Uncle Sam PPT
Uncle Sam
Uncle Sam - 历史
• 19世纪30年代,美国漫画家根据历史传说, 赋予"山姆大叔"形象,于是出现了一个蓄着胡 子的高瘦老头形象。他头戴饰星高顶帽,身穿 红、白、蓝三色燕尾服和条纹裤(美国星条旗 的图案)。虽白发苍髯,却精神矍铄,一派威 仪。从此,这一形象就成了美国的象征。"山 姆大叔"勤劳开朗的性格和爱国热忱,体现了 美国人民的天性和精神。因此,1961年,美国 国会正式承认"山姆大叔"为美国的民族象征和 代表。
Uncle国人的绰号。它源自18121814年间美英战争时期的一个历史传说。相传在 纽约州的特洛伊城(Troy)有位年长的肉类加工商, 名叫山缪尔· 威尔逊(Samuel Wilson)。他勤劳、诚实、 能干,很有威信,人们亲切地叫他"山姆大叔 (Uncle Sam)"(注:Sam为Samuel的昵称)。这位山姆 大叔也是一位爱国者,他与父兄曾参加过美国独 立战争。在1812年的美英战争中,他的工厂与政 府签了一份为军队生产桶装牛肉的合同,美国政 府每当收到他交来的经其亲自检验合格的牛肉, 就将肉装入特制的木桶,并在桶上盖上US的记号。 由于Uncle Sam的首字母是US,而美国(The United States)的缩写也是U.S.,于是人们便把这两个名称 合二为一了,意即那些经"山姆大叔"之手的牛肉, 成了"美国"的财产。于是当地的人们就把"山姆
英语讲课-uncle sam
7.poster: n. 招贴(画),海报,布告
They put up posters all round the town advertising the circus.
Her bedroom is hung with posters of the pop stars.
They did their best to liberate slaves.
The city was liberated in 1949.
2.reputation: n. 名声,名望
同义词:standing; position;station;star 词组: 国际声誉 an international reputation 声誉好坏 have a good/bad reputation
After the war, a character called Uncle Sam began
appearing in political cartoons, his form evolvingfrom an earlier cartoon character called Brother Jonathan that was popular during the AmericanRevolution. Uncle Sam soon replaced #39;s most popular symbol. The mostenduring portrait of Uncle Sam was created by artist James Montgomery Flagg in his famous armyrecruiting posters of World Wars I and II. That version — a tall man with white hair and a small whitebeard on his chin, a dark blue coat and a tall hat with stars on it — was a self-portrait of Flagg
大学英语—Uncle Sam—山姆大叔 精品课件
In 1961 the U.S. Congress acknowledged what political cartoonists had known for years, that Uncle Sam was a national symbol. Congress passed a resolution saluting "Uncle Sam Wilson of Troy, New York, as the progenitor of America's National symbol of Uncle Sam."
•But the kicker is that Lord Kitchener was a real person–he was England’s War Secretary from 1914 to 1916. We’d like to give Uncle Sam the benefit of the doubt, but the fact of the matter is that real people–even dead people–trump imaginary people every time.
Uncle Sum
EDITOR:赵海燕 张勇
邓维娇 李光亮
• For nearly 100 years, this grand old personification of the United States has encouraged young men to go off and get killed in a war for the good of their country. But did you know that the image of Uncle Sam,
uncle_sam_ 课件 PPT
ding teacher :温力亚
Group members: 曹洪勇 吴旭东
张文 陈少强
American newspapers and magazines, literature and comic, often can see "uncle Sam" whose real name and vivid image. In different wording of the painter's, "uncle Sam" expression is different, some vicious abominable, some affable. But the most common image or tall, thin face, head wear adorn star wearing a tuxedo, high hat, although the gray-haired and striped pants verdant fine beard, but vigorous and dignity, this image of a deeply by the American people's favorite. Uncle Sam's image is: tall, white hair, his chin a handful of white beard, dressed in dark blue coat, wore a on our narrative, stars ornament. This shape is actually eph gulag self-portrait. "Uncle Sam" is one of five symbol, United States with the statue of liberty, known as for the world 美国的报纸杂志、文学作品和漫画中,经常可以看到“山姆大叔”的名字 及其生动的形象。在不同画家的笔下,“山姆大叔”神态各异,有的凶狠可憎, 有的和蔼可亲。但最常见的形象还是高高的个子,瘦削的面庞,头戴饰星高顶 帽,身穿燕尾服和条纹裤,虽白发苍髯,却精神矍铄,一派威仪,这一形象深 受美国人民的喜爱。 山姆大叔的形象是:高个子,白头发,下巴上有一小撮白胡子,身着深蓝 色外套,头戴一顶高帽,上有星星点缀。这模样其实就是弗拉格的自画像。 “山姆大叔”是美国五大象征之一,它同自由女神一样,为世人所熟知。
Group members: 曹洪勇 吴旭东
张文 陈少强
American newspapers and magazines, literature and comic, often can see "uncle Sam" whose real name and vivid image. In different wording of the painter's, "uncle Sam" expression is different, some vicious abominable, some affable. But the most common image or tall, thin face, head wear adorn star wearing a tuxedo, high hat, although the gray-haired and striped pants verdant fine beard, but vigorous and dignity, this image of a deeply by the American people's favorite. Uncle Sam's image is: tall, white hair, his chin a handful of white beard, dressed in dark blue coat, wore a on our narrative, stars ornament. This shape is actually eph gulag self-portrait. "Uncle Sam" is one of five symbol, United States with the statue of liberty, known as for the world 美国的报纸杂志、文学作品和漫画中,经常可以看到“山姆大叔”的名字 及其生动的形象。在不同画家的笔下,“山姆大叔”神态各异,有的凶狠可憎, 有的和蔼可亲。但最常见的形象还是高高的个子,瘦削的面庞,头戴饰星高顶 帽,身穿燕尾服和条纹裤,虽白发苍髯,却精神矍铄,一派威仪,这一形象深 受美国人民的喜爱。 山姆大叔的形象是:高个子,白头发,下巴上有一小撮白胡子,身着深蓝 色外套,头戴一顶高帽,上有星星点缀。这模样其实就是弗拉格的自画像。 “山姆大叔”是美国五大象征之一,它同自由女神一样,为世人所熟知。
大学英语Uncle Sam山姆大叔 精品课件
•But the kicker is that Lord Kitchener wd’s War Secretary from 1914 to 1916. We’d like to give Uncle Sam the benefit of the doubt, but the fact of the matter is that real people–even dead people–trump imaginary people every time.
Cartoon uncle sam
1830s, an American cartoonist had a picture, “Uncle Sam" in a long white hair, with a goatee, the star of the priests, dressed in red, white and blue striped trousers three color tuxedo and the united states pattern of stars and stripes (the united states is stars and stripes design) was a tall man. “Uncle Sam" the image is by many Americans. in 1961, the united states congress to finally adopted a resolution to confirm "uncle Sam" as a symbol of the united states. Later, Uncle Sam the image and cartoon, he was represented as a superpower and it is the speed of the old man, become the caricature of a super hero!
Uncle sam’ s accou
• Uncle Sam is used to refer to the" American" or" the government of the United States", mainly in the United States, United Kingdom, especially in the press is widely used. " Uncle Sam" is the nickname of the United States, it is the same as the statue of liberty, known to the world.
19世纪30年代,一位美国漫 画家特地作了一幅画,将 “山姆大叔”画成一个长着 白头发、蓄着山羊胡子、头 戴星条高帽,身穿红、白、 蓝三பைடு நூலகம்燕尾服和条纹长裤(美 国星条旗图案)的瘦弱高个 子老人。“山姆大叔”的这 一形象逐渐被很多美国人接 受。1961年,美国国会正式 通过一项决议,确认“山姆 大叔”为美国的象征。后来, 山姆大叔这一形象又在漫画 中出现,他被描绘成一个具 有超级力量与超级速度的老 头,成为美国漫画中的一位 超级英雄!
. In 1812 January, the governor of New York, leading some to the factory visit, see beef barrels are covered with E.A. - U.S. Mark, asks the meaning. The worker replies, E.A is a defense contractor 's name, U.S is the United States. Coincidentally," Uncle Sam" abbreviation is U.S., so a worker make fun of to say, U.S." Uncle Sam" ( Uncle Sam ). This story spread," Uncle Sam" fame. People bring food to those munitions are referred to as" Uncle Sam" brought food. After the war of independence, began to appear in political cartoons and a man named" Uncle Sam". His prototype is an early cartoon characters, named" brother Jonathan", the man in the American War of independence is very famous. Gradually, uncle Sam replaced brother Jonathan, became American's most popular symbol.
Five Famous Symbols of American Culture
• Fourteen-year-old Sam Wilson ran away from home to join his father and older brothers in the fight to liberate the American colonies from the British during the American Revolution. At age 23, he started a meat-packing business and earned a reputation for being honest and hard working.
• 那是在1812年,美国和英国为了争夺殖民地而大动 干戈,打得不可开交。当时,纽约州的特罗伊城有一名叫 山姆尔· 威尔逊的商人,专门负责向美军提供牛肉。他因 此而小有名气,认识的人都称其为“山姆大叔”。根据有 关规定,政府采购部门在收购“山姆大叔”的牛肉时,都 要在包装箱盖上“US”(美国国名的缩写为“US”或“USA”) 的符号,以此作为美国财产的标记。十分凑巧的是,“山 姆大叔”(Uncle Sam)的英文缩写也是“US”。人们看到 那些经过“山姆大叔”之手的牛肉成为了美国的财产,很 自然地把这两个“US”名称联系在一起。这样一传十,十 传百,结果“山姆大叔”渐渐地成了美国的“绰号”。
1、Repuation n.名气,名声,名誉 ruin sd’s repuation 败坏某人的名誉 make /establish a repuation 树立荣誉, 博得名声 live up to repuation不负盛名,名不虚传 have a repuation for sth 以什么出名 lower/enhance sd’s repuation 提高或降低 某人的声声
Thanks for your listening
• 但山姆威尔逊一点都不像山姆叔叔见上图。山姆大 叔的传统的样子,用一只白山羊胡子和星光灿烂的西 装,是一项伟大的发明的艺术家和政治漫画家。这些 政治漫画家之一名叫托马斯· 纳斯特。产生了许多最 早山姆叔叔的漫画。
• 最著名的山姆大叔照片出现在 一个军队招聘海报。海报设计 是在第一次世界大战中, 第二 次世界大战再用。标题写着" I Want You for U.S. Army." James Montgomery Flagg画了这 张图画,并担任该模型!
Uncle Sam
Made by Li senlin In Chemistry class one
The appearance of Uncle Sam
• Uncle Sam, a figure symbolizing the United States, is portrayed as a tall, white-haired man with a goatee. He is often dressed in red, white, and blue, and wears a top hat.
• 19世纪30年代,一位美国漫画家特地作了一 幅画,将“山姆大叔”画成一个长着白头发、 蓄着山羊胡子、头戴星条高帽,身穿红、白、 蓝三色燕尾服和条纹长裤(美国星条旗图案) 的瘦弱高个子老人。“山姆大叔”的这一形象 逐渐被很多美国人接受。1961年,美国国会 正式通过一项决议,确认“山姆大叔”为美国 的象征。后来,UNCLE SAM(山姆大叔) 这一形象又在漫画中出现,他被描绘成一个具 有超级力量与超级速度的老头,成为美国漫画 中的一位超级英雄!
大学英语3第四课山姆大叔(Uncle Sam) 2
• Brother Jonathan ['dʒɔnəθən]
• [主英国英语] 乔纳森大哥(18世纪英国兵对 美国民兵的谑称) • (现戏指)美国;美国政府;典型的美国男人, 美国人;美国全国人民
• Yankee1 ['jæ ŋki]
• • • • n.[美国英语] (美国)新英格兰人 美国北部各州人,美国北方人 (美国南北战争中的)联邦军士兵,北军士兵 美国佬,美国人
19世纪末西班牙漫画,美国佬欺凌古巴 人。1898年,美国通过美西战争占领古 巴,从援助者摇身变成占领者和实际统 治者。
制作:李祺 高蕴雅 演讲:杜坤 其他成员:高欢 王志华 王芸
种族歧视 racial discrimination 排外主义 Exclusivism
反映了20世纪初美国盛行的种族歧视和排外主义。画中的移民被 丑化为人头鼠身的怪物,被从“欧洲垃圾箱”中倾倒到美国。左 上角是美国最著名的种族主义者麦迪逊· 格兰特,他在1916年出 版了《一个伟大种族的消逝》,推动美国在20世纪初全面实行种 族排外政策。
Uncle Sam的由来
“山姆大叔”这一绰号产生于1812年美英战争时期。纽约 州的洛伊城有一位肉类包装商,名叫山姆· 威尔逊。他诚实 能干,富于创业精神,在当地很有威信,人们亲切地叫他 “山姆大叔”。战争期间,他担任纽约州和新泽西州的军 需检验员,负责在供应军队的牛肉桶和酒桶上打戳。 1812年1月,纽约州长带领一些人前往其加工厂参观,看 到牛肉桶上都盖有E.A.—U.S.的标记,便问是何意 思。工人回答,E.A.是一个军火承包商的名字, U.S.是美国的缩写。凑巧的是,“山姆大叔”的缩写也 是U.S.,所以一个工人开玩笑地说,U.S.就是“山 姆大叔”(Uncle Sam)。这件趣事传开后,“山姆大叔” 名声大振。人们把那些军需食品都称为“山姆大叔”送来 的食物。美国人还把“山姆大叔”诚实可靠、吃苦耐劳以 及爱国主义的精神视为自己民族的骄傲和共有的品质。从 此这个绰号便不胫而走。第一次世界大战中曾出现过“山 姆大叔”号召美国青年当兵的宣传画,流传很广。 1961年, 美国国会正式承认“山姆大叔”为美国的民族象征。
1.乐泰中心写字楼 2.图书大厦 3.燕华大厦
1.万豪酒店 2.燕春花园酒店 3.凯嘉酒店 4.西美商务酒店
2.2.3 北国商圈客流集中点
74 2
6 8
1.北国商城 2.乐泰 3.乐汇成 4.乐泰中心写字楼 5.图书大厦 6.燕华大厦 7.万豪酒店 8.燕春花园酒店 9.凯嘉酒店 10.西美商务酒店
2.2.5 目标项目情况
北国商城 北国商城座落于石家庄市最繁荣地段, 营业面积约有20万平方米。商场内拥有各种高 档次的品牌名 。作为石家庄最具实力的商业企业,北国 商城已经被赋予了众多的寓意,不但彰显着这座城市的 经济实力,展示着市民的收入、购买力和审美取向,更 代表着整座城市的现代化水准。
1.1 石家庄市商圈分布
2014 年石家庄购物中心发展中又迈进一大步,年内又4 家购物中心相继 开业。购物中心的区域分布、开发形式、市场定位等方面进行了各种新的尝试, 随着整个购物中心业态的逐渐成熟和产业化发展逐渐进入轨道,其在业态、品 牌、客流等发面而集聚效应和对相关产业的辐射效应正逐渐显现出来。
3 4
怀特万达商圈 谈固商圈
北国商城 乐泰
乐汇城 海悦天地 新百商场 苏宁广场 华润万象城 万达广场 怀特商业广场 东胜广场
For more than 170 years, Uncle Sam's name has been used to evoke American identity, loyalty, and patriotism. No other image has been reproduced more often to sway us towards a common cause or belief.对 于拥有170多年,山姆大叔的 名字已被用来唤起美国人的身 份,忠诚和爱国精神。没有其 他图像已被复制更经常地摇摆 朝着一个共同的事业或信仰的 我们。
Time sequence (时间法)
Of the five parts of the passage, three (Part I, II and V) are written mostly following the time sequence. (Refer to Parts V for details.)
Reputation /ˌrepjuˌteʃn/ (n )名气,名声,名誉 ɪ The school has a good reputation for exam results。 该学校因学生考试成绩优秀而闻名遐迩。 Ruin sb’s reputation 败坏某人的名誉 Establish/make a reputation
独立战争后,政治漫画里开始出现了一个名叫 "山姆 大叔"的人物。他的原型是一个早期漫画人物,名叫 “乔纳森大哥”,此人在美国独立战争时期非常出名。 渐渐地,山姆大叔取代了乔纳森大哥,成了最受美国人 欢迎的象征。
美国人还把“山姆大叔”诚实可靠、吃苦耐劳以及爱国 主义的精神视为自己民族的骄傲和共有的品质。从此这 个绰号便不胫而走。第一次世界大战中曾出现过“山姆 大叔”号召美国青年当兵的宣传画,流传很广。 1961 年,美国国会正式承认“山姆大叔”为美国的民族象征。
大学英语3《Uncle Sam》
evolve [i'vɔlv] (v)(使)演变,(使)进化,(使)发展 evolution n. 演变,进化,发展 evolve a plan 发展一项计划 evolve as…… (逐渐)成为…… evolve from 从……进化而来 evolve into 发展成……,进化成……
involve(v)包含,使忙于,牵涉,使卷入,使陷入 get involved in:多涉及 revolve(v)旋转,围绕 rotary:adj.旋转的 target:n.目标;对象;靶 vt.把…作为目标;瞄准
Fourteen-year-old Sam Wilson ran away from home to join his father and older brothers in the fight to liberate the American colonies from the British during the American Revolution. At age 23, he started a meat-packing business and earned a reputation for being honest and hard-working.
(Refer to Parts V for details.)
Typical sentences for the time sequence: 1. Fourteen-year-old Sam Wilson ran away to … during the American Revolution. (Para. 20) 2. At age 23, he started a meatpacking business …(Para. 20) 3. During a later war in 1812, Wilson gained a position…(Para. 21) 4. After the war, a character called Uncle Sam began appearing …(Para. 22) 5. The most enduring portrait of Uncle Sam was created … in …recruiting posters of World Wars I and II. (Para. 22)
He then moved to Troy, New York states, and began a meatpacking business.
In the year of 1812,war broke out between the United States and Great Britain. On Octomber 2 that year, a group of visitors came to Sam's meatpacking plant.
Uncle Sam
"Uncle Sam," of course,stands for the United States. It is the nickname of the country. It is hard to believe that this nickname arose quite by accident and there was a man called "Uncle Sam."However,not many people have ever heard of such a man.Not even most young Americans.
山姆大叔被用来代指“美国”或“美国政 府”,主要在美国、英国,尤其是在新闻界 中使用较多。“山姆大叔”是美国的绰号, 它同自由女神一样,为世人所熟知
These picture show you his popular
Uncle Sam’s other styles
The end thank you!
blue, and wears a top hat.
Now, uncle sam has become a mark of the united states, it is used to say that "American" or "the united states government“
In the year of 1812,war broke out between the United States and Great Britain. On Octomber 2 that year, a group of visitors came to Sam's meatpacking plant.
Uncle Sam
"Uncle Sam," of course,stands for the United States. It is the nickname of the country. It is hard to believe that this nickname arose quite by accident and there was a man called "Uncle Sam."However,not many people have ever heard of such a man.Not even most young Americans.
山姆大叔被用来代指“美国”或“美国政 府”,主要在美国、英国,尤其是在新闻界 中使用较多。“山姆大叔”是美国的绰号, 它同自由女神一样,为世人所熟知
These picture show you his popular
Uncle Sam’s other styles
The end thank you!
blue, and wears a top hat.
Now, uncle sam has become a mark of the united states, it is used to say that "American" or "the united states government“
我是山姆 英文介绍PPT课件
Awards and nominations
Awarding Body
Nominee Result
Academy Awards Best Actor
Sean Penn
Broadcast Film Critics Association
Best Actor Best Young Performer
Penn's personal life began to attract media attention when he married pop star Madonna in 1985. The relationship was marred by violent outbursts against the press, including one incident for which he was arrested for assaulting a photographer on a film set.
Sam Dawson, a man with a developmental disability, is the single father of Lucy, following their abandonment by her mother.
Despite his limitations, Sam is well-adjusted and has a supportive group of friends with the same disabilities,
I Am Sam (2001) Corrina, Corrina (1994) To the Moon, Alice (1991)
Awards and nominations
Awarding Body
Nominee Result
Academy Awards Best Actor
Sean Penn
Broadcast Film Critics Association
Best Actor Best Young Performer
Penn's personal life began to attract media attention when he married pop star Madonna in 1985. The relationship was marred by violent outbursts against the press, including one incident for which he was arrested for assaulting a photographer on a film set.
Sam Dawson, a man with a developmental disability, is the single father of Lucy, following their abandonment by her mother.
Despite his limitations, Sam is well-adjusted and has a supportive group of friends with the same disabilities,
I Am Sam (2001) Corrina, Corrina (1994) To the Moon, Alice (1991)
《我是山姆》 电影赏析ppt课件
☺ 他给女儿取名叫露西。他非常疼爱自 己的孩子。露西在山姆的细心呵护下 慢慢地长大了,她发现爸爸不能看懂 稍微复杂一些的故事。她在拒绝长大, 希望和爸爸一样。父两的生活是那 么幸福。3
☺ Ssm的智力虽然有问题,不能像别的父母那样在物质上给孩子创造很好的条 件,但是他能够全身心地去爱他的女儿,这父女俩用爱建造起了一个温馨的 家。他还有一群好朋友,虽然也都有各种缺陷,但是他们都非常爱Lucy.
☺父爱是充满启迪和创造的。他可以没有钱,他可以不帅, 他甚至可以不聪明,但他不能缺少爱。
山姆虽然只有七岁小孩的智商, 但他对女儿露西的爱却胜过任 何一个爸爸。他可以花整个下 午的时间和露西一起在公园玩 耍,他会一遍一遍地读着他朗 读过千万遍的故事书哄她入睡, 他也会跟自己的智障好友们为 露西策划一场充满惊喜的生日 派对。
☺sam 也让RITA改变了自己,不再对孩子怒吼和忽视,而是给他更多的陪伴 和关爱。最终,她和儿子的关系也改善了。
☺电影的最后,SAM和寄养家庭决定共 同抚养LUCY。SAM抱着女儿,快乐 地奔跑着……
☺对于一个孩子来讲,抚养他的人的最必要的条件是对他 的无私的爱,还是抚养方的能力(经济、智商、社会地 位等等)?
☺在SAM探望LUCY的时候 小女孩对父亲撒了慌 他们同意我们可以去会儿公 园。她带着父亲逃走 。因为她很害怕和爸爸分开,即使爸爸头脑不好,也 是世界上最爱她的人。
☺ 在露西抚养权的争夺案中,经过了很多次的努力,但是SAM仍然没有办法 夺回女儿的抚养权。但山姆对露西的爱,让与儿子关系紧张的女律师受益匪 浅,也感动了领养露西的那对夫妇,而主动放弃了他们的领养权。这个只有 七岁孩子的智商的爸爸,用他纯真的爱,告诉了法官以及所有的父母,孩子 需要的只有爱。
☺ Ssm的智力虽然有问题,不能像别的父母那样在物质上给孩子创造很好的条 件,但是他能够全身心地去爱他的女儿,这父女俩用爱建造起了一个温馨的 家。他还有一群好朋友,虽然也都有各种缺陷,但是他们都非常爱Lucy.
☺父爱是充满启迪和创造的。他可以没有钱,他可以不帅, 他甚至可以不聪明,但他不能缺少爱。
山姆虽然只有七岁小孩的智商, 但他对女儿露西的爱却胜过任 何一个爸爸。他可以花整个下 午的时间和露西一起在公园玩 耍,他会一遍一遍地读着他朗 读过千万遍的故事书哄她入睡, 他也会跟自己的智障好友们为 露西策划一场充满惊喜的生日 派对。
☺sam 也让RITA改变了自己,不再对孩子怒吼和忽视,而是给他更多的陪伴 和关爱。最终,她和儿子的关系也改善了。
☺电影的最后,SAM和寄养家庭决定共 同抚养LUCY。SAM抱着女儿,快乐 地奔跑着……
☺对于一个孩子来讲,抚养他的人的最必要的条件是对他 的无私的爱,还是抚养方的能力(经济、智商、社会地 位等等)?
☺在SAM探望LUCY的时候 小女孩对父亲撒了慌 他们同意我们可以去会儿公 园。她带着父亲逃走 。因为她很害怕和爸爸分开,即使爸爸头脑不好,也 是世界上最爱她的人。
☺ 在露西抚养权的争夺案中,经过了很多次的努力,但是SAM仍然没有办法 夺回女儿的抚养权。但山姆对露西的爱,让与儿子关系紧张的女律师受益匪 浅,也感动了领养露西的那对夫妇,而主动放弃了他们的领养权。这个只有 七岁孩子的智商的爸爸,用他纯真的爱,告诉了法官以及所有的父母,孩子 需要的只有爱。