energy stack. This allows the micro:bit to communicate with a wide range of Bluetooth devices, including smartphones and tablets.item detailsStack Bluetooth 5.1 with Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE)Band 2.4GHz ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical)2.4GHz..2.41GHzChannels50 2MHz channels, only 40 used (0 to 39), 3advertising channels (37,38,39)Sensitivity-93dBm in Bluetooth low energy modeTx Power-40dBm to 4dBmRole GAP Peripheral & GAP CentralCongestion avoidance Adaptive Frequency HoppingProfiles BBC micro:bit profileMore Info BluetoothLow level radio communicationsThe on board 2.4GHz transceiver supports a number of other radio communications standards, on which we build the microbit-radio protocol This protocol provides a very simple small-packet broadcast radio interface between other devices that support it, such as other micro:bit devices. The ‘radio’ interface that appears in a number of the languages on the micro:bit is built on top of this protocol. Additionally, the micro:bit runtime software adds a ‘group code’ to each data payload, allowing for simple user managed device addressing and filtering to take place.item detailsProtocol Micro:bit RadioFreq band 2.4GHzChannel rate1Mbps or 2MbpsEncryption NoneChannels80 (0..80)Group codes255item detailsTx power Eight user configurable settings from 0(-30dbm) to 7(+4dbm)Payload size32 (standard) 255 (if reconfigured)More Info Micro:bit RadioButtonsThe two buttons on the front of the micro:bit, and the 1 button on the back, are tact momentary push-to-make buttons. The back button is connected to the KL27 interface processor and to the NRF52 processor for system reset purposes. This means that the application will reset regardless of if it is powered from USB or from battery.Front buttons A and B can be programmed in the user application for any purpose. A and B are debounced by software, which also includes short press, long press, and ‘bothA+B’ press detection. Buttons operate in a typical inverted electrical mode, where a pullup resistor ensures a logical ‘1’ when the button is released, and a logical ‘0’ when the button is pressed. Both A and B buttons are connected to GPIO pins that are also accessible on the micro:bit edge connector.item detailsType 2 tactile user buttons, 1 tactile system buttonDebounce(A & B) software debounced, 54ms periodPullup (A & B) external 4K7, (System) 10KDisplayThe display is a 5x5 array of LEDs. It is connected to the micro:bit as a 5x5 matrix. Runtime software repeatedly refreshes this matrix at a high speed, such that it is within the user persistence of vision range, and no flicker is detected. This LED matrix is also used to sense ambient light, by repeatedly switching some of the LED drive pins into inputs and sampling the voltage decay time, which is roughly proportional to ambient light levels.item detailsType miniature surface mount red LEDPhysical structure5x5 matrixElectrical structure5x5Intensity control Software controlled up to 255 stepsitem detailsSensing ambient light estimation via software algorithmColour sensitivity red centric, red is 700nmMotion sensorThe micro:bit has a combined accelerometer and magnetometer chip that provides 3-axis sensing and magnetic field strength sensing. It also includes some on board gesture detection (such as fall detection) in hardware, and additional gesture sensing (e.g. logo-up, logo-down, shake) via software algorithms. A software algorithm in the standard runtime uses the on-board accelerometer to turn readings into a board orientation independent compass reading. The compass must be calibrated before use, and the calibration process is automatically initiated by the runtime software. This device is connected to the application processor via the I2C bus.The micro:bit has a footprint for two different motion sensors: one made by ST (theLSM303AGR) and one by NXP (FXOS8700CQ). The micro:bit DAL supports both of these sensors, detecting them at runtime. Only one sensor will ever be placed.item detailsModel LSM303AGRFeatures 3 magnetic field and 3 acceleration axis , 2/4/8/16grangesResolution8/10/12 bitsOn board gestures‘freefall’Other gestures Other gestures are implemented by softwarealgorithms in the runtime.Temperature sensingThe NRF52 application processor has an on board core temperature sensor. This is exposed via the standard runtime software, and provides an estimate of ambient temperature.item detailsType on-core NRF52Sensing range-40C .. 105CResolution0.25C stepsitem detailsAccuracy+/-5C (uncalibrated)More Info DAL ThermometerSpeakerIn addition to outputing sound via PWM on the pins, the micro:bit has a PCB mounted magnetic speaker to which sound output is mirrored.item detailsType JIANGSU HUANENG MLT-8530SPL80dB @ 5V, 10cmSelf-resonant frequency2700HzMore Info DatasheetMicrophoneAn on board MEMs microphone provides a sound input to the micro:bit and a built in LED indicator on the front of the board shows the user when this is powered.The microphone has an external bias circuit of 33K:1K (power to ground) and is AC-coupled to the microphone input pin.item detailsType Knowles SPU0410LR5H-QB-7 MEMS Sensitvity-38dB ±3dB @ 94dB SPLSNR63dBAOP118db SPLFrequency range100Hz ~ 80kHzPolar pattern OmnidirectionalMore Info DatsheetGeneral Purpose Input/Output PinsThe edge connector brings out many of the GPIO circuits of the application processor. Some of these circuits are shared with other functions of the micro:bit, but many of theseextra circuits can be re-allocated to general purpose use if some software features are turned o ff.Power supplyPower to the micro:bit may be provided via 5V on the USB connector, or via a 3V battery plugged into the JST connector. It is also possible (with care) to power the micro:bit from the 3V /GND rings on the edge connector. The 3V /GND rings at the bottom can be used to supply power to external circuits. The board uses an LDO specified up to 300mA, with thermal cut-out for short circuit protection. itemdetails Rings3 large IO rings and two large power rings, 4mm plug and crocodile clip compatible GPIO features19 assignable GPIO pins2 are dedicated to the external I2C interface6 are used for display or light sensing feature2 are used for on board button detection1 is reserved for an accessibility interface 19 may be assigned as digital input or digital output19 may be assigned for up to 3 simultaneous PWM channels19 may be assigned for 1 serial transmit and 1 serial receive channel6 may be assigned as analog input pins3 may be assigned to an optional SPI communications interface 3 may be assigned for up to 3 simultaneous touch sensing inputs ADC resolution 10 bit (0..1023)EdgeConnectorEdge connector Pitch1.27mm, 80 way double sided.Pads 5 pads, with 4mm holesitemdetails Operating range1.8V .. 3.6V Operating current (USB andbattery)300mA maxInterfaceThe interface chip handles the USB connection, and is used for flashing new code to the micro:bit, sending and receiving serial data back and forth to your main computer. USB communicationsThe micro:bit has an on board USB communications stack, that is built into the firmware of the interface chip. This stack provides the ability to drag and drop files onto theMICROBIT drive in order to load code into the application processor. It also allows serial data to be streamed to and from the micro:bit application processor over USB to an external host computer, and supports the CMSIS-DAP protocol for host debugging of application programs. Onboard Peripherals budget90mA Battery connectorJST X2B-PH-SM4-TB Max current provided via edgeconnector190mA More Info Power supplyitemdetails itemdetails ModelMKL27Z256VFM4Core variant:Arm Cortex-M0+Flash ROM256KB (128kB reserved for future use as storage)RAM16KB Speed48MHz Debug capabilitiesSWD More Info DAPLink , KL27 reference manual KL27 data sheetitemdetails ConnectorUSB micro, MCR-B-S-RA-SMT -CS5-TR USB version2.0 Full Speed device Speed12Mbit/sec USB classes supported Mass Storage Class (MSC)item detailsCommunications Device Class (CDC)More Info DAPLinkDebuggingThe interface processor can be used with special host tools to debug code that is running on the application processor. It connects to the application processor via 4 signal wires. The KL27 interface processor code can also be debuged via it’s integral SWD software debug interface, for example to load initial bootloader code into this processor at manufacturing time, or to recover a lost bootloader.item detailsProtocol CMSIS-DAPOptions JLink/OB (via different firmware)More Info Mbed debugging micro:bitMechanicalWe have some nice 2D and 3D CAD drawings and models of the micro:bit including all the important dimensions. These models can be used as a basis for generating really nice marketing and project images of the micro:bit, but also as a basis for accurate manufacture of attachments e.g. via 3D printing.item detailsDimensions51.60mm(w) 42.00mm(h) 11.65mm(d), button depth to board4.55mm, speaker depth to board 3.00mm, JST connector toboard 5.50mmWeight TBC。
khiu使用说明最近在网上流行一个名词: khiu,这是一种名叫 UUX 的编译器。
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vari= tformat ('HHejudoku: kpgi_ cmdlet');// linux 下的 shell 脚本定义子函数 main (){ int cout, callback psr= sysstat (i); if (! this is none ofbigjects (e)) printf (& quot; invalid command n& quot;); return;} 不过,如果你使用的是 Windows 操作系统,那就另当别论了。
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包括:经济学理论,如,哈耶克的《货币的非国家化》,凯恩斯的无客观本位货币与购买力理论,弗里德曼的自动化系统取代中央银行设想;博弈论,特别是2005年诺贝尔经济学奖得主之一的托马斯·谢林的“共同知识(Common Knowledge)”概念;会计学领域,由Ian Grigg在2005年提出的“三重记账法(Triple Entry Accounting)”;在计算机领域,BT和eMule等P2P文件共享与传输技术,伯克利开放式网络计算平台(BONIC)的折叠蛋白质(Folding@home)和寻找外星人(SETI@home)等网格计算项目,原本用于检测垃圾邮件的“可复用工作量证明(RPOW)”方法;密码学方面,非对称椭圆曲线加密算法、哈希散列函数(Hash)、Schnorr数字签名算法、以及Merkle Tree等具体方法的成熟与广泛运用,为比特币区块链的诞生提供了必要条件。
此外,最为重要的是各界人士特别是“密码朋克”们从20世纪80年代以来不断的尝试,其中最为有名的包括e-gold(始于1995年,如今却遗憾的早已被传销玩坏了)、早期的Ripple支付和结算网络(始于2004年)、1990年大卫·乔姆(David Chaum)提出的Ecash(注重隐私安全的密码学网络支付系统)、1998年密码学家戴伟(Wei Dai)提出的B-money(被认为是比特币的精神先导)、2005年尼克·萨博(Nick Szabo)提出的Bitgold(非常类似于比特币的系统,但萨博不擅长编程,而后来的中本聪则编程实现了比特币)。
使用手册 版本 V 1.0.0
目录 目录 .................................................................................................................................................. I 第一章:功能与用户 ...................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 功能简介............................................................................................................................. 3 1.2 适用用户............................................................................................................................. 3 第二章:安装与运行 ...................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 安装必备...................................................................
whSample 软件包说明说明书
![whSample 软件包说明说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2f0cb46d2e60ddccda38376baf1ffc4ffe47e2fd.png)
Package‘whSample’October12,2022Type PackageTitle Utilities for SamplingVersion0.9.6.2Depends R(>=3.5.0)Description Interactive tools for generating random ers select an.xlsx,.csv,or delimited.txtfile with population data and are walked through selecting thesample type(Simple Random Sample or Stratified),the number of backupsdesired,and a``stratify_on''value(if desired).The sample size is determinedusing a normal approximation to the hypergeometric distribution based onNicholson(1956)<doi:10.1214/aoms/1177728270>.An.xlsxfile is createdwith the sample and key metadata for reference.It is menu-driven and letsusers pick an output directory.See vignettes for a detailed walk-through.License GPL-3Encoding UTF-8Imports data.table,magrittr,openxlsx,dplyr,purrr,tools,utils,bit64RoxygenNote7.1.1Suggests knitr,rmarkdown,testthatVignetteBuilder knitrNeedsCompilation noAuthor Paul West[aut,cre]Maintainer Paul West<****************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2021-05-1315:00:02UTCR topics documented:sampler (2)ssize (2)Index41sampler Generate Sample Lists from Excel or CSV FilesDescriptionsampler generates Simple Random or Stratified samplesArgumentsci the required confidence levelme the margin of errorp the expected probability of occurrencebackups the number of available replacementsseed the random number seedValueWrites samples to an Excel workbook and generates a report summary.Detailssampler lets users select an Excel or delimited text(.csv or.txt)datafile and the type of sample they prefer(Simple Random Sample,Stratified Random Sample,or Tabbed Stratified Sample with each stratum in a different Excel worksheet).Examplesif(interactive()){sampler(backups=3,p=0.6)}ssize Determine minimum sample sizeDescriptionssize takes a population size and returns a sample sizeUsagessize(N,ci=0.95,me=0.07,p=0.5)ArgumentsN The population sizeci The desired confidence interval(default is0.95)me The margin of error(default:+/-0.07)p The expected rate of occurrence(default:0.50)ValueReturns the estimated minimum sample size,rounded up to the nearest integer. Detailsssize uses a normal approximation of the hypergeomtric distribution approach.Examplesssize(1000)ssize(1000,ci=0.90,p=0.60)Indexsampler,2ssize,24。
目录第一章前后处理简介 (1)第二章前处理功能 (2)2.1主界面 (2)2.1.1 工具条 (2) 第一部分 (3)第二部分 (3) 第三部分 (3)第四部分 (4)第五部分 (5)2.2菜单 (6)2.2.1 File主菜单 (6)文件操作 (7)导入导出 (7)导入 (8) 导入CAD模型文件 (8) 导入网格模型文件 (10)导入GID文件 (12)输出 (12)输出其他CAD格式文件 (13) 输出网格文件 (13) 输出GID的文件 (14) 输出计算数据文件 (14)打印文件 (14) 最近的文件 (15)退出 (15)2.2.2 View主菜单 (16)视图调整 (16)旋转视图 (18)移动视图 (19)视图编辑 (20) 刷新 (21) 渲染视图 (21)透视法 (22) 修剪平面 (23) 显示标签 (24) 察看法线 (25) 观察实体 (25) 视图位置 (25) 设定背景图 (26) Multiple Windows (26) 硬拷贝 (27)2.2.3 Geometry菜单 (28)创建模型 (28)基本元素创建 (28)创建NURBS 曲面 (31)创建参数表面 (33)创建接触表面 (34)创建网格表面 (34)创建体 (34)创建几何模块 (35)删除 (38)编辑 (38)2.2.4 Utilities菜单 (53)2.2.5 Data菜单 (76)2.2.6 Mesh菜单 (78)单元划分设定 (78)单元阶次选择 (78)局部加密 (78)结构化网格 (83)单元类型 (86)网格划分顺序选择 (87)网格生成 (89)编辑网格 (91) 显示边境单元 (92) 显示设定单元值 (93) 网格质量检验 (93)2.2.7 Calculate菜单 (94)2.2.8 Help菜单 (95)第三章后处理功能 (97)3.1主界面 (97)3.1.1功能工具条 (97) View工具条 (98)光源、显示类型及透视工具条 (98)剪切后的显示工具条 (99)剪切面工具条 (99) 结果值工具条 (100)3.2菜单条 (100)3.2.1 Files菜单 (101)文件操作 (101)导入结果文件 (102)导出 (103)打印设置 (103)切换到前处理 (104)最近的后处理文件 (104)退出 (104)3.2.2 View 菜单 (104)3.2.3 Utilities菜单 (105)3.2.4 Do cuts菜单 (109)3.2.5View Results菜单 (112)3.2.6 options菜单 (116) Legends (116)3.2.7 Windows (140)3.2.8 Help (145)第四章例题 (147)4.1球体的结构化网格划分 (147)第一章 前后处理简介GID是一个通用、方便、友好的在几何模型领域的用户图形接口,可以为各个领域的数值仿真计算提供数据的导入和结果的可视化。
书 比特币标准-概述说明以及解释
![书 比特币标准-概述说明以及解释](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8d34a77c0a4c2e3f5727a5e9856a561252d32124.png)
书比特币标准-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述比特币是一种基于区块链技术的数字货币,于2009年由中本聪提出并实现。
打开start.txt,输入如下内容:@echo offbitcoind -datadir=data -daemon --conf=bitcoin.txt然后保存,关掉。
再进入data目录:如果你不想重新从0开始下载blocks文件,就自己把以前的blocks 文夹覆盖掉这里的blocks文件夹。
配置p2pool:下载p2pool:https:///index.php?topic=18313.0同理,在p2pool目录建一个start.txt文件打开,输入如下内容:@echo offrun_p2pool Ghost 12345 -a 此处填你的钱包地址--bitcoind-address --net 此处填你要挖什么矿选项为bitcoin litecoin terracoin 其中一种,下图是选的bitcoin --give-author 0 –iocpIp地址填你本机的ip地址也可以--give-author 0表示不对p2pool软件作者进行捐赠,也就是0手续费,如果不加此参数,默认捐赠1%。
2008年11月1日,一个化名为中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的神秘密码学极客在网络上发布了这部比特币白皮书。
strawr 0.0.91 用户手册说明书
![strawr 0.0.91 用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5d4add79ef06eff9aef8941ea76e58fafab0458b.png)
Package‘strawr’March29,2023Title Fast Implementation of Reading/Dump for.hic FilesVersion0.0.91Description API for fast data extraction for.hicfiles that provides programmatic access to the matri-ces.It doesn't store the pointer data for all the matrices,only the one queried,and cur-rently we are only supporting matrices(not vectors).Depends R(>=3.4.0)License MIT+file LICENSEURL https:///aidenlab/straw/tree/master/RSystemRequirements libcurl:libcurl-devel(rpm)orlibcurl4-openssl-dev(deb)Encoding UTF-8Imports RcppLinkingTo RcppNeedsCompilation yesRoxygenNote7.2.0Author Neva Cherniavsky Durand[aut,cre],Muhammad Saad Shamim[aut],Aiden Lab[cph]Maintainer Neva Cherniavsky Durand<***********************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2023-03-2920:00:02UTCR topics documented:readHicBpResolutions (2)readHicChroms (2)readHicNormTypes (3)straw (3)strawr (4)Index512readHicChroms readHicBpResolutions Function for reading basepair resolutions from.hicfileDescriptionFunction for reading basepair resolutions from.hicfileUsagereadHicBpResolutions(fname)Argumentsfname path to.hicfileValueVector of basepair resolutionsExamplesreadHicBpResolutions(system.file("extdata","test.hic",package="strawr"))readHicChroms Function for reading chromosomes from.hicfileDescriptionFunction for reading chromosomes from.hicfileUsagereadHicChroms(fname)Argumentsfname path to.hicfileValueData frame of chromosome names and lengthsExamplesreadHicChroms(system.file("extdata","test.hic",package="strawr"))readHicNormTypes3 readHicNormTypes Function for reading available normalizations from.hicfileDescriptionFunction for reading available normalizations from.hicfileUsagereadHicNormTypes(fname)Argumentsfname path to.hicfileValueVector of available normalizationsExamplesreadHicNormTypes(system.file("extdata","test.hic",package="strawr"))straw Straw Quick DumpDescriptionfast C++implementation of dump.Not as fully featured as the Java version.Reads the.hicfile,finds the appropriate matrix and slice of data,and outputs as data.frame in sparse upper triangular format.Currently only supporting matrices.Usagestraw(norm,fname,chr1loc,chr2loc,unit,binsize,matrix="observed")Argumentsnorm Normalization to apply.Must be one of NONE/VC/VC_SQRT/KR.VC is vanilla coverage,VC_SQRT is square root of vanilla coverage,and KR is Knight-Ruizor Balanced normalization.fname path to.hicfilechr1locfirst chromosome locationchr2loc second chromosome locationunit BP(BasePair)or FRAG(FRAGment)4strawr binsize The bin size.By default,for BP,this is one of<2500000,1000000,500000,250000,100000,50000,25000,10000,5000>and for FRAG this is one of<500,200,100,50,20,5,2,1>.matrix Type of matrix to output.Must be one of observed/oe/expected.observed isobserved counts,oe is observed/expected counts,expected is expected counts. DetailsUsage:straw<NONE/VC/VC_SQRT/KR><hicFile(s)><chr1>[:x1:x2]<chr2>[:y1:y2]<BP/FRAG> <binsize>[observed/oe/expected]ValueData.frame of a sparse matrix of data from hicfile.x,y,countsExamplesstraw("NONE",system.file("extdata","test.hic",package="strawr"),"1","1","BP",2500000) strawr strawrDescriptionAPI for fast data extraction for.hicfiles that provides programmatic access to the matrices.It doesn’t store the pointer data for all the matrices,only the one queried,and currently we are only supporting matrices(not vectors).IndexreadHicBpResolutions,2readHicChroms,2readHicNormTypes,3straw,3strawr,45。
ATTENTION: Identifies information that requires special consideration.
提示:标记对用户的建议或提示。 TIP:Identifies advice or hints for the user.
1 选择运算功能块库..................................................................................................................................1-1 1.1 二选一功能块(TWOSEL).......................................................................................................1-1 1.1.1 简介....................................................................................................................................1-1 1.1.2 功能块逻辑图 ....................................................................................................................1-1 1.1.3 功能块实例数据结构 ........................................................................................................1-1 1.1.4 详细说明............................................................................................................................1-2 1.2 三选一功能块(THRSEL)........................................................................................................1-3 1.2.1 简介....................................................................................................................................1-3 1.2.2 功能块逻辑图 ....................................................................................................................1-4 1.2.3 功能块实例数据结构 ........................................................................................................1-4 1.2.4 详细说明............................................................................................................................1-5 1.3 八输入信号选择功能块(ISEL8).............................................................................................1-6 1.3.1 简介....................................................................................................................................1-6 1.3.2 功能块实例数据结构 ........................................................................................................1-6 1.3.3 详细说明............................................................................................................................1-8 1.4 开关量选择功能块(DS)..........................................................................................................1-8 1.4.1 简介....................................................................................................................................1-8 1.4.2 功能块逻辑图 ....................................................................................................................1-8 1.4.3 功能块实例数据结构 ........................................................................................................1-8 1.4.4 详细说明............................................................................................................................1-9 1.5 模拟量选择功能块(ASW) ......................................................................................................1-9 1.5.1 简介....................................................................................................................................1-9 1.5.2 功能块逻辑图 ....................................................................................................................1-9 1.5.3 功能块实例数据结构 ........................................................................................................1-9 1.5.4 详细说明..........................................................................................................................1-10 1.6 八选多开关量信号选择功能块(SS8)...................................................................................1-10 1.6.1 简介..................................................................................................................................1-10 1.6.2 功能块实例数据结构 ......................................................................................................1-10 1.6.3 详细说明..........................................................................................................................1-11
BLACKCOIN HANDBOOK发展历程黑币于2014年2月24日正式发布2,28日空降(即不经过投票,直接上交易平台)Mintpal 等七大虚拟币交易平台,并于北京时间2014年3月2日成功进入纯POS阶段,成为历史上第一个进入纯POS阶段的虚拟币。
Atmel ARM GNU Toolchain 发布说明书
![Atmel ARM GNU Toolchain 发布说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/99f53f74bdd126fff705cc1755270722192e5981.png)
RELEASE NOTES GNU Toolchain for Atmel ARM EmbeddedProcessorsIntroductionThe Atmel ARM GNU Toolchain ( supports Atmel ARM® devices.The ARM toolchain is based on the free and open-source GCC. This toolchainis built from sources published by ARM's "GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors" project at (https:///gcc-arm-embedded). The toolchain includes compiler, assembler, linker, binutils (GCC and binutils), GNU Debugger (GDB with builtin simulator) and Standard C library (newlib, newlib nano).Table of ContentsIntroduction (1)1.Supported Configuration (3)1.1.Supported Hosts (3)1.2.Supported Targets (3)2.Downloading, Installing, and Upgrading (4)2.1.Downloading/Installing on Windows (4)2.2.Downloading/Installing on Linux (4)2.3.Downloading/Installing on Mac OS (4)2.4.Upgrading (4)yout and Components (5)yout (5)ponents (5)4.Toolset Background (6)piler (6)4.2.Assembler, Linker, Librarian (6)4.3. C Library (7)4.4.Debugging (7)4.5.Source Code (7)5.New and Noteworthy (8)5.1.Supported Architectures (8)6.Contact Information and Disclaimer (9)6.1.Contact (9)6.2.Disclaimer (9)1.Supported Configuration1.1Supported HostsThis release includes the following:●Bare metal EABI pre-built binaries for running on a Windows host●Bare metal EABI pre-built binaries for running on a Linux host●Bare metal EABI pre-built binaries for running on a Mac OS X host1.2Supported Targets●Bare metal ARM EABI only (Use rdimon specs for semi-hosting enviroment)2.Downloading, Installing, and UpgradingThe ARM GNU toolchain provided by Atmel is available for download. Use one of the following ways forinstallation.2.1Downloading/Installing on Windows●to try the Atmel ARM GNU toolchain alone, you can download it from here1●If you want to try the Atmel ARM GNU Toolchain along with Atmel studio, you can download and installAtmel Studio version 6.0 or later which will also install the Atmel ARM GNU toolchain. See Atmel studiorelease notes for more details.2.2Downloading/Installing on LinuxFor Linux, the Atmel ARM GNU Toolchain is available as tar.gz archive which can be extracted using the tarutility. In order to install, simply extract to the location, from where you want to execute. The Linux builds areavailable here2.Note64-bit version of libncurses and libc are required to run the tools.2.3Downloading/Installing on Mac OSFor Mac, the Atmel ARM GNU Toolchain is available as tar.gz archive which can be extracted using the tarutility. To install, extract to the location, from where you want to execute. MAC builds are available here3 2.4UpgradingIf the Atmel ARM GNU Toolchain is installed by Atmel Studio installation, refer Atmel Studio documentation for more details.If the toolchain is installed separately using one of the (Windows, Linux, Mac) installers, upgrading is notsupported. You can install the new package side-by-side of the old package and use it.1 /tools/atmel-arm-toolchain.aspx2 /tools/atmel-arm-toolchain.aspx3 /tools/atmel-arm-toolchain.aspxyout and ComponentsListed below are some of the directories that you might want to look, to have a high level understanding of what is packaged inside the Atmel ARM GNU Toolchain. The layout is identical in Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.3.1LayoutThe layout of the installation is as follows.●INSTALLDIRThe directory where the ARM GNU Toolchain is installed in the target machine.●INSTALLDIR\binThe ARM software development programs. This directory should be in your PATH environemntvariable. (Note : If you are using this toolchain from within Atmel Studio, please configure Atmel studioappropriately). This includes●GNU Binutils●GCC●GDB●INSTALLDIR\arm-none-eabi\libThe directory which have the ARM newlib libraries, startup files and linker scripts.●INSTALLDIR\arm-none-eabi\includeARM-newlib header files. This is where the system include files will be searched for by the toolchain.●INSTALLDIR\libGCC libraries, other libraries and headers.●INSTALLDIR\libexecGCC program components.3.2ComponentsThe components used to build this toolchain along with their version number can be found here1.1 http://distribute.atmel.no/tools/opensource/Atmel-ARM-GNU-Toolchain/5.3.14.Toolset BackgroundARM GNU toolchain is a collection of executable software development tools for the Atmel ARM processors.These software development tools include:piler2.Assembler3.Linker4.Archiver5.File converter6.Other file utilities7. C Library8.Debugger4.1CompilerThe compiler is the GNU compiler collection, or GCC. This compiler is incredibly flexible and can be hosted on many platforms, it can target many different processors/operating systems(backends), and can be configuredfor multiple different languages (frontends).The GCC included is targeted for the ARM processor, and is configured to compile C, and C++.Because this GCC is targeted for the ARM, the main executable that is created is prefixed with the targetname: `arm-none-eabi-gcc`. It is also referred to as ARM GCC.`arm-none-eabi-gcc` is just a driver program. The compiler itself is called cc1.exe for C, or cc1plus.exe for C++. Also the preprocessor cpp.exe will usually automatically be prefixed with the target name arm-none-eabi-cpp.exe. The actual set of component programs called is usually derived from the suffix of each soruce codefile being processed.GCC compiles a high-level computer lanugage into assembly, and that is all. It cannot work alone. GCC iscoupled with another project, GNU Binutils, which provides the assembler, linker, librarian and more. SinceGCC is just a driver program, it can automatically call the assembler and linker directly to build the finalprogram.4.2Assembler, Linker, LibrarianGNU Binutils is a collection of binary utilities. This also includes the assembler,as. Sometimes you will see itreferenced as GNU as or gas. Binutils includes the linker, ld; the librarian or archiver, ar. There are many other programs included that provide various functionality.Binutils is configured for the ARM target and each of the programs is prefixed with the target name. So youhave programs such as:●arm-none-eabi-as: The GNU Assembler●arm-none-eabi-ld: The GNU Linker●arm-none-eabi-ar: The GNU Archiver, Create, modify, and extract from archives (libraries)●arm-none-eabi-ranlib:Generate index of archive (library) contents●arm-none-eabi-objcopy:Copy and translate object files●arm-none-eabi-objdump:Display information from object files including disassembly●arm-none-eabi-size:List section size, total size●arm-none-eabi-nm:List symbol from object files.●arm-none-eabi-strings:List printable strings from files●arm-none-eabi-strip:Discard symbols●arm-none-eabi-readelf:Display the contents of ELF file formats●arm-none-eabi-addr2line:Convert addresses to file and line●arm-none-eabi-c++filt:Filter to demangle encoded C++ symbols●arm-none-eabi-gdb:Debugger to debug the targetSee the binutils user manual for more information on what each program can do.4.3 C LibraryNewlib is the Standard C Library for ARM GCC. Newlib is the C library intended for use on embedded systems.It is a conglomeration of sevaral library parts. The library is ported to support ARM processor.In addition to standard C library, newlib-nano also added to the toolchain package. Newlib-nano is newlibbranch optimized for code size by ARM (https:///gcc-arm-embedded). To use newlib-nano, users should provide additional gcc link option "--specs=nano.specs". For more details, refer to the readme fromhere1.4.4Debugging●The toolchain distribution ships the `arm-none-eabi-gdb` which can be used for debugging purposes.●Atmel Studio provides faclities to debug the executable produced by this toolchain. Note that `AtmelStudio` is currently free to the public, but it is not Open Source.4.5Source CodeThis toolchain is built using the source from ARM's gcc-arm-embedded project 5-2016-q1-update2 release. For Atmel's modification on source and build scripts, refer SOURCES.README from here3.1 http://distribute.atmel.no/tools/opensource/Atmel-ARM-GNU-Toolchain/5.3.12 https:///gcc-arm-embedded/5.0/5-2016-q1-update3 http://distribute.atmel.no/tools/opensource/Atmel-ARM-GNU-Toolchain/5.3.15.New and NoteworthyRead ARM's gcc-arm-embedded project 5-2016-q1-update1 release for updates and fixes. This section listsAtmel's modifications to that release.●Default debug information is set to DWARF-2, which is supported by Atmel software debugger tools.●Added object file wise memory usage details to map file. This shall be enabled using '--detailed-mem-usage' linker option.●Multilib for armv7-a architecture with float variants Neon-vfpv4 and vfpv4-d16 FPUs.Please read section "Architecture options usage" of gcc-arm-embedded project's readme (also available here)2 for more information about multilib selections. Please refer below table for Atmel's modification to armv7-amultilibs.Table 5-1.5.1Supported Architecturesarmv2armv5e armv6z armv8-a+crcarmv2a armv5t armv6zk armv8-m.basearmv2armv5te armv7armv8-m.mainarmv2a armv6armv7-a armv8-m.main+dsparmv3armv6-m armv7-m iwmmxtarmv3m armv6j armv7-r iwmmxt2armv4armv6k armv7e-m nativearmv4t armv6s-m armv7vearmv5armv6t2armv8-aRefer ARM-Options3 for more details about ARM architecture and processorsPlease refer Atmel Studio documentation for the supported Atmel ARM devices.1 https:///gcc-arm-embedded/5.0/5-2016-q1-update2 http://distribute.atmel.no/tools/opensource/Atmel-ARM-GNU-Toolchain/5.3.1/readme.txt3 https:///onlinedocs/gcc/ARM-Options.html6.Contact Information and Disclaimer6.1ContactFor support on Atmel ARM GNU Toolchain, visit design support1.Users of ARM GNU Toolchain are also welcome to discuss on the AT91SAM Community website2 forum.6.2DisclaimerAtmel ARM GNU toolchain is distributed free of charge for the purpose of developing applications for Atmel SAM devices. Atmel ARM GNU Toolchain comes without any warranty.1 /design-support/2 /Atmel Corporation1600 Technology Drive, San Jose, CA 95110 USA T: (+1)(408) 441.0311F: (+1)(408) 436.4200| © 2016 Atmel Corporation. / Rev.: 42368A-MCU-06/2016Atmel®, Atmel logo and combinations thereof, Enabling Unlimited Possibilities®, AVR®, tinyAVR®, XMEGA®, megaAVR® SAM®, and others are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation in U.S. and other countries. Windows®, and others, are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in U.S. and or other countries. ARM®, Cortex® are registered trademark of ARM Holdings in U.K. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others.DISCLAIMER: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THE ATMEL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALES LOCATED ON THE ATMEL WEBSITE, ATMEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RELATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS AND PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF ATMEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and products descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life. SAFETY-CRITICAL, MILITARY, AND AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS DISCLAIMER: Atmel products are not designed for and will not be used in connection with any applications where the failure of such products would reasonably be expected to result in significant personal injury or death (“Safety-Critical Applications”) without an Atmel officer's specific written consent. Safety-Critical。
ARCO2.9 版本发布说明说明书
![ARCO2.9 版本发布说明说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/97cfee55a31614791711cc7931b765ce04087a68.png)
Release Note Version ARCO 2.9ARCO2.9版本发布说明A. Hardware Interface/硬件接口1. Control WPC: It is now available the use with controller WCP2030 from Pantec.WPC控制:支持Pantec WCP2030控制器。
2. Control Deva: It is now available the use with controller 004 from Deva.Deva控制:支持 Deva 004 控制器。
3. Control Ucc: The libraries from Renishaw UCC has been updatedUcc控制:支持Renishaw UCC的系统已经升级。
B. Languages/ 语言1. Polish Language: The language in Polish is now available波兰语:支持波兰语。
C. General Software implementations/软件升级1.Graphical Simulations of the Measuring Path: It is now possible, as an option, tosimulate the inspection path in Offline mode.测量路径的图形仿真:增加了离线状态的测量路径仿真选项。
2.Graphical Editing of Path: It has been added the option to graphically edit themeasuring path on the teach panel before they actually got send to the part program.路径的图形化编辑:增加了图形化的编辑测量路径功能,可以在路径实际生成程序前加以修改编辑。
(1019) 27章512字节的闪存模块(s12xftm512k3v1)。
(1091) 28章768 kbyteflash模块(s12xftm768k4v1)。
bladebit 参数
![bladebit 参数](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/96854f10cec789eb172ded630b1c59eef8c79a91.png)
Bladebit 参数1. 简介Bladebit 是一种用于比特币挖矿的软件,它采用了一种创新的挖矿算法。
本文将详细介绍 Bladebit 的参数设置,包括各个参数的含义和配置方法,以帮助用户更好地使用 Bladebit 进行挖矿。
2. Bladebit 参数列表在使用 Bladebit 进行挖矿时,可以通过修改配置文件中的参数来调整挖矿行为。
下面是 Bladebit 的一些常用参数:参数名类型默认值含义--threads整数 1 指定同时进行挖矿的线程数--address字符串无指定挖矿收益的接收地址--pool字符串无指定挖矿所连接的矿池地址--password 字符串无指定矿池连接密码--mode字符串“auto”指定挖矿的模式,可选值为“auto”、“solo” 和“pool”--log字符串“info”指定日志输出级别,可选值为“trace”、“debug”、“info”、“warn”、“error” 和“critical”--api整数4028 指定 API 服务监听的端口号--gpu字符串“auto”指定使用的 GPU 设备,可选值为“auto”、“none” 和“all”--opencl字符串“auto”指定使用的 OpenCL 平台,可选值为“auto”、“none”和“all”--cuda字符串“auto”指定使用的 CUDA 平台,可选值为“auto”、“none” 和“all”3. 参数详解3.1 --threads--threads参数用于指定同时进行挖矿的线程数。
默认值为 1,表示只使用一个线程进行挖矿。
增加线程数可以提高挖矿速度,但同时也会增加 CPU 和内存的占用。
3.2 --address--address参数用于指定挖矿收益的接收地址。
3.3 --pool--pool参数用于指定挖矿所连接的矿池地址。
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比特币0.9.2中文版编译手册日期:2014-07-01 构建比特币源码,是一件十分费时费力的工作,尤其在windows系统中编译比特币源码更加的麻烦,经过一两天努力,终于在windows7 64位系统中成功编译出了比特币源文件。
现在总结如下,首先准备一套干净的windows7 64位操作系统,最好是使用vbox或者vmware 虚拟机建立一个专用系统,这样的可以防止其它干扰导至编译失败,接下来说说,我的编译过程:1.安装msys系统msys作用是在windows系统中重建linux系统编译环境,在msys系统下操作,就像linux 中的操作一样,具有相同的语法命令。
从下面的网址中下载msys最新版:/projects/mingw/files/Installer/mingw-get-setup.exe/download然后运行mingw-get-setup.exe文件后,选择安装目录为H:\MinGW,之后软件会首先更新下载库,更新成功会弹出一个窗口MinGW installation manager,在这个窗口中,只下载msys相关的包文件,不要下载mingw相关文件,因为不使用它带的这个mingw。
主要如下面所示:msys-base-binmsys-autoconf-binmsys-automake-binmsys-libtool-bin选择好之后,点击Installation->Apply changes即可。
/ActivePerl/releases/ SWin32-x64-297570.msi3.安装python同样还需要用到python环境,这里下载最新版的pytnon3.4.0版,并安装它。
在安装时,注意选择add python to path.https:///ftp/python/3.4.0/python-3.4.0.amd64.msi4.安装MinGW下载安装最新版的mingw 4.9.0版本,i686-4.9.0-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v3-rev2.7z通过下面的网址可以下载:/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win32/Persona l%20Builds/mingw-builds/4.9.0/threads-posix/dwarf/i686-4.9.0-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v3-rev2.7z /download将这个mingw包中文件全部解压到H盘的mingw32目录内,你可根据自己的需要解压到合适位置。
然后运行控制台cmd,在命令行中输入gcc -v,将会看到如下面所示,则环境正确:7.下载并编译相关文件包本文中,将用到所有相关文件包,都下载到了H:\deps目录中了,所以在接下来的编译过程中,将围绕这个目录。
7.1 OpenSSL: /source/openssl-1.0.1h.tar.gz启动msys(h:\MinGW\msys\1.0\msys.bat),然后使用下面的命令解压并编译OpenSSL 文件。
cd /h/deps/tar xvfz openssl-1.0.1h.tar.gzcd openssl-1.0.1hConfigure no-shared no-dso mingwmake可以上将面的文件包存为openssl.sh文件,然后msys中直接运行这个文件即可。
编译完成后,将会如下图所法界面所示:7.2 Berkeley DB: /berkeley-db/db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz在这里,最好是下载db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz版本,其它版本不一定能用,依然是从msys 中进行编译DB数据库,命令如下所示:cd /h/deps/tar xvfz db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gzcd db-4.8.30.NC/build_unix../dist/configure --enable-mingw --enable-cxx --disable-shared --disabl e-replicationmake7.3 Boost: /projects/boost/files/boost/1.55.0/这里使用最新版的boost 1.55.0,下载之后,将文件解压到H:\deps\boost_1_55_0内。
然后启动windows命令控制台cmd,然后使用下面的命令进行编译,请注意下面的b2命令是一行命令(不要在msys中运行下面的命令,否则不能成功,boost编译时间较长):cd h:\deps\boost_1_55_0\bootstrap.bat mingwb2 --build-type=complete --with-chrono --with-filesystem --with-progr am_options --with-system --with-thread toolset=gcc variant=release li nk=static threading=multi runtime-link=static stageb2命令中设置,会将boost的编译结果复制到h:\deps\boost_1_55_0\stage内。
7.4 Miniupnpc:http://miniupnp.free.fr/files/download.php?file=miniupnpc-1.9.tar.gz先在msys系统中,使用tar命令解压miniupnpc-1.9.tar.gz,命令如下:cd /h/deps/tar xvfz miniupnpc-1.9.tar.gz将解压出来的miniupnpc-1.9文件夹,重新命名为minupnpc,接着在windows命令控制台cmd中,编译miniupnpc,命令如下所示:cd h:\deps\miniupnpcmingw32-make -f Makefile.mingw init upnpc-static7.5 protoc和libprotobuf :/files/protobuf-2.5.0.zip然后使用winrar或者7zip将它解压,然后接着在msys中执行下面的命令,编译它们:cd /h/deps/protobuf-2.5.0configure --disable-sharedmake7.6 libpng: /libpng/libpng-1.6.12.tar.gz?download依然是在msys中编译ligpng,命令如下所示:cd /c/deps/libpng-1.6.12configure --disable-sharedmakecp .libs/libpng16.a .libs/libpng.a7.7 qrencode: /works/qrencode/qrencode-3.4.3.tar.gz在编译qrencode时会用到libpng库,所以编译命令如下所示:tar xvfz qrencode-3.4.3.tar.gzcd /h/deps/qrencode-3.4.3LIBS="../libpng-1.6.12/.libs/libpng.a ../../mingw32/i686-w64-mingw32/lib/lib z.a" \png_CFLAGS="-I../libpng-1.6.12" \png_LIBS="-L../libpng-1.6.12/.libs" \configure --enable-static --disable-shared --without-toolsmake7.8 Qt 5.3.0编译这里要注意的是,由于比特币源码要求必须使用SSL和Zlib支持,所以只能下载QT 源码,重新编译QT。
下载地址如下所示:Qt基础包:/official_releases/qt/5.3/5.3.0/submodules/qtbase-opensource-s rc-工具包:/official_releases/qt/5.3/5.3.0/submodules/qttools-opensource-s rc-将QT基础包解压到h:\Qt\5.3.1目录中,将QT工具包解压到h:\Qt\qttools-opensource-src-5.3.1。
然后在windows控制台CMD中执行下面命令:set INCLUDE=c:\deps\libpng-1.6.10;h:\deps\openssl-1.0.1g\includeset LIB=c:\deps\libpng-1.6.10\.libs;h:\deps\openssl-1.0.1gcd c:\Qt\5.2.1configure.bat -release -opensource -confirm-license -static -make libs -no-sql-sqlite -no-open gl -system-zlib -qt-pcre -no-icu -no-gif -system-libpng -no-libjpeg -no-freetype -no-angle -n o-vcproj -openssl-linked -no-dbus -no-audio-backend -no-wmf-backend -no-qml-debugmingw32-makeset PATH=%PATH%;c:\Qt\5.2.1\bincd c:\Qt\qttools-opensource-src-5.2.1qmake qttools.promingw32-make在这里,我将上面的命令保存为了一个批处理文件,但是当我执行这个批处理时,发现并没有时执行最后的mingw32-make任务,只是进行了configure操作后就停止了,所以如果在你电脑上也是这种情况的话,可以分别进入H:\Qt\5.2.1和H:\Qt\qttools-opensource-src-5.2. 1目录内,重新执行mingw32-make命令各一次。